path: root/fonts/pandora
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Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/pandora')
25 files changed, 7217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/COPYRIGHT b/fonts/pandora/COPYRIGHT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0036e3df0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/COPYRIGHT
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+These files have been contributed to the distribution under
+copyright, as noted at the head of each file. The are licensed
+free for all educational and non-profit use, and for free
+redistribution under the same provisions as hold for the
+remainder of this distribution. If any commercial use
+of these fonts is undertaken, the party planning such use
+should get in touch with:
+ N. N. Billawala
+ {decwrl, seismo, ihnp4, ucbvax ...} !sun!metamarks!nb
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/README b/fonts/pandora/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7aae86e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/README
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ *************************************************************************
+ Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+ The following file contains information about the Pandora
+ Family of fonts. The fonts were developed using Metafont.
+ These fonts should be considered as in a beta state.
+ *************************************************************************
+ The files are set up according to the following scheme:
+ <general font file>
+ Contains all the parameters for varying the font.
+ <general macros file>
+ Macros used in the various characters.
+ <character set file>
+ Determines which set of characters will be in the font.
+ <width information file>
+ Determines the widths of the characters. Note that
+ width values will change according to the individual
+ shape of the character.
+ <individual character files>
+ The actual character descriptions are here.
+ <ligature and kerning information file>
+ In order to create a font, you need only invoke Metafont, set
+ a mode for a device, and input one of the general font files.
+ % mf
+ ** \mode=yourchoice; input pntt9
+ The intent of the Pandora project is to test the ideas and
+ power of Metafont in a design context. The starting point
+ came from broad ideas about type, rather than trying to
+ create a specific predetermined typeface.
+ One strong driving force was the idea to create a generalized
+ description of the visual relationship between characters in a
+ typeface. This is far from saying that similar characters use
+ parts that are "cut and pasted" directly from one to another.
+ This is how a "straight arm" and "curved arm" came to be in the
+ same macro, though they are visually quite different.
+ Many parameters create an endless variety of possibilities.
+ The concern was to create a basis from which a "reasonable"
+ and readable set of fonts might be derived. It's not important
+ that all variations work, rather, that it's possible to find
+ a reasonable set within the basis. A rich description allows
+ a designer to quickly look at a number of possibilities.
+ The character sets for the fixed width font and for the
+ variable width fonts correspond to those which Don Knuth used
+ in the Computer Modern family of fonts. This was done
+ intentionally so that we would have compatible and
+ interchangeable character sets. The compatibility ends there.
+ All of the fonts are currently set for 10 pt type,
+ except, which is set for 9 pt type. (Pandora
+ Single Pitch 9 works out to 15 characters per inch). Hooks
+ have been put in for point size changes as well as for
+ boldness.
+ Comments, criticisms and suggestions are welcome.
+ Please send them to me at
+ {decwrl, seismo, ihnp4, ucbvax ...} !sun!metamarks!nb
+ N. N. Billawala
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..460d362e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% uppercase roman alphabet
+% 26 characters
+iff OK "A": "The letter A";
+ beginchar("A",A_w*width#+e_mono#,cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5apex.uc);
+ top z20=(.5w,h+ov_apex.uc)//; pos20(apex.uc,0-apex_angle);
+ bot y3=0; z3l=whatever[z20l,(0,0)];
+ bot y6=0; z6r=whatever[z20r,(w,0)];
+ z20l=z1l; z20r=z4r;
+ multpos(1,3)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z20l,(0,0),0));
+ multpos(4,6)(stem.uc,constant_angle(z20r,(w,0),0));
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l); y2l=y5r=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,40,41,44);
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,40,42,43);
+ y41=y42=round(.45[serif_thickness,y40]-.35thin_stem.uc); % bar bottom
+ y43=y44=y41+max(1,.7thin_stem.uc);
+ onaline(4r,6r)(5r); y2r=y5l=min(y41,cap_bracket_h);
+ ref1=z43--z40--z44;
+ p1 =(fullserif.l(z3,z1,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z41,z42)
+ fullserif.r(z6,z4,z5l,z5r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z20r,z20l) z2l)--cycle;
+ p1'=upnotch(ref1,angle(z20-z40),notch_length.uc)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,20,40,41,42,43,44);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "B": "The letter B";
+ beginchar("B",B_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,5,5l,5r,9); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ top y2r=h;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-minor_curve.uc;
+ y5=.55h;
+ top y4r=top y5r=round(y5+.45thin_stem.uc);
+ bot y4l=bot y5l=top y5r-max(1,.9thin_stem.uc);
+ y6=.75[y5l,y5r];
+ bot y8r=0; top y8l=top y9=bot y8r+minor_curve.uc;
+ rt z3r=(round(.9w),v_stress[y6,y2r])//;
+ lft z3l=(rt x3r-max(1,.9bowlstem.uc),v_stress[y5r,y2l]);
+ rt z7r=(w,v_stress[y8r,y6])//; lft z7l=(rt x7r-bowlstem.uc,v_stress[y8l,y4l]);
+ z3=.5[z3l,z3r];
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3r,.4)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3l,.4)b;
+ good_x_for(4r)(z5r,z3l,.4)c; good_x_for(4l)(z5l,z7l,.4)d;
+ good_x_for(6)(z5,z3,.6)e;
+ good_x_for(8l)(z9,z7l,.4)f; good_x_for(8r)(z9,z7r,.4)g;
+ p1 =leftserif(z11,z14,z12l,z14r,.5hs)--leftserif(z14,z11,z13l,z11r,.5hs)
+ ...z8r{right} o_t z7r{upward} o_t z6{left}--
+ z6+(0,epsilon){right} o_t z3r{upward} o_t z2r{left}...cycle;
+ p1'=z4r{right} i_t z3l{upward} i_t z2l{left}...z1--z5r...cycle;
+ p2'=z8l{right} i_t z7l{upward} i_t z4l{left}...z5l--z9...cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "C": "The letter C";
+ beginchar("C",H_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(term_length)=if bulb_taper:c_and_s.uc else:cs fi;
+ rt z1=(.95w,.9h)//;
+ lft z3l=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//; rt z3r=lft z3l+(bowlstem.uc,0);
+ rt z5l=(w,major_curve.uc-ov_t.uc+.05h)//;
+ top y2l=bot y2r+minor_curve.uc=h+ov_t.uc;
+ bot y4l=top y4r-major_curve.uc=-ov_t.uc;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1,.6)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1-(bulb_thickness,0),.6)b;
+ good_x_for(4l)(z3l,z5l,.5)c;
+ ref1=z4l{right}...z5l;
+ pos5(max(1,,angle(direction 1 of ref1)+90);
+ good_x_for(4r)(z3r,z5r,.5)d;
+ x4r:=min(x4r,x4l+minor_curve.uc);
+ p1=(,z2r,z2l,term_length,bulb_thickness,90) o_t
+ z3l{downward} o_t z4l{right} o_t z5l
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z5l--z5r)softjoin(else:--fi
+ z5r i_t z4r{left} i_t z3r{upward} i_t z2r{right})--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "D": "The letter D";
+ beginchar("D",D_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,5); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ top y2r=h;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-major_curve.uc;
+ bot y4r=0;
+ top y5=top y4l=bot y4r+minor_curve.uc;
+ rt z3r=(w,v_stress*h)//; lft z3l=(rt x3r-bowlstem.uc,v_stress*h);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3r,.4)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3l,.4)b;
+ good_x_for(4r)(z5,z3r,.3)c; good_x_for(4l)(z5,z3l,.3)d;
+ p1 =leftserif(z11,z14,z12l,z14r,.5hs)--leftserif(z14,z11,z13l,z11r,.5hs)
+ ...z4r{right} o_t z3r{upward} o_t z2r{left}...cycle;
+ p1'=(z4l{right} i_t z3l{upward} i_t z2l{left} soften(z1,z5)z4l{right})--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "E": "The letter E";
+ beginchar("E",E_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,4,4l,4r,6); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ top y2r=h;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-max(1,.95thin_stem.uc);
+ top rt z3=(.95w,h)//;
+ bot y7l=0;
+ bot rt z8=(w,0);
+ top y6=top y7r=bot y7l+max(1,.97thin_stem.uc);
+ y4=.55h;
+ top y4r=bot y4l+max(1,.9thin_stem.uc)=top y5r=round(y4+.45thin_stem.uc);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3,.6)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3,.6)b;
+ good_x_for(7r)(z6,z8,.6)c; good_x_for(7l)(z6,z8,.6)d;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z4,z3,.8)e;
+ p1=(leftserif(z14,z11,z13l,z11r,.5hs)..
+,z7r,z7l,.5as,.75tip_thickness,90-arm_angle)soft soften(z6,z4l)
+,z4l,z4r,.15as,.25tip_thickness,90) soften(z4r,z1)
+ leftserif(z11,z14,z12l,z14r,.75hs))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "F": "The letter F";
+ beginchar("F",E_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top y2r=h;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-max(1,.95thin_stem.uc);
+ top rt z3=(w,h)//;
+ top y4r=bot y4l+max(1,.9thin_stem.uc)=top y5r=round(.52h);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=cap_bracket_h; y13r=min(y13l,y4l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,4l,4r,13r); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3,.6)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3,.6)b;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z4r,z3,.8)c;
+ p1=(fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs)..z4l
+ if softpath:)softjoin(else:--fi
+,z4l,z4r,.15as,.25tip_thickness,90) soften(z4r,z1)
+ leftserif(z11,z14,z12l,z14r,.75hs))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "G": "The letter G";
+ beginchar(71+alt9,D_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(term_length)=if bulb_taper:c_and_s.uc else:cs fi;
+ rt z1=(w-.25stem.uc,.9h)//;
+ lft z3l=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//; rt z3r=(lft x3l+bowlstem.uc,(1-v_stress)*h);
+ top y2l=bot y2r+minor_curve.uc=h+ov_t.uc;
+ bot y4l=top y4r-major_curve.uc=-ov_t.uc;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1,.6)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1-(bulb_thickness,0),.6)b;
+ good_x_for(4l)(z3l,z5l,.5)c; good_x_for(4r)(z3r,z5r,.5)d;
+ rt z5l=(w,.15h)//; pos5(max(1,.75minor_curve.uc),130-oblique);
+ z11r=(w,min(.45h,y1-as))//; multpos(11,13)(stem.uc,0);
+ rt z13r=(w,0);
+ z20=(z5l--z5r i_t z4r{left})intersectionpoint(z11l--z13l);
+ onaline(11r,13r)(12r);
+ y12r=inlimit(y11r-cap_bracket_h)(y5l,y11r-serif_thickness);
+ onaline(11l,13l)(12l); y12l=inlimit(y12r)(y20,y11l);
+ ref1=z4l{right} o_t z5l; ref2=z13--z20; % pts added for terminal finish
+ z21=ref1 intersectionpoint ref2;
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref2;
+ p1=(,z2r,z2l,term_length,bulb_thickness,90) o_t z3l{downward} o_t
+ if G_spur:subpath (0,t1) of ref1 soften(z21,z13,z13r) % spur option
+ else:z4l{right} o_t z5l if softpath:)softjoin( else:--fi fi
+ z5l--fullserif.r(z11,z13,z12l,z12r,.75hs,.25hs)--z20
+ if softpath:)softjoin( else:--fi
+ z20 i_t z4r{left} i_t z3r{upward} i_t z2r{right})--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,20,21);
+ adjust(v_C*fitbasis.uc#+m_b*d_mfit#,v_F*fitbasis.uc#+m_bb*d_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_G= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(G_spur)t; testing_codes; character_points; enddef; % spur
+ vardef b=condition(G_spur)f; testing_codes; character_points; enddef; % nospur
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if G_spur:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_G; save letter_G;
+iff OK "H": "The letter H";
+ beginchar("H",H_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z1l=(0,h)//; multpos(1,4,11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(0,0);
+ top rt z11r=(w,h)//;
+ bot rt z14r=(w,0);
+ onaline(1r,4r)(5l,5r); top y5r=top y15r=round(.55h+.45thin_stem.uc);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(15l,15r); bot y5l=bot y15l=top y5r-max(1,.9thin_stem.uc);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=y13r=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y3r=y13l=min(cap_bracket_h,y5l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y2r=y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y5r);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y2l=y12r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y3l);
+ p1=(fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.75hs) soften(z5l,z15l)
+ fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs)--
+ fullserif(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.75hs,.5hs) soften(z15r,z5r)
+ fullserif(z1,z4,z2l,z2r,.75hs,.5hs))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14,15);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "I": "The letter I";
+ beginchar("I",I_w*width#+a_mono#,cap#,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(if singlepitch:round(.5(w-stem.uc)) else:0 fi,0)//;
+ top lft z1l=(if singlepitch:round(.5(w-stem.uc)) else:0 fi,h)//;
+ multpos(1,4)(stem.uc,0);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=y3r=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2l=y2r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y3l);
+ p1=fullserif(z1,z4,z2l,z2r,.75hs,.5hs)--
+ fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.75hs)--cycle;
+ if singlepitch:pickup pencircle yscaled thin_stem.uc rotated -oblique;
+ lft top z11=(0,h); rt top z12=(w,h); lft bot z13=(0,0); rt bot z14=(w,0);
+ draw z11--z12; draw z13--z14; showpoints(11,12,13,14);
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "J": "The letter J";
+ beginchar("J",J_w*width#+a_mono#,cap#,descender#);
+ rt z40r=(w,0); multpos(1,40)(stem.uc,0);
+ top rt z1r=(w,h)//;
+ save_num(knob)=min(bulb_thickness,.6x40l);
+ onaline(1r,40r)(2r,3r); y3l=.25h; y3r=y3l-.1h;
+ onaline(1l,40l)(2l,3l); y2l=y2r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y3l,y3r);
+ bot y4r=top y4l-minor_curve.uc=-.5d-ov_b.uc;
+ good_x_for(4r)(z5,z3r,.4)a;
+ good_x_for(4l)(z5+(knob,0),z3l,.4)b;
+ lft z5=(0,.5[y4r,y4l])//;
+ p1=terminalserif.l(z1,z40,z2l,z2r,ts,0) o_t z3l{downward} o_t
+,z4l,z4r,.75cs,knob,90) i_t z3r{upward} i_t cycle;
+ if singlepitch:pickup pencircle yscaled thin_stem.uc rotated -oblique;
+ lft top z11=(.25w,h); rt top z12=(x1,h);
+ draw z11--z12; showpoints(11,12);
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,40);
+show_character; endchar;
+ def K_without_beveled_join=
+iff OK "K": "The letter K";
+ beginchar(75+alt5,R_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r,3r,41); y3r=.4h; y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13r=max(y3r,y13l);
+ y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ top rt z1r=(.95w,h)//;
+ multpos(1,3)(max(1,.9thin_stem.uc),constant_angle(z1r,z3r,0));
+ onaline(1,3)(44); top y44=h;
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l,4l,41); y12r=y2l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y41);
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,40,42);
+ y4l=.1[y41,y44]; % y4l places bot/right arm
+ z6r=(w,0);
+ multpos(4,6)(max(1,.9stem.uc),constant_angle(z4l,z6r,max(1,.9stem.uc))lr);
+ onaline(4r,6r)(5r,42); y2r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y42);
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,40); y5l=y5r=min(cap_bracket_h,y4l,y40);
+ onaline(4,6)(43); bot y43=0;
+ p1=(fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z3r,z40)
+ fullserif.r(z43,z4,z5l,z5r,.5hs,.5hs)--z42
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z42 fi--
+ fullserif.r(z44,z3,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.5hs)--z41
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z41 fi--
+ fullserif(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.75hs,.5hs))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,40,41,42,43,44);
+ adjust(v_A*fitbasis.uc#+m_b*d_mfit#,v_G*fitbasis.uc#+m_bb*d_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def K_with_beveled_join=
+iff OK "K": "The letter K";
+ beginchar(75+alt5,T_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=y13r=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y12l=y12r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ ref1=rightserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs)--rightserif(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5hs);
+ top rt z1r=(.95w,h)//;
+ z3l=z4l=ref1 intersectionpoint ((0,.55h)--(w,.55h));
+ z6r=(w,0);
+ multpos(4,6)(max(1,.9stem.uc),constant_angle(z4l,z6r,max(1,.9stem.uc))lr);
+ multpos(1,3)(max(1,.9thin_stem.uc),constant_angle(z1r,z4l,thin_stem.uc));
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l);
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,42);
+ onaline(1,3)(44); top y44=h;
+ onaline(4r,6r)(5r,42); y2l=y2r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y4l,y42);
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l); y5l=y5r=min(cap_bracket_h,y4l,y42);
+ onaline(4,6)(43); bot y43=0;
+ p1=fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs)--
+ fullserif(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.75hs,.5hs)--cycle;
+ p2=(terminalserif.r(z43,z4,z5l,z5r,.5ts,base_terminal_angle)--z42
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z42 fi--
+ fullserif.r(z44,z3,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.5hs)--z4l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,42,43,44);
+ adjust(v_A*fitbasis.uc#+m_b*d_mfit#,v_G*fitbasis.uc#+m_bb*d_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_K= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(beveled_join)t;testing_codes;K_with_beveled_join;enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(beveled_join)f;testing_codes;K_without_beveled_join;enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b;else:if beveled_join:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_K; save letter_K,K_with_beveled_join,K_without_beveled_join;
+iff OK "L": "The letter L";
+ beginchar("L",E_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,12r); y12l=y12r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ bot y2l=0;
+ bot rt z3=(w,0);
+ top y1=top y2r=bot y2l+max(1,.95thin_stem.uc);
+ z0=z1-(0*stem.uc,0);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3,.6)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3,.6)b;
+ p1=(leftserif(z14,z11,z13l,z11r,.5hs)...
+ if softpath:...z1)softjoin(z1--
+ else:...z0{left}--(z0+(0,eps)){right}... fi
+ fullserif(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5hs,.75hs))--cycle;
+ showpoints(0,1,2,3,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "M": "The letter M";
+ beginchar("M",M_w*width#+f_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_bool(nonotch):=if(cap<40):true else:false fi; % if real low res
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5apex.uc);
+ lft x3l=0; bot y3=0;
+ rt x12r=w; bot y12=0;
+ top z31l=(.0w,h+ov_apex.uc)//;multpos(21,22,23,31,33)(apex.uc,0-apex_angle);
+ top z33r=(1w,h+ov_apex.uc)//;
+ multpos(1,3)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z31l,(0,0),0));
+ multpos(10,12)(if narrow_condition:w_narrow_amt
+ else:1 fi[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc],constant_angle(z33r,(w,0),0));
+ onaline(3l,31l)(2l,21l); y21=y23=h+ov_apex.uc;
+ onaline(12r,33r)(11r,23r);
+ good_x_for(22)(z3r,z12l,.5)a; y22=if singlepitch:.25 else:.07 fi *y21;
+ z1l=z21l; z4r=z21r; z6l=z22l; z9r=z22r; z7l=z23l; z10r=z23r;
+ multpos(4,6)(if narrow_condition:w_narrow_amt else:1 fi[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc],
+ constant_angle(z21r,z22l,stem.uc));
+ multpos(7,9)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z23l,z22r,thin_stem.uc)lr);
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,41);
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,41);
+ onaline(4r,6r)(5r,42);
+ onaline(7l,9l)(8l,42); y5r=y8l=notch_pos[y42,y1];
+ onaline(7r,9r)(8r,43);
+ onaline(10l,12l)(11l,43); y5l=y8r=notch_pos[min(y41,y43),y6];
+ y2l=y2r=y11l=y11r=min(cap_bracket_h,y41,y43);
+ ref1=z5l--z41--z2r; ref2=z11l--z43--z8r; ref3=z5r--z42--z8l;
+ p1=(fullserif.l(z3,z1,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.75hs)..
+ upnotch.r(ref1,angle upward,notch_length.uc)etchright soften(z22l,z22r)
+ upnotch.r(ref2,angle upward,notch_length.uc)etchright..
+ fullserif.r(z12,z10,z11l,z11r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z23r,z23l)
+ downnotch.r(ref3,angle(z22-z42),notch_length.uc)
+ soften(z21r,z21l) z2l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,22,23,31,33,41,42,43);
+iff OK "N": "The letter N";
+ beginchar("N",N_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_bool(nonotch):=if(cap<40):true else:false fi; % if real low res
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5apex.uc);
+ bot lft z3l=(0,0); multpos(1,3,7,9)(thin_stem.uc,0);
+ top rt z7r=(w,h)//;
+ top lft z31l=(0,h+ov_apex.uc)//; multpos(21,22,31,32)(apex.uc,0-apex_angle);
+ bot rt z32r=(w,0-ov_apex.uc);
+ onaline(3l,31l)(2l,21l); y21=h+ov_apex.uc;
+ onaline(7r,32r)(8r,22r); y22=-ov_apex.uc;
+ z1l=z21l; z4r=z21r; z6l=z22l; z9r=z22r;
+ multpos(4,6)(stem.uc,constant_angle(z21r,z22l,stem.uc));
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,41);
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,41);
+ onaline(4r,6r)(5r,42); y5l=notch_pos[y41,y9];
+ onaline(7l,9l)(8l,42); y5r=notch_pos[y42,y1];
+ y2l=y2r=h-y8l=h-y8r=min(cap_bracket_h,y41);
+ ref1=z5l--z41--z2r; ref2=z5r--z42--z8l;
+ p1=(fullserif(z3,z1,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.75hs)..
+ upnotch.r(ref1,angle upward,notch_length.uc)etchright
+ soften(z22l,z22r) fullserif(z7,z9,z8l,z8r,.75hs,.5hs)..
+ downnotch.r(ref2,angle downward,notch_length.uc)etchleft
+ soften(z21r,z21l) z2l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,21,22,31,32,41,42);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "O": "The letter O";
+ beginchar("O",O_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ if singlepitch:save circ; circ1=circ2=circ3=.75; fi
+ top z1=(h_stress*w,h+ov_t.uc)//;
+ lft z2=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ bot z3=((1-h_stress)*w,-ov_b.uc)//;
+ rt z4=(w,v_stress*h)//;
+ circular_shape(y1,y3,x2,x4,minor_curve.uc,bowlstem.uc);
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "P": "The letter P";
+ beginchar("P",B_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top y2r=h;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-minor_curve.uc;
+ y4=.45h; y5=.46h;
+ top y4r=top y5r=round(y4+.45minor_curve.uc);
+ bot y4l=top y4r-max(1,.9minor_curve.uc);
+ bot y5l=top y5r-max(1,.86minor_curve.uc);
+ rt z3r=(w,v_stress[y4l,y2r])//;
+ lft z3l=(rt x3r-bowlstem.uc,v_stress[y4r,y2l]);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0); y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,5l,5r,13r); y13r=min(cap_bracket_h,y5l);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3r,.4)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3l,.4)b;
+ good_x_for(4r)(z5r,z3l,.4)c; good_x_for(4l)(z5l,z3r,.4)d;
+ p1=(fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs)--z5l if softpath:)softjoin(z5l fi
+ ...z4l{right} o_t z3r{upward} o_t z2r{left}...
+ leftserif(z11,z14,z12l,z14r,.5hs))--cycle;
+ p1'=z5r...z4r{right} i_t z3l{upward} i_t z2l{left}...z1--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "Q": "The letter Q";
+ beginchar("Q",O_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ if singlepitch:save circ; circ1=circ2=circ3=.75; fi
+ top z1=(h_stress*w,h+ov_t.uc)//;
+ lft z2=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ bot z3r=((1-h_stress)*w,-ov_b.uc)//; pos3(minor_curve.uc,-90);
+ rt z4=(w,v_stress*h)//;
+ z11r=(.4x3l,y3r); pos11(minor_curve.uc,60);
+ z12l=z3r-(.05w,0); pos12(max(1,.8minor_curve.uc),90);
+ z13r=(w,y12l)//; pos13(max(1,.95stem.uc),60-.5oblique);
+ circular_shape(y1,y3r,x2,x4,minor_curve.uc,bowlstem.uc);
+ p2 =z11l{1,.4}..z12l{right}..z13l{1,.7}--
+ z13r{-1,-.7}..z12r{left}..z11r{-1,-.4}--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,11,12,13);
+show_character; endchar;
+ def R_without_beveled_join=
+iff OK "R": "The letter R";
+ beginchar(82+alt5,R_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top y2r=h;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-minor_curve.uc;
+ y5=.5h;
+ top y4r=top y5r=round(y5+.45minor_curve.uc);
+ bot y4l=bot y5l=top y5r-max(1,.9minor_curve.uc);
+ rt z3r=(if narrow_condition:w else:round(.9w)fi,v_stress[y4l,y2r])//;
+ lft z3l=(rt x3r-bowlstem.uc,v_stress[y4r,y2l]);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0); y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,5l,5r,13r); y13r=min(cap_bracket_h,y5l);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3r,.4)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3l,.4)b;
+ good_x_for(4r)(z5r,z3l,.5)c; good_x_for(4l)(z5l,z3r,.4)d;
+ y20=y5l;
+ ref1=z5l{right}...z4l o_t z3r{upward}; good_x_for(20)(z5l,z3r,.3)e;
+ z7l=ref1 intersectionpoint ((x20,0)--(x20,h));
+ bot rt z9r=(w,0);
+ multpos(7,9)(max(1,.9stem.uc),constant_angle(z7l,(x9r,0),stem.uc)lr);
+ onaline(7l,9l)(8l); y8l=min(cap_bracket_h,y7l);
+ onaline(7r,9r)(8r,21); y21=h;
+ onaline(7,9)(22); y22=0;
+ z40=ref1 intersectionpoint (z21--z9r);
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes (z21--z9r);
+ y8r=min(cap_bracket_h,y40);
+ p1 =(fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs) soften(z5l,z7l)
+ terminalserif(z22,z7,z8l,z8r,.25ts,0)--z40
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z40 fi
+ --subpath (t1,3) of ref1 o_t z2r{left}...
+ leftserif(z11,z14,z12l,z14r,.5hs))--cycle;
+ p1'=z4r{right} i_t z3l{upward} i_t z2l{left}...z1--z5r--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,20,21,22,40);
+ adjust(v_A*fitbasis.uc#+m_b*b_mfit#,v_F*fitbasis.uc#+m_bb*b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def R_with_beveled_join=
+iff OK "R": "The letter R";
+ beginchar(82+alt5,R_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top y2r=h;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-minor_curve.uc;
+ y5=.5h;
+ top y4r=top y5r=round(y5+.35minor_curve.uc);
+ bot y4l=bot y5l=top y5r-max(1,.7minor_curve.uc);
+ rt z3r=(if narrow_condition:w else:round(.9w)fi,v_stress[y4l,y2r])//;
+ lft z3l=(rt x3r-bowlstem.uc,v_stress[y4r,y2l]);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0); y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,5l,5r,13r); y13r=min(cap_bracket_h,y5l);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3r,.4)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3l,.4)b;
+ good_x_for(4r)(z5r,z3l,.5)c; good_x_for(4l)(z5l,z3r,.4)d;
+ y20=y5r;
+ ref1=z5l...z4l{right} o_t z3r{upward};
+ ref2=z3l{downward} i_t z4r{left}...z5r; good_x_for(20)(z5r,z3l,.1)e;
+ z7l=ref2 intersectionpoint ((x20,0)--(x20,h));
+ (t3,t4)=ref2 intersectiontimes ((x20,0)--(x20,h));
+ bot rt z9r=(w,0);
+ multpos(7,9)(max(1,.9stem.uc),constant_angle(z7l,(x9r,0),stem.uc)lr);
+ onaline(7l,9l)(8l); y8l=min(cap_bracket_h,y7l);
+ onaline(7r,9r)(8r,21); y21=h;
+ onaline(7,9)(22); y22=0;
+ z40=ref1 intersectionpoint (z21--z9r);
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes (z21--z9r);
+ y8r=min(cap_bracket_h,y40);
+ p1=(subpath(0,t3) of ref2--z7l if softpath:)softjoin(z7l fi
+ --terminalserif(z22,z7,z8l,z8r,.25ts,base_terminal_angle)--z40
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z40 fi
+ --(subpath (t1,infinity) of ref1 o_t z2r{left}...
+ leftserif(z11,z14,z12l,z14r,.5hs)--
+ fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs)--
+ z1--z2l{right} i_t z3l{downward}))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,20,21,22,40);
+ adjust(v_A*fitbasis.uc#+m_b*b_mfit#,v_F*fitbasis.uc#+m_bb*b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_R= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(beveled_join)t;testing_codes;R_with_beveled_join; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(beveled_join)f;testing_codes;R_without_beveled_join;enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b;else:if beveled_join:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_R; save letter_R,R_with_beveled_join,R_without_beveled_join;
+iff OK "S": "The letter S";
+ beginchar("S",S_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(term_length)=if bulb_taper:c_and_s.uc else:.9cs fi;
+ rt z1=(.93w,.95h)//;
+ lft z7=(0,.07h)//;
+ top y2l=bot y2r+minor_curve.uc=h+ov_t.uc;
+ bot y6r=top y6l-minor_curve.uc=-ov_b.uc;
+ z4=(.5w,.52h)//;
+ lft z3l=(round(.05w),.5[y4,y2l])//;
+ rt z5r=(w,.5[y6r,y4])//;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1,.5)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1-(bulb_thickness,0),.4)b;
+ good_x_for(6r)(z7,z5r,.5)c; good_x_for(6l)(z7+(bulb_thickness,0),z5l,.6)d;
+ z3=z3l+(.5stem.uc,0); z5=z5r-(.5stem.uc,0);
+ ref1=z3..z4..z5;
+ pos4(stem.uc,(angle(postcontrol 1 of ref1-precontrol 1 of ref1))+90);
+ rt z3r=(lft x3l+stem.uc,(1-v_stress)[y4r,y2r]);
+ lft z5l=(rt x5r-stem.uc,v_stress[y6l,y4l]);
+ o_t z3l{downward} o_t z4l i_t z5l i_t
+ o_t z5r{upward} o_t z4r i_t z3r i_t cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "T": "The letter T";
+ beginchar("T",T_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ bot z40=(.5w,0); pos40(stem.uc,0);
+ bot y14=0; lft x14l=round x40l; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ w:=2*x14l+stem.uc;
+ top z11=(x14,h)//;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(13l,12l); y13l=y13r=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(13r,12r);
+ top lft z1=(0,h)//;
+ top rt z4=(w,h)//;
+ top y2r=top y3r=h; x2r-x1=x4-x3r=.25w; x2r:=min(x2r,x11); x3r:=max(x3r,x11);
+ bot y2l=bot y3l=bot y12l=bot y12r=top y2r-max(1,.95thin_stem.uc);
+ good_x_for(2l)(z1+(tip_thickness,0),z12l,.6)a; x2l:=min(x2l,x12l);
+ good_x_for(3l)(z4-(tip_thickness,0),z12r,.6)b; x3l:=max(x3l,x12r);
+ p1=(fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.75hs,.75hs)--z12r
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z12r fi
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z12l fi--z13l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14,40);
+show_character; endchar;
+ def U_like_lowercase= % the letter U as a version of the lowercase u
+iff OK "U": "The letter U";
+ beginchar(85+alt3,H_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ y5=ductal[arch_thickness.uc,h-serif_thickness];
+ bot lft z1l=(0,0); multpos(1,4,11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ top lft z4l=(0,h)//;
+ top rt z11r=(w,h)//;
+ bot rt z14r=(w,0); y13r=cap_bracket_h; y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y5);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(5,12l); y12r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13r);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y2r=max((.95-r_arch)*h,arch_thickness.uc);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=(.95-l_arch)*h; y3l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y2l);
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y3r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y2r);
+ ref1=z12l..terminalserif.r(z14,z11,z12l,z13r,.75ts,x_terminal_angle);
+ p1=terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5ts,0)--softenit(ref1,ref2)--
+ terminalserif.l(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.75ts,0)--
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14);
+ adjust(.9v_A*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*b_mfit#,v_A*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def U_like_trajan=
+iff OK "U": "The letter U";
+ beginchar(85+alt3,U_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ lft z14l=(0,0);
+ top rt z1r=(w,h)//; multpos(1,4)(thin_stem.uc,0);
+ rt z4r=(w,0);
+ y13l=y13r-.5major_curve.uc=.3[major_curve.uc,h-serif_thickness];
+ y3r=y3l=.3[minor_curve.uc,h-serif_thickness];
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y12r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13r);
+ onaline(11,14)(40);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y3l);
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y3r);
+ onaline(1,4)(41); y40=y41=h;
+ bot y5l=top y5r-major_curve.uc=-ov_b.uc;
+ good_x_for(5l)(z11l,z1r,.5)a; good_x_for(5r)(z11r,z1l,.5)b;
+ p1=fullserif(z40,z14,z12l,z12r,.75hs,.75hs)...
+ z13l{downward} o_t z5l{right} o_t z3r{upward}...
+ fullserif(z41,z4,z2l,z2r,.75hs,.5hs)...
+ z3l{downward} i_t z5r{left} i_t z13r{upward}...cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14,40,41);
+ adjust(.9v_A*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*b_mfit#,.9v_B*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_U= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(like_lowercase)t; testing_codes;U_like_lowercase; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(like_lowercase)f; testing_codes;U_like_trajan; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if like_lowercase:a;else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_U; save letter_U,U_like_lowercase,U_like_trajan;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "V": "The letter V";
+ beginchar(86+alt4,A_w*width#+e_mono#,cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5apex.uc);
+ bot z20=(.5w,-ov_apex.uc); pos20(apex.uc,0-apex_angle);
+ lft z1l=(0,h)//; multpos(1,3)(stem.uc,constant_angle(z1l,z20l,0));
+ rt z4r=(w,h)//; multpos(4,6)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z4r,z20r,0));
+ onaline(1l,20l)(2l,3l); y3l=y20l;
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,40);
+ onaline(4r,20r)(5r,6r); y6r=y20r;
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,40); y2l=y2r=y5l=y5r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y40);
+ onaline(1,3)(41); top y41=top y42=h;
+ onaline(4,6)(42);
+ ref1=notch_pos[z40,z2r]--z40--notch_pos[z40,z5l];
+ if flat_diagonal_endings:
+ p1=(fullserif.l(z41,z3,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z20l,z20r)
+ fullserif.r(z42,z6,z5l,z5r,.5hs,.5hs)..
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z20-z40),notch_length.uc))..cycle;
+ else:p1=(terminalserif.l(z41,z3,z2l,z2r,.75ts,20)soft soften(z20l,z20r)
+ terminalserif.l(z42,z6,z5l,z5r,.75ts,0)soft..
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z20-z40),notch_length.uc))..cycle;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,20,40,41,42);
+ adjust(v_D*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*e_mfit#,v_E*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*e_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_V= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)t; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)f; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if flat_diagonal_endings:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_V; save letter_V;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "W": "The letter W with flat diagonals";
+ beginchar(87+alt4,W_w*width#+f_mono#,cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5apex.uc);
+ lft z1l=(0,h)//;
+ rt z10r=(w,h)//;
+ bot z21=(.22w,-ov_apex.uc); multpos(21,22,23)(apex.uc,0-apex_angle);
+ bot z23=(w-x21,-ov_apex.uc);
+ z3l=z21l; z6r=z21r; z9l=z23l; z12r=z23r;
+ multpos(1,3)(if narrow_condition:w_narrow_amt else:1 fi[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc],
+ constant_angle(z1l,z21l,0));
+ multpos(10,12)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z10r,z23r,0));
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,41,46); onaline(1l,3l)(2l); onaline(1,3)(44);
+ onaline(10l,12l)(11l,43,47); onaline(10r,12r)(11r); onaline(10,12)(45);
+ top y44=h;y45=y46=y47=y44;
+ x22=.5[x46,x47]; y22=if singlepitch:.75h else:h+ov_apex.uc fi;
+ z4l=z22l; z7r=z22r;
+ multpos(4,6)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z22l,z21r,thin_stem.uc)lr);
+ multpos(7,9)(if narrow_condition:w_narrow_amt else:1 fi[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc],
+ constant_angle(z22r,z23l,;
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,41); onaline(4r,6r)(5r,42);
+ onaline(7l,9l)(8l,42); onaline(7r,9r)(8r,43);
+ y5l=y8r=notch_pos[max(y41,y43),y22]; y5r=y8l=notch_pos[y42,y3l];
+ y2l=y2r=y11l=y11r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y41,y43);
+ ref1=notch_pos[z41,z2r]--z41--z5l;
+ ref2=z8l--z42--z5r;
+ ref3=z8r--z43--notch_pos[z43,z11l];
+ if flat_diagonal_endings:
+ p1=(fullserif.l(z44,z3,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z21l,z21r)
+ upnotch.r(ref2,angle(z22-z42),notch_length.uc)
+ soften(z23l,z23r) fullserif.r(z45,z12,z11l,z11r,.5hs,.5hs)..
+ downnotch.r(ref3,angle(z23-z43),notch_length.uc) soften(z22r,z22l)
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z21-z41),notch_length.uc))..cycle;
+ else:p1=(terminalserif.l(z44,z3,z2l,z2r,.75ts,20)soft soften(z21l,z21r)
+ upnotch.r(ref2,angle(z22-z42),notch_length.uc)
+ soften(z23l,z23r) terminalserif.l(z45,z12,z11l,z11r,.5ts,0)soft..
+ downnotch.r(ref3,angle(z23-z43),notch_length.uc) soften(z22r,z22l)
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z21-z41),notch_length.uc))..cycle;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,22,23,41,42,43,44,45,46,47);
+ adjust(.25[v_D,v_A]*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*f_mfit#,
+ .25[v_E,v_A]*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*f_mfit#);
+ show_character;endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_W= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)t; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)f; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if flat_diagonal_endings:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_W; save letter_W;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "X": "The letter X";
+ beginchar(88+alt4,A_w*width#+e_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top z1l=(.05w,h)//; top z11r=(.95w,h)//;
+ bot z4r=(w,0); bot z14l=(0,0);
+ multpos(1,4)(stem.uc,constant_angle(z1l,z4r,stem.uc)lr);
+ multpos(11,14)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z11r,z14l,thin_stem.uc));
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l,42,43);
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r,40,41);
+ onaline(1,4)(21,22); top y21=top y23=h;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l,40,43);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r,41,42);
+ onaline(11,14)(23,24); bot y22=bot y24=0;
+ y2l=y2r=y12l=y12r=max(h-serif_thickness-.5cap_bracket_h,y40);
+ y3l=y3r=y13l=y13r=min(serif_thickness+.5cap_bracket_h,y42);
+ ref1=notch_pos[z40,z2r]--z40--notch_pos[z40,z12l];
+ ref2=notch_pos[z42,z3l]--z42--notch_pos[z42,z13r];
+ if flat_diagonal_endings:p1=fullserif(z21,z4,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.25hs)--z43--
+ fullserif(z24,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs)--
+ upnotch.r(ref2,angle(z40-z42),notch_length.uc)--
+ fullserif(z22,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.5hs)--z41--
+ fullserif(z23,z14,z12l,z12r,.25hs,.5hs)--
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z42-z40),notch_length.uc)--cycle;
+ else:p1=terminalserif.l(z21,z4,z2l,z2r,.5ts,0)soft--z43--
+ terminalserif.r(z24,z11,z13l,z13r,.5ts,0)soft--
+ upnotch.r(ref2,angle(z40-z42),notch_length.uc)--
+ terminalserif.r(z22,z1,z3l,z3r,.5ts,diag_terminal_angle)soft--z41--
+ terminalserif.l(z23,z14,z12l,z12r,.5ts,0)soft--
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z42-z40),notch_length.uc)--cycle;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,40,41,42,43);
+ adjust(v_G*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*e_mfit#,v_G*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*e_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_X= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)t; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)f; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if flat_diagonal_endings:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_X; save letter_X;
+iff OK "Y": "The letter Y";
+ beginchar("Y",A_w*width#+e_mono#,cap#,0);
+ bot z20=(.5w,0); multpos(15,20,42)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot y15=0; lft x15l=round x20l;
+ w:=2*x15l+stem.uc;
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//;
+ top rt z1r=(w,h)//;
+ z42r=whatever[z15r,z15r+dir(90-oblique)]; y42r=.45[y15,y11l];
+ multpos(11,13)(stem.uc,constant_angle(z11l,z42r,stem.uc)lr);
+ multpos(1,3)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z1r,z42r,0));
+ z3r=z13r=z42r;
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r);
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l,40); y2r=max(h-.5cap_bracket_h,y42r);
+ onaline(1,3)(45); top y44=top y45=h;
+ onaline(11l,13l)(12l,41); z41=whatever[z15l,z15l+dir(90-oblique)];
+ onaline(15l,41)(14l); y14l=min(.3serif_thickness+.7cap_bracket_h,y41);
+ onaline(11r,13r)(12r,40); y2l=y12r=max(h-.5cap_bracket_h,y40);
+ onaline(11,13)(44); y12l=max(h-.5cap_bracket_h,y41);
+ onaline(15r,42r)(14r); y14r=min(.3serif_thickness+.7cap_bracket_h,y42r);
+ ref1=notch_pos[z40,z12r]--z40--notch_pos[z40,z2l];
+ p1=(fullserif.l(z44,z13,z12l,z12r,.5hs,.25hs)--
+ z41 if softpath:)softjoin(z41 fi--
+ fullserif(z15,.5[z14l,z14r],z14l,z14r,.75hs,.75hs)--
+ z42r if softpath:)softjoin(z42r fi--
+ fullserif.r(z45,z42,z2l,z2r,.25hs,.5hs)--
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle downward,notch_length.uc))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,11,12,13,14,15,20,40,41,42,44,45);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "Z": "The letter Z";
+ beginchar("Z",S_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5apex.uc);
+ top rt z1r=(w,h-apex.uc)//;
+ bot lft z3l=(0,apex.uc);
+ multpos(1,3)(max(1,.98stem.uc),constant_angle(z1r,z3l,max(1,.98stem.uc)));
+ z43=(x1r,h);
+ z41=(x3l,0);
+ rt z14=(w,0);
+ lft z11=(.05w,h)//;
+ top y12r=h; bot y12l=bot y40=top y12r-max(1,.95thin_stem.uc);
+ bot y13l=0; top y13r=top y42=bot y13l+max(1,.95thin_stem.uc);
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l,40); y2l=notch_pos[y40,y3l];
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,42); y2r=notch_pos[y42,y1r];
+ good_x_for(12r)(z11,z43,.5)a;good_x_for(12l)(z11+(tip_thickness,0),z40,.5)b;
+ good_x_for(13l)(z41,z14,.5)c;good_x_for(13r)(z42,z14-(tip_thickness,0),.5)d;
+ ref1=z2l--z40--z12l; ref2=z2r--z42--z13r;
+ p1=(,z12l,z12r,.4as,tip_thickness,90)soft--
+ rightnotch.r(ref1,angle right,notch_length.uc)etchdown
+ soften(z2l,z3l,z41,z13l)
+ leftnotch.r(ref2,angle left,notch_length.uc)etchup
+ soften(z2r,z1r,z43) z12r)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,11,12,13,40,41,42,43);
+show_character; endchar;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52ac5325e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% ligatures with the "f" character
+% 5 characters; iff OK "f": for testing
+% Only the ff,fi,fl ligatures have a fixed pitch ligature.
+% The reason being that combining two stems might look reasonable; but
+% combining three stems would generally create the undesirable type of
+% darkness found in the lowercase m
+iff OK "f": "The ff ligature";
+ beginchar(11,(*width#+b_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ if mono=0: bot lft z4l=(round (.2r_w*width),0);
+ bot lft z14l=(round (x4l+n_w*,0);
+ else: bot lft z4l=(0,0); bot rt z14r=(w,0); fi
+ top z1l=(x4l,h)//; multpos(1,4,11,14)(,0);
+ top z11l=(x14l,h)//;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=max(xheight,.75xheight+(r_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r,22r); y2r=max(xheight,.75xheight+(l_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y12l=y2l; y12r=y2r;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y3l=y3r=y13l=y13r=x_bracket_h;
+ rt z16=(if mono<>0:w+abs(x14l-x4r)else:max(w,x14r+.95abs(x14l-x4r))fi,.99h)//;
+ rt z6=(x14l,y5r-y15r+y16)//;
+ save_num(knob)=min(bulb_thickness,.6(x16-x14r));
+ top y15r=bot[,maxheight]);
+ top y5r=inlimit(.9[xheight,])(,;
+ bot y5r;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z3l,z6,.5)a;
+ good_x_for(5l)(z3r,z6-(bulb_thickness,0),.5)b;
+ good_x_for(15r)(z13l,z16,.6)c;
+ good_x_for(15l)(z13r,z16-(knob,0),.6)d;
+ top rt z21=(w if mono<>0:+max(1,,xheight)//;
+ y22r=y21; multpos(22,23)(max(1,,90);
+ lft z23r=(0 if mono<>0:-max(1,,y21)//;
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.5hs)--z2r{upward} i_t
+,z5l,z5r,.75cs,bulb_thickness,90) o_t z2l{downward}--cycle;
+ p2=fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs)--z12r{upward} i_t
+,z15l,z15r,.75cs,knob,90) o_t z12l{downward}--cycle;
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*min(,serif_thickness));
+ p3=(,z22l,z22r,.15as,.25tip_thickness,90)
+ soften(z23r,z23l) z22l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,15,16,21,22,23);
+show_character; endchar;
+% This character is based on 2 "f"; the width is determined by the "n" width
+% plus the width of the single "f" minus one stem. The crossbar has been
+% extended. The right "f" should be like the single one; the top of the
+% left "f" extended to overlap the right one.
+% Placement of the curved arm on first "f" slightly altered
+iff OK "f": "The fi ligature";
+ beginchar(12,(n_w+.2r_w)*width#+b_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(round (.2r_w*width),0); multpos(1,4,11,14)(,0);
+ bot rt z14r=(w,0);
+ top z1l=(x4l,h)//;
+ top z11l=(x14l,xheight)//;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=max(xheight,.75xheight+(r_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2r=max(xheight,.75xheight+(l_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(11l,14l)(13l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(13r); y3l=y3r=y13l=y13r=x_bracket_h;
+ rt z6=(x14l,.5[y5r,y5l])//;
+ top y5r=bot;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z3l,z6,.5)a;
+ good_x_for(5l)(z3r,z6-(bulb_thickness,0),.5)b;
+ bot z21l=(0 if mono<>0:-max(1,,top y11l-max(1,;
+ z22r=z11l;
+ multpos(21,22)(max(1,,90);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*min(,serif_thickness));
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.5hs)--z2r{upward} i_t
+,z5l,z5r,.75cs,bulb_thickness,90) o_t z2l{downward}--cycle;
+ p2=(fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs) soften(z11r,z21r,z21l,z22l)
+ z13l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,13,14,21,22);
+show_character; endchar;
+% This character is based on the "f" and "i"; the width is determined
+% by the "n" width plus the width of the left part of the "f" arm.
+% Placement of the curved arm on the "f" slightly altered
+iff OK "f": "The fl ligature";
+ beginchar(13,(n_w+.2r_w)*width#+b_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(round (.2r_w*width),0); multpos(1,4,11,14)(,0);
+ bot rt z14r=(w,0);
+ top z1l=(x4l,h)//;
+ top z11r=(x14r,.98h)//;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=max(xheight,.75xheight+(r_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2r=max(xheight,.75xheight+(l_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(11l,14l)(13l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(13r); y3l=y3r=y13l=y13r=x_bracket_h;
+ top y5r=bot;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z3l,z11r,.5)a;
+ good_x_for(5l)(z3r,z11r-(bulb_thickness,0),.5)b;
+ top rt z21r=(x14,xheight)//; multpos(21,22)(max(1,,90);
+ lft z22r=(0 if mono<>0:-max(1,,y21r)//;
+ z23=.5[z21r,z22r];
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*min(,serif_thickness));
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.5hs)--z2r{upward} i_t
+,z5l,z5r,.75cs,bulb_thickness,90)soft o_t z2l{downward}--cycle;
+ p2=fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs)--z11r--z11l--cycle;
+ p3=(z23 soften(z21r,z21l,z22l,z22r) z23)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,13,14,21,22,23);
+show_character; endchar;
+% This character is based on the "f" and "l"; the width is determined
+% by the "n" width plus the width of the left part of the "f" arm.
+% Placement of the curved arm on the "f" slightly altered
+if mono=0: % skips these characters if monopitch
+iff OK "f": "The ffi ligature";
+ beginchar(14,(*width#,ascender#,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(round (.2r_w*width),0); multpos(1,4,11,14,21,24)(,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(round (x4l+n_w*,0);
+ bot lft z24l=(round (x14l+n_w*,0);
+ top z1l=(x4l,h)//;
+ top z11l=(x14l,h)//;
+ top z21l=(x24l,xheight)//;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=max(xheight,.75xheight+(r_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2r=max(xheight,.75xheight+(l_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y12l=y2l; y12r=y2r;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y3l=y3r=y13l=y13r=y23l=y23r=x_bracket_h;
+ onaline(21l,24l)(23l);
+ onaline(21r,24r)(23r);
+ rt z16=(x24l,.99h)//;
+ rt z6=(x14l,y5r-y15r+y16)//;
+ top y15r=bot[,maxheight]);
+ top y5r=inlimit(.9[xheight,])(,;
+ bot y5r;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z3l,z6,.5)a;
+ good_x_for(5l)(z3r,z6-(bulb_thickness,0),.5)b;
+ good_x_for(15r)(z13l,z16,.5)c;
+ good_x_for(15l)(z13r,z16-(bulb_thickness,0),.5)d;
+ bot z31l=(0,top y21l-max(1,;
+ z32r=z21l;
+ multpos(31,32)(max(1,,90);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*min(,serif_thickness));
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.5hs)--z2r{upward} i_t
+,z5l,z5r,.75cs,bulb_thickness,90) o_t z2l{downward}--cycle;
+ p2=fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs)--z12r{upward} i_t
+,z15l,z15r,.75cs,bulb_thickness,90) o_t z12l{downward}--cycle;
+ p3=(fullserif(z24,z21,z23l,z23r,.5hs,.75hs) soften(z21r,z31r,z31l,z32l)
+ z23l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,15,16,21,23,24,31,32);
+show_character; endchar;
+% This character is based on 2 "f" and an "i"; the width is
+% determined by 2 "n" widths plus the width of the single "f" minus two stems.
+% It's a combination of the "ff" and "fi" ligatures
+% Placement of the curved arm on first and second "f" slightly altered
+% No setting for fixed pitch
+iff OK "f": "The ffl ligature";
+ beginchar(15,(*width#,ascender#,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(round (.2r_w*width),0); multpos(1,4,11,14,21,24)(,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(round (x4l+n_w*,0);
+ bot lft z24l=(round (x14l+n_w*,0);
+ top z1l=(x4l,h)//;
+ top z11l=(x14l,h)//;
+ top z21l=(x24l,.98h)//;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=max(xheight,.75xheight+(r_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2r=max(xheight,.75xheight+(l_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y12l=y2l; y12r=y2r;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y3l=y3r=y13l=y13r=y23l=y23r=x_bracket_h;
+ onaline(21l,24l)(23l);
+ onaline(21r,24r)(23r);
+ rt z16=(x24,.99h)//;
+ rt z6=(x14l,y5r-y15r+y16)//;
+ top y15r=bot[,maxheight]);
+ top y5r=inlimit(.9[xheight,])(,;
+ bot y5r;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z3l,z6,.5)a;
+ good_x_for(5l)(z3r,z6-(bulb_thickness,0),.5)b;
+ good_x_for(15r)(z13l,z16,.5)c;
+ good_x_for(15l)(z13r,z16-(bulb_thickness,0),.5)d;
+ top rt z31r=(x24,xheight)//; multpos(31,32)(max(1,,90);
+ lft z32r=(0,y31r)//;
+ z33=.5[z31r,z32r];
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*min(,serif_thickness));
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.5hs)--z2r{upward} i_t
+,z5l,z5r,.75cs,bulb_thickness,90) o_t z2l{downward}--cycle;
+ p2=fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs)--z12r{upward} i_t
+,z15l,z15r,.75cs,bulb_thickness,90)soft o_t z12l{downward}--
+ cycle;
+ p3=fullserif(z24,z21,z23l,z23r,.5hs,.75hs)--z21r--z21l--cycle;
+ p4=(z33 soften(z31r,z31l,z32l,z32r) z33)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,15,16,21,22,23,24,31,32,33);
+show_character; endchar;
+% This character is based on 2 "f" and an "l"; the width is
+% determined by 2 "n" widths plus the width of the single "f" minus two stems.
+% It's a combination of the "ff" and "fl" ligatures
+% Placement of the curved arm on first and second "f" slightly altered
+% No setting for fixed pitch
+fi %*****closing for case if monopitch
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f4c9b66a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% ligatures and kerning information
+ligtable "'":"'"=:oct"042"; % single closed quote
+ligtable oct"140":oct"140"=:oct"134"; % single open quote
+ligtable "-":"-"=:oct"173"; % -- makes en dash
+ligtable oct"173":"-"=:oct"174"; % (en dash)+(-) makes em dash
+ligtable "f":"f"=:oct"013", "i"=:oct"014", "l"=:oct"015"; % fi,ff,fl ligatures
+ligtable oct"013":"i"=:oct"016", "l"=:oct"017"; % ffi,ffl ligatures
+K#:=-.08fitbasis.uc#; KK#:=-.16fitbasis.uc#; KKK#:=-.2fitbasis.uc#;
+% *** lowercase and lowercase ***
+ligtable "b":"o":"p":oct"034": "v" kern k#, "y" kern k#, "x" kern kk#;
+ligtable "e":"s":oct"032":oct"033": "v" kern k#, "y" kern k#, "x" kern kk#;
+ligtable "c":"r":"t": "a" kern k#, "c" kern k#, "d" kern k#, "e" kern k#,
+ "g" kern k#, "o" kern k#, "q" kern k#, "s" kern k#,
+ "v" kern k#, "x" kern k#, "y" kern k#,
+ oct"032" kern k#, oct"033" kern k#, oct"034" kern k#;
+ligtable "k":"v":"x":"y":"a" kern k#, "c" kern k#, "d" kern k#, "e" kern k#,
+ "g" kern k#, "o" kern k#, "q" kern k#,
+ oct"032" kern k#, oct"033" kern k#, oct"034" kern k#;
+ligtable "A": "U" kern K#, "X" kern K#,
+ "T" kern KK#, "V" kern KKK#, "Y" kern KKK#,
+ "w" kern k#, "v" kern kk#, "y" kern kk#;
+ligtable "C": "T" kern K#, "V" kern K#, "X" kern K#, "Y" kern K#,
+ oct"035" kern KK#, "v" kern k#, "y" kern k#;
+ligtable "D":"O":"Q":oct"037":
+ "T" kern K#, oct"035" kern KK#,
+ "A" kern K#, "V" kern KK#, "X" kern KK#, "Y" kern K#;
+ligtable "F":"U": "T" kern KK#, oct"035" kern KKK#;
+ligtable "L": "T" kern KK#, "V" kern KK#, "Y" kern KK#;
+ligtable "K": "C" kern K#, "G" kern K#, "O" kern K#, "Q" kern K#,
+ oct"036" kern K#, oct"037" kern K#,
+ "A" kern KK#, oct"035" kern KK#,
+ "a" kern k#, "c" kern k#, "d" kern k#, "e" kern k#,
+ "g" kern k#, "o" kern k#, "q" kern k#,
+ oct"032" kern k#, oct"033" kern k#, oct"034" kern k#;
+ligtable "P": "V" kern K#, "X" kern K#, "Y" kern K#, "A" kern KK#,
+ "." kern KK#, "," kern KK#, oct"035" kern KK#,
+ "a" kern kk#, "c" kern kk#, "d" kern kk#, "e" kern kk#,
+ "g" kern kk#, "o" kern kk#, "q" kern kk#, "s" kern kk#,
+ oct"032" kern kk#, oct"033" kern kk#, oct"034" kern kk#;
+ligtable "R": "a" kern k#, "c" kern k#, "d" kern k#, "e" kern k#,
+ "g" kern k#, "o" kern k#, "q" kern k#, "s" kern kk#,
+ oct"032" kern k#, oct"033" kern k#, oct"034" kern k#,
+ oct"035" kern KK#;
+ligtable "S":"W": oct"035" kern KKK#,
+ "v" kern kk#, "y" kern kk#;
+ligtable "T":"A" kern K#, "C" kern K#, "G" kern K#, "O" kern K#,
+ "Q" kern K#, "X" kern K#, "Y" kern K#, oct"035" kern KK#,
+ "m" kern k#, "n" kern k#, "p" kern k#, "r" kern k#, "u" kern k#,
+ "v" kern k#, "w" kern k#, "x" kern k#, "y" kern k#, "z" kern k#,
+ "a" kern kk#, "c" kern kk#, "d" kern kk#, "e" kern kk#,
+ "g" kern kk#, "o" kern kk#, "q" kern kk#, "s" kern kk#,
+ oct"032" kern kk#, oct"033" kern kk#, oct"034" kern kk#,
+ "." kern KK#, "," kern KK#;
+ligtable "V":"O" kern KK#, "Q" kern KK#, "A" kern KKK#,
+ oct"035" kern KKK#, oct"036" kern KK#, oct"037" kern KK#,
+ "m" kern k#, "n" kern k#, "p" kern k#, "r" kern k#, "u" kern k#,
+ "v" kern k#, "w" kern k#, "x" kern k#, "y" kern k#, "z" kern k#,
+ "a" kern kk#, "c" kern kk#, "d" kern kk#, "e" kern kk#,
+ "g" kern kk#, "o" kern kk#, "q" kern kk#, "s" kern kk#,
+ oct"032" kern kk#, oct"033" kern kk#, oct"034" kern kk#;
+ligtable "X":"C" kern K#, "G" kern K#, "O" kern K#, "Q" kern K#,
+ oct"036" kern K#, oct"037" kern K#, "A" kern KK#, oct"035" kern KK#;
+ligtable "Y":"C" kern KK#, "G" kern KK#, "O" kern KK#, "Q" kern KK#,
+ oct"036" kern KK#, oct"037" kern KK#,
+ "A" kern KKK#, oct"035" kern KKK#,
+ "a" kern kkk#, "c" kern kkk#, "d" kern kkk#, "e" kern kkk#,
+ "g" kern kkk#, "m" kern kkk#, "n" kern kkk#, "o" kern kkk#,
+ "p" kern kkk#, "q" kern kkk#, "r" kern kkk#, "s" kern kkk#,
+ "u" kern kkk#, "v" kern kkk#, "w" kern kkk#, "x" kern kkk#,
+ "y" kern kkk#, "z" kern kkk#,
+ oct"032" kern kkk#, oct"033" kern kkk#, oct"034" kern kkk#,
+ "i" kern kk#, "j" kern kk#, oct"020" kern kk#, oct"022" kern kk#;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09519de8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% numerals
+% 10 characters
+iff OK "0": "The number 0";
+ beginchar("0",num_width_c#+c_mono#,cap#,0);
+ if mono<>0:save circ; circ1=circ2=circ3=1.05; fi
+ top z1=(h_stress*w,h+ov_t.uc)//;
+ lft z2=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ bot z3=((1-h_stress)*w,-ov_b.uc)//;
+ rt z4=(w,v_stress*h)//;
+ circular_shape(y1,y3,x2,x4,minor_curve.uc,bowlstem.uc);
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "1": "The number 1";
+ beginchar("1",num_width_a#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(terminal_thickness)=max(.75thin_stem.uc,.3stem.uc);
+ bot z40=(.5w,0); multpos(1,4,40)(stem.uc,0);
+ lft x4l=round x40l; bot y4=0;
+ top z1=(x4,h)//;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=y3r=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2r=y2l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y3l);
+ y2l:=min(y2l,h-terminal_thickness-(stem.uc*sind max(25-.5oblique,0)));
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,1.25hs,1.25hs)--
+ terminalserif.l(z1,z4,z2l,z2r,1.5pt,max(25-.5oblique,0))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4);
+show_character; endchar;
+def character_points=
+iff OK "2": "The number 2";
+ beginchar(50+alt8,num_width_b#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ twotension:=10;
+ z1=(.05w,.9h)//;
+ rt z3r=(w,if inflection_two:.75h else:.7h fi)//;lft z3l=(z3r-(bowlstem.uc,0));
+ top y2r=bot y2l+max(1,major_curve.uc)=h+ov_t.uc;
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3r,.5)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1+(bulb_thickness,0),z3l,.5)b;
+ top lft z5l=(0,max(1,.9stem.uc))//;
+ z4l=.5[z5l,z3l];
+ bot lft z6l=(0,0); z6r=z6l+(0,apex.uc)//;
+ bot rt z8=(.95w,0);
+ bot y7l=top y7r-max(1,.9stem.uc)=0;
+ good_x_for(7l)(z6l,z8,.5)c; good_x_for(7r)(z5r,z8-(tip_thickness,0),.5)d;
+ ref1=(z6r-(0,max(1,.8thin_stem.uc)))
+ ..tension atleast twotension and 1..z3r{upward};
+ ref2=z3l{downward}..tension atleast 1 and twotension..z6r;
+ ref3=(-1,y7r)--(w,y7r);
+ ref4=z3l{downward}...z4l...z6r{downward}...z6l;
+ if inflection_two:
+ rt z5r=ref4 intersectionpoint ref3+(1.3thin_stem.uc,0); z4r=.5[z5r,z3r];
+ p1=(,z2l,z2r,cs,bulb_thickness,90)soft i_t
+ ref4 if softpath:)softjoin(z6l fi
+ z5r if softpath:)softjoin(z5r fi
+ {upward}..z4r...z3r{upward} o_t z2r{left})--cycle;
+ else:
+ rt z5r=ref1 intersectionpoint ref3;
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref3;
+ p1=(,z2l,z2r,cs,bulb_thickness,90)soft i_t
+ ref2 soften(z6r,z6l)
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z5r fi
+ --subpath(t1,infinity)of ref1 o_t z2r{left})--cycle;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
+ adjust(.5num_fit_b#+m_a*b_mfit#,.5num_fit_b#+m_a*b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def number_two=save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(inflection_two)t; testing_codes; character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(inflection_two)f; testing_codes; character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b;else:if inflection_two:a;else:b;fi fi
+ enddef;
+ number_two; save number_two;
+ def three_diagonal_top(expr addtocode)=
+iff OK "3": "The number 3";
+ beginchar(51+alt6+addtocode,num_width_b#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top z1=(0w,h)//;
+ lft z9=(0,.05h)//;
+ bot lft z10r=(.05w,-ov_b.uc)//;
+ pos10(minor_curve.uc,-90-oblique);
+ z5=if open_tail:(.2w,.57h)//;else:(.3w,.55h)//; fi
+ z3r=(round(.97w),h-apex.uc)//;
+ z40=(.97w,h)//;
+ x5r=x5+.45thin_stem.uc*(cosd (90-oblique));
+ x5l=x5r-.9thin_stem.uc*(cosd (90-oblique));
+ top y2r=bot y2l+max(1,.9stem.uc)=h;
+ top y6r=top y5r=round(y5+.45thin_stem.uc);
+ bot y6l=bot y5l=y5r-max(1,.9thin_stem.uc);
+ bot y8r=top y8l-minor_curve.uc=-ov_b.uc;
+ z4l=z5r;
+ if open_tail:rt z7r=(w,.65[y8r,y6r])//;
+ lft z7l=(x7r-stem.uc,.65[y8l,y6l]);
+ else:rt z7r=(w,v_stress[y8r,y6r])//;
+ lft z7l=(x7r-stem.uc,v_stress[y8l,y6l]); fi
+ numeric theta[],phi[],d[];
+ d1=thin_stem.uc;
+ theta1=angle(length(z3r-z5r) +-+ d1,d1);
+ phi1=angle(z3r-z5r)-theta1;
+ multpos(3,4)(thin_stem.uc,phi1-90);
+ onaline(3l,4l)(41); y41=y2l;
+ onaline(3r,4r)(42); y42=y5r;
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z40,.4)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1+(bulb_thickness,0),z41,.4)b;
+ good_x_for(6r)(z42,z7r,.2)c; good_x_for(6l)(z5l,z7l,.3)d;
+ good_x_for(8r)(z9,z7r,.4)e; good_x_for(8l)(z9+(bulb_thickness,0),z7l,.4)f;
+ p1=(,z2l,z2r,.5as,.5tip_thickness,90)soft
+ soften(z41,z5r,z5l) z6l{right} i_t z7l{downward} i_t
+ if open_tail:{-(dir (7*h/w))}z10l--z10r{dir(7*h/w)}
+,z8l,z8r,.75cs,.75bulb_thickness,90) fi
+ o_t z7r{upward} o_t z6r{left} soften(z42,z3r,z40) z2r)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,40,41,42);
+ adjust(.5num_fit_b#+m_a*b_mfit#,.5num_fit_b#+m_a*b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def three_round_top(expr addtocode)=
+iff OK "3": "The number 3";
+ beginchar(51+alt6+addtocode,num_width_b#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ z1=(.05w,.95h)//;
+ lft z9=(0,.05h)//;
+ bot lft z10r=(.05w,-ov_b.uc)//;
+ pos10(minor_curve.uc,-90-oblique);
+ z5=(.3w,.55h)//;
+ x5r=x5+.45thin_stem.uc*(cosd (90-oblique));
+ x5l=x5r-.9thin_stem.uc*(cosd (90-oblique));
+ top y2r=bot y2l+minor_curve.uc=h+ov_t.uc;
+ top y4r=top y5r=round(y5+.45thin_stem.uc);
+ bot y4l=bot y5l=y5r-max(1,.9thin_stem.uc);
+ y6=.75[y5l,y5r];
+ bot y8r=top y8l-major_curve.uc=-ov_b.uc;
+ rt z3r=(round(.97w),v_stress[y6,y2r])//;
+ lft z3l=(x3r-stem.uc,v_stress[y5r,y2l]);
+ if open_tail:rt z7r=(w,.65[y8r,y6])//;
+ lft z7l=(x7r-stem.uc,.65[y8l,y4l]);
+ else:rt z7r=(w,v_stress[y8r,y6])//;
+ lft z7l=(x7r-stem.uc,v_stress[y8l,y4l]); fi
+ z3=.5[z3l,z3r];
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3r,.5)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1+(bulb_thickness,0),z3l,.5)b;
+ good_x_for(4r)(z5r,z3l,.4)c; good_x_for(4l)(z5l,z7l,.4)d;
+ good_x_for(6)(z5,z3,.6)e;
+ good_x_for(8r)(z9,z7r,.4)g; good_x_for(8l)(z9+(bulb_thickness,0),z7l,.4)f;
+ p1=(,z2l,z2r,1.2cs,.75bulb_thickness,90)soft i_t
+ z3l{downward} i_t z4r{left} soften(z5r,z5l) z4l{right} i_t z7l{downward}
+ i_t if open_tail:{-(dir (7*h/w))}z10l--z10r{dir(7*h/w)}
+,z8l,z8r,.75cs,.75bulb_thickness,90) fi
+ o_t z7r{upward} o_t
+ z6{left}--(z6+(0,epsilon){right} o_t z3r{upward} o_t z2r{left}))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);
+ adjust(.5num_fit_b#+m_a*b_mfit#,.5num_fit_b#+m_a*b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef number_three=save first,second,third,fourth,addtocode;
+ addtocode:=-1;
+ vardef first=condition(diagonal_three)t; condition(open_tail)t;
+ testing_codes; three_diagonal_top(0); enddef;
+ vardef second=condition(diagonal_three)t; condition(open_tail)f;
+ testing_codes; three_diagonal_top(incr addtocode); enddef;
+ vardef third=condition(diagonal_three)f; condition(open_tail)t;
+ testing_codes; three_round_top(incr addtocode+alt7); enddef;
+ vardef fourth=condition(diagonal_three)f; condition(open_tail)f;
+ testing_codes; three_round_top(incr addtocode); enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:first;second;third;fourth;
+ elseif diagonal_three and open_tail:first;
+ elseif diagonal_three and (not open_tail):second;
+ elseif (not diagonal_three) and open_tail:third;
+ elseif (not diagonal_three) and (not open_tail):fourth; fi
+ enddef;
+ number_three; save number_three,three_diagonal_top,three_round_top;
+iff OK "4": "The number 4";
+ beginchar(52+alt10,num_width_e#+.5*(d_mono#+e_mono#),cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5minor_curve.uc);
+ top rt z11r=(round(.82w),h)//; multpos(11,13)(max(1,stem.uc),0);
+ rt z13r=(round(.82w),0);
+ bot lft z4l=(0,round(.2h))//; pos4(apex.uc,90-apex_angle);
+ onaline(11r,13r)(10r,12r,23,25);
+ onaline(11l,13l)(12l,20,22,24,26,27);
+ y12l=y12r=min(cap_bracket_h,y4l); y20=y11r-max(thin_stem.uc,.3stem.uc,1);
+ y10=if open_four:.75h else:h fi; y27=y10+thin_stem.uc-stem.uc;
+ y24=y25=y4l; top y23=bot y24+max(1,.9thin_stem.uc);
+ pos10(apex.uc,0-oblique);
+ z3l=z4r;
+ z1r=if open_four:(x13l,h-.5thin_stem.uc)// else:z20 fi; %z1r controls top of 4
+ multpos(1,2,3)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z1r,z3l,thin_stem.uc));
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,21); y21=y22=y23; y2r=notch_pos[y20,y21];
+ onaline(2l,3l)(28); y28=y11r; y26=.8[y22,y20];
+ rt z5=(w,y4l)//;
+ ref1=z26--z20--z2r;
+ if open_four:
+ p1=(z27--fullserif(z13,z11,z12l,z12r,.75hs,.75hs)
+ soften (z10r,z10) z27)--cycle;
+ p2=(,z23,z25,.15as,.25tip_thickness,90-arm_angle+.5oblique)
+ soften(z21,z1r,z1l,z4r,z4l) z25)--cycle;
+ else:
+ p1=(z2l soften(z4r,z4l,z24) fullserif(z13,z11,z12l,z12r,.75hs,.75hs)--z25
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z25 fi
+ soften(z23,z11r,z28) z2l)--cycle;
+ p1'=(upnotch(ref1,angle(z20-z22),notch_length.uc) soften(z21,z22) z26)
+ --cycle;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28);
+ .5num_fit_e#+m_ff*.5(d_mfit#+e_mfit#));
+show_character; endchar;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "5": "The number 5";
+ beginchar(53+alt6,num_width_b#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top z1=(.9w,h)//;
+ top z3l=(round .05w,h)//; multpos(3,5)(thin_stem.uc,0-oblique);
+ z5l=(round .05w,if open_tail:.6h else:.55h fi)//;
+ lft z9=(0,.05h)//;
+ bot lft z10r=(.05w,-ov_b.uc)//;
+ pos10(minor_curve.uc,-90-oblique);
+ top y2r=bot y2l+max(1,.9stem.uc)=h;
+ bot y4l=top y4r-max(1,.9thin_stem.uc)=bot y5l;
+ bot y8r=top y8l-minor_curve.uc=-ov_b.uc;
+ if open_tail:rt z7r=(w,.65[y8r,y4r])//;lft z7l=(x7r-stem.uc,.65[y8l,y4l]);
+ else:rt z7r=(w,v_stress[y8r,y4r])//;
+ lft z7l=(x7r-stem.uc,v_stress[y8l,y4l]); fi
+ onaline(3r,5r)(40,41); y40=y2l; y41=y4r;
+ good_x_for(2r)(z3l,z1,.5)a; good_x_for(2l)(z40,z1-(tip_thickness,0),.5)b;
+ good_x_for(4r)(z41,z7r,.4)c; good_x_for(4l)(z5l,z7l,.55)d;
+ good_x_for(8r)(z9,z7r,.4)e; good_x_for(8l)(z9+(bulb_thickness,0),z7l,.4)f;
+ if open_tail:
+ p1=(,z2l,z2r,.5as,.5tip_thickness,90)soft soften(z3l,z5l)
+ z4l{right} i_t z7l{downward} i_t
+ {-(dir (7*h/w))}z10l--z10r{dir(7*h/w)} o_t
+ z7r{upward} o_t z4r{left} soften(z41,z40) z2l)--cycle;
+ else:
+ p1=(,z2l,z2r,.5as,.5tip_thickness,90)soft soften(z3l,z5l)
+ z4l{right} i_t z7l{downward} i_t z8l{left} i_t
+ o_t z7r{upward} o_t z4r{left} soften(z41,z40) z2l)--cycle;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,40,41);
+ adjust(.5num_fit_b#+m_a*b_mfit#,.5num_fit_b#+m_a*b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef number_five= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(open_tail)t; testing_codes; character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(open_tail)f; testing_codes; character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if open_tail:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ number_five; save number_five;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "6": "The number 6";
+ beginchar(54+alt6,num_width_c#+c_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_pairs(good_dir);
+ top z0r=(.9w,h+ov_t.uc)//; pos0(max(1,.9minor_curve.uc),90+taper_angle);
+ z1=(.85w,.98h)//;
+ lft z3r=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//; rt z3l=z3r+(stem.uc,0);
+ top y2r=bot y2l+minor_curve.uc=h+ov_t.uc;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1-(bulb_thickness,0),.7)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1,.7)b;
+ bot y4r=top y4l-minor_curve.uc=-ov_b.uc;
+ y6r=y6l+max(1,round(.9minor_curve.uc))=.7h;
+ rt z5r=(w,v_stress[y4r,y6r])//;
+ lft z5l=(x5r-stem.uc,v_stress[y4r,y6r]);
+ good_x_for(4l)(z3l,z5l,.5)c; good_x_for(4r)(z3r,z5r,.5)d;
+ y100=(.5ductal)[y6l,y3l];
+ ref1=z4l{left} i_t z3l{upward} i_t if open_tail:z0l else: z2l{right} fi;
+ z7l=ref1 intersectionpoint ((0,y5r)..(w,y5r)//);
+ z7r=ref1 intersectionpoint ((0,y100)..(w,y100)//);
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes ((0,y100)..(w,y100)//);
+ good_x_for(6l)(z7l,z5l,.52)e; good_x_for(6r)(z7r,z5r,.5)f;
+ ref2=z6r{left}...z7r;
+ if (angle(direction 1 of ref2)<=-90-oblique)and
+ (angle(direction 1 of ref2)>=-180-oblique):good_dir7=(0,0);
+ else: good_dir7=dir(-90-oblique);fi
+ p1'=z6l{left} i_t z7l{downward} i_t z4l{right} i_t z5l{upward} i_t cycle;
+ p1=if open_tail:(z7r+(0,eps){upward} i_t z0l--z0r
+ else:(subpath(t1,infinity) of ref1--
+,z2l,z2r,.75cs,.75bulb_thickness,90)soft fi
+ o_t z3r{downward} o_t
+ z4r{right} o_t z5r{upward} o_t z6r{left}...z7r{good_dir7})--cycle;
+ showpoints(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7);
+ adjust(.5num_fit_c#+m_a*c_mfit#,.5num_fit_c#+m_a*c_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def number_six=save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(open_tail)t; testing_codes; character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(open_tail)f; testing_codes; character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b;else:if open_tail:a;else:b;fi fi
+ enddef;
+ number_six; save number_six;
+iff OK "7": "The number 7";
+ beginchar("7",num_width_b#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top z1=(0,h)//;
+ z3r=(w,h-apex.uc)//;
+ z40=(w,h)//;
+ z5l=(.05w,0);
+ z6=(x5l+bowlstem.uc,0);
+ top y2r=bot y2l+max(1,.9stem.uc)=h;
+ numeric theta[],phi[],d[];
+ d1=thin_stem.uc;
+ theta1=angle(length(z3r-z5l) +-+ d1,d1);
+ phi1=angle(z3r-z5l)-theta1;
+ multpos(3,5)(thin_stem.uc,phi1-90);
+ onaline(3l,5l)(4l,41); y41=y2l; y4l=.5[y5l,y41];
+ z4r=.5[z3r,z5r];
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z40,.5)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1+(tip_thickness,0),z41,.5)b;
+ p1=(,z2l,z2r,.5as,.75tip_thickness,90-arm_angle+oblique)soft--z41
+ if softpath:)softjoin( else:--fi
+ flex(z41,(z4l-(.05w,0)),z5l))softjoin(z5l--z6)softjoin
+ (flex(z6,(z4r-(.05w,0)),z3r))
+ if softpath:softjoin(z3r--z40)softjoin else:--fi (z40--z2r)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,40,41);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "8": "The number 8";
+ beginchar("8",num_width_c#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ bot z6r=(.5w,-ov_b.uc); top y6l=bot;
+ top z2l=(x6r,h+ov_t.uc)//; bot y2r=top;
+ z4=z8=.55[z6r,z2l];
+ rt z1l=(round(.95w),.5[y4,y2l])//; lft z1r=rt z1l-(,0);
+ lft z3l=(round(.05w),.5[y4,y2l])//; rt z3r=lft z3l+(,0);
+ z1=.5[z1l,z1r]; z3=.5[z3l,z3r];
+ rt z5r=(w,.5[y6r,y4])//; lft z5l=rt z5r-(,0); z5=.5[z5l,z5r];
+ lft z7r=(0,.5[y6r,y4])//; rt z7l=lft z7r+(,0); z7=.5[z7l,z7r];
+ good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1r,.5)a;
+ good_x_for(6l)(z7l,z5l,.5)b;
+ ref5=z3..z4..z5; ref6=z1..z8..z7;
+ pos4(max(1,,
+ (angle(postcontrol 1 of ref5-precontrol 1 of ref5))+90);
+ pos8(max(1,,
+ (angle(postcontrol 1 of ref6-precontrol 1 of ref6))+90);
+ ref1=z2r{left} i_t z3r{downward} i_t z4r o_t z5r{downward} o_t z6r{left};
+ ref2=z6r{left} o_t z7r{upward} o_t z8l i_t z1r{upward} i_t z2r{left};
+ ref3=z2l{right} o_t z1l{downward} o_t z8r i_t z7l{downward} i_t z6l{right};
+ ref4=z6l{right} i_t z5l{upward} i_t z4l o_t z3l{upward} o_t z2l{right};
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref2; (t3,t4)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref3;
+ (t5,t6)=ref3 intersectiontimes ref4; (t7,t8)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref4;
+ p1 =(subpath(0,t4-eps)of ref3)--(subpath(t3+eps,infinity)of ref1)--
+ (subpath(0,t7-eps)of ref2)--(subpath(t8+eps,infinity)of ref4)--cycle;
+ p1'=(subpath(0,t1-eps)of ref1)--(subpath(t2+eps,infinity)of ref2)--cycle;
+ p2'=(subpath(0,t6-eps)of ref4)--(subpath(t5+eps,infinity)of ref3)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,5,6,7,41,42,43,44);
+show_character; endchar;
+ def character_points=.
+iff OK "9": "The number 9";
+ beginchar(57+alt6,num_width_c#+c_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_pairs(good_dir);
+ bot z0r=(.1w,-ov_b.uc)//; pos0(max(1,.9minor_curve.uc),-90+taper_angle);
+ z1=(.15w,.02h)//;
+ rt z3r=(w,v_stress*h)//; lft z3l=z3r-(stem.uc,0);
+ bot y2r=top y2l-minor_curve.uc=-ov_b.uc;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1+(bulb_thickness,0),.7)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1,.7)b;
+ top y4r=bot y4l+minor_curve.uc=h+ov_t.uc;
+ y6r=y6l-max(1,round(.9minor_curve.uc))=.3h;
+ lft z5r=(0,(1-v_stress)[y4r,y6r])//;
+ rt z5l=(x5r+stem.uc,(1-v_stress)[y4r,y6r]);
+ good_x_for(4l)(z3l,z5l,.5)c; good_x_for(4r)(z3r,z5r,.5)d;
+ y100=(.5ductal)[y6l,y3l];
+ ref1=z4l{right} i_t z3l{downward} i_t if open_tail:z0l else:z2l{left} fi;
+ z7l=ref1 intersectionpoint ((0,y5r)..(w,y5r)//);
+ z7r=ref1 intersectionpoint ((0,y100)..(w,y100)//);
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes ((0,y100)..(w,y100)//);
+ good_x_for(6l)(z7l,z5l,.52)e; good_x_for(6r)(z7r,z5r,.5)f;
+ ref2=z6r{right}...z7r;
+ if (angle(direction 1 of ref2)<=90-oblique)and
+ (angle(direction 1 of ref2)>=-oblique):good_dir7=(0,0);
+ else: good_dir7=dir(90-oblique);fi
+ p1'=z6l{right} i_t z7l{upward} i_t z4l{left} i_t z5l{downward} i_t cycle;
+ p1 =if open_tail:(z7r-(0,eps){downward} i_t z0l--z0r
+ else:(subpath(t1,infinity) of ref1--
+,z2l,z2r,.75cs,.75bulb_thickness,90)soft fi
+ o_t z3r{upward} o_t
+ z4r{left} o_t z5r{downward} o_t z6r{right}...z7r{good_dir7})--cycle;
+ showpoints(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7);
+ adjust(.5num_fit_c#+m_a*c_mfit#,.5num_fit_c#+m_a*c_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def number_nine=save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(open_tail)t; testing_codes; character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(open_tail)f; testing_codes; character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b;else:if open_tail:a;else:b;fi fi
+ enddef;
+ number_nine; save number_nine;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c90139618a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% miscellaneous accents, ligatures and chars for foreign languages
+%19 characters; iff OK "x": for testing
+iff OK "x": "The letter i with no dot";
+ beginchar(oct"020",i_w*width#+a_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ bot z40=(if singlepitch:.65w else:.5w fi,0); multpos(1,4,40)(,0);
+ lft x4l=round x40l; bot y4=0;
+ z1=(x4,h)//;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=y3r=x_bracket_h;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2l=y2r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y3l);
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.75hs,.75hs)--
+ terminalserif.l(z1,z4,z2l,z2r,.5ts,x_terminal_angle)--cycle;
+ if singlepitch:pickup pencircle yscaled rotated -oblique;
+ lft top z12=(0,h); rt top z13=(x1,h);
+ draw z12--z13; showpoints(12,13);
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,40);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Exactly the came character as the lowercase "i", but with no dot
+iff OK "x": "The letter j with no dot";
+ beginchar(oct"021",j_w*width#+a_mono#,xheight#,descender#);
+ top rt z1r=(w,h)//; multpos(1,4)(,0);
+ rt z4r=(w,0);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=max(.25xheight,-d+(l_arch*(d+.25xheight)));
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y3r=max(.25xheight,-d+(r_arch*(d+.25xheight)));
+ onaline(1,4)(11); y11=y1+max(1,.2h); y2l=y2r=h-x_bracket_h;
+ lft z6=(0,-.95d)//;
+ save_num(knob)=min(bulb_thickness,.3*abs(x4l-x6));
+ bot y5r=top;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z6,z3r,.4)a; good_x_for(5l)(z6+(knob,0),z3l,.4)b;
+ p1=terminalserif.l(z1,z4,z2l,z2r,.5ts,x_terminal_angle)--z3l{downward} i_t
+,z5l,z5r,.5cs,knob,90) o_t z3r{upward}--cycle;
+ if singlepitch:pickup pencircle yscaled rotated -oblique;
+ lft top z12=(.2w,h); rt top z13=(x1,h);
+ draw z12--z13; showpoints(12,13);
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Exactly the came character as the lowercase "j", but with no dot
+iff OK "x": "Grave accent"; %******* .8 ACCENT WIDTH x 1 ACCENT DEPTH
+ beginchar(oct"022",.8accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+accent_depth#,0);
+ top rt z1=(0,h)//;
+ bot lft z2=(w,h-max(1,accent_depth))//;
+ p1=prime_accent(z1,z2,accent_thick_end,accent_thin_end);
+ showpoints(1,2);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "x": "Acute accent"; %******* .8 ACCENT WIDTH x 1 ACCENT DEPTH
+ beginchar(oct"023",.8accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+accent_depth#,0);
+ top rt z1=(w,h)//;
+ bot lft z2=(0,h-max(1,accent_depth))//;
+ p1=prime_accent(z1,z2,accent_thick_end,accent_thin_end);
+ showpoints(1,2);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "x": "Hachek accent"; %******* 1 ACCENT WIDTH x 2/3 ACCENT DEPTH
+ beginchar(oct"024",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+2/3accent_depth#,0);
+ save theta,adjustment;
+ top lft z1=(0,h)//;
+ bot z2l=bot z22=(.5w,h-max(1,2/3accent_depth))//;
+ rt z3=(w,y1)//;
+ pos2(.6[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end],90);
+ pos22(min(,,0-apex_angle);
+ if y2=y1: x1:=x1+eps; fi % keeps from division by 0 error on next line
+ if bold:theta1=theta3=0; adjustment=1/cosd (angle(z2-z1)+90);
+ else:theta1=angle(z1-z2)-90;theta3=angle(z3-z2)-90;adjustment=1; fi
+ pos1(accent_thin_end*adjustment,theta1);
+ pos3(accent_thin_end*adjustment,theta3);
+ onaline(1,2)(23); onaline(1l,22l)(21);
+ onaline(2,3)(21); onaline(22r,3r)(23);
+ p1=if realsoft_accents: (z2r soften(z1r,z1l) z21{z21-z1l}...
+ z23{z3r-z23} soften(z3r,z3l) z2r)--cycle;
+ else: (z2r soften(z1r,z1l,z22l,z22r,z3r,z3l) z2r)--cycle; fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,21,22,23);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Currently the angle of the accent is based on a varying "accent_depth"
+% The thetas are the angles at the ends, flattened for bold chars,
+% but theta could be an arbitrary value
+iff OK "x": "Breve accent"; %******* 1 ACCENT WIDTH x 2/3 ACCENT DEPTH
+ beginchar(oct"025",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+accent_depth#,0);
+ save theta,adjustment;
+ save_num(thickness)=.5[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end];
+ top lft z1l=(0,h)//;
+ bot z2l=(.5w,h-accent_depth)//;
+ rt z3r=(w,y1l)//;
+ pos2(thickness,90);
+ if y2l=y1l: x1l:=x1l+eps; fi % keeps from division by 0 error on next line
+ ref1=z1l...z2l{right}; ref2=z3r...z2l{right};
+ if bold:theta1=theta3=0; adjustment=1/cosd (angle(direction 0 of ref1)+90);
+ else:adjustment=1;
+ theta1=angle(direction 0 of ref1)+90;
+ theta3=angle(direction 0 of ref2)-90;fi
+ pos1(thickness*adjustment,theta1);
+ pos3(thickness*adjustment,theta3);
+ save_pair(end_dir)=if abs(y1l-y2l)>abs(x1l-x2l):upward else:(0,0) fi;
+ p1=(z2l{right}...z3r{end_dir}
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z3r--z3l)softjoin( else:-- fi
+ z3l{-end_dir}...z2r{left}...z1r{end_dir}
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z1r--z1l)softjoin( else:-- fi
+ z1l...z2l{right})--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Currently the angle of the accent is based on a varying "accent_depth"
+% The thetas are the angles at the ends, flattened for bold chars,
+% but theta could be an arbitrary value
+iff OK "x": "Macron accent"; %******* 1 ACCENT WIDTH x .5 ACCENT DEPTH
+ beginchar(oct"026",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+accent_depth#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.25[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end]);
+ lft z1=(0,h-.5accent_depth)//;
+ rt z3=(w,y1)//;
+ multpos(1,3)(.5[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end],90);
+ z2l=.5[z1l,z3l];
+ p1=(z2l soften(z3l,z3r,z1r,z1l) z2l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "x": "Circle accent"; %******* 1 ACCENT WIDTH x ACCENT DEPTH
+ beginchar(oct"027",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+accent_depth#,0);
+ save thickness;
+ thickness=min(.3[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end],.3*accent_depth-1);
+ z0=(.5w,h-.5*max(2,accent_depth))//;
+ top z1r=(x0,h); pos1(thickness,90);
+ bot z3r=(x0,round(h-max(2,accent_depth))); pos3(thickness,-90);
+ lft z2r=(round(x0-.5(y1r-y3r)),.5[y1r,y3r]); pos2(thickness,180);
+ rt z4r=(round(x0+.5(y1r-y3r)),y2r); pos4(thickness,0);
+ p1 =z1r{left} o_t z2r{downward} o_t z3r{right} o_t z4r{upward} o_t cycle;
+ p1'=z1l{left} i_t z2l{downward} i_t z3l{right} i_t z4l{upward} i_t cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "x": "Cedilla"; %******* 1 ACCENT WIDTH x .75 ACCENT DEPTH
+ beginchar(oct"030",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,0,descender#);
+ bot lft z1l=(.35w,-min(.75accent_depth,d))//;
+ multpos(1,3)(max(.15accent_depth,accent_thin_end),90-oblique);
+ lft z4r=(.5w,0)//; pos4(.25accent_depth,80-oblique);
+ rt z5r=lft z4r+(.5[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end],0);
+ z3l=z4l; pos5(accent_depth,80-oblique);
+ rt z2r=(w,.5[y1l,y3r])//; pos2(accent_thick_end,0);
+ ref1=z2r{upward}...z3{left};
+ z20=ref1 intersectionpoint (z5r--z5l);
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes (z5r--z5l);
+ p1=(subpath(0,t1)of ref1--z5r--z4r--z4l if softpath:)softjoin(z4l fi
+ --z3l{right}...z2l{downward}...z1r{left}
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z1r--z1l)softjoin( else:-- fi
+ z1l{right}...z2r{upward})--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "x": "The Double S Ligature or scharfes S";
+ beginchar(oct"031",b_w*width#+d_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*max(1,;
+ lft z1l=(0,xheight)//; multpos(1,4)(,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(0,0); y3l=y3r=x_bracket_h;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=max(xheight,.75xheight+(r_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2r=max(xheight,.75xheight+(l_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ top z10r=(.45w,; pos10(,90);
+ z13l=(.3[x3r,w],.55h)//; multpos(11,12,13)(1[,],0);
+ bot y16r=top;
+ z17l=(.2[x3r,w],y16l)//; pos17(,-90);
+ y17r:=max(0,y17r);
+ rt z15r=(w,.4[y16r,y13r])//; multpos(14,15)(,0);
+ good_x_for(16l)(z17l,z15l,.4)a; good_x_for(16r)(z17r,z15r,.5)b;
+ good_x_for(11l)(z13l,z15l,.5)c; y11l=.5[y13r,y10r];
+ z12=.5[z11,z13];
+ z14=.5[z13,z15];
+ p1=(terminalserif.l(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,0)soft--z2r{upward} i_t
+ z10l{right} i_t z11l{downward}...z12l... z13l{downward}...z14l...
+ z15l{downward} i_t z16l{left} i_t z17l
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z17l--z17r)softjoin( else:-- fi
+ z17r o_t z16r{right} o_t z15r{upward}...z14r...z13r{upward}...z12r...
+ z11r{upward} o_t z10r{left} o_t z2l{downward})--cycle;
+ p2=terminalserif.l(.5[z1l,z1],.5[z4l,z4],z3l,.5[z3l,z3r],.75hs,
+ x_terminal_angle)--cycle;
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*max(1,;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "x": "The ae ligature";
+ beginchar(oct"032",ae_w*width#+f_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*max(1,; % "e" part
+ bot rt z1r=
+ (if narrow_condition:w else:.95w fi,round(.6h-.65*;
+ pos1(max(1,,ebar_angle);
+ rt z3r=(round(if mono=0:a_w*width fi),.5h)//;
+ pos3(if narrow_condition:narrow_amt[,]
+ else:max(1, fi,0);
+ rt z5l=(w,.15h)//; pos5(max(1,,130-oblique);
+ top y2l=bot;
+ bot y4l=top;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1r,.6)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1l,.6)b;
+ good_x_for(4l)(z3l,z5l,.5)c; good_x_for(4r)(z3r,z5r,.5)d;
+ x4r:=min(x4r,;
+ onaline(1l,1r)(40); x40=x41=0;
+ z42=z1r+(max(1,,0)rotated(90+ebar_angle);
+ z42-z41=whatever*(z1r-z1l);
+ lft z109=(if narrow_condition:0 else:.05w fi,.9h)//; % "a" part
+ rt z114r=(round(if mono=0:a_w*width fi),0);
+ lft z114l=(rt x114r-max(1,,0);
+ z111r=(x114r,max(r_arch*h,y3r))//; pos111(max(1,,0);
+ top y110r=bot;
+ good_x_for(110r)(z109,z114r,min(.95,arch_reference+.1))e;
+ good_x_for(110l)(z109,z114l,arch_inner_amt)f;
+ x110l:=max(x110l,;
+ onaline(111l,114l)(101l,101r);
+ y101r=y101l+max(1,;
+ lft z103l=(0,.35[,y101r])//;
+ rt z103r=(lft x103l+if narrow_condition:narrow_amt[,]
+ else:max(1, fi,max(.4[,y101r],;
+ y102=.75y101r; good_x_for(102)(z103l,z101r,.4)g;
+ % "e" part
+ ref1=z2r{right}..tension atleast .8 .. z1l{downward}; % inner right ref path
+ ref2=z5r i_t z4r{left} i_t z3r{upward} i_t z2r{right}; % inner left ref path
+ ref3=z1r--z40; % outer bar ref path
+ ref4=z41--z42; % inner bar ref path
+ ref5=z2l{left} o_t_c z3l{downward} o_t_c z4l{right};
+ ref6=z4l{left} o_t_c z3l{upward};
+ (t1,t2)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref3; z20=ref2 intersectionpoint ref3;
+ (t3,t4)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref4; z21=ref2 intersectionpoint ref4;
+ (t5,t6)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref4; z22=ref1 intersectionpoint ref4;
+ ref101=z3r{upward}...z111r{upward} o_t_c
+ z105=(xpart point.5of ref6,ypart point.5of;
+ ref103=(0,y101l)--(w,y101l)//;
+ (t7,t8) =ref5 intersectiontimes ref101;
+ (t9,t10) =ref5 intersectiontimes ref103;
+ (t11,t12)=ref5 intersectiontimes reverse ref102;
+ (t13,t14)=ref6 intersectiontimes ref102;
+ p1=(subpath(t8,infinity)of ref101 i_t z111l--
+ z101r{z102-z101r}...z103l{downward}--
+ subpath(0,t14)of ref102-- subpath(t13,0)of ref6 o_t_c z5l
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z5l--z5r)softjoin( else:-- fi
+ subpath(0,t1)of ref2--z20 if softpath:)softjoin(z20 fi
+ --z1r)softjoin(z1r{upward}..tension atleast .8 .. z2l{left}--
+ subpath(0,t7)of ref5)--cycle;
+ p1'=subpath(0,t5)of ref1--z22-(eps,0)--z21+(eps,0)-- % eye of "e"
+ subpath(t3,infinity)of ref2--cycle;
+ p2'=subpath(0,t12)of reverse ref102-- % eye of "a"
+ subpath(t11-eps,t9+eps)of ref5{z102-z101r}...cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,20,21,22,40,41,42,101,102,103,105,106,109,110,111,114);
+show_character; endchar;
+% There's still an intersection problem with this, but it seems to work for now
+% Based on the lowercase "a" and "e"
+iff OK "x": "The oe ligature";
+ beginchar(oct"033",oe_w*width#+f_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*max(1,;
+ top; bot y11l=top; % "o" part
+ bot; top y13l=bot;
+ lft z12r=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ rt z12l=(lft,(1-v_stress)*h);
+ rt z14r=(if mono=0:oo_w*width fi,.5h)//;
+ lft z14l=(round(x14r-if narrow_condition:narrow_amt[,]
+ else:max(1, fi),.5h);
+ good_x_for(11r)(z12r,z14r,.53)a; good_x_for(11l)(z12l,z14l,.47)b;
+ good_x_for(13r)(z12r,z14r,.47)c; good_x_for(13l)(z12l,z14l,.53)d;
+ p1 =z11r{left} o_t_c z12r{downward} o_t_c z13r{right} o_t_c
+ z14r{upward} o_t_c cycle;
+ p1'=z11l{left} i_t z12l{downward} i_t z13l{right} i_t z14l{upward} i_t cycle;
+ bot rt z1r= % "e" part
+ (if narrow_condition:w else:.95w fi,round(.6h-.65*;
+ z3l=z14l; z3r=z14r;
+ pos1(if narrow_condition:w_narrow_amt[,]
+ else:max(1, fi,ebar_angle);
+ rt z5l=(w,.15h)//; pos5(max(1,,130-oblique);
+ top y2l=bot;
+ bot y4l=top;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1r,.6)e; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1l,.6)f;
+ good_x_for(4l)(z3l,z5l,.5)g; good_x_for(4r)(z3r,z5r,.5)h;
+ x4r:=min(x4r,;
+ onaline(1l,1r)(40); x40=x41=0;
+ z42=z1r+(max(1,,0)rotated(90+ebar_angle);
+ z42-z41=whatever*(z1r-z1l);
+ ref1=z2r{right}..tension atleast .8 ..z1l{downward}; % inner right ref path
+ ref2=z5r i_t z4r{left} i_t z3r{upward} i_t z2r{right}; % inner left ref path
+ ref3=z1r--z40; % outer bar ref path
+ ref4=z41--z42; % inner bar ref path
+ z20=ref2 intersectionpoint ref3; (t1,t2)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref3;
+ z21=ref2 intersectionpoint ref4; (t3,t4)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref4;
+ z22=ref1 intersectionpoint ref4; (t5,t6)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref4;
+ p2 =(z2l{left} o_t_c z3l{downward} o_t_c z4l{right} o_t_c z5l
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z5l--z5r)softjoin( else:-- fi
+ subpath(0,t1)of ref2--z20 if softpath:)softjoin(z20 fi
+ --z1r)softjoin(z1r{upward}..tension atleast .8 ..z2l{left})--cycle;
+ p2'=subpath(0,t5)of ref1--z22-(eps,0)--z21+(eps,0)-- % eye of "e"
+ subpath(t3,infinity)of ref2--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14,20,21,22,40,41,42);
+show_character; endchar;
+% This character is based on the "o" and the "e". The center curved stem
+% has been decreased a bit and the center reference points are made to
+% coincide and keep a constant height of .5h. The rightmost point of the
+% "e" has been extended to w from .95w
+iff OK "x": "The lowercase o with slash";
+ beginchar(oct"034",oo_w*width#+d_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ top z1=(h_stress*w,h+ov_t.uc)//; % circle
+ lft z2=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ bot z3=((1-h_stress)*w,-ov_b.uc)//;
+ rt z4=(w,v_stress*h)//;
+ circular_shape(y1,y3,x2,x4,,; % circle
+ pickup slashpen rotated angle((.95w,h)//-(.05w,0)//); % slash
+ top rt z11=(.95w,1.1h)//;
+ bot lft z12=(.05w,-.1h)//;
+ draw z11--z12;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,11,12);
+show_character; endchar;
+% This is just a lowercase "o" with a slash added
+% Only y1/y3 and x2/x4 values actually used; the points are put in for proofs
+iff OK "x": "The AE ligature";
+ beginchar(oct"035",AE_w*width#+f_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_bool(nonotch):=if(cap<40):true else:false fi; % if real low res
+ bot lft z14l=(2/3*A_w*width+.5f_mono,0); % E part
+ top z11l=(x14l,h)//;
+ multpos(11,14)(if narrow_condition:narrow_amt
+ else:1 fi[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc],0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(13l,40,42,43); y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,4,4l,4r,6); y40=y2r-max(thin_stem.uc,.3stem.uc,1);
+ top y2r=h;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-max(1,.95thin_stem.uc);
+ top rt z3=(if narrow_condition:w else:.95w fi,h)//;
+ bot y7l=0;
+ bot rt z8=(w,0);
+ top y6=top y7r=bot y7l+max(1,.97thin_stem.uc);
+ y4=.55h;
+ top y4r=bot y4l+max(1,.9thin_stem.uc)=top y5r=round(y4+.45thin_stem.uc);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3,.6)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3,.6)b;
+ good_x_for(7r)(z6,z8,.6)c; good_x_for(7l)(z6,z8,.6)d;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z4,z3,.8)e;
+ z21r=z40; % A part
+ bot lft z23l=(0,0);
+ multpos(21,23)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z21r,z23l,thin_stem.uc));
+ onaline(21l,23l)(22l); y41=y42=round(.33y21); y22l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(21r,23r)(22r,41,44); y43=y44=y41+max(1,.7thin_stem.uc);% bar height
+ onaline(21,23)(20,24); top y20=h; y22r=min(y41,y22l); bot y24=0;
+ ref1=z43--z40--z44;
+ p1=(,z7r,z7l,.5as,.75tip_thickness,90-arm_angle)soft soften(z6,z4l)
+,z4l,z4r,.15as,.25tip_thickness,90) soften(z4r,z1)
+ leftserif(z20,z23,z22l,z23r,.1hs)--
+ fullserif.l(z24,z21,z22l,z22r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z41,z42)
+ leftserif(z14,z11,z13l,z11r,.1hs))..cycle;
+ p1'=upnotch(ref1,angle(z40-z43),notch_length.uc)etchright--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12,13,14,20,21,22,23,24,40,41,42,43,44);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Based on the E and the left stem of the A; shortened serif on E
+iff OK "x": "The OE ligature";
+ beginchar(oct"036",OE_w*width#+f_mono#,cap#,0);
+ if singlepitch:save circ; circ1=circ2=circ3=.75; fi
+ rt z14r=(round(if mono=0:O_w*width fi),0)//;
+ top z11l=(x14l,h)//; % E part
+ multpos(11,14)(if narrow_condition:.9%********narrow_amt
+ else:1 fi[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc],0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l,24l,25l); y13l=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,4,4l,4r,6,24r,25r); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ top y2r=h; y24l=y24r=.35h; y25l=y25r=h-y24l;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-max(1,.95thin_stem.uc);
+ top rt z3=(if narrow_condition:w else:.95w fi,h)//;
+ bot y7l=0;
+ bot rt z8=(w,0);
+ top y6=top y7r=bot y7l+max(1,.97thin_stem.uc);
+ y4=.55h;
+ top y4r=bot y4l+max(1,.9thin_stem.uc)=top y5r=round(y4+.45thin_stem.uc);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3,.6)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3,.6)b;
+ good_x_for(7r)(z6,z8,.6)c; good_x_for(7l)(z6,z8,.6)d;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z4,z3,.8)e;
+ top y21r=bot y21l+minor_curve.uc=h; % O part
+ bot y23r=top y23l-minor_curve.uc=0;
+ lft z22r=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ rt z22l=(lft x22r+bowlstem.uc,(1-v_stress)*h);
+ good_x_for(21r)(z22r,z24r,h_stress)f;good_x_for(21l)(z22l,z24l,(1-h_stress))g;
+ good_x_for(23r)(z22r,z24r,(1-h_stress))h;good_x_for(23l)(z22l,z24l,h_stress)i;
+ p1=(leftserif(z14,z11,z13l,z11r,eps)..
+,z7r,z7l,.5as,.75tip_thickness,90-arm_angle)soft soften(z6,z4l)
+,z4l,z4r,.15as,.25tip_thickness,90) soften(z4r,z1)
+ leftserif(z11,z14,z12l,z14r,eps))--cycle;
+ p2 =z21r{left} o_t z22r{downward} o_t z23r{right} o_t z24r{upward} o_t
+ z25r{upward} o_t cycle;
+ p2'=z21l{left} i_t z22l{downward} i_t z23l{right} i_t z24l{upward} i_t
+ z25l{upward} i_t cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,25);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Takes the O and E and overlaps them; thins right curve of the O;
+% shortens the serifs on the E
+iff OK "x": "The uppercase O with slash";
+ beginchar(oct"037",O_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ if singlepitch:save circ; circ1=circ2=circ3=.75; fi
+ top z1=(h_stress*w,h+ov_t.uc)//; % circle
+ lft z2=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ bot z3=((1-h_stress)*w,-ov_b.uc)//;
+ rt z4=(w,v_stress*h)//;
+ circular_shape(y1,y3,x2,x4,minor_curve.uc,bowlstem.uc); % circle
+ pickup slashpen rotated angle((.95w,h)//-(.05w,0)//); % slash
+ top rt z11=(.95w,1.1h)//;
+ bot lft z12=(.05w,-.1h)//;
+ draw z11--z12;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,11,12);
+show_character; endchar;
+% This is just an uppercase "O" with a slash added
+% Only y1/y3 and x2/x4 values actually used; the points are put in for proofs
+iff OK "x": "Circumflex accent"; %******* 1 ACCENT WIDTH x 2/3 ACCENT DEPTH
+ beginchar(oct"136",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+2/3accent_depth#,0);
+ save theta,adjustment;
+ bot lft z1=(0,h-max(1,2/3accent_depth))//;
+ top z2l=top z22=(.5w,h)//;
+ rt z3=(w,y1)//;
+ pos2(.6[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end],-90);
+ pos22(min(,,0-apex_angle);
+ if y2=y1: x1:=x1+eps; fi % keeps from division by 0 error on next line
+ if bold:theta1=theta3=180; adjustment=1/cosd (angle(z2-z1)+90);
+ else:theta1=angle(z1-z2)+90;theta3=angle(z3-z2)+90; adjustment=1; fi
+ pos1(accent_thin_end*adjustment,theta1);
+ pos3(accent_thin_end*adjustment,theta3);
+ onaline(1,2)(23); onaline(1l,22l)(21);
+ onaline(2,3)(21); onaline(22r,3r)(23);
+ p1=if realsoft_accents: (z2r soften(z1r,z1l) z21{z21-z1l}...
+ z23{z3r-z23} soften(z3r,z3l) z2r)--cycle;
+ else: (z2r soften(z1r,z1l,z22l,z22r,z3r,z3l) z2r)--cycle; fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,21,22,23);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Currently the angle of the accent is based on a varying "accent_depth"
+% The thetas are the angles at the ends, flattened for bold chars,
+% but theta could be an arbitrary value
+iff OK "~": "Tilde accent"; %******* 1 ACCENT WIDTH x .75 ACCENT DEPTH
+ beginchar(oct"176",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+.75accent_depth#,0);
+ save_pairs(end_dir);
+ top z2r=(.22w,h)//;
+ bot z4l=(.78w,h-.75accent_depth)//;
+ multpos(2,4)(.75[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end],90-oblique);
+ pos3(.75[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end],85-oblique);
+ % controls mid-width if angle<>90
+ z3=.5[z2,z4];
+ lft z1r=(0,y4l)//;
+ rt z5l=(w,y2r)//;
+ end_dir1=if abs(y2r-y1r)>abs(x2r-x1r):upward else:(0,0) fi;
+ end_dir2=if abs(y5l-y4l)>abs(x5l-x4l):upward else:(0,0) fi;
+ ref1=z1r{end_dir1}...z2r{right};
+ ref2=z4l{right}...z5l{end_dir2};
+ pos1(accent_thin_end,(angle direction 0 of ref1)+90);
+ pos5(accent_thin_end,(angle direction 1 of ref2)+90);
+ p1=(z2l{right}...z3l...z4l{right}...z5l{end_dir2}
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z5l--z5r)softjoin( else:-- fi z5r{-end_dir2}
+ ...z4r{left}...z3r...z2r{left}...z1r{-end_dir1}
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z1r--z1l)softjoin( else:-- fi z1l{end_dir1}
+ ...z2l{right})--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "x": "Umlaut (German) or double dot accent";
+ beginchar(oct"177",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+2/3accent_depth#,0);
+ save_num(dot_size)=min(accent_dot_diameter,.5w-1);
+ lft z1=(0,h-.5dot_size)//;
+ rt z2=(w,h-.5dot_size)//;
+ p1=dot.l(z1,dot_size);
+ p2=dot.r(z2,dot_size);
+ showpoints(1,2);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+% no slant of shape with obliqueness
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51837b21bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% a base file which contains the macros used for creating Pandora
+%*****MAJOR CHARACTER PART MACROS**************************************
+boolean its_a_leftserif; % in horizontal serif macro
+vardef full_serif_points@#(expr A,B,Bl,Br,leftlength,rightlength)=
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5serif_thickness);
+ (z1-B)=whatever*(A@#-B@#); % makes center ref line
+ (z1l-Bl)=whatever*(A@#-B@#); % makes parallel ref line on left
+ (z1r-Br)=whatever*(A@#-B@#); % makes parallel ref line on right
+ y2=y2l=y2r=ypart A; % base of serif
+ y1=y1l=y1r=y3=y4=ypart A if ypart A>ypart B:-else:+fi serif_thickness;
+ % puts serif_thickness between A and B
+ x5=x2=.5[x1l,x1r]; % puts entasis at mid-base and makes it
+ y5=entasis[y2l,y1l]; % a proportion of the serif_thickness
+ if its_a_leftserif:x3=x2l=x1l-round(leftlength+serif_constant_amt);
+ else:x4=x2r=x1r+round(rightlength+serif_constant_amt); fi
+vardef leftserif@#(expr A,B,Bl,Br,alength)=its_a_leftserif:=true; % left serif
+ save x,y,p; path p[];
+ full_serif_points@#(A,B,Bl,Br,alength,0);
+ p0:=Bl{z1l-Bl} if ctrls:..controls(onstem[z1l,Bl])and(onbase[z1l,z3])..
+ {z3-z1l}z3; % the bracket curve
+ if midbracket_pull<>0:
+ z3'l=z1l; pos3'(alength+5pt,.5[angle(B-A),if ypart A>ypart B:-fi 180]);
+ z8'=p0 intersectionpoint (z3'l--z3'r); % z3'l--z3'r bisects bracket
+ z8=(midbracket_pull-eps)[z8',z1l];fi % bracket pulled in at z8
+ if ypart A>ypart B:reverse fi
+ ((if midbracket_pull=0:p0 else:Bl{z1l-Bl}...z8...{z3-z1l}z3 fi
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z3--z2l)softjoin(else:--fi z2l..z5{right}))
+vardef rightserif@#(expr A,B,Bl,Br,alength)=its_a_leftserif:=false;% right serif
+ save x,y,p; path p[];
+ full_serif_points@#(A,B,Bl,Br,0,alength);
+ p4:=z4{z1r-z4} if ctrls:..controls(onbase[z1r,z4])and(onstem[z1r,Br])..
+ {Br-z1r}Br; % the bracket curve
+ if midbracket_pull<>0:
+ z4'l=z1r; pos4'(alength+5pt,.5[angle(B-A),0]);
+ z9'=p4 intersectionpoint (z4'l--z4'r); % z4'l--z4'r bisects bracket
+ z9=(midbracket_pull-eps)[z9',z1r];fi % bracket pulled in at z9
+ if ypart A>ypart B:reverse fi
+ ((z5{right}..z2r if softpath:)softjoin(z2r--z4)softjoin(else:--fi
+ if midbracket_pull=0:p4 else:z4{z1r-z4}...z9...{Br-z1r}Br fi))
+vardef fullserif@#(expr A,B,Bl,Br,leftlength,rightlength)= % full serif
+ save x,y,p; path p[];
+ p1=rightserif(A,B,Bl,Br,rightlength); p2=leftserif(A,B,Bl,Br,leftlength);
+ if ypart A>ypart B:(p1--p2)else:(p2--p1)fi
+ vardef terminalserif@#(expr A,B,Bl,Br,tip_length,base_angle)suffix$=
+ save x,y,join_radius,aleft,atop,arc,ball,heel,midbracket_point,tip,p;
+ boolean aleft,atop; pair arc,ball,heel,midbracket_point,tip; path p[];
+ aleft=(str@#="l"); atop=(ypart A>ypart B);
+ heel- if aleft:Br else:Bl fi =whatever*(A-B);
+ heel=A+(whatever,0)rotated(if not aleft:180+ fi base_angle);
+ ball- if aleft:Bl else:Br fi =whatever*(A-B); ball=whatever[heel,A];
+ z0=A if atop:-else:+fi(0,terminal_thickness) rotated base_angle;
+ % z0 added for cases of small terminal_thickness and length
+ z2=whatever[ball,if aleft:Bl else:Br fi]; (z0-z2)=whatever*(ball-A);
+ % terminal_thickness and stem intersection when no bracket
+ z1=z2+(tip_length+serif_constant_amt,0)rotated angle(ball-A);
+ % z1 is an inner tip point
+ tip=whatever[heel,ball]; z1-tip=whatever*(z0-A);
+ % places tip on base by an amount past the stem
+ z3=heel if str$="soft":+(terminal_softness+1,0)rotated angle(tip-heel)fi;
+ arc=.5[z3,tip]+(terminal_entasis*terminal_thickness,0)rotated angle(B-A);
+ if aleft:z5=Bl; z6=Br; else:z5=Br; z6=Bl;fi
+ p1=z5{ball-z5} if ctrls:
+ ..controls(onstem[z2,z5])and(onbase[z2,(-eps)[z1,tip]])..
+ {z1-z2}(-eps)[z1,tip]--z1;
+ join_radius:=min(terminal_softness,abs(heel-z3),.5abs(heel-z6));
+ p2=(arc{heel-tip}...z3{heel-tip}...{heel-tip}heel
+ if str$="soft":)softjoin(heel fi --z6);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5terminal_thickness);
+ if midbracket_pull<>0:
+ bisecting_angle:=if aleft and(sign(angle(B-A))<>sign(angle(ball-A))):
+ 180+fi .5[angle(B-A),angle(ball-A)];
+ % this angle bisects the inner angle/area of the bracket
+ z4=z2+(tip_length+5pt+serif_constant_amt,0)rotated bisecting_angle;
+ % sets point z4 for a reference path along bisecting angle
+ midbracket_point=(z2--z4)intersectionpoint p1;
+ % midbracket_point intersects the reference path along the
+ % bisecting angle and the reference path of the bracket
+ z9=(midbracket_pull-eps)[midbracket_point,z2];
+ % the final path goes through z9, which gives the amount of
+ % "pull" toward the point where the stem meets the terminal
+ fi % base with no bracketing
+ if atop=aleft:reverse fi
+ ((if midbracket_pull=0:p1
+ else:z5{ball-z5}...z9...{z1-z2}(-eps)[z1,z2]--z1 fi
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z1--tip)softjoin(else:--fi
+ tip..arc{heel-tip}--p2))
+ vardef arm@# % uses @#strings of tl,tr,bl,br
+ (expr heel,inner_ref,outer_ref,tip_length,tipthickness,base_angle)suffix$=
+ save x,y,innertip,outertip,toward,control_point,tip_direction,midbase,section;
+ pair innertip,outertip,toward,control_point,tip_direction,midbase;
+ path section[]; % separate parts of path for different join_radii
+ save_bool(atop)=((str@#="tr")or(str@#="tl"));
+ save_bool(curvedarm)=(atop and (ypart outer_ref>ypart heel)) or
+ ((not atop) and (ypart outer_ref<ypart heel));
+ toward=(xpart heel-xpart outer_ref,0); % direction going toward the heel
+ tip_direction=dir(base_angle if atop:+180 fi-oblique);
+ z0=whatever[heel,heel+eps*tip_direction]; y0=ypart inner_ref;
+ outertip=if not curvedarm:z0+(tip_length,0)
+ else:heel+(max(tip_length,abs(z0-heel)),0) fi rotated angle tip_direction;
+ midbase=.5[outertip,heel];
+ innertip=outertip+tipthickness*
+ dir(base_angle+if((str@#="tl")or(str@#="bl")):- else:+fi 90-oblique);
+ control_point-innertip=whatever*(heel-outertip);
+ control_point=whatever[inner_ref,z0];
+ save_num(join_radius)=
+ min(.5abs(outertip-heel),abs(heel-outer_ref),arm_softness);
+ section1=(midbase--heel)softjoin(heel...outer_ref{-toward});
+ section2=
+ (inner_ref{toward}
+ if curvedarm:...
+ if abs(innertip-control_point)>abs(inner_ref-control_point):
+ if atop:{downward} else:{upward} fi fi
+ else:..controls(onstem[control_point,inner_ref])and
+ (onbase[control_point,innertip])..{outertip-heel} fi
+ innertip if softpath:)softjoin(innertip--outertip)softjoin( else:--fi
+ outertip--midbase);
+ if ((str@#="tl")or(str@#="br")):reverse fi (section2--section1)
+vardef bulb@# % like arm
+ (expr heel,inner_ref,outer_ref,tip_length,tipthickness,base_angle)suffix$=
+ save x,y,athickness,alength,bulb_taper_angle; z0=heel;
+ if bulbs: save_bool(softpath)=true; fi
+ if bulb_taper:athickness=1; bulb_thickness:=athickness;
+ bulb_taper_angle=base_angle
+ if((str@#="tr")or(str@#="bl")):-else:+fi taper_angle;
+ alength=if (<>0)or(c_and_s.uc<>0):max else:min fi
+ (abs(ypart outer_ref-ypart inner_ref),tip_length);
+ else:athickness=tipthickness;alength=tip_length;bulb_taper_angle=base_angle;fi
+ arm@#(z0,inner_ref,outer_ref,alength,athickness,bulb_taper_angle)$
+ vardef shortarm@#(expr AA,BB,CC,D,E,F)suffix$= % short form inspired by DEK
+ save x,y,GG,HH,II,JJ,KK,LL,M; pair GG,HH,II,JJ,KK,LL; path M[];
+ save_bool(N)=((str@#="tr")or(str@#="tl"));
+ save_bool(O)=(N and(ypart CC>ypart AA))or((not N)and(ypart CC<ypart AA));
+ II=(xpart AA-xpart CC,0); % direction going II the AA
+ KK=dir(F if N:+180 fi-oblique);
+ z0=whatever[AA,AA+eps*KK]; y0=ypart BB;
+ HH=if not O:z0+(D,0)else:AA+(max(D,abs(z0-AA)),0)rotated angle KK;
+ LL=.5[HH,AA];
+ GG=HH+E*dir(F+if((str@#="tl")or(str@#="bl")):- else:+fi 90-oblique);
+ JJ-GG=whatever*(AA-HH); JJ=whatever[BB,z0];
+ join_radius:=min(.5abs(HH-AA),abs(AA-CC),arm_softness);
+ M1=(LL--AA)softjoin(AA...CC{-II});
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5E);
+ M2=(BB{II} if O:...if abs(GG-JJ)>abs(BB-JJ):if N:{downward}else:{upward} fi fi
+ else:..controls(onstem[JJ,BB])and(onbase[JJ,GG])..{HH-AA} fi
+ GG if softpath:)softjoin(GG--HH)softjoin( else:-- fi HH--LL);
+ if ((str@#="tl")or(str@#="br")):reverse fi (M2--M1)
+% limiting directions for the joining point of the arch to the assumed stem
+vardef archlimit@#(expr p)= % limits dir at point 1 of path upward or downward
+ save a,b; pair b; b=(direction 1 of p); a=angle(b)+oblique;
+ if (tr and((a<-180)or(-90<a)))or(tl and((a<-90)or(0<a))):downward
+ elseif (bl and((a<0)or(90<a)))or(br and((a<90)or(180<a))):upward
+ else: b fi
+ enddef;
+vardef neg_archlimit@#(expr p)=dir(180+angle(archlimit@#(p))) enddef;
+vardef arch@#(expr inner_tip_pt,yy,inner_stem_pt,outer_stem_pt)suffix$=
+ save x,y,tl,bl,tr,br,pp; boolean tl,bl,tr,br; path pp[];
+ tl=(str@#="tl"); tr=(str@#="tr"); bl=(str@#="bl"); br=(str@#="br");
+ save_bool(ontop)=tl or tr;
+ save_pair(stem_dir)=if ontop:upward else:downward fi; % joining dir at stem
+ save_pair(toward)=(xpart(inner_tip_pt-inner_stem_pt),0); % dir right or left
+ pickup pencircle scaled minimum_linethickness;
+ y0r=yy; % connects extreme y-value
+ pos0(arch_thickness$,if ontop:+ else:-fi 90); % to reference pts
+ good_x_for(0)(inner_tip_pt,inner_stem_pt,arch_reference)a;
+ z1l=inner_tip_pt; % placement of the "tip" of
+ pos1(arch_tip$,if ontop:+ else:-fi90-oblique);% the arch
+ y2l=y0l; y2r=y0r; % z2l/z2r are actual arch points
+ good_x_for(2l)(inner_tip_pt,z0l,arch_inner_amt)b;
+ if abs(x0l-x2l)>.5*arch_thickness$:x2l:=x0l
+ if tl or bl:+else:-fi .5*arch_thickness$;fi
+ onaline(0,2l)(2r);
+ onaline(1l,1r)(11); y11=if ontop:min else:max fi (.75[y0l,y0r],y1r);
+ if (tr or br):rt else:lft fi z10=.5[inner_tip_pt,z11];
+ pp0=z0r{toward}...z1r; % ref paths for direction limits
+ pp1=z0l{toward}...z1l;
+ pp2=z0{toward}...z1;
+ pp3=outer_stem_pt{stem_dir} o_t z2r{toward}...z11{archlimit@#(pp0)}--
+ inner_tip_pt{neg_archlimit@#(pp1)}...z2l{-toward} o_t
+ inner_stem_pt{-stem_dir};
+ if ensure_min_archthickness: % path ensures min thickness
+ for n:=1,2:draw z0{toward}...z10{archlimit@#(pp2)};endfor fi
+ if (tr or br)<>ontop:reverse fi pp3
+ vardef outer_juncture_path@#(expr arch_path,stem_path,atime)= % for tr_bl
+ save x,y,t,tl,bl,tr,br,atop,aleft,pp,angle_limit;
+ boolean tl,bl,tr,br,atop,aleft; path pp[];
+ tl=(str@#="tl"); tr=(str@#="tr"); bl=(str@#="bl"); br=(str@#="br");
+ atop=tl or tr; aleft=tl or bl;
+ if softjuncture=false:save join_radius; join_radius:=eps;fi
+ z10=point atime of arch_path;
+ z11=point (atime-1) of arch_path;
+ z12=z10+(eps,0)rotated angle(z10-precontrol atime of arch_path);
+ pp1=subpath (0,atime) of arch_path--z12;
+ z1=pp1 intersectionpoint stem_path;
+ (t1,t2)=pp1 intersectiontimes stem_path;
+ z2=z1+(juncture_opening,0)rotated(if aleft:180 else:0 fi-oblique);
+ angle_limit1=max(if atop:0,else:-179,-fi 90-oblique-stemcut_angle);
+ z3=z2 if juncture_opening>0:+(abs(z11-z10)+2,0)rotated angle_limit1 fi;
+ z4=(z2--z3) intersectionpoint reverse stem_path;
+ (t3,t4)=(z2--z3) intersectiontimes reverse stem_path;
+ (t5,t6)=z4 intersectiontimes stem_path;
+ if archcut_angle<>0:
+ angle_limit2=if tl or br:max else:min fi
+ (angle(z11-z10),angle(precontrol atime of arch_path-z10)-archcut_angle);
+ z5=z1+(abs(z11-z10)+2,0)rotated angle_limit2;
+ z6=(z5--z1) intersectionpoint pp1;
+ (t7,t8)=(z5--z1) intersectiontimes pp1;
+ (subpath(0,t8)of arch_path soften(z6,z1,z2,z4) % indent into arch
+ else:(subpath(0,t1)of arch_path soften(z1,z2,z4) % indent into stem
+ fi (subpath(t4,0)of reverse stem_path))
+% Only used in the lower case characters
+vardef bowl@#(expr major_tip,yy,minor_tip,yyy,inner_bowl,outer_bowl)=
+ save arch_thickness,arch_tip,arch_reference,arch_inner_amt;
+ save major,minor; path major,minor;
+ arch_reference:= minor_bowl_reference;
+ arch_inner_amt:= minor_bowl_inner_amt;
+ minor=arch if str@#="r":br else:tl fi(minor_tip,yyy,inner_bowl,outer_bowl)lc;
+ arch_reference:= major_bowl_reference;
+ arch_inner_amt:= major_bowl_inner_amt;
+ major=arch if str@#="r":tr else:bl fi (major_tip,yy,inner_bowl,outer_bowl)lc;
+ major--minor
+vardef bowl_counter(expr bowlpath)= % returns the counter of a bowl path
+ save x,y;
+ z1=point 3 of bowlpath; z2=point 8 of bowlpath; z3=.5[z1,z2];
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*abs(z1-z2));
+ if softpath:(z3--z1)softjoin(z1--subpath(3,8)of bowlpath--z2)softjoin(z2--z3)
+ else:subpath(3,8)of bowlpath
+ fi
+vardef outer_bowlpath(expr p)=subpath(9,11)of p--subpath(0,2)of p enddef;
+ % return the major and minor outer paths of a bowl
+ vardef circular_shape(expr ytop,ybot,xleft,xright,topstroke,sidestroke)=
+ save x,y,amt,ref; path ref[],ref[]';
+ top y1r=ytop; bot y1l=top y1r-topstroke;
+ bot y3r=ybot; top y3l=bot y3r+topstroke;
+ lft z2r=(xleft,(1-v_stress)*h); rt z2l=(lft x2r+sidestroke,(1-v_stress)*h);
+ rt z4r=(xright,v_stress*h); lft z4l=(rt x4r-sidestroke,v_stress*h);
+ good_x_for(1r)(z2r,z4r,h_stress)a; good_x_for(1l)(z2l,z4l,(1-h_stress))b;
+ good_x_for(3r)(z2r,z4r,(1-h_stress))c; good_x_for(3l)(z2l,z4l,h_stress)d;
+ z1=.5[z1l,z1r]; amt1=.5*abs(y1r-y1l);
+ z3=.5[z3l,z3r]; amt3=.5*abs(y3r-y3l);
+ x1r:=inlimit(x1r)(x1-amt1,x1+amt1); x1l:=inlimit(x1l)(x1-amt1,x1+amt1);
+ x3r:=inlimit(x3r)(x3-amt3,x3+amt3); x3l:=inlimit(x3l)(x3-amt3,x3+amt3);
+ ref1=z1r{left} o_t_c z2r{downward} o_t_c z3r{right} o_t_c
+ z4r{upward} o_t_c cycle;
+ ref1'=z1l{left} i_t z2l{downward} i_t z3l{right} i_t z4l{upward} i_t cycle;
+ if mode<>proof:fill ref1; unfill ref1';
+ else:pickup pencircle; draw ref1; draw ref1'; fi
+def o_t=..tension atleast circ1.. enddef; % outer curve tensions
+def i_t=..tension atleast circ2.. enddef; % inner curve tensions
+def o_t_c=..tension atleast circ3.. enddef; % outer circular_shape tensions
+% The dot macro specifies a round path of diameter <size> to be placed from
+% a reference point.
+% Note that this dot does not slant with any obliqueness.
+% tension given the same as that for the circular shapes, since the actual
+% "roundness" of the dot isn't very important; more important is that there
+% is a mark there for distinguishing the character.
+% Used mostly in punctuation and accent characters
+vardef dot@#(expr ref_pt,size)=
+ save x,y;
+ if str@#="b":z1l=ref_pt; % dot placed above reference point
+ elseif str@#="t":z1r=ref_pt; % dot placed below reference point
+ elseif str@#="l":z2l=ref_pt; % dot placed to right of reference point
+ elseif str@#="r":z2r=ref_pt; % dot placed to left of reference point
+ else:z1=ref_pt; fi % reference point is in center of dot
+ z2=z1; pos1(size,90); pos2(size,0);
+ z1r{left} o_t z2l{down} o_t z1l{right} o_t z2r{up} o_t cycle
+% The prime_accent macro makes a four-sided polygon.
+% It assumes that the top end is as thick or thicker than the bottom
+% end and rounds the thicker end.
+% Theta is the angle at the ends; flattened in bold chars,
+% but theta could be an arbitrary value.
+% Used in grave/acute/long Hungarian accents
+vardef prime_accent(expr top_pt,bot_pt,top_thickness,bot_thickness)=
+ save x,y,theta,adjustment;
+ z1=top_pt; z3=bot_pt;
+ if y3=y1: x1:=x1+eps; fi % keeps from division by 0 error on next line
+ if bold:theta=0;adjustment=1/cosd (angle(z3-z1)+90);
+ else:theta=angle(z3-z1)+90; adjustment=1;fi
+ pos1(top_thickness*adjustment,theta);
+ pos3(bot_thickness*adjustment,theta);
+ z2r=z1r+(min(.5top_thickness,.5*abs(z3-z1)),0)rotated angle(z3r-z1r);
+ z2l=z1l+(min(.5top_thickness,.5*abs(z3-z1)),0)rotated angle(z3l-z1l);
+ onaline(1l,3l)(6l,7l);
+ onaline(1r,3r)(6r,7r);
+ if x1>x3:y6l=y1r; y7r=y3l; else:y6r=y1l; y7l=y3r; fi
+ if realsoft_accents:
+ (z2r{z1r-z3r}...z1{z1l-z1r}...z2l{z3l-z1l} soften(z3l,z3r) z2r)--cycle
+ elseif x1>x3:z6l--z3l--z7r--z1r--cycle
+ else:z1l--z7l--z3r--z6r--cycle fi
+% The comma macro makes a dot-like figure with a tail.
+% The reference point is placed in the center of the <head> or <dot part>.
+% The <size> is the diameter of the <head>.
+% The tail extends past the head by <tail_length>.
+% The thickness at the tip of the tail is <tail_tip>.
+% The <tail_placement> positions the tail_tip in relation to the head.
+% And the <comma_dot_indent> affects the transition from tail_tip to head.
+% Used in comma/semi-colon/left and right, single and double quotes
+vardef comma(expr pt,size,tail_length,tail_tip,tail_placement)=
+ save x,y,ref; path ref;
+ save_num(tail)=if prime:.5 else:tail_placement fi;
+ z1=z2=pt; pos1(size,90-oblique); pos2(size,0-oblique);
+ good_x_for(3)(z2l,z2r,comma_dot_indent)a; y3=y1l;
+ z4=(tail[x2l,x2r],y1l-tail_length) rotatedaround (pt,-oblique);
+ ref=pt{downward}...z4;
+ pos4(tail_tip,angle(direction 1 of ref)+90);
+ if prime:z1r{left} o_t {downward}z2l--z4l--z4r--z2r{upward}...cycle
+ else:z1r{left} o_t z2l{downward} o_t z3...z4l{direction 1 of ref}--
+ z4r{-direction 1 of ref}...z2r{upward}...cycle fi
+% *****
+% The arrowhead macro makes an arrowhead which is then rotated around its tip
+% point to the desired direction.
+% It points when @#=t:up,@#=b:down,@#=r:right,@#=l:left.
+% The head_width is the widest (horizontal) span of the arrowhead.
+% The head_depth is the perpendicular distance from the tip to widest part
+vardef arrow@#(expr tip,head_width,head_depth)=
+ save x,y,p; path p[];
+ z1=tip;
+ y2=y3=y1+head_depth;
+ round x1=x2+.5head_width=x3-.5head_width;
+ z4=(x2,y1-1.5head_depth);
+ z5=(x3,y4);
+ penpos1(head_thickness,90);
+ penpos2(head_thickness,angle(z2-z1)-90);
+ penpos3(head_thickness,angle(z3-z1)+90);
+ p1=z1l--z2l--z2r--z1r--z1r-(eps,0)--z3r--z3l--z1l-(eps,0)--cycle;
+ p2=z1l--z2l--z4--z5--z3l--z1l--cycle;
+ save_num(turn)=if str@#="b":0-oblique elseif str@#="r":90
+ elseif str@#="t":180-oblique elseif str@#="l":270 fi;
+ fill p1 rotatedaround (tip,turn); unfill p2 rotatedaround (tip,turn);
+ %*** SHOW_CHARACTER macros ***********************************************
+% These macros show the characters for different stages of development.
+% <fill_all> fill p[1-4] unfill p'[1-4]
+% <draw_outlines> draw p[1-4] draw p'[1-4]
+% <outline_and_fill> does <draw_outlines> and <fill_all> shifted
+% <draw_with_reference_paths> does <draw_outlines> and draw ref[1-6]
+% <openit> fixes size of terminalscreen window (altered from
+% <makebox> makes a reference box for screen/proof chars (altered from
+% <showpoints> shows point positions on screen while working on char
+def fill_all=
+ for n=1 upto 6:if known p[n]:fill p[n];fi if known p[n]':unfill p[n]';fi
+ endfor enddef;
+def draw_outlines= pickup pencircle;
+ for n=1 upto 6:if known p[n]:draw p[n];fi if known p[n]':draw p[n]';fi endfor
+ enddef;
+def outline_and_fill= pickup pencircle;
+ for n=1 upto 6:
+ if known p[n]: draw p[n]; fill p[n] shifted (0,-(h+d+100)); fi
+ if known p[n]':draw p[n]'; unfill p[n]' shifted (0,-(h+d+100)); fi
+ endfor enddef;
+def draw_with_reference_paths=
+ draw_outlines;
+ pickup pencircle scaled .15pt;
+ for=1 upto 6:if known p[n]: draw ref[n]; fi endfor
+ enddef;
+def openit = openwindow currentwindow % fixes size of terminalscreen window
+ from (0,0) to (1.5screen_rows,screen_cols) at (-100,300) enddef;
+def makebox(text rule)= % makes a reference box for screen and proof characters
+ for y=0,h.o_,-d.o_: rule((l,y),(r,y)); endfor % horizontals
+ for x=l,r: rule((x,-d.o_),(x,h.o_)); endfor % outer verticals
+ for x=0,wsaved: rule((x,0),(x,.2h.o_)); endfor % inner verticals
+ if charic<>0: rule((wsaved+charic*hppp,h.o_),(wsaved+charic*hppp,.5h.o_));fi
+def showpoints(text t)= % Shows point positions on screen while working on char
+ if mode=proof:pickup pencircle scaled 3;
+ forsuffixes $:=t:forsuffixes s:=l,,r:if known z$.s:draw z$s;fi endfor endfor
+ pickup pencircle scaled 1; penlabels(t); fi
+ %*****EXTRA***********************************************************
+%*****VARIATIONS on some PLAIN.MF macros
+% This allows a selection of chars to be tested, w/o losing memory to defs
+% An extra line [iff OK "<character>":] must be added before each char
+let semi_ = ;; let colon_ = :; let endchar_ = endchar;
+def iff expr b = if b:let next_=use_it else:let next_=lose_it fi; next_ enddef;
+def use_it = let : = restore_colon; enddef;
+def restore_colon = let : = colon_; enddef;
+def lose_it = let endchar=fi; let ;=restore_endchar semi_ if false enddef;
+def restore_endchar=let ;=semi_; let endchar=endchar_; enddef;
+def always_iff expr b = use_it enddef;
+boolean wanted[];
+% To use this bit of magic, include the following commented-out lines
+ % for x:="I":
+ % wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor
+ % this allows specifying only those characters which are to be shown
+ % the chars can be specified inside of quotes("c") or as a number(23)
+def OK expr x=known wanted[byte x] enddef;
+ % let iff=always_iff; % allows testing of all chars in the file
+% This allows adjustments to left and right sidebearings of characters,
+% so that the space in which the character sits can be different from
+% the space in which the reference points for the character are given.
+def adjust(expr left_adjustment,right_adjustment) =
+ l:=-round(left_adjustment*hppp)-letter_fit;
+ interim xoffset:=-l;
+ charwd:=charwd+2letter_fit#+left_adjustment+right_adjustment;
+ r:=l+round(charwd*hppp);
+ w:=r-round(right_adjustment*hppp)-letter_fit;
+ enddef;
+% Changes <penpos> to <pos> and makes <multpos> for multiple reference positions
+% with the same length and angle arguments
+vardef pos@#(expr b,d) =
+ (x@#r-x@#l,y@#r-y@#l)=(b,0)rotated d;x@#=.5(x@#l+x@#r);y@#=.5(y@#l+y@#r)enddef;
+vardef multpos(text t)(expr b,d)=forsuffixes $=t:pos$(b,d); endfor enddef;
+% A takeoff on flex, allows softening of paths if softpath is true.
+% This takes a list of points and softens the path between the straight
+% lines connecting these points; a <point> or <path> must follow this
+% macro, i.e., not a <pathjoin>.
+def soften(text t)= % t is a list of pairs
+ hide(n_:=0; for z=t: z_[incr n_]:=z; endfor;)
+ if softpath:
+ --z_1)for k=2 upto n_:softjoin(z_[k-1]--z_[k]) endfor softjoin(z_[n_]--
+ else: --z_1 for k=2 upto n_-1: --z_[k] endfor --z_[n_]-- fi
+newinternal n_; pair z_[],dz_;
+%**** fitbasis *****
+% If the basis for figuring the sidebearings or fitting has not been set
+% to 0 by the fixed_pitch_characters macro, then this gives values to the
+% upper and lower case <fitbasis>
+def makeknown(text t)(expr value)=
+ forsuffixes $=t:if unknown $:$=value;fi endfor enddef;
+%***** booleans
+% These macros shorten the code
+def bool(text t)=boolean t; t enddef;
+def save_bool(text t)=save t;bool(t) enddef;
+def save_pair(text t)=save t;pair t; t enddef;
+def save_pairs(text t)=save t;pair t[]; enddef;
+def save_num(text t)=save t;t enddef;
+% The condition macro localizes a boolean and gives it a true or false value
+def condition(text t)suffix $$=
+ save_bool(t):=if(str$$="t"):true else:false; fi enddef;
+% The softenit macro softens the join for two paths that are always to
+% have some softness
+vardef softenit(expr path_one,path_two)=
+ save x,y,t;
+ (t1,t2)=path_one intersectiontimes reverse path_two;
+ z1=path_one intersectionpoint reverse path_two;
+ (subpath(0,t1)of path_one--z1)softjoin(z1--subpath(t2,0)of reverse path_two)
+% The define_minimums macro makes minimum stroke amount of one pixel
+def define_minimums(text t)=forsuffixes $=t: $:=max($,minimum_linethickness);
+ endfor enddef;
+% For turning off overshoots when the resolution is too low
+def lowres_fix(text t)=forsuffixes $=t: $:=0; endfor enddef;
+% The fixed_pt macro increases the length of the stem measurement dependent
+% on the obliqueness to maintain stem widths
+% Used only in global bowlstem/stem/thin_stem specs
+if unknown scale_factor:scale_factor=1; fi
+def fixed_pt=(scale_factor*1/(pt#*cosd oblique)) enddef;
+% In the inlimit macro, the first <text> argument gives the value,
+% and places this value between the <expr> arguments
+% The lower and upper bound values are just recommended values thought
+% to maintain "reasonable" shapes
+vardef inlimit(text amt)(expr lowerlimit,upperlimit)=save this;
+ this:=max(amt,lowerlimit); this:=min(this,upperlimit);this
+% The min_limit macro maintains a minimum limit
+def min_limit(text this)(expr limit)=if this>limit:save this;this=limit;fi
+% Gives value to the <sign> used in terminalserif def
+def sign(expr a)=if a<=0:0 else:1 fi enddef;
+% The onaline macro allows thinking that a point be on a particular line;
+% an x or y value must be supplemented
+vardef onaline(suffix a,b)(text t)=forsuffixes $=t:z$=whatever[z.a,z.b]; endfor
+ enddef;
+% The good_x_for macro gives reference points horizontal placement,
+% and moves them appropriately, according to vertical height and obliqueness
+vardef good_x_for(text t)(expr leftpoint,rightpoint,amt)suffix$=
+ z1$=(xpart leftpoint,y.t-ypart leftpoint)//;
+ z2$=(xpart rightpoint,y.t-ypart rightpoint)//;
+ x.t=amt[x1$,x2$];
+% The constant_angle macro keeps a constant angle so that the thickness
+% of the line can remain constant as the line may change, e.g., as width,
+% obliqueness changes.
+% The stem value should be zero if the reference points are on the same
+% side of the stem, and the value of the stem otherwise.
+% The suffix lr is used when the reference points are diagonally opposite
+% each other and the top_pt is on the left of the stem
+% and the bot_pt on the right.
+% This could probably be made more efficient, but it works as is... *** FIX
+vardef constant_angle(expr top_pt,bot_pt,stem)suffix $=
+ save theta;
+ theta=if str$="lr":-else:+fi (angle(length(top_pt-bot_pt) +-+ stem,stem));
+ angle(top_pt-bot_pt)+theta-90
+% The notch macro makes an indentation to compensate for filling in at junctures
+% Variation in the length and width or thickness of the cut can be specified
+% Ideally one might tailor the length of the cut dependent on the angle
+% of the two stems at the juncture, however, here they are all considered
+% together
+% The notch macros:upnotch,downnotch,leftnotch,rightnotch all assume
+% A three point counterclockwise path with the notching occuring at the
+% middle point; the points connect as straight lines and the notching
+% begins at a point .5 of the way from the endpoints to the apex
+vardef notch@#(expr apath,notch_direction,notch_length)=
+ save a; def a=(max(notch_length,eps),0)rotated notch_direction; enddef;
+ z0=point 1 of apath; z2=z1+a; z3=z6+a; z4=z5+a; z6=.5[z1,z5];
+ if str@#="r":reverse fi
+ (point 0 of apath--point .5 of apath
+ if nonotch:--z0--else: ..controls z1..z2--z4..controls z5.. fi
+ point 1.5 of apath--point 2 of apath)
+vardef rightnotch@#(expr one,n_dir,n_l)suffix $=
+ save x,y,a; def a(expr n)=(n*notch_width,0)rotated(n_dir+90); enddef;
+ if center_notch: z6=z0; z1=z0-a(.5);
+ elseif str$="etchup": z1=z0; z5=z0+a(1);
+ elseif str$="etchdown": z5=z0; z1=z0-a(1);else:z6=z0; z1=z0-a(.5); fi
+ notch@#(one,n_dir,n_l) enddef;
+vardef leftnotch@#(expr one,n_dir,n_l)suffix $=
+ save x,y,a; def a(expr n)=(n*notch_width,0)rotated(n_dir-90); enddef;
+ if center_notch: z6=z0; z5=z0-a(.5);
+ elseif str$="etchup": z5=z0; z1=z0+a(1);
+ elseif str$="etchdown": z1=z0; z5=z0-a(1);else:z6=z0; z5=z0-a(.5); fi
+ notch@#(one,n_dir,n_l) enddef;
+vardef upnotch@#(expr one,n_dir,n_l)suffix $=
+ save x,y,a; def a(expr n)=(n*notch_width,0)rotated(n_dir-90); enddef;
+ if center_notch: z6=z0; z1=z0+a(.5);
+ elseif str$="etchleft": z1=z0; z5=z0-a(1);
+ elseif str$="etchright":z5=z0; z1=z0+a(1); else:z6=z0; z1=z0+a(.5); fi
+ notch@#(one,n_dir,n_l) enddef;
+vardef downnotch@#(expr one,n_dir,n_l)suffix $=
+ save x,y,a; def a(expr n)=(n*notch_width,0)rotated(n_dir+90); enddef;
+ if center_notch: z6=z0; z5=z0+a(.5);
+ elseif str$="etchleft": z5=z0; z1=z0-a(1);
+ elseif str$="etchright":z1=z0; z5=z0+a(1); else:z6=z0; z5=z0+a(.5); fi
+ notch@#(one,n_dir,n_l) enddef;
+% The fixed_pitch_characters macro takes a true/false(or otherwise)
+% and number of characters_per_inch arguments.
+% This macro sets the often used <mono> value and other values for
+% single pitch, where all characters have the same width.
+% Note that a slight alteration made to mono# will allow
+% the character width to be specified arbitrarily, e.g., setting
+% mono#:=10.7pt# makes a single pitch width of 10.7 points.
+def fixed_pitch_characters(text t)(expr characters_per_inch)=
+ boolean narrow_condition; % are characters especially narrow?
+ boolean singlepitch; % affects character shapes for ijlwIJMWO0
+ if t=true:mono#:=(72.27/characters_per_inch)*pt#;
+ width#:=0;
+ singlepitch:=true;
+ else:mono#:=0;
+ singlepitch:=false; fi
+ define_pixels(mono,width);
+ narrow_condition:=if (mono<>0)and(characters_per_inch>12):true else:false fi;
+vardef testing_codes=
+ % There are a number of alternate characters. The "alt[]" scheme gives these
+ % alternate characters a different code number than the one they would
+ % normally have, if used, for the purpose of testing.
+ if test_all_characters:
+ alt0:=if a_full_bowl:128 else:0 fi; % characters: a
+ alt1:=if g_full_bowl:128 else:0 fi; % characters: g
+ alt2:=if spur:0 else:128 fi; % characters: G,b,q (a,g)
+ alt3:=if like_lowercase:128 else:0 fi; % characters: U
+ alt4:=if flat_diagonal_endings:0 else:128 fi; % characters: v,w,x,y,V,W,X
+ alt5:=if beveled_join:128 else:0 fi; % characters: R,K,k
+ alt6:=if open_tail:0 else:128 fi; % characters: 3,5,6,9
+ alt7:=if diagonal_three:0 else:128 fi; % characters: 3
+ alt8:=if inflection_two:0 else:128 fi; % characters: 2
+ alt9:=if G_spur:128 else:0 fi; % characters: G
+ alt10:=if open_four:0 else:128 fi; % characters: 4
+ else:alt0:=alt1:=alt2:=alt3:=alt4:=alt5:=alt6:=alt7:=alt8:=alt9:=alt10:=0; fi
+def vpix(text t)(text tt)= t:=tt; t:=vround(tt.#*hppp); enddef; % whole v pix
+def hpix(text t)(text tt)= t:=tt; t:=hround(tt.#*hppp); enddef; % whole h pix
+def define_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=$.#*hppp; endfor enddef;
+def define_whole_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=hround($.#*hppp); endfor enddef;
+def define_whole_vertical_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=vround($.#*hppp); endfor enddef;
+def define_good_x_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=good.x($.#*hppp); endfor enddef;
+def define_good_y_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=good.y($.#*hppp); endfor enddef;
+def define_blacker_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=$.#*hppp+blacker; endfor enddef;
+def define_whole_blacker_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=hround($.#*hppp+blacker);
+ if $<=0: $:=1; fi endfor enddef;
+def define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=vround($.#*hppp+blacker);
+ if $<=0: $:=1_o_; fi endfor enddef;
+def define_corrected_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=vround($.#*hppp*o_correction)+eps; endfor enddef;
+def define_horizontal_corrected_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=hround($.#*hppp*o_correction)+eps; endfor enddef;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c10f0d35dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% uppercase Greek characters not coinciding with uppercase roman
+% 11 characters; iff OK "g": for testing
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Gamma";
+ beginchar(0,E_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=y13r=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,13r); y12l=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ top y2r=h;
+ top rt z3=(w,h)//;
+ bot y1=bot y2l=top y2r-max(1,.95thin_stem.uc);
+ z0=z1-(0*stem.uc,0);
+ good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3,.6)a; good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3,.6)b;
+ p1=(leftserif(z11,z14,z12l,z11r,.5hs)--
+ fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs)
+ if softpath:--z1)softjoin(z1...
+ else:...(z0-(0,eps)){left}--z0{right}... fi
+ showpoints(0,1,2,3,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Delta";
+ beginchar(1,O_w*width#+e_mono#,cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5apex.uc);
+ bot lft z21l=(0,0); multpos(21,22)(apex.uc,90-apex_angle);
+ bot rt z22l=(w,0);
+ top z23=(.5[x21,x22],h)//; pos23(apex.uc,0-apex_angle);
+ z1l=z23l; z2l=z21r; z3l=z21l; z4l=z22l; z5r=z22r; z6r=z23r;
+ multpos(1,2)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z23l,z21r,0));
+ multpos(3,4)(major_curve.uc,90);
+ multpos(5,6)(stem.uc,constant_angle(z23r,z22r,0));
+ onaline(1r,2r)(41,43,51,52);
+ onaline(3r,4r)(41,42,53,54);
+ onaline(5l,6l)(42,43,55,56);
+ y51=y56=max(notch_pos,.5)[y43,y41];
+ y52=y55=max(notch_pos,.5)[y41,y43];
+ x53=max(notch_pos,.5)[x41,x42]; x54=max(notch_pos,.5)[x42,x41];
+ p1=(.5[z23l,z21r] soften(z21r,z21l,z22l,z22r,z23r,z23l) .5[z23l,z21r])--cycle;
+ p1'=leftnotch((z52--z41--z53),angle(z21-z41),notch_length.uc)--
+ rightnotch((z54--z42--z55),angle(z22-z42),notch_length.uc)--
+ upnotch((z56--z43--z51),angle(z23-z43),notch_length.uc)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,21,22,23,41,42,43,51,52,53,54,55,56);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Theta";
+ beginchar(2,O_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top z1=(h_stress*w,h+ov_t.uc)//; % circle
+ lft z2=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ bot z3=((1-h_stress)*w,-ov_b.uc)//;
+ rt z4=(w,v_stress*h)//;
+ z10=(.5w,round(.52h))//; pos10(round max(1,.75stem.uc),0); % bar
+ z13=(0,.35*(abs(x4-x2)-2bowlstem.uc));
+ top z11=(z10+z13);
+ bot z12=(z10-z13);
+ ref1=fullserif(z11,z10,z10l,z10r,.2hs,.2hs)--
+ fullserif(z12,z10,z10l,z10r,.2hs,.2hs)--cycle;
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround(z10,90); % bar
+ circular_shape(y1,y3,x2,x4,minor_curve.uc,bowlstem.uc); % circle
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Only y1/y3 and x2/x4 values actually used; the points are put in for proofs
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Lambda";
+ beginchar(3,A_w*width#+e_mono#,cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5apex.uc);
+ top z20=(.5w,h+ov_apex.uc)//; pos20(apex.uc,0-apex_angle);
+ bot y3=0; z3l=whatever[z20l,(0,0)];
+ bot y6=0; z6r=whatever[z20r,(w,0)];
+ z20l=z1l; z20r=z4r;
+ multpos(1,3)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z20l,(0,0),0));
+ multpos(4,6)(stem.uc,constant_angle(z20r,(w,0),0));
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l);
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,40);
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,40); y2l=y2r=y5l=y5r=min(cap_bracket_h,y40);
+ onaline(4r,6r)(5r);
+ ref1=notch_pos[z40,z5l]--z40--notch_pos[z40,z2r];
+ p1 =(fullserif.l(z3,z1,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.5hs)--
+ upnotch.r(ref1,angle(z20-z40),notch_length.uc)--
+ fullserif.r(z6,z4,z5l,z5r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z20r,z20l) z2l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,20,40);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Xi";
+ beginchar(4,R_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z1=(.02w,h)//; % top arm
+ top rt z4=(.98w,h)//;
+ onaline(1,4)(2r,3r); x2r=.25[x1,x4]; x3r=.75[x1,x4];
+ bot lft z5=(0,0); % bottom arm
+ bot rt z8=(w,0);
+ onaline(5,8)(6l,7l); x6l=.25[x5,x8]; x7l=.75[x5,x8];
+ multpos(2,3,6,7)(max(1,.9stem.uc),90-oblique);
+ z10=(.5w,round(.52h))//; pos10(max(1,.9stem.uc),0); % middle arm
+ z11=z10+(0,.35*abs(x4-x1));
+ z12=z10-(0,.35*abs(x4-x1));
+ ref1=fullserif(z11,z10,z10l,z10r,.2hs,.2hs)--
+ fullserif(z12,z10,z10l,z10r,.2hs,.2hs)--cycle;
+,z2l,z2r,.5as,.75tip_thickness,90-arm_angle)-- % top arm
+,z6r,z6l,.5as,.75tip_thickness,90+arm_angle)-- % bottom arm
+ p3=ref1 rotatedaround(z10,90); % middle arm
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Pi";
+ beginchar(5,R_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ top lft z1l=(0,h)//; multpos(1,4,11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(0,0);
+ top rt z11r=(w,h)//;
+ bot rt z14r=(w,0);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=y3r=y13l=y13r=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y2r=y12l=h-max(1,.7thin_stem.uc);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y2l=y12r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y3l);
+ p1=(fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.75hs)--z2r
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z2r--z12l)softjoin( else:-- fi z12l--
+ fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs)--
+ rightserif(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.625hs)--
+ leftserif(z1,z4,z2l,z2r,.625hs))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Sigma";
+ beginchar(6,R_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_bool(nonotch):=if(cap<40):true else:false fi; % if real low res
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5apex.uc);
+ bot lft z1l=(0,0); multpos(1,3)(max(1,.75stem.uc),90);
+ bot rt z3l=(w,0);
+ top lft z10r=(0,h)//; multpos(10,12)(max(1,.95thin_stem.uc),90);
+ top rt z12r=(.95w,h)//;
+ lft z21l=(0,0); multpos(21,23)(apex.uc,90-apex_angle);
+ lft z23r=(0,h)//; pos22(max(1,.5apex.uc),90-apex_angle);
+ z22=(.75[x1l,x3l],.52h)//;
+ z4l=z21r; z6r=z22l; z9r=z22r; z7l=z23l;
+ multpos(4,6)(thin_stem.uc,constant_angle(z22l,z21r,0));
+ multpos(7,9)(stem.uc,constant_angle(z23l,z22r,0));
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,41); onaline(1l,3l)(2l); x2l=.5[x1l,x3l];
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,42); onaline(4r,6r)(5r,41);
+ onaline(7l,9l)(8l,42); onaline(7r,9r)(8r,43);
+ onaline(10l,12l)(11l,43); onaline(10r,12r)(11r);
+ y5l=notch_pos[y42,y4l]; y5r=notch_pos[y41,y22l];
+ y8l=notch_pos[y42,y7l]; y8r=notch_pos[y43,y22r];
+ good_x_for(2r)(z41,z3r,.5)a;
+ x11r=.5[x10r,x12r]; good_x_for(11l)(z43,z12r,.5)b;
+ ref1=z5r--z41--z2r; ref2=z11l--z43--z8r; ref3=z5l--z42--z8l;
+ p1=(,z2r,z2l,.5as,.75tip_thickness,90-arm_angle)soft--
+ leftnotch.r(ref1,angle(z21-z41),notch_length.uc)etchdown
+ --z22l if softpath:)softjoin(z22l--z22r)--( else:-- fi z22r--
+ leftnotch.r(ref2,angle(z23-z43),notch_length.uc)etchdown
+ z23r if softpath:)softjoin(z23r--z23l)--( else:-- fi z23l--
+ rightnotch.r(ref3,angle(z22-z42),notch_length.uc)--
+ z21r if softpath:)softjoin(z21r--z21l)--( else:-- fi z21l--z2l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,22,23,41,42,43);
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Upsilon";
+ beginchar(7,O_w*width#+f_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_pairs(dir_limit);
+ bot z40=(.5w,0); pos40(stem.uc,0);
+ bot y14=0; lft x14l=round x40l; multpos(11,14)(stem.uc,0);
+ w:=2*x14l+stem.uc;
+ top z11=(x14,.65h)//;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(13l); y13l=y13r=min(cap_bracket_h,y11);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(13r);
+ z1r=(0,.85h)//; pos1(max(1,.5major_curve.uc),90-oblique);
+ z4r=(w,.85h)//; pos4(max(1,.5major_curve.uc),90-oblique);
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1r,z11l,.5)a; top y2r=h;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z1l,z11l,.5)c; y2l=y5l=y2r-major_curve.uc;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z11r,z4r,.5)b; top y5r=h;
+ good_x_for(5l)(z11r,z4l,.5)d;
+ dir_limit1=if abs(y5l-y4l)>abs(x5l-x4l):downward else:(0,0) fi;
+ dir_limit2=if abs(y5r-y4r)>abs(x5r-x4r):downward else:(0,0) fi;
+ p1=fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.75hs,.75hs)...z11r{upward}...z5l{right}...
+ {dir_limit1}z4l--z4r{-dir_limit2}...z5r{left}...{downward}z11+(eps,0)--
+ z11{upward}...z2r{left}...{dir_limit2}z1r--
+ z1l{-dir_limit1}...z2l{right}...z11l{downward}...cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,4,5,11,12,13,14,40);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Phi";
+ beginchar(8,O_w*width#+e_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(stem_thickness)=round(if narrow_condition:
+ narrow_amt[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc] else:max(1,.8stem.uc) fi);
+ bot z40=(.5w,0); multpos(11,14,40)(stem_thickness,0); % stem
+ z14l=round z40l;
+ w:=2*x14l+stem_thickness;
+ top z11=(x14,h)//;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(13l,12l,1l,1r,3l,3r);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(13r,12r,4l,4r,6l,6r);
+ y13l=y13r=.5cap_bracket_h;
+ y12l=y12r=max(h-.5cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ top y1r=.85[y14+serif_thickness,y11-serif_thickness];
+ y6r=y1r; bot y1l=top y1r-max(1,.9minor_curve.uc); y6l=y1l;
+ bot y3r=.15[y14+serif_thickness,y11-serif_thickness];
+ y4r=y3r; top y3l=bot y3r+max(1,.9minor_curve.uc); y4l=y3l;
+ lft z2r=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ pos2(bowlstem.uc,180);
+ rt z5r=(w,v_stress*h)//;
+ pos5(bowlstem.uc,0);
+ p1 =fullserif(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.75hs,.75hs)-- % stem
+ fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.75hs,.75hs)--cycle;
+ p2 =z1r{left} o_t z2r{downward} o_t z3r{right} o_t z4r{right} o_t
+ z5r{upward} o_t z6r{left} o_t cycle;
+ p1'=z1l{left} i_t z2l{downward} i_t z3l{right} i_t z4l{right} i_t
+ z5l{upward} i_t z6l{left} i_t cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Only y1/y3 and x2/x4 values actually used; the points are put in for proofs
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Psi";
+ beginchar(9,O_w*width#+f_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(stem_thickness)=if narrow_condition:
+ narrow_amt[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc] else:max(1,.8stem.uc) fi;
+ bot z40=(.5w,0); multpos(11,14,40)(stem_thickness,0); % stem
+ z14l=round z40l;
+ w:=2*x14l+stem_thickness;
+ top z11=(x14,h)//;
+ save_num(ht)=round(y11-y14-serif_thickness); % length of stem between serifs
+ onaline(11l,14l)(13l,12l); y13l=y13r=cap_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(13r,12r); y12l=y12r=max(h-cap_bracket_h,y13l);
+ onaline(11,14)(3l,3r);
+ % lute
+ lft z2l=(.05w,.5ht)//;
+ multpos(2,4)(if narrow_condition:narrow_amt else:.8 fi
+ [thin_stem.uc,bowlstem.uc],0);
+ rt z4r=(.95w,y2l)//;
+ multpos(0,1,5,6)(if narrow_condition:narrow_amt else:.7fi
+ [thin_stem.uc,bowlstem.uc],0);
+ rt z0r=(abs(x2r-x2l),.85ht)//;
+ lft z6l=(w-abs(x2r-x2l),y0l)//;
+ z1r=.75[z2r,z0r-(0,tip_thickness)];
+ z5l=.75[z4l,z6l-(0,tip_thickness)];
+ bot y3r=serif_thickness+.2ht;
+ top y3l=bot y3r+thin_stem.uc;
+ p1=terminalserif.l(z0,z1,z1l,z1r,.5ts,0)soft... % lute
+ z2l o_t z3r{right} o_t z4r...
+ terminalserif.r(z6,z5,z5l,z5r,.5ts,0)soft...
+ z4l i_t z3l{left} i_t z2r...cycle;
+ p2=fullserif(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.75hs,.75hs)-- % stem
+ fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.75hs,.75hs)--cycle;
+ showpoints(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "g": "The uppercase Greek Omega";
+ beginchar(10,O_w*width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ twotension:=3;
+ bot lft z1=(0,0); bot rt z11=(w,0);
+ bot y2l=top y2r-max(1,.8stem.uc)=0; bot y12l=top y12r-max(1,.8stem.uc)=0;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z1,z3l,.5)a; good_x_for(12l)(z11,z13l,.5)b;
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z4,.75)c; good_x_for(12r)(z11,z14,.75)d;
+ bot z3l=(.4w,0); bot z13l=(.6w,0);
+ z3r=z3l+(0,min(2apex.uc,stem.uc))//; z13r=z13l+(0,min(2apex.uc,stem.uc))//;
+ z3=.5[z3l,z3r]; z13=.5[z13l,z13r];
+ lft z5r=(0,.55h)//; rt z15r=(w,.55h)//;
+ pos5(bowlstem.uc,180); pos15(bowlstem.uc,0);
+ top y10r=bot y10l+minor_curve.uc=h+ov_t.uc;
+ good_x_for(10r)(z5r,z15r,.53)e;
+ good_x_for(10l)(z5l,z15l,.47)f;
+ z10=.5[z10l,z10r]; save_num(amt)=.5*abs(y10r-y10l);
+ x10r:=inlimit(x10r)(x10-amt,x10+amt);
+ x10l:=inlimit(x10l)(x10-amt,x10+amt);
+ ref1=z10r{left}...z5r{downward}..tension atleast 1 and twotension..z3;
+ ref2=z13..tension atleast twotension and 1..z15r{upward}...z10r{left};
+ ref3=(-1,y2r)//--(w,y2r)//;
+ ref4=z3r..tension atleast twotension and 1..z5l{upward} i_t z10l{right} i_t
+ z15l{downward}..tension atleast 1 and twotension..z13r;
+ z4 =ref3 intersectionpoint ref1;
+ z14=ref3 intersectionpoint ref2;
+ (t1,t2)=ref3 intersectiontimes ref1;
+ (t3,t4)=ref3 intersectiontimes ref2;
+ p1=(,z2r,z2l,.5as,.5tip_thickness,90+arm_angle+.5oblique)soft
+ soften(z3l,z3r) ref4 soften(z13r,z13l)
+ z14--subpath(t4,infinity)of ref2--subpath(0,t2)of ref1--z4)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,14,15);
+show_character; endchar;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..146c7c2dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% lowercase roman alphabet
+% 26 characters
+ vardef a_halfbowl= % letter a with half bowl
+iff OK "a": "The letter a";
+ beginchar("a",a_w*width#+b_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ lft z9=(.1w,.9h)//;
+ rt z11r=(w,r_arch*h)//; multpos(11,13)(,0);
+ bot rt z13r=(w,0);
+ onaline(11l,13l)(1l,1r,5,6,12l);
+ y1r=y1l+max(1,;
+ y5=.35[,y1l];
+ y6=max(,;
+ onaline(11r,13r)(12r);
+ y12r=x_bracket_h; y12l=max(y12r,y1r);
+ top y10r=bot;
+ good_x_for(10r)(z9,z12l,min(.95,arch_reference+.1 if singlepitch:+.05 fi))a;
+ good_x_for(10l)(z9,z10r,arch_inner_amt)b;
+ x10l:=max(x10l,;
+ lft z3l=(0,.35[,y1r])//;
+ rt z3r=(lft x3l+max(1,,max(.4[,y1r],;
+ y2=.75y1r; good_x_for(2)(z3l,z1r,.4)c;
+ ref1=terminalserif.r(z13,z11,z5,z12r,.5ts,base_terminal_angle)soft;
+; save arch_tip;
+ p1'=z3r{upward}...z1l{z1r-z2}--subpath(3,5)of ref2--cycle;
+ p1 =z1r{z2-z1r}...z3l{downward},ref1,2)--
+ z11r{upward} o_t,z10l,z10r,.75cs,.5bulb_thickness,90) i_t
+ z12l{downward}..z1r & cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,5,6,9,10,11,12,13);
+ adjust(v_f**b_mfit#,v_b**b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def a_fullbowl= % the letter a with fullbowl
+iff OK "a": "The letter a";
+ beginchar(97+alt0+alt2,b_w*width#+c_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ top rt z11r=(w,h)//; multpos(11,13)(,0);
+ bot rt z13r=(w,0); pos10(max(1,,0-oblique); % spur
+ onaline(11l,13l)(1l,2,5,6);
+ y1l=(;
+ y5=ductal[,y1l];
+ onaline(11r,13r)(1r,10r,12r);
+ top y10=h; y12r=x_bracket_h;;
+ lft z3l=(0,(1-v_stress)*h-.0*;
+ rt x3r=lft;
+ y3r=inlimit((1-v_stress)*h+.0*,;
+ ref1=bowl.l(z5,,z1l,,z3r,z3l);
+ ref3=(z1r soften(z10r,z10l) z2);
+ ref4=terminalserif.r(z13,z11,z5,z12r,.5ts,base_terminal_angle)soft;
+ if spur:ref2=outer_bowlpath(ref1); % bowl and spur
+ else:ref0=bowl.l(z5,,z1r,,z3r,z3l); % bowl
+ ref2=outer_bowlpath(ref0);
+,ref4,5)--cycle; fi
+ p1'=bowl_counter(ref1)--cycle; % counter
+ showpoints(1,2,3,5,6,10,11,12,13);
+ adjust(v_c**c_mfit#,v_a**c_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def letter_a= save a,b,c;
+ vardef a=condition(spur)t; testing_codes; a_fullbowl; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(spur)f; testing_codes;a_fullbowl; enddef;
+ vardef c=a_halfbowl; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b;c;else:if a_full_bowl:if spur:a;else:b;fi else:c;fi
+ fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_a; save letter_a,a_fullbowl,a_halfbowl;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "b": "The letter b";
+ beginchar(98+alt2,b_w*width#+c_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ z15l=z14l; pos15(max(1,,0);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1r,2,5,6,12r);
+ y1l=y1r=(;
+ y5=ductal[,y1r];
+ y12r=max(y6,h-x_bracket_h);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(1l,12l,13l);
+ y13l=x_bracket_h;
+ y12l=max(h-x_bracket_h,y13l);
+ rt z3r=(w,v_stress*xheight+.0*;
+ lft x3l=rt;
+ y3l=inlimit(v_stress*xheight-.0*
+ (,;
+ ref1=bowl.r(z5,,z1r,,z3l,z3r);
+ ref3=(z1l soften(z15l,z15r) z2);
+ ref4=terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5ts,asc_terminal_angle);
+ p1'=bowl_counter(ref1)--cycle; % counter
+ if spur:p1=outer_bowlpath(ref1)--ref4--ref3--cycle; % bowl and spur
+ else:ref0=bowl.r(z5,,z1l,,z3l,z3r); % bowl
+ p1 =outer_bowlpath(ref0)--ref4--cycle; fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,5,6,11,12,13,14,15,20,21);
+ adjust(v_a**c_mfit#,v_c**c_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_b= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(spur)t; testing_codes;character_points; enddef; % spur
+ vardef b=condition(spur)f; testing_codes;character_points; enddef; % no spur
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if spur:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_b; save letter_b;
+iff OK "c": "The letter c";
+ beginchar("c",c_w*width#+b_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ save_num(term_length)=if else:.75cs fi;
+ min_limit(join_radius)(;
+ rt z1=(.95w,.9h)//;
+ lft z3l=(0,.5h)//;
+ rt z3r=(lft,.5h);
+ rt z5l=(w,;
+ top y2l=bot;
+ bot y4l=top;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1,.6)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1-(bulb_thickness,0),.6)b;
+ good_x_for(4l)(z3l,z5l,.5)c;
+ ref1=z4l{right}...z5l;
+ pos5(max(1,,angle(direction 1 of ref1)+90);
+ good_x_for(4r)(z3r,z5r,.5)d;
+ x4r:=min(x4r,;
+ p1=(,z2r,z2l,term_length,bulb_thickness,90) o_t
+ z3l{downward} o_t z4l{right} o_t z5l
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z5l--z5r)softjoin(else:--fi
+ z5r i_t z4r{left} i_t z3r{upward} i_t z2r{right})--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "d": "The letter d";
+ beginchar("d",b_w*width#+c_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ top rt z11r=(w,h)//; multpos(11,14)(,0);
+ bot rt z14r=(w,0);
+ z15r=(1.05w,0); pos15(max(1,,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(1l,2,5,6,12l);
+ y1l=(;
+ y5=ductal[,y1l];
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r);
+ y13r=x_bracket_h;
+ y12r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y13r); y12l=max(y12r,y1l);
+ lft z3l=(0,(1-v_stress)*xheight-.0*;
+ rt x3r=lft;
+ y3r=inlimit((1-v_stress)*xheight+.0*
+ (,;
+ ref1=bowl.l(z5,,z1l,,z3r,z3l);
+ ref2=outer_bowlpath(ref1);
+ ref3=terminalserif.r(z14,z11,z5,z13r,.5ts,base_terminal_angle)soft;
+ p1'=bowl_counter(ref1)--cycle; % counter
+ p1 =terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5ts,asc_terminal_angle) % stem
+,ref3,5)--cycle; % bowl
+ showpoints(1,2,3,5,6,11,12,13,14,15);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "e": "The letter e";
+ beginchar("e",b_w*width#+d_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(;
+ bot rt z1r=(.95w,round(.6h-.65*;
+ pos1(if narrow_condition:w_narrow_amt[,]
+ else:max(1, fi,ebar_angle);
+ lft z3l=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ rt z3r=(lft,y3l);
+ rt z5l=(w,.15h)//; pos5(,130-oblique);
+ top y2l=bot;
+ bot y4l=top;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1r,.51)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1l,.49)b;
+ good_x_for(4l)(z3l,z5l,.5)c; good_x_for(4r)(z3r,z5r,.5)d;
+ x4r:=min(x4r,;
+ onaline(1l,1r)(40); x40=x41=0;
+ z42=z1r+(max(1,,0)rotated(90+ebar_angle);
+ z42-z41=whatever*(z1r-z1l);
+ ref1=z2r{right} ..tension atleast .8 ..z1l{downward}; % inner right ref path
+ ref2=z5r i_t z4r{left} i_t z3r{upward} i_t z2r{right}; % inner left ref path
+ ref3=z1r--z40; % outer bar ref path
+ ref4=z41--z42; % inner bar ref path
+ z20=ref2 intersectionpoint ref3; (t1,t2)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref3;
+ z21=ref2 intersectionpoint ref4; (t3,t4)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref4;
+ z22=ref1 intersectionpoint ref4; (t5,t6)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref4;
+ p1 =(z2l{left} o_t_c z3l{downward} o_t_c z4l{right} o_t_c z5l
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z5l--z5r)softjoin( else:-- fi
+ subpath(0,t1)of ref2--z20 if softpath:)softjoin(z20 fi
+ --z1r)softjoin(z1r{upward}..tension atleast .8 .. z2l{left})--cycle;
+ p1'=subpath(0,t5)of ref1--z22-(eps,0)--z21+(eps,0)--
+ subpath(t3,infinity)of ref2--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,20,21,22,40,41,42);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "f": "The letter f";
+ beginchar("f",r_w*width#+a_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ lft z1l=(round .2w,h)//; multpos(1,4)(,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(round .2w,0);
+ save_num(knob)=min(bulb_thickness,.4(w-x4r));
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=max(xheight,.75xheight+(r_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r,12r); y2r=max(xheight,.75xheight+(l_arch*(h-xheight)));
+ rt z6=(w,.75[y5l,y5r])//; y3l=y3r=x_bracket_h;
+ top y5r=bot;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z3l,z6,.6)a; good_x_for(5l)(z3r,z6-(knob,0),.6)b;
+ top rt z11=(w,xheight)//; multpos(12,13)(max(1,,90);
+ y12r=y11;
+ lft z13r=(0,y11)//;
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.75hs)--z2r{upward} i_t
+,z5l,z5r,.75cs,knob,90) o_t z2l{downward}--cycle;
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*min(,serif_thickness));
+ p2=(,z12l,z12r,.15as,.25tip_thickness,90)
+ soften(z13r,z13l) z12l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13);
+show_character; endchar;
+ def g_doublebowl=
+iff OK "g": "The letter g";
+ beginchar(103+alt2,o_w*width#+b_mono#,xheight#,descender#);
+ top; bot y1l=top y1r-max(1,;% bowl
+ bot y3r=round(.3h); top y3l=bot y3r+max(1,;
+ lft z2r=(0,(1-v_stress)[y3r,y1r])//;
+ rt z2l=(lft x2r+max(1,,(1-v_stress)[y3l,y1l]);
+ rt z4r=(round(.9w),v_stress[y3r,y1r])//;
+ lft z4l=(rt x4r-max(1,,v_stress[y3l,y1l]);
+ good_x_for(1r)(z2r,z4r,.52)a; good_x_for(1l)(z2l,z4l,.48)b;
+ good_x_for(3r)(z2r,z4r,.48)c; good_x_for(3l)(z2l,z4l,.52)d;
+ top rt z5r=(w,round .95h)//; pos5(max(1,,90-oblique); % ear
+ ref1=z3r{right} o_t z4r{upward} o_t z1r{left};
+ z6l=ref1 intersectionpoint ((0,y5l)--z5l);
+ z6r=ref1 intersectionpoint ((0,y5r)--z5r);
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes ((0,y5l)--z5l);
+ (t3,t4)=ref1 intersectiontimes ((0,y5r)--z5r);
+ ref2=z1r{left} o_t z2r{downward} o_t z3r{right};
+ z20=(0,.1[y3r,y2r]); z21=(0,y20+max(1,;
+ z10r=ref2 intersectionpoint (z20--z20+(w,0));
+ z10l=ref2 intersectionpoint (z21--z21+(w,0));
+ z11l=(0,;
+ (z10r-z11r)=whatever*(z10l-z11l);;
+ z12l=(.25w,; z12r=(.25[x11r,w],;
+ z13l=(.6w,; z13r=(.6[x11r,w],;
+ z15r=(.5w,-d)//; z15l=(.5w,;
+ z14l=(w-max(1,.75[,]),.5[y15l,y13l])//;
+ z14r=(w,.5[y15r,y13r]);
+ z16r=(0,.5[y12l,y15r])//; z16l=(,.5[y12l,y15l])//;
+ z17r=z12l-(,0);
+ p1 =subpath(0,t1)of ref1--z6l--z5l--z5r--z6r--subpath(t3,2)of ref1--
+ ref2--cycle;
+ p1'=z1l{left} i_t z2l{downward} i_t z3l{right} i_t z4l{upward} i_t cycle;
+ p2=z10r{z11r-z10r}..controls(z11r)..z12r{right}...z13r{right}...
+ z14r{downward}...z15r{left}...z16r...z17r-(0,eps)--z17r{left}...
+ z11l--z10l--cycle;
+ p2'=z12l{right}..z13l{right}...z14l{downward}...z15l{left}...
+ z16l{upward}...cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,20,21);
+ adjust(v_c**b_mfit#,v_g**b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def g_fullbowl=
+iff OK "g": "The letter g";
+ beginchar(103+alt1,b_w*width#+c_mono#,xheight#,descender#);
+ top rt z11r=(w,h)//; multpos(11,14)(,0);
+ bot rt z14r=(w,-d)//; pos10(max(1,,0-oblique); % spur
+ onaline(11l,14l)(1l,2,5,6,13l);
+ y1l=(;
+; y1r=y1l;
+ y5=ductal[,y1l];
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1r,10r,13r);
+ y13r=min(.25xheight,-d+(1-v_stress)*xheight);
+ y13l=.3[y6,];
+ top y10=h;
+ lft z3l=(0,(1-v_stress)*h-.0*;
+ rt x3r=lft;
+ y3r=inlimit((1-v_stress)*h+.0*,;
+ lft z16=(.1w,-.9d)//;
+ bot y15r=top;
+ good_x_for(15r)(z16,z13r,.4)a;
+ good_x_for(15l)(z16+(bulb_thickness,0),z13l,.4)b;
+ ref1=bowl.l(z5,,z1l,,z3r,z3l);
+ ref2=z6--z13l{downward} i_t
+,z15l,z15r,.5cs,bulb_thickness,90) o_t z13r{upward}; % tail
+ ref3=(z1r soften(z10r,z10l) z2);
+ p1'=bowl_counter(ref1)--cycle; % counter
+ if spur:p1=ref2--ref3--outer_bowlpath(ref1)--cycle; % bowl and spur
+ else:ref0=bowl.l(z5,,z1r,,z3r,z3l); % bowl
+ p1=ref2--outer_bowlpath(ref0)--cycle; fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,5,6,10,11,13,14,15,20,21);
+ adjust(v_c**c_mfit#,v_a**c_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def letter_g= save a,b,c;
+ vardef a=condition(spur)t; testing_codes;g_fullbowl; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(spur)f; testing_codes;g_fullbowl; enddef;
+ vardef c=condition(g_full_bowl)f; testing_codes;g_doublebowl; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b;c;else:if g_full_bowl:if spur:a;else:b;fi else:c;fi
+ fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_g; save letter_g,g_fullbowl,g_doublebowl;
+iff OK "h": "The letter h";
+ beginchar("h",n_w*width#+b_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ y5=ductal[,serif_thickness];
+ top rt z1r=(w,h)//; multpos(1,4,11,14)(,0);
+ bot rt z4r=(w,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//;
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=x_bracket_h; y12l=max(h-x_bracket_h,y13l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(5,12r,13r); y13r=min(y13l,y5); y12r=max(y12l,xheight);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=min(l_arch*xheight,;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2r=r_arch*xheight; y3r=min(x_bracket_h,y2r);
+ y3l=min(x_bracket_h,y2l);
+ ref1=z13r..terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5ts,asc_terminal_angle)..z13l;
+ p1=fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs)--softenit(ref1,ref2)--
+ fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.75hs)--softenit(ref2,ref1)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "i": "The letter i";
+ beginchar("i",i_w*width#+b_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ bot z40=(if singlepitch:.55w else:.5w fi,0); multpos(1,4,40)(,0);
+ lft x4l=round x40l; bot y4=0;
+ z1=(x4,h)//;
+ onaline(1,4)(11); y11=y1+max(1,.2h);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=y3r=x_bracket_h;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2l=y2r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y3l);
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.75hs,.75hs)--
+ terminalserif.l(z1,z4,z2l,z2r,.5ts,x_terminal_angle)--cycle;
+ p2=dot.b(z11,accent_dot_diameter);
+ if singlepitch:pickup pencircle yscaled rotated -oblique;
+ lft top z12=(0,h); rt top z13=(x1,h);
+ draw z12--z13; showpoints(12,13);
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,11,40);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "j": "The letter j";
+ beginchar("j",j_w*width#+a_mono#,xheight#,descender#);
+ top rt z1r=(w,h)//; multpos(1,4)(,0);
+ rt z4r=(w,0);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=max(.25xheight,-d+(l_arch*(d+.25xheight)));
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y3r=max(.25xheight,-d+(r_arch*(d+.25xheight)));
+ onaline(1,4)(11); y11=y1+max(1,.2h); y2l=y2r=h-x_bracket_h;
+ lft z6=(0,-.95d)//;
+ save_num(knob)=min(bulb_thickness,.3*abs(x4l-x6));
+ bot y5r=top;
+ good_x_for(5r)(z6,z3r,.4)a; good_x_for(5l)(z6+(knob,0),z3l,.4)b;
+ p1=terminalserif.l(z1,z4,z2l,z2r,.5ts,x_terminal_angle)--z3l{downward} i_t
+,z5l,z5r,.5cs,knob,90) o_t z3r{upward}--cycle;
+ p2=dot.b(z11,accent_dot_diameter);
+ if singlepitch:pickup pencircle yscaled rotated -oblique;
+ lft top z12=(.2w,h); rt top z13=(x1,h);
+ draw z12--z13; showpoints(12,13);
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11);
+show_character; endchar;
+ def k_without_beveled_join=
+iff OK "k": "The letter k";
+ beginchar(107+alt5,b_w*width#+c_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r,3r,41); y3r=.5xheight;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=x_bracket_h; y13r=max(y3r,y13l);
+ y12l=max(h-x_bracket_h,y13l);
+ top rt z1r=(if narrow_condition:w else:.95w fi,xheight)//;
+ multpos(1,3)(max(1,,constant_angle(z1r,z3r,0));
+ onaline(1,3)(44); top y44=xheight;
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l,4l,41); y12r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y41);
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,40,42); y4l=.02[y41,y44]; % y4l places bot/right arm
+ z6r=(w,0); y2l=max(xheight-x_bracket_h,y41);
+ multpos(4,6)(max(1,,constant_angle(z4l,z6r,max(1,;
+ onaline(4r,6r)(5r,42); y2r=max(xheight-x_bracket_h,y42);
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,40); y5l=y5r=min(x_bracket_h,y4l,y40);
+ onaline(4,6)(43); bot y43=0;
+ p1=(fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z3r,z40)
+ fullserif.r(z43,z4,z5l,z5r,.5hs,.5hs)--z42
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z42 fi--
+ fullserif.r(z44,z3,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.25hs)--z41
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z41 fi--
+ terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5ts,asc_terminal_angle))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,40,41,42,43,44);
+ adjust(v_a**c_mfit#,v_g**c_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def k_with_beveled_join=
+iff OK "k": "The letter k";
+ beginchar(107+alt5,b_w*width#+b_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=y13r=x_bracket_h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y12l=y12r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y13l);
+ ref1=rightserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs)--rightserif(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5hs);
+ top rt z1r=(if narrow_condition:w else:.95w fi,xheight)//;
+ z3l=z4l=ref1 intersectionpoint ((0,.55xheight)--(w,.55xheight));
+ z6r=(w,0);
+ multpos(4,6)(max(1,,constant_angle(z4l,z6r,max(1,;
+ multpos(1,3)(max(1,,constant_angle(z1r,z4l,;
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l);
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,42);
+ onaline(1,3)(44); top y44=xheight;
+ onaline(4r,6r)(5r,42); y2l=y2r=max(xheight-x_bracket_h,y4l,y42);
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l); y5l=y5r=min(x_bracket_h,y4l,y42);
+ onaline(4,6)(43); bot y43=0;
+ p1=fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs)--
+ terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5ts,asc_terminal_angle)--cycle;
+ p2=(terminalserif.r(z43,z4,z5l,z5r,.5ts,base_terminal_angle)--z42
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z42 fi--
+ fullserif.r(z44,z3,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.25hs)--z4l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,42,43,44);
+ adjust(v_a**b_mfit#,v_g**b_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_k= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(beveled_join)t;testing_codes;k_with_beveled_join; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(beveled_join)f;testing_codes;k_without_beveled_join;enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if beveled_join:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_k; save letter_k,k_with_beveled_join,k_without_beveled_join;
+iff OK "l": "The letter l";
+ beginchar("l",i_w*width#+b_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ bot z40=(if singlepitch:.55w else:.5w fi,0);
+ multpos(1,4,40)(,0);
+ lft x4l=round x40l; bot y4=0;
+ z1=(x4,h)//;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=y3r=x_bracket_h;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y2l=y2r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y3l);
+ p1=fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.75hs,.75hs)--
+ terminalserif.l(z1,z4,z2l,z2r,.5ts,asc_terminal_angle)--cycle;
+ if singlepitch:pickup pencircle yscaled rotated -oblique;
+ lft top z11=(0,h); rt top z12=(x1,h);
+ draw z11--z12; showpoints(11,12);
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "m": "The letter m";
+ beginchar("m",m_w*width#+f_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ bot lft z4l=(0,0); multpos(1,4,11,14,21,24,44,44')(,0);
+ % rounds stems/spaces between stems to be =
+ y44=y44'=y14=y24=y4; % y-values of refs set to actual pts
+ x44l-x4l=x44'l-x44l; % makes spaces equal & connects ref to
+ x44'r=w; % actual pts
+ x14l=round x44l; % makes actual pt a rounded ref pt
+ x24l-x14l=x14l-x4l; w:=x24r; % makes actual spaces equal;resets x24r
+ top z1=(x4,h)//; top z11=(x14,h)//; top z21=(x24,h)//;
+ y5=y15=ductal[,serif_thickness];
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y3l=x_bracket_h; y2l=max(h-x_bracket_h,y3l);
+ onaline(1r,4r)(5,3r); y3r=min(y3l,y5);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y22r=r_arch*h;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(15,13r); y12l=y22l=min(l_arch*h,;
+ onaline(21l,24l)(22l,23l); y13l=y23l=min(y3l,y12l);
+ onaline(21r,24r)(22r,23r); y13r=y23r=min(y3r,y3l);
+ ref1=terminalserif.l(z1,z4,z2l,z3r,.5ts,x_terminal_angle);
+ z40=(point 2 of ref3);z41=z40+(h,0)rotated angle(z40-precontrol 2 of ref3);
+ ref4=subpath(0,2)of ref3--z41;
+ (t1,t2)=ref4 intersectiontimes ref5;
+ p1=fullserif(z24,z21,z23l,z23r,.5hs,.75hs)--
+ subpath(0,t1)of ref4--subpath(t2,infinity)of ref5--
+ softenit(fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.5hs)--z5,
+ z5--subpath(3,infinity)of ref2)--
+ softenit(fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs)--z15,
+ subpath(3,5)of ref3)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14,15,21,22,23,24,41,44,44');
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "n": "The letter n";
+ beginchar("n",n_w*width#+b_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ y5=ductal[,serif_thickness];
+ top rt z1r=(w,h)//; multpos(1,4,11,14)(,0);
+ bot rt z4r=(w,0);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//;
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=x_bracket_h; y12l=max(h-x_bracket_h,y13l);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(5,13r); y13r=min(y13l,y5);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2l=min(l_arch*h,;y2r=r_arch*h;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y3l=min(x_bracket_h,y2l);y3r=min(x_bracket_h,y2r);
+ ref1=z13r..terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z13r,.5ts,x_terminal_angle);
+ p1=fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs)--
+ softenit(ref1,subpath(3,5)of ref2)--
+ fullserif(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.75hs)--
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "o": "The letter o";
+ beginchar("o",oo_w*width#+d_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ top z1=(h_stress*w,;
+ lft z2=(0,(1-v_stress)*h)//;
+ bot z3=((1-h_stress)*w,;
+ rt z4=(w,v_stress*h)//;
+ circular_shape(y1,y3,x2,x4,,;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Only y1/y3 and x2/x4 values actually used; the points are put in for proofs
+iff OK "p": "The letter p";
+ beginchar("p",b_w*width#+c_mono#,xheight#,descender#);
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,-d)//;
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1,2,5,13r);
+ y1=(;
+ y5=ductal[,y1];
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l);
+ y13l=-d+x_bracket_h; y13r=min(y13l,y2);
+ y12l=max(h-x_bracket_h,y13l);
+ rt z3r=(w,v_stress*xheight+.0*;
+ lft x3l=rt;
+ y3l=inlimit(v_stress*xheight-.0*
+ (,;
+ ref1=bowl.r(z5,,z1,,z3l,z3r);
+ ref2=outer_bowlpath(ref1);
+ ref3=terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z5,.5ts,x_terminal_angle);
+ p1'=bowl_counter(ref1)--cycle; % counter
+ p1,ref3,5)--
+ fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,1hs)--cycle; % bowl
+ showpoints(1,2,3,5,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "q": "The letter q with foot";
+ beginchar(113+alt2,b_w*width#+c_mono#,xheight#,descender#);
+ top rt z11r=(w,h)//; multpos(11,14)(,0);
+ bot rt z14r=(w,-d)//; pos10(max(1,,0-oblique); % spur
+ onaline(11l,14l)(1l,2,5,6,13l);
+ y1l=(;
+; y1r=y1l;
+ y5=ductal[,y1l];
+ onaline(11r,14r)(1r,10r,13r);
+ y13r=-d+x_bracket_h; y13l=min(y6,y13r);
+ top y10=h;
+ lft z3l=(0,(1-v_stress)*h-.0*;
+ rt x3r=lft;
+ y3r=inlimit((1-v_stress)*h+.0*,;
+ ref1=bowl.l(z5,,z1l,,z3r,z3l);
+ ref2=z6--fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,1hs); % tail
+ ref3=(z1r soften(z10r,z10l) z2);
+ p1'=bowl_counter(ref1)--cycle; % counter
+ if spur:p1=ref2--ref3--outer_bowlpath(ref1)--cycle; % bowl and spur
+ else:ref0=bowl.l(z5,,z1r,,z3r,z3l); % bowl
+ p1=ref2--outer_bowlpath(ref0)--cycle; fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,5,6,10,11,13,14,20,21);
+ adjust(v_c**c_mfit#,v_a**c_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_q= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(spur)t; testing_codes; character_points; enddef; % spur
+ vardef b=condition(spur)f; testing_codes; character_points; enddef; % no spur
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if spur:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_q; save letter_q;
+iff OK "r": "The letter r";
+ beginchar("r",r_w*width#+a_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ save arch_thickness;,;
+ save_num(arch_reference)=.95;
+ top lft z11l=(0,h)//; multpos(11,14)(,0);
+ bot lft z14l=(0,0);
+ rt z1=(w,if bulb_taper:.99h else:.95h fi)//;
+ save_num(knob)=if
+ else:inlimit(2bulb_thickness)(,.6(w-x14r)) fi;
+ save_num(arm_softness)=.3knob;
+ rt z40r=(w,.5h); pos40(knob,0);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(5,13r);
+ y5=(inlimit(ductal)(.1,.3))[,serif_thickness];
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l); y13l=x_bracket_h; y13r=min(y13l,y5);
+ y12l=max(h-x_bracket_h,y13l);
+ ref1=terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z5,.5ts,x_terminal_angle);
+ z2r=(point 1 of ref2);
+ z2l=(point 1 of reverse ref2);
+ p1=(fullserif(z14,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.75hs)--z5)softjoin
+ (z5--subpath(2,1)of reverse ref2--
+,infinity)of ref2,ref1,1))--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,5,11,12,13,14,40);
+ max(v_h*,v_a**width#)+m_ee*a_mfit#);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "s": "The letter s";
+ beginchar("s",s_w*width#+b_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ save circ_s; circ_s1=.5(1-circ1); circ_s2=.5(1-circ1); % lessens tension
+ save circ; circ1=1-circ_s1; circ2=1-circ_s2; % variance
+ save_num(term_length)=if else:.75cs fi;
+ rt z1=(.93w,.95h)//;
+ lft z7=(0,.07h)//;
+ top y2l=bot;
+ bot y6r=top;
+ z4=(.5w,.52h)//;
+ lft z3l=(round(.05w),.5[y4,y2l])//;
+ rt z5r=(w,.5[y6r,y4])//;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1,.5)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1-(bulb_thickness,0),.4)b;
+ good_x_for(6r)(z7,z5r,.5)c; good_x_for(6l)(z7+(bulb_thickness,0),z5l,.6)d;
+ z3=z3l+(,0); z5=z5r-(,0);
+ ref1=z3..z4..z5;
+ pos4(,(angle(postcontrol 1 of ref1-precontrol 1 of ref1))+90-10);
+ rt z3r=(lft x3l+max(1,,(1-v_stress)[y4r,y2r]);
+ lft z5l=(rt,v_stress[y6l,y4l]);
+ o_t z3l{downward} o_t z4l i_t z5l i_t
+ o_t z5r{upward} o_t z4r i_t z3r i_t cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "t": "The letter t";
+ beginchar("t",s_w*width#+d_mono#,max(1.2xheight#,.5[xheight#,cap#]),0);
+ lft z1l=(round .2w,max(h,xheight+1))//;
+ rt z1r=(,y1l+max(1,;
+ lft z3l=(round .2w,.35*xheight)//; rt z3r=(,.35*xheight);
+ rt z5l=(w,.15xheight)//; pos5(max(1,,130-oblique);
+ bot y4l=top;
+ good_x_for(4l)(z3l,z5l,.5)c; good_x_for(4r)(z3r,z5r,.5)d;
+ x4r:=min(x4r,;
+ top z11=(.9w,xheight)//; multpos(12,13)(max(1,,90);
+ onaline(1r,3r)(12r); y12r=y11;
+ top lft z13r=(0,xheight)//;
+ p1=(z3l{downward} o_t z4l{right} o_t z5l
+ if softpath:)softjoin(z5l--z5r)softjoin(else:--fi
+ z5r i_t z4r{left} i_t z3r{upward} soften(z1r,z1l) z3l{downward})--cycle;
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5*min(,serif_thickness));
+ p2=(,z12l,z12r,.15as,.25tip_thickness,90)
+ soften(z13r,z13l) z12l)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13);
+iff OK "u": "The letter u";
+ beginchar("u",n_w*width#+b_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ y5=ductal[,h-serif_thickness];
+ bot lft z1l=(0,0); multpos(1,4,11,14)(,0);
+ top lft z4l=(0,h)//;
+ top rt z11r=(w,h)//;
+ bot rt z14r=(w,0); y13r=x_bracket_h; y12l=max(h-x_bracket_h,y5);
+ onaline(11l,14l)(5,12l); y12r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y13r);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r); y2l=(.95-l_arch)*h; y3l=max(h-x_bracket_h,y2l);
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l); y2r=max((.95-r_arch)*h,;
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r); y3r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y2r);
+ ref1=z12l..terminalserif.r(z14,z11,z12l,z13r,.5ts,base_terminal_angle);
+ p1=terminalserif.l(z11,z14,z12l,z12r,.5ts,0)--softenit(ref1,ref2)--
+ terminalserif.l(z4,z1,z3l,z3r,.5ts,x_terminal_angle)--
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14);
+show_character; endchar;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "v": "The letter v";
+ beginchar(118+alt4,v_w*width#+d_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ save_bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<25):true else:false fi; % if real low res
+ min_limit(join_radius)(;
+ bot z20=(.5w,; pos20(,0-apex_angle);
+ lft z1l=(0,h)//; multpos(1,3)(,constant_angle(z1l,z20l,0));
+ rt z4r=(w,h)//; multpos(4,6)(,constant_angle(z4r,z20r,0));
+ onaline(1l,20l)(2l,3l); y3l=y20l;
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,40);
+ onaline(4r,20r)(5r,6r); y6r=y20r;
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,40); y2l=y2r=y5l=y5r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y40);
+ onaline(1,3)(41); top y41=top y42=h;
+ onaline(4,6)(42);
+ ref1=notch_pos[z40,z2r]--z40--notch_pos[z40,z5l];
+ if flat_diagonal_endings:
+ p1=(fullserif.l(z41,z3,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z20l,z20r)
+ fullserif.r(z42,z6,z5l,z5r,.5hs,.5hs)..
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z20-z40),;
+ else:p1=(terminalserif.l(z41,z3,z2l,z2r,.5ts,diag_terminal_angle)soft
+ soften(z20l,z20r) terminalserif.l(z42,z6,z5l,z5r,.5ts,0)soft..
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z20-z40),;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,20,40,41,42);
+ adjust(v_d**d_mfit#,v_e**d_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_v= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)t; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)f; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if flat_diagonal_endings:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_v; save letter_v;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "w": "The letter w";
+ beginchar(119+alt4,w_w*width#+f_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ save_bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<25):true else:false fi; % if real low res
+ min_limit(join_radius)(;
+ lft z1l=(0,h)//;
+ rt z10r=(w,h)//;
+ bot z21=(.22w,; multpos(21,22,23)(,0-apex_angle);
+ bot z23=(w-x21,;
+ z3l=z21l; z6r=z21r; z9l=z23l; z12r=z23r;
+ multpos(1,3)(if narrow_condition:w_narrow_amt else:1 fi[,],
+ constant_angle(z1l,z21l,0));
+ multpos(10,12)(,constant_angle(z10r,z23r,0));
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,41,46); onaline(1l,3l)(2l); onaline(1,3)(44);
+ onaline(10l,12l)(11l,43,47); onaline(10r,12r)(11r); onaline(10,12)(45);
+ top y44=h;y45=y46=y47=y44;
+ x22=.5[x46,x47]; y22=if singlepitch:.8h fi;
+ z4l=z22l; z7r=z22r;
+ multpos(4,6)(,constant_angle(z22l,z21r,;
+ multpos(7,9)(if narrow_condition:w_narrow_amt else:1 fi[,],
+ constant_angle(z22r,z23l,;
+ onaline(4l,6l)(5l,41); onaline(4r,6r)(5r,42);
+ onaline(7l,9l)(8l,42); onaline(7r,9r)(8r,43);
+ y5l=y8r=notch_pos[max(y41,y43),y22]; y5r=y8l=notch_pos[y42,y3l];
+ y2l=y2r=y11l=y11r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y41,y43);
+ ref1=notch_pos[z41,z2r]--z41--z5l;
+ ref2=z8l--z42--z5r;
+ ref3=z8r--z43--notch_pos[z43,z11l];
+ if flat_diagonal_endings:
+ p1=(fullserif.l(z44,z3,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.5hs) soften(z21l,z21r)
+ upnotch.r(ref2,angle(z22-z42),
+ soften(z23l,z23r) fullserif.r(z45,z12,z11l,z11r,.5hs,.5hs)..
+ downnotch.r(ref3,angle(z23-z43), soften(z22r,z22l)
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z21-z41),;
+ else:p1=(terminalserif.l(z44,z3,z2l,z2r,.75ts,20)soft soften(z21l,z21r)
+ upnotch.r(ref2,angle(z22-z42),
+ soften(z23l,z23r) terminalserif.l(z45,z12,z11l,z11r,.5ts,0)soft..
+ downnotch.r(ref3,angle(z23-z43), soften(z22r,z22l)
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z21-z41),;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,22,23,41,42,43,44,45,46,47);
+ adjust(v_d**f_mfit#,v_e**f_mfit#);
+ show_character;endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_w= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)t; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)f; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if flat_diagonal_endings:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_w; save letter_w;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "x": "The letter x";
+ beginchar(120+alt4,v_w*width#+d_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ top z1l=(.05w,h)//; top z11r=(.95w,h)//;
+ bot z4r=(w,0); bot z14l=(0,0);
+ multpos(1,4)(,constant_angle(z1l,z4r,;
+ multpos(11,14)(,constant_angle(z11r,z14l,;
+ onaline(1l,4l)(2l,3l,42,43);
+ onaline(1r,4r)(2r,3r,40,41);
+ onaline(1,4)(21,22); top y21=top y23=h;
+ onaline(11l,14l)(12l,13l,40,43);
+ onaline(11r,14r)(12r,13r,41,42);
+ onaline(11,14)(23,24); bot y22=bot y24=0;
+ y2l=y2r=y12l=y12r=max(h-serif_thickness-.5x_bracket_h,y40);
+ y3l=y3r=y13l=y13r=min(serif_thickness+.5x_bracket_h,y42);
+ ref1=notch_pos[z40,z2r]--z40--notch_pos[z40,z12l];
+ ref2=notch_pos[z42,z3l]--z42--notch_pos[z42,z13r];
+ if flat_diagonal_endings:p1=fullserif(z21,z4,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.25hs)--z43--
+ fullserif(z24,z11,z13l,z13r,.5hs,.5hs)--
+ upnotch.r(ref2,angle(z40-z42),
+ fullserif(z22,z1,z3l,z3r,.5hs,.5hs)--z41--
+ fullserif(z23,z14,z12l,z12r,.25hs,.5hs)--
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z42-z40),;
+ else:p1=terminalserif.l(z21,z4,z2l,z2r,.5ts,0)soft--z43--
+ terminalserif.r(z24,z11,z13l,z13r,.5ts,0)soft--
+ upnotch.r(ref2,angle(z40-z42),
+ terminalserif.r(z22,z1,z3l,z3r,.5ts,diag_terminal_angle)soft--z41--
+ terminalserif.l(z23,z14,z12l,z12r,.5ts,0)soft--
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z42-z40),;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,40,41,42,43);
+ adjust(v_g**d_mfit#,v_g**d_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_x= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)t; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)f; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if flat_diagonal_endings:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_x; save letter_x;
+ def character_points=
+iff OK "y": "The letter y";
+ beginchar(121+alt4,v_w*width#+d_mono#,xheight#,descender#);
+ bot z20=(,0);
+ rt z4r=(w,h)//;
+ multpos(4,7)(,constant_angle(z4r,z20,0));
+ onaline(4r,20)(5r,6r,7r); y7=-d; y6r=y7+x_bracket_h;
+ onaline(4l,7l)(3l,5l,6l,40); y3l=.05h;
+ lft z1l=(0,h)//;
+ multpos(1,3)(,constant_angle(z1l,z3l,0));
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l);
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,40); y2l=y2r=y5l=y5r=max(h-x_bracket_h,y40);
+ onaline(1,3)(41); top y41=top y42=h; y6l=min(y6r,y3l);
+ onaline(4,7)(42);
+ ref1=notch_pos[z40,z2r]--z40--notch_pos[z40,z5l];
+ if flat_diagonal_endings:p1=(fullserif.l(z41,z3,z2l,z2r,.5hs,.5hs)--z3l
+ if softpath:)softjoin( else:-- fi z3l--
+ fullserif(z7,z4,z6l,z6r,.75hs,.5hs)..
+ fullserif(z42,z7,z5l,z5r,.5hs,.5hs)..
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z20-z40),;
+ else:p1=(terminalserif.l(z41,z3,z2l,z2r,.5ts,diag_terminal_angle)soft
+ ..z3l if softpath:)softjoin( else:-- fi z3l--
+ terminalserif.l(z7,z4,z6l,z6r,.5ts,0)soft..
+ terminalserif.l(z42,z7,z5l,z5r,.5ts,0)soft..
+ downnotch.r(ref1,angle(z20-z40),;
+ fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,20,40,41,42);
+ adjust(v_d**d_mfit#,v_e**d_mfit#);
+ show_character; endchar;
+ enddef;
+ vardef letter_y= save a,b;
+ vardef a=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)t; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ vardef b=condition(flat_diagonal_endings)f; testing_codes;
+ character_points; enddef;
+ if test_all_characters:a;b; else:if flat_diagonal_endings:a; else:b; fi fi
+ enddef;
+ letter_y; save letter_y;
+iff OK "z": "The letter z";
+ beginchar("z",s_w*width#+b_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(;
+ top rt z1r=(w,;
+ bot lft z3l=(0,;
+ multpos(1,3)(max(1,,constant_angle(z1r,z3l,max(1,;
+ z43=(x1r,h);
+ z41=(x3l,0);
+ rt z14=(w,0);
+ lft z11=(.05w,h)//;
+ top y12r=h; bot y12l=bot y40=top y12r-max(1,;
+ bot y13l=0; top y13r=top y42=bot y13l+max(1,;
+ onaline(1l,3l)(2l,40); y2l=notch_pos[y40,y3l];
+ onaline(1r,3r)(2r,42); y2r=notch_pos[y42,y1r];
+ good_x_for(12r)(z11,z43,.5)a;good_x_for(12l)(z11+(tip_thickness,0),z40,.5)b;
+ good_x_for(13l)(z41,z14,.5)c;good_x_for(13r)(z42,z14-(tip_thickness,0),.5)d;
+ ref1=z2l--z40--z12l; ref2=z2r--z42--z13r;
+ p1=(,z12l,z12r,.4as,tip_thickness,90)soft--
+ rightnotch.r(ref1,angle right,
+ soften(z2l,z3l,z41,z13l)
+ leftnotch.r(ref2,angle left,
+ soften(z2r,z1r,z43) z12r)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,11,12,13,40,41,42);
+show_character; endchar;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbea875cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% punctuation: common in all character sets
+% 21 characters
+iff OK "!": "Exclamation point";
+ beginchar("!",I_w*width#+a_mono#,cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5thin_stem.uc);
+ bot z1=(round(.5w),0);
+ z0=bot z1+(0,.5accent_dot_diameter);
+ top z3=(x1,h)//; pos3(stem.uc,-oblique);
+ onaline(0,3)(2); bot y2=max(bot y1+accent_dot_diameter+2,.3y3);
+ pos2(thin_stem.uc,-oblique);
+ p1=dot.b(z1,accent_dot_diameter);
+ p2=(z3--z3l)softjoin(z3l--z2l)softjoin(z2l--z2r)softjoin(z2r--z3r)
+ softjoin(z3r--z3)--cycle;
+ showpoints(0,1,2,3);
+show_character; endchar;
+% rotation of shape and slant of position with obliqueness
+iff OK "#": "Sharp/number/hash/pound";
+ beginchar("#",.5width#+b_mono#,ascender#,descender#);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.375stem.uc);
+ multpos(1,2,3,4)(max(1,.75stem.uc),90);
+ bot lft z3l=(0,round(1.05math_axis-.2h-.5*max(1,.75stem.uc)))//;
+ z4l=(x3l+.9w,y3l);
+ bot rt z2l=(w,y3l+round .4h)//;
+ z1l=(x2l-.9w,y2l);
+ onaline(1,2)(11); x11=round(.27[x1,x2]);
+ onaline(3,4)(12); x12=round(.27[x3,x4]);
+ onaline(11,12)(5,6); top y5=h-mathlines; bot y6=-d+mathlines;
+ pickup mathpen rotated (angle(z5-z6)-90);
+ draw z5--z6;
+ draw (z5--z6) shifted
+ (max(round .5mathlines+2,round(abs(x2-x1))-2*round(.27(x2-x1))),0);
+ p1=(z1 soften(z1l,z2l,z2r,z1r) z1)--cycle;
+ p2=(z3 soften(z3l,z4l,z4r,z3r) z3)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "$": "Dollar sign";
+ beginchar("$",num_width_b#+b_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ top y2l=bot y2r+max(1,.75minor_curve.uc)=round(.9(h+d));
+ bot y6r=top y6l-max(1,.75minor_curve.uc)=round(.12(h+d));
+ rt z1=(.93w,y2r-.05(y2r-y6r))//;
+ lft z7=(0,y6r+.1(y2r-y6r))//;
+ z4=(.5w,.52[y6r,y2l])//;
+ lft z3l=(if narrow_condition:0 else:round(.05w) fi,.5[y4,y2l])//;
+ rt z5r=(w,.5[y6r,y4])//;
+ good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1,.5)a; good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1-(bulb_thickness,0),.4)b;
+ good_x_for(6r)(z7,z5r,.5)c; good_x_for(6l)(z7+(bulb_thickness,0),z5l,.6)d;
+ z3=z3l+(.5stem.uc,0); z5=z5r-(.5stem.uc,0);
+ ref1=z3..z4..z5;
+ pos4(stem.uc,(angle (postcontrol 1 of ref1-precontrol 1 of ref1))+90);
+ rt z3r=(lft x3l+max(1,.75stem.uc),(1-v_stress)[y4r,y2r]);
+ lft z5l=(rt x5r-.75stem.uc,v_stress[y6l,y4l]);
+ bot z10=(.5w,-ov_b.uc); multpos(10,11)(max(1,.75thin_stem.uc),-oblique);
+ top z11=(.5w,h+ov_t.uc)//;
+ o_t z3l{downward} o_t z4l i_t z5l i_t
+ o_t z5r{upward} o_t z4r i_t z3r i_t cycle;
+ p2=(.5[z10l,z11l] soften(z11l,z11r,z10r,z10l) .5[z10l,z11l])--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11);
+show_character; endchar;
+% currently same width as the lining numbers
+iff OK "%": "Percent sign";
+ beginchar("%",.5width#+d_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ top y1r=h; bot y1l=top y1r-max(1,;
+ bot y3r=.6h; top y3l=bot y3r+max(1,;
+ lft z2r=(0,(1-v_stress)[y3r,y1r])//;
+ rt z2l=(lft x2r+max(1,,(1-v_stress)[y3r,y1r]);
+ rt z4r=(round(.5w),v_stress[y3r,y1r])//;
+ lft z4l=(rt x4r-max(1,,v_stress[y3r,y1r]);
+ good_x_for(1r)(z2r,z4r,.52)a; good_x_for(1l)(z2l,z4l,.48)b;
+ good_x_for(3r)(z2r,z4r,.48)c; good_x_for(3l)(z2l,z4l,.52)d;
+ pickup mathpen rotated angle((w,h)//-(0,0)//);
+ z10=(round(.5w),round(-.6h))//;
+ top rt z11=(w,h)//;
+ bot lft z12=(0,0)//;
+ draw z11--z12;
+ p1 =z1r{left} o_t z2r{downward} o_t z3r{right} o_t z4r{upward} o_t cycle;
+ p1'=z1l{left} i_t z2l{downward} i_t z3l{right} i_t z4l{upward} i_t cycle;
+ p2 =p1 shifted z10;
+ p2'=p1' shifted z10;
+ z13r= point 3.5 of p1; pos13(max(1,,90-oblique);
+ z14r= (.5[x13,x11],y13); pos14(max(1,,90-oblique);
+ z15=z11+(.5mathlines,0)rotated (angle((w,h)//-(0,-d)//)+90);
+ p3=z13l...z14l{right}...z15--z15...z14r{left}...z13r--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14,15);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "&": "Ampersand";
+ beginchar("&",.65width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ bot y6r=top y6l-thin_stem.uc=-ov_b.uc;
+ top y2l=y2r+max(1,.9thin_stem.uc)=h+ov_t.uc;
+ z4=.65[z6r,z2l];
+ rt z1l=(.75w if narrow_condition:+.05w fi,.5[y4,y2r])//;
+ pos1(max(1,.9thin_stem.uc),180);
+ lft z3l=(round(.25w),.5[y4,y2r])//;
+ pos3(max(1,.9stem.uc),0);
+ z5=(if narrow_condition:.93w else:.9w fi,.8[y6r,y4])//;
+ z11=(.95[x6l,x5],y5-terminal_thickness-.07h);
+ multpos(5,11)(max(1,if narrow_condition:.8 else:.9 fi *thin_stem.uc),0);
+ lft z7r=(0,.45[y6r,y4])//; rt z7l=z7r+(bowlstem.uc,0); z7=.5[z7l,z7r];
+ z8=.5[z7r,z1l];
+ good_x_for(2r)(z3r,z1r,.5)a; good_x_for(2l)(z3l,z1l,.5)b;
+ good_x_for(6l)(z7l,z11l,.4)c; good_x_for(6r)(z7r,z11r,.4)d;
+ x6l:=min(x6l,x6r+thin_stem.uc);
+ z9l=z8;
+ bot rt z10=(.9w,0); pos10(max(1,.57stem.uc),10);
+ ref0=z1{downward}..z8..z7{downward};
+ pos8(max(1,thin_stem.uc),angle(direction 1 of ref0)+90);
+ pos9(max(1,.9stem.uc),angle(direction 1 of ref0)+180);
+ ref1=z2r{left} i_t z3r{downward}...
+ subpath(0,4)of reverse terminalserif.r(z10,z9,z9l,z9r,.5ts,0)soft;
+ ref2=subpath(4,20)of reverse terminalserif.r(z10,z9,z9l,z9r,.5ts,0)soft
+ ...z3l{upward} o_t z2l{right};
+ ref3=z6r{left} o_t z7r{upward} o_t z8l i_t z1r{upward} i_t z2r{left};
+ ref4=z6l{left} i_t z7l{upward} i_t z8r o_t z1l{upward} o_t z2l{left};
+ ref5=z5l..z11l i_t z6l{left};
+ ref6=reverse terminalserif(z5,z11,z11l,z11r,.75hs,0) o_t z6r{left};
+ (t1,t2)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref3; (t3,t4)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref3;
+ (t5,t6)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref4; (t7,t8)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref4;
+ (t9,t10)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref5; (t11,t12)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref5;
+ (t13,t14)=ref1 intersectiontimes ref6;(t15,t16)=ref2 intersectiontimes ref6;
+ p1 =reverse(subpath(0,t14)of ref6--subpath(t13,infinity)of ref1--
+ subpath(0,t15)of ref2--subpath(t16,infinity)of ref6--
+ subpath(0,t4)of ref3--subpath(t3,infinity)of ref2--
+ subpath(infinity,t6)of ref4--subpath(t5,t9)of ref1--
+ subpath(t10,1)of ref5)--cycle;
+ p1'=subpath(0,t1)of ref1--subpath(t2,infinity)of ref3--cycle;
+ p2'=subpath(0,t8)of ref4--subpath(t7,t11)of ref2--
+ subpath(t12,infinity)of ref5--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,100);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "'": "Single right quote or apostrophe";
+ beginchar(oct"047",I_w*width#+a_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(head)=accent_dot_diameter;
+ top z1=(.5w,.75[xheight,cap]-.5head)//;
+ ref1=comma(z1,head,min(.6xheight,1.5pt),accent_thin_end,0);
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround (z1,if prime:prime_angle fi -oblique);
+ showpoints(1);
+show_character; endchar;
+% rotation and slant of position with obliqueness
+iff OK "(": "Left parenthesis"; % need to add shift if w>.45h
+ beginchar("(",.25width#+b_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ save_num(width_limit)=min(w,.4(h+d));
+ parenthesis_curl:=2; def p_c={curl parenthesis_curl} enddef;
+ min_limit(join_radius)(max(.5,.37thin_stem.uc));
+ top z1l=(width_limit,h)//;
+ bot z3l=(width_limit,-d)//;
+ lft z2l=.5[z1l,z3l]+(width_limit,0)rotated(180-oblique);
+ pos2(max(1,.75stem.uc),-oblique);
+ ref1=z1l...z2l{downward}...z3l;
+ pos1(max(1,.75thin_stem.uc),angle(direction 0 of ref1)+90);
+ pos3(max(1,.75thin_stem.uc),angle(direction 2 of ref1)+90);
+ ref2=z1l p_c..z2l{downward}..p_c z3l; ref3=z3r p_c..z2r{upward}..p_c z1r;
+ if softpath:p1=(z2l{downward}..p_c z3l)softjoin(z3l--z3r)softjoin
+ ref3 softjoin(z1r--z1l)softjoin(z1l p_c..z2l{downward})--cycle;
+ else:p1=ref2--ref3--cycle; fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK ")": "Right parenthesis"; % need to add shift if w>.45h
+ beginchar(")",.25width#+b_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ save_num(width_limit)=min(w,.4(h+d));
+ parenthesis_curl:=2; def p_c={curl parenthesis_curl} enddef;
+ min_limit(join_radius)(max(.5,.37thin_stem.uc));
+ top z1l=(0,h)//;
+ bot z3l=(0,-d)//;
+ lft z2l=.5[z1l,z3l]+(width_limit,0)rotated(-oblique);
+ pos2(max(1,.75stem.uc),180-oblique);
+ ref1=z1l...z2l{downward}...z3l;
+ pos1(max(1,.75thin_stem.uc),angle(direction 0 of ref1)-90);
+ pos3(max(1,.75thin_stem.uc),angle(direction 2 of ref1)-90);
+ ref2=z1l p_c..z2l{downward}..p_c z3l; ref3=z3r p_c..z2r{upward}..p_c z1r;
+ if softpath:p1=(z2l{downward}..p_c z3l)softjoin(z3l--z3r)softjoin
+ ref3 softjoin(z1r--z1l)softjoin(z1l p_c..z2l{downward})--cycle;
+ else:p1=ref2--ref3--cycle; fi
+ showpoints(1,2,3);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "*": "Asterisk";
+ beginchar("*",.35width#+d_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(w_h)=min(w,h); save_bool(softpath)=true;
+ save_num(join_radius)=.3stem.uc;
+ z1=(.5w,if singlepitch:math_axis else:h-.5w_h fi)//;
+ top z3=z1+(0,.5w_h);
+ z2=whatever[z1,z3]; y2=.7[bot y1,top y3];
+ multpos(2,3)(inlimit(.75stem.uc)(1,abs(z2-z1)-2),0);
+ pickup pencircle scaled 1.5; draw z1;
+ ref1=(z1 soften(z2r,z3r,z3l,z2l) z1)--cycle;
+ for nn:=6: for n:=1 upto nn:
+ p[n]=ref1 rotatedaround (z1,(1-n)*(360/nn)-oblique); endfor endfor
+ showpoints(1,2,3);
+show_character; endchar;
+% rotation of shape and slant of position with obliqueness
+iff OK "+": "Plus sign";
+ beginchar("+",.5width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(w_h)=min(w,h);
+ pickup mathpen;
+ z0=(.5w,math_axis)//;
+ lft z1=round(z0-(.5w_h,0));
+ rt z2=lft z1+(w_h,0);
+ top z3=round(z0+(0,.5w_h));
+ bot z4=z3-(0,1.01w_h);
+ x2:=(x2 if(x3-x1)>(x2-x3):+1 elseif(x3-x1)<(x2-x3):-1 fi);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z3--z4;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+% character position, but not shape slants with obliqueness
+% must make sure that the plus/minus have the same widths
+iff OK ",": "Comma";
+ beginchar(",",1.15I_w*width#+a_mono#,xheight#,descender#);
+ save_num(head)=round_dot_diameter;
+ top z1=(round(.5w),.5round_dot_diameter)//;
+ ref1=comma(z1,head,min(.8d,.6xheight),accent_thin_end,0);
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround (z1,if prime:prime_angle fi -oblique);
+ showpoints(1);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK ".": "Period";
+ beginchar(".",1.5I_w*width#+a_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ bot z1=(.5w,0);
+ p1=dot.b(z1,round_dot_diameter);
+ showpoints(1);
+show_character; endchar;
+% no slant of shape with obliqueness
+iff OK "/": "Right leaning slash"; % need to add shift if w>.45h
+ beginchar("/",.45width#+b_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ pickup mathpen rotated angle((min(w,.5(h+d)),h)//-(0,-d)//);
+ top rt z1=(min(w,.5(h+d)),h)//;
+ bot lft z2=(0,-d)//;
+ draw z1--z2;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+iff OK ":": "Colon";
+ beginchar(":",I_w*width#+a_mono#,xheight#,0);
+ bot z1=(round(.5w),0);
+ top z2=(x1,if singlepitch:h
+ else:max(.85xheight,top y1+round_dot_diameter+2) fi)//;
+ p1=dot.b(z1,round_dot_diameter);
+ p2=dot.t(z2,round_dot_diameter);
+ showpoints(1,2);
+show_character; endchar;
+% no slant of shape, but slant of position of top dot with obliqueness
+iff OK ";": "Semi-colon";
+ beginchar(";",I_w*width#+a_mono#,xheight#,descender#);
+ save_num(head)=round_dot_diameter;
+ top z1=(round(.5w),.5round_dot_diameter)//;
+ top z2=(x1,if singlepitch:h
+ else:max(.85xheight,top y1+round_dot_diameter+2) fi)//;
+ ref1=comma(z1,head,min(.8d,.6xheight),accent_thin_end,0);
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround (z1,if prime:prime_angle fi -oblique);
+ p2=dot.t(z2,round_dot_diameter);
+ showpoints(1,2);
+show_character; endchar;
+% no slant of shape, but slant of position of top dot with obliqueness
+iff OK "=": "Equals sign";
+ beginchar("=",.5width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ pickup mathpen;
+ bot lft z1=(0,math_axis+.15h)//;
+ rt z2=(lft x1+w,y1);
+ top lft z3=(0,math_axis-.15h)//;
+ rt z4=(lft x3+w,y3);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z3--z4;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+% character position, but not shape slants with obliqueness
+iff OK "?": "Question mark";
+ beginchar("?",.35width#+b_mono#,cap#,0); %.4width
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5thin_stem.uc);
+ lft z1=(0,.9h)//;
+ rt z3r=(w,.75h)//; lft z3l=z3r-(stem.uc,0);
+ top y2r=bot y2l+max(1,major_curve.uc)=h+ov_t.uc;
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3r,.5)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1+(bulb_thickness,0),z3l,.5)b;
+ bot z7=(.35w,0);
+ z8=bot z7+(0,.5accent_dot_diameter);
+ bot z6=(bot z7+(0,max(bot y7+accent_dot_diameter+2,.3y2r)))//;
+ multpos(5,6)(thin_stem.uc,-oblique);
+ onaline(6,8)(5); y5=max(y7+accent_dot_diameter+2,.35y2r);
+ z4l=.4[z5l,z3l]; z4r=.4[z5r,z3r];
+ p1=(,z2l,z2r,cs,max(1,.75bulb_thickness),90)soft i_t z3l{downward}
+ i_t z4l o_t z5l{downward}--z6l)softjoin(z6l--z6r)softjoin
+ (z6r--z5r{upward} i_t z4r o_t z3r{upward} o_t z2r{left})--cycle;
+ p2=dot.b(z7,accent_dot_diameter);
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "@": "Commercial at sign";
+ beginchar("@",.6width#+f_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ majorcurve:=max(1,;
+ majorbowltip:=max(1,;
+ minorcurve:=max(1,;
+ save major_curve,minor_curve,major_bowl_tip;
+ save_bool(ensure_min_archthickness):=false;
+ save_num(thinline)=max(1,.4pt);
+ top rt z11r=(if narrow_condition:w else:.75w fi,.75h)//;
+ bot rt z13r=(if narrow_condition:w else:.75w fi,.27h)//;
+ multpos(11,13)(max(1,,0);
+ onaline(11l,13l)(1l,5,6); y1l=y1r=(;
+ onaline(11r,13r)(1r); y5=ductal[,y1l];
+ lft z3l=(if narrow_condition:.45w-.5* else:.25w fi,
+ (1-v_stress)[y13,y11r];
+ rt x3r=lft x3l+max(1,;
+ y3r=inlimit((1-v_stress)[y13r,y11r]
+ (,;
+ ref1=bowl.l(z5,.25h,z1l,.75h,z3r,z3l);
+ ref2=bowl.l(z5,.25h,z1r,.75h,z3r,z3l);
+ ref3=outer_bowlpath(ref2);
+ ref4=terminalserif.r(z13,z11,z5,z1r,0,0);
+ pickup pencircle scaled thinline;
+ rt z20 =(w,.5h)//;
+ rt z21 =z1r;
+ top z22=(.5w,.95h)//;
+ lft z23=(0,.5h)//;
+ bot z24=(.5w,.05h)//;
+ z25=(.75[x24,x20],.3[y24,y13]);
+ draw (if narrow_condition:z20...z21{upward}else:z13{right}...z20{upward} fi
+ ...z22{left}...z23{downward}...z24{right}...z25)
+ if singlepitch:shifted(0,-.5d) fi;
+ p1'=(bowl_counter(ref1)--cycle) if singlepitch:shifted(0,-.5d) fi; % counter
+ p1 =(,ref4,5)--cycle) % bowl
+ if singlepitch:shifted(0,-.5d) fi;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,5,6,11,13,20,21,22,23,24,25);
+show_character; endchar;
+% this character is quite thin compared to the others and even has its own
+% arch_thickness
+iff OK "[": "Left square bracket"; % need to add shift if w>.45h
+ beginchar("[",.3width#+b_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ pickup mathpen;
+ top rt z1=(min(w,.3(h+d)),h)//;
+ top lft z2=(0,h)//;
+ bot lft z3=(0,-d)//;
+ bot rt z4=(min(w,.3(h+d)),-d)//;
+ draw z1--z2--z3--z4;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+iff OK "]": "Right square bracket"; % need to add shift if w>.45h
+ beginchar("]",.3width#+b_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ pickup mathpen;
+ top lft z1=(0,h)//;
+ top rt z2=(min(w,.3(h+d)),h)//;
+ bot rt z3=(min(w,.3(h+d)),-d)//;
+ bot lft z4=(0,-d)//;
+ draw z1--z2--z3--z4;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+iff OK "`": "Single left quote";
+ beginchar(oct"140",I_w*width#+a_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(head)=accent_dot_diameter;
+ z1=(.5w,.75[xheight,cap]-.5head-min(.6xheight,2pt))//;
+ ref1=comma(z1,head,min(.6xheight,1.5pt),accent_thin_end,0);
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround(z1,180 if prime:prime_angle fi -oblique);
+ showpoints(1);
+show_character; endchar;
+% rotation and slant of position with obliqueness
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9b6c897cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% Pandora Bold 10 point
+mode_setup; % general setup
+input pandor % general definitions used in pandora
+designsize:= 10pt#; % intended "ideal" size for parameters
+width#:= 10pt#; % width of an em
+maxheight#:= 7.75pt#; % max height for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+ascender#:= 7.5pt#; % height of ascenders, e.g., on l,h,k
+cap#:= 7pt#; % height of uppercase, e.g., B,H,L
+xheight#:= 5pt#*1.02; % xheight of lowercase, e.g., x,n,o
+descender#:= 2pt#; % depth of descenders, e.g., on j,p,q
+maxdepth#:= 2.25pt#; % max depth for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+math_axis#:= .5[maxheight#,-maxdepth#]; % vertical alignment for math
+accent_height#:=.3(ascender#-xheight#); % places bottom of accents
+accent_depth#:=min(.5xheight#,.7(ascender#-xheight#)); % character ref box depth
+ maxdepth,math_axis,accent_depth);
+fixed_pitch_characters(false)(0); % true/false, # of characters per inch
+oblique:=0; % slant of character reference points
+bowlstem.uc#:=1.05*1.4 *fixed_pt; % uppercase (uc) bowl width*1.4 *fixed_pt; % lowercase (lc) bowl width
+stem.uc#:=1*1.4 *fixed_pt; % uppercase stem width*1.4 *fixed_pt; % lowercase stem width
+thin_stem.uc#:=.62*1.35 *fixed_pt; % width of thin uppercase stems*1.25 *fixed_pt; % width of thin lowercase stems
+ (bowlstem.uc,,stem.uc,,thin_stem.uc,;
+apex.uc:=inlimit(.4stem.uc)(0,stem.uc); % apex flatness in uppercase,; % apex flatness in lowercase
+ov_t.uc:=.02cap; % top curve overshoot for uppercase; % top curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_b.uc:=.02cap; % bottom curve overshoot for uppercase; % bottom curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_apex.uc:=.01cap; % apex overshoot for uppercase; % apex overshoot for lowercase
+apex_angle:=oblique; % for changing the angle at apex
+if xheight<25:lowres_fix(,,; fi
+if cap<70:lowres_fix(ov_t.uc,ov_b.uc,ov_apex.uc); fi
+ % for SERIFS and ARMS
+serif_thickness:=inlimit(,.5xheight); % base thickness of h-serifs
+terminal_thickness:=serif_thickness; % base thickness of terminal serifs
+tip_thickness:= serif_thickness; % base thickness of arms
+bulb_thickness:= 2*serif_thickness; % (base) thickness of bulbs
+x_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2xheight)(serif_thickness,.5xheight); % lc bracket join
+cap_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2cap)(serif_thickness,.5cap); % uc bracket join
+bool(ctrls):=false; % for explicit placement of control pts
+onbase:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along base of serif
+onstem:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along stem of serif
+midbracket_pull:= inlimit(.4)(0,1); % pulls brackets in on arms and serifs
+entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in horizontal serif base
+terminal_entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in terminal serif base
+arm_angle:= inlimit(10)(0,60); % global angle off of 90 degrees
+asc_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at ascender height: from 0 deg...h,k,l
+x_terminal_angle:= inlimit(15)(0,60); % at x-height: from 0 deg...m,n,r
+base_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % at base line: from 0 deg...u
+diag_terminal_angle:=inlimit(10)(0,60); % on diagonals: from 0 deg...k,v,w,y
+hs:=.75pt; % global horizontal serif length
+ts:=.75pt; % global terminal serif length
+as:=pt; % global arm length
+cs:=pt; % global curvedarm length
+serif_constant_amt:=0pt; % adds same length amount to all serifs
+bool(bulbs):=false; % arms become bulbs if true
+bool(bulb_taper):=false; % changes bulbs to tapering shape
+taper_angle:=if bulb_taper:10 else:0 fi;% if bulb_taper, adjusts angle at end
+bulb_taper_amt:=0; % taper length as a % of limb thickness; % c,s bulb length if bulb_taper=true
+c_and_s.uc:=0; % C,G,S bulb length if bulb_taper=true; % softness in heel of the terminal serif; % softness in the heel of the arm
+arch_thickness.uc:=.2[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc]; % uppercase arch thickness[,]; % lowercase arch thickness
+arch_tip.uc:=.5arch_thickness.uc; % thinnest part of the uc arch; % thinnest part of the lc arch
+arch_reference:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/stem
+arch_inner_amt:=inlimit(.8)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+r_arch:=l_arch:=inlimit(.6)(0,1); % y-value of max outer stress on r_arch
+bool(ensure_min_archthickness):=true; % guarantees minimum thickness
+major_curve.uc:=.9arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase major bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl curve thickness
+minor_curve.uc:=.85arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl tip thickness; % lowercase minor bowl tip thickness
+major_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.6)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+minor_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.5)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+major_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+minor_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+define_minimums( % these values keep a one pixel minimum
+ bowlstem.uc,stem.uc,thin_stem.uc,apex.uc,arch_thickness.uc,arch_tip.uc,
+ major_curve.uc,minor_curve.uc);
+v_stress:=.52; % places point of vert stress on bowl
+h_stress:=.51; % places horzstress on circular shapes
+ductal:=inlimit(.1)(0,1); % for more ductal strokes: value of 1*(; % minor curve join
+circ1:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer curve shapes
+circ2:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5); % tension of inner curve shapes
+circ3:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer circular_shapes
+bool(softjuncture):=true; % are junctures soft? in junct macro
+juncture_opening:=inlimit(,;% indent into stem at juncture
+stemcut_angle:=-2; % cut into stem at angle off of 90
+archcut_angle:=5; % cuts into regular arch path
+notch_length.uc:=.05stem.uc; % length of corrective notching (uc); % length of corrective notching (lc)
+notch_width:=1; % width of corrective notching in pixels
+notch_pos:=.3; % positions the beginning of the notch
+bool(center_notch):= % centers all notches
+ if(>=.75:true else:false fi;
+bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<15) % if real low resolution
+ or(xheight#>15pt#) % or large character size
+ or(thin_stem.uc/stem.uc<.5):true % or small thin/thick ratio
+ else:false fi; % this overrides notching
+round_dot_diameter:=1.1stem.uc; % diameter of dots on ;:; % diameter of dots(!?") and dot accents
+comma_dot_indent:=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % indent in the comma macro for the dot
+bool(prime):=false; % changes commas to prime
+prime_angle:=-20; % angle of prime-like comma
+bool(realsoft_accents):=true; % make accents soft as possible
+accent_thin_end:=max(1,; % thinnest end of accents
+accent_thick_end:=max(1,; % thickest end of accents
+mathlines:=max(1,.45*1.4pt); % thickness of lines in math characters
+head_thickness:=max(1,.9mathlines); % arrowhead thickness
+def mathpen=pensquare scaled mathlines enddef; % for []/=+#%-\<>_|^
+blank_space_thickness:=max(1,.7mathlines); % for space char
+def slashpen=pensquare scaled max(1, enddef; % in O-slash chars
+def dashpen=pensquare scaled max(1,.75mathlines) enddef; % for en em
+join_radius:=.1pt; % global softness for use with softjoin
+bool(softpath):=true; % softens paths in macros
+narrow_amt:=inlimit(.7)(0,1); % thins strokes if narrow condition=true
+w_narrow_amt:=inlimit(.3)(0,1); % thins strokes especially for eMwW oe
+ebar_angle:=0; % used on the lowercase e
+bool(bold):=true; % changes accent shapes if bold
+rulepen:=pensquare scaled 1; % makes screenrules 1 pixel thick
+if oblique=0:let //=relax % lets // do nothing if needed otherwise
+ else:def //=slanted sind(oblique/cosd oblique) enddef fi; % // slants ref pts
+pair upward,downward;
+ upward=dir(90-oblique); % "up" along oblique angle
+ downward=dir(-90-oblique); % "down" along oblique angle
+ % ALTERNATE character specs
+bool(test_all_characters):=false; % allows testing of alternate characters
+ alt0:=0; bool(a_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on a
+ alt1:=0; bool(g_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on g
+ alt2:=0; bool(spur):=true; % for pronged terminals on G,a,b,g,q
+ alt3:=0; bool(like_lowercase):=false; % alternate U
+ alt4:=0; bool(flat_diagonal_endings):=true; % else teminalserif k,v,w,x,y,V,W,X
+ alt5:=0; bool(beveled_join):=false; % on R,K,k
+ alt6:=0; bool(open_tail):=false; % for 3,5,6,9
+ alt7:=0; bool(diagonal_three):=false; % for diagonal as opposed to round top 3
+ alt8:=0; bool(inflection_two):=true; % for 2 with inflection
+ alt9:=0; bool(G_spur):=true; % spur on G
+ alt10:=0;bool(open_four):=true; % for top of 4
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"save t,p,ref; path p[],p[]',ref[];";
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"w#:=charwd;"; % for adjust def
+extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&"wsaved:=w; w:=r-l;"; % for adjust def
+for x:="a":
+ wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor % test these characters
+let iff=always_iff; % tests all chars in the file
+ let show_character=draw_outlines;
+ if (mode<>proof):let show_character=fill_all;fi
+input rotext % Roman Text character set
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..204cf23555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% Pandora 10 point
+mode_setup; % general setup
+input pandor % general definitions used in pandora
+designsize:= 10pt#; % intended "ideal" size for parameters
+width#:= 10pt#; % width of an em
+maxheight#:= 7.75pt#; % max height for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+ascender#:= 7.5pt#; % height of ascenders, e.g., on l,h,k
+cap#:= 7pt#; % height of uppercase, e.g., B,H,L
+xheight#:= 5pt#; % xheight of lowercase, e.g., x,n,o
+descender#:= 2pt#; % depth of descenders, e.g., on j,p,q
+maxdepth#:= 2.25pt#; % max depth for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+math_axis#:= .5[maxheight#,-maxdepth#]; % vertical alignment for math
+accent_height#:=.3(ascender#-xheight#); % places bottom of accents
+accent_depth#:=min(.5xheight#,.7(ascender#-xheight#)); % character ref box depth
+ maxdepth,math_axis,accent_depth);
+fixed_pitch_characters(false)(0); % true/false, # of characters per inch
+oblique:=0; % slant of character reference points
+bowlstem.uc#:=1.05 *fixed_pt; % uppercase (uc) bowl width *fixed_pt; % lowercase (lc) bowl width
+stem.uc#:=1 *fixed_pt; % uppercase stem width *fixed_pt; % lowercase stem width
+thin_stem.uc#:=.62 *fixed_pt; % width of thin uppercase stems *fixed_pt; % width of thin lowercase stems
+ (bowlstem.uc,,stem.uc,,thin_stem.uc,;
+apex.uc:=inlimit(.3stem.uc)(0,stem.uc); % apex flatness in uppercase,; % apex flatness in lowercase
+ov_t.uc:=.02cap; % top curve overshoot for uppercase; % top curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_b.uc:=.02cap; % bottom curve overshoot for uppercase; % bottom curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_apex.uc:=.02cap; % apex overshoot for uppercase; % apex overshoot for lowercase
+apex_angle:=oblique; % for changing the angle at apex
+if xheight<25:lowres_fix(,,; fi
+if cap<70:lowres_fix(ov_t.uc,ov_b.uc,ov_apex.uc); fi
+ % for SERIFS and ARMS
+serif_thickness:=inlimit(,.5xheight); % base thickness of h-serifs
+terminal_thickness:=serif_thickness; % base thickness of terminal serifs
+tip_thickness:= serif_thickness; % base thickness of arms
+bulb_thickness:= 2*serif_thickness; % (base) thickness of bulbs
+x_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2xheight)(serif_thickness,.5xheight); % lc bracket join
+cap_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2cap)(serif_thickness,.5cap); % uc bracket join
+bool(ctrls):=false; % for explicit placement of control pts
+onbase:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along base of serif
+onstem:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along stem of serif
+midbracket_pull:= inlimit(.4)(0,1); % pulls brackets in on arms and serifs
+entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in horizontal serif base
+terminal_entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in terminal serif base
+arm_angle:= inlimit(10)(0,60); % global angle off of 90 degrees
+asc_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at ascender height: from 0 deg...h,k,l
+x_terminal_angle:= inlimit(20)(0,60); % at x-height: from 0 deg...m,n,r
+base_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % at base line: from 0 deg...u
+diag_terminal_angle:=inlimit(10)(0,60); % on diagonals: from 0 deg...k,v,w,y
+hs:=pt; % global horizontal serif length
+ts:=pt; % global terminal serif length
+as:=pt; % global arm length
+cs:=pt; % global curvedarm length
+serif_constant_amt:=0pt; % adds same length amount to all serifs
+bool(bulbs):=true; % arms become bulbs if true
+bool(bulb_taper):=false; % changes bulbs to tapering shape
+taper_angle:=if bulb_taper:10 else:0 fi;% if bulb_taper, adjusts angle at end
+bulb_taper_amt:=0; % taper length as a % of limb thickness; % c,s bulb length if bulb_taper=true
+c_and_s.uc:=0; % C,G,S bulb length if bulb_taper=true; % softness in heel of the terminal serif; % softness in the heel of the arm
+arch_thickness.uc:=.2[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc]; % uppercase arch thickness[,]; % lowercase arch thickness
+arch_tip.uc:=.5arch_thickness.uc; % thinnest part of the uc arch; % thinnest part of the lc arch
+arch_reference:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/stem
+arch_inner_amt:=inlimit(.8)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+r_arch:=l_arch:=inlimit(.6)(0,1); % y-value of max outer stress on r_arch
+bool(ensure_min_archthickness):=true; % guarantees minimum thickness
+major_curve.uc:=.9arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase major bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl curve thickness
+minor_curve.uc:=.85arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl tip thickness; % lowercase minor bowl tip thickness
+major_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.6)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+minor_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.5)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+major_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+minor_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+define_minimums( % these values keep a one pixel minimum
+ bowlstem.uc,stem.uc,thin_stem.uc,apex.uc,arch_thickness.uc,arch_tip.uc,
+ major_curve.uc,minor_curve.uc);
+v_stress:=.52; % places point of vert stress on bowl
+h_stress:=.51; % places horzstress on circular shapes
+ductal:=inlimit(.1)(0,1); % for more ductal strokes: value of 1*(; % minor curve join
+circ1:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer curve shapes
+circ2:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5); % tension of inner curve shapes
+circ3:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer circular_shapes
+bool(softjuncture):=false; % are junctures soft? in junct macro
+juncture_opening:=inlimit(,;% indent into stem at juncture
+stemcut_angle:=-2; % cut into stem at angle off of 90
+archcut_angle:=0; % cuts into regular arch path
+notch_length.uc:=.05stem.uc; % length of corrective notching (uc); % length of corrective notching (lc)
+notch_width:=1; % width of corrective notching in pixels
+notch_pos:=.3; % positions the beginning of the notch
+bool(center_notch):= % centers all notches
+ if(>=.75:true else:false fi;
+bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<15) % if real low resolution
+ or(xheight#>15pt#) % or large character size
+ or(thin_stem.uc/stem.uc<.5):true % or small thin/thick ratio
+ else:false fi; % this overrides notching
+round_dot_diameter:=1.1stem.uc; % diameter of dots on ;:; % diameter of dots(!?") and dot accents
+comma_dot_indent:=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % indent in the comma macro for the dot
+bool(prime):=false; % changes commas to prime
+prime_angle:=-20; % angle of prime-like comma
+bool(realsoft_accents):=true; % make accents soft as possible
+accent_thin_end:=max(1,; % thinnest end of accents
+accent_thick_end:=max(1,; % thickest end of accents
+mathlines:=max(1,.45pt); % thickness of lines in math characters
+head_thickness:=max(1,.9mathlines); % arrowhead thickness
+def mathpen=pensquare scaled mathlines enddef; % for []/=+#%-\<>_|^
+blank_space_thickness:=max(1,.7mathlines); % for space char
+def slashpen=pensquare scaled max(1, enddef; % in O-slash chars
+def dashpen=pensquare scaled max(1,.75mathlines) enddef; % for en em
+join_radius:=.1pt; % global softness for use with softjoin
+bool(softpath):=true; % softens paths in macros
+narrow_amt:=inlimit(.7)(0,1); % thins strokes if narrow condition=true
+w_narrow_amt:=inlimit(.3)(0,1); % thins strokes especially for eMwW oe
+ebar_angle:=0; % used on the lowercase e
+bool(bold):=false; % changes accent shapes if bold
+rulepen:=pensquare scaled 1; % makes screenrules 1 pixel thick
+if oblique=0:let //=relax % lets // do nothing if needed otherwise
+ else:def //=slanted sind(oblique/cosd oblique) enddef fi; % // slants ref pts
+pair upward,downward;
+ upward=dir(90-oblique); % "up" along oblique angle
+ downward=dir(-90-oblique); % "down" along oblique angle
+ % ALTERNATE character specs
+bool(test_all_characters):=false; % allows testing of alternate characters
+ alt0:=0; bool(a_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on a
+ alt1:=0; bool(g_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on g
+ alt2:=0; bool(spur):=true; % for pronged terminals on G,a,b,g,q
+ alt3:=0; bool(like_lowercase):=false; % alternate U
+ alt4:=0; bool(flat_diagonal_endings):=true; % else teminalserif k,v,w,x,y,V,W,X
+ alt5:=0; bool(beveled_join):=false; % on R,K,k
+ alt6:=0; bool(open_tail):=false; % for 3,5,6,9
+ alt7:=0; bool(diagonal_three):=false; % for diagonal as opposed to round top 3
+ alt8:=0; bool(inflection_two):=true; % for 2 with inflection
+ alt9:=0; bool(G_spur):=true; % spur on G
+ alt10:=0;bool(open_four):=true; % for top of 4
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"save t,p,ref; path p[],p[]',ref[];";
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"w#:=charwd;"; % for adjust def
+extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&"wsaved:=w; w:=r-l;"; % for adjust def
+for x:="n":
+ wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor % test these characters
+let iff=always_iff; % tests all chars in the file
+ let show_character=draw_outlines;
+ if (mode<>proof):let show_character=fill_all;fi
+input rotext % Roman Text character set
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..270ba79f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% Pandora Oblique 10 point
+mode_setup; % general setup
+input pandor % general definitions used in pandora
+designsize:= 10pt#; % intended "ideal" size for parameters
+width#:= 10pt#; % width of an em
+maxheight#:= 7.75pt#; % max height for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+ascender#:= 7.5pt#; % height of ascenders, e.g., on l,h,k
+cap#:= 7pt#; % height of uppercase, e.g., B,H,L
+xheight#:= 5pt#; % xheight of lowercase, e.g., x,n,o
+descender#:= 2pt#; % depth of descenders, e.g., on j,p,q
+maxdepth#:= 2.25pt#; % max depth for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+math_axis#:= .5[maxheight#,-maxdepth#]; % vertical alignment for math
+accent_height#:=.3(ascender#-xheight#); % places bottom of accents
+accent_depth#:=min(.5xheight#,.7(ascender#-xheight#)); % character ref box depth
+ maxdepth,math_axis,accent_depth);
+fixed_pitch_characters(false)(0); % true/false, # of characters per inch
+oblique:=10; % slant of character reference points
+bowlstem.uc#:=1.05 *fixed_pt; % uppercase (uc) bowl width *fixed_pt; % lowercase (lc) bowl width
+stem.uc#:=1 *fixed_pt; % uppercase stem width *fixed_pt; % lowercase stem width
+thin_stem.uc#:=.62 *fixed_pt; % width of thin uppercase stems *fixed_pt; % width of thin lowercase stems
+ (bowlstem.uc,,stem.uc,,thin_stem.uc,;
+apex.uc:=inlimit(.3stem.uc)(0,stem.uc); % apex flatness in uppercase,; % apex flatness in lowercase
+ov_t.uc:=.02cap; % top curve overshoot for uppercase; % top curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_b.uc:=.02cap; % bottom curve overshoot for uppercase; % bottom curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_apex.uc:=.02cap; % apex overshoot for uppercase; % apex overshoot for lowercase
+apex_angle:=oblique; % for changing the angle at apex
+if xheight<25:lowres_fix(,,; fi
+if cap<70:lowres_fix(ov_t.uc,ov_b.uc,ov_apex.uc); fi
+ % for SERIFS and ARMS
+serif_thickness:=inlimit(,.5xheight); % base thickness of h-serifs
+terminal_thickness:=serif_thickness; % base thickness of terminal serifs
+tip_thickness:= serif_thickness; % base thickness of arms
+bulb_thickness:= 2*serif_thickness; % (base) thickness of bulbs
+x_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2xheight)(serif_thickness,.5xheight); % lc bracket join
+cap_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2cap)(serif_thickness,.5cap); % uc bracket join
+bool(ctrls):=false; % for explicit placement of control pts
+onbase:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along base of serif
+onstem:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along stem of serif
+midbracket_pull:= inlimit(.4)(0,1); % pulls brackets in on arms and serifs
+entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in horizontal serif base
+terminal_entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in terminal serif base
+arm_angle:= inlimit(10)(0,60); % global angle off of 90 degrees
+asc_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at ascender height: from 0 deg...h,k,l
+x_terminal_angle:= inlimit(10)(0,60); % at x-height: from 0 deg...m,n,r
+base_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % at base line: from 0 deg...u
+diag_terminal_angle:=inlimit(10)(0,60); % on diagonals: from 0 deg...k,v,w,y
+hs:=pt; % global horizontal serif length
+ts:=pt; % global terminal serif length
+as:=pt; % global arm length
+cs:=pt; % global curvedarm length
+serif_constant_amt:=0pt; % adds same length amount to all serifs
+bool(bulbs):=true; % arms become bulbs if true
+bool(bulb_taper):=false; % changes bulbs to tapering shape
+taper_angle:=if bulb_taper:10 else:0 fi;% if bulb_taper, adjusts angle at end
+bulb_taper_amt:=0; % taper length as a % of limb thickness; % c,s bulb length if bulb_taper=true
+c_and_s.uc:=0; % C,G,S bulb length if bulb_taper=true; % softness in heel of the terminal serif; % softness in the heel of the arm
+arch_thickness.uc:=.2[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc]; % uppercase arch thickness[,]; % lowercase arch thickness
+arch_tip.uc:=.5arch_thickness.uc; % thinnest part of the uc arch; % thinnest part of the lc arch
+arch_reference:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/stem
+arch_inner_amt:=inlimit(.8)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+r_arch:=l_arch:=inlimit(.6)(0,1); % y-value of max outer stress on r_arch
+bool(ensure_min_archthickness):=true; % guarantees minimum thickness
+major_curve.uc:=.9arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase major bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl curve thickness
+minor_curve.uc:=.85arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl tip thickness; % lowercase minor bowl tip thickness
+major_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.6)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+minor_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.5)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+major_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+minor_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+define_minimums( % these values keep a one pixel minimum
+ bowlstem.uc,stem.uc,thin_stem.uc,apex.uc,arch_thickness.uc,arch_tip.uc,
+ major_curve.uc,minor_curve.uc);
+v_stress:=.52; % places point of vert stress on bowl
+h_stress:=.51; % places horzstress on circular shapes
+ductal:=inlimit(.1)(0,1); % for more ductal strokes: value of 1*(; % minor curve join
+circ1:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer curve shapes
+circ2:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5); % tension of inner curve shapes
+circ3:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer circular_shapes
+bool(softjuncture):=false; % are junctures soft? in junct macro
+juncture_opening:=inlimit(,;% indent into stem at juncture
+stemcut_angle:=-2; % cut into stem at angle off of 90
+archcut_angle:=0; % cuts into regular arch path
+notch_length.uc:=.05stem.uc; % length of corrective notching (uc); % length of corrective notching (lc)
+notch_width:=1; % width of corrective notching in pixels
+notch_pos:=.3; % positions the beginning of the notch
+bool(center_notch):= % centers all notches
+ if(>=.75:true else:false fi;
+bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<15) % if real low resolution
+ or(xheight#>15pt#) % or large character size
+ or(thin_stem.uc/stem.uc<.5):true % or small thin/thick ratio
+ else:false fi; % this overrides notching
+round_dot_diameter:=1.1stem.uc; % diameter of dots on ;:; % diameter of dots(!?") and dot accents
+comma_dot_indent=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % indent in the comma macro for the dot
+bool(prime):=false; % changes commas to prime
+prime_angle:=-20; % angle of prime-like comma
+bool(realsoft_accents):=true; % make accents soft as possible
+accent_thin_end:=max(1,; % thinnest end of accents
+accent_thick_end:=max(1,; % thickest end of accents
+mathlines:=max(1,.45pt); % thickness of lines in math characters
+head_thickness:=max(1,.9mathlines); % arrowhead thickness
+def mathpen=pensquare scaled mathlines enddef; % for []/=+#%-\<>_|^
+blank_space_thickness:=max(1,.7mathlines); % for space char
+def slashpen=pensquare scaled max(1, enddef; % in O-slash chars
+def dashpen=pensquare scaled max(1,.75mathlines) enddef; % for en em
+join_radius:=.1pt; % global softness for use with softjoin
+bool(softpath):=true; % softens paths in macros
+narrow_amt:=inlimit(.7)(0,1); % thins strokes if narrow condition=true
+w_narrow_amt:=inlimit(.3)(0,1); % thins strokes especially for eMwW oe
+ebar_angle:=0; % used on the lowercase e
+bool(bold):=false; % changes accent shapes if bold
+rulepen:=pensquare scaled 1; % makes screenrules 1 pixel thick
+if oblique=0:let //=relax % lets // do nothing if needed otherwise
+ else:def //=slanted sind(oblique/cosd oblique) enddef fi; % // slants ref pts
+pair upward,downward;
+ upward=dir(90-oblique); % "up" along oblique angle
+ downward=dir(-90-oblique); % "down" along oblique angle
+ % ALTERNATE character specs
+bool(test_all_characters):=false; % allows testing of alternate characters
+ alt0:=0; bool(a_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on a
+ alt1:=0; bool(g_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on g
+ alt2:=0; bool(spur):=true; % for pronged terminals on G,a,b,g,q
+ alt3:=0; bool(like_lowercase):=false; % alternate U
+ alt4:=0; bool(flat_diagonal_endings):=true; % else teminalserif k,v,w,x,y,V,W,X
+ alt5:=0; bool(beveled_join):=false; % on R,K,k
+ alt6:=0; bool(open_tail):=false; % for 3,5,6,9
+ alt7:=0; bool(diagonal_three):=false; % for diagonal as opposed to round top 3
+ alt8:=0; bool(inflection_two):=true; % for 2 with inflection
+ alt9:=0; bool(G_spur):=true; % spur on G
+ alt10:=0;bool(open_four):=true; % for top of 4
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"save t,p,ref; path p[],p[]',ref[];";
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"w#:=charwd;"; % for adjust def
+extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&"wsaved:=w; w:=r-l;"; % for adjust def
+for x:="a":
+ wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor % test these characters
+let iff=always_iff; % tests all chars in the file
+ let show_character=draw_outlines;
+ if (mode<>proof):let show_character=fill_all;fi
+input rotext % Roman Text character set
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4b5aac6c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% Pandora Sans Serif 10 point
+mode_setup; % general setup
+input pandor % general definitions used in pandora
+designsize:= 10pt#; % intended "ideal" size for parameters
+width#:= 10pt#; % width of an em
+maxheight#:= 7.75pt#; % max height for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+ascender#:= 7.5pt#; % height of ascenders, e.g., on l,h,k
+cap#:= 7pt#; % height of uppercase, e.g., B,H,L
+xheight#:= 5pt#; % xheight of lowercase, e.g., x,n,o
+descender#:= 2pt#; % depth of descenders, e.g., on j,p,q
+maxdepth#:= 2.25pt#; % max depth for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+math_axis#:= .5[maxheight#,-maxdepth#]; % vertical alignment for math
+accent_height#:=.3(ascender#-xheight#); % places bottom of accents
+accent_depth#:=min(.5xheight#,.7(ascender#-xheight#)); % character ref box depth
+ maxdepth,math_axis,accent_depth);
+fixed_pitch_characters(false)(0); % true/false, # of characters per inch
+oblique:=0; % slant of character reference points
+bowlstem.uc#:=1.05 *fixed_pt; % uppercase (uc) bowl width *fixed_pt; % lowercase (lc) bowl width
+stem.uc#:=1 *fixed_pt; % uppercase stem width *fixed_pt; % lowercase stem width
+thin_stem.uc#:=.75 *fixed_pt; % width of thin uppercase stems *fixed_pt; % width of thin lowercase stems
+ (bowlstem.uc,,stem.uc,,thin_stem.uc,;
+apex.uc:=inlimit(.5stem.uc)(0,stem.uc); % apex flatness in uppercase,; % apex flatness in lowercase
+ov_t.uc:=.02cap; % top curve overshoot for uppercase; % top curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_b.uc:=.02cap; % bottom curve overshoot for uppercase; % bottom curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_apex.uc:=.02cap; % apex overshoot for uppercase; % apex overshoot for lowercase
+apex_angle:=oblique; % for changing the angle at apex
+if xheight<25:lowres_fix(,,; fi
+if cap<70:lowres_fix(ov_t.uc,ov_b.uc,ov_apex.uc); fi
+ % for SERIFS and ARMS
+serif_thickness:=inlimit(eps)(eps,.5xheight); % base thickness of h-serifs
+terminal_thickness:=serif_thickness; % base thickness of terminal serifs
+tip_thickness:= serif_thickness; % base thickness of arms
+bulb_thickness:= .2pt; % (base) thickness of bulbs
+x_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2xheight)(serif_thickness,.5xheight); % lc bracket join
+cap_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2cap)(serif_thickness,.5cap); % uc bracket join
+bool(ctrls):=false; % for explicit placement of control pts
+onbase:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along base of serif
+onstem:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along stem of serif
+midbracket_pull:= inlimit(.4)(0,1); % pulls brackets in on arms and serifs
+entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in horizontal serif base
+terminal_entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in terminal serif base
+arm_angle:= inlimit(10)(0,60); % global angle off of 90 degrees
+asc_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at ascender height: from 0 deg...h,k,l
+x_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at x-height: from 0 deg...m,n,r
+base_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % at base line: from 0 deg...u
+diag_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % on diagonals: from 0 deg...k,v,w,y
+hs:=.6pt; % global horizontal serif length
+ts:=.6pt; % global terminal serif length
+as:=.6pt; % global arm length
+cs:=.65pt; % global curvedarm length
+serif_constant_amt:=0pt; % adds same length amount to all serifs
+bool(bulbs):=false; % arms become bulbs if true
+bool(bulb_taper):=true; % changes bulbs to tapering shape
+taper_angle:=if bulb_taper:10 else:0 fi;% if bulb_taper, adjusts angle at end
+bulb_taper_amt:=1; % taper length as a % of limb thickness; % c,s bulb length if bulb_taper=true
+c_and_s.uc:=.85stem.uc; % C,G,S bulb length if bulb_taper=true; % softness in heel of the terminal serif; % softness in the heel of the arm
+arch_thickness.uc:=.6stem.uc; % uppercase arch thickness; % lowercase arch thickness
+arch_tip.uc:=.8stem.uc; % thinnest part of the uc arch; % thinnest part of the lc arch
+arch_reference:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/stem
+arch_inner_amt:=inlimit(.8)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+r_arch:=l_arch:=inlimit(.6)(0,1); % y-value of max outer stress on r_arch
+bool(ensure_min_archthickness):=true; % guarantees minimum thickness
+major_curve.uc:=thin_stem.uc; % uppercase major bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl curve thickness
+minor_curve.uc:=.9thin_stem.uc; % uppercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl tip thickness; % lowercase minor bowl tip thickness
+major_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.6)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+minor_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.5)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+major_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+minor_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+define_minimums( % these values keep a one pixel minimum
+ bowlstem.uc,stem.uc,thin_stem.uc,apex.uc,arch_thickness.uc,arch_tip.uc,
+ major_curve.uc,minor_curve.uc);
+v_stress:=.52; % places point of vert stress on bowl
+h_stress:=.51; % places horzstress on circular shapes
+ductal:=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % for more ductal strokes: value of 1*(; % minor curve join
+circ1:=inlimit(1)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer curve shapes
+circ2:=inlimit(1)(.75,1.5); % tension of inner curve shapes
+circ3:=inlimit(circ1-.07)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer circular_shapes
+bool(softjuncture):=false; % are junctures soft? in junct macro
+juncture_opening:=inlimit(,;% indent into stem at juncture
+stemcut_angle:=-2; % cut into stem at angle off of 90
+archcut_angle:=0; % cuts into regular arch path
+notch_length.uc:=.05stem.uc; % length of corrective notching (uc); % length of corrective notching (lc)
+notch_width:=1; % width of corrective notching in pixels
+notch_pos:=.3; % positions the beginning of the notch
+bool(center_notch):= % centers all notches
+ if(>=.75:true else:false fi;
+bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<15) % if real low resolution
+ or(xheight#>15pt#) % or large character size
+ or(thin_stem.uc/stem.uc<.5):true % or small thin/thick ratio
+ else:false fi; % this overrides notching
+round_dot_diameter:=1.1stem.uc; % diameter of dots on ;:; % diameter of dots(!?") and dot accents
+comma_dot_indent=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % indent in the comma macro for the dot
+bool(prime):=false; % changes commas to prime
+prime_angle:=-20; % angle of prime-like comma
+bool(realsoft_accents):=true; % make accents soft as possible
+accent_thin_end:=max(1,; % thinnest end of accents
+accent_thick_end:=max(1,; % thickest end of accents
+mathlines:=max(1,.45pt); % thickness of lines in math characters
+head_thickness:=max(1,.9mathlines); % arrowhead thickness
+def mathpen=pensquare scaled mathlines enddef; % for []/=+#%-\<>_|^
+blank_space_thickness:=max(1,.7mathlines); % for space char
+def slashpen=pensquare scaled max(1, enddef; % in O-slash chars
+def dashpen=pensquare scaled max(1,.75mathlines) enddef; % for en em
+join_radius:=.1pt; % global softness for use with softjoin
+bool(softpath):=true; % softens paths in macros
+narrow_amt:=inlimit(.7)(0,1); % thins strokes if narrow condition=true
+w_narrow_amt:=inlimit(.3)(0,1); % thins strokes especially for eMwW oe
+ebar_angle:=0; % used on the lowercase e
+bool(bold):=false; % changes accent shapes if bold
+rulepen:=pensquare scaled 1; % makes screenrules 1 pixel thick
+if oblique=0:let //=relax % lets // do nothing if needed otherwise
+ else:def //=slanted sind(oblique/cosd oblique) enddef fi; % // slants ref pts
+pair upward,downward;
+ upward=dir(90-oblique); % "up" along oblique angle
+ downward=dir(-90-oblique); % "down" along oblique angle
+ % ALTERNATE character specs
+bool(test_all_characters):=false; % allows testing of alternate characters
+ alt0:=0; bool(a_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on a
+ alt1:=0; bool(g_full_bowl):=true; % for half/double bowls on g
+ alt2:=0; bool(spur):=true; % for pronged terminals on G,a,b,g,q
+ alt3:=0; bool(like_lowercase):=false; % alternate U
+ alt4:=0; bool(flat_diagonal_endings):=true; % else teminalserif k,v,w,x,y,V,W,X
+ alt5:=0; bool(beveled_join):=true; % on R,K,k
+ alt6:=0; bool(open_tail):=true; % for 3,5,6,9
+ alt7:=0; bool(diagonal_three):=true; % for diagonal as opposed to round top 3
+ alt8:=0; bool(inflection_two):=false; % for 2 with inflection
+ alt9:=0; bool(G_spur):=true; % spur on G
+ alt10:=0;bool(open_four):=true; % for top of 4
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"save t,p,ref; path p[],p[]',ref[];";
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"w#:=charwd;"; % for adjust def
+extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&"wsaved:=w; w:=r-l;"; % for adjust def
+for x:="a":
+ wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor % test these characters
+let iff=always_iff; % tests all chars in the file
+ let show_character=draw_outlines;
+ if (mode<>proof):let show_character=fill_all;fi
+input rotext % Roman Text character set
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46e06090a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% Pandora Sans Serif Bold 10 point
+mode_setup; % general setup
+input pandor % general definitions used in pandora
+designsize:= 10pt#; % intended "ideal" size for parameters
+width#:= 10pt#; % width of an em
+maxheight#:= 7.75pt#; % max height for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+ascender#:= 7.5pt#; % height of ascenders, e.g., on l,h,k
+cap#:= 7pt#; % height of uppercase, e.g., B,H,L
+xheight#:= 5pt#*1.02; % xheight of lowercase, e.g., x,n,o
+descender#:= 2pt#; % depth of descenders, e.g., on j,p,q
+maxdepth#:= 2.25pt#; % max depth for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+math_axis#:= .5[maxheight#,-maxdepth#]; % vertical alignment for math
+accent_height#:=.3(ascender#-xheight#); % places bottom of accents
+accent_depth#:=min(.5xheight#,.7(ascender#-xheight#)); % character ref box depth
+ maxdepth,math_axis,accent_depth);
+fixed_pitch_characters(false)(0); % true/false, # of characters per inch
+oblique:=0; % slant of character reference points
+bowlstem.uc#:=1.05*1.4 *fixed_pt; % uppercase (uc) bowl width*1.4 *fixed_pt; % lowercase (lc) bowl width
+stem.uc#:=1*1.4 *fixed_pt; % uppercase stem width*1.4 *fixed_pt; % lowercase stem width
+thin_stem.uc#:=.75*1.35*fixed_pt; % width of thin uppercase stems*1.35 *fixed_pt; % width of thin lowercase stems
+ (bowlstem.uc,,stem.uc,,thin_stem.uc,;
+apex.uc:=inlimit(.6stem.uc)(0,stem.uc); % apex flatness in uppercase,; % apex flatness in lowercase
+ov_t.uc:=.02cap; % top curve overshoot for uppercase; % top curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_b.uc:=.02cap; % bottom curve overshoot for uppercase; % bottom curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_apex.uc:=.01cap; % apex overshoot for uppercase; % apex overshoot for lowercase
+apex_angle:=oblique; % for changing the angle at apex
+if xheight<25:lowres_fix(,,; fi
+if cap<70:lowres_fix(ov_t.uc,ov_b.uc,ov_apex.uc); fi
+ % for SERIFS and ARMS
+serif_thickness:=inlimit(eps)(eps,.5xheight); % base thickness of h-serifs
+terminal_thickness:=serif_thickness; % base thickness of terminal serifs
+tip_thickness:= serif_thickness; % base thickness of arms
+bulb_thickness:= .2pt; % (base) thickness of bulbs
+x_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2xheight)(serif_thickness,.5xheight); % lc bracket join
+cap_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2cap)(serif_thickness,.5cap); % uc bracket join
+bool(ctrls):=false; % for explicit placement of control pts
+onbase:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along base of serif
+onstem:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along stem of serif
+midbracket_pull:= inlimit(.4)(0,1); % pulls brackets in on arms and serifs
+entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in horizontal serif base
+terminal_entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in terminal serif base
+arm_angle:= inlimit(10)(0,60); % global angle off of 90 degrees
+asc_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at ascender height: from 0 deg...h,k,l
+x_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at x-height: from 0 deg...m,n,r
+base_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % at base line: from 0 deg...u
+diag_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % on diagonals: from 0 deg...k,v,w,y
+hs:=.6pt; % global horizontal serif length
+ts:=.6pt; % global terminal serif length
+as:=.6pt; % global arm length
+cs:=.65pt; % global curvedarm length
+serif_constant_amt:=0pt; % adds same length amount to all serifs
+bool(bulbs):=false; % arms become bulbs if true
+bool(bulb_taper):=true; % changes bulbs to tapering shape
+taper_angle:=if bulb_taper:10 else:0 fi;% if bulb_taper, adjusts angle at end
+bulb_taper_amt:=1; % taper length as a % of limb thickness; % c,s bulb length if bulb_taper=true
+c_and_s.uc:=.85stem.uc; % C,G,S bulb length if bulb_taper=true; % softness in heel of the terminal serif; % softness in the heel of the arm
+arch_thickness.uc:=.6stem.uc; % uppercase arch thickness; % lowercase arch thickness
+arch_tip.uc:=.8stem.uc; % thinnest part of the uc arch; % thinnest part of the lc arch
+arch_reference:=inlimit(.85)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/stem
+arch_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+r_arch:=l_arch:=inlimit(.6)(0,1); % y-value of max outer stress on r_arch
+bool(ensure_min_archthickness):=true; % guarantees minimum thickness
+major_curve.uc:=arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase major bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl curve thickness
+minor_curve.uc:=.9arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl tip thickness; % lowercase minor bowl tip thickness
+major_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.63)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+minor_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.5)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+major_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.75)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+minor_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.75)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+define_minimums( % these values keep a one pixel minimum
+ bowlstem.uc,stem.uc,thin_stem.uc,apex.uc,arch_thickness.uc,arch_tip.uc,
+ major_curve.uc,minor_curve.uc);
+v_stress:=.52; % places point of vert stress on bowl
+h_stress:=.51; % places horzstress on circular shapes
+ductal:=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % for more ductal strokes: value of 1*(; % minor curve join
+circ1:=inlimit(1)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer curve shapes
+circ2:=inlimit(1)(.75,1.5); % tension of inner curve shapes
+circ3:=inlimit(circ1-.07)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer circular_shapes
+bool(softjuncture):=true; % are junctures soft? in junct macro
+juncture_opening:=inlimit(,;% indent into stem at juncture
+stemcut_angle:=-2; % cut into stem at angle off of 90
+archcut_angle:=10; % cuts into regular arch path
+notch_length.uc:=.05stem.uc; % length of corrective notching (uc); % length of corrective notching (lc)
+notch_width:=1; % width of corrective notching in pixels
+notch_pos:=.3; % positions the beginning of the notch
+bool(center_notch):= % centers all notches
+ if(>=.75:true else:false fi;
+bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<15) % if real low resolution
+ or(xheight#>15pt#) % or large character size
+ or(thin_stem.uc/stem.uc<.5):true % or small thin/thick ratio
+ else:false fi; % this overrides notching
+round_dot_diameter:=1.1stem.uc; % diameter of dots on ;:; % diameter of dots(!?") and dot accents
+comma_dot_indent=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % indent in the comma macro for the dot
+bool(prime):=false; % changes commas to prime
+prime_angle:=-20; % angle of prime-like comma
+bool(realsoft_accents):=true; % make accents soft as possible
+accent_thin_end:=max(1,; % thinnest end of accents
+accent_thick_end:=max(1,; % thickest end of accents
+mathlines:=max(1,.45pt*1.4); % thickness of lines in math characters
+head_thickness:=max(1,.9mathlines); % arrowhead thickness
+def mathpen=pensquare scaled mathlines enddef; % for []/=+#%-\<>_|^
+blank_space_thickness:=max(1,.7mathlines); % for space char
+def slashpen=pensquare scaled max(1, enddef; % in O-slash chars
+def dashpen=pensquare scaled max(1,.75mathlines) enddef; % for en em
+join_radius:=.1pt; % global softness for use with softjoin
+bool(softpath):=true; % softens paths in macros
+narrow_amt:=inlimit(.7)(0,1); % thins strokes if narrow condition=true
+w_narrow_amt:=inlimit(.3)(0,1); % thins strokes especially for eMwW oe
+ebar_angle:=0; % used on the lowercase e
+bool(bold):=true; % changes accent shapes if bold
+rulepen:=pensquare scaled 1; % makes screenrules 1 pixel thick
+if oblique=0:let //=relax % lets // do nothing if needed otherwise
+ else:def //=slanted sind(oblique/cosd oblique) enddef fi; % // slants ref pts
+pair upward,downward;
+ upward=dir(90-oblique); % "up" along oblique angle
+ downward=dir(-90-oblique); % "down" along oblique angle
+ % ALTERNATE character specs
+bool(test_all_characters):=false; % allows testing of alternate characters
+ alt0:=0; bool(a_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on a
+ alt1:=0; bool(g_full_bowl):=true; % for half/double bowls on g
+ alt2:=0; bool(spur):=true; % for pronged terminals on G,a,b,g,q
+ alt3:=0; bool(like_lowercase):=false; % alternate U
+ alt4:=0; bool(flat_diagonal_endings):=true; % else teminalserif k,v,w,x,y,V,W,X
+ alt5:=0; bool(beveled_join):=true; % on R,K,k
+ alt6:=0; bool(open_tail):=true; % for 3,5,6,9
+ alt7:=0; bool(diagonal_three):=true; % for diagonal as opposed to round top 3
+ alt8:=0; bool(inflection_two):=false; % for 2 with inflection
+ alt9:=0; bool(G_spur):=true; % spur on G
+ alt10:=0;bool(open_four):=true; % for top of 4
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"save t,p,ref; path p[],p[]',ref[];";
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"w#:=charwd;"; % for adjust def
+extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&"wsaved:=w; w:=r-l;"; % for adjust def
+for x:="a":
+ wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor % test these characters
+let iff=always_iff; % tests all chars in the file
+ let show_character=draw_outlines;
+ if (mode<>proof):let show_character=fill_all;fi
+input rotext % Roman Text character set
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7450d78e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% Pandora Sans Serif Oblique 10 point
+mode_setup; % general setup
+input pandor % general definitions used in pandora
+designsize:= 10pt#; % intended "ideal" size for parameters
+width#:= 10pt#; % width of an em
+maxheight#:= 7.75pt#; % max height for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+ascender#:= 7.5pt#; % height of ascenders, e.g., on l,h,k
+cap#:= 7pt#; % height of uppercase, e.g., B,H,L
+xheight#:= 5pt#; % xheight of lowercase, e.g., x,n,o
+descender#:= 2pt#; % depth of descenders, e.g., on j,p,q
+maxdepth#:= 2.25pt#; % max depth for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+math_axis#:= .5[maxheight#,-maxdepth#]; % vertical alignment for math
+accent_height#:=.3(ascender#-xheight#); % places bottom of accents
+accent_depth#:=min(.5xheight#,.7(ascender#-xheight#)); % character ref box depth
+ maxdepth,math_axis,accent_depth);
+fixed_pitch_characters(false)(0); % true/false, # of characters per inch
+oblique:=10; % slant of character reference points
+bowlstem.uc#:=1.05 *fixed_pt; % uppercase (uc) bowl width *fixed_pt; % lowercase (lc) bowl width
+stem.uc#:=1 *fixed_pt; % uppercase stem width *fixed_pt; % lowercase stem width
+thin_stem.uc#:=.75 *fixed_pt; % width of thin uppercase stems *fixed_pt; % width of thin lowercase stems
+ (bowlstem.uc,,stem.uc,,thin_stem.uc,;
+apex.uc:=inlimit(.5stem.uc)(0,stem.uc); % apex flatness in uppercase,; % apex flatness in lowercase
+ov_t.uc:=.02cap; % top curve overshoot for uppercase; % top curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_b.uc:=.02cap; % bottom curve overshoot for uppercase; % bottom curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_apex.uc:=.02cap; % apex overshoot for uppercase; % apex overshoot for lowercase
+apex_angle:=oblique; % for changing the angle at apex
+if xheight<25:lowres_fix(,,; fi
+if cap<70:lowres_fix(ov_t.uc,ov_b.uc,ov_apex.uc); fi
+ % for SERIFS and ARMS
+serif_thickness:=inlimit(eps)(eps,.5xheight); % base thickness of h-serifs
+terminal_thickness:=serif_thickness; % base thickness of terminal serifs
+tip_thickness:= serif_thickness; % base thickness of arms
+bulb_thickness:= .2pt; % (base) thickness of bulbs
+x_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2xheight)(serif_thickness,.5xheight); % lc bracket join
+cap_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2cap)(serif_thickness,.5cap); % uc bracket join
+bool(ctrls):=false; % for explicit placement of control pts
+onbase:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along base of serif
+onstem:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along stem of serif
+midbracket_pull:= inlimit(.4)(0,1); % pulls brackets in on arms and serifs
+entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in horizontal serif base
+terminal_entasis:= inlimit(.1)(0,1); % amount of arc in terminal serif base
+arm_angle:= inlimit(10)(0,60); % global angle off of 90 degrees
+asc_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at ascender height: from 0 deg...h,k,l
+x_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at x-height: from 0 deg...m,n,r
+base_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % at base line: from 0 deg...u
+diag_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % on diagonals: from 0 deg...k,v,w,y
+hs:=.6pt; % global horizontal serif length
+ts:=.6pt; % global terminal serif length
+as:=.6pt; % global arm length
+cs:=.65pt; % global curvedarm length
+serif_constant_amt:=0pt; % adds same length amount to all serifs
+bool(bulbs):=false; % arms become bulbs if true
+bool(bulb_taper):=true; % changes bulbs to tapering shape
+taper_angle:=if bulb_taper:10 else:0 fi;% if bulb_taper, adjusts angle at end
+bulb_taper_amt:=1; % taper length as a % of limb thickness; % c,s bulb length if bulb_taper=true
+c_and_s.uc:=.85stem.uc; % C,G,S bulb length if bulb_taper=true; % softness in heel of the terminal serif; % softness in the heel of the arm
+arch_thickness.uc:=.6stem.uc; % uppercase arch thickness; % lowercase arch thickness
+arch_tip.uc:=.8stem.uc; % thinnest part of the uc arch; % thinnest part of the lc arch
+arch_reference:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/stem
+arch_inner_amt:=inlimit(.8)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+r_arch:=l_arch:=inlimit(.6)(0,1); % y-value of max outer stress on r_arch
+bool(ensure_min_archthickness):=true; % guarantees minimum thickness
+major_curve.uc:=thin_stem.uc; % uppercase major bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl curve thickness
+minor_curve.uc:=.9thin_stem.uc; % uppercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl tip thickness; % lowercase minor bowl tip thickness
+major_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.6)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+minor_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.5)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+major_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+minor_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+define_minimums( % these values keep a one pixel minimum
+ bowlstem.uc,stem.uc,thin_stem.uc,apex.uc,arch_thickness.uc,arch_tip.uc,
+ major_curve.uc,minor_curve.uc);
+v_stress:=.52; % places point of vert stress on bowl
+h_stress:=.51; % places horzstress on circular shapes
+ductal:=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % for more ductal strokes: value of 1*(; % minor curve join
+circ1:=inlimit(1)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer curve shapes
+circ2:=inlimit(1)(.75,1.5); % tension of inner curve shapes
+circ3:=inlimit(circ1-.07)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer circular_shapes
+bool(softjuncture):=false; % are junctures soft? in junct macro
+juncture_opening:=inlimit(,;% indent into stem at juncture
+stemcut_angle:=-2; % cut into stem at angle off of 90
+archcut_angle:=0; % cuts into regular arch path
+notch_length.uc:=.05stem.uc; % length of corrective notching (uc); % length of corrective notching (lc)
+notch_width:=1; % width of corrective notching in pixels
+notch_pos:=.3; % positions the beginning of the notch
+bool(center_notch):= % centers all notches
+ if(>=.75:true else:false fi;
+bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<15) % if real low resolution
+ or(xheight#>15pt#) % or large character size
+ or(thin_stem.uc/stem.uc<.5):true % or small thin/thick ratio
+ else:false fi; % this overrides notching
+round_dot_diameter:=1.1stem.uc; % diameter of dots on ;:; % diameter of dots(!?") and dot accents
+comma_dot_indent=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % indent in the comma macro for the dot
+bool(prime):=false; % changes commas to prime
+prime_angle:=-20; % angle of prime-like comma
+bool(realsoft_accents):=true; % make accents soft as possible
+accent_thin_end:=max(1,; % thinnest end of accents
+accent_thick_end:=max(1,; % thickest end of accents
+mathlines:=max(1,.45pt); % thickness of lines in math characters
+head_thickness:=max(1,.9mathlines); % arrowhead thickness
+def mathpen=pensquare scaled mathlines enddef; % for []/=+#%-\<>_|^
+blank_space_thickness:=max(1,.7mathlines); % for space char
+def slashpen=pensquare scaled max(1, enddef; % in O-slash chars
+def dashpen=pensquare scaled max(1,.75mathlines) enddef; % for en em
+join_radius:=.1pt; % global softness for use with softjoin
+bool(softpath):=true; % softens paths in macros
+narrow_amt:=inlimit(.7)(0,1); % thins strokes if narrow condition=true
+w_narrow_amt:=inlimit(.3)(0,1); % thins strokes especially for eMwW oe
+ebar_angle:=0; % used on the lowercase e
+bool(bold):=false; % changes accent shapes if bold
+rulepen:=pensquare scaled 1; % makes screenrules 1 pixel thick
+if oblique=0:let //=relax % lets // do nothing if needed otherwise
+ else:def //=slanted sind(oblique/cosd oblique) enddef fi; % // slants ref pts
+pair upward,downward;
+ upward=dir(90-oblique); % "up" along oblique angle
+ downward=dir(-90-oblique); % "down" along oblique angle
+ % ALTERNATE character specs
+bool(test_all_characters):=false; % allows testing of alternate characters
+ alt0:=0; bool(a_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on a
+ alt1:=0; bool(g_full_bowl):=true; % for half/double bowls on g
+ alt2:=0; bool(spur):=true; % for pronged terminals on G,a,b,g,q
+ alt3:=0; bool(like_lowercase):=false; % alternate U
+ alt4:=0; bool(flat_diagonal_endings):=true; % else teminalserif k,v,w,x,y,V,W,X
+ alt5:=0; bool(beveled_join):=true; % on R,K,k
+ alt6:=0; bool(open_tail):=true; % for 3,5,6,9
+ alt7:=0; bool(diagonal_three):=true; % for diagonal as opposed to round top 3
+ alt8:=0; bool(inflection_two):=false; % for 2 with inflection
+ alt9:=0; bool(G_spur):=true; % spur on G
+ alt10:=0;bool(open_four):=true; % for top of 4
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"save t,p,ref; path p[],p[]',ref[];";
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"w#:=charwd;"; % for adjust def
+extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&"wsaved:=w; w:=r-l;"; % for adjust def
+for x:="a":
+ wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor % test these characters
+let iff=always_iff; % tests all chars in the file
+ let show_character=draw_outlines;
+ if (mode<>proof):let show_character=fill_all;fi
+input rotext % Roman Text character set
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12167c9440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% Pandora Single Pitch 15 characters per inch fits with 9pt
+mode_setup; % general setup
+input pandor % general definitions used in pandora
+designsize:= 9pt#; % intended "ideal" size for parameters
+width#:= 9pt#; % width of an em
+maxheight#:= 7.75pt# *.85; % max height for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+ascender#:= 7.5pt# *.85; % height of ascenders, e.g., on l,h,k
+cap#:= 7pt# *.85; % height of uppercase, e.g., B,H,L
+xheight#:= 5pt# *.85; % xheight of lowercase, e.g., x,n,o
+descender#:= 2pt# *.85; % depth of descenders, e.g., on j,p,q
+maxdepth#:= 2.25pt# *.85; % max depth for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
+math_axis#:= .5[maxheight#,-maxdepth#]; % vertical alignment for math
+accent_height#:=.3(ascender#-xheight#); % places bottom of accents
+accent_depth#:=min(.5xheight#,.7(ascender#-xheight#)); % character ref box depth
+ maxdepth,math_axis,accent_depth);
+fixed_pitch_characters(true)(15); % true/false, # of characters per inch
+oblique:=0; % slant of character reference points
+bowlstem.uc#:=.9 *fixed_pt; % uppercase (uc) bowl width *fixed_pt; % lowercase (lc) bowl width
+stem.uc#:=.9 *fixed_pt; % uppercase stem width *fixed_pt; % lowercase stem width
+thin_stem.uc#:=.6 *fixed_pt; % width of thin uppercase stems *fixed_pt; % width of thin lowercase stems
+ (bowlstem.uc,,stem.uc,,thin_stem.uc,;
+apex.uc:=inlimit(.9stem.uc)(0,stem.uc); % apex flatness in uppercase,; % apex flatness in lowercase
+ov_t.uc:=.01cap; % top curve overshoot for uppercase; % top curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_b.uc:=.01cap; % bottom curve overshoot for uppercase; % bottom curve overshoot for lowercase
+ov_apex.uc:=0; % apex overshoot for uppercase; % apex overshoot for lowercase
+apex_angle:=oblique; % for changing the angle at apex
+if xheight<25:lowres_fix(,,; fi
+if cap<70:lowres_fix(ov_t.uc,ov_b.uc,ov_apex.uc); fi
+ % for SERIFS and ARMS
+serif_thickness:=inlimit(0)(eps,.5xheight); % base thickness of horz serifs
+terminal_thickness:=serif_thickness; % base thickness of terminal serifs
+tip_thickness:= serif_thickness; % base thickness of arms
+bulb_thickness:=; % (base) thickness of bulbs
+x_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2xheight)(serif_thickness,.5xheight); % lc bracket join
+cap_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2cap)(serif_thickness,.5cap); % uc bracket join
+bool(ctrls):=false; % for explicit placement of control pts
+onbase:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along base of serif
+onstem:=inlimit(0)(0,1); % places control pt along stem of serif
+midbracket_pull:= inlimit(.6)(0,1); % pulls brackets in on arms and serifs
+entasis:= inlimit(0)(0,1); % amount of arc in horizontal serif base
+terminal_entasis:= inlimit(0)(0,1); % amount of arc in terminal serif base
+arm_angle:= inlimit(10)(0,60); % global angle off of 90 degrees
+asc_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at ascender height: from 0 deg...h,k,l
+x_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60); % at x-height: from 0 deg...m,n,r
+base_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % at base line: from 0 deg...u
+diag_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60); % on diagonals: from 0 deg...k,v,w,y
+hs:=0; % global horizontal serif length
+ts:=0; % global terminal serif length
+as:=0; % global arm length
+cs:=.5pt; % global curvedarm length
+serif_constant_amt:=0pt; % adds same length amount to all serifs
+bool(bulbs):=false; % arms become bulbs if true
+bool(bulb_taper):=true; % changes bulbs to tapering shape
+taper_angle:=if bulb_taper:10 else:0 fi;% if bulb_taper, adjusts angle at end
+bulb_taper_amt:=0; % taper length as a % of limb thickness; % c,s bulb length if bulb_taper=true
+c_and_s.uc:=.85stem.uc; % C,G,S bulb length if bulb_taper=true
+terminal_softness:=0; % softness in heel of the terminal serif
+arm_softness:=0; % softness in the heel of the arm
+arch_thickness.uc:=thin_stem.uc; % uppercase arch thickness; % lowercase arch thickness
+arch_tip.uc:=arch_thickness.uc; % thinnest part of the uc arch; % thinnest part of the lc arch
+arch_reference:=inlimit(.65)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/stem
+arch_inner_amt:=inlimit(.8)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+r_arch:=l_arch:=inlimit(.6)(0,1); % y-value of max outer stress on r_arch
+bool(ensure_min_archthickness):=true; % guarantees minimum thickness
+major_curve.uc:=arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase major bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl curve thickness
+minor_curve.uc:=.9arch_thickness.uc; % uppercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase minor bowl curve thickness; % lowercase major bowl tip thickness; % lowercase minor bowl tip thickness
+major_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.5)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+minor_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.5)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
+major_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.9)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+minor_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.9)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
+define_minimums( % these values keep a one pixel minimum
+ bowlstem.uc,stem.uc,thin_stem.uc,apex.uc,arch_thickness.uc,arch_tip.uc,
+ major_curve.uc,minor_curve.uc);
+v_stress:=.52; % places point of vert stress on bowl
+h_stress:=.53; % places horzstress on circular shapes
+ductal:=inlimit(.15)(0,1); % for more ductal strokes: value of 1*(; % minor curve join
+circ1:=inlimit(.9)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer curve shapes
+circ2:=inlimit(.9)(.75,1.5); % tension of inner curve shapes
+circ3:=inlimit(.9)(.75,1.5); % tension of outer circular_shapes
+bool(softjuncture):=false; % are junctures soft? in junct macro
+juncture_opening:=inlimit(0)(0,;% indent into stem at juncture
+stemcut_angle:=0; % cut into stem at angle off of 90
+archcut_angle:=0; % cuts into regular arch path
+notch_length.uc:=.05stem.uc; % length of corrective notching (uc); % length of corrective notching (lc)
+notch_width:=1; % width of corrective notching in pixels
+notch_pos:=.3; % positions the beginning of the notch
+bool(center_notch):= % centers all notches
+ if(>=.75:true else:false fi;
+bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<15) % if real low resolution
+ or(xheight#>15pt#) % or large character size
+ or(thin_stem.uc/stem.uc<.5):true % or small thin/thick ratio
+ else:false fi; % this overrides notching
+round_dot_diameter:=1.1stem.uc; % diameter of dots on ;:; % diameter of dots(!?") and dot accents
+comma_dot_indent=inlimit(.25)(0,1); % indent in the comma macro for the dot
+bool(prime):=false; % changes comma to prime
+prime_angle:=-20; % angle of prime-like comma
+bool(realsoft_accents):=false; % make accents soft as possible
+accent_thin_end:=max(1,; % thinnest end of accents
+accent_thick_end:=max(1,; % thickest end of accents
+mathlines:=max(1,.45pt); % thickness of lines in math characters
+head_thickness:=max(1,.9mathlines); % arrowhead thickness
+def mathpen=pensquare scaled mathlines enddef; % for []/=+#%-\<>_|^
+blank_space_thickness:=max(1,.7mathlines); % for space char
+def slashpen=pensquare scaled max(1, enddef; % in O-slash chars
+def dashpen=pensquare scaled max(1,.75mathlines) enddef; % for en em
+join_radius:=.1pt; % global softness for use with softjoin
+bool(softpath):=true; % softens paths in macros
+narrow_amt:=inlimit(.7)(0,1); % thins strokes if narrow condition=true
+w_narrow_amt:=inlimit(.3)(0,1); % thins strokes especially for eMwW oe
+ebar_angle:=0; % used on the lowercase e
+bool(bold):=false; % changes accent shapes if bold
+rulepen:=pensquare scaled 1; % makes screenrules 1 pixel thick
+if oblique=0:let //=relax % lets // do nothing if needed otherwise
+ else:def //=slanted sind(oblique/cosd oblique) enddef fi; % // slants ref pts
+pair upward,downward;
+ upward=dir(90-oblique); % "up" along oblique angle
+ downward=dir(-90-oblique); % "down" along oblique angle
+ % ALTERNATE character specs
+bool(test_all_characters):=false; % allows testing of alternate characters
+ alt0:=0; bool(a_full_bowl):=false; % for half/double bowls on a
+ alt1:=0; bool(g_full_bowl):=true; % for half/double bowls on g
+ alt2:=0; bool(spur):=true; % for pronged terminals on G,a,b,g,q
+ alt3:=0; bool(like_lowercase):=false; % alternate U
+ alt4:=0; bool(flat_diagonal_endings):=true; % else teminalserif k,v,w,x,y,V,W,X
+ alt5:=0; bool(beveled_join):=false; % on R,K,k
+ alt6:=0; bool(open_tail):=false; % for 3,5,6,9
+ alt7:=0; bool(diagonal_three):=false; % for diagonal as opposed to round top 3
+ alt8:=0; bool(inflection_two):=false; % for 2 with inflection
+ alt9:=0; bool(G_spur):=false; % spur on G
+ alt10:=0;bool(open_four):=true; % for top of 4
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"save t,p,ref; path p[],p[]',ref[];";
+extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"w#:=charwd;"; % for adjust def
+extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&"wsaved:=w; w:=r-l;"; % for adjust def
+for x:="a":
+ wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor % test these characters
+let iff=always_iff; % tests all chars in the file
+ let show_character=draw_outlines;
+ if (mode<>proof):let show_character=fill_all;fi
+input tttext % Typewriter Text character set
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a5bb6279b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% punctuation: for roman text set
+% 8 characters
+iff OK "x": "Cross for Polish l and L"; %******* 1 ACCENT WIDTH x 20 degrees
+ beginchar(oct"040",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,ascender#,0);
+ save_num(theta)=max(0,20-.5oblique); % angle of the bar
+ save_num(thickness)=.5[accent_thin_end,accent_thick_end]*1/cosd theta;
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5thickness);
+ bot lft z1l=(0,.4h)//; multpos(1,2)(thickness,90+ if bold:theta else:0 fi);
+ rt x2l=lft x1l+w; z2l=z1l+(whatever,0) rotated theta;
+ z0=.5[z1l,z2l];
+ p1=(z0 soften(z2l,z2r,z1r,z1l) z0)--cycle;
+ showpoints(0,1,2);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Theta here is the angle of the bar
+iff OK "'": "Right quotes or closing quotes";
+ beginchar(oct"042",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(head)=accent_dot_diameter;
+ top z1=(.5head,.75[xheight,cap]-.5head)//;
+ top z2=(w-.5head,y1)//;
+ ref1=comma(z1,head,min(.6xheight,1.5pt),accent_thin_end,0);
+ ref2=comma(z2,head,min(.6xheight,1.5pt),accent_thin_end,0);
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround (z1,if prime:prime_angle fi -oblique);
+ p2=ref2 rotatedaround (z2,if prime:prime_angle fi -oblique);
+ showpoints(1,2);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "-": "Hyphen";
+ beginchar(oct"055",.33width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ pickup mathpen;
+ lft z1=(0,math_axis)//;
+ rt z2=lft z1+(w,0);
+ draw z1--z2;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+% character position, but not shape slants with obliqueness
+% must make sure that the plus/minus have the same widths
+% rotation and slant of position with obliqueness
+iff OK "`": "Left quotes or open quotes";
+ beginchar(oct"134",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(head)=accent_dot_diameter;
+ top z1=(.5head,.75[xheight,cap]-.5head-min(.6xheight,2pt))//;
+ top z2=(w-.5head,y1)//;
+ ref1=comma(z1,head,min(.6xheight,1.5pt),accent_thin_end,0);
+ ref2=comma(z2,head,min(.6xheight,1.5pt),accent_thin_end,0);
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround (z1,180 if prime:prime_angle fi -oblique);
+ p2=ref2 rotatedaround (z2,180 if prime:prime_angle fi -oblique);
+ showpoints(1,2);
+show_character; endchar;
+% rotation and slant of position with obliqueness
+iff OK "x": "Dot accent";
+ beginchar(oct"137",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+2/3accent_depth#,0);
+ bot z1=(.5w,h-accent_dot_diameter)//;
+ p1=dot.b(z1,accent_dot_diameter);
+ showpoints(1);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
+% no slant of shape with obliqueness
+iff OK "-": "En-Dash";
+ beginchar(oct"173",.5width#+.5mono#,cap#,0);
+ pickup dashpen;
+ lft z1=(0,math_axis)//;
+ rt z2=lft z1+(w,0);
+ draw z1--z2;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different dashpen for softness
+% character position, but not shape slants with obliqueness
+% must make sure that the plus/minus have the same widths
+iff OK "-": "Em-Dash";
+ beginchar(oct"174",width#+mono#,cap#,0);
+ pickup dashpen;
+ lft z1=(0,math_axis)//;
+ rt z2=lft z1+(w,0);
+ draw z1--z2;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different dashpen for softness
+% character position, but not shape slants with obliqueness
+% must make sure that the plus/minus have the same widths
+iff OK "x": "Long Hungarian umlaut accent";
+ beginchar(oct"175",.8accent_w*width#+b_mono#,
+ accent_height#+xheight#+accent_depth#,0);
+ top rt z1=(round(.45w),h)//;
+ bot lft z2=(0,h-max(1,accent_depth))//;
+ top rt z3=(w,h)//;
+ bot lft z4=(round(.55w),h-max(1,accent_depth))//;
+ p1=prime_accent(z1,z2,accent_thick_end,accent_thin_end);
+ p2=prime_accent(z3,z4,accent_thick_end,accent_thin_end);
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4);
+draw (0,xheight)--(w,xheight);
+show_character; endchar;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd31a7b43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% punctuation: Spanish inverted !?
+% 2 characters
+iff OK "!": "Inverted exclamation point (Spanish)";
+ beginchar(inv_exclamation,I_w*width#+a_mono#,cap#,.5descender#);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5thin_stem.uc);
+ bot z1=(round(.5w),0);
+ z0=bot z1+(0,.5accent_dot_diameter);
+ top z3=(x1,h)//; pos3(stem.uc,-oblique);
+ onaline(0,3)(2); bot y2=max(bot y1+accent_dot_diameter+2,.3y3);
+ pos2(thin_stem.uc,-oblique);
+ ref1=dot.b(z1,accent_dot_diameter);
+ ref2=(z3--z3l)softjoin(z3l--z2l)softjoin(z2l--z2r)softjoin(z2r--z3r)
+ softjoin(z3r--z3)--cycle;
+ z10=(.5w,.5(cap-d));
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround (z10,180);
+ p2=ref2 rotatedaround (z10,180);
+ showpoints(0,1,2,3);
+show_character; endchar;
+% rotation of shape and slant of position with obliqueness
+% Shape taken exactly from the exclamation point character, but rotated by 180
+% degrees and shifted. This does throw the labels off though.
+% Done this way, so that changes to one are more easily
+% transferred to the other. Could also have altered reference points, which
+% may still need to be done if the rounding turns out bad
+iff OK "?": "Inverted question mark (Spanish)";
+ beginchar(inv_question_mark,.35width#+b_mono#,cap#,.5descender#); %.4width
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5thin_stem.uc);
+ lft z1=(0,.9h)//;
+ rt z3r=(w,.75h)//; lft z3l=z3r-(stem.uc,0);
+ top y2r=bot y2l+max(1,major_curve.uc)=h+ov_t.uc;
+ good_x_for(2r)(z1,z3r,.5)a; good_x_for(2l)(z1+(bulb_thickness,0),z3l,.5)b;
+ bot z7=(.35w,0);
+ z8=bot z7+(0,.5accent_dot_diameter);
+ bot z6=(bot z7+(0,max(bot y7+accent_dot_diameter+2,.3y2r)))//;
+ multpos(5,6)(thin_stem.uc,-oblique);
+ onaline(6,8)(5); y5=max(y7+accent_dot_diameter+2,.35y2r);
+ z4l=.4[z5l,z3l]; z4r=.4[z5r,z3r];
+ ref1=(,z2l,z2r,cs,max(1,.75bulb_thickness),90)soft i_t
+ z3l{downward} i_t z4l o_t z5l{downward}--z6l)softjoin(z6l--z6r)
+ softjoin(z6r-- z5r{upward} i_t z4r o_t z3r{upward} o_t z2r{left})--cycle;
+ ref2=dot.b(z7,accent_dot_diameter);
+ z10=(.5w,.5(cap-d));
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround (z10,180);
+ p2=ref2 rotatedaround (z10,180);
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10);
+show_character; endchar;
+% Shape taken exactly from the question mark character, but rotated by 180
+% degrees and shifted. Fitting on left and right was switched.
+% This does throw the labels off though.
+% Done this way, so that changes to one are more easily
+% transferred to the other. Could also have altered reference points, which
+% may still need to be done if the rounding turns out bad
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6899e5d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% punctuation: for typewriter text set
+% 8 characters
+iff OK "-": "Minus sign";
+ beginchar(oct"055",.5width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ pickup mathpen;
+ lft z1=(0,math_axis)//;
+ rt z2=lft z1+(w,0);
+ draw z1--z2;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+% character position, but not shape slants with obliqueness
+% must make sure that the plus/minus have the same widths
+iff OK "<": "Less than";
+ beginchar(oct"074",.4width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5mathlines);
+ lft z2r=lft z4r=(0,math_axis)//;
+ top z1r=(lft x2r+min(w,math_axis+.5h),math_axis+.4h);
+ bot z3r=(lft x2r+min(w,math_axis+.5h),math_axis-.4h);
+ multpos(1,2)(mathlines,angle(z1r-z2r)+90);
+ multpos(3,4)(mathlines,angle(z4r-z3r)+90);
+ z40=(z1l--z2l)intersectionpoint(z3l--z4l);
+ p1=(z40 soften(z3l,z3r,z2r,z1r,z1l) z40)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,40);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK ">": "Greater than";
+ beginchar(oct"076",.4width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ min_limit(join_radius)(.5mathlines);
+ rt z2r=rt z4r=(min(w,math_axis+.5h),math_axis)//;
+ top z1r=(0,math_axis+.4h);
+ bot z3r=(0,math_axis-.4h);
+ multpos(1,2)(mathlines,angle(z1r-z2r)-90);
+ multpos(3,4)(mathlines,angle(z4r-z3r)-90);
+ z40=(z1l--z2l)intersectionpoint(z3l--z4l);
+ p1=(z40 soften(z3l,z3r,z2r,z1r,z1l) z40)--cycle;
+ showpoints(1,2,3,4,40);
+show_character; endchar;
+% character position, but not shape slants with obliqueness
+% maximum width=1.5 math_axis
+iff OK "\": "Left leaning slash"; % need to add shift if w>.45h
+ beginchar(oct"134",.45width#+b_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ pickup mathpen rotated angle((0,h)//-(min(w,.5(h+d)),-d)//);
+ top lft z1=(0,h)//;
+ bot rt z2=(min(w,.5(h+d)),-d)//;
+ x1:=min(x1,x2-2);
+ draw z1--z2;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+% limits character to vertical line minus 2 pixels
+iff OK "_": "Underscore";
+ beginchar(oct"137",.5width#+mono#,cap#,0);
+ pickup mathpen;
+ top lft z1=(0,0);
+ top rt z2=(w,0);
+ draw z1--z2;
+adjust (0,0); show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+% no slant of shape with obliqueness
+% placement just below the baseline; meant for computer programs where the
+% underscore often has the same token value as a letter
+iff OK "{": "Left curly brace";
+ beginchar(oct"173",.4width#+b_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ save_num(width_limit)=min(w,.4(h+d));
+ z40=(width_limit,.5(h-d));
+ z41=(width_limit,h)rotatedaround(z40//,-oblique);
+ z42=(width_limit,-d)rotatedaround(z40//,-oblique);
+ pos0(max(1,.5thin_stem.uc),90-oblique);
+ pos1(max(1,.75thin_stem.uc),90-oblique);
+ multpos(2,4)(max(1,.75stem.uc),180-oblique);
+ pos3(max(1,.5stem.uc),180-oblique);
+ pos5(max(1,.75thin_stem.uc),-90-oblique);
+ pos6(max(1,.5thin_stem.uc),-90-oblique);
+ multpos(20,21)(2,90-oblique);
+ lft z2r=.25[z41,z42]+.7(.95width_limit,0)rotated(180-oblique);
+ lft z3r=.5[z41,z42] + (.95width_limit,0)rotated(180-oblique); z20=z3r;
+ rt z21 =.5[z41,z42] + ( width_limit,0)rotated(180-oblique);
+ lft z4r=.75[z41,z42]+.7(.95width_limit,0)rotated(180-oblique);
+ top z1r=(x41-.2width_limit,h);
+ bot z5r=(x42-.2width_limit,-d);
+ z0r=whatever[z41,z42]; bot y0l=bot y1l;
+ z6r=whatever[z41,z42]; top y6l=top y5l;
+ ref1=z3l{dir -oblique} i_t z4l{downward} i_t z5l{right}...z6l;
+ ref2=z6r...z5r{left} o_t z4r{upward} o_t z20l{-dir -oblique}--z21l--
+ z21r--z20r{dir -oblique} o_t z2r{upward} o_t z1r{right}...z0r;
+ ref3=z0l...z1l{left} i_t z2l{downward} i_t z3l+(0,epsilon){-dir -oblique};
+ if softpath:
+ p1=ref1 softjoin(z6l--z6r)softjoin ref2 softjoin(z0r--z0l)softjoin ref3
+ --cycle;
+ else:p1=ref1--ref2--ref3--cycle; fi
+ showpoints(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,20,21,40,41,42);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "}": "Right curly brace";
+ beginchar(oct"175",.4width#+b_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ save_num(width_limit)=min(.95w,.4(h+d));
+ z40=(0,.5(h-d));
+ z41=(0,h)rotatedaround(z40//,-oblique);
+ z42=(0,-d)rotatedaround(z40//,-oblique);;
+ pos0(max(1,.5thin_stem.uc),90-oblique);
+ pos1(max(1,.75thin_stem.uc),90-oblique);
+ multpos(2,4)(max(1,.75stem.uc),-oblique);
+ pos3(max(1,.5stem.uc),-oblique);
+ pos5(max(1,.75thin_stem.uc),-90-oblique);
+ pos6(max(1,.5thin_stem.uc),-90-oblique);
+ multpos(20,21)(2,90-oblique);
+ rt z2r=.25[z41,z42]+ .7(width_limit,0)rotated(-oblique);
+ rt z3r=.5[z41,z42] + (width_limit,0)rotated(-oblique); z20=z3r;
+ rt z21=.5[z41,z42] +(min(w,.4(h+d)),0)rotated(-oblique);
+ rt z4r=.75[z41,z42]+ .7(width_limit,0)rotated(-oblique);
+ top z1r=(x41+.2width_limit,h);
+ bot z5r=(x42+.2width_limit,-d);
+ z0r=whatever[z41,z42]; bot y0l=bot y1l;
+ z6r=whatever[z41,z42]; top y6l=top y5l;
+ ref1=z3l{-dir -oblique} i_t z4l{downward} i_t z5l{left}...z6l;
+ ref2=z6r...z5r{right} o_t z4r{upward} o_t z20l{dir -oblique}--z21l--
+ z21r--z20r{-dir -oblique} o_t z2r{upward} o_t z1r{left}...z0r;
+ ref3=z0l...z1l{right} i_t z2l{downward} i_t z3l+(0,epsilon){dir -oblique};
+ if softpath:
+ p1=ref1 softjoin(z6l--z6r)softjoin ref2 softjoin(z0r--z0l)softjoin ref3
+ --cycle;
+ else:p1=ref1--ref2--ref3--cycle; fi
+ showpoints(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,20,40,41,42);
+adjust(v_H*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*b_mfit#, v_H*fitbasis.uc#+m_a*b_mfit#);
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "|": "Vertical bar"; % need to add shift if w>.45h
+ beginchar(oct"174",I_w*width#+a_mono#,maxheight#,maxdepth#);
+ pickup mathpen;
+ z0=(.5w,.5[-d,h])//;
+ top z1=(x0,h);
+ bot z2=(x0,-d);
+ draw z1--z2;
+show_character; endchar;
+% use different mathpen for softness
+% always vertical; no slant but shifts position with obliqueness
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dde2ffa9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% Roman Text character set
+font_coding_scheme:="TeX text";
+inv_exclamation:=oct"074"; inv_question_mark:=oct"076";
+font_slant oblique; % TeX fontdimen 1 slant
+font_normal_space mono#+.3width#; % TeX fontdimen 2 normal word space
+font_normal_stretch .15width#; % TeX fontdimen 3 interword stretch
+font_normal_shrink .1width#; % TeX fontdimen 4 interword shrink
+font_x_height xheight#; % Tex fontdinem 5 for accents
+font_quad width#; % TeX fontdimen 6 quad width
+font_extra_space .1width#; % TeX fontdimen 7 extra space(period)
+ input widths % reference width and fitting information
+ input panlowers % (26) lowercase roman alphabet
+ input caps % (26) uppercase roman alphabet
+ input number % (10) numerals
+ input pangreeku % (11) uppercase greek
+ input panaccent % (19) accents and ligatures common in sets
+ input panpunct % (21) punctuation: common in all char sets
+ input punctr % ( 8) punctuation: for roman text set
+ input puncts % ( 2) punctuation: Spanish inverted ?!
+ input fligs % ( 5) ligatures with "f"
+ input ligs % ligtable designations and kerning info
+ligtable "?": "`"=:inv_question_mark;
+ligtable "!": "`"=:inv_exclamation;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..efff587bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% characters for typewriter text set
+% 5 characters
+iff OK "x": "Up arrow";
+ beginchar(oct"013",num_width_c#+c_mono#,cap#,0);
+ pickup mathpen rotated -oblique;
+ top z1=(.5w,h)//; bot z2=(.5w,-d)//;
+ arrow.t(z1,w,.2h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "x": "Down arrow";
+ beginchar(oct"014",num_width_c#+c_mono#,cap#,0);
+ pickup mathpen rotated -oblique;
+ top z1=(.5w,h)//; bot z2=(.5w,-d)//;
+ arrow.b(z2,w,.2h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+show_character; endchar;
+iff OK "x": "Single non-directional quote";
+ beginchar(oct"015",I_w*width#+a_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(head)=accent_dot_diameter; save_bool(prime)=true;
+ top z1=(round(.5w),.75[xheight,cap]-.5head)//;
+ ref1=comma(z1,head,min(.6xheight,1.5pt),accent_thin_end,.5);
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround (z1,-oblique);
+ showpoints(1);
+show_character; endchar;
+% rotation and slant of position with obliqueness
+iff OK "x": "Blank space character";
+ beginchar(oct"040",.5width#+mono#,math_axis#,descender#);
+ save_num(edge_distance)=max(1,round(.1w));
+ pickup pensquare scaled blank_space_thickness rotated -oblique;
+ top lft z1=(edge_distance,.3h)//;
+ bot lft z2=(edge_distance,-.5d)//;
+ bot rt z3=(w-edge_distance,-.5d)//;
+ top rt z4=(w-edge_distance,.3h)//;
+ draw z1--z2--z3--z4;
+adjust (0,0); show_character; endchar;
+% use different pen for softness
+% no slant of shape with obliqueness
+iff OK "x": "Double non-directional quotes";
+ beginchar(oct"042",accent_w*width#+b_mono#,cap#,0);
+ save_num(head)=accent_dot_diameter; save_bool(prime)=true;
+ top z1=(round(.5head),.75[xheight,cap]-.5head)//;
+ top z2=(round(w-.5head),y1)//;
+ ref1=comma(z1,head,min(.6xheight,1.5pt),accent_thin_end,0);
+ ref2=comma(z2,head,min(.6xheight,1.5pt),accent_thin_end,0);
+ p1=ref1 rotatedaround (z1,-oblique);
+ p2=ref2 rotatedaround (z2,-oblique);
+ showpoints(1,2);
+show_character; endchar;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d2287a2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% Typewriter Text character set
+font_coding_scheme:="TeX typewriter text";
+inv_exclamation:=oct"016"; inv_question_mark:=oct"017";
+font_slant oblique; % TeX fontdimen 1 slant
+font_normal_space mono#; % TeX fontdimen 2 normal word monospace
+font_normal_stretch 0; % TeX fontdimen 3 (no interword stretch)
+font_normal_shrink 0; % TeX fontdimen 4 (no interword shrink)
+font_x_height xheight#; % Tex fontdimen 5 for accents
+font_quad width#; % TeX fontdimen 6 quad width
+font_extra_space width#; % TeX fontdimen 7 extra space(period)
+ input widths % reference width and fitting infor
+ input panlowers % (26) lowercase roman alphabet
+ input caps % (26) uppercase roman alphabet
+ input number % (10) numerals
+ input pangreeku % (11) uppercase greek
+ input panaccent % (19) accents and ligatures common in sets
+ input panpunct % (21) punctuation: common in all char sets
+ input puncts % ( 2) punctuation: Spanish inverted ?!
+ input punctt % ( 8) punctuation: for roman text set
+ input ttchar % ( 5) ligatures with "f"
+ligtable "?": "`"=:inv_question_mark;
+ligtable "!": "`"=:inv_exclamation;
diff --git a/fonts/pandora/ b/fonts/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc7cfcae11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala
+% a file containing width calculation information for the chars
+% Essentially all width information is contained in this file to eliminate
+% the need to alter the individual character files if width changes are desired.
+% Parts of characters are separated so that amounts can be altered as shapes
+% change for the lowercase, the stems are all generally of the same weight,
+% with possible variation in diagonals.
+% The uppercase has more variation in combination of thin/thick vertical
+% stems, so the method for choosing widths was changed to depend on
+% stem weights and an idea of proportions
+% Fixed width characters and numbers have a constant total width,
+% but reference and fitting proportions vary within this space
+% Punctuation was partly based on uc/lc widths, but otherwise
+% independent amounts given.
+vardef variable_character_reference_widths=
+ save thick,thin,thickk,thinn,bowll;
+ thick=stem.uc#/max(width#,1); uc:=.35*boldness;
+ uc1=.35*boldness; uc4=.35; % always=.35;
+ uc2:=1+if boldness<1:.25 else:0 fi; % uc2 for diagonals
+ thin=thin_stem.uc#/max(width#,1); lc.arch_space:=.21*boldness;
+,1); lc.bowl_space:=.24*boldness;
+,1); lc.o_space:=.27*boldness;
+,1); lc.diagonal_space:=.3*boldness;
+ i_w=thickk; % i l the "_w" is for "width"
+ j_w=thickk+.55*lc.arch_space; % j
+ s_w=uc2*(thickk+lc.o_space); % s t z ***
+ c_w=uc2*(bowll+lc.o_space); % c ***
+ a_w=thickk+bowll+lc.arch_space; % a(halfbowl)
+ b_w=thickk+bowll+lc.bowl_space; % b a d e g p q k ss-lig
+ r_w=2thickk+.5*lc.arch_space; % r f
+ n_w=2thickk+lc.arch_space; % n h u
+ m_w=3thickk+2*lc.arch_space; % m
+ o_w=2bowll+lc.bowl_space; % g(halfbowl)
+ oo_w=2bowll+lc.o_space; % o
+ v_w=(uc2)*(thickk+thinn)+lc.diagonal_space; % v x y ***
+ w_w=(uc2)*(thickk+thinn)+thickk+1.5lc.diagonal_space; % w ***
+ oe_w=oo_w+o_w-bowll; % oe
+ ae_w=2b_w-bowll; % ae
+ accent_w=.8n_w; % accents
+ I_w=thick; % I
+ J_w=thick+.5uc; % J
+ E_w=thick+.85uc4; % E F L GAMMA ****
+ T_w=thick+1.25uc1; % T ****
+ B_w=2thick+.75uc; % B P
+ R_w=2thick+.85uc1; % R PI XI K ****SIGMA
+ H_w=2thick+uc; % H C
+ D_w=2thick+1.1uc; % D G
+ O_w=2thick+1.25uc; % O Q DELTA THETA
+ N_w=H_w; % N
+ S_w=thick+thin+.75uc; % S Z ****
+ U_w=thick+thin+uc; % U ****
+ A_w=(uc2)*(thick+thin)+1.25uc1; % A V Y LAMBDA X ****
+ M_w=(uc2)*2(thick+thin)+1.25uc; % M
+ W_w=(uc2)*(2thick+thin)+1.5uc1; % W ****
+ AE_w=E_w+2/3*A_w; % AEligature
+ OE_w=E_w+O_w-thick; % OEligature
+ v_a=.50; % for straight strokes the "v_" is for "variable"
+ v_b=.42; % for arches
+ v_c=.28; % for bowls
+ v_d=.24; % for thick diagonals
+ v_e=v_d-(thickk-thinn); % for thin diagonals
+ v_f=.20; % for half open shapes
+ v_g=.10; % for open strokes
+ v_h=.08; % for open strokes
+ v_A=.5; % for thick straight
+ v_B=v_A-(thick-thin); % for thin straight
+ v_C=.2; % for bowls
+ v_D=.16; % for thick diagonals
+ v_E=v_D-(thick-thin); % for thin diagonals
+ v_F=.2; % for half open sides
+ v_G=.16; % for half-very open sides
+ v_H=.12; % for very open sides
+ v_I=.1; % for the L
+%***** for numbers *****
+num_width_a#=.2width#; num_fit_a#+num_width_a#=.55width#; % 1
+num_width_b#=.4width#; num_fit_b#+num_width_b#=.55width#; % 2 3 5 7 $
+num_width_c#=.44width#; num_fit_c#+num_width_c#=.55width#; % 6 9 0
+num_width_d#=.47width#; num_fit_d#+num_width_d#=.55width#; % 8
+num_width_e#=.50width#; num_fit_e#+num_width_e#=.55width#; % 4
+%***** for single pitch fonts *****
+% *_*mono# gives the character reference width within the total per char width
+% *_mfit# is the amount of space left after the reference width is taken away
+% *_*mono#+*_mfit# give the total width of the character
+% In the case of single pitch fonts, the total width is always the same.
+% In cases where, e.g., three instead of only one width is desired, the
+% value of 1*mono# can be changed
+ a_mono#:=.6mono#; a_mfit#+a_mono#=mono#; % fjrJ',.:;
+ b_mono#:=.7mono#; b_mfit#+b_mono#=mono#; % "mid" width
+ c_mono#:=.75mono#; c_mfit#+c_mono#=mono#; % abdgkpq069
+ d_mono#:=.8mono#; d_mfit#+d_mono#=mono#; % eotvxyz4689CDGKOQ%&*^
+ e_mono#:=.9mono#; e_mfit#+e_mono#=mono#; % AVXY4
+ f_mono#:=.9mono#; f_mfit#+f_mono#=mono#; % mwMW@ ae oe AE OE
+ a_mfit,b_mfit,c_mfit,d_mfit,e_mfit,f_mfit);
+% The following give fit adjustments for single pitch characters
+ m_a=.5; % this amt is always .5
+ m_b=.55; m_bb+m_b=1; % BDEFGKPR7
+ m_c=.55; m_cc+m_c=1; % abdghkmnpqu()
+ m_d=.6; m_dd+m_d=1; % C
+ m_e=.65; m_ee+m_e=1; % cflrt AE []
+ m_f=.75; m_ff+m_f=1; % JL
+% need to account for serifs
+% recognizing that a straight ascender may carry different visual value as
+% straight of x-height