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+@comment { Created by Richard J. Mathar for the purpose of providing
+ an input to ijqc.bst. Not any source of accurate, reliable or real
+ articles or sources of information.
+author = {J. Abate and H. Dubner},
+title = {A new method for generating the power series expansions of functions},
+journal = {SIAM J.\ Numer.\ Anal.},
+volume = 5,
+number = 1,
+year = {1968},
+pages = {102--112}}
+author={L. Abe and F. Vakili and A. Boccaletti},
+title={The achromatic phase knife coronograph},
+journal={Astron.\ Astrophys.},
+annote={see also Astron Astrophys 400, 385 (2003) for followup lab tests},
+editor = {Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun},
+title = {Handbook of Mathematical Functions},
+edition = {9th},
+publisher = {Dover Publications},
+year = {1972},
+isbn = {0-486-61272-4},
+address = {New York}}
+author={S. L. Adler},
+journal={Phys.\ Rev.},
+author={Steven M. Aderl-Golden and Stephen R. Langhoff and Charles W. {Bauschlicher Jr} and Grad D. Carney},
+title={Theoretical calculation of ozone vibrational infrared intensities},
+journal={J. Chem.\ Phys.},
+volume= 83,
+number= 1,
+author={Rachel L. Akeson and Mark R. Swain and Mark M. Colavita},
+title={Differential phase technique with the {K}eck Interferometer},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+editor={Pierre J. Lena and Andreas Quirrenbach},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+booktitle={Interferometry in Optical Astronomy},
+author={Martin Albrecht},
+journal={Theor.\ Chem.\ Acc.},
+title={Local-orbital-based correlated ab initio band structure calculations in insulating
+solids: LiF},
+note = {The last author V. R. Saunders is missing in Ref.\ 36.},
+author={Simon Albrecht and Eric J. Bakker and Jeroen A. {de Jong} and Robert N. Tubbs and Jeffrey Meisner
+and Rudolf {le Poole}},
+title={Calibration of temperature and relative humidity sensors for
+use on the {VLT}-{I}nterferometer},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+editor={Wesley A. Traub},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+booktitle={New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry},
+author = {Manuel Alfaro and Mar\'{\i}a Jos\'e Cantero and Leandro Moral},
+title = {Semiorthogonal functions and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle},
+journal = {J. Comp.\ Appl.\ Math.},
+volume = {99},
+number = 1,
+year = {1998},
+pages = {3--14}}
+author = {Mihael Ankerst and Markus M. Breunig and Hans-Peter Kriegel and J\"org Sander},
+title = {{OPTICS}: Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure},
+booktitle = {Proc. {ACM} {SIGMOD}'99 Int.\ Conf.\ Management of Data},
+year = {1999}}
+author = {Fusanori Arakane and Osamu Matsuoka},
+title = {Recurrence formulas for molecular integrals over {L}aguerre {G}aussian-type functions},
+journal = {Int.\ J. Quant.\ Chem.},
+volume = {66},
+number = 4,
+year = {1998},
+pages = {273--279}}
+author={D. G. Archer and P. Wang},
+title={The dielectric constant of Water and {D}ebye-{H}\"uckel Limiting Law Slopes},
+journal={J. Phys.\ Chem.\ Ref.\ Data},
+author = {L. A. D'Arcio},
+title = {Selected aspects of wide-field stellar interferometry},
+year = 1999,
+school = {Technische Universiteit Delft}
+author={Remy Avila and Elena Masciadri and Leonardo J. S\'anchez and Jean Vernin
+and Alejandro Raga},
+title={Vertical Distribution of Temporal Correlation of Optical Turbulence},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+editor={Peter L. Wizinowich and Domenico Bonaccini},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+booktitle={Adaptive Optical System Technologies {II}},
+author={A. Baldini and C. Bemporad and F. Cei and T. Doke and M. Grassi and
+T. Haruyama and S. Mihara anad T. Mori and D. Nicol\'o and H. Nishiguchi
+and W. Ootani and K. Ozone and A. Papa and R. Pazzi and R. Sawada and F. Sergiampietri and G. Signorelli
+and S. Suzuki and K. Terasawa},
+title={Liquid {X}e scintiallation calorimetry and {X}e optical properties},
+author={David H. Berger and Theo A. {ten Brummelaar} and William G. Gagnuolo and
+Harold A. McAlister},
+editor={Wesley A. Traub},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+title={Preliminary results from the longitudinal disersion compensation system for the {CHARA} array},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+booktitle={Interferometry for Optical Astronomy {II}},
+author={David B. Berger},
+title={Longitudinal Dispersion Compensation for a Long Baseline Optical Interferometer},
+author={Jochen P. Biersack and E. Santer},
+journal={Nucl.\ Instrum.\ Methods},
+author={Peter Blaha},
+note={priv. commun.},
+author={Jonathan C. Boettger},
+journal={Phys.\ Rev.\ B},
+title={Approximate two-electron spin-orbit coupling terms for density-functional theory DFT calculations
+using the Doublas-Kroll-Hess transformation},
+author = {Max Born and Emil Wolf},
+title = {Principles of Optics},
+edition = {7th},
+publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+year = {1999},
+annote={Gorlaeus 33.18 6g},
+address = {Cambridge}
+author={M. S. Bos and H.-G. Scherneck},
+title={The free ocean tide loading provider},
+year = {2005},
+author={C. J. Bradley and Arthur P. Cracknell},
+title={The Mathematical Theory of the Symmetry in Solids},
+publisher={Clarendon Press},
+author = {D. F. Buscher},
+title = {Getting the most out of C.O.A.S.T.},
+annote = {available at{$\sim$}dfb/publications/dfbphd.pdf},
+year = 1988,
+school = {Cambridge University}
+author = {Paul F. Byrd and Morris D. Friedman},
+title = {Handbook of elliptical Integrals for Engineers and Physicists},
+publisher = {Springer},
+year = {1971},
+edition = {2nd},
+series ={Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen},
+volume = {LXVII},
+annote={33A25 217 Snellius Instituut},
+mrnumber={MR0277773 (43 \#3506)},
+address = {Berlin, G\"ottingen}}
+author={Joseph Callaway},
+title={Quantum Theory of ths Solid State},
+publisher={Academic Press},
+address={New York, San Francisco},
+author={M. Carleer and A. Jenouvrier and A.-C. Vandaele and P. F. Bernath
+and M. F. M\'erienne and R. Colin and N. F. Zobov and O. L. Polyansky and J. Tennyson and V. A. Savin},
+title={The near infrared, visible and near ultraviolet overtone spectrum of water},
+journal={J. Chem.\ Phys.},
+author={Fr\'ed\'eric Cassaing and Bruno Fleury and Christophe Coudrain and Pierre-Yves Madec and Emmanuel {Di Folco}
+and Andreas Glindemann and Samuel L\'ev{\^e}que},
+title={An optimized fringe tracker for the {VLTI}/{PRIMA} instrument},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+editor={Pierre J. Lena and Andreas Quirrenbach},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+booktitle={Interferometry in Optical Astronomy},
+author = {Gilles Chagnon},
+title = {Interf\'erom\'etrie stellair dans l'infrarouge en pr\'esence de fon thermnique},
+school = {Observatoire de Paris (section de Meudon)},
+year = 2003}
+author={M. P. J. L. Chang and D. F. Buscher},
+title={Monomode fiber interferometer for single telescopes},
+booktitle={Astronomical Intererometry},
+editor={Robert D. Reasenberg},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+pages= {2--13},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+month= "20--28~" # mar,
+author={K. Chance and K. W. Jucks and D. G. Johnson and W. A. Traub},
+title={The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Database SAO92},
+author = {W. J. Cody},
+title = {A Survey of Practical Rational and Polynomial Approximation of Functions},
+journal = {SIAM Rev.},
+volume = {12},
+year = {1970},
+mrclass = {65.20 (41.00)},
+mrnumber = {42 \#2627},
+pages = {400--423}}
+author="W. Cotton",
+title="Fringe Fitting",
+organization="Astronomical Society of the Pacific",
+booktitle="Very Long Baseline Interferometry and the VLBA",
+series="ASP Conference Series",
+author="W.D. Cotton and D. Tody and W.D. Pence",
+title="Binary Table Extensions to FITS",
+journal="Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser.",
+author="W. Cotton",
+title="Very long baseline interferometry",
+booktitle="High Angular Resolution in Astrophysics",
+publisher="Kluwer Academic Publishers",
+series="NATO ASI Series",
+author={Arthur P. Cracknell},
+title={Group Theory in Solid-State Physics},
+publisher={Taylor \& Francis},
+author={Katherine Creath},
+title={Phase-Measuremnt Interferometry Techniques},
+series={Prog.\ Opt.},
+editor={E. Wolf},
+annote={Gorlaeus 14.18},
+author={J. G. Cuby and D. Bottini and J. P. Picat},
+title={Handling atmospheric dispersion and differential refraction effects in large-field
+multi-objects spectroscopic observations},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+year= 1998}
+author={Fr\'ed\'eric Derie and F. Delplancke and Andreas Glindemann and Samuel L\'ev{\^e}que and
+Serge M\'enardi and Francesco Paresce and Rainer Wilhelm and Krister Wirenstrand},
+title={{PRIMA} technical description and implementation},
+publisher={Lorentz Center, Leiden University},
+booktitle={Hunting for Planets},
+series={workshop Lorentz Center},
+author = {V. E. Derr},
+title = {Atmospheric Handbook: Atmospheric Data Tables Available on Computer Tape},
+publisher = {World Data Center A for Solar-Terrestrial Physics},
+year = {1984},
+address = {Boulder, CO}}
+author = {J. H. Dymond and Eric Brian Smith},
+title = {The virial coefficients of pure gases and mixtures},
+publisher = {Clarendon Press},
+year = {1980},
+annote={Gorlaeus 33.99},
+address = {Oxford}}
+author={Yaakov M. Engelberg and Shlomo Ruschiin},
+title={Fast method for physica optics propagation of high-numerical-aperture beams},
+journal = {J. Opt.\ Soc.\ Am.\ A},
+volume = {21},
+number = {11},
+pages = {2135--2145},
+year = {2004}
+author={K. E. Erickson},
+title={Investigation of the invariance of atmospheric dispersion with a long-path refractometer},
+journal={J.\ Opt.\ Soc.\ Am.},
+number= 7,
+author = {Martin Ester and Hans-Pter Kriegel and J\"org Sander and Xiaowei Xu},
+title = {A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial
+databases with noise},
+booktitle = {Proc. 2nd Int Conf Konwledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-96)},
+year = {1996}}
+author={R. A. Evarestov and V. P. Smirnov},
+title={Site Symmetry in Crystals},
+series={Springer Series in Solid State Sciences},
+address={Berlin, Heidelberg},
+author = {J\"org Fliege and Ulrike Maier},
+title = {The distribution of points on the sphere and corresponding cubature formulae},
+journal = {IMA J.\ Numer.\ Analysis},
+volume = {19},
+number = 3,
+year = {1999},
+pages = {317--334}}
+author={R.\ Q.\ Fugate},
+title={Adaptive Optics},
+booktitle={Handbook of Optics},
+editor={M.\ Bass},
+address={New York},
+author={Mario Gai},
+title={{PRIMA} {FSU}---Effects of residual atmospheric turbulence on {GD} measurement},
+month = "10~" # dec,
+author = {A. Glindemann and J. Algomedo and R. Amestica and P. Ballester and
+B. Bauvir and E. Bugue{\~n}o and S. Correia and F. Delgado and F. Delplancke and
+F. Derie and Ph. Duhoux and E. {di Folco} and A. Gennai and B. Gilli and
+P. Giordano and Ph. Gitton and S. Guisard and N. Housen and A. Huxley and P. Kervella
+and M. Kiekebusch and B. Koehler and S. L\'ev\^eque and A. Longinotti
+and S. M\'enardi and S. Morel and F. Paresce and T. {Phan Duc} and A. Richichi
+and M. Sch\"oller and M. Tarenghi and A. Wallander and M. Wittkowski and R. Wilhelm},
+title = {The {VLTI}---A Status Report},
+journal = {Astrophysics and Space Science},
+volume = {286},
+pages = {35--44},
+year = 2003}
+author={Cooperative Atmospheric Data Integration Project},
+institution={Cooperative Atmospheric Data Integration Project -- Carbon Dioxide},
+author = {D. Gloge},
+title = {Weakly guiding fibers},
+journal = {Appl.\ Opt.},
+volume = 10,
+number = 10,
+pages = {2252--2258},
+year = 1971}
+author={F. Golek},
+journal={Phys.\ Status Solidi B},
+author={P. W. Gorham},
+title={Optimal filter approach to photon-limited white light fringe
+detection and delay rate estimation in an optical interferometer},
+booktitle={Astronomical Intererometry},
+editor={Robert D. Reasenberg},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+pages= {116--127},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+month= "20--28~" # mar,
+author = {I. Gradstein and I. Ryshik},
+title = {Summen-, {P}rodukt- und {I}ntegraltafeln},
+edition = {1st},
+publisher = {Harri Deutsch},
+year = {1981},
+isbn = {3-87144-350-6},
+mrnumber = {83i:00012},
+note={The numerator of the definition of $\alpha$ in 2.597
+should read $\sqrt{1+p^2}\sin x$, not $\sqrt{1+p^2\sin x}$},
+address = {Thun}}
+author={Robin M. Green},
+title={Spherical Astronomy},
+publisher={Cambridge University Press},
+address={Cambridge, London},
+annote={Gorlaeus 39.19},
+editor={Theo Hahn},
+title={International Tables for Crystallography},
+publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers},
+address={Dordrecht, The Netherlands},
+author={Bob Hardy},
+title={ITS-90 formulations for vapor pressure, frostpoint temperature, dewpoint temperature,
+and enhancement factors in the range -100 to +100 C},
+booktitle={Proc.\ Third Int.\ Symp.\ on Humidity \& Moisture},
+month = "6~" # apr,
+address={Teddington, London},
+author={Frank Hase},
+howpublished={priv.\ commun},
+note={priv.\ commun.},
+author = {Takemitsu Hasegawa and Tatsuo Torii and Ichizo Ninomiya},
+title = {Generalized {C}hebyshev Interpolation and Its Application to Automatic Quadrature},
+journal = {Math.\ Comp.},
+volume = {41},
+number = 164,
+year = {1983},
+mrclass = {65D32 (41A55 65D05)},
+mrnumber = {84m:65037},
+pages = {537--553}}
+author = {Paul Scott Heidmann},
+title = {The performance of the epsilon and theta convergence acceleration algorithms},
+school = {North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science},
+year = 1992}
+author={T. Helgaker and P. R. Taylor},
+booktitle={Modern Electronic Structure Theory},
+editor={D. R. Yarkony},
+publisher={World Scientific},
+pages={chapt.\ 12}}
+author={T. Helgaker and P. R. Taylor},
+title={On the evaluation of derivatives of {G}aussian integrals},
+journal = {Theor.\ Chim.\ Acta},
+volume = {83},
+number ={3/4},
+year = {1992},
+pages = {177--183}}
+author={C. Herring},
+title={Accidental Degeneracy in the Energy Bands of Crystals},
+series={Lecture Notes and Supplements in Physics},
+publisher={W. A. Benjamin},
+address={New York, Amsterdam},
+editor={Robert S. Knox and Albert Gold},
+editor={Erik H\/og and P. Kenneth Seidelmann},
+title={Astronomy and Astrophysics objectives of sub-milliarcsecond optical astrometry},
+series ={IAU Symposium},
+volume = 166,
+author={Harm Hogenhuis and Martijn Visser and Gustav Ruwiel and Frans Hommes and Arno Wielders and Arjan Couwenberg},
+title={Test results of the {VLTI} Delay line verification program},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+editor={Pierre J. Lena and Andreas Quirrenbach},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+booktitle={Interferometry in Optical Astronomy},
+year= 2000}
+author = {Adolf Hurwitz and R. Courant},
+editor = {J. L. Doob},
+title = {Allgemeine {F}unktionentheorie und elliptische {F}unktionen},
+edition = {4th},
+publisher = {Springer},
+series ={Die {G}rundlehren der {M}athematischen {W}issenschaften in {E}inzeldarstellungen},
+volume = 3,
+year = {1964},
+address = {Berlin, G\"ottingen}}
+author={Sherwood B. Idso and Ray D. Jackson},
+title={Thermal Radiation from the Atmopshere},
+journal={J. Geophys.\ Res.},
+volume= 74,
+author = {A. I. Iliev and Kh. I. Semerdzhiev},
+title = {Some generalizations of the {C}hebychev Method for Simultaneous Determination of
+All Roots of Polynomial Equations},
+year = {2001},
+eprint = {arXiv:math.NA/0104280},
+journal = {arXiv:math.NA/0104280}
+author={E. C. Ince},
+title={Ordinary Differential Equations},
+publisher={Dover Publications},
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+N. Fourri\'e and A. Fayt and G. Graner and R. Gamache and A. Goldman and Vl. Golovko and G. Guelachvili and J. M. Hartmann and J. C. Hilico and J. Hillmann
+and G. Lef\`evre and E. Lellouch and S. N. Mikha\"{\i}lenko and O. V. Naumenko
+and V. Nemtchinov and D. A. Newnham and A. Nikitin and J. Orphal and A. Perrin
+and D. C. Reuter and C. P. Rinsland and L. Rosenmann and L. S. Rothman
+and N. A. Scott and J. Selby and L. N. Sinitsa and J. M. Sirota and A. M. Smith
+and K. M. Smith and Vl. G. Tyuereve and R. H. Tipping and S. Urband and P. Varanasi and M. Weber},
+title={The 1997 spectroscopic {GEISA} databank},
+journal={J.\ Quant.\ Spectr.\ \& Radiat.\ Transfer},
+editor = {H. Karttunen and P. Kr\"oger and H. Oja and M. Poutanen and K. J. Donner},
+title = {Fundamental Astronomy},
+publisher = {Springer},
+year = {1987},
+isbn = {0-387-17264-5},
+address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}}
+author = {Avinash Khare and Uday Sukhatme},
+title = {Generalized Landen Transformation Formulas for Jacobi Elliptic Functions},
+year = {2003},
+eprint = {arXiv:math-ph/0312074},
+journal = {arXiv:math-ph/0312074}
+author = {Anatoly A. Kilbas and Luis Rodr\'{\i}guez and Juan J. Trujillo},
+title = {Asymptotic representations for hypergeometric-{B}essel type function
+and fractional integrals},
+journal = {J.\ Comput.\ Appl.\ Math.},
+volume = {149},
+number =2,
+year = {2002},
+pages = {469--487}}
+author = {James Steve Browder and Stanley S. Ballard and Paul Klocek},
+editor = {Paul Klocek},
+title = {Physical Properties of Infrared Optical Materials},
+booktitle = {Handbook of Infrared Optical Materials},
+publisher = {Marcel Dekker},
+year = {1991},
+pages ={402--405},
+address = {NY, Basel, Hong Kong}}
+author = {W. Klopper and R. R\"ohse},
+title = {},
+journal = {Theor.\ Chim.\ Acta},
+volume = {83},
+year = {1992},
+pages = {441}}
+author = {Konrad Knopp},
+title = {Theorie und {A}nwendung der unendlichen {R}eihen},
+publisher = {Springer},
+edition = {5},
+series ={Die {G}rundlehren der {M}athematischen {W}issenschaften in {E}inzeldarstellungen},
+volume = 2,
+address = {Berlin, G\"ottingen},
+year = {1964}}
+author={Bertrand Koehler and Carlo Flebus},
+editor={Pierre J. Lena and Andreas Quirrenbach},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+title={{VLTI} Auxiliary Telescopes},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+booktitle={Interferometry in Optical Astronomy},
+annote={, doc/spie_2000/4006_02.pdf},
+author={B. Koehler and M. Kraus and J. M. Moresmau and K. Wirenstrand and M. Duchateau and P. Duhoux
+and R. Karban and C. Flebus and E. Gabriel and O. Pirnay},
+title={The VLTI Auxiliary Telescopes; commissioning of AT1},
+editor={Wesley A. Traub},
+publisher={Int.\ Soc.\ Optical Engineering},
+series={Proc.\ SPIE},
+booktitle={New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry},
+author = {E. Anderson and Z. Bai and C. Bischof and
+S. Blackford and J. Demmel and Jack Dongarra and
+J. Du Croz and A. Greenbaum and S. Hammarling and
+A. McKenney and D. Sorensen},
+title = {{LAPACK} Users' Guide},
+edition = {Third},
+publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics},
+year = {1999},
+address = {Philadelphia, PA},
+isbn = {0-89871-447-8},
+url={} }
+author={Guanming Lai and Toyohiko Yatagai},
+title={Generalized phase-shifting interferomtry},
+journal={J.\ Opt. Soc.\ Am.\ A},
+author={W. Pies and A. Weiss},
+series={Zahlenwerte und Funk\-ti\-onen aus Na\-tur\-wissen\-schaf\-ten
+und Tech\-nik, Neue Serie},
+%editor={K. H. Hell\-wege},
+%author={H. Landolt and R. R. B\"ornstein},
+author="C. Leinert and U. Graser and L. B. F. M. Waters and others",
+title="0 $\mu$m interferometry on the VLTI with the MIDI instrument: a preview",
+series="Proc. SPIE",
+number= 4006,
+booktitle="Intern.\ Symp.\ Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation",
+month= "27--31~" # mar,
+editor={M. Lesieur and A Yaglu and F. David},
+title={New Trends in Turbulence},
+series={NATO Advanced Study Institute},
+author="S. L\'ev\^eque",
+title="M\'ethode et syst\`emes Laser pour l'analyse du trajet
+optique interne du tr\`es grand t\'elescope interferom\`etrique europ\`een VLTI",
+school="Universit\'e Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg",
+month= "15~" # dec,
+author={Steven D. Lord},
+title={A New software tool for computing
+earth's atmospheric transmission of near- and far-infrared radiation},
+type={{NASA} Technical Memorandum},
+author={Dirk Lukas},
+title={Ein quantenmechanischer und ortsraumnaher Ansatz f\"ur die dielektrische
+Matrix eines halbunendlichen Kristalls mit realistischer Oberfl\"ache},
+school={Christian-Albrechts-Universit\"at Kiel},
+editor = {Wilhelm Magnus and Fritz Oberhettinger and Raj Pal Soni},
+title = {Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics},
+edition = {3rd},
+publisher = {Springer},
+series ={Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen},
+volume = 52,
+year = {1966},
+address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}}
+author = {Erich Martensen},
+title = {Analysis II},
+publisher = {Biblio\-gra\-phi\-sches In\-sti\-tut},
+series ={B I Hoch\-schul\-skrip\-ten},
+volume = 833,
+year = {1969},
+address = {Mannheim}}
+author={Colin R. Masson},
+title={Atmospheric Effects and Calibrators},
+editor={M. Ishiguro and Wm. J. Welch},
+publisher={Astron.\ Soc.\ Pacific},
+series={ASP Conf.\ Ser.},
+booktitle={Astronomy with Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Interferometry},
+annote={phase cutoff frequency at 0.01 Hz},
+author={R. Masui},
+title={Effect of diffraction in a Saunders-type optical interferometer},
+author={Richard J. Mathar},
+title={Dielektrische {T}heorie des elektronischen {E}nergieverlustes schwerer {I}onen in {F}estk\"orpern},
+school={Technische {U}niversit\"at Dresden},
+author={Richard J. Mathar and Matthias Posselt},
+title={Effective-charge theory for the electronic stopping of heavy ions in solids:
+Stripping criteria and target-electron models},
+journal={Phys.\ Rev.\ B},
+author={Richard J. Mathar and Matthias Posselt},
+title={Electronic stopping of heavy ions in the Kaneko model},
+journal={Phys.\ Rev.\ B},
+author={Richard J. Mathar},
+title={Protons passing through the homogeneous electron gas: polarization currents, velocities of excited electrons
+and deposited energy density},
+journal={Rad\. Eff.\ Def.\ Sol.},
+author={Richard J. Mathar},
+title={Electronic Stopping and Momentum Density of Diamond obtained from first-principles calculations},
+author={Richard J. Mathar and Samuel B. Trickey and John R. Sabin},
+title={Electronic Stopping and Momentum Density of Diamond from First-Principles Treatment of the Microscopic
+booktitle={Theory of the Interaction of Swift ions with Matter, Vol.\ 1},
+series={Advances in Quantum Chemistry},
+editor={Remigio Trujillo-Cabrera and John R. Sabin},
+publisher={Academic Press},
+address={New York},
+author={Dennis D. McCarthy and G\'erard Petit},
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+title={{IERS} Technical Note No 32},
+author={Jeffrey Meisner},
+title={Estimation and Tracking of Atmospheric Delay Noise in a Long-Baseline Optical Stellar
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+school={University of Minnesota},
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+publisher={Walter de Gruyter},
+isbn = {3-11-003686-X},
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+author="J. Moran",
+title="Very Long Baseline Interferometric Observations and Data Reduction",
+booktitle="Methods of experimental physics",
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+journal = {Numer.\ Math.},
+volume = {4},
+year = {1962},
+mrnumber = {26 \#6657},
+pages = {262--276}}
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+editor = {Thomas S. Huang},
+title = {Fast {F}ourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms},
+publisher = {Springer},
+series ={Springer Series in Information Sciences},
+volume = 2,
+year = {1981},
+address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}}
+author={H. Partridge},
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+address={Ames Research Center, Moffett Field},
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+title={Full-Potential Low-Energy Electron Diffraction Applied to {G}a{A}s(110)},
+school={Chistian-Albrechts-Universit\"at Kiel},
+author={Irene L. Porro and U. Graser and Christoph Leinert},
+title={Estimated Performance for 10-micron Interferometry at the {VLTI} with the {MIDI} Instrument},
+organization="Astronomical Society of the Pacific",
+booktitle={Optical and {IR} Interferometry from Ground and Space},
+series="ASP Conference Series",
+author = {William H. Press and Saul A. Teukolsky and William T. Vetterling and Brian P. Flannery},
+title = {Numerical Recipes in {C}++},
+publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+edition = {2nd},
+year = {2002},
+address = {Cambridge}}
+author = {Theodore J. Rivlin},
+title = {The {C}hebyshev {P}olynomials},
+publisher = {John Wiley},
+address = {New York, London},
+series ={Pure and Applied Mathematics},
+pages = {77},
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+year = {1974}}
+author={F. Roddier},
+title={The effects of atmospheric turbulence in optical astronomy},
+series={Prog.\ Opt.},
+editor={E. Wolf},
+annote={Gorlaeus 14.18},
+author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Royer},
+title = {Contribution \'a l'\'etude des populations d'\'etoiles chaudes
+\'a grande vitesse observ\'ees par Hipparcos},
+school = {Observatoire de Paris {DASGAL}},
+year = 1999}
+author={J. M. R\"ueger},
+institution={International Association of Geodesy},
+title={Report of the Ad-Hoc Working Party on
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+institution={European Southern Observatory},
+title={{SAGE} {III} Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) Water Vapor Products},
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+institution={European Southern Observatory},
+title={Astroclimatology of Paranal},
+author={Jun Sawada and Ruben Gamboa},
+title={Mechanical Verification of a Square root algorithm Using Taylor's Theorem},
+booktitle={Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design: 4th International Conference, FMCAD 2002, Portland, OR,
+USA, November 6--8, 2002},
+series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+editor={M. D. Aagaard and J. W. O'Leary},
+address={Berlin, Heidelberg},
+author = {Neil J. A. Sloane},
+editor = {Neil J. A. Sloane},
+title = {The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences},
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+title={Optical propagation through the turbulent atmosphere},
+series={Prog.\ Opt.},
+editor={E. Wolf},
+annote={Gorlaeus 14.18},
+editor = {Laurence G. Taff},
+title = {Computational Spherical Astronomy},
+publisher = {Wiley},
+year = {1980},
+address = {New York, Rochester}}
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+editor={E. Wolf},
+annote={Gorlaeus 14.18},
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+title = {Traitement du signal en interf\'erom\'etri monomode dans le cadre
+du projet {AMBER}. Application \'a l'observation interf\'erom\'etrique
+de l'environment circumstellaire des \'etoilse jeunes.},
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+editor = {William L. Wolfl and George J. Zissis},
+title = {The Infrared Handbook},
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+publisher = {Office of Naval Research},
+year = {1989},
+address = {Washington DC}}
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+title={The H$_2$-H$_2$O dispersion energy constant and the dispersion of the specific refractivity of dilute water vapor},
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