path: root/web/funnelAC/fwACsrc/texhead.ctx
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /web/funnelAC/fwACsrc/texhead.ctx
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'web/funnelAC/fwACsrc/texhead.ctx')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/funnelAC/fwACsrc/texhead.ctx b/web/funnelAC/fwACsrc/texhead.ctx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b873bd70ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/funnelAC/fwACsrc/texhead.ctx
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ WX("%===================== Start of FunnelWeb TeX Definitions ======================");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Version");
+ WX("% -------");
+ WX("% This is FunnelWeb TeX Macro Library Version 1.0.");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Copyright");
+ WX("% ---------");
+ WX("% This set of FunnelWeb TeX definitions was written by Ross Williams and was");
+ WX("% originally Copyright (C) 1992 Ross N. Williams. However, I, Ross Williams,");
+ WX("% hereby forego any claim to Copyright in this set of FunnelWeb TeX definitions");
+ WX("% and hereby authorize that the set of TeX definitions pass into the public");
+ WX("% domain. -- Ross N. Williams, 3:41pm 07-May-1992, Adelaide, Australia.");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Modification");
+ WX("% ------------");
+ WX("% Please record all modifications to these TeX definitions here. Unless");
+ WX("% otherwise specified, all modified definitions fall in the public domain too.");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% Programmers:");
+ WX("% RNW Ross N. Williams");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% Changes:");
+ WX("% 07-May-1992 RNW Prepared this work for public domain release.");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% General Comments");
+ WX("% ----------------");
+ WX("% This set of TeX definitions exists for two reasons:");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% 1. To shorten and neaten the FunnelWeb TeX output.");
+ WX("% 2. To allow users to fiddle with the output format in their input files");
+ WX("% (by inserting redefining \"\\def\"s) without having to resort to");
+ WX("% modifying the FunnelWeb code.");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% The user is warned that these definitions may be changed from time to time");
+ WX("% (but probably not much). The user should not be too sneaky. In particular,");
+ WX("% users wishing to redefine some of these macros should do so in an explicitly");
+ WX("% defined section at the top of their input file. This will mean that in the");
+ WX("% event of problems, that section can simply be deleted or commented out to");
+ WX("% allow the document to at least be typeset in the default format. Users should");
+ WX("% limit themselves to redefining these macros in such a section and should");
+ WX("% refrain from using the macros throughout their documents.");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Environment Parameters");
+ WX("% ----------------------");
+ WX("% \\tolerance tells TeX how tolerant it should be about making bad line and");
+ WX("% page breaks. Here we set it to it's maximum, as");
+ WX("% 1) Computer programs are likely to cause lots of bad breaks.");
+ WX("% 2) In most cases the user would probably rather get the TeX file through");
+ WX("% TeX without any errors than fiddle with spacings for perfection.");
+ WX("\\tolerance=10000");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% I don't like indentation as it makes the page look more busy. Instead,");
+ WX("% paragraphs are separated by a little space (see next).");
+ WX("\\parindent=0pt");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% In many cases, users will produce documents with long runs of paragraphs.");
+ WX("% In order to space out these paragraphs, it is convenient to maintain a");
+ WX("% prevailing non-zero \\parskip (end-of-paragaph skip). The only trouble is");
+ WX("% that the skip becomes a problem in macro definitions which require no skip");
+ WX("% and so we have to turn the skip on and off. The following two macros");
+ WX("% simplify this process.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwparskipon{\\parskip=\\medskipamount}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwparskipoff{\\parskip=0pt}");
+ WX("\\fwparskipon");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Setting raggedbottom allows TeX to leave a bit of space at the bottom of the");
+ WX("% page in order to better vertically align the rest of the page (e.g. skips");
+ WX("% won't stretch as much). It also means that headings are less likely to be");
+ WX("% isolated at the bottom of the page without any following text.");
+ WX("\\raggedbottom");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Fonts");
+ WX("% -----");
+ WX("% Most of the typeset output is set in 10pt roman and 10pt tt font.");
+ WX("% The major extra font needs spring from titles and headings.");
+ WX("% For portability's sake we use only the following fonts:");
+ WX("% cmr10");
+ WX("% cmbx10");
+ WX("% cmtt10");
+ WX("% and some enlargements of them. These fonts are all \"standard\" fonts");
+ WX("% in Plain TeX. See The TeXbook p.350.");
+ WX("\\font\\fwfontnote=cmr7");
+ WX("");
+ WX("\\font\\fwfontnorm=cmr10");
+ WX("\\font\\fwfontnorma=cmr10 scaled \\magstep1");
+ WX("\\font\\fwfontnormb=cmr10 scaled \\magstep2");
+ WX("");
+ WX("\\font\\fwfontbold=cmbx10");
+ WX("\\font\\fwfontbolda=cmbx10 scaled \\magstep1");
+ WX("\\font\\fwfontboldb=cmbx10 scaled \\magstep2");
+ WX("\\font\\fwfontboldc=cmbx10 scaled \\magstep3");
+ WX("\\font\\fwfontboldd=cmbx10 scaled \\magstep4");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Macros for Stylistic Details");
+ WX("% ----------------------------");
+ WX("% This section contains all the fiddly little macros for setting the details");
+ WX("% of each macro definition.");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Macro definitions are sandwiched by calls to these macros which can be used");
+ WX("% to sort out the spacing before and after the macro definition.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwbeginmacro{\\fwparskipoff\\bigskip}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwendmacro{\\fwparskipon\\par}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% These macros deal with the macro name and definition line.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwmacroname#1#2{{\\sl #1\\/}$\\lbrack$#2$\\rbrack$}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwfilename#1#2{{\\bf #1}$\\lbrack$#2$\\rbrack$}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwzero#1{{\\bf Z}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwmany#1{{\\bf M}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwequals{ $\\equiv$}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwplusequals{ $+\\equiv$}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Now for the actual body of the definition. It looks nice to have the tt");
+ WX("% code indented a little. Again, we use macros instead of writing direct TeX,");
+ WX("% so as to allow the user to fiddle this stuff to taste without having to");
+ WX("% modify the FunnelWeb C code.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwodef{\\parindent=15pt\\vskip0pt$\\lbrace$\\parindent=20pt}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwcdef{$\\rbrace$\\vskip0pt\\parindent=0pt}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwoquote{`}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwcquote{'}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwoparen{$($}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwcomma{$,$}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwcparen{$)$}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwparam#1{$\\diamond #1$}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwparams#1{$(\\diamond #1)$}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% These macros deal with the notes that are appended at the end of each");
+ WX("% macro definition. Note that even though \\fwisafile,\\fwusedin, and \\fwseealso");
+ WX("% have the same definition, they are given different names so as to allow the");
+ WX("% user to redefine these macros to typeset each kind of information differently");
+ WX("% if desired.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwbeginmacronotes{\\begingroup\\baselineskip=9pt\\smallskip}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwnote#1{{\\fwfontnote #1}\\par}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwisafile#1{\\fwnote{#1}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwusedin#1{\\fwnote{#1}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwseealso#1{\\fwnote{#1}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwendmacronotes{\\endgroup}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Macros to Typeset Program Code Verbatim");
+ WX("% ---------------------------------------");
+ WX("% This is by far the hairiest and most difficult part of the typesetting task");
+ WX("% because we have to turn off most of TeX's natural instincts in order to");
+ WX("% typeset the program text exactly as it appears in the input file.");
+ WX("% Two macros are defined to pull this off: \\fwbtx and \\fwverbatimgobble.");
+ WX("% Their code was inspired by the following sections of \"The TeXbook\":");
+ WX("% Appendix D: Dirty Tricks, 3.Verbatim listing, p.380-382.");
+ WX("% Appendix E: Example Formats, p.421.");
+ WX("% The \\fwbtx[ (for \"FunnelWeb Begin TeXt\") macro does most of the hard work.");
+ WX("% The liberal use of \"%\" is because I don't understand TeX well enough to");
+ WX("% understand when an end of line will cause trouble, and I am playing it safe.");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Before defining the main \\fwbtx macro, we have to stash away some definitions");
+ WX("% in the hidden part of TeX's environment. Let's hope that these \"hidden\"");
+ WX("% definitions don't affect anything except what is desired to be affected.");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% The tt font in which we wish to set the text has two Latin lurking ligatures!");
+ WX("% These are ?` and !`. To disable them, we define the left quote when ACTIVE");
+ WX("% to be defined in such a way as to prevent ligatures. The main TeX text will");
+ WX("% normally not be exposed to this definition because normally the leftquote");
+ WX("% character is not active. The \\fwbtx macro temporarily makes the left quote");
+ WX("% character active thus activating the deactivation of left quote ligatures.");
+ WX("% See The TeXbook p.381.");
+ WX("{\\catcode`\\`=\\active \\gdef`{\\relax\\lq}}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% TeX is fairly carefree about spaces and so we have to make it more serious.");
+ WX("% To do so we pull the same trick as above, setting up a definition for active");
+ WX("% space, but only making space active during the span of the verbatim text.");
+ WX("% In Plain TeX the active space is defined to be simply a space, but here we");
+ WX("% define it to be a control space. This ensures that the space cannot");
+ WX("% be gobbled up by one of TeX's mysterious mechanisms when activated.");
+ WX("% See The TeXbook, p.381 and p.352.");
+ WX("{\\obeyspaces\\global\\let =\\ }");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Here is the main \\fwbtx verbatim text macro.");
+ WX("% Note: The order in which all these pieces of business have to be done is");
+ WX("% still a partial mystery to me. Don't fiddle with this stuff unless you");
+ WX("% think you know what you are doing.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwbtx[{%");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% The funnies involved in getting verbatim output are safely housed inside");
+ WX("% this \\begingroup, and the \\endgroup in \\fwverbatimgobble. Groups are used");
+ WX("% instead of curly braces because we have to be able to signal the end of");
+ WX("% this macro with a curly brace.");
+ WX("\\begingroup%");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% \\pars at the end of empty lines in the verbatim text won't come out normally");
+ WX("% because TeX is in vertical mode and they get gobbled up. To prevent this,");
+ WX("% we force \\par to exit vertical mode first. See The TeXbook p.381.");
+ WX("\\def\\par{\\leavevmode\\endgraf}%");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% Activate the leftquote character so as to avoid ligatures (see above).");
+ WX("\\catcode`\\`=\\active%");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% The \\obeylines macro simply defines end of line (^M) to be \\par. This ensures");
+ WX("% that TeX will treat each verbatim line as a new paragraph.");
+ WX("\\obeylines%");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% To get verbatim output, we have to desex all the special characters. This");
+ WX("% is explained in detail in The TeXbook p.380.");
+ WX("\\def\\do##1{\\catcode`##1=12 }\\dospecials%");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% Activate the space character so as to make TeX treat blanks seriously.");
+ WX("% This activation invokes an eralier definition (see above).");
+ WX("\\obeyspaces");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% Interparagraph skips do not help the cause.");
+ WX("% Note: We have to preserve the indentation though, as the code is actually");
+ WX("% indented in the final output. See \\fwodef in an earlier section.");
+ WX("\\parskip=0pt%");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% We typeset the verbatim text in tt font (courier on the Macintosh) for a");
+ WX("% number of reasons:");
+ WX("% - tt font has the same horizontal spacing for each character.");
+ WX("% - tt font covers the ASCII character set.");
+ WX("% - tt font doesn't have many surprises (e.g. ligatures).");
+ WX("% - tt font looks much what you might see on a computer terminal screen.");
+ WX("\\tt%");
+ WX("%");
+ WX("% Having set up an environment for verbatim, we are ready to use it.");
+ WX("% By invoking \\fwverbatimgobble, this \\fwbtx macro gobbles up text verbatim (as");
+ WX("% part of the parameter of \\fwverbatimgobble) until it sees the termination");
+ WX("% string \"]fwetx=\" (the \"=\" was thrown in to add obscurity as this sequence");
+ WX("% must never occur in the verbatim text).");
+ WX("\\fwverbatimgobble}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% The \\fwverbatimgobble macro exists to allow \\fwbtx to bracket verbatim text.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwverbatimgobble#1]fwetx={#1\\endgroup}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Table of Contents");
+ WX("% -----------------");
+ WX("% The five levels of table of contents that FunnelWeb supports are identified");
+ WX("% by the five letters [A..E]. These are used throughout the following macros.");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% The following macros are utilities to the TOC macros to follow.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwrule{\\medskip\\hrule\\medskip}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwqh{\\hskip1.5em\\relax}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwbeforesec{\\penalty-200\\bigskip\\medskip\\par}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% The following macros are used to typeset the table of contents.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwtocstart#1{\\fwrule\\leftline{\\fwfontbolda Table of Contents}\\fwrule}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwtoca#1#2{\\leftline{{\\bf #1 #2}}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwtocb#1#2{\\leftline{\\fwqh #1 #2}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwtocc#1#2{\\leftline{\\fwqh\\fwqh #1 #2}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwtocd#1#2{\\leftline{\\fwqh\\fwqh\\fwqh #1 #2}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwtoce#1#2{\\leftline{\\fwqh\\fwqh\\fwqh\\fwqh #1 #2}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwtocfinish#1{\\fwrule}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% The following \"library\" macros define five different strengths of headings");
+ WX("% which can be used later in the section macros.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwliba#1#2{\\vfill\\eject{\\fwfontboldc #1 #2}\\penalty200\\smallskip}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwlibb#1#2{\\fwbeforesec{\\fwfontboldb #1 #2}\\penalty200\\smallskip}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwlibc#1#2{\\fwbeforesec{\\fwfontnormb #1 #2}\\penalty200\\smallskip}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwlibd#1#2{\\fwbeforesec{\\bf #1 #2}\\penalty200}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwlibe#1#2{\\fwbeforesec{\\bf #1 #2}}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Here are the macros that actually typeset the section headings throughout");
+ WX("% the document. The fwlib system has been employed so as to easily allow the");
+ WX("% user to redefine the strengths of headings to taste. For example, the");
+ WX("% user could insert in the input document a similar set of definitions to these");
+ WX("% but with the b..e headings set to \\fwlibc. This would tone down the output.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwseca#1#2{\\fwliba{#1}{#2}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwsecb#1#2{\\fwlibb{#1}{#2}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwsecc#1#2{\\fwlibc{#1}{#2}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwsecd#1#2{\\fwlibd{#1}{#2}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwsece#1#2{\\fwlibe{#1}{#2}}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Support for Explicit Typesetting");
+ WX("% --------------------------------");
+ WX("% FunnelWeb supports pragmas and other constructs that allow");
+ WX("% typesetter-independent typesetting commands to be given. The");
+ WX("% following macros support these features.");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% The in-text literal @{sloth@} and emphasise @[walrus@] features.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwlit#1{{\\tt #1}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwemp#1{{\\it #1}}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% The \"@p new_page\" pragma.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwnewpage{\\vfill\\eject}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% The \"@p vskip Nmm\" pragma.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwvskip#1{\\null\\vskip #1mm}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% The \"@p title <font> <align> <text>\" pragma.");
+ WX("\\def\\fwfontnormal#1{{\\fwfontnorm {#1}}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwfonttitle#1{{\\fwfontboldd {#1}}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwfontsmalltitle#1{{\\fwfontboldb {#1}}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwleftline#1{\\leftline{#1}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwcenterline#1{\\centerline{#1}}");
+ WX("\\def\\fwrightline#1{\\rightline{#1}}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("");
+ WX("% Support for Old FunnelWeb");
+ WX("% -------------------------");
+ WX("% The following macros were used extensively in the first version of");
+ WX("% FunnelWeb and are retained so that these older input files will still");
+ WX("% typeset cleanly.");
+ WX("\\def\\p#1{{\\tt #1}} % P for Program text.");
+ WX("\\def\\flagpage#1#2{");
+ WX(" \\null");
+ WX(" \\vfill");
+ WX(" \\centerline{\\fwfontboldd #1}");
+ WX(" \\vskip 1cm");
+ WX(" \\centerline{\\fwfontboldd #2}");
+ WX(" \\vfill");
+ WX(" \\null");
+ WX(" \\vfill");
+ WX("}");
+ WX("");
+ WX("%====================== End of FunnelWeb TeX Definitions =======================");