path: root/biblio/bibtex/contrib/bookdb/bookdb.tex
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+% bookdb.tex User manual for the bookdb.bst package
+ author = {Patrick W. Daly},
+ title = {Customizing Bibliograhic Style Files},
+ note = "\url{}",
+ month = aug,
+ year = 2003
+ author = {Patrick W. Daly},
+ title = {Natural Sciences Citations and References},
+ note = "\url{}",
+ month = sep,
+ year = 2010
+ author = {Philipp Lehman},
+ title = {The biblatex package},
+ note = "\url{}",
+ month = jul,
+ year = 2009
+ author = {Nicolas Markey},
+ title = {Tame the BeaST},
+ note = "\url{}",
+ month = oct,
+ year = 2009
+ author = {Oren Patashnik},
+ title = {Designing BibTeX Styles},
+ note = "\url{}",
+ month = feb,
+ year = 1988
+ {\begin{list}{}%
+ {\renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{\texttt{##1:}\hfil}%
+ \settowidth{\labelwidth}{\makelabel{#1}}%
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}%
+ \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep}}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+\title{\texttt{bookdb.bst} --- A Personal Book Catalogue}
+\author{Peter Wilson}
+\date{4 June 2015}
+For many years I have been collecting books. They are located in five rooms, as well as
+two bookcases in my printing and binding workshop. But recently I found that I was buying
+books that I already had. I decided that the best way to save money was to catalogue all
+the books that I owned and where they were kept.
+I searched on the web for free database programs that would be appropriate. There were only
+a few that would run under Linux, which is the operating system I am most comfortable with.
+Of those, some I could not install, and the one that I could I couldn't get to work
+for me.
+I contacted several booksellers that I
+dealt with and asked them what they used for catalogueing their stock. They all replied
+but most used proprietry and expensive software that included things like preparing
+invoices that were
+irrelevant as far as I was concerned. The two responses that grabbed my attention were
+`use a card index' (but I needed space for books, not card indexes) and `try Bibtex',
+which immediately appealed as I had used it for many years; why I hadn't thought of it myself
+I'll never know.
+The standard \BibTeX\ enries did not meet my needs so I looked at
+but its entries also didn't match my requirements so I decided to tweak \BibTeX.
+To that end I used Patrick Daly's \texttt{makebst} program~\cite{DALY}
+for generating a \file{*.bst}
+file that went someway towards meeting my needs. This required some hand-coded additions
+later; I read the articles by Oren Patashnik~\cite{PATASHNIK}, the creator of \BibTeX,
+and Nicolas Markey~\cite{MARKEY} which helped me on my way.
+In the end I had a \BibTeX\ file called \file{bookdb.bst} that included all the
+regular entries but a greatly expanded \texttt{book} entry, as follows:
+\noindent \begin{tabular}{lp{0.9\textwidth}} \toprule
+\texttt{book} & A book with a publisher \\
+ & \textit{Required:} \texttt{author} or {editor}, \texttt{title, publisher, year} \\
+ & \textit{Optional:} \texttt{volume} or \texttt{number, series, address, edition,
+ month, note, collator, foreword, preface, introduction, volumes, pages, illustrations,
+ binding, size, condition, copy, location, category, value} \\ \bottomrule
+And also I created a new entry called \texttt{heading}, as follows:
+\noindent \begin{tabular}{lp{0.87\textwidth}} \toprule
+\texttt{heading} & A heading in the bibliography \\
+ & \textit{Required:} \texttt{key} \\
+ & \textit{Optional:} \texttt{note} \\ \bottomrule
+The additional fields in the \texttt{book} entry are:
+\item[binding] Information about the book's binding. Output as: \\
+ Binding: `binding.'
+\item[category] The general theme of the book. Output as: \\
+ Category: `\textbf{category.}'
+\item[collator] The name(s) of those who collated the book contents. Output as: \\
+ `collator' (collator(s))
+\item[condition] The book's condition. Output as: \\
+ Condition: `condition.'
+\item[copy] For a limited edition, the particular copy. Output as: \\
+ Copy: `copy.'
+\item[foreword] The name(s) of the author(s) of the Foreword, if not written by the
+ author(s) of the main text. Output as: \\
+ foreword by `foreword'
+\item[illustrations] \mbox{} \\ Information about the number and kind of any illustrations and
+ possibly who created them. Output as: \\
+ Illustrations: `illustrations.'
+\item[introduction] \mbox{} \\ The name(s) of the author(s) of the book's Introduction, if not
+ written by the author(s) of the main text. Output as: \\
+ introduction by `introduction'
+\item[location] Where the book is located. Output as: \\
+ Location: `location.'
+\item[pages] The total number of pages. Output as: \\
+ `pages' pp.,
+\item[preface] The name(s) of the author(s) of the Preface, if not written by the
+ author(s) of the main text. Output as: \\
+ preface by `preface'
+\item[size] The book's physical dimensions. Output as: \\
+ Size: `size.'
+\item[value] The book's value. Output as: \\
+ Value: `\textbf{value}.'
+\item[volumes] The number of volumes. Output as: \\
+ Volumes: `volumes.'
+I use the \texttt{heading} entry for putting a heading or division marker into
+a bibliography. The \field{key} is required so that the \texttt{heading} is sorted
+into the correct position in the bibliography (normally sorting is based on the author
+or editor). The contents of the \field{note}
+form the printed heading. For instance if you wanted a heading before each alphabetical
+group of authors you could do something like:
+ key = {A1},
+ note = {\ahead{AAAAAAAA...}}
+ key ={B1},
+ note = {\ahead{BBBBBBBB...}}
+where \verb!\ahead! might be defined as:
+ \textbf{\large #1}}
+To help clarify matters Figure~\ref{fig:data} shows a possible entry in a
+\file{*.bib} file. The output after processing in a document using
+\file{bookdb.bst} is illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:result}.
+ author = {A. N. Author and A. Nother},
+ title = {A Book Entry},
+ editor = {Smith and Jones},
+ collator = {Jane and Tim},
+ translator = {Jo and Mary},
+ foreword = {Alpha},
+ preface = {Zoe},
+ introduction = {Bloggs and Friend},
+ volume = 7,
+ publisher = {Herries Press},
+ year = 2020,
+ pages = {xii + 278 + vi},
+ edition = {Third},
+ isbn = {0-201-36299-8},
+ volumes = 9,
+ illustrations = {11 wood engravings},
+ binding = {full red leather},
+ size = {11 by 17 inches},
+ note = {This is a note},
+ condition = {Hot off the press},
+ copy = {23 of 125},
+ location = {my study},
+ category = {private press},
+ value = {\$270}
+\caption{An example entry for \texttt{bookdb} processing} \label{fig:data}
+\rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt} \par
+\noindent A. N. Author and A. Nother. \textit{A Book Entry}, Smith and Jones (eds.),
+ Jane and Tim (collators), Jo and Mary (translators), foreword by Alpha,
+ preface by Zoe, introduction by
+ Bloggs and Friend, volume 7 (Herries Press, 2020), xii + 278 + vi pp.,
+ third edition. ISBN 0-201-36299-8. Volumes: 9. Illustrations: 11 wood
+ engravings. Binding: full red leather.
+ Size: 11 by 17 inches. This is a note. Condition: Hot off the press.
+ Copy: 23 of 125. Location: my study. Category: \textbf{private press}.
+ Value: \textbf{\$270}. \par
+\caption{The example's output} \label{fig:result}
+As an example this is a file that I use for printing a catalogue of my books,
+where the book details are in file \file{mybooks.bib}. Note that using
+\pack{bookdb} requires the use of the \pack{natbib} package ~\cite{NATBIB}.
+% books.tex a catalogue of my books
+As I said earlier I had to extend the \file{bookdb.bst} file produced by
+the \texttt{makebst} program. I didn't really know how it all worked but after
+much trial and many errors I got something that on the whole met my needs. My
+basic process was to copy elements of the original \file{bst}, change some names,
+and see what was produced.
+First of all I added the new \texttt{book} fields to the \file{bookdb.bst} \texttt{ENTRY}
+command as:
+ { ...
+ binding
+ category
+ collator
+ condition
+ copy
+ illustrations
+ introduction
+ location
+ pages
+ size
+ translator
+ value
+ volumes
+ }
+The next thing was to add the new entries in the correct order to the function that output
+the \texttt{book} bibliography entries, together with how they should be formatted. This
+was the final result after much try it, \BibTeX\ it, change it, and repeat
+(the original code is in
+a typewriter font and my additions are in an italic font).
+FUNCTION \{book\}
+\{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ \{ format.editors "author and editor"
+ output.check
+ editor format.key output
+ add.blank
+ \}
+ \{ format.authors output.nonnull
+ crossref missing$
+ \{ "author and editor" editor
+ either.or.check \}
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ \}
+ if$
+ new.block
+ format.btitle "title" output.check }{\itshape
+ format.editors output
+ format.collator output
+ format.translator output
+ format.introduction output }{\ttfamily
+ crossref missing$
+ \{ format.bvolume output
+ new.block
+ format.number.series output
+ new.sentence
+ format.publisher.address output
+ \}
+ \{
+ new.block
+ output.nonnull
+ \}
+ if$
+ output
+ format.edition output
+ format.isbn output }{\itshape
+ format.volumes output
+ format.illustrations output
+ format.binding output
+ format.size output }{\ttfamily
+ new.block
+ format.note output }{\itshape
+ format.condition output
+ format.copy output
+ format.location output
+ format.category output
+ format.value output }{\ttfamily
+ fin.entry
+\} }
+Effectively `all' I had left to do was to specify the formatting of my new fields.
+I used three basic forms:
+\item Some introductory text, like `introduction by' or `Illustrations:', followed by
+ the field data.
+\item Like the first form but with the field data in a bold font.
+\item Name(s) forming the field data followed by what their contribution was
+ in parentheses.
+As an example of the first form here is the code for \field{binding}:
+FUNCTION {format.binding}
+{ binding "binding" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ new.block
+ "Binding: " swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+Life was a little more complicated for the second form. This is the code for the
+\field{value} field which requires two functions, the first dealing with the
+bolding and the second with the output.
+FUNCTION {boldval}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+ { "Value: \textbf{" swap$ * "}" * }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.value}
+{ value "value" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ new.block
+ boldval
+ }
+ if$
+The third form required several functions, as in the code for \field{collator}, where if there
+is a single collator this is output as `Name (collator)' but if the are multiple collators
+the output is `Name1 and Name2 ... (collators)'.
+FUNCTION {bbl.collator}
+{ "collator" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.collators}
+{ "collators" }
+FUNCTION {get.bbl.collator}
+{ collator num.names$ #1 >
+ 'bbl.collators 'bbl.collator
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.collator}
+{ collator "collator" format.names
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { " " *
+ get.bbl.collator
+ "(" swap$ * ")" *
+ }
+ if$
+\section{My book database}
+The \file{*.bib} for my book catalogue looks somewhat like this:
+%%% mybooks.bib 2015/04/22
+%%% for formating headings
+@preamble{ "\providecommand{\ahead}[1]{%
+ \textbf{\large #1}}" }
+%%% publishers
+@string{CUP =
+ "Cambridge University Press"}
+% etc
+%%% categories
+@string{science =
+ "science, mathematics, computers"}
+% etc
+ key = {A},
+ note = {\ahead{AAAAAAAAAAA....}
+author = {First A. Author},
+% etc
+author = {Second A. Author},
+% etc
+% etc
+I used the \BibTeX\ \verb!@preamble! command to provide a definition of the \verb!\ahead!
+macro. This, if required, can be overridden by an existing definition in the
+document used to print the bibliography.
+I added various \verb!@string! commands to provide shorthands for many of the
+fields in the \file{.bib} file, such as publisher, location, category, that
+would have the same value. This meant that I could have a shortened field entry
+that looked like:
+publisher = CUP,
+instead of:
+publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ \BibTeX\ uses a stack-based language which I find hard to understand.
+%Many years ago I wrote an interpreter for a stack-based language whose name
+%I have forgotten but even so I was unable to use the language itself. I think
+%that it is a little like crosswords. I like doing `cryptic' crosswords but
+%I find that with some setters I can follow their clues easily but with
+%others I haven't a clue.
+ My basic approach was to take an existing \file{*.bst} file, try and see what it did,
+then copy and modify what seemed relevant to my needs.
+ I did have a couple of infelicities that I did not manage to resolve.
+ The first was that no matter what I tried I could not stop the \texttt{heading}
+from outputting its \field{key}, so it should be made as short and unobtrusive as possible.
+ The second was that I couldn't stop the warning message issued by \BibTeX\ if both
+an \field{author} and \field{editor} were supplied although the output was printed
+including both.
+ In spite of these, if you are a collector then you may want to consider tweaking a
+\file{*.bst} file to meet your particular needs.