path: root/fonts/chess/bdfchess/bdfengl.tex
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diff --git a/fonts/chess/bdfchess/bdfengl.tex b/fonts/chess/bdfchess/bdfengl.tex
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+++ b/fonts/chess/bdfchess/bdfengl.tex
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+% Dokumentation for BDFCHESS.STY 1.2
+% For printing this documentation you need the following styles:
+% ART11.STY
+% A4.STY
+% from CHESS12 distribution :
+% from Babel-Sytem :
+% and of course BDFCHESS.STY
+% FONTS :
+% Magnification 1000 : chess15,chessf10,chess10f,chess20,cmex10,
+% cmbx12,cmi12,cmsy10,cmr10,cmr12,cmsy9,cmr9,cmr8
+% Magnification 1095 : cmtt10,cmbx10,cmsy10,cmmi10,cmr10,cmcsc10
+% Magnification 1440 : cmbx10,cmr10,cmcsc10
+% Magnification 1728 : cmbx10
+\parindent 0pt
+\parskip 3mm
+\topmargin -1cm
+\newfont{\fig}{chess10f scaled 1000}
+% turn of those nasty overfull and underfull hboxes
+\def\TeX{\rm T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}
+\def\LaTeX{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}
+{\input #1
+\showboard #2\\
+ \advance\movecount by 1
+ White, Move \the\movecount
+ \else Black, Move \the\movecount
+ \fi
+\vskip 3mm}}
+\centerline{\Large A \LaTeX\ style for management of
+correspondence chess games}\vskip 4mm
+\centerline{Frank Hassel}\vskip 5mm
+{\Large Requirements}\\[5mm]
+{\bf CHESS.STY 1.2} by Piet Tutelaers\\
+with PK-Fonts and font metric files: CHESSF10, CHESS10, CHESS20,
+CHESS30 (CHESS15 for typesetting postcard)\par
+{\bf BABEL-PACKAGE} by Johannes Braams for language support\par
+{\bf A4WIDE.STY} by Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Lamy for large pages\par
+Notice : You can only use this style with \LaTeX .\\
+The name BdFCHESS.STY is a rememberance on the old name of the
+german chess correspondence federation which was renamed from {\bf
+B}und {\bf d}eutscher {\bf F}ernschachfreunde to Deutscher
+{\Large Additions to CHESS.STY which are not only usefull for
+postal chess players}\\[5mm]
+\bs showinversboard&\bs showboardwithnotation& \bs
+\end{tabular}}\par\vskip 5mm
+For typesetting the postcard I use four macros to save and restore
+chess positions\\
+\centerline{\bf \bs savegameone \bs restoregameone \bs savegametwo
+\bs restoregametwo .}
+You may use them to save a game, play a variation and restore the
+previous positions.\par
+I have added a font named chess10f. It is the same font as
+chessf10 for tournament style, but the knight {\fig N} looks to
+the right side instead {\Fig N} of left side.\\
+It is the recommondation of FIDE \footnote{Schubart, N”ttger,
+Turnierleiterhandbuch des Deutschen Schachbundes, Walter de
+Gruyter Verlag, Berlin 1987} that on chessboards the knight looks
+like {\Fig N} and in the figurine Notation like {\fig N}. The
+elegant way to change the font is to write in the front of your
+document \verb+\font\Fig=chess10f+. The awful way is to rename to But please restore the old state to
+avoid confusion, if you give the packages to other people.
+{\Large Additions to CHESS.STY for postal chess players.}\\[5mm]
+At first a short example.
+\parindent 0mm
+\parskip 0mm
+\sender{\small sender:\\
+ \large{\bf Frank Hassel}\\
+ Im Kirschgarten 14\\
+ 6501 W”rrstadt\\
+ Germany}
+\receiver{\parskip 5mm\LARGE \bf DANTE \vskip 2pt\hrule
+ \LARGE Postfach 10 18 40\vskip 2pt\hrule
+ \LARGE \bf D-69008 Heidelberg\vskip 2pt\hrule}
+\centerline{\large \bf Max Mustermann - Frank Hassel}
+\postmove 03.09.1987 0 e2e4 d7d6 11.09.1987 0
+\postmove 12.09.1987 2 d2d4 g8f6 15.09.1987 1
+\postmove 17.09.1987 2 b1c3 g7g6 21.09.1987 1
+\centerline{\large \bf Frank Hassel - Max Mustermann}
+\postmove 11.09.1987 0 d2d4 g8f6 12.09.1987 2
+\postmove 15.09.1987 1 c2c4 g7g6 17.09.1987 2
+\postply 21.09.1987 1 b1c3
+\cardmessage{I take holidays from \\30.09.87 to 14.10.87}
+Result :\\[5mm]
+\centerline{\large \bf Max Mustermann - Frank Hassel}
+\postmove 03.09.1987 0 e2e4 d7d6 11.09.1987 0
+\postmove 12.09.1987 2 d2d4 g8f6 15.09.1987 1
+\postmove 17.09.1987 2 b1c3 g7g6 21.09.1987 1
+\centerline{\large \bf Frank Hassel - Max Mustermann}
+\postmove 11.09.1987 0 d2d4 g8f6 12.09.1987 2
+\postmove 15.09.1987 1 c2c4 g7g6 17.09.1987 2
+\postply 21.09.1987 1 b1c3
+\sender{\small sender:\\
+ \large{\bf Frank Hassel}\\
+ Im Kirschgarten 14\\
+ 6501 W”rrstadt\\
+ Germany}
+\receiver{\parskip 5mm\LARGE \bf DANTE \vskip 2pt\hrule
+ \LARGE Postfach 10 18 40\vskip 2pt\hrule
+ \LARGE \bf D-69008 Heidelberg\vskip 2pt\hrule}
+\cardmessage{I take holidays from \\30.09.87 to 14.10.87}
+Explanations :
+\item[\bs sender\{...\}] It is an empty definition. You can fill
+in your own address in a way, which corresponds your taste.
+\item[\bs receiver\{...\}] It is an empty definition. You can fill
+in the receiving address in a way, which corresponds your taste.
+\item[\bs cardmessage\{...\}] It is an empty definition. You can
+fill in your messages. \\
+See page \pageref{layout} for the layout of postcard.
+\item[Environment gameone and gametwo] In a normal postal chess
+match each participant plays two games, one game as white player
+and one game as black player. Therefore this style manages two
+games, but you are also able to play one game. The initalisation
+starts with \verb+\newgame \savegameone \savegametwo+ which starts
+a new game and stores it. If you play only one game, the postcard
+show us this game and a new board.\\
+If you start a new game with \verb+\begin{gameone}+ the following
+actions happens \verb+\newgame+ \verb+\finishgameonefalse+ and the
+tabularheader is typesetted. If you want to continue a running
+game, you can use the position-environment as described in
+CHESS.STY. In addition you must set the considertimes by
+\verb+\global\considersumwhite=xxx+ \verb+\global+
+\verb+\considersumblack=xxx+. Then you can use the macros
+\verb+\postmove \postply+ as de\-scriped below. With
+\verb+\end{gameone}+ all positions are stored with
+\verb+\savegameone+ and the dates and last move are stored in
+boxes, see page \pageref{layout}. This style assumes that the
+last half move is your move ! If you want to set for example good
+moves to be played latter, which should not appears on the
+postcard, you must set them outside the environment gameone.
+\item[\bs postmove] For typesetting moves you can call \bs postmove
+with 6 arguments\\
+1. arrivaldate of move player white in the notation day.month.year
+2. considertime of player white\\
+3. move of player white in the notation [a-h][1-8][a-h]
+[1-8]\{\{$Q\mid R\mid B\mid N$\}comment\}.\\
+Description see documentation of CHESS.STY\\
+4. move of player black in the notation [a-h][1-8][a-h]
+[1-8]\{\{$Q\mid R\mid B\mid N$\}comment\}\\
+5. arrivaldate of move player black\\
+6. considertime player black\\
+The expansion of this macro gives one tabularline : see example
+page \pageref{exone}\\
+\TeX\ calculates the leavingdate by the macro
+\verb+\departure#1.#2.#3 #4+ ( condidertime) and the
+ sums of considertimes in fields $\sum$.
+\item[\bs postply] For typesetting halfmoves you can call \bs
+ postply with 3 arguments\\
+1. arrivaldate in the notation day.month.year (\\
+2. considertime \\
+3. halfmove in the notation [a-h][1-8][a-h][1-8]\{\{$Q\mid R\mid
+ B\mid N$\}comment\}
+\item[{\bs postcard[f](dim,dim)}] This is the macro for
+typesetting the postcardside with moves and dates. I have added
+tree parameters. Optional [f] which creates a frame around the
+card. And two dimension parameters for positioning the card,
+first for a horizontal offset, second for vertical offset. Both
+can be postiv and negativ. But of course you can also use the
+options of your printerdriver for positioning the postcard. So
+good luck to find the best way for your printer.
+\item[{\bs postcardaddress[tf](dim,dim)}] Macro for typesetting the
+front of the postcard. Options see \verb+\postcard[..](..,..)+.
+The optional parameter [t] divide the postcard with a vertical
+line and typeset the word postcard.
+For the other macros of BdFCHESS.STY again a short example :
+\parindent 0mm
+\parskip 0mm
+\postmove 24.02.1990 2 c2c4 e7e5 27.02.1990 2
+English system : other playable moves |1. : c7-c5 or 1. : Ng8-f6|
+\postmove 02.03.1990 1 b1c3 g8f6 04.03.1990 1
+\postmove 07.03.1990 2 g1f3 b8c6 11.03.1990 1
+\holidaywhite 7
+\postmove 14.03.1990 9 d2d4 e5e4 28.03.1990 1
+\centerline{\bf Movesuggestion}
+| \ifmoveone 5 Nf3-g5 5 h7-h6 |
+\par\parskip 0mm
+Result :\\[5mm]
+\postmove 24.02.1990 2 c2c4 e7e5 27.02.1990 2
+English system : other playable moves |1. : c7-c5 or 1. : Ng8-f6|
+\postmove 02.03.1990 1 b1c3 g8f6 04.03.1990 1
+\postmove 07.03.1990 2 g1f3 b8c6 11.03.1990 1
+\holidaywhite 7
+\postmove 14.03.1990 9 d2d4 e5e4 28.03.1990 1
+\centerline{\bf Movesuggestion}
+| \ifmoveone 5 Nf3-g5 5 h7-h6 |
+\postcard(0mm,30mm)\par\parskip 3mm\newpage
+Explanations :
+\item[\bs postcardlanguage\{....\} ] These macros offers the
+possibility to typeset the postcard in an other language.
+There are still definitions for english, german and french, but
+you can add your language to BdFCHESS.STY. In the example above
+the notation-language is english (defined by the BABEL-System and
+CHESS.STY) and the postcard-language is german.
+\item[Analysis and Comments] You can add comments and switch with
+$\mid$ in the analysismode as descriped in CHESS.STY.
+\item[\bs holidaywhite num, \bs holidayblack num] These macros
+correct the considertime, if you have taken holidays between
+arrival and leaving of a move.
+\item[\bs ifmoveone, \bs ifmovetwo] If you want to offer an
+suggestionmove to your chessfriend these macros may be usefull for
+you. It uses the analysis mode of CHESS.STY, so you must set the
+command inside the switch $\mid$...$\mid$. The four arguments are
+- movecount halfmove movecount halfmove - , because
+the macro only sort the arguments in the correct fields, you must
+set the moves completly. For example : $\mid$Nf3-e5, Ke8*f8,
+Qd1-d8+,Bc1-g5$\mid$ \\
+Result : |Nf3-e5, Ke8*f8, Qd1-d8+, Bc1-g5|\\
+And don't forget the space between last argument and $\mid$.\\
+If you call \bs ifmoveone twice, two suggestionmoves appears on
+the postcard. If you call it for a third time, there is not enough
+room and the result collide with the dates, so you have to design
+a new \bs moveonebox, refer to chapter: if all else fails.
+Remainding commands :
+\item[\bs acceptmoveone, \bs acceptmovetwo] This commands are
+working as \bs ifmoveone. They typesets the move before the actual
+move. So if you accept a suggestionmove you can repeat it at the
+\item[\bs finishgameone, \bs finishgametwo] You have to call these
+macros, if you finished a game, so that the moves and dates of
+this game don't appear on the postcard.
+\item[\bs tabularheader] If the tabular continued on a new page,
+ you can call \bs tabularheader.\\ Result :\\[3mm]
+\item[\bs storeboard\{filename\}] This macro stores the momentary
+positions of all pieces in a ASCII-File. It saves it as \bs
+begin\{position\} \bs White(....) \bs Black(...) \bs global \bs
+movecount=num \bs global \bs Whitetrue or \bs Whitefalse \bs
+end\{position\}. But be careful, this macro has two disadvantages.
+With BdFCHESS it works only correct inside environments gameone or
+gametwo (else movecount=0, Whitetrue). It stores the positions
+only in the notation language which was defined by babel system.
+So if you want to use the stored positions in an other document, you have to use the same language (Styles: english, french,
+germanb, dutch).\\
+I use this macro for becoming a survey of all my running games.
+Use \bs storeboard\{filename\} as last command just before say \bs end\{gameone or gametwo\}. Then you can prepare an other document, for example to typeset 12 running games on one A4-page.\\
+\textheight 280mm
+\textwidth 167mm
+\parindent 0pt
+\topmargin -1cm
+% macro \boardwithtext{filename}{text}
+{\input #1
+\showboard #2\\
+ \advance\movecount by 1
+ White, Move no. \the\movecount
+ \else Black, Move no. \the\movecount
+ \fi
+\vskip 3mm}}
+\centerline{\Large Chess Openings}
+% game 1 - 12
+\boardwithtext{game1.brd}{English Opening {\bf A 27}\\(Dutch System)}
+\boardwithtext{game2.brd}{Old Indian Defense {\bf A 55}}
+\boardwithtext{game3.brd}{Benoni Defence {\bf A 70}\\(Main Line)}\\
+\boardwithtext{game4.brd}{Alekhine's Defence{\bf B 03}\\(Four Pawn's Attack)}
+\boardwithtext{game5.brd}{Dutch Defence {\bf A 83}\\ (Staunton Gambit)}
+\boardwithtext{game6.brd}{Pirc Defence {\bf B 08}}\\
+\boardwithtext{game7.brd}{Caro-Kann {\bf B 11}\\(Two Knight's Variation)}
+\boardwithtext{game8.brd}{Sicilian Defence {\bf B 45}\\(Classical System)}
+\boardwithtext{game9.brd}{French Defence{\bf C 01}\\ (Exchange Variation)}\\
+\boardwithtext{game10.brd}{Queen's Gambit {\bf D 07}\\(Tschigorin Defence)}
+\boardwithtext{game11.brd}{Vienna Game {\bf C 26}}
+\boardwithtext{game12.brd}{Nimzo-Indian Defence {\bf E 23}}
+\textheight 280mm \textwidth 175mm
+\typeout{Sorry for the pain of your harddisk}
+\typeout{Storing game1.brd - game12.brd as example for macro storeboard...}
+%Old Indian Defence
+%Benoni Defence
+%Quenn's Gambit
+\typeout{And reading them again}
+\centerline{\Large Chess Openings}
+\boardwithtext{game1.brd}{English Opening {\bf A 27}\\(Dutch System)}
+\boardwithtext{game2.brd}{Old Indian Defense {\bf A 55}}
+\boardwithtext{game3.brd}{Benoni Defence {\bf A 70}\\(Main Line)}\\
+\boardwithtext{game4.brd}{Alekhine's Defence {\bf B 03}\\(Four Pawn's Attack)}
+\boardwithtext{game5.brd}{Dutch Defence {\bf A 83}\\ (Staunton Gambit)}
+\boardwithtext{game6.brd}{Pirc Defence {\bf B 08}}\\
+\boardwithtext{game7.brd}{Caro-Kann {\bf B 11}\\(Two Knight's Variation)}
+\boardwithtext{game8.brd}{Sicilian Defence {\bf B 45}\\(Classical System)}
+\boardwithtext{game9.brd}{French Defence {\bf C 01}\\ (Exchange Variation)}\\
+\boardwithtext{game10.brd}{Queen's Gambit {\bf D 07}\\(Tschigorin Defence)}
+\boardwithtext{game11.brd}{Vienna Game {\bf C 26}}
+\boardwithtext{game12.brd}{Nimzo-Indian Defence {\bf E 23}}
+\textheight 235mm \textwidth 150mm
+If all else fails, here is the layout of the postcard with it's
+macros and boxes.\\[5mm]
+\put(6,24){\dashbox(23,23){Board 1}}
+\put(41,24){\dashbox(23,23){Board 2}}
+\put(3,12){\dashbox(28,5){\bs moveonebox}}
+\put(3,17){\dashbox(28,5){\bs acceptonebox}}
+\put(38,12){\dashbox(28,5){\bs movetwobox}}
+\put(38,17){\dashbox(28,5){\bs accepttwobox}}
+\put(5,2){\dashbox(23,9){\bs mydatebox}}
+\put(41,4){\dashbox(23,7){\bs yourdatebox}}
+\put(81,1){\dashbox(30,32.5){\bs cardmessage}}
+\put(81,33.5){\dashbox(30,14){\bs sender}}
+\put(116,1){\dashbox(32,32.5){\bs receiver}}
+\hskip 2cm \bs postcard(...) \hskip 5cm \bs postcardaddress(...) \\[5mm]
+If you don't agree with an element of the postcard you can change
+it, just before you say \verb+\postcard[..]+ by the following
+Change board 1\\
+\verb+\board{.......} or \begin{position} ...... \end{position}+\\
+Change contents of boxes for example \bs moveonebox\\
+Change definitions\\
+But you can only change the contents not the position of an
+element ! \\[1cm]
+Please contact me for bug reports and suggestions :\\[1cm]
+Frank Hassel\\
+Im Kirschgarten 14\\
+55286 W\"orrstadt\\