path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/fine.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/5_1/fine.tex
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1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\title{Elements of SGML}
+\author{Jonathan Fine}
+\def \jfmacro #1{\smallskip\noindent\vadjust{\nobreak}{\itshape #1}}
+\noindent I don't have time to write a proper column for this issue, but I did
+not want too long to go by before giving the answers to the exercises
+at the last of my last article, in Baskerville~4(5). So here are the
+\jfmacro {When was the SGML standard published? }
+The standard was published in 1986. Although an
+international standard, it is still far from being a \emph{de facto}
+standard in most of areas of application. One reason for this is
+resistance from the owners of proprietary document formats, as used
+by word processors, desktop and larger publishing systems and so
+Would it be a sound commercial move for the owners of, say
+{\em Word\/} to open it up so that it could be used with someone
+else's formatting software? Such as \TeX\ equipped with suitable
+macros? Should such happen then the next thing you know someone else
+will be bring out a word processor front-end {\em without\/} any
+formatting capabilities at all, but relying on the back end
+previously provided. And before you know where you are, {\em Word\/}
+will be just one of a number of competing software products all
+capable of operating on the same documents. {\em Word\/} is a
+registered trademark of Microsoft. At Bridewell I asked the panel
+what must fail if SGML is to succeed, to which Lou Burnard replied
+``Proprietary data formats,'' which answer I cannot improve upon.
+\jfmacro {Who are the five persons involved in text
+processing? Who is the sixth? }
+In the article I listed author, designer, typesetter, implementor and
+publisher. The sixth was the reader. Each has a different interest
+in the document. Probably this list is a simplification. Geeti
+Granger in her talk at Bridewell (see elsewhere in this issue for a
+brief summary) described the production process for an encyclopedia
+of Chemistry that John Wiley has recently produced. This occupied
+two detailed transparencies. There are also editor, subeditor,
+proofreaders, picture editors and so forth. It is traditional, and
+for good reason, when establishing a database to spend a period
+analysing the size and structure of the data to be stored, and the
+operations that will need to be performed on it. And this before
+writing any but prototype code.
+It seems sensible to follow this tradition when building a publishing
+application based on SGML. This design should be performed by an
+expert (either hire one, or become one yourself, or at least follow
+someone else's good example) in the documents you are hoping to
+create, store and process using SGML and SGML-compliant software.
+Just as with other computer applications, beware of trusting the
+technical expert in the language who does not understand the activity
+whose facilitation is intended. This applies double to applications
+which involve significant interaction among people and thus to SGML
+applications almost without exception. Deciding on data-storage
+standards for text is considerably more subtle than the design of a
+business order processing database. And that in itself is easy
+enough to get wrong. Good experts in SGML document design (and I am
+not one) are worth good money.
+\jfmacro {How does SGML differ from other computer languages? }
+So far as I know, the purpose of all other computer languages is to
+describe in one way or another what it is that a computer should do.
+In other words they are languages for the writing of programmes.
+SGML is a language for the creation (and storage) of structured
+documents. There is no sense in SGML of anything doing anything. To
+use the technical terms, it is all syntax and no semantics. (Some
+complain that with \TeX\ it is the other way around.)
+SGML is deliberately neutral as to what might be done to the
+document. It may be stored, spell-checked, formatted, edited or
+deleted. Or transmitted across the World Wide Web. All this is none
+of the concern of SGML, although needs must be carefully considered
+and specified if an SGML-based application is to be successful. I
+like to think of SGML as being ASCII for structured documents. And
+is ASCII a computer language?
+\jfmacro {What is the purpose of the prolog? Who writes it? }
+The prolog contains the document type declaration, which specifies
+the markup elements and in which combinations, that can occur in the
+document instance. Technically an SGML document consists of a prolog
+and a document instance conforming to the markup declared in the
+prolog. Very often
+<!DOCTYPE message SYSTEM "message.dtd" >
+is used to refer to an external entity which contains the element and
+entity declarations. All this is a little technical and should be
+hidden from authors (and readers).
+\jfmacro {What is the purpose of the SGML declaration? }
+Usually the SGML declaration is implied, which means that the
+software will supply or assume that a standard SGML declaration is to
+be used or will be applied. However it does contains important
+information about how the following document is to be parsed. For
+example, it indicates whether omitted tags, short references, or
+other markup minimization devices may be used. It also declares
+whether the case is significant in entity and tag names. It also
+gives capacity information, such as the maximum allowed length of
+identifiers. In short, it sets all manner of switches that control
+the parsing of the following document, and indicates to the parsing
+software what capabilities it will require. An SGML declaration can
+also be written for parsing software, which indicates the documents
+it is capable of parsing.
+\jfmacro {What is the purpose of the document instance?
+Who writes it? }
+At last! The author's words, written by the author (or in some cases
+a ghost writer).
+\jfmacro {How many lines in a sonnet? Is that every sonnet? }
+Trick question. Most sonnets have fourteen lines, but Shakespeare's
+sonnet~126 (O~thou my lovely boy, who in thy power) has but twelve.
+The pedants (oops, experts) can argue as to whether it really is then
+a sonnet, but when all is done, it had better appear in the
+appropriate place when Shakespeare's sonnets are stored or printed. An
+old adage has it that altogether most of a computer program is
+devoted to dealing with the exceptions. Or to put it another way,
+the devil hides in the details. This is one of the attractions of
+\verb"tex" the program. There's almost nowhere for the bugs to hide.
+\jfmacro {What is the difference between
+{\em mark up} and {\em markup}? }
+An easy one. The first is a verb, the second a noun. The words
+{\em mark down} and {\em markdown} have a similar relation although
+quite different meanings.
+\jfmacro {What is a declaration? }
+In SGML markup constructions are declared, which then makes them
+available for use. There is an SGML declaration (which makes SGML
+available one assumes), and then a document type declaration which in
+turn contains element, entity and attribute declarations. Other
+features of SGML are also activated via declarations. Even comments
+are enabled as text within comment declarations, according to the
+terminology of the standard.
+\jfmacro {How is SGML a compromise? Between whom?
+Is this good or bad? }
+A complete answer to this question would be the whole past, present
+and future history of SGML. It is a document standard, so the more
+features and power it provides the happier those who store documents
+will be. But if too much power is required, the implementors will be
+scared off or, perhaps worse, implement only an idiosyncratic subset
+of the language. Perhaps part of the success of HTML is due to it
+being strong enough to be useful to users, and weak enough to be
+implemented by developers.
+If too much is required of authors they will simply not use it. Thus,
+a considerable part of the language is concerned with making life
+easier for the author to create a valid SGML document instance using
+an ordinary text editor. One of the functions of an SGML parser is
+to relieve the application programmer of the burden of accomodating
+(and perhaps getting wrong) these author-friendly features. The
+question of the allowable content models (a topic we have not yet
+discussed) has been a subject of much complaint and disagreement from
+and amongst implementors and document type designers. This question
+is the subject of an Annex to the International Standard.
+\jfmacro {(Experts only) In explaining SGML for beginners, have
+I made any false statements? }
+Almost certainly yes. Mostly omissions I hope, and only the whitest
+of lies. I would welcome hearing of any corrections that might help