path: root/fonts/utilities/mff-29/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/utilities/mff-29/')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/mff-29/ b/fonts/utilities/mff-29/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..416f8b817e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/mff-29/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# 2.9.0 92/07/06 -- Makefile for mff -- UNIX version
+# make all
+# to create progs this directory
+# make install IBIN=/usr/local/bin OPT=-O4 LDFLAGS=-s
+# to do "make all" and then copy progs into $(IBIN).
+# Suffix added to .o and .a file basenames
+# RCDIR is the directory in which the "system-wide" rc.mff file is
+# to be found.
+# The default -- if the above line is commented out --
+# is the value in config.h; by default /usr/local/lib.
+CP=cp -p
+RM=rm -f
+# Tell "make" how to do compilations
+# -- removed Sun's silly -target option which confuses gcc.
+ $(COMPILE) -o $@ $<
+ $(COMPILE) -o $@ $<
+# TARGETS for the make command...
+PROGS=mff.c searchpath.c
+# source files for executables
+MODULES=argloop.c al_file.c al_init.c findfile.c \
+ strword.c stritem.c strdup.c fgetword.c error.c
+# source files for modules in the argloop library
+all: $(PROGS:.c=)
+install: all install-lib
+ $(CP) $(PROGS:.c=) $(IBIN)
+install-lib: $(LIB)
+ $(CP) $(LIB) $(ILIB)
+ $(MAKE) all SUFFIX=-g OPT=-g LDFLAGS= NDEBUG= "CC=gcc -Wall"
+ $(MAKE) install-lib \
+ SUFFIX=-g OPT=-g LDFLAGS= NDEBUG= "CC=gcc -Wall"
+ $(RM) *.ln *.o $(PROGS:.c=) *.a
+MFF_o=mff$(SUFFIX).o assoc$(SUFFIX).o fx$(SUFFIX).o magstep$(SUFFIX).o
+mff: $(MFF_o) $(LIB)
+ $(LINK) -o mff $(MFF_o) $(MFF_lib)
+searchpath: $(SEARCHPATH_o) $(LIB)
+ $(LINK) -o searchpath $(SEARCHPATH_o) $(SEARCHPATH_lib)
+mff$(SUFFIX).o: mff.c stdc.h config.h xstdio.h argloop.h fatal.h searchpath.h \
+ assoc.h fx.h strmisc.h magstep.h
+assoc$(SUFFIX).o: assoc.c stdc.h config.h xstdio.h strmisc.h assoc.h
+fx$(SUFFIX).o: fx.c stdc.h config.h xstdio.h fatal.h strmisc.h fx.h
+magstep$(SUFFIX).o: magstep.c stdc.h config.h magstep.h
+searchpath$(SUFFIX).o: searchpath.c xstdio.h stdc.h config.h searchpath.h
+# semi-automatically-produced dependencies:
+al_file.o: al_file.c config.h xstdio.h stdc.h strmisc.h argloop.h
+al_init.o: al_init.c config.h xstdio.h stdc.h strmisc.h argloop.h
+argloop.o: argloop.c config.h xstdio.h stdc.h strmisc.h argloop.h
+error.o: error.c stdc.h config.h xstdio.h argloop.h fatal.h
+fgetword.o: fgetword.c xstdio.h stdc.h config.h
+findfile.o: findfile.c config.h strmisc.h stdc.h searchpath.h
+strdup.o: strdup.c fatal.h stdc.h config.h strmisc.h
+stritem.o: stritem.c strmisc.h stdc.h config.h
+strword.o: strword.c strmisc.h stdc.h config.h
+config.h: config.x
+ sed 's%/usr/local/lib%$(RCDIR)%' config.x > config.h
+# source for modules that go in the library
+$(LIB): $(LIB)(argloop.o) $(LIB)(al_file.o) $(LIB)(al_init.o) \
+ $(LIB)(findfile.o) $(LIB)(strword.o) $(LIB)(stritem.o) \
+ $(LIB)(strdup.o) $(LIB)(fgetword.o) $(LIB)(error.o)
+# default rule
+ $(COMPILE) -o $% $<
+ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $%
+ $(RM) $%
+ ranlib $@
+# I can't get @#$%& make to reliably ranlib after adding one or more
+# modules, so I have to make it do so every time.
+# COmment out this line on non-ranlib systems (Sys V?)
+# LINT SECTION (moan, moan)
+# sun's lint libraries often seem inconsistent with the manual pages
+# and with reality.
+# -n -lbsd -lm (BSD-compatibility check)
+# -- sprintf is given return type int not char * (!!)
+# -- void functions are given return type int
+# -- toupper is not defined
+# -lm -q (SunOS check)
+# -- errno is not defined
+LINTLIBS=-n -lbsd -lm
+#LINTLIBS=-q -lm
+LINTGREP=egrep -v 'constant (argument to NOT|in conditional context)'
+lint: lint-mff lint-searchpath
+lint-%: %.c $(LINTLIB)
+$(LINTLIB): $(MODULES:.c=.ln)
+ $(LINT.c) -Cmff $(MODULES)