path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_4/sojka.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_4/sojka.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_4/sojka.tex')
1 files changed, 742 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\author[Petr Sojka, Han The Thanh, and Ji\v{r}\'\i\ Zlatu\v{s}ka]
+{Petr Sojka, Han The Thanh, and Ji\v{r}\'\i\ Zlatu\v{s}ka\\
+Faculty of Informatics\\
+Masaryk University Brno\\
+Bure\v{s}ova 20, 602\,00 Brno\\
+Czech Republic}
+\title{The Joy of \TeX2\acro{PDF}\Dash Acrobatics
+with an Alternative to \acro{DVI} Format}
+ \discretionary{-}{-}{-}\nobreak\hskip\z@skip}
+ {\sbox\z@ T%
+ \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{$\m@th$%
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@
+ \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
+ A}%
+ \vss}%
+ }%
+ \kern-.14em%
+\newcommand{\pdfcname}[1]{\texttt{\bs #1}}
+% mottos
+ {\leavevmode\par\noindent\hbox{}\hfill\begin{minipage}{0.96\linewidth}
+ \parindent0pt\hfill\mottofont
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}r@{}}
+ }
+ {\end{tabular}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \smallskip\par\nobreak\noindent%
+ }
+\noindent [\emph{Editor's note:} At the \TeX{} Users Group meeting held in
+Dubna, Russia, in July/August 1996, a prize in memory of
+Cathy Booth was awarded to this paper. Delegates to the conference
+gave it their overwhelming vote when asked to consider which paper
+would affect their \TeX{} work in the future. Sebastian Rahtz and
+Robin Fairbairns, representing UKTUG at the meeting, were delighted to
+keep alive the memory of Cathy Booth with a paper she would have
+greatly enjoyed.
+This paper is reprinted from \emph{TUGboat} 16(3) with kind permission
+of Barbara Beeton and the authors.
+This paper presents a discussion about generating
+Portable Document Format (\acro{PDF})
+directly from \TeX{} source using a prototype
+\TeXtoPDF{} program. This is a derivative made from the \TeX{}
+source which allows us to bypass
+\acro{DVI} output generation, and to produce documents
+in Adobe \acro{PDF} directly. Motivations for the \TeXtoPDF{}
+approach are discussed and further possible
+enhancements are outlined.
+\textsc{Go forth} now\\
+and create masterpieces\\
+of the publishing art!\\
+Don Knuth \protect\cite{tex:Knuth:ct-a}, p.~303.
+General acceptance of \TeX{} for the publishing of technical
+documents has spread enormously during the last two decades.
+Since \TeX's inception, however,
+new standards have emerged in the publishing world.
+\acro{SGML} and \LaTeX\ for markup, \PS{} and
+Portable Document Format as page description
+languages (\acro{PDL}), are just a~few of the buzzwords in the arena.
+Publishers are moving towards the
+art of creating \emph{electronic} documents.
+% redid next sentence - hate that dash...
+\TeX's typesetting engine outputs its results in the device independent
+(\acro{DVI}) page description format
+To avoid duplication, and to be backward compatible,
+various extensions to the \acro{DVI} format
+have been used via the \verb+\special+ command.
+Do you need color? Use color supporting \verb+\special+s.
+Do you need PostScript fragments in the \verb+dvi+ file?
+Graphics in various formats?
+\acro{PDF} fragments in the \verb+dvi+ file? Hypertext?
+Document/object structure markup for an \acro{SGML}
+driver? Every new application usually ends up
+as a~new set of \verb+\special+s, which are unfortunately,
+not yet standardized~\cite{tex:sofka96,tex:rokicki95TB16-4}.
+Do you need portable object reuse in your \verb+dvi+ file?
+Sound? Portable Multiple Master font parameters?
+No \verb+\special+s for these are
+in sight.
+As a result of all this, documents in \acro{DVI}
+ format are not really portable,
+as they usually contain a~lot of \verb+\special+s,
+and visual appearance depends on the device drivers
+available at the reader's site.
+These and similar problems and thoughts have led us to research
+on the possibility of generating portable electronic documents
+which will offer widest range of functionality
+from well established and widely used (\La)\TeX{} sources.
+%In the next section
+We give an overview of current
+formats relevant to the electronic document storage,
+%In section~\ref{s:pdf} we discuss
+including the current possibilities for producing
+\acro{PDF}\Dash a possible format of choice for electronic documents.
+We suggest a~new approach by means of the \TeXtoPDF{}
+program % in the section~\ref{s:tex2pdf} and, in
+ % section~\ref{s:proscons},
+and discuss its merits with respect to other approaches.
+We conclude with a discussion of object reuse %in section~\ref{s:reuse},
+and future developments.% in section~\ref{s:future}.
+\section{Formats for Electronic Document Delivery}
+\subsection{DVI Format}
+A \verb+dvi+ file is the standard output of a~\TeX{} run and is often used as
+a~format for storage and exchange of typeset \TeX{} documents.
+\acro{DVI} format is heavily (but not exclusively) used e.g.\
+in the Los Alamos \mbox{e-Print} archive \url||.
+Several tens of thousands
+documents are available (typeset by auto\TeX ing
+scripts) from there. The disadvantage is that the documents
+are not `self\Hyph embedded', which means that they rely
+on standardisation of font names and availability
+of fonts at the document consumer's site.
+Hypertext extensions to the \acro{DVI} format have been accomplished
+by a~set of \acro{HTML}\Hyph like \verb+\special+s
+defined by the Hyper\TeX{} project
+and special versions of previewers (\textsf{xhdvi}),
+\textsf{dvihps} and \textsf{ghost\-script}
+(\textsf{ghosth\-view}) have been developed.
+\subsection{Portable Document Format}
+\acro{PDF} \cite{tex:pdf96} is
+a~page description language derived from Adobe's %Display
+PostScript language~\cite{tex:postscriptref85}.
+The design goals are:
+\item Rendering speed\Dash algorithmic constructs were
+removed from the language.
+\item Portability\Dash as a~cross platform format, Acrobat Reader
+is available free of charge on major platforms.
+\item Compactness\Dash The Lempel, Ziv, Welsh
+compressing algorithm was licensed from UNISYS
+for maximum compression of files.\footnote{Latest
+news from Adobe says that ZIP compression has been added as
+well, leading to even better compression ratios.}
+Multiple Master font technology, partial font downloading
+and built-in fonts in the Acrobat Reader
+lead to a minimum size for portable documents.
+\item WWW support\Dash hypertext links to other documents
+on the Internet are allowed. \acro{PDF} version~1.2
+and Acrobat~3.0 (Amber) introduced a linearized arrangement
+of objects within \acro{PDF} documents, allowing for incremental downloading
+across the Internet.
+\item\sloppypar Extensibility\Dash documents can be extended
+without losing the old version; notes (stickers)
+can be added to document by the readers.
+\item Password protection\Dash access to a~document can be
+protected by a~password.
+\item Object structure\Dash
+allows for access to individual pages, with possibility
+of one-pass generation.
+\item Easy exchange\Dash ASCII (7bit)
+\acro{PDF} files can be generated for better portability
+and email exchange.
+\acro{PDF} files can be embedded directly in an \acro{HTML} page
+using the \acro{HTML} \texttt{<EMBED>} tag~\cite{html:adobe3beta}.
+These are becoming more
+and more popular in the \acro{WWW} world, as they render
+faithfully what the author saw
+(modulo color rendering and resolution of
+an end\Hyph user's display).
+Roll on \acro{SGML}, and real document storage.\\
+Not just this strange \acro{PDF} thing\\
+which traps the visuals like an insect in amber \ldots\\
+James Robertson on~\texttt{comp.text.pdf}
+\acro{SGML}~is~a~widely accepted international
+standard (ISO~8879)~\cite{sgml:Goldfarb:1990:SH,%
+} for document markup.
+It~is the format of choice for document storage chosen by many
+It~is a~language for describing markup, aimed at long\Hyph term storage,
+but not at visual layout. As \TeX{}'s typesetting engine
+is still the state\Hyph of\Hyph the\Hyph art,
+the perspective of typesetting
+of \acro{SGML} documents via \LaTeX3 with \TeX{} based engine
+is a~viable option.
+\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\raisebox{-1ex}[0mm][0mm]{Program(s)}} &
+\strut without \acro{LZW} & with \acro{LZW} & without compression\\
+& compression & compression & and \acro{PDF} file gzipped\\
+\TeXtoPDF{} ($\alpha$-test version) & \phantom{1}8\,063\,658 & 3\,086\,545 & 1\,906\,184 \\
+\TeX{} + \textsf{dvips} 5.58 + Adobe Distiller 2.1& 10\,530\,967 & 4\,387\,232& 2\,115\,827\\
+\TeX{} + \textsf{dvips} 5.58 + Aladdin Ghostscript 4.0 & 16\,908\,552 & not applicable& \\
+\caption{Size comparison of several ways of
+ producing \acro{PDF} file (\texttt{tex.pdf})
+ from a~\TeX{} file (\texttt{tex.tex})}
+\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\raisebox{-1ex}[0mm][0mm]{Program(s)}} &
+\strut Time without & Time with \\
+&compression & compression (LZW)\\
+\TeXtoPDF{} ($\alpha$-test version)& 1:57 & 2:38 \\
+\TeX{} + \textsf{dvips} 5.58 + Adobe Distiller 2.1& 6:34 (1:33+0:18+4:43) &
+ 6:56 (1:33+0:18+5:05)\\
+\TeX{} + \textsf{dvips} 5.58 + Aladdin Ghostscript 4.0 & not applicable&
+40:23 (1:33+0:18+38:32)\\
+\caption{Speed comparison of several ways of
+ producing \acro{PDF} file (\texttt{tex.pdf})
+ from a~\TeX{} file (\texttt{tex.tex})}
+\section{Current Possibilities for Producing PDF from \TeX}
+If~\acro{PDF}~is~required as the end format, with currently available
+programs one has to generate PostScript from
+a~\verb+dvi+ file and then to `distill' (using Adobe's Distiller program)
+the result to~\acro{PDF}.
+Some comments and suggestions on how to create
+\acro{PDF} files from \TeX{} are collected in \cite{tex:yandy:96}.
+Problems with configuring fonts are
+described in \cite{tex:whitehouse:96} and \cite{tex:emerge:96}.
+\section{The Name of the Game}% Direct Generation
+There still are countless important issues\\
+to be studied, relating especially to the many\\
+classes of documents that go far beyond\\
+what I ever intended \TeX{} to handle.\\
+Don Knuth~\cite{tex:knuth89}, p.~640
+Motivated by a~note by Don Knuth to one of the authors
+(private communication, 1994), who mentioned he expected people would
+attempt to create derivations from \TeX\ suitable for, e.g.,
+outputting PostScript instead of \acro{DVI}, a~project for creating
+\acro{PDF} files directly from the \TeX\ source has been
+attempted~\cite{tex:thanh96eng}, introducing the possibility of creating
+either \acro{DVI} or \acro{PDF} output. The working name of this game is \TeXtoPDF{}.
+An example of the \TeX{} source taking advantage of
+the new possibilities is shown in figure~\ref{example-tex}
+and the resulting document as viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader
+is shown in figure~\ref{example-reader} on page~\pageref{example-reader}.
+\caption{Example of new hypertext primitives added in the
+\TeXtoPDF{} source file}
+\includegraphics*[width=\textwidth, bb=-30 -53 644 847]{t.eps}
+\caption{Result of \TeXtoPDF{} source in
+Fig.~\protect\ref{example-tex} viewed in Acrobat Reader}
+\subsection{New primitives}
+New primitives have been introduced in \TeXtoPDF{} in order to allow for more
+straightforward use of hypertext features
+from within \TeX\Hyph like source.
+Most of their parameters are taken implicitly from the context
+of use in \TeX{} terms, which simplifies their use considerably.
+We do not specify the full syntax here, because it is not yet fully stable.
+changes \TeXtoPDF{} behaviour from \acro{DVI}\Hyph producing mode
+to \acro{PDF}\Hyph producing one.
+takes an argument which specifies the text of an annotation
+to be created at the current position.
+\item[]\pdfcname{pdfannotlink}, \pdfcname{pdfendlink}
+allows the user to specify hypertext links with all
+of the link attributes available in the \acro{PDF} specification.
+An integer argument is used as a key to the corresponding anchor.
+If no link border has been specified, it is computed for all boxes
+between \pdfcname{pdfannotlink} and \pdfcname{pdfendlink}, so the
+link will automatically become multiline if line break
+occurs in between.
+\item[]\pdfcname{pdfoutline} allows for the generation
+of bookmarks; bookmarks can be hierarchically structured.
+\item[]\pdfcname{pdfdestxyz}, \pdfcname{pdfdestfit},
+\pdfcname{pdfdestfith}, \pdfcname{pdf\-dest\-fitv}
+provide specification of various types of anchors
+with zooming and fitting possib\-il\-ities.
+\item[]\pdfcname{pdfdestfitr}, \pdfcname{pdfendfitr}
+specify the position of anchor corners. In~this case, the
+anchor area is computed from the corners.
+\subsection{Font handling}
+Font handling in \TeXtoPDF{} is currently limited to Type1 fonts only.
+Metric information is extracted from the \texttt{pfb} file.
+Font name mapping is handled using an auxiliary font mapping
+configuration file introducing the
+list of fonts available, together with the
+information on the type of font embedding and its usage.
+Virtual fonts~\cite{tex:Knuth:TB11-1-13-23} are
+supported in \TeXtoPDF{}. As they are in fact part of \verb+dvi+
+files, they have to be unfolded before \acro{PDF} is output, as in
+today's \acro{DVI} drivers.
+Compression is allowed in the \acro{PDF} specification, and
+several types of compression filters can be used;
+\acro{JPEG} compression for color graphics,
+\acro{LZW} and \acro{ZIP} compression for text and graphics, and
+\acro{CCITT} Group, Run Length and \acro{LZW} compression for monochrome
+As the \acro{LZW} compression algorithm is licensed by \acro{UNISYS}, we
+cannot distribute \TeXtoPDF{} with \acro{LZW} support, but we used
+it for testing runs to compare \TeXtoPDF{} with Distiller (see
+table~\ref{tab:sizecomp}). However, the even more effective
+\acro{ZIP} compression will be available in \acro{PDF} version~1.2,
+avoiding the need for \acro{LZW} compression in \TeXtoPDF{}, and
+the patent problems. The test figures show that
+\TeXtoPDF{} generated even more compact \acro{PDF} file
+than Adobe Distiller on standard text files.
+\verb+\special+s are not yet handled by \TeXtoPDF{}. As most of the graphics
+included in \TeX{} documents are PostScript and \acro{TIFF},
+at least support for the PostScript to \acro{PDF} and \acro{TIFF}
+to \acro{PDF} conversion will have to be included in the future.
+The implementation of of \TeXtoPDF{} is realized as a~\texttt{web} change file
+to the latest \TeX{} source~\cite{tex:knuth86:ct-b}.
+This implies that \TeXtoPDF{} is as portable as \TeX{} itself is.
+Karl Berry's \textsf{web2c} package has been used for
+the development and for producing
+a running Unix version. We expect easy recompilation on any
+Unix platform.
+\section{Pros and Cons}
+I was constantly bombarded by ideas\\
+for extensions, and I was constantly turning\\
+a~deaf ear to everything that did not fit\\
+well with \TeX{} as I conceived it at the time.\\
+Don Knuth~\cite{tex:knuth89}, p.~640
+To compare \TeXtoPDF{} with the other methods
+of producing a hypertext \acro{PDF} document from a \TeX{} file,
+we did several testing runs. They were done on a
+Sun Sparc~10 under the Solaris 2.4 operating system. Measurements
+were done using the \verb+time+ program (CPU times are listed).
+We used \verb+tex.tex+, generated from the \TeX{} source (\verb+tex.web+)
+file, as the testing document. For the hypertext version
+we used a slightly changed version of \verb+webmac.tex+
+(see \URL||).
+In both time and size comparisons \TeXtoPDF{} beats its competitors
+(see tables~\ref{tab:sizecomp} and~\ref{tab:timecomp}). This is mainly
+due to the
+absence of intermediate \acro{DVI} and PostScript
+formats in \TeXtoPDF{}, allowing for better PDF optimization.
+\TeXtoPDF{} is slightly slowed down by \texttt{pfb} file parsing.
+The users familiar with the (\textsf{emacs} + \TeX{} + \textsf{xhdvi}
+(+~\textsf{ghostscript})) suite
+of programs might want to switch to
+(\textsf{emacs} + \TeXtoPDF{} + \textsf{xpdf}),
+thus speeding up the document debugging cycle considerably.
+\TeXtoPDF{} is written in \texttt{web} so that its source blends naturally
+with the source of \TeX{} the program. The
+obvious benefit is absolute compatibility with \TeX{} proper;
+the actual code which drives the typesetting
+engine is that of Don Knuth (modulo \texttt{whatsits}
+use for the hypertext primitives added in \TeXtoPDF{}).
+While this conformance to \TeX{} source greatly
+benefits from Don's appreciation of stability,
+it makes the implementor's life more difficult in
+the world where \acro{PDF} still evolves.
+It is also hard to debug \TeXtoPDF{} without incremental
+compilation. When we come to add implementation of
+\verb+\special+ commands, maintenance will
+become tough.
+The changes introduced in new versions of \acro{PDF} are
+motivated by achieving better performance when handling Acrobat
+documents, and so \TeXtoPDF{} is bound to have the
+\acro{PDF}\Hyph generating modules
+modified or rewritten so that maximum benefit of the
+features supported by \acro{PDF} technology can be used.
+The fact that PDF specification has been made public is
+crucial to success of this approach.
+The \TeXtoPDF{} aproach is naturally backward compatible with
+\TeX{}\Dash in fact, if \acro{PDF} output is not switched
+on, it can still generate \acro{DVI} output identical to that of \TeX{}.
+Just by redefining some cross-referencing macros,
+the new hypertext features of \TeXtoPDF{} can be instantly used even
+without modifying the markup of old \LaTeX{} documents.
+\section{Object Reuse}
+Using well-designed formats results\\
+in \LaTeX\ source that clearly reflects\\
+the document structure.\\
+T.~V. Raman~\cite{tex:raman92}
+With \acro{PDF}, there is the possibility of taking advantage
+of the object structure and manipulation specified within a~\acro{PDF} file
+to store elements of document structure (higher level
+document model) in the \acro{PDF} file
+generated by the application (\TeXtoPDF{}).
+Some work has been already done
+in this direction by
+defining Encapsulated PDF (\acro{EPDF}) blocks and their
+reuse~\cite{tex:smith95}. This format, however,
+is not supported or used by a wide variety of applications.
+The logical structure of a document model is also urgently
+needed in applications
+like A\kern.1pts\kern-.125emT\kern-.125emeR~\cite{tex:raman92}, which \emph{reads}
+\LaTeX\ documents using a speech synthesizer.
+Developing an application that is
+able of reading aloud enriched \acro{PDF} files might become possible.
+Our suggestions for further work
+could lead to primitives which
+allow handling of \acro{PDF} \emph{objects}
+stored in the trailer of a~\acro{PDF} file indirectly.
+At least three primitives are foreseen:
+\item[]\pdfcname{setpdfbox} typesets its argument
+and stores the result as a~\acro{PDF} object. The reference to that
+object will stay in the internal register accessible by
+\item[]\pdfcname{lastpdfbox} returns
+the reference to the last stored object by \pdfcname{setpdfbox}.
+\item[]\pdfcname{usepdfbox} This primitive puts a~\emph{reference}
+to an~object into the output stream.
+\section{Future Work}
+Few claim to know what will be the preferred\\
+electronic format a century from now,\\
+but I'am willing to go out on a limb\\
+and assert that it will be none of \TeX,\\
+PostScript, \acro{PDF}, Microsoft Word, nor any\\
+other format currently in existence.\\
+Paul Ginsparg~\cite{ginsparg:unesco96}
+\TeXtoPDF{} is currently under development and is available
+to beta testers only. We do not guarantee
+that the input syntax will remain unchanged.
+Support for object reuse and graphics when the \acro{PDF} specification
+1.2 comes out may be added.
+For testing purposes, a \texttt{tex2pdf}
+option for the hyperref package~\cite{tex:yannis95} will be written, using
+the hypertext possibilities of \TeXtoPDF{} directly.
+This will allow using \TeXtoPDF{} for re\Hyph type\-setting of
+\LaTeX\ documents just by
+loading with \texttt{hyperref} package with the \texttt{tex2pdf}
+option in the document preamble.
+Support for the full usage of Multiple Master
+technology remains to be added, possibly
+in the combination with \MF~\cite{tex:yannis94,tex:goossensrahtz95}.
+Extensions of the paragraph breaking algorithm~\cite{tex:knuth81a}
+to take advantage of Multiple Master fonts with a variable width
+axis (but constant grayness) to help justification
+(\texttt{\bs emergencyfontwidthstretch})
+is another possible direction of future work.
+The support of TUG '96 bursary committee is acknowledged, having
+allowed presentation of preliminary version of this
+paper at the TUG '96 conference in Dubna, Russia.
+\newblock Adobe acrobat 3.0 beta.
+\newblock \URL||, 1996.
+{Adobe Systems}.
+\newblock {\em {\PS} Language Reference Manual}.
+\newblock Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey, Reading, MA, USA, 1985.
+{American National Standards Institute and International Organization for
+ Standardization}.
+\newblock {\em Information processing: Text and Office Systems: Standard
+ Generalized Markup Language ({SGML}).}
+\newblock American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY
+ 10018, USA, 1985.
+{Association of American Publishers}.
+\newblock {\em {Association of American Publishers} Electronic Manuscript
+ Series Standard for Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup: an {SGML}
+ Application Conforming to International Standard {ISO} 8879--Standard
+ Generalized Markup Language. Version 2.0 {Dublin}, {Ohio}: Available from the
+ {Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group}, c1987}.
+\newblock Association of American Publishers, Dublin, OH, USA, 1987.
+Tim Bienz, Richard Cohn, and James~R. Meehan.
+\newblock {\em {Portable Document Format} Reference Manual, Version 1.1}.
+\newblock Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey, Reading, MA, USA, 1996.
+Steven~J. DeRose and David~G. Durand.
+\newblock {\em Making Hypermedia Work}.
+\newblock Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Norwell, MA, USA, and Dordrecht,
+ The Netherlands, 1994.
+Andrew~E. Dobrowolski.
+\newblock {{Typesetting SGML documents using \smash{\TeX}}}.
+\newblock {\em TUGboat}, 12(3):\mbox{409--414}, December 1991.
+Inc. Emerge.
+\newblock \smash{\TeX} and pdf: Solving font problems.
+\newblock \url||, 1996.
+David Fuchs.
+\newblock {{The Format of \TeX's DVI Files}}.
+\newblock {\em TUGboat}, 1(1):17, October 1980.
+David Fuchs.
+\newblock {{The Format of \TeX's DVI Files}}.
+\newblock {\em TUGboat}, 3(2):14, October 1982.
+Paul Ginsparg.
+\newblock Winners and losers in the global research village.
+\newblock \URL||, February 1996.
+Charles~F. Goldfarb and Yuri Rubinsky.
+\newblock {\em The {SGML} handbook}.
+\newblock Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, 1990.
+Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, and Robin Fairbairns.
+\newblock {{Using Adobe Type~1 Multiple Master Fonts with \TeX{}}}.
+\newblock {\em TUGboat}, 16(3):253--258, June 1995.
+Yannis Haralambous.
+\newblock Parametrization of {P}ostscript {F}onts through \MF{}---an
+ {A}lternative to {A}dobe {M}ultiple {M}aster {F}onts.
+\newblock {\em Electronic Publishing}, 6(3):145--157, April 1994.
+Yannis Haralambous and Sebastian Rahtz.
+\newblock {\LaTeX{}, Hypertext and PDF, or the Entry of \TeX{} into the World
+ of Hypertext}.
+\newblock {\em TUGboat}, 16(2):\hbox{162--173}, June 1995.
+Berthold K.~P. Horn.
+\newblock Acrobat pdf from \smash{\TeX}.
+\newblock \URL||, 1996.
+Donald Knuth.
+\newblock {Virtual Fonts: More Fun for Grand Wizards}.
+\newblock {\em TUGboat}, 11(1):\hbox{13--23}, April 1990.
+Donald~E. Knuth.
+\newblock {\em The \smash{\TeX}book}, volume~A of {\em Computers and
+ Typesetting}.
+\newblock Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey, Reading, MA, USA, {\noopsort{1986a}}1986.
+Donald~E. Knuth.
+\newblock {\em {\TeX}: The Program}, volume~B of {\em Computers and
+ Typesetting}.
+\newblock Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey, Reading, MA, USA, {\noopsort{1986b}}1986.
+Donald~E. Knuth.
+\newblock {The {E}rrors of \smash{\TeX}}.
+\newblock {\em Software--Practice and Experience}, 19(7):607--685, 1989.
+Donald~E. Knuth and Michael~F. Plass.
+\newblock Breaking paragraphs into lines.
+\newblock {\em Software--Practice and Experience}, 11:1119--1184, 1981.
+Sebastian P.~Q. Rahtz.
+\newblock {Another Look at \LaTeX\ to SGML Conversion}.
+\newblock {\em TUGboat}, 16(3):\hbox{162--173}, September 1995.
+T.~V. Raman.
+\newblock {An Audio View of \TeX{} Documents}.
+\newblock {\em TUGboat}, 13(3):\hbox{372--379}, October 1992.
+Tomas~G. Rokicki.
+\newblock {{A proposed standard for specials}}.
+\newblock {\em TUGboat}, 16(4):\hbox{395--401}, December 1995.
+Philip~N. Smith.
+\newblock {Block\discretionary{-}{-}{-}Base Formatting with Encapsulated PDF}.
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