path: root/graphics/asymptote/base/bsp.asy
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/asymptote/base/bsp.asy')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/asymptote/base/bsp.asy b/graphics/asymptote/base/bsp.asy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf9d7e0781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/asymptote/base/bsp.asy
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+private import math;
+import three;
+real epsilon=10*realEpsilon;
+// Routines for hidden surface removal (via binary space partition):
+// Structure face is derived from picture.
+struct face {
+ picture pic;
+ transform t;
+ frame fit;
+ triple normal,point;
+ triple min,max;
+ void operator init(path3 p) {
+ this.normal=normal(p);
+ if(this.normal == O) abort("path is linear");
+ this.point=point(p,0);
+ min=min(p);
+ max=max(p);
+ }
+ face copy() {
+ face f=new face;
+ f.pic=pic.copy();
+ f.t=t;
+ f.normal=normal;
+ f.point=point;
+ f.min=min;
+ f.max=max;
+ add(,fit);
+ return f;
+ }
+picture operator cast(face f) {return f.pic;}
+face operator cast(path3 p) {return face(p);}
+struct line {
+ triple point;
+ triple dir;
+private line intersection(face a, face b)
+ line L;
+ L.point=intersectionpoint(a.normal,a.point,b.normal,b.point);
+ L.dir=unit(cross(a.normal,b.normal));
+ return L;
+struct half {
+ pair[] left,right;
+ // Sort the points in the pair array z according to whether they lie on the
+ // left or right side of the line L in the direction dir passing through P.
+ // Points exactly on L are considered to be on the right side.
+ // Also push any points of intersection of L with the path operator --(... z)
+ // onto each of the arrays left and right.
+ void operator init(pair dir, pair P ... pair[] z) {
+ pair lastz;
+ pair invdir=dir != 0 ? 1/dir : 0;
+ bool left,last;
+ for(int i=0; i < z.length; ++i) {
+ left=(invdir*z[i]).y > (invdir*P).y;
+ if(i > 0 && last != left) {
+ pair w=extension(P,P+dir,lastz,z[i]);
+ this.left.push(w);
+ this.right.push(w);
+ }
+ if(left) this.left.push(z[i]);
+ else this.right.push(z[i]);
+ last=left;
+ lastz=z[i];
+ }
+ }
+struct splitface {
+ face back,front;
+// Return the pieces obtained by splitting face a by face cut.
+splitface split(face a, face cut, projection P)
+ splitface S;
+ void nointersection() {
+ if(abs(dot(,a.normal)) >=
+ abs(dot(,cut.normal))) {
+ S.back=a;
+ S.front=null;
+ } else {
+ S.back=null;
+ S.front=a;
+ }
+ }
+ if(P.infinity) {
+ P=P.copy();
+ static real factor=1/sqrtEpsilon;
+ *= factor*max(abs(a.min),abs(a.max),
+ abs(cut.min),abs(cut.max));
+ }
+ if((abs(a.normal-cut.normal) < epsilon ||
+ abs(a.normal+cut.normal) < epsilon)) {
+ nointersection();
+ return S;
+ }
+ line L=intersection(a,cut);
+ if(dot(, < 0) {
+ nointersection();
+ return S;
+ }
+ pair point=a.t*project(L.point,P);
+ pair dir=a.t*project(L.point+L.dir,P)-point;
+ pair invdir=dir != 0 ? 1/dir : 0;
+ triple apoint=L.point+cross(L.dir,a.normal);
+ bool left=(invdir*(a.t*project(apoint,P))).y >= (invdir*point).y;
+ real t=intersect(apoint,,cut.normal,cut.point);
+ bool rightfront=left ^ (t <= 0 || t >= 1);
+ face back=a, front=a.copy();
+ pair max=max(;
+ pair min=min(;
+ half h=half(dir,point,max,(min.x,max.y),min,(max.x,min.y),max);
+ if(h.right.length == 0) {
+ if(rightfront) front=null;
+ else back=null;
+ } else if(h.left.length == 0) {
+ if(rightfront) back=null;
+ else front=null;
+ }
+ if(front != null)
+ clip(,operator --(... rightfront ? h.right : h.left)--cycle,
+ zerowinding);
+ if(back != null)
+ clip(,operator --(... rightfront ? h.left : h.right)--cycle,
+ zerowinding);
+ S.back=back;
+ S.front=front;
+ return S;
+// A binary space partition
+struct bsp
+ bsp back;
+ bsp front;
+ face node;
+ // Construct the bsp.
+ void operator init(face[] faces, projection P) {
+ if(faces.length != 0) {
+ this.node=faces.pop();
+ face[] front,back;
+ for(int i=0; i < faces.length; ++i) {
+ splitface split=split(faces[i],this.node,P);
+ if(split.front != null) front.push(split.front);
+ if(split.back != null) back.push(split.back);
+ }
+ this.front=bsp(front,P);
+ this.back=bsp(back,P);
+ }
+ }
+ // Draw from back to front.
+ void add(frame f) {
+ if(back != null) back.add(f);
+ add(f,,group=true);
+ if(labels( layer(f); // Draw over any existing TeX layers.
+ if(front != null) front.add(f);
+ }
+void add(picture pic=currentpicture, face[] faces,
+ projection P=currentprojection)
+ int n=faces.length;
+ face[] Faces=new face[n];
+ for(int i=0; i < n; ++i)
+ Faces[i]=faces[i].copy();
+ pic.add(new void (frame f, transform t, transform T,
+ pair m, pair M) {
+ // Fit all of the pictures so we know their exact sizes.
+ face[] faces=new face[n];
+ for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) {
+ faces[i]=Faces[i].copy();
+ face F=faces[i];
+ F.t=t*T*F.pic.T;
+ }
+ bsp bsp=bsp(faces,P);
+ if(bsp != null) bsp.add(f);
+ });
+ for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) {
+ picture F=Faces[i].pic;
+ pic.userBox3(F.userMin3(), F.userMax3());
+ pic.bounds.append(F.T, F.bounds);
+ // The above 2 lines should be replaced with a routine in picture which
+ // copies only sizing data from another picture.
+ }