path: root/dviware/dvi2bitmap/doc_libdvi2bitmap/man/man3/PkGlyph.3
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diff --git a/dviware/dvi2bitmap/doc_libdvi2bitmap/man/man3/PkGlyph.3 b/dviware/dvi2bitmap/doc_libdvi2bitmap/man/man3/PkGlyph.3
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+.TH "PkGlyph" 3 "Mon Jan 12 2015" "Version dvi2bitmap1.0" "dvi2bitmap" \" -*- nroff -*- l
+PkGlyph \-
+\fC#include <PkFont\&.h>\fP
+.SS "Public Member Functions"
+ +1c
+.ti -1c
+.RI "\fBPkGlyph\fP (unsigned int cc, unsigned int tfmwidth, unsigned int dm, unsigned int \fBw\fP, unsigned int \fBh\fP, int \fBhoff\fP, int \fBvoff\fP, \fBPkRasterdata\fP *rasterdata, \fBPkFont\fP *f)"
+.RI "\fIRepresents a single glyph in a font\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "\fBPkGlyph\fP (unsigned int cc, unsigned int tfmwidth, unsigned int dx, unsigned int dy, unsigned int \fBw\fP, unsigned int \fBh\fP, int \fBhoff\fP, int \fBvoff\fP, \fBPkRasterdata\fP *rasterdata, \fBPkFont\fP *f)"
+.RI "\fIRepresents a single glyph in a font\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "\fBPkGlyph\fP (int \fBresolution\fP, \fBPkFont\fP *f)"
+.RI "\fIConstructs a dummy glyph for a font\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "unsigned int \fBcharacterCode\fP () const "
+.RI "\fIThe character code for this glyph\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "char \fBcharacterChar\fP () const "
+.RI "\fIThe character which this glyph represents\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "const \fBByte\fP * \fBbitmap\fP ()"
+.RI "\fIReturns the bitmap which represents this glyph\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "unsigned int \fBw\fP () const "
+.RI "\fIWidth of this character\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "unsigned int \fBh\fP () const "
+.RI "\fIHeight of this character\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBhoff\fP () const "
+.RI "\fIObtains the horizontal offset of the first pixel of the bitmap from the reference point for this glyph, with positive numbers indicating a rightward offset\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBvoff\fP () const "
+.RI "\fIObtains the vertical offset of the first pixel of the bitmap from the reference point for this glyph, with positive numbers indicating a downward offset (which is rather rare, since the reference point is generally near the lower-left corner of the glyph)\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "double \fBtfmWidth\fP () const "
+.RI "\fIThe glyph's width\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBhEscapement\fP () const "
+.RI "\fIThe glyph's horizontal escapement\&. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBvEscapement\fP () const "
+.RI "\fIThe glyph's vertical escapement\&. \fP" -1c
+.SS "Static Public Member Functions"
+ +1c
+.ti -1c
+.RI "static \fBverbosities\fP \fBverbosity\fP (const \fBverbosities\fP level)"
+.RI "\fISets the verbosity of this module\&. \fP" -1c
+.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
+.SS "PkGlyph::PkGlyph (unsigned intcc, unsigned inttfmwidth, unsigned intdm, unsigned intw, unsigned inth, inthoff, intvoff, \fBPkRasterdata\fP *rasterdata, \fBPkFont\fP *f)"
+Represents a single glyph in a font\&. The parameters here correspond to the parameters of the same names which are read from the PK file\&.
+.RS 4
+\fIcc\fP the character code of this glyph
+\fItfmwidth\fP the width of the character, in DVI units
+\fIdm\fP the horizontal escapement, in pixels; this is the number of pixels rightwards (towards increasing \fIx\fP) that the reference should move after this glyph is set; the vertical escapement is taken to be zero
+\fIw\fP width of the bitmap in pixels
+\fIh\fP height of the bitmap in pixels
+\fIhoff\fP \fI(hoff,voff)\fP is the position of the glyph reference point, as an offset from the top-left pixel, in units of pixels, and with right and down being positive
+\fIvoff\fP see parameter \fChoff\fP
+\fIrasterdata\fP the raster information for this glyph
+\fIf\fP the font which this glyph belongs to
+References PkFont::designSize\&.
+.SS "PkGlyph::PkGlyph (unsigned intcc, unsigned inttfmwidth, unsigned intdx, unsigned intdy, unsigned intw, unsigned inth, inthoff, intvoff, \fBPkRasterdata\fP *rasterdata, \fBPkFont\fP *f)"
+Represents a single glyph in a font\&. The parameters here correspond to the parameters of the same names which are read from the PK file\&.
+.RS 4
+\fIcc\fP the character code of this glyph
+\fItfmwidth\fP the width of the character, in DVI units
+\fIdx\fP the horizontal escapement, in pixels times 2**16; this defines the number of pixels rightwards (towards increasing \fIx\fP) that the reference should move after this glyph is set
+\fIdy\fP the vertical escapement, in pixels times 2**16
+\fIw\fP width of the bitmap in pixels
+\fIh\fP height of the bitmap in pixels
+\fIhoff\fP \fI(hoff,voff)\fP is the position of the glyph reference point, as an offset from the top-left pixel, in units of pixels, and with right and down being positive
+\fIvoff\fP see parameter \fChoff\fP
+\fIrasterdata\fP the raster information for this glyph
+\fIf\fP the font which this glyph belongs to
+References PkFont::designSize\&.
+.SS "PkGlyph::PkGlyph (intresolution, \fBPkFont\fP *f)"
+Constructs a dummy glyph for a font\&.
+.RS 4
+\fIresolution\fP the resolution which this glyph corresponds to
+\fIf\fP the font which this glyph is a member of
+References PkFont::designSize\&.
+.SH "Member Function Documentation"
+.SS "const \fBByte\fP * PkGlyph::bitmap ()"
+Returns the bitmap which represents this glyph\&. This runs from the top-left of the character, with the width and height as given by methods \fC\fBw()\fP\fP and \fC\fBh()\fP\fP\&.
+.RS 4
+the bitmap for this glyph
+References PkRasterdata::bitmap()\&.
+Referenced by main()\&.
+.SS "char PkGlyph::characterChar () const\fC [inline]\fP"
+The character which this glyph represents\&.
+.RS 4
+the (ASCII) printable character which this glyph purports to represent
+Referenced by main()\&.
+.SS "unsigned int PkGlyph::characterCode () const\fC [inline]\fP"
+The character code for this glyph\&.
+Referenced by main()\&.
+.SS "unsigned int PkGlyph::h () const\fC [inline]\fP"
+Height of this character\&. This is the number of columns in the bitmap returned by method \fC\fBbitmap()\fP\fP
+.RS 4
+height in device units (ie, pixels)
+Referenced by main()\&.
+.SS "int PkGlyph::hEscapement () const\fC [inline]\fP"
+The glyph's horizontal escapement\&.
+.RS 4
+the escapement in pixels
+.SS "int PkGlyph::hoff () const\fC [inline]\fP"
+Obtains the horizontal offset of the first pixel of the bitmap from the reference point for this glyph, with positive numbers indicating a rightward offset\&. This is the negative of the horizontal offset of the reference point from the bitmap, as discussed in \fBthe constructor\fP\&.
+.RS 4
+the offset (in pixels, with right being positive)
+Referenced by main()\&.
+.SS "double PkGlyph::tfmWidth () const\fC [inline]\fP"
+The glyph's width\&.
+.RS 4
+the glyph's width in points
+.SS "static \fBverbosities\fP PkGlyph::verbosity (const \fBverbosities\fPlevel)\fC [inline]\fP, \fC [static]\fP"
+Sets the verbosity of this module\&.
+.RS 4
+\fIlevel\fP the required verbosity
+.RS 4
+the previous verbosity level
+.SS "int PkGlyph::vEscapement () const\fC [inline]\fP"
+The glyph's vertical escapement\&.
+.RS 4
+the escapement in pixels
+.SS "int PkGlyph::voff () const\fC [inline]\fP"
+Obtains the vertical offset of the first pixel of the bitmap from the reference point for this glyph, with positive numbers indicating a downward offset (which is rather rare, since the reference point is generally near the lower-left corner of the glyph)\&. This is the negative of the vertical offset of the reference point from the bitmap, as discussed in \fBthe constructor\fP\&.
+.RS 4
+the offset (in pixels, with down being positive)
+Referenced by main()\&.
+.SS "unsigned int PkGlyph::w () const\fC [inline]\fP"
+Width of this character\&. This is the row-length of the bitmap returned by method \fC\fBbitmap()\fP\fP
+.RS 4
+width in device units (ie, pixels)
+Referenced by main()\&.
+.SH "Author"
+Generated automatically by Doxygen for dvi2bitmap from the source code\&.