path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_4/eurotex.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_4/eurotex.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_4/eurotex.tex')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_4/eurotex.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_4/eurotex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..025b612426
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+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_4/eurotex.tex
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+% EuroTeX'95 announcement
+\def\Theme#1{\vskip2mm{\bf Theme: #1}\vskip2mm}
+\def\Day#1{\vskip 6mm\hrule\vskip1mm
+ \centerline{\bf#1}\vskip1mm}
+\def\Paper#1#2{\par\hangindent5mm\textbf{#2} -- #1\par}
+ Euro\TeX'95\\
+ September 4--8\\
+ Arnhem, The Netherlands\\
+ Conference information\\~\\
+ \hrule}
+%% \begin{multicols}{2}[\Head]
+%% \section*{The \TeX\ Toolbox}
+%% The Euro\TeX\ conference 1995, including tutorials, will take place from
+%% \textit{September 4th until September 8th} in the Netherlands. The
+%% conference will be held at Papendal, near the city of Arnhem.
+%% Papendal is located in one of the most beautiful areas of the
+%% Netherlands. Right in the middle of the vast woods of the province of
+%% Gelderland. About eight kilometers west of Arnhem. Tucked away under the
+%% lee of the green Veluwe-fringe.
+%% The conference starts on September 4th in the afternoon and runs until
+%% September 7th noon. Thursday afternoon and Friday September 8th are
+%% reserved for tutorials.
+%% The theme of the conference is: The \TeX\ Toolbox.
+%% \section*{Preliminary program}
+%% (Items marked `*' are not confirmed yet)
+\Day{Monday a.m.}
+Welcome Reception and registration of conference attendants.
+\Day{Monday p.m. (14:00--18:30)}
+\Theme{I) Fonts}
+\Paper{S. Turtia, A.Berdikov}
+ {VFComb -- a program for design of virtual fonts}
+\Paper{E.J. Vens}
+ {The Conversion of the Euler Metafont sources to PostScript Type1}
+\Paper{J. Knappen*}
+ {EC and DC fonts}
+\Theme{II) Multiple languages}
+\Paper{A.F. Slepuhin}
+ {A package for Church Slavonic type-setting}
+\Paper{O. Lapko, I. Makhovaya}
+ {A Russian style for Babel: problems and solutions}
+\Paper{Y. Haralambous}
+ {Scholar\TeX}
+\Paper{J. Braams*}
+ {Status of Babel}
+\Day{Tuesday a.m. (9:00--12:30)}
+\Theme{Graphics and packages}
+\Paper{A.V. Astrelin}
+ {Graphics in \TeX: a new implementation}
+\Paper{S. Turtia, A. Berdikov}
+ {\TeX\ Plotter -- program for creating 2D and 3D pictures}
+\Paper{G. Feruglio}
+ {Packages for typesetting Commutative Diagrams}
+\Paper{J. Hagen}
+ {Package for typesetting chemical diagrams}
+\Paper{D. Taupin}
+ {Musix\TeX, a package for typesetting music}
+\Day{Tuesday p.m.}
+ From 13:30--14:30: NTG meeting.
+\Theme{Electronic documents}
+\Paper{W. Tierie}
+ {Presentation of Acrobat}
+\Paper{J. Hagen}
+ {Producing electronic books? -- all you need is \TeX!}
+\Paper{M. Goossens}
+ {SGML, a practical introduction}
+\Paper{M. Goossens}
+ {From \LaTeX\ to HTML, and back}
+\Paper{S. Rahtz*}
+ {SGML, Acrobat, \LaTeX, Hyper\TeX}
+Panel discussion.
+\Day{Wednesday a.m.}
+\Theme{Tools I}
+\Paper{R. Koning, S. Kliffen, A. Lenstra}
+ {Da\TeX, \TeX\ macros for storing and retrieving data}
+\Paper{P. Taylor}
+ {\TeX: an unsuitable language for document markup?}
+\Paper{K. van der Laan}
+ {Blue's Data Bases}
+\Paper{L. Siebenmann}
+ {Occam's razor and macro management}
+\Paper{P. Palao, M. N\'u\~nez}
+ {Formating Pascal using \TeX}
+\Day{Wednesday p.m.}
+\Theme{General developments in \TeX\ and \LaTeX}
+\Paper{C. Rowley*}
+ {\LaTeX3}
+\Paper{P. Taylor}
+ {$\varepsilon$-\TeX}
+\Paper{Y. Haralambous}
+ {Omega}
+\Paper{Joachim Schrod}
+ {tds}
+Panel discussion.
+ 16:00--???: the social event, still a secret\ldots
+\Day{Thursday a.m.}
+\Theme{Tools II}
+\Paper{P. Taylor}
+ {$\backslash$csname u n d e f i n e d $\backslash$endcsname =
+ $\backslash$relax: feature or flaw?}
+\Paper{L. Siebenmann}
+ {Atomic fonts and electronic archiving of scientific documents}
+\Paper{A. Strejc}
+ {The W95 Environment}
+\Paper{K. van der Laan}
+ {Indexing with `Any'\TeX}
+\Paper{B. Jackowski}
+ {Metafont as generator of EPS graphics}
+\Day{Thursday p.m. and Friday}
+Parallel sessions.
+\Paper{L. Siebenmann}
+ {Sweet-\TeX\ tutorial}
+\Paper{P. van Oostrum}
+ {Page layout in \LaTeX}
+\Paper{K. van der Laan}
+ {\TeX ing Paradigms}
+\Paper{K. van der Laan}
+ {BLU \TeX}
+\Paper{K. van der Laan}
+ {Plain \TeX\ Macro writing, why?}
+\Paper{B. Jackowski}
+ {Metafont}
+\Paper{P. Taylor}
+ {$\varepsilon$-\TeX\ tutorial}
+\Paper{M. Goossens \& S. Rahtz}
+ {Workshop on Acrobat and electronic document delivery}
+%% \section*{Meeting costs}
+%% The registration fee includes the Welcome Reception on Monday, all
+%% lunches from Monday to Thursday and all dinners from Monday to Wednesday.
+%% One tutorial ($\frac12$ day) is included in the conference fee.
+%% Extra tutorials cost Hfl~70 each. Lunch on Friday is Hfl~15.
+%% The conference fee also includes the `social event' on Wednesday
+%% afternoon and evening.
+%% Conference rates:\\
+%% -- members of TUG or Local \TeX\ User Groups (please specify): Hfl~375\\
+%% -- others: Hfl~450
+%% Reservations of hotel rooms at the conference site can only be done
+%% by the Euro\TeX\ organisation committee. Papendal offers the following
+%% accomodation:
+%% -- single rooms Hfl~90 per day per person\\
+%% -- double rooms Hfl~75 per day per person\\
+%% -- quadruple rooms Hfl~50 per day per person\\
+%% (breakfast included).
+%% Accomodation is limited, so register as soon as possible.
+%% \section*{How to get there}
+%% Papendal is located just outside the city of Arnhem. From Arnhem it can
+%% be reached by bus or taxi in approximately 15 minutes. There is a
+%% train going from Amsterdam airport (Schiphol) to Arnhem every 30
+%% minutes.
+%% The address is:
+%% Papendal Nationaal Sport Centrum\\
+%% fax +31 8308 21853 \\
+%% tel +31 8308 37911 \\
+%% P.O. Box 484\\
+%% 6800 AL Arnhem\\
+%% The Netherlands\\
+%% People coming from Russia, Poland or ... may be interested in the
+%% Euro\TeX\ Bus Project. On September 2nd a \TeX\ bus will drive from
+%% Brest, through Warsaw, through ... to Arnhem, where it will arrive on
+%% Sunday in the afternoon. Taking the bus will be extremely cheap, thanks
+%% to sponsoring by ...
+%% However, seats are limited so register as soon as possible.
+%% \section*{Bursary fund}
+%% There is a Bursary Fund available for those who require financial
+%% support to attend the meeting. While we cannot guarantee all requests
+%% will be fulfilled, we will do our best to support as many as we can.
+%% We encourage all conference attendants to contribute a small amount of
+%% money to the Bursary Fund along with their registration fee.
+%% More information about contributing to or applying to the Bursary Fund
+%% can be obtained from ...
+%% \section*{Further information}
+%% Updates of this information will be sent to all known electronic \TeX\
+%% related mailing lists and to all Local \TeX\ User Groups. If you have
+%% access to a WWW browser you can go to
+%% {\small\texttt{\~\ /eurotex}}. There you can
+%% find the latest news, a registration form and other useful information.
+%% \end{multicols}