path: root/web/funnelAC/userman/u_manual.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /web/funnelAC/userman/u_manual.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'web/funnelAC/userman/u_manual.tex')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/funnelAC/userman/u_manual.tex b/web/funnelAC/userman/u_manual.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41d06b00dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/funnelAC/userman/u_manual.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+% Summary
+% -------
+% This is the main .tex file of the FunnelWeb User's Manual.
+% For a list of the other files that contribute to this document,
+% see the list of files given in \input lines at the end of this file.
+% See the TeX comments below to find out how to typeset this document.
+% Copyright
+% ---------
+% Copyright (C) 1992 Ross N. Williams.
+% Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual
+% provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved
+% on all copies.
+% Version
+% -------
+% Date : May 1992.
+% Version : 1.0.
+% Author
+% ------
+% Name : Ross Williams.
+% Email :
+% Snail : 16 Lerwick Avenue, Hazelwood Park 5066, Australia.
+% How to Typeset This Document
+% ----------------------------
+% This document is written in a format suitable for processing by the LaTeX
+% typesetting system which can be found on many machines around the world.
+% The document is an entirely self contained LaTeX document. To assist in
+% the electronic distribution of this document, all diagrams have been
+% constructing using ASCII text from within LaTeX. This means that all you
+% need to print this document is a LaTeX typesetting system.
+% To print this document using LaTeX, give a command sequence that looks
+% something like this:
+% latex manual
+% latex manual
+% sort -f <manual.idx >manual.sin
+% % Start here if manual.aux, manual.toc, and manual.sin already exist.
+% latex manual
+% print manual
+% The commands must be given three times so as to allow the cross
+% referencing information to be correctly assembled.
+% The "sort" command should perform a case insensitive sort of the lines of
+% its input, but should not alter the lines it is sorting. In the example
+% about, the "-f" option specifies that the sort should be case insensitive.
+% The "print" command should print the .dvi file generated by LaTeX.
+% The details of the typesetting sequence above may vary on your computer
+% system.
+% Basic Document Style
+% --------------------
+% The default font size is 10pt which is what I want.
+% titlepage - Instructs LaTeX to produce a title page at the front.
+% book - Use the "book" built in format.
+% The following pagestyle command instructs LaTeX to set each page with just
+% a page number at the middle of the bottom of each page.
+% By default, the "book" style sets even and odd pages differently on the
+% assumption that the result is to be used in a two-sided printing process.
+% However, most people printing this will print it single sided.
+% To suppress double sided mode, we need to give the \onecolumn command.
+% Page Size and Position
+% ----------------------
+% The following sets the size of the text box and its position on the page.
+% It works OK on A4 paper. I suppose I should test it on American paper too.
+\textwidth 15cm
+\textheight 24cm
+\topmargin 0cm
+\oddsidemargin 1.5cm
+\evensidemargin 1.5cm
+\headheight 0cm
+\headsep 0cm
+% Table of Contents
+% -----------------
+% Specify that all headings be numbered and appear in the Table of Contents.
+% LaTeX lets you create an unnumbered chapter, but it doesn't put it in
+% the table of contents. So we have to do it manually.
+% Paragraph Separation and Indentation
+% ------------------------------------
+% The default LaTeX format is to have paragraphs jammed up against each other
+% with indentation of text on the first line of each paragraph used to
+% highlight the start of each paragraph. I prefer to identify paragraphs
+% by separating them with space and eliminating the indentation.
+\parskip \medskipamount
+\parindent 0pt
+% Quick Style Macros
+% ------------------
+% Use of the following macros is much neater and safer than opening a group
+% and setting a mode (e.g. {\bf sloth}) as these macros will cause TeX to
+% scream if they span more than one paragraph whereas the group method
+% can cause half the document to be set in a funny mode.
+% Other little macros here serve the same neatening normalizing purposes.
+\def\i#1{{\it #1}} % Italics.
+\def\b#1{{\bf #1}} % Bold.
+\def\p#1{{\tt #1}} % Program text.
+\def\sq#1{`#1'} % Single quotes.
+\def\dq#1{``#1''} % Double quotes.
+\def\dqp#1{\dq{\p{#1}}} % Double quoted program text.
+\def\fix#1{\footnote{$\bullet$ #1}} % Fix it up footnote.
+\def\softfix#1{} % Marks opportunity for improvement.
+\def\eg{e.g.~} % Spacing regulated "e.g.".
+\def\ie{i.e.~} % Spacing regulated "i.e.".
+\def\til{\char`\~} % For tilde ("~") character.
+\def\circumflex{\char`\^} % Circumflex.
+\def\bs{{\tt\char`\\}} % Backslash.
+% Point Making
+% ------------
+% LaTeX provides some useful environment for listing points. However, it does
+% not seem to provide what I want which is a paragraph of text led in by
+% a label set in bold.
+\def\thing#1{{\bf #1}}
+\def\narrowthing#1#2{{%From defintion of \narrower
+{\bf #1} #2\vskip0pt}}
+\def\narrowtext#1{{%From defintion of \narrower
+\def\summary{\b{Summary:}\ }
+% Invisible Annotations
+% ---------------------
+% Sometimes it is convenient to be able to annotate the LaTeX code without
+% causing text to appear in the document.
+% Here, the \checked{} macro can be placed next to any quotation or
+% fact, or other externally dependent material that has to be checked
+% before publication. The \note{} macro can be used to add a note.
+% Both macros are safer than "%" in a paragraph where the text may be
+% continually being rearranged across lines.
+% Wide Verbatim Text
+% ------------------
+% This document was originally set in 12pt and the result was that many of
+% the verbatim examples wouldn't fit. To solve this, I created two macros
+% to reduce and increase the size of the text, and wrapped the longer
+% verbatim texts in calls to the macros. Later, the document was reset in
+% 10pt eliminating the original problem, so I redefined the macros to empty.
+% The Index
+% ---------
+% LaTeX provides a single command (\index) for adding index entries to the
+% index. We shorten it and refine it a little with a few definitions.
+\def\newterm#1{{\bf #1}\x{#1}} % Special terminology.
+\def\x#1{\index{#1}} % Normal index entry.
+\def\xx#1#2{\index{#1 #2}\index{#2 #1}} % Symmetric index entry.
+\def\xn#1#2{\xx{#1}{#2}} % For a person's name.
+\def\xs#1#2{\index{#1, #2}} % For an entry with a subclause.
+% References
+% ----------
+\def\paper#1{{\bf [#1]}\x{#1}\linebreak[1]{}}
+% Figures and Tables
+% ------------------
+% LaTeX numbers figures by chapter and doesn't position captions where I
+% want them and so I have decided to do it all manually. I haven't got
+% time for fancy stuff so I am using manual macros.
+\footnotesize\baselineskip=12pt #2
+\def\figfor#1{{\bf Figure~#1}}
+\def\tabfor#1{{\bf Table~#1}}
+% Glossary
+% --------
+% Random Leftover Stuff
+% ---------------------
+\def\topicbreak{\bigskip\centerline{--- $\S$ ---}\bigskip}
+% Title Page
+% ----------
+% Although the title should really be in the ch0.tex file, LaTeX forces us to
+% put it here.
+FunnelWeb User's Manual\\
+V1.0 for FunnelWeb V3.0\\
+May 1992\\
+% Note: LaTeX sometimes puts a blank page before chapters so as to
+% start each chapter on an odd-numbered page. There is nothing that I
+% can do about this. This is part of the cost of using LaTeX instead
+% of TeX.
+%\makeindex % original position
+%\begin{document} % original position
+\input u_ch0 % Table of contents etc.
+\input u_ch1 % A Tutorial Introduction
+\input u_ch2 % FunnelWeb Hints
+\input u_ch3 % FunnelWeb Definition
+\input u_ch4 % FunnelWeb Installation.
+\input u_ch5 % FunnelWeb Administration.
+\input u_cha % Appendices
+% End of Main .TeX File of FunnelWeb User's Manual %