path: root/biblio/tib/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'biblio/tib/test')
6 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/biblio/tib/test/DERHAM.TST b/biblio/tib/test/DERHAM.TST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3cd956e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/tib/test/DERHAM.TST
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%A Georges deRham
+%F deR
+%T Sur l'analysis situs de variet\'es a $n$ dimensions
+%J |JMATP7|
+%V 10
+%D 1931
+%P 115-200
diff --git a/biblio/tib/test/INDEX.TST b/biblio/tib/test/INDEX.TST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..058ea2b350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/tib/test/INDEX.TST
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ test.ref
+1814 :test.ref 220/117
+1931 :test.ref 1199/117
+1950 :test.ref 2712/361
+1960 :test.ref 2712/361
+1961 :test.ref 759/115
+1968 :test.ref 1482/130
+1970 :test.ref 1082/116
+1971 :test.ref 92/127 445/173
+1978 :test.ref 338/106 2423/288
+1979 :test.ref 875/141
+1980 :test.ref 619/139
+1981 :test.ref 2039/171
+1982 :test.ref 0/91
+1983 :test.ref 1317/164 1613/218 1832/206 2211/159
+1984 :test.ref 1017/64
+1986 :test.ref 2371/51
+1circt :test.ref 1832/206
+84986 :test.ref 2211/159
+addiso :test.ref 1017/64
+akadem :test.ref 2712/361
+alfred :test.ref 2712/361
+algori :test.ref 445/173
+anamol :test.ref 1832/206
+angula :test.ref 1317/164
+approa :test.ref 445/173
+approx :test.ref 875/141
+arnold :test.ref 1482/130 1613/218
+automa :test.ref 0/91 619/139
+axioma :test.ref 445/173
+book :test.ref 1017/64
+bordis :test.ref 1082/116
+brooks :test.ref 619/139
+brownd :test.ref 2423/288
+cambri :test.ref 759/115
+colt :test.ref 220/117
+consta :test.ref 2423/288
+crusta :test.ref 2039/171
+darcy :test.ref 759/115
+data :test.ref 619/139 1832/206 2039/171
+de :test.ref 1199/117
+debugg :test.ref 338/106
+dennie :test.ref 338/106
+dept :test.ref 1832/206
+der :test.ref 1199/117 1613/218
+derham :test.ref 1199/117
+design :test.ref 338/106
+determ :test.ref 2423/288
+develo :test.ref 1832/206
+dieck :test.ref 1082/116
+differ :test.ref 875/141 1613/218
+dimens :test.ref 1199/117
+donald :test.ref 1017/64
+dynami :test.ref 2039/171
+effici :test.ref 338/106
+egroup :test.ref 2211/159
+elba :test.ref 220/117
+engele :test.ref 445/173
+engine :test.ref 0/91
+enshaf :test.ref 1613/218
+equati :test.ref 875/141 1613/218
+errors :test.ref 619/139
+first :test.ref 2039/171
+fixed :test.ref 875/141
+form :test.ref 759/115
+freeai :test.ref 1832/206
+from :test.ref 2211/159 2423/288
+functi :test.ref 875/141
+gantma :test.ref 2712/361
+genera :test.ref 619/139
+geocen :test.ref 2423/288
+geod :test.ref 1832/206
+geomet :test.ref 1613/218
+geophy :test.ref 2423/288
+george :test.ref 1199/117
+gmanif :test.ref 1082/116
+gravit :test.ref 2039/171 2211/159 2423/288
+griswo :test.ref 92/127
+group :test.ref 2039/171
+growth :test.ref 759/115
+grundl :test.ref 1613/218
+hansot :test.ref 875/141
+harmon :test.ref 1317/164
+having :test.ref 619/139
+heinzo :test.ref 875/141
+hoare :test.ref 220/117 445/173
+improv :test.ref 2039/171
+index :test.ref 0/91
+integr :test.ref 1082/116
+intern :test.ref 1832/206
+island :test.ref 220/117
+januar :test.ref 1832/206
+jmatp4 :test.ref 1317/164
+jmatp7 :test.ref 1199/117
+kernel :test.ref 2712/361
+kleine :test.ref 2712/361
+klosko :test.ref 2039/171 2211/159 2423/288
+knuth :test.ref 1017/64
+kolenk :test.ref 2423/288
+krein :test.ref 2712/361
+lageos :test.ref 2211/159
+lanaly :test.ref 1199/117
+langua :test.ref 92/127 445/173
+laser :test.ref 2039/171 2423/288
+laubsc :test.ref 2423/288
+lerch :test.ref 2039/171 2211/159 2423/288
+lett :test.ref 2423/288
+litera :test.ref 2712/361
+lnmath :test.ref 445/173 875/141
+mappin :test.ref 1482/130
+marsh :test.ref 2423/288
+martin :test.ref 619/139
+mathem :test.ref 1613/218
+matric :test.ref 2712/361
+mean :test.ref 1832/206
+mechan :test.ref 2712/361
+meetin :test.ref 2039/171
+memo :test.ref 2211/159
+method :test.ref 1613/218
+model :test.ref 2039/171 2211/159
+moment :test.ref 1317/164
+nasa :test.ref 2211/159
+nearea :test.ref 2423/288
+odundu :test.ref 1317/164
+ohio :test.ref 1832/206
+oluwol :test.ref 1317/164
+operat :test.ref 1317/164
+ordina :test.ref 1613/218
+oscill :test.ref 1317/164 2712/361
+oszill :test.ref 2712/361
+parame :test.ref 445/173
+patel :test.ref 2211/159
+peitge :test.ref 875/141
+phd :test.ref 619/139
+poage :test.ref 92/127
+points :test.ref 875/141
+polons :test.ref 92/127
+press :test.ref 759/115 2712/361
+prhall :test.ref 92/127 338/106
+proced :test.ref 445/173
+progra :test.ref 92/127 338/106 619/139
+putney :test.ref 2423/288
+rangin :test.ref 2423/288
+rapp :test.ref 1832/206
+reagan :test.ref 2371/51
+recurs :test.ref 619/139
+refine :test.ref 2211/159
+report :test.ref 1832/206
+res :test.ref 2423/288
+ronald :test.ref 2371/51
+rusms :test.ref 1482/130
+satell :test.ref 2423/288
+schwin :test.ref 2712/361
+sci :test.ref 1832/206
+semant :test.ref 445/173
+simple :test.ref 619/139
+singul :test.ref 1482/130
+situs :test.ref 1199/117
+small :test.ref 2712/361
+smith :test.ref 2423/288
+smooth :test.ref 1482/130
+snobol :test.ref 92/127
+softwa :test.ref 0/91
+space :test.ref 1317/164
+spring :test.ref 1613/218
+sra :test.ref 0/91
+stanfo :test.ref 619/139
+state :test.ref 1832/206 2712/361
+stohr :test.ref 2712/361
+style :test.ref 338/106
+sur :test.ref 1199/117
+surv :test.ref 1832/206
+sympos :test.ref 445/173
+system :test.ref 2712/361
+tammo :test.ref 1082/116
+tape :test.ref 1832/206
+tassel :test.ref 338/106
+tech :test.ref 2211/159
+techni :test.ref 2712/361
+test :test.ref 619/139
+testin :test.ref 338/106
+tex :test.ref 1017/64
+theore :test.ref 1082/116
+theory :test.ref 1613/218
+thesis :test.ref 619/139
+thomps :test.ref 759/115
+throug :test.ref 220/117
+tm :test.ref 2211/159
+tomdie :test.ref 1082/116
+tools :test.ref 0/91
+topol :test.ref 1082/116
+tour :test.ref 220/117
+twodim :test.ref 1317/164
+und :test.ref 2712/361
+univ :test.ref 619/139 759/115 1832/206
+using :test.ref 2039/171
+uspmn1 :test.ref 1482/130
+vantas :test.ref 338/106
+variet :test.ref 1199/117
+vibrat :test.ref 2712/361
+walthe :test.ref 875/141
+wiss :test.ref 1613/218
+workin :test.ref 2039/171
diff --git a/biblio/tib/test/Makefile b/biblio/tib/test/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96161a3b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/tib/test/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+TEXBIN = tex
+all: test
+test: first testlist testlook testtib testdex message
+ -rm -f TEST.LOG
+ touch INDEX
+ ../src/tib -x test.tex | $(TEXBIN)
+ @if [ -f texput.dvi ]; then \
+ mv texput.dvi test-t.dvi; \
+ echo ""; echo "tib o.k."|tee -a TEST.LOG;echo ""; else \
+ echo ""; echo "*** Test of tib failed!"|tee -a TEST.LOG; echo "";\
+ fi
+ ../src/tiblist -x test.ref | $(TEXBIN)
+ @if [ -f texput.dvi ]; then \
+ mv texput.dvi testr-t.dvi;\
+ echo ""; echo "tiblist o.k."|tee -a TEST.LOG; echo ""; else \
+ echo "";echo "*** Test of tiblist failed!"|tee -a TEST.LOG; \
+ echo ""; fi
+ ../src/tiblook derham|tee derham
+ @if diff -bc derham DERHAM.TST; then \
+ echo ""; echo "tiblook o.k."|tee -a TEST.LOG; echo ""; else \
+ echo ""; echo '*** Test of tiblook failed!'|tee -a TEST.LOG; \
+ echo ""; fi
+ -../src/tibdex test.ref
+ @if diff -bc INDEX INDEX.TST; then \
+ echo ""; echo "tibdex o.k."|tee -a TEST.LOG; echo ""; else \
+ echo ""; echo '*** Test of tibdex failed!'|tee -a TEST.LOG; \
+ echo ""; fi
+ @echo ""
+ @cat TEST.LOG
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "*** If all went well, you might now want"
+ @echo "*** to review the two dvi-files produced, i.e."
+ @echo "*** (test/)test-t.dvi and (test/)testr-t.dvi."
+ @echo "*** Happy TiBbing..."
+ -rm -f *.dvi texput.* derham TEST.LOG INDEX *~
diff --git a/biblio/tib/test/README.NoMake b/biblio/tib/test/README.NoMake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73b2d19584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/tib/test/README.NoMake
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ a. Copy INDEX.TST to INDEX.
+ b. Run
+ tib test.tex
+ This uses INDEX and should create a TeX file.
+ (If you get a "INDEX not up to date" message when you test tib, it
+ is because tib is comparing the last modify dates of test.ref and
+ INDEX (with chkindex). Just put INDEX in and out of a text editor
+ (touch) to give it a new date.)
+ Run (plain) TeX on the output file as usual.
+ c. Run
+ tiblook
+ Enter derham when it asks for you to enter something.
+ This also uses INDEX.
+ d. Run
+ tiblist test.ref
+ Run plain TeX on the output.
+ e. Run
+ tibdex test.ref
+ The output of tibdex is a new INDEX which should be
+ identical to INDEX.TST.
+ f. If everything works, the directory can be discarded.
diff --git a/biblio/tib/test/test.ref b/biblio/tib/test/test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2782320a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/tib/test/test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+%T Software Engineering Automated Tools Index
+%I |SRA|
+%C San Francisco, CA
+%D 1982
+%A R. E. Griswold
+%A J. F. Poage
+%A I. P. Polonsky
+%T The SNOBOL4 Programming Language
+%o (second edition)
+%I |PrHall|
+%D 1971
+%A R. Colt Hoare
+%T A Tour through the Island of Elba
+%C London
+%D 1814
+%O out of print
+%A Dennie Van~Tassel
+%T Program Style, Design, Efficiency
+%I |PrHall|
+%D 1978
+%K testing debugging tassel
+%A C. A. R. Hoare
+%T Procedures and parameters: An axiomatic approach
+%B Symposium on Semantics of Algorithmic Languages
+%E E. Engeler
+%P 102-116
+%S |LNMath|
+%V 188
+%D 1971
+%A Martin Brooks
+%T Automatic Generation of Test Data for Recursive Programs Having
+Simple Errors
+%R PhD Thesis
+%I Stanford |UNIV|
+%D 1980
+%A d'Arcy Thompson
+%T On Growth and Form
+%o (abridged edition, J.T. Bonner, ed.)
+%I Cambridge |UNIV| Press
+%D 1961
+%E Heinz-Otto Peitgen
+%E Hans-Otto Walther
+%T Functional Differential Equations and Approximation of Fixed Points
+%D 1979
+%S |LNMath|
+%V 730
+%A Donald E. Knuth
+%T The \TeX book
+%I |Addison|
+%K tex
+%D 1984
+%A Tammo tom~Dieck
+%T Bordism of $G$-manifolds and integrality theorems
+%P 345-358
+%V 9
+%D 1970
+%K dieck
+%A Georges deRham
+%F deR
+%T Sur l'analysis situs de variet\'es a $n$ dimensions
+%J |JMATP7|
+%V 10
+%D 1931
+%P 115-200
+%A Ol{\'u}wol{\'e} {\`O}d{\'u}nd{\'u}n
+%T Operators for the two-dimensional harmonic oscillator in an angular
+momentum space
+%J |JMATP4|
+%V 24
+%D 1983
+%P 2340-2344
+%A V. I. Arnol'd
+%T Singularities of smooth mappings
+%J |USPMN1|
+%V 23
+%P 3-44
+%D 1968
+%K arnold
+%j |RUSMS|
+%v 23
+%d 1968
+%p 1-43
+%A V. I. Arnol'd
+%T Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
+%S Grund\-leh\-ren der mathematischen Wi\ss enshaften
+%V 250
+%I |Springer|
+%D 1983
+%K arnold
+%O (Russian original, Moscow, 1977)
+%A R. H. Rapp
+%T The development of the January 1983\/ $1^\circ\times1^\circ$ mean free-air
+anamoly data tape
+%I |DEPT| of Geod. Sci. and Surv., Ohio State |UNIV|
+%C Columbus, OH
+%D 1983
+%R internal report
+%A F. J. Lerch
+%A S. M. Klosko
+%T Gravity model improvement using laser data
+%J First Crustal Dynamics Working Group Meeting
+%C Goddard Space Flight Center
+%D |SEP|, 1981
+%A F. J. Lerch
+%A S. M. Klosko
+%A G. B. Patel
+%T A refined gravity model from LAGEOS\/ \egroup(GEM-L2)\bgroup
+%I |NASA|
+%R Tech. Memo. TM 84986
+%D |FEB|, 1983
+%A Ronald Reagan
+%O personal communication
+%D 1986
+%A F. J. Lerch
+%A R. E. Laubscher
+%A S. M. Klosko
+%A D. E. Smith
+%A R. Kolenkiewicz
+%A B. H. Putney
+%A J. G. Marsh
+%A J. E. Brownd
+%T Determination of the geocentric gravitational constant from laser
+ranging on near-earth satellites
+%J Geophys. Res. Lett.
+%V 5
+%N 12
+%P 1031-1034
+%D 1978
+%A F. R. Gantmacher
+%A M. G. Krein
+%I State Press for Technical Literature
+%C Moscow-Leningrad
+%T Oscillation Matrices and Kernels and Small Vibrations of Mechanical Systems
+%o (Russian)
+%D 1950
+%t Oszillationmatrizen, Oszillationskerne und Kleine Schwingungen
+Mechanischer Systeme
+%a Alfred St{\"o}hr
+%i Akademie-Verlag
+%c Berlin
+%d 1960
+%O German translation
diff --git a/biblio/tib/test/test.tex b/biblio/tib/test/test.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf58fdfd7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/tib/test/test.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+% For plain TeX: adjust \vglue just below if necessary.
+% For footnotes (demo.6.p) comment out (%) the line "\vsize ..."
+% just below and the line near the end beginning ".[]".
+% For LaTeX, comment out (%) the line "\vsize ..." just below
+% and activate the three indicated lines. Also activate the
+% line "\end{document}" near the end. For footnotes (demo.6.l)
+% comment out the second of the three lines and the line near
+% the end beginning ".[]".
+% next line for plain TeX
+\vsize10.3truein\nopagenumbers\vglue-.5truein% adjust \vglue if necessary
+% next 3 lines for LaTeX
+\centerline{\bf Example Test Page}\smallskip
+This example shows a citation for a book,[.griswold poage polonsky.]
+a journal article,[.dieck.] a conference paper,[.lerch crustal.]
+a technical report,[.lerch patel.] an article in a book,[.hoare engeler.]
+and something that fits in no category.[.reagan.] Multiple citations
+[.brooks, hoare engeler.] look like this---or this,%
+[.brooks.].[.hoare engeler.] A run of citations [.derham, sra, knuth, tassel.]
+can sometimes be hyphenated. The alternate citation style, for referring to
+reference <.knuth.> in running text, is different. Extra text can be
+inserted in citations.[.griswold poage polonsky <, chap.~2>.] Translations
+can be referenced.[.arnold equations, arnold singularities,gantmacher.]
+If necessary, letters are appended to citations to remove ambiguities.
+If desired, citations can be sorted by any of several templates.[.lerch
+crustal,lerch putney,hoare elba,hoare engeler.] If there are no authors,
+editors are used instead;[.peitgen walther.] if there are also no editors, the
+publishing institution is used.[.sra.] Sorting and citation creation is
+based on the first capital letter in the last name.[.tassel,dieck,derham.]
+Special strings can be part of references [.tex,momentum harmonic,derham,rapp.]
+and special citation strings can be used.[.sra.] Also note
+the performance of the abbreviation routine.[.thompson,peitgen.]
+.[]\smallskip\centerline{\bf References}\smallskip %comment out for footnotes
+%\end{document} %LaTeX
+\bye %plain TeX