path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2
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37 files changed, 13010 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/bailey.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/bailey.tex
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+\title{Maths in \LaTeX: Part~4, Numbered and Unnumbered Things}
+Queen Mary and Westfield College, \\University of London}
+ \addtocounter{equation}{-1}%
+ \renewcommand{\theequation}{\mbox{#1}}}%
+ {\endequation}
+\newcommand{\writer}[1]{{\sc #1}:}
+\newcommand{\book}[1]{{\it #1},}
+\newcommand{\publish}[2]{{\rm #1, #2,}}
+\newcommand{\byear}[1]{{\rm (#1).}}
+\newcommand{\latexword}[1]{{\normalfont\tt #1}}
+%%% and the above should be in typewriter-ordinary IRRESPECTIVE of the
+%%% surrounding fonts
+%%% editor: I have been as generic as I can, but of course you can't
+%%% put \verb inside a \newcommand. I have consistently used + as the
+%%% delimiter for \verb, except when I needed the + in Maths!
+\newcommand{\lamport}{{\it \LaTeX: A Document Preparation System\/} by Leslie
+\newcommand{\shortlamp}{{\it The Manual}}
+%%% editor, can you do a better macro for the above?
+This is the fourth in a sequence of tutorials on typesetting Mathematics in
+\LaTeX. The first three appeared in issues~4.4, 4.5 and~5.1 of \BV. The series
+includes some things which can be found in \cite{leslie}, but I am
+working in more things which, while straightforward and necessary for
+Mathematical work, are not in \cite{leslie} or \cite{newleslie}. In this
+tutorial I concentrate not on Mathematical formulae but on things like
+equations and theorems which Mathematicians like to display in special ways and
+to number (or not).
+In case you missed the first three
+tutorials, I remind you that
+I expect you, the reader, to do some work. Every so
+often comes a group of exercises, which you are supposed to do. Use \LaTeX\ to
+typeset everything in the exercise except sentences in italics, which are
+instructions. If you are not satisfied that you can do the exercise, then tell
+me. Either write
+to me
+School of Mathematical Sciences\\
+Queen Mary and Westfield College\\
+Mile End Road\\
+London E1 4NS
+with hard copy of your input and output,
+or email me at \mbox{\tt}
+with a copy of the
+smallest possible piece of \LaTeX\ input file that contains your
+attempt at the answer.
+In either case
+I will include a solution in the following issue of \BV: you will remain
+anonymous if you wish.
+I promised to answer all questions arising from this series of articles (as far
+as I can).
+\subsection*{Size of parentheses}
+Charles M.~Goldie asks why I put $(t^{g^{-1}})v$ in Exercise~26 instead of
+using \verb+\bigl(+ and \verb+\bigr)+ to make the parentheses larger than
+what they enclose.
+The answer is that you would need \verb+\Bigl(+ and \verb+\Bigr)+ to make them
+large enough in this case: I should have used
+\verb+\left+ and \verb+\right+ (see
+Part~2 of this series) but I was lazy.
+Both he and Charles Leedham-Green have asked why I permit, or
+even encourage, deeply nested parentheses, as in
+u(P((1 - \varepsilon)z)),
+without using commands like \verb+\bigl(+ to make some of the outer
+parentheses somewhat larger. In Chapter~17 of \cite{dek}, Knuth
+advises that authors should use \verb+\bigl+ and its relatives to
+specify the size of parentheses and other expandable fences, to
+improve the readability of their formulae. However, I have
+deliberately avoided telling people about these commands.
+I have two reasons for ignoring Knuth's advice. The first is that I
+regard \LaTeX\ primarily as a system for {\em authors}, not for
+typesetters. Authors should not be stopping to worry about the size of
+parentheses, particularly if the level of nesting may change in a
+later version of the document. Conventions on size of fence should be
+a matter for the style designer, not the author. If someone can write
+a style file that automatically detects the level of nesting and
+adjusts the size accordingly, well and good. I have no objection to
+using such a style file; I do object to interrupting my Mathematical
+thoughts to fret over niceties of sizing.
+My second reason is related to the first. Journal editors and
+executive editors tend to have policies about the size of fences, and
+they will impose these policies whatever we as authors do. So it is
+generally a {\em complete waste of time\/} for authors to use
+\verb+\Bigr+ and the like, or for referees to insist on them.
+This is not to say that I disapprove of \verb+\left+ and
+\verb+\right+. These commands automatically adjust the size of the
+fence to fit what is inside it. Adding, say, an extra item inside a
+\verb+\left( ... \right)+ does not cause the author to rethink the
+size of the parentheses. In fact, in my \mbox{basic} style file I have
+macros such as \verb+\probab+, \verb+\setof+ and \verb+\card+ which
+use \verb+\left+ and \verb+\right+ precisely so that I can type as I
+think, {\em the set of \ldots\/} rather than {\em squiggly brackets,
+ now what size and how much space?} (Oh, all right:
+ \newcommand{\card}[1]{\left|#1\right|}
+---you can guess the others.)
+In fact, \verb+\left+ and \verb+\right+ make no difference to the formula
+in~(\ref{goldie}), so neither of my questioners will be satisfied by my answer.
+\subsection*{Interchangeability of parentheses, brackets and braces}
+Charles M.~Goldie also asks if I have an opinion about whether nested
+parentheses should be routinely replaced so that one uses the sequence
+$\{[( \ldots )]\}$, which is demanded by some journals. I do have an
+opinion, quite a strong one, probably because one of the journals in
+which I publish most frequently insists on the sequence $[\{( \ldots
+)\}]$ and shows surprise (or the executive editor does) each time that
+I explain that I am using $\{ \ldots \}$ to denote a {\em set}. My
+opinion has been admirably expressed by Ellen Swanson in her bible of
+Mathematical typesetting~\cite{swan}:
+ Often, however, the author of research mathematics attaches a
+ special meaning to different types of enclosures, and this author
+ believes that they {\it should be left in whatever order and variety
+ the author has indicated in the manuscript.}
+(her italics).
+\section{Numbered and Unnumbered Displays}
+\subsection{Unnumbered Maths displays}
+Use \verb+\[+ and \verb+\]+ for an unnumbered single line of displayed
+Maths: see Part~1. If you have two or more lines of displayed Maths
+that must be vertically aligned then you need one of the
+\latexword{array} environments. I shall deal with them in the final
+tutorial in this series.
+\subsection{Unnumbered word displays}
+Sometimes what you want to display is not simply a formula but a
+verbal condition that may or may not involve short pieces of notation.
+For example:
+each basis vector~$f$ in~$V_{T,B}$ is orthogonal to every basis vector
+in~$V_{B,T}$ except $f\psi$.
+If this will fit on a single line then you can use
+\verb+\[\mbox{...}\]+, but this is not very satisfactory because you
+have to stop and think how long it is and it is subject to changes in
+the line width. I find that the \latexword{quote} environment works
+well for such displays.
+\subsection{Numbered Maths displays}
+Use the \latexword{equation} environment for a numbered single line of
+displayed Maths such as (\ref{goldie}) in the `Answers' section above.
+If you have two or more consecutive equations or formulae that do not
+need to be vertically aligned, simply use one \latexword{equation}
+environment per line. For vertical alignment, wait until the tutorial
+on arrays.
+If you put a \verb+\label+ within an \latexword{equation} you can painlessly
+refer back (or forward) to that equation.
+ For contrasts, we put
+ \begin{equation}
+ W_T = V_T \cap V_0^\perp
+ \label{contrasts}
+ \end{equation}
+ The space~$W_T$ was defined
+ in Equation~(\ref{contrasts}).
+ For contrasts, we put
+W_T = V_T \cap V_0^\perp
+The space~$W_T$ was defined in Equation~(\ref{contrasts}).
+\subsection{Numbered word displays}
+Sometimes word displays also need to be numbered for reference.
+\LaTeX\ does not directly provide an environment for this, but I find
+that the following works quite well.
+ There is a bijection ...
+ \begin{equation}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{0.8\linewidth}
+ each basis vector~$f$ ...
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{equation}
+ Using ...
+ There is a bijection~$\psi$ between the bases which satisfies:
+ \begin{equation}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{0.8\linewidth}
+ each basis vector~$f$ in~$V_{T,B}$ is orthogonal to every basis vector
+ in~$V_{B,T}$ except $f\psi$.
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{equation}
+ Using~$\psi$, we can show that \ldots
+These displays are numbered in the same sequence as the
+\latexword{equation}s, and can be labelled and referred to in just the
+same way. Note that I have made no attempt to make the indentation
+the same as that in \latexword{quote}.
+You can suppress the \verb+[t]+ if you want the number to be
+vertically centred on the display. You can replace 0.8 by any
+reasonable fraction. There is a catch, however: if you have numbered
+word displays labelled (9) and~(10) you may find that the second one
+comes out shifted to the left, to allow space for the wider label.
+Whether or not this happens depends on the settings of other
+parameters, such as \verb+\linewidth+. With the default width for A4
+paper in 10pt in \LaTeXe, I found that I had to decrease 0.8 to 0.75
+in order to have satisfactory word displays numbered (9) and~(10).
+Of course, if you have two or more such displays you should make an
+environment for them. I do it as follows.
+ \newenvironment{condition}%
+ {\equation%
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{0.8\linewidth}}%
+ {\end{minipage}\endequation}
+You may wonder why I have used \verb+\equation+ and
+\verb+\endequation+ in the definition instead of
+\verb+\begin{equation}+ and \verb+\end{equation}+. This is because of
+the clever things that \LaTeX\ does with spaces before and after
+displayed material. When you type the line
+ \end{equation}
+\LaTeX\ ignores the spaces on the rest of the line; if you type the line
+ \end{condition}
+and the final part of the \latexword{condition} environment is
+\verb+\end{equation}+ then this forgetfulness about spaces is not
+passed through to \verb+\end{condition}+. Use of the more primitive
+\verb+\equation+ and \verb+\endequation+ does pass on the
+\subsection{Numbering equations within sections}
+By default, \latexword{equation}s are numbered~1, 2, \ldots\ right
+through the document in the \latexword{article} class. To make them
+numbered within sections you need
+ \renewcommand{\theequation}%
+ {\thesection.\arabic{equation}}
+Then the first equation in Section~1 will be numbered~1.1, the
+next~1.2, and so on. However, if there are four equations in
+Section~1, then the first equation in Section~2 will be numbered~2.5
+because the \latexword{equation} counter has not been reset at the
+start of the new section. To correct this, you also need
+ \@addtoreset{equation}{section}
+Because of the \verb+@+~sign in this command, you must either place it
+in a style file or make sure that it comes between the commands
+\verb+\makeatletter+ and \verb+\makeatother+ in the preamble to the
+\subsection{One-off numbering of equations}
+Occasionally you want to number an equation not in the main sequence
+but by a particular symbol, such as ($*$) or (1.1$'$). Use the
+following \latexword{oneoff} environment in place of
+\latexword{equation}, putting the desired symbol as the single
+ \addtocounter{equation}{-1}%
+ \renewcommand{\theequation}{\mbox{#1}}}%
+ {\endequation}
+For example,
+ \begin{oneoff}{$*$}
+ a(p_i,q) - a(p_j,q) = 0 \bmod s
+ \end{oneoff}
+ \begin{oneoff}{$*$}
+ a(p_i,q) - a(p_j,q) = 0 \bmod s
+ \end{oneoff}
+(See \cite[page~92]{leslie} or \cite[pages~98--99]{newleslie} for how these
+counter commands work.)
+Note that automatic cross-referencing does not work for such equations.
+If you want a one-off equation numbered~1.1$'$ related to
+Equation~(1.1) then give the latter a label (say, \latexword{rowsum})
+and then do
+ \begin{oneoff}{\ref{rowsum}$'$} ...
+\subsection{Subsequences of equations}
+Suppose that between Equations~(5) and~(7) you want a sequence of
+equations numbered~(6a), (6b) etc. Put the following in the preamble
+to the document (or in the style file).
+ {\refstepcounter{equation}%
+ \savebox{\saveeqn}{\theequation}%
+ \setcounter{subeqnno}{0}}%
+ {}
+ {\refstepcounter{subeqnno}%
+ \oneoff{\usebox{\saveeqn}\thesubeqnno}}%
+ {\endoneoff}
+(See \cite[page~101]{leslie} or \cite[pages107--108]{newleslie} for
+details of \verb+\savebox+.) Then use \latexword{subeqn} in place of
+\latexword{equation} for each of the equations~(6a), (6b) etc., and
+place the whole sub\-sequence in the \latexword{subequations}
+Automatic cross-referencing doesn't work for these either. The reason
+is that in constructing \latexword{oneoff} and \latexword{subeqn} I
+have {\em used\/} the \latexword{equation} environment rather than
+{\em mimicking\/} it, with the result that any \verb+\label+ picks up
+the \latexword{equation} counter. To do this properly you would have
+to copy out the \latexword{equation} part of \latexword{latex.tex}
+(which is well documented) and hack it (for 2.09ers; of course,
+\LaTeXe\ persons would have to hack part of \latexword{ltmath.dtx} and
+\latexword{classes.dtx}, which some would argue are even better
+documented). I have never needed this construct often enough to bother
+to do it properly, but I am sure that it could be done.
+\it Make a numbered displayed equation saying
+t\left(vP_g\right) = \left(t^{g^{-1}}\right)v
+and a sentence which refers to it.
+\it Make an unnumbered word display saying
+\rm There is a natural surjective homomorphism $\phi\colon G \to G/N$ with
+$\ker(\phi) \simeq \mathop{\rm Im}(\phi)$.
+Make a displayed numbered verbal condition saying
+for all $A$, $B$, $C$ in $\cal P$: if $A\prec B$ and $B\prec C$ then $A\prec
+C$; and if $A \preceq B$ and $B\preceq A$ then $A=B$.
+Then add a sentence which refers to it.
+\section{Theorems and their friends}
+To make a new environment called \latexword{thm} for theorems, do
+ \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}
+ \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} This sets up the environment, which is
+ then used as follows.
+ \begin{thm}
+ The kernel of a homomorphism
+ is a congruence.
+ \label{basic}
+ \end{thm}
+ In Theorem~\ref{basic} we ...
+ \begin{thm}
+ The kernel of a homomorphism is a congruence.
+ \label{basic}
+ \end{thm}
+ In Theorem~\ref{basic} we \ldots
+The theorems are all given the heading `Theorem'. They are numbered
+automatically, and may be cross-referred to in the usual way.
+For clarity in the rest of this section, I shall call the item like
+\latexword{thm} the {\em theorem environment}, the item like
+\latexword{Theorem} the {\em theorem name}, the text like `Theorem~1'
+the {\em theorem head}, and the text like `The kernel of \ldots' the
+{\em theorem body}.
+Note that there is nothing to prevent two different theorem
+environments having the same theorem name. Indeed, the theorem name
+can be empty.
+By default, the theorem head is in bold and the theorem body is in
+italics. The theorems are numbered in arabic numbers, in a single
+sequence throughout the document (in the \latexword{article} class).
+All of these defaults can be changed, as I show below.
+It may not be obvious to the novice user, but there is more to an
+environment created with \verb+\newtheorem+ than special layout and
+automatic numbering. The spacing before and after each theorem
+environment is controlled, and penalties are set so that no page break
+will come after the first line of a theorem environment unless there
+is a natural break-point in the text.
+Unfortunately, there is a bug (oops, feature) in \LaTeX\ which means
+that if you put \verb+\label{...}+ immediately after
+\verb+\begin{thm}+ you spoil this page-breaking penalty. But the
+\verb+\label+ should be somewhere easy to find, so I always play safe
+and put it immediately before \verb+\end{thm}+.
+\subsection{Named theorems}
+If you have a theorem environment \latexword{thm} then you can use an optional
+argument to \latexword{thm} to obtain a named theorem. For example,
+ \begin{thm}[The Central Limit Theorem]
+ If $X_1$, ...
+ \begin{thm}[The Central Limit Theorem]
+ If $X_1$, $X_2$, \ldots, $X_n$ are independent \ldots
+ \end{thm}
+ \begin{thm}[Galois, 1832]
+ \begin{thm}[Galois, 1832]
+ If $L:K$ is a finite normal \ldots
+ \end{thm}
+\subsection{Sequences of numbering}
+Two optional arguments to \verb+\newtheorem+ give you control of which
+theorem environments are numbered in which sequences. Although it is
+logical to number theorems, lemmas, corollaries etc.\ all in their own
+sequences, it is much easier to find your way around a long document
+if they are all in a single sequence. To get a theorem environment
+\latexword{lem} numbered in the same sequence as \latexword{thm}, do
+ \newtheorem{lem}[thm]{Lemma}
+ \newtheorem{lem}[thm]{Lemma}
+After the theorems we have had so far, if we now do
+ \begin{lem}
+ With the above notation ...
+ \end{lem}
+we get
+ \begin{lem}
+ With the above notation \ldots
+ \end{lem}
+The other optional argument numbers the theorem environment inside something
+else. If you want the second example in Section~3 to be numbered~3.2
+irrespective of how many examples there were in previous sections, then do
+ \newtheorem{eg}{Example}[section]
+You can use at most one optional argument with each \verb+\newtheorem+
+You can even number one theorem environment inside another: for
+ \newtheorem{cor}{Corollary}[thm]
+if you want the corollaries after Theorem~10 to be Corollary~10.1,
+Corollary~10.2, etc. Be careful not to create a circle of environments numbered
+within each other.
+\subsection{Unnumbered environments}
+There are several items, such as definitions, remarks and notation,
+that clearly should be theorem-like environments except that they
+should not be numbered. It would be possible to set them all up and
+then separately adjust the counter on each one so that it is not
+numbered. However, it is easier to take advantage of the
+number-in-the-same-sequence option. Set up a single unnumbered counter
+ \newcounter{unnumber}
+ \renewcommand{\theunnumber}{}
+and then put the other unnumbered theorem environments in the same sequence
+ \newtheorem{rem}[unnumber]{Remark}
+ \newtheorem{def}[unnumber]{Definition}
+\subsection{Other systems of numbering}
+Many Mathematicians want the possibility of having Theorem~A, Theorem~B etc.\
+as well as Theorem~1 etc. This is no problem. Use the commands given in
+\cite[page~92]{leslie} or \cite[page~98]{newleslie} to alter the way a theorem
+environment is numbered. Thus
+ \newtheorem{thma}{Theorem}
+ \renewcommand{\thethma}{\Alph{thma}}
+ \begin{thma} The subgroups ...
+ ...
+ \begin{thma} The irreducible ...
+ \label{char}
+ ...
+ The result of Theorem~\ref{char} \ldots
+ \newtheorem{thma}{Theorem}
+ \renewcommand{\thethma}{\Alph{thma}}
+ \begin{thma} The subgroups \ldots
+ \end{thma}
+ \begin{thma} The irreducible \ldots
+ \label{char}
+ \end{thma}
+The result of Theorem~\ref{char} \ldots
+Other possibilities for numbering are
+\verb+\alph{thma}+ & Theorem~b\\
+\verb+\roman{thma}+ & Theorem~ii\\
+\verb+\Roman{thma}+ & Theorem~II
+\subsection{Changing the fonts}
+Fonts are handled differently in \LaTeX\ 2.09,
+in NFSS, and in the new standard \LaTeX, \LaTeXe.
+All the suggestions that I give in this section work in both \LaTeX\ 2.09 and
+\LaTeXe. They do not work at all if you run NFSS without \LaTeXe. If you are
+using \LaTeXe, you {\em must\/} use the forms like \verb+\sc+ given here: the
+commands like \verb+\textsc+ will not do the right thing, because they
+{\em add\/} small capitals (say) to the default fonts instead of
+{\em replacing\/} the default fonts.
+The \verb+\newtheorem+ command in \LaTeX\ is the most wonderful thing
+to happen to Mathematical writers in a long time, because so many of
+our constructs fit it. However, one of the worst things to happen to
+Mathematical writers is the hard-wiring of the fonts for the theorem
+heads and the theorem bodies. Ordinary \LaTeX\ simply does not give
+you the flexibility to change these easily. Yet the defaults are not
+always appropriate, and different journals demand different fonts for
+these purposes. I suspect that this hard-wiring is one reason that
+some Mathematicians have been reluctant to use \LaTeX. What can the
+ordinary user do about this problem?
+I shall give four answers, because different solutions are appropriate
+in different circumstances.
+(i)~\littlehead{Bare hands} Sometimes (for example, when sending an
+article to \BV) you cannot submit your favourite style files along
+with your main file. So you need a `bare hands' way of changing the
+fonts, without losing too much genericity. Here's how.
+To make a theorem environment \latexword{prop} whose theorem head is
+set in small capitals, do
+ \newtheorem{prop}{\sc Proposition}
+For a small document, this will do. To be more generic, you could do
+ \newcommand{\headfont}{\sc}
+ \newtheorem{prop}{\headfont Proposition}
+so that only one line has to be changed if you decide to change the
+font of all the theorem heads.
+To make a theorem environment \latexword{qn} whose theorem body font
+is set in roman, use a two-stage process. The exercises in this
+sequence of tutorials are defined by
+ \newtheorem{preqn}{Exercise}
+ \newenvironment{qn}{\preqn\rm}%
+ {\endpreqn}
+(The exercises in this particular tutorial are bad examples, because
+they all have italic instructions.)
+(ii)~\littlehead{Mittelbach's style file} Frank Mittelbach wrote the
+style file \latexword{theorem.sty}, which should be available from all
+good CTAN hosts. It is described in \cite[pages~251--255]{companion}.
+It enables you to change the fonts and the layout of theorem
+environments. However, it does not do exactly what I need.
+(iii)~\littlehead{My style file} When I first started to use \LaTeX\
+it was obvious to me that a flexible means of changing the fonts for
+theorem heads and theorem bodies had to be provided. I hacked
+\verb+@begintheorem+ from \latexword{latex.tex} to produce a style
+file which lets me give a single command to set the font for theorem
+heads, another to set the font for (most) theorem bodies, and another
+to say that all subsequently declared theorem environments will have
+their bodies set in `ordinary' type: not necessarily in roman, but in
+{\em whatever font the surrounding text is in}. However, like many
+others, I deplore the proliferation of personal style files because
+they inhibit portability of documents, so I haven't made this style
+file generally available.
+(iv)~\littlehead{American Mathematical Society} The old version of
+\latexword{amstex.sty} (see \cite{amslatex}) gives the user the
+possibility of declaring theorem environments in three classes---plain
+theorems, definitions and remarks. However, it does not give the user
+any control over the fonts used in those environments. I do not know
+if the forthcoming package \latexword{amsthm.sty} will give any more
+We all need a proof environment, so everyone invents her own, some
+more successfully than others. I think that the proof environment
+should be made with \verb+\newtheorem+, so that all the benefits of
+spacing, of page-break penalties and of consistent head fonts can be
+retained. Of course, proofs should be unnumbered and (usually) set in
+the same font as the surrounding text. So I simply use the foregoing
+methods to create an environment \latexword{pf} with name
+\latexword{Proof} which is unnumbered and has its body
+set either in the surrounding text font or in roman.
+% \plaintheorems
+% \newtheorem{pf}[unnumber]{Proof}
+What should you do about the end-of-proof symbol? Some people want it put in
+automatically. In principle this could be done with something like
+ \newenvironment{proof}{\pf}%
+ {\eop\endpf}
+where \verb+\eop+ is your favourite end-of-proof symbol, for example
+This is not really satisfactory if you have any proofs that end in
+displayed Maths (or any other sort of display). Traditionally the
+end-of-proof sign goes in the display, not on a new line; but if you
+have a display inside an environment then \LaTeX\ finishes off the
+display and gets ready for a new line before it reads the instructions
+for the end of the environment. So my advice is to have an \verb+\eop+
+macro and put it in by hand at the end of every proof, either just
+inside the final display (if this is the last thing in the proof) or
+just before the \verb+\end{pf}+.
+\subsection{Questions and Exercises}
+A theorem environment is ideal for questions on exam papers and
+coursework sheets, and exercises in text books. It is usually better
+than \latexword{enumerate} because it retains the normal text\-width,
+paragraph indentation and paragraph separation. If you want the
+questions to be headed simply `1', `2', etc. then do
+ \newtheorem{question}{}
+If the questions have parts and subparts, it is sensible to use
+\latexword{enumerate} for them. In that case you probably need to change the
+default numbering of the \latexword{enumerate} environments so that, say, parts
+are labelled~`(a)' etc.\ and subparts~`(ii)' etc. The next section shows how
+to do this.
+Create a short document with two sections.
+In the first section put one theorem,
+a lemma subtitled `Burnside', another theorem, and a remark. The remark should
+be neither numbered nor in italic. In the second section put another lemma,
+another theorem, a corollary numbered in the same sequence as the theorems, and
+finally a theorem in a roman-numbered sequence.
+Include cross-references to all the numbered items.
+Redo the previous question, in such a way that lemmas and equations are
+numbered within sections.
+\section{Other numbered things}
+\subsection{Numbered lists}
+If you use \latexword{enumerate} within a theorem environment then you will
+probably have to change the way that the different levels of enumerated list
+are numbered. This is controlled by commands containing the strings
+\latexword{enumi}, \latexword{enumii}, \latexword{enumiii} and
+\latexword{enumiv}. Thus the $N$th level of nesting is controlled by
+The counter for \latexword{enumN} is called simply \latexword{enumN}. To alter
+whether the counter is displayed as an arabic numeral, a letter etc., you
+change \verb+\theenumN+ (see \cite[pages~91--92]{leslie} or
+\cite[pages~97--99]{newleslie}.) To alter the printed labels which are
+put on the items in the
+list, change \verb+\labelenumN+ to be a suitable text containing
+I find that two levels of nesting are quite sufficient within exam questions
+and homework problems. My style files for exams and homeworks contain the lines
+ \renewcommand{\theenumi}{\alph{enumi}}
+ \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{(\theenumi)}
+ \renewcommand{\theenumii}{\roman{enumii}}
+ \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{(\theenumii)}
+In a book, you might need to put something similar in the start of an
+\latexword{exercises} environment.
+If you are lazy then you might try to alter just \verb+\labelenumN+. The
+list items will have the correct printed labels but your printed
+cross-references will not match.
+The cross-reference generated by a \verb+\ref+ call to a \verb+\label+ in the
+$N$th level of nested \latexword{enumerate}s has the form
+ \p@enumN\theenumN
+where \verb+\p@enumN+ usually picks up the \verb+\theenumM+
+from higher levels ($M < N$), and
+possibly some punctuation. If you don't like the settings of \verb+\p@enumN+
+that \LaTeX\ gives you by default, you will have to change them in a style file.
+Mathematicians usually don't use footnotes, because the footnote marks would be
+interpreted as superscripts or operators. However, we do sometimes like to put
+information at the bottom of the first page of a document, under a horizontal
+line: perhaps an address for correspondence, or a list of AMS subject
+categories. You can do this with a \verb+\footnote+ early in the document, so
+long as you have first done
+ \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{}
+It is best to put this command in a small group around the use of
+\textit{Modify the document in Exercise~\ref{thmdoc} so that one of the theorems
+has parts and subparts. The parts should be labelled}
+[A], [B], \ldots
+\textit{and the subparts}
+1/, 2/, \ldots .
+\textit{Modify the document in Exercise~\ref{enumex} so that the foot of the
+first page carries the text}
+Key words: construction of designs; neighbour balance; optimality;
+randomization; software.
+\writer{American Mathematical Society}
+\book{\AMS-\LaTeX\ Version~1.0 User's Guide}
+\publish{American Mathematical Society}{Providence, Rhode Island}
+\writer{Goossens,~M., Mittelbach,~F. \& Samarin,~A.}
+\book{The \LaTeX\ Companion}
+\publish{Addison-Wesley}{Reading, Mass.}
+\book{The \TeX book}
+\publish{Addison-Wesley}{Reading, Mass.}
+\book{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}
+first edition,
+\publish{Addison-Wesley}{Reading, Mass.}
+\book{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}
+second edition,
+\publish{Addison-Wesley}{Reading, Mass.}
+\writer{Swanson, E.}
+\book{Mathematics into Type}
+revised edition,
+\publish{American Mathematical Society}{Providence, Rhode Island}
+%\writer{Oxford University Press}
+\book{Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers}
+\publish{Oxford University Press}{Oxford}
+\book{The Chambers Dictionary}
+\publish{Chambers Harrap}{Edinburgh}
+\book{The Chicago Manual of Style}
+\publish{The University of Chicago Press}{Chicago}
+Like many others, I deplore the proliferation of personal style files
+because they inhibit portability of documents. Yet when I first
+started to use \LaTeX\ it was obvious to me that a flexible means of
+changing the fonts for theorem heads and theorem bodies had to be
+provided. I hacked \verb+@begintheorem+ from \latexword{latex.tex} to
+produce the code in Figure~\ref{rabcode}. My only excuse for
+reproducing it here is that none of the widely available styles gives
+the necessary flexibility.
+%commands to change the type face in theorems
+%default is heading in small caps, content in roman
+\def\@xnthm#1#2[#3]{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\expandafter\noexpand
+ \csname the#3\endcsname \@thmcountersep \@thmcounter{#1}}%
+ \ifplaintheorems \global\@namedef{#1}{\@thm{#1}{#2}}%
+ \else \global\@namedef{#1}{\thmcontfont\@thm{#1}{#2}}\fi%
+\def\@ynthm#1#2{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}%
+ \ifplaintheorems \global\@namedef{#1}{\@thm{#1}{#2}}%
+ \else \global\@namedef{#1}{\thmcontfont\@thm{#1}{#2}}\fi%
+\def\@othm#1[#2]#3{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+ {\global\@namedef{the#1}{\@nameuse{the#2}}%
+\ifplaintheorems \global\@namedef{#1}{\@thm{#2}{#3}}%
+\else \global\@namedef{#1}{\thmcontfont\@thm{#2}{#3}}\fi%
+ {\trivlist\item[\hskip\labelsep
+ \thmheadfont #1\ #2\unskip]}
+ {\trivlist\item[\hskip\labelsep
+ \thmheadfont #1\ #2\unskip\ (#3)]}
+\caption{Revised code to give flexible changes to fonts in theorems}
+If you put this code into your style file then you can make all your theorem
+heads come out in italic by doing
+ \theoremheadfontis{\it}
+To put all the theorem bodies in slanted type do
+ \theoremcontfontis{\sl}
+Each of these commands should be used at most once in the document. However,
+you can also use the command
+ \plaintheorems
+After this command has been issued, any theorem environments declared
+subsequently will have their bodies set in `ordinary' type: not necessarily in
+roman, but in {\em whatever font the surrounding text is in}. This seems to me
+most suitable for remarks, definitions and so on. The command
+\verb+\fancytheorems+ nullifies \verb+\plaintheorems+.
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+\title{Portable Documents: Why Use SGML?}
+\author[David Barron]{David Barron\\
+Department of Electronics and Computer Science\\
+University of Southampton}
+In this article we present a few ideas as a framework for the
+discussion of portable documents. We address a number of questions:
+\itemsep 0pt plus .4pt
+\item What are portable documents?
+\item Who needs them, and why?
+\item How to produce them, now and in the future
+Traditionally, a document was a file (or a deck of cards),
+and consisted solely of text.
+Today, documents are typically {\em compound}, a
+mixture of text and graphics (bit-map or line art) that can be
+rendered on paper or screen. Additionally, they may include
+hypertext links (in which case they can only be viewed on screen).
+A recent development is the ability to incorporate video
+and sound in a compound document, either embedded
+within the document or linked by a pointer:
+such a document is a {\em multimedia} document. Hypertext-style links
+may also be included to form a {\em hypermedia} document: evidently,
+multimedia and hypermedia documents can only be `read' on a suitably
+equipped computer system.
+World Wide Web (WWW) documents are a special case of
+compound hypermedia documents
+where the links are to other documents elsewhere on the Internet.
+They can be regarded as virtual documents, in the sense that the
+whole document never exists as a single identifiable object.
+More generally, we can define a {\em virtual document} as
+a structured collection of information from which instances of
+documents and other resources can be derived. Examples include:
+\item The Oxford English Dictionary which exists as a database
+from which are derived various printed editions (Shorter, Concise,
+Pocket etc.), as well as the CD-ROM version
+\item Critical editions of a literary text, where a single source
+`document' contains all the variations, and can be printed out using
+different variants as the base text
+The definition of portability that we shall use in this discussion is
+the ability to transmit the document digitally (over a network,
+or on a disk or CD-ROM) and re-create a faithful rendering of the document
+after transmission, if need be
+on a different hardware and/or software platform
+from that on which the document was originally created.
+It is important to observe that there are three different forms in
+which the text and graphics in a document might be re-created:
+\item with absolute visual fidelity
+\item with approximate visual fidelity
+\item retaining content only
+\section{Who needs portable documents, and why?}
+Three different needs for portable documents can be adduced
+\item Publishers need them in order to distribute electronic
+books and journals
+\item Communities with common interests
+who need to share information need them. An example is a
+scientific research community whose members use diverse hardware and
+\item Librarians responsible for digital archives need
+portable documents, since they cannot assume that a particular
+hardware/software platform will exist in perpetuity
+\section{Examples of successful portability}
+\item Computer science researchers and software manufacturers
+distribute documents as PostScript files. This works well
+if the fonts employed are restricted to the basic 35, and
+the use of Adobe Acrobat (pdf files) increases portability when other
+fonts are used.
+\item The Physics pre-print library at Los Alamos National Laboratory
+is used by many physicists world-wide: over 10,000 retrievals per day
+are reported. The archive holds pre-prints in \LaTeX\ and PostScript
+formats (figures in PostScript only). This is successful because the
+Physics community has for some years used \TeX\ as its preferred means
+of exchanging information.
+\item WWW documents are highly portable, since
+their rendering is (almost entirely) determined by the
+browser software, and the use of a common mark-up language (HTML)
+ensures portability
+\section{Achieving portability}
+At first sight it appears that portability might be achieved by
+agreeing standards (e.g. \LaTeX, PostScript, ODA, HTML). At present
+there is too much choice, and no obvious winner, especially in
+hypermedia documents. This is a sign of an immature technology.
+Another important fact to take into account is that it is difficult to
+impose standards in some environments (e.g., academia) where personal
+preferences lead to the equivalent of religious wars.
+Particular problems in achieving portability arise from varying
+fonts and character codes e.g. in handling European languages.
+Unicode will go a long way towards solving the character
+codes problem.
+\section{Why use SGML?}
+SGML provides a formal and portable definition of document structure.
+SGML syntax can define a hierarchical structure of embedded document parts,
+and can associate a type with each component in the hierarchy.
+By associating a rendering definition with each type of component,
+it is possible to achieve a portable document. In particular,
+SGML provides a uniform archive format for a library of portable
+\subsection{An example}
+Suppose it is required to maintain a library of technical
+documents in an environment where some authors use \LaTeX,
+whilst others use Microsoft Word. We can define an SGML
+DTD for the document structure, together with \LaTeX\ and Word
+styles to define the rendering.
+This opens up three possibilities:
+\item Author in SGML and use a tool to produce a \LaTeX\ or
+Word version from which the printed version can be produced
+\item Author in \LaTeX\ and use a tool to translate to SGML to
+produce the archive copy
+\item Author in Word and use a tool to translate the RTF form to
+SGML to produce the archive copy.
+In addition to the SGML version of the documents, the
+archive must contain the Word and \LaTeX\ style files and the
+translation tools. Once this is done, anyone can collect a
+document, the required style files and tools and produce a copy of
+the document.
+This will of course only work for text documents. For any
+document with graphics content, and for hypermedia
+documents, more is required. This is possible in
+principle, but much remains to be done
+\section{The future}
+A combination of SGML and OpenDoc is probably the best way forward.
+OpenDoc provides an architecture for portable documents:
+it treats a
+document as a container for a collection of `parts', each of which can
+have other parts embedded within it. Each type of part has
+associated programs to edit and render it, so that
+documents can be re-created with varying degrees of fidelity
+depending on the availability of rendering software
+for the particular varieties of parts that it includes.
+OpenDoc is a dynamic architecture, and assumes that a new type
+of part may occur at any time.
+In principle SGML can be used to describe the static
+structure of an OpenDoc document, providing the final link in the
+portability chain.
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+\backcite {html-spec}{{A}{14}{section.7.1}}
+\backcite {iso-sgml}{{A}{14}{section.7.1}}
+\backcite {krc}{{A}{14}{figure.1}}
+\backcite {sgml-tools}{{A}{14}{figure.1}}
+\backcite {iso-sgml}{{2}{15}{subsection.7.2.2}}
+\backcite {html-spec}{{3}{15}{subsection.7.2.3}}
+\backcite {arena-style}{{4}{17}{subsection.7.2.4}}
+\backcite {ttn41}{{5}{18}{subsection.7.3.5}}
+\backcite {leslie}{{\uppercase {xii}}{33}{newarticle.12}}
+\backcite {leslie}{{\uppercase {xii}}{33}{newarticle.12}}
+\backcite {newleslie}{{\uppercase {xii}}{33}{newarticle.12}}
+\backcite {dek}{{\uppercase {xii}}{33}{equation.12.0.1}}
+\backcite {swan}{{\uppercase {xii}}{34}{equation.12.0.1}}
+\backcite {leslie}{{16}{36}{equation.12.5.4}}
+\backcite {newleslie}{{16}{36}{equation.12.5.4}}
+\backcite {leslie}{{17}{36}{subsection.12.5.17}}
+\backcite {newleslie}{{17}{36}{subsection.12.5.17}}
+\backcite {leslie}{{22}{38}{subsection.12.6.22}}
+\backcite {newleslie}{{22}{38}{subsection.12.6.22}}
+\backcite {companion}{{23}{39}{subsection.12.6.23}}
+\backcite {amslatex}{{23}{39}{subsection.12.6.23}}
+\backcite {leslie}{{26}{40}{subsection.12.7.26}}
+\backcite {newleslie}{{26}{40}{subsection.12.7.26}}
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+Aladdin Ghostscript 3.12 (9/29/1994)
+Copyright (C) 1994 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA. All rights reserved.
+This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
+/BaskervilleMT-Italic false (Baskerville MT Italic) psfsAlias
+/BaskervilleMT-BoldItalic false (Baskerville MT Bold Italic) psfsAlias
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+/ZapfDingbats false Loading ZapfDingbats font from /D/psfonts/pzdr.pfb... 1552944 249636 1862204 540179 0 done.
+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) psfsAlias
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+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /t/B/i/v/k/colon/o/s/h/u/l/T/a/p/e/r] psfsChars
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+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/question/M/g/t/four/bracketleft/B/O/i/v/six/bracketright/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/quotedblleft/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/Y/f/s/three/sterling/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/quotedblright/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
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+(cmsy10) cvn [ /M/S/A] psfsChars
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+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/parenleft/comma/period/zero/question/M/g/t/O/i/v/D/Q/k/x/F/S/m/colon/H/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/E/R/l/y/quoteleft/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /g/t/i/v/Q/m/o/s/h/backslash/y/a/n/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /comma/question/M/t/i/D/x/S/m/colon/U/b/o/W/d/L/f/s/three/h/u/P/w/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) cvn [ /a108] psfsChars
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+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) cvn [ /a108] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /bullet] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /hyphen/M/g/t/i/D/F/S/m/b/o/d/L/f/s/u/P/l/y/G/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
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+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+/cmssi17 true (cmssi17) psfsAlias
+/cmss17 true (cmss17) psfsAlias
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+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
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+/cmtt12 true (cmtt12) psfsAlias
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+/cmss17 true (cmss17) psfsAlias
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+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
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+/cmss17 true (cmss17) psfsAlias
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+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /four/endash] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
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+(dctt10) cvn [ /question/t/i/braceleft/o/braceright/W/s/h/backslash/w/a/n/c/e] psfsChars
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+/cmss17 true (cmss17) psfsAlias
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+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
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+(cmssi17) cvn [ /six] psfsChars
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+(cmtt12) cvn [ /parenright/slash/parenleft/asterisk/exclam/period/M/g/t/i/k/S/m/braceleft/b/o/less/braceright/d/greater/L/Y/f/s/A/N/h/u/E/l/T/a/n/bar/I/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+/cmss17 true (cmss17) psfsAlias
+/cmtt12 true (cmtt12) psfsAlias
+/cmssi17 true (cmssi17) psfsAlias
+(cmssi17) cvn [ /six] psfsChars
+(cmss17) cvn [ /period/M/g/t/O/i/F/S/H/U/o/d/L/s/A/h/w/E/R/l/G/T/a/n/I/V/c/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmtt12) cvn [ /parenright/slash/parenleft/asterisk/exclam/period/M/g/t/i/k/S/m/braceleft/b/o/less/braceright/d/greater/L/Y/f/s/A/N/h/u/E/l/T/a/n/bar/I/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /six/endash] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /question/t/i/v/F/o/W/f/s/h/u/l/T/a/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /parenright/hyphen/quotedbl/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/asterisk/period/zero/M/g/t/B/O/i/v/D/x/F/S/m/braceleft/H/U/b/o/less/braceright/J/d/greater/L/Y/s/three/A/N/h/five/C/P/E/R/l/y/nine/G/T/a/n/bar/I/c/p/equal/K/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/parenleft/comma/period/zero/fl/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/k/x/F/S/m/colon/H/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/endash/A/N/h/u/five/P/w/seven/E/R/l/y/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/F/S/m/o/L/s/u/G/a/n/c/p/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /ampersand/M/g/t/i/v/Q/k/F/S/m/colon/H/b/o/W/d/L/s/h/u/w/E/l/y/T/a/n/I/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /i/D/S/b/o/less/greater/A/l/T] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/period/question/M/g/t/four/bracketleft/B/O/i/v/six/bracketright/D/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/endash/A/emdash/h/u/C/P/j/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) cvn [ /a108] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /ampersand/M/g/t/i/k/m/colon/H/o/d/L/s/h/w/E/T/a/n/X/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /M/t/i/k/m/H/o/L/s/u/P/l/T/a/n/I/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/quotedbl/g/t/i/x/m/o/less/d/greater/L/f/s/three/A/N/w/l/G/a/n/I/c/equal/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/idieresis/slash/one/parenleft/comma/period/zero/fl/M/g/t/bracketleft/B/O/i/v/bracketright/D/k/x/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /ampersand/M/g/t/i/k/m/colon/H/L/s/h/u/w/E/T/a/n/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/period/zero/percent/question/M/g/t/four/bracketleft/B/O/i/v/bracketright/D/k/x/F/S/m/z/colon/H/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/E/R/l/y/quoteleft/T/a/n/I/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/one/comma/period/zero/g/t/four/B/i/F/S/m/z/b/o/less/W/d/greater/L/f/s/h/u/five/C/j/E/l/y/T/a/n/I/c/p/equal/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/period/M/g/t/i/D/F/S/m/colon/H/b/o/W/L/f/s/h/u/P/w/l/T/a/n/c/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /t/F/S/s/E/l/a/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /ampersand/M/g/t/i/k/m/colon/H/L/s/h/u/w/E/T/a/n/c/X/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/period/zero/M/g/t/bracketleft/i/v/bracketright/k/x/m/z/H/U/b/o/d/q/fi/L/f/s/endash/h/u/w/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/one/exclam/period/numbersign/g/t/O/i/v/six/D/k/x/m/colon/H/b/o/less/d/q/greater/f/s/h/u/C/w/E/l/y/T/a/n/I/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /hyphen/period/g/t/O/i/v/D/F/S/m/colon/b/o/fi/s/three/u/l/a/V/c/p/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /ampersand/M/g/t/i/k/m/colon/H/L/s/h/w/E/T/a/n/c/X/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /comma/M/t/four/i/v/D/S/m/b/o/W/d/L/f/s/A/h/u/P/w/E/R/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /exclam/period/M/t/i/F/S/m/H/b/o/less/W/d/greater/L/P/y/G/T/a/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/M/g/t/four/bracketleft/B/O/i/v/six/bracketright/D/k/x/eight/F/S/m/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/aring/fi/L/f/s/three/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) cvn [ /a108] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/period/M/g/t/i/x/S/colon/b/o/W/L/f/s/three/h/u/w/l/y/G/T/n/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /bullet] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /quoteright/hyphen/comma/period/zero/M/g/t/i/v/k/x/S/m/colon/H/b/o/W/d/fi/L/f/s/A/emdash/h/u/C/P/w/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/v/S/m/b/o/d/L/s/h/u/C/P/E/l/y/G/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/exclam/period/zero/question/fl/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/D/k/x/eight/F/S/m/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/endash/emdash/N/A/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /bullet] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /hyphen/comma/M/g/t/i/S/m/b/o/W/d/L/f/s/A/h/C/w/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /quoteright/g/t/i/S/m/b/o/L/s/A/h/P/E/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/exclam/period/question/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/k/x/F/S/m/z/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/endash/A/emdash/N/h/u/C/P/j/w/E/R/l/y/quoteleft/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /comma/M/t/i/S/b/o/W/d/L/f/s/A/h/w/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /comma/M/g/t/i/v/D/k/F/S/m/colon/b/o/d/L/s/A/h/u/C/P/w/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/exclam/period/zero/fl/M/g/t/B/O/i/v/D/k/x/F/S/m/z/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/E/R/l/y/nine/G/T/a/n/I/V/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) cvn [ /a108] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /comma/M/g/t/i/v/D/k/F/S/colon/o/d/L/s/A/h/P/w/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/c/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /parenright/parenleft/g/t/i/m/colon/H/b/o/d/L/f/s/A/h/u/C/P/w/E/l/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/period/zero/fl/M/g/t/four/O/i/v/six/D/k/x/F/S/m/colon/H/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/endash/A/emdash/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /comma/M/g/t/i/v/D/k/F/S/colon/o/d/L/s/A/h/P/w/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/c/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/parenleft/comma/period/question/fl/M/g/t/B/O/i/v/D/Q/k/x/F/S/m/z/colon/quotedblleft/H/U/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/endash/A/emdash/N/h/u/C/P/j/w/seven/E/l/y/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/quotedblright/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /period/g/t/i/v/k/m/b/o/d/f/s/at/h/u/backslash/w/l/y/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /M/t/i/F/S/m/b/o/d/L/s/A/h/u/P/E/l/G/T/a/n/c/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) cvn [ /a108] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /parenright/plus/hyphen/parenleft/comma/exclam/numbersign/question/M/g/t/i/D/b/o/less/greater/L/s/A/N/h/u/C/P/E/T/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/g/t/i/v/D/k/x/S/m/z/H/b/o/d/fi/L/f/s/A/u/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/quotedbl/slash/exclam/period/percent/g/t/bracketleft/B/i/v/bracketright/k/S/m/braceleft/H/b/o/less/braceright/d/greater/f/s/N/h/u/backslash/w/E/l/y/a/n/bar/c/p/equal/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmr10) cvn [ /one/zero/equal/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/parenleft/comma/exclam/period/question/fl/M/g/t/B/O/i/v/D/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/quotedblleft/H/U/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/endash/A/N/emdash/h/u/C/j/w/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/quotedblright/I/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmmi10) cvn [ /n] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /bullet] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /fl/M/S/m/d/L/A/u/E/G/T/a/n/p/X/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /quoteright/one/comma/period/g/t/i/k/F/S/m/b/o/d/s/h/u/w/y/a/n/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/quotedbl/slash/period/t/B/i/v/x/m/z/braceleft/b/o/less/braceright/d/greater/f/s/at/h/u/backslash/w/l/y/a/n/c/p/equal/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmr10) cvn [ /macron] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/exclam/period/question/fl/M/g/t/four/bracketleft/B/O/i/v/bracketright/D/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/endash/A/N/emdash/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) cvn [ /a108] psfsChars
+(cmmi10) cvn [ /x] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /arrowdblright/arrowdown] psfsChars
+(cmmi7) cvn [ /x/y] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /quoteright/comma/udieresis/M/g/t/i/k/S/m/b/o/d/L/f/s/emdash/h/u/w/E/l/y/G/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) cvn [ /a108] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /period/t/i/k/eight/m/b/o/q/f/s/at/u/backslash/w/l/y/a/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/parenleft/comma/exclam/period/zero/question/fl/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/Q/k/x/F/S/m/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/Y/f/s/three/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/E/R/l/y/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /comma/M/g/t/four/i/m/colon/U/b/d/L/s/A/N/h/u/P/E/R/l/T/a/n/c/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /bullet] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /comma/M/g/t/four/B/i/v/k/m/colon/U/b/d/L/s/A/N/h/u/P/E/l/T/a/n/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /comma/M/g/t/i/D/k/S/m/z/U/b/o/d/f/s/A/N/h/u/w/l/y/a/n/I/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /parenright/dollar/one/parenleft/comma/period/numbersign/zero/g/t/bracketleft/B/i/bracketright/x/underscore/F/m/braceleft/b/o/braceright/W/d/q/f/s/h/u/backslash/w/asciicircum/E/l/y/T/a/n/bar/V/c/p/equal/asciitilde/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmr10) cvn [ /parenright/one/parenleft/bracketleft/bracketright/equal] psfsChars
+(cmsy5) cvn [ /minus] psfsChars
+(cmsy7) cvn [ /perpendicular] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/period/M/g/t/B/O/i/v/six/k/x/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/endash/A/emdash/h/u/C/P/j/w/seven/E/l/y/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(cmmi10) cvn [ /comma/period/t/v/z/epsilon/W/psi/f/u/P/V] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /intersection/minus/braceleft/braceright] psfsChars
+(cmr5) cvn [ /one] psfsChars
+(cmmi7) cvn [ /comma/g/B/T] psfsChars
+(cmr7) cvn [ /zero] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /comma/period/question/M/g/t/four/B/i/v/k/m/z/colon/U/b/o/d/q/L/f/s/A/N/h/u/P/w/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/period/zero/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/k/x/eight/F/S/m/colon/H/U/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/Y/f/s/three/endash/A/N/h/u/five/P/j/w/seven/E/l/y/nine/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/dollar/one/parenleft/asterisk/comma/period/numbersign/zero/percent/g/t/bracketleft/i/v/bracketright/k/x/eight/underscore/m/braceleft/U/b/o/braceright/d/q/f/s/at/h/u/backslash/j/w/l/T/a/n/c/p/equal/asciitilde/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmr10) cvn [ /parenright/parenleft/zero/m/o/d/equal] psfsChars
+(cmsy7) cvn [ /prime] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /hyphen/g/t/O/i/S/m/b/o/d/q/f/s/N/h/u/w/l/y/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmmi10) cvn [ /comma/epsilon/q/psi/f/s/a/V/p] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /minus/asteriskmath] psfsChars
+(cmmi7) cvn [ /comma/B/i/j/T] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /comma/M/g/t/four/i/m/colon/U/b/d/L/s/A/N/h/u/P/E/T/a/n/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /parenright/one/parenleft/comma/zero/g/t/four/B/i/x/eight/S/m/b/o/d/q/L/f/s/three/N/h/u/five/C/E/l/nine/G/T/a/n/c/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /dollar/one/comma/period/g/t/bracketleft/i/v/bracketright/k/x/eight/underscore/m/braceleft/b/o/braceright/W/d/q/L/f/s/three/h/u/backslash/C/w/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/asciitilde/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(cmr10) cvn [ /parenright/parenleft/k/m/colon/I/equal/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmsy5) cvn [ /minus] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/period/zero/g/t/B/i/v/six/k/x/F/S/m/colon/U/b/o/d/q/fi/L/Y/f/s/three/endash/A/N/h/u/C/j/w/E/l/y/nine/quoteleft/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(cmmi10) cvn [ /slash/t/B/v/epsilon/phi/L/A/N/C/P/G/K/X] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /arrowright/similarequal/precedesequal/precedes/P] psfsChars
+(cmr5) cvn [ /one] psfsChars
+(cmex10) cvn [ /parenleftBig/parenrightBig] psfsChars
+(cmmi7) cvn [ /g/n] psfsChars
+(cmr7) cvn [ /one/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /hyphen/comma/period/M/g/t/four/i/v/k/m/colon/U/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/A/N/h/u/P/w/E/l/y/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/one/parenleft/comma/period/zero/question/fl/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/k/x/eight/F/S/m/colon/H/U/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/Y/f/s/endash/A/N/emdash/h/u/five/C/j/w/E/l/y/nine/quoteleft/T/a/n/I/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /period/percent/g/t/bracketleft/i/v/bracketright/D/k/x/m/braceleft/b/o/braceright/d/q/f/s/at/A/h/u/backslash/P/w/E/R/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/asciitilde/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /g/t/B/O/i/v/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/A/h/u/C/P/y/T/a/n/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmmi10) cvn [ /epsilon] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /quoteright/hyphen/comma/period/M/g/t/four/B/i/v/k/x/S/m/colon/U/b/o/d/fi/L/f/s/A/N/h/u/P/w/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/g/t/four/O/i/Q/x/F/m/b/o/d/f/s/three/N/h/u/five/E/R/l/a/n/c/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /parenright/dollar/parenleft/percent/M/t/B/i/v/k/x/m/braceleft/b/o/braceright/d/q/f/s/at/N/h/u/backslash/P/w/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/question/M/g/t/four/bracketleft/B/O/i/v/bracketright/k/x/F/S/m/z/colon/H/b/o/W/d/q/fi/L/Y/f/s/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(cmmi10) cvn [ /M/less/N] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /M/S/A] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /quoteright/hyphen/one/comma/period/zero/M/g/t/four/B/i/v/k/x/m/colon/U/b/o/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/w/E/R/l/y/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/I/V/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(ITC Zapf Dingbats) cvn [ /a108] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /slash/period/t/x/eight/m/colon/b/o/d/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold Italic) cvn [ /t/U/b/o/G/T/a] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/dollar/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/exclam/period/zero/question/fl/M/g/t/four/bracketleft/B/O/i/v/six/bracketright/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/quotedblleft/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/lslash/fi/L/f/s/three/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/quotedblright/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /quoteright/question/M/g/t/i/v/k/S/m/b/o/d/f/s/A/w/l/y/G/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /quoteright/M/t/i/D/k/S/m/colon/U/b/o/L/f/s/A/h/u/five/C/P/E/l/y/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/parenleft/comma/period/zero/fl/M/Z/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/quotedblleft/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/Y/f/s/three/sterling/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/j/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/quotedblright/I/V/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/period/t/i/k/x/m/o/s/at/u/w/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /quoteright/one/comma/g/t/four/O/i/v/x/m/colon/U/b/o/J/d/f/s/A/h/u/five/C/P/E/l/y/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmsy10) cvn [ /bullet] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /M/B/i/v/k/x/U/o/d/s/h/u/E/l/G/T/a/n/I/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/percent/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/sterling/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/period/M/t/i/v/D/k/x/m/o/d/f/s/at/A/h/u/E/R/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/D/k/x/F/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/endash/h/u/five/C/P/w/E/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /period/g/t/B/O/i/v/k/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/percent/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/sterling/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/period/M/t/i/v/D/k/x/m/o/d/f/s/at/A/h/u/E/R/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/D/k/x/F/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/endash/h/u/five/C/P/w/E/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /period/g/t/B/O/i/v/k/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/percent/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/sterling/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/period/M/t/i/v/D/k/x/m/o/d/f/s/at/A/h/u/E/R/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/D/k/x/F/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/endash/h/u/five/C/P/w/E/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /period/g/t/B/O/i/v/k/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/percent/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/sterling/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/period/M/t/i/v/D/k/x/m/o/d/f/s/at/A/h/u/E/R/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/D/k/x/F/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/endash/h/u/five/C/P/w/E/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /period/g/t/B/O/i/v/k/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/percent/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/sterling/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/period/M/t/i/v/D/k/x/m/o/d/f/s/at/A/h/u/E/R/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/D/k/x/F/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/endash/h/u/five/C/P/w/E/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /period/g/t/B/O/i/v/k/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/percent/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/sterling/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/period/M/t/i/v/D/k/x/m/o/d/f/s/at/A/h/u/E/R/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/D/k/x/F/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/endash/h/u/five/C/P/w/E/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /period/g/t/B/O/i/v/k/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/percent/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/sterling/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/period/M/t/i/v/D/k/x/m/o/d/f/s/at/A/h/u/E/R/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/D/k/x/F/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/endash/h/u/five/C/P/w/E/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /period/g/t/B/O/i/v/k/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /quoteright/parenright/hyphen/slash/one/ampersand/parenleft/comma/period/zero/percent/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/v/six/D/Q/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/colon/H/U/b/o/J/W/d/q/fi/L/f/s/three/sterling/endash/A/N/h/u/five/C/P/w/seven/E/R/l/y/nine/quoteleft/G/T/a/n/semicolon/I/c/p/K/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt10) cvn [ /hyphen/period/M/t/i/v/D/k/x/m/o/d/f/s/at/A/h/u/E/R/l/a/n/c/p/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Bold) cvn [ /one/M/g/t/four/B/O/i/D/k/x/F/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/endash/h/u/five/C/P/w/E/nine/G/T/a/n/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(cmmi10) cvn [ /epsilon] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /period/g/t/B/O/i/v/k/m/U/b/o/d/f/s/E/l/y/G/T/a/n/I/c/p/K/X/e/r] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/comma/M/t/O/i/v/six/D/x/eight/F/S/m/b/o/d/fi/f/s/three/A/N/h/u/C/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /t/b/s/a/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /g/t/O/i/b/E/T/a/n/X] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/comma/M/t/O/i/v/six/D/x/eight/F/S/m/b/o/d/fi/f/s/three/A/N/h/u/C/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /t/b/s/a/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /g/t/O/i/b/E/T/a/n/X] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/comma/M/t/O/i/v/six/D/x/eight/F/S/m/b/o/d/fi/f/s/three/A/N/h/u/C/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /t/b/s/a/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /g/t/O/i/b/E/T/a/n/X] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/comma/M/t/O/i/v/six/D/x/eight/F/S/m/b/o/d/fi/f/s/three/A/N/h/u/C/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /t/b/s/a/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /g/t/O/i/b/E/T/a/n/X] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/comma/M/t/O/i/v/six/D/x/eight/F/S/m/b/o/d/fi/f/s/three/A/N/h/u/C/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /t/b/s/a/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /g/t/O/i/b/E/T/a/n/X] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/comma/M/t/O/i/v/six/D/x/eight/F/S/m/b/o/d/fi/f/s/three/A/N/h/u/C/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /t/b/s/a/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /g/t/O/i/b/E/T/a/n/X] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/comma/M/t/O/i/v/six/D/x/eight/F/S/m/b/o/d/fi/f/s/three/A/N/h/u/C/E/l/y/T/a/n/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /t/b/s/a/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /g/t/O/i/b/E/T/a/n/X] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT) cvn [ /hyphen/slash/comma/period/M/g/t/O/i/v/six/D/k/x/eight/F/S/m/z/U/b/o/W/d/fi/f/s/three/endash/A/N/emdash/h/u/C/w/E/l/y/nine/T/a/n/semicolon/V/c/p/X/e/r/two] psfsChars
+(dctt9) cvn [ /t/b/s/a/e] psfsChars
+(Baskerville MT Italic) cvn [ /g/t/O/i/b/E/T/a/n/X] psfsChars
+ReLoad file ...
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/bask5_2.rep b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/bask5_2.rep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..207b656c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/bask5_2.rep
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+(newarticle.1) <Editorial>
+(section.1.1) <Portable documents meeting>
+(section.1.2) <Bits and pieces>
+(newarticle.2) <Letters to the editor 1: Maths in \LaTeX , Part 3 >
+(newarticle.3) <Letters to the editor 2: Maths in \LaTeX , Part 3>
+(newarticle.4) <Letters to the editor 3: \textsc {Dante}>
+(newarticle.5) <Portable Documents: Why Use SGML?>
+(section.5.1) <Introduction>
+(section.5.2) <Documents>
+(section.5.3) <Portability>
+(section.5.4) <Who needs portable documents, and why?>
+(section.5.5) <Examples of successful portability>
+(section.5.6) <Achieving portability>
+(section.5.7) <Why use SGML?>
+(section.5.8) <The future>
+(newarticle.6) <Formatting SGML Manuscripts>
+(newarticle.7) <HTML \& TeX: Making them sweat>
+(section.7.1) <Markup>
+(section.7.2) <The World Wide Web>
+(section.7.3) <Publishing with HTML>
+(section.7.4) <Development>
+(newarticle.8) <The Inside Story of Life at Wiley with SGML, LaTeX\ and Acrobat>
+(section.8.1) <Introduction>
+(section.8.2) <Setting the Scene>
+(section.8.3) <Complementary not Competitive>
+(section.8.4) <SGML in Practice>
+(section.8.5) <LaTeX\ in Practice>
+(section.8.6) <Acrobat at Arm's Length>
+(section.8.7) <Conclusion>
+(newarticle.9) <Theory into Practice: working with SGML, PDF and LaTeX\ at Elsevier Science>
+(section.9.1) <The Company>
+(section.9.2) <The move into electronic publishing>
+(section.9.3) <The concept of Computer Aided Publishing (CAP)>
+(section.9.4) <Practicalities: How we do it>
+(section.9.5) <TeX\ and LaTeX>
+(section.9.6) <Practical Problems>
+(section.9.7) <The Future>
+(newarticle.10) <SGML and LaTeX>
+(newarticle.11) <Questions and Answers>
+(newarticle.12) <Maths in LaTeX: Part\nobreakspace {}4, Numbered and Unnumbered Things>
+(section.12.5) <Numbered and Unnumbered Displays>
+(section.12.6) <Theorems and their friends>
+(section.12.7) <Other numbered things>
+(newarticle.13) <One by one the guests arrive>
+(section.13.1) <Why,>
+(section.13.2) <Conclusion>
+(newarticle.14) <Something is happening, but you don't know what it is>
+(newarticle.15) <Malcolm's Gleanings>
+(section.15.1) <Spivaking anyone?>
+(section.15.2) <Stability or statis>
+(section.15.3) <\emph {TUGboat}>
+(section.15.4) <A few last words>
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/bask5_2.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/bask5_2.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd9390fc71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/bask5_2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\input editor
+\input taylor1
+\input carlisle
+\input taylor2
+\input barron
+\input fine
+\input flynn
+\input granger
+\input key
+\input szillat
+\input panel
+\input bailey
+\input kees
+\input cameron
+\input clark
+\input eurotex
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/baskerv.cls b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/baskerv.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b3fe1c66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/baskerv.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+% Baskerville.cls:
+% Adrian Clark
+% Sue Brooks
+% Sebastan Rahtz
+% based on the original LaTeX ARTICLE DOCUMENT STYLE
+% for LaTeX2e
+% 29.5.94 added ISSN
+% 2.6.94 corrected \ukt\ macro
+% 7.6.94 centered captions
+% 15.8.94 changed editor names etc
+% 2.11.94 use Alan Jeffrey's code for paths, emails, URLs etc
+% from faq.sty
+% put PA address in mast head
+% Journals use two-sided printing.
+% 1.12.94 cleaned again for FAQ issue.
+% 6.12.94 more little fixes for FAQ issue
+% 14.3.95 parameterized date
+\ProvidesClass{baskerv}[\filedate, Baskerville newsletter class \fileversion]
+\DeclareFontShape{T1}{mbv}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * mbv/m/it}{}
+\lineskip 1\p@
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+\oddsidemargin -2.5pc \evensidemargin -2.5pc
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+% * LISTS *
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+% label macros for Range-Left and Range-Right labels
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+\def\itemize{\ifnum \@itemdepth >3 \@toodeep
+ \else \advance\@itemdepth \@ne
+ \edef\@itemitem{labelitem\romannumeral\the\@itemdepth}%
+ \list{\csname\@itemitem\endcsname}%
+ {\let\makelabel\makeRRlabel}%
+ \fi}
+% ENUMERATE with optional argument to set left margin...
+\def\enumerate{\ifnum \@enumdepth >3 \@toodeep \else
+ \advance\@enumdepth \@ne
+ \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}%
+ \fi
+ \@ifnextchar [{\@enumeratetwo}{\@enumerateone}%
+ \list{\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}%
+ {\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{\@enumctr}
+ \let\makelabel\makeRRlabel}
+ \list{\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}%
+ {\usecounter{\@enumctr}
+ \let\makelabel\makeRRlabel}}
+\arraycolsep 5\p@
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+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+ \begingroup
+ \vspace*{-\headheight}%
+ \@maketitle
+ \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
+ \thispagestyle{plain}
+ \endgroup
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \let\@maketitle\relax
+\centerline{{\bfseries \scaletowidth{\textwidth}{B\,a\,s\,k\,e\,r\,v\,i\,l\,l\,e}}}
+ \medskip
+ \hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries The Annals of the UK \TeX\ Users'
+ Group\hfill Editor: Sebastian Rahtz\hfill Vol.~\BASK@vol\ No.~\BASK@no}
+ \smallskip\hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries ISSN 1354--5930
+\hfill \thismonth\ \thisyear}
+ \medskip
+ \noindent Articles may be submitted via electronic mail to
+ \texttt{}, or on MSDOS-compatible discs,
+ to Sebastian Rahtz, Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford
+Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, to whom any correspondence
+concerning \BV\ should also be addressed. \BV\ is set in Monotype
+Baskerville, with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal
+text, and printed on a Xerox Docutech. Production and distribution is
+undertaken in Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns and Jonathan Fine. Back
+issues from the previous 12 months may be ordered from \ukt\ for
+\pounds2 each; earlier issues are archived on \textsc{ctan} in
+Please send \ukt\ subscriptions, and book or software orders, to
+Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4LB.
+Fax/telephone: 0121 476 2159. Email
+enquiries about \ukt\ to \protect\texttt{}.
+ }
+\def\and{\end{tabular}\vskip 6pt\par
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}}
+%\def\@abstract{\list{}{\leftmargin \z@\rightmargin\z@
+% \parsep 0\p@ \@plus 1\p@}\item[]\normalsize{\bfseries Summary}\\}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\def\author{\@ifnextchar [{\@authortwo}{\@authorone}}
+\gdef\@shortauthor{Dummy Author}
+\gdef\@title{Dummy Article Title}
+\gdef\@longtitle{Dummy Article Title}
+\def\title{\@ifnextchar [{\@titletwo}{\@titleone}}
+\gdef\@longtitle{Dummy Title}
+% \ps@empty defined in LATEX.TEX
+ \def\@oddhead{}
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+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@oddhead{\hfill\emph{\@title}\hfill}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenhead{\it Baskerville \hfill Volume \BASK@vol, Number \BASK@no}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@oddhead{\it\@shortauthor \hfill \@title}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenhead{\it Baskerville \hfill Volume \BASK@vol, Number \BASK@no}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\sectionmark##1{}
+ \def\subsectionmark##1{}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\def\@tocrmarg {2pc}
+% \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+% \section*{Contents} \@starttoc{toc}
+% \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi \par\vspace{12\p@}}
+ \addvspace{2.25em \@plus 1\p@}
+ \begingroup
+ \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
+ \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
+ {\normalsize\rm
+ \leavevmode \hspace*{3pc}
+ #1\hfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss \ }}\par
+ \nobreak \global\@nobreaktrue
+ \everypar{\global\@nobreakfalse\everypar{}}\endgroup}
+\def\dotfil{\cleaders\hbox{$\m@th \mkern1.5mu.\mkern1.5mu$}\hfil\kern\z@}
+% \addvspace{1.0em \@plus 1\p@}
+ \@tempdima 1.5em % width of box holding section number
+ \begingroup
+ \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
+ \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
+ \leavevmode
+ #1\dotfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
+ \endgroup}
+ \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+ \section*{List of Figures\@mkboth{List of Figures}{List of Figures}}
+ \@starttoc{lof} \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+ \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+ \section*{List of Tables\@mkboth{List of Tables}{List of Tables}}
+ \@starttoc{lot} \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+ \small
+ {\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}{\settowidth\labelwidth{\@biblabel{#1}}%
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumiv}%
+ \let\p@enumiv\@empty
+ \def\theenumiv{\arabic{enumiv}}}%
+ \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus.33em minus.07em}%
+ \parskip\z@ \@plus .1pt\relax
+ \clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000\sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
+ \def\@noitemerr{\@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
+ \endlist}
+\long\def\@makecaption#1#2{\vskip 6\p@
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\small{\bfseries #1.} #2}
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
+ \small{\bfseries #1.} #2\par
+ \else
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfill\box\@tempboxa\hfill}
+ \fi
+ \vskip 6\p@
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Shorthands for non-English abbreviations and words.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+\def\etc{{\foreign etc.}} % etc.
+\def\eg{{\foreign e.g.~}\ignorespaces} % e.g.
+\def\egc{{\foreign e.g.,~}\ignorespaces} % e.g.,
+\def\ie{{\foreign i.e.~}\ignorespaces} % i.e.
+\def\iec{{\foreign i.e.,~}\ignorespaces} % i.e.,
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Tex-related mnemonics.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ {\setbox0\hbox{T}%
+ \setbox2\vbox to\ht0{\kern.07ex\hbox{%
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \math@fontsfalse
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@\selectfont
+ A}%
+ \vss}%
+ \kern-.5\wd2
+ \box2
+ }}
+\def\AmSTeX{$\mathcal{A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathcal{M}$}\kern-.125em S$\TeX}
+\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathcal{M}$}\kern-.125em S$\TeX}
+\def\BibTeX{{\rmfamily B\kern-.05em\textsc{i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em\TeX}}
+\def\LAMSTeX{L\kern -0.4 em \raise 0.3 ex \hbox {$\scriptstyle \mathcal{A}$}%
+ \kern -0.25 em \lower 0.4 ex \hbox {$\cal M$}%
+ \kern -0.1 em \hbox {$\mathcal{S}$}-\TeX}
+ $\mathcal{S}$-\LaTeX}}
+\def\MakeIndex{{\itshape MakeIndex}}
+% SliTeX from the SliTeX Documentation
+\def\SLiTeX{S\kern-.065em L\kern-.18em\raise.32ex\hbox{\textsc{i}}\kern-.03em\TeX}
+\def\POBox{P.\thinspace O.~Box }
+\def\TeXhax{\TeX hax}
+\def\UKTUG{UK \TeX\ Users' Group}
+\def\ukt{{\footnotesize UK}TUG}
+\newcommand{\payuk}{UK TeX Users' Group}
+ \makebox[\textwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}\Newline}
+ \makebox[0.5\textwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}}
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Additional commands.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \Section{\@longtitle}%
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \markright{\@shortauthor\hfill\@longtitle}%
+% Article is when the title is double column
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\Section{\@longtitle}]%
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \markright{\@shortauthor\hfill\@longtitle}%
+% Article is when the title is double column
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\Section*{\@longtitle}]%
+ \gdef\@author{\mbox{}}}
+ \gdef\@author{\mbox{}}\end{multicols}%
+% --- Macros for cross-referencing tables and figures.
+% --- Output the attribution at the end of an article.
+ \ifx\@author\emptysig\else
+ \begin{flushright}\begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}}\@author\end{tabular}%
+ \end{flushright}\fi}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}}#1\end{tabular}%
+ \end{flushright}}
+% --- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- The following macros are taken from Adrian F. Clark's LaTeX style
+% --- file `dates.sty', which provides fairly flexible date inclusions.
+% --- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+\def\today{\thisdayofweek\ \thisdayth\ \thismonth\ \thisyear}
+\def\thisdayth{\thisday \ifcase\day
+ \or\st\or\nd\or\rd\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th
+ \or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th
+ \or\st\or\nd\or\rd\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\st\fi}
+\def\thismonth{\ifcase\month\or \January\or \February\or \March\or
+ \April\or \May\or \June\or \July\or \August\or \September\or
+ \October\or \November\or \December\fi}
+% --- Names of days of the week and the months.
+% --- This makes it easier to change them for languages other than English.
+% --- (And that's why they're not \@Sunday, etc).
+% --- Counters. Note that we use the same registers as TeX holds other
+% --- things in (e.g., \count0 holds the page number). This requires
+% --- that \@savestyle, \@setstyle, and \dayofweek perform all
+% --- their register manipulations within a group. This may seem
+% --- a bit messy, but it saves having eight registers permanently set
+% --- aside just for date calculation.
+\def\@cent{\count0 } % century number (1979 == 20)
+\def\@diy{\count1 } % day in the year
+\def\@dow{\count2 } % gets day of the week
+\def\@epact{\count3 } % age of the moon on Jan. 1
+\def\@golden{\count4 } % Moon's golden number
+\def\@leap{\count5 } % leap year fingaler
+\def\@x{\count6 } % temp register
+\def\@y{\count7 } % another temp register
+ \scriptsize\@setstyle#1\fam=-1 }}}$}}
+% --- Macros to save and restore the font family.
+\def\@setstyle{\ifcase\count0\rm\or\mit\or\cal\or\rm% what's family 3?
+ \or\it\or\sl\or\bfseries\or\tt\fi}
+% --- The day of the week (\Sunday, etc.) is inserted into the text
+% --- by \dayofweek. (This uses registers \@dow, \@leap, \@x and \@y.)
+% --- I acquired this from elsewhere; it was apparently written by
+% --- Martin Minow, now a DEC employee.
+ \@leap=#2 \advance\@leap by -14 \divide\@leap by 12
+ \advance\@leap by #1
+ \@dow=#2 \advance\@dow by 10
+ \@y=\@dow \divide\@y by 13 \multiply\@y by 12
+ \advance\@dow by -\@y \multiply\@dow by 13 \advance\@dow by -1 \divide\@dow by 5
+ \advance\@dow by #3 \advance\@dow by 77
+ \@x=\@leap \@y=\@x \divide\@y by 100 \multiply\@y by 100 \advance\@x by -\@y
+ \multiply\@x by 5 \divide\@x by 4 \advance\@dow by \@x
+ \@x=\@leap \divide\@x by 400 \advance\@dow by \@x
+ \@x=\@leap \divide\@x by 100 \multiply\@x by 2 \advance\@dow by -\@x
+ \@x=\@dow \divide\@x by 7 \multiply\@x by 7 \advance\@dow by -\@x
+ \ifcase\@dow \Sunday\or \Monday\or \Tuesday\or \Wednesday\or
+ \Thursday\or \Friday\or \Saturday\fi}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\newcommand{\meta}[1]{{$\langle$\itshape #1\/$\rangle$}}
+\@namedef{Gin@rule@psz}#1{{eps}{bb}{`gunzip -c #1}}
+% no rule in footcols
+ \vskip \skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \footnotesize
+ \multicolsep\z@\relax
+ \hsize\textwidth
+ \@parboxrestore
+ % {\showoutput\batchmode\showbox\footins}%
+ \raggedcolumns
+ \bgroup \columnseprule 0\p@
+ \begin{multicols}{\the\ftn@col@number}%
+ \unvbox \footins
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \egroup
+% available for inter-article dinglines
+% breakable, no brackets, cites
+\def\@cite#1#2{{#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi}}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/cameron.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/cameron.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecc7e25989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/cameron.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+\title{Something is happening, but you don't know what it is}
+\author[Peter J. Cameron]{Peter J. Cameron\\
+School of Mathematical Sciences\\Queen Mary
+and Westfield College\\Mile End Road\\London
+E1 4NS}
+This is intended as a worm's-eye view of what is happening to
+\TeX\ in the mathematical community at present. It seems
+to me that there are some problems.
+I have earned my living as a mathematician for 24 years.
+For half that time, the tools of my trade included a portable
+typewriter and large quantities of Tipp-Ex, and all formulae
+were written in by hand. For the next six years, I used various
+word processors; no more Tipp-Ex, but still handwritten formulae.
+Then I discovered \TeX, and took to it with the inevitability of
+a love affair. Is it always so difficult for a love affair to
+last? \TeX\ and I have started having problems, and perhaps the
+fault isn't all mine. Maybe we should have some counselling.
+\TeX\ fills two roles in the working life of a mathematician, and
+early on I fell into the trap of confusing them. On one hand,
+it is for producing masterpieces of the typesetter's art; this
+was such a delight! For this reason, early on I rejected \LaTeX:
+I was unable to make a \LaTeX\ document look good; and while
+ordinary mortals can write or edit \TeX\ macros, only superheroes
+can mess with \LaTeX\ style files. In plain \TeX, with the help of
+invented or adapted macros and a variety of fonts, I made everything
+from books, through class exercise sheets, to character sheets for
+my son's role-playing games, all stamped with my own design
+(for better or worse).
+The other aspect of \TeX\ relevant to mathematics is its function
+as a communication standard. Several things contributed to this,
+for most of which we have Knuth to thank. Most important is its
+free availability on all platforms, and the fact that the input is
+ASCII text without control characters, so that it can be sent
+by email without damage (even to and from the UK nowadays, although
+it wasn't always so!). Gone are the days when international
+collaboration involved exchange of letters taking weeks, with the
+inevitable crossing of information. I can now exchange drafts of
+papers with co-authors almost instantaneously (though, of course,
+time differences mean that I usually have to wait a day for a reply
+from Australia).
+Another significant fact is that email and \TeX\
+provide a mechanism for communicating formulae in an email letter.
+Between \TeX-literate correspondents, such snippets of \TeX\ are
+never compiled (except, arguably, in biological computers).
+Besides the two mentioned above, a third factor has contributed to
+establishing this standard. Knuth, as a mathematician, designed the
+plain macros to be as close as possible to the way that formulae are
+pronounced by mathematicians. Thus, \verb|x \over y| produces
+$x\over y$. (One of the few exceptions to this is that we have to
+say \verb|\bar x| rather than \verb|x \bar| to get $\bar x$.)
+My first encounter with \TeX, before I knew what it was, came about
+when an editor sent me a referee's report in uncompiled form. The
+dollar signs were a bit mysterious, but if I ignored them, the
+rest made quite good sense!
+Regrettably, many popular macro packages have lost sight of this
+point, and seem obsessed with the need for all operators to be
+prefix. Mathematicians, brought up with the infix and postfix
+arithmetic operations, are free from this artificial hang-up, and
+never refer to $x\over y$ as \verb|\frac{x}{y}|. (Well, maybe not
+quite --- but this is certainly true for formulae simple enough to
+be put into a letter.)
+Now there is a clear conflict between these two roles of \TeX.
+It was borne in on me when I wanted to send my beautifully-crafted
+preprints to other people. At best, I could send along several macro
+files, and assume that my correspondents could follow the instructions
+for naming and using them and cope with the organisational problem.
+At worst, the recipient would lack a font I'd used, and would be
+unable to print the document at all. So, inevitably, I was forced
+into keeping two copies of each file, a fancy one for myself, and a
+plain one for everyone else. This made updating the files a nightmare,
+especially when one was at home and the other at work. The next stage
+was to abandon the fancy files, and keep everything as plain as
+These problems, if understandable, were at least self-inflicted. But
+it seems to me that the academic/publishing community is now falling
+into the same trap.
+It is now very common for publishers to encourage electronic submission
+of manuscripts. Among the specialist journals in my field, with one
+rogue exception which specifies WordPerfect (stop laughing at the back!),
+the system of choice is \LaTeX, with a proprietary style file to
+reproduce the existing look of the journal. Some of these style files
+are less than perfect. (One publisher, attempting a clever redefinition
+of \verb|\emptyset|, ended up leaving this command undefined. Another
+insists on printing the journal's copyright message on my preprints.)
+Often, these style files tempt the author with added features, from
+the trivial (an \verb|\email| command to print the author's email
+address) to the valuable (a \verb|proof| environment for the proofs
+of theorems). If you bite the apple, you can no longer compile your
+paper in ordinary \LaTeX, and so you can no longer email it to your
+collaborators. Yet some of the features are too good to miss, and the
+journal makes others compulsory. So, once again, I have to maintain
+two copies of my files.
+Further problems are caused by the proliferation of \LaTeX\ versions
+and font selection schemes. Rather than stick to the lowest common
+denominator, some journals provide elaborate format-switching
+mechanisms whose instructions are very difficult to decode.
+Electronic journals pose still more problems. We are told that this
+is the way of the future, and that traditional journals will quickly
+die out. Yet I am sure that many academics, (and not only in the
+Third World), are unable to read or access these journals. We get
+busier and busier as time goes on, and installing Mosaic and all the
+necessary supporting software on your computer is a non-trivial job.
+And on a more mundane level: an otherwise excellent electronic
+journal in my field has, as virtually the only style specification,
+the use of \verb|cmcsc8| for the headline. This font is not in the
+em\TeX\ distribution. Fortunately, the \verb|.tfm| and
+\verb|.pk| files for this font were available on our Unix machines,
+so I was able to download them and correct the lack. How many
+beginning netsurfers would be deterred, by choice or necessity,
+by just such a small irritation?
+If publishers do force us into using discordant versions of \TeX\
+by such means, then the role of \TeX\ as the standard for mathematical
+communication will be threatened. If this is lost, one of the major
+advantages of \TeX\ over other systems will go with it. Can we
+save the situation? I do not believe that standards can be established
+by wishing for them, even by formalising the wishing into a committee.
+The only thing that seems to work is the commercial success of
+particular hardware or software. But what could we ask of \LaTeX3
+(or whatever is to be the standard)?
+Just two pleas come from the concerns I have raised:
+\item It must be possible to impose different styles with the
+absolute minimum of change to the input file. This means that
+all publishers' requirements must be anticipated and default versions
+included in the standard style. Sounds totally impractical? But we
+know what happens if you don't!
+\item Either all the plain \TeX\ mathematical commands should be
+available, or the commands that are actually used should conform as closely
+as possible to spoken mathematics.
+ \ No newline at end of file
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+\title{Letters to the editor 2: Maths in \protect\LaTeX, Part 3}
+\author{David Carlisle}
+ The comments on the inadvisability of redefining user level commands
+ are valid, but the example in question, \verb|\emptyset| in the AMS
+ packages, is just due to an error in the first printing of \emph{The
+ \LaTeX\ Companion} (as noted in \texttt{compan.err} in the \LaTeX\
+ distribution.) The `amssymb' package does not redefine
+ \verb|\emptyset|. It still looks like a 0 with a line through it. The
+ same glyph as in plain \TeX. \verb|\varnothing| is a slashed-circle.
+Actually this raises an interesting side issue. The error in the
+Companion printing was due to an error in the styles for \emph{Lucida}
+fonts. (The Companion does not use the cm or AMS fonts). As Lucida
+does provide both glyphs, it was simply an error to have the names
+interchanged, but consider a hypothetical situation of a math font
+family that only provides one slashed-closed-curve. How visually
+dis-similar to $\emptyset$ may it be before it becomes unacceptable to
+assign it to the command \verb|\emptyset|? For text fonts large differences
+are acceptable. `Q' does not look much like `\texttt{Q}' but both are
+accessed by `Q' and any differences are accepted by the reader as
+differences in font design. In mathematics the situation is not at all
+\end{Article} \ No newline at end of file
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+\title{Malcolm's Gleanings}
+\author{Malcolm Clark}
+\section{Spivaking anyone?}
+Cybernauts will be familiar with LambdaMOO, one of the information
+superhighway's more recherche laybys. For those with both feet in
+reality, a MOO is an object oriented MUD, and a MUD used to be a
+multi-user dungeon, but has achieved respectibility by becoming a
+dimension or discussion (depending on whose acronym cracker you
+use). When it was a MUD it was just an on-line game for propellor
+heads (usually male, usually adolescent), without the benefit of
+graphics. Just a text based dungeon and dragons game. The sort of
+thing your average \TeX\ head would enjoy. In its new incarnation it
+has become a useful conferencing tool (as well as a virtual world for
+role players). Xerox PARC (the guys who brought you the first usable
+graphic user interface while the Steves, Jobs and Wozniak, were still
+cadging chips from Mr Hewlett and Mr Packard) is the home of the
+LambdaMOO, where you can register to have your own room which you
+organise as you wish and to which you may invite whomever, or maybe
+even whatever, you choose. A plausible version of what this might
+become is contained in Neal Stephenson's cyberpunk novel `Snow Crash'.
+What has this to do with the world of \TeX, apart from its similar
+single-mindedness? Just that `to spivak' is a way of describing one
+sort of role-playing. More research needs to be done to establish the
+full implication of this. A prize for the first entertaining (if
+inaccurate) definition: LambdaMOO may be found at the URL:
+\texttt{telnet://} (that's enough to separate
+the kids from the lambs).
+\section{Stability or statis}
+The latest round of `corrections' to the \TeX\ suite has just been
+released by Donald Knuth. It includes adjustments to \TeX, Metafont
+and the Computer Modern fonts. The bumper cheques (top amount this
+time, \$327.68) went to the legendary (if elusive) Chris Thompson and
+Bogus\l aw Jackowski. This takes \TeX\ to version 3.14159, and
+Metafont to 2.718. The announcement was accompanied by the statement
+that the next and successive rounds would occur in February ``1998,
+2002, 2007, etc!''. In line with all best laid plans, no sooner had
+the toner on my laser printer fused than another bug was found and
+corrected. The numbers remain the same though.
+\TUB\ has arrived. At least, volume 15, number 3, the conference
+edition has made it to our shores (coincidentally at the same time as
+it turned up in Santa Barbara). It's a reasonably thick compendium,
+despite omitting a few of the papers which were presented. The
+omissions are either because the articles were very similar to already
+published material (like Rowley \& Mittelbach, and Bigelow), or
+because it will appear in a future issue (like Hosek, Haralambous, and
+Laugier \& Haralambous), or, rather oddly and without explanation,
+withdrawl (Haralambous). It's better and more cohesive than I remember
+at the conference. The major innovation is the inclusion of several
+pages in colour, appropriate at a meeting where so much attention was
+directed at the use of colour. In contrast to the edition of Cahiers
+GUTenberg which used colour integrated with the text, all the colour
+examples are included in an Appendix. Many of the new extensions to
+\LaTeX\ reflect or anticipate the widespread adoption of colour. This
+volume may be a timely summary of many of the issues and
+consequences. But there is much else there.
+\section{A few last words}
+I continue to be surprised by the attention that this column
+attracts. In my view it is a filler which helps the editor to pad out
+a few columns and the only balance it achieves is purely in those
+column terms. It is not to be taken seriously.
+%To do so would be sad
+%evidence of naivety and an inability to separate wheat and chaff. But
+%one of the consistent sadnesses of the \TeX\ world are those who take
+%themselves all too seriously.
+\section{More arcana}
+It has never been made especially clear whether the AMS actually did
+take the step of protecting the \TeX\ logo, although Addison Wesley
+certainly do claim to have done so for Metafont. As far as the best
+informed can say, the trademark office in the US rejected the
+registration attempt, in part because of the confusion which might
+have occured between \TeX\ and TEX, a now forgotton Honeywell text
+editor. On the other hand, Richard Kinch has registered True\TeX. At
+this late date, and with \TeX's place in the world assured it's
+probably past worrying about, isn't it?
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+\section{Portable documents meeting}
+Most of the articles in this issue are based on talks given at the
+\ukt's successful \emph{Portable Documents} meeting on January 19th at
+the Bridewell Theatre, Fleet Street. We are very grateful to Jonathan
+Fine for his hard work in transcribing the panel session, and to him,
+Malcolm Clark and Carol Hewlett for working so hard to make the day a
+success. Jonathan also provided the following summary of the papers:
+\emph{Why Use SGML?} by David Barron
+gives an overview of why portable documents are
+important, and the value of SGML.
+\emph{Formatting SGML Manuscripts} by Jonathan Fine
+first describes some typographic problems, and then describes a new
+\TeX\ macro package which will typeset directly from SGML document
+\emph{HTML \& \TeX} by Peter Flynn
+gives an overview, from the HTML document side, of the rapidly
+expanding World Wide Web, and expresses opinion as to its future.
+\emph{The Inside Story of Life at Wiley} by Geeti Granger is just
+that. It provides a valuable insight into the real-world problems
+and solutions that arise in a busy production department.
+\emph{Theory into Practice \ldots\ at Elsevier Science} by Martin Key
+describes the progress they have made towards holding all new journal
+articles in standard electronic form.
+\emph{Questions and Answers}, prepared for publication by Jonathan Fine,
+is an edited version of the lively and informative Panel Discussion
+which closed the Bridewell meeting.
+\emph{SGML and \LaTeX} by Horst Szillat
+compares the two, and argues that there is a need to manipulate the data
+during the conversion process. (This paper was not presented at
+\section{Bits and pieces}
+Readers will already have noticed that this issue of \BV\ has been
+expanded to make room for all the Bridwell papers, as well as the
+usual more traditional \TeX\ fare. Thankfully, almost no room is left
+for editorial comment. But we do need room to pass on a correction
+from Arthur Smith about the Hyper\TeX\ project described in \BV\ 4.5;
+the mailing lists have changed:
+I am currently maintaining two mailing lists based at
+\FTP||: hypertex-announce is for
+major announcements of new software or macros, and hypetex-dev
+is for detailed discussions of the development of Hyper\TeX. Send e-mail
+to \Email|| with subscription and
+information requests, or contact me directly
+and to pass on important news from Peter Abbott. Firstly,
+\emph{Thinking in Postscript} by Glenn Reid is out of print and
+Addison-Wesley say unlikely to be reprinted. So don't order it.
+Secondly, Peter has negotiated group licences for the shareware
+products OzTeX version 1.8; DVIPS, \MF\ and the Alpha text
+editor for Macintosh; and the Eddi4\TeX\ \TeX\ shell and editor for DOS.
+Contact Peter for details if you want to take advantage of these licences;
+they are only available to individual \ukt\ members.
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+\title{Euro\TeX'95: Call for papers}
+The Euro\TeX\ conference 1995 will take place from September 4th until
+September 7th in the Netherlands. The conference will be held at the
+National Sports Centre Papendal (150 ha), near the city of Arnhem.
+Papendal is located in one of the most beautiful areas of the
+Netherlands. Right in the middle of the vast woods of the province of
+Gelderland. About eight kilometers west of Arnhem, tucked away under
+the lee of the green Veluwe-fringe.
+The conference will start on September 4th in the afternoon and will
+run on until September 7th noon. Thursday afternoon and Friday
+September 8th are reserved for courses and/or tutorials.
+The theme of the conference will be: \textbf{The \TeX\ Toolbox}.
+Wherever we talk about `\TeX' we mean \TeX\ and a format, such as plain,
+\LaTeX, \AMSTeX, etc.
+We would like to have talks that deal with topics such as:
+\item the integration of \TeX\ in the working environment, or using \TeX\
+ in full (bidirectional) co-operation with all kinds of other
+ applications;
+\item conversion to and from \TeX;
+\item dissemination of typeset material (PostScript, Acrobat);
+\item Importing text and/or data from other applications
+ (spreadsheets, databases) into \TeX\ documents;
+\item how to add value to documents by using \TeX, so that they can not
+ only be easily typeset, but can also be turned into `active'
+ hyperdocuments, and provide data for database searches;
+\item multi-discipline, multi-language aspects of \TeX;
+\item `novel' uses of \TeX\ such as bi/multi-lingual
+ translations/dictionaries, legal texts, poetry\ldots
+We would also like to offer courses and/or tutorials on any of the
+following topics:
+\item introduction to using \LaTeX
+\item \LaTeX\ for package and class file writers
+\item Making PostScript (Truetype) fonts available for use in \TeX\ documents
+\item database publishing with (La)\TeX
+\item (La)\TeX\ and hypertexts, HTML, SGML, hypertex
+If you feel qualified to teach one of these subjects or think
+other topics should be covered, please send us your proposal.
+Your abstracts and proposals can be sent to \texttt{}
+If you have no access to e-mail you can send you contribution to:
+EuroTeX '95 program committee\\
+ Kooienswater 62\\
+ 2715 AJ Zoetermeer\\
+ The Netherlands.\\
+ \end{quote}
+In such a case we would ask you to submit your paper in electronic form
+on a (DOS) floppy disk.
+The time schedule is as follows.
+10 April 1995:& date when abstracts should be received\\
+20 April 1995:& date to tell authors their abstract \\
+&is accepted or rejected\\
+15 May 1995:& date to receive full papers\\
+20 June 1995:& date the reviews should finish\\
+15 July 1995:& date to receive the final, reviewed paper\\
+1 August 1995:& date to start producing the proceedings \\
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+\title{Formatting SGML Manuscripts}
+\author{Jonathan Fine}
+\def\simsim{{\sc simsim}}
+This article is about typography, SGML, \TeX, and \simsim, which is a
+new \TeX\ macro package. Close by are copies of several of the OHP
+transparencies. They were typeset {\em directly from an SGML
+document instance} using \simsim.
+First some words about the title slide. Documents can be formatted
+for several purposes. They may be typeset for printing, or for
+conversion to Adobe PDF format. They might be formatted for viewing
+on a computer monitor, as is done by the WEB browsers for HTML. They
+might be formatted for display and alteration by a visual or WYSIWYG
+editor. Formatting is the process of supplying fonts, dimensions,
+line and page breaking rules and so forth, so as to produce a
+representation of the document that is (we hope) well adapted to the
+display medium and the needs of the user. Rendering will convert
+this formatted document into bitmaps or whatever that can be
+displayed or printed.
+In my opinion SGML is as important for structured documents as ASCII
+is for character sets (and SQL is for databases). It is the standard
+that will allow different machines and different software programs to
+share documents. In the title I use the words `manuscripts' to
+emphasise that my focus is on human communication from author to
+reader, and not transference of bytes from one machine to another.
+Human beings have special qualities, which can be reflected in the
+manuscripts they produce. More on this later.
+Still on the title slide, the subtitle `Much Ado about Nothing' has
+two meanings. The first is that in five to ten years the formatting
+of SGML manuscripts will be no big deal, just as today Postscript is
+nothing very special. The second is that success requires taking
+pains or `making much ado' over the spaces. Which brings us on to
+the second slide.
+\subsection*{Spaces Between Words}
+Typography is not the only art where a sound sense of space is vital.
+Architecture and music are others. The quotation from Schnabel
+expresses my view beautifully. It is one thing to get the fonts and
+sizes right (to play the notes on the score) and another to get the
+little pauses or spaces right, and also the timing of the line and
+page breaks. In {\em The \TeX{}book}, Knuth quote Jan Tschichold
+``Every shape exists only because of the space around it. \ldots\
+Hence there is a `right' position for every shape in every situation.
+If we succeed in finding that position, we have done our job.'' Much
+of the typographic art involves getting the space right. Getting the
+choice of fonts right is another skill.
+Even if we cannot reach the subtle virtues just expressed, we should
+strive to avoid gross errors. I'm sure we have all seen two words on
+a page with an extra space between them, as compared to their
+neighbors. Often this happens because the author has for some reason
+placed two spaces between the words (this is the sort of things that
+humans are good at doing) both of which have been treated as
+significant by the subsequent processing. \TeX's default reading
+rules automatically solve most of these problems, but not when braces
+for emphasised text and the like are present.
+The writing of this article (in \LaTeX) provided an example of this.
+In an earlier version I had written
+\subsection*{ Who owns what?}
+and the like to begin subsections. This results in an unwanted
+space at the start of the title. Like so:
+\subsection*{ Who owns what?}
+The making of books involves lots of co-operation, and the
+participants benefit when there are clear boundaries and
+responsibilities. For example, many authors expect their spelling
+and punctuation to be corrected during the publishing process, but
+object to their words being otherwise changed. Newspaper journalism
+necessarily has different rules, as does academic journal
+publishing. But as a general rule the author supplies the words, the
+formatter the spaces. Problems arise if the author has control over
+spacing, or fonts for that matter. During production copy-editing
+and other changes will be made to the author's words. If supplied as
+a computer file, the author can reasonably expect to be sent back
+another computer file just like the one that was sent in, but
+containing the words as actually printed. This returned file should
+not exercise any control over the spaces between words, for neither
+did the author's original file.
+Punctuation is a great problem. By and large, the author should
+supply the correct punctuation mark or logical structure. The
+formatter must choose the font and the spacing around the punctuation
+mark. This will depend on the rules of style required by the
+publisher. So at least three parties are involved. Should the
+design or rules or style used by the formatter be changed, so too may
+the punctuation marks used. The more that can be programmed into the
+software, the less need there is for human action. There will always
+be exceptions. Production staff will need on occasion to impose
+their will on the software's production of the formatted document.
+\subsection*{Manuscript Problems}
+These will, in an ideal world, never arise. In an ideal world others
+do all they can to prevent or solve your problems. And we do all
+we can to help others. In reality the author might be preparing the
+manuscript using an ordinary text editor, or a word-processor with an
+SGML add-on. There are likely to be stray spaces and carriage
+returns scattered across the file. There might even be space between
+the last word of a sentence and the closing period or other
+punctuation! Particularly if an end-tag intervenes. If not ignored,
+if they influence the final printed page, then a few authors will
+discover and use this feature. Others will be distracted from the
+writing of words by the need to get the spaces `right'. But we have
+agreed that the spaces belong to the formatter. Thus, the three
+`Hello world' messages should be formatted identically. To do
+otherwise is to allow the author power over spacing.
+For most elements it is reasonable to assume that their boundaries do
+not divide words. And also that between words a space should be
+supplied. Thus, each line in the displayed nursery rhyme should be
+formatted in the same way. The formatter should ignore `extra'
+spaces and supply those that are `missing'. More subtle is this.
+What is the natural size of space to provide between a bold word and
+a word in the default (say roman) font? This is a typographic
+question, and so has nothing to do with which element (if any) the
+space character appears in. Should it be a bold-sized space, a
+roman-sized space, the larger, some average, or some other value.
+(The OHPs have been set, for simplicity, with a space between
+characters depending only on current font size, but not font style.
+Where speed is more valuable than typography, as when an author is
+writing the words of a manuscript, or when the display device is a
+computer monitor incapable of subtle expression, this is the right
+choice. A quality publisher might wish to specify more closely the
+interword spacing.)
+The thrust of this slide is that the formatting process cannot assume
+that the input file is `just so' and correct for the intended
+processing. More likely it is an electronic manuscript, with
+electronic analogues to the physical imperfections that paper
+manuscripts present. We do hope, however, that it can be read.
+\subsection*{What is \TeX\ the program?}
+\TeX\ is the portable program {\em par excellence}. It also has very
+few bugs. It is stable across time. It has an ethos different from
+commercial software, which often charges maintenance for bug reports
+to be responded to. With \TeX\ one is given a modest monetary reward
+for finding a bug.
+It is worth remembering that \LaTeX\ is not only a macro package but
+also an input file syntax. Because \TeX\ is programmable, no fixed
+input syntax is required. Given sufficiently tricky macros, the
+mighty lion that is \TeX\ can be made to imitate other beasts, such
+as the unforgetting elephant that is SGML. \simsim\ is just such a
+set of macros.
+(The usual \TeX\ approach, when confronted with SGML files to
+typeset, is to translate into \LaTeX\ or the like before calling on
+\TeX\ to do the typesetting. However, it seems to me that this
+approach cannot but fail to give the author control over spacing, and
+to mishandle manuscript problems, unless the translation process is
+extremely sophisticated. It will need to know about the typography
+intended for each element and also the character data attributes.
+Add to this the legendary problems \LaTeX\ has with verbatim in
+titles and so forth, and the limitations should become apparent.
+Translation to \LaTeX\ might have been the best there was available,
+but it is certainly not the best that is possible.)
+\subsection*{What is \simsim?}
+This brings us to the final part of the talk, which is a software
+announcement. The OHPs were typeset using a preliminary version of a
+\TeX\ macro package \simsim\ that I have been developing for several
+years, and which is close to completion. The English word `sesame'
+is already a registered computer software trademark, so I have chosen
+to use the Arabic word `simsim'. Both are descended from an Akkadian
+word, current in Mesopotamia at least 4500 years ago. Simsim is one
+of the oldest words known to humanity. It is also the key in the
+classic story of Ali Babar.
+There are two sides to \simsim. Input and output. Input is SGML and
+also style files. Output is pages formatted by \TeX. The title
+slide of the talk was typeset from:
+<title-page title =
+ - or - /
+<par> UKTUG and BCS-EPSG meeting </>
+<li> (c) Copyright 1995 </>
+<li> Jonathan Fine </>
+<li> 203 Coldhams Lane </>
+<li> Cambridge </>
+<li> CB1 3HY </>
+Notice that the title has been entered as an attribute value, with the
+line breaks denoted by forward slash `\verb"/"' or solidus
+characters. This is a notation in wide use for displaying line
+breaks in verse quoted as flowing text within a paragraph. Suppose
+one were presented with the title slide and were asked to encode as an
+SGML element. This is the sort of thing that the Text Encoding
+Initiative Guidelines were developed for. One would record that it
+was a title page, that such and such was the title text, and so
+forth. It is this approach that led me to use the solidus to denote
+line breaks in the title text. This then is the sort of input
+manuscript that \simsim\ will be dealing with. Note that the
+formatter has not been misled by the irregular spaces in the title
+attribute value. The \verb"&SGML" is an entity reference. In the
+title it produces itself in the current font, but elsewhere it is
+appearing in a smaller font. This is done using \TeX's macro
+\subsection*{The Flavour of \simsim}
+The parsing of an SGML manuscript makes the data within it available
+to the formatting (or whatever) application. There is even a
+specification (the Element Structure Information Set) of what data is
+available and when. Built into \simsim\ is an SGML parser. Writing a
+\simsim\ style file is a matter of linking \TeX\ actions to SGML
+events, such as the parsing of a start tag. The less technically
+minded might like to skim the following description as to how this is
+Another part of \simsim\ is an enhanced programming environment for
+the writing of \TeX\ macros and \simsim\ style files. Within a
+\simsim\ macro file the characters \verb"(par)" denote a token that
+is called at the end of the parsing of a \verb"<par>" start tag. It
+is up to the application or style file to define this token to
+perform the required actions.
+Start tags can carry attributes. The characters
+in a \simsim\ file represent a control sequence whose expansion is
+the text read by the parser as the value of the (character data)
+attribute \verb"title" of the \verb"title-page" tag. It is then up
+to the style file to typeset this data, or to write it to a file, or
+to otherwise dispose of it.
+The other main type of attribute is the name-group. Loosely, this
+corresponds to the `radio buttons' that graphical user interfaces
+provided. Each such attribute has a short finite list of possible
+values. For example, the HTML \verb"IMG" tag has an \verb"ALIGN"
+name group attribute, whose values can be \verb"top", \verb"middle",
+or \verb"bottom". Because \simsim\ incorporates an SGML parser, the
+style file need not worry about getting this information. Indeed,
+great errors are liable to occur if it attempts to do so. Rather,
+the parser makes this data available for the application to use.
+For example, with the HTML \verb"ALIGN" name group attribute the
+process goes like this. Within the \simsim\ programming environment
+the characters
+represent a token whose expansion will be set by the parser to be one
+according to the option selected by the author of the manuscript.
+The style file should assign appropiate values to the three tokens
+above, for example
+let (img*top) = vtop
+let (img*middle) = vbox
+let (img*bottom) = vcenter
+(these are illustrative values, and are not necessarily sensible)
+and then
+ // the image goes here
+ ... ... ...
+will cause the image to be processed in accordance with the attribute
+value specified in the manuscript. This is all rather easier to do
+than to explain. Similar mechanisms are provided to link actions to
+\verb"SDATA" entitities.
+The observant reader may notice that I have played fast and loose
+with the case of tag and attribute names. For the reference concrete
+syntax (used by almost all SGML applications) these names are to be
+converted to uppercase when read. (This is controlled by a parameter
+in the SGML declaration.) This is in practice quite important, and
+so \simsim\ converts to uppercase when it parses tag and attribute
+names, and the same with the programming environment.
+\subsection*{Five Important Questions}
+This slide is my attempt to anticipate the questions the audience
+would like to ask. (The untechnical should stop skimming.) To
+amplify my answers, I am looking for SGML-aware \TeX\ users who would
+like to be early users of \simsim. Tables and math capabilities
+will, I hope, be developed to meet customers' specific needs. I do
+not think it best that I try to anticipate their requirements. So
+much will depend on the SGML DTDs they use, or intend to use. Please
+contact me if you have any specific questions, and particularly if
+you are interested in being a test site.
+At the meeting I was asked some good questions. Firstly, it is
+possible to have the processing attached to a tag depend on the
+context? The answer is yes. For example, the bulleted items on
+slide two are \verb"<li>" elements, as on the title page, but within
+a \verb"<bl>" rather that \verb"<ol>" list. This is because the
+action attached to a tag is held as a \TeX\ control sequence token,
+whose meaning can be changed just like any other control sequence. So
+the token represented by \verb"(bl)" can change the meaning attached
+to \verb"(li)". (In fact this may not be the best method, there are
+other ways.)
+Another question was how does it relate to \LaTeX? So far as I am
+concerned there is no relation with \LaTeX, and no means of
+converting documents from one form to another. Or style files for
+that matter. \simsim\ and \LaTeX\ both start with uninitialised
+\TeX, but from there proceed in different directions and with
+different assumptions. I don't see any interaction between the
+\simsim\ and the \LaTeX\ worlds, and if somebody creates one, that's
+not my doing. A related question (motivated by legacy documents
+perhaps) is whether, if you have well structured \TeX\ documents, you
+can get something like SGML out of it. My answer is that probably
+you can, but that is not the problem I set myself, and not a problem
+I have plans to solve.
+Performance was another question. How long would it take to process
+a long document? This depends on the computer one has, and on the
+mix of text and markup in the document. Preliminary tests indicate
+the same order of speed as \LaTeX. And do I have a manual? At the
+moment it's not developed to such a point that I can offer manuals.
+But I'd like to. I want it to be a proper product. At this point it
+is in the process of development and I'm looking for clients who'd
+like to take some risk with me, or at least make some effort. I also
+want to supply support. Further to that, I was asked, will I be
+offering maintenance costs (the usual commercial practice) or rewards
+(Knuth's practice with \TeX)? After the laughter had died down, I
+declined to answer the question, explaining that I did need to earn
+money. This was the last question.
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+y(E)1030 403 y(X)g(THE)g(PROGRAM?)300 638 y Ff(Bet)m(w)m(een)43
+b(1978)i(and)e(1982)i(the)e(eminent)300 791 y(Professo)m(r)h(Donald)i
+(Knuth)f(of)g(Stanfo)m(rd)300 945 y(Universit)m(y)h(wrote)g(a)h(very)g
+(high)g(qualit)m(y)300 1098 y(t)m(yp)s(esetting)h(p)m(rogram)g(called)e
+(T)1713 1125 y(E)1768 1098 y(X.)j(Its)300 1252 y(source)40
+1486 y(Lo)m(w)46 b(cost)g(\(o)m(r)g(even)g(free\))f(versions)g(a)m(re)
+300 1640 y(available)53 b(fo)m(r)g(most)i(machines,)f(and)300
+1794 y(they)f(run)g(identically)-10 b(.)51 b(T)1393 1820
+y(E)1448 1794 y(X)i(is)g(batch)300 1947 y(not)47 b Fb(WYSIWYG)p
+Ff(,)e(and)h(is)g(p)m(rogrammable)300 2101 y(via)58 b(macros.)300
+2335 y(Sometimes)44 b(T)930 2362 y(E)985 2335 y(X)h(can)f(mean)h(the)f
+(entire)300 2489 y(system)50 b(of)g(fonts,)g(macros)f(and)h(other)300
+2642 y(soft)m(w)m(a)m(re)43 b(|)i(and)f(sometimes)h(it)f(means)300
+2796 y(an)52 b(input)f(\014le)h(syntax.)300 3030 y(La)-23
+b(T)456 3057 y(E)511 3030 y(X)38 b(is)e(a)i(p)s(opula)m(r)f(T)1288
+3057 y(E)1343 3030 y(X)h(macro)f(pack)m(age)300 3184
+y(with)45 b(its)f(o)m(wn)i(input)e(\014le)h(syntax.)2272
+3358 y Fd(4)p eop
+%%Page: 5 6
+5 5 bop 300 403 a Fe(WHA)-12 b(T)46 b(IS)h Ff(SIMSIM)p
+Fe(?)300 638 y Fb(SIMSIM)39 b Ff(is)h(a)g(T)940 664 y(E)995
+638 y(X)h(macro)f(pack)m(age)g(which)300 791 y(understands)48
+b Fb(SGML)p Ff(.)h(It)g(is)g(a)g(platfo)m(rm)300 945
+1098 y Fb(SGML)39 b Ff(manuscripts)g(can)h(b)s(e)g(develop)s(ed.)300
+1333 y Fb(SIMSIM)45 b Ff(will)h(run)h(on)f(PCs,)i(Macintosh,)300
+1486 y(Sun,)34 b Fb(UNIX)p Ff(,)g Fb(VMS)f Ff(and)h(any)h(other)f
+(machine)300 1640 y(which)47 b(supp)s(o)m(rts)g(T)1143
+1667 y(E)1198 1640 y(X)h(such)f(as)g(Aco)m(rn,)300 1794
+y(Amiga,)i(Alpha,)f(and)g(A)m(ta)m(ri.)f Fb(SIMSIM)g
+Ff(is)300 1947 y(truly)j(p)s(o)m(rtable)f(soft)m(w)m(a)m(re.)300
+2181 y Fb(SIMSIM)g Ff(is)h(the)g(mo)s(dern)h(Arabic)e(fo)m(rm)300
+2335 y(of)h(the)f(Akk)m(adian)g(w)m(o)m(rd)g(fo)m(r)g(what)h(w)m(e)300
+2489 y(call)43 b(sesame.)i(Some)f(w)m(o)m(rds)g(a)m(re)g(ancient)300
+2642 y(b)s(ey)m(ond)h(our)f(kno)m(wledge.)g(They)h(exp)m(ress)300
+2796 y(our)g(common)h(human)g(heritage.)300 3030 y Fb(SIMSIM)41
+b Ff(has)i(a)f(magic)h(p)s(o)m(w)m(er)g(to)g(remove)300
+3184 y(obstacles)k(and)g(op)s(en)h(do)s(o)m(rs.)2272
+3358 y Fd(5)p eop
+%%Page: 6 7
+6 6 bop 300 403 a Fe(THE)47 b(FLA)-16 b(V)l(OUR)46 b(OF)g
+Ff(SIMSIM)300 656 y(The)k Fb(SGML)g Ff(decla)m(rations)499
+860 y Fc(<!ELEMENT)62 b(par)h(ANY>)499 1013 y(<!ATTLIST)f(par)1009
+1167 y(font)h(\(rm|bf|it\))f(rm)h(>)300 1370 y Ff(together)50
+b(with)g(the)g(co)s(de)499 1574 y Fc(def)63 b(\(par\))127
+b(//)63 b(links)g(to)g(<par>)499 1727 y({)627 1881 y(paragraph)627
+2035 y({)754 2188 y(//)h(parameters)d(go)j(here)627 2342
+y(})754 2495 y(\(par|font\))126 b(//)63 b(attribute)499
+2649 y(})499 2803 y(def)g(\(par*rm\))126 b(//)63 b(name)g(token)499
+2956 y(//)h(...)f(etc)300 3160 y Ff(tell)49 b Fb(SIMSIM)f
+Ff(what)i(to)g(do.)2272 3358 y Fd(6)p eop
+%%Page: 7 8
+7 7 bop 300 403 a Fe(FIVE)35 b(IMPORT)-12 b(ANT)36 b(QUESTIONS)300
+621 y Fd(When)i(can)h(I)g(get)g Fa(SIMSIM)p Fd(?)499
+775 y Ff(I'm)47 b(w)m(o)m(rking)f(on)g(it!)g(Hop)s(e)h(fo)m(r)f(the)499
+929 y(\014rst)h(test)f(release)f(within)h(months.)499
+1082 y(This)37 b(dep)s(ends)g(on)g(clients')f(non-)p
+Fb(SGML)499 1236 y Ff(requirements.)44 b(Any)i(tak)m(ers?)300
+1454 y Fd(Can)39 b Fa(SIMSIM)f Fd(do)h(tables)f(and)g(math?)499
+1608 y Ff(Y)-10 b(es.)47 b Fb(SIMSIM)f Ff(can)g(b)s(e)g(made)h(to)g(do)
+499 1761 y(anything)h(T)1024 1788 y(E)1079 1761 y(X)h(can)e(do.)300
+1979 y Fd(Do)s(es)39 b Fa(SIMSIM)f Fd(implement)g(all)g(of)h
+Fa(SGML)p Fd(?)499 2133 y Ff(No.)52 b(F)m(o)m(r)f(ma)m(rkup)f
+(minimization,)499 2287 y(validation)39 b(etc.,)i(use)e(with)h(a)f(pa)m
+(rser.)300 2505 y Fd(Is)g Fa(SIMSIM)e Fd(compatible)h(with)h(La)-23
+b(T)1755 2531 y(E)1810 2505 y(X?)499 2658 y Ff(Is)40
+b(La)-23 b(T)772 2685 y(E)827 2658 y(X)41 b(compatible)f(with)g
+Fb(SGML)p Ff(?)300 2877 y Fd(What)f(will)f(it)g(cost?)499
+3030 y Fb(SIMSIM)52 b Ff(has)g(b)s(een)g(\014ve)i(y)m(ea)m(rs)d(in)499
+3184 y(the)56 b(making)2272 3358 y Fd(7)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/flynn.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/flynn.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9704340756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/flynn.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+% this is from the Companion, p108, but simply doesn't work!
+% In the tabular, LaTeX complains that \temp is undefined.
+% This ought to be a package, but I don't think it's been unpgraded yet.
+\title{HTML \& \TeX: Making them sweat}
+\author[Peter Flynn]{Peter Flynn\\University College, Cork}
+\noindent HTML is often criticised for its presentation-oriented conception.
+But it does contain sufficient structural information for many
+everyday purposes and this has led to its development into a more
+stable form. Future platforms for the World Wide Web may support other
+applications of SGML, and the present climate of popularity of the Web
+is a suitable opportunity for consolidation of the more stable
+features. \TeX\ is pre-eminently stable and provides an ideal
+companion for the process of translating HTML into print.
+HTML, a HyperText Markup Language\cite{html-spec}, is the language used
+to structure text files for use in the World Wide Web, an Internet-based
+hypertext and multimedia distributed information system. HTML is an
+application of SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language, ISO
+8879\cite{iso-sgml}. Contrary to popular belief, neither SGML nor HTML
+is new: SGML gained International Standard status in 1986 and HTML has
+been in use since 1989.
+#! /bin/sh
+echo Content-type: text/html
+cat <<EOH
+<html><head><title>Date and time</title></head><body><p>It is now
+cat <<EOT
+\caption{Example of a Unix shell script to return the date and time as
+a HTML file}
+SGML is a specification for writing descriptions of text structure. In
+itself SGML does not \emph{do} anything, any more than, say, Kernighan
+and Ritchie's specification of the C~language\cite{krc} \emph{does}
+anything: users and implementors have to do something \emph{with}
+it. It has been slow to achieve popularity, partly because writing
+effective Document Type Descriptions (DTDs) is a non-trivial task, and
+partly because software to make full use of its facilities has
+traditionally been expensive. It was therefore seen as a `big business
+only' solution to text-handling problems until the popularisation of
+HTML owing to increased use of the World Wide Web. Since 1992 the
+software position has also improved considerably~--- an extensive list of
+tools is maintained by Steve Pfeffer at UIO\cite{sgml-tools}.
+\section{The World Wide Web}
+WWW (W3 or just `the Web') is a client-server application on the
+Internet. Users' clients (`browsers') request files from servers run
+by information providers and display them, using the HTML markup
+embedded in the text to render the formatting. Some of the markup can
+provide filenames for the retrieval of graphics as illustrations, or
+act as anchor-points for links to other documents, which can be
+further text, or graphics, sound or motion video. This latter
+capability gives the Web a hypertext and multimedia dimension, and
+allows crosslinking of files almost anywhere on the Internet.
+Because the HTML files are plain text with embedded plain text markup,
+in traditional SGML manner, they are immediately portable between
+arbitrary makes and models of computer or operating system, making the
+Web one of the first genuinely portable, multiplatform applications of
+its kind.
+\subsection{HTML Markup}
+An example of simple markup and an appropriate rendering is
+illustrated in Figure~\ref{html-example}. The conventions of SGML's
+Reference Concrete Syntax\cite{iso-sgml} are used, so markup `tags'
+are enclosed in angle brackets (less-than and greater-than signs), in
+pairs surrounding the text to which they refer, with the end-tag being
+preceded by a slash or solidus immediately after its opening angle
+ <head>
+ <title>Fleet Street Eats</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Where to eat in Fleet Street</h1>
+ <p>There are many restaurants in the City, from
+ fast-food joints to <i>haute cuisine</i>.</p>
+ ...
+{\bf Document title:} {\tt Fleet Street Eats}
+\section*{Where to eat in Fleet Street}
+There are many restaurants in the City, from
+fast-food joints to {\it haute cuisine\/}.\newline\dots
+\caption{Example of HTML markup and possible rendering}
+The rendering is left almost entirely to the user's client program, as
+there are almost no facilities within HTML for the expression of
+appearance apart from a minimal indication of font change (italics,
+boldface and typewriter-type). Indeed, most recent browsers allow the
+{\em user} arbitrary control over which fonts, sizes and colours
+should be used to instantiate the tagged elements of text.
+HTML was devised for the Web by non-SGML-experts who saw it as an
+ideal mechanism for implementing plain-text portability while
+preserving sufficient structural information for online rendering: one
+of the classical reasons for adopting SGML. It is now becoming
+standardised by an IETF working group who have produced a draft
+specification in the form of a formal DTD\cite{html-spec}. Because of
+the need to allow this specification to model existing `legacy'
+documents (most of which would be regarded as fragments rather than
+document instances), as well as provide for more robust usage, the
+current DTD has two modes: a non-rigorous `deprecated' mode for
+describing the legacy and a `recommended' mode for creating and
+maintaining files in conventional form.
+HTML is sufficient for minimal documents, providing the structural and
+visual features shown in Figure~\ref{html-tags}. A future version
+(3.0) is being developed by the IETF Working Group, which will allow
+the description of mathematics, tables and some additional visual- and
+content-oriented features.
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{{\bf Structural}}&\multicolumn{2}{c|}{{\bf Descriptive}}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{{\bf Visual}} \\ [3pt]
+html &document type&
+ a &hypertext link anchor-point&
+ b &bold type \\
+\quad head &document header&
+ cite &citations&
+ br &forced line-break \\
+\quad title &document title&
+ code &computer code&
+ hr &horizontal rule \\
+\quad base &root address for incomplete hypertext references&
+ em &emphasis&
+ i &italics \\
+\quad meta &specification of mapped headers&
+ kbd &keyboard input&
+ tt &typewriter type \\
+\quad link &relationship of document to outside world&
+ samp &sample of input&
+ img &illustrations \\
+\quad isindex &specifies a processable document which can take an argument&
+ strong &strong emphasis&
+ &\\
+ &&
+ var &program variable&
+ &\\
+body &contains all the text&
+ &&
+ &\\
+\quad h1\dots h6&six levels of section heading&
+ &&
+ &\\
+\quad p &paragraph&
+ &&
+ &\\
+\quad pre &preformatted text&
+ &&
+ &\\
+\quad blockquote&block quotations&
+ {\bf Form-fill}&&
+ {\bf Obsolete:}&\\
+\quad address &addresses&
+ form &contains a form&
+ listing &use {\tt pre} \\
+\quad ol &ordered lists&
+ textarea &free-text entry &
+ xmp &use {\tt pre} \\
+\quad ul &unordered lists&
+ input &input field (text, checkbox, radio button, {\it etc}&
+ plaintext &use {\tt pre} \\
+\quad menu &menu lists&
+ select &drop-down menu&
+ nextid &editing control \\
+\quad dir &directory lists&
+ \quad option &menu item&
+ dfn &definition of term\\
+\qquad li &list item&
+ &&
+ &\\
+\quad dl &definition lists&
+ &&
+ &\\
+\qquad dt &definition list term&
+ &&
+ &\\
+\qquad dd &definition list description&
+ &&
+ &\\
+\caption{Markup available in HTML 2.0 (indentation implies the item
+must occur within the domain of its [non-indented] parent)}
+Despite the coming improvements, HTML is likely to be joined in the
+Web by other DTDs in future. One well-known SGML software house
+already has a prototype browser which can handle instances of
+arbitrary DTDs, given sufficient formatting information. This would
+make it possible to use the Web for transmission and display of
+documents using other SGML applications such as CALS (US Military),
+DocBook (O'Reilly/Davenport), the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) and
+corporation-specific DTDs (such as those of Elsevier).\label{otherdtds}
+The next version of the DTD, HTML3, contains specifications for
+mathematics, tables and some additional elements for
+content-descriptive material, as well as a few extra visual keys such
+as an {\tt ALIGN} attribute for positional specification. Most of this
+work is being implemented on a test basis in the Arena browser (Unix/X
+only at the moment) at CERN.
+Although Web browsers can reference files by any of several methods
+(HTTP, the Web's `native' protocol; FTP; Telnet; Gopher; WAIS; and
+others) by using the URL (Universal Resource Locator: a form of file
+address on the Internet), the most powerful tool lies at the server
+end: the ability of servers to execute scripts, provided their output
+is HTML. A trivial example is shown in Figure~\ref{script}, which
+returns the date and time.
+Such a script can contain arbitrary processing, including the
+invocation of command-line programs and the passing of arguments. Data
+can be gathered from the user either with the \verb+<isindex>+ tag in
+the header, which causes a single-line data-entry field to appear, or
+with the more complex \verb+<form>+ element with scrollable text
+boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons and menus. In this manner, complete
+front-ends can be manufactured to drive data-retrieval engines of any
+kind, provided that they operate from the command line, and that the
+script returns their output in HTML\@. The user (and the browser) remain
+unaware that the result has been generated dynamically.
+HTML is criticised for being `presentation-oriented', but as can be
+seen from Figure~\ref{html-tags}, the overwhelming majority of the
+markup is structural or content-descriptive. However, this does not
+prevent the na\"\i ve or sophisticated author from using or abusing
+the markup in attempts to coerce browsers into displaying a specific
+visual instantiation, primarily because none of the browsers (with the
+partial exceptions of Arena and {\tt w3-mode} for GNU Emacs) performs
+any form of validation parsing, and will thus display any random
+assemblage of tags masquerading as HTML. This behaviour has misled
+even some eminent authorities to dismiss HTML as `not being SGML'.
+There is thus a conflict between the SGML purist on the one side, who
+decries any attempt at encoding visual appearance; and the uninformed
+author on the other, who has been unintentionally misled into thinking
+that HTML and the Web constitute some kind of glorified networked DTP
+The purists are few in number but eloquently vocal: however, in
+general, they acknowledge that visual keys can be included if they are
+carefully coded. A perceived requirement to allow an author to
+recommend the centering of an element is thus achieved in HTML3 by the
+\verb+align="center"+ attribute, rather than the unnecessary
+\verb+<center>+ element proposed by the authors of Netscape.
+The demands of the author are at their most marked in the approach of
+publishers and marketing users, who have been accustomed for the last
+550 years to exert absolute control over the final appearance of their
+text. But the Web is not paper, and the freedoms and constraints of
+the Press do not apply: it is as much a new medium as radio or
+television. For such an author to insist that she must be able to
+control the final display to the same extent as on paper is as
+pointless as insisting that a viewer with a black-and-white television
+must be able to see the colours in a commercial.
+The paradigm has been established that the browser controls the
+appearance, using the markup as guidelines. There is indeed no reason
+at all why attributes could not be added so that an author could write
+{\tt <h1 color=green font=LucidaBrightBoldItalic size=24 shading=50>}
+\noindent but the user of Lynx or WWW (two popular text-only browsers
+for terminal screens) would still only see the heading in fixed-width
+typewriter characters. The habit of insisting that everyone `must'
+see a particular typographic instantiation is an unfortunate result of
+a misinterpretation of the objective of the Web: to deliver
+information in a compact, portable and arbitrarily reprocessable form.
+But publishers accustomed to paper, insistent on `keeping control',
+have of course an entirely valid point, one with which the present
+author has great sympathy. Why should a carefully-prepared document be
+made a hames of by a typographically illiterate user who has set
+\verb+<h2>+ to display as 44pt Punk Bold in diagonal purple and green
+The solution probably lies in the implementation of style sheets,
+perhaps along the lines of those discussed by the authors of
+Arena\cite{arena-style}. They would in any case only be
+recommendations: not every user has a CD-ROM of Adobe or Monotype
+fonts. In any event, if 100\% control is essential, as in the display
+of typographic examples, all graphical browsers can be configured to
+spawn a window to display PostScript file, although the download time
+may be a strong disincentive.
+It is entirely possible that the control of content will
+ultimately prove a more attractive option than the control of
+\section{Publishing with HTML}
+Setting aside the unresolved questions of display, there are more
+pressing business problems about publishing on the Web.
+The authentication of users is being addressed at several levels, from
+simple, non-authoritative checks using {\tt identd} to the more complex
+username-and-password systems employed on some Web pages. From the
+user's end, the authentication of the data being accessed is equally
+important. The openness of the Internet in its raw form allows
+`spoofing' in both directions, so the emergence of protocols to
+provide checks is to be welcomed.
+The security of network-accessible texts from break-ins remains a
+concern to anyone providing high-value merchandise, and Web text is
+in this sense no different from any other computer data. Normal
+precautions must therefore be taken to prevent theft through
+other channels (such as remote lo\-gin), as distinct from theft
+perpetrated by falsification of Web access.
+There is a need for robust solutions to charging and billing for
+usage, and the secure transmission of financial data, including credit
+card numbers, digital signatures, and perhaps even EFT transactions.
+The Secure HTTP (SHTTP) mechanism being marketed by MCom and others is
+becoming popular as a way of achieving some of this, but the Internet
+must shed some of its image of lax controls and sloppy housekeeping if
+it is to achieve sufficient `respectability' to attract the business
+of those who are not networking specialists.
+The handling of copyright and the intellectual property of electronic
+texts remains, as ever, an unsolved problem. While copyright law can
+be used to provide a remedy for breach, the difficulty lies in
+preventing the breach occurring in the first place. The reason is that
+(as with other electronic mat\-er\-ial), copying and reproduction is fast,
+cheap and easy, once the material is in the hands of the customer.
+While a supplier may use SHTTP to protect the details of the
+transaction, once a print file has been sent to someone, the supplier
+retains no control whatsoever over its use, reuse and abuse. Copies
+could be sent to dozens others, or printed many times, in the space of
+\subsection{Printing from HTML}
+The demand for printed copies of Web material is surprisingly high.
+Although in some cases it is reminiscent of those people who insist on
+printing their email, it is undeniable that there is a serious
+requirement for good quality print from Web documents.
+Existing solutions to printing SGML text are usually
+application-specific, being embedded in SGML editors or DTP systems,
+but there are also some more generic packages:
+\item {\tt Format} by Thomas Gordon (\LaTeX)
+\item {\tt HTMLtoPS} by Jan K\aa rrman (PostScript)
+\item {\tt SGML2TeX} and {\tt WebSet} by Peter Flynn (\TeX/\LaTeX)
+\item {\tt SimSim} by Jonathan Fine (\TeX)
+\noindent The use of \TeX\ systems for most of these seems to indicate
+that the similarity of markup concepts has not gone unnoticed by
+practitioners. The author's own contributions are experimental, but
+the second of them is planned as an interactive Web service, to be
+introduced in the summer of 1995. Emailing a URL to the point of
+service will cause it to be retrieved, typeset, and the output
+returned to the user by email in PostScript form. As a form of email
+browser, the control of appearance may lie in the hands of the
+user, but suggestions for how implement this are currently
+being sought\cite{ttn41}.
+Implementing a professional level of typesetting from HTML raises some
+interesting questions:
+\item most HTML files are invalid
+\item most HTML authors don't understand SGML
+\item most HTML authors couldn't care less
+\item most World Wide Web users couldn't care less
+The handling of missing, damaged or abused tags in a gracious manner
+is not a feature of most SGML parsers. At the best, a
+typesetter-browser can only be expected to report to the user that a
+file is invalid, and while it may be displayed by browsers which do
+not make any claim to typographic quality, an attempt to make a
+respectable print job of an invalid file is unlikely to succeed.
+The future of the World Wide Web and HTML is uncertain. While
+development continues, and while new users are anxious to start
+surfing the net, the existing designs and implementations will
+suffice. In the longer term, a coalescing of services is likely to
+occur, but for this to happen, a number of changes need to take place:
+\item The Web will start to make use of other DTDs, as outlined above.
+ Any file containing a \verb+<!doctype...>+ at the beginning could
+ cause a browser to retrieve the DTD specified, along with a style
+ sheet, and work much as any SGML-conformant DTP system would.
+\item Browsers will become pickier, able to offer better services at
+the expense of rejecting invalid or badly broken files. Arena already
+perfoms a form of consistency check on the HTML code of files, and
+displays `Bad HTML' in the top corner when an offender is spotted.
+\item Users will become pickier, demanding better response from the
+browser, better response from the server, and better facilities from
+both. As users become more educated about the use of SGML, developers
+will no longer be able to hide the deficiencies of products under the
+cover of technical detail.
+\item This presupposes more user education, which is inevitable in a
+developing technology. 100 years ago, motor cars appeared on the
+roads, but few passengers in them understood the use of the levers and
+rods which controlled them. With some minor exceptions, it is now
+expected that a driver knows that turning the wheel clockwise turns
+the car to the right, and {\it vice versa\/}. It will not take us that
+long to perceive the innards of HTML, but it can only be done by
+training and education.
+\item At some stage, investment is always needed. Many companies have
+put substantial sums into the development of Internet resources, and
+those that have done so with forethought and planning deserve to reap
+a rich reward. It is a long-term investment, more akin to a
+partnership, but support is always needed by those who undertake the
+developments, especially as much of it is done in personal time and at
+personal expense.
+\noindent There is still some way to go before we achieve the ease of
+use of the telephone or the radio, but the path is becoming easier
+with each new development.
+\bibitem{html-spec} Berners-Lee~T \& Connolly~D, {\em HyperText Markup
+Language Specification~---~2.0}, Internet Draft, IETF Working Group on
+HTML, December 1994.
+\bibitem{ttn41} Flynn~P, {\em Typographers' Inn}, \TeX\ and TUG NEWS,
+{\bf 4}, 1, March 1995.
+\bibitem{iso-sgml} Goldfarb~C, {\em The SGML Handbook}, OUP, 1990,
+ISBN 0--19--853737--9.
+\bibitem{krc} Kernighan~BW \& Ritchie~DM, {\em The C Programming
+Language}, Prentice-Hall, 1978.
+\bibitem{arena-style} Lie~H {\em et al}, {\em HTML Style sheets},
+\bibitem{sgml-tools} Pepper~S, {\em The Whirlwind Guide: SGML
+tools and vendors},
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+.1 sub]{ch-image}imagemask restore}B /D{/cc X dup type /stringtype ne{]}
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+length 1 sub dup 2 index S get sf div put}if put /ctr ctr 1 add N}B /I{
+cc 1 add D}B /bop{userdict /bop-hook known{bop-hook}if /SI save N @rigin
+0 0 moveto /V matrix currentmatrix dup 1 get dup mul exch 0 get dup mul
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+0]N /BDot 260 string N /rulex 0 N /ruley 0 N /v{/ruley X /rulex X V}B /V
+{}B /RV statusdict begin /product where{pop product dup length 7 ge{0 7
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+ifelse}{false}ifelse end{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR 1 1 scale rulex ruley false
+RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR rulex ruley scale 1 1
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+p 1 w}B /r{p 2 w}B /s{p 3 w}B /t{p 4 w}B /x{0 S rmoveto}B /y{3 2 roll p
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+ifelse 0 0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale
+isls{landplus90{VResolution 72 div vsize mul 0 exch}{Resolution -72 div
+hsize mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul
+TR[matrix currentmatrix{dup dup round sub abs 0.00001 lt{round}if}
+forall round exch round exch]setmatrix}N /@landscape{/isls true N}B
+/@manualfeed{statusdict /manualfeed true put}B /@copies{/#copies X}B
+/FMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N /FBB[0 0 0 0]N /nn 0 N /IE 0 N /ctr 0 N /df-tail{
+/nn 8 dict N nn begin /FontType 3 N /FontMatrix fntrx N /FontBBox FBB N
+string /base X array /BitMaps X /BuildChar{CharBuilder}N /Encoding IE N
+end dup{/foo setfont}2 array copy cvx N load 0 nn put /ctr 0 N[}B /df{
+/sf 1 N /fntrx FMat N df-tail}B /dfs{div /sf X /fntrx[sf 0 0 sf neg 0 0]
+N df-tail}B /E{pop nn dup definefont setfont}B /ch-width{ch-data dup
+length 5 sub get}B /ch-height{ch-data dup length 4 sub get}B /ch-xoff{
+128 ch-data dup length 3 sub get sub}B /ch-yoff{ch-data dup length 2 sub
+get 127 sub}B /ch-dx{ch-data dup length 1 sub get}B /ch-image{ch-data
+dup type /stringtype ne{ctr get /ctr ctr 1 add N}if}B /id 0 N /rw 0 N
+/rc 0 N /gp 0 N /cp 0 N /G 0 N /sf 0 N /CharBuilder{save 3 1 roll S dup
+/base get 2 index get S /BitMaps get S get /ch-data X pop /ctr 0 N ch-dx
+0 ch-xoff ch-yoff ch-height sub ch-xoff ch-width add ch-yoff
+setcachedevice ch-width ch-height true[1 0 0 -1 -.1 ch-xoff sub ch-yoff
+.1 sub]{ch-image}imagemask restore}B /D{/cc X dup type /stringtype ne{]}
+if nn /base get cc ctr put nn /BitMaps get S ctr S sf 1 ne{dup dup
+length 1 sub dup 2 index S get sf div put}if put /ctr ctr 1 add N}B /I{
+cc 1 add D}B /bop{userdict /bop-hook known{bop-hook}if /SI save N @rigin
+0 0 moveto /V matrix currentmatrix dup 1 get dup mul exch 0 get dup mul
+add .99 lt{/QV}{/RV}ifelse load def pop pop}N /eop{SI restore userdict
+/eop-hook known{eop-hook}if showpage}N /@start{userdict /start-hook
+known{start-hook}if pop /VResolution X /Resolution X 1000 div /DVImag X
+/IE 256 array N 0 1 255{IE S 1 string dup 0 3 index put cvn put}for
+65781.76 div /vsize X 65781.76 div /hsize X}N /p{show}N /RMat[1 0 0 -1 0
+0]N /BDot 260 string N /rulex 0 N /ruley 0 N /v{/ruley X /rulex X V}B /V
+{}B /RV statusdict begin /product where{pop product dup length 7 ge{0 7
+getinterval dup(Display)eq exch 0 4 getinterval(NeXT)eq or}{pop false}
+ifelse}{false}ifelse end{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR 1 1 scale rulex ruley false
+RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR rulex ruley scale 1 1
+false RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}ifelse B /QV{gsave newpath transform
+round exch round exch itransform moveto rulex 0 rlineto 0 ruley neg
+rlineto rulex neg 0 rlineto fill grestore}B /a{moveto}B /delta 0 N /tail
+{dup /delta X 0 rmoveto}B /M{S p delta add tail}B /b{S p tail}B /c{-4 M}
+B /d{-3 M}B /e{-2 M}B /f{-1 M}B /g{0 M}B /h{1 M}B /i{2 M}B /j{3 M}B /k{
+4 M}B /w{0 rmoveto}B /l{p -4 w}B /m{p -3 w}B /n{p -2 w}B /o{p -1 w}B /q{
+p 1 w}B /r{p 2 w}B /s{p 3 w}B /t{p 4 w}B /x{0 S rmoveto}B /y{3 2 roll p
+a}B /bos{/SS save N}B /eos{SS restore}B end
+TeXDict begin /rf{findfont dup length 1 add dict begin{1 index /FID ne 2
+index /UniqueID ne and{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall[1 index 0 6 -1 roll
+exec 0 exch 5 -1 roll VResolution Resolution div mul neg 0 0]/Metrics
+exch def dict begin Encoding{exch dup type /integertype ne{pop pop 1 sub
+dup 0 le{pop}{[}ifelse}{FontMatrix 0 get div Metrics 0 get div def}
+ifelse}forall Metrics /Metrics currentdict end def[2 index currentdict
+end definefont 3 -1 roll makefont /setfont load]cvx def}def
+/ObliqueSlant{dup sin S cos div neg}B /SlantFont{4 index mul add}def
+/ExtendFont{3 -1 roll mul exch}def /ReEncodeFont{/Encoding exch def}def
+TeXDict begin 40258437 52099154 1000 300 300
+(/D/work/baskervi/5_2/finedvi) @start /Fa 172[54 5[85
+53 2[27 1[65 71[{}5 103.679976 /cmssi17 rf /Fb 172[54
+5[85 53 2[27 1[65 71[{}5 103.679976 /cmss17 rf /Fc 136[79
+2[42 45 2[60 58 60 92 28 2[28 60 58 36 52 60 52 60 56
+8[77 110 2[79 7[63 2[32 3[70 84 74 3[55 7[58 55[{}27
+124.415973 /cmssi17 rf /Fd 169[93 96 95 78 90 103 89
+103 99 122 3[38 2[80 83 3[93 65[{}14 149.255937 /cmss17
+rf /Fe 133[51 53 1[79 53 60 42 45 40 60 60 58 60 92 28
+57 1[28 60 58 36 52 60 52 60 56 7[77 77 3[79 5[82 1[63
+2[32 82 1[66 70 3[77 1[55 16[32 39 32 4[32 5[37 20[62
+12[{}41 124.415973 /cmss17 rf end
+%%Feature: *Resolution 300dpi
+TeXDict begin
+7 0 bop 300 403 a Fd(FIVE)35 b(IMPORT)-12 b(ANT)36 b(QUESTIONS)300
+621 y Fc(When)i(can)h(I)g(get)g Fa(SIMSIM)p Fc(?)499
+775 y Fe(I'm)47 b(w)m(o)m(rking)f(on)g(it!)g(Hop)s(e)h(fo)m(r)f(the)499
+929 y(\014rst)h(test)f(release)f(within)h(months.)499
+1082 y(This)37 b(dep)s(ends)g(on)g(clients')f(non-)p
+Fb(SGML)499 1236 y Fe(requirements.)44 b(Any)i(tak)m(ers?)300
+1454 y Fc(Can)39 b Fa(SIMSIM)f Fc(do)h(tables)f(and)g(math?)499
+1608 y Fe(Y)-10 b(es.)47 b Fb(SIMSIM)f Fe(can)g(b)s(e)g(made)h(to)g(do)
+499 1761 y(anything)h(T)1024 1788 y(E)1079 1761 y(X)h(can)e(do.)300
+1979 y Fc(Do)s(es)39 b Fa(SIMSIM)f Fc(implement)g(all)g(of)h
+Fa(SGML)p Fc(?)499 2133 y Fe(No.)52 b(F)m(o)m(r)f(ma)m(rkup)f
+(minimization,)499 2287 y(validation)39 b(etc.,)i(use)e(with)h(a)f(pa)m
+(rser.)300 2505 y Fc(Is)g Fa(SIMSIM)e Fc(compatible)h(with)h(La)-23
+b(T)1755 2531 y(E)1810 2505 y(X?)499 2658 y Fe(Is)40
+b(La)-23 b(T)772 2685 y(E)827 2658 y(X)41 b(compatible)f(with)g
+Fb(SGML)p Fe(?)300 2877 y Fc(What)f(will)f(it)g(cost?)499
+3030 y Fb(SIMSIM)52 b Fe(has)g(b)s(een)g(\014ve)i(y)m(ea)m(rs)d(in)499
+3184 y(the)56 b(making)2272 3358 y Fc(7)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/granger.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/granger.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90feab9794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/granger.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+\title{The Inside Story of Life at Wiley with SGML, \LaTeX\ and Acrobat}
+\author[Geeti Granger]{Geeti Granger\\
+John Wiley \& Sons Ltd, \\Baffins Lane,\\ Chichester,
+W. Sussex PO19 IUD}
+As a brief introduction I should say that John Wiley \& Sons is
+a scientific, technical and medical publisher. It
+is an independent, American family-owned company that was established in
+1807, with subsidiaries in Europe, Canada, Australia and
+Singapore. The European subsidiary opened in London in 1960 and
+moved to Chichester in 1967 (if folklore is to be believed this
+was so that the then Managing Director could more easily pursue his
+love of sailing!).
+We publish books, including looseleaf and encyclopaedias, and
+journals, and most recently electronic versions of some of our
+printed products. In the future the electronic component of our
+publishing programme is bound to include products that are only
+available electronically.
+\section{Setting the Scene}
+Now to the topic in hand---Portable Documents: Acrobat, SGML and
+\TeX. Our association with \TeX\ dates back to 1984 when we made
+the significant decision to install an in-house system for text
+editing and composition. It was the only software available that
+wasn't proprietary, which stood a chance of coping with the
+complex mathematical material we had to set.
+As a company we have monitored the progress of SGML since 1985,
+but have only recently used it in earnest. Our first project is
+a 5000 page encyclopaedia about Inorganic Chemistry. We rarely get
+the opportunity to dip our toes in the water---it's straight
+in at the deep-end! Having said this, we do have a set of generic
+codes that has been used for a number of years, and everyone is
+well aware of the principles involved and the value of this
+approach to coding data.
+Adobe Acrobat was launched in June 1993. Our experience of this
+software dates back a little further than this, because of our
+links with Professor David Brailsford and the Electronic
+Publishing Research Group at the University of Nottingham, and their
+work on the CAJUN (CD-ROM Acrobat Journals Using Networks)
+project, which we jointly sponsored with Chapman \& Hall.
+\section{Complementary not Competitive}
+The first thing to make clear is that SGML, \TeX\ and Acrobat do
+not compete with each other in any way. SGML is a method of
+tagging data in a system-independent way. \TeX\ is one possible
+way of preparing this data for presentation on paper, while Acrobat is
+software capable of delivering data electronically for viewing
+on screen, or for committing to paper.
+From our point of view the fundamental requirement for:
+\item{capturing data}
+\item{processing data (text and graphics)}
+\item{delivering data (paper/disk/CD/Internet)}
+is to remain system independent for as long as possible.
+SGML, \TeX\ and Acrobat achieve this in their part of the whole
+process. PostScript provides the link that completes the chain.
+\section{SGML in Practice}
+To describe our experience with SGML I will use the {\it Encyclopedia
+of Inorganic Chemistry\/} as a case study. This encyclopaedia is an 8
+volume set made up of 5000 large-format, double-column pages
+(more than 3 million words). The data consists of approximately
+250 articles interspersed with 750 definitions and 750
+cross-reference entries. The text was marked-up and captured using SGML,
+validated and preprocessed for typesetting. The floating
+elements (all 2300 figures, 8000 equations, 2000 structures,
+1100 schemes and 900 tables) were prepared electronically and
+delivered as encapsulated PostScript files. Some 150 halftones,
+about a third of which are colour, complete the data set!
+Despite the complex nature of this project, or maybe because of
+it, we were convinced that using SGML was the right approach. We had
+to be very sure because this decision presented us with many
+additional difficulties. Different considerations had to be made
+at all stages of the production process. (Manufacturing remained
+Initially, having established the probable requirement for an
+electronic version, there was the need to justify the use of
+SGML because of:
+\item{the extra cost involved in data capture}
+\item{the different working practices that had to be established}
+\item{the project management overhead}
+\item{the need to find new suppliers, and the risks that this
+involved for such a large, high profile project}.
+\subsection{Production Considerations}
+This project had an external Managing Editor to commission and
+receive contributions before it became a live project for us.
+Once contributions started to arrive it very quickly became
+apparent that a project management team was needed if this
+project was to succeed. The initial steps had to be ones of
+project analysis, determining data flow, deciding who was
+responsible for what, and ensuring that a progress reporting system
+was established. It certainly semed like a military operation at
+Having made the decision to go with SGML and to ensure that all
+components were captured electronically we had to find a set of
+new suppliers. None of our regular suppliers could meet our
+specifications. Locating potential suppliers was the first
+hurdle, and then assessing their suitability was the next.
+Having done this we then had to draw them all together to
+establish who did what, and who was responsible for what.
+It had to be a team effort from start to finish and regular
+progress meetings involving representatives of all parties was
+the key to an ultimately successful project.
+\subsection{Problems Encountered}
+One of the first considerations was how on earth do we name the
+files? To ensure portability we set ourselves the restriction of
+the eight plus three DOS convention. It took some time but we
+achieved it in the end so you can now identify from the file
+name the type of text entry, the type of graphics and whether it
+is single or double column or landscape, and its sequential
+placement within its type. When you consider the number of files
+involved, this was no mean feat.
+Designing the DTD without all the material available is not the
+best way to start, but needs must. It meant that some amendments had
+to be made as the project progressed but none of them proved to be too significant.
+Choosing Adobe typefaces, to avoid problems later on, meant that some
+compromises had to be made. Many people feel that the Adobe version
+of Times is not as elegant as some.
+Also the quality of the typesetting, hyphenation and justification,
+interword spacing and overall page make-up is not as high as that
+normally achieved by a dedicated chemistry typesetter.
+In addition to the above, we found a bug in Adobe Illustrator!
+Because the EPS files were being incorporated electronically the
+accuracy of the bounding-box coordinates was crucial. To cut a
+long story short they weren't accurate. We spent quite some time
+establishing the cause of the problem and then had to have a
+program written to resolve it.
+This is not an exhaustive list but I think it will give you a
+feel for the practical issues involved. Having shared
+all this with you I should add that all of us involved in the
+original recommendations remain convinced that it was the right
+approach. In fact we are now processing two more projects in the same
+\section{\LaTeX\ in Practice}
+We've done far too many projects in \TeX\ (many in Plain, but a
+growing number in \LaTeX) to select one as a case study. What I
+can do is very readily identify the production issues involved
+in using this software in a commercial environment.
+\subsection{Steps in the Process}
+Establishing ourselves as a forward-thinking, progressive
+company by developing in-house expertise has brought with it
+certain pressures. In the early days, not only did we have to
+learn how to use \TeX, we also had to make it achieve typesetting
+standards expected of more sophisticated systems. Our colleagues
+could not see why they should accept lower standards from
+us---after all they were paying us (we operate a recharge system
+so that it doesn't distort the project costing when compared
+with externally processed projects).
+Next came the requests for us to supply style files. Authors
+knew we used the same software as they did, and wanted to prepare
+their submission so it looked like the finished product. Some
+wanted to produce camera-ready copy. In principle this would
+seem a sensible idea; in fact our commissioning editors,
+especially those who handle a number of CRC projects, thought it
+was a brilliant idea. It would save them an immense amount of
+time and hassle.
+Now, preparing style files for in-house use is one thing;
+preparing them for use by others is something else again. We
+have to work within strict time and cost constraints, and there are
+many occasions (dare I admit it?) when we have to resort to, shall we
+say, less than the most sophisticated way of achieving the required
+visual result!
+When I have attended courses on \TeX\ and have asked about writing
+style files the answer has often been along the lines of `leave
+it to the professionals'. (I should say it's usually people who
+make their living in this way who give this response.) This may be
+fine if a) you can find and afford the professional; b) you don't
+need to support the file when it is in general use. In our
+experience the first is difficult to do and the second is an
+impossibility. The need to support style files cannot be ignored; once they
+have been provided, no matter on what pre-agreed conditions,
+queries will arise. It can be very time-consuming, as often
+queries are not restricted to the style file, but relate to the
+sytem being used. It can also take a while to establish the
+context of the query, resolve it and respond. To meet the expectation that
+we will support, customise at short notice, resolve technical
+issues, and communicate via e-mail (preferably responding within
+the hour) can be difficult, given the level of human resource available.
+Once you've got over this initial stage, the practical issues
+involved in accepting \LaTeX\ submissions can be many. Delivery
+is the first. Now that we have the ability to receive data
+electronically our authors cannot understand why we hesitate,
+and why we still insist on hard copy. Experience tells us that,
+without hard copy, it is difficult to be sure we have received
+the final version, and discovering this after a project has been
+processed is very costly, both in time and money. Any submission
+that circumvents a stage in the current administration process
+may drop through a hole and end up taking more time, rather than
+less, to reach publication. Consideration is being given to
+this issue, and there is no doubt that in the future electronic
+delivery will be an acceptable method of submission, but in the
+meantime everyone has to be patient.
+Copy-editing remains a conventional process in the main,
+although experiments are taking place with copy-editing on disk.
+This issue is not resticted to \LaTeX\ projects, but the rate of
+progress is dictated by the ability of our freelance
+copy-editors to provide this service.
+Once you move on to the processing stage the first thing you
+have to do is find a supplier who is capable of actually
+processing in this software. This is easier said than done,
+because it is not considered to be cost-effective by most of our
+regular suppliers. However, as a result of our persistent
+requests, some can now provide this service, so we don't have to
+process all such submissions in-house.
+From our own experience we know that producing page proofs is not
+always straightforward. Over the years we have struggled with
+amending style files to achieve the correct layout and controlling
+page make-up. Now that authors are submitting graphics on disk,
+as well as the text, we are faced with another set of problems.
+Portability of graphic formats is even more difficult to
+achieve. I think the number of answers to the question `When is
+a PostScript file (or EPS file) not a portable PostScript file?' must
+be infinite. Even when the content of the file itself is OK,
+you can still be faced with problems in achieving the required size and
+position on the page.
+Despite all these disadvantages our lives would not be the same
+without \LaTeX, and when compared with processing in other
+software it can be a real joy! Our archive of projects coded in
+a form of \TeX\ will be far easier to reuse than those processed
+in other software.
+\section{Acrobat at Arm's Length}
+Although we haven't used Acrobat on a live project in-house yet, we
+have been closely involved with the development of the EPodd CD.
+The CAJUN project has been running for well over a year and during
+this time the complete archive of volumes 1--6 has been
+converted to PDF, annotated to add PDFmarks and generally
+massaged into a suitable format for delivery on CD.
+As always, the work involved in such a project is more
+than anticipated at the outset, but it has been an invaluable
+learning exercise. Being involved in the beta-testing of the
+software helps you appreciate just how much development work
+is required for a new piece of software, and although it currently
+has its limitations the future looks good. Version 2, which is
+due for release any day now, is much improved, and it is rewarding
+to see that many of the comments put forward by members of the
+team have been incorporated.
+We are experimenting with small projects in-house to give us a
+deeper understanding of the practical advantages and limitations
+of Acrobat. It is easy to get caught up in the euphoria and hype that
+accompanies the release of a new product, and to overlook the
+day-to-day difficulties its rapid adoption might bring.
+Having said this, there is no doubt that it will have a place in
+our publishing procedures, and may be used in the production
+cycle for journal articles. Provided that the general
+administration can cope with the deviation from the norm,
+supplying author proofs in this way has its attractions. The fact
+that readers are now freely available and the PDF file can be
+read on any of the three main platforms is a real boon.
+The use of Acrobat for delivering existing print products in an
+electronic form is one worth considering, especially now that it
+is possible to integrate it with project-specific software and
+the security issue has been addressed.
+From an inter-company point of view the perceived use of Acrobat
+for distributing internal documents could again have its
+attractions. For this to be a real possibility it must be
+recognised that the use of such procedures is not an innate
+skill, and so the appropriate level of training and support
+must be available if it is to be successful.
+The comments I have made and the case study I have described may
+leave you with a somewhat negative feeling. I wonder if I have
+emphasised the problems and not balanced these by identifying
+the plus points. To put this into context I should say that
+details of the advantages of any particular approach are usually
+more readily available, so I have tried to capture a more
+down-to-earth view.
+In reality I am very enthusiastic about the use of SGML, \TeX\
+and Acrobat, but am also well aware of what their use in a
+productive environment can mean. I believe, as do several of my
+colleagues, that portability of documents is crucial to our
+ability to deliver data efficiently in a variety of forms,
+whether this be page-based, highly structured databases or
+tagged ASCII files. To this end we must be flexible in our
+approach, and must not be afraid of making investments now that
+may not bear fruit until some time in the future. This can be a
+very unnerving decision to make, and for one I am glad it isn't
+ultimately mine. While I can extol the virtues of a purist's
+technical approach, obtain the relevant costs and assess the
+schedule implications, I do not have the entrepreneurial skills
+required to know when a project is commercially viable (or worth
+taking a risk on). It is at this point I take my hat off to our
+commissioning editors, who have the responsibility for turning
+these experiments into profit for us to reinvest in the next Big
+\end{Article} \ No newline at end of file
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+%\newcommand{\squad}{\hspace{10pt plus1pt minus1pt}}
+\title{The UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+\section{Group aims and activities}
+The \ukt\ was founded in 1989; its activities and benefits include:
+ \item Regular meetings covering both \TeX{}nical matters and general
+typographic subjects;
+ \item Visits to publishers, font suppliers and book producers;
+ \item In-depth workshops, with hands-on computer sessions where
+ \item Negotiation of discounts on \TeX\ relevant books with publishers.
+ \item Distribution of public domain \TeX\ implementations (in
+cooperation with the international \TeX\ archives);
+ \item Discount on joint UK \TeX\ Users Group/TUG membership;
+ \item Reduction in conference fees for the TUG annual meeting and the
+annual European meetings;
+ \item The publication and distribution of \BV\ (the annals of
+the UK \TeX\ Users Group).
+ \end{itemize}
+\section{Programme of meetings for 1995}
+\item[June 7th, 1995:] A meeting of interest to Mathematicians and
+ Computer Scientists, to be held at Queen Mary and Westfield College.
+Speakers include Michael Downes from the American Mathematical
+\item[July, 1995] (\TeX\ Users Group Annual Meeting in Florida)
+\item[August, 1995:] Oz\TeX\ in depth:
+a training meeting on Macintosh \TeX, with Andrew Trevorrow.
+To be organised by Sebastian Rahtz. Location: Oxford.
+\item[September, 1995] (Euro\TeX\ meeting in the Netherlands)
+\item[October 1995:] AGM, at Queen Mary and Westfield College,
+University of London, with sessions on `non-traditional' \TeX.
+\noindent All members of \ukt{} will be provided with more details of
+these meetings as they become available. Reports of the meetings will
+appear in \BV, the organ of the group.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/hypertex.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/hypertex.tex
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+\advance\textwidth by 2cm
+\advance\oddsidemargin by -1cm
+\advance\textheight by 2cm
+\advance\topmargin by -1cm
+\bfseries The \HT\ project\\[6pt]
+\itshape Arthur Smith\\
+\large \upshape\mdseries (edited by Sebastian Rahtz)
+The past year has seen a revolution in the processes of
+Internet-based information navigation and retrieval with the
+advent of easy-to-use graphical browsers (in particular Mosaic)
+based on the World-Wide-Web (WWW). The revolution is a result of two
+components. First, the browsers allow a near-uniform (point-and-click
+or other method) access to documents in almost any format
+and from almost any Internet-based
+source; along with this the Universal
+Resource Locator (URL) mechanism provides
+a surprisingly easy and uniform way to specify the location of any
+document on the net. Second, for certain classes of documents
+(html files, or gopher text files) embedded URL's or other
+addresses are understood to refer to other, external, documents which can
+be followed according to the interests of the person viewing the
+document, producing an interconnected web of documents.
+The goal of the \HT{} collaboration is to extend this second
+privileged class of documents to include documents based on \TeX{},
+the word-processing language of choice for mathematical and scientific
+writing, thus fully incorporating \TeX{} documents into the burgeoning
+\textbf{web} of information on the internet. The \HT{} introductory
+document is at \URL||.
+\subsection*{How does it work?}
+The underlying element of our implementation of \HT{} is the use
+of a \TeX{} macro that bypasses the \TeX{} interpretation process and
+sends a message directly to the \emph{dvi} interpreter that processes \TeX{}
+output, via the +\special+ command. The original \HT{} specification (due
+to Paul Ginsparg, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, and me) uses the initial
+characters \emph{html:} to denote \HT{} elements in an HTML-like
+style. After the initial \emph{html:} string, the specification is identical
+to a restricted form of HTML. The five arguments we have added to
+the command are:
+\item[href:] +html:<a href = "href_string">+
+\item[name:] +html:<a name = "name_string">+
+\item[end:] +html:</a>+
+\item[image:] +html:<img src = "href_string">+
+\item[base\_name:] +html:<base href = "href_string">+
+The \emph{href}, \emph{name} and \emph{end} commands are used to do
+the basic hypertext operations of establishing links between sections
+of documents. The \emph{image} command is intended (as with current
+html viewers) to eventually place an image of arbitrary graphical
+format on the page in the current location. Currently for \XHDVI,
+\emph{image} brings up an external viewer with the image, if such
+a viewer is available. The \emph{base\_name}
+command should be used to communicate
+to the \emph{dvi} viewer the full (URL) location of the current document so that
+files specified by relative URL's may be retrieved correctly.
+The href and name commands must be paired with an end command later in
+the \TeX{} file --- the \TeX{} commands between the two ends of a pair
+form an \emph{anchor} in the document. In the case of an +\href+
+command, the \emph{anchor} is to be highlighted in the \emph{dvi} viewer, and
+when clicked on will cause the scene to shift to the destination
+specified by \emph{href\_string}. The \emph{anchor} associated with a
+name command represents a possible location to which other hypertext
+links may refer, either as local references (of the form
+\texttt{href="\#name\_string"} with the \emph{name\_string}
+identical to the one in the name command) or as part of a URL (of the
+form \emph{URL\#name\_string}). Here \emph{href\_string} is a valid
+URL or local identifier, while name\_string could be any string at
+all: the only caveat is that `+"+' characters should be escaped with a
+backslash (+\+), and if it looks like a URL name it may cause
+Because this html-based naming scheme is somewhat unwieldy, although
+very general, Tanmoy Bhattacharya (\Email||) has
+written several collections of \TeX{} macros to simplify things. The
+packages are in \URL||. An
+alternative \LaTeXe\ package is |hyperref|, by Sebastian Rahtz and
+Yannis Haralambous, which is available on CTAN as
+\path|macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyperref|. This has additional
+functionality for conversion to PDF.
+\subsection*{How do I use it?}
+There are currently three \emph{dvi} interpreters that understand the
+\HT{} +\special+s: \XHDVI{} for X windows, for
+NextStep, and +dvihps+, a version of +dvips+ that understands \HT{}
+and puts +pdfmark+ commands in the output for Adobe's Distiller to
+process. For a \TeX{} document that has already been processed to a
+\emph{dvi} file with \HT{} elements, viewing the internal hypertext is
+almost trivial --- you just fire up the \emph{dvi} previewer and
+navigate by button clicks.
+The software available is:
+1. A \HT{} viewer based on xdvi-18, modified by Arthur Smith.
+ courtesy of Dmitri Linde (also the author of for
+ NextStep, precompiled for Motorola and Intel-based NeXT
+ machines. See \verb||
+ for availability.
+3. \emph{dvihps}, from Mark Doyle, converts the \HT{} commands to a form
+which can be processed by Acrobat Distiller. See the \HT{} WEB
+home page for location. Other PostScript interpreters are free to
+pick up the \emph{pdfm} operators as well. For instance, Tanmoy has
+hacked Ghostview to pick up the links and make them active. This
+can be found at
+Here is where the power of \TeX's macro capabilities appears.
+A working internal hypertext document can be made from a \LaTeX\
+document with a one-line addition to the file, using one of the
+hypertex macro packages. These convert the standard \LaTeX\ markup
+into hypertext links between the different sections of the document,
+so that references to equations, tables, footnotes, and section
+headings are in place, and bibliographic references and figures
+refer to the bibliography entry or figure caption.
+The macros developed thus far use standard naming conventions
+for the underlying structures in \LaTeX\ and other standard
+macro packages, so that appending \#equation.2.3, \#page.7,
+\#figure.4, \#table.2, etc. to the URL for any \TeX{} file processed
+with these packages will go to the right place, allowing
+easy hypertext reference to the internal structure of other
+\subsection*{How do I stay in contact?}
+The Hypertex discussion group is
+a mailing list based at \FTP|| which I
+maintain. Send me e-mail (\Email||)
+if you want to join the list, or send queries directly to the mailing
+list: \Email||.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/kees.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/kees.tex
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index 0000000000..abf23d34f7
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@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+\title{One by one the guests arrive}
+\author[Kees van der Laan]{Kees van der Laan\\
+%\blueabstract A plea is made for writing macros
+% in plain \TeX{} sufficiently documented
+% to be used with all flavours of \TeX.
+This note emerged from a request of Sebastian Rahtz
+triggered by my message which I passed along with
+my public appraisal for the 100 \AllTeX{} FAQs.
+This plea, this shout, hopes to awake
+the notion that we are all better off
+if we write macro {\it software\/} in the lowest common
+set of all \TeX{} flavours.
+At least it might initiate a discussion because I'm realistic
+enough that not all involved share my views :-))).
+Of course I know that reality is more complicated,
+and that a right balance is the best
+we can opt for, so let us go for that.
+would a \LaTeX{} devotee ask? Do you have concrete arguments?
+Well, from my own experience I can say that there was a time I
+needed to typeset number ranges.
+Only the \LaTeX{} style of Donald Arseneau was available.
+But, what I needed was a few macros to cooperate with plain,
+so I had to write one of my own,\footnote{Who cares? It is estimated
+ that 80\% or more of the software is continuously rewritten,
+ that is a fact. My reply is that we can do much better, and we
+ should if we opt for the best.}
+which by the way emerged as a much, much more compact suite.
+After all the need has faded away because
+I tackled the handling of bibliography references
+more fundamentally. The point is that it would have been better
+if there had been a kernel independent from the higher
+layer which I could have taken over. The interface towards
+the higher level, or let us say the user interface,
+should better be built on top.
+The paradigm is this example is the awareness of CISO,
+as analogy of FIFO, meaning Collective In
+and Smallest Out, which solves the problem.
+That this approach is beneficial in software engineering
+in general is proven by the various numerical software
+program libraries, which have the basic material written in the
+lowest language feasible, FORTRAN, allowing stability,
+optimization of the code, and confidence in use.
+Similarly, I remember the PDE (partial differential equation)
+packages which use common basic algorithms, but
+differ in the jargon at the user level.
+I hope that the macro/package/module writers have a feeling for
+the savings of the costs which can be gained
+over time, by this attitude.
+As a volunteer organization one could shrug it off
+and say I don't care, costs are not relevant.
+Then there is still another nasty guy lurking around the counter
+that the (All)\TeX{} community like various sects will
+fall apart, will fragment. To continue the tune
+And no one knows where the night is going\\
+And no one knows why the wine is flowing\\
+O love, I need you, I need you, I need you\\
+I need you now\\
+Another example to the point is how to provide for headings? The
+answer is that I don't care so much about heading macros because the
+common part is so negligible, while it is highly intertwined with the
+user interface. But --- there is always a but --- I for one am
+strongly in favour of starting from two-part macros, which should
+perform the essential functionalities whatever you may wish, and build
+all the ornamentation --- i.e., the user-interfaces, eventually with
+less functionality --- on top. This approach obeys the {\it
+ separations of concerns\/} principle, and pays off in maintenance,
+if not that it spreads more easily.\footnote{Forgive me this joke,
+ with \LaTeX{} widespread.} To give you an idea of how I did it
+basically in \texttt{blue.tex}:
+\def\beginghead{<the required functionality>}
+\def\endhead{<the required finishing off>}
+%with as one-part on top
+ \aftergroup\endhead
+ \afterassignment\ignorewhitespace
+ \let\dummy= }
+%or the tribute to manmac
+The last tribute lost the processing on-the-fly functionality,
+but most of the time I don't need that, at the expense of
+simpler markup. But the latter is a matter of taste.
+If people like a \LaTeX-flavoured header, just go ahead and add it.
+The fundamental functionalities have been provided already, just
+a user interface has to be provided as variant.
+The point I'm trying to make is that we are all better off
+if complex fundamental parts are programmed in `plain',
+perhaps after all it has proven to be a fundamental point.
+To end Cohen's song:
+The guests are coming through\\
+The open-hearted many\\
+The broken-hearted few\\
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/key.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+\title{Theory into Practice: working
+with SGML, PDF and \LaTeX\ at Elsevier Science}
+\author[Martin Key]{Martin Key\\
+Elsevier Science Ltd\\
+\section{The Company}
+While I do not want to make
+this article a plug for Elsevier,
+it is first necessary to put our activities
+into context. Therefore, for those who do not know us, Elsevier Science
+is part of the Reed Elsevier Group and, in terms of number of journals,
+is by far the largest publisher of scientific journals in the world.
+The original Elsevier Company was Dutch based, but now, through
+acquisition and merger, is an international company with offices
+in the Netherlands, UK, USA, Switzerland, Eire and the Far East.
+We publish well over 1,000 scientific, technical and medical journals
+covering all sections of academe and business.
+\section{The move into electronic publishing}
+Elsevier's major customers
+are academic and research institutes throughout the world. Traditionally,
+academic publishing has relied on authors submitting papers via external
+academic editors who arrange for the necessary peer reviews. Once
+accepted, papers are sent to Elsevier for copy-editing, typesetting
+and compilation into issues. As a result we have in the past received
+paper manuscripts of varying levels of presentation from around the
+world. Over the last 10 years it has become apparent that most authors
+use some form of word processing or computer generated text to prepare
+their papers. To have these papers typeset means rekeying the manuscript
+and, what is worse, ending up with electronic files produced by many
+types of typesetting equipment and software with minimal chance to
+reuse this material at a later date. For some years the Elsevier
+Group have been looking at ways to avoid rekeying manuscripts whilst
+at the same time automating the production process, produce proofs
+more quickly and create electronic files for multiple use in the
+foreseeable future.
+After many surveys,
+experiments and discussion groups it was clear that Elsevier should
+work to accepted international generic standards in order to achieve
+these goals. The major standards agreed on were Standard Generalised
+Mark-up Language (SGML) for text, Tagged Image File Format (TIFF),
+Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and Encapsulated PostScript
+(EPS) for graphics and PostScript, and the Portable Document Format,
+(PDF), also known as Acrobat, for pages. Unlike typesetting codes,
+SGML does not drive any particular application but can be readily
+converted to numerous formats for typesetting on paper, database
+applications, CD Rom and so on. It is therefore an ideal archive
+medium. TIFF, JPEG and EPS are well documented graphic file formats
+and are widely supported in terms of external applications. PDF is,
+perhaps, a risk in that it is the property of a commercial developer
+(Adobe) but its great flexibility and rapid acceptance by professionals
+and the academic community, together with the track record of PostScript
+itself --- now a de facto standard --- makes its long-term future seem
+relatively safe. The decision by Adobe to make the Acrobat reader
+available free-of-charge is another positive sign.
+\section{The concept of Computer Aided Publishing (CAP)}
+Once the standards
+were agreed the process known internally as CAP (Computer Aided Publishing)
+took clearer shape. There are a number of activities which form part
+of CAP. These include the following: the converting of manuscripts
+and artwork into electronic files; structuring of text with SGML;
+editing on screen; automatic proofing; moving and maintaining files
+on a network; creating SGML (text) and graphic files; receiving PDF
+files from our typesetters. In addition, a number of journals receive,
+and use, papers in \LaTeX\ format which will be discussed later.
+\section{Practicalities: How we do it}
+CAP started in Elsevier
+in January 1994, in both Amsterdam and Oxford, with a limited set
+of journals. The number of journals has been increasing rapidly and
+in 1995, as software and hardware stabilises, the number of journals
+is being increased dramatically.
+The first action when
+receiving a paper, either on paper or disk, is to log the information
+on to our production tracking system. All the important details are
+recorded --- title, authors, number and type of graphics, whether it
+is available on disk etc. This record follows the manuscript throughout
+its production process and is updated at each stage of its progress
+through the system. Elsevier encourage authors to submit on disk,
+and the numbers are rising. If it is on disk it is initially converted
+to our standard CAP format which allows it to be used by our SGML
+tagging and editing tool --- Pandora --- which was developed by staff
+working in Amsterdam. If it is only available on paper it is either
+OCR (Optical Character Recognition) scanned and then converted into
+the CAP format or, if the paper is too complex for scanning, it is
+keyed by off-shore keying agencies. Whatever the route, it arrives
+at our Pre-Edit Department in the generic CAP format. Simultaneously
+graphics are scanned --- TIFF for line art and JPEG for half-tones
+--- or redrawn and saved as EPS in some instances.
+The text is then tagged
+using Pandora. The Document Type Definition (DTD) used is the Elsevier
+DTD (which Elsevier has made publicly available subject to certain
+conditions) which is fairly complex covering not only text but also
+tables and mathematics.
+After coding and parsing,
+the text is loaded onto the network server, together with the graphics,
+using an in-house developed Document Management System which monitors,
+names and controls the files. As one article can produce more than
+20 files, with an average issue of a journal containing 10 articles,
+the number of files can quickly mount making such management essential.
+Once the files are on the server, they can be retrieved by the Production
+Editor who will then edit the article for style, spelling, grammar,
+etc. and add any additional tags necessary. Graphic files are also
+checked at this stage to ensure that the correct graphics are linked
+to the relevant caption. The file is then parsed again to check its
+validity. Author proofs can then be produced and, once they are received
+back from the authors and corrections made, the final SGML and graphic
+files are exported to the typesetter for making up the final pages.
+We expect typesetters
+to retain the validity of the SGML files when producing the pages,
+and this is strictly monitored. Due to the complexity of the DTD
+and the relevant inexperience of most typesetters in using precoded
+SGML files, we have to work with our typesetters quite closely, answering
+specific queries and offering advice where necessary. However, we
+do not expect to develop the systems for the typesetters --- that is
+their responsibility. The final, additional requirement we demand
+from our typesetters is that they supply each individual article,
+and other elements of the issue, in PDF format. This means that they
+must have a PostScript setter in order to create these files.
+\section{\TeX\ and \LaTeX}
+In some disciplines
+\TeX\ and \LaTeX\ are used extensively by authors and, not unnaturally,
+they would like to submit their articles in this format. Experience
+has shown that this can be hard work for the Publisher. In some cases,
+hacking in to such a file to find out how the author's carefully
+developed macros have been used can be very time-consuming and, in
+some cases, can take considerably longer than having the paper professionally
+typeset. However, whenever possible, we will try and use submitted
+\LaTeX\ files and, to a lesser extent, plain \TeX\ files. However, Elsevier
+encourage authors to use the Elsevier style file which produce a
+pre-print type output. This style is then replaced with the journal-specific
+style file which makes the Publisher's task considerably easier.
+The Elsevier style files, together with the instruction manual,
+are available from the three CTAN sites or direct from Elsevier.
+\LaTeX\ has a number
+of advantages. Pages in camera ready format can be produced readily
+in-house without recourse to a typesetter, and PDF files can also
+be generated from the dvi files. Recently,
+the Production Methods Group at Elsevier Science Ltd
+has further developed the `dvihps' converter and \LaTeX\ macros from
+the Hyper\TeX\ project,
+to fully retain the hypertext links available in the \LaTeX\ file, as
+well as generating automatic `bookmarks' or contents list, directly
+into the PDF file. In order to meet the full CAP requirements previously
+mentioned, there is one final part of the equation to be completed
+--- a \LaTeX\ to SGML conversion. Due to the complexity of the Elsevier
+DTD this is not a simple task but work is currently taking place
+to see how far down this road it is possible to go.
+ \section{Practical Problems}
+As with most technical
+developments there are always problems to be addressed. In the case
+of CAP they have been surprisingly few. The major problem experienced
+at an early stage was the lack of SGML editors which could cope with
+the Elsevier DTD, particularly in the area of tables and mathematics.
+ This problem has been largely resolved by the development of Pandora,
+a tool which has far exceeded its initial specification as a package
+which would enable compuscripts to be handled by typesetters. The
+second problem was one of logistics --- how do you train Production
+Editors to work with SGML on screen editing whilst simultaneously
+producing journal issues? As previously mentioned, there is also
+the increased demand we place on typesetters, many of whom have had
+limited experience of handling complete journals in SGML. Finally,
+as Production Editors began to use the DTD in earnest, additional
+requirements are discovered which means that the DTD must be further
+developed. As a result, the DTD has become a moving target with more
+complex requirements being asked for almost daily.
+\section{The Future}
+people may ask why we are putting ourselves through so much pain.
+ Is it worth it? The market is demanding electronic products in addition
+to, and sometimes instead of, the traditional paper ones. For those
+publishers who have tried to use typesetters' tapes for such products,
+the answer is clear. The availability of generic coded data which
+can be manipulated in multifarious ways is clealy the route to take.
+ In addition to meeting the demands of our market, we are also satisfying
+the demands of our producers --- the authors --- who create `electronic'
+versions of their articles and who naturally expect that we, the
+Publishers, should be able to use them. Finally, the Production process
+itself is being streamlined allowing for more efficient and faster
+production times.
+\end{Article} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/multicol.sty b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/multicol.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5be8e4353c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/multicol.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+%% This is file `multicol.sty', generated
+%% on <1995/1/13> with the docstrip utility (2.2i).
+%% The original source files were:
+%% multicol.dtx (with options: `package,badness,check,marktrace')
+%% This file is part of the `tools' bundle
+%% in the LaTeX2e distribution.
+%% You are not allowed to distribute this file.
+%% For distribution of the original source see
+%% the copyright notice in the source file, and
+%% in the file readme.txt distributed with the
+%% tools bundle.
+\def\docdate {1994/08/26}
+%% \CheckSum{1301}
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+%% Package `multicol' to use with LaTeX2e
+%% Copyright (C) 1989-1994 Frank Mittelbach, all rights reserved.
+%% In addition to the general distribution terms for this `tools'
+%% bundle, which are specified in readme.txt, this package, multicol,
+%% is distributed subject to the following condition:
+%% ** The use of this package as a standard part of a commercial
+%% ** application is not allowed without the explicit permission of the
+%% ** author of this package. Such commercial usage will be subject to
+%% ** the payment of a licence fee. The size of this fee is to be
+%% ** determined, in each instance, by the commercial user, depending on
+%% ** his judgement of the value of the code for his application.
+%% Note that the above condition does not apply to non-commercial use of
+%% this package, or to the use of this package in a commercial
+%% environment for `individual' tasks rather than as a standard part of
+%% a commercial application. In these cases the General Terms, as
+%% specified in readme.txt, apply.
+ \fileversion\space multicolum formatting]
+ {\PackageWarning{multicol}{May not work
+ with a twocolumn layout}}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols\z@}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols\@ne}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols\tw@}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols\thr@@}
+ {\c@tracingmulticols5\relax}
+ \ifnum\col@number<\tw@
+ \PackageWarning{multicol}%
+ {Using `\number\col@number'
+ columns doesn't seem a good idea.^^J
+ I therefore use two columns instead}%
+ \col@number\tw@ \fi
+ \ifnum\col@number>10
+ \PackageError{multicol}%
+ {Too many columns}%
+ {Current implementation doesn't
+ support more than 10 columns.%
+ \MessageBreak
+ I therefore use 10 columns instead}%
+ \col@number10 \fi
+ \@ifnextchar[\mult@cols{\mult@cols[]}}
+ {\mult@@cols{#1}}%
+ {\mult@@cols{#1}[\premulticols]}}
+ \par
+ \ifinner \@boxedmulticolstrue
+ \else
+ \ifnum \doublecol@number>\z@
+ \@boxedmulticolstrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \mult@info\z@
+ {Starting environment with
+ \the\col@number\space columns%
+ \if@boxedmulticols\MessageBreak
+ (boxed mode)\fi
+ }%
+ \enough@room{#2}%
+ {#1\par}\addvspace\multicolsep
+ \begingroup
+ \prepare@multicols
+ \if@boxedmulticols
+ \setbox\mult@box\vbox\bgroup
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \if@boxedmulticols\else
+ \par
+ \bgroup\@nobreakfalse\addpenalty\z@\egroup
+ \page@free \pagegoal
+ \advance \page@free -\pagetotal
+ \@tempskipa#1\relax
+ \mult@info\z@
+ {Current page:\MessageBreak
+ height=%
+ \the\pagegoal: used \the\pagetotal
+ \space -> free=\the\page@free
+ \MessageBreak
+ needed \the\@tempskipa
+ \space(for #1)}%
+ \ifdim \page@free <#1\newpage \fi
+ \fi}
+ \multicol@leftmargin\@totalleftmargin
+ \@totalleftmargin\z@
+ \parshape\z@
+ \doublecol@number\col@number
+ \multiply\doublecol@number\tw@
+ \advance\doublecol@number\mult@rightbox
+ \if@boxedmulticols
+ \let\l@kept@firstmark\kept@firstmark
+ \let\l@kept@botmark\kept@botmark
+ \global\let\kept@firstmark\@empty
+ \global\let\kept@botmark\@empty
+ \else
+ \nointerlineskip {\topskip\z@\null}%
+ \output{%
+ \global\setbox\partial@page\vbox
+ {%
+ \ifvoid\partial@page\else
+ \PackageError{multicol}%
+ {Error saving partial page}%
+ {The part of the page before
+ the multicols environment was
+ nearly full with^^Jthe result
+ that starting the environment
+ will produce an overfull
+ page. Some^^Jtext may be lost!
+ Please increase \premulticols
+ either generally or for this%
+ ^^Jenvironment by specifying a
+ suitable value in the second
+ optional argument to^^Jthe
+ multicols environment.}
+ \unvbox\partial@page
+ \box\last@line
+ \fi
+ \unvbox\@cclv
+ \global\setbox\last@line\lastbox
+ }%
+ \prep@keptmarks
+ \global\let\kept@topmark\firstmark
+ }\eject
+ \advance\@colroom-\ht\partial@page
+ \set@mult@vsize\relax
+ \output{\multi@column@out}%
+ \init@mult@footins
+ \reinsert@footnotes
+ \fi
+ \vbadness\@Mi \hbadness5000
+ \tolerance\multicoltolerance
+ \pretolerance\multicolpretolerance
+ \setemergencystretch\col@number\hsize
+ \set@floatcmds
+ \advance\baselineskip\multicolbaselineskip
+ \hsize\linewidth \advance\hsize\columnsep
+ \advance\hsize-\col@number\columnsep
+ \divide\hsize\col@number
+ \full@width\linewidth
+ \linewidth\hsize
+ \multiply\count\footins\col@number
+ \multiply\skip \footins\col@number
+ \vsize\@colroom
+ \@tempdima\baselineskip
+ \advance\@tempdima-\topskip
+ \advance\vsize\@tempdima
+ \vsize\col@number\vsize
+ \advance\vsize-\@tempdima
+ #1\advance\vsize
+ \c@collectmore\baselineskip}
+ \if@boxedmulticols
+ \egroup
+ \balance@columns
+ \return@nonemptymark{first}%
+ \kept@firstmark
+ \return@nonemptymark{bot}%
+ \kept@botmark
+ \page@sofar
+ \global\let\kept@firstmark
+ \l@kept@firstmark
+ \global\let\kept@botmark
+ \l@kept@botmark
+ \mult@info\tw@
+ {Restore kept marks to\MessageBreak
+ first: \meaning\kept@firstmark
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f03d08cc2b
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+\def\question#1\par{{\noindent\em #1\par}}
+\title{Questions and Answers}
+\author{compiled by Jonathan Fine}
+\def\[#1]{\noindent[{\bf #1}] }
+The last session of the Bridewell meeting was a panel comprising
+the speakers David Barron \[DB] and Martin Key \[MK], joined by Lou
+Burnard \[LB] (Oxford, Text Encoding Initiative) and David Evans \[DE]
+(part of David Brailsford's group in Nottingham). The session was
+chaired by David Penfold \[DP] from the co-sponsors, the
+BCS Electronic Publishing Special Group.
+(I have prepared this report from a not always audible tape
+recording. Remarks have been edited. I hope I have not introduced
+any error or misrepresentation. Questions have been set in
+italics.---Jonathan Fine)
+\question What solutions are there going from one encoding method to
+another, say from Microsoft to \LaTeX?
+\[LB] I recommend via SGML as internal format. The public domain tool
+Rainbow Makers has an interesting approach. It takes a document
+marked up with formatting codes, and turns those codes into SGML
+tags. So you do get terrible things such as tags for font and
+type-size, but now they are represented using the SGML format.
+Translating from that to real SGML is a lot easier.
+\[DP] {\em Word-for-Word\/} has been well used in the publishing
+industry for years. It converts between stacks of mainly
+word-processor (but also Frame for example) formats. I expect they
+will eventually get round to SGML.
+\[Malcolm Clark]
+If all I'm interested in is portable documents, in other words
+shifting a document from one site to another electronically, why
+don't I just standardise on Microsoft Word? It's not high enough
+quality for publishing, but for 90\% of what I do, memos and stuff like
+that, I do it in Word and attach it to the electronic mail message I
+am sending. The recipient at a Windows or Macintosh unbundles it and
+they've got it in the same format I created it in. It's solved all
+the problems.
+\[LB] Because then you can only talk to people who've done the same
+\[MK] Several answers. As a company, Elsevier wishes to retain
+the material they produce for some considerable time. We still sell
+material that is 10 or 20 years old. Microsoft Word as a format is
+fine for sending it off today, but in 10 years time, who knows? It
+probably won't be compatible with anything. So retaining it in that
+format is no use. We have to convert it into something we can do
+things with. Secondly, there are limitations with what you can do
+with a Word document. Such as how you can search text, specifying
+where the author's name is, etc. SGML allows us to structure
+the complete document properly.
+\[DB] There is a distinction between portability for immediate
+delivery and portability for archiving (see his article). Also,
+Warwick University (MC's location) must be different from
+Southampton, where no such uniformity exists. For example computer
+scientists use \TeX. The problem is like herding sheep to get them
+to move in the same direction.
+\[Allan Reese] Word is not a standard, it's a mess. At our site we
+have different versions of Word on different platforms, and they have
+different and incompatible document formats. The lowest common
+denominator of portability is to have the text transmitted from one
+place to another. With the Internet this is generally not possible.
+As soon as you are using a particular character set lying outside
+ASCII you are lost. One example is a text file (produced by a
+software company) which was transferred from Mac Word to Win Word
+without being checked carefully. The left quote character had come
+out as a `O' slash. These funny things happen. Another example is
+from Spain, sent to a news group. The sender has the character `\~n'
+on his keyboard. He presses this key and it comes out as `\~n'
+on the screen. He sends it to me and it comes out as `\$'.
+He can't even send the word `Espa\~nol' to the Spanish language news
+group! Transmission of text is a big problem which a lot of users
+haven't yet tackled. In academic publishing one will have to deal
+with multiple character sets, if only to be to accomodate authors'
+\[Jonathan Fine]
+Two related questions. Firstly, where will we be in the year 2000?
+If we have a meeting here in five years time, what will have
+happened? Secondly, if SGML succeeds, what will fail?
+\[LB] In five years time people will talking about Microsoft in rather
+the same way we talk about IBM. Remember IBM, they used to make
+computers. What will fail will be the forces of the evil empire.
+Namely the idea that it is perfectly legal and correct
+for any software company or equipment vendor to take information away
+from the people who have created it and lock it up in a proprietary
+format. That is an idea that I really would like to see the end of.
+(Others expressed doubt at the early demise of Microsoft.)
+\[MK] As a publisher, still dependent on paper. Five years is not
+very long. Unless an electronic product appears that is really user
+friendly to read for any length of time, we will still want paper.
+There will be more electronic products, particularly on CD-ROM. In
+our environment a lot of specific document formats will probably
+fail. Ventura Publisher for example. People will concentrate
+on just three or four products eventually. \LaTeX\ and \TeX\ will
+still be around, and a few word processors.
+\[Sebastian Rahtz]
+A slightly heretical question about maths and chemistry. A lot of
+effort has gone into providing DTDs for these things. Perhaps these
+will just wither and die. In five years time perhaps we will stop
+pretending that math is structured and regard it in the same way as
+we regard graphics? Would any one like to defend the SGML markup of
+\[MK] The only reason it is useful, is that it is independent of
+fonts. With \LaTeX\ you are still dependent on the font. When we
+combine different articles into a book, we want a uniform appearance.
+We don't want a mixture of fonts, otherwise we're back to the
+horrible camera ready copy. As for the fact that SGML maths is
+structured, I wouldn't particularly want to defend it.
+There was quite some discussion of this from the floor, which the
+tape recorder did not clearly pick up.
+\[Dina Desai]
+We would like to use SGML markup for our maths. What would you
+\[DB] Do you mean what DTD, or what software, or both? {\em What
+(Some information given by Mike Popham about specific math
+\[Gerard van Nes]
+The whole problem with maths and SGML is that we simply need an SGML
+editing program which is able to display as we write such
+complicated formulae. It is of course very uncomfortable to write
+the huge amount of mark-up as one needs for SGML maths. But if you
+have a really good SGML editor it's no problem at all.
+\[DB] I would have for maths a single tag, which says \verb"<maths>"
+with an attribute which is notation, whose values will obviously be
+\verb"tex", \verb"eqn", etc. If you know it's \verb"eqn" or
+whatever, it is searchable. You can put hyperlinks into it.
+About DTDs. About compound documents really. Say someone wants a
+journal with a video snip of the author explaining the article, a sound
+bite, or what have you. Where would one get a DTD for this?
+\[DB] Much the same as the maths. A tag that says \verb"<sound>" and
+an attribute which says which encoding scheme you are using.
+\[LB] There is an application of SGML called HyTime which is (about
+to become?) an ISO Standard. It defines time-based media of all
+kinds and also different architectures within which you can associate
+events happening in time. There is one product that can function
+against HyTime specifications, it is something to watch out for.
+There is in the TEI Guidelines a simplified version of some HyTime
+\[DB] In the latest issue of EPodd there is a paper with the title
+{\em Why Use HyTime?}
+\[Angus Duggan]
+Adobe put a lot of effort into Acrobat as a static encapsulation
+format, able to reproduce the exact form of documents. Will this in
+the future be important, or will content be all? Will the first
+published form of the document be important?
+\[DE] For archival purposes things like Acrobat are very useful,
+because they can encapsulate exactly how a document looked. For
+other things, such as database access and searching it is the content
+which is more important. So you might want two different electronic
+forms of the document. Also, the printed and on-screen versions of
+the document might be formatted differently.
+\[Angus Duggan]
+If we want to represent content and we do want keep the original form
+it was published in, then obviously Acrobat solves the one problem
+and SGML the other. What thoughts about document formats which
+maintain both equally as well?
+\[LB] I'd like to question one of your premises. You talk about the
+orginal form of the document. I think we're going to forget what that
+is very soon. I don't know what the original form of the TEI
+guidelines as published is. It was produced as an SGML document. At
+home it is white letters on a black background. In the office black
+on a white. In yellow on green when I was in Chicago. This was the
+authoring. Similar remarks apply to the printing, on US and UK sized
+paper. We had to do some fiddling around with the page numbers, as
+you can imagine. There is another version of the guidelines which is
+equally authorative and has exactly the same content, and that exists
+on a DynaText screen. It has no page numbers at all. I'm trying to
+make the point that I don't know which is the original form. They're
+all equally valid.
+\[MK] When authors have their references in the article they often
+refer to an article in a book by its page number. How on earth will
+you make a reference to a location in an electronic document which
+does not have page numbers?
+\[LB] By referring to the logical organisation of the text.
+Paragraph~38 within division~3 of etc.
+\[MK] I'm sure that we will eventually have a combined product which
+will have the format and all the structure in it from the SGML. All
+in one product. Because there's so much more you can do with
+that than you can with just PDF. The problem, as David Brailsford
+mentioned this morning, is the Brand-X between the SGML and the PDF.
+Until we can resolve that problem we can get to PDF, but not via the
+generic route, which is what we as publishers want.
+\[Allan Reese]
+About chasing up a reference. Page numbers are
+physical objects, and when the document changes the physical indexing
+is out of date. With electronic documents you will go just by
+keyword and content indexing. You won't have to know where it is.
+You just say I want the paper by Fred Smith or whoever.
+\[MK] That works when you are searching an electronic product from
+another electronic product. It won't work from a paper to an
+electronic product.
+\[Angus Duggan]
+Intermediate version of documents. If people are
+publishing on the Internet, if you put a content link in a document to
+a document being revised, this may change or break the link. So you
+need to have links to particular versions of particular documents.
+\[David Coton]
+Chapters and verses are a menace. We are looking at how to regard
+text in an object-oriented way. One big probelm with such a scheme
+is that Bible text has two hierarchical structures. It has chapter -
+verse structure, and it has section - paragraph - sentence structure.
+Both are useful, both are valid. Both are in different circumstances
+necessary. But the two do not coincide. Any object-oriented system
+has difficulty with that. There are ways round it. We are looking
+at introducing small enough units of text to give coincident
+boundaries. SGML also has a problem with this. I'm told that the
+standard allows for dual hierarchies. However, none of the existing
+tools implement it.
+\[DB] There is only one product I've seen that supports this CONCUR
+feature, which is the Mark-it parser, which is quite old. This
+problem is discussed in the TEI guidelines. I don't think this is an
+SGML problem. It is a characteristic of textual materials that they
+can be organised in many different ways. This is inherent in the
+nature of text.
+\[Jonathan Fine]
+I'm not sure I should be asking this question. What future for
+\[MK] If you believe the formatted original will continue, not
+replaced by a large amorphous glob of text, there still is a case
+for typography. It is very important to read something, to
+understand how it's put together. Reading off a screen is difficult
+anyway. Typography is purely there to allow you to read something
+easily and quickly. I can't see any reason why it should disappear.
+Especially as I still believe paper will be around for a while.
+\[LB] I think that typography is hard, hard, difficult and very
+important. There are so many people clamouring in the Web and other
+electronic marketplaces, that anything that stands out will be
+enormously important. One of the skills conspicuously missing on the
+Web is good typographic understanding. The skills needed to present
+stuff effectively and well in the electronic medium are really an
+outgrowth from the skills the typographers have developed in the
+\[DP] Typography is one aspect, but information design is perhaps an
+even more important. We've hardly covered information design. If
+more and more people are putting things on the Web and not thinking
+about how they design the document, then the morass of information
+overload is going to get worse and worse.
+\[DB] If you go to \verb"" you'll find that it has
+been done by a professional graphics designer. That really makes it
+stand out on the Web.
+\[Mary Dyson] Can I add to that? Typography on the screen. Have we
+got it well sussed? I don't think we have yet. To go back to the
+old chestnut, it's not necessarily just transferring the same
+principles. Italics are not terribly good for emphasis on screen. So
+you want perceptual equivalents of legibility.
+\[DP] We've come to a good point to stop. One final thing. The Web
+assumes one model of access to information. There are many others,
+such as browsing, which are virtually impossible on the Web. Maybe we
+should be thinking about how other forms of access to information are
+possible. Can I thank the four people on the panel and everyone
+else, particularly the speakers.
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+%\newcommand{\squad}{\hspace{10pt plus1pt minus1pt}}
+\title{The UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+\section{Group aims and activities}
+The \ukt\ was founded in 1989; its activities and benefits include:
+ \item Regular meetings covering both \TeX{}nical matters and general
+typographic subjects;
+ \item Visits to publishers, font suppliers and book producers;
+ \item In-depth workshops, with hands-on computer sessions where
+ \item Negotiation of discounts on \TeX\ relevant books with publishers.
+ \item Distribution of public domain \TeX\ implementations (in
+cooperation with the international \TeX\ archives);
+ \item Discount on joint UK \TeX\ Users Group/TUG membership;
+ \item Reduction in conference fees for the TUG annual meeting and the
+annual European meetings;
+ \item The publication and distribution of \BV\ (the annals of
+the UK \TeX\ Users Group).
+ \end{itemize}
+\section{Programme of meetings for 1995}
+\item[April 4th, 1995:] \BibTeX\ and \MakeIndex\ training: a tutorial
+ with hands-on practice. The two most important support packages for
+ \LaTeX\ are \BibTeX\ and \MakeIndex. In this day of intensive
+ training, we offer you a half-day's tutorial in each. The training
+ will be in a computer laboratory, with ample opportunity to practise
+ the use of these packages while the tutors are there to guide you.
+ The place: University of Warwick, Computing Services Training Room.
+ The tutors: Joachim Schrod (Darmstadt) and David Rhead (Nottingham)
+ The cost: To \UKTUG\ members \pounds50, or to non-members \pounds70.
+ Programme organiser: R A Bailey. Local organiser: Malcolm Clark
+ (\texttt{}; tel: 01203 523365).
+\item[June or July, 1995:] ``A meeting of interest to Mathematicians and Computer Scientists.''
+\item[August, 1995:] Oz\TeX\ in depth:
+a training meeting on Macintosh \TeX, with Andrew Trevorrow.
+To be organised by Sebastian Rahtz. Location: Oxford.
+\item[October 1995:] AGM, at Queen Mary and Westfield College,
+University of London.
+\noindent All members of \ukt{} will be provided with more details of
+these meetings as they become available. Reports of the meetings will
+appear in \BV, the organ of the group.
+\section*{The 1994--95 \ukt\ committee}
+C.~A.~Rowley & Chair\\
+P.~Abbott & Treasurer and \\ & Membership Secretary\\
+R.~A.~Bailey & Committee Secretary\\
+M.~Clark & Meetings Secretary\\
+S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz & \BV\ editor\\
+\noindent D.~P.~Carlisle; R. Fairbairns; J.~Fine; C.~Hewlett; A.~S.~A.~\mbox{Jeffrey}.
+\section*{Book Discounts for \protect\ukt\ members}
+The UK \TeX\ User group has been in discussion with a number
+of publishers to arrange discounts on publications which
+may be of interest to members. We have
+arrangements with Addison-Wesley for their well-known \TeX-related
+with International Thomson Publishing to
+supply any of the very excellent O'Reilly \& Associates Inc.\ series
+of books to members.
+The agreed list of books, together with the
+discounted (at least 10\%) price, is distributed occasionally with \BV, but is
+always available from the Treasurer, Peter Abbott.
+The quoted price includes the cost of postage and
+We would like to extend this service to members. If you have contacts
+with the sales and marketing parts of any publisher who publishes
+relevant books, please inform us and we will try to
+arrange something mutually convenient and beneficial.
+We are only allowed to offer this service to \textbf{current} members
+of the UK \TeX\ User Group and/or members of TUG. Please send your
+order and cheque (in UK \pounds) to Peter Abbott (address in \BV\ masthead).
+Make cheques payable to `UKTUG' please.
+Books from Addison-Wesley are delivered direct but books from
+O'Reilly will be routed through \ukt. \emph{In all cases} please
+notify Peter Abbott
+by email, phone, fax or letter when books are delivered.
+\title{Obtaining \TeX}
+\author{edited by Sebastian Rahtz}
+\subsection*{From the network}
+The UK \TeX\ Archive on \texttt{} is part of the CTAN
+(Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network) collaborating network of
+archives on the Internet organised by the
+\TeX\ Users Group. The three main archives follow the same structure
+and have identical files ({\tt}, {\tt} and
+The CTAN archives all run an enhanced {\em ftp} server which supports
+dynamic compression, uncompression, and archive creation options.
+Fetch the top-level file {\tt README.archive-features} for
+information. The server also supports site-defined commands to assist
+you. Please read {\tt} for a brief overview.
+Details of where to find public domain, or shareware,
+\TeX\ packages for different machines and operating
+systems are given below.
+ Please report any problems with CTAN archives via email to
+ \texttt{}. The entire archive is available on
+ CDROM as the `\TeX cetera' package from Prime Time Freeware, 370 Altair Way,
+ Suite 150, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA (\texttt{}). This is
+ also distributed by the TUG office, and in the UK by Lasermoon Ltd
+ (email \texttt{}, phone 01329 826444).
+\subsection*{Unix tapes}
+For a complete Unix \TeX\ distribution, a
+1/4 inch cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
+can sent with envelope {\em and} stamps for return postage to:
+ David Osborne\\
+ Cripps Computing Centre, \\
+ University of Nottingham, \\
+ Nottingham NG7 2RD
+Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK.
+\subsection*{PC and Mac disks}
+The \ukt\ distributes an em\TeX\ kit for PCs,
+and an Oz\TeX\ kit for Macintosh. The cost covers copying and postage
+costs, and the shareware fee for Oz\TeX. Each set costs \pounds30,
+and is available from Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak,
+Birmingham B29~4LB. Cheques must be payable to \lq{}UKTUG\rq{}. Please note
+that this service \emph{is available to \ukt\ members only.} Each set
+comes with an installation guide, and (at least) full \TeX\ and \MF, a
+previewer, a PostScript driver, and CM fonts. Two update disks a year
+will be sent out automatically, with the current version of \LaTeXe,
+and other goodies. A subscription service will be available for
+subsequent years. In addition, subscribers can request up to 3 disks a
+year with any material from the CTAN archives, but this will be
+supplied \lq{}as is\rq{}, without instructions.
+Enquiries for \TeX\ for the Atari ST etc. can be directed to: The Fast
+Club, 7 Musters Road, Nottingham NG2 7PP. Phone 01602 455250, fax 01602
+455305. They also supply a variety of \TeX-related software in Atari format.
+\hline Name & Environment & CTAN path & Notes\\ \hline
+ em\TeX & DOS, OS/2 & systems/msdos/emtex &the betatest drivers,
+ and 386-specific versions of \TeX\ and MF, are in the {\tt
+ betatest} subdirectory \\
+ sb\TeX & DOS & systems/msdos/sbtex & includes latest \TeX\ and
+ \MF\\
+ g\TeX & DOS & systems/msdos/gtex & 386-only \TeX\ and \MF,
+ which replace parts of em\TeX, and work with Windows memory
+ management\\
+% \TeX as & DOS & systems/msdos/texas & Large \TeX,
+% which replaces \TeX386 in em\TeX, and works with Windows memory
+% management\\
+ \hline
+ Oz\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/oztex & This package is shareware\\
+ CMac\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/cmactex & Shareware port of Unix \TeX\\
+ Direct\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/directtex & This package is shareware\\
+ \hline
+ pas\TeX & Amiga & systems/amiga/pastex & \\
+ \hline
+ --- & Atari & systems/atari/lindner-tex-packed-disks & \\
+ --- & Atari & systems/atari/cs-tex & \\
+ \hline
+ web2c \TeX & Unix & systems/unix/web2c & a complete source kit for
+ \TeX\ and \MF, which should compile on most Unix boxes; needs
+ a C compiler.\\
+% sparctex & Sun Sparc & systems/unix/unixkit & \\
+% --- & DEC Alpha & systems/unix/alpha & for Alpha running Unix\\
+% --- & Xenix & systems/unix/xenix & \\
+ \hline
+ --- & VMS & systems/vms &Alpha and VAX versions available \\
+ %\hline
+ %GhostScript & * & support/ghostview & PostScript previewer for
+ %many platforms, including Mac\\
+ %dvips & * & dviware/dvips & popular {\tt dvi} to PostScript
+ %driver\\
+ %--- & --- & biblio/bibtex/styles/contrib & \BibTeX\ style files\\
+ %--- & --- & web/knuth & The files maintained by Don Knuth\\
+ \hline
+The main directories which make up CTAN are listed below; readers are
+referred to David Jones\rq{} {\em Index of \TeX\ Styles and Macros} for
+details of macro packages and individual style files. This can be
+found in CTAN as {\tt info/tex-styles-and-macros.txt}
+\item[biblio] bibliography-related files, such as
+ \BibTeX.
+\item[digests] back issues of \TeX-related periodicals
+\item[dviware] contains the various dvi-to-whatever filters and drivers
+\item[fonts] fonts, both sources and pre-compiled
+\item[graphics]utilities and macros related to graphics
+\item[help] overviews of the archive and the \TeX\ system
+\item[info] files and tutorials which document various aspects of \TeX
+\item[indexing] utilities and related files for indexing
+\item[language] material for typesetting non-English documents
+\item[macros] macros packages for \TeX\ and style files
+\item[support] programs which can be used in support of \TeX
+\item[systems] complete system setups, organized by operating
+ system
+\item[tools] the various archiving tools used on CTAN
+\item[web] contains WEB-related files and utilities
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/szillat.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/szillat.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a58efefd4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/szillat.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+% Author: Horst Szillat
+% eMail:
+% This article is meant to be published in the UK\TeX's journal
+% ``Baskervil(l?)(e?)''.
+% As I am a strict \LaTeX user and --- as far as I know --- there is used
+% a plain-\TeX-like style I tried a compromise.
+% So the editors are ask to adapt this text (and to insert minor language
+% corrections). The only problem should be the figure (good luck!).
+% To: S. Rahtz (for publication)
+% CC: C. Rowly, J. Schrod, J. Lammarsch, L. Burnard (for private/internal use)
+ \vbox{%
+ \offinterlineskip%
+ \hrule%
+ \halign{%
+ \vrule\quad\hfil##\hfil\quad\vphantom{()}\vrule\cr%
+ #1\cr%
+ #2\cr%
+ }%
+ \hrule%
+ }%
+\title{SGML and \LaTeX}
+\author[Horst Szillat]{Horst Szillat\\\texttt{}}
+SGML --- {\it Standard Generalized Markup Language} --- is a formal
+language to describe structured text documents. It should be
+introduced here by comparison to \TeX{} and \LaTeX.
+It is interesting to have a look at how Donald~E. Knuth introduces
+\TeX{} in the \TeX book himself. The beginning is to simply type in
+the text and \TeX{} mainly does what one expects it to do. Quite a
+lot of more or less complex rules have been implemented to provide
+these results. An example of this behaviour is the {\it space factor
+code} ({\verb|\sfcode|}). Using this code \TeX{} is able to identify
+most of the ends of sentences. Moreover \TeX{} is realized in a way
+that one can program almost all kinds of printing layouts. In this
+way one can program a macro which influences the layout in any
+place. So \TeX{} is a layout oriented system which is able to format
+texts for printing and to do a bit more.
+Although \LaTeX{} simply is \TeX{}, too, and has all these
+characteristics, too, it introduces a new idea of representing the
+text input. The basic idea is that a text is given in the form of
+{\it embedded environments}. The layout of a text portion depends on
+the environment it is embedded in. Moreover, the layout of whole
+environments may depend on which other environment they are embedded
+in. The user can define new environments ({\verb|\newenvironment|})
+which realize a user defined layout. But the main point is that the
+author inputs his text on a less technical but a more abstract level.
+This way \LaTeX{} enforces the idea of separating the text structure
+from the printing layout. Changing the layout in \LaTeX{} means to
+replace the existing style files, only. One could do the same in
+plain\TeX{} directly, of course. One can do structured programming in
+assembler, too, but assembler does not enforce it.
+Now one can simply say SGML is \LaTeX{} without \TeX{} to be written
+in a slightly different manner. This means SGML is a representation
+of the text in its hierarchical structure without any idea of a
+layout. If one has lost the layout there has to be an advantage on
+the side of the text structuring. And so it is, indeed. \LaTeX's
+environments are called {\it elements} in SGML. Within a certain
+model one can now define which way the elements are embedded in each
+other and where text is to be allowed. Within that model the amount
+and the order of embedded elements and text is defined.
+Such a definition of a text structure is called {\it document type
+definition} ({\it DTD}). The ``best-known'' example of a SGML
+document type definition is HTML ({\it Hypertext Markup Language})
+used for the World Wide Web. While processing the document
+an SGML-parser is able to validate the structure of the document by the
+given document type definition. A simple example should illustrate
+<!ELEMENT section - - (paragraph?,subsection+)>
+<!ELEMENT subsection - - (paragraph,paragraph+)>
+<!ELEMENT paragraph - - (#PCDATA)>
+These lines are to be read as follows: An environment/element called
+{\tt section} consists of maximum one {\tt paragraph} and at least one
+{\tt subsection} in this order. A {\tt subsection} consists of
+exactly one {\tt paragraph} plus at least one {\tt paragraph}, e.g.\
+at least two {\tt paragraph}s. And at last, a {\tt paragraph}
+consists of letters. Here it is not possible anymore --- unlike in
+\LaTeX{} --- to put the first subsection before the first section.
+One could define the \LaTeX{} environments with such control
+structures, too. But again, \LaTeX{} is not designed for this goal
+and does not enforce it, while such validating is the nature of SGML.
+Another structural advantage over \LaTeX{} is the consequent distinction
+between {\it parameter} and {\it data}. The lines
+show that in \LaTeX{} one can never be sure what is human readable text (data)
+and what is internal technical information (parameter).
+On the other hand SGML has a strict idea of this distinction.
+As long as the SGML structures are not misused malevolently it is possible
+to make this distinction without even understanding the content.
+This is an important condition for any computer based data processing.
+An example will be given later.
+But even in the days of total computerizing the final goal of text
+representing is to print the text onto paper. There are two
+projects/tools specially designed for the printing of SGML documents.
+FOSI (Formatted Output Specification Instance) and DSSSL (Document
+Style Semantics and Specification Language). But why not use \LaTeX?
+\LaTeX{} has some characteristics which make it the first choice.
+\item The structure of SGML and \LaTeX{} are very close, so that the
+ documents are easily to convert.
+\item \LaTeX{} is a programming language and therefore can realize a
+ wide range of unforeseen layouts.
+\item \LaTeX{} has been used for many years by a large number of
+ people. So there exists a widespread experience.
+A principal scheme of the processing might look as shown Figure
+% \halign{%
+% \hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil\cr%
+% &&\tabbox{DTD}{(structure)}&&\tabbox{styles}{(layout)}&&\cr
+% &&$\downarrow$&&$\downarrow$&&\cr
+% \tabbox{concept of a}{document}&$\Rightarrow$&\tabbox{SGML-}{document}&$\Rightarrow$&\tabbox{\LaTeX-}{document}&$\Rightarrow$&\tabbox{printed}{document}\cr
+% }%
+ \begin{center}
+ \input{szpic}
+ \end{center}
+\caption{Processing of a SGML document}\label{szillat1}
+Unfortunatly it is not sufficient to convert the elements into
+environments and to write the needed style files. As already
+mentioned SGML and \LaTeX{} have different ideas of what is data and
+parameters. So it is especially necessary to transform SGML-data to
+\LaTeX-parameter so that \LaTeX{} can handle it more flexibly. A
+typical example is the following:
+<section label="main-section">
+<title>section title</title>
+section content
+What one would like to get is something like this:
+\section{section title}\label{main-section}
+section content
+One should note that {\tt main-section} is a parameter before as well
+as after conversion while {\tt section title} moves from being
+data to being a parameter. The easiest way to solve this problem is
+to introduce additional braces within the \LaTeX{} environment.
+Depending on the number of parameters defined in the definition of the
+environment the data is treated as a parameter or the last parameter
+is treated as data:
+ <name parameter="value">data</name>
+converts to
+ \Bsgml{name}{value}{%
+ data%
+ }\Esgml{name}
+With some (yet still to be defined) command
+one gets:
+\item both {\tt value} and {\tt data} being a parameter for $n=2$.
+\item {\tt value} being a parameter and {\tt data} being data within
+ the environment for $n=1$.
+\item both {\tt value} and {\tt data} being data within the
+ environment for $n=0$.
+Note that this conversion can be done without any conversion
+parameters. All programming, e.g.\ replacements are done in \LaTeX.
+This is a major difference to the widely used SGML-to-whatever
+converter {\tt format} which works with replacement tables.
+But the real reason for why I started to develop my own SGML to
+\LaTeX{} converter is that I felt the necessity to manipulate the data
+within the conversion process.
+The main questions are what information about the used words are
+needed for typesetting and where this information comes from. Again
+this seems to be a typical non-English problem. In German there are
+two similar problems: hyphenation and (wrong) ligatures.
+Basically German hyphenation rules are easily to be adapted for
+pattern matching and ligatures can be applied. (Hyphenation is
+allowed before the last consonant out of a group of consonants. There
+is no hyphenation within a group of consonants at the very beginning
+or end of a word. Certain combinations of consonants count as one
+single consonant. Easy, isn't it?) At the present there is a problem
+with the umlauts. But this problem should disappear with the {\tt
+ dc}--fonts. The real problem raises with complex words, e.g.\ words
+which are composed of several words but look like one. These words
+have to be hyphenated between the elements of the compound. This
+fools every pattern matching. Moreover, there should not be any
+ligature in these places. The reason is that one does not want to
+have less space ``between words''.
+An example of a rather unsuspicious word is {\tt aufflammen}. One
+would guess the hypenation \verb|auff\-lam\-men|, which is wrong, of
+course. The english translation gives a hint: {\it flame up}. Within
+terms of {\tt german.sty} one should write \verb.auf"|flam\-men.,
+where \verb."|. means: hyphenation is allowed but no ligature is
+allowed. The printing result is
+au\mbox{f}\mbox{f}\mbox{l}ammen}'' instead of
+Unfortunately \TeX{} is unable to store this information neither in
+the hyphenation table nor in the document preamble by
+\verb|\hyphenation|. Maybe a successor of \TeX{} will be able to do
+so. So far an author writing in \LaTeX{} has to input this
+information directly into the document, well --- if he cares\ldots
+Using a conversion from SGML to \LaTeX{} the converter would be the
+right place to insert the additional hyphenation and ligature
+information. The converter has to use two dictionaries --- a standard
+dictionary and a special dictionary. It is not unusual that special
+matters need special terms and consequently special dictionaries. But
+in German the problem is that one can create new complex words ad
+hoc. These new compounds may be specific to a particular document.
+So it would be a nice idea to ship this special dictionary as a
+structural part of the document!
+In this way the author does not have to care about every single
+hyphenation and ligature exception, but additionally has a spell
+But unfortunately there is even a worse case which needs special
+treatment. It is the word {\tt Baumast}, which can be
+\verb|Bau\-mast| ({\it mast used in building}) \verb|Baum\-ast| ({\it
+ bough of a tree}), both made of wood, of course. This is a really
+rare case that a word must be tagged with an additional information
+where it occurs within the document. This information should explain
+which word is to be meant. One could do that in the form of an
+explicit hyphenation information. In SGML it could look like
+\verb|<word which="Baum\-ast">Baumast</word>|
+(This example is simplified.
+It would be more correct to use a SDATA-Entity so that the \LaTeX-specifics
+are hidden.)
+Note that the hyphenation information on the words {\tt aufflammen}
+and {\tt Baumast} are totally different things. The first one is part
+of the layout information (how to print out?), while the second one is
+a structural part of the document (which word?).
+Summarizing one can state that SGML and \LaTeX{} are a good pair.
+Using the specifics of both systems one can do a lot of things
+correctly in an easier way.
+\subsection{Further reading}
+\item H. Szillat: {\it SGML --- Eine praktische Einf\"uhrung}
+ ISBN 3-929821-75-3, Int. Thomson Publ.
+\item ftp-server: {\tt}
+\item news groups: comp.text.sgml, sgml-l
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecf19c5801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/szpic.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\put(0,0){\framebox(30,10){\shortstack{concept of a\\document}}}
+\end{picture} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e87150e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/taylor1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+\title{Letters to the editor 1: Maths in \protect\LaTeX, Part 3}
+\author{Philip Taylor}
+\begin{multicols}{2}[\Section{Letters to the editor 1: Maths in \protect\LaTeX, Part 3
+I am delighted to see the esteemed Professor Bailey so wholeheartedly
+deprecate the re-definition of a Plain \TeX\ command by an adjunct package
+(\AMSTeX); what is less clear is why she does not vent the same spleen
+on the author(s) of \LaTeX, who have pre-empted many more fundamental
+commands than just \verb|\emptyset|.
+Yours etc,
+ \emph{The author replies:} I think that there is some confusion
+ here, as well as a difference of opinion. I was complaining about a
+ redefinition in the file {\tt amstex.sty}, which is a package
+ explicitly for use with the \LaTeX\ format. That is a different
+ matter from a redefinition in a format file, such as \AMSTeX.
+ In my opinion there is a world of difference between changing the
+ definition of the name of a glyph, which any author may want to
+ use, and changing the definition of a programming command. The
+ former should absolutely not happen, because it affects people who
+ have no idea how to get round it. I am agnostic about the latter,
+ but would not be surprised if it were necessary in a format file.
+ \rightline{R.~A.~Bailey, QMW}
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index 0000000000..bff037ce7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/taylor2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+\title{Letters to the editor 3: \textsc{Dante}}
+\author[Philip Taylor]{Philip Taylor\\RHBNC;\\
+Technical Director, NTS project}
+At the end of the first paragraph of ``Malcolm's Gleanings'',
+the author urges readers to `Expunge \ldots from your minds [the
+malicious and/or mischievous gossip that ``\textsc{Dante} was reluctant to
+support Haralambous' and Plaice's Omega project since it was
+thought to compete with NTS'']'. Despite having a close and
+mutually beneficial relationship with \textsc{Dante}, such allegations
+were completely new to me, as I suspect they were to the majority
+if not all of your readers: one must therefore ask at whose door
+these allegations of malice or mischief should properly be laid?
+I would further add that I know of no-one, either within \textsc{Dante}
+or within the NTS team, who would wish John and Yannis anything less than
+complete success with their project; the world will be enriched,
+not diminished, by the availability of alternative derivatives of \TeX.
+Yours etc.