path: root/dviware/beebe/src/dvihead.h
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diff --git a/dviware/beebe/src/dvihead.h b/dviware/beebe/src/dvihead.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90e9e6fa0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/beebe/src/dvihead.h
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+/* -*-C-*- dvihead.h */
+/****************************** dvihead *******************************/
+/************************* Revision History *************************/
+[Begin Revision History]
+<BEEBE.TEX.DVI.NEW>DVIHEAD.H.2, 24-Jun-86 18:11:55, Edit by BEEBE
+Added saving of all ten TeX page counters in prtpage() in global array
+tex_counter[], and function tctos() to convert them to a string for
+printing. All warning and error messages are now accompanied by a list
+of the non-zero page counters to help relate errors to output document
+<BEEBE.TEX.DVI>DVIHEADER.H.21, 13-Mar-86 10:43:33, Edit by BEEBE
+Added use of getenv() for Unix and PC-DOS to pick up definitions of
+texinputs and texfonts at runtime; if these are available, they override
+built-in choices. This makes it possible to move compiled code to
+similar machines with different directory structures without having to
+recompile. For TOPS-20, this is unnecessary, since the defaults already
+point to these, and a name of the form /texinputs/ is translated
+by PCC-20 to, from which the current definition of the
+logical name "texinputs:" is used to find the desired directory. It can
+even be a chain of directories; in Unix and PC-DOS, we will need to
+introduce a special version of fopen() to handle filenames with
+environment variable prefixes which might represent directory chains.
+Removed variable-length argument lists to fatal() and warning() for
+portability. Changed all preprocessor #ifdef's and #ifndef's to #if's
+for portability; all symbols for devices, operating systems, and
+implementations are now explicitly defined to be 0 or 1. IBM PC Lattice
+C will not accept the operators "!", "||", or "&&" in #if expressions,
+although they should be perfectly legal; rearranged several expressions
+to avoid these (introduce #else, use "|" and "&").
+Added procedures fontfile() and fontsub() to encapsulate construction of
+system-dependent font file names and provide for user-specifiable font
+substitutions for unavailable font files (new runtime option
+Removed old #ifdef FOOBAR ... #endif code sections in several procedures
+which were completely obsolete. Added header comment line to every
+file; it contains the EMACS "-*-C-*-" mode string and the exact
+(case-sensive) filename, since many functions have been defined with
+names in mixed case for readability (probably should have used
+underscore instead, but none do), and on Unix, the letter case matters.
+Replaced index() and rindex(), which have different definitions in
+different C implementations, by 4.2BSD (and coming ANSI C standard)
+functions strchr() and strrchr(), for which .h files are provided.
+<BEEBE.TEX.DVI>DVIHEADER.H.11, 8-Jan-86 16:55:59, Edit by BEEBE
+Added DVITYPE Version 2.6 MAXDRIFT correction to pixel coordinates.
+This adds function fixpos() called from movedown(), moveover(),
+setchar(), and setrule(), and #include'd in DVI*.c with definitions in
+gblprocs.h and machdefs.h. Revision level incremented by 0.01 (most are
+now at 2.01)
+<BEEBE.TEX.DVI>DVIHEADER.H.7, 22-Jul-85 12:51:02, Edit by BEEBE
+Added PostScript driver for Apple LaserWriter.
+Added support for multiple input DVI files to each of which all switch
+options apply.
+<BEEBE.TEX>DVIJET.C.70, 30-May-85 00:33:51, Edit by BEEBE
+Revised "int" type declarations to signed types (INT8, INT16, INT32),
+unsigned types (BYTE, UNSIGN16, UNSIGN32), and coordinate type
+(COORDINATE) as a prelude to moving to microprocessors where long
+integers impose a serious runtime penalty.
+Type casts added to many assignments and arguments.
+"double" changed to "float".
+Added a few more "register" declarations and deleted unused variables.
+Device-dependent code sections identified as prelude to code sharing
+between device drivers via "#include" statements for each shareable
+Added -c, -o, -r, -x, -y options and inch() procedure.
+Several passes with "lint" under VAX Unix to detect further problems
+<BEEBE.TEX>DVIJET.C.18, 27-May-85 23:44:34, Edit by BEEBE
+Revise copy of Printronix driver for output on Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet
+<BEEBE.TEX>DVIPRX.C.125, 20-Oct-84 14:02:27, Edit by BEEBE
+Add mag_table[] and rewrite actfact() to use it. Add code to readfont()
+and openfont() to choose nearest available font magnification when
+required one is unavailable. Enable USEGLOBALMAG since code now can
+handle it properly. Allow upper-case option letters as equivalents of
+lower-case ones -- non-Unix folks abhor such distinctions.
+<BEEBE.TEX>DVIPRX.C.118, 30-Sep-84 14:42:10, Edit by BEEBE
+Change = to == in "if (...)" in procedure warning, change g_dolog to
+[End Revision History]
+/************************ Development History ***********************/
+** The code is arranged to allow easy modification of the output for
+** display on other dot matrix printers, and for porting to a new host
+** computing environment. The sections labelled "Device Definitions"
+** and "Global Definitions" below definitely need to be modified in
+** such a case. A couple of the 40 or so procedures in the '#include
+** "xxx.h"' section may need to be adjusted as well, but almost all the
+** rest should be both host- and output-device-independent.
+** The runtime switches will be similar for most devices, but some will
+** require additional ones. Device-name conditionals should be used to
+** bracket these, so that code can be lifted without modification for
+** use in a new dvi driver.
+** Instead of building up a bit map corresponding to the final printer
+** file, we keep a large array which has a one-to-one correspondence
+** with the printed page; dots in a horizontal raster on the page are
+** consecutive in memory. This allows us to OR in character raster
+** patterns without having to unpack every single bit. At end-of-page
+** time, each raster row is trimmed of trailing white space and
+** formatted into a line of data to be sent to the printer file. For
+** those devices which pack dots for 6, 7, or 8 rows into a single
+** character, some merging of raster lines will be necessary.
+** To use the program, type:
+** dvixxx {-b} {-c#} {-d#} {-ffontsubfile} {-l} {-m#} {-o#:#} {-o#} {-p}
+** {-r#} {-v} {-x#units} {-y#units} dvifile(s)
+** The order of command options and DVI file names is not significant;
+** all switch values apply to all DVI files. DVI files are processed
+** in order from left to right. The command options are (letter case
+** is IGNORED):
+** b Backwards order printing from the default. For example,
+** laser printers using the Canon engine print normally
+** receive pages in reverse order because they stack printed
+** side up. Some have page handling mechanisms that stack
+** them face down, and in such a case -b will ensure that
+** they come out in order 1,2,... instead of n,n-1,n-2,...
+** c# Print # copies of each output page.
+** d# Debug output to stderr if non-zero value given.
+** ffontsubfile Define an alternate font substitution file which
+** is to be used instead of the default ones (see below).
+** l Inhibit logging.
+** m# Reset magnification to #. The default is "-m603",
+** corresponding to (1/1.2**5) magnification of 300dpi
+** fonts. Legal values are int(1000*(1.2)**(k/2)) (k =
+** -16,16); other values will be set to the nearest in this
+** family. Not all fonts will be available in this wide
+** range, and most installations will probably have only a
+** half dozen or so magnifications.
+** o# and
+** o#:# Specify a page number, or range of page numbers, to be
+** selected for output. This option may be specified any
+** number of times. If it is not specified, then all pages
+** will be printed. Pages are numbered in order 1,2,3,...
+** in the file, but any page number recorded by TeX on the
+** printed page will in general be different. As pages are
+** selected for printing, "[#{#}" will be printed on
+** stderr, where the first is the page number in the file,
+** and the second is the value of the TeX counter, \count0,
+** which usually records the printed page number. When the
+** page is completely output, a closing "]" will be printed
+** on stderr. Any error messages from processing of that
+** page will therefore occur between the square brackets.
+** For example, "-o1:3 -o12 -o17:23" would select pages 1,
+** 2, 3, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 for printing.
+** Pages will always be printed in an order appropriate for
+** the device so that the first document page occurs first
+** face up in the document stack.
+** p Inhibit font preloading. This may produce output a few
+** seconds earlier when all pages are output, but should
+** have negligible effect on the execution time, and
+** consequently, should normally not be specified. When
+** individual pages are being printed with the -o# option,
+** preloading is necessary (and will be forced) to ensure
+** that all fonts are defined before they are referenced.
+** q Quiet mode. Status displays to stderr are suppressed,
+** unless warning or error messages are issued.
+** r# (Device = HP Laser Jet only). Specify the Laser Jet
+** output resolution in dots per inch. "#" must be one of
+** 75, 100, 150, or 300. The actual plot file is identical
+** in each case; only the size on the output page is
+** changed, because the resolution change is effected by
+** printing 1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3, or 4 x 4 pixel blocks.
+** r (Device = Golden Laser 100 only). Select run-length
+** encoding of the output file. This reduces disk space
+** typically by 10% to 40%, but increases host CPU time for
+** the preparation of the output file.
+** r (Device = Apple ImageWriter only). Select run-length
+** encoding of the output file.
+** r (Device = Toshiba P-1351 only). Select run-length
+** encoding of the output file. This reduces disk space
+** typically by 10% to 40%, but increases host CPU time for
+** the preparation of the output file, and because of poor
+** logic in the printer, may double the print time! The
+** print quality is also substantially worse, so this
+** option is generally NOT recommended.
+** s# (Device = Apple LaserWriter only). Force characters
+** larger than # pixels wide or high to be reloaded each
+** time they are required. The Version 23.0 PostScript
+** interpreter has a bug which manifests itself in fatal
+** 'VM error' messages when large characters are sent. A
+** reasonable default value has been set for this which
+** should normally avoid the problem. Specifying -s0 will
+** cause reloading of every character each time it is used.
+** v (Device = Apple LaserWriter only). Force reloading of
+** all required fonts at start of each page.
+** x#bp big point (1in = 72bp)
+** x#cc cicero (1cc = 12dd)
+** x#cm centimeter
+** x#dd didot point (1157dd = 1238pt)
+** x#in inch
+** x#mm millimeter (10mm = 1cm)
+** x#pc pica (1pc = 12pt)
+** x#pt point (72.27pt = 1in)
+** x#sp scaled point (65536sp = 1pt)
+** Specify the left margin of the TeX page on the output
+** page in any of the indicated units. Letter case is not
+** significant in the unit field, which must not be
+** separated from the number by any space. # may be
+** fractional. For example, "-x1.0in", "-x2.54cm",
+** "-x72.27pt", and "-x6.0225pc" all specify a one inch
+** left margin. Negative values are permissible, and may
+** be used to shift the output page left (possibly
+** truncating it on the left) in order to display a wide
+** TeX page.
+** y# inch
+** y#bp big point (1in = 72bp)
+** y#cc cicero (1cc = 12dd)
+** y#cm centimeter
+** y#dd didot point (1157dd = 1238pt)
+** y#in inch
+** y#mm millimeter (10mm = 1cm)
+** y#pc pica (1pc = 12pt)
+** y#pt point (72.27pt = 1in)
+** y#sp scaled point (65536sp = 1pt)
+** Specify the top margin of the TeX page on the output
+** page in any of the indicated units. Letter case is not
+** significant in the unit field, which must not be
+** separated from the number by any space. # may be
+** fractional. For example, "-y1.0in", "-y2.54cm",
+** "-y72.27pt", and "-y6.0225pc" all specify a one inch top
+** margin. Negative values are permissible, and may be
+** used to shift the output page up (possibly truncating it
+** on the top) in order to display a long TeX page.
+** If no -ffontsubfile option is given, and font substitution is
+** required, the files "dvifile.sub" (minus any extension),
+** "texfonts.sub", and "texinputs:texfonts.sub" will be tried in order.
+** The first two will be found on the current directory, and the last
+** is the system default. This gives the option of document-specific,
+** user-specific, and system-specific substitutions, and the -f option
+** allows all of these to be overridden.
+** This program can only process DVI format 2 files.
+** Mark Senn at Purdue University wrote the first BitGraph driver,
+** dvibit. This was further worked on at the University of Washington
+** by Stephen Bechtolsheim, Bob Brown, Richard Furuta, and Robert
+** Wells. The transformation to about ten other device drivers, plus
+** the massive code rearrangement for many new features as well as easy
+** identification of host- and device-dependent sections, was carried
+** out at the University of Utah by Nelson H.F. Beebe.
+** Support for pixel file caching and character raster caching was
+** added by NHFB; this should give a decided performance improvement
+** provided the cache sizes, MAXCACHE and MAXOPEN, defined below are
+** sufficiently large.
+** MAXOPEN can be set as low as 1, but should ideally be about 15,
+** since this may be more typical of the number of different font files
+** required in mathematical manuscripts.
+** In the current version, MAXCACHE is not actually used, because it
+** appears sufficient raster storage will always be available even for
+** relatively complex manuscripts. However, a record is kept which
+** will permit dynamic freeing and reallocation of raster storage; see
+** procedure loadchar for details.
+/************************ Global Definitions ************************/
+/* All host-specific material resides in machdefs.h and typedefs.h;
+they must be revised when this dvi driver is rehosted to a new machine */
+#define DEBUG 1 /* for optional massive trace printing */
+#undef DEBUG /* do not want this now */
+#include "machdefs.h" /* all host-specific defines */
+#include "typedefs.h" /* typedefs (also host-specific) */
+#include <stdio.h> /* must come after the others to */
+ /* enable type checking */
+#include <errno.h> /* needed only for DISKFULL() definition */
+#if (BSD41 | BSD42)
+extern int errno; /* not in all errno.h files, sigh... */
+#include <io.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+/* types.h and stat.h are needed for fstat(), which is used by special()
+and the virtual font mechanism in openfont.h to get the input file size. */
+#if (OS_ATARI | OS_VAXVMS | KCC_20)
+#include <types.h>
+#include <stat.h>
+#else /* NOT (OS_ATARI | OS_VAXVMS | KCC_20) */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#endif /* (OS_ATARI | OS_VAXVMS | KCC_20) */