path: root/biblio/citation-style-language/citeproc-engine.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'biblio/citation-style-language/citeproc-engine.lua')
1 files changed, 1797 insertions, 226 deletions
diff --git a/biblio/citation-style-language/citeproc-engine.lua b/biblio/citation-style-language/citeproc-engine.lua
index 33a5a08e08..2e9f4c4a61 100644
--- a/biblio/citation-style-language/citeproc-engine.lua
+++ b/biblio/citation-style-language/citeproc-engine.lua
@@ -8,17 +8,29 @@ local engine = {}
local dom = require("luaxml-domobject")
-local richtext = require("citeproc-richtext")
-local element = require("citeproc-element")
local nodes = require("citeproc-nodes")
-local formats = require("citeproc-formats")
+local Style = require("citeproc-node-style").Style
+local Locale = require("citeproc-node-locale").Locale
+local Context = require("citeproc-context").Context
+local IrState = require("citeproc-context").IrState
+local Rendered = require("citeproc-ir-node").Rendered
+local YearSuffix = require("citeproc-ir-node").YearSuffix
+-- local OutputFormat = require("citeproc-output").OutputFormat
+local LatexWriter = require("citeproc-output").LatexWriter
+local HtmlWriter = require("citeproc-output").HtmlWriter
+local SortStringFormat = require("citeproc-output").SortStringFormat
+local DisamStringFormat = require("citeproc-output").DisamStringFormat
+local InlineElement = require("citeproc-output").InlineElement
+local Micro = require("citeproc-output").Micro
+local Formatted = require("citeproc-output").Formatted
+local PlainText = require("citeproc-output").PlainText
local util = require("citeproc-util")
local CiteProc = {}
-function (sys, style, lang, force_lang)
- if sys == nil then
+function, style, lang, force_lang)
+ if not sys then
error("\"citeprocSys\" required")
if sys.retrieveLocale == nil then
@@ -28,213 +40,1579 @@ function (sys, style, lang, force_lang)
error("\"citeprocSys.retrieveItem\" required")
local o = {}
+ = Style:parse(style)
+ o.sys = sys
+ o.locales = {}
+ o.system_locales = {}
+ o.lang =
+ if not o.lang or force_lang then
+ o.lang = lang or "en-US"
+ end
+ o.output_format = LatexWriter:new()
+ o.opt = {
+ -- Similar to citeproc-js's development_extensions.wrap_url_and_doi
+ url_link = false,
+ doi_link = false, -- also applied to PMID and PMCID
+ title_link = false,
+ }
o.registry = {
- citations = {}, -- A map
- citation_strings = {}, -- A list
- registry = {}, -- A map
- reflist = {}, -- A list
+ citations_by_id = {}, -- A map
+ citation_list = {}, -- A list
+ citations_by_item_id = {}, -- A map from item id to a map of citations
+ registry = {}, -- A map of bibliographic meta data
+ reflist = {}, -- list of cited ids
+ uncited_list = {},
previous_citation = nil,
requires_sorting = false,
+ longest_label = "",
+ maxoffset = 0,
- o.sys = sys
- o.system_locales = {}
+ o.cite_first_note_numbers = {}
+ o.cite_last_note_numbers = {}
+ o.note_citations_map = {}
- if type(style) == "string" then
- o.csl = dom.parse(style)
- else
- o.csl = style
- end
- o.csl:traverse_elements(CiteProc.set_base_class)
- o.csl:root_node().engine = o
- = o.csl:get_path("style")[1]
- = lang
- o.csl:root_node().style =
+ o.tainted_item_ids = {}
-, force_lang)
+ o.disam_irs = {}
+ -- { <ir1>, <ir2>, ... }
- o.formatter = formats.latex
- o.linking_enabled = false
+ o.cite_irs_by_output = {}
+ -- {
+ -- ["Roe, J"] = {<ir1>},
+ -- ["Doe, J"] = {<ir2>, <ir3>},
+ -- ["Doe, John"] = {<ir2>},
+ -- ["Doe, Jack"] = {<ir2>},
+ -- }
+ o.person_names = {}
+ o.person_names_by_output = {}
setmetatable(o, { __index = CiteProc })
return o
-function CiteProc:updateItems (ids)
+function CiteProc:updateItems(ids)
self.registry.reflist = {}
self.registry.registry = {}
+ self.person_names = {}
+ self.person_names_by_output = {}
+ self.disam_irs = {}
+ self.cite_irs_by_output = {}
+ local cite_items = {}
+ local loaded_ids = {}
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
- self:get_item(id)
+ table.insert(cite_items, {id = id})
+ loaded_ids[id] = true
+ end
+ for _, id in ipairs(self.registry.uncited_list) do
+ if not loaded_ids[id] then
+ table.insert(cite_items, {id = id})
+ loaded_ids[id] = true
+ end
+ -- TODO: optimize this
+ self:makeCitationCluster(cite_items)
+ self.registry.previous_citation = nil
+ self.cite_first_note_numbers = {}
+ self.cite_last_note_numbers = {}
+ self.note_citations_map = {}
-function CiteProc:updateUncitedItems(ids)
- for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
- if not self.registry.registry[id] then
- self:get_item(id)
+function CiteProc:updateUncitedItems(uncited_ids)
+ -- self.registry.reflist = {}
+ self.registry.registry = {}
+ self.registry.uncited_list = {}
+ self.person_names = {}
+ self.person_names_by_output = {}
+ self.disam_irs = {}
+ self.cite_irs_by_output = {}
+ local cite_items = {}
+ local loaded_ids = {}
+ for _, id in ipairs(self.registry.reflist) do
+ if not loaded_ids[id] then
+ table.insert(cite_items, {id = id})
+ loaded_ids[id] = true
- -- TODO: disambiguation
+ self.registry.reflist = {}
+ for _, id in ipairs(uncited_ids) do
+ if not loaded_ids[id] then
+ table.insert(cite_items, {id = id})
+ loaded_ids[id] = true
+ end
+ end
+ loaded_ids = {}
+ for _, id in ipairs(uncited_ids) do
+ if not loaded_ids[id] then
+ table.insert(self.registry.uncited_list, id)
+ loaded_ids[id] = true
+ end
+ end
+ -- TODO: optimize this
+ self:makeCitationCluster(cite_items)
+ self.registry.previous_citation = nil
+ self.cite_first_note_numbers = {}
+ self.cite_last_note_numbers = {}
+ self.note_citations_map = {}
function CiteProc:processCitationCluster(citation, citationsPre, citationsPost)
- -- citation = {
- -- citationID = "CITATION-3",
- -- citationItems = {
- -- { id = "ITEM-1" },
- -- { id = "ITEM-2" },
- -- },
- -- properties = {
- -- noteIndex = 3,
- -- },
- -- }
- -- citationsPre = {
- -- {"CITATION-1", 1},
- -- {"CITATION-2", 2},
- -- }
- -- citationsPost = {
- -- {"CITATION-4", 4},
- -- }
- -- returns = {
- -- {
- -- bibchange = true,
- -- citation_errors = {},
- -- },
- -- {
- -- { 2, "[1,2]", "CITATION-3" }
- -- }
- -- }
- self.registry.citations[citation.citationID] = citation
+ -- util.debug(citation)
+ -- util.debug(citationsPre)
+ -- Fix missing noteIndex: sort_CitationNumberPrimaryAscendingViaMacroCitation.txt
+ if not then
+ = {}
+ end
+ if not then
+ = 0
+ end
- local items = {}
+ -- Registor citation
+ self.registry.citations_by_id[citation.citationID] = citation
+ local citation_note_pairs = {}
+ util.extend(citation_note_pairs, citationsPre)
+ table.insert(citation_note_pairs, {citation.citationID,})
+ util.extend(citation_note_pairs, citationsPost)
+ -- util.debug(citation_note_pairs)
+ local citations_by_id = {}
+ local citation_list = {}
+ for _, pair in ipairs(citation_note_pairs) do
+ local citation_id, note_number = table.unpack(pair)
+ local citation_ = self.registry.citations_by_id[citation_id]
+ if not citation_ then
+ util.error("Citation not in registry.")
+ end
+ citations_by_id[citation_.citationID] = citation_
+ table.insert(citation_list, citation_)
+ end
+ self.registry.citations_by_id = citations_by_id
+ self.registry.citation_list = citation_list
+ -- update self.registry.citations_by_item_id
+ local item_ids = {}
+ self.registry.citations_by_item_id = {}
+ for _, citation_ in ipairs(citation_list) do
+ for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation_.citationItems) do
+ if not self.registry.citations_by_item_id[] then
+ self.registry.citations_by_item_id[] = {}
+ table.insert(item_ids,
+ end
+ self.registry.citations_by_item_id[][citation_.citationID] = true
+ end
+ end
+ self:updateItems(item_ids)
+ local params = {
+ bibchange = false,
+ citation_errors = {},
+ }
+ local output = {}
+ local tainted_citation_ids = self:get_tainted_citaion_ids(citation_note_pairs)
+ -- util.debug(tainted_citation_ids)
+ -- params.bibchange = #tainted_citation_ids > 0
+ for citation_id, _ in pairs(tainted_citation_ids) do
+ local citation_ = self.registry.citations_by_id[citation_id]
+ local citation_index = citation_.citation_index
+ local citation_str = self:build_citation_str(citation_)
+ table.insert(output, {citation_index, citation_str, citation_id})
+ end
+ -- util.debug(output)
+ return {params, output}
+-- A variant of processCitationCluster() for easy use with LaTeX.
+-- It should be run after refreshing the registry (updateItems()) with all items
+function CiteProc:process_citation(citation)
+ -- util.debug(citation)
+ -- util.debug(citationsPre)
+ -- Fix missing noteIndex: sort_CitationNumberPrimaryAscendingViaMacroCitation.txt
+ if not then
+ = {}
+ end
+ if not then
+ = 0
+ end
+ -- Registor citation
+ self.registry.citations_by_id[citation.citationID] = citation
+ table.insert(self.registry.citation_list, citation)
+ local citation_note_pairs = {}
+ for _, citation_ in ipairs(self.registry.citation_list) do
+ table.insert(citation_note_pairs, {citation_.citationID,})
+ end
+ -- update self.registry.citations_by_item_id
for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do
+ if not self.registry.citations_by_item_id[] then
+ self.registry.citations_by_item_id[] = {}
+ end
+ self.registry.citations_by_item_id[][citation.citationID] = true
+ end
+ -- self:updateItems(item_ids)
+ for i, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do = tostring(
- local position_first = (self.registry.registry[] == nil)
- local item_data = self:get_item(
+ self:get_item(
+ end
- if item_data then
- -- Create a wrapper of the orignal item from registry so that
- -- it may hold different `locator` or `position` values for cites.
- local item = setmetatable({}, {__index = function (_, key)
- if cite_item[key] then
- return cite_item[key]
- else
- return item_data[key]
+ local tainted_citation_ids = self:get_tainted_citaion_ids(citation_note_pairs)
+ local citation_str = self:build_citation_str(citation)
+ return citation_str
+function CiteProc:get_tainted_citaion_ids(citation_note_pairs)
+ local tainted_citation_ids = {}
+ self.cite_first_note_numbers = {}
+ self.cite_last_note_numbers = {}
+ self.note_citations_map = {}
+ -- {
+ -- 1 = {"citation-1", "citation-2"},
+ -- 2 = {"citation-2"},
+ -- }
+ local previous_citation
+ for citation_index, pair in ipairs(citation_note_pairs) do
+ local citation_id, note_number = table.unpack(pair)
+ -- util.debug(citation_id)
+ local citation = self.registry.citations_by_id[citation_id]
+ = note_number
+ citation.citation_index = citation_index
+ local tainted = false
+ local previous_cite
+ for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do
+ tainted = self:set_cite_item_position(cite_item, note_number, previous_cite, previous_citation)
+ self.cite_last_note_numbers[] = note_number
+ previous_cite = cite_item
+ end
+ if tainted then
+ tainted_citation_ids[citation.citationID] = true
+ end
+ if not self.note_citations_map[note_number] then
+ self.note_citations_map[note_number] = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(self.note_citations_map[note_number], citation.citationID)
+ previous_citation = citation
+ end
+ -- Update tainted citation ids because of citation-number's change
+ -- The self.tainted_item_ids were added in the sort_bibliography() procedure.
+ for item_id, _ in pairs(self.tainted_item_ids) do
+ if self.registry.citations_by_item_id[item_id] then
+ for citation_id, _ in pairs(self.registry.citations_by_item_id[item_id]) do
+ tainted_citation_ids[citation_id] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return tainted_citation_ids
+function CiteProc:set_cite_item_position(cite_item, note_number, previous_cite, previous_citation)
+ local position = util.position_map["first"]
+ local first_reference_note_number = self.cite_first_note_numbers[]
+ if first_reference_note_number then
+ position = util.position_map["subsequent"]
+ else
+ self.cite_first_note_numbers[] = note_number
+ end
+ local preceding_cite_item = self:get_preceding_cite_item(cite_item, previous_cite, previous_citation, note_number)
+ if preceding_cite_item then
+ position = self:_get_cite_position(cite_item, preceding_cite_item)
+ end
+ local near_note = false
+ local last_note_number = self.cite_last_note_numbers[]
+ if last_note_number then
+ local note_distance = note_number - last_note_number
+ if note_distance <= then
+ near_note = true
+ end
+ end
+ local tainted = false
+ if cite_item.position_level ~= position then
+ tainted = true
+ cite_item.position_level = position
+ end
+ if cite_item["first-reference-note-number"] ~= first_reference_note_number then
+ tainted = true
+ cite_item["first-reference-note-number"] = first_reference_note_number
+ end
+ if cite_item.near_note ~= near_note then
+ tainted = true
+ cite_item.near_note = near_note
+ end
+ return tainted
+-- Find the preceding cite referencing the same item
+function CiteProc:get_preceding_cite_item(cite_item, previous_cite, previous_citation, note_number)
+ if previous_cite then
+ -- a. the current cite immediately follows on another cite, within the same
+ -- citation, that references the same item
+ if == then
+ return previous_cite
+ end
+ elseif previous_citation then
+ -- (hidden) The previous citation is the only one in the previous note.
+ -- See also
+ --
+ -- position_IbidWithMultipleSoloCitesInBackref.txt
+ -- b. the current cite is the first cite in the citation, and the previous
+ -- citation consists of a single cite referencing the same item
+ local previous_note_number =
+ local num_previous_note_citations = #self.note_citations_map[previous_note_number]
+ if (previous_note_number == note_number - 1 and num_previous_note_citations == 1)
+ or previous_note_number == note_number then
+ if #previous_citation.citationItems == 1 then
+ previous_cite = previous_citation.citationItems[1]
+ if == then
+ return previous_cite
- end})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
- if not item.position and position_first then
- item.position = util.position_map["first"]
+function CiteProc:_get_cite_position(item, preceding_cite)
+ if preceding_cite.locator then
+ if item.locator then
+ if item.locator == preceding_cite.locator and item.label == preceding_cite.label then
+ return util.position_map["ibid"]
+ else
+ return util.position_map["ibid-with-locator"]
+ else
+ return util.position_map["subsequent"]
+ end
+ else
+ if item.locator then
+ return util.position_map["ibid-with-locator"]
+ else
+ return util.position_map["ibid"]
+ end
+ end
+function CiteProc:build_citation_str(citation)
+ -- util.debug(citation.citationID)
+ local items = {}
+ for i, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do
+ = tostring(
+ -- util.debug(
+ -- Use "page" as locator label if missing
+ -- label_PluralWithAmpersand.txt
+ if cite_item.locator and not cite_item.label then
+ cite_item.label = "page"
+ end
+ table.insert(items, cite_item)
+ end
- local first_reference_note_number = nil
- for _, pre_citation in ipairs(citationsPre) do
- pre_citation = self.registry.citations[pre_citation[1]]
- for _, pre_cite_item in ipairs(pre_citation.citationItems) do
- if == then
- first_reference_note_number =
+ if self.registry.requires_sorting then
+ self:sort_bibliography()
+ end
+ local citation_str = self:build_cluster(items)
+ return citation_str
+function CiteProc:build_cluster(citation_items)
+ local output_format = self.output_format
+ local irs = {}
+ citation_items = self:sorted_citation_items(citation_items)
+ for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation_items) do
+ local ir = self:build_fully_disambiguated_ir(cite_item, output_format)
+ table.insert(irs, ir)
+ end
+ if then
+ irs = self:group_cites(irs)
+ else
+ local citation_collapse =
+ if citation_collapse == "year" or citation_collapse == "year-suffix" or
+ citation_collapse == "year-suffix-ranged" then
+ irs = self:group_cites(irs)
+ end
+ end
+ if then
+ self:collapse_cites(irs)
+ end
+ -- Capitalize first
+ for i, ir in ipairs(irs) do
+ -- local layout_prefix
+ -- local layout_affixes =
+ -- if layout_affixes then
+ -- layout_prefix = layout_affixes.prefix
+ -- end
+ local prefix = citation_items[i].prefix
+ if prefix then
+ if prefix and string.match(prefix, "[.!?]%s*$") and #util.split(util.strip(prefix)) > 1 then
+ ir:capitalize_first_term()
+ end
+ else
+ local delimiter =
+ if i == 1 or not delimiter or string.match(delimiter, "[.!?]%s*$") then
+ ir:capitalize_first_term()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- util.debug(irs)
+ local citation_delimiter =
+ local citation_stream = {}
+ local context = Context:new()
+ context.engine = self
+ =
+ context.area =
+ context.in_bibliography = false
+ context.locale = self:get_locale(self.lang)
+ context.name_inheritance =
+ context.format = output_format
+ local previous_ir
+ for i, ir in ipairs(irs) do
+ local cite_prefix = citation_items[i].prefix
+ local cite_suffix = citation_items[i].suffix
+ if not ir.collapse_suppressed then
+ local ir_inlines = ir:flatten(output_format)
+ if #ir_inlines > 0 then
+ -- Make sure ir_inlines has outputs contents.
+ -- collapse_AuthorCollapseNoDateSorted.txt
+ if previous_ir then
+ if previous_ir.own_delimiter then
+ table.insert(citation_stream, PlainText:new(previous_ir.own_delimiter))
+ elseif citation_delimiter and not (cite_prefix and util.startswith(cite_prefix, ",")) then
+ table.insert(citation_stream, PlainText:new(citation_delimiter))
- break
- if first_reference_note_number then
- break
+ if cite_prefix then
+ table.insert(citation_stream, Micro:new(InlineElement:parse(cite_prefix, context)))
+ end
+ -- util.debug(ir)
+ util.extend(citation_stream, ir_inlines)
+ previous_ir = ir
+ if cite_suffix then
+ table.insert(citation_stream, Micro:new(InlineElement:parse(cite_suffix, context)))
- item["first-reference-note-number"] = first_reference_note_number
+ end
+ end
+ -- util.debug(citation_stream)
- table.insert(items, item)
+ if context.area.layout.affixes then
+ local affixes = context.area.layout.affixes
+ if affixes.prefix then
+ table.insert(citation_stream, 1, PlainText:new(affixes.prefix))
+ end
+ if affixes.suffix then
+ table.insert(citation_stream, PlainText:new(affixes.suffix))
+ -- util.debug(citation_stream)
- if #citationsPre > 0 then
- local previous_citation_id = citationsPre[#citationsPre][1]
- local previous_citation = self.registry.citations[previous_citation_id]
- self.registry.previous_citation = previous_citation
+ if #citation_stream > 0 and context.area.layout.formatting then
+ citation_stream = {Formatted:new(citation_stream, context.area.layout.formatting)}
- if self.registry.requires_sorting then
- self:sort_bibliography()
+ if #citation_stream == 0 then
+ citation_stream = {PlainText:new("[CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.]")}
- local params = {
- bibchange = false,
- citation_errors = {},
- }
+ -- util.debug(citation_stream)
+ local str = output_format:output(citation_stream, context)
+ str = util.strip(str)
- local citation_id_note_list = {}
- for _, citation_id_note in ipairs(citationsPre) do
- table.insert(citation_id_note_list, citation_id_note)
+ return str
+function CiteProc:sorted_citation_items(items)
+ local citation_sort =
+ if not citation_sort then
+ return items
- local note_index = 0
- if and then
- note_index =
+ local state = IrState:new()
+ local context = Context:new()
+ context.engine = self
+ =
+ context.area =
+ context.in_bibliography = false
+ context.locale = self:get_locale(self.lang)
+ context.name_inheritance =
+ context.format = SortStringFormat:new()
+ -- = id
+ context.cite = nil
+ -- context.reference = self:get_item(id)
+ items = citation_sort:sort(items, state, context)
+ return items
+function CiteProc:build_fully_disambiguated_ir(cite_item, output_format)
+ local cite_ir = self:build_ambiguous_ir(cite_item, output_format)
+ -- util.debug(cite_ir)
+ cite_ir = self:disambiguate_add_givenname(cite_ir)
+ cite_ir = self:disambiguate_add_names(cite_ir)
+ cite_ir = self:disambiguate_conditionals(cite_ir)
+ cite_ir = self:disambiguate_add_year_suffix(cite_ir)
+ return cite_ir
+function CiteProc:build_ambiguous_ir(cite_item, output_format)
+ local state = IrState:new(
+ = tostring(
+ local context = Context:new()
+ context.engine = self
+ =
+ context.area =
+ context.locale = self:get_locale(self.lang)
+ context.name_inheritance =
+ context.format = output_format
+ =
+ context.cite = cite_item
+ -- context.reference = self:get_item(
+ context.reference = self.registry.registry[]
+ local ir
+ if context.reference then
+ ir =, state, context)
+ else
+ -- The warning has been given in the retrieving procedure.
+ -- util.warning(string.format('Failed to find the entry "%s" in database.',
+ ir = Rendered:new({Formatted:new({PlainText:new(}, {["font-weight"] = "bold"})}, self)
- table.insert(citation_id_note_list, {citation.citationID, note_index})
- for _, citation_id_note in ipairs(citationsPost) do
- table.insert(citation_id_note_list, citation_id_note)
+ ir.cite_item = cite_item
+ ir.reference = context.reference
+ ir.ir_index = #self.disam_irs + 1
+ table.insert(self.disam_irs, ir)
+ ir.is_ambiguous = false
+ ir.disam_level = 0
+ -- Formattings like font-style are ignored for disambiguation.
+ local disam_format = DisamStringFormat:new()
+ local inlines = ir:flatten(disam_format)
+ local disam_str = disam_format:output(inlines, context)
+ ir.disam_str = disam_str
+ if not self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] then
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] = {}
- local citation_id_cited = {}
- for _, citation_id_note in ipairs(citation_id_note_list) do
- citation_id_cited[citation_id_note[1]] = true
+ for ir_index, ir_ in pairs(self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str]) do
+ if ~= then
+ ir.is_ambiguous = true
+ break
+ end
- for citation_id, _ in pairs(self.registry.citations) do
- if not citation_id_cited[citation_id] then
- self.registry.citations[citation_id] = nil
- self.registry.citation_strings[citation_id] = nil
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str][ir.ir_index] = ir
+ return ir
+function CiteProc:disambiguate_add_givenname(cite_ir)
+ if then
+ -- util.debug("disambiguate_add_givenname: " ..
+ local gn_disam_rule =
+ if gn_disam_rule == "all-names" or gn_disam_rule == "all-names-with-initials" then
+ cite_ir = self:disambiguate_add_givenname_all_names(cite_ir)
+ elseif gn_disam_rule == "primary-name" or gn_disam_rule == "primary-name-with-initials" then
+ cite_ir = self:disambiguate_add_givenname_primary_name(cite_ir)
+ elseif gn_disam_rule == "by-cite" then
+ cite_ir = self:disambiguate_add_givenname_by_cite(cite_ir)
+ return cite_ir
- local output = {}
+-- TODO: reorganize this code
+function CiteProc:disambiguate_add_givenname_all_names(cite_ir)
+ -- util.debug("disambiguate_add_givenname_all_names: " ..
+ if not cite_ir.person_name_irs or #cite_ir.person_name_irs == 0 then
+ return cite_ir
+ end
+ -- util.debug(cite_ir.disam_str)
+ for _, person_name_ir in ipairs(cite_ir.person_name_irs) do
+ local name_output = person_name_ir.name_output
+ -- util.debug(name_output)
+ if not person_name_ir.person_name_index then
+ person_name_ir.person_name_index = #self.person_names + 1
+ table.insert(self.person_names, person_name_ir)
+ end
+ if not self.person_names_by_output[name_output] then
+ self.person_names_by_output[name_output] = {}
+ end
+ self.person_names_by_output[name_output][person_name_ir.person_name_index] = person_name_ir
+ local ambiguous_name_irs = {}
+ local ambiguous_same_output_irs = {}
+ for _, pn_ir in pairs(self.person_names_by_output[person_name_ir.name_output]) do
+ if pn_ir.full_name ~= person_name_ir.full_name then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_name_irs, pn_ir)
+ end
+ if pn_ir.name_output == person_name_ir.name_output then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_same_output_irs, pn_ir)
+ end
+ end
+ -- util.debug(person_name_ir.name_output)
+ -- util.debug(person_name_ir.full_name)
+ -- util.debug(#ambiguous_name_irs)
+ -- util.debug(person_name_ir.disam_variants_index)
+ -- util.debug(person_name_ir.disam_variants)
+ while person_name_ir.disam_variants_index < #person_name_ir.disam_variants do
+ if #ambiguous_name_irs == 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ for _, pn_ir in ipairs(ambiguous_same_output_irs) do
+ -- expand one name
+ if pn_ir.disam_variants_index < #pn_ir.disam_variants then
+ pn_ir.disam_variants_index = pn_ir.disam_variants_index + 1
+ pn_ir.name_output = pn_ir.disam_variants[pn_ir.disam_variants_index]
+ pn_ir.inlines = pn_ir.disam_inlines[pn_ir.name_output]
+ if not self.person_names_by_output[pn_ir.name_output] then
+ self.person_names_by_output[pn_ir.name_output] = {}
+ end
+ self.person_names_by_output[pn_ir.name_output][pn_ir.person_name_index] = pn_ir
+ end
+ end
+ -- util.debug(person_name_ir.name_output)
+ -- update ambiguous_name_irs and ambiguous_same_output_irs
+ ambiguous_name_irs = {}
+ ambiguous_same_output_irs = {}
+ for _, pn_ir in pairs(self.person_names_by_output[person_name_ir.name_output]) do
+ if pn_ir.full_name ~= person_name_ir.full_name then
+ -- util.debug(pn_ir.full_name .. ": " .. pn_ir.name_output)
+ table.insert(ambiguous_name_irs, pn_ir)
+ end
+ if pn_ir.name_output == person_name_ir.name_output then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_same_output_irs, pn_ir)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- update cite_ir output
+ local disam_format = DisamStringFormat:new()
+ local inlines = cite_ir:flatten(disam_format)
+ local disam_str = disam_format:output(inlines, context)
+ cite_ir.disam_str = disam_str
+ if not self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] then
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] = {}
+ end
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str][cite_ir.ir_index] = cite_ir
+ -- update ambiguous_cite_irs and ambiguous_same_output_irs
+ local ambiguous_cite_irs = {}
+ for ir_index, ir_ in pairs(self.cite_irs_by_output[cite_ir.disam_str]) do
+ -- util.debug(
+ if ~= then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_cite_irs, ir_)
+ end
+ end
+ if #ambiguous_cite_irs == 0 then
+ cite_ir.is_ambiguous = false
+ end
+ return cite_ir
+function CiteProc:disambiguate_add_givenname_primary_name(cite_ir)
+ if not cite_ir.person_name_irs or #cite_ir.person_name_irs == 0 then
+ return cite_ir
+ end
+ local person_name_ir = cite_ir.person_name_irs[1]
+ local name_output = person_name_ir.name_output
+ -- util.debug(name_output)
+ if not person_name_ir.person_name_index then
+ person_name_ir.person_name_index = #self.person_names + 1
+ table.insert(self.person_names, person_name_ir)
+ end
+ if not self.person_names_by_output[name_output] then
+ self.person_names_by_output[name_output] = {}
+ end
+ self.person_names_by_output[name_output][person_name_ir.person_name_index] = person_name_ir
+ local ambiguous_name_irs = {}
+ local ambiguous_same_output_irs = {}
+ for _, pn_ir in pairs(self.person_names_by_output[person_name_ir.name_output]) do
+ if pn_ir.full_name ~= person_name_ir.full_name then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_name_irs, pn_ir)
+ end
+ if pn_ir.name_output == person_name_ir.name_output then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_same_output_irs, pn_ir)
+ end
+ end
+ for _, name_variant in ipairs(person_name_ir.disam_variants) do
+ if #ambiguous_name_irs == 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ for _, pn_ir in ipairs(ambiguous_same_output_irs) do
+ -- expand one name
+ if pn_ir.disam_variants_index < #pn_ir.disam_variants then
+ pn_ir.disam_variants_index = pn_ir.disam_variants_index + 1
+ pn_ir.name_output = pn_ir.disam_variants[pn_ir.disam_variants_index]
+ pn_ir.inlines = pn_ir.disam_inlines[pn_ir.name_output]
+ if not self.person_names_by_output[pn_ir.name_output] then
+ self.person_names_by_output[pn_ir.name_output] = {}
+ end
+ self.person_names_by_output[pn_ir.name_output][person_name_ir.person_name_index] = person_name_ir
+ end
+ end
+ -- update ambiguous_name_irs and ambiguous_same_output_irs
+ ambiguous_name_irs = {}
+ ambiguous_same_output_irs = {}
+ for _, pn_ir in pairs(self.person_names_by_output[person_name_ir.name_output]) do
+ if pn_ir.full_name ~= person_name_ir.full_name then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_name_irs, pn_ir)
+ end
+ if pn_ir.name_output == person_name_ir.name_output then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_same_output_irs, pn_ir)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return cite_ir
+function CiteProc:disambiguate_add_givenname_by_cite(cite_ir)
+ if not cite_ir.is_ambiguous then
+ return cite_ir
+ end
+ if not cite_ir.person_name_irs or #cite_ir.person_name_irs == 0 then
+ return cite_ir
+ end
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(self.disam_irs) do
+ -- util.debug(
+ -- util.debug(ir_.disam_str)
+ end
+ local disam_format = DisamStringFormat:new()
+ local ambiguous_cite_irs = {}
+ local ambiguous_same_output_irs = {}
+ for ir_index, ir_ in pairs(self.cite_irs_by_output[cite_ir.disam_str]) do
+ if ~= then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_cite_irs, ir_)
+ end
+ if ir_.disam_str == cite_ir.disam_str then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_same_output_irs, ir_)
+ end
+ end
+ for i, person_name_ir in ipairs(cite_ir.person_name_irs) do
+ -- util.debug(person_name_ir.name_output)
+ -- util.debug(person_name_ir.disam_variants)
+ if #ambiguous_cite_irs == 0 then
+ cite_ir.is_ambiguous = false
+ break
+ end
+ -- util.debug(person_name_ir.disam_variants)
+ while person_name_ir.disam_variants_index < #person_name_ir.disam_variants do
+ -- util.debug(person_name_ir.name_output)
+ local is_different_name = false
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(ambiguous_cite_irs) do
+ if ir_.person_name_irs[i] then
+ if ir_.person_name_irs[i].full_name ~= person_name_ir.full_name then
+ -- util.debug(
+ is_different_name = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- util.debug(is_different_name)
+ if not is_different_name then
+ break
+ end
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(ambiguous_same_output_irs) do
+ -- util.debug(
+ local person_name_ir_ = ir_.person_name_irs[i]
+ if person_name_ir_ then
+ if person_name_ir_.disam_variants_index < #person_name_ir_.disam_variants then
+ person_name_ir_.disam_variants_index = person_name_ir_.disam_variants_index + 1
+ local disam_variant = person_name_ir_.disam_variants[person_name_ir_.disam_variants_index]
+ person_name_ir_.name_output = disam_variant
+ -- util.debug(disam_variant)
+ person_name_ir_.inlines = person_name_ir_.disam_inlines[disam_variant]
+ -- Update cite ir output
+ local inlines = ir_:flatten(disam_format)
+ local disam_str = disam_format:output(inlines, context)
+ ir_.disam_str = disam_str
+ if not self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] then
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] = {}
+ end
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str][ir_.ir_index] = ir_
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- update ambiguous_cite_irs and ambiguous_same_output_irs
+ ambiguous_cite_irs = {}
+ ambiguous_same_output_irs = {}
+ for ir_index, ir_ in pairs(self.cite_irs_by_output[cite_ir.disam_str]) do
+ -- util.debug(
+ if ~= then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_cite_irs, ir_)
+ end
+ if ir_.disam_str == cite_ir.disam_str then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_same_output_irs, ir_)
+ end
+ end
+ -- util.debug(#ambiguous_cite_irs)
+ if #ambiguous_cite_irs == 0 then
+ cite_ir.is_ambiguous = false
+ return cite_ir
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return cite_ir
+local function find_first_name_ir(ir)
+ if ir._type == "NameIr" then
+ return ir
+ end
+ if ir.children then
+ for _, child in ipairs(ir.children) do
+ local name_ir = find_first_name_ir(child)
+ if name_ir then
+ return name_ir
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function CiteProc:disambiguate_add_names(cite_ir)
+ if not then
+ return cite_ir
+ end
+ if not cite_ir.name_ir then
+ cite_ir.name_ir = find_first_name_ir(cite_ir)
+ end
+ local name_ir = cite_ir.name_ir
+ if not cite_ir.is_ambiguous then
+ return cite_ir
+ end
+ if not name_ir or not name_ir.et_al_abbreviation then
+ return cite_ir
+ end
+ -- util.debug("disambiguate_add_names: " ..
+ if name_ir then
+ -- util.debug(cite_ir.disam_str)
+ -- util.debug(cite_ir.name_ir.full_name_str)
+ -- util.debug(cite_ir.is_ambiguous)
+ end
+ local disam_format = DisamStringFormat:new()
+ while cite_ir.is_ambiguous do
+ if #cite_ir.name_ir.hidden_name_irs == 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ local ambiguous_cite_irs = {}
+ local ambiguous_same_output_irs = {}
+ for _, ir_ in pairs(self.cite_irs_by_output[cite_ir.disam_str]) do
+ if ~= then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_cite_irs, ir_)
+ end
+ if ir_.disam_str == cite_ir.disam_str then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_same_output_irs, ir_)
+ end
+ end
+ -- util.debug(#ambiguous_same_output_irs)
+ if #ambiguous_cite_irs == 0 then
+ cite_ir.is_ambiguous = false
+ break
+ end
+ -- check if the cite can be (fully) disambiguated by adding names
+ local can_be_disambuguated = false
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(ambiguous_cite_irs) do
+ if ir_.name_ir.full_name_str ~= cite_ir.name_ir.full_name_str then
+ can_be_disambuguated = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- util.debug(can_be_disambuguated)
+ if not can_be_disambuguated then
+ break
+ end
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(ambiguous_same_output_irs) do
+ local added_person_name_ir = ir_.name_ir.name_inheritance:expand_one_name(ir_.name_ir)
+ if added_person_name_ir then
+ -- util.debug("Updated: " ..
+ table.insert(ir_.person_name_irs, added_person_name_ir)
+ if not added_person_name_ir.person_name_index then
+ added_person_name_ir.person_name_index = #self.person_names + 1
+ table.insert(self.person_names, added_person_name_ir)
+ end
+ local name_output = added_person_name_ir.name_output
+ if not self.person_names_by_output[name_output] then
+ self.person_names_by_output[name_output] = {}
+ end
+ self.person_names_by_output[name_output][added_person_name_ir.person_name_index] = added_person_name_ir
+ -- Update ir output
+ local inlines = ir_:flatten(disam_format)
+ local disam_str = disam_format:output(inlines, context)
+ -- util.debug(disam_str)
+ ir_.disam_str = disam_str
+ if not self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] then
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] = {}
+ end
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str][ir_.ir_index] = ir_
+ end
+ end
+ -- util.debug("disambiguate_add_givenname")
+ if then
+ local gn_disam_rule =
+ if gn_disam_rule == "all-names" or gn_disam_rule == "all-names-with-initials" then
+ cite_ir = self:disambiguate_add_givenname_all_names(cite_ir)
+ elseif gn_disam_rule == "by-cite" then
+ cite_ir = self:disambiguate_add_givenname_by_cite(cite_ir)
+ end
+ end
+ cite_ir.is_ambiguous = self:check_ambiguity(cite_ir)
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(self.disam_irs) do
+ -- util.debug( .. ": " .. ir_.disam_str)
+ end
+ end
+ return cite_ir
+function CiteProc:collect_irs_with_disambiguate_branch(ir)
+ local irs_with_disambiguate_branch = {}
+ if ir.children then
+ for i, child_ir in ipairs(ir.children) do
+ if child_ir.disambiguate_branch_ir then
+ table.insert(irs_with_disambiguate_branch, child_ir)
+ elseif child_ir.children then
+ util.extend(irs_with_disambiguate_branch,
+ self:collect_irs_with_disambiguate_branch(child_ir))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return irs_with_disambiguate_branch
+function CiteProc:disambiguate_conditionals(cite_ir)
+ -- util.debug(cite_ir)
+ cite_ir.irs_with_disambiguate_branch = self:collect_irs_with_disambiguate_branch(cite_ir)
+ local disam_format = DisamStringFormat:new()
+ while cite_ir.is_ambiguous do
+ if #cite_ir.irs_with_disambiguate_branch == 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ -- util.debug(
+ -- util.debug(cite_ir.disam_str)
+ -- update ambiguous_same_output_irs
+ local ambiguous_same_output_irs = {}
+ for _, ir_ in pairs(self.cite_irs_by_output[cite_ir.disam_str]) do
+ if ir_.disam_str == cite_ir.disam_str then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_same_output_irs, ir_)
+ end
+ end
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(ambiguous_same_output_irs) do
+ if #ir_.irs_with_disambiguate_branch > 0 then
+ -- Disambiguation is incremental
+ -- disambiguate_IncrementalExtraText.txt
+ local condition_ir = ir_.irs_with_disambiguate_branch[1]
+ condition_ir.children[1] = condition_ir.disambiguate_branch_ir
+ condition_ir.group_var = condition_ir.disambiguate_branch_ir.group_var
+ table.remove(ir_.irs_with_disambiguate_branch, 1)
+ -- disambiguate_DisambiguateTrueReflectedInBibliography.txt
+ ir_.reference.disambiguate = true
+ -- Update ir output
+ local inlines = ir_:flatten(disam_format)
+ local disam_str = disam_format:output(inlines, context)
+ -- util.debug("update: " .. .. ": " .. disam_str)
+ ir_.disam_str = disam_str
+ if not self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] then
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] = {}
+ end
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str][ir_.ir_index] = ir_
+ end
+ end
+ cite_ir.is_ambiguous = self:check_ambiguity(cite_ir)
+ -- util.debug(cite_ir.is_ambiguous)
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(self.disam_irs) do
+ -- util.debug( .. ": " .. ir_.disam_str)
+ end
+ end
+ return cite_ir
+function CiteProc:check_ambiguity(cite_ir)
+ for _, ir_ in pairs(self.cite_irs_by_output[cite_ir.disam_str]) do
+ if ~= then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function CiteProc:get_same_output_irs(cite_ir)
+ local ambiguous_same_output_irs = {}
+ for _, ir_ in pairs(self.cite_irs_by_output[cite_ir.disam_str]) do
+ if ir_.disam_str == cite_ir.disam_str then
+ table.insert(ambiguous_same_output_irs, ir_)
+ end
+ end
+ return ambiguous_same_output_irs
+function CiteProc:disambiguate_add_year_suffix(cite_ir)
+ if not cite_ir.is_ambiguous or not then
+ return cite_ir
+ end
+ local same_output_irs = self:get_same_output_irs(cite_ir)
+ table.sort(same_output_irs, function (a, b)
+ -- return a.ir_index < b.ir_index
+ return a.reference["citation-number"] < b.reference["citation-number"]
+ end)
+ local year_suffix_number = 0
+ -- util.debug(cite_ir)
+ local disam_format = DisamStringFormat:new()
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(same_output_irs) do
+ ir_.reference.year_suffix_number = nil
+ end
+ for _, ir_ in ipairs(same_output_irs) do
+ -- print(
+ -- print(ir_.reference)
+ if not ir_.reference.year_suffix_number then
+ year_suffix_number = year_suffix_number + 1
+ ir_.reference.year_suffix_number = year_suffix_number
+ ir_.reference["year-suffix"] = self:render_year_suffix(year_suffix_number)
+ end
- for i, citation_id_note in ipairs(citation_id_note_list) do
- local citation_id = citation_id_note[1]
- -- local note_index = citation_id_note[2]
- if citation_id == citation.citationID then
- local context = {
- build = {},
- engine = self,
- }
- local citation_str =, context)
- self.registry.citation_strings[citation_id] = citation_str
- table.insert(output, {i - 1, citation_str, citation_id})
+ if not ir_.year_suffix_irs then
+ ir_.year_suffix_irs = self:collect_year_suffix_irs(ir_)
+ if #ir_.year_suffix_irs == 0 then
+ -- By default, the year-suffix is appended the first year rendered through cs:date
+ local year_ir = self:find_first_year_ir(ir_)
+ -- util.debug(year_ir)
+ if year_ir then
+ local year_suffix_ir = YearSuffix:new({},
+ table.insert(year_ir.children, year_suffix_ir)
+ table.insert(ir_.year_suffix_irs, year_suffix_ir)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for _, year_suffix_ir in ipairs(ir_.year_suffix_irs) do
+ year_suffix_ir.inlines = {PlainText:new(ir_.reference["year-suffix"])}
+ year_suffix_ir.year_suffix_number = ir_.reference.year_suffix_number
+ year_suffix_ir.group_var = "important"
+ end
+ local inlines = ir_:flatten(disam_format)
+ local disam_str = disam_format:output(inlines, context)
+ -- util.debug("update: " .. .. ": " .. disam_str)
+ ir_.disam_str = disam_str
+ if not self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] then
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str] = {}
+ end
+ self.cite_irs_by_output[disam_str][ir_.ir_index] = ir_
+ end
+ cite_ir.is_ambiguous = false
+ return cite_ir
+function CiteProc:collect_year_suffix_irs(ir)
+ local year_suffix_irs = {}
+ if ir.children then
+ for i, child_ir in ipairs(ir.children) do
+ if child_ir._type == "YearSuffix" then
+ table.insert(year_suffix_irs, child_ir)
+ elseif child_ir.children then
+ util.extend(year_suffix_irs,
+ self:collect_year_suffix_irs(child_ir))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return year_suffix_irs
+function CiteProc:find_first_year_ir(ir)
+ if ir.is_year then
+ return ir
+ end
+ if ir.children then
+ for _, child_ir in ipairs(ir.children) do
+ local year_ir = self:find_first_year_ir(child_ir)
+ if year_ir then
+ return year_ir
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function CiteProc:render_year_suffix(year_suffix_number)
+ if year_suffix_number <= 0 then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local year_suffix = ""
+ while year_suffix_number > 0 do
+ local i = (year_suffix_number - 1) % 26
+ year_suffix = string.char(i + 97) .. year_suffix
+ year_suffix_number = (year_suffix_number - 1) // 26
+ end
+ -- util.debug(year_suffix)
+ return year_suffix
+local function find_first(ir, check)
+ if check(ir) then
+ return ir
+ end
+ if ir.children then
+ for _, child in ipairs(ir.children) do
+ local target_ir = find_first(child, check)
+ if target_ir then
+ return target_ir
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function CiteProc:group_cites(irs)
+ local disam_format = DisamStringFormat:new()
+ for _, ir in ipairs(irs) do
+ local first_names_ir = ir.first_names_ir
+ if not first_names_ir then
+ first_names_ir = find_first(ir, function (ir_)
+ return ir_._element == "names"
+ end)
+ if first_names_ir then
+ local inlines = first_names_ir:flatten(disam_format)
+ first_names_ir.disam_str = disam_format:output(inlines, context)
+ end
+ ir.first_names_ir = first_names_ir
+ end
+ end
+ local irs_by_name = {}
+ local name_list = {}
+ for _, ir in ipairs(irs) do
+ local name_str = ""
+ if ir.first_names_ir then
+ name_str = ir.first_names_ir.disam_str
+ end
+ if not irs_by_name[name_str] then
+ irs_by_name[name_str] = {}
+ table.insert(name_list, name_str)
+ end
+ table.insert(irs_by_name[name_str], ir)
+ end
+ local grouped = {}
+ for _, name_str in ipairs(name_list) do
+ local irs_with_same_name = irs_by_name[name_str]
+ for i, ir in ipairs(irs_with_same_name) do
+ if i < #irs_with_same_name then
+ ir.own_delimiter =
+ end
+ table.insert(grouped, ir)
+ end
+ end
+ return grouped
+function CiteProc:collapse_cites(irs)
+ if == "citation-number" then
+ self:collapse_cites_by_citation_number(irs)
+ elseif == "year" then
+ self:collapse_cites_by_year(irs)
+ elseif == "year-suffix" then
+ self:collapse_cites_by_year_suffix(irs)
+ elseif == "year-suffix-ranged" then
+ self:collapse_cites_by_year_suffix_ranged(irs)
+ end
+function CiteProc:collapse_cites_by_citation_number(irs)
+ local cite_groups = {}
+ local current_group = {}
+ local previous_citation_number
+ for i, ir in ipairs(irs) do
+ local citation_number
+ local only_citation_number_ir = self:get_only_citation_number(ir)
+ if only_citation_number_ir then
+ -- Other irs like locators are not rendered.
+ -- collapse_CitationNumberRangesWithAffixesGrouped.txt
+ citation_number = only_citation_number_ir.citation_number
+ end
+ if i == 1 then
+ table.insert(current_group, ir)
+ elseif citation_number and previous_citation_number and
+ previous_citation_number + 1 == citation_number then
+ table.insert(current_group, ir)
- -- TODO: correct note_index
- -- TODO: update other citations after disambiguation
- local citation_str = self.registry.citation_strings[citation_id]
- if self.registry.citation_strings[citation_id] ~= citation_str then
- params.bibchange = true
- self.registry.citation_strings[citation_id] = citation_str
- table.insert(output, {i - 1, citation_str, citation_id})
+ table.insert(cite_groups, current_group)
+ current_group = {ir}
+ end
+ previous_citation_number = citation_number
+ end
+ table.insert(cite_groups, current_group)
+ for _, cite_group in ipairs(cite_groups) do
+ if #cite_group >= 3 then
+ cite_group[1].own_delimiter = util.unicode["en dash"]
+ for i = 2, #cite_group - 1 do
+ cite_group[i].collapse_suppressed = true
+ cite_group[#cite_group].own_delimiter =
- return {params, output}
+function CiteProc:get_only_citation_number(ir)
+ if ir.citation_number then
+ return ir
+ end
+ if not ir.children then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local only_citation_number_ir
+ for _, child in ipairs(ir.children) do
+ if child.group_var ~= "missing" then
+ local citation_number_ir = self:get_only_citation_number(child)
+ if citation_number_ir then
+ if only_citation_number_ir then
+ return nil
+ else
+ only_citation_number_ir = citation_number_ir
+ end
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return only_citation_number_ir
-function CiteProc:makeCitationCluster (citation_items)
+function CiteProc:collapse_cites_by_year(irs)
+ local cite_groups = {{}}
+ local previous_name_str
+ for i, ir in ipairs(irs) do
+ local name_str
+ if ir.first_names_ir then
+ name_str = ir.first_names_ir.disam_str
+ end
+ if i == 1 then
+ table.insert(cite_groups[#cite_groups], ir)
+ elseif name_str and name_str == previous_name_str then
+ -- ir.fist_names_ir was set in the cite grouping stage
+ -- TODO: and not previous cite suffix
+ table.insert(cite_groups[#cite_groups], ir)
+ else
+ table.insert(cite_groups, {ir})
+ end
+ previous_name_str = name_str
+ end
+ for _, cite_group in ipairs(cite_groups) do
+ if #cite_group > 1 then
+ for i, cite_ir in ipairs(cite_group) do
+ if i > 1 and cite_ir.first_names_ir then
+ cite_ir.first_names_ir.collapse_suppressed = true
+ end
+ if i == #cite_group then
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter =
+ elseif i < #cite_group then
+ -- The delimiter depends on the citation > sort.
+ --
+ if cite_ir.cite_item.locator then
+ -- Special hack for
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter =
+ elseif then
+ if then
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter =
+ else
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter =
+ end
+ else
+ if then
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter =
+ else
+ -- disambiguate_YearCollapseWithInstitution.txt
+ -- disambiguate_InitializeWithButNoDisambiguation.txt ?
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter =
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function find_rendered_year_suffix(ir)
+ if ir._type == "YearSuffix" then
+ return ir
+ end
+ if ir.children then
+ for _, child in ipairs(ir.children) do
+ if child.group_var ~= "missing" then
+ local year_suffix = find_rendered_year_suffix(child)
+ if year_suffix then
+ return year_suffix
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function CiteProc:collapse_cites_by_year_suffix(irs)
+ self:collapse_cites_by_year(irs)
+ -- Group by disam_str
+ -- The year-suffix is ommitted in DisamStringFormat
+ local cite_groups = {{}}
+ local previous_ir
+ local previous_year_suffix
+ for i, ir in ipairs(irs) do
+ local year_suffix = find_rendered_year_suffix(ir)
+ ir.rendered_year_suffix_ir = year_suffix
+ if i == 1 then
+ table.insert(cite_groups[#cite_groups], ir)
+ elseif year_suffix and previous_ir.disam_str == ir.disam_str and previous_year_suffix then
+ -- TODO: and not previous cite suffix
+ table.insert(cite_groups[#cite_groups], ir)
+ else
+ table.insert(cite_groups, {ir})
+ end
+ previous_ir = ir
+ previous_year_suffix = year_suffix
+ end
+ for _, cite_group in ipairs(cite_groups) do
+ if #cite_group > 1 then
+ for i, cite_ir in ipairs(cite_group) do
+ if i > 1 then
+ -- cite_ir.children = {cite_ir.rendered_year_suffix_ir}
+ -- Set the collapse_suppressed flag rather than removing the child irs.
+ -- This leaves the disamb ir structure unchanged.
+ self:suppress_ir_except_child(cite_ir, cite_ir.rendered_year_suffix_ir)
+ end
+ if i < #cite_group then
+ if then
+ -- In the current citeproc-js impplementation, explicitly set
+ -- cite-group-delimiter takes precedence over year-suffix-delimiter.
+ -- May be changed in the future.
+ --
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter =
+ else
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter =
+ end
+ elseif i == #cite_group then
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter =
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function CiteProc:suppress_ir_except_child(ir, target)
+ if ir == target then
+ ir.collapse_suppressed = false
+ return false
+ end
+ ir.collapse_suppressed = true
+ if ir.children then
+ for _, child in ipairs(ir.children) do
+ if child.group_var ~= "missing" and not child.collapse_suppressed then
+ if not self:suppress_ir_except_child(child, target) then
+ ir.collapse_suppressed = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return ir.collapse_suppressed
+function CiteProc:collapse_cites_by_year_suffix_ranged(irs)
+ self:collapse_cites_by_year_suffix(irs)
+ -- Group by disam_str
+ local cite_groups = {{}}
+ local previous_ir
+ local previous_year_suffix
+ for i, ir in ipairs(irs) do
+ local year_suffix_ir = find_rendered_year_suffix(ir)
+ ir.rendered_year_suffix_ir = year_suffix_ir
+ if i == 1 then
+ table.insert(cite_groups[#cite_groups], ir)
+ elseif year_suffix_ir and previous_ir.disam_str == ir.disam_str and previous_year_suffix and
+ year_suffix_ir.year_suffix_number == previous_year_suffix.year_suffix_number + 1 then
+ -- TODO: and not previous cite suffix
+ table.insert(cite_groups[#cite_groups], ir)
+ else
+ table.insert(cite_groups, {ir})
+ end
+ previous_ir = ir
+ previous_year_suffix = year_suffix_ir
+ end
+ for _, cite_group in ipairs(cite_groups) do
+ if #cite_group > 2 then
+ for i, cite_ir in ipairs(cite_group) do
+ if i == 1 then
+ cite_ir.own_delimiter = util.unicode["en dash"]
+ elseif i < #cite_group then
+ cite_ir.collapse_suppressed = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function CiteProc:makeCitationCluster(citation_items)
local items = {}
- for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation_items) do
+ for i, cite_item in ipairs(citation_items) do = tostring(
- local position_first = (self.registry.registry[] == nil)
local item_data = self:get_item(
-- Create a wrapper of the orignal item from registry so that
-- it may hold different `locator` or `position` values for cites.
- local item = setmetatable({}, {__index = function (_, key)
- if cite_item[key] then
- return cite_item[key]
- else
- return item_data[key]
+ local item = setmetatable(cite_item, {__index = item_data})
+ -- Use "page" as locator label if missing
+ -- label_PluralWithAmpersand.txt
+ if item.locator and not item.label then
+ item.label = "page"
+ end
+ item.position_level = util.position_map["first"]
+ if self.cite_first_note_numbers[] then
+ item.position_level = util.position_map["subsequent"]
+ else
+ self.cite_first_note_numbers[] = 0
+ end
+ local preceding_cite
+ if i == 1 then
+ local previous_citation = self.registry.previous_citation
+ if previous_citation then
+ if #previous_citation.citationItems == 1 and previous_citation.citationItems[1].id == then
+ preceding_cite = previous_citation.citationItems[1]
+ end
- end})
+ elseif citation_items[i - 1].id == then
+ preceding_cite = citation_items[i - 1]
+ end
- if not item.position and position_first then
- item.position = util.position_map["first"]
+ if preceding_cite then
+ item.position_level = self:_get_cite_position(item, preceding_cite)
table.insert(items, item)
@@ -242,134 +1620,252 @@ function CiteProc:makeCitationCluster (citation_items)
- local context = {
- build = {},
- engine=self,
- }
- local res =, context)
+ local res = self:build_cluster(items)
+ -- local context = {
+ -- build = {},
+ -- engine=self,
+ -- }
+ -- local res =, context)
self.registry.previous_citation = {
citationID = "pseudo-citation",
citationItems = items,
properties = {
- noteIndex = 1,
+ noteIndex = 0,
return res
function CiteProc:makeBibliography()
- local items = {}
+ if not then
+ return {{}, {}}
+ end
+ local output_format = self.output_format
+ local res = {}
+ self.registry.longest_label = ""
+ self.registry.maxoffset = 0
+ for _, id in ipairs(self:get_sorted_refs()) do
+ local ref = self.registry.registry[id]
+ local state = IrState:new()
+ local context = Context:new()
+ context.engine = self
+ =
+ context.area =
+ context.in_bibliography = true
+ context.locale = self:get_locale(self.lang)
+ context.name_inheritance =
+ context.format = output_format
+ = id
+ context.cite = nil
+ context.reference = self:get_item(id)
+ local ir =, state, context)
+ -- util.debug(ir)
+ ir.reference = context.reference
+ -- Add year-suffix
+ self:add_bibliography_year_suffix(ir)
+ -- The layout output may be empty: sort_OmittedBibRefNonNumericStyle.txt
+ if ir then
+ local flat = ir:flatten(output_format)
+ local str = output_format:output_bibliography_entry(flat, context)
+ table.insert(res, str)
+ end
+ end
+ local bib_start = self.output_format.markups["bibstart"]
+ local bib_end = self.output_format.markups["bibend"]
+ if type(bib_start) == "function" then
+ bib_start = bib_start(self)
+ end
+ if type(bib_end) == "function" then
+ bib_end = bib_end(self)
+ end
+ local params = {
+ hangingindent =,
+ ["second-field-align"] = ~= nil,
+ linespacing =,
+ entryspacing =,
+ maxoffset = self.registry.maxoffset,
+ bibstart = bib_start,
+ bibend = bib_end,
+ entry_ids = util.clone(self.registry.reflist),
+ }
+ return {params, res}
+function CiteProc:get_sorted_refs()
if self.registry.requires_sorting then
+ return self.registry.reflist
- for _, id in ipairs(self.registry.reflist) do
- local item = self.registry.registry[id]
- table.insert(items, item)
+function CiteProc:add_bibliography_year_suffix(ir)
+ if not ir.reference.year_suffix_number then
+ return
- local context = {
- build = {},
- engine=self,
- }
- local res =, context)
- return res
+ local year_suffix_number = ir.reference.year_suffix_number
+ if not ir.year_suffix_irs then
+ ir.year_suffix_irs = self:collect_year_suffix_irs(ir)
+ if #ir.year_suffix_irs == 0 then
+ local year_ir = self:find_first_year_ir(ir)
+ -- util.debug(year_ir)
+ if year_ir then
+ local year_suffix_ir = YearSuffix:new({},
+ table.insert(year_ir.children, year_suffix_ir)
+ table.insert(ir.year_suffix_irs, year_suffix_ir)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for _, year_suffix_ir in ipairs(ir.year_suffix_irs) do
+ year_suffix_ir.inlines = {PlainText:new(ir.reference["year-suffix"])}
+ year_suffix_ir.group_var = "important"
+ end
-function CiteProc:set_formatter(format)
- self.formatter = formats[format]
+function CiteProc:set_output_format(format)
+ if format == "latex" then
+ self.output_format = LatexWriter:new()
+ elseif format == "html" then
+ self.output_format = HtmlWriter:new()
+ end
function CiteProc:enable_linking()
- self.linking_enabled = true
+ self.opt.url_link = true
+ self.opt.doi_link = true
function CiteProc:disable_linking()
- self.linking_enabled = false
+ self.opt.url_link = false
+ self.opt.doi_link = false
-function CiteProc.set_base_class (node)
- if node:is_element() then
- local name = node:get_element_name()
- local element_class = nodes[name]
- if element_class then
- element_class:set_base_class(node)
- else
- element.Element:set_base_class(node)
+function CiteProc.create_element_tree(node)
+ local element_name = node:get_element_name()
+ local element_class = nodes[element_name]
+ local el = nil
+ if element_class then
+ el = element_class:from_node(node)
+ end
+ if el then
+ for i, child in ipairs(node:get_children()) do
+ if child:is_element() then
+ local child_element = CiteProc.create_element_tree(child)
+ if child_element then
+ if not el.children then
+ el.children = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(el.children, child_element)
+ end
+ end
+ return el
-function CiteProc:get_style_class()
- return"class") or "in-text"
-function CiteProc:get_item (id)
+function CiteProc:get_item(id)
local item = self.registry.registry[id]
if not item then
item = self:_retrieve_item(id)
if not item then
return nil
+ item = self:process_extra_note(item)
table.insert(self.registry.reflist, id)
item["citation-number"] = #self.registry.reflist
self.registry.registry[id] = item
self.registry.requires_sorting = true
- local res = {}
- setmetatable(res, {__index = item})
- return res
+ -- local res = {}
+ -- setmetatable(res, {__index = item})
+ -- return res
+ return item
-function CiteProc:_retrieve_item (id)
+function CiteProc:_retrieve_item(id)
-- Retrieve, copy, and normalize
local res = {}
local item = self.sys.retrieveItem(id)
if not item then
- util.warning(string.format('Failed to retrieve item "%s"', id))
+ util.warning(string.format('Failed to find entry "%s"', id))
return nil
end = tostring(
for key, value in pairs(item) do
- if key == "title" then
- value = self.normalize_string(value)
- end
res[key] = value
- if res["page"] and not res["page-first"] then
- local page_first = util.split(res["page"], "%s*[&,-]%s*")[1]
- page_first = util.split(page_first, util.unicode["en dash"])[1]
- res["page-first"] = page_first
- end
+ -- if res["page"] and not res["page-first"] then
+ -- local page_first = util.split(res["page"], "%s*[&,-]%s*")[1]
+ -- page_first = util.split(page_first, util.unicode["en dash"])[1]
+ -- res["page-first"] = page_first
+ -- end
return res
-function CiteProc.normalize_string (str)
- if not str or str == "" then
- return str
- end
- -- French punctuation spacing
- if type(str) == "string" then
- str = string.gsub(str, " ;", util.unicode["narrow no-break space"] .. ";")
- str = string.gsub(str, " %?", util.unicode["narrow no-break space"] .. "?")
- str = string.gsub(str, " !", util.unicode["narrow no-break space"] .. "!")
- str = string.gsub(str, " »", util.unicode["narrow no-break space"] .. "»")
- str = string.gsub(str, "« ", "«" .. util.unicode["narrow no-break space"])
+-- TODO: Nomalize all inputs
+function CiteProc:process_extra_note(item)
+ if item.note then
+ local note_fields = {}
+ for _, line in ipairs(util.split(item.note, "%s*\r?\n%s*")) do
+ -- util.debug(line)
+ local splits = util.split(line, ":%s+", 1)
+ -- util.debug(splits)
+ if #splits == 2 then
+ local field, value = table.unpack(splits)
+ -- util.debug(field)
+ local variable_type = util.variable_types[field]
+ if not item[field] or field == "type" or variable_type == "date" then
+ if variable_type == "number" then
+ item[field] = value
+ elseif variable_type == "date" then
+ item[field] = util.parse_iso_date(value)
+ elseif variable_type == "name" then
+ if not note_fields[field] then
+ note_fields[field] = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(note_fields[field], util.parse_extra_name(value))
+ else
+ item[field] = value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for field, value in pairs(note_fields) do
+ item[field] = value
+ end
- -- local text = str
- local text =
- return text
+ return item
function CiteProc:sort_bibliography()
-- Sort the items in registry according to the `sort` in `bibliography.`
-- This will update the `citation-number` of each item.
- local bibliography_sort ="style bibliography sort")[1]
+ local bibliography_sort = nil
+ if and then
+ bibliography_sort =
+ end
if not bibliography_sort then
@@ -378,44 +1874,119 @@ function CiteProc:sort_bibliography()
table.insert(items, self.registry.registry[id])
- local context = {
- engine = self,
- style =,
- mode = "bibliography",
- }
- context =
- context ="style bibliography")[1]:process_context(context)
+ local state = IrState:new()
+ local context = Context:new()
+ context.engine = self
+ =
+ context.area =
+ context.in_bibliography = true
+ context.locale = self:get_locale(self.lang)
+ context.name_inheritance =
+ context.format = SortStringFormat:new()
+ -- = id
+ context.cite = nil
+ -- context.reference = self:get_item(id)
- bibliography_sort:sort(items, context)
+ bibliography_sort:sort(items, state, context)
self.registry.reflist = {}
+ self.tainted_item_ids = {}
for i, item in ipairs(items) do
+ if item["citation-number"] ~= i then
+ self.tainted_item_ids[] = true
+ end
item["citation-number"] = i
- table.insert(self.registry.reflist,
+ self.registry.reflist[i] =
self.registry.requires_sorting = false
-function CiteProc:get_system_locale (lang)
+function CiteProc:get_locale(lang)
+ if string.len(lang) == 2 then
+ lang = util.primary_dialects[lang] or lang
+ end
+ local locale = self.locales[lang]
+ if locale then
+ return locale
+ else
+ return self:get_merged_locales(lang)
+ end
+function CiteProc:get_merged_locales(lang)
+ local fall_back_locales = {}
+ local language = string.sub(lang, 1, 2)
+ local primary_dialect = util.primary_dialects[language]
+ -- 1. In-style cs:locale elements
+ -- i. `xml:lang` set to chosen dialect, “de-AT”
+ table.insert(fall_back_locales,[lang])
+ -- ii. `xml:lang` set to matching language, “de” (German)
+ if language and language ~= lang then
+ table.insert(fall_back_locales,[language])
+ end
+ -- iii. `xml:lang` not set
+ table.insert(fall_back_locales,["@generic"])
+ -- 2. Locale files
+ -- iv. `xml:lang` set to chosen dialect, “de-AT”
+ if lang then
+ table.insert(fall_back_locales, self:get_system_locale(lang))
+ end
+ -- v. `xml:lang` set to matching primary dialect, “de-DE” (Standard German)
+ -- (only applicable when the chosen locale is a secondary dialect)
+ if primary_dialect and primary_dialect ~= lang then
+ table.insert(fall_back_locales, self:get_system_locale(primary_dialect))
+ end
+ -- vi. `xml:lang` set to “en-US” (American English)
+ if lang ~= "en-US" and primary_dialect ~= "en-US" then
+ table.insert(fall_back_locales, self:get_system_locale("en-US"))
+ end
+ -- Merge locales
+ local locale = Locale:new()
+ for i = #fall_back_locales, 1, -1 do
+ local fall_back_locale = fall_back_locales[i]
+ locale:merge(fall_back_locale)
+ end
+ self.locales[lang] = locale
+ return locale
+function CiteProc:get_system_locale(lang)
local locale = self.system_locales[lang]
- if not locale then
- locale = self.sys.retrieveLocale(lang)
- if not locale then
- util.warning(string.format("Failed to retrieve locale \"%s\"", lang))
- return nil
- end
- if type(locale) == "string" then
- locale = dom.parse(locale)
- end
- locale:traverse_elements(self.set_base_class)
- locale = locale:get_path("locale")[1]
- locale:root_node().engine = self
- locale:root_node().style =
- self.system_locales[lang] = locale
+ if locale then
+ return locale
+ end
+ local locale_str = self.sys.retrieveLocale(lang)
+ if not locale_str then
+ util.warning(string.format("Failed to retrieve locale \"%s\"", lang))
+ return nil
+ local locale_xml = dom.parse(locale_str)
+ local root_element = locale_xml:get_path("locale")[1]
+ locale = Locale:from_node(root_element)
+ self.system_locales[lang] = locale
return locale
+function CiteProc:get_style_class()
+ if and then
+ return
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
engine.CiteProc = CiteProc
return engine