path: root/dviware/beebe/src/gblvars.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/beebe/src/gblvars.h')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dviware/beebe/src/gblvars.h b/dviware/beebe/src/gblvars.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91bc25027e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/beebe/src/gblvars.h
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+/* -*-C-*- gblvars.h */
+/****************************** gblvars *******************************/
+/********************* General Global Variables *********************/
+char curpath[MAXFNAME]; /* current file area */
+char curext[MAXFNAME]; /* current file extension */
+char curname[MAXFNAME]; /* current file name */
+UNSIGN16 debug_code; /* 0 for no debug output */
+char dviname[MAXFNAME]; /* DVI filespec */
+char dvoname[MAXFNAME]; /* device output filespec */
+char fontlist[MAXSTR]; /* FONTLIST environment string */
+char fontpath[MAXFNAME]; /* font directory path */
+char helpcmd[MAXSTR]; /* where to look for help */
+char message[MAXMSG]; /* for formatting error messages */
+Magnification table for 144dpi, 200dpi, and 300dpi devices, computed
+to 20 figures and sorted by magnitude.
+ Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
+0.72*sqrt(1.2)**i sqrt(1.2)**I 1.5*sqrt(1.2)**I (I = -16,16)
+static float mag_table[] =
+ {
+ 0.16744898601451165028, 0.18343117374303022733, 0.20093878321741398034,
+ 0.22011740849163627280, 0.23256803936137783874, 0.24112653986089677641,
+ 0.25476552262595201888, 0.26414089018996352736, 0.27908164723365340649,
+ 0.28935184783307613169, 0.30571862715114242265, 0.31696906822795623283,
+ 0.33489797668038408779, 0.34722221739969135802, 0.34885205904206675812,
+ 0.36686235258137090718, 0.38036288187354747940, 0.38214828393892802832,
+ 0.40187757201646090535, 0.41666666087962962963, 0.41862247085048010974,
+ 0.44023482309764508862, 0.45643545824825697527, 0.45857794072671363398,
+ 0.48225308641975308642, 0.49999999305555555556, 0.50234696502057613169,
+ 0.52828178771717410634, 0.54772254989790837033, 0.55029352887205636077,
+ 0.57870370370370370370, 0.59999999166666666667, 0.60281635802469135802,
+ 0.63393814526060892761, 0.65726705987749004440, 0.66035223464646763293,
+ 0.69444444444444444444, 0.71999999000000000000, 0.72337962962962962963,
+ 0.76072577431273071313, 0.78872047185298805327, 0.79242268157576115952,
+ 0.83333333333333333333, 0.86399998800000000000, 0.86805555555555555556,
+ 0.91287092917527685576, 0.94646456622358566393, 0.95090721789091339142,
+ 1.00000000000000000000, 1.03679998560000000000, 1.04166666666666666670,
+ 1.09544511501033222690, 1.13575747946830279670, 1.14108866146909606970,
+ 1.20000000000000000000, 1.24415998272000000000, 1.25000000000000000000,
+ 1.31453413801239867230, 1.36290897536196335610, 1.36930639376291528360,
+ 1.44000000000000000000, 1.49299197926400000000, 1.50000000000000000000,
+ 1.57744096561487840680, 1.63549077043435602730, 1.64316767251549834040,
+ 1.72800000000000000000, 1.79159037511680000000, 1.80000000000000000000,
+ 1.89292915873785408810, 1.96258892452122723270, 1.97180120701859800840,
+ 2.07360000000000000000, 2.14990845014016000000, 2.16000000000000000000,
+ 2.27151499048542490570, 2.35510670942547267930, 2.36616144842231761010,
+ 2.48832000000000000000, 2.57989014016819200000, 2.59200000000000000000,
+ 2.72581798858250988690, 2.82612805131056721510, 2.83939373810678113220,
+ 2.98598400000000000000, 3.09586816820183040000, 3.11040000000000000000,
+ 3.27098158629901186430, 3.40727248572813735860, 3.58318080000000000000,
+ 3.73248000000000000000, 3.92517790355881423710, 4.08872698287376483030,
+ 4.29981696000000000000, 4.47897600000000000000, 4.90647237944851779640,
+ 5.37477120000000000000, 5.88776685533822135560, 6.44972544000000000000
+ };
+INT16 mag_index; /* set by actfact */
+#define MAGTABSIZE (sizeof(mag_table) / sizeof(float))
+int g_errenc = 0; /* has an error been encountered? */
+char g_logname[MAXSTR]; /* name of log file, if created */
+BOOLEAN g_dolog = TRUE; /* allow log file creation */
+FILE *g_logfp = (FILE*)NULL; /* log file pointer (for errors) */
+char g_progname[MAXSTR]; /* program name */
+FILE *plotfp = (FILE*)NULL; /* plot file pointer */
+struct char_entry
+{ /* character entry */
+ COORDINATE wp, hp; /* width and height in pixels */
+ COORDINATE xoffp, yoffp; /* x offset and y offset in pixels */
+ long fontrp; /* font file raster pointer */
+ UNSIGN32 tfmw; /* TFM width */
+ INT32 dx, dy; /* character escapements */
+ UNSIGN16 pxlw; /* pixel width == round(TFM width in */
+ /* pixels for .PXL files, or */
+ /* float(char_dx)/65536.0 for .GF and .PK */
+ /* files) */
+ INT16 refcount; /* reference count for memory management */
+ UNSIGN32 *rasters; /* raster description (dynamically loaded) */
+ BOOLEAN isloaded; /* is the character already downloaded? */
+ BOOLEAN istoobig; /* Too big (or too odd) to be loaded */
+#if CANON_A2
+ BOOLEAN isknown; /* Character is known */
+ BOOLEAN istoobig; /* Too big to be loaded */
+ BOOLEAN istoobig; /* is the character too big for BitGraph? */
+ BOOLEAN isloaded; /* is the character loaded in the BitGraph?*/
+ INT16 bgfont, bgchar; /* BitGraph font and character */
+#endif /* BBNBITGRAPH */
+struct font_entry
+ struct font_entry *next; /* pointer to next font entry */
+ void (*charxx)(); /* pointer to chargf(), charpk(), charpxl()*/
+ FILE *font_file_id; /* file identifier (NULL if none) */
+ INT32 k; /* font number */
+ UNSIGN32 c; /* checksum */
+ UNSIGN32 d; /* design size */
+ UNSIGN32 s; /* scale factor */
+ INT32 font_space; /* computed from FNT_DEF s parameter */
+ UNSIGN32 font_mag; /* computed from FNT_DEF s and d parameters*/
+ UNSIGN32 magnification; /* magnification read from PXL file */
+ UNSIGN32 designsize; /* design size read from PXL file */
+ UNSIGN32 hppp; /* horizontal pixels/point * 2**16 */
+ UNSIGN32 vppp; /* vertical pixels/point * 2**16 */
+ INT32 min_m; /* GF bounding box values */
+ INT32 max_m;
+ INT32 min_n;
+ INT32 max_n;
+ UNSIGN16 font_number; /* font number (0..32767) */
+#if CANON_A2
+ COORDINATE cell_w;
+ COORDINATE cell_h;
+ COORDINATE cell_d;
+ UNSIGN16 nloaded;
+ UNSIGN32 storage;
+#endif /* CANON_A2 */
+ BYTE font_type; /* GF, PK, or PXL font file */
+ BYTE a; /* length of font area in n[] */
+ BYTE l; /* length of font name in n[] */
+ char n[MAXSTR]; /* font area and name */
+ char name[MAXSTR]; /* full name of PXL file */
+ struct char_entry ch[NPXLCHARS];/* character information */
+struct font_list
+ FILE *font_id; /* file identifier */
+ INT16 use_count; /* count of "opens" */
+INT32 cache_size; /* record of how much character raster */
+ /* is actually used */
+float conv; /* converts DVI units to pixels */
+UNSIGN16 copies; /* number of copies to print of each page */
+INT16 cur_page_number; /* sequential output page number in 1..N */
+INT16 cur_index; /* current index in page_ptr[] */
+COORDINATE xcp,ycp; /* current position */
+UNSIGN32 den; /* denominator specified in preamble */
+FILE *dvifp = (FILE*)NULL; /* DVI file pointer */
+struct font_entry *fontptr; /* font_entry pointer */
+struct font_entry *hfontptr = (struct font_entry *)NULL;
+ /* head font_entry pointer */
+UNSIGN16 font_count; /* used to assign unique font numbers */
+struct font_entry *font_table[MAXFONTS];
+BOOLEAN font_switched; /* current font has changed */
+INT16 gf_index, pk_index, pxl_index;
+ /* indexes into filelist[] in fontfile(); */
+ /* they define the search order, and are */
+ /* in initglob(). */
+UNSIGN32 gpower[33]; /* gpower[k] = 2**k-1 (k = 0..32) */
+INT32 h; /* current horizontal position */
+COORDINATE hh; /* current horizontal position in pixels */
+INT16 hpres; /* output resolution (75, 100, 150, 300 dpi) */
+#endif /* HPLASERJET */
+UNSIGN32 img_mask[32]; /* initialized at run-time so that bit k */
+ /* (counting from high end) is one */
+UNSIGN32 img_row[(MAX_M - MIN_M + 1 + 31) >> 5];
+ /* current character image row of bits */
+INT16 max_m, min_m, max_n, min_n;
+ /* current character matrix extents */
+UNSIGN16 img_words; /* number of words in use in img_row[] */
+float leftmargin; /* left margin in inches */
+COORDINATE lmargin; /* left margin offset in pixels */
+INT16 nopen; /* number of open PXL files */
+INT16 page_count; /* number of entries in page_ptr[] */
+INT16 page_fonts; /* count of fonts used on current page */
+#endif /* HPJETPLUS */
+long page_ptr[MAXPAGE+1]; /* byte pointers to pages (reverse order) */
+long page_loc[MAXPAGE+1]; /* byte pointers to output pages */
+INT32 page_tex[MAXPAGE+1]; /* TeX's \count0 page numbers */
+#endif /* POSTSCRIPT */
+INT16 page_begin[MAXREQUEST+1],
+ page_end[MAXREQUEST+1],
+ page_step[MAXREQUEST+1]; /* explicit page range requests */
+INT16 npage; /* number of explicit page range requests */
+struct font_list font_files[MAXOPEN+1];
+ /* list of open PXL file identifiers */
+UNSIGN32 power[32]; /* power[k] = 1 << k */
+BOOLEAN ps_vmbug; /* reload fonts on each page when TRUE */
+#endif /* POSTSCRIPT */
+UNSIGN32 rightones[HOST_WORD_SIZE];/* bit masks */
+BOOLEAN runlengthcode = FALSE; /* this is runtime option '-r' */
+BOOLEAN runlengthcode = FALSE; /* this is runtime option '-r' */
+#endif /* (GOLDENDAWNGL100 | TOSHIBAP1351) */
+UNSIGN32 runmag; /* runtime magnification */
+UNSIGN32 mag; /* magnification specified in preamble */
+UNSIGN32 num; /* numerator specified in preamble */
+struct font_entry *pfontptr = (struct font_entry *)NULL;
+ /* previous font_entry pointer */
+BOOLEAN preload = TRUE; /* preload the font descriptions? */
+FILE *fontfp = (FILE*)NULL; /* font file pointer */
+BOOLEAN quiet = FALSE; /* suppress status display when TRUE */
+BOOLEAN backwards = FALSE; /* print in backwards order */
+COORDINATE rule_height; /* parameters of last rule set */
+COORDINATE rule_width;
+COORDINATE str_ycp; /* last string ycp value */
+UNSIGN16 size_limit; /* character size limit in pixels -- larger */
+ /* characters are downloaded each time they */
+ /* are required to avoid PostScript ROM bugs */
+#if (BSD42 | OS_TOPS20)
+BOOLEAN spool_output = FALSE; /* offer to send output to spooler */
+#endif /* (BSD42 | OS_TOPS20) */
+char subpath[MAXFNAME]; /* font substitution file path */
+char subname[MAXFNAME]; /* font substitution file name field */
+char subext[MAXFNAME]; /* font substitution file extension field */
+char subfile[MAXFNAME]; /* font substitution filename */
+INT32 tex_counter[10]; /* TeX c0..c9 counters on current page */
+float topmargin; /* top margin in inches */
+COORDINATE tmargin; /* top margin offset in pixels */
+INT32 v; /* current vertical position */
+BOOLEAN virt_font; /* virtual font cache flag */
+struct virt_data
+ {
+ int cnt;
+ char *ptr;
+ char *base;
+ };
+struct virt_data virt_save[_NFILE];/* space for saving old FILE values */
+#endif /* VIRTUAL_FONTS */
+COORDINATE vv; /* current vertical position in pixels */
+struct char_entry *bgcp[NBGFONTS+(NBGFONTS+2)/3][NPXLCHARS];
+ /* Pointer to corresponding char_entry for this BitGraph font */
+ /* and character. These are used to set the char_entry's */
+ /* status to "not loaded" when we have to reuse the BitGraph */
+ /* character. The array is cleared initially in devinit(). */
+INT16 fullfont = 0; /* full font to load in BitGraph */
+BOOLEAN g_interactive=TRUE; /* is the program running interactively */
+ /* (i.e., standard output not redirected)? */
+INT16 partchar = FIRSTBGCHAR; /* partial font character to load in BitGraph*/
+INT16 partfont = NBGFONTS; /* partial font to load in BitGraph */
+INT16 pbghpos; /* previous BitGraph horizontal position */
+INT16 pbgvpos; /* previous BitGraph vertical position */
+INT16 pbgf = -1; /* previous BitGraph font */
+COORDINATE xdiff; /* x difference */
+COORDINATE xscreen; /* x screen adjustment */
+COORDINATE ydiff; /* y difference */
+COORDINATE yscreen; /* y screen adjustment */
+long cpagep; /* pointer to current page in DVI file */
+long ppagep; /* pointer to previous page in DVI file */
+#if OS_TOPS20
+#define jfn_plotfp (jfnof(fileno(plotfp)))
+int bg_length,bg_width,bg_1ccoc,bg_2ccoc,bg_modeword,bg_sysmsg;
+#endif /* OS_TOPS20 */
+#endif /* BBNBITGRAPH */