path: root/fonts/aboensis/doc/aboensis.tex
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index 0000000000..189cacd3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/aboensis/doc/aboensis.tex
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+%% aboensis.tex
+%% Copyright 2021 Tommi Syrjönen
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license
+% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
+% license is in and version 1.3
+% or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or
+% later.
+% The images of digitized medieval manuscripts that are in this
+% document have either been released to use by their creators under
+% Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) or are
+% Public Domain. The licensing details of each image is listed later
+% in this file.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Tommi Syrjänen
+% See file MANIFEST-Aboensis.txt to a list of files that make up this
+% work.
+\newcommand{\sample}[1]{{\samplefont #1 \strut}}
+\newcommand{\largesample}[1]{\scalebox{2.0}{{\samplefont #1 \strut}}}
+\newcommand{\topalign}[2]{\hbox{\vbox to \ht#1
+ {\hbox{#2}\vfill}}}
+\newcommand{\midalign}[2]{\hbox{\vbox to \ht#1
+ {\vfill\hbox{#2}\vfill}}}
+ \setbox\showletterbox\hbox{\lettersample{#1}}%
+ \showletterboxheight=2.5em%
+ \showletterboxwidth=2em%
+ \hbox{\raise1em\hbox{\fbox{\hbox to \showletterboxwidth{\vbox to\showletterboxheight{%
+ \hbox to \showletterboxwidth{\tiny\hfill#2\hfill}\vspace{1mm}\vfill%
+ \hbox to \showletterboxwidth{\hfill\hbox{\hfill\lettersample{#1}\hfill}\hfill}\vspace{2mm}}}}}}}
+ \multicolumn{2}{l@{ }}{\setbox\showletterbox\hbox{\lettersample{#1}}%
+ \showletterboxheight=2.5em%
+ \showletterboxwidth=5em%
+\hbox{\raise1em\hbox{\fbox{\hbox to \showletterboxwidth{\vbox to\showletterboxheight{%
+ \hbox to \showletterboxwidth{\tiny\hfill#2\hfill}\vspace{1mm}\vfill%
+ \hbox to \showletterboxwidth{\hfill\hbox{\hfill\lettersample{#1}\hfill}\hfill}\vspace{2mm}}}}}}}}
+\author{Tommi Syrjänen}
+ {{\fontsize{16}{19}\abcursivefamily
+ \abstartchapter{Q}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem abutere,
+ \abcapital{C}atilina, pati-}{entia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a diu
+ etiam furor jste}
+ \abl{tuus nos eludet? \abcapital{Q}uem ad finem sese effrena-}
+ \abl{ta jactabit audacia? \abcapital{N}ihilne te nocturn~u prae}
+ \abl{sidium palati, nihil urbis vigiliae, nihil timor }
+ \abl{populi, nihil concursus bono[rum] omnium, nihil hic }
+ \abl{munitissim[us] habendi senat[us] locus, nihil horum }
+ \abl{ora voltus[que] moverunt? \abcapital{P}atere tua consilia non }
+ \abl{sen[tis], constrict~a iam ho[rum] omnium scientia te-}
+ \abl{neri coniurationem tuam non vides? \abcapital{Q}uid pro}
+ \abl{xima, quid su[per]iore nocte ege[ris], ubi fue[ris], quos }
+ \abl{convocave[ris], quid consilii ceperis, quem nostr~u }
+ \abl{ignorare arbitraris? \mbox{} \mbox{} \abotherrubric{!*************>>>>><}}
+The text in the previous page is the beginning of Marcus Tullius
+Cicero's \emph{Oratio in catilinam primo} that has been used to set
+typographical speciments at least since the days of Gianbattista Bodoni
+(1740–1813). In modern fonts its text reads:
+ Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quam diu etiam
+ furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit
+ audacia? Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis
+ vigiliae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil
+ hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora voltusque
+ moverunt? Patere tua consilia non sentis, constrictam iam horum
+ omnium scientia teneri coniurationem tuam non vides? Quid proxima,
+ quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid
+ consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris?
+C.\,D. Yonge \cite{yonge} translated the paragraph as:
+ \begin{quote}
+ When, O Catiline, do you mean to cease abusing our patience? How
+ long is that madness of yours still to mock us? When is there to be
+ an end of that unbridled audacity of yours, swaggering about as it
+ does now? Do not the nightly guards placed on the Palatine Hill—do
+ not the watches posted throughout the city—does not the alarm of the
+ people, and the union of all good men—does not the precaution taken
+ of assembling the senate in this most defensible place—do not the
+ looks and countenances of this venerable body here present, have any
+ effect upon you? Do you not feel that your plans are detected? Do
+ you not see that your conspiracy is already arrested and rendered
+ powerless by the knowledge which every one here possesses of it?
+ What is there that you did last night, what the night before—where
+ is it that you were—who was there that you summoned to meet
+ you—what design was there which was adopted by you, with which you
+ think that any one of us is unacquainted?
+ \end{quote}
+The font Aboensis is copyrighted by Tommi Syrjänen, 2021. It may be
+used and distributed under the Open Font License 1.1 (see
+page \pageref{pg_license} for details).
+The documentation and LaTeX style files are also copyrighted by Tommi
+Syrjänen, 2021, and they may be distributed under the terms of Latex
+Project Public License 1.3c (see the accompanying file
+\texttt{lppl.txt} for details or refer to
+The image files showing original medieval documents are either Public
+Domain or are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
+International License by the organizations that digitized them. Their
+individual licenses are listed on pages
+ \begin{minipage}{0.8\linewidth}
+ \begin{center}
+ \textbf{The Short Version of Important Stuff}
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \Aboensis{} is a free OpenType/CFF font intended for
+ emulating late medieval manuscripts.
+ \item It should be used in relatively large size (14+ points).
+ \item It is licensed under Open Font License (see the end of the
+ document for details).
+ \item It is a 15th century typeface. It contains a large number of
+ symbols (see pages
+ \pageref{pg:symbols_start}–\pageref{pg:symbols_end}) that are no
+ longer in common use but it lacks many symbols that are nowadays
+ in common use.
+ \item It has a large number of OpenType features that control its
+ behavior. See section \ref{sec_opentype} for details.
+ The "Standard ligatures" (\textrm{liga}) and "Contextual
+ alternates" (\textrm{calt}) features should be always turned on
+ for proper function of the font.
+ \item It is designed to be used with XeLaTeX. See section
+ \ref{sec_latex_style} for details.
+ \item \Aboensis{} works in recentish programs. Some old font
+ renderers will mess up the spacing between letters. This happens
+ at least in some old versions of MS Word. Newer programs shouldn't
+ have problems. However, some care is necessary when using
+ highlighted initials symbols with XeLaTeX, see
+ section \ref{ssec_correct_forms} for details.
+ \end{minipage}
+ \centering
+ \fbox{\begin{minipage}{0.9\linewidth}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Abbreviate with brackets:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{eorum} & $\Longrightarrow$ & \sample{eo[rum]} \\
+ eorum & & eo[rum]
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \item Add an abbreviation symbol over a letter by preceding it
+ with tilde or single quote (use \ltxncmd{abtildes} to make tilde
+ regular letter):
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{ecc~ia} & \sample{'tminus} \\
+ ecc~ia & 'tminus
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \item Place a letter as a superscript using a grave accent:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{iiii`c} \\
+ iiii`c
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \item Use asterisk to prevent initial and final forms as needed:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{non} & $\Longrightarrow$ & \sample{*non*} \\
+ non & & *non*
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \item Add red highlighting to capital letters by writing the
+ letter three times on top of itself: first with text color,
+ then with the highlight preceded by a slash, and
+ finally in darker highlight color with two slashes:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{A} & \sample{\abred{/A}} & \sample{\abdarkred{//A}}
+ &
+ $ \Longrightarrow$ & \sample{\abcapital{A}} \\
+ A & {\color{abred}/A} & {\color{abdarkred}//A} & &
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ With XeLaTex you can use command
+ \texttt{\textbackslash{}abcapital} to add a highlighted
+ capital.
+ \item Enter Lombardic initials by surrounding the letter with
+ '+' signs.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{\abred{A}} & $\Rightarrow$ &
+ \sample{\abred{+A+}} \\
+ {\color{red} A} & & {\color{red}+A+} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \item Enter cursive initials by surrounding the letter with two
+ '+' signs and use font size 5.5 times larger than the main
+ body
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{A} & $\Rightarrow$ &
+ \scalebox{2.0}{\sample{++A++}} \\
+ {A} & & {++A++} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \item Prevent uneven line spacing in XeLaTex with \ltxcmd{abl}{line}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{minipage}}
+ \caption{A quick partial guide to special symbols}
+ \label{tab_special}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lllllllllll}
+ \lettersample{A} &
+ \lettersample{B} &
+ \lettersample{C} &
+ \lettersample{D} &
+ \lettersample{E} &
+ \lettersample{F} &
+ \lettersample{G} &
+ \lettersample{H} &
+ \lettersample{I} &
+ \lettersample{J} \\
+ \lettersample{K} &
+ \lettersample{L} &
+ \lettersample{M} &
+ \lettersample{N} &
+ \lettersample{O} &
+ \lettersample{P} &
+ \lettersample{Q} &
+ \lettersample{R} &
+ \lettersample{S} &
+ \lettersample{T} \\
+ \lettersample{U} &
+ \lettersample{V} &
+ \lettersample{W} &
+ \lettersample{X} &
+ \lettersample{Y} &
+ \lettersample{Z} &
+ \lettersample{Ä} &
+ \lettersample{Å} &
+ \lettersample{Ö} \\
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{A}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{B}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{C}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{D}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{E}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{F}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{G}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{H}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{I}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{J}} \\
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{K}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{L}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{M}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{N}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{O}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{P}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{Q}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{R}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{S}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{T}} \\
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{U}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{V}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{W}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{X}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{Y}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{Z}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{Ä}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{Å}} &
+ \lettersample{\abcapital{Ö}} \\
+ \caption{The capital letters with and without red strikes}
+ \label{tab_alphabet}
+\Aboensis{} is a free unicode OpenType font that is intended for
+emulating late-medieval documents. The font is an example of a 15th
+century book cursive hand that was used in the Scandinavian countries.
+The main source for the glyphs is \emph{Codex Aboensis} that is a
+richly-illustrated law book written in the 1430s. The font also
+includes a number of glyphs taken from other roughly contemporary
+manuscripts. The largest group of them are cursive initials taken from
+\emph{The Black Book of Abo Cathedral} that was compiled around the
+end of the 15th century.
+As medieval cursive is very difficult to read for modern readers, this
+font is not really suitable for any normal practical purposes.
+Instead, it is aimed for users who want to recreate medieval-looking
+documents with a computer.
+Table \ref{tab_alphabet} shows the basic capital letters of the font.
+Capitals in 15th century texts were often further marked by drawing a
+red strike over them. This font includes glyph variants for capitals
+that can be used to draw the struck capitals and those are enabled
+using OpenType features as described in section \ref{ssec_capitals}.
+Table \ref{tab_lower_case} shows the basic forms of lower case
+letters. However, many letters have than one form: an initial form
+that is used when it starts a word, a final form if it ends a word,
+and possibly others to tie it to other cursive letters better.
+ \centering
+ \lettersample{a} &
+ \lettersample{b} &
+ \lettersample{c} &
+ \lettersample{d} &
+ \lettersample{e} &
+ \lettersample{f} &
+ \lettersample{g} &
+ \lettersample{h} &
+ \lettersample{i} &
+ \lettersample{j} &
+ \lettersample{k} &
+ \lettersample{l} \\
+ \lettersample{m} &
+ \lettersample{n} &
+ \lettersample{o} &
+ \lettersample{p} &
+ \lettersample{q} &
+ \lettersample{r} &
+ \lettersample{r:} &
+ \lettersample{s} &
+ \lettersample{s:} &
+ \lettersample{t} &
+ \lettersample{u} &
+ \lettersample{v} \\
+ \lettersample{w} &
+ \lettersample{x} &
+ \lettersample{y} &
+ \lettersample{z} &
+ \lettersample{ä} &
+ \lettersample{å} &
+ \lettersample{ö} &
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{The lower case alphabet. There are two symbols for \emph{r}
+ and \emph{s}.}
+ \label{tab_lower_case}
+The font has two sets of initials. The first ones are in the Lombardic
+style and are taken from \emph{Codex Aboensis}.\footnote{With the
+ exception of \emph{X}, \emph{Y}, \emph{Z}, \emph{Ä}, \emph{Å} and
+ \emph{Ö} that do not occur in the book.} These are shown in table
+\ref{tab_lombardian}. These have two sets: one for letters written in
+single color and another for two-colored letters. Additionally, some
+of the capitals have variant forms, one simpler and one more
+complex one. These too are controlled with OpenType features and they
+are described in section \ref{sec_initials}.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{llllll}
+ \lombardsample{A} &
+ \lombardsample{B} &
+ \lombardsample{C} &
+ \lombardsample{D} &
+ \lombardsample{E} &
+ \lombardsample{F} \\
+ \lombardsample{G} &
+ \lombardsample{H} &
+ \lombardsample{I} &
+ \lombardsample{J} &
+ \lombardsample{K} &
+ \lombardsample{L} \\
+ \lombardsample{M} &
+ \lombardsample{N} &
+ \lombardsample{O} &
+ \lombardsample{P} &
+ \lombardsample{Q} &
+ \lombardsample{R} \\
+ \lombardsample{S} &
+ \lombardsample{T} &
+ \lombardsample{U} &
+ \lombardsample{V} &
+ \lombardsample{W} &
+ \lombardsample{X} \\
+ \lombardsample{Y} &
+ \lombardsample{Z} &
+ \lombardsample{Ä} &
+ \lombardsample{Å} &
+ \lombardsample{Ö} \\
+ \lombardsampletwo{{A}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{B}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{C}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{D}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{E}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{F}} \\
+ \lombardsampletwo{{G}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{H}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{I}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{J}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{K}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{L}} \\
+ \lombardsampletwo{{M}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{N}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{O}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{P}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{Q}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{R}} \\
+ \lombardsampletwo{{S}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{T}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{U}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{V}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{W}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{X}} \\
+ \lombardsampletwo{{Y}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{Z}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{Ä}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{Å}} &
+ \lombardsampletwo{{Ö}} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{The Lombardian intials, one color and two colors.}
+ \label{tab_lombardian}
+The Lombardic initials are suitable when typesetting a medieval book,
+but normal medieval documents did not use them as a rule. For this
+reason \emph{Aboensis} has another set of initials that are suitable
+for documentary use such as charters and deeds. These intials have
+been taken from \emph{The Black Book of Abo
+ Cathedral},\footnote{Except for \emph{X}, \emph{Z}, \emph{Ä},
+ \emph{Å}, and \emph{Ö} that do not occur in the text.} that is a
+cartulary that was compiled in the late 15th century. These are shown
+in table \ref{tab_cursive_init}. Note that these initials need a lot
+of manual adjustment when they are added to the text because they all
+should be positioned in a different way respective to the main block
+of text. Section \ref{sec_initials} describes how they are
+enabled using OpenType Features and section \ref{ssec_black_book}
+shows how they are used in \emph{The Black Book}.
+All images of original texts that are in this document are from
+digitized collections of \emph{Riksarkivet} and
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{1.5cm}}l@{\hspace{1.5cm}}l@{\hspace{1.5cm}}l@{\hspace{1.5cm}}l}
+ \cursiveinitialsample{a} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{b} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{c} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{d} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{e} \\
+ \cursiveinitialsample{f} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{g} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{h} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{i} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{j} \\
+ \cursiveinitialsample{k} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{l} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{m} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{n} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{o} \\
+ \cursiveinitialsample{p} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{q} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{r} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{s} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{t} \\
+ \cursiveinitialsample{u} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{v} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{w} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{x} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{y} \\
+ \cursiveinitialsample{z} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{ä} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{å} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{ö} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{The cursive initials. Three of the letters (\emph{A},
+ \emph{S}, and \emph{W}) have variant forms. These should be used in sizes 5–6
+ times larger than the main body of text (the style file
+ defaults to 5.5) and they need considerble
+ amount of manual adjustment when positioned. Some of them extend
+ far above baseline and some far below. }
+ \label{tab_cursive_init}
+OpenType is a technology that combines two different approaches of
+creating fonts under one package: Microsoft's \emph{true type}
+(OpenType/TT) and Adobe's \emph{type 1} (OpenType/PS or OpenType/CFF)
+fonts. The PS technology is older and it originated in the 80s for
+defining digital fonts for printing. The true type fonts were designed
+primarily for high-quality screen fonts for Windows.
+Aboensis is a PS font that has been designed explicitly for printing
+and it is not very usable a screen font as many letters are
+practically indistinguishable in screen sizes.
+\paragraph{OpenType features}\index{feature}
+OpenType fonts may contain a number of \emph{features} that alter
+their behavior. The most common ones that are used with European
+languages are ligature substitutions where two individual characters
+are replaced by a glyph that contains both of them. For example, in
+many fonts 'f' and 'l' are combined into 'fl'.
+ \sample{f} \aqsample{+} \sample{l} \aqsample{=} \sample{fl}
+Different programs use different conventions for selecting features.
+For example, in Photoshop the features are specified in a well-hidden
+menu that's shown in figure \ref{fig_photoshop}.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=8cm]{pics/photoshop-one.png}
+ \includegraphics[width=8cm]{pics/photoshop-two.png}
+ \caption{The OpenType menu in Photoshop}
+ \label{fig_photoshop}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=6cm]{pics/photoshop-alternatives.png}
+ \caption{Selecting character variants in Photoshop}
+ \label{fig_photoshop_2}
+\subsection{Open Font License v.1.1}
+\Aboensis{} may be used and distributed under the conditions of the
+Open Font License v.1.1. The full text of the license is at the end of
+this document. It and answers to frequently asked questions about it
+are available at \texttt{}. The most
+important features of OFL are:
+\item You may freely use the font in your documents, including
+ embedding it in it.
+\item You may freely give the font to whoever you want, but you should
+ give the whole package (including the documentation files). You may
+ also sell it as long as you comply with the few restrictions that
+ are enumerated in the text of the license.
+\item You may freely modify the font, but if you distribute the
+ modified font you should give it a different name and release it
+ under OFL.
+\subsection{Latex Project Public License version 1.3c}
+The documentation files (except for images showing original medieval
+documents) and the LaTeX style file are distributed under the Latex
+Project Public License (LPPL version 1.3c). The exact conditions of
+the license are defined in the file \texttt{lppl.txt} that should be
+included in the font package but is also available at
+The terms of LPPL are similar to those of the OFL. The short and
+incomplete version is:
+\item You may freely use the files however you want.
+\item You may freely distribute the package in its original form.
+\item If you modify the files, you may distribute them but you must
+ document what changes you have made in the files, make it clear that
+ the changed version is not the original, and distribute either the
+ original version or information on how it can be obtained with it.
+\subsection{Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License}
+Most of the images that show reproductions original medieval documents
+are copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
+International License (CC BY 4.0) by the institutions that digitized
+them. The list of copyright holders is on pages
+The exact conditions of the license are defined in the file
+\texttt{ccby4.txt} that should be included in the font package but the
+text is also available at
+The short and incomplete version of the license is that you are free
+\item \textbf{Share} — copy and redistribute the material in any
+ medium or format
+\item \textbf{Adapt} — remix, transform, and build upon the material
+for any purpose, even commercially.
+under the following terms:
+\item \textbf{Attribution} — You must give appropriate credit, provide
+ a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do
+ so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the
+ licensor endorses you or your use
+\item \textbf{No additional restrictions} — You may not apply legal
+ terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from
+ doing anything the license permits.
+\emph{All images in this document that are licensed under CC BY 4.0
+ have been cropped from larger originals, including those that show
+ the complete text of the document.}
+\section{Historical background}
+\subsection{Codex Aboensis}
+The \emph{Codex Aboensis} (\emph{Cod. Holm. B 172}) is a
+richly-illustrated late-medieval book that is currently held in the
+Swedish National Archives. It is known also by the name \emph{Codex
+ Kalmar} as it was for a time stored in a school library in Chalmers
+before it was donated to the Archives in 1884.
+The main content of the book is the \emph{Law of the Realm of King
+ Magnus Eriksson} that has been supplemented by the \emph{Church Law
+ of Uppland}, the \emph{Manor Justice of Magnus Eriksson}, and the
+\emph{Ledung code of Uppland} that decrees how the coastal fleet was
+The book is connected to Finland and the city Turku (\emph{Abo} in
+Latin) in several ways. The most notable is that the book starts with
+an ecclestical calendar of the Turku diocese. The other is that it is
+known to have been in Finland for most of the 16th
+century.\footnote{Its front and back leaves also contain material
+ written by the hand of Micael Agricola (1510–57) who was the main
+ Lutheran reformer of Finland.} However, the calendar is older than
+the bulk of the text and dates from the latter half of the 14th
+century with some modifications made around the beginning of the
+The most striking feature of the manuscript are the large illuminated
+initials that start almost every page. The images were drawn by the
+original scribe, and he likely drew himself in one of them. The folio
+78v shows a man in tunic, red hose and red hat holding a speech scroll
+that declares him to be the master of books (figure \ref{fig_master}).
+The page initials usually start mid-sentence.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=10cm]{pics/aboensis-78v.png}
+ \caption{Possibly the scribe of \emph{Codex Aboensis} himself. The
+ speech scroll reads: \emph{jak är een mesther i bokenä} which
+ translates to \emph{I am a master of books}. f.78v}
+ \label{fig_master}
+ \centering
+ \subfigure[A fox preaching to geese, f.18v]{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{pics/aboensis-18v.png}}
+ \subfigure[A cleric carrying a woman, f.30v]{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{pics/aboensis-30v.jpg}}
+ \subfigure[A hare playing bagpipes, f.37v]{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{pics/aboensis-37v.jpg}}
+ \subfigure[A man carrying an ale barrel. The speech scroll reads \emph{wiliom wi dricka}, that is \emph{now we drink}. f.38v]{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{pics/aboensis-38v.jpg}}
+ \subfigure[Ivan Lejonriddaren kills a dragon, f.39r]{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{pics/aboensis-39r.jpg}}
+ \subfigure[Ivan Lejonriddaren riding his lion, f.39v]{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{pics/aboensis-39v.jpg}}
+ \caption{Picture samples from \emph{Codex Aboensis}.}
+ \label{fig_samples}
+Most but by no means all of the images are at least loosely related to
+the text where they occur. The figure \ref{fig_samples} shows a few
+more samples.
+\item A fox preaching to geese from a transportable pulpit of the type
+ that friars used. This is in a section that defines how the bishop
+ should inspect a church that is suspected to have been desacrated.
+\item A cleric carrying a woman. This is not directly related to text
+ that is about punishments for fighting in a tavern.
+\item A hare playing bagpipes. This is probably connected to the
+ mention that a bride of a wedding may not donate wedding cloths to
+ musicians but only to a church or a monastery.
+\item A man carrying an ale barrel while saying: "Now we drink". This
+ is in a section that gives rules on gifts given on the morning after
+ a wedding and it may refer to custom of drinking a toast when it
+ happened.
+\item This and the next picture show probably scenes from the story of
+ Ivan Lejonriddare, Ivan the Lion Knight who killed a dragon and
+ befriended a lion that became his mount. The connection to the text
+ is that the text describes complex inheritance cases and Ivan of the
+ story was involved in one himself.
+There have been differing opinons on where and when the manuscript was
+written. Paleographical details place it in the first half of the 15th
+century. The two main opinions have been Uppland in Sweden and
+Turku-Naantali region in Finland, both areas being proposed on
+linguistic basis.
+The most recent paleographic analysis by Per-Axel Wiktorsson suggests
+that the main body of text was written by an anonymous scribe who was
+active in Stockholm between 1423–36. The scribe was connected to Bengt
+Jönsson Oxenstierna (c.1390– c.1450) who was one of the
+highest-ranking noblemen in Sweden, a Privy Council member who served
+as a co-regent in 1448. Wiktorsson's theory is that Bengt Jönsson
+commisioned the book in mid-1430s as a preparation for his bid to
+become the \emph{lagman} (Lord Justice) of Uppland. He recived the
+position in 1439.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=13.5cm]{pics/SDHK20000.jpg}
+ \caption{A sales deed dated 1.7.1423 at Almarestäk castle.
+ Wiktorsson identified it as being by the same scribe that copied
+ \emph{Codex Aboensis}, SDHK 20000.}\label{fig_alamarestak}
+The manuscript contains 123 parchment folios that are sandwiched
+between blocks of paper at front and end. First six parchment folios
+contain the calendar and the rest make up the legal text. The folios
+are $24 \times 16.5$ cm in size where the text area is $16.5 \times
+11.5$ cm. There are 25–29 lines of text per page where 27 is the most
+common number. The pages in the front and at the end contain later
+writing. For example, the end contains astrological material written
+in hand of Micael Agricola (figure \ref{fig_astrology}).
+The \emph{Realm of the Land} is written in a cursive script of the
+kind that was in wide use in Sweden around the time. The scribe used
+very clear and careful hand suitable for a high-profile manuscript or
+an important document.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=12cm]{pics/budde-9v.png}
+ \caption{Sample from \emph{Jöns Budde's Book} that shows a less
+ clear cursive text from slightly later period c.1490 (\emph{Codex
+ HS A 58, f.9v}) }
+ \label{fig_jons_budde}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=12cm]{pics/aboensis-e14v.jpg}
+ \caption{A part of an astrological text written by Michael Agricola
+ on the end pages of \emph{Codex Aboensis} (f14v)}
+ \label{fig_astrology}
+\subsection{King Magnus Eriksson}
+Magnus Eriksson was born in 1316. At the time the situation in Sweden
+was tense. King Birger Magnusson had fought a bitter civil war against
+his brothers Erik and Valdemar, Dukes of Södermanland and Finland, and
+now there was an uneasy peace. Magnus was the first son of Duke Erik
+and Ingeborg of Norway, who was the daughter of King Haakon Magnusson
+of Norway.
+The truce was broken in 1317 when Birger captured his brothers during
+a celebration in Nyköping and had them killed. According to the
+\emph{Eric Chronicle} they were starved to death. The supporters of
+the dukes raised a rebellion and forced Birger to exile to Denmark
+where he died in 1321. The 3-year old Magnus was elected as king at
+the Stones of Mora in 1319. A few months later he was declared the
+hereditary King of Norway after the death of his grandfather.
+Magnus was crowned in 1331 after a 12-year regency and he became the
+longest-reigning King of Sweden before the currently reigning Karl XVI
+Gustav. His rule as a King of Norway didn't last as long. The
+Norwegian nobles were not enthuastic about union of Norway and Sweden
+and after a series of revolts they came to a settlement in 1343 where
+Magnus abdicated the throne in favour of his younger song Haakon.
+Magnus continued to be the regent until Haakon came of age in 1355.
+In Sweden Magnus started a legislative reform. In the 1330s he
+insituted his \emph{Manor Justice}, the \emph{The Law of the Realm}
+that was intended to become the unified law in the whole country was
+written in 1340s and in the next decade he followed it with \emph{The
+ Law of the Towns}. In practice these two law collections did not
+come to force immediately and some areas used their old laws for the
+next century.
+In 1360 King Valdemar IV of Denmark attacked Magnus's lands and
+reconquered Scania that Magnus had held for a few decades. The next
+year he conquered the island of Gotland. The decicively lost war
+triggered a rebellion in Sweden that Magnus vanquished. A few of the
+rebels, led by Bo Jonsson Grip went to the court of Albrecht of
+Mecklenburg and offered the crown to him. With the support of the
+Hanseatic league Albrecht conquered central parts of Sweden and he was
+crowned a king in 1364.
+After that there was a civil war between supporters of Magnus and
+Albrecht that lasted for almost eight years. Magnus himself was
+captured at the Battle of Gataskogen in 1365 and had to spend years in
+prison. In there was a peace agreement where Magnus agreed to leave
+the kingdom for Albrecht and to go to exile in Norway where he died in
+a shipwreck two years later in 1374.
+\subsection{Swedish laws}
+At the beginning of the 14th century there were several provincial law
+codes in effect in Sweden. The contents of nine of them are known
+completely or partially, but there may have been others that are not
+mentioned in sources. For example, it is not known what law code or
+codes were followed in Finland. There are a few references to the
+Hälsinge Law but there are also vague references to "laws and customs
+of the land" that may refer to local law codes. The codes were divided
+into two basic groups: \emph{Göta Laws}\footnote{Including the Older
+ and Younger Västgöta, the Östgöta, and the Småland Laws.} were
+followed in the Western provinces and \emph{Svea Laws}\footnote{The
+ Uppland, Dala, Västmanna, Hälsinge and Södermanna Laws.} of Eastern
+Sweden. The Scania Laws are nowdays usually grouped with the Danish
+medieval laws because Scania belonged to the Danish crown for almost
+the whole middle ages.
+The development of the laws is not clear. It is probable that at least
+some of them existed orally before they were written down. The oldest
+legal manuscripts contain The Older Västgöta Law and they date to the
+early 13th century.
+Magnus Eriksson's \emph{The Laws of the Realm} contains 14 chapters
+that are called \emph{balke}. The term translates literally to
+\emph{beam}. Its etymology is not certain, but it may have been
+intended to convey the meaning of support.
+\paragraph {Konungs balker – King's Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Konungs balker} starts with laws about the election and
+coronation of the king as well as giving the text of the regnal oath
+that limited his powers. Then it describes the rules of the armed
+service for noblemen. The third main part of the \emph{balke} gives
+rules on how king's court work. In addition to these main parts there
+are regulations on various matters. For example, the section 23
+decrees that taverns should be established along the main roads of the
+kingdom and gives rules for their operation.
+\paragraph {Giffto balken – Wedding Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Giffto balken} establishes regulations on the marriage. It
+defines when an engagement and a marriage are legal and how dowry and
+morning gift\footnote{A gift given by the husband to his new wife on
+ the first morning of their marriage.} are given. It also establishes
+limits on the gifts and for the number of guests in a wedding. The
+limit on the guests were probably intended to prevent large gatherings
+that could be used as cover for mustering forces for a rebellion.
+\paragraph {Ärffdha balker – Inheritance Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Ärffdhe balker} is a short code that establishes rules for
+dividing the inheritance. The basic principles are that the
+inheritance goes to closest relatives and that a daughter inherits
+half as much as her brothers. A special emphasis is placed on ensuring
+that no one can inherit a person they have killed.
+\paragraph {Jordha balker – Land Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Jordha balker} is a long code giving rules on how land
+properties work. Land holdings were divided into two classes:
+\emph{inherited} and \emph{bought}. The general rule was that a person
+could freely sell land that they had bought, but inherited land needed
+to be first offered for the relatives to buy. The law also decreed
+that there needed to be a written sales for every land sale. The balk
+contains also regulations for tenant farmers who rented the land that
+they farmed.
+\paragraph {Bygningah balker – Building Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Bygningah balke} contains mostly rules on how villages work:
+how the building plots are arranged and how common fields and meadows
+were divided beween farms. Because each farm had a share on each
+field, the whole village had to coordinate their work. Other parts of
+the balk describe how servants are hired, how borders between villages
+are marked, and how mills and bridges are built, among a few other
+\paragraph {Köpmala balker – Trade Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Köpmala balker} is a short code that contains regulations on
+how trades are legally made. It establishes penalties for selling fake
+or stolen things as well as regulates how loans are given and
+\paragraph {Thingmaala balker – Court Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{thing} was an assembly of men of a given area that
+functioned also as the court of justice. The \emph{Thingmaala balker}
+decrees how courts are held. It starts by giving rules on how
+\emph{lagmans} and judges are selected and then establishes how and
+when the \emph{things} were held. Each district had three sessions
+each year (from Epiphany to Ash Wednesday, from June 17 to July 39,
+and from St Michael's day to the First Advent) and during the sessions
+the court sat on one day a week.
+Sworn oaths were the integral part of court proceedings. For each
+possible dispute the rules said whether the plaintiff, the defendant,
+or the jury needed to swear the oath and how many men were necessary
+for it.\footnote{\emph{Men} is literal here because women were not
+ allowed to swear an oath at a \emph{thing}.} It was not allowed to
+counter an oath with another oath and no one was allowed to swear an
+oath alone but instead needed to find a number of co-swearers to go
+along him. Very simple cases needed only an oath of two men, serious
+cases needed 12.
+The balk also establishes rules on how fines could be collected and
+decreed forced labour for those who couldn't pay them.
+\paragraph {Edzöris balker – Peace Oath Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The peace oaths were laws that gave special protection to different
+areas of life. They originated in Germany and the first mentions for
+them in Sweden come from the 12th century. They came to prominence
+during the reign of King Magnus Ladulås (reigned 1275–90). The penalty
+for breaking them was usually outlawry but doubling the normal fines
+was used for less serious offences. Because children and women
+couldn't be outlawed, they also could not be punished for breaking the
+peace oath.
+The \emph{Edzöris balker} gave protection to:
+\item Homes: attacking someone in his home broke the oath;
+\item Justice: exacting a revenge on the other participant of a trial
+ after the case was settled in the court broke the oath as did
+ participating in a blood feud;
+\item Women: raping a woman broke the oath;
+\item Church: wounding or killing people in church or who were
+ traveling to or from church broke the oath;
+\item Court: wounding or killing people at court or who were traveling
+ to or from it broke the oath.
+\item Mutilation: mutilating someone by cutting of their body parts
+ broke the oath;
+\item Fieldwork: attacking someone who was working on fields carried a
+ penalty of double fines but not outlawry.
+Attempts were not criminalized under the beam. Trying to attack
+someone going to church but failing the attempt was explicitly said to
+not break the oath.
+\paragraph {Högmalis balker – Capital Matters Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Högmalis balker} lists crimes for which the sentence was
+death on a wheel for men or stoning for women.
+The crimes were secret murder where the body was hidden, killing one's
+own child or parent, bigamy, killing someone with witchcraft or
+poison, armed rebellion, helping an invading foreign army, killing
+one's liege lord, and arsony.
+The final paragraph of the law decrees that an attempt to harm someone
+with witchcraft or poison was punished by a fine of 40 marks.
+\paragraph {Draapmala balker medh wiliä – Murder Beam} \mbox{}\\
+There are two \emph{balker} about killings. The \emph{Draapmala balker
+ medh wiliä} handles the cases where the killing was intentional.
+This has some overlap with the \emph{Högmalis balker}.
+In contrast to modern laws, the punishment for murder depended on when
+the criminal was caught if it was not a secret murder. If the criminal
+was caught within a day of the murder, then the punishment was death,
+but if captured later, then the punishment was a fine that was
+typically 40 marks but in some cases it could be smaller or larger.
+The fine was divided into three parts, one third going to the
+plaintiff, one third to the king, and one third to the parish. In case
+the fine was larger than 40 marks, the shares of king and the parish
+were capped at 13 marks 8 öres that corresponded to their share of the
+40 marks.
+Magnus Eriksson's \emph{The Laws of the Realm} have still vestiges of
+old feuding culture. If a close relative of a murder victim killed the
+killer within one day of the murder, he could not get a death sentence
+even if caught immediately afterwards and he would need to pay only
+the king and the parish thirds of the fine.
+The balk also gives rules on how an exiled killer can get a safe
+conduct to king's court and obtain reconciliation.
+\paragraph {Draapmala balker medh wadha – Manslaughter Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Draapmala balker medh wadha} considers accidental killings.
+It gives rules on when a killing is counted as accidental and
+specifies fines for different causes of death. The general rule is
+that when the killer has taken some active action that causes death,
+the fine is 9 marks divided in three, and if the death is because the
+defendant has neglected to do something or if the victim was an active
+participant of whatever caused the death, then the fine is four and
+half marks.
+\paragraph {Saramalä balker medh wiliä – Intentional Wounding Beam}
+There are also two \emph{balker} about woundings and \emph{Saramalä
+ balker medh wiliä} is about cases where someone intended to cause an
+injury. The balk lists different types of injuries and gives
+compensations and fines that needed to be paid for them. The
+compensation went fully to the injured party while the fine was
+divided in three parts just like the fines for murders were.
+For example, cutting a hand away called for compensation of 12 marks
+and a fine of 20 marks. Cutting a thumb had a nine mark compensation
+and 12 mark fine.
+\paragraph {Saramalä balker medh wadha – Accidental Wounding Beam}
+The second wounding balk is about accidental woundings. It defines
+when an injury is an accident and enumerates the compensations. In
+general, the compensations were much smaller than for the intentional
+cases. For example, accidentally causing the loss of a thumb called
+for 12 öres compensation and 12 öres fines.
+The \emph{Saramalä balker medh wadha} considers accidental injuries.
+\paragraph {Thiuffua balker – Thief Beam} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Thiuffa balker} decrees punishments for thieves. As with the
+case of murders, the punishment for thieves differed based on whether
+they were caught in act or later. A thief who stole property worth of
+half a mark or more who was caught in act would be hanged but if
+caught later the punishment would be a fine of 40 marks and they would
+need to pay the value of the goods. If the stolen property was worth
+between 3 and 4 öres the punishment was flogging and cutting of ears
+if caught in act or nine marks fine if not. If the value was between 2
+and 3 öres, it was flogging and losing one ear or six marks fine, and
+smaller thefts if was flogging or a fine of three marks.
+The balk also gives rules how home inspections could be made to find
+stolen goods and how someone who found lost property should act to
+avoid been accused of thievery.
+\paragraph {Gardz rättir – Manor Justice} \mbox{}\\
+The \emph{Gards rättir} is a law for royal manors and the king's army
+and its last section permits the lords of the Privy Council to apply
+it also for their manors. In \emph{Codex Aboensis} it comes in the
+middle of the \emph{Law of the Realm} between \emph{Konungs balker}
+and \emph{Giffto balken}. This was the earliest law that Magnus
+Eriksson enacted during his reign.
+The law decrees punishments for various crimes. In contrast to the
+common law, violent crimes are punished by corporal punishment instead
+of fines. This is probably because soldiers and servants would not be
+able to pay fines.
+\paragraph{Kyrko balker – Church Beam}
+The \emph{Kyrko balker} of provincial laws established the
+organization of parish churches in Sweden. They originated during time
+when canon law was not yet fully established. By Magnus Eriksson's
+time the church was adamant that secular law should have nothing to do
+with any matters relating to the church. This is almost certainly the
+reason why Magnus didn't include \emph{Kyrko balker} in his laws.
+Instead, the old provincial law balks were used in conjunction with
+the new code.
+\emph{Codex Aboensis} contains the \emph{Kyrko balker} of the Uppland
+law. In addition of decreeing how the parishes work, it also contains
+statutes about moral crimes.
+\paragraph{Ledung rules}
+The ledung institution was established near the end of the Viking age.
+Its aim was to organize a semi-permanent navy. Each province was
+responsible for providing a set number of ships and their crews and
+provisions when king called for it. By Magnus Eriksson's time the
+custom was antiquated enough that he didn't include it in the laws,
+but \emph{Codex Aboensis} contains the ledung rules from the Uppland
+provincial law.
+\subsection{The Black Book of Abo Cathedral}
+The other main source for charaters in \Aboensis{} is \emph{Registrum
+ ecclesia Aboensis} or \emph{The Black Book of Abo Cathedral} that is
+a cartulary originally compiled in the 1470s and new documents were
+appended to it until 1515. The oldest documents that were copied into
+it date from 1229 and the latest are from 1515. The most probable date
+for when it was started is 1474 when the chancellary of the diocese
+was was reformed.
+The first Swedish cartulary was the Uppsala Archdiocese
+\emph{Registrum} that was started in 1344 and the cartularies of other
+diacoses followed its example.
+The book is about the size of modern A4 the leaves being $28.5 \times
+21$ cm in size. There are 329 paper quarto folios\footnote{About 1/3
+ of the folios are left empty.} in it. The paper block is protected
+by two sheets of vellum that have been added to the front sometime
+after the reformation.
+The \emph{Black Book} contains copies of 727 documents that are
+arranged by the subject and not chronologically. The book starts with
+an index of the documents that were copied prior to 1486. Most of the
+documents relate to the possessions of the cathedral and their
+distribution between different \emph{tables} of the chapter. When
+Reinhald Hausen published its contents in the early 20th century he
+moved the documents to chronological order to make searching for them
+\section{Typesetting Medieval Cursive}
+This section gives a general view on using \Aboensis{} to write
+medieval cursive, and the next section will give specific instructions
+of using the LaTeX style file \package{aboensis.sty}. As a general
+note I will use in the examples the letters \emph{ä} and \emph{ö} even
+though it would be more accurate to use \emph{æ} and \emph{ø}. The
+font itself uses same symbols for both.
+Medieval cursive writing differs from modern computer-generated text
+in many ways. The most obvious differences are that many letters have
+multiple variant forms that occur in different positions, there are
+many abbreviations, and punctuation conventions are very different
+from modern. The \Aboensis{} font is made with OpenType features that
+automatically choose the correct letter variant in most cases, but
+there are cases where manual adjustment is needed. Many of the
+adjustments are necessary because of limitations of OpenType engines
+as changing the set of active features often breaks the letter context
+that the automation relies on.
+The first thing to note is that many letters have specific initial and
+final forms. The letter \emph{m} has also an additional isolated form.
+The different forms of \emph{m} are:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{*m*} & \sample{m*} & \sample{*m} & \sample{m}
+ \\
+ Normal & Initial & Final & Isolated \\
+ \end{tabular}
+For example, the word \emph{non} is written as:
+ \sample{non}
+These forms are selected using the \texttt{calt} feature and the
+feature should always be turned on with the font.
+The two forms for letter \emph{s} are usually called \emph{long}
+(\emph{ſ}) and \emph{short} \emph{s}. In gothic scripts the long
+\emph{ſ} was used in initial and middle positions while the short
+\emph{s} was used only in word-final positions:\footnote{This differs
+ from later Fraktur convention where the short \emph{s} was used also
+ at the end of syllables.}
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{*s*} & \sample{*s} \\
+ Long & Short \\
+ \end{tabular}
+For example, the word \emph{suspicious} is written with long \emph{s}
+in first two places and short \emph{s} at the end:
+ \sample{suspicious}
+If an \emph{s} occurred by itself, the Swedish texts usually wrote it
+with a long \emph{s}. Some other areas preferred a short \emph{s} for
+isolated forms.
+A double \emph{s} is written either with two long \emph{s} or with the
+\emph{ß} ligature.\footnote{Old Swedish often uses \emph{z} in place of
+ \emph{e} after \emph{h} and \emph{s} so \sample{ß} can also mean
+ \emph{se}.} The ligature is most often used at the end of the word:
+ \sample{mass} \\
+ mass
+The letter \emph{r} has also two forms, straight and round:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{*r*} & \sample{*r:} \\
+ Straight & Round \\
+ \end{tabular}
+The general rule for them in Gothic scripts is that the round \emph{r}
+is used after 'round' letters and the straight \emph{r} in other
+positions. What counts as a round letter varies between scripts. In
+\emph{Codex Aboensis} the round letters are \emph{a}, \emph{e},
+\emph{o}, and \emph{w}. The scribe was inconsistent about the letter
+\emph{h} and there are some places with round \emph{r} after and
+others with straight \emph{r}. The \texttt{calt} feature uses the
+round \emph{r} with \emph{h}.\footnote{Most Gothic scripts use round
+ \emph{r} after \emph{u} and \emph{p} but \emph{Codex Aboensis} uses
+ straight.}
+ \sample{ar} \sample{er*} \sample{or} \sample{wr} \sample{hr} \sample{h*r}
+A special feature in Swedish writing is that both \emph{er} and
+\emph{re} at the end of the word are written with the same
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{riddare} & \sample{eller}
+ \\
+ ridda\emph{re} & ell\emph{er}
+ \end{tabular}
+This usage is almost universal in \emph{Codex Aboensis} and very
+common other Swedish texts, though many hands write the
+\emph{re}-ligature as an superscript abbreviation mark:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{ridd'a} & \sample{ell'} \\
+ ridda\emph{re} & ell\emph{er}
+ \end{tabular}
+During the middle ages the symbols \emph{u} and \emph{v} were still
+considered to be variant ways of writing the same letter. Both forms
+were used for the vowel and consonant and there was no standard rule
+for selecting between them. One reasonably common convention was that
+initial positions were written with \emph{v} and other positions used
+\emph{u}.\footnote{A peculiar Swedish custom was to write \emph{v} in
+ the middle of a word as \emph{ffu} as in \sample{kloffue}.}
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{vniuerse} & \sample{seruus} \\
+ universe & servus
+ \end{tabular}
+The symbols \emph{i} and \emph{j} were also considered to be variant
+forms of the same letter. The most typical use was that \emph{i} was
+the default form but \emph{j} was used as in final positions and as
+the last letter in a sequence of \emph{i} letters. The letter \emph{y}
+was also used often for \emph{ii}.
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{xiii} & \sample{wii} & \sample{wy} & \sample{liiff} & \sample{gudi} \\
+ xiii & wii & wii & liiff & gudi \\
+ \end{tabular}
+Gothic cursive tends to have the problem that sequences of \emph{m},
+\emph{n}, \emph{u} and \emph{i} letters are quite unreadable. To make
+these more legible, the font adds a dot over \emph{i} in a place where
+it is next to a minim. For example, the word \emph{minimum} looks
+without and with dots like:
+ \sample{m!i!n!i!m!u!m} \hspace{5mm} \sample{minimum}
+Medieval scribes used many abbreviations in the texts. The most
+commmon abbreviation was to leave out a \emph{m} or \emph{n} and mark
+it by drawing a tilde over the previous letter:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{nõ} & \sample{kon~ugx} \\
+ no\emph{n} & konu\emph{n}gx
+ \end{tabular}
+The tilde was also used to mark places where longer sequences of
+letters were left out. There were several standard sigla for
+abbreviating syllables. The abbreviations supported in
+\Aboensis{} are described in section \ref{sec_abbrs}. Few further examples
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{ecc~ia} & \sample{[prop]heta} &
+ \sample{[quod]} & \sample{eo[rum]} \\
+ ecc\emph{les}ia & \emph{pro}pheta & q\emph{uod} & eo\emph{rum}
+ \end{tabular}
+Capital letters were used in a different way from modern. Proper nouns
+were generally not capitalized and even God was usually written
+lowercase. In \emph{Codex Aboensis} capital letters are mostly used to
+mark beginning of paragraphs. In high-profile manuscripts capitals
+were often marked by drawing a red strike through them.
+\subsection{Creating highlighted capitals}\label{ssec_capitals}
+The capital letters may have a highlight strike added to them. This is
+implemented by writing three letters on top of each other: first the
+capital itself, then a strike of the highlight color, and finally a
+partial strike on a darker highlight color that covers the parts of
+letters that are left under the strike. The two strikes are
+interpreted as zero-width variant characters whose glyphs lie over the
+previous character.
+ \begin{tabular}{c@{ }c@{ }cc@{ }c@{ }cc@{ }c@{ }c}
+ \fbox{\sample{A}} & + & \fbox{\sample{\abred{/A\phantom{A}}}} &
+ + & \fbox{\sample{\abdarkred{//A\phantom{A}}}} & = & \fbox{\sample{\abcapital{A}}}\\
+ A & & {\color{abred}/A} & & {\color{abdarkred} //A}
+ \end{tabular}
+The most common medieval highlight color was red but \emph{Codex
+ Aboensis} contains also highlights in green. Figure
+\ref{fig:predefined_colors} shows HTML hex code values for three
+colors. The red and blue are taken from \emph{Missale Aboense}
+facsimile while the green is from the digitized version of \emph{Codex
+ Aboensis}. All values are in color space sRGB. These colors are also
+defined in the LaTeX style file, the details are in section
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lccccc}
+ Color & Highlight & Dark highlight & \package{xcolor} name \\
+ \hline
+ Red & \fcolorbox{black}{abred}{\phantom{TEST}} &
+ \fcolorbox{black}{abdarkred}{\phantom{TEST}} & \package{abred}\\
+ & B1523E & 4D231C \\
+ Green &\fcolorbox{black}{abgreen}{\phantom{TEST}} &
+ \fcolorbox{black}{abdarkgreen}{\phantom{TEST}} & \package{abgreen} \\
+ & 62876E & 3F4D3C & \\
+ Blue &\fcolorbox{black}{abblue}{\phantom{TEST}} &
+ \fcolorbox{black}{abdarkblue}{\phantom{TEST}} & \package{abblue}\\
+ & 455F9B & 202F4D \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Predefined highlighting colors}
+ \label{fig:predefined_colors}
+\subsection{Selecting correct forms of letters}\label{ssec_correct_forms}
+\Aboensis{} tries to automate selecting correct form a letter but that
+is not always possible. Many OpenType rendering engines break
+substitution context when the set of active features change. The most
+obvious problem that it causes is that letters in the middle of word
+get turned to initial forms. Using ligature substitutions for
+inserting special characters helps to avoid most of these problems.
+However, when parts of a word are in different colors, many font
+engines insert a context break there. This happens most often when a
+word starts with a highlighted capital letter. For example the
+\emph{n} has the initial form in the following word:
+ \sample{\abcapital{I}nter} \\
+ Inter
+There are two special ligature substitutions with symbols \emph{*} and
+\emph{!}. Both of them are treated as zero-width letters when used
+next to a letter. We can add either of them between \emph{I} and
+\emph{n} to remove the initial form:
+ \sample{\abcapital{I}*nter} \\
+ I*nter
+The difference between \emph{*} and \emph{!} is in how they tie
+surrounding letters together. Several of the letters have two forms,
+ normal and tailed, where tailed is used to connect the letter to the
+ next letters that have beaks at the left edge. For example, the
+ letter \emph{a} has the following forms:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \scalebox{1.5}{\sample{a*}} & \scalebox{1.5}{\sample{a!}} \\
+ Normal & Tailed \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ If there is a string \emph{ai} where the letters belong to different
+ contexts, then the \emph{a} will have the wrong form and they do not
+ tie together properly. Adding \emph{!} to the same context as
+ \emph{a} solves the issue
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \scalebox{1.5}{\sample{\abred{a}i*}} & &
+ \scalebox{1.5}{\sample{\abred{a!}i*}} \\
+ {\color{abred}a}i & & {\color{abred}a!}i
+ \end{tabular}
+In practice, it is rare for a situation to crop out where \emph{!} is
+necessary and you can almost always use \emph{*} to solve context
+breaking problems.
+The asterisk and exclamation mark can also be used to change a round
+\emph{r} to straight or short \emph{s} to long if desired:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{or} & \sample{o*r} & \sample{is} & \sample{is*} \\
+ or & o*r & is & is*
+ \end{tabular}
+Conversely, a straight \emph{r} or long \emph{s} can be changed to
+round \emph{r} or short \emph{s} by adding \emph{:} after them:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{br} & \sample{br:} & \sample{sa} & \sample{s:a} \\
+ br & br: & sa & s:a
+ \end{tabular}
+Abbreviation symbols can be added to symbols by prefixing them with
+\emph{~}, \emph{'}, and \emph{/}. Not all combinations exists. Most
+lettes have one with a tilde, many have single quote ones but there
+are only a few with a slash.\footnote{Note that the slash implements
+ highlighting for capital letters.}
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{~d} & \sample{'t} & \sample{/d} \\
+ ~d & 't & /d
+ \end{tabular}
+\subsection{Lombard and cursive initials}\label{sec_initials}
+The font has three sets of initials: two sets of Lombardian initials
+and one set of cursive initials. Lombardian initials were used in
+books and cursive initials were used for documents. All three sets can
+be accessed either using ligature substitutions or by turning on
+suitable opentype features, and there are also XeLaTeX macros for
+inserting them.
+The kind of Lombardian initials that are included in the font were
+most often used as two-line initials in books, but they may also be
+used as three- or one-line size. Larger initials were usually more
+elaborate than these. Figure \ref{fig:initial_sample} shows a typical
+example for two-line initial use. A longer version of the text is in
+section \ref{sec_noble_service}.
+ \centering
+ \begin{minipage}{10.5cm}
+ {\fontspec{Aboensis}\fontsize{15}{20}\selectfont\raggedright
+ \noindent\abstartchapter{I}{\abl{\abcapital{O}ca mies wapautta tacto hänen hyfuydhens, }}{%
+ {\abl{\hbox{\kern6.5pt{}mikä hän on \abcapital{R}iddari taicka \abcapital{S}wenni, ei }}}}
+ \abl{yctäken eroittadhen, hänen pitä hyfuydhens}}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \caption{Sample for typical Lombardic initial use}\label{fig:initial_sample}
+\paragraph{Simpler Lombardian initials}
+The simpler set of Lombardian initials is accessed by writing the
+capital between \emph{+} signs or by enabling the feature
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \lombardsample{\abred{M}} \\
+ +M+ \\
+ (or \feature{ss03}) \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Swash Lombardian initials}
+The more complex Lombardian intials can be used either in one color or
+with two colors in the same way that capitals may be highlighted. The
+initial itself is written by adding a colon \emph{:} before the
+closing plus and differently-colored parts are written using \emph{/}
+in place of the colon:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccccccc}
+ \lombardsample{\abred{M:}} & &
+ \lombardsampleother{M} \\
+ {\color{abred}+M:+} & & {\color{abred}+M:+}{\color{abgreen}+M/+}
+ \end{tabular}
+The one-colored swash intials can also be accessed by using two
+features: \feature{ss03} and \feature{swsh} at the same time. The
+second color can be accessed by adding the feature \feature{ss04} in
+top of them.
+\paragraph{Cursive initials}
+In the 15th century Sweden, high-end books typically used Lombardic
+initials and large cursive initials were used in documents. Low-end
+books could have smaller cursive initials in them instead of Lombardic
+ones. The cursive initials in \Aboensis{} do not form a unified set as
+I based them\footnote{Except for \emph{X} that I designed myself and
+ \emph{Å}, \emph{Ä}, and \emph{Ö} where I modified the base
+ initials.} on historical examples and they were not all written by
+the same scribe in the same context. Some of them, like the alternate
+form for \emph{W} are suitable for starting important charters while
+others like \emph{Y} and \emph{I} are very low-key. The initials are
+designed so that the stroke width looks about right when they are set
+in 5-6 times as big size of the main text.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{c@{\hspace{1cm}}cc}
+ \cursiveinitialsample{+W:+} & \cursiveinitialsample{+Y+} & \cursiveinitialsample{+I+} \\
+ ++W:++ & ++Y++ & ++I++ \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{The difference between the largest and smallest cursive
+ initials. The \emph{W} is set hanging left outside of its box.}
+The metrics for the initials are set on the assumption that the
+intials are set with a font size that is 5.5 times the size of the
+text body font. The initials will then be placed approximately like
+they were in the documents from where I got them. There are reference
+images in section \ref{ssec_black_book}. In practice, you will
+probably need to do a lot of manual adjustments to get them exactly
+where you want them and to ensure that they do not mess up the
+following lines of text too much.
+The initials are set by either writing them in lower case and turning
+on the feature \feature{ss03} or by writing them in upper case
+surrounded by two plus signs:
+ \cursiveinitialsample{+M+} \\
+ ++M++
+Three letters have variant forms that are activated by writing a colon
+\emph{:} after the letter:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccccc}
+ \cursiveinitialsample{+A+} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{+A:+} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{+S+} &
+ \raise4ex\hbox{\cursiveinitialsample{+S:+}} &
+ \cursiveinitialsample{+W+} &
+ \mbox{}\hspace{2cm}\cursiveinitialsample{+W:+} \\
+ ++A++ &
+ ++A:++ &
+ ++S++ &
+ ++S:++ &
+ ++W++ &
+ ++W:++ \\
+ \end{tabular}
+Even though Arabic numerals were already known in the 15th century and
+are included in the font, the primary notation for numbers were still
+Roman numerals. There were several different conventions for using
+them and Aboensis gives some support for using them.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{llc|lc|lc}
+ Symbol & Value & Symbol & Value & Symbol & Value \\
+ \hline
+ I & \sample{*i*}, \sample{*j*} & 1 & &
+ & \sample{\abroman{0.5}}& 1/2 \\
+ V & \sample{v} & 5 & \sample{\abroman{5000}} & 5000 & \sample{\abroman{4.5}} & 4 1/2 \\
+ X & \sample{*x} & 10 & \sample{\abroman{10000}} & 10\,000 & \sample{\abroman{*9.5}} & 9 1/2 \\
+ L & \sample{l} & 50 & \sample{\abroman{50000}} & 50\,000 & \\
+ C & \sample{c} & 100 & \sample{\abroman{100000}} & 100\,000 & \\
+ M & \sample{*m*} & 1000 & \sample{\abroman{*1000000}} & 1\,000\,000 & \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Roman numerals}\label{tab_roman_numerals}
+The basic principle was additive: different letters carried different
+numerical values that are shown in table \ref{tab_roman_numerals} and
+the number was the total value of the letters. The numerals were
+written from largest to the smallest. For example,
+ 164 = $100 + 50 + 10 +4$ = CLXIIII = \sample{clxiiii}.
+This basic form was used in medieval documents, but it was more common
+to combine addition with subtraction. Whenever there would be four
+identical symbols in a row, the three last of them would be replaced
+by the next larger numeral. The previous example would be written as:
+ 164 = $100 + 50 + 10 + (5 - 1)$ = CLXIV = \sample{\abroman{164}}.
+\paragraph{Large numbers}
+There were several different ways to represent large numbers. Aboensis
+supports two of them. First, a line drawn above a number multiplied
+its value by 1000. Some writers used the letter \emph{m} with this notation,
+some used \emph{ĩ}. For example:
+ \begin{tabular}{r@{ }l}
+ 12539 & = $10000 + 2000 + 500 + 3 + (10-1)$ \\
+ & = \sample{\abroman{12539}} \\
+ & = \sample{{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ornm;}x}i*{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ornm;}*i*}dxxxix}
+ \end{tabular}
+A positional notation came in use with Roman numerals in late medieval
+times. There the hundreds and thousands would be marked by writing
+superscript \emph{m} and \emph{c} bewteen parts of numbers. The
+previous example would look like:
+12539 = $12000 + 500 + 3 + (10-1)$ = \sample{\abromanother{12}{5}{39}}
+In France this notation extended to the numbers using the base of 20.
+For example, the number 220 could be written as:
+ 220 = $11 \times 20$ = \sample{\abroman{11}`x`x}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ $1/3$ & tredjedel & \sample{\abthird} \\
+ $1/4$ & qvarter & \sample{\abfourth} \\
+ $1/6$ & setting & \sample{\absixth} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Common fractions in Swedish}\label{tab_fractions}
+The modern fraction notation $x/y$ was yet used. Instead, the
+denominator was written out. The denominators that were in common in
+everyday use were usually abbreviated as in table \ref{tab_fractions}.
+The half was a special case that was marked by adding a stroke or a
+loop to a letter. For numbers less than ten the halves were marked:
+ 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{0.5}} &
+ 5 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{5.5}} \\
+ 1 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{1.5}} &
+ 6 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{6.5}} \\
+ 2 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{2.5}} &
+ 7 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{7.5}} \\
+ 3 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{3.5}} &
+ 8 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{8.5}} \\
+ 4 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{4.5}} &
+ 9 1/2 & \sample{\abroman{9.5}}
+The half-notation was used in combination of other fractions to
+represent other fractions. For example,
+ \begin{tabular}{rl}
+ $1/8$ & = $1/2 \times 1/4$ = \sample{\abroman{0.5} \abfourth} \\
+ $3/12$ & = (1 $1/2) \times 1/6$ = \sample{\abroman{1.5} \absixth} .
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Automatic Roman number conversion}
+Turning on the feature \feature{onum} makes the font to convert
+numbers into Roman numerals. This feature works for numbers 1–999\,999
+and it uses the subtractive method and supports halves but not other
+ \begin{tabular}{cccccc}
+ \sample{\abroman{4.5}} & \sample{\abroman{49}} & \sample{\abroman{34552}} \\
+ 4.5 & 49 & 34552 \\
+ \feature{onum} & \feature{onum} & \feature{onum}
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Arabic numerals}
+The \emph{Codex Aboensis} does not have Arabic numbers. However, the
+font has two sets of them. The default set that is close to modern
+forms of the symbols is taken from Hans Talhoffer's 1459 fencing
+treatise \emph{Alte Armatur und Ringkunst} (Ms.Thott.290.2, f.150v,
+Det Kgl. Bibliotek) while the other set is from a 15th century
+illuminated copy of Fibonacci's \emph{Liber Abaci} (C.Vari 529.52,
+f.3r, Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze). The \emph{Liber
+ Abaci} numbers are entered using the \feature{tnum} feature:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{1234567890} & \sample{\abothernum{1234567890}} \\
+ \feature{-tnum} & \feature{+tnum}
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Arabic fractions}
+After Arabic numbers came to use, Swedish sources started to use
+notation where a superscript \emph{le} was added to a number to denote
+its basic fraction:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccccccccc}
+ & \sample{½} & \sample{⅓} & \sample{¼} & \sample{⅕} & \sample{⅙} & \sample{⅐} &\sample{⅛} & \sample{⅑} \\
+ & 1/2 & 1/3 & 1/4 & 1/5 & 1/6 & 1/7 & 1/8 & 1/9 \\
+ Unicode: & 00BD & 2153 & 00BC & 2155 & 2159 & 2150 & 215B & 2151 \\
+ \end{tabular}
+Medieval punctuation did not follow the modern conventions.
+Essentially they were used to mark pauses of various lengths in speech
+while reading them. \emph{Codex Aboensis} uses three different symbols
+but if the difference between two of them is intended or accidental.
+The symbols are:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{,} & \sample{.} & \sample{·} \\
+ , or / & . & · \\
+ virgule & punctus & punctus
+ \end{tabular}
+The virgule signifies a shorter pause than a punctus. It is not clear
+to me whether the two different heights of periods signify different
+lengths of pauses or if the scribe just put those on different levels
+by chance.
+The font has also some other punctuation symbols:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccccc}
+ \sample{:} & \sample{;} & \sample{?} & \sample{(} & \sample{)} &
+ \sample{¶} \\
+ : & ; & ? & ( & ) & ¶
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Pointing fingers}
+The font has four pointing fingers that are based on two images taken
+from the \emph{Nådendal Cloister's Book} (\emph{Codex Holm. A 49})
+that was written in the first half of the 15th century. Image from
+folio 76r provides a small finger that points left that is also mirror
+in the font and an image from folio 94v provides a large upwards
+pointing finger that is also mirrorer to point down.
+The smaller finger can be used at a size approximately 5 times the
+font size and the larger finger at 7 times. The images can be accessed
+with their unicode values or with LaTeX macros defined for
+them:\footnote{Macros \ltxncmd{ableftindex}, \ltxncmd{abrightindex},
+ \ltxncmd{abupindex}, and \ltxncmd{abdownindex}.}
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ {\fontspec{Aboensis}{\ableftindex}} & {\fontspec{Aboensis}{\abrightindex}} & {\fontspec{Aboensis}\abupindex} & {\fontspec{Aboensis}\abdownindex} \\
+ 261C & 261E & 261D & 261F
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Line end doodles}
+Many partial lines in \emph{Codex Aboensis} are filled by drawing
+doodles with green ink. The font contains a selection of them that can
+be combined to form lines. These are placed into symbols that do not
+occur in medieval texts:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccccc}
+ \sample{!} & \sample{*} & \sample{_} & \sample{>} & \sample{<} \\
+ ! & * & _ & > & < \\
+ \end{tabular}
+For example,
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \sample{\abgreen{!**!___>><}} \\
+ !**!___>{}><
+ \end{tabular}
+\subsection{Making complete books}
+\paragraph{Page numbers}
+Because medieval books were written by hand, they differed from modern
+books in several ways. In structure they were written on separate
+\emph{quires}, each containing several sheets of parchament or paper
+that were folded to produce a booklet. Quires typically had four
+sheets that were folded to product 16 pages. A bookbinder took the
+written quires and bound them into one volume.
+The books did not have title pages and instead the text started right
+from the top of the first page, though there might be some explanatory
+rubrics added to describe the nature of the work. If more than one
+text was written at the same time, the next would start immediately
+after the previous one ended.
+Modern page numbering was not taken to use before the 17th century.
+Most medieval books are without page numbers. Those that have numbers
+generally use either quire, sheet, or folio numbering. In quire
+numbering each individual quire has its own number that is written on
+either its first or last page using Roman numerals or letters. These
+were added to help bookbinders to keep the quires in correct order.
+In sheet numbering the first page of each sheet has its own number but
+the other three pages are empty. This is usually combined with quire
+numbering where quires are marked with sequential letters and sheets
+within the quire with Roman numbers. For example, \emph{B iv} would be
+the fourth sheet of the second quire.
+Folio numbering extends the sheet numbering by putting the number on
+each folio, that is, each individual leaf of the book. In almost all
+cases the folio number is on the right hand side of the spread. In
+modern terms this means that all odd pages are numbered and even are
+not. Folio numbers also usually went by quires. Folio numbering was
+typically used only for books that needed an index.
+When using LaTeX, the medieval page numbering conventions can be done
+using the package \package{foliono}.
+\paragraph{Individual manuscripts}
+Many medieval books were made by taking a number of existing
+manuscripts that had been written in different times by different
+people and binding them into one volume. This can be simulated by
+making each part of the book to have slightly different margins and
+font size, and by ensuring that separate manuscripts don't end up in
+the same quire. You can add a few empty pages between the texts to
+fill up the quires.
+Most books were ruled before writing to ensure that lines were
+straight. The rulings should show us thin faint lines between the
+lines of text. The ruling patterns were different in different places
+and different times.
+In very simple cases it is possible to product rulings using LaTeX
+tables, though I have found that to be quite cumbersome. The
+\package{tabu} package contains useful functionality for it as it
+allows the user to specify the line colors easily.
+Complex cases can be handled by creating a png image that contains the
+rulings and then adding it to the page using
+\ltxncmd{AddToShipoutPictureBG*} command of the \package{eso-pic}
+Medieval texts typically have many abbreviations. In the Swedish
+cursive writing of the 15th century three different ways of marking
+abbreviated words were used:
+\item a mark, usually a tilde \~{} was added to the word at the place
+ where letters were left off;
+\item a special symbol replaced a word or a part of it; and
+\item a letter was written above the word to mark the abbreviation.
+In some cases it's debatable whether something is an abbreviation mark
+or symbol.
+One area where abbreviations were used particularly often was in
+measurement units. Medieval Swedish units were such a confusing affair
+that they are discussed in detail in section \ref{sec_units}.
+\subsection{Abbreviation marks}
+By far the most common abbreviation mark in use was the tilde. Most
+often it signified that a nasal consonant (\emph{m} or \emph{n}) was
+left out from the word, but it could also be used as a general mark
+showing that something was left out. When used at the end of a word it
+was drawn as a loop over the letter:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccc}
+ \sample{ma~ne} & \sample{x~pi} & \sample{m~a} \\
+ ma\~{}ne & x\~{}pi& m\~{}a \\
+ ma\emph{n}ne & Ch\emph{rist}i & ma\emph{n} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{A-abbreviation} Another abbreviation mark that occurs in
+\emph{Codex Aboensis} is the \emph{a}-abbreviation that is writing a
+squished \emph{a} on top of a letter to signify that something
+containing an \emph{a} is abbreviated. However, in the book it occurs
+only in one context: when writing the word \emph{mark}. Another place
+where it is see is in Latin manuscripts where it stands for
+\emph{qua}. These two letters are the only ones in \Aboensis{} that
+have the mark and it accessed using ligature substitution instead of
+the accent syntax:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{[ma]} & \sample{[qua]}\\
+ {}[ma] & [qua]
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{R-abbreviation} Texts written in Sweden in the 15th century
+commonly used \emph{r}-abbrevation mark in the form of a hooked
+\emph{s}-shape that was placed over a letter to signify that something
+containing an \emph{r} was removed. It was most commonly used for
+removing the \emph{er} syllable. It occurs in \emph{Codex Aboensis} in
+only few places. In the font it is implemented as the acute accent. It
+can be put over most letters. The commonly used syllables \emph{ter},
+\emph{ver}, and \emph{vir} have also ligature substitutions defined
+for them.
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{´tra} & \sample{[ter]ra} & \sample{[vir]ginis} & \sample{silff[ver]}\\
+ ´{}tra & [ter]ra & [vir]ginis & silff[ver] \\
+ t\emph{er}ra & t\emph{er}ra & v\emph{ir}ginis & silff[ver]
+ \end{tabular}
+Texts that used the \emph{r}-abbreviation mark tended to use it also
+in places where \Aboensis{} uses the \emph{re}-ligature:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{eller} & \sample{ell´} \\
+ eller & ell´{}
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Ur-abbreviation} A rare way to abbreviate \emph{tur} and
+\emph{mur} syllables was to write a sideways hook over the base
+letters. These are implemented as ligature substitutions:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{[mur]} & \sample{[tur]} \\
+ {}[mur] & [tur]
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Loop} When the end of a word is left out, it is marked by
+drawing a loop after the last letter. In texts written in Latin the
+syllable is most often \emph{is} but it has also other meanings. In
+Swedish texts this is particularly common with measurement units, and
+those will be described in section \ref{sec_units}.
+The loops are implemented as ligature substitutions. The basic
+\emph{[is]} ligature draws a loop that attaches to a previous tailed
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{divin[is]} \\
+ divin[is]
+ \end{tabular}
+There are substitutions for adding loops for \emph{c}, \emph{d},
+\emph{g}, \emph{r}, and \emph{t}:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccccccc}
+ \sample{bro[der]} & \sample{cru[cis]} & \sample{caupun[gis]} & \sample{hen[ges]} \\
+ bro[der] & cru[cis] & caupun[gis] & hen[ges] \\
+ \sample{docto[res]} & \sample{ter[ris]} & \sample{men[tis]}\\
+ docto[res] & ter[ris] & men[tis] \\
+ \end{tabular}
+An additional stroke could be added to a letter to signify the
+abbreviation. In \Aboensis{} there is only one such letter, \emph{d}:
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \sample{/d} \\
+ /d
+ \end{tabular}
+In practice, Swedish texts used this symbol in abbreviations of
+measurement units \emph{penning} and \emph{pund}.
+\subsection{Abbreviation symbols}
+This section goes through the abbreviation symbols that are included
+in the font and that are activated with ligature substitutions. The
+symbols that are included among the loop-abbreviations of previous
+section could also be placed here.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{cccccc}
+{}[bet] & \sample{[bet]} & [Per] & \sample{[Per]} & [qui] & \sample{[qui]} \\
+{}[bus] & \sample{[bus]} & [per] & \sample{[per]} & [quo] & \sample{[quo]} \\
+{}[con] & \sample{[con]} & [pi] & \sample{[pi]} & [quod] & \sample{[quod]} \\
+{}[ei] & \sample{[ei]} & [por] & \sample{[por]} & [quos] & \sample{[quos]} \\
+{}[eo] & \sample{[eo]} & [prae] & \sample{[prae]} & [rum] & \sample{[rum]} \\
+{}[et:] & \sample{[et:]} & [pre] & \sample{[pre]} & [sed] & \sample{[sed]} \\
+{}[et] & \sample{[et]} & [pro] & \sample{[pro]} & [thet] & \sample{[thet]} \\
+{}[ger] & \sample{[ger]} & [qua] & \sample{[qua]} & [uer] & \sample{[uer]} \\
+{}[gre] & \sample{[gre]} & [quae] & \sample{[quae]} & [ver] & \sample{[ver]} \\
+{}[item] & \sample{[item]} & [quam] & \sample{[quam]} & [vir] & \sample{[vir]} \\
+{}[mi] & \sample{[mi]} & *[que] & \sample{*[que]} & [us:] & \sample{[us:]} \\
+{}[par] & \sample{[par]} & [que] & \sample{[que]} & [us] & \sample{[us]} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Abbreviation ligatures}\label{tab:abbreviation_ligatures}
+While \emph{Codex Aboensis} does not use it, using a mirrored \emph{c}
+that possibly had a cedilla attached to it was a common way to
+abbreviate the syllable \emph{con}. It was typically used only at the
+beginning of the word, but occasionally it can be seen in the middle
+of a word:
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \sample{[con]tra} \\
+ {}[con]tra
+ \end{tabular}
+The Latin word \emph{et} was often abbreviated with so called
+\emph{Tironian et} symbol, that was named after its inventor Marcus
+Tullius Tiro who devised a stenograph system for Latin:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccc}
+ \sample{[et]} \\
+ {}[et]
+ \end{tabular}
+Scribes often used it to mean \emph{and} when writing in other
+A long form of the letter \emph{z} was commonly used as suffix
+\emph{-et} or \emph{-ed} in Latin texts and it was also used when
+writing Swedish. This was most common after letters \emph{b},
+\emph{h}, and \emph{s}. As the \emph{z} is placed in slightly
+different places after each of the letters, there are ligature
+substitutions with all of them in addtion of having it by itself, and
+there is also one for the word \emph{thet} that is very common in
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{[et:]} & \sample{ha[bet]} & \sample{[thet]} &
+ \sample{[sed]} \\
+ {}[et:] & ha[bet] & [thet] & [sed] \\
+ \end{tabular}
+An initial and medial form of the letter \emph{g} combined with the
+\emph{r}-abbreviation is treated as an abbreviation symbol in the
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{[gre]gorius} & \sample{[ger]manus} \\
+ {}[gre]gorius & [ger]manus
+ \end{tabular}
+The loop that often but not always denotes \emph{is}-suffix is
+described in the previous section. Other than that there is one
+abbreviation symbol for \emph{i}. When making lists the symbol for
+\emph{item} was commonly used with all languages:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{[item]} \\
+ {}[item]
+ \end{tabular}
+There are three symbols for abbreviating syllables that start with
+\emph{p}, and two of them have more than one meaning:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{[per]} & \sample{[pro]} & \sample{[prae]} \\
+ {}[per], [par], [por] & [pro] & [pre], [prae]
+ \end{tabular}
+There is also a capital version of \emph{Per}:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{[Per]} & \sample{[Per]\abred{/[Per]}\abdarkred{//[Per]}} \\
+ {}[Per] & [Per]{\color{abred}/[Per]}{\color{abdarkred}{//[Per]}}
+ \end{tabular}
+It is also possible to add abbreviation marks over \emph{per} and
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{[~per]} & \sample{[´per]} & \sample{[~pro]} &
+ \sample{[´pro]} \\
+ {}[~per] & [´per] & [~pro] & [´pro]
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Q} Medieval Latin texts typically have a large number of
+abbreviation symbols defined for \emph{q}. They don't occur in
+\emph{Codex Aboensis}, but the font has several that have been added
+from various 15th century sources:\footnote{Note that different hands
+ used some of these symbols with different meanings.}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccccccc}
+ \sample{[que]} & \sample{*[que]} & \sample{[quod]} & \sample{[qui]} &
+ \sample{[quo]} & \sample{[qua]} &
+ \sample{[quae]}
+ & \sample{[quam]} & \sample{[quos]} \\
+ {}[que] & *[que] & [quod] & [qui] & [quo] & [qua] & [quae] &
+ [quam] & [quos]
+ \end{tabular}
+The difference between the two \emph{que} symbols is that the first
+one was used for the word \emph{que} while the second was used for the
+suffix \emph{-que}:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{us[que]} \\
+ us[que]
+ \end{tabular}
+The only abbreviation symbol for \emph{r} in the font is the suffix
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{[rum]} \\
+ {}[rum]
+ \end{tabular}
+Cursive scripts typically used the rotunda \emph{r} as a base for
+\emph{rum} in all places, even in those that would normally have the
+straight \emph{r}.
+\paragraph{U, V}
+There were two ways to abbreviate the Latin suffix \emph{-us}
+depending on the grammatical case:
+ \sample{[us:]} && \sample{[us]} \\
+ Dative && Other \\
+ suffix \emph{us} && suffix \emph{us}.
+The dative suffix \emph{us} occurs also in words that end in
+\emph{-bus} even if they are in a different case.
+ \begin{tabular}{ccc}
+ \sample{de[us]} & \sample{omni[bus]} & \sample{tri[bus]} \\
+ de[us] & omni[bus] & tri[bus]
+ \end{tabular}
+Note that \emph{-bet} and \emph{-bus} endings are the same and you
+need to determine which is which by the context:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{ha[bet]} & \sample{tri[bus]} \\
+ ha[bet] & tri[bus]
+ \end{tabular}
+A common way to mark the syllable \emph{ver} was to draw the
+\emph{r}-abbreviation with a long tail:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{[uer]} \\
+ {}[uer]
+ \end{tabular}
+A variant version for that was to add a \emph{r}-abbreviation mark to
+the letter:
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{[ver]} & \sample{[vir]} \\
+ {}[ver] & [vir]
+ \end{tabular}
+\subsection{Abbreviation superscripts}
+Medieval scribes saved space by writing lettes as superscripts. In
+\Aboensis{} there is an accent substitution with grave accent and also
+there are a few combinations that have ligature substitutions defined
+for them.
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccccccc}
+ \sample{e`rik} & \sample{p`/d} & \sample{omni`[bus]} & \sample{[ei]} &
+ \sample{[eo]} & \sample{[mi]} &\sample{[pi]} & \sample{[qui]} & \sample{[quo]}\\
+ e`rik & p`/d & omni`[bus] & [ei] & [eo] & [mi] & [pi] & [qui] & [quo]
+ \end{tabular}
+It was very common in the 15th century to write common names in an
+abbreviated form. Table \ref{tab_names} shows the short forms of some
+of the Swedish male names. Women's names were written down with less
+frequency so there weren't corresponding standard abbreviations for
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ Name & Abbreviation &Name & Abbreviation \\
+ \hline
+ Anders & \sample{an~d} & Marten &
+ \sample{mar~th} \\
+ Bertil & \sample{be`rl} & Nicolaus & \sample{nicõ} \\
+ Eric & \sample{ei`rc} & Nils & \sample{ni~l} \\
+ Henric & \sample{he~n} & Olof & \sample{o~l} \\
+ Jacob & \sample{ja~c} & Peder & \sample{pe[der]} \\
+ Johan & \sample{jo~h} & Per &
+ \sample{[per]} \\
+ Laurentius (Lars) & \sample{la~u} & Thomas & \sample{thõ} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Common ways to abbreviate Swedish names}
+ \label{tab_names}
+\section{The LaTeX style}\label{sec_latex_style}
+This section gives a functional overview of most of the commands in
+the \package{aboensis.sty} style file. The full command reference is
+in section \ref{reference}.
+All user-visible commands in the style file start with the prefix
+\ltxncmd{ab}. They can be roughly divided into five classes:
+\item selecting the font;
+\item color handling;
+\item typesetting capitals and initials;
+\item typesetting an even page with cursive; and
+\item typesetting symbols and abbreviations.
+The style file is designed to be used together with XeLaTeX,
+\package{fontspec} and \package{xcolor}. It hasn't been tested on
+other systems and may or may not work on them.
+\subsection{Package options}
+The only selectable option in the style file is \feature{Fibonacci}.
+Turning it on changes the Arabic numbers to have the shape taken from
+the Fibonacci manuscript C.Vari 529.52.
+\subsection{Selecting the font}
+There are two basic commands to turn on \Aboensis{}:
+\item \ltxncmd{abcursivefamily}: this changes the font to Aboensis and
+ color to the specified text color. In addition, it makes the tilde
+ (\emph{~}) and underscore (\emph{_}) to be normal letters so that
+ they can be used in text.
+\item \ltxcmd{aboensis}{text}: typesets \package{text} in Aboensis
+ using the specified text color. Note that this does not make tilde
+ and underscore normal letters.
+Because the tilde \emph{~} and underscore \emph{_} are special
+characters in TeX, there is a command \ltxncmd{abtildes} that makes
+them letters so that they can be used for ligature substitutions and
+as line fillers. The \ltxncmd{abcursivefamily} calls it automatically
+but the rules for TeX catcode handling prevents \ltxncmd{aboensis}
+from doing the same.
+\subsection{The Color Model}\label{ssec_color_model}
+The rubrics and highlighting macros work on the assumption that a
+three have been defined: text, primary rubrics and secondary rubrics.
+The text color defaults to black, primary rubrics to red, and
+secondary rubrics to green.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lllll}
+ \multicolumn{3}{l}{Text color} \\
+ & Use: & \ltxcmd{abtext}{text} \\
+ & Set: & \ltxcmd{absettextcolor}{color} \\
+ & Default: & black 000000 \fcolorbox{black}{black}{\phantom{test}} \package{black}\\
+ \multicolumn{3}{l}{Primary rubrics color} \\
+ & Use: & \ltxcmd{abrubric}{text} \\
+ & Set: & \ltxcmd{absetrubriccolor}{color} \\
+ & Default & red B1523E \fcolorbox{black}{abred}{\phantom{test}} \package{abred}\\
+ \multicolumn{3}{l}{Secondary rubrics color} \\
+ & Use: & \ltxcmd{abotherrubric}{text} \\
+ & Set: & \ltxcmd{absetotherrubriccolor}{color} \\
+ & Default: & green 62876E \fcolorbox{black}{abgreen}{\phantom{test}} \package{abgreen}\\
+ \multicolumn{3}{l}{\package{xcolor} color mixing percentages} \\
+ & Set: & \ltxcmd{absetcolormixpercentage}{value} \\
+ & & \ltxcmd{absetothercolormixpercentage}{value} \\
+ & Default: & 45 \\
+\caption{Colors and how they are defined}
+ \label{fig:color_commands}
+The \package{xcolor} is used to create darker versions of highlight
+colors to simulate the effect of text color showing through the
+highlight strike. This is done by mixing the highlight color with the
+text color using a user-settable mixing percentage to do it. The
+commands that are used to define and use colors are shown in figure
+\ref{fig:color_commands}. There are shortcut commands for using the
+three predefined rubrics color. They have the forms:
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \ltxncmd{abrubricCOLOR} & use COLOR for primary rubrics \\
+ \ltxncmd{abotherrubricCOLOR} & use COLOR for secondary rubrics \\
+ \end{tabular}
+The complete set of these commands is in figure
+The \package{xcolor} color mixing combines two colors according to a
+mixing percentage that tells how much of the first color is taken into
+the mix:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \fcolorbox{black}{abred}{\phantom{test}} & + &
+ \fcolorbox{black}{black}{\phantom{test}} & = &
+ \fcolorbox{black}{abred!45!black}{\phantom{test}} \\
+ \package{abred} & 45\% & \package{black}
+ \end{tabular}
+The color mixing percentage is set with the command
+\ltxncmd{absetcolormixpercentage}. Figure \ref{fig:xcolor_capitals}
+shows how the mixing percentage affects the predefined colors against
+black and dark brown text colors.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{l@{$\qquad$}ll}
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{l}{Set primary rubrics color} \\
+& \ltxncmd{abrubricred} \\
+& \ltxncmd{abrubricgreen} \\
+& \ltxncmd{abrubricblue} \\
+ \multicolumn{3}{l}{Set secondary rubrics color} \\
+& \ltxncmd{abotherrubricred} \\
+& \ltxncmd{abtherrubricgreen} \\
+& \ltxncmd{abtherrubricblue} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Commands to use predefined colors}\label{fig:using_predefined_colors}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccccc}
+ \multicolumn{6}{l}{Text black, highlight red} \\
+ {
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{30}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{35}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{40}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{45}
+ \fbox{\largesample{\abcapital{A}}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{50}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }&
+ {
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{55}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{60}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ \\
+ \multicolumn{6}{l}{Text black, highlight green} \\
+ {
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{30}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{35}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{40}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{45}
+ \fbox{\largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{50}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{55}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{60}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ \\
+ \multicolumn{6}{l}{Text black, highlight blue} \\
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{30}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{35}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{40}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{45}
+ \fbox{\largesample{\abcapital{A}}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{50}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }&
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{55}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{60}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ \\
+ \multicolumn{6}{l}{Text brown (40311B), highlight red} \\
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abred}
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{30}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{35}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{40}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{45}
+ \fbox{\largesample{\abcapital{A}}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{50}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }&
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{55}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{60}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ \\
+ \multicolumn{6}{l}{Text brown (40311B), highlight green} \\
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{30}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{35}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{40}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{45}
+ \fbox{\largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{50}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }&
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{55}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetothercolormixpercentage{60}
+ \largesample{\abcapitalother{A}}
+ }
+ \\
+ \multicolumn{6}{l}{Text brown (40311B), highlight blue} \\
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{30}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{35}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{40}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ &
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{45}
+ \fbox{\largesample{\abcapital{A}}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{50}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }&
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{55}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ }
+ {
+ \absetrubriccolor{abblue}
+ \absettextcolor{brown}
+ \absetcolormixpercentage{60}
+ \largesample{\abcapital{A}}
+ } \\
+ \%=30 &
+ \%=35 &
+ \%=40 &
+ \%=45 &
+ \%=50 &
+ \%=55 &
+ \%=60
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{\package{xcolor} highlighted capitals with different color
+ mix percentages}
+ \label{fig:xcolor_capitals}
+\subsection{Line spacing}
+One feature in cursive text is that the descenders of letters on a
+line often overlap the ascenders of the next line. XeLaTeX really does
+not want to do that, which causes uneven line spacing unless the line
+spacing is large. To combat this \package{aboensis.sty} has a command
+\ltxncmd{abl}{line} that sets one line of text. It sets its argument
+in a horizontal box and then smashes it to remove its vertical
+metrics. This forces the line spacing to be completely even.
+ \raggedright
+ \fontsize{16}{17}\fontspec{Aboensis} \abcapital{Q}uo usque tandem
+ abutere, catilina, patientia nostra. \abcapital{Q}uam diu etiam
+ furor jste tuus nos eludet.
+\end{minipage}} &
+ \raggedright
+ \fontsize{16}{17}\fontspec{Aboensis}\abl{\abcapital{Q}uo usque tandem}
+ \abl{abutere, catilina,}
+ \abl{patientia nostra. }
+ \abl{\abcapital{Q}uam diu etiam}
+ \abl{furor jste tuus nos}
+ \abl{eludet.}
+\end{minipage} }\\
+Default spacing & with \ltxcmd{abl}{line} \\
+The right hand side is created using:
+ \raggedright
+ \fontsize{16}{17}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abl{\abcapital{Q}uo usque tandem}
+ \abl{abutere, catilina,}
+ \abl{patientia nostra. }
+ \abl{\abcapital{Q}uam diu etiam}
+ \abl{furor jste tuus nos}
+ \abl{eludet.}
+\subsection{Capitals and Initials}
+There are two commands to set highlighted capitals, one for both
+rubrics color:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{\abcapital{A}} & \sample{\abcapitalother{A}} \\
+ \ltxcmd{abcapital}{A} & \ltxcmd{abcapitalother}{A} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\paragraph{Lombardic initials} Adding a Lombardic initial is a bit
+more complex as there are two different shapes for all letters and the
+swash shape can have two colors. The swash initials are entered using
+ligature substitutions \feature{S:}.
+To add two-line high initials in rubric colors you use:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{\abinitial{A}} & \sample{\abinitial{A:}} &
+ \sample{\abinitialtwo{A}} \\
+ \hbox to 1pt{\vbox to 1.75cm{\hbox{}}}\ltxcmd{abinitial}{A} & \ltxcmd{abinitial}{A:} &
+ \ltxcmd{abinitialtwo}{A} \\
+ \hbox to 1pt{\vbox to .75cm{\hbox{}}} \sample{\abinitialother{A}} & \sample{\abinitialother{A:}} &
+ \sample{\abinitialothertwo{A}} \\
+ \hbox to 1pt{\vbox to 1.5cm{\hbox{}}}\ltxcmd{abinitialother}{A} & \ltxcmd{abinitialother}{A:} &
+ \ltxcmd{abinitialothertwo}{A} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+However, there are also additional commands that can be used to add
+small variety to initial size and position.\footnote{You can add more
+ variety by using initials from the font Missaali
+ (\texttt{}). Most of its Lombardic
+ intials are suitable for use in.} This is useful when there are many
+copies of the same initial on the same spread and you do not want them
+to be exactly the same. The commands are listed in figure \ref{fig:lombardic_with_pos}
+They have the form:
+ \ltxcmdfour{abinitwpos}{letter}{scale}{x}{y}
+Here the argument \texttt{scale} adds an additional scaling factor to
+the letter so that the final size is $2.2\times\texttt{scale}$,
+\texttt{x} is the amount of horizontal space that the letter is moved
+and \texttt{y} is the same for vertical space. Note that LaTeX's rules
+for adding space are occasionally arcane so you may need to do a lot
+manual tweaking to get the letters positioned right. For example:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \fbox{\begin{minipage}{5.3cm}
+ \raggedright
+ \fontsize{16}{17}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abinitial{N}\abl{*yt tule kuningan}
+ \abl{\abindent{}walans wa~no kiri}
+ \abl{an ja pyhydhen päälle}
+ \end{minipage}} &
+ \fbox{\begin{minipage}{5.3cm}
+ \raggedright
+ \fontsize{16}{17}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abinitwpos{N}{1.2}{-3mm}{-1mm}\abl{*yt tule kuningan}
+ \abl{\abindent{}walans wa~no kiri}
+ \abl{an ja pyhydhen päälle}
+ \end{minipage} }\\
+ \ltxcmd{abinitial}{N} & \ltxcmdfour{abinitwpos}{N}{1.2}{-3mm}{-1mm} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+The Lombardic initials are set hanging down from the baseline, so you
+need to reserve space for them from the next line. To help do that
+there is a command \ltxncmd{abindent} that inserts space that is as
+wide as the previously set initial. The \ltxncmd{abstartchapter}
+macros use it automate setting the space.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{\abinitwpos{A}{1.1}{-2pt}{2pt}} &
+ \sample{\abinittwowpos{A}{1.25}{0pt}{2pt}} \\
+ \hbox to 1pt{\vbox to 1.5cm{\hbox{}}}
+ \ltxcmdfour{abinitwpos}{A}{1.1}{-2pt}{2pt} &
+ \ltxcmdfour{abinitwowpos}{A}{1.25}{0pt}{2pt} \\
+ \hbox to 1pt{\vbox to 1.7cm{\hbox{}}}
+ \sample{\abinitowpos{A}{1.1}{3mm}{-1mm}} &
+ \sample{\abinitotwowpos{A}{1.25}{-1cm}{0pt}} \\
+ \hbox to 1pt{\vbox to 1.5cm{\hbox{}}}
+ \ltxcmdfour{abinitowpos}{A}{1.1}{3mm}{-1mm} &
+ \ltxcmdfour{abinitotwowpos}{A}{1.25}{-3pt}{0pt} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Commands to scale and kern Lombardic initials}\label{fig:lombardic_with_pos}
+\paragraph{Cursive initials}
+There are two commands for using cursive initials. One sets the
+initial in the default position scaled 5.5 times the text size, and
+the other lets you to adjust scaling and positioning. Some letters set
+out nicely without adjustment, but others need to have space added on
+the following row or rows.
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{\abcursiveinitial{S}} &
+ \sample{\abcursiveinitialwithpos{S}{1.2}{-5mm}{2mm}} \\
+ \mbox{} \\
+ \ltxcmd{abcursiveinitial}{S} &
+ \ltxcmdfour{abcursiveinitialwithpos}{S}{1.2}{-5mm}{2mm}
+ \end{tabular}
+The arguments of the second command are:
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \ltxcmdfour{abcursiveinitialwithpos}{letter}{scale}{horizontal
+ pos}{vertical pos}
+ \end{tabular}
+They are the same as with the positioned Lombardic initial commands.
+\paragraph{Chapter start macros}
+For every Lombardic initial command there is a corresponding command
+that sets the initial as a chapter start initial. There are no
+corresponding commands for cursive initials because they have so
+varied shapes.
+The commands for the primary rubrics color are shown in figure
+\ref{fig:chapter_start}. The commands for the secondary rubrics color
+have the same form but they add the string \ltxncmd{other} after
+\ltxncmd{chapter} in the command name. For example,
+ \ltxncmd{abstartchapter} becomes \ltxncmd{abstartchapterother}
+In the basic form the commands set the initial and two first lines of
+the text. For example, the Cicero quote from the beginning of the
+document is set as:
+ \begin{minipage}{10.5cm}
+ {{\fontspec{Aboensis}\fontsize{16}{19}\selectfont
+ \abstartchapter{Q}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem abutere,
+ \abcapital{C}atilina, pati-}{entia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a diu
+ etiam furor jste}}}
+\abstartchapter{Q}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem abutere,
+\abcapital{C}atilina, pati-}{entia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a
+ diu etiam furor jste}
+ \end{minipage}
+As with the case of commands for Lombardic initials
+ \begin{minipage}{10.5cm}
+ {{\fontspec{Aboensis}\fontsize{16}{19}\selectfont
+ \abstartchapterwithpos{Q}{0.85}{0pt}{2mm}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem abutere,
+ \abcapital{C}atilina, pati-}{entia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a diu
+ etiam furor jste}}}
+ \abcapital{U}o usque tandem abutere, \abcapital{C}atilina,
+ pati-}{entia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a diu etiam furor jste}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \fontsize{16}{19}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abstartchapter{Q}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem}{
+ abutere, \abcapital{C}atilina,}
+ \abl{patientia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a}
+ \end{minipage}
+ &
+ \begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \fontsize{16}{19}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abstartchapter{Q:}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem}{
+ abutere, \abcapital{C}atilina,}
+ \abl{patientia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \\
+ \ltxcmdthree{abstartchapter}{Q}{\textellipsis}{\textellipsis} &
+ \ltxcmdthree{abstartchapter}{Q:}{\textellipsis}{\textellipsis} \\
+ \mbox{}\\
+ \begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \fontsize{16}{19}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abstartchaptertwo{Q}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem}{
+ abutere, \abcapital{C}atilina,}
+ \abl{patientia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \fontsize{16}{19}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abstartchapterwithpos{Q}{1.1}{-3pt}{-1pt}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem}{
+ abutere, \abcapital{C}atilina,}
+ \abl{patientia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \ltxcmdthree{abstartchaptertwo}{Q}{\textellipsis}{\textellipsis} &
+ \begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \ltxcmd{abstartchapterwithpos}{Q}\\
+ \mbox{}$\quad$\texttt{\{1.1\}\{-3pt\}\{-1pt\}\{\textellipsis\}\{\textellipsis\}} \\
+ \end{minipage} \\
+ \mbox{}\\
+ \begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \fontsize{16}{19}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abstartchapterwithpos{Q:}{0.9}{-1mm}{1mm}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem}{
+ abutere, \abcapital{C}atilina,}
+ \abl{patientia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \fontsize{16}{19}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abstartchaptertwowithpos{Q}{1.25}{-2mm}{0mm}{\abcapital{U}o usque tandem}{
+ abutere, \abcapital{C}atilina,}
+ \abl{patientia nostra? \abcapital{Q}u~a}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \ltxcmd{abstartchapterwithpos}{Q:}\\
+ \mbox{}$\quad$\texttt{\{0.9\}\{-1m\}\{1mm\}\{\textellipsis\}\{\textellipsis\}}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \ltxcmd{abstartchaptetwowithpos}{Q}\\
+ \mbox{}$\quad$\texttt{\{1.25\}\{-2mm\}\{0mm\}\{\textellipsis\}\{\textellipsis\}} \\
+ \end{minipage} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Chapter start macros with primary rubrics color}
+ \label{fig:chapter_start}
+There are two commands that help writing Roman numerals. The command
+\ltxncmd{abroman} takes as its argument a number that is either an
+integer or an integer and a half, and formats it as a Roman numeral
+using the subtractive method. This works for numbers between one half
+and a million.
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{\abroman{9.5}} & \sample{\abroman{24}} &
+ \sample{\abroman{10245.5}} \\
+ \ltxcmd{abroman}{9.5} & \ltxcmd{abroman}{24} &
+ \ltxcmd{abroman}{10245.5} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+The second number command uses the positional numbering:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{\abromanother{12}{5}{39}} \\
+ 12539 \\
+ \ltxcmdthree{abromanother}{12}{5}{39} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+The command \ltxcmd{abothernum}{number} changes the number glyphs to
+the alterate number shapes:
+ \begin{tabular}{cccc}
+ \sample{\abothernum{1234567890}} \\
+ \ltxcmd{abothernum}{1234567890} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\section{Medieval Swedish Units}\label{sec_units}
+The Aboensis font contains many abbreviations for measurement units
+that were used in texts written in medieval Sweden. There was no one
+coherent system but instead many different ones that in some cases
+used completely different units altogther. To make the confusion
+worse, the different measuring systems used the same names for units
+of different sizes and the reader must know from the context what is
+the intended value. For example, the symbol
+{\fontspec{Aboensis}\ablibra} (coming from Latin \emph{libra}) was
+used both for a \emph{skålpund} of approximately 350 grams and for
+\emph{besmanspund} of 6–12 kg. This section is not an in-depth
+explanation of the different systems, but it shows some systems that
+were used somewhere in the realm.
+Establishing exact modern equivalents to medieval units has proven to
+be very difficult. Systematic conversion tables between units are
+practically nonexistent until the mid 16th century so they postdate
+the medieval period. Sources are conflicting and different researchers
+have gotten very different results when examining them. The figures
+given here mostly correspond to the situation in the early 16th
+century. My two main sources for them are Sam Jansson's \emph{Mått,
+ mål och vikt i Sverige till 1500-talets mitt} \cite{jansson36} and
+Kurt Melander's \emph{Muistiinpanoja Suomen mitta- ja painosuhteista
+ 15-sataluvun loppupuolella ja seuraavan vuosisadan alulla}
+\cite{melander1892}, both very old sources. I have augmented them with
+some newer sources and by examining Finnish 16th century bailiff's
+records \cite{voudintilit} myself. It is very likely that there are
+errors and misunderstandings in the figures.
+\subsection{Measuring silver and money}
+Money and precious metals were measured using same units. However, the
+sizes of the units were different as silver coins were significantly
+lighter than the weight units that bore the same names. So medieval
+sources tend to be quite clear on whether they mean coins or weight
+when speaking about valuable metals.
+ & \emph{mark} & \emph{öre} & \emph{örtug} & \emph{penning} & Metric &
+ Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{mark}, \emph{markka} & 1 & 8 & 24 & 192 & 207.2 g &
+ \sample{\abmark}, \sample{\abmarc}, \sample{\abmk} \\
+ \emph{öre}, \emph{äyri} & & 1 & 3 & 24 & 25.9 g& \sample{\abore} \\
+ \emph{örtug}, \emph{äyrityinen} & & & 1 & 8 & 8.6 g & \sample{\abortug}, \sample{\absolidus} \\
+ \emph{penning}, \emph{penni} & & & & 1 & 1.07 g & \sample{\abpenning}, \sample{\abdenarius} \\
+ \caption{Stockholm 14th century silver weights}
+ \label{tab:old_precious_metals}
+ & \emph{mark} & \emph{lod} & \emph{quintin} & Metric &
+ Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{mark}, \emph{markka} & 1 & 16 & 64 & 207.2 g & \sample{\abmark}, \sample{\abmarc} \\
+ \emph{lod}, \emph{luoti} & & 1 & 4 & 12.95 g & \sample{\ablod} \\
+ \emph{quintin}, \emph{kvintiini} & & & 1 & 3.23 g & \sample{\abquintin} \\
+\caption{\emph{Lod} division for Stockholm silver weights.}
+ \label{tab:new_preciousmetals}
+\item[\sample{\abmark} \sample{\abmarc} \sample{\abmk} \emph{Mark}, \emph{markka}] \mbox{}\\
+ The \emph{mark} was a unit that was used to measure precious metals,
+ silver and gold. Its weight in Sweden was typically a bit over 200
+ grams. For example, in the 1320s the \emph{mark} of Stockholm was
+ 207 g while the \emph{mark} of Skara was 213 g. Both were smaller
+ than the Avignose \emph{mark} from France that was 234 g.
+ Traditionally a \emph{mark} was divided into \emph{öres} and
+ \emph{örtugs} but in the late medieval times division into
+ \emph{lods} and \emph{quintins} came also to use. In some areas the
+ weights of gold and silver \emph{marks} were different.
+ Up to the beginning of the 16th century \emph{mark} was usually
+ written so that the \emph{a} was written over the \emph{m} in an
+ open-topped form. The symbol often ended with a loop. This font
+ contains three versions of the \emph{mark} sign.
+ \emph{Mark} was a pure weight measure until 1522 when first coins of
+ that denomination were struck. A silver \emph{mark} coin of Gustav I
+ weighed only 11 grams, or about 1/20 of the nominal weight. Around
+ that time a new symbol was introduced that was a simplified letter
+ \emph{m} followed with a double-loop. Aboensis does not have that
+ symbol because all the contemporary examples that I have found have
+ used significantly different hands.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[mark] & \sample{\abmark} & \ltxncmd{abmark} \\
+ {}[mark:] & \sample{\abmarc} & \ltxncmd{abmarc} \\
+ {}[mark::] & \sample{\abmk} & \ltxncmd{abmk} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item[\sample{\abore} \emph{Öre}, \emph{äyri}] \mbox{}\\
+ The \emph{öre} was an eight of a \emph{mark} or a bit over 25 grams.
+ Like \emph{mark} it too was used purely as a weight measure during
+ the Middle Ages. First \emph{öre} coins were struck in 1522 and they
+ weighed 3.3 grams, or slighly over 13\% of the nominal weight.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[ore] & \sample{\abore} & \ltxncmd{abore} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \emph{Örtug}, \emph{äyrityinen}] \mbox{}\\
+ The \emph{örtug} as a unit goes back to the Viking times and there
+ were three \emph{örtugs} in each \emph{öre}, meaning that it weighed
+ a bit over 8 grams. During the medieval times \emph{örtug} was the
+ largest coin that was minted. The oldest \emph{örtug} coins were
+ struck by king Albrecht von Mecklenburg in the 1360s and they
+ weighed between 1.1 – 1.5 grams. Texts written in Latin could use
+ \emph{solidus} to denote \emph{örtugs} but \emph{solidus} had also
+ other meanings.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[ortug] & \sample{\abortug} & \ltxncmd{abortug} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \emph{Penning}, \emph{penni}] \mbox{}\\
+ The \emph{penning} was the smallest weight unit used for precious
+ metals. There were eight \emph{penning} in an \emph{örtug} and 24 in
+ an \emph{öre}, which puts the weight in a bit over a
+ gram.\footnote{However, in some regions there were 36 or 48
+ \emph{pennings} in an \emph{öre}.} \emph{Penning} coins had a
+ quite large variety in their weighs, going from 0.4 – 0.7 grams
+ depending on the issuer. Text written in Latin often used
+ \emph{denarius} to denote \emph{pennings}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}pe~n & \sample{\abpenning} & \ltxncmd{abpenning} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ Solidus ] \mbox{}\\
+ Latin texts written in Sweden used often old \emph{solidus} as a
+ translation for \emph{örtug}. However, the same word could also be
+ used for \emph{schilling} coins struck in cities in Northern
+ Germany.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}so~l & \sample{\absolidus} & \ltxncmd{absolidus} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item[\sample{\abdenarius} Denarius] \mbox{}\\
+ Latin texts used commonly \emph{Denarius} as a translation for
+ \emph{penning}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}/d & \sample{\abdenarius} & \ltxncmd{abdenarius} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item[\sample{lodh} \emph{Lod}, \emph{luoti}] \mbox{} \\
+ In later medieval times lighter units of scale weights started to be
+ used also for silver and gold. However, the scale and mint units
+ were usually not exactly the same size even though were close.
+ The \emph{lod} divided \emph{marks} into 16 parts, so a \emph{lod}
+ weighed a bit over 13 grams. There was no special abbreviation for
+ it, but it was written with different spelling than noaways.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}lodh & \sample{\ablod} & \ltxncmd{ablod} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item[\sample{\abquintin} \emph{Quintin},
+ \emph{kvintiini}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{quintin} was a fourth of a \emph{lod} weighing about 3.25
+ grams.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[quintin] & \sample{\abquintin} & \ltxncmd{abquintin} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsection{Scale weights}
+Expensive commodities such as spices and silk thread was measured
+using scales and the scale weight system. Cheap commodities were
+measured with counterweight balance beams and they used different
+units. The basic unit for scale weights was \emph{lispund} that could
+be divided either into \emph{skålpunds} or \emph{markpunds}.
+ \def\arraystretch{1.5}
+ & \emph{skeppund} & \emph{lispund} & \emph{skålpund} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{skeppund} & 1 & 20 & 400 & 137 kg & \sample{\abskeppund}, \sample{\abskeppundtwo} \\
+ \emph{lispund} & & 1 & 20 & 7.2 kg & \sample{\ablispund}, \sample{\ablispundtwo}, \\
+ \emph{(skål)pund} & & & 1 & 360 g & \sample{\abpund}, \sample{\ablibra}, \sample{p~ud}, \sample{~p} \\
+\caption{Stockholm large scale weights in early 16th century}
+ & \emph{skålpund} & \emph{lod} & \emph{quintin} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{(skål)pund} & 1 & 32 & 128 & 450 g & \sample{\abpund}, \sample{\ablibra} \sample{p~ud} \\
+ \emph{lod} & & 1 & 4 & 14 g& \sample{\ablod} \\
+ \emph{quintin} & & & 1 & 3.5 g& \sample{\abquintin} \\
+\caption{Stockholm small scale weights in early 16th century }
+ \label{tab:stockholm_weight_small}
+\item [\sample{\ablispund}, \sample{\ablispundtwo},
+ \sample{\ablispundthree}, \sample{\ablispundfour}\emph{Lispund},
+ \emph{leiviskä}, \emph{talentum livonicum}] \mbox{} \\
+ The name \emph{lispund} comes from \emph{Livonian pound} which
+ betrays the Baltic origins of the unit. Latin texts commonly used
+ \emph{talentum livonicum} for it. The \emph{lispund} proper weighed
+ 8.2 kg, but the same name was used for units of wildly different
+ sizes, ranging from about 6.5 kg to 12 kg.
+ A \emph{lispund} was divided into either 16 or 20 \emph{punds} where
+ 20 was the more common one.
+ The Stockholm \emph{lispund} was perhaps the most important weight
+ measurement unit in Sweden. It changed size at least once, in 1557,
+ and it may have changed also in the first decade of the 16th
+ century. Before 1557 it was about 7.2 kg in modern units. Figures
+ \ref{tab:stockholm_weight_large} and
+ \ref{tab:stockholm_weight_small} show how Stockholm scale weights
+ are split into smaller units.
+ Perhaps the most common way of abbreviating \emph{lispund} in the
+ medieval times was: \sample{\ablispund} but many others were used.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}lis[pund] & \sample{\ablispund} & \ltxncmd{ablispund} \\
+ {}[lispund] & \sample{\ablispundtwo} & \ltxncmd{ablispundtwo} \\
+ {}l[pund] & \sample{\ablispundthree} & \ltxncmd{ablispundthree} \\
+ {}[lispund:] & \sample{\ablispundfour} & \ltxncmd{ablispundfour} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abskeppund}, \sample{\abskeppundtwo}, \emph{Skeppund},
+ \emph{kippunta}] \mbox{}\\
+ A \emph{skeppund} was the largest weight unit for most commodities.
+ It was not used much with scale weights as most of the things
+ measured with scales were so expensive that it was rare to have a
+ full \emph{skeppund} at one place. In some areas there was only one
+ \emph{skeppund} that was divided either to scale or to besmar units.
+ A scale \emph{skeppund} had 20 \emph{lispund}. In Stockholm weight
+ that was about 137 kg during the first half of the 16th century.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}skep[pund] & \sample{\abskeppund} & \ltxncmd{abskeppund} \\
+ {}[skeppund] & \sample{\abskeppundtwo} & \ltxncmd{abskeppundtwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{p~ud}, \sample{skaal[pund]}, \sample{\abpund},
+ \sample{\ablibra} \emph{Skålpund},
+ \emph{pund}, \emph{naula}, \emph{libra}] \mbox{} \\
+ When \emph{pund} is used as a weight measure without any other
+ specifier, it likely denotes a \emph{skålpund}. There were 16 or 20
+ \emph{skålpund} to a \emph{lispund} and it itself was divided into
+ 32 \emph{lods}. In some areas a \emph{skålpund} was equal to two
+ \emph{marks} of silver weight and in the 17th century this division
+ became universal over the realm. In Latin sources the unit is
+ usually called \emph{libra}.
+ A \emph{skålpund} of Stockholm weight was approximately 450 grams
+ before 1557.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[pund] & \sample{\abpund} & \ltxncmd{pund} \\
+ {}p~ud & \sample{p~ud} & \ltxncmd{abpundtwo} \\
+ {}~p & \sample{\abpundthree} & \ltxncmd{abpundthree} \\
+ {}[libra] & \sample{\ablibra} & \ltxncmd{ablibra} \\
+ {}skaal[pund] & \sample{\abskaalpund} & \ltxncmd{abskaalpund} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\ablod} \emph{Lod}, \emph{luoti}] \mbox{} \\
+ There were 32 \emph{lods} in a \emph{skålpund}. Typically, a scale
+ weight \emph{lod} was slightly heavier than the precious metal
+ \emph{lod}. In early 16th century Stockholm weight a \emph{lod} was
+ about 14 grams.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}lodh & \sample{\ablod} & \ltxncmd{ablod} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abquintin} \emph{Quintin}, \emph{kvintiini}]
+ \mbox{} \\
+ There were 4 \emph{quintins} in a \emph{lod}. In the earlt 16th
+ century Stockholm weight a \emph{quintin} weighed about 3.5 g.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[quintin] & \sample{\abquintin} & \ltxncmd{abquintin} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abmarkpund}, \sample{\abmarkpundtwo}, \emph{Markpund},
+ \emph{vaakamarkka}] \mbox{} \\
+ A medieval \emph{markpund} was a division of \emph{lispund}. This
+ contrasts to post-medieval use where a \emph{markpund} was the
+ equivalent of \emph{lispund} when weighing iron or copper.
+ In the areas where \emph{markpund} was used, it was 1/20
+ \emph{lispund}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}m[pund] & \sample{\abmarkpund} & \ltxncmd{abmarkpund} \\
+ {}[ma][pund] & \sample{\abmarkpundtwo} & \ltxncmd{abmarkpundtwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsection{Besman weights}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=12cm]{pics/puupuntari.png}
+ \caption{A wooden \emph{besman} from 1818. The wooden bulb hides a lead weight}
+ \label{fig:besman}
+ & \emph{läst} & \emph{skeppund} & \emph{pund} & \emph{mark} & Metric &
+ Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{läst} & 1 & 12 & 240 & 4800 & 1560 kg & \sample{läst} \\
+ \emph{skeppund} & & 1 & 20 & 400 & 130 kg &
+ \sample{\abskeppund}, \sample{\abskeppundtwo} \\
+ \emph{besmanspund}, \emph{pund} & & & 1 & 20 & 6.54 kg &
+ \sample{\abbesmanspund}, \sample{\abpund}, \sample{\abpundtwo} \\
+ \emph{besmansmark}, \emph{mark} & & & & 1 & 327 g & \sample{\abmark},
+ \sample{\abmarc} \\
+ \caption{Stockholm \emph{besman} weights of early 16th century}
+ \label{tab:besman_weights}
+A \emph{besman} (\emph{puntari} in Finnish) is a beam lever scale with
+a fixed counterweight. In medieval times they were usually made from
+wood with a lead weight in the end. When weighing things with them one
+finds the balance point on the lever and reads the mark at that point.
+Besmans are less precise than scales so it usually wasn't possible to
+measure smaller units than half a \emph{mark} and the heavier the
+measured thing was, the less precision was available for the results.
+\item [\sample{läst} \emph{Läst}, \emph{lästi}]
+ \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{läst} was a large unit that was used to measure ship loads.
+ Because of the cargo aspect, it was used as a weight measure only
+ for heavy commodities such as metals. For other products a
+ \emph{läst} was usually measured in barrels (\emph{tunna}).
+ With metals a \emph{läst} was typically 12 \emph{skeppunds}, or
+ around two metric tons depending on which particular \emph{skeppund}
+ was used.
+ The word \emph{läst} was usually not abbreviated in texts.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}läst & \sample{\abkolmannes} & \ltxncmd{ablast} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abskeppund}, \sample{\abskeppundtwo} \emph{Skeppund},
+ \emph{kippunta}, \emph{talentum navale}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{skeppund} was the largest Swedish weight unit (around
+ 130–180 kg). Beacause of the large size it is typically used only
+ for metals and when describing large stockpiles of commodities such
+ as salted fish. In Latin sources it was often written as
+ \emph{talentum navale}.
+ A \emph{skeppund} was usually divided into 20 \emph{punds}, but
+ there are some 14th century references for having 24 \emph{pund}
+ \emph{skeppunds}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}skep[pund] & \sample{\abskeppund} & \ltxncmd{abskeppund} \\
+ {}[skeppund] & \sample{\abskeppundtwo} & \ltxncmd{abskeppundtwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abbesmanspund}, \sample{\abpund}, \sample{\abpundtwo},
+ \sample{\abpundthree}, \sample{\abpundfour} \emph{Besmanspund}, \emph{pund}, \emph{leiviskä}] \mbox{} \\
+The \emph{besmanspund} (or shorter \emph{pund}) was the besman weight
+equivalent of \emph{lispund} but in some regions the name
+\emph{lispund} was used for both. In many areas, for example in
+Stockholm, a \emph{lispund} was reckoned to be a \emph{besmanspund}
+and two \emph{besmansmarks}.
+In most areas \emph{besmanspund} was lighter than the proper
+\emph{lispund}. For example, in Stockholm it was about 6.5 kg.
+However, on the other end of the scales was the Porvoo \emph{pund}
+that was about 13 kg for a while. The most common besman weight around
+Northern Baltic was Tallinn \emph{lispund} that was used for trading
+and taxation in many areas, for example, in most of Finland. Most
+contemporary conversion tables state that the Tallinn \emph{lispund}
+was equal to 25 Stockholm \emph{besmansmark}, but some use more exact
+figure of $24\frac{27}{40}$ \emph{besmansmark}.
+Confusingly many writers used the Latin abbreviation \emph{libra}
+(\sample{\abbesmanspund}) for \emph{besmanspunds} even though it was
+used also the much lighter \emph{skålpund}.
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[libra] & \sample{\abbesmanspund} & \ltxncmd{abbesmanspund} \\
+ {}[pund] & \sample{\abpund} & \ltxncmd{abpund} \\
+ {}[p~ud] & \sample{\abpundtwo} & \ltxncmd{abpundtwo} \\
+ {}[~p] & \sample{\abpundthree} & \ltxncmd{abpundthree} \\
+ {}[~pp] & \sample{\abpundfour} & \ltxncmd{abpundfour} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lc}
+ Year & Scale / Besman \\
+ \hline
+ 1490 & $8/7$ \\
+ 1540 & $22/20$ \\
+ 1557 & $21/20$ \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Weight ratios between Stockholm scale and besman on some years}
+ \label{tab:stockholm_weight_ratio}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ Stockholm & 6.5 kg \\
+ Tallinn \emph{lispund} & 8.2 kg & 25 Stockholm \emph{besmansmark} \\
+ Turku town \emph{leiviskä} & 9.8 kg & 30 Stockholm \emph{besmansmark} \\
+ Turku castle tax \emph{leiviskä} & 8.2 kg & Tallinn \emph{lispund} \\
+ Hollola \emph{leiviskä} & 9.2 kg & 28 Stockholm \emph{besmansmark} \\
+ Pohjanmaa \emph{leiviskä} & 9.5 kg & 29 Stockholm \emph{besmansmark} \\
+ Porvoo \emph{leiviskä} & 13 kg & 2 Stockholm \emph{besmanspund} \\
+ Raasepori \emph{leiviskä} & 9.8 kg & 30 Stockholm \emph{besmansmark} \\
+ Satakunta \emph{leiviskä} & 9.8 kg & 30 Stockholm \emph{besmansmark} \\
+ Turku castle \emph{leiviskä} & 6.8 or 6.5 kg & Four marks lighter
+ than tax \emph{leiviskä} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Some different besman weights. Conversion rations from
+ various times of the 16th century, using contemporary rounding.
+ }
+ \label{tab:lispunds}
+\item [\sample{\abmark}, \sample{\abmarc} \emph{Besmansmark},
+ \emph{mark}, \emph{naula}] \mbox{} \\
+ The basic unit for besman weights was \emph{besmansmark} that was
+ usually called simply \emph{mark}. A \emph{besmansmark} was
+ typically about 50\% heavier than the precious metal \emph{mark} or
+ approximately 330 g, but the size range goes around 300–400g.
+ The \emph{besmansamark} was written the same way as the precious
+ metal \emph{mark}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[mark] & \sample{\abmark} & \ltxncmd{abmark} \\
+ {}[mark:] & \sample{\abmarc} & \ltxncmd{abmarc} \\
+ {}[mark::] & \sample{\abmk} & \ltxncmd{abmk} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsection{Dry Volume}
+Old Swedish weight measurement systems are simple compared with the
+systems for measuring dry capacity by volume. The basic unit was
+\emph{spann} in most parts of the whole realm, but its size and how it
+divided and combined into other units varied greatly.
+Modern estimates on sizes of different units in different places at
+different times vary greatly so the figures given in tables should be
+taken with a large grain of salt. The figures are generally obtained
+by using conversion ratios that occur in old texts (typically tax
+accounts) from some known base. Sam Jansson gives the size of
+Stockholm's \emph{spann} as 47 liters that he calculated from the size
+of a surviving Lübeck \emph{schepel} (40.5 liters) measure from early
+15th century and conversion rates Lübeck and Stockholm units given in a
+letter written in 1405.\footnote{Number 16524 in \emph{Svenskt
+ Diplomaratiums huvudkartor över medeltidsbreven} (SDHK).}
+In the tables I've generally used Jansson's figures. For those that
+I've calculated myself, I used Jansson's Stockholm \emph{spann} as the
+fixed point. These results are different from many published values.
+For example, the size of a Häme \emph{spann} is usually given as
+"about 90 liters", but my computation has it at only 66 liters.
+However, I am using a conversion rate that comes from over hundred
+years later than Jansson's figures for Stockholm's unit, so it is
+possible that something had changed in the mean time. The sizes of at
+least Pohjanmaa and Viipuri \emph{spann} changed during the 16th
+ & \emph{pund} & \emph{tunna} & \emph{spann} & \emph{fjärding} & \emph{fat} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{pund} & 1 & $3 \frac{1}{5}$ & 8 & 32 & 160 & 376 l & \sample{\abpund}, \sample{\abpundthree} \\
+ \emph{tunna} & & 1 & $2 \frac{1}{2}$ & 10 & 50 & 117.5 l & \sample{\abtunna} \\
+ \emph{spann} & & & 1 & 4 & 20 & 47 l & \sample{\abspann} \\
+ \emph{fjärding} & & & & 1 & 5 & 11.75 l & \sample{\abfjarding} \\
+ \emph{fat} & & & & & 1 & 2.35 l & \sample{fat} \\
+ \emph{skäppa} & & & $\frac{5}{12}$ & & & 19.6 l & \sample{\abskappa} \\
+ \caption{Stockholm dry capacity units}
+ \label{tab:stockholm_volume}
+This section contains quite few tables for dry volume units from all
+over Sweden, with a heavy emphasis on the Finnish side. The ratios
+between units are probably mostly correct, but the modern equivalences
+may well not be.
+ & \emph{pund} & \emph{spann} & \emph{fjärding} & \emph{skåle} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{pund} & 1 & 5 & 20 & 120 & 450 l & \sample{\abpund} \\
+ \emph{spann} & & 1 & 4 & 24 & 90 l & \sample{\abspann} \\
+ \emph{fjärding} & & & 1 & 6 & 22.5 l & \sample{\abfjarding} \\
+ \emph{skåle} & & & & 1 & 3.l5 l & \sample{\abskole} \\
+ \caption{Närke dry capacity units}
+ \label{tab:narke_volume}
+\item [\sample{fat} \emph{fat}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{fat} (bowl) was a Swedish measure that was used in the
+ middle ages. Its size had a large variance, and it ranged from 20
+ \emph{fat} in a Stockholm \emph{spann} (2.35 liters) to a fifth of a
+ \emph{spann}. The Finnish crown accounts often used 'Stockholm
+ \emph{kappa}' in unit conversions when they meant Stockholm
+ \emph{fat}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}fat & \sample{\abfat} & \ltxncmd{abfat} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abfjarding}, \sample{\abfjardingtwo} \emph{fjärding},
+ \emph{nelikko}, \emph{neljännes}, \emph{quartale modii}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{fjärding} was a fourth of a \emph{spann}. In Finland the
+ unit was usually called \emph{nelikko} or \emph{neljännes} but some
+ areas used different names for it. For example, \emph{vakka} was
+ commonly used for $\frac{1}{4}$ \emph{spann} around Turku.
+ After the \emph{tunna} replaced \emph{pund} as the main large unit
+ for dry capacity, both \emph{fjärding} and \emph{nelikko} switched
+ to mean a quarter \emph{tunna} instead of a quarter \emph{spann}.
+ But that didn't happen until mid-16th century.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}~ffi & \sample{\abfjarding} & \ltxncmd{abfjarding} \\
+ {}fjard~ug & \sample{\abfjardingtwo} & \ltxncmd{abfjardingtwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abkappa}, \sample{\abkappatwo}, \emph{kappe}, \emph{kappa}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{kappa} was a Finnish unit that was used in large parts of
+ the country as the smallest unit of dry volume and it still
+ survives: it is used to measure potatoes in marketplaces. The
+ \emph{kappa} was typically in the range of 3–5 liters in modern
+ units and there were 16 to 24 of them in a \emph{spann}.
+ The \emph{kappa} is one of the oldests units attested in Finland, it
+ first occurs in a letter written in 1334. In the 16th century
+ \emph{kappa} was written with either intial \emph{k} or \emph{c}.
+ When the Finnish spelling got standardized in the early 17th
+ century, the form \emph{cappa} took over and was used for about 150
+ years until \emph{kappa} returned around the end of the 19th
+ century.
+ After the middle ages the name \emph{kappa} was taken to Swedish as
+ a loan word \emph{kappe}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}cap[per] & \sample{\abkappa} & \ltxncmd{abkappa} \\
+ {}kap[per] & \sample{\abkappatwo} & \ltxncmd{abkappatwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ & \emph{pund} & \emph{spann} & \emph{fjärding} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{pund} & 1 & 12 & 48 & 360 l & \sample{\abpund} \\
+ \emph{spann} & & 1 & 4 & 30 l & \sample{\abspann} \\
+ \emph{fjärding} & & & 1 & 7.5 l & \sample{\abfjarding} \\
+ \caption{Hälsingaland dry capacity units}
+ \label{tab:halsingaland_volume}
+ \begin{tabular}{lcccc|cl}
+ & \emph{pund} & \emph{tön} & \emph{spann} & \emph{sättung} & Metric
+ & Symbols\\
+ \hline
+ \emph{pund} & 1 & $1\frac{1}{3} $ & 8 & 48 & 380 l &
+ \sample{\abpund}, \sample{\abpundthree} \\
+ \emph{tön} & & 1 & 6 & 36 & 360 l & \sample{\abthyn} \\
+ \emph{spann} & & & 1 & 6 & 60 l & \sample{\abspann} \\
+ \emph{sättung} & & & & 1 & 10 l & \sample{\absixth}\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Uppland dry capacity units}
+ \label{tab:uppland_volume}
+\item [\sample{\abkarpio} \emph{karp}, \emph{karpio}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{karpio} was another specifically Finnish unit that occurs
+ also in Swedish texts under the name \emph{karp}. It was a half of a
+ \emph{spann} in size or approximately 30 liters.
+ Some Latin texts written in Finland use \emph{modius} to mean a
+ \emph{karpio} instead of a \emph{spann}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}*k[per] & \sample{\abkarpio} & \ltxncmd{abkarpio} \\
+ {}k & \sample{\abkarpiotwo} & \ltxncmd{abkarpiotwo} \\
+ {}mo~d & \sample{\abmodius} & \ltxncmd{abmodius} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abkolmannes} \sample{\abkylmitta} \emph{kolmannes},
+ \emph{kylmitta}, \emph{oravainen}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{kolmannes}, \emph{kylmitta} and \emph{oravainen} were
+ names for similar units that were used in Finland. As the name
+ \emph{kolmannes} tells, they all were thirds of something. The names
+ \emph{kolmannes} and \emph{oravainen} were used in Savo to denote a
+ third of a \emph{karpio} so the size was somewhat over 10 liters. At
+ Viipuri \emph{kolmannes} and \emph{kylmitta} were used for a third
+ of a \emph{spann}, making them about 18 liters in size.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}kol~m & \sample{\abkolmannes} & \ltxncmd{abkolmannes} \\
+ {}kyl~m & \sample{\abkylmitta} & \ltxncmd{abkylmitta} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ & \emph{lästi} & \emph{punta} & \emph{panni} & \emph{karpio} &
+ \emph{nelikko} & \emph{vakka} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{lästi} & 1 & 12 & 60 & 120 & 240 & 1440 & 3.96 m$^2$ & \sample{\ablast} \\
+ \emph{punta} & & 1 & 5 & 10 & 20 & 120 & 330 l & \sample{\abpund} \\
+ \emph{panni} & & & 1 & 2 & 4 & 24 & 66 l & \sample{\abspann}\\
+ \emph{karpio} & & & & 1 & 2 & 12 & 33 l & \sample{\abkarpio}\\
+ \emph{nelikko} & & & & & 1 & 6 & 16.5 l & \sample{\abfjarding} \\
+ \emph{vakka} & & & & & & 1 & 2.75 l & \sample{\abvakka}\\
+\caption{Hämeo dry capacity units. The size of \emph{spann} is computed
+ from 1540 accounts of Häme castle that gives a conversion rate of 5 Häme
+ \emph{spann} to 7 Stockholm \emph{spann}.}
+ \label{tab:hame_volume}
+ & \emph{pund} & \emph{spann} & \emph{vakka} & \emph{kappa} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{punta} & 1 & 6 & 24 & 120 & 432 l & \sample{\abpund} \\
+ \emph{panni} & & 1 & 4 & 20 & 72 l & \sample{\abspann} \\
+ \emph{vakka/nelikko} & & & 1 & 5 & 18 l & \sample{\abvakka}, \sample{\abfjarding} \\
+ \emph{kappa} & & & & 1 & 3.6 l & \sample{\abkappa} \\
+\caption{Varsinais-Suomi dry capacity computed using the conversion
+ rate of 30 Turku \emph{kappa} = 46 Stockholm \emph{fat}. }
+ \label{tab:turku_volume}
+\item [\sample{\ablast} \emph{läst}, \emph{lästi}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{läst} was the largest unit for volume measurements as it
+ was also for weight measurements. The läst could be counted in two
+ different ways:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \emph{pundeläst}: a \emph{läst} containing a specific number
+ of \emph{punds}, typically 12.
+ \item \emph{tunnaläst}: a \emph{läst} containing a specific number
+ of \emph{tunnas}, usually 12 or 18.
+ \end{itemize}
+ As a \emph{pund} was usually much greater unit than \emph{tunna}, a
+ \emph{pundeläst} could be well over 10 times greater in volume than
+ a \emph{tunnaläst}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}läst & \sample{\abkolmannes} & \ltxncmd{ablast} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abskole} \emph{skåle}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{skåle} was the smallest unit of dry capacity measure in Närke
+ and Västmanland. There 24 \emph{skåle} in a \emph{spann}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}skaale & \sample{\abskole} & \ltxncmd{abskole} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abpund}, \sample{\abpundthree}
+ \emph{pund}, \emph{punta}] \mbox{} \\
+ In most parts of Sweden the principal large unit for dry volume was
+ the \emph{pund}. The most typical \emph{pund} contained eight
+ \emph{spann} but that too varied. Around \emph{Närke} and
+ \emph{Häme} there were only five \emph{spann} in a pund, and in most
+ parts of Finland there were six. The areas with smallest
+ \emph{spanns} had 12 to a \emph{pund}.
+ The Stockholm \emph{pund} was about 380 liters in modern units.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[pund] & \sample{\abpund} & \ltxncmd{pund} \\
+ {}p~ud & \sample{p~ud} & \ltxncmd{abpundtwo} \\
+ {}~p & \sample{\abpundthree} & \ltxncmd{abpundthree} \\
+ {}~pp & \sample{\abpundfour} & \ltxncmd{abpundfour} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abspann}, \sample{\abmodius}
+ \emph{spann}, \emph{panni}, \emph{modius}] \mbox{} \\
+ The size of the base unit \emph{spann} varied greatly. In
+ Hälsingaland it was only 30 liters while Närke used \emph{spann} of
+ over 90 liters. Perhaps the most common sizes were around 60 liters,
+ but the capital Stockholm used only 47 liter ones.
+ Latin texts often used the term \emph{modius} to denote the
+ \emph{spann}, but \emph{modius} was used also for many different
+ units in different parts.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}~sp & \sample{\abspann} & \ltxncmd{abspann} \\
+ {}mo~d & \sample{\abmodius} & \ltxncmd{abmodius} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ & \emph{punta} & \emph{panni} & \emph{karpio} & \emph{kolmannes} & \emph{kappa} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{punta} & 1 & 6 & 12 & 36 & 108 & 396 l & \sample{\abpundthree}\\
+ \emph{panni} & & 1 & 2 & 6 & 18 & 66 l & \sample{\abspann} \\
+ \emph{karpio} & & & 1 & 3 & 9 & 33 l & \sample{\abkarpio}\\
+ \emph{kolmannes} & & & & 1 & 3 & 11 l & \sample{\abkolmannes} \\
+ \emph{kappa} & & & & & 1 & 3.7 l & \sample{\abkappa}\\
+\caption{Savo dry capacity units. Computed from equivalence where 1
+ Savo \emph{kolmannes} = $4\frac{2}{3}$ Stockholm \emph{fat}.}
+ \label{tab:savo_volume}
+\item [\sample{\absoll} \emph{såll}, \emph{cribrum}] \mbox{} \\
+ Västergotaland and Värmland used \emph{såll} as the the larger unit
+ than \emph{skäppa} or \emph{spann}. Later the unit fell out of use
+ and was replaced by \emph{tunna} that had the same size as
+ \emph{såll} in those areas.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}saaldh & \sample{\absoll} & \ltxncmd{absoll} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ & \emph{punta} & \emph{panni} & \emph{karpio} & \emph{kylmitta} & \emph{vakka} & \emph{kappa} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{punta} & 1 & 6 & 12 & 18 & 108 & 138 & 324 l & \sample{\abpund} \\
+ \emph{panni} & & 1 & 2 & 3 & 18 & 23 & 54 l & \sample{\abspann}\\
+ \emph{karpio} & & & 1 & $1 \frac{1}{2}$ & 9 & & 27 l & \sample{\abkarpio} \\
+ \emph{kylmitta} & & & & 1 & 6 & & 18 l & \sample{\abkylmitta} \\
+ \emph{vakka} & & & & & 1 & & 3 l & \sample{\abvakka} \\
+ \emph{kappa} & & & & & & 1 & 2.35 l & \sample{\abkappa} \\
+\caption{Viipuri dry capacity. Computed from equivalence: Viipuri
+ \emph{spann} = 23 Stockholm \emph{fat}. In the late 16th century
+ the size of Viipuri \emph{spann} changed several times, ranging from
+ 23 \emph{fat} to 26.}
+ \label{tab:viipuri_volume}
+ & \emph{läst} & \emph{såll} & \emph{skäppa} & \emph{fjärding} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{läst} & 1 & 12 & 72 & 288 & 1.728 m$^3$ & \sample{läst} \\
+ \emph{såll/tunna} & & 1 & 6 & 24 & 144 l & \sample{\absoll}, \sample{\abtunna} \\
+ \emph{skäppa} & & & 1 & 4 & 24 l & \sample{\abskappa} \\
+ \emph{fjärding} & & & & 1 & 6 l & \sample{\abfjarding} \\
+ \caption{Västergötaland dry capacity units}
+ \label{tab:vastgotaland_volume}
+\item [\sample{\abskappa}, \sample{\abmodius} \emph{skäppa}, \emph{modius}] \mbox{} \\
+ In Västergötaland and Småland the base volume unit was not the
+ \emph{spann} but the \emph{skäppa}. In these areas the Latin
+ \emph{modius} usually ment the \emph{skäppa} instead of the
+ \emph{spann}. In size the \emph{skäppa} was somewhat smaller than
+ the \emph{spann} with its size ranging from 18 to 23 liters.
+ The Stockholm \emph{skäppa} was unusual in that it was not
+ fully integrated in the complete system of measurements. It was
+ reckoned to be 5/12 \emph{spann} (aobut 19.6 liters) which meant
+ that it did not divide any of the units exactly.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}skäppa & \sample{\abskappa} & \ltxncmd{abskappa} \\
+ {}mo~d & \sample{\abmodius} & \ltxncmd{abmodius} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{table}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lcccc|cl}
+ & \emph{Lästi} & \emph{Punta} & \emph{Panni} &
+ \emph{Vakka} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{Lästi} & 1 & 12 & 96 & 960 & 4 $m^3$ & \sample{\ablast}\\
+ \emph{Punta} & & 1 & 8 & 80 & 336 l & \sample{\abpund}, \sample{\abpundthree} \\
+ \emph{Panni} & & & 1 & 10 & 42 l & \sample{\abspann} \\
+ \emph{Vakka} & & & & 1 & 4.2 l & \sample{\abvakka} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Pohjanmaa dry capacity units. Computed from ratio 1
+ \emph{panni} = 18 Stockholm \emph{fat}}
+ \label{tab:pohjanmaa_volume}
+ \end{table}
+\item [\sample{\absattung} \emph{sättung} ] \mbox{} \\
+ Dalsland and Uppland areas divided their \emph{spanns} into sixths
+ \emph{sättung} instead of fourths (\emph{fjärding}). The size of a
+ \emph{sättung} was approximately 10 liters in modern units.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}s* & \sample{\absattung} & \ltxncmd{absattung} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abtunna}, \sample{\abtunnor}] \emph{tunna}, \emph{tynnyri} \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{tunna} (barrel) was a rare unit in that it had a separate
+ abbreviation for the plural \emph{tunnor}:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \sample{\abtunna} & \sample{\abtunnor} \\
+ tunna (s) & tunnor (pl) \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ In the oldest times it was primarily a measure for wet goods but
+ slowly over the time it became used also for dry capacity. Mentions
+ of dry \emph{tunnas} are quite rare before the 15th century, then
+ they became more common until by mid-16th century it is in very
+ common use for grain.
+ With dry capacity a \emph{tunna} ranged from 1.5 \emph{spann} to 4
+ \emph{spann}. In modern units its size was typically in the range
+ 110–150 l. The size of \emph{tunna} tended to increase over time and
+ a late 16th century \emph{tunna} is typically larger than a 15th
+ century one. The \emph{tunna} of the Stockholm castle was 2.5
+ Stockholm \emph{spanns} or about 120 liters.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[tunna] & \sample{\abtunna} & \ltxncmd{abtunna} \\
+ {}[tunna] & \sample{\abtunnor} & \ltxncmd{abtunnor} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abthyn} \emph{tön} ] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{tön} or \emph{thyn} was a large unit that was used instead
+ of \emph{pund} in early times in Uppland and neighbouring areas. It
+ was later replaced by \emph{pund}, but the last mentions of
+ \emph{tön} go to the late 16th century.
+ There were six \emph{spann} in a \emph{tön} so it was slightly
+ smaller than a \emph{pund}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}þyn & \sample{\abthyn} & \ltxncmd{abthyn} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abvakka} \emph{vakka}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{vakka} was a Finnish unit that had very large variance in
+ size. In some areas (for example, Häme and Viipuri) it was the
+ smallest unit of dry volume at about three liters in size. However,
+ in other areas it contained some multiples of \emph{kappas},
+ typically four or five. For example, at Turku a \emph{vakka} was
+ used as a synonym for \emph{nelikko} and it contained five
+ \emph{kappas}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}vacka & \sample{\abvakka} & \ltxncmd{abvakka} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsubsection{Hay and straw}
+ \begin{table}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lcccc|cl}
+ & \emph{Kesä} & \emph{Talvi- } \\
+ & \emph{kuorma} & \emph{kuorma} & \emph{Dragu} & \emph{Parmas} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{Talvikuorma} & 1 & 2 & 4 & 8 & 4.4 m$^3$ & \sample{lass} \\
+ \emph{Kesäkuorma} & & 1 & 2 & 4 & 2.2 m$^3$ & \sample{\absommarlass} \\
+ \emph{Dragu} & & & & 1 & 1.1 m$^3$ & \sample{\abdragu} \\
+ \emph{Parmas} & & & & 1 & 0.55 m$^3$ & \sample{\abparmas} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Larger Häme straw measurements. Metric sizes are very
+ rough approximations computed by assuming a \emph{parmas} of 120
+ cm long straws with a 2.4 meter circumference. }
+ \label{tab_hay}
+ \end{table}
+Measuring the volume of hay and straw stores was usually done using
+special units\footnote{However, there are occasional mentions of
+ \emph{punds} of hay in account books.} The units and the ratios
+between them here are taken mostly from Finnish sources.
+Translating the hay units to modern terms is almost impossible as they
+were vague already at the time and the way they were used varied a lot
+even in a small geographical area.
+\item [\sample{lass} \emph{lass}, \emph{kuorma}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{lass} is the unit of hay and straw volume that occurs most
+ often in medieval and early modern accounts. Its size is very
+ difficult to determine exactly but generally it was as much hay that
+ could be transported with one cart or sleigh. In many areas two
+ different \emph{lasses} were used at the same time: the larger
+ winter \emph{lass} (\emph{vinterlass}, \emph{talvikuorma}) and the
+ smaller summer \emph{lass} (\emph{sommarlass}, \emph{kesäkuorma}).
+ Some sources also use the term tax \emph{lass}, which probably meant
+ the larger \emph{vinterlass}
+ A winter \emph{lass} might be about 3–5 m$^3$ in size. In Finland a
+ summer \emph{lass} was often half of the size of a winter
+ \emph{lass}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}lass & \sample{\ablass} & \ltxncmd{ablass} \\
+ {}vin[ter]lass & \sample{\abvinterlass} & \ltxncmd{abvinterlass} \\
+ {}so~marlass & \sample{\absommarlass} & \ltxncmd{absommarlass} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abparmas}, \emph{parmas}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{parmas} was a Finnish united defined to be the amount of
+ hay or straw that can be tied for transport using a cord of a given
+ length. For example, at Viipuri it was a cord of 4 \emph{famn} (a
+ bit over 7 m) that is tied crosswise, while at Sääksmäki the cord
+ was 8 \emph{aln} (about 4 m) but it is not mentioned if the rope was
+ crosswise or not.
+ In Finland a \emph{talvikuorma} usually contained 8 \emph{parmas}
+ but some areas used 12 \emph{parmas} per \emph{kuorma}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[par]mas & \sample{\abparmas} & \ltxncmd{abparmas} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{faangh} \emph{fångh}, \emph{ruko}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{fångh} contained as much hay that a person could carry
+ without tying the bundle up. A common computational ratio was that
+ there would be four \emph{ruko} in a \emph{parmas}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}faangh & \sample{\abfangh} & \ltxncmd{abfangh} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{kärffue} \emph{kärve}, \emph{kupo}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{kärve} was reckoned to be as much hay that a person could
+ carry under their arm. A common computation in Finland was that
+ there was four \emph{kupo} in a \emph{ruko}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}kärffue & \sample{\abkarve} & \ltxncmd{abkarve} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{dragu} \emph{dragu}] \mbox{} \\
+ The origins of the unit \emph{dragu} are obscure. The word is
+ originally Swedish but it is attested only in Finnish accounts
+ before the 17th century.
+ The \emph{dragu} had a large variation in size. For example, the
+ accounts of the Korsholma royal manor have it to be roughly the size
+ of common \emph{parmas} but around Viipuri a \emph{dragu} was a
+ synonym for \emph{kesäkuorma}, or about four times the amount.
+ Some parts of Finland used two different \emph{dragu}: winter and
+ summer where a winter \emph{dragu} was twice the size of the summer
+ \emph{dragu}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}dragu & \sample{\abdragu} & \ltxncmd{abdragu} \\
+ {}v~iterdragu & \sample{\abvinterdragu} & \ltxncmd{abvinterdragu} \\
+ {}so~mardragu & \sample{\absommardragu} & \ltxncmd{absommardragu} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abaam} \emph{åm}, \emph{aami} ] \mbox{} \\
+ Several areas in Finland used the \emph{aami} to measure hay in
+ addition of its use as a wet capacity measurement. It was generally
+ used as a synonym to \emph{parmas}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}aam & \sample{\abaam} & \ltxncmd{abaam} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsection{Wet capacity}
+The units that were used to measure wet capacity were simpler than the
+dry capacity ones. Their sizes varied on different parts of the
+country, but the units themselves tended to be the same.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lcccccc|cl}
+ & \emph{Läst} & \emph{Tunna} & \emph{Fjärding} & \emph{Ämbar} & \emph{Kanna} &
+ \emph{Stop} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{Läst} & 1 & 12 & 48 & 144 & 576 & 1152 & 1410 l & \sample{\ablast} \\
+ \emph{Tunna} & & 1 & 4 & 8 & 48 & 96 & 117.5 l & \sample{\abtunna}\\
+ \emph{Fjärding} & & & 1 & 2 & 12 & 24 & 29.4 l & \sample{\abfjarding} \\
+ \emph{Ämbar} & & & & 1 & 6 & 12 & 14.7 l & \sample{\abambar} \\
+ \emph{Kanna} & & & & & 1 & 2 & 2.4 l & \sample{\abkanna} \\
+ \emph{Stop} & & & & & & 1 & 1.2 l & \sample{\abstop} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Wet capacity units based on the Rostock barrel}
+ \label{tab_large_wet_a}
+\item [\sample{\abstop} \emph{stop}, \emph{tuoppi} ]\mbox{} \\
+ During the high middle ages the base unit for measuring wet goods in
+ the Baltic areas was the \emph{stop}. The name translates to a
+ \emph{tankard}. The size of a \emph{stop} varied in different areas,
+ in modern units it varied from somewhat under liter to over. The
+ most common size of \emph{stop} in the later middle ages was
+ probably 1.2 liters that was one 1/96 of the Rostock \emph{barrel}.
+ In the 17th century it got standardized to 1.3 liters.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}stope & \sample{\abstop} & \ltxncmd{abstop} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abquarter}, \emph{kvarter}, \emph{kortteli}] \mbox{} \\
+ Later sources divide a \emph{stop} into four \emph{kvarters} but it
+ is not certain if the unit was used already during the middle ages.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}q~t & \sample{\abquarter} & \ltxncmd{abquarter} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abkanna}, \sample{\abkannatwo} \emph{kanna}, \emph{kannu} ]\mbox{} \\
+ During the 15th century the \emph{kanna} ("jug") replaced the
+ \emph{stop} as the base unit. There were two \emph{stops} in a
+ \emph{kanna}, meaning that it ranged from a bit under two liters to
+ almost three liters. The \emph{kanna} that corresponded to the size
+ of the Rostock barrel was 2.45 liters in size. The later
+ standardization fixed \emph{kanna} to 2.6 liters.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[kanna] & \sample{\abkanna} & \ltxncmd{abkanna} \\
+ {}ka~na & \sample{\abkannatwo} & \ltxncmd{abkannatwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abtunna}, \sample{\abtunnor} \emph{tunna}, \emph{tynnyri}] \mbox{} \\
+ The primary large wet capacity measure was a \emph{tunna} (barrel)
+ from the earliest times. The most common barrel size in use around
+ the Baltic sea was the Rostock barrel of 117.5 liters, but others
+ were also in use.
+ In the middle ages a typical \emph{tunna} contained 48 \emph{kanna},
+ but during the 16th century it became common to use larger barrels
+ and there are mentions of 50 or 52 \emph{kanna} \emph{tunnas}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[tunna] & \sample{\abtunna} & \ltxncmd{abtunna} \\
+ {}[tunna] & \sample{\abtunnor} & \ltxncmd{abtunnor} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abfjarding}, \sample{\abfjardingtwo} \emph{fjärding}, \emph{nelikko}, \emph{neljännes}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{fjärding} was the fourth of a \emph{tunna} for wet capacity
+ measurements so its size was about 30 liters. Note that while both
+ \emph{fjärding} and \emph{kvarter} mean a \emph{fourth}, they are
+ units of very different sizes.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}~ffi & \sample{\abfjarding} & \ltxncmd{abfjarding} \\
+ {}fiärd~ug & \sample{\abfjardingtwo} & \ltxncmd{abfjardingtwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abambar}, \sample{\abotting} \emph{ämbar},
+ \emph{åtting}, \emph{ämpäri} ] \mbox{} \\
+ A half of a \emph{fjärding} was either \emph{åtting} (en eighth) or
+ \emph{ämbar} (a bucket) in different parts of the country. Its size
+ was approximately 15 liters.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}ämbar & \sample{\abambar} & \ltxncmd{ämbar} \\
+ {}attu~g & \sample{\abotting} & \ltxncmd{abotting} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lccc|cl}
+ & \emph{Båt} & \emph{Åm} & \emph{Kanna} & Metric &
+ Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{Båt} & 1 & 3 & 180 & 440 l & \sample{\abbaat} \\
+ \emph{Åm}, \emph{fat} & & 1 & 60 & 147 l & \sample{\abaam}, \sample{fat} \\
+ \emph{Kanna} & & & 1 & 2.4 l & \sample{\abkanna} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Wet capacity units for blubber and wine}
+ \label{tab_large_wet_b}
+\item [\sample{\abaam}, \sample{fat} \emph{åm}, \emph{aami}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{åm} was used to measure seal blubber. Later it became also
+ a measure for wine. In that role it was a synonym for \emph{fat}.
+ The an \emph{åm} was reckoned to be equal to 60 \emph{kanna} (about
+ 150 liters) in volume and for blubber 20 \emph{lispund} in weight.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}aam & \sample{\abaam} & \ltxncmd{abaam} \\
+ {}fat & \sample{\abfat} & \ltxncmd{abfat} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abbaat} \emph{båt}] \mbox{} \\
+ Wine and seal blubber trade used \emph{båt} to measure large
+ quantities. A \emph{båt} contained three \emph{åm}, or approximately
+ 450 liters in volume. For blubber it was 60 \emph{lispund} in
+ weight.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}baat & \sample{\abbaat} & \ltxncmd{abbaat} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsection{Length measures}
+The units of length were mostly same with same rations in the whole
+Sweden, but their exact sizes were different in different areas. It is
+possible to establish a few of them exactly as they were marked on the
+walls or doors of stone churches. For example, the door of Vadsbo
+church had marks for the \emph{halvaln} of about 32 cm, which gives
+the length of Västergötland \emph{aln} to be 64 cm. Three churches
+(Stånga, Havdhem and Hemse) all have markings for the Gotland
+\emph{aln}. They are not exactly equal, 55.4 cm at Stånga and Hemse
+while 55.1 cm at Hemse, but they are close enough that we can reckon
+that the Gotland \emph{aln} was a bit over 55 cm.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ Area & Modern \\
+ \hline
+ Gotland & 55.4 cm \\
+ Götlunda & 62.8 cm \\
+ Lund & 55.7 cm \\
+ Stockholm "new"& 52.5 cm \\
+ Stockholm "old "& 55.5 cm \\
+ Vadstena & 53.9 cm \\
+ Västergötland & 64 cm \\
+ Öland & 47 cm \\
+ Östergotland & 59.4 cm \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{\emph{Aln} lengths that are known with some certainty.}
+ \label{tab_aln_lengths}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lcccccc|ll}
+ & \emph{Stång} & \emph{Famn} & \emph{Aln} & \emph{Fot} &
+ \emph{Quarter} & \emph{Tum} & Metric & Symbol \\
+ Stång & 1 & 2 & 6 & 12 & 24 & 144 & 3.15 m & \sample{\abstang} \\
+ Famn & & 1 & 3 & 6 & 12 & 72 & 1.58 m & \sample{\abfamn} \\
+ Aln & & & 1 & 2 & 4 & 24 & 52.5 cm & \sample{aln} \\
+ Fot & & & & 1 & 2 & 12 & 26.3 cm & \sample{fot}\\
+ Quarter & & & & & 1 & 6 & 13.1 cm & \sample{\abquarter}\\
+ Tum & & & & & & 1 & 2.2 cm & \sample{tum} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Stockholm length measures }
+ \label{tab_length}
+\item [\sample{aln} \emph{aln}, \emph{kyynärä}] \mbox{} \\
+ The basic length unit was \emph{aln} (\emph{kyynärä}) that
+ corresponds to cubit. Its length varied between 47–65 cm in
+ different areas. The Stockholm \emph{aln} was one of the shortest
+ with its 52.5 cm length.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}aln & \sample{\abaln} & \ltxncmd{abaln} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abquarter} \emph{kvarter}, \emph{kortteli}] \mbox{}
+ \\
+ The principal division of an \emph{aln} was to divide it into four
+ quarters of 12–16 cm. The Stockholm \emph{kvarter} was 13.1 cm long.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}q~t & \sample{\abquarter} & \ltxncmd{abquarter} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{fot} \emph{fot}, \emph{jalka}] \mbox {} \\
+ The foot (\emph{fot}, \emph{jalka}) was also used in Sweden, but was
+ secondary compared with \emph{aln} and \emph{quarter} and some
+ places used a \emph{halvaln} instead. There were two \emph{quarters}
+ in a \emph{fot} and two \emph{fot} in an \emph{aln}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}fot & \sample{\abfot} & \ltxncmd{abfot} \\
+ {}halvaln & \sample{\abhalvaln} & \ltxncmd{abhalvaln} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{tum} \emph{tum}, \emph{tuuma}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{tum} was the equivalent of inch and there were six
+ \emph{tum} in a \emph{quarter} and 24 \emph{tum} in an \emph{aln}.
+ The Stockholm \emph{tum} was 2.2 cm long.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}tum & \sample{\abtum} & \ltxncmd{abtum} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{ffa~pn} \emph{famn}, \emph{syli}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{famn} was the equivalent of a fathom. In most parts of
+ Sweden there were three \emph{aln} per \emph{famn} but in Norrland
+ each \emph{famn} contained 3 1/2 \emph{aln}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}ffa~pn & \sample{\abfamn} & \ltxncmd{abfamn} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abstang} \emph{stång}, \emph{tanko}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{stång} corresponded to a rod. It was typically six
+ \emph{aln} long, but in parts of Östergötland and Småland also five
+ \emph{aln} \emph{stång} was used and there are occasional records
+ for eight \emph{aln} lengths.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[stång] & \sample{\abstang} & \ltxncmd{abstang} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{mil}, \sample{rast} \emph{mil}, \emph{rast}, \emph{peninkulma}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{mil} was a length measure with a vague length that varied
+ a lot in different parts of Sweden. The old name for the unit was
+ \emph{rast} but that got superseded by \emph{mil} during the middle
+ ages. The \emph{mil} in Finland corresponded to about 6 modern
+ kilometers while the \emph{mil} in Dalarland was almost three times
+ that length with its 15 km distance. Before the country was surveyed
+ it was not possible to measure long distances exactly so all
+ measurements that are given in \emph{mils} are approximations. Later
+ \emph{mil} was standardized to 18000 \emph{aln} but that didn't
+ happen until the 17th century.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}mil & \sample{\abmil} & \ltxncmd{abmil} \\
+ {}rast & \sample{\abrast} & \ltxncmd{abrast} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{vika}, \sample{vecka} \emph{vecka}, \emph{sjömil}]
+ \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{vika} or \emph{vecka} was the marine equivalent of
+ \emph{mil} (hence, \emph{sjömil} or sea \emph{mil}). It too was
+ vaguely defined, but it seems to have been approximately 7.5 km in
+ modern terms.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}vika & \sample{\abvika} & \ltxncmd{abvika} \\
+ {}vecka & \sample{\abvecka} & \ltxncmd{abvecka} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ Unit & Modern \\
+ \hline
+ Västgötaland \emph{mil} & ~13 km \\
+ Småland \emph{mil} & ~7.5 km \\
+ Dalarland \emph{mil} & ~15 km \\
+ Finland \emph{mil} & ~6 km \\
+ \emph{Vecka} (\emph{sjömil}) & ~7.5 km \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Long distance measurements}
+ \label{tab_long_distance}
+During the medieval times there were two main reasons for measuring
+land: taxation and economical. The crown wanted to assess how much
+taxes a farm could or should pay, and a landowner (especially a noble
+one with many estates) wanted to know how much a farm could produce.
+Determining the exact land area in the modern sense was not necessary
+for either purpose.
+The capacity to pay taxes was not completely determined by its size
+but also the land quality and opportunities for non-farming income
+such as fishing affected it. For this reason the medieval units for
+area are extremely vague and using them was highly subjective. There
+were some rough guidelines but they were not used as binding rules.
+For example, in the 16th century Hälsingaland a \emph{spannland} was
+reckoned to be a square of field with eight \emph{stång} sides or
+about 830 m$^2$, but this assumed "good land".
+In general, only fields and meadows were measured and the units can be
+roughly divided into three classes:
+\item units directly tied to the amount of taxes that should be paid
+ (e.g. \emph{marksland}, \emph{öresland}).
+\item units describing how much grain is sown in the field
+ (\emph{tunnland}, \emph{spannland})
+\item units tied to units of length (e.g. \emph{stång}, \emph{aln})
+Some units, like \emph{pundsland} were used in two senses: they were
+both units for measuring seed grain and also abstract units for
+\subsubsection{Tax units}
+In the areas that used taxation based on land area, the basic
+principle was that each village had some amount of taxes assigned to
+it, and that tax was then allocated to individual farms by counting
+what proportion of the fields it owned.
+For example, suppose that there was a village that had been assessed
+to be two \emph{rök} in size. The crown assigned the taxed so that
+each \emph{rök} had to pay a specific amount of taxes, so in this
+example the village would need to pay two tax units.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \includegraphics[width=4cm]{pics/fields.png} &
+ \raise3cm\hbox{\smash{\begin{minipage}{6cm}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ A & 2 \emph{stång} & 3 \emph{öre} & \fcolorbox{black}{white}{\phantom{TEST}} \\
+ B & 1 \emph{stång} & $1\frac{1}{2}$ \emph{öre} &\fcolorbox{black}{lgray}{\phantom{TEST}}
+ \\
+ C & 1 \emph{stång} & $1\frac{1}{2}$ \emph{öre} & \fcolorbox{black}{dgray}{\phantom{TEST}} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{minipage}}}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{The \emph{stång} division of a field in a village of 6 \emph{öresland} and 4 \emph{stång}.}
+ \label{fig:stong}
+The \emph{rök} would then be divided into smaller parts. In Upper
+Satakunta each \emph{rök} had 12 \emph{öresland}. Each village was
+allocated some number of \emph{öres} out of the \emph{rök}. Each farm
+of the village was allocated a number of \emph{stångs}. The communal
+fields of the village were divided into thin strips and allocated to
+the farms in proportion to the \emph{stångs} of the farms. The farm
+also had to pay taxes in proportion to its \emph{stång} count. This is
+illustrated in figure \ref{fig:stong}. Typically each \emph{stång}
+corresponded to 1–2 \emph{öres}.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ Area & Unit & Divides into \\
+ \hline
+ Varsinais-Suomi & \emph{rök}, \emph{savu} & 32 \emph{öresland} \\
+ Ala-Satakunta & \emph{rök}, \emph{savu} & 12 \emph{öresland} \\
+ Ylä-Satakunta & \emph{krok}, \emph{koukku} & 12 \emph{öresland} \\
+ Häme & \emph{krok}, \emph{koukku} & 12 \emph{öresland}
+ \\
+ Länsi-Uusimaa & \emph{skattemark}, \emph{veromarkka} & 18 \emph{aln} \\
+ Itä-Uusimaa & \emph{full skatte}, \emph{täysvero} & 18 \emph{aln} \\
+ Kymenkartano & \emph{full skatte}, \emph{täysvero} & 18 \emph{aln} \\
+ Viipurin lääni & \emph{full skatte}, \emph{täysvero} & \\
+ Savo & \emph{skatteskin}, \emph{veronahka} & \\
+ Pohjanmaa & \emph{pundsland}, \emph{punnanala} & 10 \emph{spannland} \\
+ Åland & \emph{marksland} \\
+ & \emph{rök} \\
+ & \emph{full skatte} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Land-area based taxation units in Finland according to \cite{seppala09}}
+ \label{tab_taxation_units}
+\item [\sample{\abmarksland}, \emph{marksland}, \emph{markanmaa}] \mbox{} \\
+ \emph{Marksland} was perhaps the oldest taxation unit in Sweden for
+ agricultural areas. Originally it denoted an area that was supposed
+ to pay one \emph{mark} in taxes, but over time it became a
+ computational unit. In Finnish side it was used only at Åland.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[mark]aland & \sample{\abmarksland} & \ltxncmd{abmarksland} \\
+ {}[mark::]al~ad & \sample{\abmarkslandtwo} & \ltxncmd{abmarkslandtwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\aboresland}, \emph{öresland}, \emph{äyrinmaa}] \mbox{} \\
+ Originally \emph{aboresland} was the amount of land suposed to pay
+ an \emph{öre} in taxes. Later it was used as a computational
+ division for other units, such as \emph{rök}, \emph{krok},
+ \emph{skattemark}, and \emph{marksland}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[ore]sl~ad & \sample{\aboresland} & \ltxncmd{aboresland} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abortugsland}, \emph{örtugsland}, \emph{aurtuanmaa}] \mbox{} \\
+ An \emph{ortugsland} was a further subdivision of an \emph{öresland}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[ortug]al~ad & \sample{\abortugsland} & \ltxncmd{abortugsland} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abpenningsland}, \emph{penningsland},
+ \emph{penninmaa}]
+ \mbox{} \\
+ The smallest subdivision of a \emph{marksland} was
+ \emph{penningsland}. It was already so small that there are not that
+ many mentions of it in sources.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}pe~nal~ad & \sample{\abpenningsland} & \ltxncmd{abpenningsland} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{rök}, \emph{rök}, \emph{savu}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{rök} (\emph{smoke}) originally meant a single inhabited farm
+ but it evolved into a general land measure for taxation. It kept the
+ original meaning in most of Finland for the whole middle ages, but
+ got the general meaning in Åland and Varsinais-Suomi.
+\item [\sample{krok}, \emph{krok}, \emph{aura}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{krok} was also a specific unit that evolved into general
+ land measure. It means \emph{a plough} and it is not certain whether
+ it originally meant a single physical plough or the area that could
+ be plowed with one team.
+\item [\sample{skatheskin}, \emph{skatteskin}, \emph{veronahka}, \emph{oravainen}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{skatteskin} (\emph{tax skin}) was a taxation unit for areas
+ without strong agriculture. Originally it denoted an area that was
+ responsible for paying a set amount of fur skins as taxes, but as
+ agriculture improved it became another general land area measure. A
+ \emph{skatteskin} was also called \emph{oravainen} (\emph{little
+ squirrel}) in Finnish, because the tax was usually assessed in
+ winter squirrel skins.
+\item [\sample{\abskattemark} \emph{skattemark},
+ \emph{veromarkka},] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{skattemark} was a unit that was used in two different
+ senses. In some areas it was used like \emph{marksland} but it was
+ divided into \emph{alns} instead of \emph{öreslands}. In Pohjanmaa
+ where agriculture was poorly developed it was a property assessment:
+ for each \emph{skattemark} of property there were in an area, the
+ inhabitants had to collectively pay one silver mark of taxes.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}skathe[mark] & \sample{\abskattemark} & \ltxncmd{abskattemark} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{full skathe}, \emph{full skatte}, \emph{täysvero}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{full skatte} was a similar unit as \emph{markland} but it
+ was introduced later and to different parts of the country. In areas
+ with established agriculture it was divided into \emph{stångs} and
+ \emph{alns}, while in Savo it was divided into halves, quarters, and
+ eighths.
+ \begin{table}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lcccc|l}
+ & \emph{bol} & \emph{halvbol} & \emph{fjärding} & \emph{åtting} & Symbol \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{bol} & 1 & 2 & 4 & 8 & \sample{\abbol} \\
+ \emph{halvbol} & & 1 & 2 & 4 & \sample{\abhalvbol} \\
+ \emph{fjärding} & & & 1 & 2 & \sample{\abfjarding} \\
+ \emph{åtting} & & & & 1 & \sample{\abotting} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{The \emph{bol} division of land}
+ \label{tab:bol}
+ \end{table}
+\item [\sample{halffskatte}, \emph{halv skatte}, \emph{puolivero}]
+ \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{halv skatte} was a half of a \emph{full skatte}.
+\item [\sample{\abbol}, \emph{bol}] \mbox{} \\
+ Like a \emph{rök}, a \emph{bol} originally meant one inhabited farm
+ but it later became a general land measure. As a measure it was
+ first divided into halves and quarters, but later it grew bigger and
+ contained 20 \emph{skattemark}. In Finland \emph{bol} was used only
+ in areas where the population was Swedish-speaking.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}booll & \sample{\abbol} & \ltxncmd{abbol} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abhalvbol}, \emph{halvbol} ]\mbox{} \\
+ A half of a bol was a \emph{halvbol}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}halffbooll & \sample{\abhalvbol} & \ltxncmd{abhalvbol} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abfjarding}, \sample{\abfjardingtwo}, \emph{fjärding}] \mbox{} \\
+ During the middle ages a \emph{fjärding} was a fourth of a
+ \emph{bol} or a \emph{full skatte}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}~ffi & \sample{\abfjarding} & \ltxncmd{abfjarding} \\
+ {}fjard~ug & \sample{\abfjardingtwo} & \ltxncmd{abfjardingtwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abotting}, \emph{otting}] \mbox{} \\
+ An \emph{otting} was a eighth of a \emph{bol} or \emph{full skatte}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}attu~g & \sample{\abotting} & \ltxncmd{abotting} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsection{Seed grain based units}
+Measuring the size of a field by the amount of seed grain that was
+sown to it was a common practice. However, the values were approximate
+because the amount depended on the grain. For example, rye was sown in
+a sparser pattern than barley and a farmer would use 30–50\% more
+barley seeds than rye seeds on the same field.
+The most common crop rotation schema in Finland for normal fields was
+that a half of farms fields were left fallow each year so a farmer
+with 20 \emph{spannland} of land would sow 10 \emph{spanns} each year.
+\item [\sample{\abspannland} \emph{spannland},
+ \emph{panninala}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{spannland} corresponded to the size of a field that was sown
+ with a \emph{spann} of grain.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}~spl~ad & \sample{\abspannland} & \ltxncmd{abspannland} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abpundland} \emph{pundland},
+ \emph{punnanala}] \mbox {} \\
+ A \emph{pundland} corresponded to the size of a field that was sown
+ with a \emph{pund} of grain.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[pund]al~ad & \sample{\abpundland} & \ltxncmd{abpundland} \\
+ {}p~udal~ad & \sample{\abpundlandtwo} & \ltxncmd{abpundlandtwo} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abtunnland} \emph{tunnland},
+ \emph{tynnyrinala} ] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{tunnland} corresponded to the size of a field that was
+ sown with a \emph{tunna} of grain. The unit came to use when the
+ \emph{tunna} was introduced as a dry measure so it was rare before
+ the 16th century.
+\item [\sample{thynia}, \emph{thynia}] \mbox{} \\
+ The unit \emph{thynia} occurs in some 14th century Swedish
+ documents. It denoted the amount of land that could be sown with a
+ \emph{thyn} of grain.
+\subsection{Length based units}
+\item [\sample{\abstang} \emph{stång}, \emph{tanko}] \mbox{} \\
+ When \emph{stång} was used as a unit of area, it measured the width
+ of a strip of field. It was also used as a computational unit of
+ taxation as a measure of the general size of a farm without being
+ tied to the actual area of the fields. As a computational unit there
+ were usually 3 or 12–18 \emph{stång} in a taxation unit in Finland.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}[stång] & \sample{\abstang} & \ltxncmd{abstang} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{aln} \emph{aln}, \emph{kyynärä}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{aln} was used as an area measure in the same way as
+ \emph{stång}. It was both a real measurement of strip width and a
+ computational unit for taxation.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}aln & \sample{\abaln} & \ltxncmd{abaln} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsection{Counting units}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ Name & Amount & Symbol & Usage \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{ask} & 1 & \sample{ask} & butter, honey \\
+ \emph{boge} & 1 & \sample{boge} & men \\
+ \emph{bok} & 24 & \sample{bok} & sheets of paper \\
+ \emph{centener} & 12 & \sample{sintenre} & windowpanes \\
+ \emph{dussin} & 12 & \sample{dussin} & merchandise \\
+ \emph{gång} & 4 & \sample{gaang} & horseshoes \\
+ \emph{göpen} & inexact & \sample{göpen} & small things held in a hand \\
+ \emph{hundra} & 100 & \sample{hundra} & anything \\
+ \emph{kast} & 4 & \sample{kast} & things held in hands (two in each) \\
+ \emph{knippa} & various & \sample{knippa} & things bound together \\
+ \emph{krok} & 1 & \sample{krok} & taxation unit (literal meaning \emph{plough}) \\
+ \emph{par} & 2 & \sample{par} & anything \\
+ \emph{mantal} & various & \sample{mantal} & men \\
+ \emph{näbbe} & 1 & \sample{nebbe} & adults \\
+ \emph{näveful} & inexact & \sample{näuefull} & small things held in a hand \\
+ \emph{rök} & 1 & \sample{rök} & farms (for taxation) \\
+ \emph{skock} & 60 & \sample{skock} & merchandise \\
+ \emph{släpp} & 2–10 & \sample{släpp} & dogs \\
+ \emph{storhundra} & 120 & \sample{storhundra} & anything \\
+ \emph{stycke} & 1 & \sample{\abstycke} & anything \\
+ \emph{tolft} & 12 & \sample{tolft} & lumber \\
+ \emph{tiogh} & 10 or 20 & \sample{tiogh} & eggs, planks \\
+ \emph{däcker} & 10 & \sample{\abdacker} & furs, skins, sheets of parchment \\
+ \emph{timber} & 40 & \sample{\abtimmer} & furs \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Names for quantitites}
+ \label{tab_quantities}
+Some goods had separate units that were used for counting them.
+\item [\sample{ask} \emph{ask}, \emph{aski}] \mbox{} \\
+ An \emph{ask} was a small box made from wood or birch bark that was
+ used when buying or selling small amounts of butter, honey, or
+ similar substances.
+\item [\sample{boge}, \sample{b} \emph{boge}, \emph{jousi}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{boge} (a bow) was used to count men who were old enough to
+ take part in hunting and it was perhaps the oldest unit of taxation
+ in Finland. It is probable that it was originally used in a literal
+ sense and every man who could draw a full-strength bow was counted.
+ Later it was expanded to mean every men over a set age, often 14 or
+ 15.
+\item [\sample{sintener} \emph{centener} ] \mbox{} \\
+ The name \emph{centener} comes from Latin meaning 100, but for some
+ obscure reason it was adopted to mean a group of 12 windowpanes in
+ Sweden when glass windows started to be used.
+\item [\sample{dussin} \emph{dussin}, \emph{tusina}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{dussin} (a dozen) as a counting term (12) came to Sweden from
+ Germany and it was quite rare during the middle ages and did not
+ gain widspread use until the early modern times. It was usually used
+ when buying or selling individual goods.
+\item [\sample{gaang} \emph{gång}, \emph{kerta}] \mbox{} \\
+ Horseshoes were counted in \emph{gångs}. A \emph{gång} had four
+ shoes, enough to shoe one horse.
+\item [\sample{hundra} \emph{hundra}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{hundra} means literally 'a hundred' and it was used as a
+ unit meaning 100. This was also called \emph{lilla hundret}, meaning
+ 'a small hundred'.
+\item [\sample{kast} \emph{kast}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{kast} was a unit that was used to count small things that
+ could be carried in hand such as coins and nails. It usually denoted
+ four items (two in both hands) but there were some exceptions. For
+ example, in Jämntland a \emph{kast} of nails was 5 nails: three in
+ one hand and two in another.
+\item [\sample{knippo} \emph{knippa}, \emph{nippu} ] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{knippa} is a bundle where many things have been tied
+ together somehow. How many things there were in a \emph{knippa}
+ depended on what was being counted. For example, a \emph{knippa} of
+ brooms was 10 pieces, and a \emph{knippa} of shingles was 100.
+\item [\sample{mantal}, \emph{mantal}, \emph{manttaali} ] \mbox{} \\
+ Under the old \emph{mantal} system a number of men were grouped
+ together and they were collectively responsible for some obligation.
+ For example, equipping a ship for the fleet. The number of men in a
+ \emph{mantal} depended on area and the nature of obligation. In the
+ 16th century a new \emph{mantal} count was introduced that acted as
+ an area measurement for taxation.
+\item [\sample{nebbe}, \emph{näbbe}, \emph{nokka}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{näbbe} (\emph{beak}) was a person who was considered adult
+ for the purpose of certain taxes. In some areas all adults were
+ included in the \emph{näbbe} count, in other areas service folk were
+ excluded.
+\item [\sample{näuefull}, \sample{göpen} \emph{näveful},\emph{göpen}, \emph{koura} ] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{näveful} was used when handling small things. It contained
+ as much material that could be held in one closed hand. For example,
+ in Finland it was common that a person who helped shearing sheep
+ would receive as a salary a set number of \emph{koura} of wool.
+\item [\sample{par} \emph{par}, \emph{pari} ] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{par} is two of something. It was usually used to count
+ things that come in pairs.
+\item [\sample{skock} \emph{skock}, \emph{parvi}] \mbox{} \\
+ Like a \emph{dussin}, a \emph{skock} was a unit that was imported
+ from Germany in late middle ages. It denoted 60 pieces and it too
+ was mostly used for merchandise.
+\item [\sample{släpp} \emph{släpp}, \emph{ajue}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{släpp} is a team of hunting dogs. You needed at least two
+ dogs to have a \emph{släpp} but there might be several.
+\item [\sample{storhundra} \emph{storhundra} ] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{storhundra} translates literally to "a big hundred" and it
+ meant 120 pieces.
+\item [\sample{stycke}, \sample{\abstycke} \emph{stycke},
+ \emph{kappale}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{stycke} simply means a piece. It was used in account books
+ as a unit in cases where there was no special unit to use.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}s~t & \sample{\abstycke} & \ltxncmd{abstycke} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abtimmer}, \sample{\abtimber} \emph{timmer}, \emph{timber}, \emph{kiihtelys}] \mbox{} \\
+ In Finland furs were divided into two basic classes by their value:
+ \emph{harmaanahka} (\emph{greyskin}) and \emph{valkonahka}
+ (\emph{whiteskin}). The cheaper greyskins, most imortant of whom was
+ the squirrel, were counted using a 40 piece \emph{kiihtelys} as the
+ basic unit. In Swedish texts this is usually written either as
+ \emph{timber} or \emph{timmer}. However, Swedish texts written in
+ Finland often use \emph{timber} also when counting whiteskins, and
+ then it means 10 of them.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ {}ti~m & \sample{\abtimmer} & \ltxncmd{abtimmer} \\
+ {}[timber] & \sample{\abtimber} & \ltxncmd{abtimber} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\sample{\abdacker} \emph{däcker}, \emph{tikkuri}] \mbox{} \\
+ The more valuable whiteskins (such as winter ermine and black fox)
+ were counted using a 10 piece \emph{tikkuri} as the unit in Finland.
+ The word is a loan word from Swedish \emph{däcker} and it was used
+ for also large skins and sheets of parchment. As mentioned above,
+ Swedish texts written in Finland often use \emph{timber} for
+ \emph{tikkuri} instead of \emph{däcker} when speaking about
+ whiteskins.
+\item [\sample{tiogh} \emph{tiogh}, \emph{tiu}] \mbox{} \\
+ Originally a \emph{tiogh} computed in units of 10 and it was
+ primarily used of planks. By the mid 16th century its meaning had
+ changed to 20 pieces and it was most commonly used of eggs.
+\item [\sample{tolft} \emph{tolft}, \emph{toltti} ] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{tolft} (\emph{toltti} in Finnish) meant 12 pieces and it was
+ most often used of lumber: beams and planks.
+\subsubsection{Counting fish}
+There were particularly many different words for counting different
+kinds of fish. Large amounts of fish were usually counted in barrels,
+but for small amounts individual counts were used.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ Name & Amount & Symbol & Usage \\
+ \hline
+ \emph{bast} & 24 & \sample{bast} & eels and lampreys \\
+ \emph{klove} & 100–240 & \sample{kloffue} & dried fish \\
+ \emph{kärve} & 12–16 & \sample{kärue} & salmon \\
+ \emph{rynkie} & 300 & \sample{rynkie} & whitefish \\
+ \emph{snesa} & 20 & \sample{snes} & eels \\
+ \emph{spide} & 24 & \sample{spidh} & fish \\
+ \emph{stig} & 20 & \sample{stig} & fish \\
+ \emph{stock} & 30 & \sample{stig} & fish \\
+ \emph{val} & 80 & \sample{val} & herring \\
+ \emph{vårda} & 10 & \sample{vaardh} & dried fish \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Units for counting fish}
+ \label{tab_fish}
+\item [\sample{bast} \emph{bast}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{bast} was used to count eels and lampreys and there were 24
+ fish per \emph{bast}.
+\item [\sample{kloffue} \emph{klove}, \emph{pihti} ] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{klove} was perhaps the most important unit for counting
+ fish. It was used exclusively of dried fish and its size varied in
+ different areas ranging from 100 to 240. It seems that in Stockholm
+ there were 200 fish in a \emph{klove}.
+ In Finland \emph{klove} was called \emph{pihti} and it was used also
+ for counting sheets of birch bark. When counting small fish like
+ vendance a \emph{pihti} may have had up to 1000 fish.
+\item [\sample{kärffue} \emph{kärve}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{kärve} was either 12 or 16 salmons.
+\item [\sample{rynkie} \emph{rynkie} ] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{rynkie} was a unit that was used in Satakunta to count
+ whitefish. A \emph{rynkie} had 300 fish.
+\item [\sample{snesa} \emph{snesa} ] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{snesa} was another unit for counting eels. There were 20
+ eels in a \emph{snesa}.
+\item [\sample{spidh} \emph{spide}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{spide} was used in Gotland to count all kinds of fish.
+ There were 24 fish in a \emph{spide}.
+\item [\sample{stig} \emph{stig}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{stig} was also used to count all kinds of fish. There were
+ 20 fish in a \emph{stig}.
+\item [\sample{stock} \emph{stock}, \emph{joukko}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{stock} was a group of 30 fish.
+\item [\sample{val} \emph{val}, \emph{vaali}] \mbox{} \\
+ The \emph{val} was a unit of counting herrings. Each \emph{val}
+ had 80 herrings.
+\item [\sample{vaardh} \emph{vårda}, \emph{nippu}] \mbox{} \\
+ A \emph{vårda} was a unit for dried fish (most often cods). A
+ \emph{vårda} usually had 10 or 12 fish. A \emph{vårda} of lampreys
+ typically had one more than other fish because one of them was used
+ to tie the others.
+\section{LaTeX Command Reference }\label{reference}
+\subsection{General commands}
+\item [\ltxncmd{abcursivefamily}] \mbox{} \\
+ Switch to \Aboensis{} with the current size and set text color. This
+ also makes \emph{~} and \emph{_} be normal letters.
+\item [\ltxcmd{aboensis}{text}] \mbox{} \\
+ Sets \package{text} in Aboensis with set text color.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abtildes}] \mbox{} \\
+ Change \emph{~} and \emph{_} to normal letters.
+\subsection{Color handling}
+\item [\ltxcmd{abtext}{text}] \mbox{} \\
+ Set \package{text} using the text color.
+\item[\ltxcmd{abrubric}{text}] \mbox{} \\
+ Set \package{text} using the primary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abotherrubric}{text}] \mbox{} \\
+ Set \package{text} using the secondary rubrics color.
+\item[\ltxncmd{abtorubric}] \mbox{} \\
+ Change the color to the primary rubrics color.
+\item[\ltxncmd{abtootherrubric}] \mbox{} \\
+ Change the color to the secondary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{absettextcolor}{color}] \mbox{} \\
+ Set the text color to \package{color}.
+\item[\ltxcmd{absetrubriccolor}{color}] \mbox{} \\
+ Set the primary rubric color to \package{color}.
+\item[\ltxcmd{absetotherrubriccolor}{color}] \mbox{} \\
+ Set the secondary rubric color to \package{color}.
+\item [\ltxcmd{absetcolormixpercentage}{percentage}] \mbox{} \\
+ Set the primary rubrics color mix percentage to
+ \package{percentage}.
+\item [\ltxcmd{absetothercolormixpercentage}{percentage}]\mbox{} \\
+ Set the secondary rubrics color mix percentage to
+ \package{percentage}.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abrubricred}]\mbox{} \\
+ Set the primary rubrics color to red (default).
+\item [\ltxncmd{abrubricgreen}]\mbox{} \\
+ Set the primary rubrics color to green.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abrubricblue}]\mbox{} \\
+ Set the primary rubrics color to blue.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abotherrubricred}]\mbox{} \\
+ Set the secondary rubrics color to red.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abotherrubricgreen}]\mbox{} \\
+ Set the secondary rubrics color to green (default).
+\item [\ltxncmd{abotherrubricblue}]\mbox{} \\
+ Set the secondary rubrics color to blue.
+\subsection{Capitals and initials}
+\item [\ltxcmd{abcapital}{letter}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-colored capital letter with the primary rubrics color for
+ highlighting.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abcapitalother}{letter}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-colored capital letter with the secondary rubrics color for
+ highlighting.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abinitial}{letter}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a Lombardic initial letter in the primary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abinitialother}{letter}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a Lombardic initial letter in the secondary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abinitialtwo}{letter}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-colored Lombardic inititial letter where main color is the
+ primary rubrics color and the other color is the secondary rubrics
+ color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abinitialothertwo}{letter}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-colored Lombardic inititial letter where main color is the
+ secondary rubrics color and the other color is the primary rubrics
+ color.
+\item [\ltxcmdfour{abinitwpos}{letter}{scale}{xpos}{ypos}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a Lombardic initial letter that is scaled by \feature{scale} and
+ moved by \feature{xpos} and \feature{ypos}. The letter is in the
+ primary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmdfour{abinitowpos}{letter}{scale}{xpos}{ypos}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a Lombardic initial letter that is scaled by \feature{scale} and
+ moved by \feature{xpos} and \feature{ypos}. The letter is in the
+ secondary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmdfour{abinittwowpos}{letter}{scale}{xpos}{ypos}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-colored Lombardic initial scaled by \feature{scale} and
+ moved by \feature{xpos} and \feature{ypos}. The main color is the
+ primary rubrics color and the other color is the secondary rubrics
+ color.
+\item [\ltxcmdfour{abinitotwowpos}{letter}{scale}{xpos}{ypos}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-colored Lombardic initial scaled by \feature{scale} and
+ moved by \feature{xpos} and \feature{ypos}. The main color is the
+ secondary rubrics color and the other color is the primary rubrics
+ color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abcursiveinitial}{letter}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a cursive initial \feature{letter} using the text color.
+\item [\ltxcmdfour{abcursiveinitialwithpos}{letter}{scale}{xpos}{ypos}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a cursive initial letter scaled by \feature{scale} and moved by
+ \feature{xpos} and \feature{ypos}.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abstartchapter}{letter}{line}{line}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-line chapter start Lombardic initial and fhe first two
+ lines of text. The initial is in the primary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abstartchapterother}{letter}{line}{line}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-line chapter start Lombardic initial and fhe first two
+ lines of text. The initial is in the secondary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abstartchaptertwo}{letter}{line}{line}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-line chapter start with a two-colored Lombardic initial
+ where main color is the primary rubrics color and the other is the
+ secondary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abstartchapterothertwo}{letter}{line}{line}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-line chapter start with a two-colored Lombardic initial
+ where main color is the secondary rubrics color and the other is the
+ primary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abstartchapterwithpos}{letter}{scale}{xpos}{ypos}{line}{line}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-line chapter start with a scaled and positioned Lombardic
+ initial in the primary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abstartchapterotherwithpos}{letter}{scale}{xpos}{ypos}{line}{line}]
+ \mbox{} \\
+ Add a two-line chapter start with a scaled and positioned Lombardic
+ initial in the secondary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abstartchaptertwowithpos}{letter}{scale}{xpos}{ypos}{line}{line}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a chapter start with a two-line two-color scaled and positioned
+ Lombardic initial where the main color is the primary rubrics color
+ and other color is the secondary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abstartchapterothertwowithpos}{letter}{scale}{xpos}{ypos}{line}{line}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a chapter start with a two-line two-color scaled and positioned
+ Lombardic initial where the main color is the secondary rubrics color
+ and other color is the primary rubrics color.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abothernum}{number}] \mbox{} \\
+ Change the number glyphs in \feature{number} to the alternate Arabic
+ numbers.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abroman}{number}] \mbox{} \\
+ Format \feature{number} as a Roman numeral using the standard
+ subtractive numerals. This works for numbers from one to million and
+ halves are also supported.
+\item [\ltxcmdthree{abromanother}{thousands}{hundreds}{number}]
+ \mbox{} \\
+ Format a number as a Roman numeral using the alternative shema where
+ thousands and hundreds are shown separately.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abthousand}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a thousands marker for the alternative Roman numeral encoding.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abhundred}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a hundreds marker for the alternative Roman numeral encoding.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abthird}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a Swedish symbol for one third.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abfourth}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a Swedish symbol for one fourth.
+\item [\ltxncmd{absixth}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a Swedish symbol for one sixth.
+\paragraph{Line handling}
+\item [\ltxcmd{abl}{text}] \mbox{} \\
+ Typeset \feature{text} in one line while removing the height of
+ letters. This is used to enforce even spacing between lines.
+\item [\ltxcmd{abb}{text}] \mbox{} \\
+ Typeset \feature{text} in one line while removing the height of
+ letters. The difference between this and the previous one is that
+ \ltxncmd{abl} automatically adds a newline after the line while
+ \ltxncmd{abb} does not. This means that \ltxncmd{abb} is safe to use
+ insida the \feature{tabular} environment.
+\item[\ltxncmd{abindent}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add space equal to the width of the last lombardic initial.
+ \begin{tabular}{llllll}
+\ltxncmd{abaam} & \sample{\abaam} & \ltxncmd{abkarpiotwo} & \sample{\abkarpiotwo} \\
+\ltxncmd{abaln} & \sample{\abaln} & \ltxncmd{abkarve} & \sample{\abkarve} \\
+\ltxncmd{abambar} & \sample{\abambar} & \ltxncmd{abkolmannes} & \sample{\abkolmannes} \\
+\ltxncmd{abbaat} & \sample{\abbaat} & \ltxncmd{abkylmitta} & \sample{\abkylmitta} \\
+\ltxncmd{abbesmanspund} & \sample{\abbesmanspund} & \ltxncmd{ablass} & \sample{\ablass} \\
+\ltxncmd{abbol} & \sample{\abbol} & \ltxncmd{ablast} & \sample{\ablast} \\
+\ltxncmd{abdacker} & \sample{\abdacker} & \ltxncmd{ablibra} & \sample{\ablibra} \\
+\ltxncmd{abdenarius} & \sample{\abdenarius} & \ltxncmd{ablispund} & \sample{\ablispund} \\
+\ltxncmd{abdragu} & \sample{\abdragu} & \ltxncmd{ablispundtwo} & \sample{\ablispundtwo} \\
+\ltxncmd{abfamn} & \sample{\abfamn} & \ltxncmd{ablispundthree} & \sample{\ablispundthree} \\
+\ltxncmd{abfangh} & \sample{\abfangh} & \ltxncmd{ablispundfour} & \sample{\ablispundfour} \\
+\ltxncmd{abfat} & \sample{\abfat} & \ltxncmd{ablod} & \sample{\ablod} \\
+\ltxncmd{abfjarding} & \sample{\abfjarding} & \ltxncmd{abmarc} & \sample{\abmarc} \\
+\ltxncmd{abfjardingtwo} & \sample{\abfjardingtwo} & \ltxncmd{abmark} & \sample{\abmark} \\
+\ltxncmd{abfot} & \sample{\abfot} & \ltxncmd{abmarkpund} & \sample{\abmarkpund} \\
+\ltxncmd{abhalvaln} & \sample{\abhalvaln} & \ltxncmd{abmarkpundtwo} & \sample{\abmarkpundtwo} \\
+\ltxncmd{abhalvbol} & \sample{\abhalvbol} & \ltxncmd{abmarksland} & \sample{\abmarksland} \\
+\ltxncmd{abkanna} & \sample{\abkanna} & \ltxncmd{abmarkslandtwo} & \sample{\abmarkslandtwo} \\
+\ltxncmd{abkannatwo} & \sample{\abkannatwo} & \ltxncmd{abmil} & \sample{\abmil} \\
+\ltxncmd{abkappa} & \sample{\abkappa} & \ltxncmd{abmk} & \sample{\abmk} \\
+\ltxncmd{abkappatwo} & \sample{\abkappatwo} & \ltxncmd{abmodius} & \sample{\abmodius} \\
+\ltxncmd{abkarpio} & \sample{\abkarpio} & \ltxncmd{aboresland} & \sample{\aboresland} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Medieval unit commands 1/2}
+ \label{tab:abbreviation_commands_1}
+ \begin{tabular}{llllll}
+\ltxncmd{abore} & \sample{\abore} & \ltxncmd{abskole} & \sample{\abskole} \\
+\ltxncmd{abortugsland} & \sample{\abortugsland} & \ltxncmd{absolidus} & \sample{\absolidus} \\
+\ltxncmd{abortug} & \sample{\abortug} & \ltxncmd{absoll} & \sample{\absoll} \\
+\ltxncmd{abotting} & \sample{\abotting} & \ltxncmd{absommardragu} & \sample{\absommardragu} \\
+\ltxncmd{abparmas} & \sample{\abparmas} & \ltxncmd{absommarlass} & \sample{\absommarlass} \\
+\ltxncmd{abpenningsland} & \sample{\abpenningsland} & \ltxncmd{abspannland} & \sample{\abspannland} \\
+\ltxncmd{abpenning} & \sample{\abpenning} & \ltxncmd{abspann} & \sample{\abspann} \\
+\ltxncmd{abpundfour} & \sample{\abpundfour} & \ltxncmd{abstang} & \sample{\abstang} \\
+\ltxncmd{abpundland} & \sample{\abpundland} & \ltxncmd{abstop} & \sample{\abstop} \\
+\ltxncmd{abpundlandtwo} & \sample{\abpundlandtwo} & \ltxncmd{abstycke} & \sample{\abstycke} \\
+\ltxncmd{abpund} & \sample{\abpund} & \ltxncmd{abthyn} & \sample{\abthyn} \\
+\ltxncmd{abpundtwo} & \sample{\abpundtwo} & \ltxncmd{abtimber} & \sample{\abtimber} \\
+\ltxncmd{abpundthree} & \sample{\abpundthree} & \ltxncmd{abtimmer} & \sample{\abtimmer} \\
+\ltxncmd{abquarter} & \sample{\abquarter} & \ltxncmd{abtum} & \sample{\abtum} \\
+\ltxncmd{abquintin} & \sample{\abquintin} & \ltxncmd{abtunna} & \sample{\abtunna} \\
+\ltxncmd{abrast} & \sample{\abrast} & \ltxncmd{abtunnland} & \sample{\abtunnland} \\
+\ltxncmd{absattung} & \sample{\absattung} & \ltxncmd{abtunnor} & \sample{\abtunnor} \\
+\ltxncmd{abskaalpund} & \sample{\abskaalpund} & \ltxncmd{abvakka} & \sample{\abvakka} \\
+\ltxncmd{abskappa} & \sample{\abskappa} & \ltxncmd{abvecka} & \sample{\abvecka} \\
+\ltxncmd{abskattemark} & \sample{\abskattemark} & \ltxncmd{abvika} & \sample{\abvika} \\
+\ltxncmd{abskeppund} & \sample{\abskeppund} & \ltxncmd{abvinterdragu} & \sample{\abvinterdragu} \\
+\ltxncmd{abskeppundtwo} & \sample{\abskeppundtwo} & \ltxncmd{abvinterlass} & \sample{\abvinterlass} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Medieval unit commands 2/2}
+ \label{tab:abbreviation_commands_2}
+The commands for setting medieval swedish measurement units are shown
+in tables \ref{tab:abbreviation_commands_1} and
+\ref{tab:abbreviation_commands_2}. Other symbol commands are listed
+\item[\ltxncmd{abpara}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add the paragraph start pillcrow symbol ¶ in the primary rubrics
+ color.
+\item[\ltxncmd{abparaother}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add the paragraph start pillcrow symbol ¶ in the secondary rubrics
+ color.
+\item[\ltxncmd{abitem}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add the 'item' symbol with text color.
+\item [\ltxncmd{ableftindex}] \mbox{} \\
+ Add a finger pointing left.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abrightindex}]\mbox{} \\
+ Add a finger pointing right.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abupindex}]\mbox{} \\
+ Add a finger pointing up.
+\item [\ltxncmd{abdownindex}]\mbox{} \\
+ Add a finger pointing down.
+\section{OpenType Features}\label{sec_opentype}
+The features in \Aboensis{} are divided into two classes: those that
+should be always on and those that should be turned on only when
+necessary. The two features that are necessary for the proper function
+of the font are \feature{calt} and \feature{liga}. Most modern
+programs turn both of them on by default.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{llll}
+ Function & Feature & Always on & \\
+ \hline
+ List of all alternaties & \feature{aalt} \\
+ Contextual alternate forms & \feature{calt} & $\times$ \\
+ Abbreviation ligatures & \feature{dlig} \\
+ Fractions & \feature{frac} \\
+ Initial forms & \feature{init} \\
+ Isolated forms & \feature{isol} \\
+ Standard ligatures & \feature{liga} & $\times$\\
+ Roman numbers & \feature{onum} \\
+ Capital letter highlight & \feature{ss01} & \\
+ Capital letter highlight overlap & \feature{ss02} &\\
+ Initial substitution & \feature{ss03} & & \\
+ Lombardic initial second color & \feature{ss04} & \\
+ Swash Lombardic initial & \feature{ss05} \\
+ Superscript letters & \feature{sups} & \\
+ Swash letters & \feature{swsh} &\\
+ Alternate Arabic numbers & \feature{tnum} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{OpenType features}
+ \label{tab:opentype_features}
+\item [\feature{aalt}] \mbox{} \\
+ Access all alternates. This feature is used by some software to
+ provide access to all letters to the user.
+\item [\feature{calt}] \mbox{} \\
+ The contextual alternate substitution. This changes the letter forms
+ based on the surrounding context. In particular, this substitutes
+ the correct forms of \emph{r} and \emph{s} as well as makes the
+ letters tie together better. This feature should always be turned
+ on.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \largesample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=-calt;}manor} &
+ \largesample{manor} \\
+ \feature{-calt} & \feature{+calt} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{dlig}] \mbox{} \\
+ Abbreviation ligature substitution. This feature substitutes
+ parts of words by their abbreviations. In most cases you want to use
+ the bracketed substitutions that are defined in \feature{liga} and
+ shown in table \ref{tab:abbreviation_ligatures}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{copper} &
+ \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+dlig;}copper} \\
+ \feature{-dlig} & \feature{+dlig} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{frac}] \mbox{} \\
+ Changes vulgar fractions into ordinals with the \emph{le}-syntax:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{1/4} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+frac;}1/4} \\
+ \feature{-frac} & \feature{+frac} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{init}] \mbox{} \\
+ Changes letters to their initial forms. This is done automatically
+ by feature \feature{calt}.
+\item [\feature{isol}] \mbox{} \\
+ Changes letters to their isolated forms. This is done automatically by feature \feature{calt}.
+\item [\feature{liga}] \mbox{} \\
+ Enables the standard ligature substitution. This should be In this font it is used for two things:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item add ligatures in the the normal manner
+ \item add special symbols as ligature substitutions in the way
+ described in section \ref{sec_abbrs}.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item [\feature{onum}] \mbox{} \\
+ Converts numbers into Roman numerals.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{123} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+onum;}123} \\
+ \feature{-onum} & \feature{+onum} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{ss01}] \mbox{} \\
+ Changes a capital letter into a highlight strike through the letter.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{A} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss01;}A} \\
+ \feature{-ss01} & \feature{+ss01} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{ss02}] \mbox{} \\
+ Changes a capital letter into the intersection of the letter and the highlight strike through it:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{A} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss02;}A} \\
+ \feature{-ss02} & \feature{+ss02} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{ss03}] \mbox{} \\
+ Changes a capital letter into a Lombardic initial and a lower case
+ letter into a cursive initial. You may want to use the ligature
+ substitutions \feature{+A+} and \feature{++A++}, instead.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{A} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss03;}A} &
+ & \sample{a} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss03;}a} \\
+ \feature{-ss03} & \feature{+ss03} & & \feature{-ss03} & \feature{+ss03} \\ \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{ss04}] \mbox{} \\
+ Changes a capital letter into the second color of a Lombard initial.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{A} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss04;}A} \\
+ \feature{-ss04} & \feature{+ss04} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{ss05}] \mbox{} \\
+ Changes a capital letter into a swash Lombardic initial.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{A} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+ss05;}A} \\
+ \feature{-ss05} & \feature{+ss05} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{sups}] \mbox{} \\
+Switches letters to superscripts:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{sample} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+sups;}sample} \\
+ \feature{-sups} & \feature{+sups} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item [\feature{swsh}] \mbox{} \\
+ Switches some letters to alternate forms.
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \feature{-swsh} & \feature{+swsh} & & \feature{-swsh} & \feature{+swsh} \\
+ \sample{*g} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+swsh;}g} & &
+ \sample{*x} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+swsh;}x} \\
+ \sample{*y} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+swsh;}y} & &
+ \sample{*z} & \sample{\addfontfeature{RawFeature=+swsh;}z} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\item [\feature{tnum}] \mbox{} \\
+ Change Arabic numbers to the form used in the Fibonacci manuscript:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ccccc}
+ \sample{1234567890} & \sample{\abothernum{1234567890}} \\
+ \feature{-tnum} & \feature{+tnum}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsection{The accounts of Kalliala parish}
+In 1851 vicar Antero Warelius found the account book of the Church of
+St Olaf from a small niche in the church. The book is the only
+medieval account book of a parish that has survived in Finland and it
+contains entries from the period 1469–1524. The figure
+\ref{fig_kalliala} is from a list of loans taken from the parish
+granary in 1480.
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics{pics/kalliala_fol16r.jpg}
+ \end{center}
+ \vspace{5mm}
+{\raggedright {\fontsize{15}{18}\fontspec{Aboensis}Annodnĩ \abroman{1480} Cõcessa de [ger]*nario ec
+ \\
+ \abl{\abitem{} jacõ leyko \hspace{0.7cm} i k,}
+ \abl{\abitem{} laũ lukkari \hspace{0.3cm} i span, }
+ \abl{\abitem{} kawpi gästin läski i span i karp, }
+ \abl{\abitem{} joan kokkopoyka \hspace{2mm} i k, {\color{brown!75}\abitem{} knuth liwha i k} }
+ \abl{\abitem{} nicõ swenilast \hspace{0.3cm} i k, }
+ \abl{\abitem{} he~n an~d tyrwest i k, }
+ \abl{\abitem{} pe[der] michlss meskalast i k, }
+ \abl{\abitem{} olã kawpamies ibi/d i k, }
+ \abl{\abitem{} ma~th wiliakalast i k, }
+ \abl{\abitem{} nicõ marthensz kykas i k, }
+\caption{Year 1480 in Kalliala parish granary accounts.
+ \emph{Kallialan kirkontilit, Valtionarkisto, folio 16r.}}
+ \label{fig_kalliala}
+ \raggedright
+ Anno domini MCDLXXX Concessa de
+ granario ec \emph{kalliala}\\
+ Item Jaco\emph{b} Leyko \hspace{0.7cm} i k\emph{arp} \\
+ Item Lau\emph{ri} Lukkari \hspace{0.3cm} 1 span \\
+ Item Kauppi-Kestin leski 1 span 1 karp \\
+ Item Johan Kokkopoika \hspace{2mm} 1 k\emph{arp}, Item Knuth Liuha i
+ k\emph{arp} \\
+ Item Niko\emph{laus} Sveniläst \hspace{0.3cm} 1 k\emph{arp} \\
+ Item Hen\emph{rik} And\emph{ersson} Tyrvääst 1 k\emph{arp} \\
+ Item Ped\emph{er} Mich\emph{e}lss\emph{on} 1 k\emph{arp} \\
+ Item Ola\emph{us} Kauppamies ibid\emph{em} 1 k\emph{arp} \\
+ Item Ma\emph{theus} Viljakalast 1 k\emph{arp} \\
+ Item Niko\emph{laus} Marthensson Kykas 1 k\emph{arp} \\
+\subsection{The account book of Olaf Nilsson Tawast}\label{sec_tavast}
+Olaf Nilsson (Tawast) (c. 1400–1460) belonged to the Finnish nobility
+and the base of his power was in Tavastia where he was first a judge
+from c. 1433 and the castellan of Häme Castle from 1455. He was the
+nephew of Bishop Magnus Olai (Tawast) of Åbo Diacose and a supporter
+of King Karl Knutsson (Bonde). Their patronage helped Olaf to greatly
+enlarge his holdings in Tavastia. His book of household accounts has
+Figure \ref{fig_olaf_nilsson} has a snippet gives details of a land
+sale circa 1455.
+ \includegraphics{pics/DF3001_fol2r.jpg}
+ \vspace{5mm}
+ {\raggedright {\fontspec{Aboensis}\fontsize{16}{20}\selectfont
+ \abl{\noindent \abitem{} fik iak aff willoyn i sayriala ii lass
+ engh t*hz pa haffure jak}
+ \abl{betalad t*hz pa haffure jak betalad j \abkarpio{} miöl for v \abortug, i \abkarpio{} korn}
+ \abl{for iiii \abortug{} och i \abpund{} salch for v \abortug.
+ \abitem{} xii \abore{} \abpenning{} for eth stykke }
+ \abl{jordh vidher wäghen. \abitem{} i stykke jord for vi
+ \abore{}, öster nor wed }
+ \abl{aker gardhen som vedh byen ligghre \abitem{} \abroman{0.5}
+ \abmark{}, \abitem{} v \abortug{}, \abitem{}}
+ \abl{v \abmarc{} fläsk for i \abore}}}
+ \caption{Snippet from accounts of Olaf Nilsson Tawast, c. 1455. \emph{DF
+ 3001, SDHK 43935, Riksarkivet codices C 38, folio r2r}}
+ \label{fig_olaf_nilsson}
+Jtem fik iak aff Willoyn j Sayriala ij las engh; ther pa hafwer iak
+betalat j karp miøl for v ortuger, j karp korn for iiij ortuger ok j
+pund salt for v ortuger, jtem xij öre peninga for j stykke jordh
+widher wæghen, jtem j stykke jordh for vj øre østher nor wedh aker
+gardhen, som wedh byen liggher, jtem 1/2 mark, jtem v ørtuger, jtem
+v mark flæsk for j øre.
+ Item I received a 2 lass meadow from Willoyn of Sairiala; for which I
+ paid 1 karp flour valued at 5 ortuger, 1 karp barley at 4 örtuger
+ and 1 pund salt at 5 örtuger. Item 12 öre in coins for one piece of
+ land next to road, item 1 piece of land for 6 öre to East of field
+ that is next to the village, item 1/2 mark in coins, item 5 örtuger,
+ item 5 marks of pork at 1 öre.
+\subsection{Table of contents of \emph{Konunx balker}}
+Each chapter of \emph{Codex Aboensis} starts with a table of contents
+of that chapter. Figure \ref{fig_kunnunx_contents} shows the beginning
+of the \emph{Konunx balker}.
+ Här byrias konungx balker ok tälias y honom flokkar fyra ok trätigh
+ item \\
+ \begin{tabular}{lp{10cm}l}
+ ¶ & Wm suerikis konungx rike kuilket i sik haffue siw biscops döme
+ och nio lagmanz döme & 1 \\
+ ¶ & Offuer akth suerike ager ey konunglixlik krona och ei knongher
+ wtan een wara & 2 \\
+ ¶ & Ey ma konungher minsca kronunnan räth firi androm konunghe & 3
+ \\
+ ¶ & Yn är til koningxrikit i suerike konungr wäliandhe och ey
+ ärffuandhe & 4 \\
+ ¶ & Tesse ärä nonungx edha först ath han scal elsca gud och the
+ helghä kirkio och agher edh syn suäria aa book och helgho doma & 5 \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Here begings the Kings Beam that contains four and thirty items \\
+ \begin{tabular}{lp{10cm}l}
+ ¶ & On the King's realm of Sweden that has seven diacoses and nine
+ judicical districts & 1 \\
+ ¶ & There is only one king's crown and one king over the Sweden & 2\\
+ ¶ & The king may not diminish the crown's income from later
+ kings & 3 \\
+ ¶ & The kingship in Sweden is by election and not inherited & 4 \\
+ ¶ & This is the king's oath: to love God and the Holy Church and
+ to swear by the Bible and holy relics & 5 \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[width=10cm]{pics/kununx_balk.jpg}
+ \end{center}
+% Codex aboensis, folio 22 r.
+ \abstartchaptertwowithpos{H}{1.1}{-2mm}{-2mm}{\abrubric{är\gc{}byrias\gc{}kon~ugx\gc{}balker\gc{}ok \gc{} tälias\gc{}y\gc{}}}%
+ {\abrubric{honom\gc{}flokkar{}\gc{}fyra \gc{} ok \gc{} trätigh \gc{}\abitem\gc}}
+ \fontsize{15}{17}\selectfont
+ \begin{tabular}{l@{ }l@{ }l}
+ \abb{\abparaother} &
+ \abb{\abcapital{W}*m suerikis kon~ugx rike huilket i sik haffue}
+ & \abb{\abrubric{I}} \\
+ & \abb{siw biscops döme och nio lagmanz döme \abred{!} \abgreen{**<}} \\
+ \abb{\abpara}
+ & \abb{\abcapitalother{O}ffuer akth suerike ager ey kon~ugxlik
+ krona och }
+ & \abb{\abred{ii}} \\
+ & \abb{ei kon~ugher wtan een wara \abred{!} \abgreen{******<}} & \\
+ \abb{\abparaother} & \abb{\abcapital{E}y ma kon~ugher minsca
+ kronuñä räth firi} & \abb{\abred{iii}} \\
+ & \abb{andrõ kon~ughe \abred{!} \abgreen{!****<}} \\
+ \abb{\abpara}
+ & \abb{\abcapitalother{Y}n är til kon~igxrikit i suerike.
+ kon~ug~r wälia}
+ & \abb{\abred{iiii}} \\
+ & \abb{ndhe och ey ärffuandhe \abred{!} \abgreen{!*****<}} \\
+ \abb{\abparaother} &
+ \abb{\abcapital{T}esse ära kon~ugx edha försth ath han scal}
+ &\abred{v} \\
+ & \abb{elsca gud och the helghä kir:kio. och agher edh} & \\
+ & \abb{syn suäria aa book och helgho doma. \abred{!} \abgreen{\_***<} } \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\caption{The beginning of table of contents of \emph{Konungx balker},
+ \emph{Codex Aboensis folio 22 r.}}
+\subsection{The rules of noble service}\label{sec_noble_service}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=12cm]{pics/aboensis-27r.jpg}
+ \includegraphics[width=12cm]{pics/aboensis-27v.jpg}
+ \caption{The rules of noble service in \emph{Konungx balker} in
+ \emph{Codex aboensis}. Note how the initial of \emph{aff} occurs
+ in the middle of sentence.}\label{fig_konungx_service}
+During the middle ages the borders of Swedish noble class were fluid.
+Being a noble was not yet officially hereditary but instead it was
+tied to service as a man-at-arms. In practice, powerful families had
+noble status from generation to generation but but the door was still
+open for a common peasant to rise to the ranks of nobles.
+The core concept was that of \emph{frälse} – freedom from paying
+taxes. This could be obtained by equipping a man-at-arms to serve in
+the king's army. The men-at-arms were divided into \emph{riddare} and
+\emph{sven}, knights and squires.
+The \emph{Konunx balker} lists the required equipment and establishes
+the dates of annual inspections of the nobles in the section 11.
+% Codex aboensis, folio 27 r.
+ \abstartchapterother{H}{wilikin man som frelsth wil haffua. sith
+ godhz}{
+ huat heldlsz han är riddarä eller swen änghnin }
+ \abl{wiidhan taknom. skal haffua swa godgan hesth ath h~a }
+ \abl{see wel werdhs fyrethige \abmark{} päni~gha. bäthre och ey }
+ \abl{weier och thz til örsäsadul wpgiörran hielm och fulwa~p}
+ \abl{badhe til been och liiff, engho wudhan takno thz som }
+ \abl{e~e gadher mã ma sik niedh wäria. \abcapital{H}war att~uda dagh}
+ \abl{epther \abcapital{S}ancte peders dagh. scal wapnäsyn haff wäs i }
+ \abl{wpsala. aff upsala biscops döme. \abcapital{I} westraros. aff wes}
+ \abl{tra ros biskops döme \abcapital{I} strengänes aff sudh~rmanna }
+ \abl{lande \abcapital{I} örabroo aff närikke \abcapital{I} lynköpinghe aff öster-}
+ \abl{göth landha \abcapital{K}*yndh. \abcapital{T}hiwsth. widhboo. Ydhre. \abcapital{T}wä-}
+ \abl{thä. wistho grännä. \abcapital{W}isixö. \abcapital{I} kalmrarun aff kal-}
+ \abl{mar~na foghate. och ölaidh i rydaholm. aff tyhäradh }
+ \abl{i falk~ibergh. aff badhom hallandh~u norrä och sudhrä. }
+ \abl{y skarum. \abcapital{A}ff werstergöth landhe oh dall y tiugwall~u. }
+ \abl{aff wermalandhe. \abcapital{K}an thet swa wara ath nokor aff,}
+ \abl{bondhum wil frelsis man wardha. tha skal han sik }
+ \abl{redha innã then daghen badhe medh hästh och wapn~u. }
+ \abl{swa ath the som wapnasynna skuld skudha a konu~gx }
+ \abl{wegna. \abcapital{S}kundhe badhe mandõ hans. fräght hans}
+ \abl{hesth. ok wipen swa och än han ma thz frelse wppe hal}
+ \abl{dhä. medh godz som förra ez saght. \abgreen{!>>>***>>>!} }}}
+\caption{The requirements of noble service in \emph{Konungx balker},
+ \emph{Codex Aboensis folio 27 r.}}
+ Hwilikin man som frelsth wil haffua. sith godhz huat heldlsz han är
+ riddarä eller swen änghnin wiidhan taknom. skal haffua swa godgan
+ hesth ath hã see wel werdhs fyrethige markea päningha. bäthre och ey
+ weier och thz til örsäsadul wpgiörran hielm och fulwapn badhe til
+ been och liiff, engho wudhan takno thz som een gadher man ma sik
+ niedh wäria. Hwar attunda dagh epther Sancte peders dagh scal
+ wapnäsyn haff wäs i wpsala aff upsala biscops döme. I westraros. aff
+ westraros biskops döme. I strengänes aff sudhermanna lande. I
+ örabroo aff närikke. I lynköpinghe aff östergöthlandha, Kyndh,
+ Thiwsth, widhboo, Ydhre. Twäthä. wistho grännä. Wisixö. I kalmrarum
+ aff kalmarnna foghate. och ölaidh i rydaholm. aff tyhäradh i
+ falkinbergh. aff badhom hallandhum norrä och sudhrä. y skarum. Aff
+ werstergöthlandhe oh dall y tiugwallun. aff wermalandhe. Kan thet
+ swa wara ath nokor aff, bondhum wil frelsis man wardha. tha skal han
+ sik redha innan then daghen badhe medh hästh och wapnum. swa ath the
+ som wapnasynna skuld skudha a konungx wegna. Skundhe
+ badhe mandõ hans. fräght hans hesth. ok wipen swa och än han ma
+ thz frelse wppe haldhä. medh godz som förra ez saght.
+ He who wants to have noble privileges for his properties, be he a
+ knight or a squire, without forgetting anyone, should have a horse
+ worth 40 marks in coins or more, but not less, and a war saddle,
+ good helmet, armor for limbs and body and weapons with which a good
+ man can defend himself.
+ Each year on the eight day after the Saint Peter's day there is an
+ inspection of arms in Uppsala for the whole diacose of Uppsala, in
+ Västerås for the Västerås diacose, in Strängnäs for Södermanland, in
+ Örebro för Närke, in Linköping for Östergötaland, Kinda, Tjust,
+ Vedbo, Ydre, Gränna, Tveta, Vista and Visingö, in Chalmers for the
+ Chalmers bailiff county and Öland, in Rydaholm for Tiohäräd, in
+ Falkenberg for North and South Halland, in Skara for Västergötaland
+ and Dal, in Tingvalla for Vermland.
+ If a peasant wants to become a noble man he much obtain a horse and
+ weapons before that day so that those who inspect the arms for the
+ king can check his manliness and fitness, his horse and weapons, and
+ whether he can support his armed service with his properies.
+The King Kristofer's \emph{The Laws of the Realm} from the 15th
+century have the same rules expressed in almost the same form. The
+enigmatic \emph{Herra Martti}\footnote{Probably Martinus Olai, the
+ priest of Stockholm's Finnish concegration but that is not certain.}
+translated Kirstofer's laws to Finnish in 1540s. His translation is
+typeset to \Aboensis{} in figure \ref{fig_martti}.
+ \begin{minipage}{14cm}
+ {\fontspec{Aboensis}\fontsize{15}{19}\selectfont\raggedright
+ \noindent\abstartchapter{I}{Oca mies wapautta tacto hänen hyfuydhens, mikä hän on }{%
+ \abcapital{R}iddari taicka \abcapital{S}wenni, ei yctäken eroittadhen, hänen pitä }
+ \abl{hyfuydhens crvnvn palueluxen tekemen, ia idze pitämen nijn}
+ \abl{hyfwen hewoisen, että hän maxa 40 \abmark{} \abcapital{R}uotzin pe~ngeitä,}
+ \abl{pareman ia ei paheman, sihen mös täydhet odhatt se rwmin }
+\abl{että jalkain pällä, ei mitän eroittadhen, sen iälkin, quin hyfwä }
+\abl{mies machta idzens wariella. \abcapital{J}oca wuosi wijkon peräst \abcapital{S}ant }
+\abl{petarin päiven, pitä kilpein katzelmuxen olemen. \abcapital{W}*psalos cai- }
+\abl{kest \abcapital{W}*psalon \abcapital{P}ispan hijppacu~nast; wästeråxes, wästråxen hijppa }
+\abl{cu~nast; \abcapital{S}tregnäisis \abcapital{S}ödermannin maalda, \abcapital{Ö}*r:ebros, \abcapital{N}ärikäst, }
+\abl{\abcapital{J}äneköpungis, \abcapital{Ö}stergöthin maalda, \abcapital{K}ijnd, \abcapital{T}iust, widbro, \abcapital{I}dra, }
+\abl{\abcapital{T}veta, wistgräna, \abcapital{W}isingzöö, \abcapital{K}almarisa, fogdi ia \abcapital{Ö}landimaa, }
+\abl{\abcapital{R}idbåholmis, \abcapital{T}ijhan kihlac~uda, falckenbäris, molemist \abcapital{H}ållan}
+\abl{deist, sekä pohia että \abcapital{E}telä, \abcapital{S}kara wästergöthin maalda ia }
+\abl{\abcapital{D}alast, \abcapital{T}ingwallist, wärmlandis; \abcapital{T}urgusa caickelda \abcapital{S}uomen* }
+\abl{malda. \abcapital{J}os nijn taita tapachtu että ioku talonpoijst tacto tulla }
+\abl{wapadex nijn tule hän itzens walmista ennen tätä päiwä sekä }
+\abl{hewoisen että odhain cansa. \abcapital{N}*ijn että ne quin kilpen cadzelmust }
+\abl{pitä pitämen kuningan puolest, että he näkevet sekä henen }
+\abl{miehudens woiman että hewoisen ia odhat ia ios hän woipi sen }
+\abl{wapaudhen ylöspitä hyfwydellä. \abcapital{C}aicki pitä wapadhet miehet}
+\abl{kilpein \abcapital{C}adzelmuxella tuleman, ia ioka mies nijn \abcapital{R}iddarit quin }
+\abl{\abcapital{S}wennitkin heidhen harniskans pälle~s wetämen, ia idze cukin }
+\abl{oman hewoisens pälle istuman, walmistettun hewoisen ia kilpein }
+\abl{cansa quin io edhellä on sanottu.}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \caption{The same paragraph from the \emph{Kunungx balker} of the
+ King Kristofer's \emph{Laws of the Realm} in a 1540s Finnish
+ translation of the law by Herra Martti (B 96, f.2r)}
+ \label{fig_martti}
+ Ioca mies wapautta tacto hänen hyfuydhens, mikä hän on Riddari
+ taicka Swenni, ei yctäken eroittadhen, hänen pitä hyfwydhestens
+ crvnvn palueluxen tekemen, ia idze pitämen nijn hyfwen hewoisen,
+ että hän maxa 40 ma\emph{rca} Ruotzin penningeitä, pareman ia ei
+ paheman, sihen mös täydhet odhatt se rwmin että jalkain pällä, ei
+ mitän eroittadhen, sen iälkin, quin hyfwä mies machta idzens
+ wariella. Joca wuosi wijkon peräst Sant petarin päiven, pitä kilpein
+ katzelmuxen olemen. Wpsalos caikest Wpsalon Pispan hijppacunnast;
+ wästeråxes, wästråxen hijppacunnast; Stregnäisis Södermannin maal\-da,
+ Örebros, Närikäst, Jäneköpungis, Östergöthin maalda, Kijnd, Tiust,
+ widbro, Idra, Tveta, wistgräna, Wisingzöö, Kalmarisa, fogdi ia
+ Ölandimaa, Ridbåholmis, Tijhan kihlacunda, falckenbäris, molemist
+ Hållandeist, sekä pohia että Etelä, Skara wästergöthin maalda ia
+ Dalast, Tingwallist, wärmlandis; Turgusa caickelda Suomenmalda. Jos
+ nijn taita tapachtu että ioku talonpoijst tacto tulla wapadex nijn
+ tule hän itzens walmista ennen tätä päiwä sekä hewoisen että odhain
+ cansa. Nijn että ne quin kilpen cadzelmust pitä pitämen kuningan
+ puolest, että he näkevet sekä henen miehudens woiman että hewoisen
+ ia odhat ia ios hän woipi sen wapaudhen ylöspitä hyfwydellä. Caicki
+ pitä wapadhet miehet kilpein Cadzelmuxella tuleman, ia ioka mies
+ nijn Riddarit quin Swennitkin heidhen harniskans pälle\emph{n}s
+ wetämen, ia idze cukin oman hewoisens pälle istuman, walmistettun
+ hewoisen ia kilpein cansa quin io edhellä on sanottu.
+\subsection{Excommunication of Sääksmäki peasants}
+In late 1330s there was some sort of unrest in the Sääksmäki parish
+where a number of peasants refused to pay their tithes to their vicar
+Henrik Harmansson. The exact cause of the issue is not known, but the
+issue was important enough that Henrik himself traveled to Avignon in
+Spring 1340 and obtained a bull from Pope Benedictus XII that
+excommunicated the 25 peasants until they paid the tithes and a fine
+of three marks for each week that they refused to pay them.
+This bull is the first document in the \emph{Black Book} and it is one
+of the most famous medieval documents in Finland. In particular
+interest is the list of peasants that have caused a lot of speculation
+about their backgrounds and roles in the society. The scribe made an
+error when copying the document to the cartulary and accidentally left
+two lines out of it just after the list of names, jumping from
+\emph{eiusdem ecclesie} to \emph{eidem ecclesie}. Hausen filled the
+missing lines for his transcription from another cartulary.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=10cm]{pics/REA-001r.jpg}
+ \caption{The beginning of an excommunication letter (DF 467, REA
+ 99, \emph{Registrum ecclesia Aboensis f.1r.)}}\label{fig_excommunication_rea}
+ \begin{figure}
+ {\fontsize{15}{15}\fontspec{Aboensis}\raggedright
+ \begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{4cm}}p{10.3cm}}
+ Pr~ileg~m Benedicti pp~e & \abcapital{S}u[per] decimis
+ soluen/d [quod] si* infra cert`m ´tmi num n~o
+ soluerint moniti ab ecci~a excludan´t \& exclusi [pro]
+ [qua]ß ´tum donc~a[rum] soluant 3`s marchas
+ \end{tabular}
+ \vspace{1cm}
+ %initialc{b}{78}{5mm}{1pt}{}
+ {\abcursiveinitial{B}Enedictus ep~us ßruus ßruorum dei
+ \abcapital{D}ilecto filio decano ecci~e vp~n
+ \abcapital{S}alut~e et aplicam \\ bened~nem \abcapital{S}ua
+ nobis dilectus filius henricus hartmani retor
+ [par]rochialis ecci~e De sexamäki \\ aboe~n dyoc~e
+ peticione monstrauit qd de anti[qua] et
+ a[prop]bata et hactenus pacifice obßruata \\
+ consue`n`e in ciui`t`e et dyo[cis] ac
+ [pro]uincia vp~n de qua quidem [pro]uincia
+ ciuitas et dyo[cis] aboe~n fore \\ noscu´n exstitit
+ [quod] recto[re]s [par]rochialium
+ eccia[rum] ciuitat[is] et dyo[cis] ac
+ [pro]uincie [pre]dicta[rum]
+ [par]rochianos \\ ecc~e[rum] sua[rum] .
+ decimas sibi et [pre]dictis
+ ecc~is debitas n~o soluentes monere possunt vt decimas \\
+ ipsas a se debitas rectori[bus] [per]soluant
+ eisdem et si* iidem [par]rochiani [per] eos/d
+ rectores cononice \\ moniti vt decimas [per]soluant
+ easdem [pre]fatas decimas non [per]soluerint
+ infra [con]petentem ´tmi\\ num ad hoc
+ [pre]fixum eis/d [pre]fati rectores
+ [par]rochianis ipsis possunt ingressum ecci~e
+ inter- \\ dicere et deinde eo[rum] contumacia excrescente,
+ eos a suscepc~one sa´camento[rum] ecc~etico[rum]
+ suspe\\ }}
+ \mbox{}\vspace{5mm}\mbox{}
+ \caption{The beginning of an excommunication letter (DF 467, REA
+ 99, \emph{Registrum ecclesia Aboensis f.1r.})}
+ \label{fig_excommunication_1}
+ \end{figure}
+ Benedictus episcopus, seruus seruorum Dej, dilecto filio decano
+ ecclesie Vpsalensis salutem et apostolicam benediccionem. Sua nobis
+ dilectus filius Henricus Hartmanj, rector parrochialis ecclesie de
+ Sexamæki, Aboensis dyocesis, peticione monstrauit, quod de antiqua
+ et approbata et hactenus pacifice obseruata consuetudine in ciuitate
+ et dyocesi ac prouincia Vpsalensi, de qua quidem prouincia ciuitas
+ et dyocesis Aboensis fore noscuntur, exstitit, quod rectores
+ parrochialium ecclesiarum ciuitatis et dyocesis ac prouincie
+ predictarum parrochianos, ecclesiarum suarum decimas sibi et
+ predictis ecclesiis debitas non soluentes, monere possunt, vt
+ decimas ipsas a se debitas rectoribus persoluant eisdem; et, si
+ iidem parrochiani per eosdem rectores canonice moniti, vt decimas
+ persoluant, easdem prefatas decimas non persoluerint infra
+ competentem terminum ad hoc prefixum, eisdem prefati rectores
+ parrochianis ipsis possunt ingressum ecclesie interdicere et deinde,
+ eorum contumacia excrescente, eos a suscepcione sacramentorum
+ ecclesiasticorum suspendere;
+ Bishop Benedictus, servant of God's servants, presents the Dean of
+ Uppsala church, his beloved son, with greetings and apostolic
+ blessing. Or beloved son Henrik Hartmansson, vicar of Sääksmäki in
+ Abo diacose has shown us with his petition that old, accepted and
+ thus far peacefully followed custom of Uppsala province that was the
+ origin of Abo province, district, and diocese, has been that the
+ vicars of parish churches in the said province, district, and
+ diocese, can urge their parishioners who do not pay their tithes to
+ the their churches, to pay their said tithes to the said vicars. And
+ if the said parishioners do not after the vicars remind them to pay
+ the tithes according to the canon law, still do not pay the said
+ tithes in due time, the said vicars can prohibit the said
+ parishioners from entering the church and thus prevent them, when
+ their defiance increases, form participating from ecclesiastical
+ sacraments.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \includegraphics{pics/REA-001r2.jpg}
+ {\fontspec{Aboensis}\fontsize{15}{19}\selectfont\raggedright
+ \abl{a t[por]e, cuius [con]~rij memoria n~o existit, et
+ qd cum mathias de Rapalum, Cuningas }
+ \abl{de rapalum ollj neuari de rapalum lazo de vendentaka Menracas de vendetaka pauo}
+ \abl{de vendentaka olli de salu olla dysa de voypala Nykkivargh de voypala Callas de voypala, }
+ \abl{meilanpeti de voypala, an~udi de voypala, marci \strut{}de voypala, Handupoter de hiccala memo}
+ \abl{de ryduala Somalayni de riduala, henric de hactissanpoyca Azico de hactissänpoyca}
+ \abl{Juddi de hactissänpoyca, melico de iudicala meluncta de cartala, melita \strut{} de hyrfala,}
+ \abl{ye de oncala Satato de Laynamässe et Somalayna de harala laici [pre]fata aboens[is] dyo[cis]}
+ \abl{ [pro]uincie su[per]dicte, [par]ia`n`i eius/d ecci~e, debitas [pre]fato henrico retori soluere nõ}}
+ \caption{The list of excommunicated peasants (DF 467, REA
+ 99, \emph{Registrum ecclesia Aboensis f.1r.})}
+ \label{fig_excommunication_2}
+ \end{figure}
+ a tempore, cuius contrarij memoria non existit, et quod, cum Mathias
+ de Rapalum, Cuningas de Rapalum, Ollj Neuari de Rapalum, Lazo de
+ Vendentaka, Menracas de Vende[n]taka, Pauo de Vendentaka, Olli de
+ Salu, Olla Dysa de Voypala, Nykki Vargh de Voypala, Callas de
+ Voypala, Meilanpeti de Voypala, Anundi de Voypala, Marci de Voypala,
+ Handupoter de Hiccala, Memo de Ryduala, Somalayni de Riduala,
+ Henric de Hactissanpoyca, Azico de Hactissænpoyca, Juddi de
+ Hactissænpoyca, Melico de Iudicala, Meluncta de Cartala, Melita de
+ Hyrfala, Ye de Oncala, Satato de Laynamæsse et Somalayna de
+ Harala, laici prefata Aboensis dyocesis prouincie supradicte,
+ parrochiani eiusdem ecclesie [ \textellipsis ] debitas prefato
+ henrico retori soluere non
+\subsection{The charter of the Viborg town}
+The Viborg Castle was built at the site of an old Karelian trading
+center starting from 1293. It is possible that there was an older
+wooden fortification in the site. During the next century the
+settlement to the South East of the castle grew up to be a town. King
+Eric Pomeranian (1381–1459, reigned in Sweden 1396–1434, 1434–1439)
+issued a charter of privileges to the town in 1403.
+Wy Eric, meth Gudz nadh Swerikes, Danmarks, Norghes, Wendes oc Godes
+konung oc hertugh i Pomeren, kunnogt gyørom thet meth thætte wart opne
+breff allom mannom swa the nu ære som the hær æpter komme scule, at wy
+hafwom ont oc gifuet ware borgher, som bygge oc bo i war kyøpstadh
+Wyborgh, stadz ræt æpter thy som stadz boghene i Upsalom utwyser. Thy
+forbyuthom wy allom warom foghedom oc æmbetzmannom oc allom androm e
+ho the hælzt æren, at hindre thom i naghre made hær amot, swa frampt
+the wyliu wart hylle hafue oc war hefnd fly. In euidenciam premissorum
+secretum nostrum presentibus duximus appendendum. Datum in castro
+nostro Wyborgh, anno Domini m°cd°tertio, dominica infra octauam
+assumpcionis virginis gloriose.
+ We Eric, by God's Grace the King of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Wends
+ and Goths and Duke of Pomerania, proclaim with this open letter to
+ all people, both those who are no alive and those who will come
+ later, that we have granted and bestowed those of our burghers who
+ live in the town of Viborg the same town rights as the charter of
+ the Uppsala town decrees. Thus we forbid all our bailifs and
+ officials and everyone else, whoever they may be, from preventing
+ them in any way against this letter if they want to enjoy our favor
+ and avoid our punishments. Dated in our castle Viborg AD 1403 on the
+ Sunday following the Assumption of the Glorious Virgin.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[width=12cm]{pics/viipuri.jpg}
+ \end{center}
+ \vspace{1cm}
+ { \raggedright\fontsize{16}{16}\fontspec{Aboensis}
+ \abcursiveinitial{W}*y eric mz gudz nadh
+ Swerikes danmarks norges wendes oc godes konug oc htugh i pomeren
+ kunokt györöm thz mz thätte wart opne breff allõ ma~nom swa the nu
+ äre som the här äpter kome scule at wy hafvon vnt oc gifuet ware
+ borgher som bygge oc bo war kyöpstadh wyborgh, stadz rät äpter
+ thy som stadz boghene i upsalom wtwyser, Thy forbythom wy allom.
+ warõ foghedom oc änetzma~nom oc allõ androm ä ho the hälzt ären at
+ hindre thom i naghre made, här amot, swa frampt the wyliu wart
+ hylle hafue oc war hefnd fly In Euidenciã premisso[rum]
+ Secret~u nr~m presenti[bus] duxim[us] appended~u
+ Datre in castro nrõ wyborgh Anno dm
+ m`o cd`o 'ttia, dmca infra octauã
+ Ass~upcionis virginis
+ glõse ( \ ( }
+ \caption{Charter of the town of Vyborg, \emph{DF 1173, SDHK 16161,
+ Kansallisarkisto, Pergamentti-kokoelma, Viipuri 1403-1403}.}
+ \label{fig_vyborg}
+ \end{figure}
+\subsection{Privilege letter of Olof Nilsson Tawast}
+In addition to the account book of Olof Nilsson Tawast
+(example \ref{sec_tavast} also one privilege letter of his has
+A rebellion against King Karl Knutsson broke out in 1457 and he was
+forced to take exile in Danzig. Archbishop Jöns Bengtsson
+(Oxenstierna) and Erik Axelsson (Tott) were named regents. At that
+point Olof Nilsson swapped sides and pledged support to Erik Axelsson.
+As a reward Erik extended Olof's noble privileges to several
+properties that he had bought from peasants of Tavastia.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=10cm]{pics/SDHK27022.jpg}
+ \caption{Privilege letter of Olof Tawast 1457. \emph{DF3038, SDHK 27022}}
+ \label{fig_tavast_image}
+ For alle the thettæ breff höræ eller see kænnes och kvndgör jak Eric
+ Akselsson, riddare och Sverges rikes forstondare pa thennæ tid, at
+ for throskap och wilioghe thyænæsth ærlighen och wælboren man thennæ
+ breffuisare hær Olaff Tawasth, riddare, hafuer longelige och
+ throlighe beuisth Swerges rike och æn fframdelis beuisa skal oc vil
+ saa lenghe Gudi tekkis at han maa liffue, tha hafuer jak pa
+ wærdogaste fadhers och herres her Jönis, erkebiscops j Vpsala, och
+ mene rikesens raadz wægnæ vnth oc giffuid honom och hans rætthom
+ ærffuingom ffriheth oc frælse pa nogor godz, som konungh Karl vnthe
+ honom at köpæ aff skatta bönder, som ær ved viij kroka j
+ Tawastaland, och saa mygyn jord, som görs j halff mark aff j
+ skatten, liggændis j Pemar sokn j Mariaworeby. Pa thennæ forscriffnæ
+ godz giffuer oc wnder jak fornempdom her Olaff oc hans rættho
+ ærffuingo saa dana ffrihet oc frælsse, som andra goda friborna oc
+ frælssis mæn her j biscops dömed och ower alt riked nivta oc aff
+ aldher nvtid hafua, och vil jak throlige ther til hiælpæ, ath for:da
+ hær Olaff skal faa stadfæstilse pa thennæ frihet oc frælse aff then
+ högborna herren och försten, som mene rikesens raad och jnbyggære j
+ Swerge vordda endræktelige væliænde och stadfæstænde sik til konungh
+ och fvldmæktoghan herræ over Sverigis rike. Til meræ visso lather
+ jak witherligd hengæ mith jncigle vid thetta breff, som ær scriffuid
+ oc vtgiffuid aarom epter Gudz börd mcdlvij jn profesto beate
+ Margarete.
+ To all who hear or see this letter I, Eric Akselsson, knight and at
+ the time regent of the Swedish Realm, tell and make known that for
+ loyalty and willing service that the beloved and high-born man, the
+ recipient of this letter, Sir Olaff Tawast, knight, has long shown
+ to the Swedish realm and will continue to show for so long as God
+ wills him live, have I with the worthy Father and Lord, Sir Jöns,
+ Archbishop of Uppsala, and the advice of the Council of the Realm
+ given him and his lawful heirs freedom and privileges for several
+ farmsteads that King Karl let him to buy from tax farmers that make
+ 8 ploughs in Tavastia and to so much land that pays a half mark in
+ taxes that is in Mariavuori village in the Paimio parish. For these
+ named farmsteads I give the named Sir Olaff and his lawful heirs
+ those freedoms and privileges that other good freeborn and
+ privileged men here in bishop's diocese and all over the realm have
+ and have always enjoyed, and I will truthfully help to ensure that
+ Sir Olaf shall recive these freedoms and privileges when the
+ high-born men and lords as the Council of the Realm and the
+ inhabitants of Sweden elect and set the King and allmigthy Lord of
+ the Swedish Realm. For further proof I will attach my seal to
+ this letter that is written and given in Year of the Lord mcdlvii on
+ the Feast of St Margarete.
+ \begin{figure}
+ {\fontsize{15}{19}\fontspec{Aboensis}\raggedright
+ \abl{\abcursiveinitial{F}or alle the [thet]tä breff hörä
+ eller see käñes och kvndgör jak Ei`rc akselss riddare och
+ sver[ges] rikes}
+ \abl{forstondare pa theñä tid, at for throskap och
+ wilioghe thyänästh Ärlighẽ och wälborẽ mã theñä }
+ \abl{breffuisare här Olaff Tawasth, riddare, hafuer longelige och throlighe beuisth
+ swer[ges] rike, och}
+ \abl{än fframdel[is] beuisa skal oc vil saa
+ lenghe gudi täkkis att hã maa liffue, tha hafuer jak pa
+ }
+ \abl{wärdogaste fadhers och herres, h~r: Jönis, erkebiscops j vpsala
+ och mene rikesens raadz wägnä, }
+ \abl{ vnth oc giffuid ho`m och hans rätthõ ärffuingõ ffriheth oc frälse pa nogor godz, som konũgh
+ }
+ \abl{karl vnthe ho`m at köpä aff skatta bönder som är ved viii kroka
+ j Tawastalãd, Och saa mygyn }
+ \abl{jord, som görs j halff \abmark{} aff
+ j skattẽ, liggändis j Pemar sokn j mariaworeby, pa
+ theñä for}
+ \abl{scriffnä godz, giffuer oc wnder jak, ffornẽpdom h~r Olaff oc hans rättho ärffuingo saa dana}
+ \abl{ffrihet oc frälsse, som andra goda friborna oc frälss m~ä, h~r: j biscops dömed och ower
+ alt riked}
+ \abl{nivta oc aff aldh~r: nvtid hafua, Och vil jak throlige
+ th~r: til hiälpä, ath forda här Olaff skal faa }
+ \abl{stadfästilse pa
+ theñä frihet oc frälse aff thñ högborna herrẽ och förstẽ, sõ
+ mene rikesens raad}
+ \abl{och jnbyggäre j swerge vordda endräktelige väliände, och stadfäst~äde sik til konũgh
+ och fvldmäk-}
+ \abl{toghã h~r:ä over sveri[ges] rike. Til merä visso lath~r: jak witherligd hengä mith jncigle
+ vid thetta }
+ \abl{breff, sõ är scriffuid oc vtgiffuid aarõ epter gudzbörd mcdlvii jn [pro]festo btẽ margarete. }}
+ \caption{Privilege letter of Olof Tawast 1457. \emph{DF3080, SDHK 27022}}
+ \label{fig_tavast_privileges}
+ \end{figure}
+\subsection{Bishop Magnus Olai Tawast's admonition}
+The copy book of Bishop Magnus Olai Tawast (c. 1370-1452) has
+survived. Sometime circa 1430 he reissued an order that a previous
+Bishop of Abo, Blessed Hemming had issued 80 years earlier that
+prohibited priests to keep their children in their households or to
+permit them reside on vicarages. This order was later copied into the
+personal copy book of Bishop Magnus Nicolai Särkilahti.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=10cm]{pics/DF1423.jpg}
+ \caption{Bishop Magnus Olai Tawast's admonition \emph{DF1423}}\label{fig_admonition}
+ {\fontsize{15}{20}\fontspec{Aboensis}\raggedright
+ \abl{Quia in jure caut`m ẽ [quod] ille
+ solus [re]cognoscẽedus}
+ \abl{ẽ filius quẽ nupcie
+ demõstrant, Et in statutis}
+ \abl{Sabinensi[bus]
+ [pro]hibe`t sub pena exco~unicacio~n late}
+ \abl{vni[uer] \& sing~lis sac[re]do[bus] filios
+ [~prop]as secum tenere}
+ \abl{vel eos
+ [re]cognoscere esse suos, [pre]cipimus ~i
+ [ver]tute st~e}
+ \abl{ob~e~e vni[ver]ss \& singulis
+ sac[er]do`[bus] diocss aboe~s Quat~e}
+ \abl{stat~i viss
+ p~rtibus \& [per]lect~i, filios suos \& filias, a fam}
+ \abl{mili~r`t`e sua \& [quo]tdnã
+ [con][ver]sacione [pro]cul abicia~t, eciã extra}
+ \abl{[par]rochias, ne occasione~m habea~t c`m
+ eis ite[rum] [con]~usandi}}
+ \caption{Beginning of Blessed Hemming's order to priest as given in
+ Magnus Nicolai's copybook (DF 1423, DF 563)}
+ \label{fig_hemming}
+ Quia jn iure cautum est, quod ille solus recognoscendus est filius,
+ quem nupcie demonstrant, et in statutis Sabinensibus prohibetur sub
+ pena excommunicacionis late vniuersis et singulis sacerdotibus
+ filios proprios secum tenere uel eos recognoscere esse suos,
+ precipimus in virtute sancte obediencie vniuersis et singulis
+ sacerdotibus dyocesis Aboensis, quatenus statim, visis presentibus
+ et perlectis, filios suos et filias a familiaritate sua et cotidiana
+ conuersacione procul abiciant, eciam extra parrochias, ne occasionem
+ habeant cum eis iterum conuersandj.
+\subsection{Cursive initials in The Black Book}\label{ssec_black_book}
+This section shows a bit of the context for the cursive initials that
+were taken from \emph{The Black Book of Åbo Cathedral} to show how
+they were positioned among the text. The \emph{Y} is not actually a
+initial, but it was the only capital \emph{Y} that I could find from
+the book.
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-A.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-B.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-C.jpg} \\
+A & B & C \\
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-D.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-E.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-F.jpg} \\
+D & E & F \\
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-G.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-H.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-I.jpg} \\
+G & H & I \\
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-J.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-K.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-L.jpg} \\
+J & K & L \\
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-M.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-N.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-O.jpg} \\
+M & N & O \\
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-P.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-Q.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-R.jpg} \\
+P & Q & R \\
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-S.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-T.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-U.jpg} \\
+S & T & U \\
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-V.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-W.jpg} &
+\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{pics/rea-Y.jpg} \\
+W & W & Y \\
+\section{List of Symbols}
+This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License. The text of the
+license has been written by Summer Institute of Linguistics
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+The image files of showing original medieval documents are either in
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+from larger original images.
+The following section lists licenses of individual images.
+\subsection*{Licences of medieval document images}
+\item [Figures \ref{fig_master}, \ref{fig_samples},
+ \ref{fig_astrology}, \ref{fig_kunnunx_contents},
+ \ref{fig_konungx_service}] \mbox{} \\
+ \begin{tabular}{p{2cm}p{10cm}}
+ License: & Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+ \\
+ Reproduction: & Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket \\
+ Source: &
+ Stockholm, National Library, B 172 (Codex Aboensis; Codex f.d.
+ Kalmar). Magnus Eriksson’s Landslag \\
+ URL: & \\
+ & Full document as PDF available at \emph{Kungliga biblioteket}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \item [Figure \ref{fig_alamarestak}] \mbox{} \\
+ License: & Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
+ License. \\
+ Reproduction: & Riksarkivet \\
+ Source: & Stockholm, Riksarkivet, Stora
+ pergamentsbrevsamlingen, SE/RA/0101. SDHK 20000\\
+ URL: & \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \item [Figure \ref{fig_jons_budde}] \mbox{} \\
+ \begin{tabular}{p{2cm}p{10cm}}
+ License: & Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+ \\
+ Reproduction: & Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket \\
+ Source: & Stockholm, National Library, A 58. Jöns Buddes bok \\
+ URL: & \\
+ & Full document as PDF available at \emph{Kungliga biblioteket}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \item [Figure \ref{fig_kalliala}] \mbox{} \\
+ License: & Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
+ License. \\
+ Reproduction: & Finnish Literature Society (SKS), Codices
+ Fennici \\
+ Source: & Helsinki, National Archives, Kallialan kirkontilit. Tyrvää church accounts, 1469–1524 \\
+ URL: &
+ \end{tabular}
+ \item [Figure \ref{fig_olaf_nilsson} ] \mbox{} \\
+ \begin{tabular}{p{2cm}p{10cm}}
+ License: & Public Domain \\
+ Source: & Stockholm, National Archives, C 38. Olof Nilsson Tawast’s accounts \\
+ URL: &
+ \end{tabular}
+ \item [Figure \ref{fig_excommunication_rea},
+ \ref{fig_excommunication_2}, \ref{fig_admonition}, cursive samples
+ on pages
+ \pageref{cursive_start}–\pageref{cursive_end}] \mbox{} \\
+ \begin{tabular}{p{2cm}p{10cm}}
+ License: & Public Domain \\
+ Source: & Stockholm, National Archives, A10. Registrum Ecclesie
+ Aboensis \\
+ URL: &
+ \end{tabular}
+ \item [Figure \ref{fig_vyborg}] \mbox{} \\
+ \begin{tabular}{p{2cm}p{10cm}}
+ License: & Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
+ License. \\
+ Reproduction: & Kansallisarkisto \\
+ Source: & Helsinki, Kansallisarkisto, Pergamentti-kokoelma, 6. Diplomatarium Fennicum DF 1173 \\
+ URL: & https://
+ \end{tabular}
+ \item [Figure \ref{fig_tavast_image}] \mbox{} \\
+ License: & Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
+ License. \\
+ Reproduction: & Riksarkivet \\
+ Source: & Stockholm, Riksarkivet, Stora
+ pergamentsbrevsamlingen, SE/RA/0101. SDHK 27022 \\
+ URL: & \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \item [Figure \ref{fig_hemming}] \mbox{} \\
+ \begin{tabular}{p{2cm}p{10cm}}
+ License: & Public Domain \\
+ Source: & Stockholm, National Archives, A 3. Biskop Magnus
+ kopiebok (Register of Bishop Magnus) \\
+ URL: &
+ \end{tabular}
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