path: root/fonts/greek/kd/mf/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/greek/kd/mf/')
1 files changed, 1383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/greek/kd/mf/ b/fonts/greek/kd/mf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3cca3604e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/greek/kd/mf/
@@ -0,0 +1,1383 @@
+% ======================================================================
+% KD Classical Greek Family of Fonts
+% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+% A set of MF source fonts for use with TeX version 3.0 or higher
+% accompanied with macros and hyphenation tables to facilitate
+% the typesetting of greek texts
+% This piece of work is partially based on original work of
+% Sylvio Levi (design of an excellent set of fonts)
+% and Yianni Haralambous (ideas about macros other fonts).
+% This file is part of the greektex package and abides to
+% copyright laws of the GNU general public software licence
+% You are allowed to use or modify this file as long as the
+% original authors are clearly mentioned. It is ILLEGAL to sell
+% any part of this work or work derived from it. You may not
+% charge for this work except to cover for reasonable media
+% expensess.
+% K J Dryllerakis (C) 1991-1992
+% ======================================================================
+% File :
+% Lower Case Greek Letters KD PAckage
+% ======================================================================
+% Lowercase alfa
+% ======================================================================
+def width = 9u enddef;
+def height = x_height enddef;
+def dims = width#,height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,.5u# enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ pos1(stem,0); top y1=x_height+oo; rt x1r=hround(w-.5u); %top right
+ pos2(vstem,-90); pos4(vstem,-270); x4=x2=.5w-u;
+ bot y2r=-oo; top y4r=x_height+oo; %bottom and top bulges
+ pos3(hair,-180); lft x3r=hround .75u; y3=.5[y2,y4]; %left bulge
+ pos6(vstem,90); x6=w-u; y6=y2; %bottom right
+ % numeric theta; theta=angle((x4-x6),2.5(y4-y6))-90;
+ pos5(hair,0); x5=.65[x4,x6]; y5=y3; %point of inflection
+ alpha_tail(6,7); %hook
+ filldraw stroke z1e{(x2-x1,2(y2-y1))}... %diagonal
+ pulled_arc.e(2,3) & pulled_arc.e(3,4) %bowl
+ ...z5e{down}...z6e{right}...{up}z7e; %diagonal and
+ numeric x_baryctr; x_baryctr= .25[x4,x1];
+ numeric pos_stem; pos_stem=x_baryctr; %iota reference
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with rough breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with smooth breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with acute";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with rough breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with smooth breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with rough breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with smooth breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with circumflex";
+this_letter; circumflex(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with grave";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with rough breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with smooth breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with iota subscript";
+this_letter; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with grave and iota subscript";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with rough breathing and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with smooth breathing and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with acute and iota subscript";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with rough breathing, acute and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with smooth breathing and acute and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with rough breathing, grave and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with smooth breathing and grave and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with circumflex and iota subscript";
+this_letter; circumflex(x_baryctr); iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with rough breathing, circumflex and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase alpha with smooth breathing, circumflex and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+picture pic.iota;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% lowercase beta [KJD 19.02.91]
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 9u#,asc_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ numeric thin_stem; thin_stem=.6[hair,stem]; %for upper bowl
+ numeric tilt; tilt=min(2*otilt,.5); %for both bowls
+ pos1(stem,180); y1-.5stem=-d-o; %bottom left
+ pos2(hair,180); y2=.5bar_height; %self-intersection (cf. z15)
+ x1=x2; lft x1r=hround(.75u+.5(hair-stem)); %i.e., lft x2r ~ .75u
+ x3r=x2r; %beginning of curve
+ top y5r=h+oo; bot y14r=-oo; x5r=x14r; %top and bottom bulges
+ top y10r=vstem+bot y9r=x_height; x9r=x10r; %top and bottom of cusp
+ rt x12r=hround(w-.75u); %lower right bulge
+ x5r=.5[lft x2r,rt x12r]; x9r-.5vstem=hround(x5r-.5u-.5vstem);
+ % we want to simulate the following relations, to make slopes consistent
+ % (where z7 is the upper right bulge):
+ % z5r-z3r=whatever*(z9r-z7r)=whatever*(z14r-z12r);
+ % z7r-z5r=whatever*(z12r-z10r)=whatever*(z5r-z3r) yscaled -1;
+ numeric slope;
+ slope=((y10r-y12r)+(y12r-y14r))/((x12r-x10r)+(x12r-x14r));
+ z7'r=z9r+whatever*(1,slope); z7'r=z5r+whatever*(1,-slope);
+ y7r=y7'r; rt x7r=hround rt x7'r;
+ z12r=z14r+whatever*(1,slope); z3r=z5r+whatever*(1,slope);
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke gr_arc.e(7,6,5)(hair,thin_stem,tilt)..
+ gr_arc.e(5,4,3)(hair,thin_stem,tilt)..{down}z2e..z1e; %top and left
+ z2=z15; pos15(hair,slope-90); %intersection pt
+ numeric slope;
+ slope=angle((z14r-z15)yscaled 2);
+ filldraw stroke z15e{dir slope}...gr_arc.e(14,13,12)(hair,stem,tilt); %bottom
+ forsuffixes e=r,l:
+ path curv[]e; numeric S[]e;
+ curv1e=reverse gr_arc.e(9,8,7)(hair,thin_stem,tilt); %cusp bottom
+ curv2e=gr_arc.e(12,11,10)(hair,stem,tilt); endfor %cusp top
+ (S1r,S2r)=curv1r intersectiontimes curv2r;
+ (whatever,S2l)=curv1r intersectiontimes curv2l;
+ (S1l,whatever)=curv1l intersectiontimes curv2r;
+ if S1l=-1 : S1l:=2; fi
+ if S2l=-1 : S2l:=2; fi
+ filldraw stroke subpath(0,S1e+eps) of curv1e; %fill in cusp
+ filldraw stroke subpath(0,S2e+eps) of curv2e;
+ filldraw subpath (S1r+eps,2) of curv1r...subpath(2,S2r+eps) of curv2r..cycle;
+cmchar "Lowercase beta";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% lowercase gamma
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 10u#,x_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ begingroup
+ save t; t:=superness; interim superness:=.95t;
+ pos2(curve,90); top y2r=h+oo; %top of left branch
+ pos1(hair,180); bot y1=top y2r-4/3curve; %tip of hook
+ lft x1r=hround .5u; x2-x1=y2-y1; %central arc is round
+ pos3(hair,0); pos4(hair,-180); rt x3r-lft x4r=stem; %bottom of cusp
+ y4=y3; .5[x3,x4]=.5w; if monowidth: y3=0 else: y3-.5stem=vround(-.8d) fi;
+ pos5(curve,-270); top y5r=h+oo; x5+.5curve=hround(w-.75u); %right branch
+ pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5;
+ filldraw stroke z1e{up}...z2e{right}; drawloop(2,3,4,5); %hook and cusp
+ filldraw z5l{right}...z5'r{up}...z5r{left}--cycle; %right branch
+ if monowidth: %complete stem
+ x3'=x3r; x4'=x4r; y3'=y4'; y3'-.5stem=vround(-.8d);
+ filldraw z3r--z3'{down}...{up}z4'--z4r--cycle; fi
+ endgroup;
+cmchar "Lowercase gamma";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,3',4,4',5); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 8.5u#,asc_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ top y1r=vround(if not monowidth:.95 fi x_height+oo); x1r=.5w; % top of loop
+ x5r=.5w; bot y5r=-oo; % bottom of ditto
+ lft x3r=w-rt x7r=hround(.75u); y3r=y7r=.5[y1r,y5r]; % left and right bulge
+ filldraw stroke gr_arc.e(1,2,3)(vair,stem,.5otilt) % three quadrants of l
+ & gr_arc.e(3,4,5)(vair,stem,.5otilt) & gr_arc.e(5,6,7)(vair,stem,.5otilt);
+ % we now draw the hook |z8..z9..z10|. It must satisfy the following ints:
+ % its outer contour is symmetric with respect to some axis containing |z9l|;
+ % one end is known, the width there is |thin_stem|, and the width at |z10|
+ % is, ideally, stem. (But since we may have to change that we callt |Stem|.)
+ z8l=z1l; numeric thin_stem, med_stem; thin_stem=.5[hair,Stem];
+ % the aperture, measured perpendicular to the axis, equals |Stem|
+ numeric apert; apert=2Stem+thin_stem-currentbreadth; % |apeth(z10l-z8l);|
+ numeric left_goal; lft left_goal=vround(lft x3r+.5u); % most tangent known
+ numeric top_goal; top top_goal=h+oo; % highest tangent known
+ % if by taking |Stem=stem| we got |apert > top_goal-y1l|, the problem might
+ % not have a solution with a horizontal tangent; in that case the
+ % constraint is on |apert|:
+ if 2stem+.7[hair,stem]-currentbreadth>top_goal-y8l: apert=top_goal-y8l;
+ else: Stem=stem; fi
+ % we first estimate the slope of the axis by imagining that, in the vicinity
+ % of |z9l|, the hook looks like a semicircle of diameter |apert/2|.
+ % (this value is empiric, but reasonable because the tension is high)
+ z0l=(left_goal+.25apert,top_goal-.25apert); % center of semicircle
+ numeric axis; axis=angle(z0l-z8l)+angle(length(z0l-z8l)+-+.5apert,.5apert);
+ z9l=z0l+(.25apert,0)rotated(axis); z10l=z8l+(0,-apert)rotated(axis);
+ % we now iterate, correcting |z9l| until the tangencies are satisfied
+ path hook; numeric left_real; numeric top_real;
+ forever:
+ hook:=z8l{dir(axis)}..tension 1.5..z9l..tension 1.5..{-dir(axis)}z10l;
+ if directiontime up of hook=-1:
+ left_error:=0; message "hook has no vertical tangent!";
+ else: left_error:=xpart directionpoint up of hook-left_goal; fi
+ if directiontime right of hook=-1:
+ top_error:=0; message "hook has no horizontal tangent!";
+ else: top_error:=ypart directionpoint right of hook-top_goal; fi
+ exitif (abs(left_error)<.05) and (abs(top_error)<.05);
+ x9l:=x9l-left_error; y9l:=y9l-top_error;
+ axis:=angle(z9l-z8l)+angle(length(z9l-z8l)+-+.5apert,.5apert);
+ x10l:=x8l+apert*sind axis; y10l:=y8l-apert*cosd axis;
+ endfor
+ pos8(thin_stem,axis-90); pos10(Stem,axis+90); pos9(.3[hair,Stem],axis+180);
+ filldraw stroke
+ z7e{z7'e}..{dir axis}z8e..tension 1.5..z9e..tension 1.5..{-dir axis}z10e;
+cmchar "Lowercase delta";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% Lowercase Epsilon [KJD 19.02.91]
+% ======================================================================
+def width = 7.75u enddef;
+def height = x_height enddef;
+def dims = width#,height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ pos2(vstem,90); % * pos2(.75vstem,90)
+ x2=.5w; top y2r=x_height+o; %top point
+ pos7(vstem,630); x2=x7; bot y7r=-o; %bottom point
+ rt x1r=hround(w-.75u); bot y1l=.3[bot y2l,bar_height];%top end
+ % * rt x1r=w;
+ z1'=(x1r,y1l+.5(flare-currentbreadth)); %approximation to z1
+ numeric slope; slope=angle((z2-z1')yscaled 2);
+ pos1(flare,slope-90); % * pos1(.5flare,slope-90);
+ bar_height=.5[y1,y8]; x8=x1; pos8(flare,slope+90); %bottom end
+ pos3(vstem,120); lft x3r=hround .75u; y3=.5[y4r,y2r]; %top left bulge
+ pos6(vstem,600); x6=x3; y6=.5[y5r,y7r]; %bottom left bulge
+ y6:=y6r;y3:=y3r; %for the benefit of pulled_arc
+ top y5r-bot y4r=curve; y5+y4=2bar_height; x5=x4=x2; %loop
+ pos4(vair,-90); pos5(vair,90);
+ filldraw stroke z1e{dir slope}...pulled_arc.e(2,3); %top
+ drawloop(3,4,5,6); %loop and bottom
+ forsuffixes e=l,r:
+ path foo.e; foo.e= z8e...pulled_arc.e(7,6);
+ if angle(direction 0 of foo.e) > angle(z8r-z8l):
+ foo.e:= z8e{z8r-z8l}...pulled_arc.e(7,6); fi
+ endfor;
+ filldraw stroke foo.e;
+ numeric x_baryctr; x_baryctr=x2; %accent reference
+cmchar "Lowercase epsilon";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase epsilon with rough breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase epsilon with smooth breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase epsilon with acute";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase epsilon with rough breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase epsilon with smooth breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase epsilon with rough breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase epsilon with smooth breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase epsilon with grave";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 8.5u#,asc_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ pos4(hair,-180); y4=bar_height; lft x4r=hround(.75u); % left bulge
+ pos6(hair,-180); rt x6l=hround(w-.75u); y6=-.5stem; % bottom right
+ y3+.5stem=h+o; x3+.5stem=hround(rt x6l-.25u); % top right
+ numeric slope; slope=angle((z3-z4)xscaled 2); pos3(hair,slope+90);
+ pos5(stem,-90); bot y5r=0; x5=.5w; % inflection pt
+ pos7(vstem,-270); y6=.5[y7r,y5r]; x7-.5vstem=hround x5;
+ pos2(stem,slope+90); z2l=z3l; filldraw double_circ_stroke
+ % bowl and tail
+ z7e{right}...z6e{up}...z5e{left}...z4e{up}...z2e{dir slope};
+ % where handle attaches
+ pos1(curve,0); lft x1l=hround(lft x4r+.25u); y1+.5curve=h+o; % end of handle
+ filldraw circ_stroke z1e{down}...z3e{dir slope};
+cmchar "Lowercase zeta";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% HTA
+% ======================================================================
+def width = 8.5u enddef;
+def dims = width#,x_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = if straight: .75 else: .5 fi u#,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ y1r-.5stem=-d-o; pos1(stem,0);
+ rt x2r=hround(w-.75u); y2r=.5x_height; pos2(hair,0);
+ lft x5r=hround(1.5u); y5-.5stem=-o; pos5(stem,-180);
+ top y4r=x_height+o; x4r=.5[lft x2l,rt x5l];
+ pos6(hair,180); y6=y2;
+ if straight:
+ x1=x2;x5=x6; pos4(stem,90);
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke z1e--pulled_arc.e(2,4)&pulled_arc.e(4,6)--z5e;
+ else:
+ x1r=x2r; z2'l=z2'r=up;
+ filldraw circ_stroke z1e{up}...gr_arc.e(2,3,4)(hair,stem,.8); % right leg
+ filldraw circ_stroke z5e{(z4-z5) yscaled 4}...z4e{-z4'e}; % left leg
+ z6r=((0,y2)--(w,y2)) intersectionpoint (z5r{(z4-z5) yscaled 4}...z4r{-z4'r});
+ fi
+ pos8(vstem,0); rt x8r=hround(lft x6r-.75u); % end of handle
+ pos7(vstem,-90); top y7l=x_height+o; z8r=z7r; % top of handle
+ filldraw circ_stroke z8e{up}...z7e{right}...z6e{down};
+ numeric x_baryctr; x_baryctr=.1[x4,x7]; % accent reference
+ numeric pos_stem; pos_stem=x5; % iota reference
+cmchar "Lowercase eta";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with acute";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with circumflex";
+this_letter; circumflex(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with grave";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with grave and iota subscript";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with acute and iota subscript";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing, acute and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing and acute and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing, grave and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing and grave and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with circumflex and iota subscript";
+this_letter; circumflex(x_baryctr); iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing, circumflex and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing, circumflex and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase eta with iota subscript";
+this_letter; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+picture pic.iota;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 9u#,asc_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ lft x4r=w-rt x8r=hround .75u; y4r=y8r=.5h; % left and right bulges
+ x2r=x6r=.5w; top y2r=h+o; bot y6r=-o; % top and bottom
+ filldraw stroke
+ gr_arc.e(8,1,2)(vair,stem,otilt) & gr_arc.e(2,3,4)(vair,stem,otilt) &
+ gr_arc.e(4,5,6)(vair,stem,otilt) & gr_arc.e(6,7,8)(vair,stem,otilt);
+ pos4`(bar,90); pos8`(bar,90); x4`=x4; x8`=x8; y4`=y8`=.05[y4,y2];
+ filldraw stroke z4`e--z8`e; % bar
+cmchar "Lowercase theta";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,4`,5,6,7,8,8`); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def width = 5u enddef;
+def dims = width#,x_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = if monospace: u#,u# else:0,2curve#-3u# fi enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ pos1(flare,180); lft x1r=hround u; top y1=x_height+oo; % top
+ numeric neck; neck=.2[hair,stem];
+ pos2(neck,180); .2[lft x2r,rt x2l]=.2[lft x1r,rt x1l]; % neck
+ pos3(curve,-90); bot y3r=-oo; % bottom
+ y2r=if monowidth:
+ 2 else: 1.5 fi[bot y3r,top y3l]; z3r-z2r=whatever*(1,-1.25);
+ if monowidth:
+ y4r+.5neck=vround y2r; x3=.5[x2,x4]; pos4(neck,0); % tip of hook
+ filldraw stroke z4e...z3e...z2e---z1e;
+ else:
+ z4l=z4r; top y4r=y2r; z4l-z3l=whatever*(1,1);
+ path p.r, p.l; forsuffixes e=r,l: p.e=z1e---z2e...z3e...z4e; endfor
+ rt x3.5r=hround(rt xpart directionpoint up of p.r);
+ z4'r=direction 3 of p.r; z3'r=direction 2 of p.r;
+ forever: % avoid bad vertical tangent between 2l and 3l
+ x2.5l:= rt xpart directionpoint down of p.l;
+ exitif abs(hround(x2.5l)-x2.5l)<.05;
+ x2l:=x2l+hround(x2.5l)-x2.5l; p.l:=(z1l---z2l...z3l...z4l);
+ endfor
+ % avoid bad vertical tangent between 3r and 4r
+ filldraw stroke p.e;
+ fi
+ numeric x_baryctr; x_baryctr=x1;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with rough breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr if serifs: +.25u fi)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with smooth breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr if serifs: -.25u fi)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with acute";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with rough breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with smooth breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with rough breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with smooth breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with circumflex";
+this_letter; circumflex(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with grave";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with rough breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with smooth breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with diaeresis";
+this_letter; diaeresis(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with diaeresis and grave";
+this_letter; diaeresis_grave(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with diaeresis and acute";
+this_letter; diaeresis_acute(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase iota with diaeresis and circumflex";
+this_letter; diaeresis_circumflex(x_baryctr); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 9.5u#,x_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ x1-.5stem=hround .75u; y1-.5stem=-o; % lower left
+ z1+z3=(w,h); z2=.5[z1,z3]; % upper right and mid
+ z1'=(z3-z1) if monowidth: xscaled 1/2 fi; % slope at 1 and 3
+ pos1(stem,angle z1'+90); pos2(.6[hair,stem],angle z1'+90);
+ pos3(stem,angle z1'+90);
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke z1e{z1'}..z2e..{z1'}z3e; % diagonal stroke
+ z4=if monowidth: z1 else: 1/3[z1,z3] fi; z4-z1=z3-z7; % handle attachments
+ z4'=if monowidth: z1' else: (z3-z1) xscaled .25 fi; % slope at 4 and 7
+ pos4(hair,angle z4'-90); pos7(hair,angle z4'+90);
+ pos5(vstem,90); top y5r=h+o; pos6(vstem,180); z6l=z5l;
+ lft x6r=hround(x1-.5stem-.25u);
+ filldraw circ_stroke z6e{up}...z5e{right}...z4e{-z4'}; % left handle
+ pos8(.5[vstem,stem],-90); bot y8r=-o; rt x9r=hround(x3+.5stem+.25u);
+ pos9(.5[vstem,stem],0); z9l=z8l;
+ filldraw circ_stroke z9e{down}...z8e{left}...z7e{z4'}; % right handle
+cmchar "Lowercase kappa";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 9.5u#,asc_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = -.25u#,-.25u# enddef;
+def krn = -.75u# enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ x1-.5stem=hround .75u; y1+.5stem=h; % top left
+ z1'=(1,.2); pos1(stem,angle z1'+90); % direction at z1
+ x3+x1=w; y3-.5stem=-oo; pos3(stem,-angle z1'+90); % bottom right
+ y2=x_height-.5u; x2=.5[x1,x3]; % attachment
+ z2'=(z3-z1)yscaled 2; pos2(hair,angle z2'+90); % direction at z4
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke z1e{z1'}...
+ z2e{(z3-z1)yscaled 2}...{z1' yscaled -1}z3e; % diagonal
+ lft x4l=hround.75u; bot y4l=0; % bottom left
+ numeric stem'; stem'=stem-currentbreadth; numeric slope; % from z4 to z4
+ slope=angle(z2-z4l)+angle(length(z2-z4l)+-+.5stem',.5stem');
+ x4r=x4l+(stem'/sind slope); y4r=y4l; z4=.5[z4r,z4l];
+ path p; p=z1{z1'}...z2{(z3-z1)yscaled 2}...{z1' yscaled -1}z3;
+ forsuffixes e=r,l: z5e=(z4e--(z4e+2(z2-z4))) intersectionpoint p; endfor
+ filldraw stroke z4e{(z2-z4)if not monowidth: xscaled 1.2 fi}..z5e;
+cmchar "Lowercase lambda";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% MI
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 9.5u#,x_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,.5stem# enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ y6+.5stem=h+o; pos6(stem,0); rt x6r=hround(w-vstem); % top right
+ x5r=.5[x1,x6]; bot y5r=-oo; % bottom of bowl
+ if straight:
+ lft x1r=hround .75 u; y1+.5stem=h+o; pos1(stem,180); % top left
+ x4=x1; x9=x6; y9=y4=.5x_height; pos4(stem,180); pos9(stem,0);
+ pos5(vstem, 270);
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke z1e..pulled_arc.e(4,5)&pulled_arc.e(5,9)..z6e;
+ y8-.5stem=-d-oo; x8=x1; pos8(stem,180); % end of handle
+ filldraw circ_stroke z8e..z4e;
+ else:
+ lft x2r=rt x2l-stem=hround .75u; % vertical tangents of left bulb
+ top y1r=h+o; x1r=.5[x2r,x2l]; z1=z1l=z1r; z1'r=-z1'l=left; % top left
+ y3r=.4[y1r,y5r]; lft x3r=x1r-.5hair; % middle left
+ numeric tilt; tilt:=.6; path p.r, p.l;
+ p.l=gr_arc.l(3,4,5)(hair,.4[hair,stem],tilt)...{up}z6l;
+ p.r=subpath (2(1-tilt),2) of gr_arc.r(3,4,5)(fie,fo,fum)...{up}z6r;
+ z3.5r=z4r; z3.5'r=z4'r; z3.5l=z3l; z3.5'l=z3'l; % a hybrid
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke club.e(1,2,3.5) & p.e; % bowl
+ x8=lft x2r+.5stem; bot y8=-d-oo; % end of handle
+ pos8(stem,angle(z4'l xscaled 2)-120); z8'r=z8'l=z4'l xscaled 2;
+ assign_z3'r(z3'l); % so club.r won't get confused
+ lft x7r=rt x7l-max(hair,2)=lft x2r; % vertical tangents of handle
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke club.e(3,7,8); % handle
+ y9r=max(y4r+epsilon,-oo+2vstem); % where hook attaches
+ z9r=((0,y9r)--(w,y9r)) intersectionpoint p.r; pos9(hair,0);
+ fi
+ pos10(vstem,90); y10l=y5r; x10-x9=vstem; % bottom of hook
+ pos11(hair,180); top y11=bot y10l+4/3vstem; % tip of hook
+ rt x11l=hround(x10+(y11-y10)+.5hair); % central arc is round
+ filldraw stroke z9e{down}..z10e{right}..{up}z11e; % hook
+cmchar "Lowercase mu";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% NI
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 8.5u#,x_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ rt x4r=hround(w-.75u); lft x4l-rt x4r=hround -.2[hair,stem]; % vert tangents
+ x5=lft x4l; y5+.5hair=h+oo; z5'l=z5'r=(u,-.2h); % right tip
+ pos5(hair,angle z5'l+90);
+pos3(whatever,-90); bot y3r=-oo; x3=.5w; z3'l=z3'r=z5'l xscaled -2; % bottom
+z3l+whatever*z3'l=z3r+(stem-currentbreadth)*(dir(angle z3'l-90)); % width=stem
+ filldraw circ_stroke club.e(5,4,3); % right stroke
+ y1+.5stem=h+oo; x1-.5stem=hround.75u; % left tip
+ z1'=(9u,-h); pos1(stem,angle z1'-90);
+ z2r=z3r; z2l-z3l=(hair-currentbreadth,0);
+ filldraw circ_stroke z1e{z1'}...{down}z2e; % left stroke
+cmchar "Lowercase nu";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% XI
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 8.5u#,asc_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ lft x7r=rt x7l-hair=hround(.75u); x7=.5[x7r,x7r]; % big bulge
+ pos8(stem,-90); bot y8r=0; x8=.5w; z8'r=z8'l=left; % inflection pt
+ pos9(hair,-180); rt x9l=hround(w-.75u); y9=-.5stem; % bottom right
+ y6+.5stem=x_height+o; x6+.5stem=hround(rt x9l-1.5u); % middle right
+ numeric slope; slope=angle(5(x6-x7),y6-y8); pos6(stem,slope+90);
+ z6'r=z6'l=dir slope;
+ pos10(vstem,-270); y9=.5[y10r,y8r]; x10-.5vstem=hround x8;
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke % bowl and tail
+ z10e{right}...z9e{up},7,6);
+ pos5(hair,slope-90); z5l=z6r; % attachment
+ z4=.5[z3,z5]+whatever*dir slope; % small bulge
+ pos4(hair,-180); lft x4r=hround(lft x7r+1.5u);
+y3+.5stem=h+o; x3+.5stem=hround(rt x9l-.25u); pos3(hair,slope+90); % top rt
+ pos2(stem,slope+90); z2l=z3l;
+ filldraw circ_stroke z2e{-dir slope}..z4{down}...z5e{dir slope};
+ % where handle attaches
+ pos1(curve,0); lft x1l=hround(lft x7r+.25u); y1+.5curve=h+o; % end of handle
+ filldraw circ_stroke z1e{down}...z3e{dir slope};
+cmchar "Lowercase xi";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def width = 9.5u enddef;
+def dims = width#,x_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ lft x4r=hround .75u; x8r=w-x4r; y4r=y8r=.5x_height; % top and bottom
+ top y2r=x_height+oo; bot y6r=-oo; x2r=x6r=.5w; % right and left
+ filldraw stroke
+ gr_arc.e(8,1,2)(vair,curve,otilt) & gr_arc.e(2,3,4)(vair,curve,otilt) &
+ gr_arc.e(4,5,6)(vair,curve,otilt) & gr_arc.e(6,7,8)(vair,curve,otilt) ;
+ numeric x_baryctr; x_baryctr=x2; % accent reference
+cmchar "Lowercase omicron";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omicron with rough breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omicron with smooth breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omicron with acute";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omicron with rough breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omicron with smooth breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omicron with rough breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omicron with smooth breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omicron with grave";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% PI
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 9.5u#,x_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = -.25,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ pi_bar; % bar
+ pos4(hair,0); pos7(hair,0); y4=y7=y2; % attachments
+ lft x4l-(x1-.5hair)=lft x7l-rt x4r=rt x3-rt x7r;
+ pos5(hair,0); pos8(hair,0); y5=y8=.5x_height; x5=x4; x8=x7; % midstems
+ x6+.5stem=hround(rt x4r if not straight:-.25u fi); y6-.7stem=-oo; % left stem
+ numeric slope; slope=angle((z5-z6)xscaled2); pos6(1.2stem,slope-90);
+ filldraw circ_stroke z6e...z5e---z4e;
+ x9=x7+1.5u; bot y9l=-oo; pos9(stem,90); alpha_tail(9,10); % right stem
+ filldraw stroke z10e...z9e{left}...z8e---z7e;
+cmchar "Lowercase pi";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% RO
+% ======================================================================
+def width = 8.5u enddef;
+def height = x_height enddef;
+def depth = desc_depth enddef;
+def dims = width#,height#,depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ lft x4r=hround .75u; x8r=w-x4r; y4r=y8r=.5h; % left and right
+ top y2r=h+oo; bot y6r=-oo; x2r=x6r=.5w; % top and bottom
+ filldraw stroke
+ gr_arc.e(4,5,6)(curve,vair,-otilt) & gr_arc.e(6,7,8)(curve,vair,-otilt) &
+ gr_arc.e(8,1,2)(curve,vair,-otilt) & gr_arc.e(2,3,4)(curve,vair,-otilt);
+ if straight:
+ y9-.5stem=-d-oo; x9=x4; pos9(stem,180); % end of handle
+ filldraw circ_stroke z9e..z4e;
+ else:
+ y9=-d-oo; x9=lft x4r+.5stem; % end of handle
+ pos9(stem,angle((z9-z4)xscaled3)-120); z9'r=z9'l=(z9-z4)xscaled3;
+ rt x10l=lft x10r+vair; % vertical tangents of handle
+ x10r=x4r-epsilon; assign_z4'r((-2eps,-1)); % so club.r won't get confused
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke club.e(4,10,9);
+ fi
+ numeric x_baryctr; x_baryctr=x2; % breathing placement
+cmchar "Lowercase rho";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase rho with rough breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase rho with smooth breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def dims= 8u#,x_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ pos4(hair,-180); y4=.5h; lft x4r=hround .75u; % left bulge
+ pos6(hair,-180); rt x6l=hround(w-.75u); y6=-.5stem; % bottom right
+ top y3r=h+oo; x3+.5stem=rt x6l; pos3(stem,90); % top right
+pos5(stem,-90); bot y5r=0; x5=.5w; % inflection pt
+ pos7(vstem,-270); y6=.5[y7r,y5r]; x7-.5vstem=hround x5;
+filldraw double_circ_stroke % bowl and tail
+ z7e{right}...z6e{up}...z5e{left}...z4e{up}...z3e{right};
+cmchar "Final lowercase sigma";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar;
+numeric gen_sigma; gen_sigma=1;
+def dim_sigma = 9.5u#,x_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital_sigma = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params_sigma = 0,.75u# enddef;
+def mid_sigma=
+italcorr ital_sigma; adjust_fit(fit_params_sigma);
+if known pic.c: currentpicture:=pic.c; else: gen_mid_sigma; fi
+if not working_hard : picture pic.c; pic.c=currentpicture; fi
+def gen_mid_sigma =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ lft x4r=hround .75u; rt x8r=w-lft x4r; % left and right bulge
+ top y2r=h; bot y6r=-oo; x2r=x6r; % top and bottom
+ numeric fake; fake=y2r-(vstem-currentbreadth); % approx height of |z2l|
+ 2y4r=y2r+y6r; 2y8r=fake+y6r;
+ (x8r-x6r)/(y8r-y6r)=-(x4r-x6r)/(y4r-y6r); % determine |x6r|
+ y1r=y2r;rt x1=hround(rt x8r+u); pos1(flare,90); % tip
+ filldraw stroke z1e..gr_arc.e(2,3,4)(vstem,curve,otilt)
+ & gr_arc.e(4,5,6)(vair,curve,otilt) % top stroke and left bowl
+ & gr_arc.e(6,7,8)(vair,curve,otilt); % bottom part of right bowl
+ z9l=z2l; pos9(vair,180); z9'l=z2'l; z9'r=left;
+ filldraw stroke z8e{z8'e}..z9e{z9'e}; % top part of right bowl
+cmchar "Initial and medial lowercase sigma";
+mid_sigma; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% TAU
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 8.5u#,x_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = -.25,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ pi_bar; % bar
+ pos4(hair,0); y4=y2; lft x4l-(x1-.5hair)=rt x3-rt x4r; % attachment
+ pos5(hair,0); y5=.5x_height; x5=x4; % midstems
+ x6=x4+1.5u; bot y6l=-oo; pos6(stem,90); alpha_tail(6,7); % stem
+ filldraw stroke z7e...z6e{left}...z5e---z4e;
+cmchar "Lowercase tau";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,6,7,8); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def width = 9u enddef;
+def dims = width#,x_height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ y2+.5stem=x_height+o; x2-.5stem=hround.75u; % left tip
+ lft x4r=hround(x2-.5stem+.75u); y4r=.5x_height; % left middle
+ y8r=y4r; rt x8r=hround(w-.75u); % right bulge
+ x6r=.5[x4r,x8r]; bot y6r=-oo; % bottom
+ numeric tilt;
+ tilt:=min(2*otilt,.5);
+ filldraw stroke
+ gr_arc.e(6,7,8)(vair,stem,tilt) ;
+ filldraw stroke
+ gr_arc.e(4,5,6)(vair,.4[vair,stem],tilt) ;
+ y9+.5hair=x_height+o; x9=x8-u; pos9(hair,angle ((z8-z9) xscaled 2)+90);
+ filldraw circ_stroke z9e...{-z8'e}z8e;
+ pos2(stem,angle((z4-z2) xscaled 2)-90);
+ filldraw circ_stroke z2e...{z4'e}z4e;
+ numeric x_baryctr; x_baryctr=.5w;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with rough breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with smooth breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with acute";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with rough breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with smooth breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with rough breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with smooth breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with circumflex";
+this_letter; circumflex(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with grave";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with rough breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with smooth breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with diaeresis";
+this_letter; diaeresis(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with diaeresis and grave";
+this_letter; diaeresis_grave(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with diaeresis and acute";
+this_letter; diaeresis_acute(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase upsilon with diaeresis and circumflex";
+this_letter; diaeresis_circumflex(x_baryctr); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% FI
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 10.5u#,x_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ lft x4r=w-rt x8r=hround .75u; y4r=y8r=.5h;
+ x6r=.5[x4r,x8r]; bot y6r=-oo;
+ numeric tilt; tilt:=min(2*otilt,.5);
+ filldraw stroke gr_arc.e(6,7,8)(vair,stem,tilt) ;
+ filldraw stroke gr_arc.e(4,5,6)(vair,.5[vair,stem],tilt) ;
+ y2+.5stem=h+o; x2+.5stem=hround(x6-1.5u);
+ pos2(stem,angle((z2-z4)xscaled 2)+90);
+ filldraw circ_stroke z2e...{z4'e}z4e;
+ pos10(stem,180); pos11(hair,180);
+ y10-.5stem=-d-o; y11=.25h; x10=x11=x6;
+ x9r=.5[x10r,x8r]; top y9r=h+o;
+ filldraw stroke gr_arc.e(8,20,9)(.25[vair,stem],.5[vair,stem],.5tilt);
+ filldraw circ_stroke z10e..z11e{up}..{-z9'e}z9e;
+cmchar "Lowercase phi";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,20,21); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% HI
+% ======================================================================
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def dims = 10u#,x_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def gen_letter=
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ x1-.5stem=hround .75u; y1+.5stem=h+oo; % top left
+ z1'=(1,.2); pos1(stem,angle z1'+90); % direction at z1
+ x3+x1=w; y3-.5stem=-d-oo; pos3(stem,angle z1'+90); % bottom right
+ z2=.5[z1,z3]; % attachment
+ z2'=(z3-z1)yscaled 2; pos2(hair,angle z2'+90); % direction at z4
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke z1e{z1'}... z2e{(z3-z1)yscaled 2}...{z1'}z3e;
+ lft x7l=hround .75u; bot y7l=-d-oo; z2=.5[z7l,z8r]=.5[z7r,z8l];
+ numeric stem'; stem'=stem-currentbreadth;
+ numeric theta; theta=angle(z8r-z7l)+angle((x8r-x7l)++(y8r-y7l)+-+stem',stem');
+ x7r=x7l+(stem'/sind theta); y7r=y7l;
+ filldraw stroke z7e..z8e;
+cmchar "Lowercase chi";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,7,8); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% YI
+% ======================================================================
+def dims = 10.5u#,asc_height#,desc_depth# enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ lft x2r=w-rt x6r=.75u; y2r=y6r=.6x_height; %left and right bulges
+ x4r=.5[x2r,x6r]; bot y4r=-oo; %bottom
+ numeric tilt; tilt:=min(2*otilt,.5);
+ filldraw stroke gr_arc.e(4,5,6)(vair,stem,tilt) ;
+ filldraw stroke gr_arc.e(2,3,4)(vair,.4[vair,stem],tilt) ;
+ y7+.5hair=x_height+o; x7+.5hair=hround(rt x6r-.75u); %right tip
+ pos7(hair,angle ((z6-z7) xscaled 2)+90);
+ filldraw circ_stroke z7e...{-z6'e}z6e;
+ y1+.5stem=x_height+o; x1-.5stem=hround(lft x2r+.5u); %left tip
+ pos1(stem,angle((z2-z1) xscaled 2)-90);
+ filldraw circ_stroke z1e...{z2'e}z2e;
+ pos10(stem,0); pos9(hair,0); pos8(stem,0); %vertical stroke
+ y10-.5stem=-d-o; y9=.25x_height; y8+.5stem=h+o; x10=x9=x8=x4;
+ filldraw double_circ_stroke z10e..z9e{up}..z8e;
+cmchar "Lowercase psi";
+this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================
+% ======================================================================
+def width = 12u enddef;
+def height = x_height enddef;
+def dims = width#,height#,0 enddef;
+def ital = 0 enddef;
+def fit_params = 0,0 enddef;
+def gen_letter =
+ pickup fine.nib;
+ pos2(stem,-180); pos8(stem,360); lft x2r=w-rt x8r=hround.75u;
+ y2=y8=.8bar_height; % left and right bulges
+ y4=y6=bar_height; .5[x4,x6]=.5w; rt x4r-lft x6r=stem;
+pos4(hair,0); pos6(hair,180); % left and right of loop
+ bot y3r=bot y7r=-oo; x3=.5[x2,x4]; x7+.25u=.5[x6,x8];
+ pos3(vstem,-150); pos7(vstem,330); % left and right bottom
+ top y1r=x_height+o=top y9r; % left tip
+ x1=.5[x2,.5w]; pos1(.2[stem,hair],angle(-.5w,y2-x_height)-90);
+x9=.5[x8,.5w]; pos9(.8[stem,hair],angle(-.5w,x_height-y2)-90); % rt tip
+ filldraw stroke z1e{(z2-z1) xscaled 2}...z2e{down}...z3e{right};
+ filldraw stroke z7e{right}...{up}z8e...{(z9-z8) xscaled 2}z9e;
+ drawloop(3,4,6,7);
+ numeric x_baryctr; x_baryctr=.5[x4,x6];
+ numeric pos_stem; pos_stem=x_baryctr;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega";
+this_letter; penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with rough breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with smooth breathing";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with acute";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with rough breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with smooth breathing and acute";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with rough breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with smooth breathing and grave";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with circumflex";
+this_letter; circumflex(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with grave";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with rough breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)<; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with smooth breathing and circumflex";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)>; endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with grave and iota subscript";
+this_letter; grave(x_baryctr); iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with rough breathing and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with smooth breathing and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with acute and iota subscript";
+this_letter; acute(x_baryctr); iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with rough breathing, acute and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with smooth breathing and acute and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_acute(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with rough breathing, grave and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with smooth breathing and grave and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with circumflex and iota subscript";
+this_letter; circumflex(x_baryctr); iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with rough breathing, circumflex and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with smooth breathing, circumflex and iota subscript";
+this_letter; spirit_circumflex(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+cmchar "Lowercase omega with iota subscript";
+this_letter; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar;
+picture pic.iota;
+picture savedpicture;
+% ======================================================================