path: root/fonts/mbboard/texinputs
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Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/mbboard/texinputs')
5 files changed, 1073 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbboard.dcl b/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbboard.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3b4b8f08a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbboard.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+% blackboard typefaces by Anthony Phan.
+% file: mbboard.dcl (\TeX\ and \LaTeX\ file)
+% last modification: November 1st, 1999.
+% the \bbdagesh construction works now by ligature system.
+% definitions thru mbbfam
+%\symbol@message{\centerline{---~Starting mbboard declarations~---}}
+\symbol@message{Miscellaneous symbols}
+\symbol@message{Some delimiters}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvert} {3}{mbb}{"DC}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbslash} {0}{mbb}{"2F}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbbackslash} {0}{mbb}{"5C}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bblbrack} {4}{mbb}{"5B}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbrbrack} {5}{mbb}{"5D}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bblbrace} {4}{mbb}{"DB}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbrbrace} {5}{mbb}{"DD}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bblangle} {4}{mbb}{"DE}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbrangle} {5}{mbb}{"DF}
+\symbol@message{Greek lowercase}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbalpha} {0}{mbb}{"A1}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbbeta} {0}{mbb}{"A2}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbgamma} {0}{mbb}{"A3}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbdelta} {0}{mbb}{"A4}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbepsilon} {0}{mbb}{"A5}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbzeta} {0}{mbb}{"A6}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbeta} {0}{mbb}{"A7}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbtheta} {0}{mbb}{"A8}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbiota} {0}{mbb}{"A9}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbkappa} {0}{mbb}{"AA}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bblambda} {0}{mbb}{"AB}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbmu} {0}{mbb}{"AC}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbnu} {0}{mbb}{"AD}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbxi} {0}{mbb}{"AE}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbomicron} {0}{mbb}{"AF}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbpi} {0}{mbb}{"B0}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbrho} {0}{mbb}{"B1}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbsigma} {0}{mbb}{"B2}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbtau} {0}{mbb}{"B3}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbupsilon} {0}{mbb}{"B4}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbphi} {0}{mbb}{"B5}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbchi} {0}{mbb}{"B6}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbpsi} {0}{mbb}{"B7}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbomega} {0}{mbb}{"B8}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvarepsilon} {0}{mbb}{"B9}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvartheta} {0}{mbb}{"BA}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvarkappa} {0}{mbb}{"BB}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvarpi} {0}{mbb}{"BC}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvarrho} {0}{mbb}{"BD}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvarsigma} {0}{mbb}{"BE}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvarphi} {0}{mbb}{"BF}
+\symbol@message{Greek uppercase}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbAlpha} {0}{mbb}{"81}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbBeta} {0}{mbb}{"82}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbGamma} {0}{mbb}{"83}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbDelta} {0}{mbb}{"84}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbEpsilon} {0}{mbb}{"85}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbZeta} {0}{mbb}{"86}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbEta} {0}{mbb}{"87}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbTheta} {0}{mbb}{"88}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbIota} {0}{mbb}{"89}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbKappa} {0}{mbb}{"8A}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbLambda} {0}{mbb}{"8B}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbMu} {0}{mbb}{"8C}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbNu} {0}{mbb}{"8D}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbXi} {0}{mbb}{"8E}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbOmicron} {0}{mbb}{"8F}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbPi} {0}{mbb}{"90}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbRho} {0}{mbb}{"91}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbSigma} {0}{mbb}{"92}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbTau} {0}{mbb}{"93}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbUpsilon} {0}{mbb}{"94}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbPhi} {0}{mbb}{"95}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbChi} {0}{mbb}{"96}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbPsi} {0}{mbb}{"97}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbOmega} {0}{mbb}{"98}
+\symbol@message{Greek like symbols}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbdigamma} {0}{mbb}{"99}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbnabla} {0}{mbb}{"9A}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbcoprod} {0}{mbb}{"9B}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbmho} {0}{mbb}{"9C}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbslashSigma} {0}{mbb}{"9D}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbslashnabla} {0}{mbb}{"9E}
+%\symbol@message{Ionian extension}
+% \DeclareMathSymbol{\bbDigamma} {0}{mbb}{"C0}
+% \DeclareMathSymbol{\bbKoppa} {0}{mbb}{"C1}
+% \DeclareMathSymbol{\bbSampi} {0}{mbb}{"C2}
+% \DeclareMathSymbol{\bbdigamma} {0}{mbb}{"C3}
+% \DeclareMathSymbol{\bbkoppa} {0}{mbb}{"C4}
+% \DeclareMathSymbol{\bbsampi} {0}{mbb}{"C5}
+% \DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvardigamma}{0}{mbb}{"C6}
+% \DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvarkoppa} {0}{mbb}{"C7}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbaleph} {0}{mbb}{"C0}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbbeth} {0}{mbb}{"C1}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbgimmel} {0}{mbb}{"C2}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbdalet} {0}{mbb}{"C3}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbhe} {0}{mbb}{"C4}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbvav} {0}{mbb}{"C5}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbzayin} {0}{mbb}{"C6}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbhet} {0}{mbb}{"C7}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbtet} {0}{mbb}{"C8}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbyod} {0}{mbb}{"C9}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbfinalkaf} {0}{mbb}{"CA}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbkaf} {0}{mbb}{"CB}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bblamed} {0}{mbb}{"CC}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbfinalmem} {0}{mbb}{"CD}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbmem} {0}{mbb}{"CE}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbfinalnun} {0}{mbb}{"CF}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbnun} {0}{mbb}{"D0}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbsamekh} {0}{mbb}{"D1}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbayin} {0}{mbb}{"D2}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbfinalpe} {0}{mbb}{"D3}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbpe} {0}{mbb}{"D4}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbtzadik} {0}{mbb}{"D6}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbqof} {0}{mbb}{"D7}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbresh} {0}{mbb}{"D8}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbshin} {0}{mbb}{"D9}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbtav} {0}{mbb}{"DA}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbdagesh} {0}{mbb}{"FF}
+\symbol@message{Currency signs}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbdollar} {0}{mbb}{"24}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbeuro} {0}{mbb}{"FB}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbpound} {0}{mbb}{"FC}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbcent} {0}{mbb}{"FD}
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbyen} {0}{mbb}{"FE}
+%\DeclareMathSymbol{\bbshereq} {0}{mbb}{"FF}
+% end of file
+%\symbol@message{\centerline{---~ending of mbboard declarations~---}}
diff --git a/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbboard.sty b/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbboard.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd38b7eb85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbboard.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% blackboard typefaces by Anthony Phan.
+% file: mbboard.tex (\TeX' file for mbb's fonts)
+% last modification: November 1st, 1999.
+% mbb's font declarations
+ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> gen * mbb
+ <10.95> mbb10 <12> <14.4> mbb12 <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> mbb17
+ }{}
+ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> gen * mbb
+ <10.95> mbb10 <12> <14.4> mbb12 <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> mbb17
+ }{}
+ {\not@math@alphabet\bbfamily\mathbb
+ \fontfamily{mbb}\selectfont}
+% no proofmode
+\input mbboard.dcl
+% end of file.
diff --git a/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbboard.tex b/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbboard.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc0aa9e631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbboard.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+% blackboard typefaces by Anthony Phan.
+% file: mbboard.tex (\TeX' file for mbb's fonts)
+% last modification: November 1st, 1999.
+% proofing?
+ \def\symbol@message#1{\relax}%
+ \def\symbol@mark#1#2{\relax}%
+ \def\symbol@message#1{\medbreak{\noindent\bf #1}
+ \medskip\noindent\ignorespaces}%
+ \def\symbolsp@cing#1{(\ifcase\number#1 ord\or op%
+ \or bin\or rel\or open\or close\or punct%
+ \or var\else ???\fi)}%
+ \def\symbol@mark#1#2{$#1$ {\tt\string#1}
+ \symbolsp@cing{#2},\ \ignorespaces}%
+% Symbols declarations: \LaTeX-like commands
+\def\hexnumber@#1{\ifcase\number#1 0\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4%
+ \or 5\or 6\or 7\or 8\or 9\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\fi}%
+ \count255=#2\multiply\count255 by 16
+ \advance\count255 by \csname#3fam\endcsname
+ \multiply\count255 by 256\advance\count255 by #4
+ \ifcat\noexpand#1\relax\mathchardef#1=\count255
+ \else\expandafter
+ \mathcode\expandafter`\csname#1\endcsname=\count255
+ \fi\symbol@mark{#1}{#2}}
+ \edef#1{\noexpand\delimiter\noexpand"\gobble@quotes#2%
+ \expandafter\hexnumber@\csname#3fam\endcsname\gobble@quotes#4%
+ \expandafter\hexnumber@\csname#5fam\endcsname\gobble@quotes#6 }%
+ \symbol@mark{#1}{#2}}
+ \count255=\csname#2fam\endcsname
+ \multiply\count255 by 256\advance\count255 by #3
+ \multiply\count255 by 16
+ \advance\count255 by \csname#4fam\endcsname
+ \multiply\count255 by 256\advance\count255 by #5
+ \expandafter\delcode\expandafter`\csname#1\endcsname=\count255
+ \symbol@mark{#1}{#2}}
+ \ifcat\noexpand#1\relax
+ \def\Large@stuff{\noexpand\delimiter}%
+ \expandafter\@DeclareMathDelimiter
+ \else\expandafter\@xDeclareMathDelimiter\fi#1}
+ \edef#1{\noexpand\radical\noexpand"%
+ \expandafter\hexnumber@\csname#2fam\endcsname\gobble@quotes#3%
+ \expandafter\hexnumber@\csname#4fam\endcsname\gobble@quotes#5 }%
+ \symbol@mark{#1.}{8}}
+ \edef#1{\noexpand\mathaccent\noexpand"%
+ \expandafter\hexnumber@\csname#3fam\endcsname\gobble@quotes#4 }%
+ \symbol@mark{#1.}{8}}
+% loading blackboard fonts
+\font\twelvembb=mbb12 \font\tenmbb=mbb10
+\font\ninembb=mbb9 \font\eightmbb=mbb8
+\font\sevenmbb=mbb7 \font\sixmbb=mbb6
+\skewchar\tenmbb="7F \skewchar\ninembb="7F \skewchar\eightmbb="7F
+\skewchar\sevenmbb="7F \skewchar\sixmbb="7F \skewchar\fivembb="7F
+\hyphenchar\tenmbb="2D \hyphenchar\ninembb="2D \hyphenchar\eightmbb="2D
+\hyphenchar\sevenmbb="2D \hyphenchar\sixmbb="2D \hyphenchar\fivembb="2D
+% Initialization
+% (make changes in your own file if you want different sizes)
+\textfont\mbbfam=\tenmbb \scriptfont\mbbfam=\sevenmbb
+\scriptscriptfont\mbbfam=\fivembb \def\mbb{\fam\mbbfam\tenmbb}
+\input mbboard.dcl
diff --git a/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbbtest.tex b/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbbtest.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..020c9d0a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/mbbtest.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+% blackboard typefaces by Anthony Phan.
+% file: mbtest.tex (testfile)
+% last modification: 10.08.2001.
+\input testmac.tex
+\title{Mbbxxx series}
+\author{Anthony Phan}
+The {\it Mbboard}\/ series are quite good quality fonts primarily intended
+to be used as blackboard bold fonts in mathematical texts typesetted
+in \TeX\ with Computer Modern as main fonts' set. Their design comes
+from printed mathematical books and articles, and, thus, from
+some commercial fonts. One of the main contribution of the
+mbboard-series lies in its completeness as one could se further on,
+completeness due to their author's work only.
+These fonts have been designed in such a way that they can be used
+as text fonts, even if such texts would be hardly readable.
+This also means that even if they are mostly intended to be used
+in mathematical formulae, they are not ``mathematical fonts''
+as understood in the MetaFont experts' community. I believe that
+it doesn't matter to much since these are upright fonts (in some
+cases, one would have to insert some negative thin space in subscrits).
+The current distribution of these fonts and \TeX's packages
+is the {\it mbboard0.4}\/ which appears to be quite good and
+stable. The two supported subseries are {\it mbbXX}\/ and
+{\it mbbxXX}\/ where {\it XX}\/ is the point size. Other
+subseries should be seen as oddities and, then, unsupported.
+The author also claims no responsability in translations
+of these fonts into other formats (type 1, etc.).
+\subsection{Mbboard0.0, january 2000}
+Space and time initial distribution.
+If most glyphs look correct, kerning
+properties are to be checked. The
+dagesh marking is to be changed.
+\subsection{Mbboard0.1, april 2000}
+There have been changes in ligtables and designs:
+There is no more automatic c--t nor s--t
+ligature in the basic encoding.
+The corresponding glyphs have to
+be accessed directly with \cs{\ctlig}
+or \cs{\stlig} in text mode.
+There is now a dagesh sign such that
+this sign plus a Hebrew letter
+give the Hebrew letter with dagesh
+by ligaturing system. Otherwise,
+it does nothing. Its location
+on mbb's encoding is the former
+shereq sign's location.
+This last glyph has been removed
+from the basic encoding.
+Some vertical overshots have been corrected.
+The Roman shaped `a' and `3' have been slightly modified.
+Dorian pi has been rewritten.
+Kerning properties are still to
+be checked.
+\subsection{Mbboard0.2, december 2000}
+Just code-check before the first ``expected
+to be stable''-distribution.
+\subsection{Mbboard0.3, june 2001}
+Input files' names have been changed in order
+to avoid conflicts with other source files---such
+as the bbold's ones (Alan Jeffrey's fonts).
+Roundish bowls are experimented. It will lead
+to a simpler code: there will be less explicit
+intersection control sequences.
+\subsection{Mbboard0.4, october 2001}
+Some control sequences' names or variables' names
+have been changed. Roundish bowls have been (not fully)
+implemented. Some important changes have been done:
+The width of `lambda' is now equal to the width of `A'.
+(so that metrics have changed!)
+Percent sign and related ones have been corrected.
+(someone could have told me of that error!)
+The letter `e' and related ones have been sharpen;
+`xi', `zeta' have been slightly changed\dots\ and so on.
+\item{$\bullet$} 17pt size has been introduced.
+\item{$\bullet$} A whole bold extended font has been created.
+Kerning properties are still to be checked.
+\subsection{Mbboard0.5, october 2001}
+The main change is my trial to get rid of every {\tt square\_end}
+control sequence. But it alters design quite deeply. So design
+itself is at least slightly changed. Some metrics have changed
+too just because I could not remember why I've made some odd
+choices. All those changes can not be reported without making
+a comparison between this version and the former one.
+The width of `cedilla' has changed, it's now very thin just
+as `ogonek'. (So that metrics have changed!)
+Kerning properties are still to be checked.
+\input mbboard.tex
+\section{Different sizes}
+\usuals{mbb17 }\usuals{mbbx17 }
+\usuals{mbb12 }\usuals{mbbx12 }
+\usuals{mbb10 }\usuals{mbbx10 }
+\usuals{mbb9 }\usuals{mbbx9 }
+\usuals{mbb8 }\usuals{mbbx8 }
+\usuals{mbb7 }\usuals{mbbx7 }
+\usuals{mbb6 }\usuals{mbbx6 }
+\usuals{mbb5 }\usuals{mbbx5 }
+% tests comparatifs
+\compare{mbb10 }{cmr10 }
+\compare{mbb10 }{cmbx10 }
+\compare{mbb10 }{mbbx10 }
+\compare{mbb10 }{cmss10 }
+%\compare{mbb10 }{ptmr }
+\docomparison{mbb10 }{msbm10 }from 65 to 90.
+\docomparison{msbm10 }{ptmr }from 65 to 90.
+\section{Greek letters}
+$\bbgamma\gamma$ $\bbdelta\delta$ $\bbepsilon\epsilon$
+$\bbzeta\zeta$ $\bbeta\eta$ $\bbtheta\theta$
+$\bbiota\iota$ $\bbkappa\kappa$ $\bblambda\lambda$
+$\bbmu\mu$ $\bbnu\nu$ $\bbxi\xi$ $\bbomicron o$
+$\bbpi\pi$ $\bbrho\rho$ $\bbsigma\sigma$ $\bbtau\tau$
+$\bbupsilon\upsilon$ $\bbphi\phi$ $\bbchi\chi$ $\bbpsi\psi$
+$\bbomega\omega$ $\bbvarepsilon\varepsilon$ $\bbvartheta\vartheta$
+$\bbvarsigma\varsigma$ $\bbvarkappa$%\varkappa$
+$\bbvarrho\varrho$ $\bbvarsigma\varsigma$ $\bbvarphi\varphi$
+$\bbAlpha\machin A$ $\bbBeta\machin B$
+$\bbDelta\machin\Delta$ $\bbEpsilon\machin\rm E$ $\bbZeta\machin Z$
+$\bbEta\machin H$ $\bbTheta\machin\Theta$ $\bbIota\machin I$
+$\bbKappa\machin K$ $\bbLambda\machin\Lambda$ $\bbMu\machin M$
+$\bbNu\machin N$ $\bbXi\machin\Xi$ $\bbOmicron\machin O$
+$\bbPi\machin\Pi$ $\bbRho\machin P$ $\bbSigma\machin\Sigma$
+$\bbTau\machin T$ $\bbUpsilon\machin\Upsilon$ $\bbPhi\machin\Phi$
+$\bbChi\machin X$ $\bbPsi\machin\Psi$ $\bbOmega\machin\Omega$
+\c R\u R\=R\d R\.R\"R\`R\'R\^R\v R\~R\H R
+\c a\u a\=a\d a\.a\"a\`a\'a\^a\v a\~a\H a
+\c o\u o\=o\d o\.o\"o\`o\'o\^o\v o\~o\H o
+\c e\u e\=e\d e\.e\"e\`e\'e\^e\v e\~e\H e
+\c c}
+\c R\u R\=R\d R\.R\"R\`R\'R\^R\v R\~R\H R
+\c a\u a\=a\d a\.a\"a\`a\'a\^a\v a\~a\H a
+\c o\u o\=o\d o\.o\"o\`o\'o\^o\v o\~o\H o
+\c e\u e\=e\d e\.e\"e\`e\'e\^e\v e\~e\H e
+\c c}
+%\section{Random test of gray}
+%{\mbb \mixfrom 65 to 90.
+%\mixfrom 97 to 122.
+%\mixfrom 192 to 250.
+%\section{Kerning tables}
+\section{Other basic control sequences}
+The most important control sequence is \cs{\mathbb}
+which has one argument and is similar to the
+classical one. There is also \cs{\mbb}
+which changes current font in text or math mode
+to blackboard. Those two control sequences are available
+in plain\TeX\ and La\TeX.
+About text, usual \TeX's control sequences
+or ligaturing mechanisms apply.
+The c--t and s--t ligatures can be used via
+\cs{\ctlig} and \cs{\stlig}
+in text mode only, but switching to another
+font may produce oddities.
+French double quotes are obtained by `{\tt<<}'
+and `{\tt>>}'. But french single quotes cannot
+be obtained by `{\tt<}' nor `{\tt>}', they have
+to be reached by their {\tt charcode}.
+{\mbb << This was the noble\stlig\ Roman of them all\dots>>}
+\section{The \cs{\bbdagesh} construction}
+One of the most current diacritic marks in Hebrew is dagesh.
+If Hebrew is quite rarely used in mathematical composition,
+to our knowledge it appeared one time in a logic book with
+Hebrew letters from aleph to gimmel with, or not, dagesh mark.
+The fact that this mark cannot be applied by simply putting aside
+lead pieces lead us to design particuliar characters for those
+cases. The big question was how to switch from normal characters
+to marked ones. The last solution is to use ligaturing properties
+to make a dagesh mark meeting a Hebrew character becoming a dagesh
+marked Hebrew character. This means that a dagesh sign had to be
+designed, and that it had to have a nice behavior with other
+characters. By now, we don't know if the solution that we retain
+could be considered as a canonical one. It's just the one that
+is built-in the current version of our fonts. Look at samples below:
+\bbdagesh\bbdalet\bbdagesh\mathbb R
+\bbdagesh\mathbb U\bbdagesh\mathbb O
+\section{Mbb, the regular blackboard serie}
+The following font is actually the only one that is fully supported.
+This essentially means that evolution of metrical properties will be
+based on them. Other series could get some improvement as this one
+may do (I hope so), but that's not certain\dots
+\section{Mbbx, the regular blackboard bold extended serie}
+\section{Mbbr, a variant that may look better for text (unsupported yet)}
+\section{Mbbi, an italic version (unsupported yet)}
+\section{Mbbsl, a slanted version (unsupported yet)}
+\section{Mbbcr, a T1-encoded version (unsupported yet)}
+As one can see in the following table, the Euro sign has
+been introduced in this T1-encoding. I just cannot
+remember which symbol I've then removed.
+\section{Mbbgr, why not some Greek version? (unsupported yet)}
+The following font consists only of a
+fairly simple rewriting of some driver
+file. Encoding has been inspired by
+Silvio Levy's work and some foregoing
+contributors. It is not
+(at that time) supposed to be a complete
+Greek font.
+\section{Mbbheb, what about a Hebrew version? (unsupported yet)}
+The following font should not be taken too seriously.
+There are at least three reasons for that.
+The first one is that it seems to contain a lot of
+diacritic marks, but the fact is that we don't know
+how to deal with them. If they are to be handled by
+a \cs{\accent} mecanism, their metrical design
+should fit that. If they are not, what should be done?
+Secondly, there is the great encoding matter. I can't remember
+why I choosed the following encoding. It was inspired,
+I think, by some comparisons with existing ones, expecially
+with unicode specifications and with Yannis Haralambous' work
+on tiqwah fonts. The last reason that comes to my mind
+is that I know nothing about Hebrew and, furthermore,
+about Hebrew typographical composition.
+So, most of this serie is a first draft for an unexpectable
+and unusefull Hebrew font.
+Il y a quelques ann\'ees, je d\'ecouvrais l'univers
+de \TeX\ par contrainte. Jusqu'alors je m'\'etais
+efforc\'e d'y \'echapper pensant que celui-ci me
+serait imp\'en\'etrable. M\^u par je ne sais quel
+enthousiasme, je finis par m'y mettre en abordant
+La\TeX\ sur un Mac. Pas typographe pour deux sous,
+ni informaticien pour une roupie, je dus faire face
+\`a de nombreuses difficult\'es. Mon plus grand
+succ\`es \`a l'\'epoque fut de d\'ecouvrir et de
+pouvoit utiliser la fonte {\tt msym} qui r\'esidait
+encore sur l'ordinateur dont je me servais. Celle-ci
+comblait mes attentes quant \`a disposer de caract\`eres
+ad\'equats pour repr\'esenter ---~entre autres~---
+les ensembles fondamentaux. H\'elas, d'une plateforme
+on doit passer \`a une autre simplement parce que
+l'on change de bureau. J'ai alors red\'ecouvert (avec
+r\'etiscence) les syst\`emes de type Unix et surtout
+les distributions \TeX\ pour ceux-ci. Il n'y avait
+plus de {\tt msym} mais seulement un {\tt msbm} qui ne
+me plaisait pas. De nombreuses recherches sur le web
+se seront sold\'ees par la conviction qu'il fallait
+recoder ce qui me faisait d\'efaut. J'ai alors
+emprunt\'e une premi\`ere fois le {\tt MetaFontbook}
+et j'ai commenc\'e par les premiers exercices\dots
diff --git a/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/testmac.tex b/fonts/mbboard/texinputs/testmac.tex
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+ d\'ecembre\fi\space\number\day,\space\number\year}}%
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+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or
+ December\fi\space\number\day,\space\number\year}}%
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+ n\-o\-p\-q\-r\-s{}\-t\-u\-v\-w\-x\-y\-z \-
+ \AE\-\OE\-\O
+ \ae\-\oe\-\o\-\ss
+ +\-=\-\# @ 1\-2\-3\-4\-5\-6\-7\-8\-9\-0 \-\$ \& () []%
+ \medbreak}}
+% in math (display) mode
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+ =\csname#1l\endcsname\lbbbrack{\rm H}
+ \csname#1m\endcsname|{\rm O}
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+ \hbox to \dim{\char\m\char\n
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+ \repeat}\endgraf
+ \repeat}%
+ }\medbreak}%
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+% \xspaceskip=\fontdimen2\testfont
+% \advance\xspaceskip by\fontdimen7\testfont
+ }
+ \loop\char\n \ifnum \n<255 \advance\n 1 \repeat}
+ \baselineskip=6pt \advance\baselineskip\ht0
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+\def\setchar#1{{\escapechar-1\message{\string#1 character = }%
+ \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials
+ \read-1 to\next
+ \expandafter\finsetchar\next\next#1}}
+ \ifnum #3=`\# \global\chardef#3=#2 \fi}
+ \setchar\starting \setchar\ending}
+\def\mixture{\promptthree \domix\mixpattern}
+\def\alternation{\promptthree \domix\altpattern}
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+ \chardef\background=\m \repeat \chardef\background=#4
+ \loop{#1} \ifnum\background<#5\m=\background\advance\m 1
+ \chardef\background=\m \repeat}
+\def\names{ {\AA}ngel\aa\ Beatrice Claire
+ Diana \'Erica Fran\c{c}oise Ginette H\'el\`ene Iris
+ Jackie K\=aren {\L}au\.ra Mar{\'\i}a N\H{a}ta{\l}{\u\i}e {\O}ctave
+ Pauline Qu\^eneau Roxanne Sabine T\~a{\'\j}a Ur\v{s}ula
+ Vivian Wendy Xanthippe Yv{\o}nne Z\"azilie\par}
+ \dopunct{HIE}\dopunct{TIP}\dopunct{fluff}
+ \$1,234.56 + 7/8 = 9\% @ \#0\par}
+\def\dopunct#1{#1,\ #1:\ #1;\ `#1'\ ?`#1?\ !`#1!\ (#1)\ [#1]\ #1*\ #1.\par}
+ hamburgefonstiv HAMBURGEFONSTIV\par
+ \names \punct \lowers \uppers \digits}
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+ \def\ii{i} \def\jj{j}
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+\newcount\skewtrial \skewtrial='177
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+ \\P \\Q \\R \\S \\T \\U \\V \\W \\X \\Y \\Z \\a \\b \\c \\d \\e \\f \\g
+ \\h \\\ii \\\jj \\k \\l \\m \\n \\o \\p \\q \\r \\s \\t \\u \\v \\w \\x \\y
+ \\z \\\alpha \\\beta \\\gamma \\\delta \\\epsilon \\\zeta \\\eta \\\theta
+ \\\iota \\\kappa \\\lambda \\\mu \\\nu \\\xi \\\pi \\\rho \\\sigma \\\tau
+ \\\upsilon \\\phi \\\chi \\\psi \\\omega \\\vartheta \\\varpi \\\varphi
+ \\\Gamma \\\Delta \\\Theta \\\Lambda \\\Xi \\\Pi \\\Sigma \\\Upsilon
+ \\\Phi \\\Psi \\\Omega \\\partial \\\ell \\\wp$\par}
+\def\mathsy{\begingroup\skewtrial='060 % for math symbol font tests
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+ \\M \\N \\O \\P \\Q \\R \\S \\T \\U \\V \\W \\X \\Y \\Z$\par}
+ \math\endgroup}
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+ \m=\n \divide\m by 64 \xdef\0{\the\m}%
+ \multiply\m by-64 \advance\m by\n \divide\m by 8 \xdef\1{\the\m}}
+\def\testrow{\setbox0=\hbox{\penalty 1\def\\{\char"\h}%
+ \\0\\1\\2\\3\\4\\5\\6\\7\\8\\9\\A\\B\\C\\D\\E\\F%
+ \global\p=\lastpenalty}} % \p=1 if none of the characters exist
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+ \setbox0=\hbox{\lower 2.3pt\hbox{\hex{\h x}}}\smash{\box0}\cr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}}
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+ \expandafter\setdigs\meaning\next \testrow
+ \ifnum\p=1 \skippingtrue \fi\fi
+ \ifskipping \global\advance\n 16 \repeat
+ \ifnum\n=256 \let\next=\endchart\else\let\next=\morechart\fi
+ \next}
+ \chartline \oddline \m=\1 \advance\m 1 \xdef\1{\the\m}
+ \chartline \evenline}
+\def\chartstrut{\lower4.5pt\vbox to14pt{}}
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+ &\hbox to 0pt{\hss\rm\fontname\hss}
+ &&\oct0&&\oct1&&\oct2&&\oct3&&\oct4
+ &&\oct5&&\oct6&&\oct7&\evenline}
+ \raise11.5pt\null&&&\hex 8&&\hex 9&&\hex A&&\hex B&
+ &\hex C&&\hex D&&\hex E&&\hex F&\cr\egroup\bigbreak\par}
+ \ifdim\ht0>7.5pt\reposition
+ \else\ifdim\dp0>2.5pt\reposition\fi\fi
+ \box0\global\advance\n 1 }
+ \advance\dim 2pt \dp0=\dim}
+ \def\reposition{\setbox0=\hbox{$\vcenter{\kern2pt\box0\kern2pt}$}}}
+%\ifdim\hsize>2\wd0 \ifdim 15pc>2\wd0 \hsize=15pc \else \hsize=2.5\wd0 \fi\fi
+On November 14, 1885, Senator \& Mrs.~Leland Stanford called
+together at their San Francisco mansion the 24~prominent men who had
+been chosen as the first trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University.
+They handed to the board the Founding Grant of the University, which they
+had executed three days before. This document---with various amendments,
+legislative acts, and court decrees---remains as the University's charter.
+In bold, sweeping language it stipulates that the objectives of the University
+are ``to qualify students for personal success and direct usefulness in life;
+and to promote the publick welfare by exercising an influence in behalf of
+humanity and civilization, teaching the blessings of liberty regulated by
+law, and inculcating love and reverence for the great principles of
+government as derived from the inalienable rights of man to life, liberty,
+and the pursuit of happiness.'' \moretext
+\def\moretext{?`But aren't Kafka's Schlo{\ss} and {\AE}sop's {\OE}uvres
+often na{\"\i}ve vis-\`a-vis the d{\ae}monic ph{\oe}nix's official r\^ole
+in fluffy souffl\'es? }
+\def\UsualTest#1{{\def\fontname{#1 }\startfont\sample\names}}
+ {\setbox\z@\hbox{T}%
+ \vbox to\ht\z@{\hbox{$\rm\scriptstyle A$}%
+ \vss}%
+ }%
+ \kern-.15em%
+ \TeX}