path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_6/bask4_6.rep
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_6/bask4_6.rep
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_6/bask4_6.rep')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_6/bask4_6.rep b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_6/bask4_6.rep
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index 0000000000..39d2ea9211
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+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_6/bask4_6.rep
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+(newarticle.1) <Editorial>
+(newarticle.2) <The New TeX{} FAQ: Your 100 Questions Answered>
+(section.2.1) <Introduction>
+(section.2.2) <The Background>
+(subsection.2.2.1) <What is \TeX {}?>
+(subsection.2.2.2) <How should I pronounce ``\TeX {}''?>
+(subsection.2.2.3) <What is \MF {}?>
+(subsection.2.2.4) <What is \LaTeX {}?>
+(subsection.2.2.5) <How should I pronounce ``\LaTeX {}''? ``\LaTeXe {}''?>
+(subsection.2.2.6) <Should I use \texttt {plain} \TeX {} or \LaTeX {}?>
+(subsection.2.2.7) <What are the AMS packages (\AMSTeX {}, \emph {etc}.)?>
+(subsection.2.2.8) <What is \LAMSTeX {}?>
+(subsection.2.2.9) <What is \Eplain {}?>
+(subsection.2.2.10) <What is Lollipop?>
+(subsection.2.2.11) <What is Texinfo?>
+(subsection.2.2.12) <If \TeX {} is so good, how come it's free?>
+(subsection.2.2.13) <What is the future of \TeX {}?>
+(subsection.2.2.14) <What are TUG and TUGboat?>
+(subsection.2.2.15) <Are there nationally-based user groups, too?>
+(subsection.2.2.16) <TUG Technical Working Groups>
+(section.2.3) <Documentation and Help>
+(subsection.2.3.17) <Books on \TeX {} and its relations>
+(subsection.2.3.18) <Where to find this article>
+(subsection.2.3.19) <Mailing lists about \TeX {} and its friends>
+(subsection.2.3.20) <\BibTeX {} Documentation>
+(subsection.2.3.21) <The \PiCTeX {} manual>
+(subsection.2.3.22) <Finding \TeX {}/\LaTeX {} macro packages>
+(subsection.2.3.23) <Finding \LaTeXe {}-related packages>
+(section.2.4) <Bits and pieces of \TeX {}>
+(subsection.2.4.24) <Virtual fonts>
+(subsection.2.4.25) <`special' commands>
+(subsection.2.4.26) <Documented \LaTeX {} sources (\texttt {.dtx} files)>
+(section.2.5) <Acquiring the Software>
+(subsection.2.5.27) <Repositories of \TeX {} material>
+(subsection.2.5.28) <Contributing a file to the archives>
+(subsection.2.5.29) <Finding new fonts>
+(subsection.2.5.30) <\TeX {} \CDROM {}s>
+(section.2.6) <\TeX {} Systems>
+(subsection.2.6.31) <\TeX {}/\LaTeX {} for different machines>
+(subsection.2.6.32) <\TeX {}-friendly editors and shells>
+(subsection.2.6.33) <Commercial \TeX {} implementations>
+(section.2.7) <DVI Drivers and Previewers>
+(subsection.2.7.34) <DVI to PostScript conversion programs>
+(subsection.2.7.35) <DVI drivers for HP LaserJet>
+(subsection.2.7.36) <DVI previewers>
+(section.2.8) <Support Packages for \TeX {}>
+(subsection.2.8.37) <Fig, a \TeX {}-friendly drawing package>
+(subsection.2.8.38) <\TeX {}CAD, a drawing package for \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.8.39) <Spelling checkers for work with \TeX {}>
+(subsection.2.8.40) <The \VorTeX {} package>
+(section.2.9) <Literate programming>
+(subsection.2.9.41) <What is Literate Programming?>
+(subsection.2.9.42) <WEB for C, FORTRAN, and other languages>
+(section.2.10) <Format conversions>
+(subsection.2.10.43) <Conversion between \TeX {}/\LaTeX {} and others>
+(subsection.2.10.44) <Conversion from \TeX {}/\LaTeX {} to plain ASCII>
+(subsection.2.10.45) <Conversion from HTML or SGML to \TeX {}>
+(subsection.2.10.46) <Conversion to HTML>
+(section.2.11) <\MF {}>
+(subsection.2.11.47) <Getting \MF {} to do what you want>
+(subsection.2.11.48) <Which font files should be kept>
+(subsection.2.11.49) <Getting bitmaps from the archives>
+(section.2.12) <PostScript and \TeX {}>
+(subsection.2.12.50) <Using PostScript fonts with \TeX {}>
+(subsection.2.12.51) <Previewing files using PostScript fonts>
+(subsection.2.12.52) <\TeX {} font metric files for PostScript fonts>
+(subsection.2.12.53) <Problems using PostScript fonts>
+(subsection.2.12.54) <Choice of scalable outline fonts>
+(subsection.2.12.55) <Including a PostScript figure in \LaTeX {}>
+(section.2.13) <Special sorts of typesetting>
+(subsection.2.13.56) <Double-spaced documents in \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.13.57) <Formatting a thesis in \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.13.58) <Including a file in verbatim in \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.13.59) <Generating an index in \TeX {}/\LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.13.60) <Using \BibTeX {} with \texttt {plain} \TeX {}>
+(subsection.2.13.61) <Typesetting music in \TeX {}>
+(subsection.2.13.62) <Drawing Feynman diagrams in \LaTeX {}>
+(section.2.14) <How do I do \textsl {X} in \TeX {} or \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.14.63) <Proof environment>
+(subsection.2.14.64) <Symbols for the number sets>
+(subsection.2.14.65) <Roman theorems>
+(subsection.2.14.66) <Labels on lists>
+(subsection.2.14.67) <Unnumbered sections in the Table of Contents>
+(subsection.2.14.68) <Style of section headings>
+(subsection.2.14.69) <Indent after section headings>
+(subsection.2.14.70) <Changing the margins in \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.14.71) <Insisting on changing the margins in \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.14.72) <Finding the width of a letter, word, or phrase>
+(subsection.2.14.73) <Excluding blocks of text from the \texttt {.dvi} file>
+(subsection.2.14.74) <Defining a new log-like function in \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.14.75) <Typesetting all those \TeX {}-related logos>
+(section.2.15) <Things are Going Wrong\dots {}>
+(subsection.2.15.76) <Weird hyphenation of words>
+(subsection.2.15.77) <(Merely) peculiar hyphenation>
+(subsection.2.15.78) <Enlarging \TeX {}>
+(subsection.2.15.79) <Moving tables and figures in \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.15.80) <\csx {pagestyle{empty}} on first page in \LaTeX {}>
+(subsection.2.15.81) <Odd behaviour of \csx {rm}, \csx {bf}, \emph {etc}.>
+(subsection.2.15.82) <Old \LaTeX {} font references such as \csx {tenrm}>
+(subsection.2.15.83) <Missing symbols>
+(subsection.2.15.84) <\LaTeX {} gets cross-references wrong>
+(subsection.2.15.85) <\csx {@} and \texttt {@} in macro names>
+(subsection.2.15.86) <Where are the \texttt {msx} and \texttt {msy} fonts?>
+(subsection.2.15.87) <Where are the \texttt {am} fonts?>
+(subsection.2.15.88) <`String too long' in \BibTeX {}>
+(section.2.16) <Why does it \emph {do} that?>
+(subsection.2.16.89) <Why does it ignore paragraph parameters?>
+(subsection.2.16.90) <What's the reason for `protection'?>
+(subsection.2.16.91) <Why doesn't \csx {verb} work within\dots {}?>
+(subsection.2.16.92) <Case-changing oddities>
+(subsection.2.16.93) <Why are \texttt {\#} signs doubled in macros?>
+(section.2.17) <Recent Developments>
+(subsection.2.17.94) <The New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS)>
+(subsection.2.17.95) <\LaTeXe {} (the new standard \LaTeX {})>
+(subsection.2.17.96) <The \LaTeX {}3 project>
+(subsection.2.17.97) <Using \TeX {} to typeset from SGML files>
+(subsection.2.17.98) <The Omega project>
+(subsection.2.17.99) <The \NTS {} project>