path: root/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/utilities/fontload/unix')
9 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/INSTALL b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbc444d6bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Install
+# This C-shell will help to install fload tool,
+# which realizes Partial Downloading of the ATM compatible Type 1 fonts
+# for some PostScript file.
+if ( ! -e INSTALL ) then
+ echo Installation available only from directory with install script.
+ exit
+if ( -e install.dirs ) then
+ source install.dirs
+ # Directory to put system dependent executable files (subfont program)
+ setenv FBIN /usr/local/bin
+ # Directory to put system independent scripts (fload C-shell script)
+ setenv FSHR /usr/local/bin
+ # Directory for library files (Fontmap,,, *.FS)
+ setenv FLIB /usr/local/lib/fload
+ # Also Check that all your fonta are in list directory tries
+ setenv FPATH /usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts
+echo Check environment ...
+set gsbin=`which gs`
+if ( ! -e "$gsbin" ) then
+ echo Can not found GhostScript program in path $path
+ exit
+echo Making subfont program first ...
+pushd ../src
+if ( ! -e ../src/subfont ) then
+ echo Make failed.
+ exit 1
+echo Copying SubFont program to $FBIN/subfont
+cp ../src/subfont $FBIN/subfont
+if ( ! -e $FBIN/subfont ) then
+ echo Can not copying SubFont program to $FBIN directory.
+ exit
+chmod +x $FBIN/subfont
+############## Copying man pages if FMAN environment is on ###################
+if ( $?FMAN ) then
+ echo Copying man pages subfont.1 and fload.1 into $FMAN directory ...
+ cp ../doc/fload.1 $FMAN
+ cp ../doc/subfont.1 $FMAN
+############## Making fload C-shell script ###################################
+set out=$FSHR/fload
+echo Create $out C-shell script.
+echo "#\!/bin/csh" >$out
+if ( ! -e $FSHR/fload ) then
+ echo Can not write fload C-shell script into $FSHR directory.
+ exit
+echo "# Copyright (C) 1994, Basil K. Malyshev. All rights reserved." >>$out
+echo "# WARNING this script was created automatically." >>$out
+echo "set lib=$FLIB" >>$out
+echo "setenv FONTPATH $FPATH" >>$out
+cat <fload.csh >>$out
+chmod +x $out
+############## Create files in library directory #############################
+if ( ! -e $FLIB ) then
+ mkdir -p $FLIB
+ if ( -e $FLIB/Fontmap ) then
+ rm -f $FLIB/Fontmap
+ endif
+echo Copying PostScript script to $FLIB/
+cp ../lib/ $FLIB/
+if ( ! -e $FLIB/ ) then
+ echo Can not copying PostScript script to $FLIB directory.
+ exit
+echo "Copying files ../lib/*.FS to $FLIB directory."
+cp ../lib/*.FS $FLIB
+#### Create standard head of the Fontmap file for GhostScript.
+### $gsbin -DNODISPLAY -sOUT=$FLIB/Fontmap ../lib/Fontmap.get
+### echo "(Fontmap.t1) run" >>$FLIB/Fontmap
+#### Scan all font directories and add records to Fontmap & ####
+# Split FPATH variable into elements
+set pathSave=($path)
+setenv PATH $FPATH
+set fpath=($path)
+set path=($pathSave)
+# Now go throght all font directories
+setenv SUBFONT $FBIN/subfont
+echo >$FLIB/Fontmap.t1
+foreach root ($fpath)
+ echo "Scanning $root directory..."
+ echo "%% This part was constructed from $root directory" >>$FLIB/Fontmap.t1
+ pushd root
+ find . -name "*.pf[ab]" -exec $SUBFONT -z$FLIB/Fontmap.t1 {} \;
+ popd
+### # And creates map for SubFont program
+### $gsbin -DNODISPLAY -sINFILE=$FLIB/Fontmap.t1 -sOUTFILE=$FLIB/ \
+### ../lib/
+echo "=================================================="
+echo "== Installation have been completed. =="
+echo "== Now you can use command: =="
+echo "== fload PS-without-fonts >PS-with-fonts =="
+echo "== to preload fonts partially into your PS-file =="
+echo "=================================================="
+#### End of installation script ####
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/UpdateMap.csh b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/UpdateMap.csh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e9adfd611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/UpdateMap.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, Basil K. Malyshev. All rights reserved.
+# WARNING this script was created automatically.
+set lib=/usr/local/lib/fload
+setenv FONTPATH /usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts:/usr/local/lib/ISOFonts/pfa
+#! File: UpdateMap.csh
+#! This C shell script updates font map which is used by FLoad script.
+#! Copyright (C) 1994, Basil K. Malyshev. All rights reserved.
+setenv SUBFONT "`which subfont`"
+if ( ! -e "$SUBFONT" ) then
+ echo Can not found SubFont program in path $path
+ exit
+#### Scan all font directories and add records to Fontmap.t1
+# Split FPATH variable into elements
+set pathSave=($path)
+set fpath=($path)
+set path=($pathSave)
+# Now go throght all font directories
+echo >$lib/Fontmap.t1
+foreach root ($fpath)
+ echo "Scanning $root directory..."
+ echo "%% This part was constructed from $root directory" >>$lib/Fontmap.t1
+ pushd root
+ find . -name "*.pf[ab]" -exec $SUBFONT -z$lib/Fontmap.t1 {} \;
+ popd
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/fload.csh b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/fload.csh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92f670ef84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/fload.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#! File: FLoad.csh
+#! This C shell script implements partial downloading
+#! of the ATM compatible PostScript Type 1 fonts which
+#! is used in specified PostScript file.
+#! This procedure is done via GhostScript & SubFont programs.
+#! Copyright (C) 1994, Basil K. Malyshev. All rights reserved.
+set FontMap=$lib/Fontmap.t1
+# User can place in HOME directory file '.fload'
+# which can contains redefinition of the FONTPATH, like
+# setenv FONTPATH $FONTPATH:$HOME/psfonts
+# and FontMap, like:
+# set FontMap=$HOME/Fontmap.t1
+# Also, user can redefine `lib` variable,
+# but in this case, also redefinion of the 'FontMap` variable is required.
+if ( -e ~/.fload ) then
+ source ~/.fload
+# Check of the existance GhostScript (gs) and SubFont (subfont) programs.
+if ( ! -e "`which gs`" ) then
+ echo "? FLoad: I can not work without GhostScript." | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ exit
+if ( ! -e "`which subfont`" ) then
+ echo "? FLoad: I can not work without subfont program." | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ exit
+# Update map if specified option '-updatemap'
+if ( "$1" == "-updatemap" ) then
+ # Split FONTPATH variable into elements
+ set pathSave=($path)
+ set fpath=($path)
+ set path=($pathSave)
+ # Now go throght all font directories
+ echo >$FontMap
+ foreach root ($fpath)
+ echo "Scanning $root directory..."
+ echo "%% This part was constructed from $root directory" >>$FontMap
+ pushd root
+ find . -name "*.pf[ab]" -exec subfont -z$FontMap {} \;
+ popd
+ end
+ exit
+# Which font set is in printer
+if ( "$1" == "-p" || "$1" == "-P" ) then
+ if ( "$2" == "" ) then
+ echo "List of available font sets:" | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ cd $lib
+ ls *.FS | sed -e s/.FS// | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ exit
+ endif
+ set fontSet="$2"
+ shift
+ shift
+ set fontSet="Standard"
+if ( ! -e $lib/$fontSet.FS ) then
+ echo "? $fontSet font set is not known." | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ exit
+set fn=$1
+set out=$2
+if ( "$out" == "" ) then
+ set base=$fn:r
+ set base=$out:r
+ if ( "$out" == "$out:r" ) then
+ set out=$
+ endif
+# If input file name is not presented show usage and list of built in fonts.
+if ( "$fn" == "" ) then
+ echo "Usage: (of the fload de Basil)" | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ echo "fload [-p fontSet] <ps-file> [<output-ps-file>]" | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ echo " where following fontSets is available" | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ cd $lib
+ ls *.FS | sed -e s/.FS// | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ exit
+if ( ! -e $fn ) then
+ echo "? FLoad: I can not found file $fn." | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ exit
+# Interpret file via Ghostscript to determine required fonts and characters.
+set fstat=$base.fstat
+echo "Process PS file $fn." | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+echo "Write font using statistic to $fstat" | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+if ( -e $fstat ) then
+ /bin/rm -f $fstat
+ -sOUTFILE=$fstat -sINFILE=$fn \
+ -sRESIDENTFONTS=$fontSet.FS >&$base.flog
+if ( -e $fstat ) then
+ /bin/rm $base.flog
+ echo "There is some errors in scanning PS file." | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ echo "Look GhostScript log file $base.flog for more information" | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ echo "Most frequently error is that some font is not anywhere." | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ exit
+# Began file from conventional metacomment to fit with spooler.
+if ( "$out" == "" ) then
+ echo "%\!PS-Adobe-3.0"
+ echo "Write output into file $out" | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ echo "%\!PS-Adobe-3.0" >$out
+# Make partial downloading of these fonts which is available
+if ( -e $base.undef ) then
+ /bin/rm -f $base.undef
+if ( "$out" == "" ) then
+ subfont -I$FONTPATH -u$base.undef -m$FontMap -f$fstat -c$fn
+ subfont -I$FONTPATH -u$base.undef -m$FontMap -f$fstat -c$fn >>$out
+if ( -e $base.undef ) then
+ echo "There is unknown font(s)" | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
+ cat $base.undef | /bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/home.dirs b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/home.dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96c64d7cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/home.dirs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Directory to put system dependent executable files (subfont program)
+setenv FBIN ~/bin
+# Directory to put system independent scripts (fload C-shell script)
+setenv FSHR ~/bin
+# Directory for library files (, Fontmap,, mprint.*)
+setenv FLIB ~/lib/fload
+# Also Check that all your fonta are in list of directory tries
+setenv FPATH /usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts:/usr/local/lib/ISOFonts/pfa
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/install.dirs b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/install.dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3494986c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/install.dirs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Directory to put system dependent executable files (subfont program)
+setenv FBIN /usr/local/bin
+# Directory to put system independent scripts (fload C-shell script)
+setenv FSHR /usr/local/bin
+# Directory for library files (, Fontmap,, mprint.*)
+setenv FLIB /usr/local/lib/fload
+# Directory for man pages (this directory may be omitted)
+setenv FMAN /usr/local/man/man1
+# Also Check that all your fonts are in list of directory tries
+setenv FPATH /usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts:/usr/local/lib/ISOFonts/pfa
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/install.txt b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/install.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edc5fc0a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/install.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1. Correct directories specified in the 'install.dirs' file.
+2. Run installation script by command: 'csh INSTALL'.
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/mkmap b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/mkmap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b012e4e346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/mkmap
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This script is used to create map of the files available in
+# specified tree ...
+if ( "$1" != "-focus" ) then
+ # Temorarie, but normally this program is in path...
+ setenv SUBFONT `pwd`/subfont
+ set root=$1
+ if ( "$1" == "" ) then
+ set root="/usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts"
+ endif
+ set CWD=`pwd`
+ if ( -e $CWD/mkmap ) then
+ set itself=$CWD/mkmap
+ else
+ echo Can not found itself when try search in cuurent directory.
+ exit
+ endif
+ echo >
+ echo >Fontmap.t1
+ cd root
+ find . -name "*.pf[ab]" -exec $itself -focus {} $CWD/Fontmap.t1 $CWD/ \;
+ set fn=$2
+ set gsmap=$3
+ set sfmap=$4
+ set font=`$SUBFONT $fn | grep /FontName | cut -d/ -f3 | cut '-d ' -f1`
+ echo font /$font/ in file /$fn/
+ echo "$font $fn" >>$sfmap
+ echo "/$font ($fn) ;" >>$gsmap
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/ppd2fs b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/ppd2fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff48ce8ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/ppd2fs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# File: ppd2fs
+# This simple C-Shell script extracts font set declared in PPD file.
+# PPD (PostScript(R) Printer Description) file for particular printer
+# anyone can extract
+# from the '/pub/adobe/PPD/win' directory of the '' host.
+# So, PPD-file for the 'HP LaserJet IIIP PostScript Plus' is hplj_3p1.ppd.
+# This printer contains 35 builtin fonts. List of fonts can be extracted
+# by command:
+# ppd2fs hplj_3p1.ppd >hplj_3p1.FontSet
+grep "^\*Font" $1 | cut "-d " -f2 | cut -d: -f1
diff --git a/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/usr-local.dirs b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/usr-local.dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d37c3f4f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/utilities/fontload/unix/usr-local.dirs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Directory to put system dependent executable files (subfont program)
+setenv FBIN /usr/local/bin
+# Directory to put system independent scripts (fload C-shell script)
+setenv FSHR /usr/local/bin
+# Directory for library files (, Fontmap,, mprint.*)
+setenv FLIB /usr/local/lib/fload
+# Also Check that all your fonta are in list of directory tries
+setenv FPATH /usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts:/usr/local/lib/ISOFonts/pfa