path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_5/agm.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_5/agm.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_5/agm.tex')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_5/agm.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_5/agm.tex
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+\title{Report of the 1995 UKTUG AGM}
+\author[R. A. Bailey\\Hon.\ Secretary, 1991--95]{R.~A.~Bailey}
+% Template for voting table: could be macroised. % RRR
+% \begin{tabular}{lr}
+% For& \\
+% Against & \\
+% Abstentions & \\
+% \end{tabular}
+ \begin{tabular}{lr@{}l}
+ For& #1 & \\
+ Against & #2 & \\
+ Abstentions & #3 & #4
+ \end{tabular}\end{quote}
+\newcommand{\nemcon}{{\it nem.\ con}}
+%and here is a macro left over from Chris's days as secretary!
+\def\ithead#1{{\bf #1 \ }\ignorespaces}
+%%%% more Chris stuff!
+%%%\parindent 0pt
+%%%\parskip 6pt
+\subsubsection*{Official report of the AGM of the UK \TeX\ Users
+Group, held at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London
+(Room~G2 in the School of Mathematical Sciences) on Wednesday
+18~October 1995 at 1130 hours}
+There were twelve members present.
+In the absence of C.~A.~Rowley, the chair was taken by S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz.
+The following is a
+brief summary of the business transacted; it is categorized by,
+roughly, the numbered agenda items.
+ \item \ithead{Report of the 1994 AGM}
+This report had already been published in \BV~5.1.
+Copies were also available at the meeting. The report
+was received as correct.
+\item \ithead{Chairman's Report} The Group's Chairman, C.~A.~Rowley,
+had sent his written report, which was read out to the meeting. It is published
+following this article.
+\item \ithead{Approval of Accounts}
+The Treasurer, P.~Abbott, gave his report.
+Copies of the audited accounts for
+1994--95 were presented.
+These accounts appear elsewhere in this issue.
+The following points were made during the discussion of the report.
+%\marginpar{Peter should check these facts}
+\item The bank account had been changed to one which gave a higher rate of
+interest but on which there was a charge for cheques in excess of eight per
+month. The change gives the Group a net benefit.
+\item The Committee had authorized the purchase of various equipment for Peter
+Abbott during the year so that he could carry out his duties as Membership
+Secretary and as provider of membership services such as discs and books.
+\item Now that TUG is no longer paying the Group for production of TTN or \TeX
+hax, the income due from TUG to \ukt\ is not of the same order of
+magnitude as the payments due from \ukt\ to TUG. In 1995--96 it is likely
+that real money will have to be transferred from \ukt\ to TUG.
+\item The accounts for the meetings in April 1995 and June 1995 are not yet
+\item \ukt\ donated some money to bursary funds to enable less well-off
+people to attend various \TeX\ user group meetings in 1995; it also gave Cathy
+Booth Memorial prizes at some of these meetings. These items of expenditure do
+not yet show in the accounts, as the financial year ended on 31~July 1995.
+\item As reported in \BV~5.3, the Committee sent Robin Fairbairns as its
+delegate to the April 1995 GUTenberg meeting on the $\Omega$~project, paying
+his expenses from the Group's funds. It was not clear which heading in the
+accounts included this item.
+The meeting thanked the Treasurer for his hard work on behalf of the Group.
+\item \ithead{Appointment of Auditor(s)}
+The Treasurer reported that Colin Smith had audited the accounts for 1994--95,
+was happy with them, and had made some helpful suggestions. The meeting gave
+formal thanks to Colin Smith and reappointed him auditor for 1995--6.
+\item \ithead{Membership Fees}
+The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee:
+\it The membership fee for 1996 shall be \pounds 20.00 for full membership or
+\pounds 10.00 for full-time student membership.
+D.~P.~Carlisle then proposed an amendment: that the
+membership fee for full-time students be \pounds 5.00. The purpose of this
+amendment was to encourage students to join.
+M.~Clark seconded the amendment, which was passed \nemcon. The amended
+motion was then passed \nemcon.
+\item \ithead{Inducement to pay subscriptions early}
+The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee:
+\it Any individual member who pays his or her subscription for one
+ calendar year before the end of the previous calendar year shall
+ be entitled to a discount of 10\%.
+The motion was then passed \nemcon.
+\item \ithead{Approval of the annual subscription for institutional members}
+The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee:
+\it The membership fee for 1996 shall be \pounds 100.00 for institutional
+This was passed \nemcon.
+It was also decided that \BV\ should include a list of current institutional
+members of \ukt\ whenever it mentioned institutional membership.
+\item \ithead{Announcement of new Chairman}
+The Committee Secretary announced that, as a result of the election, the new
+Chairman of \ukt\ would be R.~Fairbairns. She reported details of the
+vote-counting, which have already been published in \BV~5.5.
+The meeting thanked both candidates
+for standing for election and B.~A.~F.~Wehrfritz for his help in counting the
+\item \ithead{Election of Committee}
+ Of the previous committee, P.~Abbott (as Treasurer),
+D.~P.~Carlisle and C.~Hewlett
+continued. Of those retiring,
+M.~Clark and A.~S.~A.~Jeffrey
+stood for re-election. One further nomination for
+committee membership had been received for K.~Bazargan.
+These three people were all elected to the committee, bringing the total size of
+the committee to six (excluding the Chair).
+\item\ithead{Report on \BV}
+the current editor of
+the Group's newsletter \BV, gave a report on the second full year in which
+\BV\ had appeared at intervals of approximately two months.
+Issue~4.6, devoted to `Frequently Asked Questions' and edited by R.~Fairbairns,
+had been a great success. It had been reprinted by NTG, and translated to
+appear in GUTenberg and the newsletters of CSTUG, CyrTUG and \textsc{Dante}.
+%\marginpar{macros for these?}
+Any FAQ gets out of date and needs correcting, so \BV~5.6 will be a new FAQ
+issue, and it may become an annual publication.
+The editor thanked all contributors to \BV, particularly R.~A.~Bailey for her
+series on `Maths in LaTeX' and M.~Clark for his ongoing `Gleanings' column.
+Having regular contributions like this gives the editor a big psychological
+boost when he starts work on each issue. He asked other members to consider
+writing regular contributions for \BV.
+The editor also thanked R.~Fairbairns and J.~Fine for their sterling work in
+producing and distributing \BV. It was noted that J.~Fine had withdrawn from
+this in May 1995, since when R.~Fairbairns had carried the whole burden of both
+The editor reported
+that he cooperates with the editor of MAPS, the newsletter of NTG,
+so that MAPS and \BV\ republish articles from each other that will be of
+interest to both memberships. He recommended continued such cooperation with
+other \TeX\ users' groups.
+\BV\ had figured in discussions at the annual TUG meeting in Florida in July
+1995. There had been two sessions in which the editors of the various
+newsletters exchanged information and problems. In addition, D.~E.~Knuth had been
+presented with a copy of \BV: he had enjoyed reading it so much that he had
+asked for a subscription to it.
+S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz had now become Secretary of TUG. He was continuing his work on
+CTAN, and so could not continue to edit \BV\ beyond the end of 1995. A new
+editor for \BV\ was therefore desperately needed.
+The meeting thanked the outgoing editor for his success in making \BV\ such an
+interesting and regular publication during the two-and-a-half years in which he
+had edited it.
+ \item \ithead{Topics for Meetings}
+The Meetings Secretary, M.~Clark, reported that the following meetings were in
+various stages of preparation, and welcomed any volunteers to help with their
+\item A meeting on scientific publishing with \TeX, to involve various learned
+societies and publishers of scientific journals. This had been very much the
+idea of J.~Fine, and might not go forward now that he had left the Committee.
+\item A meeting for university academic registrars
+to address such issues as regulations for the appearance of
+PhD theses set in (La)\TeX. The appropriate body UCISA had been approached but
+was being slow to respond.
+\item A meeting on `\TeX\ and the Internet' would definitely take place at
+Warwick University at Easter 1996.
+\item There will be another joint meeting with BCSEP on portable documents. It
+will take place in January or February 1996 and will be organized by BCSEP.
+The Meetings Secretary reported his disappointment at the poor take-up at
+training meetings. At Easter 1995 a training meeting had been held on MakeIndex
+and BiB\TeX\ with the top trainers in each subject. In spite of members'
+expressed desire for such training, less than half a dozen people had attended
+the meeting. Why? A training meeting on emtex had been advertised for later in
+the year, but had been cancelled after only two enquiries had been made about
+The meeting discussed why the attendance at the AGM is always so poor. A
+possible reason is that many potential attenders are academic staff, for whom
+October is one of the busiest times of year.
+The possibility of a meeting aimed specifically at publishers (and priced
+accordingly!) was also discussed.
+\item \ithead{Services to Members}
+P.~Abbott reported that \ukt\ gets a steady modest income from the sale of
+books, in spite of the discount to members. It was agreed that the members'
+discount should be increased from 10\% to 20\%. The remaining 5\% still covers
+the administrative costs of the service (25\% is the discount to \ukt).
+The meeting congratulated P.~Abbott on updating disc sets for emtex and sending
+them out. He
+reported that the majority of requests are for emtex, \LaTeXe\ and their
+updates: their is little demand for other material from the archive.
+There was some discussion of the feasibility of producing a CDROM of \TeX-ware
+for unix or for the Macintosh. It was left to the new Committee to consider
+this in more detail.
+\item \ithead{Honorary Member}
+It was agreed to award honorary membership to D.~E.~Knuth.
+\item \ithead{Other Users' Groups}
+It was agreed that one free copy of each issue of \BV\ should be sent to each
+other \TeX\ users' group.
+\item \ithead{Afternoon Meeting}
+It was announced that the meeting on `\TeX\ for the
+non-technical' advertised for that afternoon had had to be cancelled, as there
+had been only five applications to attend by the deadline of one week in
+advance. The acting chairman apologized to the meeting organizers, speakers and
+those who had hoped to attend the meeting.
+\item \ithead{Thanks}
+The meeting thanked the retiring Chairman C.~A.~Rowley for running the \UKTUG\
+so successfully for two years, and, in particular, steering the Group through
+a difficult patch. It also thanked R.~A.~Bailey for her four years' work as
+Committee Secretary.
+The meeting closed at about 1310 hours.
+\title{\UKTUG\ Chair's report on 1994--95}
+\author{Chris Rowley}
+First, a big thank you to all my colleagues who have been on the
+Committee at various times for all their hard work during the last two
+years, which have certainly included some good and some interesting
+The continued timeliness and success of \BV\ is again due to the
+inexhaustible editorship of Sebastian Rahtz, with Robin Fairbairns and
+Jonathan Fine as publisher and distributor. So, many thanks to them
+and all the authors, conscious, willing or otherwise.
+As part of this publishing enterprise we, by which I mean largely
+Robin Fairbairns with help from several quarters, revived and updated the
+\TeX{} FAQ, originally set up by Bobby Bodenheimer.
+This has been another of our
+activities whose benefits are spread throughout the world and which
+have made the combination of UK and \TeX{} mean `timely and useful
+information' much as Peter Abbott's UK\TeX{} did \ldots\ how many
+years ago is it now?
+Alan Jeffrey
+and Robin Fairbairns have
+been busy making our presence felt in the vast ocean
+of information on the World Wide Web, including an on-line version of
+the FAQ.
+Rosemary Bailey has kept things running efficiently and in line with
+the constitution (as much as possible). Recently she has been
+assisted both by Malcolm
+Clark, who took this on
+in addition to his prime role as Meetings Officer, and by Carol Hewlett.
+Four meetings were held during the year. A meeting on `What's new in \TeX?'
+was held at Warwick University on 19~October 1994, after the AGM; it was
+organized by Robin Fairbairns and Malcolm Clark
+%% programme organizer then local organizer
+and was attended by about $20$~people.
+and demonstrations were given by
+%%alphabetical order for speakers
+David Carlisle,
+Angus Duggan,
+Jonathan Fine,
+Ulrich Jahnz and
+Philip Taylor.
+On $19$~January 1995 a joint meeting with the British Computer Society
+Electronic Publishing Special Group (BCS-EP)
+was held at the Bridewell Theatre, Bride Lane
+in London
+on `Portable documents: Acrobat, SGML and \TeX'
+organized by Malcolm Clark, Jonathan Fine and Carol Hewlett.
+Their enthusiasm and
+hard work ensured an excellent programme and
+a full house (about 125 people attended).
+The speakers were
+David Barron,
+David Brailsford,
+Jonathan Fine,
+Peter Flynn,
+Geeti Granger,
+Martin Key and
+Michael Popham.
+We also had a very successful meeting on
+$7$~June 1995
+at Queen Mary and Westfield College, London,
+where Michael Downes from the American
+Mathematical Society provided much useful
+information about the AMS's new \LaTeX{} packages. He was assisted by other
+members of the \LaTeX3 project team.
+Ben Garling and Rod Mulvey explained the work being done to enable authors to
+submit papers to the London Mathematical Society as \LaTeX\ files.
+At the end of the day there was a lively discussion
+of many related topics in the area of mathematical typesetting.
+Yet again our efforts to organise training sessions have resulted in a
+lot of excellent teaching for very small audiences. It does seem to be
+difficult to match the needs of our membership in this area: could it
+be that they already know everything that is to be knowed?
+Much thanks are also due to Peter Abbott for running all the many services
+to members, and managing to balance the books, keeping our financial
+position healthy.
+The UK node of the CTAN archive continues its quietly and efficiently
+effective existence; this is something I personally can appreciate to
+the full now that I can access it as easily as if it were physically
+on my desk.
+% UPdate?
+Thanks for this are to Roger Needham at
+Cambridge for authorizing this; and to Robin Fairbairns, Martyn
+Johnson and Sebastian Rahtz for keeping it going.
+Finally, I should say something about TUG and our relationship with
+it. Well, I hope not finally, but as I write we have no formal
+relationship with TUG because the last three remaining Special
+Directors, which included me, jointly decided that the future of the
+\TeX{} community would be best served by their resigning (did they
+jump or were they pushed?). As I said about this subject a year ago,
+the picture of TUG as an international organisation is still far from
+clear (to me at least), but I am sure that Sebastian Rahtz, the new
+secretary of TUG, will keep members of \ukt\ informed of any