path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/sec.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/sec.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/sec.tex')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/sec.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/sec.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9136c47497
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+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/8_1/sec.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+\title{UKTUG Information}
+% This file is the regular `last page' of BV
+\section{The 1997--98 \ukt\ committee}
+\textbf{Chair:} Philip Taylor: \url{}\\
+\textbf{Treasurer \& Membership Secretary:}\\
+Peter Abbott: \url{}\\
+\textbf{Secretary:} Jonathan Fine: \url{}\\
+Kaveh Bazargan: \url{}\\
+Malcolm Clark: \url{}\\
+Roy Everett: \url{}\\
+Robin Fairbairns: \url{}\\
+David Hardy: \url{}\\
+Sebastian Rahtz: \url{}\\
+Kim Roberts: \url{}\\
+Mark Wooding: \url{} \\
+Dominik Wujastyk: \url{}\\
+\section{Contacting \ukt}
+Please send \ukt\ subscriptions, and book or software orders, to
+the Treasurer: Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4LB.
+Fax/telephone: 0121 476 2159.
+General enquires should be sent to the Secretary: Jonathan Fine,
+203 Coldhams Lane, Cambridge CB1 3HY. Telephone: 01223 215389.
+\ukt\ maintains pages on the World Wide Web at \url{}
+Email enquiries about \ukt\ to \protect\texttt{}.
+Articles may be submitted via electronic mail to
+\texttt{}, or on MSDOS-compatible discs, to
+Sebastian Rahtz, Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
+Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, to whom any correspondence concerning \BV\
+should also be addressed. Back issues from the previous 12 months may
+be ordered from \ukt\ for \pounds2 each; earlier issues are archived
+on \textsc{ctan} in \texttt{usergrps/uktug}.
+\section{Book Discounts for \protect\ukt\ members}
+We have arrangements with Addison-Wesley for
+their well-known \TeX-related publications, and with International
+Thomson Publishing to supply any of the very excellent O'Reilly \&
+Associates Inc.\ series of books to members.
+The agreed list of books, together with the discounted (at least 20\%)
+price, is distributed occasionally with \BV, but is always available
+from the Treasurer.
+Please add \pounds1.50 for the first book and 50p for each book after
+the first on the same order, for despatch to a single address
+We are only allowed to offer this service to \textbf{current} members
+of the \ukt\ and/or members of \acro{TUG}. Please send your order
+and cheque (in \acro{UK} \pounds) to Peter Abbott. Make cheques
+payable to `\acro{UKTUG}' please. All books will be routed through
+\ukt. \emph{In all cases} please notify Peter Abbott by email, phone,
+fax or letter when books are delivered. This means that provided the
+book(s) are in stock, it will normally take at least a week from
+receipt of order to delivery of the book(s).
+\section{Obtaining \TeX\ from CTAN}
+The \acro{UK} \TeX\ Archive on \texttt{} is part of the
+\acro{CTAN} (Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network) collaborating
+network of archives on the Internet organised by the \TeX\ Users
+%The \acro{CTAN} archives run an enhanced \emph{ftp} server which
+%supports dynamic compression, uncompression, and archive-creation
+%options. Fetch the top-level file {\tt README.archive-features} for
+%information. The server also supports site-defined commands to assist
+%you. Please read {\tt} for a brief overview.
+For interfaces and catalogues of CTAN, you are referred to Graham
+Williams' \emph{\TeX{} and \LaTeX{} Catalogue} which is available from
+\acro{CTAN} as \path|help/Catalogue/catalogue.html|; other interfaces
+are listed in \url{}.
+Please report any problems with \acro{CTAN} archives via email to
+\subsection{Obtaining \TeX\ on CD-ROM}
+\ukt, in collaboration with \acro{GUT}enberg, \acro{TUG},
+\acro{NTG} and \acro{DANTE}, have produced \TeX{} Live, a plug-and-play
+\acro{CD}-\acro{ROM} for Unix, Amiga and Windows based on the Web2c
+\TeX{} setup. As it is formatted according to \acro{ISO} 9660, the
+platform-independent files can, in principle, be read on all operating
+systems which can deal with that format, or Microsoft Joliet extensions.
+The \acro{CD} is available free of charge to members of \ukt\ and to
+non-members at \pounds2.
+Complete DOS, Windows 32 and Macintosh implementations are also
+available as packages on the \acro{CD}; floppy disk sets will now be
+supplied only on special request.
+\section{Future meetings of \ukt}
+The next meeting for members of \ukt{} will be in Oxford, on Monday
+18th May. The title is \textit{Multiple use of
+digital documents}. It will discuss some of the problems and opportunities
+involved in using the same source file for several purposes. We hope
+to go from the everyday and mundane, namely the production of journals
+and books from author supplied compuscripts, to the advanced and
+esoteric, namely using \TeX{} as an adjunct to electronic publishing.
+We also hope to take in technical documentation along the way.
+Plans are also afoot for the meeting associated to the AGM. This
+ will be in Cambridge, on Monday 21 September. The title is
+\textit{\TeX{} in its diversity}. If you have done something with
+\TeX{} that you think others might be interested in hearing about,
+please let the organisers know, because they are looking for
+speakers. In addition, if there is sufficient interest, workshops
+and training will be organised for the next day.
+Finally, both in Oxford and Cambridge there are tentative plans to
+hold a least a trial local meeting for \TeX{} users. If you are
+interested please contact Kim Roberts or Jonathan Fine respectively.
+The May meeting is being organised by Kim Roberts, Roy Everett and
+Jonathan Fine. The September meeting is being organised by Robin
+Fairbairns, Martyn Johnson and Jonathan Fine . For further information
+please contact one of these people, or visit the \ukt{} Web site. In
+addition, with this issue there should be some flyers.