path: root/dviware/beebe/src/dviimp.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/beebe/src/dviimp.c')
1 files changed, 711 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dviware/beebe/src/dviimp.c b/dviware/beebe/src/dviimp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..453e981e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/beebe/src/dviimp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+/* -*-C-*- dviimp.c */
+/******************************* dviimp *******************************/
+#include "dvihead.h"
+/************************ Device Definitions ************************/
+/* All output-device-specific definitions go here. This section must
+be changed when modifying a dvi driver for use on a new device */
+#undef IMPRESS
+#define IMPRESS 1 /* conditional compilation flag */
+#define VERSION_NO "2.10" /* DVI driver version number */
+#define DEVICE_ID "imPRESS [Imagen laser printer family]"
+ /* this string is printed at runtime */
+#define OUTFILE_EXT "imp"
+#define BYTE_SIZE 8 /* output file byte size */
+#undef STDRES
+#define STDRES 1 /* to get standard font resolution */
+#define MAXLINE 4096 /* maximum input file line size */
+ /* it is needed only in special() */
+#define XDPI 300 /* horizontal dots/inch */
+#define XPSIZE 9 /* horizontal paper size in inches */
+ /* number of horizontal dots; */
+ /* MUST BE multiple of */
+ /* 2*HOST_WORD_SIZE */
+#define YDPI 300 /* vertical dots/inch */
+#define YPSIZE 11 /* vertical paper size in inches */
+#define YSIZE (YDPI*YPSIZE) /* number of vertical dots */
+/* The following values may be printer model dependent, or even printer
+serial number dependent. These values were obtained with the LaTeX
+TESTPAGE.TEX file for an Imagen 3320 printer; they express that fact
+that the real (0,0) is 15 dots above and 3 dots to the left of the top
+left corner of an 8.5in x 11in page. */
+#define XORIGIN -3 /* measured pixel coordinates of */
+#define YORIGIN -15 /* page origin (should be at (0,0)) */
+Define macros for imPRESS commands.
+With the exception of the function "loadchar", which requires extra
+data, and the function fillrect, for which the macro definition was too
+complicated for the compiler, NO escape sequences appear anywhere else
+in the text.
+#define IM_SABSH (BYTE)135 /* IM_SET_ABS_H */
+#define IM_SRELH (BYTE)136 /* IM_SET_REL_H */
+#define IM_SABSV (BYTE)137 /* IM_SET_ABS_V */
+#define IM_SRELV (BYTE)138 /* IM_SET_REL_V */
+#define IM_BRULE (BYTE)193
+#define IM_BGLY (BYTE)199
+#define IM_SET_FAMILY (BYTE)207
+#define IM_PAGE (BYTE)213
+#define IM_ENDPAGE (BYTE)219
+#define IM_EOF (BYTE)255
+#define ROUND(x) ((int)(x + 0.5))
+/* Output a 16-bit binary number in two bytes */
+#define OUT16(n) {OUTC((n)>>8); OUTC(n);}
+ /*******************************************************************
+ The imPRESS XY coordinate system has X increasing to the right, Y
+ increasing down, and the origin at the upper left corner.
+ The DVI XY coordinate system has X increasing to the right, Y
+ increasing up, and the origin at the lower left corner.
+ Rather than redefine the imPRESS HV coordinates (and advance
+ directions) to correspond to DVI XY coordinates, I have chosen to
+ let MOVETO/MOVEY/RMOVEY convert from DVI-Y to imPRESS-Y coordinates.
+ *******************************************************************/
+/* Absolute movement */
+#define MOVETO(x,y) if (x||(y-YSIZE)) {MOVEX(x); MOVEY(y);} else OUTC(IM_PAGE)
+#define MOVEX(x) {OUTC(IM_SABSH); OUT16(x);}
+#define MOVEY(y) {OUTC(IM_SABSV); OUT16(YSIZE-y);}
+/* Relative movement */
+#define RMOVETO(delx,dely) {RMOVEX(delx); RMOVEY(dely);}
+#define RMOVEX(delx) if (delx) {OUTC(IM_SRELH); OUT16(delx);}
+#define RMOVEY(dely) if (dely) {OUTC(IM_SRELV); OUT16(-dely);}
+/* Eject a page from the printer--this is the last command on each page */
+ /*******************************************************************
+ State variable defaults are:
+ coordinate system:
+ Origin is at top left corner of page (top and left defined
+ by HV)
+ Positive V axis is 90 degrees clockwise from positive H axis
+ Positive H axis is physically "down" the page
+ OUTC(IM_SET_HV_SYSTEM), OUTC( (2<<5) | (2<<3) | 4)
+ current position:
+ MOVETO(0,0)
+ text print direction:
+ Main advance direction is along H-axis
+ Secondary advance direction is clockwise from Main adv. dir.
+ OUTC(IM_SET_ADV_DIRS), OUTC( (0<<1) | 0 )
+ spacing (not used: done by TeX):
+ OUTC(IM_SET_SP), OUT16(0?)
+ OUTC(IM_SET_BOL), OUT16(0) * default left margin is 0 *
+ OUTC(IM_SET_IL), OUT16(0) * no default interline spacing *
+ selected font:
+ graphics (TEXTURE is used for rules, others not used by TeX):
+ OUTC(IM_SET_TEXTURE), OUT16(0) * Texture is solid black *
+ push mask:
+ *******************************************************************/
+ /*******************************************************************
+ Note: if predefined fonts are used, the definitions to access them
+ can't be redefined (i.e. the member maps and family tables). And
+ once a glyph has been explicitly defined, there is no way to
+ redefine it as a reference to a predefined glyph. This would be
+ troublesome if TeX used the predefined fonts.
+ *******************************************************************/
+/* Set the current font number */
+#define SETCURRENTFONT(fontnumber) {OUTC(IM_SET_FAMILY);OUTC(fontnumber);}
+#include "main.h"
+#include "abortrun.h"
+#include "actfact.h"
+#include "alldone.h"
+/******************************* bopact *******************************/
+bopact() /* beginning of page action */
+ str_ycp = -1; /* last string ycp */
+#include "chargf.h"
+#include "charpk.h"
+#include "charpxl.h"
+#include "clrrow.h"
+#include "dbgopen.h"
+/****************************** devinit *******************************/
+devinit(argc,argv) /* initialize device */
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ /* Provide a minimal document header which prevents the printer from
+ rearranging the page order. */
+ OUTS("@document(language impress, pagecollation off, pagereversal off, \
+prerasterization off, jamresistance on");
+ if ((int)copies > 1) /* avoid unnecessary output to allow */
+ OUTF(", copies %d",(int)copies); /* later override */
+ OUTC(')');
+ OUTC(0);
+ font_count = 0; /* no font numbers are assigned yet */
+ font_switched = TRUE;
+/****************************** devterm *******************************/
+devterm() /* terminate device */
+#include "dvifile.h"
+#include "dviinit.h"
+#include "dviterm.h"
+/******************************* eopact *******************************/
+eopact() /* end of page action */
+#include "f20open.h"
+#include "fatal.h"
+/****************************** fillrect ******************************/
+COORDINATE x,y,width,height; /* lower left corner, size */
+With the page origin (0,0) at the lower-left corner, draw a filled
+rectangle at (x,y).
+For most TeX uses, rules are uncommon, and little optimization is
+possible. However, for the LaTeX Bezier option, curves are simulated by
+many small rules (typically 2 x 2) separated by positioning commands.
+It is not possible to use relative, instead of absolute, moves in these
+sequences, without stacking rules for the whole page, because each rule
+is separated in the DVI file by push, pop, and positioning commands,
+making for an uncertain correspondence between internal (xcp,ycp)
+pixel page coordinates and external device coordinates.
+The last string y coordinate, str_ycp, must be reset here to force any
+later setstring() to reissue new absolute positioning commands.
+ str_ycp = -1; /* invalidate string y coordinate */
+ /*
+ Output a new rule at TeX position (x,y). The device coordinates
+ will be changed on completion. The rule origin is the TeX
+ convention of the lower-left corner, while imPRESS uses the
+ upper-left corner, but allows an offset to be provided. Note that
+ the offset must be negated because imPRESS and TeX differ on the
+ direction of the Y-axis.
+ */
+ MOVETO(x,y);
+ OUT16(width);
+ OUT16(height);
+ OUT16(-height);
+#include "findpost.h"
+#include "fixpos.h"
+#include "fontfile.h"
+#include "fontsub.h"
+#include "getbytes.h"
+#include "getfntdf.h"
+#include "getpgtab.h"
+#include "inch.h"
+#include "initglob.h"
+/****************************** loadchar ******************************/
+ /*******************************************************************
+ <------wp------>
+ ^ ................ ^
+ | ................ |
+ | ................ |
+ | ................ |
+ | ................ |
+ | ................ |--- yoffp (negative if (xcp,ycp) above bitmap)
+ | ................ |
+ hp ................ |
+ | ................ |
+ | ................ |
+ | ................ |
+ | .....o.......... v <-- character reference point (xcp,ycp) at "o"
+ | ................
+ | ................
+ | ................
+ | ................
+ v +............... <-- (xcorner,ycorner) at "+"
+ <--->
+ |
+ |
+ xoffp (negative if (xcp,ycp) left of bitmap)
+ when char set: (xcp',ycp') := (xcp+tfmw,ycp)
+ ----- -------
+ ----- -------
+ xoffp left offset
+ yoffp top offset
+ wp width
+ hp height
+ tfmw advance width
+ *******************************************************************/
+register BYTE c;
+ void (*charyy)(); /* subterfuge to get around PCC-20 bug */
+ register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */
+ if ((c < FIRSTPXLCHAR) || (LASTPXLCHAR < c)) /* check character range */
+ return;
+ tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]);
+ if (!VISIBLE(tcharptr))
+ return; /* do nothing for invisible fonts */
+ if (fontptr != pfontptr)
+ openfont(fontptr->n);
+ if (fontfp == (FILE *)NULL) /* do nothing if no font file */
+ return;
+ (void)clearerr(plotfp);
+ tcharptr->isloaded = TRUE;
+ OUT16( (0<<14) + ((fontptr->font_number)<<7) + c);
+ OUT16(tcharptr->pxlw); /* advance width */
+ OUT16(tcharptr->wp); /* width */
+ OUT16(tcharptr->xoffp); /* left offset */
+ OUT16(tcharptr->hp); /* height */
+ OUT16(tcharptr->yoffp+1); /* top offset */
+ /* Bug fix: PCC-20 otherwise jumps to charxx instead of *charxx */
+ charyy = fontptr->charxx;
+ (void)(*charyy)(c,outrow); /* output rasters */
+ if (DISKFULL(plotfp))
+ (void)fatal("loadchar(): Output error -- disk storage probably full");
+#include "movedown.h"
+#include "moveover.h"
+#include "moveto.h"
+/****************************** newfont *******************************/
+ register UNSIGN16 the_char; /* loop index */
+ INT16 j; /* loop index */
+ for (the_char = FIRSTPXLCHAR; the_char <= LASTPXLCHAR; the_char++)
+ fontptr->ch[the_char].isloaded = FALSE;
+ for (j = 0; j < (INT16)font_count; ++j)
+ if (font_table[j] == fontptr) /* then font already known */
+ break;
+ if (j >= (INT16)font_count) /* new font */
+ {
+ fontptr->font_number = font_count;
+ font_table[font_count++] = fontptr;
+ }
+#include "nosignex.h"
+#include "openfont.h"
+#include "option.h"
+/******************************* outrow *******************************/
+outrow(c,yoff) /* copy img_row[] into rasters[] if allocated, else no-op */
+BYTE c; /* current character value */
+UNSIGN16 yoff; /* offset from top row (0,1,...,hp-1) */
+ UNSIGN16 bytes_per_row; /* number of raster bytes to copy */
+ register UNSIGN16 k; /* loop index */
+ register UNSIGN32 *p; /* pointer into img_row[] */
+ struct char_entry *tcharptr;/* temporary char_entry pointer */
+ register BYTE the_byte; /* unpacked raster byte */
+ tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]);/* assume check for valid c has been done */
+ bytes_per_row = ((tcharptr->wp) + 7) >> 3; /* wp div 8 */
+ p = img_row; /* we step pointer p along img_row[] */
+ for (k = bytes_per_row; ; ++p)
+ {
+ the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 24);
+ OUTC(the_byte);
+ if ((--k) <= 0)
+ break;
+ the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 16);
+ OUTC(the_byte);
+ if ((--k) <= 0)
+ break;
+ the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 8);
+ OUTC(the_byte);
+ if ((--k) <= 0)
+ break;
+ the_byte = (BYTE)(*p);
+ OUTC(the_byte);
+ if ((--k) <= 0)
+ break;
+ }
+#include "prtpage.h"
+#include "readfont.h"
+#include "readgf.h"
+#include "readpk.h"
+#include "readpost.h"
+#include "readpxl.h"
+#include "reldfont.h"
+#include "rulepxl.h"
+/****************************** setchar *******************************/
+setchar(c, update_h)
+register BYTE c;
+register BOOLEAN update_h;
+ register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */
+ /* ONPAGE() is used here and in setstr() */
+#define ONPAGE(t) (((hh - t->xoffp + t->pxlw) <= XSIZE) \
+ && (hh >= 0)\
+ && (vv <= YSIZE)\
+ && (vv >= 0))
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"setchar('");
+ if (isprint(c))
+ (void)putc(c,stderr);
+ else
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"\\%03o",(int)c);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"'<%d>) (hh,vv) = (%ld,%ld) font name <%s>",
+ (int)c, (long)hh, (long)vv, fontptr->n);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]);
+ moveto(hh,YSIZE-vv);
+ if (ONPAGE(tcharptr))
+ { /* character fits entirely on page */
+ if (font_switched)
+ {
+ SETCURRENTFONT(fontptr->font_number);
+ font_switched = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (VISIBLE(tcharptr))
+ {
+ if (!tcharptr->isloaded)
+ loadchar(c);
+ if (ycp != str_ycp)
+ {
+ MOVETO(xcp,ycp);
+ str_ycp = ycp;
+ }
+ else
+ MOVEX(xcp);
+ OUTC(c);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (DBGOPT(DBG_OFF_PAGE) && !quiet)
+ { /* character is off page -- discard it */
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "setchar(): Char %c [10#%3d 8#%03o 16#%02x] off page.",
+ isprint(c) ? c : '?',c,c,c);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ if (update_h)
+ {
+ h += (INT32)tcharptr->tfmw;
+ hh += (COORDINATE)tcharptr->pxlw;
+ hh = fixpos(hh-lmargin,h,conv) + lmargin;
+ }
+#include "setfntnm.h"
+#include "setrule.h"
+/******************************* setstr *******************************/
+register BYTE c;
+ register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */
+ register BOOLEAN inside;
+ INT32 h0,v0; /* (h,v) at entry */
+ COORDINATE hh0,vv0; /* (hh,vv) at entry */
+ COORDINATE hh_last; /* hh before call to fixpos() */
+ register UNSIGN16 k; /* loop index */
+ UNSIGN16 nstr; /* number of characters in str[] */
+ BYTE str[MAXSTR+1]; /* string accumulator */
+ BOOLEAN truncated; /* off-page string truncation flag */
+ /*******************************************************************
+ Set a sequence of characters in SETC_000 .. SETC_127 with a minimal
+ number of imPRESS commands. These sequences tend to occur in long
+ clumps in a DVI file, and setting them together whenever possible
+ substantially decreases the overhead and the size of the output
+ file. A sequence can be set as a single string if
+ * TeX and imPRESS coordinates of each character agree, AND
+ * each character is in the same font (this will always be true
+ in a sequence from a DVI file), AND
+ * each character fits within the page boundaries, AND
+ * each character definition is already loaded, AND
+ * each character is from a visible font
+ Whenever any of these conditions does not hold, any string already
+ output is terminated, and a new one begun.
+ Two output optimizations are implemented here. First, up to MAXSTR
+ (in practice more than enough) characters are collected in str[],
+ and any that require downloading are handled. Then the entire
+ string is set at once, subject to the above limitations. Second, by
+ recording the vertical page coordinate, ycp, in the global variable
+ str_ycp (reset in prtpage() at begin-page processing), it is
+ possible to avoid outputting y coordinates unnecessarily, since a
+ single line of text will generally result in many calls to this
+ function.
+ *******************************************************************/
+#define BEGINSTRING {inside = TRUE;\
+ if (ycp != str_ycp)\
+ {\
+ MOVETO(xcp,ycp);\
+ str_ycp = ycp;\
+ }\
+ else\
+ MOVEX(xcp);}
+#define ENDSTRING {inside = FALSE;}
+#define OFF_PAGE (-1) /* off-page coordinate value */
+ if (font_switched) /* output new font selection */
+ {
+ SETCURRENTFONT(fontptr->font_number);
+ font_switched = FALSE;
+ }
+ inside = FALSE;
+ truncated = FALSE;
+ hh0 = hh;
+ vv0 = vv;
+ h0 = h;
+ v0 = v;
+ nstr = 0;
+ while ((SETC_000 <= c) && (c <= SETC_127) && (nstr < MAXSTR))
+ { /* loop over character sequence */
+ tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]);
+ moveto(hh,YSIZE-vv);
+ if (ONPAGE(tcharptr) && VISIBLE(tcharptr))
+ { /* character fits entirely on page and is visible */
+ if (!tcharptr->isloaded) loadchar(c);
+ }
+ /* update horizontal positions in TFM and pixel units */
+ h += (INT32)tcharptr->tfmw;
+ hh += (COORDINATE)tcharptr->pxlw;
+ str[nstr++] = c; /* save string character */
+ c = (BYTE)nosignex(dvifp,(BYTE)1);
+ }
+ /* put back character which terminated the loop */
+ (void)UNGETC((int)(c),dvifp);
+ hh = hh0; /* restore coordinates at entry */
+ vv = vv0;
+ h = h0;
+ v = v0;
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"setstr(\"");
+ for (k = 0; k < nstr; ++k)
+ {
+ c = str[k];
+ if (isprint(c))
+ (void)putc(c,stderr);
+ else
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"\\%03o",(int)c);
+ }
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"\") (hh,vv) = (%ld,%ld) font name <%s>",
+ (long)hh, (long)vv, fontptr->n);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k < nstr; ++k)
+ { /* loop over character sequence */
+ c = str[k];
+ tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]);
+ moveto(hh,YSIZE-vv);
+ if (ONPAGE(tcharptr) && VISIBLE(tcharptr))
+ { /* character fits entirely on page and is visible */
+ if (tcharptr->isloaded) /* character already downloaded */
+ {
+ if (!inside)
+ OUTC(c);
+ }
+ else /* character must be downloaded first */
+ {
+ if (inside)
+ ENDSTRING; /* finish any open string */
+ }
+ }
+ else /* character does not fit on page -- output */
+ { /* current string and discard the character */
+ truncated = TRUE;
+ if (inside)
+ }
+ /* update horizontal positions in TFM and pixel units */
+ h += (INT32)tcharptr->tfmw;
+ hh += (COORDINATE)tcharptr->pxlw;
+ hh_last = hh;
+ hh = fixpos(hh-lmargin,h,conv) + lmargin;
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "[%03o] xcp = %d\tycp = %d\thh = %d\thh_last = %d\n",
+ c,xcp,ycp,hh,hh_last);
+ }
+ /* If fixpos() changed position, we need new string next time */
+ if ((hh != hh_last) && inside)
+ }
+ if (truncated && DBGOPT(DBG_OFF_PAGE) && !quiet)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"setstr(): Text [");
+ for (k = 0; k < nstr; ++k)
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,isprint(str[k]) ? "%c" : "\\%03o",str[k]);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"] truncated at page boundaries.");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ if (inside) /* finish last string */
+#include "signex.h"
+#include "skgfspec.h"
+#include "skipfont.h"
+#include "skpkspec.h"
+#include "special.h"
+#include "strchr.h"
+#include "strcm2.h"
+#include "strid2.h"
+#include "strrchr.h"
+#include "tctos.h"
+#include "usage.h"
+#include "warning.h"