path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/granger.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_2/granger.tex
Initial commit
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1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\title{The Inside Story of Life at Wiley with SGML, \LaTeX\ and Acrobat}
+\author[Geeti Granger]{Geeti Granger\\
+John Wiley \& Sons Ltd, \\Baffins Lane,\\ Chichester,
+W. Sussex PO19 IUD}
+As a brief introduction I should say that John Wiley \& Sons is
+a scientific, technical and medical publisher. It
+is an independent, American family-owned company that was established in
+1807, with subsidiaries in Europe, Canada, Australia and
+Singapore. The European subsidiary opened in London in 1960 and
+moved to Chichester in 1967 (if folklore is to be believed this
+was so that the then Managing Director could more easily pursue his
+love of sailing!).
+We publish books, including looseleaf and encyclopaedias, and
+journals, and most recently electronic versions of some of our
+printed products. In the future the electronic component of our
+publishing programme is bound to include products that are only
+available electronically.
+\section{Setting the Scene}
+Now to the topic in hand---Portable Documents: Acrobat, SGML and
+\TeX. Our association with \TeX\ dates back to 1984 when we made
+the significant decision to install an in-house system for text
+editing and composition. It was the only software available that
+wasn't proprietary, which stood a chance of coping with the
+complex mathematical material we had to set.
+As a company we have monitored the progress of SGML since 1985,
+but have only recently used it in earnest. Our first project is
+a 5000 page encyclopaedia about Inorganic Chemistry. We rarely get
+the opportunity to dip our toes in the water---it's straight
+in at the deep-end! Having said this, we do have a set of generic
+codes that has been used for a number of years, and everyone is
+well aware of the principles involved and the value of this
+approach to coding data.
+Adobe Acrobat was launched in June 1993. Our experience of this
+software dates back a little further than this, because of our
+links with Professor David Brailsford and the Electronic
+Publishing Research Group at the University of Nottingham, and their
+work on the CAJUN (CD-ROM Acrobat Journals Using Networks)
+project, which we jointly sponsored with Chapman \& Hall.
+\section{Complementary not Competitive}
+The first thing to make clear is that SGML, \TeX\ and Acrobat do
+not compete with each other in any way. SGML is a method of
+tagging data in a system-independent way. \TeX\ is one possible
+way of preparing this data for presentation on paper, while Acrobat is
+software capable of delivering data electronically for viewing
+on screen, or for committing to paper.
+From our point of view the fundamental requirement for:
+\item{capturing data}
+\item{processing data (text and graphics)}
+\item{delivering data (paper/disk/CD/Internet)}
+is to remain system independent for as long as possible.
+SGML, \TeX\ and Acrobat achieve this in their part of the whole
+process. PostScript provides the link that completes the chain.
+\section{SGML in Practice}
+To describe our experience with SGML I will use the {\it Encyclopedia
+of Inorganic Chemistry\/} as a case study. This encyclopaedia is an 8
+volume set made up of 5000 large-format, double-column pages
+(more than 3 million words). The data consists of approximately
+250 articles interspersed with 750 definitions and 750
+cross-reference entries. The text was marked-up and captured using SGML,
+validated and preprocessed for typesetting. The floating
+elements (all 2300 figures, 8000 equations, 2000 structures,
+1100 schemes and 900 tables) were prepared electronically and
+delivered as encapsulated PostScript files. Some 150 halftones,
+about a third of which are colour, complete the data set!
+Despite the complex nature of this project, or maybe because of
+it, we were convinced that using SGML was the right approach. We had
+to be very sure because this decision presented us with many
+additional difficulties. Different considerations had to be made
+at all stages of the production process. (Manufacturing remained
+Initially, having established the probable requirement for an
+electronic version, there was the need to justify the use of
+SGML because of:
+\item{the extra cost involved in data capture}
+\item{the different working practices that had to be established}
+\item{the project management overhead}
+\item{the need to find new suppliers, and the risks that this
+involved for such a large, high profile project}.
+\subsection{Production Considerations}
+This project had an external Managing Editor to commission and
+receive contributions before it became a live project for us.
+Once contributions started to arrive it very quickly became
+apparent that a project management team was needed if this
+project was to succeed. The initial steps had to be ones of
+project analysis, determining data flow, deciding who was
+responsible for what, and ensuring that a progress reporting system
+was established. It certainly semed like a military operation at
+Having made the decision to go with SGML and to ensure that all
+components were captured electronically we had to find a set of
+new suppliers. None of our regular suppliers could meet our
+specifications. Locating potential suppliers was the first
+hurdle, and then assessing their suitability was the next.
+Having done this we then had to draw them all together to
+establish who did what, and who was responsible for what.
+It had to be a team effort from start to finish and regular
+progress meetings involving representatives of all parties was
+the key to an ultimately successful project.
+\subsection{Problems Encountered}
+One of the first considerations was how on earth do we name the
+files? To ensure portability we set ourselves the restriction of
+the eight plus three DOS convention. It took some time but we
+achieved it in the end so you can now identify from the file
+name the type of text entry, the type of graphics and whether it
+is single or double column or landscape, and its sequential
+placement within its type. When you consider the number of files
+involved, this was no mean feat.
+Designing the DTD without all the material available is not the
+best way to start, but needs must. It meant that some amendments had
+to be made as the project progressed but none of them proved to be too significant.
+Choosing Adobe typefaces, to avoid problems later on, meant that some
+compromises had to be made. Many people feel that the Adobe version
+of Times is not as elegant as some.
+Also the quality of the typesetting, hyphenation and justification,
+interword spacing and overall page make-up is not as high as that
+normally achieved by a dedicated chemistry typesetter.
+In addition to the above, we found a bug in Adobe Illustrator!
+Because the EPS files were being incorporated electronically the
+accuracy of the bounding-box coordinates was crucial. To cut a
+long story short they weren't accurate. We spent quite some time
+establishing the cause of the problem and then had to have a
+program written to resolve it.
+This is not an exhaustive list but I think it will give you a
+feel for the practical issues involved. Having shared
+all this with you I should add that all of us involved in the
+original recommendations remain convinced that it was the right
+approach. In fact we are now processing two more projects in the same
+\section{\LaTeX\ in Practice}
+We've done far too many projects in \TeX\ (many in Plain, but a
+growing number in \LaTeX) to select one as a case study. What I
+can do is very readily identify the production issues involved
+in using this software in a commercial environment.
+\subsection{Steps in the Process}
+Establishing ourselves as a forward-thinking, progressive
+company by developing in-house expertise has brought with it
+certain pressures. In the early days, not only did we have to
+learn how to use \TeX, we also had to make it achieve typesetting
+standards expected of more sophisticated systems. Our colleagues
+could not see why they should accept lower standards from
+us---after all they were paying us (we operate a recharge system
+so that it doesn't distort the project costing when compared
+with externally processed projects).
+Next came the requests for us to supply style files. Authors
+knew we used the same software as they did, and wanted to prepare
+their submission so it looked like the finished product. Some
+wanted to produce camera-ready copy. In principle this would
+seem a sensible idea; in fact our commissioning editors,
+especially those who handle a number of CRC projects, thought it
+was a brilliant idea. It would save them an immense amount of
+time and hassle.
+Now, preparing style files for in-house use is one thing;
+preparing them for use by others is something else again. We
+have to work within strict time and cost constraints, and there are
+many occasions (dare I admit it?) when we have to resort to, shall we
+say, less than the most sophisticated way of achieving the required
+visual result!
+When I have attended courses on \TeX\ and have asked about writing
+style files the answer has often been along the lines of `leave
+it to the professionals'. (I should say it's usually people who
+make their living in this way who give this response.) This may be
+fine if a) you can find and afford the professional; b) you don't
+need to support the file when it is in general use. In our
+experience the first is difficult to do and the second is an
+impossibility. The need to support style files cannot be ignored; once they
+have been provided, no matter on what pre-agreed conditions,
+queries will arise. It can be very time-consuming, as often
+queries are not restricted to the style file, but relate to the
+sytem being used. It can also take a while to establish the
+context of the query, resolve it and respond. To meet the expectation that
+we will support, customise at short notice, resolve technical
+issues, and communicate via e-mail (preferably responding within
+the hour) can be difficult, given the level of human resource available.
+Once you've got over this initial stage, the practical issues
+involved in accepting \LaTeX\ submissions can be many. Delivery
+is the first. Now that we have the ability to receive data
+electronically our authors cannot understand why we hesitate,
+and why we still insist on hard copy. Experience tells us that,
+without hard copy, it is difficult to be sure we have received
+the final version, and discovering this after a project has been
+processed is very costly, both in time and money. Any submission
+that circumvents a stage in the current administration process
+may drop through a hole and end up taking more time, rather than
+less, to reach publication. Consideration is being given to
+this issue, and there is no doubt that in the future electronic
+delivery will be an acceptable method of submission, but in the
+meantime everyone has to be patient.
+Copy-editing remains a conventional process in the main,
+although experiments are taking place with copy-editing on disk.
+This issue is not resticted to \LaTeX\ projects, but the rate of
+progress is dictated by the ability of our freelance
+copy-editors to provide this service.
+Once you move on to the processing stage the first thing you
+have to do is find a supplier who is capable of actually
+processing in this software. This is easier said than done,
+because it is not considered to be cost-effective by most of our
+regular suppliers. However, as a result of our persistent
+requests, some can now provide this service, so we don't have to
+process all such submissions in-house.
+From our own experience we know that producing page proofs is not
+always straightforward. Over the years we have struggled with
+amending style files to achieve the correct layout and controlling
+page make-up. Now that authors are submitting graphics on disk,
+as well as the text, we are faced with another set of problems.
+Portability of graphic formats is even more difficult to
+achieve. I think the number of answers to the question `When is
+a PostScript file (or EPS file) not a portable PostScript file?' must
+be infinite. Even when the content of the file itself is OK,
+you can still be faced with problems in achieving the required size and
+position on the page.
+Despite all these disadvantages our lives would not be the same
+without \LaTeX, and when compared with processing in other
+software it can be a real joy! Our archive of projects coded in
+a form of \TeX\ will be far easier to reuse than those processed
+in other software.
+\section{Acrobat at Arm's Length}
+Although we haven't used Acrobat on a live project in-house yet, we
+have been closely involved with the development of the EPodd CD.
+The CAJUN project has been running for well over a year and during
+this time the complete archive of volumes 1--6 has been
+converted to PDF, annotated to add PDFmarks and generally
+massaged into a suitable format for delivery on CD.
+As always, the work involved in such a project is more
+than anticipated at the outset, but it has been an invaluable
+learning exercise. Being involved in the beta-testing of the
+software helps you appreciate just how much development work
+is required for a new piece of software, and although it currently
+has its limitations the future looks good. Version 2, which is
+due for release any day now, is much improved, and it is rewarding
+to see that many of the comments put forward by members of the
+team have been incorporated.
+We are experimenting with small projects in-house to give us a
+deeper understanding of the practical advantages and limitations
+of Acrobat. It is easy to get caught up in the euphoria and hype that
+accompanies the release of a new product, and to overlook the
+day-to-day difficulties its rapid adoption might bring.
+Having said this, there is no doubt that it will have a place in
+our publishing procedures, and may be used in the production
+cycle for journal articles. Provided that the general
+administration can cope with the deviation from the norm,
+supplying author proofs in this way has its attractions. The fact
+that readers are now freely available and the PDF file can be
+read on any of the three main platforms is a real boon.
+The use of Acrobat for delivering existing print products in an
+electronic form is one worth considering, especially now that it
+is possible to integrate it with project-specific software and
+the security issue has been addressed.
+From an inter-company point of view the perceived use of Acrobat
+for distributing internal documents could again have its
+attractions. For this to be a real possibility it must be
+recognised that the use of such procedures is not an innate
+skill, and so the appropriate level of training and support
+must be available if it is to be successful.
+The comments I have made and the case study I have described may
+leave you with a somewhat negative feeling. I wonder if I have
+emphasised the problems and not balanced these by identifying
+the plus points. To put this into context I should say that
+details of the advantages of any particular approach are usually
+more readily available, so I have tried to capture a more
+down-to-earth view.
+In reality I am very enthusiastic about the use of SGML, \TeX\
+and Acrobat, but am also well aware of what their use in a
+productive environment can mean. I believe, as do several of my
+colleagues, that portability of documents is crucial to our
+ability to deliver data efficiently in a variety of forms,
+whether this be page-based, highly structured databases or
+tagged ASCII files. To this end we must be flexible in our
+approach, and must not be afraid of making investments now that
+may not bear fruit until some time in the future. This can be a
+very unnerving decision to make, and for one I am glad it isn't
+ultimately mine. While I can extol the virtues of a purist's
+technical approach, obtain the relevant costs and assess the
+schedule implications, I do not have the entrepreneurial skills
+required to know when a project is commercially viable (or worth
+taking a risk on). It is at this point I take my hat off to our
+commissioning editors, who have the responsibility for turning
+these experiments into profit for us to reinvest in the next Big
+\end{Article} \ No newline at end of file