path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_4/javatex.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_4/javatex.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_4/javatex.tex')
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..09dc4adae9
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+\title{The \javaTeX\ project \& \texttt{web2java}}%
+%\thanks{This document --- possibly extended and updated ---
+%can be retrieved from
+\author{Timothy Murphy\\
+ School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin\\
+ \texttt{<>}}
+%\date{29 July 1996}
+The general aim of the \javaTeX\ project
+is to examine the relation --- if any ---
+between \Java\ and \TeX,
+and in particular (as a first step) to translate
+the standard \TeX\ programs ("tangle", "tex", "mf", etc)
+into \Java, using "web2java" ---
+a simple modification of the standard Unix\TeX{} utility "web2c".
+\section{Why Java?}
+Java is a dialect of C;
+and 95\% of the code produced by "web2java"
+is indistinguishable from C.
+At the same time, Java is much safer than C;
+for example, run-time checking of array-bounds
+catches many errors that would be missed by C.
+Java is object-oriented, which is of course a Good Thing.
+Although in fact we have made very little use of this ---
+apart from hiving off a few functions
+(I suppose we should say ``methods''!)
+like "reset" and "rewrite" into "TeXlib.class".
+But it would be nice to have a generic DVI driver
+which sent ``messages'' to an abstract "printer",
+which could be ``instantiated'' as a PostScript printer,
+a screen viewer, etc.
+Java has a simple graphics interface,
+although again we have made no use of this to date.
+It might prove \emph{too} simple for the purposes of \TeX.
+Java also has a simple network interface,
+which could prove useful
+in integrating \TeX\ into WWW (the World-Wide Web).
+A theoretical advantage of Java is that
+it compiles into device-independent ``bytecode'' format,
+so that, for example, "tangle.class" compiled on a Sun
+should run under Windows 95.
+There remains the intriguing possibility of DVI ``Applets'',
+as a way of putting \TeX\ on the Web.
+Against all these advantages there is at present
+one overwhelming disadvantage ---
+Java is extremely slow.
+For example, it takes about 40 times as long
+to "tangle" "tex.web" in Java as it does in C.
+Doubtless this ratio can be somewhat reduced
+by better coding;
+but it seems improbable that it could be improved
+more than four-fold.
+Our hope must be that a true Java compiler
+will soon be available, converting Java into machine code.
+Since Java is a standard programming language
+there seems no reason why such a compiler should not emerge;
+we would exect to see one before the end of the year.
+\section{How \texttt{web2java} works}
+"Web2java" --- like "web2c" ---
+is a post-processor to "tangle".
+To create "" from "foo.web" and ""
+one first runs "tangle":
+ tangle foo.web
+This creates the Pascal (or pseudo-Pascal) file "tangle.p".
+(If you like driving in the slow lane,
+you could run the Java tangle instead:
+ java javaTeX.tangle foo.web
+Class files are supposedly machine independent,
+so "tangle.class" from the \javaTeX{} distribution
+should run on any system.
+Note that this file, like all \javaTeX{} programs,
+is defined to be in the "javaTeX" package,
+and so must be placed in a subdirectory called "javaTeX"
+relative to the "CLASSPATH".)
+This file is then passed through "web2java" to create "":
+"foo.web" + "" \xrightarrow{"tangle"} "foo.p"
+\xrightarrow{"web2java"} "".
+Actually, this is a slight oversimplification.
+The file "common.defines" is prepended to "foo.p"
+\emph{before} passing through "web2java".
+And the resulting file is passed through "javafix.perl"
+\emph{after} "web2java":
+"common.defines" + "foo.p" \xrightarrow{"web2java"}\quad \mid \\
+\xrightarrow{"javafix.perl"} "".
+All this is completely analogous to "web2c",
+except that we have replaced the C program "fixwrites.c"
+by the Perl script "javafix.perl".
+\section{The \texttt{web2java} program}
+The filter "web2java" is created
+by the programs "flex" and "bison" (or "lex" and "yacc")
+from the files "web2java.l" and "web2java.y".
+This is completely analogous to "web2c".
+The file "web2java.l" is identical to "web2c.l",
+with the addition of 5 new tokens:
+"try", "catch", "finally", "new" and "cast".
+The syntax description in "web2java.y"
+has rather more changes, compared with "web2c.y".
+On the plus side, since Java has no pointers
+all the pointer-related material has been deleted.
+There is no attempt to determine if a function argument
+is ``formal var'' or not;
+and no need therefore to re-name functions with such arguments.
+Classes have been introduced in a rather crude way,
+by allowing
+Thus in "Math.abs(...)" "Math" has been defined
+as a variable ("@define var Math;").
+On the other hand, in
+ web_file: Data_Input_Stream;
+the class "DataInputStream" is defined as a type
+("@define type DataInputStream;").
+No class (so far) has appeared in both roles,
+so no conflict has arisen.
+(An earlier version, with "class" and "object" tokens,
+proved too complicated.)
+For the most part Web to Java is if anything
+simpler than Web to C.
+One apparent difficulty is the lack of a pre-processor in Java,
+since "web2c" leaves a good deal of work to "cpp".
+This means that more must be done in the change file,
+which is probably a Good Thing.
+The 3 main issues which arise are:
+\item The absence of "goto"s in Java;
+\item The lack of "typedef"s in Java; and
+\item Input/Output.
+These are discussed in the following 3 subsections.
+\subsection{Removing \texttt{goto}s}
+Java has no "goto";
+Perhaps in compensation,
+it allows "break" and "continue" statements
+to carry a \emph{label}, as for example in
+"break lab21" or "continue lab3".
+The corresponding labels
+must appear at the beginning of the loop in question.
+(A "break" label can also be attached to a "switch" statement,
+but we make no use of that.)
+We implement this as follows:
+"goto <num>" or "goto +<num>" are converted to "break lab",
+as for example
+"goto 6" \mapsto "break lab6",\quad
+"goto +17" \mapsto "break lab17".
+On the other hand "goto -<num>"
+is converted to "continue lab", as for example
+"goto -7" \mapsto "continue lab7".
+Finally, "goto 0" is converted to "break":
+"goto 0" \mapsto "break".
+Labels of the form $\pm$"<num>:" are commented out:
+"-20:" \mapsto "/* lab20 */".
+As we shall see, this allows old labels to be left.
+In practice, new labels are needed in virtually all cases.
+Here is a simple example
+ while n<>2 do begin
+ ... goto done ...
+ end;
+ done: ...
+Here "done" is defined at the beginning of the web file:
+ @d done=30 {go here to exit a loop}
+We alter this (in the change file, of course) to
+ @d Done=30 {go here to exit a loop}
+ @d done==+Done
+and we modify the loop above to
+ Done: while n<>2 do begin
+ ... goto done ...
+ end;
+ done: ...
+This translates in the Pascal file to
+ 30: while n<>2 do begin
+ ... goto +30 ...
+ end;
+ -30: ...
+%%% move this so that the figure comes out in an appropriate place
+and this in turn translates into the Java code
+ lab30: while n<>2 do begin
+ ... break lab30 ...
+ end;
+ /* lab30: */ ...
+It will be seen that in this case only one line needed to be changed,
+by the addition of the label "Done:".
+More often, 2 lines need to be changed.
+The following is a typical case.
+ reswitch: case ch of
+ 'x': ... goto reswitch ...
+ endcases;
+At the beginning of the web file we read
+ @d reswitch=21 {go here to start a case
+ statement again}
+We change this to
+ @d Reswitch=21 {go here to start a case
+ statement again}
+ @d reswitch==-Reswitch
+ @d break==goto 0
+Now we alter the switch statement to
+ Reswitch: loop begin case ch of
+ 'x': ... goto reswitch ...
+ endcases; break end;
+In the Pascal code this becomes
+ 31: loop begin case ch of
+ 'x': ... goto -31 ...
+ endcases; goto 0 end;
+which "web2java" converts to
+ lab31: while (true) { switch(ch) {
+ case 'x': ... continue lab31 ...
+ } break; }
+In practice all "goto" statements in the `classic' web files
+can be dealt with in this way,
+introducing an appropriate loop if necessary.
+One can imagine cases where this would be very difficult,
+if not impossible.
+Fortunately these do not arise in practice.
+In fact virtually all "goto" statements can be eliminated as above,
+by following a very small number of practical rules.
+Figure~\ref{fig:dvitype} is a fairly complicated case, from "".
+Recall that the material in "dvitype.web" between "@x" and "@y"
+is replaced by the material between "@y" and "@z".
+%%% this figure relates to something a little later on; placed here to
+%%% force it to come atop the proper case
+\subsection{Type definitions}
+There are no "typedef"s in Java.
+In theory one could replace "typedef"s
+by class definitions,
+but that would add considerable complication to the code.
+Instead we simply change them to substitutions
+(as though in C changing "typedef"s to "#define"'s).
+So for example we make the change
+ @x
+ @<Types...@>=
+ @!ASCII_code=0..255;
+ @y
+ @d ASCII_code==0..255
+ @z
+Later "web2java" will replace this range "0..255"
+by an appropriate type (currently "int").
+This entails some changes in "web2java.y",
+to allow ranges for procedure and function parameters,
+as eg in
+ procedure p(x:0..255);
+Presently all ranges are replaced by "int",
+since Java is rather strict about type conversion,
+and requires casting where C does not.
+On the whole, Java I/O is closer to Pascal syntax than is C.
+ write_ln(term_out, 'value is ', v);
+in Pascal becomes
+ System.out.println("value is " + v);
+in Java.
+However, we follow "web2c" in leaving this translation
+to the post-processor ---
+in our case the script "javafix.perl".
+This Perl script looks for `words' starting with "jT",
+and deals only with these.
+Thus the translation above is implemented through
+the definitions
+ @d term_out == System.out
+ @d write_ln == jT_print_ln
+The only unusual feature of Java I/O
+is that most I/O statements must be contained
+in a "try" statement,
+which must be followed by a "catch" statement
+to catch any I/O `errors'.
+However, this is perfectly straightforward,
+as may be seen in figure~\ref{fig:exceptions-io}, which shows an I/O
+function from "".
+For simplicity, "reset" and "rewrite" are defined
+in the `\TeX{} library class' "".
+ reset(web_file);
+is replaced in "" by
+ web_file:=TeXlib.reset(web_name);
+Writing a Java change file is a straightforward exercise,
+following the lines suggested above.
+Whether it is time well-spent is another matter!
+As we have said, the resulting programs
+are painfully slow;
+and the viability of the exercise must depend
+on the development of true Java compilers.
+\subsection{Project details}
+All the material in the project is in the public domain,
+and can be retrieved by anonymous FTP from
+(It is hoped later to submit the programs to the CTANs.)
+Any suggestions and contributions are very welcome.
+A mailing list has been set up.
+To join this, email ""
+with the message (not heading)
+ subscribe javatex
+The material forming the project is also available
+through the mailing-list.
+You can obtain this file, for example,
+by emailing "" with the message
+ get javatex javaTeX.tex
+To obtain a list of available files, send the message
+ index javatex
+For information on the working of "majordomo" send the message
+ help
+to "".