path: root/fonts/eurosym/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/eurosym/src/')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/eurosym/src/ b/fonts/eurosym/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..468655d506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/eurosym/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+% Euro symbol for TeX.
+% History
+% Version 1.4:
+% - correct width
+% Version 1.3:
+% - Licence
+% Version 1.2:
+% - Recieved a gif file containing the official construction of the
+% Euro symbol from Rowland.
+% - Andreas Schwab told me why the checksum mismatches didn't work
+% Unfortunately I couldn't make his patch work so I had to fix
+% this myself although some other things were in there (
+% etc.)
+% Version 1.1:
+% - finished sometime on August 1998
+% Design size: 10pt
+% Richtmaße (set up in the top level file):
+%scaleunit:= 0.425;
+ % to be able to enlarge, shrink easily
+ % the number here is obtained by comparison with the cmr `C' character.
+% this is from c't magazine 11/98, S.211.
+% Some things are guessed from the construction.
+%firstunit#:= scaleunit * pt#;
+%overunder#:= 0.4firstunit#;
+unit#:= firstunit# + overunder#; % line width is 1:
+radiusaussen#:= 6unit#;
+% for adjustment settings at special sizes:
+hintpt:= 0.415106; % hppp bei 1pt @ 300dpi
+% I noticed the following things to be fixed at small hppp's:
+% - 14.4pt @ 300dpi (7pt @ 600dpi): the bars are too thin
+% - 12pt @ 300dpi (6pt @ 600dpi): the bars are too close together
+% - 6pt @ 300dpi: the bars are too thin
+def isabout(expr a, b)= (((a/b) < 1.1) and ((a/b) > 0.9)) enddef;
+boolean thickenbars;
+boolean spacebars;
+thickenbars:= isabout (hppp, 14.4hintpt) or isabout (hppp, 6hintpt);
+spacebars:= isabout (hppp, 12hintpt);
+bold#= if boldamount>0: 0.5 else: 0.0 fi unit#;
+radiusinnen#:= 5unit# - bold#;
+olineo#:= 1.5unit# + bold#;
+olineu#:= 0.5unit#;
+ulineo#:= -0.5unit#;
+ulineu#:= -1.5unit# - bold#;
+bigangle= 80;
+em#:= 15unit#;
+ex#:= 2radiusaussen# - overunder#;
+eurowidth#:= 0.832em#;
+euroheight#:= 1ex#;
+eurodepth#:= overunder#;
+if doslant:
+ slant:= 1/6;
+ slant:= 0;
+font_quad 1em#;
+font_normal_space 1/2em#;
+font_normal_stretch 1/3em#;
+font_normal_shrink 1/4em#;
+font_extra_space 0unit#;
+font_slant slant;
+font_x_height 1ex#;
+font_coding_scheme "U";
+font_identifier "eurosym";
+message "hppp=" & str [hppp];
+define_pixels (em,ex,unit,
+ radiusinnen,radiusaussen,
+ eurowidth,euroheight,
+ bold,
+ olineu, olineo, ulineu, ulineo, overunder);
+pen open, hpen;
+hpen= pencircle scaled 0.03unit;
+if boldamount>0:
+ open= pencircle scaled 0.5unit;
+ open= pencircle scaled 0.3unit;
+def drawit (expr a) =
+ if dooutline:
+ pickup open;
+ draw(a);
+ else:
+ fill(a);
+ fi
+def overdraw (expr a, b, c, d, x, y) =
+ draw ((a shifted ((b-a)*d))--(a shifted ((b-a)*c))) shifted (x,y);
+path baro, baru;
+path thepath;
+pair refleft, refright;
+ "reference euro glyph with wrong bounding box";
+% This is for the designer who wants to see the symbol's construction.
+% took some time to see that circles are specified by diameter instead of radius:
+ z0= (1/2em+9/16unit, radiusaussen-overunder);
+ x0:= good.x (x0);
+ y0:= good.y (y0);
+ path innerring; innerring= fullcircle scaled 2radiusinnen shifted z0;
+ path outerring; outerring= fullcircle scaled 2radiusaussen shifted z0;
+ % angles start at 3 o'clock, so:
+ numeric bigangleup; bigangleup = 1/2bigangle;
+ numeric bigangledown; bigangledown = - 1/2bigangle;
+ path pa;
+ pa= (z0 shifted (left scaled eurowidth)) -- (z0 shifted (right scaled eurowidth));
+ t1= ypart ((z0--(z0 shifted ((dir bigangleup) scaled eurowidth))) intersectiontimes innerring);
+ t2= ypart ((z0--(z0 shifted ((dir bigangledown) scaled eurowidth))) intersectiontimes innerring);
+ t3= ypart ((z0--(z0 shifted (down scaled eurowidth))) intersectiontimes outerring);
+% t14= ypart ((z0--(z0 shifted (right scaled eurowidth))) intersectiontimes outerring);
+ z1= point t1 of innerring;
+ z2= point t2 of innerring;
+ z3= point t3 of outerring;
+% z14= point t14 of outerring; This wasn't right.
+ path pb, pc, paoo, pao, pau, pauu;
+ pb= z3--(z3+((z1-z3) scaled 2));
+ pc= z1--(z1 shifted (down scaled euroheight));
+ t4= ypart (pb intersectiontimes outerring);
+ t5= ypart (pc intersectiontimes outerring);
+ z4= point t4 of outerring;
+ z5= point t5 of outerring;
+ % path innerh;
+ % path outerh;
+ % innerh= subpath (t1, t2) of innerring;
+ % outerh= subpath (t4, t5) of outerring;
+ paoo= pa shifted (0, olineo);
+ pao= pa shifted (0, olineu);
+ pau= pa shifted (0, ulineo);
+ pauu= pa shifted (0, ulineu);
+ t6= ypart (paoo intersectiontimes pb);
+ t7= ypart (pao intersectiontimes pb);
+ t8= ypart (pau intersectiontimes pb);
+% t9= ypart (pauu intersectiontimes pb);
+ z6= point t6 of pb;
+ z7= point t7 of pb;
+ z8= point t8 of pb;
+% z9= point t9 of pb; % Better sollution:
+% I had problems with straightforward approaches to overcome the problem of
+% bad looking bars with small sizes. The complicated approach works in two
+% steps. a) calculate the intersections with the exact positions of the bars,
+% b) recalculate he end positions of the bars using good.y().
+% Step a):
+ z9-z8= z7-z6;
+ z11= z0 shifted (-2unit - radiusaussen, olineu);
+ z13= z0 shifted (-2unit - radiusaussen, ulineu);
+ z10-z11= z6-z7;
+ z12-z13= z8-z9;
+ t15= ypart ((z6 -- z10) intersectiontimes innerring);
+ t16= ypart ((z7 -- z11) intersectiontimes innerring);
+ t17= ypart ((z8 -- z12) intersectiontimes innerring);
+ t18= ypart ((z9 -- z13) intersectiontimes innerring);
+ t19= ypart ((z6 -- z10) intersectiontimes outerring);
+ t20= ypart ((z7 -- z11) intersectiontimes outerring);
+ t21= ypart ((z8 -- z12) intersectiontimes outerring);
+ t22= ypart ((z9 -- z13) intersectiontimes outerring);
+ z15= point t15 of innerring;
+ z16= point t16 of innerring;
+ z17= point t17 of innerring;
+ z18= point t18 of innerring;
+ z19= point t19 of outerring;
+ z20= point t20 of outerring;
+ z21= point t21 of outerring;
+ z22= point t22 of outerring;
+ z23= z0 shifted (-radiusaussen,0);
+% Step b):
+ y10:= y19:= y15:= y6:= good.y (y6 if thickenbars or spacebars: +0.5 fi);
+ y11:= y20:= y16:= y7:= good.y (y7 if spacebars: +0.5 fi);
+ y12:= y21:= y17:= y8:= good.y (y8);
+ y13:= y22:= y18:= y9:= y8 + (y7-y6);
+% Construct the path. This is more complicated now, too. We use tX for the
+% intersection times /and/ zX for the end points.
+ thepath= (subpath (t1, t15) of innerring --
+ z15 -- z6 -- z7 -- z16 --
+ subpath (t16, t17) of innerring --
+ z17 -- z8 -- z9 -- z18 --
+ subpath (t18, t2) of innerring --
+ z2 -- z5 --
+ subpath (t5, t22) of outerring --
+ z22 -- z13 -- z12 -- z21 --
+ subpath (t21, t20) of outerring --
+ z20 -- z11 -- z10 -- z19 --
+ subpath (t19, t4) of outerring --
+ z4 -- cycle) slanted slant;
+ baro= (z6 -- z7 -- z11 -- z10 -- cycle) slanted slant;
+ baru= (z8 -- z9 -- z13 -- z12 -- cycle) slanted slant;
+ refleft= z13;
+ refright= z4;
+ drawit(thepath);
+ penlabels (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23);
+ pickup hpen;
+ overdraw (z0, z1, 1.5, 0, 0, 0);
+ overdraw (z0, z2, 1.5, 0, 0, 0);
+ overdraw (z0, z3, 1.5, -1.5, 0, 0);
+ overdraw (z0, z3, 1.5, -1.5, x13-x3, 0);
+ overdraw (z0, z3, 1.5, -1.5, x12-x3, 0);
+ overdraw (z0, z3, 1.5, -1.5, x23-x3, 0);
+ overdraw (z1, z2, 1.5, 0, 0, 0);
+ overdraw (z3, z1, 1.5, -0.2, 0, 0);
+ overdraw (z3, z1, 1.5, -0.2, x13-x9, 0);
+ overdraw (z3, z1, 1.5, -0.2, x11-x7, 0);
+% Now the real symbols, the first one is for design purposes only and
+% could be deleted in the real fonts. I want to use the paths to
+% define the bounding box so Metafont has to calculate them first.
+% But I also want to see the penlabels.
+% realwidth was once dependent on the resolution, so checksum mismatches
+% occur. Thanks to Andreas Schwab for telling me the reason for
+% those mismatches. This fixes the problem.
+% A bold correction is added as well. This is more or less a hack,
+% since the width of the Euro symbol character is not necessarily
+% equal to the dimensions of the glyph itself. However, I didn't
+% find any specifications. Until I do, this is the best hack I
+% think.
+%realwidth= (xpart refright-xpart refleft)/hppp;
+realwidth= (2radiusaussen#-10/30bold#) + 0.22unit#;
+pair shift; shift= (xpart (-refleft), 0);
+% However, these are the real characters:
+beginchar(" ",realwidth,euroheight#,eurodepth#); "Space";
+ % dunno why. A Space with the dimensions of a Euro symbol
+% fill innerh -- reverse outerh -- cycle;
+% fill z10 -- z6 -- z7 -- z11 -- cycle;
+% fill z12 -- z8 -- z9 -- z13 -- cycle;
+% The official symbol ``Euro glyph''.
+beginchar("e", realwidth, euroheight#,eurodepth#); "Euro glyph";
+ drawit(thepath shifted shift);
+% only the bars for creating symbols with any other font:
+beginchar("A", realwidth, euroheight#,eurodepth#); "Euro glyph bars (normal)";
+ drawit(baro shifted shift);
+ drawit(baru shifted shift);
+% same as before but only 80% wide; most of the fonts' C's are less wide
+% than the Euro glyph.
+beginchar("B", realwidth, euroheight#,eurodepth#); "Euro glyph bars (narrow)";
+ drawit(baro shifted shift xscaled 0.8);
+ drawit(baru shifted shift xscaled 0.8);
+% same as before but only 110% wide
+beginchar("C", realwidth, euroheight#,eurodepth#); "Euro glyph bars (wide)";
+ drawit(baro shifted shift xscaled 1.2);
+ drawit(baru shifted shift xscaled 1.2);