path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/thanh.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/thanh.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/thanh.tex')
1 files changed, 527 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/thanh.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/thanh.tex
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+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/thanh.tex
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+\def\xparkey#1#2{{\normalsize\ttfamily#1} #1}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}l@{}l@{}}}%
+ {\end{tabular}\end{lrbox}%
+ \BCmd\fbox{\usebox\boxdef}\endBCmd}
+ {\endflushleft}
+\author[Han The Thanh]
+{Han The Thanh\\
+Faculty of Informatics,\\
+Masaryk University, \\Brno,\\ Czech Republic\\
+\title{The \pdftex{} user manual}
+\date{January 1998}
+The \pdftex{} project started in 1996 at the Faculty of Informatics,
+Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. It forms a primary part of
+the MSc and PhD research of Han The Thanh, under the supervision of
+Ji\v r\'\i{} Zlatu\v ska and Petr Sojka. The main purpose of the
+project was to create an extension of \TeX{} that could create PDF
+directly from \TeX\ source files and improve/enhance the result of \TeX\
+typesetting with the help of PDF. \pdftex{} contains \TeX\ as a subset.
+When PDF output is not set, it produces normal DVI output; when PDF
+output is selected, \pdftex{} produces PDF output that looks identical to
+the DVI output. The next stage of the project, apart from fixing
+any errors in the program, is to investigate alternative justification
+algorithms, possibly making use of multiple master fonts.
+\pdftex{} is based on the original \TeX\ sources and \Program{web2c},
+and has been successfully compiled on Unix, Amiga, Win32 and DOS
+systems. It is still under beta development and all features are
+liable to change.
+This manual was compiled by Sebastian Rahtz from notes and examples by
+Han The Thanh. Many thanks are due to members of the pdf\TeX{} mailing
+list (most notably Hans Hagen), whose questions and answers have
+contributed much to this manual.
+\section{Implementation details}
+The implementation of \pdftex{} consists of two parts: the changes to
+\TeX, and the addition of `driver' features. The \TeX-specific part
+is written as a change file to the original source of \TeX\ and
+\item a part that generates PDF code visually equivalent to DVI commands;
+\item virtual font processing;
+\item implementation of new primitives for PDF control.
+The `driver' part is written as several source files in C, and
+\item font mapping,
+\item font inclusion and partial downloading,
+\item font re-encoding,
+\item PNG picture insertion (using the public domain \texttt{libpng} code),
+\item text compression (using the public domain \texttt{zlib} code).
+\pdftex{} is supplied as a set of additions to the standard Unix
+\Program{Web2c} setup, and is a standard part of \Program{Web2c} 7.2
+(from January 1998); compilation should present no problems on most
+Unix systems. Porting it to other setups will require a little work,
+because of the requirement to combine the normal \TeX{} Web output,
+and the parts written in C.
+For Win32 systems (Windows 95, Windows NT) there are two packages
+that contain \pdftex, both in \url{CTAN:systems/win32}.
+\Program{Web2c} for Win32 is maintained by Fabrice Popineau
+\Email{}, and \Program{MikTeX} by Christian Schenk
+A binary version of \pdftex{} for Amiga is made available
+(\url{CTAN:systems/pdftex/bin/Amiga}) by Andreas Scherer
+To make the situation more complicated, a Win32 binary version of \pdftex{}
+compiled with Cygnus tools will also be made available
+in \url{CTAN:systems/pdftex/bin/Win32}. This version will be compiled in
+the same way as Unix systems.
+\subsection{Search paths}
+When runing \pdftex, some extra search paths need to be set up beyond those
+normally requested by \TeX{} itself; in \Program{web2c} these are:
+\item{VFFONTS} the path where \pdftex{} looks for virtual fonts.
+\item{T1FONTS} the path where \pdftex{} looks for Type1 and TrueType
+ fonts.
+\item{TEXPSHEADERS} the path where \pdftex{} looks for the font mapping
+ file (\texttt{}), PNG pictures and encoding files
+ (\texttt{*.enc}).
+\pdftex{} can only work with Type~1 and TrueType fonts at present, and
+a source must be available for all fonts used in the document, except
+for the 14 base fonts supplied by Acrobat Reader (Times, Helvetica,
+Courier, Symbol and Dingbats). It is \emph{not} possible to use
+\MF-generated fonts in \pdftex---apart from the technical reasons, the
+resulting Type~3 fonts render very poorly in Acrobat Reader. Given the
+free availability of Type~1 versions of all the Computer Modern fonts,
+and the ability to use standard PostScript fonts without further ado,
+most existing \TeX{} users should be able to experiment with \pdftex.
+\pdftex{} reads a map file called \texttt{}. Reencoding and
+partial downloading for each font is specified in this file. Every
+font must be listed in this file, each on a separate line. The
+syntax of each line is similiar to \Program{dvips}' map files (but may
+be changed later). Each line contains the following fields (some of them
+are optional):
+\item{\texttt{texname}}: the name of the TFM file
+\item{\texttt{basename}}: the base font name (PostScript font name)
+\item{\texttt{fontflags}}: an integer number specifying the most
+ important characteristics of the font. This number is significant
+ only in the case that the font file is \emph{not} included, and
+ Acrobat Reader is asked to simulate missing font using its multiple
+ master defaults. It is a PDF font descriptor (see PDF
+ manual, section 7.9.2) which is a 32-bit integer containing a
+ collection of Boolean attributes, with bit 1 being the least
+ significant. Attributes are true if the
+ corresponding bit is set to 1 in the integer. The meanings of the
+ bits is as follows:
+1 &Fixed-width font\\
+2 &Serif font\\
+3 &Symbolic font\\
+4 &Script font\\
+5 &(reserved)\\
+6 &Uses the Adobe Standard Roman Character Set\\
+7 &Italic\\
+8--16 &(reserved)\\
+17 &All-cap font\\
+18 &Small-cap font\\
+19 &Force bold at small text sizes\\
+20--32 &(reserved)\\
+Bit 6 indicates that the font's character set is the Adobe Standard
+Roman Character Set, or a subset of that, and that it uses the
+standard names for those characters. About bit 19, the PDF specification says
+\ldots used to determine
+whether or not bold characters are drawn with extra pixels even at
+very small text sizes. Typically, when characters are drawn at small
+sizes on very low resolution devices such as display screens, features
+of bold characters may appear only one pixel wide. Because this is the
+minimum feature width on a pixel-based device, ordinary non-bold
+characters also appear with one-pixel wide features, and cannot be
+distinguished from bold characters. If bit 19 is set, features of bold
+characters may be thickened at small text sizes.
+It should be stressed that the font flags provided for many fonts in
+the currently distributed \Lfile{} are not correctly derived.
+\item{\texttt{fontfile}}: the name of the font source file. This must
+ be a Type~1 or TrueType font file. If it is preceded by a \texttt{<}
+ then the font file will be partly downloaded; if it preceded by a
+ double \verb|<<| then the font file will be included entirely.
+ Otherwise the font is not included, and only the font parameters are
+ extracted. Note that the font file \emph{must} always be available
+ at runtime, even if it not downloaded.
+\item{\texttt{encoding}}: the encoding vector used for the font. It
+ may be preceded by a \texttt{<}, but the effect is the same. The
+ format is identical to that used by \Program{dvips}.
+Here are some sample lines from \texttt{}:
+\noindent Include font entirely without reencoding ---
+ pgsr8r GillSans 34 <<pgsr8a.pfb
+\noindent Include font partly without reencoding ---
+ pgsr8r GillSans 34 <pgsr8a.pfb
+\noindent Do not include font, or reencode it, but extract parameters
+from font file ---
+ pgsr8r GillSans 34 pgsr8a.pfb
+\noindent Include font entirely and reencode ---
+ pgsr8r GillSans 34 <<pgsr8a.pfb 8r.enc
+\noindent Partially include font and reencode ---
+ pgsr8r GillSans 34 <pgsr8a.pfb 8r.enc
+\noindent Do not include font but extract parameters from font file and
+ reencode ---
+ pgsr8r GillSans 34 pgsr8a.pfb 8r.enc
+\noindent A TrueType font can be used in the same way as a Type 1
+font ---
+ Cxr10 Cxr10 34 <Cxr10.ttf Cxtext.enc
+\noindent A base font can also be reencoded;
+the name of the font file is simply
+ ignored ---
+ phvr8r Helvetica 32 <Helvetica.pfb 8r.enc
+\section{New primitives}
+Here is a short description of new primitives added by \pdftex:
+\BDefCx{pdfoutput}{=n} Integer parameter specifying whether the output
+format should be DVI or PDF. Positive value means PDF output,
+otherwise DVI output. This parameter cannot be specified \emph{after}
+shipping out the first page.
+Integer parameter specifying the level of text
+compression via \texttt{zlib}.
+Zero means no compression, 1~means fastest, 9~means
+best, 2..8 means something in between.
+Dimension parameters specifying the
+page width and page height of PDF output.
+If not specified then they are calculated as $\Lcs{hsize} \mbox{ or }
+\Lcs{vsize} + 2 \times (1in + \Lcs{hoffset}\mbox{ or }\Lcs{voffset})$,
+when \pdftex{} writes the first page.
+\BDefCm{pdfliteral}{pdf text} Like \Lcs{special} in normal \TeX, this
+can be used to insert raw PDF code into the output. This allows
+support of color, and text transformation.
+\BDefCx{pdfinfo}{ \parkey{author}{author name}
+\parkey{subject}{subject text}
+Specify document information. All keys are optional; if this
+information is provided, it can be seen in Acrobat Reader with the
+menu option \textsf{Document Information $\leadsto$ General}
+\BDefCx{pdfcatalog}{ \parkey{pagemode}{mode} \parkey{uri}{URI}}
+Document display information. Both keys are optional.
+\emph{URI} provides the base URL of the document, and
+\emph{pagemode} determines how Acrobat displays the document on startup.
+The possibilities are:
+/UseNone &
+ Open document with neither outline nor thumbnails visible.\\
+/UseOutlines& Open document with outline visible.\\
+/UseThumbs& Open document with thumbnails visible.\\
+ Open document in full-screen mode. In full-screen mode, there is
+no menu bar, window controls, nor any other window present.\\
+The default is \texttt{/UseNone}.
+\BDefCx{pdfimage}{ \xparkey{height}{dimen} \xparkey{width}{dimen} filename}
+Insert a bitmap image in PNG format, optionally changing width, height
+or both. Dimensions which are not specified will be treated as zero. If both
+height and width are zero then the box takes the natural size of the
+image. If one of them (width or height) is zero and the second is not,
+then the first one (the zero one) will be set to a value proportional
+to the second one so as to make the box have the same proportion of width
+and height as the image natural size. If both width and height are
+positive then the image will be scaled to fit these dimensions.
+\BDefCx{pdfform}{ num}
+ Write out the \TeX{} box \emph{num} as a Form object to the PDF file.
+Returns the object number of the last Form written to the PDF file
+\BDefCx{pdfrefform}{ \Lcs{name}}
+Put in a reference to the PDF Form called \Lcs{name}.
+These macros support a feature called ``object reuse'' in \pdftex. The
+idea is to create a Form object in PDF. The content of the Form object
+corresponds to the content of a \TeX\ box, which can also contain pictures
+and references to other Form objects as well. After that the Form can
+be used by simply referring to its object number. This feature can be
+useful for large document with a lot of similiar elements, as it can
+reduce the duplication of identical objects.
+ \xparkey{width}{dimen}
+ \xparkey{height}{dimen}
+ \xparkey{depth}{dimen}
+ \parkey{attr}{attributes}
+ \Largb{text}}
+Attach a text annotation at the current point in the text. The
+attributes can be used to specify the default appearance of the
+annotation (e.g., \texttt{/Open true} or \texttt{/Open false}), as well
+as many other features (see Table 6.8 of the PDF manual).
+ \xparkey{num}{n}
+ \parkey{name}{refname}
+ appearance}
+Establish a destination for links and bookmark outlines; the
+link must be identified by either a number or a symbolic name, and the
+way Acrobat is to display the page must be specified;
+\emph{appearance} must be one of
+fit & fit whole page in window\\
+fith & fit whole width of page \\
+fitv & fit whole height of page \\
+fitb & fit whole `Bounding Box' page \\
+fitbh & fit whole width of `Bounding Box' of page \\
+fitbv & fit whole height of `Bounding Box; of page \\
+\BDefCx{pdfannotlink}{ %
+ \xparkey{height}{dimen}
+ \xparkey{depth}{dimen}
+ \parkey{attr}{attributes}
+ action
+Start a hypertext link; if the optional dimensions are not specified,
+they will be calculated from the box containing the link. The
+\emph{attributes} (explained in great detail in section 6.6 of the PDF
+manual) determine the appearance of the link. Typically, this is used
+to specify the color and thickness of any border around the link. Thus
+\texttt{/C [0.9 0 0] /Border [0 0 2]} specifies a color (in RGB) of
+dark red, and a border thickness of 2 points.
+The \emph{action} can do many things; some possibilities are
+goto num \emph{n} & \\
+goto name \Largb{refname} & Jump to a point established as
+\emph{name} with \Lcs{pdfdest}\\
+goto file \Largb{filename} & Open a local file; this can be used
+ a \emph{name} or \emph{num}
+specification, to point to a specific location on the
+file. Thus
+\verb|goto file{foo.pdf} name{intro}|\\
+thread num \Largb{n} & \\
+thread name \Largb{refname} & Jump to thread identified by \emph{n}
+or \emph{refname}\\
+user \Largb{spec} &
+Perform user-specified action. Section 6.9 of the PDF manual explains
+the possibilities. A typical use of this is to specify a URL, e.g.\
+\texttt{/S /URI /URI (}.
+Ends link; all text between
+\Lcs{pdfannotlink} and \Lcs{pdfendlink} will be treated as
+part of this link. \pdftex{} may break the result across lines (or
+pages), in which case it will make several links with the same content.
+ action
+ \xparkey{count}{n}
+ \Largb{text}
+Create a outline (or bookmark) entry. The first parameter specificies
+the action to be taken, and is the same as that allowed for
+\Lcs{pdfannotlink} (see above, though note that the
+\texttt{Page} key does not work properly at present).
+The \emph{count} specifies the number
+of direct subentries under this entry, 0 if this entry has no
+subentries (in this case it may be omitted). If the number is
+negative, then all subentries will be closed and the absolute value of
+this number specifies the number of subentries. The \emph{text} is
+what will be shown in the outline window (note that this is limited to
+characters in the PDFEncoding vector).
+\BDefCx{pdfthread}{ \xparkey{num}{n} \parkey{name}{refname} }
+Start an article thread; the corresponding \Lcs{pdfendthread} must be
+in the box in the same depth as the box containing \Lcs{pdfthread}. All
+boxes in this depth level will be treated as part of this thread. An
+identifier (\emph{n} or \emph{refname}) must be
+specified; threads with same identifier will be joined together.
+Finish the current thread.
+Specify thread margins.
+One way to learn more about how to use these primitives is to have a
+look at the file \Lfile{example.tex} in the \pdftex{} distribution.
+\section{Graphics and color}
+Probably the biggest single usage problem with \pdftex{} at the
+present time is the inclusion of graphics. The program only directly
+supports graphic inclusion in one bitmap format, PNG (Portable Network
+Two commonly-used techniques are not available --- the inclusion of
+Encapsulated PostScript figures, and the inclusion of raw PostScript
+commands (the techique utilized by the \Lpack{pstricks} package).
+Although PDF is a direct descendant of PostScript, it lacks any
+programming language commands, and cannot deal with arbitrary
+PostScript. There are two ways to proceed with existing EPS files:
+firstly, convert them to PNG (using programs like Image Magick, Image
+Alchemy, or Ghostscript); or secondly, try converting them to simple
+PDF. If the picture has no special fonts, the chances are quite good
+that Ghostscript's pdf writer will produce a file containing a single
+PDF object, which can be included using \Lcs{pdfliteral} commands
+(this is managed by the standard \LaTeX{} graphics package).
+Other alternatives for graphics in \pdftex{} are:
+\item \protect\LaTeX{} picture mode: since this is implemented simply in terms
+ of font characters, it works in exactly the same way as usual;
+\item Xy-pic: If the PostScript backend is not requested, Xy-pic uses
+ its own Type~1 fonts, and needs no special attention;
+\item tpic: The `tpic' \Lcs{special} commands (used in some macro
+ packages) can be redefined to produce literal PDF, using macros by
+ Hans Hagen;
+\item MetaPost: although the output of MetaPost is PostScript, it is
+ in a highly simplified form, and a MetaPost to PDF conversion
+ (written by Hans Hagen and Tanmoy Bhattacharya) is implemented as
+ a set of macros which read MetaPost output and support all of its
+ features;
+\item It is possible to insert a ``pure'' PDF file (PDF that has
+ only one page without fonts, bitmaps or other resources) using a
+ macro package that reads the external PDF file line by line.
+The two latter macro packages are part of CON\TeX{T}
+(\Lfile{supp-pdf.tex} and \Lfile{supp-mis.tex}), but also work with
+\LaTeX{} and are distributed separately.
+For new work, the MetaPost route is highly recommended. For the
+future, Adobe have announced that they will define a specification for
+`encapsulated PDF', and this should solve some of the present
+\section{Macro packages supporting \pdftex}
+\item For \LaTeX{} users, Sebastian Rahtz' \Lpack{hyperref} package
+ has substantial support for \pdftex, and provides access to most of
+ its features. In the simplest case, the user merely needs to load
+ \Lpack{hyperref} with a `pdftex' option, and all cross-references
+ will be converted to PDF hypertext links. PDF output is
+ automatically selected, text compression turned on, and the page
+ size is set up correctly. Bookmarks are created to match the table
+ of contents.
+\item The standard \LaTeX{} \Lpack{graphics} and \Lpack{color}
+ packages have \texttt{pdftex} options, which allow use of normal
+ color, text rotation, and graphics inclusion commands. Only PNG
+ and MetaPost files can be included.
+\item The Con\TeX{}T macro package by Hans Hagen
+ \Email{} has very full support for \pdftex{} in its
+ generalized hypertext features.
+\item Hypertexted PDF from \texttt{texinfo} documents can be created
+ with \texttt{pdftexinfo.tex}, which is a slight modification of the
+ standard \texttt{texinfo} macros. This is part of the \pdftex{}
+ distribution.
+\item A similiar modification of the \texttt{webmac}, called
+ \texttt{pdfwebmac.tex}, allows production of hypertexted PDF versions of
+ program written in WEB. This is part of the \pdftex{} distribution.
+Some nice samples of \pdftex{} output can be found on the TUG
+Web server, at \url{}.