path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_2/bv62htm.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_2/bv62htm.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_2/bv62htm.tex')
1 files changed, 653 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..90eccdf8bf
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+% this needs the typehtml.sty, either from ctan or I'll send it you.
+% It is exactly the stuff from the dtx file on ctan, except the
+% examples cut down a bit to fit two column linewidth.
+ \@multicnt#1\relax
+ \loop\ifnum\@multicnt>\@ne \sp@n\repeat}
+\title{\textsf{typehtml}: A \LaTeX\ package to typeset HTML}
+\author{David Carlisle}
+This package enables the processing of HTML codes. The
+\verb|\dohtml| command
+allows fragments of HTML to be placed within a \LaTeX\
+html markup ...
+The \verb|<html>|\ldots\verb|</html>| is \emph{required}. (It is
+anyway a good idea to have these tags in an HTML document.)
+The \verb|\htmlinput| command is similar, but takes a file
+name as argument. In that case the file need not necessarily start
+and end with \verb|<html>|\ldots\verb|</html>|.
+This package covers most of the HTML2 DTD, together with the
+mathematics extensions from HTML3.\footnote
+{The draft specification of HTML3 has expired, and the W3C group
+are currently devising a new proposed extension of HTML, so the
+mathematics typesetting part of this package may need substantial
+revision once a final specification of the HTML mathematics markup
+is agreed.}
+The rest of HTML3 may be added at a later date.
+Its current incarnation has not been extensively tested, having been
+thrown together during a couple of weeks in response to a
+question on \texttt{comp.text.tex} about the availability of such a
+The package falls into three sections. Firstly the options section
+allows a certain amount of customisation, and enabling of
+extensions. Not all these options are fully operational at present.
+Secondly comes a section that implements a kind of SGML parser. This
+is not a real conforming SGML parser (not even a close approximation
+to such a thing!) The assumption (sadly false in the anarchic WWW)
+is that any document will have been validated by a conforming SGML
+parser before it ever gets to the stage of being printed by this
+package. Finally are a set of declarations that essentially map the
+declarations of the HTML DTD into \LaTeX\ constructs.
+\subsection{HTML Level}
+The options \texttt{html2} (the default) and \texttt{html3} control the
+HTML variant supported. Using the \texttt{html3} option will use up a
+lot more memory to support the extra features, and the math entity
+(symbol) names. Against my better judgement there is also a
+\texttt{netscape} option to allow some of the non-HTML tags accepted
+by that browser.
+The six options \texttt{chapter}, \texttt{chapter*}, \texttt{section},
+\texttt{section*}, \texttt{subsection} and \texttt{subsection*}
+determine to which \LaTeX\ sectional command the HTML element
+\texttt{h1} is mapped. (\texttt{h2}--\texttt{h6} will
+automatically follow suit.) The default is \texttt{section*}.
+\subsection{Double Quote Handling}
+Most HTML pages use |"| as as a quotation mark in text, for
+quoted "like this" example
+This slot in the ISO latin-1 encoding is for `straight' double
+quotes. Unfortunately the Standard \TeX\ fonts in the OT1 encoding
+do not have such a character, only left and right quotes, ``like
+this''. By default this package uses the \texttt{straightquotedbl}
+option which uses the \LaTeX\ command |\textquotedbl| to render
+|"|. If used with the T1 encoded fonts |\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}|
+then the straight double quote from the current font is used. With
+OT1 fonts, the double quote is taken from the |\ttfamily| font,
+which looks \texttt{\char'042}like this\texttt{\char'042} which is fairly
+horrible, but better than the alternative which is ''like this''.
+The \texttt{smartquotedbl} option redefines |"| so that it produces
+alternatively an open double quote `` then a close ''. As there is a
+chance of it becoming confused, it is reset to `` at the beginning
+of every paragraph, whatever the current mode.
+Neither of these options affects the use of |"| as part of the SGML
+syntax to surround attribute values.
+In principle the package ought to have similar options dealing with
+the single quote, but there the situation is more complicated due to
+its dual use as an apostrophe, so currently the package takes no
+special precautions: all single quotes are treated as a closing
+quote/apostrophe. Also the conventions of `open' and `close' quotes
+only really apply to English. If someone wants to suggest what the
+package should do with |"| in other languages\ldots
+The default option is \texttt{imgalt} This means that all inline
+images (the HTML \texttt{img} element) are replaced by the text
+specified by the \texttt{alt} attribute, or \textsf{[image]} if no
+such attribute is specified.
+The \texttt{imggif} option\footnote{one day\dots} uses the
+\verb|\includegraphics| command so that inline images appear as
+such in the printed version.
+The \texttt{imgps} option\footnotemark[9] is similar to
+\texttt{imggif} but first replaces the extension \texttt{.gif} at
+the end of the source file name by \texttt{.ps}. This will enable
+drivers that can not include GIF files to be used, as long as the
+user keeps the image in both PostScript and Gif formats.
+Several options control how the HTML anchor tag is treated.
+The default \texttt{nohyperref} option ignores \texttt{name} anchors, and
+typesets the body of \texttt{src} anchors using |\emph|.
+The \texttt{ftnhyperref} option is similar to \texttt{nohyperref},
+but adds a footnote showing the destination address of each link,
+as specified by the \texttt{src} attribute.
+If the \texttt{hyperref} option is specified, the hypertext markup
+in the HTML file will be replicated using the
+hypertext specials of the Hyper\TeX\ group. If in addition the
+\textsf{hyperref} package is loaded, the extra features of that
+package may be used, for instance producing `native PDF' specials
+for direct use by Adobe Distiller rather than producing the specials
+of the hyper\TeX\ conventions.
+The \texttt{dviwindo} option converts the hypertext information in
+the HTML into the |\special| conventions of Y\&Y's \emph{dviwindo}
+previewer for Microsoft Windows.
+\subsection{Big Integrals}
+\LaTeX\ does not treat integral signs as variable sized symbols,
+in the way that it treats delimiters such as brackets. In common
+with summation signs and a few other operators, they come in
+just two fixed sizes, a small version for inline mathematics, and a
+large version used in displays. In fact by default \LaTeX\ always
+uses the same two sizes (from the 10\,pt math extension font) even if
+the document class has been specified with a size option such as
+\texttt{12pt}, or if a size command such as |\large| has been used.
+The standard \textsf{exscale} package loads the math extension font
+at larger sizes if the current font size is larger than 10\,pt.
+The HTML3 math description explicitly states that integral signs
+should be treated like delimiters and stretch if applied to a large
+math expression. By default this package ignores this advice and
+treats integral signs in the standard way, however an option
+\texttt{bigint} does cause integral signs to `stretch' (or at least
+be taken from a suitably large font). The standard Computer Modern
+fonts use a very `sloped' integral which means that they are
+not really suitable for being stretched. Some other math fonts, for
+instance Lucida, have more vertical integral signs, and one could
+imagine in those cases making an integral sign with a `repeatable'
+vertical middle section so that it could grow to an arbitrary size, in
+the way that brackets grow.
+\section{Latin-1 characters}
+The SGML character entities for the ISO-Latin1 characters such as
+\texttt{\&eacute;} are recognised by this style, although as usual,
+some of them such as the Icelandic thorn character,
+\texttt{\&thorn;}, \verb|\th|, produce an error if the old `OT1'
+encoded fonts are being used. These characters will print correctly
+if `T1' encoded fonts are used, for example by declaring
+HTML also allows direct 8-bit input of characters according to the
+ISO-latin1 encoding, to enable this you need to enable latin-1 input
+for \LaTeX\ with a declaration such as
+The HTML3 \texttt{math} element is fairly well supported, including the
+and \texttt{class} attributes. (Currently only \texttt{chem} value for class is
+supported, and as far as I can see the \texttt{box} attribute is only in the
+report, not in the DTD.) The super and subscripts are supported,
+including the shortref maps, however only the default right
+alignment is
+implemented so far. The convention described in the draft report
+for using white space to distinguish superscript positioning is
+fairly \emph{horrible}!
+The documentation that I could find on HTML3 did not include a full
+list of the entity names to be used for the symbols. This
+package currently \emph{only} defines the following entities, which
+should be enough for testing purposes at least.
+|gt| ($>$) |lt| ($<$) (Already in the HTML2 DTD)
+Some Greek letters.
+|alpha| ($\alpha$)
+|beta| ($\beta$)
+|gamma| ($\gamma$)
+|Gamma| ($\Gamma$)
+Integral and Sum. $\int$ grows large if the \texttt{bigint} package
+option is given.
+|int| ($\int$)
+|sum| ($\sum$)
+Braces (The delimiters (\,)[\,] also stretch as expected in the \texttt{box}
+|lbrace| ($\lbrace$)
+|rbrace| ($\rbrace$)
+A random collection of mathematical symbols:
+|times| ($\times$)
+|cup| ($\cup$)
+|cap| ($\cap$)
+|vee| ($\vee$)
+|wedge| ($\wedge$)
+|infty| ($\infty$)
+|oplus| ($\oplus$)
+|ominus| ($\ominus$)
+|otimes| ($\otimes$)
+A Minimal set of trig functions:
+|sin| ($\sin$)
+|cos| ($\cos$)
+|tan| ($\tan$)
+Also in the special context as attributes to \texttt{above} and
+\texttt{below} elements the entities:
+|overbrace| ($\overbrace{\quad}$)
+|underbrace| (\,\smash{$\underbrace{\quad}$}\,) and any (\TeX) math accent name.
+\section{SGML Minimisation features}
+SGML (and hence HTML) support various minimisation features that aim
+to make it easier to enter the markup `by hand'. These features make
+the kind of `casual' attempt at parsing SGML as implemented in this
+package somewhat error prone.
+Two particular features are enabled in HTML. The so called \texttt{shorttag}
+feature means that the name of a tag may be omitted if it may be
+inferred from the context. Typically in HTML this is used in
+examples like
+<title>A Document Title</>
+The end tag is shortened to |</>| and the system infers that
+\texttt{title} is the element to be closed.
+The second form of minimisation enabled in HTML is the \texttt{omittag}
+feature. Here a tag may be omitted altogether in certain
+A typical example is the HTML list, where each list item is started
+with |<li>| but the closing |</li>| at the end of the item may be
+omitted and inferred by the following |<li>| or |</ol>| tag.
+This package is reasonably robust with respect to omitted
+tags. However it only makes a half hearted attempt at supporting the
+\texttt{shorttag} feature. The \texttt{title} example above would work, but nested
+elements, with multiple levels of minimised end tags will probably
+break this package.
+It would be possible to build a \LaTeX\ system that had full
+knowledge of the HTML (or any other) DTD and in particular the
+`content model' of every element. This would produce a more robust
+parsing system but would take longer than I was prepared to
+spend\ldots\ If you need a fully conforming SGML
+parser, it probably makes sense to use an existing one (excellent
+parsers are freely available) and then convert the output of
+the parser to a form suitable for \LaTeX. In that way all such
+concerns about SGML syntax features such as minimisation will have
+been resolved by the time \LaTeX\ sees the document.
+\subsection{A section}
+This document uses the \texttt{subsection*} option.
+<h1>HTML and LaTeX</h1>
+<h1>HTML and LaTeX</h1>
+\subsection{An itemised list}
+<li> something
+<li> something else
+<li> something
+<li> something else
+\subsection{Latin1 Characters}
+&eacute; &ouml;
+&eacute; &ouml;
+Currently only the \texttt{alt} attribute is supported.
+An image of me <img alt="DPC"
+ src="dpc.gif">
+This is an image of me <img alt="DPC" src="dpc.gif">
+\subsection{A Form}
+ "http://www.cogs/cgi-bin/ltxbugs2html"
+You can search for all the bug reports
+<select name="category">
+ <option>AMS LaTeX</option>
+ <option>Babel</option>
+ <option>Graphics and colour</option>
+ <option>LaTeX</option>
+ <option selected>Metafont fonts</option>
+ <option>PostScript fonts</option>
+ <option>Tools</option>
+You can search for all the bug reports about: <select name="category">
+<option>AMS LaTeX</option>
+<option>Graphics and colour</option>
+<option selected>Metafont fonts</option>
+<option>PostScript fonts</option>
+\subsection{Styles of Mathematics}
+H_2_O + CO_2_
+<math class=chem>
+H_2_O + CO_2_
+<math box>
+H_2_O + CO_2_
+<math class=chem box>
+H_2_O + CO_2_
+H_2_O + CO_2_
+<math class=chem>
+H_2_O + CO_2_
+<math box>
+H_2_O + CO_2_
+<math class=chem box>
+H_2_O + CO_2_
+Stretchy integrals with the \texttt{bigint} option.
+1 <over>
+1 <over>
+<right><t>d</t> x}
+And the same integral with the standard integral sign.
+\subsection{Oversized delimiters}
+ (<left>1 <atop> 2 <right>)
+<box size=large>
+ (<left>1 <atop> 2 <right>)
+ (<left>1 <atop> 2 <right>)
+<box size=large>
+ (<left>1 <atop> 2 <right>)
+\subsection{Roots, Overbraces etc}
+<above sym=overbrace> abc </above>
+<below sym=underline> abc </below>
+<above sym=widehat> abc </above>
+<above sym=overbrace> a bc </above>
+<below sym=underline> abc </below>
+<above sym=widehat> abc </above>
+Most of the array specification is supported. Currently most of the
+effort has gone into writing the HTML parser, so currently the column
+spacing is not yet ideal, as may be seen by the following examples,
+but that is (hopefully!) a small detail that can be corrected in a
+later release.
+<array align=top>
+<row><item><text>col 1</text>
+ <item><text>col 2</text>
+ <item><text>col 3</text>
+ <item><text>col 4</text>
+<row><item><text>row 2</text>
+ <item> a_22_ <item>a_23_<item>a_24_
+<row><item><text>row 3</text>
+ <item rowspan=3
+ colspan=2>a_32_-a_53_
+ <item>a_34_
+<row><item><text>row 4</text>
+ <item>a_44_
+<row><item><text>row 5</text>
+ <item>a_54_
+<row><item><text>row 6</text>
+ <item align=left>al_62_
+ <item align=right>ar_63_
+ <item>a_64_
+<array align=top>
+<row><item><text>col 1</text><item><text>col 2</text><item>
+<text>col 3</text><item><text>col 4</text>
+<row><item><text>row 2</text><item> a_22_ <item>a_23_<item>a_24_
+<row><item><text>row 3</text><item rowspan=3 colspan=2>
+<row><item><text>row 4</text><item>a_44_
+<row><item><text>row 5</text><item>a_54_
+<row><item><text>row 6</text><item align=left>
+al_62_<item align=right>ar_63_<item>a_64_
+Repeat that element, but change the \texttt{array} attributes as follows:
+<array ldelim="(" rdelim=")" labels>
+<array ldelim="(" rdelim=")" labels>
+<row><item><text>col 1</text><item><text>col 2</text><item>
+<text>col 3</text><item><text>col 4</text>
+<row><item><text>row 2</text><item> a_22_ <item>a_23_<item>a_24_
+<row><item><text>row 3</text><item rowspan=3 colspan=2>
+<row><item><text>row 4</text><item>a_44_
+<row><item><text>row 5</text><item>a_54_
+<row><item><text>row 6</text><item align=left>
+al_62_<item align=right>ar_63_<item>a_64_
+and finally an example of \texttt{colspec}
+<array colspec="R+C=L">
+ <item>abc_13_
+<array colspec="R+C=L">
+HTML3 tables are not yet supported, but there is a minimal amount to
+catch simple cases.
+<caption>Simple Table</caption>
+<tr><td>one <td> two
+<tr><td>a <td> b
+<caption>Simple Table</caption>
+<tr><td>one <td> two
+<tr><td>a <td> b
+\section{Concluding Remarks}
+Some parts of this package are still rather `rough'. In particular
+some of the spacing in the mathematics examples above is not perfect.
+I plan to revise the package and improve such details when (if?)
+a mathematics proposal for HTML to replace the HTML3 draft is
+published. Considering that it started off as an example just to show
+that \TeX\ is capable of processing markup languages that do not
+look like the traditional `backslash' commands, the package has proved
+surprisingly capable of handling a wide variety of `real world' HTML
+documents. Of the core HTML language the most noticeable feature not
+yet supported is graphics inclusion. I plan to support that better in
+a future release.
+A more difficult conceptual problem is that it is
+hard to linearise a hypertext document automatically. A typical
+`document' will consist of many HTML files interconnected by links.
+Currently one must invoke |\dohtml| or |\htmlinput| separately on each
+of these files, and manually order them into a page order for the
+typeset version. It would be nice to develop heuristics to traverse
+the HTML document and build up the linear typeset version
+automatically; however \TeX\ may not be the ideal language for writing
+a web-crawler\ldots