path: root/biblio/bibtex/contrib/jieeetran/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'biblio/bibtex/contrib/jieeetran/')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/biblio/bibtex/contrib/jieeetran/ b/biblio/bibtex/contrib/jieeetran/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f96dbf6f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/bibtex/contrib/jieeetran/
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+import sys
+import platform
+import json
+import logging
+SPLIT_KEY = '/ej/'
+ITEM_SEP = '\\hspace{0mm}\\\\'
+FILE_VERSION = '0.18'
+FILE_DATE = '2022/03/26'
+FILE_AUTHOR = 'Haruki Ejiri'
+FILE_URL = ''
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def check_load_file(fn, asjson=False):
+ """load file if exist else return -1.
+ This code load text and json file if exist.
+ If the file not exist, return -1
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fn : str
+ Path to the file to load
+ asjson : bool
+ whether the fn should be loaded using json or normal text file
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ 0 if success
+ """
+'-- Checking file %s, ' % fn)
+ try:
+ with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+'exist, load.')
+ if asjson:
+ return json.load(f)
+ else:
+ return
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+'not found.')
+ return -1
+def save_pairs(fn, pairs):
+ """save pairs to the JSON format file with the extensions of ".ejp".
+ This code save the pairs to the file in JSON format.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fn : str
+ Path to the file to write pairs
+ pairs : list of two strings
+ for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]]
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ 0 if success
+ """
+'-- Saving found pairs to %s, ' % fn)
+ with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ json.dump(pairs, f)
+ return 0
+def divide_aux(fn, pairs):
+ """divide comined citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file.
+ This code divide the combined key(s) in aux file.
+ For example, the following citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file
+ --
+ \\citation{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}
+ \\bibcite{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}{16}
+ --
+ will be converted to the following two divided citations and bibitems.
+ --
+ \\citation{englishTest7,japaneseTest7}
+ \\bibcite{englishTest7,japaneseTest7}{16}
+ --
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fn : str
+ Path to the aux file to proceess
+ pairs : list of two strings
+ for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]]
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ -1 if the file to process not found, 0 if success
+ """
+ aux = check_load_file(fn)
+ if aux == -1: # file not found
+ return -1 # failed
+ for k1, k2 in pairs:
+ combi = SPLIT_KEY.join([k1, k2])
+ # for example, combi is "engkey/ej/jpkey", wehere SPLIT_KEY is "/ej/"
+'-- Dividing %s into %s and %s' % (combi, k1, k2))
+ aux = aux.replace('%s' % combi,
+ '%s,%s' % (k1, k2))
+ with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(aux)
+ return 0
+def divide_bbl(fn, pairs):
+ """divide comined bibitem(s) in bbl file.
+ This code divide the combined key(s) in bbl file.
+ For example, the following combined bibitem(s) in bbl file
+ --
+ \\bibitem{englishTest5/ej/japaneseTest5}
+ I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese
+ Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)\\hspace{0mm}\\\\
+ 山田~一郎・佐藤~次郎・田中~三郎・鈴木~四郎:「文献タイトル」,
+ 日本語学会,Vol.10,No.5,pp.45--60(2016-3)
+ --
+ will be converted to the following two divided bibitems.
+ --
+ \\bibitem{englishTest5}
+ I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese
+ Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)
+ \\bibitem{japaneseTest5}
+ 山田~一郎・佐藤~次郎・田中~三郎・鈴木~四郎:「文献タイトル」,
+ 日本語学会,Vol.10,No.5,pp.45--60(2016-3)
+ --
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fn : str
+ Path to the bbl file to proceess
+ pairs : list of two strings
+ for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]]
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ -1 if the file to process not found, 0 if success
+ """
+ bbl = check_load_file(fn)
+ if bbl == -1: # file not found
+ return -1 # failed
+ for k1, k2 in pairs:
+ combi = SPLIT_KEY.join([k1, k2])
+ # for example, combi is "engkey/ej/jpkey", wehere SPLIT_KEY is "/ej/"
+'-- Dividing %s into %s and %s' % (combi, k1, k2))
+ bbl = bbl.replace(ITEM_SEP, '\n\n\\bibitem{%s}' % k2)
+ bbl = bbl.replace('\\bibitem{%s}' % combi, '\\bibitem{%s}' % k1)
+'-- Saving divided bbl to %s, ' % fn)
+ with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(bbl)
+ return 0 # successfully finished
+def find_pairs(fn, aux):
+ """find english/japanese pair from string in aux.
+ This code find and store english/japanese pair.
+ Reading each line in aux strings, the engligh and japanese keys
+ are extracted if SPLIT_KEY is in the line.
+ If the combined english/japanese keys in the aux file,
+ the pairs are stored to the external JSON file
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fn : str
+ Path to the aux file to proceess
+ aux : strings in aux file
+ loaded string
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ 0 if no combined keys found
+ num-of-pairs if successfully processed
+ """
+ pairs = []
+'-- ')
+ for line in aux.split('\n'):
+ if SPLIT_KEY not in line or '\\citation' not in line:
+ continue
+ # the line contains \citation and /ej/
+ for ln in line.replace('\\citation{', '').replace('}', '').split(','):
+ # convert '\citation{hoge1/ej/hoge2}' to 'hoge1/ej/hoge2'
+ if len(ln.split(SPLIT_KEY)) == 2:
+ pairs.append(ln.split(SPLIT_KEY))
+ # store as ['hoge1', 'hoge2'] pairs
+'%s' % str(ln.split(SPLIT_KEY)))
+ if len(pairs) == 0:
+'No combined keys found.')
+ ret = 0
+ if len(pairs) > 0:
+' %d combined keys found.' % len(pairs))
+ ret = pairs
+ save_pairs(fn, pairs)
+ return ret
+def combine_aux(fn, pairs):
+ """combine divided citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file.
+ This code combine the divided key(s) in aux file.
+ For example, the following two divided citation(s) and bibcite(s)
+ in aux file
+ --
+ \\citation{englishTest7,japaneseTest7}
+ \\bibcite{englishTest7,japaneseTest7}{16}
+ --
+ will be converted to the following combined citations and bibitems.
+ --
+ \\citation{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}
+ \\bibcite{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}{16}
+ --
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fn : str
+ Path to the aux file to proceess
+ pairs : list of two strings
+ for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]]
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ -1 if the file to process not found, 0 if success
+ """
+ aux = check_load_file(fn)
+ if aux == -1: # file not found
+ return -1 # failed
+ for k1, k2 in pairs:
+ combi = SPLIT_KEY.join([k1, k2])
+ # for example, combi is "engkey/ej/jpkey", wehere SPLIT_KEY is "/ej/"
+'-- Combining %s and %s to %s' % (k1, k2, combi))
+ aux = aux.replace('%s,%s' % (k1, k2), '%s' % combi)
+'-- Saving combined aux to %s, ' % fn)
+ with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(aux)
+def combine_bbl(fn, pairs):
+ """combine divided bibitem(s) in bbl file.
+ This code divide the combined key(s) in bbl file.
+ For example, the following two divided bibitem(s) in bbl file
+ --
+ \\bibitem{englishTest5}
+ I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese
+ Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)
+ \\bibitem{japaneseTest5}
+ 山田~一郎・佐藤~次郎・田中~三郎・鈴木~四郎:「文献タイトル」,
+ 日本語学会,Vol.10,No.5,pp.45--60(2016-3)
+ --
+ will be converted to the following combined citations and bibitems.
+ --
+ \\bibitem{englishTest5/ej/japaneseTest5}
+ I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese
+ Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)\\hspace{0mm}\\\\
+ 山田~一郎・佐藤~次郎・田中~三郎・鈴木~四郎:「文献タイトル」,
+ 日本語学会,Vol.10,No.5,pp.45--60(2016-3)
+ --
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fn : str
+ Path to the aux file to proceess
+ pairs : list of two strings
+ for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]]
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ -1 if the file to process not found, 0 if success
+ """
+ bbl = check_load_file(fn)
+ if bbl == -1: # file not found
+ return -1 # failed
+ for k1, k2 in pairs:
+ combi = SPLIT_KEY.join([k1, k2])
+ # for example, combi is "engkey/ej/jpkey", wehere SPLIT_KEY is "/ej/"
+'-- Combining %s and %s to %s' % (k1, k2, combi))
+ bbl = bbl.replace('\n\n\\bibitem{%s}' % k2, ITEM_SEP)
+ bbl = bbl.replace('\\bibitem{%s}' % k1,
+ '\\bibitem{%s}' % combi)
+'-- Saving combined bbl to %s, ' % fn)
+ with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(bbl)
+def divide_ej_key(bn):
+ """divide combined english and japanese bibiteems in bbl and aux file.
+ This code divide the combined key(s) in aux and bbl file.
+ For example, the following combined bibitem(s) in bbl file
+ --
+ \\bibitem{englishTest5/ej/japaneseTest5}
+ I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese
+ Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)\\hspace{0mm}\\\\
+ 山田~一郎・佐藤~次郎・田中~三郎・鈴木~四郎:「文献タイトル」,
+ 日本語学会,Vol.10,No.5,pp.45--60(2016-3)
+ --
+ will be converted to the following two divided bibitems.
+ --
+ \\bibitem{englishTest5}
+ I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese
+ Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)
+ \\bibitem{japaneseTest5}
+ 山田~一郎・佐藤~次郎・田中~三郎・鈴木~四郎:「文献タイトル」,
+ 日本語学会,Vol.10,No.5,pp.45--60(2016-3)
+ --
+ The following two combined citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file
+ --
+ \\citation{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}
+ \\bibcite{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}{16}
+ --
+ will also be converted to the following combined citations and bibitems.
+ --
+ \\citation{englishTest7}
+ \\citation{japaneseTest7}
+ \\bibcite{englishTest7}{1}
+ \\bibcite{japaneseTest7}{16}
+ --
+ The first process during LaTeX compile, there would no bbl file.
+ If the bbl file not exist, the dividing process would be skipped.
+ A list of english/japanese pairs will be extracted from aux file,
+ and if will be saved in the JSON file with
+ ".ejp" (english-japanese-pair) extension
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ bn : str
+ Target file to process without extension.
+ if your target tex file is '/DIRNAME/main.tex'
+ the bn would be '/DIRNAME/main'
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ -1 if the file to process not found
+ 0 if no combined keys found
+ num-of-pairs if successfully processed
+ """
+'-- Dividing combinecd keys.')
+ aux = check_load_file(bn + '.aux')
+ if aux == -1: # aux file not found
+ return -1 # abort
+'-- Search combined keys from %s.aux.' % bn)
+ pairs = find_pairs(bn + '.ejp', aux)
+ if pairs == 0: # no combined keys
+ return 0 # probably already divided
+ divide_aux(bn + '.aux', pairs)
+ divide_bbl(bn + '.bbl', pairs)
+ return len(pairs)
+def combine_ej_key(bn):
+ """combine english and japanese bibiteems in bbl and aux file.
+ This code combine the divided key(s) in aux and bbl file.
+ For example, the following divided bibitem(s) in bbl file
+ --
+ \\bibitem{englishTest5}
+ I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese
+ Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)
+ \\bibitem{japaneseTest5}
+ 山田~一郎・佐藤~次郎・田中~三郎・鈴木~四郎:「文献タイトル」,
+ 日本語学会,Vol.10,No.5,pp.45--60(2016-3)
+ --
+ will be converted to the following two divided bibitems.
+ --
+ \\bibitem{englishTest5/ej/japaneseTest5}
+ I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese
+ Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)\\hspace{0mm}\\\\
+ 山田~一郎・佐藤~次郎・田中~三郎・鈴木~四郎:「文献タイトル」,
+ 日本語学会,Vol.10,No.5,pp.45--60(2016-3)
+ --
+ The following two divided citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file
+ --
+ \\citation{englishTest7}
+ \\citation{japaneseTest7}
+ \\bibcite{englishTest7}{1}
+ \\bibcite{japaneseTest7}{16}
+ --
+ will also be converted to the following combined citations and bibitems.
+ --
+ \\citation{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}
+ \\bibcite{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}{16}
+ --
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ bn : str
+ Target file to process without extension.
+ if your target tex file is '/DIRNAME/main.tex'
+ the bn would be '/DIRNAME/main'
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ -1 if the file to process not found
+ 0 if no combined keys found
+ num-of-pairs if successfully processed
+ """
+'-- Combining divided keys.')
+ pairs = check_load_file(bn + '.ejp', asjson=True)
+ if pairs == -1: # file not found
+ return -1
+ if len(pairs) == 0: # no combined keys
+ return 0
+ combine_aux(bn + '.aux', pairs)
+ combine_bbl(bn + '.bbl', pairs)
+ return len(pairs)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ sh = logging.StreamHandler()
+ logger.addHandler(sh)
+ 'This is python version %s ' % platform.python_version())
+ ' version %s (%s) by %s.' %
+ )
+'See web site: %s' % FILE_URL)
+ try:
+ fname = sys.argv[1]
+'Target: %s' % fname)
+ except IndexError:
+'Fatal error: You must assign target.')
+ sys.exit(0)
+ sk = divide_ej_key(fname)
+ if sk > 0: # combined keys existed
+'-- Fin, %d keys were divided.' % sk)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif sk < 0: # Abort
+ sys.exit(0)
+ ck = combine_ej_key(fname)
+ if ck != 0:
+ # print('-- %d divided citation keys were successfully combined' % ck)
+'-- Fin, %d keys were combined.' % ck)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ with open(sys.argv[1] + '.ejp', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ json.dump([], f)
+ '-- No cmobined nor divided citation key in the aux file')
+ sys.exit(0)