path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/7_1/ltour3.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/7_1/ltour3.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/7_1/ltour3.tex')
1 files changed, 769 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ \description
+ \renewcommand\makelabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep
+ \normalfont\ttfamily ##1}}
+ {\enddescription}
+\let\package\textsf % as in \package{longtable} package
+ \textsf{#1\ifx#2*\raise-.6ex\hbox{*}\fi}}
+\def\CTAN{\FAQverb\/} % CTAN path
+\title{A \LaTeX\ Tour, part 3: mfnfss, psnfss and babel}
+\author{David Carlisle\\\texttt{}}
+This third installment of my tour covers three more distributions that
+are supported via the standard \LaTeX\ bug report mechanism described
+in Part~1.
+The \package{mfnfss} distribution provides \LaTeX\ support for some
+popular Metafont produced fonts, that do not otherwise have any
+\LaTeX\ interface.
+The \package{psnfss} distribution consists of \LaTeX\ packages giving
+access to \PS\ fonts.
+The third distribution in this part of the tour is \package{babel},
+which provides \LaTeX\ with multi-lingual capabilities.
+\section{The MFNFSS Distribution}
+The \package{mfnfss} distribution is something of a `collecting point'
+for files in the distribution that have not got anywhere else to go.
+\subsection{Font Packages}
+These packages provide \LaTeX\ interfaces to some publicly available
+fonts. They do \emph{not} provide the fonts themselves, which are
+available from the \verb|fonts| tree in the standard \acro{CTAN}
+ The `Pandora' family of fonts designed by Nazneen N. Billawala
+ is an alternative to the standard `Computer Modern' fonts of Knuth.
+ The family consists of a full range of text fonts, including
+ sans-serif and slanted.
+ The old German fonts designed by
+ Yannis Haralambous. There are three styles of text font,
+ Schwabacher, Fraktur and Gothic. (The terms `Fraktur' and `Gothic'
+ tend to be used interchangeably by English speaking mathematicians
+ such as the present author, but the fonts in this collection have
+ clearly distinguishable styles.)
+ There is also a font of `initials', highly ornate uppercase letters,
+ suitable for use as the first letter of a section. If you wish to use
+ this in `drop caps' style you may also want to use one of the
+ contributed packages available on \acro{CTAN} such as \package{drop},
+ or \package{dropping}, that automate the setting of a suitable
+ paragraph shape and inserting the initial letter at the correct
+ size.\footnote{The \texttt{fd} files provided here load the original
+ \texttt{yinit} font. The \acro{CTAN} archives also contain
+ `\texttt{yinitas}', a modified version of this font.}
+\subsection{T1 Encoded `Concrete' Fonts}
+\textbf{Note:} The following two files require the old release 1.1 of
+ the dc fonts.
+ Walter Schmidt very recently (March 1997) released a test version of
+ a set of `Concrete' fonts based on the new ec font base.
+ The \LaTeX\ support for these new fonts is available from
+ \CTAN{macros/latex/contrib/supported/ccfonts}. Once this
+ release is stable, the following files will probably be removed from
+ the \package{mfnfss} distribution.
+\item[] Metafont source file used by the output files from
+ \verb|dccrstd.tex| to generate Concrete Roman fonts in T1
+ encoding.
+ \TeX\ file used in the generation of Concrete Roman fonts in T1
+ encoding. It will produce a number of \verb|.mf| files
+ corresponding to Concrete Roman fonts in different sizes. By
+ modifying the table inside this file further Metafont driver
+ files can be generated. The \verb|.fd| files for the Concrete
+ Roman fonts can be produced with \verb|cmextra.ins| which is
+ part of the \LaTeX\ \package{base} distribution.
+\section{The PSNFSS Distribution}
+With the release of \LaTeXe, \LaTeX\ gained inbuilt support for the
+use of alternative font families in documents, and in particular for
+the use of scalable font formats such as Type~1 (\PS) or TrueType.
+The collection of packages, coordinated by Sebastian Rahtz, known as
+\package{psnfss} offers convenient interfaces to most of the more
+common font sets.
+Most of the files here relate to font files renamed to a consistent
+naming scheme, promoted and maintained by Karl Berry. This encodes the
+font vendor, and details of the font such as its weight, style and
+encoding into a compact name that usually fits in the eight letter
+filenames used by some common filesystems.
+More information about the font naming scheme can be found on
+\acro{CTAN} in \CTAN{info/fontname}. It should be noted however that
+the packages themselves, such as the \package{times} package, do
+\emph{not} depend on any particular font naming convention. \LaTeX\
+isolates packages from the details of the external font files by
+the use of `\texttt{fd}' (Font Descriptor) files which map the
+\LaTeX\ `NFSS' model of fonts to the external font metric files.
+In principle, there is no real need for packages to load text fonts
+into \LaTeX. For example, once the font metrics and font descriptor
+files for Times Roman (which is \textsf{ptm} in the Karl Berry Naming
+Scheme) are installed, then one could in principle switch to Times
+Roman in a \LaTeX\ document by simply specifying
+\verb|\fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont|. Normally one would instead want to
+assign the new font to one of the `default' \LaTeX\ families, Roman,
+as used by \verb|\rmfamily|, Sans Serif (\verb|\sffamily|) and
+Typewriter or Monospace (\verb|\ttfamily|).
+The support for \PS\ fonts is split into two.
+The \acro{CTAN} \CTAN{fonts/psfonts} area contains material that is
+mainly automatically generated from the Adobe font metric files that
+are distributed with all Type~1 fonts. This includes the font metrics
+themselves, the Font Descriptor files, the `map' files used to make
+fonts known to the dvips driver, and some basic packages to declare
+single fonts to \LaTeX.
+This is supplemented in \CTAN{macros/latex/packages/psnfss} by the
+`hand written' packages of the \package{psnfss} collection that load
+popular \emph{combinations} of font families, or deal with
+This section refers at various points to \PS\ or Type~1 fonts, but in
+fact the \TeX\ support for these fonts applies equally well to True
+Type, or other scalable formats. As long as \TeX\ has access to the
+font metrics, the font format does not matter (to \TeX; it matters to
+the driver you use to print the \acro{DVI} file).
+The \acro{CTAN} \package{psfonts} area primarily contains the font
+metric and \LaTeX\ font descriptor files, organised by font vendor, as
+outlined below. The basic format of the file structure is the same for
+each font family, so only the top level directories are given here,
+except for the Adobe Times family, which is further expanded as an
+\subsubsection{Font Vendors}
+The font subdirectories of \CTAN{fonts/psfonts} are:
+\item[adobe] Fonts sold by Adobe, or built into \PS\ devices.
+\item[bh] Fonts designed by Bigelow and Holmes, these are mainly sold
+ through \YandY.
+\item[bitstrea] Bitstream fonts.
+\item[monotype] Monotype fonts.
+\item[textures] Textures Fonts for the Blue Sky Research Macintosh
+ \TeX\ implementation.
+\item[urw] Fonts distributed by URW.
+\item[xadobe] Adobe `expert' font sets.
+\item[xmonotype] Monotype `expert' font sets.
+Each of the vendor directories contains subdirectories corresponding
+to the font families supported by the \package{psfonts} distribution.
+(Using the tools provided one can generate \TeX\ support files for
+most other text fonts, the selection here is really just a set of
+The subdirectories of the \File|adobe| directory are:
+\item[agaramon] Adobe's rendition of a Garamond serif Roman
+ family. (Commercial.)
+\item[avantgar] Avant Garde sans serif (built into most \PS\ devices).
+\item[baskervi] Baskerville, a commercially avail\-able serifed Roman
+ family.
+ \BVonly{(If you are reading this in \BV\ then it is similar to the
+ text you see, which is Monotype Baskerville).}
+\item[bembo] Bembo, a commercially available serifed Roman family.
+\item[bookman] Bookman (built into most \PS\ devices).
+\item[centaur] Centaur, a commercially available serifed Roman family.
+\item[courier] Courier (built into all \PS\ devices).
+\item[garamond] Garamond~3. Another Garamond serif Roman family.
+ (Commercial.)
+\item[gillsans] Gill Sans, a commercially available sans serif family.
+\item[helvetic] Helvetica (built into all \PS\ devices).
+\item[nbaskerv] ITC New Baskerville, another variant on the Baskerville
+ theme. (Commercial.)
+\item[ncntrsbk] New Century Schoolbook (built into most \PS\ devices).
+\item[optima] Optima, a commercially available sans serif family.
+\item[palatino] Palatino serifed Roman family
+ (built into most \PS\ devices).
+\item[symbol] Symbol (built into all \PS\ devices).
+\item[times] Times Roman (built into all \PS\ devices).
+\item[univers] Univers, a commercially available sans serif family.
+\item[utopia] Utopia, a commercially available serifed Roman family.
+\item[zapfchan] ITC Zapf Chancery. A script font built into most \PS\
+ devices.
+\item[zapfding] ITC Zapf Dingbats. A symbol font built into most \PS\
+ devices.
+All the directories corresponding to a font family look essentially
+the same, each with the following subdirectories.
+\item[dvips] Contains the `map' file for the dvips driver program.
+ This file can be appended to \texttt{} or used via a
+ configuration file to tell dvips where to find the specified
+ fonts. A suitable configuration file is included in the
+ directory.
+ Other drivers will need similar information, but perhaps
+ in a different format.
+\item[tex] This directory contains the font descriptor files which
+ must be placed in the input path for \LaTeX, so that \LaTeX\ has
+ available the information about the available fonts. For some
+ font families this directory would also contain a \LaTeX\ package
+ that assigns the fonts to one of the standard \LaTeX\ font
+ families, such as \verb|\sffamily|. Some packages, such as
+ \package{times}, are not distributed here as they would
+ clash with the packages distributed as part of
+ \package{psnfss}, as described below.
+\item[tfm] The font metrics, in `tfm' format. These files contain all
+ the information about letter sizes, ligatures, and kerning that
+ \TeX\ needs to typeset text.
+ There are several files, as each font in the original family is
+ made available in several encodings, the two main ones being
+ the `Classic' \TeX\ encoding used by Computer Modern. This is
+ known as OT1 in \LaTeX, and as `7t' in the Karl Berry font naming
+ scheme used here. Similarly the files with names ending in `8t'
+ relate to fonts encoded to the eight bit `Cork' encoding, known
+ as T1 in \LaTeX.
+\item[vf] The virtual fonts. Most (but not all) drivers handle the
+ re-encoding of the original fonts to the encodings that \TeX\
+ expects by means of the virtual font mechanism. Some special
+ fonts, such as Zapf Dingbats are not re-encoded, and so do not
+ have a \File|vf| directory.
+There is one very important thing to note about the above list.
+\emph{There are no fonts!} Almost all of the \CTAN{fonts/psfonts} area
+of \acro{CTAN} is concerned with providing mechanisms for using fonts
+that you have obtained \emph{elsewhere}. The fonts may be built in to
+your printer, or may be purchased separately. There are a few freely
+available Type~1 fonts. In such cases there will be an additional
+directory, \texttt{type1}, which contains the font files (normally in
+`pfb' format).
+\subsubsection{Standard \PS\ Fonts}
+In addition to the above directories, the \package{psfonts} area
+contains two zip files. If you need the files and have not got unzip
+(or pkunzip or winzip or\ldots) then you can get a copy of unzip from
+the \acro{CTAN} \package{support} area.
+\item[lw35nfss] This zip archive expands to the subset of the
+ \CTAN{psfonts/adobe} tree that corresponds to the `Standard 35'
+ \PS\ fonts as used in Adobe Laserwriter printers. If you are only
+ interested in using fonts built into your printer, and not in
+ using downloaded fonts, then just get this file rather than the
+ large collection of metrics in \CTAN{psfonts/adobe}.
+\item[lw35pk] This zip archive contains bitmap fonts for the `Standard
+ \PS\ fonts' in the usual \acro{PK} format understood by most dvi
+ drivers. This enables documents using Type~1 fonts to be previewed
+ with dvi previewers that can not use outline font formats.
+ (For example xdvi or the emtex drivers).
+\subsubsection{Tools and Extra Packages}
+There are a few remaining directories in \package{psfonts}.
+\item[ts1] The \LaTeX\ \package{textcomp} package and related
+ utilities for accessing fonts in the `text companion' encoding
+ known as TS1 in \LaTeX. These include the TC
+ fonts that are distributed with the EC fonts, and suitably
+ re-encoded fonts from the standard Type~1 font sets. This encoding
+ contains many non alphabetic symbols that should match the
+ current text font (rather than the math font). It includes currency
+ symbols, superior digits, dagger signs, etc.
+\item[mathcomp] A contributed package for using the text companion
+ fonts in math mode.
+\item[tools] The source for the scripts and utilities used for
+ generating all these files.
+\subsection{Standard PSNFSS Packages}
+By contrast to the packages and font descriptor files in the
+\package{psfonts} distribution, the \package{psnfss} distribution
+contains `hand written' files. These are either used to set up popular
+\emph{combinations} of the `standard' fonts, or load alternative font
+sets for mathematics. Due to the nature of mathematics fonts, these
+latter packages are typically much more complicated internally than
+the one or two line packages that load text fonts. For the user,
+however, this complexity should not be apparent.
+The first set of packages (all generated from the source file
+\texttt{psfonts.dtx}) load combinations of the Basic Adobe \PS\ font
+set into \LaTeX.
+\item[times] As one might guess, this declares Times Roman as
+ \verb|\rmfamily|.
+ For mainly historical reasons, this package also declares
+ Helvetica as \verb|\sffamily| and Courier as \verb|\ttfamily|,
+ so effectively ensuring that all text (but not mathematics) is
+ set in the basic \PS\ font set.
+ This is a convenience for the user who wants to replace all the
+ text fonts by references to the basic Adobe fonts. It is an
+ advantage to do this if you want to produce device independent
+ and small \PS{} documents for distribution. The disadvantage is
+ that Times Roman, Helvetica and Courier, despite being the
+ `standard \PS\ combination' look particularly horrible if placed
+ next to each other at the same nominal size, as done by this
+ package. Helvetica has a much larger `x-height' (the height of
+ the lower case letters) than Times Roman, so if sans serif and
+ Roman text are mixed in-line, then the sans serif looks much too
+ big. (This is not so much of a problem if the sans serif is only
+ used for headings.) Courier is just too `wide' when placed
+ alongside Times Roman, which is a particularly compact font.
+ To partially compensate for these problems, the \package{pslatex}
+ package (written by me, but currently distributed as a contributed
+ package, not part of the core \LaTeX\ distribution) is an
+ alternative to the \package{times} package. It loads Helvetica
+ scaled by 90\% and loads Courier by way of a virtual font that
+ condenses it by scaling the horizontal direction (only) by
+ 85\%.
+ \package{pslatex} also contains a copy of the \package{mathptm}
+ package (see below) so installs a Times-Italic based font set
+ for use in mathematics.
+\item[palatino] Declares Palatino as \verb|\rmfamily|, and Helvetica and
+ Courier as \verb|\sffamily| and \verb|\ttfamily|.
+\item[helvet] Declares Helvetica as \verb|\sffamily|. (Does not change
+ the other families.)
+\item[avant] Declares Avant Garde as \verb|\sffamily|.
+ (Does not change the other families.)
+\item[newcent] Declares New Century Schoolbook as \verb|\rmfamily|,
+ Avant Garde as \verb|\sffamily| and Courier as \verb|\ttfamily|.
+\item[bookman] Declares Bookman Roman as \verb|\rmfamily|, Avant
+ Garde as \verb|\sffamily| and Courier as \verb|\ttfamily|.
+\item[chancery] Declares Zapf Chancery as \verb|\rmfamily|.
+The above packages only affect \emph{text} fonts, not mathematics.
+\texttt{psfonts.dtx} contains one special package, written by Alan
+Jeffrey, which does affect the math setup.
+\item[mathptm] This package uses a set of virtual files that use
+ various built in or freely available fonts to make a set of fonts
+ suitable for replacing the standard Computer Modern Math fonts. In
+ the current release, bold fonts (and so the \LaTeX\
+ \verb|\boldmath| command) are not supported. The \package{pslatex}
+ package referred to above contains an essentially verbatim copy
+ of \package{mathptm}.
+ One may use \package{mathptm} as an example of the coding needed
+ to make virtual fonts for mathematics based on other text italic
+ fonts. How successful this will be depends to a certain extent
+ how visually compatible are the symbols that are gathered from
+ the various `real' fonts that are used by the virtual math fonts.
+ There are often good reasons for making such fonts (the main one
+ being that documents using freely available fonts may be more
+ easily placed on the Web in \PS\ form), however the result is
+ never likely to be as good as using fonts that have symbols that
+ are \emph{designed} to be visually compatible. For mathematics
+ use within \TeX, that currently restricts use to Computer Modern,
+ or the commercial MathTime or Lucida Bright font sets described
+ below.
+The \texttt{psfonts.dtx} source file contains one other package:
+\item[pifont] This declares the Zapf Dingbats font which contains
+an assorted mixture of symbols, and also defines new user level commands
+to access these symbols. See the package documentation, or \emph{The
+\LaTeX\ Companion} for details.
+\subsection{Freely Available Type~1 Text Fonts}
+The next set of packages are contributed by Peter Dyballa. In fact
+these are just one-line packages loading the appropriate font. Most of
+the code is in the \texttt{fd} files which are generated from the same
+source file.
+\item[charter] Defines \verb|\rmfamily| to use Bitstream Charter.
+\item[nimbus] Declares URW Nimbus Roman-Regular and URW Nimbus
+Sans-Regular as \verb|\rmfamily| and \verb|\sffamily|. These are
+essentially free clones of Times Roman and Helvetica.
+\item[utopia] Defines \verb|\rmfamily| to use Adobe Utopia-Regular.
+\subsection{Commercial Text Fonts}
+The following packages are generated from the source file
+\texttt{adobe.dtx}. They are a rather random selection from the large
+catalogue of fonts sold by Adobe.
+\item[garamond] Garamond as \verb|\rmfamily|, Optima as
+ \verb|\sffamily| and Courier as \verb|\ttfamily|.
+\item[basker] Baskerville as \verb|\rmfamily|.
+\item[mtimes] Monotype\footnote{Not sure why this is generated from
+ \emph{adobe} source file.} Times as \verb|\rmfamily|.
+\item[bembo] Bembo as \verb|\rmfamily|, Optima as \verb|\sffamily| and
+ the ever popular Courier as \verb|\ttfamily|.
+\subsection{Adobe Lucida}
+The following two packages relate to the original Lucida font set,
+designed by Bigelow and Holmes and sold by Adobe.
+They are generated from the \texttt{alucida.dtx} source file.
+\item[lucid] Declares Lucida Roman and Lucida Sans as the Roman and sans
+ serif families, and Adobe Courier again as the monospaced font.
+\item[lucmath] Lucida has a matching set of mathematics fonts suitable
+ for \TeX\ use. This package makes the required definitions to make
+ these known to \LaTeX.
+\subsection{Lucida Bright}
+A newer and more extensive Lucida family, also designed by Bigelow and
+Holmes but in this case sold by \YandY, is known as `Lucida Bright' and
+`Lucida New Math'. The \LaTeX\ support described here was written by
+Sebastian Rahtz and myself.
+\item[lucidabr.dtx] This package (replacing the earlier
+ \package{lucidbrb} and \package{lucidbry} packages)
+ changes the \LaTeX\ defaults for
+ both text and mathematics to use the Lucida Bright and Lucida New
+ Math font collections. It has numerous options to control
+ different aspects of the package and to control which of the
+ fonts to use. (Lucida Bright contains several font families,
+ including `fax' and `casual' etc, as well as variant forms of the
+ math italic alphabet.)
+ The \LaTeX\ package and the font descriptor files for the math
+ fonts are generated from this source file. The font descriptor
+ files for the Lucida text fonts in the standard \LaTeX\ encodings
+ are available from the \package{psfonts} area (in the
+ \package{bh}) directory, after Bigelow and Holmes, the creators
+ of these fonts.
+ The \TeX\ support and font metrics are freely available, but the
+ fonts themselves must be purchased separately.
+\item[lucidabr.ins] \LaTeX\ installation file for Lucida Bright using
+ the standardised `Karl Berry' font names.
+\item[lucidabr.yy] Alternative installation file. Use this instead of
+ \texttt{lucidabr.ins} if you plan to install the fonts with their
+ original font names, as sold by \YandY. (In this case you do
+ \emph{not} need the \texttt{fd} files from the \package{psfonts}
+ area.)
+\item[lucidabr.txt] Introduction and installation guide for this
+ package.
+The MathTime fonts are produced by Michael Spivak `\TeX{}plorators'.
+They are sold by \YandY. The \LaTeX\ support was written by Frank
+Mittelbach and myself.
+\item[mathtime.dtx] The \package{mathtime} package is mainly concerned
+ with mathematics setup, although it selects Times, Helvetica and
+ Courier as the text fonts if they have not already been set by
+ another package. The MathTime mathematics fonts are specially
+ designed to match Times Roman, but blend quite well with other
+ text fonts that are of a similar weight. Computer Modern
+ mathematics tends to look very `light' if used with font
+ families other than Computer Modern. The package has several
+ options to control the font choices made.
+\item[mtfonts.fdd] The source for the font descriptor files for
+ MathTime mathematics fonts.
+\item[mathtime.ins] Installation file. Note that this file may be
+ edited in a couple of places depending on whether or not you
+ have the extended `MathTime Plus' font set which includes bold
+ math support.
+\item[mathtime.txt] Introduction and installation guide for this
+ package.
+\subsection{Documentation and Other Files}
+\item[readme.txt] General introduction.
+\item[psnfss2e.tex] User level documentation on the use of these
+ packages.
+\item[test0.tex] Testing accents and other encoding specific commands
+ are working correctly using \PS\ fonts.
+\item[test1.tex] Test document that uses most of the `Standard 35'
+ fonts.
+\item[pitest.tex] Test of the \package{pifont} package.
+\item[mathtest.tex] Test of the \package{mathptm} package.
+\item[makefile] Unix `make' utility to automate installation of the
+ packages.
+\item[allpspk] Unix script that makes a test document using a
+ specified font family and then uses dvips and its associated
+ scripts to generate `pk' versions of the fonts.
+\item[makepk] Unix script that calls allpspk on some common fonts.
+Recently the \package{psnfss} collection has aquired a close cousin,
+\package{psnfssx}, distributed as a contributed package from
+\CTAN{macros/latex/contrib/supported/psnfssx}. This contains some
+lesser used or nonstandard packages, related to \PS\ support. Of
+particular interest might be the \package{ly1} files (contributed by
+myself) in that directory which provide the \LaTeX\ support for the
+`texnansi' encoding promoted by \YandY\ by way of an \texttt{LY1} option
+to the \package{fontinst} package.
+This \package{psnfssx} collection
+also contains some obsolete versions of packages formerly in
+\package{psnfss}; this material is provided for historical interest
+only. Use at own risk!
+\section{The Babel Distribution}
+The \package{babel} package is distributed from
+\CTAN{latex/packages/babel} and is supported via the \LaTeX\ bug
+reporting address, but has origins predating the current \LaTeX\
+release. As well as supporting \LaTeX\ it contains support for
+plain \TeX\ (and formats such as AMS\TeX\ or eplain that are based on
+plain). Primarily \package{babel} is the work of Johannes Braams,
+with contributions for specific language files by numerous people.
+\package{Babel} consists of a `kernel' that extends \LaTeX\ with a
+mechanism for switching between specified languages. Part of this
+kernel (related to hyphenation) must be loaded when the \LaTeX\ format
+is made to get the full benefit of hyphenation tables for multiple
+languages. For each language, or related group of languages, supported
+by \package{babel} there exists a language-specific code file.
+This will offer translations of the fixed text strings used in the
+standard \LaTeX\ classes, such as `Table of Contents', `Figure', etc.,
+and may also offer language-specific `shorthands' that make typing
+common constructs easier (for example the \package{german} option
+provides the construct `\verb|"ff|' to produce `ff' that would
+hyphenate to `ff-f' if it fell at the end of a line). The language
+file may also modify the typesetting to support the normal conventions
+of that language. For example the \package{french} option modifies the
+spacing around punctuation marks in text.
+\subsection{Babel Kernel}
+\item[babel.sty] The main interface to \package{babel}.
+ The user specifies all languages to be used in a document as options
+ to this package, the last option specified is the default
+ language for the document. So for example
+ would enable the use of French and German conventions within the
+ document, with the default language being German.
+\item[hyphen.cfg] The standard \LaTeX\ interface to hyphenation.
+ When the \LaTeX\ format is being made, this file is input if it
+ exists, to setup the required hyphenation patterns. In the
+ \package{base} \LaTeX\ distribution there is no such file, and
+ so a default action is taken which loads the original \TeX\
+ patterns for American English. The \package{babel} distribution
+ provides this configuration file (generated from
+ \File|babel.dtx|) which defines some core
+ functionality, and then reads \File|language.dat| to specify
+ which hyphenation files to load.
+\item[language.dat] This file must be edited to specify which language
+ hyphenation files to load, and the name of the external file which
+ contains the hyphenation table for each such language (and
+ optionally a second external file, typically containing hypenation
+ exceptions).
+ Note that hyphenation files \emph{must} be specified here, and so
+ loaded when the format is made. This is a restriction of the
+ underlying \TeX\ system. Documents using other languages not
+ specified here may still be processed, and \package{babel} will
+ translate any fixed text strings, but it will not be able to
+ correctly hyphenate that language. A default hyphenation will be
+ used (most likely English) which may or may not be suitable
+ depending how far the language differs from English.
+\item[switch.def] This file is also generated from the same
+ \File|babel.dtx| source. If \package{babel} is used as a package
+ but was not used when the format was made, then the core
+ functionality normally provided by \File|hyphen.cfg| will not be
+ present. The package will detect this, and so input this file to
+ provide the necessary definitions.
+\subsection{Language-Specific Files}
+The implementation of the language-specific code for each language
+within \package{babel} is contained in files with extension
+`\texttt{.ldf}' (language definition files). These are not directly
+input by the user, but specified as options to the babel
+package. Normally the option name is the same as the file name, except
+where noted below. Some similar languages or dialects are supported by
+the same external file, and some options are available in more than
+one name; such aliases are noted in parentheses in the list below.
+Most languages also have a file with extension
+\texttt{.sty}; however this is just offered for compatibility with
+older versions of Babel and of \LaTeX, or for use with plain \TeX\
+based formats. In normal \LaTeX\ usage only the \texttt{.ldf} file is
+%\item[bahasa] Support for the Bahasa language.
+\item[basque] Support for the Basque language.\footnote{Not in the
+current release, planned for \package{babel}~3.7.}
+\item[breton] Support for the Breton language.
+\item[catalan] Support for the Catalan language.
+\item[croatian] Support for the Croatian language.
+\item[czech] Support for the Czech language.
+\item[danish] Support for the Danish language.
+\item[dutch] The \textsf{dutch} and \textsf{afrikaans} options.
+\item[english] The \textsf{american} (\textsf{USenglish}) and
+ \textsf{british} (\textsf{UKenglish}) options. The option
+ \textsf{english} refers to either British or American English,
+ depending on the local installation.
+\item[esperant] The \textsf{esperanto} option.
+\item[estonian] Support for the Estonian language.
+\item[finnish] Support for the Finnish language.
+\item[frenchb] Support for the French language (the corresponding
+ options are \textsf{french} (\textsf{frenchb}) or
+ \textsf{francais}.
+ If the \textsf{french} option is used then
+ \texttt{french.ldf} will be used (from the GUTenburg
+ \package{french} package) if it is available.
+\item[galician] Support for the Galician language.
+\item[germanb] The \textsf{austrian} and \textsf{german}
+ (\textsf{germanb}) options.
+\item[kannada] Support for the Indian language, Kannada.%
+ \addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotemark
+\item[irish] Support for the Irish Gaelic language.
+\item[italian] Support for the Italian language.
+\item[lsorbian] The \textsf{lowersorbian} option.
+\item[magyar] The \textsf{magyar} (\textsf{hungarian}) options.
+\item[norsk] Support for the Norwegian languages with options
+ \textsf{norsk}, \textsf{nynorsk}.
+\item[polish] Support for the Polish language.
+\item[portuges] The \textsf{brazil} (\textsf{brazilian}) and
+ \textsf{portuges} (\textsf{portuguese}) options.
+\item[romanian] Support for the Romanian language.
+\item[sanskrit] Support for the Sanskrit language, transliterated to
+ latin script.%
+ \addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotemark
+\item[scottish] Support for the Scottish Gaelic language.
+\item[slovak] Support for the Slovakian language.
+\item[slovene] Support for the Slovenian language.
+\item[spanish] Support for the Spanish language.
+\item[swedish] Support for the Swedish language.
+\item[turkish] Support for the Turkish language.
+\item[usorbian] The \textsf{uppersorbian} option.
+\item[welsh] Support for the Welsh language
+Babel version~3.6 sees the welcome (re)\hspace{0pt}introduction
+of support for
+non-latin scripts. It is probably fair to say that this support is still
+more experimental than the support for latin scripts. One problem,
+not directly under \package{babel} `control', is that the \TeX\
+encodings for Greek and Cyrillic (corresponding to T1 for European
+Latin scripts) have not yet been finalised or agreed. Currently
+\package{babel} uses two `locally defined' encodings, LWN and LGR.
+\item[greek] The \textsf{greek} option, which utilises the `kd' Greek
+ fonts.
+\item[russianb] The \textsf{russian} option, which utilises the `LH'
+ fonts.
+\item[ukranian] Support for the Ukranian language.%
+ \addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotemark
+Two separate packages are currently
+in preparation which will be distributed, together with
+suitable fonts and hypenation tables, from \acro{CTAN}.
+These will extend \package{babel} with options for the Ethiopian and
+Ukrainian languages.
+\subsection{Compatibility Files}
+The distribution contains the following two source
+files which generate files which enable the use of \package{babel}
+with formats based on plain \TeX\
+(and also the old \LaTeX\,2.09 release).
+\item[bbcompat] The source for compatibility mode files. Most
+ languages are provided with a `package' with extension
+ \texttt{.sty}. This just inputs the corresponding language
+ definition file and should never be needed using the normal
+ \LaTeX\ interface.
+\item[bbplain] The source for the \File|plain.def| file allowing the
+ use of \package{babel} with plain \TeX.
+\subsection{Installation Script and Font Descriptor Files}
+\item[babel.ins] Unpacks the \package{babel} distribution from
+ the documented source files
+\item[cyrillic.fdd] Font descriptor files for Cyrillic fonts in `LCY'
+ encoding.
+\item[greek.fdd] Font descriptor files for Greek fonts in `LGR'
+ encoding.
+\subsubsection{ASCII Text Files}
+\item[00readme.txt] The distribution guide.
+\item[install.txt] How to install Babel.
+\item[install.mac] How to install Babel with OZ\TeX.
+\item[CyrillicFonts.txt] Further notes on the Cyrillic installation.
+\item[GreekFonts.txt] Further notes on the Greek installation.
+\subsubsection{\TeX\ Documents}
+\item[tb1202] The source of the original article that appeared
+ in \TUB, Volume~12 (1991), No.~2.
+\item[tb1401] The source of an update article that appeared in
+ in \TUB, Volume 14~(1993), No.~1.
+\item[tb1604] The source of an update article that never
+ appeared in \TUB, but was presented at
+ Euro\TeX~1995, Arnhem.
+\subsection{Example File}
+\item[language.skeleton] An example file that can be used to build new
+ language definition files from scratch.
+\section{Coming Soon}
+Part~4 of this tour will describe the files of the
+\package{amsfonts} and \package{amslatex} distributions of packages
+produced by the American Mathematical society.