path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_2/syntart.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_2/syntart.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_2/syntart.tex')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_2/syntart.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_2/syntart.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb25a4bc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_2/syntart.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+% syntart.tex
+% Article about syntax.sty
+% (c) 1996 Mark Wooding, FWIW
+% --- First, some evil hacking ---
+% This lot sees if I'm in mid-document; if so it checks that necessary
+% packages are loaded and moans at the editor if necessary. Otherwise,
+% it loads an emulation of the layout, which might help me identify bad
+% line breaks. (I know I shouldn't be using \next like this, although
+% it's inside a group so I don't care.)
+ \ifx\syntdiag\xxundefined
+ \edef\ehelp{\errhelp{I can't seem to find Mr Wooding's excellent^^J%
+ `syntax' package. \space Please get it from CTAN
+ if^^J%
+ necessary, and say `\string\usepackage{syntax}'
+ in the^^J%
+ document preamble.}}
+ \ehelp
+ \errmessage{Package `syntax' not found}
+ \fi
+ \let\mdwendfile\endinput
+ \documentclass{baskart}
+ \usepackage[rounded]{syntax}
+ \shortverb\|
+ \begin{document}
+ \def\mdwendfile{\end{document}}
+% --- Some other definitions ---
+% These three typeset common LaTeX-related things. I have no idea how these
+% should be formatted, although I guess this lot will be OK.
+% I like tables centerd horizontally. While I can't assume my nice table
+% handling is present, I can at least try and make LaTeX's table handling
+% as pleasant as possible.
+% There's a slight problem here: there's a good chance that the `|' character
+% is active (for verbatim things), and this will make LaTeX's standard
+% tabular environment /very/ upset. I'll fiddle the catcode, read the
+% argument, restore the catcode back to whatever it was before, and pass
+% the argument (with catcodes now firmly carved in concrete) to tabular.
+% I also set up some abbreviations (based on the syntax of mdwtab's \hlx
+% command) for inserting little bits of vertical space around horizontal
+% rules. I'll describe the macros later.
+% Oh, before I go on further, this environment expects an extra argument
+% which is the number of columns in the table.
+ \begin{center}%
+ \small%
+ \newcommand{\hv}{\hline\shortrow{#1}}
+ \newcommand{\vhv}{\shortrow{#1}\hline\shortrow{#1}}
+ \newcommand{\vh}{\shortrow{#1}\hline}
+ \begingroup%
+ \catcode`\|=12\relax%
+ \startmdwtbl%
+ \end{tabular}\end{center}%
+% --- Short rows of vertical rules in tables ---
+% The following non-@-sign-requiring code inserts a number of columns of
+% height 2pt containing vertical rules at their extremities, as suggested
+% in Knuth's TeXbook, chapter 22. This is basically a primitive version
+% of the \vgap command from the `mdwtab' package.
+% First, I've got to take into account whether the standard `tabular' or
+% the enhanced array.sty version is in use. The array package defines a
+% new <dimen> parameter called \extrarowheight which I can check for. The
+% important difference is that the standard version puts negative space on
+% each side of a vertical rule to make it appear to have zero width. I
+% consider this to be a bug in the original version, since it makes the
+% left and right hand table rules look terribly uneven.
+ \newcommand{\shortvrule}{%
+ \kern -.5\arrayrulewidth%
+ \vrule height 2pt width \arrayrulewidth%
+ \kern -.5\arrayrulewidth%
+ }
+ \newcommand{\shortvrule}{%
+ \vrule height 2pt width \arrayrulewidth%
+ }
+% I'll do this in a rather odd way, to avoid playing with global registers.
+% I'll build a token sequence which will do the job in the token register
+% \toks 0, and then expand it.
+ \crcr%
+ \omit%
+ \iffalse{\fi\ifnum0=`}\fi%
+ \toks 0={\shortvrule\hfil\shortvrule}%
+ \count 0=#1\relax%
+ \loop%
+ \advance\count 0 by -1\relax%
+ \ifnum\count 0>0\relax%
+ \toks 0=\expandafter{\the\toks 0&\omit\hfil\shortvrule}%
+ \repeat%
+ \ifnum0=`{}\fi%
+ \the\toks 0%
+ \relax% <------ VITAL!
+ \cr%
+% --- Grammar typesetting things ---
+% --- Whew. Now I can actually start ---
+%\section{Syntax diagrams and other fun}
+\title{Syntax diagrams and other fun}
+\author[Mark Wooding]{Mark Wooding\\Email: \texttt{}}
+% Oh, how I hate these waffly introductions
+Among other things, I write manuals for computer programs, and descriptions
+of syntax diagrams tend inevitably to creep in. Formal BNF~grammars are
+relatively easy to typeset using some simple definitions and a list-based
+environment. However, they can be rather daunting for less technical
+readers, containing as they do all manner of funny metasymbols.\footnote
+{Even the word `metasymbol' is a little scary.} Books attempting to cater
+for such readers (and even some technical manuals about C~programming) tend
+to present syntax using diagrams: the idea, if you haven't come across them
+already, is that you follow the lines on the diagram around writing any of
+the items you come across on your journey, until you reach the end.
+For example, the diagram below attempts to present the various diverse
+elements comprising the arsenal of the Spanish Inquisition, according to the
+now legendary Monty Python sketch.
+ `fear and surprise' \\
+ `surprise and fear' \\
+ `ruthless efficiency' \\
+ `fanatical devotion to the pope' \\
+ `nice red uniforms'
+The diagram permits any sequence of one or more `weapons', separated by the
+word \lit{and}. Compare this with the BNF equivalent:
+<arsenal> ::= <weapon> | <arsenal> `and' <weapon>
+<weapon> ::= `fear and surprise'
+ \alt `surprise and fear'
+ \alt `ruthless efficiency'
+ \alt `fanatical devotion to the pope'
+ \alt `nice red uniforms'
+Which do you think is easier to read?
+The \pkg{syntax} package provides some commands for typesetting syntax
+diagrams like the one above (and for typesetting BNF~grammars).
+\section{Building syntax diagrams}
+Syntax diagrams are typeset using the \env{syntdiag} environment. This puts
+\LaTeX\ into a special `syntax diagram' mode: only syntax diagram commands
+should be used while in this mode: anything else will upset the typesetting
+and produce output which looks truly awful. To help you lay out your source
+nicely, spaces and newlines (including blank newlines) are totally ignored
+within syntax diagrams. (They will be enabled again when spaces and newlines
+are actually useful, so there's no need to worry about this.)
+One important point about syntax diagrams must be made here: like the
+\env{verbatim} environment, the \env{syntdiag} environment cannot be used
+inside the argument of a command. The other point is that you can only use
+syntax diagrams when you're in paragraph mode -- there's a \env{syntdiag\*}
+environment which is designed for use in LR mode, although that's more
+oriented towards presenting fragments of diagrams.
+If you just write an empty \env{syntdiag} environment, you get a line across
+the current text column with a double headed arrow on each end, like this:
+\begin{syntdiag} \end{syntdiag}
+This is clearly not much good, and we need to learn how to make it more
+\section{Simple bits of syntax diagrams}
+Syntax diagrams are built up from a small number of simple blocks. You just
+need to learn how to put these blocks together to build quite complicated
+looking diagrams.
+The simplest things you can put in syntax diagrams are \emph{syntax objects}.
+There are three types of syntax objects built in, and they have special
+abbreviations because they get used so much. The three types are:
+\item [Nonterminals] stand for some (possibly fairly complicated) syntactic
+ entity. They look like \synt{this}\footnote
+ {Well, you can change the style so that they look like anything
+ you want, although this is how they look by default, and I'd
+ recommend that you don't change the style too radically, because
+ you'll confuse your readers utterly. The styles of the other
+ syntax objects can also be changed.}
+ in syntax diagrams. You type nonterminals by typing the text within
+ `\lit*{<}\dots\lit*{>}', like \verb|<this>|.
+\item [Terminals] describe text which should be typed in exactly as shown.
+ They look like \lit{this} (or possibly like \lit*{this}) in the
+ diagram. You can type a quoted terminal by just typing single quotes
+ around the text, like \verb|`this'|; unquoted terminals like the second
+ example are obtained by using double quotes, like \verb|"this"|.
+\item [Composites] can contain terminals and nonterminals, together with
+ normal text typed in \LaTeX's LR~mode. You type a composite object by
+ using the \cmd{\tok} command -- the argument contains the text of
+ object. Within this argument, you can type nonterminals and terminals
+ using the abbreviations described above. Also, the `\verb"|"'
+ character will produce a $\mid$ symbol, which is used to indicate
+ alternatives.
+% This figure wants to go at the top of the next page. Putting it later
+% puts it on a float page, which is not what I want at all. So I'll put
+% it here, because this appears to work.
+ \begin{syntdiag}
+ \begin{stack}
+ \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \begin{stack} \\
+ `.' \begin{stack} \\
+ \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \end{stack}
+ \end{stack} \\
+ `.' \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \end{stack}
+ \begin{stack} \\
+ \begin{stack} `E' \\ `e' \end{stack}
+ \begin{stack} \\ `+' \\ `-' \end{stack}
+ \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \end{stack}
+ \end{syntdiag}
+\caption{Syntax diagram for a floating point number}
+ \vspace*{-10pt} % An unpleasant hack. It seems that if multicol has to
+ % fill an exact page it loops infinitely and spews rubbish
+ % about overful vboxes in \output to the terminal. The
+ % negative skip here stops the page from looking full to
+ % multicol, so it will balance the text it has and be
+ % very happy. (Bletch bletch.)
+ \csname sd@roundfalse\endcsname
+ \begin{syntdiag}
+ \begin{stack}
+ \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \begin{stack} \\
+ `.' \begin{stack} \\
+ \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \end{stack}
+ \end{stack} \\
+ `.' \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \end{stack}
+ \begin{stack} \\
+ \begin{stack} `E' \\ `e' \end{stack}
+ \begin{stack} \\ `+' \\ `-' \end{stack}
+ \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \end{stack}
+ \end{syntdiag}
+\caption{The same diagram with in the `square' style}
+% We will now resume our usual programming.
+The text within a nonterminal or terminal is read in way similar to \LaTeX's
+\cmd{\verb} command. You type the text more or less exactly as you'd like it
+to look. Problems occur if you want to produce something like \lit{doesn't}
+-- if you type \verb|`doesn't'|, then \TeX\ will think that the text ends at
+the \emph{first} \lit{'} character. You can avoid this problem by preceding
+the offending character by a backslash, making \verb|`doesn\'t'|, which is
+unfortunately less readable, but at least it actually works. Similar
+considerations apply to the \lit{\char'042} and \lit{>} characters. There's no need
+to start escaping characters like this unless there's actually an ambiguity.
+You can also type `\verb|\\|' to obtain a backslash character, and
+`\verb*|\ |' to get the `\verb*| |' symbol.
+Right: we can now put something into our empty syntax diagram. By saying
+\begin{list}{}{\leftmargin=\parindent \parskip=0pt \topsep=0pt} \footnotesize
+ \begin{syntdiag}
+ `angry gnat' <norwegian-blue>
+ "gnu going \"moo!\""
+ \end{syntdiag}
+we get something which looks not dissimilar to this:
+ \begin{syntdiag}
+ `angry gnat' <norwegian-blue>
+ "gnu going \"moo!\""
+ \end{syntdiag}
+\section{Building larger structures}
+Once you can write simple syntax objects, you need to know how to combine
+them in interesting ways. You've already seen that just writing objects
+next to each other inserts them in series (I managed to sneak that in above).
+Other contructions are described by environments nested within the main
+\env{syntdiag} environment.
+A choice of one item from a list is represented by stacking the available
+options one above the other. Such a construction is typeset using the
+\env{stack} environment; the individual rows of the stack are separated by
+\verb|\\| commands.
+An item which may be repeated any number of times is shown with a loop above
+it. Such a structure can be typeset with the \env{rep} environment; the text
+to be repeated forms the body of the environment. If the repeated texts are
+to be separated from each other, you can describe this separating text by
+preceding it with the \verb|\\| command.
+These two environments can be nested within each other as required.
+Arbitrarily complicated structures can be built in this way. We now have
+enough equipment to start drawing real diagrams. For example, a floating
+point number might be represented like this:
+\begin{list}{}{\leftmargin=\parindent \parskip=0pt \topsep=0pt} \footnotesize
+ \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \begin{stack} \\
+ `.' \begin{stack} \\
+ \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+ \end{stack}
+ \end{stack} \\
+ `.' \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+\begin{stack} \\
+ \begin{stack} `E' \\ `e' \end{stack}
+ \begin{stack} \\ `+' \\ `-' \end{stack}
+ \begin{rep} <digit> \end{rep}
+(The output is shown in figure~\ref{fig:synt.float}.)
+You can probably think of all sorts of syntax diagrams which can't be drawn
+by this system. Such diagrams are rather unlikely to appear in practice,
+they tend to be harder to understand, and all of them can be transformed into
+something which \emph{can} be represented, without altering their meanings.
+If you find that you can't draw the diagram you want, you should first see if
+it can't be transformed fairly simply into something which you can draw. If
+that doesn't work, try complaining at the author of the package.
+\section{Other things}
+Syntax diagrams have a habit of getting rather large. When possible, this
+package will try to break long syntax diagrams over several lines. Usually,
+a diagram begins with a double arrow (like `\begin{syntdiag*} [\left{>>-}
+\right{...}] \end{syntdiag*}'), and ends with a funny pair of inward pointing
+arrows (like `\begin{syntdiag*} [\left{...} \right{-><}] \end{syntdiag*}').
+When a diagram is broken, single arrows are put on the broken ends as a
+visual clue that the lines aren't complete. Quite often, the \TeX\ will find
+fairly good line breaks, and most of the time, the breaks will be fairly
+reasonable. If you want to take matters into your own hands, you can use
+the \verb|\\| command to force a break.
+Finally, there are two different styles of syntax diagrams which can be drawn
+by the package -- there's the `rounded' style I used in
+figure~\ref{fig:synt.float}, and the `square' style shown in
+figure~\ref{fig:synt.square}. You can choose which style to use in your
+document by passing the option \lit{square} or \lit{rounded} when you load
+the package. The default is to draw `square' style diagrams.
+%\hfill Mark Wooding \\ \hspace*{\fill} \texttt{}