path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5')
21 files changed, 18032 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5/asmith.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5/asmith.tex
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index 0000000000..055406848e
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+\title{\HT: a working standard}
+\author[Arthur P. Smith]{Arthur P. Smith\\
+Dept. of Chemistry, BG-10,\\
+University of Washington, \\Seattle, WA
+\emph{Note: this paper was prepared for the American Phsyical Society
+electronic publishing conference, Los Alamos N.M. October 14--15 1994.}
+The past year has seen a revolution in the processes of
+Internet-based information navigation and retrieval with the
+advent of easy-to-use graphical browsers (in particular Mosaic)
+based on the World-Wide-Web (WWW). The revolution is a result of two
+components --- first the browsers allow a near-uniform (point-and-click
+or other method) access to documents in almost any format
+and from almost any Internet-based
+source, accessed as regular files or via ftp, gopher, http or one of
+many other possible methods; along with this the Universal
+Resource Locator (URL) mechanism provides
+a surprisingly easy and uniform way to specify the location of any
+document on the net. Second, for certain classes of documents
+(html files, or gopher text files) embedded URL's or other
+addresses are understood to refer to other, external, documents which can
+be followed according to the interests of the person viewing the
+document, producing an interconnected web of documents.
+The goal of the \HT{} collaboration is to extend this second
+privileged class of documents to include documents based on \TeX{},
+the word-processing language of choice for mathematical and scientific
+writing, thus fully incorporating \TeX{} documents into the burgeoning
+\textbf{web} of information on the internet.
+\section{Why \HT?}
+There already exists one approach for incorporating \TeX{} documents
+more fully into the \textbf{web} --- conversion to HTML, as in the
+program \texttt{latex2html} by Nikos Drakos. This can work very well,
+and is already used in some of the electronic publications in
+mathematics, but there are also several serious problems with this,
+aside from the technical issues associated with the complexity of the
+conversion process. HTML by design allows very little author control
+of the visual form of a document. This is touted as an advantage
+because it preserves only the \emph{essential} elements of a document
+and not the artificialities of a page --- in fact HTML documents do
+not have pages at all, although some of the sense of a \emph{page} is
+implied by separation of a single document into many files. Aside from
+loss of author control, there is a practical problem of a lack of
+mathematical tools in the current implementations of HTML --- tables
+and equations are either difficult to implement or impossible.
+\texttt{latex2html} gets around this by conversion of such things to
+bitmapped images, but this is an inefficient and expensive process ---
+and goes in just the opposite direction of HTML's theme of extracting
+the \emph{essence} of a document, making the document essentially
+unreadable without a good network connection and a computer with a
+high quality display.
+These problems with HTML are compounded if scientific authors
+attempt to write documents directly in HTML rather than using
+\TeX{} first --- the lack of authoring tools, the absence of macro
+capabilities, and the ill-defined nature of the language make
+this an unpleasant task; just dealing with ordinary text
+is easy, but getting Greek letters, mathematical symbols, equations
+and tables into your document is not. The one nice feature
+of HTML is the ease with which figures can be incorporated into
+a document. But at least PostScript figures can be incorporated into
+a \TeX{} document with equal ease using modern \emph{dvi} interpreters, and the
+\HT{} standard presented here allows arbitrary images and other
+external documents to be referred to and brought to the screen
+with a single mouse click.
+The point of all this is that hypertext capabilities, and the use of
+URL's to locate new documents --- the main feature of HTML that makes it
+such a useful network information navigation tool --- can be much
+more easily incorporated into \TeX{} than the mathematical capabilities
+of \TeX{} and the years of experience embedded in various \TeX{} macro
+packages can be incorporated into HTML. Whether \TeX{} in general provides
+a better model for the viewing of on-line information remains to
+be seen.
+\section{How does it work?}
+The underlying element of our implementation of \HT{} is the use
+of a \TeX{} macro that bypasses the \TeX{} interpretation process and
+sends a message directly to the \emph{dvi} interpreter that processes \TeX{}
+output. This is the +\special+ command, previously used to define
+procedures for drawing or including figures in \TeX{} documents. When
+the characters +\special{+{\ttfamily\itshape string}+}+ appear in the
+\TeX{} document, the \emph{string} is passed directly without
+interpretation to the output \emph{dvi} file (preceded by a marker to
+identify this as a \emph{special} message to the \emph{dvi} interpreter). The
+\emph{dvi} previewers or processers then interpret this string according to
+its first few characters. The original \HT{} specification (due
+to Paul Ginsparg, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, and me) uses the initial
+characters \emph{html:} to denote \HT{} elements in an HTML-like
+style. David Oliver (\texttt{}) has introduced a slightly
+different specification that uses the initial characters \emph{hyp} to
+denote his own style of \HT. I will discuss only the original
+specification in this paper, since as far as they are currently
+implemented both specifications are essentially equivalent. Note that
+\emph{dvi} interpreters that do not understand the \emph{html:} or \emph{hyp}
+special commands will ignore them, or at worst print out warning
+messages. Therefore \emph{dvi} files processed to include \HT{}
+commands are fully compatible with old \emph{dvi} interpreters.
+After the initial \emph{html:} string, the specification is identical
+to a restricted form of HTML. The five arguments we have added to
+the +\special+ command are:
+\item[href:] +html:<a href = "href_string">+
+\item[name:] +html:<a name = "name_string">+
+\item[end:] +html:</a>+
+\item[image:] +html:<img src = "href_string">+
+\item[base\_name:] +html:<base href = "href_string">+
+The \emph{href}, \emph{name} and \emph{end} commands are used to do
+the basic hypertext operations of establishing links between sections
+of documents. The \emph{image} command is intended (as with current
+html viewers) to eventually place an image of arbitrary graphical
+format on the page in the current location. Currently for \XHDVI,
+\emph{image} brings up an external viewer with the image, if such
+a viewer is available. The \emph{base\_name}
+command should be used to communicate
+to the \emph{dvi} viewer the full (URL) location of the current document so that
+files specified by relative URL's may be retrieved correctly.
+The href and name commands must be paired with an end command later in
+the \TeX{} file --- the \TeX{} commands between the two ends of a pair
+form an \emph{anchor} in the document. In the case of an +\href+
+command, the \emph{anchor} is to be highlighted in the \emph{dvi} viewer, and
+when clicked on will cause the scene to shift to the destination
+specified by \emph{href\_string}. The \emph{anchor} associated with a
+name command represents a possible location to which other hypertext
+links may refer, either as local references (of the form
+\texttt{href="\#name\_string"} with the \emph{name\_string}
+identical to the one in the name command) or as part of a URL (of the
+form \emph{URL\#name\_string}). Here \emph{href\_string} is a valid
+URL or local identifier, while name\_string could be any string at
+all: the only caveat is that `+"+' characters should be escaped with a
+backslash (+\+), and if it looks like a URL name it may cause
+problems. There may also be problems if \LaTeX\ tries to interpret the
+\emph{href\_string} or \emph{name\_string} --- in that case preceding
+the command with +\protect+ should usually work. Any defined
+\emph{name\_string} can be referred to in any href referring to the
+document, in the form \texttt{href="URL\#name\_string"}. Note that
+anchors may be nested. The only restriction in current implementations
+is that anchors are truncated at page boundaries.
+Because this html-based naming scheme is somewhat unwieldy, although
+very general, Tanmoy Bhattacharya (\texttt{}) has
+written several collections of \TeX{} macros to simplify things. The
+basic package is \emph{hyperbasics.tex}\footnote{{\ttfamily
+which defines the following simple low level hypertex macros:
+\item+\href{url}{text}+: text becomes an href anchor referring to \emph{url}.
+\item+\hname{myname}{text}+: text becomes a name anchor with name
+plus others that are used to automatically convert \LaTeX\ or other
+style markup into corresponding names and references.
+\section{How do I use it?}
+\subsection{As a reader}
+There are currently two \emph{dvi} interpreters that understand the
+\HT{} +\special+s: \XHDVI{} for X windows, and
+for NextStep. We are proceeding with work on
+a \emph{dvi}-pdf converter that understands \HT{}, and we are
+encouraging work on \emph{dvi} previewers
+or \TeX{} authoring tools for Macintosh and PC that incorporate
+\HT{} elements.
+For a \TeX{} document that has already been processed to a
+\emph{dvi} file with \HT{} elements, viewing the internal hypertext
+is almost trivial --- you just fire up the \emph{dvi} previewer and navigate
+by button clicks as with Mosaic or other WWW browsers. To have
+\XHDVI, for example, brought up automatically from Mosaic when
+a \emph{dvi} document is referenced, you need to have a +.mailcap+ file
+in your home directory, and create or modify the line:
+application/x-dvi; xhdvi %s
+Your machine must already have the \TeX{} essentials on board of course --- in
+particular the pk font files, and the location of those font files
+needs to be communicated to the previewer. If xdvi is already working
+for you, \XHDVI{} should work too. Details for getting \XHDVI{} working on
+your machine are provided below.
+For jumping to external documents from within the hypertexted \emph{dvi} file,
+a couple of additional elements are needed, also desribed
+below for the case of \XHDVI.
+\subsection{As an author}
+Here is where the power of \TeX's macro capabilities appears.
+A working internal hypertext document can be made from a \LaTeX\
+document with a one-line addition to the file, using Tanmoy Bhattacharya's
+hypertex macros. These macros convert the standard \LaTeX\ markup
+into hypertext links between the different sections of the document,
+so that references to equations, tables, footnotes, and section
+headings are in place, and bibliographic references and figures
+refer back at least to the bibliography entry or figure caption.
+These in turn may be set to refer to corresponding external documents
+but this process is not automatic --- currently the author will have
+to add these references by hand, although automatic procedures
+can be envisioned. With an Internet connection, \XHDVI{} can be used
+to preview the document and check that the references actually work,
+before the document is submitted to the archives.
+The macros developed thus far use standard naming conventions
+for the underlying structures in \LaTeX\ and other standard
+macro packages, so that appending \#equation.2.3, \#page.7,
+\#figure.4, \#table.2, etc. to the URL for any \TeX{} file processed
+with these packages will go to the right place, allowing
+easy hypertext reference to the internal structure of other
+In order to get started, however, you need to place these macro files
+in one of the standard areas that your \TeX{} looks for input files
+(you can modify your TEXINPUTS environment variable to get it to look
+in your own directories). The needed macro files are itemized in the
+\HT{} introductory document at
+\URL|\#more| and can be
+obtained in one lump by anonymous
+\subsection{As an e-print manager}
+Since we currently only have \emph{dvi} previewers, an e-print server
+would have to serve the documents in pre-processed \emph{.dvi} form.
+This means converting documents to \HT{} if the author
+has not already done this, and possibly applying automated
+insertion of URL's corresponding to references in the
+bibliographic section. The manager could do this by hand
+but it might be rather time-consuming.
+For ease of use, the best way to serve the documents
+is probably as a combined package of \emph{dvi} and PostScript files that
+go together. This requires the e-print manager to create
+a new content-type associated with this package, and to supply
+an unpackaging program for the reader to place in their +.mailcap+
+file, which automatically calls up \XHDVI{} or another \HT{}
+browser on the resultant main \emph{dvi} file. The reason for doing this
+is that .ps files included by standard macros
+will not generally be understood as remote documents, at least at
+the current level of previewer capabilities.
+Another option in this unpackaging method is to supply the \TeX{} file
+itself, pipe it through a simple converter to \HT{} and through
+\TeX{} itself, and then call one of the \HT{} viewers. These approaches
+are already in use at some locations (e.g., CERN).
+When the pdf converter is available, the entire document should
+come as a single pdf file, unless the document refers to non-PostScript
+images or other inclusions in which case the packaging approach (or
+use of absolute URL's) remains necessary.
+\section{How do I get it?}
+Currently the following are available:
+\item A \HT{}
+ viewer\footnote{\texttt{\_0.6.tar.Z}}
+ based on xdvi-18, modified by Arthur Smith. Precompiled versions
+ for various UNIX architectures are available in the same directory.
+ courtesy of Dmitri Linde (also the author of for
+ NextStep, precompiled for Motorola and Intel-based NeXT
+ machines.\footnote{See
+ \texttt{\#dvi} for
+ availability.}
+The macro and style files listed above
+by Tanmoy Bhatta\-charya, available at
+\section{Details on \protect\XHDVI}
+\XHDVI{} retains all the features of the latest version of xdvi
+(version 18) and adopts in addition many of the hypertext features
+of Mosaic, the most popular WWW browser. Hypertext links are
+underlined or altered in colour (the underlining can be turned off)
+and a left-mouse click on a link causes the view to shift to
+the destination point for the link, as long as the destination
+is another \emph{dvi} file. If the link is not to a \emph{dvi} file, an external
+viewer is employed, following the mime and mailcap definitions or
+using standard defaults if those are not locally defined.
+A middle mouse click on a link brings up a new viewer whether
+or not the destination is a \emph{dvi} file --- this is intended to be useful
+to refer back to equations or to bring up footnotes, since the new
+\emph{dvi} window is small. There are also a large number of keyboard
+accelerators, all described in detail in the man page.
+In general, see the installation notes provided with \XHDVI.
+In outline what is needed is:
+\item The compiled \XHDVI{} program --- precompiled binaries are available for
+Sun, NeXT, SGI, HP, IBM RS6000, or you can get the source and compile
+it yourself. Let me know of any compilation troubles --- it's written in C.
+\item The \TeX{} fonts, at least in pk format. If xdvi, \emph{dvi}ps or some other
+\emph{dvi} interpreter are working on your machine then they must be around
+\item Set up the connections between the Web browser and \XHDVI. If you
+use mosaic for example,
+setenv WWWBROWSER /usr/local/bin/mosaic
+will let \XHDVI{} know what to send HTML files to. To let mosaic know to
+bring up \XHDVI{} for any \emph{dvi} files, you need to amend
+in your +.mailcap+ file as described above.
+\item The application defaults file for \XHDVI{} should be installed in
+the standard application defaults directory on your machine, or you
+can take lines from it and modify them for your own taste and put them
+in your +~/.Xdefaults+ file. For example I use the following resource
+specifications to get a particular size and position of the window
+with white on black lettering and with the hyperlinks in cyan, and
+to remove the buttons:
+\item[\null] xhdvi*geometry: 800x600-0-0
+\item[\null] xhdvi*foreground: white
+\item[\null] xhdvi*background: black
+\item[\null] xhdvi*highlight: cyan
+\item[\null] xhdvi*expert: true
+\item You need to have the \textsf{ghostscript} program on your machine and in
+your default execution path in order to view postscript from \XHDVI.
+Similarly, other viewers defined in the +.mailcap+ file should be
+available on the machine.
+\item You need to install the man page in
+ \texttt{/usr/local/man/man1} and add \texttt{/usr/local/man} to your
+ MANPATH environment variable in order for \emph{help} to work from
+\section{Some examples}
+This document is available in raw \HT{} format and in converted
+\emph{dvi} format via anonymous ftp at the address
+\URL||. The \HT{}
+version of this paper uses the two-column APS journal style of revtex.
+The table of contents at the beginning is generated automatically with
+the \LaTeX\ +\tableofcontents+ command.
+See also the examples provided by Paul Ginsparg in
+the \HT{} introductory document at
+\URL||. Some of these are
+files randomly selected from the HEP archive, including \LaTeX,
+Rev\TeX, and other formats.
+\section{What still needs to be done?}
+Unfortunately, at this point reference to networked files
+(via URL's) suffers from a couple of problems. \XHDVI{} does not
+yet include any of the network transport code that ordinary
+WWW browsers use, and the intention was to avoid having to add
+this layer of complexity by communications back and forth
+with a WWW browser. However, such communication is as yet
+not standardized, and suffers from its own problems. So currently,
+when \XHDVI{} comes across a URL reference, it forwards it directly
+to the WWW browser (defined by environment or Xresource variables)
+so that a reference to an external \emph{dvi} file would bring up a
+new instance of the WWW browser which would in turn bring up a new
+\XHDVI{} viewer. This is a rather inelegant solution, but it is
+perhaps sufficient at the moment. A better solution will come along,
+and it may simply be inclusion of network transport code in the \XHDVI{}
+viewer itself, to make it a competing WWW browser\ldots
+The other problem is that if brought up by a WWW browser, \XHDVI{}
+is not provided with the absolute URL information used in
+obtaining the \emph{dvi} file it is working on, and so cannot pass
+this information on to further instances. Therefore, relative
+URL's in a \HT{} document (unless they can be guaranteed to be to local
+files that would have been transported along with the \emph{dvi} file) will not work.
+Both of the above are problems intrinsic to current WWW browsers, and
+we are working on promulgating solutions to these.
+\section{How do I stay in contact?}
+The Hypertex discussion group is a mailing list based at
+\FTP|| which I maintain. Send me
+e-mail if you want to join the list, or send queries directly to the
+mailing list: \Email||.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5/bailey.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5/bailey.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33ab346155
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@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+\title{Maths in \LaTeX: Part~2, Getting more Serious}
+School of Mathematical Sciences\\
+Queen Mary and Westfield College\\
+Mile End Road\\
+London E1 4NS}
+\newcommand{\lamport}{{\it \LaTeX: A Document Preparation System\/} by Leslie
+\newcommand{\shortlamp}{\emph{The Manual}}
+This is the second in a sequence of tutorials on typesetting
+Mathematics in \LaTeX. It includes some things which can be found in
+\lamport, but I am gradually working in more things which, while
+straightforward and necessary for Mathematical work, are not in
+\shortlamp. In case you missed the first tutorial, two warnings are
+now repeated.
+I expect you, the reader, to do some work. Every so
+often comes a group of exercises, which you are supposed to do. Use \LaTeX\ to
+typeset everything in the exercise except sentences in italics, which are
+instructions. If you are not satisfied that you can do the exercise, then tell
+me. Either write
+to me at Queen Mary and Westfield College (my full
+address is given at the end of this article)
+with hard copy of your input and output, or email me at
+\mbox{\ttfamily} with a copy of the smallest
+possible piece of \LaTeX\ input file that contains your attempt at the
+answer. In either case I will include a solution in the following
+issue of \BV: you will remain anonymous.
+A word on the controversial issue of fonts. Fonts in Mathematics are
+handled differently in \LaTeX\ 2.09, in NFSS, and in the new standard
+\LaTeX, \LaTeXe. Rather than compare these systems every time that I
+mention fonts, I limit myself to \LaTeX\ 2.09. When you upgrade to
+\LaTeXe, all these commands will still work, so long as you use the
+standard styles \latexword{article}, \latexword{report} and
+\section{What does it mean?}
+Arrows are relations. Four of them are
+\verb!\leftarrow! & $\leftarrow$ & \verb!\longleftarrow! & $\longleftarrow$\\
+\verb!\Leftarrow! & $\Leftarrow$ & \verb!\Longleftarrow! & $\Longleftarrow$
+and eight others can be obtained by replacing {\tt left} by {\tt right} (all
+versions) or by
+{\tt up} or {\tt down} (not the long ones). A full list is given on page~45 of
+Because of its frequent use in defining functions, \verb+\rightarrow+ has the
+short alternative name \verb+\to+. It should not be confused with
+\verb+\mapsto+, which is also used in defining functions.
+\verb+x\mapsto g^{-1}xg+ \qquad
+$x\mapsto g^{-1}xg$
+The relation \verb+\iff+, which does indeed stand for the relation `iff',
+is not quite the same as \verb+\Longleftrightarrow+: it has a little more
+space on either side.
+\verb!gh^{-1} \in K \iff g \in Kh! \\
+$gh^{-1} \in K \iff g \in Kh$
+Mathematical typesetters use the word \emph{fence} for anything like a bracket
+that comes with a mate to enclose part of a formula. \TeX\ calls them \emph{
+delimiters}. Obvious examples are parentheses, brackets and braces, produced
+with \verb+(+, \verb+)+, \verb+[+, \verb+]+, \verb+\{+ and \verb+\}+
+respectively. Angle brackets are produced with \verb+\langle+ and
+\verb+\langle u,v \rangle+ \qquad $\langle u,v \rangle$
+Don't try to use the keyboard symbols \verb+<+ and \verb+>+ for this:
+apart from the fact that they do not look right in typeset Maths,
+does not think that they are fences and may well split the line between the $<$
+and the~$u$.
+Use \verb+\lfloor+, \verb+\rfloor+, \verb+\lceil+ and \verb+\rceil+ to obtain
+`floor' and `ceiling':
+\verb+\lceil 3.75 \rceil = 4+ \qquad $\lceil 3.75 \rceil =4$
+Other fences are shown on page~48 of \shortlamp.
+Fences need to grow to enclose large formulas. They will automatically grow
+to the correct size if you preface the opening fence with \verb+\left+ and the
+closing fence with \verb+\right+.
+The \verb+\left+s and \verb+\right+s must come in
+properly matching pairs, but the fences which they qualify need not obviously
+match. Compare
+$\frac{1}{n} \in (0,1]$ \quad with \quad $\frac{1}{3} \in \left( 0, \frac{1}{2}
+the second half-open interval is produced with
+ \left( 0, \frac{1}{2} \right]
+The solidus \verb+/+ is really a binary operator, but it is treated by \TeX\ as
+a fence, partly because traditional typesetters do not put the same amount of
+space around it as they do around other binary operators, partly because it
+needs to grow when it is between two tall formulas. But it can't grow
+unless it is matched with another fence, and it doesn't need one. So \TeX\
+makes the full stop into an invisible fence
+(called the \emph{null delimiter}) when it is preceded by
+\verb!\left! or \verb!\right!.
+%provides the invisible fences \verb+\left.+ and \verb+\right.+\nobreak\,:
+\verb!a(b+c) \left / \frac{1}{xy} \right.! \\[2\jot]
+$\displaystyle a(b+c) \left / \frac{1}{xy} \right.$
+How would the above expression be different if you typed
+\verb!\left. a(b+c) \right /! \ldots?
+Sometimes you need to use \verb+\left+ and \verb+\right+ just to tell \TeX\
+that you are using fences, even if you do not need them to change size. A good
+example is $\left|\phantom{A}\right|$ used for the modulus or cardinality
+functions. If you type \verb!|+3|!, \TeX\ will typeset the first~$|$ as if
+it is being added to the~$3$.
+\verb!| +3 |! & $| +3 |$\\
+\verb!\left| +3 \right|! & $\left| +3 \right|$
+\subsection{Standard functions with English names}
+Some standard functions have written names with two or more letters, based on
+their full English name. An example is $\cos$ for `cosine'. It is no good
+simply typing \verb+cos+, for then the output will look like $c$~multiplied by
+$o$ multiplied by~$s$. So there are standard commands such as \verb+\cos+,
+\verb+\sin+, \verb+\log+, \verb+\exp+ and \verb+\dim+.
+\verb!\cos\pi = -1! \qquad $\cos\pi = -1$
+The following ten standard functions
+\verb+\max+ & \verb+\sup+& \verb+\limsup+ & \verb+\lim+ & \verb+\det+ \\
+\verb+\min+ & \verb+\inf+ & \verb+\liminf+ & \verb+\gcd+ & \verb+\Pr+
+can have expressions above and/or below them to show what range of variables
+they apply to: these are typed in as if they were super- or subscripts.
+\verb!\lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\sin x}{x} = 1! \\[2\jot]
+$\displaystyle\lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\sin x}{x} = 1$\\[4\jot]
+\verb!\max_{i=1}^{n} \theta_i! \qquad $\displaystyle\max_{i=1}^{n} \theta_i$
+In displayed Maths the range expressions come above and below the name of the
+standard function; in text they come somewhat to the right:
+$\max_{i=1}^{n} \theta_i$.
+The standard function `modulo' has two forms:
+\verb!7 = 10 \bmod 3! & $7 = 10 \bmod 3$\\
+\verb!7 = 10 \pmod 3! & $7 = 10 \pmod 3$
+The remaining standard functions are listed on page~46 of \shortlamp.
+\subsection{Large repeated binary operators}
+When a binary operator is commutative and associative it often has a a special
+symbol to show its repeated application: $\sum$ for repeated~$+$, $\bigcap$ for
+repeated~$\cap$, and so on. Some of these have special commands in \TeX:
+\verb!\sum! & \sum & \verb!\bigcap! & \bigcap & \verb!\bigoplus! & \bigoplus\\
+\verb!\prod! & \prod & \verb!\bigcup! & \bigcup & \verb!\bigotimes! &
+(Note that the operator \verb+\sum+ is \emph{not} the same as the Greek letter
+More are shown on page~45 of \shortlamp. Each of these has two sizes: the big
+one is used in displayed Maths (except inside arrays and fractions) and the
+small one is used in text. Each can also take sub- and superscripts to show the
+range of operation: as with the ten listed standard functions, these sub- and
+superscripts appear above and below the operator in displayed Maths (except
+inside arrays and fractions) and a little to the right otherwise.
+\verb!x_1 + \cdots + x_n = \sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i! \\[2\jot]
+$\displaystyle x_1 + \cdots + x_n = \sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i$
+\verb!M_1 \vee\cdots\vee M_t = \bigvee_1^t M_i! \\[2\jot]
+$\displaystyle M_1 \vee \cdots \vee M_t = \bigvee_1^t M_i$
+But in text: $\alpha_1 \alpha_2 \ldots \alpha_m = \prod_{j=1}^{m} \alpha_j$.
+There are two integral signs:
+\verb!\int! & $\displaystyle \int$ &
+\verb!\oint! & $\displaystyle \oint$
+These behave somewhat like the large repeated operators in that they have a
+larger size in displayed Maths and their limits are typed in as sub- and
+superscripts. However, these limits stay in the same position even in displayed
+%Alan, this is a deliberate lie, OK?
+\subsection{More symbols}
+There are some miscellaneous Mathematical symbols that we have not covered
+elsewhere. Important ones include:
+\verb!\emptyset! & $\emptyset$ & \verb!\forall! & $\forall$ & \verb!\Box! &
+\verb!\infty! & $\infty$ & \verb!\exists! & $\exists$ & \verb!\partial! &
+More are shown on page~45 of \shortlamp.
+Unfortunately, some of these, such as \verb+\Box+, are not standard in
+the new standard \LaTeX. To continue using such symbols after you have
+upgraded, you must
+include the package \latexword{amsfonts}, if available,
+or the package \latexword{latexsym}.
+ Some operators and relations have
+been similarly banished, and can be rescued in just the same way.
+In Maths mode, \torl\ treats a full stop as an ordinary symbol, so that decimal
+points look right. However, the comma
+and semi-colon are treated as punctuation, and get a little space after them,
+but not so much as the space they usually get in text. To suppress the space,
+put the comma or semi-colon in a pair of braces.
+The colon is treated as a relation, because of its frequent use in defining
+sets. To obtain a colon as a piece of punctuation, type \verb+\colon+. Many
+people think that the punctuation form is more correct for defining functions.
+\subsection{Braces for grouping}
+Grouping has two extra properties in Maths mode. In the first place, it can
+prevent line-breaking. \torl\ is usually very good at knowing where to break a
+line within a Mathematical expression, but it doesn't always do it exactly to
+your liking. For example, in Exercise~7 in the first tutorial, one equation
+was broken after a $+$~sign, leaving the single character~$\varepsilon$ on the
+next line. This could have been prevented by enclosing the whole right-hand
+side of the equation in braces: \TeX\ never breaks a line between grouping
+braces in Maths mode. Use this force sparingly: the more line breaks that you
+ban the harder is it for \TeX\ to build beautiful paragraphs.
+The second property is more subtle: injudiciously placed grouping braces can
+destroy \TeX's fine knowledge of what is a relation, an operator etc., and
+thus prevent it from applying the proper spacing. \verb!2{+3}! is not the same
+as \verb!2+3! and neither is \verb!2{+}3!;
+while \verb!{}-4! is different from \verb!-4!.
+Likewise, \verb!{\cos} \theta! is not the same as
+\verb!\cos \theta!: the former
+turns \verb!\cos! from an operator
+into a symbol.
+Some \TeX ies recommend always putting \verb!{}! after a command with no
+argument. That advice can be disastrous in Maths mode. Look at
+\verb!\sum{}_{1}^{3} y_j! \qquad $\displaystyle\sum{}_{1}^{3} y_j$
+and compare
+\verb!k \geq{} -b! & $k \geq{} -b$\\
+\verb!k \geq -b! & $k \geq -b$
+In the first example the sub-and superscripts have been placed on the
+\verb!{}!, not on the \verb!\sum!: in particular, they do not move to the
+place in displayed Maths. In the second, the minus sign has become a binary
+operator between \verb!{}! and~$b$ instead of a unary operator on~$b$.
+This apparently awkward property of braces can be turned to advantage when
+\TeX's first interpretation is not the correct one, as we have already seen in
+some examples.
+The tie~\verb!~!, which prevents line breaks both within and without Maths
+mode, can be used to make your Mathematical
+text easier to read. A piece of notation
+consisting of a single letter or symbol should almost always be tied to one of
+its neighbours. If the notation names a noun, tie it to the noun:
+\verb!group~$G$! and \verb!element~$h$!. If it is the subject or single
+direct object of a verb, tie it to the verb:
+ If $v$~annihilates~$W$ then ...
+If it follows a preposition, tie it to the preposition:
+\verb!of~$\Lambda$!, \verb!in~$T$!, \verb!onto~$Y$!.
+If an adjective qualifies it, tie it to the adjective:
+A notational
+adjective, particularly a number, should be tied to its following noun:
+\verb!$n$~points!, \verb!$21$~lines!.
+Be careful about the beginnings and ends of lists:
+ Only one of $A$, $B$ and~$C$ occurs ...
+ For $i=1$, $2$, \ldots,~$n$, put ...
+Finally, use a tie if a small piece of notation ends a sentence, to prevent a
+line beginning something like
+$B$. Therefore \ldots
+which makes it look like the second item in a list.
+Try to get in the habit of inserting these ties when you first type the text:
+don't leave them until you see bad line-breaks.
+Of course, like all rules in typography, some of the above rules conflict, so
+you have to use common sense about which ones to follow. Also, there will
+always be times when the paragraph simply cannot be broken into lines nicely if
+all the ties are observed: wait until the final run and then relax the least
+important ones.
+The function $f\colon Z\to Z$ defined by $f\colon n\mapsto n^2$ is neither
+injective nor surjective. However, the function $g\colon R^+ \to R^+$ given by
+$g(x) = \sqrt[7]{x}$ is both.
+If $\{x_1, \ldots, x_n\}$ and $\{y_1, \ldots, y_m\}$ are bases for $\cal X$ and
+$\cal Y$ respectively then
+\left\{x_i\otimes y_j: \mbox{$i=1$, \ldots, $n$, $j=1$, \ldots, $m$}\right\}
+is a basis for ${\cal X}\otimes {\cal Y}$.
+If $A = \{n\in N: \mbox{$n$ is prime}\}$ and if
+$B = {\{n\in N: \mbox{$n$ is even}\}}$
+then $\left|A\cap B\right|=1 $.
+If $z$ is any real number then $\left|+z\right| = \left|-z\right|$.
+{\it Express the following use large binary operators instead of dots.
+Try them both
+in text and in display.}
+x_1 + \cdots + x_{153} & 1 + 2 + \cdots +r \\
+ 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + \cdots & p \times (p-1) \times \cdots \times 1 \\
+{\cal U}_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes {\cal U}_m
+& T_4 \cup T_6 \cup \cdots \cup T_{10}\\
+\mbox{the sum of $\gamma$ for $\gamma\in\Gamma$} & P_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge P_r
+\prod_{k\ge 0} \frac{1}{(1 - q^kz)} = \sum_{n\ge 0} z^n \left / \prod_{1\le
+k\le n} (1 - q^k) \right.
+Redo Exercise~3 from the first tutorial without using built-up fractions. You
+may want to change the way the square root is shown.}
+\sum_{n=1}^{N} n^3 = \left(\frac{N(N+1)}{2}\right)^2
+$\int_1^2 \frac{1}{x}dx = [\log x ]_1^2 = \log 2$.
+$\lim_{n\to \infty} (1 + \frac{x}{n})^n = \exp (x)$.
+If $Z$ is a normal random variable with mean~$\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$
+\Pr (Z < x) = \int_{-\infty}^{x} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} \exp
+\[\frac{\partial {\rm e}^{-xt}}{\partial t} = -x{\rm e}^{-xt}.\]
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+\backcite {Kroo}{{A}{6}{section.4.1}}
+\backcite {lamport}{{A}{6}{section.4.1}}
+\backcite {kopka}{{A}{6}{section.4.1}}
+\backcite {chapman}{{A}{6}{section.4.1}}
+\backcite {ehrena}{{1}{6}{Hfootnote.1}}
+\backcite {reynolds}{{1}{6}{Hfootnote.1}}
+\backcite {ehrena}{{B}{7}{enumi.4.2.4}}
+\backcite {visdis}{{B}{7}{enumi.4.2.2}}
+\backcite {reesettn}{{B}{7}{enumi.4.2.2}}
+\backcite {townsend}{{E}{8}{section.4.5}}
+\backcite {key}{{3}{8}{subsection.4.6.3}}
+\backcite {thibault}{{4}{9}{subsection.4.6.4}}
+\backcite {chapman}{{5}{9}{subsection.4.6.5}}
+\backcite {kopka}{{5}{9}{subsection.4.6.5}}
+\backcite {msc}{{5}{10}{Hfootnote.7}}
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+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Ehrenberg 1981}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Ehrenberg 1978}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.CSO 1988}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Kopka \& Daly 1993}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Kroonenberg 1994}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Lamport 1986}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.MSC 1979/80}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Reese forthcoming}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Reynolds 1983}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Thibault et al. 1993}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Townsend 1970}}
+\def \hypernoname {{}{reference}{reference.Tufte 1983}}
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+% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows
+% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for
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+% T1FMT-V2.0, Copyright (c) 1993,1994, Basil K. Malyshev. All rights reserved.
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+ -35 959 a 10 w FT(1)75 b(Ne)o(w)10 b(CD)h(supplies)e(for)h(T)450
+968 y(E)470 959 y(X)h(junkies)632 909 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 632 909 a 632
+959 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.1.0.1 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 632 959 a 64 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f
+(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88 w(2)p Black
+-77 1022 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 1022 a 11 w FT(A)32 b FS(Baskerville)11
+b FT(articles)f(needed)440 973 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 440 973 a 440 1022 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.1.1 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+440 1022 a 30 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h
+(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88
+w(2)p Black -35 1077 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -35 1077 a 10 w FT(2)75 b(Colophon)237
+1027 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 237 1027 a 237 1077 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.1.1.2 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 237 1077 a 63 w FT(.)47
+(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88 w(2)p Black
+-118 1140 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1140 a 10 w FT(II)35 b(Letter)10 b(to)g(the)g(Editor)
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+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
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+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /newarticle.2 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 273 1140 a 10 w FN(:)d(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f
+(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)61 b FT(3)-118 1194 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1194 a
+10 w FT(III)21 b(A)10 b(foreigner')n(s)f(impressions)h(of)g
+FR(UK)p FT(TUG)572 1145 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 572 1145 a 572 1194 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /newarticle.3 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 572 1194
+a 9 w FN(:)c(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)
+b FT(4)-118 1257 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1257 a 10 w FT(IV)19 b(L)-35
+1251 y FM(A)-19 1257 y FT(T)-1 1267 y(E)20 1257 y(X)10
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+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
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+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /newarticle.4 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 227 1257
+a 6 w FN(:)d(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)
+b FT(5)-77 1321 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 1321 a 11 w FT(A)32 b(T)m(ables)103
+1271 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 103 1271 a 103 1321 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.4.1 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 103 1321 a 28 w FT(.)46
+(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88
+w(5)p Black -77 1375 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 1375 a 11 w FT(B)34 b(Rules)10
+b(of)g(thumb)253 1326 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 253 1326 a 253 1375 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.4.2 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 253 1375
+a 47 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)
+h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88
+w(5)p Black -77 1430 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 1430 a 11 w FT(C)34 b(Implementation)260
+1380 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 260 1380 a 260 1430 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.4.3 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 260 1430 a 40 w FT(.)47
+(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88 w(6)p Black
+-77 1493 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 1493 a 11 w FT(D)32 b(A)10 b(L)46 1487
+y FM(A)62 1493 y FT(T)80 1502 y(E)101 1493 y(X)h(gap)202
+1443 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 202 1443 a 202 1493 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.4.4 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 202 1493 a 42 w FT(.)46
+(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88 w(7)p Black
+-77 1556 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 1556 a 11 w FT(E)37 b(Kroonenber)o(g')n(s)9
+b(`after')h(table)447 1506 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 447 1506 a 447 1556 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.4.5 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 447
+1556 a 79 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h
+(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88 w(7)p Black
+-77 1619 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 1619 a 11 w FT(F)39 b(Ne)o(w)11 b(e)o(xamples)239
+1569 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 239 1569 a 239 1619 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.4.6 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 239 1619 a 61 w FT(.)47
+(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88 w(7)p Black
+-35 1682 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -35 1682 a 10 w FT(3)75 b(Example)11 b(1\227Cohabitation)508
+1632 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 508 1632 a 508 1682 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.4.6.3 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 508 1682 a 75 w FT(.)46
+(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88 w(7)p Black -35 1745 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -35 1745
+a 10 w FT(4)75 b(Example)11 b(2\227V)m(ulture)d(meat)505
+1695 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 505 1695 a 505 1745 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.4.6.4 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 505 1745 a 78 w FT(.)46
+(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 88 w(8)p Black -35 1808 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -35 1808
+a 10 w FT(5)75 b(Example)11 b(3\227Y)o(OPs)390 1758 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+390 1758 a 390 1808 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.4.6.5 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 390 1808 a 23 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h
+Black 88 w(8)p Black -118 1871 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1871 a 10 w FT(V)33
+b(HyperT)77 1880 y(E)97 1871 y(X:)10 b(a)h(working)d(standard)467
+1821 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 467 1821 a 467 1871 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /newarticle.5 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 467 1871 a 6 w FN(:)e(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f
+g(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)34 b FT(11)-77
+1934 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 1934 a 11 w FT(A)e(Introduction)204 1885 y
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+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.5.1 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 204 1934 a 40 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f
+f(.)h(.)p Black 67 w(11)p Black -77 1989 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 1989 a
+11 w FT(B)34 b(Why)10 b(HyperT)209 1998 y(E)229 1989
+y(X?)277 1939 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 277 1939 a 277 1989 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.5.2 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 277 1989 a 80 w
+FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h
+(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black 67 w(11)p
+Black -77 2052 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2052 a 11 w FT(C)34 b(Ho)o(w)10
+b(does)h(it)e(work?)310 2002 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 310 2002 a 310 2052 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.5.3 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+310 2052 a 47 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h
+Black 67 w(12)p Black -77 2107 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2107 a 11 w FT(D)32
+b(Ho)o(w)10 b(do)g(I)g(use)h(it?)270 2057 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 270 2057
+a 270 2107 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.5.4 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 270 2107 a 30 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h
+Black 67 w(12)p Black -35 2161 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -35 2161 a 10 w FT(6)75
+b(As)10 b(a)h(reader)259 2112 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 259 2112 a 259 2161 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.5.4.6 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+259 2161 a 41 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f
+Black 67 w(13)p Black -35 2216 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -35 2216 a 10 w FT(7)75
+b(As)10 b(an)h(author)284 2166 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 284 2166 a 284 2216
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.5.4.7 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 284 2216 a 73 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h
+Black 67 w(13)p Black -35 2270 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -35 2270 a 10 w FT(8)75
+b(As)10 b(an)h(e-print)e(manager)440 2221 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 440 2221
+a 440 2270 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.5.4.8 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 440 2270 a 30 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f
+Black 67 w(13)p Black -77 2333 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2333 a 11 w FT(E)37
+b(Ho)o(w)10 b(do)g(I)g(get)g(it?)265 2284 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 265 2284
+a 265 2333 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.5.5 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 265 2333 a 35 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h
+Black 67 w(14)p Black -77 2396 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2396 a 11 w FT(F)39
+b(Details)10 b(on)g FL(Xhdvi)280 2347 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 280 2347 a 280
+2396 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.5.6 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 280 2396 a 77 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)
+Black 67 w(14)p Black -77 2451 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2451 a 11 w FT(G)32
+b(Some)11 b(e)o(xamples)256 2401 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 256 2401 a 256 2451
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.5.7 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 256 2451 a 44 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f
+Black 67 w(14)p Black -77 2514 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2514 a 11 w FT(H)32
+b(What)10 b(still)f(needs)i(to)f(be)g(done?)465 2464
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 465 2464 a 465 2514 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.5.8 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 465 2514 a 61 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f
+Black 67 w(15)p Black -77 2569 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2569 a 11 w FT(I)h(Ho)o(w)10
+b(do)g(I)g(stay)g(in)g(contact?)420 2519 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 420 2519 a
+420 2569 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.5.9 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 420 2569 a 50 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)
+Black 67 w(15)p Black -118 2632 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 2632 a 10 w FT(VI)19
+b(A)10 b(Moral)g(T)m(ale)177 2582 y
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+ 177 2582 a 177 2632
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+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 177 2632 a 4 w FN(:)c(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f
+(:)h(:)f(:)32 b FT(16)-77 2686 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2686 a 11 w FT(A)g(K)o(eeping)10
+b(to)g(the)g(straight)f(\(and)h(narro)o(w\))600 2636
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 600 2636 a 600 2686 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.6.1 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 600 2686 a 39 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f
+Black 67 w(16)p Black -77 2749 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2749 a 11 w FT(B)34
+b(A)10 b(plain)g(e)o(xplanation)324 2699 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 324 2699 a
+324 2749 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.6.2 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 324 2749 a 33 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)
+Black 67 w(16)p Black -77 2812 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 2812 a 11 w FT(C)34
+b(Back)11 b(to)e(the)i(present)316 2762 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 316 2762 a
+316 2812 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.6.3 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 316 2812 a 41 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)
+Black 67 w(18)p Black Black 826 2874 a(\2261\226)p Black
+%%Page: 2 2
+2 1 bop Black -118 50 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 50 a -118 50 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ -118 50 a
+-118 50 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /page.2
+/DEST pdfmark
+ -118 50 a 10 w FS(r)n(eprinted)11 b(fr)n(om)f(Baskerville)
+1164 b(V)-5 b(olume)10 b(4,)h(Number)f(5)p Black -77
+162 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 162 a 11 w FT(D)32 b(Conclusions)203 112 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+203 112 a 203 162 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.6.4 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 203 162 a 41 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)
+(.)h(.)p Black 67 w(19)p Black -77 216 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 216 a 11
+w FT(E)37 b(Afterword)170 167 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 170 167 a 170 216 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.6.5 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 170
+216 a 74 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)
+Black 67 w(19)p Black -118 271 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 271 a 10 w FT(VII)5
+b(Elements)10 b(of)g(SGML)279 221 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 279 221 a 279 271
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+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 279 271 a 8 w FN(:)d(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f(:)h(:)f(:)g(:)h(:)f(:)h
+b FT(20)-35 326 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -35 326 a 10 w FT(9)75 b(Introduction)279
+276 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 279 276 a 279 326 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.7.0.9 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 279 326 a 21 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f
+f(.)h(.)p Black 67 w(20)p Black -77 380 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 380 a 11
+w FT(A)32 b(Field)10 b(of)g(Application)335 330 y
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+ 335
+330 a 335 380 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.7.1 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 335 380 a 22 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)
+Black 67 w(20)p Black -77 443 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 443 a 11 w FT(B)34
+b(Hello)10 b(world!)211 393 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 211 393 a 211 443 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.7.2 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 211
+443 a 33 w FT(.)46 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)
+Black 67 w(21)p Black -77 498 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 498 a 11 w FT(C)34
+b(But)9 b(wait,)h(there')n(s)g(more)364 448 y
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+ 364 448
+a 364 498 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.7.3 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 364 498 a 49 w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)
+Black 67 w(22)p Black -77 558 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -77 558 a 11 w FT(D)32
+b(Summary)157 508 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 157 508 a 157 558 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.7.4 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 157 558 a 30
+w FT(.)47 b(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f
+(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)p Black
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+a 11 w FT(Ehrenber)o(g')n(s)f(short)g(article)h(\([)1054
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+ 702 773 a 636 w Fx(1)p 355 802 1004 3 v 355 857
+a(T)l(otal)g(\(100\045\))471 b(15,000)95 b(22,000)p 355
+886 V Black 400 945 a FG(1)423 957 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
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+935 y
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+ 454 935 a 454 957 a
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+ 454 957 a 9 w FR(ork)7 b(Experience)g(on)g
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+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 427 997
+a FR(E)448 975 y
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+1034 y(courses)p Black -68 1086 a FT(The)e(table)g(has)g(a)g(lar)o(ge)g
+1136 y(`Community)d(Service'.)k(The)e(original)f(rubric)g(\([)626
+1137 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 626 1137 a -1 x FT(MSC)h(1979/80)860 1108 y
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+ 860
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+ 860 1136 a FT(]\))g(was:)p Black Black
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+(meet)g(the)g(v)o(arying)f(needs)-56 1244 y(of)15 b(unemployed)g(young)
+(was)g(hea)o(vy)g(reliance)g(on)f(the)g(W)m(ork)-56 1294
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+1501 y(80\045.)f(There)i(is)e(also)h(a)g(wide)f(gap)h(between)g(the)g
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+(\002ddle)e(it)g(to)-118 1601 y(either)e(praise)g(or)g(condemn.)-118
+1700 y FK(Refer)o(ences)p Black -118 1774 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1774
+a FB([Chapman)e(1986])135 1730 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 135 1730 a 135 1774
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+ 135 1774 a Black 20 w FB(Chapman)f(M.)j(&)g(B.)f(Mahon)f(\(1986\))p
+Ft(Plain)h(F)n(igur)o(es)p FB(.)f(HMSO)p Black -118 1838
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1838 a FB([Ehrenber)o(g)h(1981])147 1794 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 147
+1794 a 147 1838 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /ehrena /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury]
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+ 147 1838 a Black 20 w FB(Ehrenber)o(g)f(A.S.C.)i
+(\(1981\))f Ft(The)f(Pr)n(oblem)g(of)i(Numer)o(acy)p
+FB(.)e(The)g(American)h(Statistician,)g(V)-5 b(ol)10
+b(35,)f(No)g(2)p Black -118 1902 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1902 a FB([Ehrenber)o(g)g
+(1978])147 1858 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 147 1858 a 147 1902 a
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+ 147 1902 a Black
+20 w FB(Ehrenber)o(g)f(A.S.C.)i(\(1978\))f Ft(Data)g(Reduction:)f
+FB(.)f(John)f(W)o(ile)o(y)p Black -118 1966 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1966
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+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 64 1922 a 64 1966 a
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+ 64 1966
+a Black 20 w FB(Central)h(Statistical)f(Of)o(\002ce)g(\(1988\))g
+Ft(K)o(e)o(y)f(Data)h(88)p FB(.)g(HMSO)g(London)p Black
+-118 2030 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 2030 a FB([K)o(opka)f(&)h(Daly)g(1993])210
+1986 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 210 1986 a 210 2030 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /kopka /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury]
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+ 210 2030 a Black 20 w FB(K)o(opka)f(H.)i
+(&)f(P)l(.W)m(.)g(Daly)g(\(1993\))g Ft(A)g(Guide)g(to)h(L)870
+2026 y Fs(A)882 2030 y Ft(T)897 2038 y(E)914 2030 y(X)p
+FB(.)f(Addison-W)m(esle)o(y)p Black -118 2094 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118
+2094 a FB([Kroonenber)o(g)f(1994])188 2050 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 188 2050
+a 188 2094 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /Kroo /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury]
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+ 188 2094 a Black 20 w FB(Kroonenber)o(g)g(S.)h(\(1994\))g
+Ft(T)m(able)f(Design)p FB(.)h(Baskerville)f(V)-5 b(ol.)19
+b(4)9 b(No.)19 b(4)9 b(\(reprint)h(of)g(article)f(from)h(NTG)f
+(journal\))p Black -118 2158 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 2158 a FB([Lamport)g(1986])120
+2115 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 120 2115 a 120 2158 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /lamport /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury]
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+ 120 2158 a Black 20 w FB(Lamport)g(L.)h
+(\(1986,1994\))e Ft(L)522 2154 y Fs(A)534 2158 y Ft(T)549
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+(y)p Black -118 2222 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 2222 a FB([MSC)h(1979/80])119
+2179 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 119 2179 a 119 2222 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /msc /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury]
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+ 119 2222 a Black 19 w FB(Manpo)o(wer)e
+(Services)g(Commission)h Ft(Annual)f(Report)g(1979/80)p
+FB(,)g(para)h(8.34)f(and)h(T)m(able)f(35.)h(HMSO)p Black
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+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
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+2243 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 190 2243 a 190 2287 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /reesettn /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury]
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+(TTN)p Black -118 2351 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
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+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 132 2307 a 132 2351 a
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+ 132 2351 a Black 20 w FB(Re)o(ynolds,)g
+(L.)i(\(1983\))f Ft(Pr)o(esentation)e(of)i(Data)g(in)h(Science)p
+FB(.)d(Nijhof)o(f,)k(The)e(Hague)p Black -118 2415 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
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+ 200 2415 a Black 20 w FB(Thibault)f(J.-C.,)h(V)
+n(igne)e(J.-D.)i(&)f(J.)g(T)m(orre)g(\(1993\))g Ft(The)f(Diet)h(of)g
+(young)f(Lammer)o(geier)o(s)e(in)j(Corsica)p FB(.)e(Ibis)i(V)-5
+b(ol.)9 b(135)e(No.)h(1)p Black -118 2479 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 2479
+a FB([T)m(o)o(wnsend)f(1970])143 2436 y
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+Ft(Up)g(the)g(Or)o(ganization)p FB(.)e(Michael)i(Joseph,)f(London)f
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+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118
+2543 a FB([T)n(ufte)h(1983])71 2500 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
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+Black eop
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+50 y(X:)11 b(a)f(working)f(standar)n(d)p Black Black
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+ 622
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+ 622 163 a 16 w Ft(Numbers)f(of)i
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+Fu(c)1159 236 y Fw(2)1159 262 y(16)1211 250 y Fp(=)474
+293 y FB(16)p Fr(:)p FB(825)p Fr(;)t Ft(P)8 b Fr(<)g
+FB(0)p Fr(:)p FB(001)p Ft(\).)p 379 355 957 3 v 895 463
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+ 851 587
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+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 997 587 a 125 w FS(T)1148 572 y
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+b(3480)403 767 y(Mou\003on)54 b FN(<)10 b FT(200)113
+b FD(\000)h(\000)63 b FN(<)10 b FT(400)83 b FN(<)10 b
+FT(5)403 825 y(Goat)159 b(570)62 b(4142)g(1880)83 b(1510)g(820)403
+884 y(Cattle)119 b(2300)62 b(6402)g(7204)83 b(6774)g(965)403
+942 y(Pig)163 b(3400)62 b(7188)g(1900)104 b(400)83 b(522)403
+1000 y(Boar)161 b FE(+)677 1000 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
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+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 705 1000 a 114
+w FE(+)114 b(+)135 b(+)114 b(+)p 379 1088 957 3 v Black
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+ 471
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+ 471 1231 a 8 w FR(irection)j(.)d(.)g(.)424
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+ 438 1271 a 438 1271 a
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+ 438 1271
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+ 438 1271 a 9 w Fm(+)i(=)h FR(present.)f
+Fl(\000)h Fm(=)g FR(absent.)p Black Black Black 815 2874
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+ -68 342 a
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+512 y(Dept.)f(of)e(Chemistry)m(,)i(BG-10,)1395 570 y(Uni)o(v)o(ersity)e
+(of)h(W)m(ashington,)1520 628 y(Seattle,)h(W)-5 b(A)10
+b(98195)1091 686 y FQ(
+-118 723 1950 5 v -118 789 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 789 a -68 789 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ -68
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+1412 y(document,)c(producing)f(an)i(interconnected)e(web)i(of)f
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+1002 y FT(is)k(to)g(be)h(adv)o(ocated)f(and)h(preferred,)g(at)f(least)g
+(until)f(L)1530 996 y FM(A)1546 1002 y FT(T)1564 1011
+y(E)1585 1002 y(X3)h(and)g(L)1726 996 y FM(A)1742 1002
+y FT(T)1760 1011 y(E)1781 1002 y(X4)-118 1052 y(come)k(along.)e(Using)h
+(L)223 1046 y FM(A)239 1052 y FT(T)257 1061 y(E)278 1052
+-118 1102 y(should)h(be)i(done)f(in)g(L)209 1096 y FM(A)225
+1102 y FT(T)243 1111 y(E)264 1102 y(X)6 b(2)321 1109
+y FO(e)341 1102 y FT(.)14 b(The)g(justi\002cation)e(for)g(the)i(use)g
+(of)f(T)914 1111 y(E)934 1102 y(X)h(is)f(more)h(dif)o(\002cult,)e
+1151 y(de)o(v)o(eloped)i(prejudices.)h(Ho)o(we)o(v)o(er)n(,)g(in)f(the)
+(plain)g(T)1420 1161 y(E)1441 1151 y(X)h(rather)g(than)g(L)1689
+1145 y FM(A)1705 1151 y FT(T)1723 1161 y(E)1744 1151
+y(X)6 b(2)1801 1159 y FO(e)1822 1151 y FT(.)-118 1201
+y(T)m(o)15 b(some)h(e)o(xtent,)f(T)187 1211 y(E)208 1201
+y(X)g(is)g(the)g(`accessible)i(basic)e(L)670 1195 y FM(A)686
+1201 y FT(T)704 1211 y(E)725 1201 y(X)g(system,)h(which)f(doesn')o(t)g
+1251 y(preferences')i(which)f(Siep)g(Kroonenber)o(g)g(said)g(is)g
+(needed)h(\()p FS(Baskerville)f FT(4.4\).)h(At)e(this)h(point)e(we)j
+(need)g(something)e(slim)h(and)-118 1301 y(easily)e(tweakable.)h(I'm)f
+(therefore)g(using)f(T)541 1310 y(E)561 1301 y(X)i(as)f(a)h(sort)e(of)h
+(`prototyping')c(system)14 b(which)f(allo)o(ws)f(me)i(to)e(demonstrate)
+h(things)-118 1351 y(which)d(I)g(will)f(e)o(v)o(entually)h(transfer)g
+(to)f(L)464 1345 y FM(A)480 1351 y FT(T)498 1360 y(E)519
+1351 y(X)d(2)576 1358 y FO(e)597 1351 y FT(.)k(This)h(is)f(ho)o(w)f(I)i
+(think)d(T)958 1360 y(E)979 1351 y(X)i(is)g(best)h(used.)-118
+1413 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1413 a -68 1417 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ -68 1417 a -68 1467 a
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+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ -68
+1467 a FK(B)45 b(A)12 b(plain)f(explanation)-118 1541
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+(xplain)h(is)f(the)h(beha)o(viour)-118 1591 y(of)i(two)g(of)g(the)h
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+(Knuth,)e(page)i(179,)f(a)h(double)-118 1691 y(dangerous)f(bend)g
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+1808 y FT(we)g(can)g(obtain)e(results)h(where)g(the)g(baselines)h(of)f
+(the)g(subscripts)g(are)h(aligned:)821 1892 y FS(x)839
+1902 y FM(1)857 1892 y FS(y)875 1875 y FM(1)875 1902
+y(1)-68 1975 y FT(This)j(is)g(reasonably)h(well)f(understood,)f(and)i
+(superscripts)e(and)i(subscripts)f(to)-118 2025 y(interfere)8
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+2125 y(on)e(this.)g(I)h(would)e(be)i(particularly)f(interested)g(in)g
+(esle)o(y')g(approach)h(to)-118 2175 y(typesetting)8
+b(mathematics.)-68 2224 y(The)13 b(real)h(stimulus)e(for)g(this)g(note)
+(xt)g(within)e(a)j(mathematical)g(e)o(x-)-118 2274 y(pression.)e(When)h
+-118 2324 y(probably)d(de\002ne)i(a)g(symbol)f(to)g(represent)h(the)f
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+2383 y(E)1541 2374 y(X)g(terms:)h(`display)-118 2424
+y(style')g(as)h(in)f(\()106 2424 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
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+2396 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 127 2396 a 127 2424 a
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+/LNK pdfmark
+ 127 2424 a FT(\),)h(and)f(`script)g
+(size,)h(as)h(in)e(\()1328 2425 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 1328 2425 a -1 x FT(3)1349
+2396 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1349 2396 a 1349 2424 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.2.3
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 1349 2424 a FT(\).)h(In)f(plain)g(T)1547
+2433 y(E)1568 2424 y(X,)h(display)e(style)-118 2474 y(would)e(be)h(a)h
+(10)6 b(pt)k(font,)g(and)g(script)g(style)f(would)g(be)i(7)6
+b(pt.)-68 2523 y(F)o(or)k(e)o(xample,)i(it)d(may)i(be)g(con)n(v)o
+(enient)f(to)g(be)g(able)h(to)e(say)513 2620 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 513 2620
+a 5 w FT(log)o FE(\()p FT(amplitude)o FE(\))g(=)h FD(\000)p
+FT(2)p FE(\()p FT(2)p FS(H)e FE(+)e FT(1)p FE(\))f FT(log)o
+FE(\()p FT(order)p FE(\))p Black 582 w FT(\(1\))p Black
+1832 2570 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 2570 a 1832 2620 a
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+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 2620 a -118
+2704 a FT(gi)o(v)o(en)10 b(by)p Black Black -118 2762
+a FQ(\\log\(\\hbox{ampli)o(tude})o(\)=)-75 2812 y
+(-2\(2H+1\)\\log\(\\hbox{)o(order)o(}\))p Black -118
+2874 a FS(r)n(eprinted)g(fr)n(om)g(Baskerville)1175 b(V)-5
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+%%Page: 18 18
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+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 50 a -118 50 a
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+ -118 50
+a -118 50 a
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+ -118 50 a 10 w FS(r)n(eprinted)11 b(fr)n(om)f(Baskerville)
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+154 a FT(This)g(is)g(\002ne)h(until)d(we)j(try)f(to)f(do)h(the)g(same)i
+(equi)o(v)o(alent)h(of)p Black Black -96 213 a FQ(u_{\\hbox{ex}})-75
+263 y(=u_{\\hbox{maximum)19 b(Airy)i(wave}}\(1-F\))-118
+322 y FT(gi)o(v)o(es)551 388 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 551 388 a FS(u)572 394
+y FT(e)o(x)622 388 y FE(=)9 b FS(u)684 402 y FT(maximum)i(Airy)e(wa)o
+(v)o(e)1037 388 y FE(\()p FT(1)d FD(\000)g FS(F)t FE(\))p
+Black 620 w FT(\(2\))p Black 1832 338 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 338 a 1832
+388 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /equation.6.2.2 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 388 a -118 463 a FT(which)k(is)g(`subscripted')f(material)h
+560 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 610 560 a FS(u)631 566 y Fw(ex)669 560 y FE(=)f
+FS(u)731 566 y Fw(maximum)c(Airy)i(wa)o(ve)979 560 y
+FE(\()p FT(1)f FD(\000)g FS(F)s FE(\))p Black 679 w FT(\(3\))p
+Black 1832 510 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 510 a 1832 560 a
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+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 560 a -118
+644 a FT(ho)o(w)12 b(would)e(we)j(obtain)e(it?)h(The)h(answer)g(is)f
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+b(we)i(cannot)g(do)f(this)g(by)g(employing)f FQ(\\scriptstyle)g
+(be)g(used)g(only)-118 744 y(within)i(maths.)i(Enclosing)e(it)h(in)g
+(an)h FQ(\\hbox)f FT(insulates)f(it)h(from)h(maths.)g(The)g(nearest)g
+-118 793 y(superscript)c(is)h(7pt,)g(and)h(use)f FQ(\\sevenrm)p
+FT(:)p Black Black -118 853 a FQ(u_{\\hbox{\\sevenr)o(m)19
+b(ex}}=)-118 902 y(u_{\\hbox{\\sevenr)o(m)g(maximum)h(Airy)h(wave}})
+-118 952 y(\(1-F\))-118 1011 y FT(This)10 b(is)g(most)g(unsatisfactory)
+m(.)g(Y)-5 b(ou)10 b(should)f(ne)o(v)o(er)i(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to)f(declare)h
+(e)o(xplicit)f(font)f(changes)i(like)e(this.)-68 1061
+y(I)h(would)f(also)h(agree)h(that)f(all)g(this)f FQ(\\hbox)g
+1111 y(e)o(xpense)j(of)e(some)h(minor)f(personal)g(incon)n(v)o
+1161 y(really)f(ought)f(to)g(de\002ne)i(a)g(fe)o(w)g(symbols)e
+(instead.)-68 1211 y(There)j(is)g(still)e(a)i(`small')g(problem)f(with)
+g(\()576 1211 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 576 1211 a FT(2)596 1183 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 596 1183 a
+596 1211 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.2.2
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 596 1211 a FT(\).)h(Let')n(s)g(wind)f(back)i(a)f(little)e
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+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 748 1426 a
+FS(a)769 1432 y FT(x)797 1426 y FE(+)d FS(a)856 1432
+y FT(y)884 1426 y FE(+)g FS(a)943 1441 y FT(b)p Black
+1783 1426 a(\(4\))p Black 1832 1376 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 1376 a 1832
+1426 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /equation.6.2.4 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 1426 a -118 1495 a FT(obtained)j(from)p Black
+Black -118 1554 a FQ(a_{\\hbox{x}})19 b(+)j(a_{\\hbox{y}})-75
+1604 y(+)g(a_{\\hbox{b}})-118 1663 y FT(The)10 b(problem)g(is)f(the)h
+1713 y(of)i(\()-45 1713 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -45 1713 a FT(2)-24 1685 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+-24 1685 a -24 1713 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.2.2
+/LNK pdfmark
+ -24 1713 a FT(\).)h(The)g(`x')f(and)g(`y')g(are)h
+h(This)-118 1763 y(time)f(ho)o(we)o(v)o(er)n(,)h(we)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(no)f
+1813 y(W)m(e)j(can)g(solv)o(e)g(the)f(problem)g(of)h(aligning)d(the)j
+(`happens')g(that)g(the)-118 1863 y(left)h(and)g(right)f(parentheses)i
+1913 y(character)d(has)g(a)g(greater)g(ascender)g(or)f(descender)n(.)i
+(the)g(baselines)h(would)-118 1962 y(ha)o(v)o(e)i(been)g(aligned:)706
+2028 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 706 2028 a FS(a)727 2043 y FT(\(x\))783 2028 y
+FE(+)6 b FS(a)842 2043 y FT(\(y\))898 2028 y FE(+)g FS(a)957
+2043 y FT(\(b\))p Black 1783 2028 a(\(5\))p Black 1832
+1978 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 1978 a 1832 2028 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /equation.6.2.5 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 2028 a -118 2104
+a FT(This)14 b(is)g(probably)e(not)h(what)h(we)h(wanted,)f(b)o(ut)f(we)
+i(could)e(just)g(ha)o(v)o(e)i(a)g FQ(\\vphantom{\)})c
+2154 y(crude,)e(b)o(ut)e(it)h(will)f(do)h(what)g(we)h(require.)748
+2220 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 748 2220 a FS(a)769 2234 y FT(x)797 2220 y FE(+)6
+b FS(a)856 2234 y FT(y)884 2220 y FE(+)g FS(a)943 2234
+y FT(b)p Black 1783 2220 a(\(6\))p Black 1832 2170 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+1832 2170 a 1832 2220 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /equation.6.2.6 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 2220 a -118 2295 a FT(for)k(e)o(xample:)p
+Black Black -118 2354 a FQ(a_{\\hbox{x\\vphan)o(tom{\))o(}}})-75
+2404 y(+)22 b(a_{\\hbox{y\\vphant)o(om{\)})o(}})-75 2454
+y(+)g(a_{\\hbox{b\\vphant)o(om{\)})o(}})-118 2513 y FT(In)11
+(considering)f(the)h(use)h(of)f(a)h FQ(\\strut)e FT(are)i(sadly)f
+(wrong.)f(Struts)g(which)h(are)-118 2563 y(the)f(size)h(of)f(the)g
+2613 y(At)j(this)f(point,)h(the)g(question)f(we)i(could)f(ask)h(is)f
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+2672 y(E)873 2663 y(X)h(book.)f(Appendix)g(G)g(\(Generating)g(Box)o(es)
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+-118 2762 y(dimensions,)g(or)f(placing)h(them)g(equal)g(would)f(ha)o(v)
+(and)g(the)g(presence)i(or)e(lack)-118 2812 y(of)h(superscripts)f
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+%%Page: 19 19
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+ -118 50 a -118 50 a
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+ -118 50
+a -118 50 a
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+ -118 50 a 870 w FS(A)11 b(Mor)o(al)f(T)l(ale)p
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+g(determines)h(what)f(happens.)g(In)-118 203 y(the)g(case)i(of)d
+(a)g(branch)-118 253 y(which)9 b(lo)o(wers)h(it)f(further)n(.)g(The)i
+303 y(baselines.)g(The)f(scriptsize)h(material)f(on)g(the)g(other)f
+h(it)f(is)g(that)f(much)i(smaller)-118 353 y(in)f(the)g(\002rst)g
+403 y(In)f(order)g(to)g(force)h(conditions)e(so)i(that)f(the)g
+(align,)g(we)h(can)h(\002ddle)e(with)-118 453 y(the)h(font)g
+462 y(E)1696 453 y(X.)i(This,)-118 502 y(I)i(think)f(is)h(one)g(of)g
+(the)g(weaknesses)i(of)e(T)515 512 y(E)536 502 y(X.)h(Its)f(monolithic)
+(\226)g(either)g(as)-118 552 y(impro)o(v)o(ements,)d(or)f(to)g
+(font)g(dimensions)h(to)p Black Black -118 611 a FQ(\\fontdimen16\\ten)
+o(sy=1e)o(x)-118 661 y(\\fontdimen17\\ten)o(sy=1e)o(x)-118
+720 y FT(we)j(can)g(ensure)f(the)g(alignment.)g(Unfortunately)m(,)f
+o(v)o(e)j(`normal')d(scriptstyle)-118 769 y(susbcripts.)i(The)o(y)h
+b(e)o(x)14 b(is)f(actually)g(a)-118 819 y(little)d(more)j(than)f(you)g
+-118 869 y(\226)h(you)f(can)h(work)f(it)g(out)g(e)o(xactly)h(with)f
+919 y(contend)e(with)f(an)i(e)o(xtra)g(v)o(ertical)g(mo)o(v)o(ement)g
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+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1023 a -68 1027 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ -68
+1027 a -68 1077 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.6.3 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ -68 1077 a FK(C)45 b(Back)12 b(to)f(the)h(pr)o(esent)
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+1146 y FM(A)460 1152 y FT(T)478 1161 y(E)499 1152 y(X)c(2)556
+1159 y FO(e)576 1152 y FT(,)11 b(since)g(that)f(is)h(what)f(you)g(are)h
+(option)-118 1201 y(of)g(altering)f(the)i(font)e(dimensions)h(is)g(not)
+FS(Companion)e FT(does)j(gi)o(v)o(e)f(an)h(e)o(xample)-118
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+1351 y(if)f(the)h(solution)e(is)i(to)g(de\002ne)g(a)h(virtual)d(font,)i
+f(the)h(fact)g(that)g(you)f(cannot)-118 1401 y(change)i(the)f
+1395 y FM(A)1650 1401 y FT(T)1668 1410 y(E)1689 1401
+y(X)6 b(2)1746 1408 y FO(e)1777 1401 y FT(has)-118 1451
+(this)g(is)g(therefore)-118 1500 y(to)g(work)g(with)f
+FL(tftopl)h FT(to)g(con)n(v)o(ert)h(the)f(T)454 1510
+y(E)475 1500 y(X)h(font)e(metric)i(\002le)g(to)f(a)h(property)f(list,)f
+-118 1550 y(to)f(a)i(T)-29 1559 y(E)-9 1550 y(X)f(font)f(metric)i
+(\002le)f(and)g(then)f(re-create)j(the)d(L)665 1544 y
+FM(A)681 1550 y FT(T)699 1559 y(E)720 1550 y(X)d(2)777
+1558 y FO(e)808 1550 y FT(format.)k(This)g(is)g(almost)f(as)i(bad)f(as)
+h(using)e(virtual)f(fonts.)i(W)m(e)g(do)g(not)-118 1600
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+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
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+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 479
+1622 a 479 1650 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.2.1
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 479 1650 a 15 w FT(and)585 1650 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 585
+1650 a FT(2)606 1622 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 606 1622 a 606 1650 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.2.2
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 606 1650
+a 15 w FT(are)h(done)f(simply)f(by)h(changing)g(the)g(T)1220
+1659 y(E)1240 1650 y(X)h FQ(\\hbox)e FT(instruction)f(into)h(either)h
+(an)-118 1700 y FQ(\\mbox)g FT(or)g FQ(\\textrm)p FT(.)f(In)i(this)e
+1133 1701 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 1133 1701 a -1 x FT(3)1154 1671 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1154 1671
+a 1154 1700 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.2.3
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 1154 1700 a FT(,)f(we)g(do)f(not)g(ha)o(v)o(e)h(a)g(L)
+1506 1694 y FM(A)1522 1700 y FT(T)1540 1709 y(E)1561
+1700 y(X)6 b(2)1618 1707 y FO(e)1654 1700 y FT(instruction)-118
+1749 y FQ(\\scriptstyle)p FT(.)h(Ho)o(w)i(then)g(do)g(we)h(obtain)e
+(more)j(dif)o(\002cult.)e(L)1614 1743 y FM(A)1630 1749
+y FT(T)1648 1759 y(E)1669 1749 y(X)e(2)1726 1757 y FO(e)1756
+1749 y FT(does)-118 1799 y(support)j(a)i(number)f(of)g(font)f(size)i
+(changing)e(instructions,)g(notably)g FQ(\\small)p FT(,)g
+FQ(\\footnotesize)p FT(,)f FQ(\\scriptsize)g FT(and)j
+FQ(\\tiny)p FT(.)e(In)-118 1849 y(all)h(three)g(size)h(options,)e
+FL(10pt)p FT(,)i FL(11pt)f FT(and)p FL(12pt)g FT(the)g(relati)o(v)o(e)g
+(size)h(gradation)e(is)400 1942 y FQ(\\small)e FN(>)j
+FQ(\\footnotesize)c FN(>)k FQ(\\scriptsize)d FN(>)i FQ(\\tiny)-118
+2025 y FT(That)h(does)h(not)e(indicate)h(which)f(of)h(these)h(sizes)g
+(corresponds)e(to)h(a)h(T)903 2035 y(E)923 2025 y(X)f(scriptstyle,)g
+2075 y FQ(\\scriptsize)f FT(is)i(the)g(likely)e(candidate.)j(There)g
+(is)f(also)h(an)f(instruction)e FQ(\\scriptstyle)p FT(,)g(b)o(ut)i
+(this)f(may)i(only)e(be)h(used)h(within)-118 2125 y(math)e(style)g(and)
+h(trying)d(to)i(combine)h(it)e(with)g FQ(\\textrm)g FT(is)i(doomed)f
+(to)g(failure.)f(Y)-5 b(ou)12 b(might)e(ha)o(v)o(e)j(thought)c(that)i
+FQ(\\mathrm)f FT(could)-118 2175 y(help,)j(b)o(ut)f(of)h(course)h(the)f
+2225 y(that)d(L)-35 2219 y FM(A)-19 2225 y FT(T)-1 2234
+y(E)20 2225 y(X)c(2)77 2232 y FO(e)107 2225 y FT(has)11
+818 2322 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 818 2322 a FS(x)836 2329 y FM(log)c FF(y)p
+Black 1783 2322 a FT(\(7\))p Black 1832 2272 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 2272
+a 1832 2322 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /equation.6.3.7 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 2322 a -118 2405 a FT(would)10 b(not)i(work.)f(If)h
+(we)h(delv)o(e)f(into)f FL(late)o(x2e)o(.ltx)p FT(,)g(where)i(this)e
+(\(certainly)g(to)-118 2455 y(my)e(surprise\))g(that)g(the)o(y)g(do)g
+(not)f(use)i(the)f(L)507 2449 y FM(A)523 2455 y FT(T)541
+2465 y(E)562 2455 y(X)c(2)619 2463 y FO(e)650 2455 y
+(de\002nition)p Black Black -118 2514 a FQ(\\def\\log{\\mathop)o({\\rm)
+18 b(log}\\nolimits})-118 2573 y FT(This)11 b(is)h(the)f(v)o(ery)h
+(font)e(changing)h(mechanism)i(which)e(the)h FS(Companion)d
+2623 y(you)i(refrain)f(from)i(using)e(such)h(commands)i(in)d(ne)o(w)i
+g(of)g(L)1477 2617 y FM(A)1493 2623 y FT(T)1511 2632
+y(E)1532 2623 y(X,)h(b)o(ut)e(T)1671 2632 y(E)1692 2623
+y(X,)i(since)-118 2686 y(the)e FQ(\\def)g FT(instruction)e(is)i
+FS(not)h FT(a)g(L)389 2680 y FM(A)405 2686 y FT(T)423
+2695 y(E)444 2686 y(X)f(command.)660 2686 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 660 2686
+a 675 2671 a FM(7)692 2636 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 692 2636 a 692 2686 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /Hfootnote.13 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /LNK pdfmark
+ 692
+2686 a 14 w FT(T)m(o)g(be)h(e)o(v)o(en)g(more)g(fair)n(,)g(this)e
+Black -118 2773 780 2 v -73 2800 a FG(7)-50 2812 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -50
+2812 a FR(I)-39 2790 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ -39 2790 a -39 2812 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /Hfootnote.13
+/DEST pdfmark
+ -39 2812
+a 8 w FR(')n(ve)8 b(tried)g(persuading)e(FM)i(that)g(it)h(should)e(be)h
+(removed)d(at)k(L)683 2807 y FG(A)696 2812 y FR(T)710
+2819 y(E)727 2812 y(X3.)f(He)g(smiled.)p Black Black
+815 2874 a FT(\22619\226)p Black eop
+%%Page: 20 20
+20 19 bop Black -118 50 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 50 a -118 50 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ -118 50
+a -118 50 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /page.20
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+ -118 50 a 10 w FS(r)n(eprinted)11 b(fr)n(om)f(Baskerville)
+1164 b(V)-5 b(olume)10 b(4,)h(Number)f(5)p Black -118
+154 a FL(late)o(x2e)o(.ltx)e FT(is)i(the)f(beta)h(release.)h
+FQ(\\operator@font)p FT(:)f(not)h(normally)h(accessible)-118
+203 y(to)h(humans.)g(Ho)o(we)o(v)o(er)n(,)i(although)d(the)h(sizes)h
+(altogether)n(.)-68 253 y(The)j(conclusion)e(is)h(therefore)g(that)g
+303 y(let')n(s)c(look)f(to)h(see)h(which)f(of)g(these)h(sizes)h(would)c
+(xperiments)f(with)g(T)1548 312 y(E)1568 303 y(X)h(indicated)f(that)
+-118 353 y(the)h(alignment)f(was)i(sensiti)o(v)o(e)f(to)g(the)g(size.)h
+FQ(\\small)g FT(\()1414 354 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 1414 354 a -1 x FT(8)1434
+325 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1434 325 a 1434 353 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.3.8
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 1434 353 a FT(\),)h FQ(\\footnotesize)d
+FT(\()1787 354 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 1787 354 a -1 x FT(9)1808 325 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1808
+325 a 1808 353 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.3.9
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 1808 353 a FT(\),)-118 403 y FQ(\\scriptsize)g
+FT(\()156 404 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 156 404 a -1 x FT(10)198 375 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 198 375
+a 198 403 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.3.10
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 198 403 a FT(\),)i(and)h FQ(\\tiny)e FT(\()446
+403 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 446 403 a FT(11)488 375 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 488 375 a 488 403 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.3.11
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 488
+403 a FT(\):)751 466 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 751 466 a FS(a)772 472 y FB(x)798
+466 y FE(+)d FS(a)857 472 y FB(y)883 466 y FE(+)g FS(a)942
+478 y FB(b)p Black 1783 466 a FT(\(8\))p Black 1832 416
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 416 a 1832 466 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /equation.6.3.8 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 466 a 754 551 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 754 551
+a FS(a)775 557 y FR(x)799 551 y FE(+)g FS(a)858 557 y
+FR(y)882 551 y FE(+)g FS(a)941 560 y FR(b)p Black 1783
+551 a FT(\(9\))p Black 1832 501 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 501 a 1832 551
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /equation.6.3.9 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 551 a 757 635 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 757 635 a FS(a)778 641 y Fw(x)800
+635 y FE(+)g FS(a)859 641 y Fw(y)881 635 y FE(+)g FS(a)940
+641 y Fw(b)p Black 1763 635 a FT(\(10\))p Black 1832
+585 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 585 a 1832 635 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /equation.6.3.10 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 635 a 763 718 a
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 763
+718 a FS(a)784 724 y Fh(x)802 718 y FE(+)g FS(a)861 724
+y Fh(y)879 718 y FE(+)g FS(a)938 724 y Fh(b)p Black 1763
+718 a FT(\(11\))p Black 1832 668 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 1832 668 a 1832 718
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /equation.6.3.11 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ 1832 718 a -118 784 a FT(Examination)11 b(re)o(v)o(eals)h(that)f
+FQ(\\tiny)p FT(,)g(and,)h(as)g(anticipated,)g FQ(\\scriptsize)d
+(was)f(to)-118 834 y(ha)o(v)o(e)h(the)e(subscripted)g(material)h(at)f
+(to)f(incorporate)g(the)g FQ(\\vphantom)5 b FT(s,)12
+b(as)-118 884 y(in)e(equation)f(\()102 885 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ 102 885
+a -1 x FT(6)123 856 y
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ 123 856 a 123 884 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx pdf@ury] /Dest /equation.6.2.6
+/LNK pdfmark
+ 123 884 a FT(\):)p
+Black Black -118 942 a FQ(a_{\\textrm{x\\vph)o(antom)o({\)}}})-118
+992 y(+)21 b(a_{\\textrm{y\\vphant)o(om{\)})o(}})-118
+1042 y(+)g(a_{\\textrm{b\\vphant)o(om{\)})o(}})-118 1100
+y FT(Of)13 b(course)g(to)f(sa)o(v)o(e)i(typing)d(you)h(would)f(use)j
+FQ(\\newcommand)c FT(to)i(make)i FQ(\\vphantom{\)})c
+1150 y(the)e(size,)h(then)f(you)g(could)f(do)h(something)g(like)p
+Black Black -118 1208 a FQ(a_{\\textrm{\\scri)o(ptsiz)o(e)19
+b(x}})-53 1258 y(+)j(a_{\\textrm{\\scri)o(ptsiz)o(e)d(y}})-53
+1307 y(+)j(a_{\\textrm{\\scri)o(ptsiz)o(e)d(b}})-118
+1366 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1366 a -68 1371 a
+currentpoint /pdf@ury exch def /pdf@urx exch def
+ -68 1371 a -68 1420 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /section.6.4 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ -68
+1420 a FK(D)45 b(Conclusions)-118 1495 y FT(It)12 b(therefore)h
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+(ways)g(the)g(L)1587 1639 y FM(A)1603 1645 y FT(T)1621
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+1704 y(E)810 1694 y(X)g(solutions.)-118 1753 y
+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 1753
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+ -68 1807 a FK(E)45
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+FT(package)k(which)e(produces)g FQ(\\scriptsize)f FT(te)o(xt)h(when)
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+FS(The)h(Companion)p FT(.)e(I)i(should)-118 1982 y(really)d(ha)o(v)o(e)
+FS(The)h(L)949 1976 y FF(A)961 1982 y FS(T)977 1991 y(E)997
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+b(.)g(.)g(consider)15 b(using)e(the)g FL(amste)o(x)g
+FT(package'.)-118 2081 y FL(Amste)o(xt)8 b FT(is)i(a)h(sub-package)g
+(of)f FL(amste)o(x)p FT(.)g FR(RT)r(F)r(M)q FT(.)-68
+2131 y(If)g(RAB')n(s)f(handy)h(mathematical)h(hints)e(don')o(t)g(get)h
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+Black 815 2874 a(\22620\226)p Black eop
+%%Page: 21 21
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+currentpoint /pdf@lly exch def /pdf@llx exch def
+ -118 50 a -118 50 a
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+ -118 50
+a -118 50 a
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+ -68 295 a -68 345 a
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+ -68 345 a
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+562 y(Cambridge)g(CB1)f(3HY)1374 620 y FQ(
+-118 657 1950 5 v -118 707 a FT(This)k(is)g(the)f(\002rst)h(of)g(a)g
+757 y(sequent)h(articles)h(will)e(discuss)h(the)g(SGML)h(concepts)g(of)
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+a -68 934 a
+[ /View [ /FitB ] /Dest /subsection.7.0.9 /Rect [pdf@llx pdf@lly pdf@urx
+pdf@ury] /DEST pdfmark
+ -68 934 a FS(9)41 b(Intr)n(oduction)-118
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+y(eralized)15 b(Markup)g(Language\224)g(\(SGML\).)g(SGML)h(can)f(be)g
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+1466 y(author)h(who)g(ke)o(ys)h(the)g(manuscript)f(into)g(a)h(computer)
+n(,)h(creating)f(what)f(I)h(shall)f(call)h(a)h FS(compuscript)p
+FT(,)e(or)h FS(script)g FT(for)f(short.)h(This)f(as-)-118
+1516 y(sumption)e(is)h(of)h(course)g(not)e(true)i(for)f(Shakespeare)h
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+1566 y(author')n(s)i(work\227perhaps)g(retrospecti)o(v)o(ely\227and)f
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+-118 1915 y(products.)-68 1965 y(In)g(this)g(article)h(I)g(shall)g(sho)
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+-118 2114 y(The)o(y)17 b(may)f(wish)g(to)f(re\003ect)i(on)f(ho)o(w)g
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+ -68 2294 a FK(A)45 b(Field)11 b(of)g(A)o(pplication)-118
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+Black eop
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+ -118 50
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+(areas)j(of)e(uncertainty)f(or)h(ambiguity)m(.)-68 2463
+(National)e(Endo)o(w-)-118 2513 y(ment)f(for)g(the)g(Humanities,)g
+2563 y(F)o(oundation,)f(and)h(the)h(Social)f(Science)h(and)f
+h(lar)o(gely)g(the)g(product)f(of)-118 2613 y(the)h(v)o(olunteer)f
+(and)-118 2663 y(to)f(work)f(out)g(the)h(speci\002c)i(recommendations)e
+(in)g(the)g(Guidelines.)-68 2712 y(The)j(project)g(is)g(sponsored)f(by)
+2762 y(research:)f(the)f(Association)f(for)g(Computers)h(and)g(the)g
+(Computing,)-118 2812 y(and)g(the)g(Association)g(for)f(Computational)g
+(Linguistics.)p Black -118 2874 a FS(r)n(eprinted)h(fr)n(om)g
+(Baskerville)1175 b(V)-5 b(olume)10 b(4,)h(Number)f(5)p
+Black eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
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+(newarticle.1) <Editorial>
+(section.1.1) <\emph {Baskerville}\ articles needed>
+(newarticle.2) <Letter to the Editor>
+(newarticle.3) <A foreigner's impressions of {\relax \fontsize {8}{9}\selectfont \abovedisplayskip 4\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus\p@ \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ plus\p@ minus2\p@ \def \leftmargin \leftmargini \parsep \z@ \topsep 2\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \itemsep \z@ plus.1\p@ {\leftmargin \leftmargini \topsep 1\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \parsep \z@ \itemsep 2\p@ }\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip UK}TUG>
+(newarticle.4) <LaTeX{} and tables>
+(section.4.1) <Tables>
+(section.4.2) <Rules of thumb>
+(section.4.3) <Implementation>
+(section.4.4) <A LaTeX{} gap>
+(section.4.5) <Kroonenberg's `after' table>
+(section.4.6) <New examples>
+(newarticle.5) <Hyper\discretionary {-}{}{}TeX: a working standard>
+(section.5.1) <Introduction>
+(section.5.2) <Why Hyper\discretionary {-}{}{}TeX?>
+(section.5.3) <How does it work?>
+(section.5.4) <How do I use it?>
+(section.5.5) <How do I get it?>
+(section.5.6) <Details on \XHDVI >
+(section.5.7) <Some examples>
+(section.5.8) <What still needs to be done?>
+(section.5.9) <How do I stay in contact?>
+(newarticle.6) <A Moral Tale>
+(section.6.1) <Keeping to the straight (and narrow)>
+(section.6.2) <A plain explanation>
+(section.6.3) <Back to the present>
+(section.6.4) <Conclusions>
+(section.6.5) <Afterword>
+(newarticle.7) <Elements of SGML>
+(section.7.1) <Field of Application>
+(section.7.2) <Hello world!>
+(section.7.3) <But wait, there's more>
+(section.7.4) <Summary>
+(section.7.5) <Exercises>
+(newarticle.8) <Requiem for Aston>
+(newarticle.9) <Report on 1994 EuroTeX\ in Gda\'nsk>
+(newarticle.10) <Malcolm's Gleanings>
+(section.10.1) <True colours?>
+(section.10.2) <Trivial pursuit>
+(section.10.3) <Dutch bearing gifts>
+(newarticle.11) <Maths in LaTeX: Part\nobreakspace {}2, Getting more Serious>
+(section.11.2) <What does it mean?>
+(newarticle.12) <Report on European Writing and Computers Conference>
+(newarticle.13) <Forthcoming meeting -- Portable Electronic documents (\p@La )TeX, Acrobat, SGML)>
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+\subsection{New CD supplies for \TeX\ junkies}
+The NTG \fortex\ CD ROM has been issued in a second edition, due to
+popular demand! \ukt\ can now supply copies at \pounds25 each, including
+postage and packing. We remind you (and those who have already purchased the
+CD) that you must pay
+the \pounds50 shareware fee for 4DOS if you
+use the \fortex\ shell for more than a few weeks.
+We can also obtain the Prime Time Freeware CD
+`\TeX cetera' if members have problems finding it.
+Contrary to Malcolm `Grizzler' Clark's remarks in this issue,
+its remarkably easy to use \emph{both} these CDs, so don't be put off\ldots
+\section{\BV\ articles needed}
+Now it's time to write \BV\ articles for 1995. Get your writing hats on,
+please, to `delight fellow \TeX\
+users with your words of wisdom'.
+\emph{Please note the following copy deadlines}:
+\em \rotatebox{35}{Issue}&
+\em \Thead{Submit material for publication}&
+\em \Thead{Submit last-minute notices}&
+\em \Thead{Anticipated posting date}\\
+4.6&Dec 2&Dec 2 &Dec 9\\
+5.1&Feb 13&Feb 17&Mar 3\\
+5.2&Apr 10&Apr 14&May 5\\
+5.3&Jun 5 &Jun 9 &Jun 23\\
+Each issue of \BV\ has a special theme, although articles on any
+\TeX-related subject are always welcome. The last issue of 1994 will
+be a bumper Christmas special, containing a totally revised and
+enriched `\TeX\ Frequently-Asked Questions'.
+Contributions on the themes for 1995 are eagerly solicited:
+\item \BV\ 5.1 will (as part of a new policy) contain the group's AGM
+ report, list of activities, introduction to \TeX, resource directory
+ etc; introductory articles are welcomed;
+\item \BV\ 5.2 will have more on SGML, Acrobat etc
+\BV\ is set in Monotype Baskerville and Gill Sans,
+with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal text,
+and printed on a Hewlett Packard LaserJet~4.
+Production and distribution is undertaken in
+Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns and Jonathan Fine.
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+\title{Malcolm's Gleanings}
+\author[Malcolm Clark]{Malcolm Clark\\
+Computing Services, University of Warwick\\
+Coventry, CV4 7AL\\\texttt{}}
+\section{True colours?}
+The boost given to the use of colour in \LaTeXe\ is not an unmixed
+blessing. There are pitfalls and problems lurking round these new
+corners. There is always a huge discrepancy between the colours we
+can produce on a monitor screen and the hard copy version that a
+printer will produce. It can be very frustrating to spend time and
+effort getting the colour balances `just right', and then finding that
+the hard copy looks nothing like the original. Especially when you
+have to pay for the hard copy. Why are there discrepancies? The
+mismatch is in the very nature of the processes involved -- it is not
+because something has gone wrong.
+Let's start at the beginning, and assume that we are concerned with
+the transition from colour on the screen to colour on the page.
+Perhaps the first thing we should realise is that no two people see
+colour in quite the same way. Intra-species perception is well-known
+to be different, but even between individuals (ignoring those with
+some physiological perceptual malfunction, like colour blindness),
+response to different colours is different -- \ie\ what different
+people call `blue' differs -- well, most people agree about blue, but
+how many agree about `mauve' or `puce'? Any perceived colour may be
+understood as the sum of three primary colours. This gives us a first
+clue, since it means that we can represent a colour as the sum of
+three stimuli (a tristimulus), and we can think in terms of
+characterising any colour by locating a unique point defined by three
+(orthogonal) axes. In fact no monitors can represent the full range
+(or \emph{gamut}) of colours. Their actual performance falls short.
+Even before we start, we cannot hope to represent all possibilities.
+The colours we view on a monitor are emitted colours -- they are
+generated by the three electron guns of the device (there are other
+technologies, but the principle remains much the same). The advantage
+here is that each model of monitor can be calibrated, and in fact the
+range of possible colours can be determined. From time to time the
+colours may drift, and it is possible that adjacent `identical'
+machines may appear to have different colour outputs. If you always
+work on the same machine, you can guard against this. Recalibrating
+every machine is rather time consuming. Another advantage of using the
+same machine every time is that the background and lighting is
+unlikely to change to much.
+By virtue of our evolution, our eyes are well adapted to slow changes
+in light level, and also to slow, but moderate changes in the major
+illuminant (as daylight varies through the day, for example). Changing
+the incident lighting does not change the emitted light on the
+monitor, but since the frame of the monitor and everything else in the
+room is changed by changing the illumination, you can end up thinking
+that it looks different. The illumination in many rooms is a bit
+arbitrary: it may be fluorescent tubes, which have a rather limited
+spectrum, or it may be normal incandescent lights, which have a
+different spectrum, and occasionally it is north light (also known as
+\emph{daylight}) illumination.
+This last is an interesting diversion. This is the lighting condition
+under which most, if not all, standardised colour determinations are
+performed. Anyone who is working seriously with colour will use north
+light (most artist's studios, for example, will be oriented to be lit
+naturally in this way). In fact, this is one of the reasons why the
+hard copy will appear incorrect: the lighting conditions are likely to
+have changed. And anyway, the hard copy will look different under
+different illumination. The hard copy is made visible by reflected
+light. What is reflected is dependent on the light source. The
+distortions of sodium street lights are well known, but the same sort
+of effect is true of fluorescent or incandescent lights. The north
+light works reasonably well as a standard because of our environmental
+background, and because it is based on the light source which was
+available as our eyes evolved.
+There is at least one more factor to be considered: the printer. Just
+as a monitor can only produce a proportion of the possibilities, so
+too the printer is restricted in its range of possible colours. In
+fact it is worse: while the monitor can use the linear additivity of
+the primaries, the printer's primaries are anything but linear, and
+the mixing is subtractive. Adding the primaries on a monitor gives
+white: on the printer it will give a theoretical black (more of a
+muddy purplish darkness). It is therefore rather difficult to
+transform from the co-ordinates representing the colour on screen to
+some faithful (whatever that means) rendering on the page. There are
+lots of dodges which can be adopted. The most comprehensive is to
+employ some sort of lookup table. This depends on the measurement of
+many samples -- it is a lot of rather tedious work, spread over lots
+of subjects (remember the underlying psycho physical variation).
+Briefly then:
+\item the colours you see on the monitor are a subset of possible
+ colours;
+\item the illumination of the room can be important
+\item the printer does not have the capability of rendering all the
+ colours visible on the monitor;
+\item you will probably view the hard copy under a variety of lighting
+ conditions.
+Is there any hope? Some printers are better than others. The machine
+we use here at Warwick, a Tektronix Phaser, is essentially a wax
+crayon machine; it is reasonably good, for the price. The best hard
+copy devices are dye sublimation printers and they are very expensive.
+If you stick to primary colours, and colour gradation is not a key
+issue, the Phaser is excellent. With a lot of time and effort you
+might achieve finer quality work with it. If you are looking for a
+photographic quality reproduction you would have to use other
+technologies -- and even then, you can fail. In many cases though,
+hard copy is irrelevant. The display medium is genuinely the monitor
+screen. If we think in this way, we realise that many other
+possibilities are introduced, like running video clips, or even pieces
+of software, within a document or presentation (yes, \LaTeXe\ does not
+yet support such extensions explicitly, but a suitable
+\texttt{\char'134special} could). We usually have the feeling that
+paper is the objective, but it does not have to be. Sometimes it is
+more convenient, but at other times it is restrictive.
+Any of the good ideas for this came from presentations by Chris Lilley
+of the Computer Graphics Unit at Manchester Computer Centre; the
+mistakes are mine.
+\section{Trivial pursuit}
+For many years I have been toying with the notion of creating a
+special \TeX\ edition of \emph{Trivial Pursuit}. There are those who
+contend that \TeX\ \emph{is} a trivial pursuit, but I will have
+nothing to do with this view. To assist in the creation of this game,
+and to tempt the likes of Waddington's, I will start to include
+examples of the questions in this column. The first question is in two
+parts. The first part is borrowed from the ACM 1994 Computer Bowl
+quiz: ``Only one person in all of computing's history has ever won
+both the ACM Turing Award for lasting technical achievement and the
+Grace Murray Hoppper Award for work done prior to reaching the age of
+thirty. Who is that person?''
+The second part is this: ``The Computer Bowl quiz was created and
+produced by the Computer Museum, Boston. What link does this have to
+the answer for the previous question?''
+\section{Dutch bearing gifts}
+I quickly snapped up my NTS \cd{} when it was offered through the
+group. I was motivated by a curious mixture of support for the
+efforts of another group, and a willingness to get tangled up in a
+flashily trendy technology, although
+I have to admit that I'm not yet convinced by \cd{} technology.
+%But I have to admit that I'm not yet
+%convinced by \cd{}. It seems to me like a suspect technology which is
+%only half way there, or one which has been rather over-hyped. While
+%the shiny disks can contain a fair amount of data -- 640 Mbytes --
+%this seems to me to be pretty inadequate for multimedia applications
+%which include still or moving pictures, and the access times for
+%random movements around the disk are appalling (almost as bad as World
+%Wide Web connections around the InterNet). It is fine for sequential
+%text when it is read in a linear fashion. In other words, pretty
+%boring stuff. However, as an archiving mechanism it offers some
+%potential, ignoring the extreme difficulty with which additional
+%material can be added.
+One advantage of the NTS \cd{} is the booklet
+which comes with
+it. Once you have installed the suite, and basically it wants to run
+from the \cd{} drive, you find that it is enormously configurable.
+Because of the many varieties of printers, screens and editors which
+are available in \dos{} systems, you could have many happy hours ahead
+of you getting things right. I get the feeling that it is assumed that
+you will like fiddling. There is no doubt that great effort went into
+this, and equally, that you can eventually install all the relevant
+bits and pieces. I wonder how you would manage to install something
+useful if you didn't want to use the 4\dos{} shell which is the
+default. Clearly the developers thought this an unlikely decision.
+They say ``One might object that using 4\dos{} batch files deprives
+the old-fashioned \texttt{} users from the benefits of
+4\TeX. We happen to think that this would only be a mild punishment
+for not recognizing how good 4\dos{} really is.'' Well, pardon me!
+Oddly, they fail to mention that continued use of 4\dos{} involves
+payment of a shareware fee.
+Once you do get it installed, you still appear to have great power to
+customise the options the shell offers. However, I am still unclear
+how to change the drivers (you are provided with a variety of screen
+drivers and I really wanted the one which occupied least memory; this
+is not the default). I was also surprised that among the huge range of
+choices of formats you are offered, the simple \LaTeXe\ or plain \TeX\
+is not among them. It is rather like going into Macdonald's and trying
+to get a burger without the limp lettuce or the ketchup. In this case
+of the formats, the lettuce and ketchup is Babel.
+On the whole, I suspect the shell is about as good as you can get with
+\dos{}. It appears workmanlike. I'm afraid it does look dated though.
+Windows is here. The true \textsc{blu}e \TeX ie may resent it, and see
+it as a step towards perdition, but for many of us Windows is the
+least unacceptable face of the Intel chip's range of operating
+But compared to PrimeTime's \cd{}, this is a joy. At least the NTG's
+offering has the advantage that you can browse it a bit like you
+browse \ctan. If there is a useful file there, you can find it and
+pull it out. The PrimeTime \cd{} is tarred and feathered (or zipped)
+so that you can't actually find anything unless you know where it is.
+It contains almost all the contents of \ctan, but nowhere does it
+actually give you the date of this snapshot. The sheer mass is
+daunting. And layered on the top of this is an assumption that \unix{}
+is the way the truth and the life. It makes a point about distributing
+source code: ``Binary-only distribution prevents recipients from
+modifying or learning from the internals of software.'' I have to
+confess that I'm not terribly interested in computer programs. I'm
+much more interested with what I can do with the program. The days of
+immersing yourself in the exciting details of source code should
+surely be passing. The terms `nerd' and `propellor-head' or
+`techno-weenie' spring to mind, almost unbidden. People you would
+prefer to avoid at parties. Like the ones who want to tell you the
+latest exciting details of \LaTeXe\ or \textss{dvips}. If I have to
+examine the internals to work out why \TeX\ inserts a skip at some
+particular point I'll drift silently to Quark Xpress.\footnote{In
+ passing, if I had put a fraction of the effort into Quark that I
+ have in \TeX\ and \LaTeX, I would be emminently employable at any
+ number of publishers. On the other hand, I would probably also have
+ a pony tail and an earring.}
+What is the basis for my rant? First, virtually all the discussion in
+the handbook is in terms of \unix{}. This is partly fair, since
+PrimeTime admit that their experience is almost wholly with \unix{},
+and does not really spread to other platforms. Until you actually look
+at the \cd{} itself (and yes, it is readable under \dos{}, Windows and
+the Mac), you don't realise that it might just be useful to you. There
+are the tools needed to unzip the many files on platforms other than
+\unix{}. I was mildly amused that the Windows unzip application came
+as a \texttt{.z} file itself (\ie\ \emph{zipped}), but since there is
+also a \dos{} executable, that is hardly insuperable. The Mac version
+of \textsf{unzip} came in two versions -- one a BinHex file, and the
+other a self extracting archive. The latter is the one that most of us
+would prefer. Those of us who enjoy the Mac tend to enjoy it because
+we don't have to mess around. We can get straight on with the real
+jobs. In order to use this archive you woud have had to dust down your
+copy of ResEdit and mess around changing file types: this is close to
+binary editing. It is not the sort of thing you do every day. So I
+BinHexed it, and there was the archive, which worked wonderfully.
+Except. There is always an except. Turning it loose on a part of the
+\cd, on a genuine \textsf{zip} file, it just wouldn't work until I
+realised that you had to copy the \textsf{zip} file to your hard disk
+and then unpack it. Otherwise you get unintelligible errors. This is
+clearly a failing of this particular implementation of \textsf{unzip},
+but it would have been `friendly' if the manual had pointed it out.
+After all, someone must have tested it all out, mustn't they? This
+means you have to waste disc space on the \textsf{zip}ped and unzipped
+files together.
+This aside, my main complaint is that to find anything you must first
+unzip the file you think it might be in. Since the unzipped files
+would amount to two gigabytes or so, you cannot really just unzip the
+whole archive and browse. Maybe I'm being uncharitable. After all, if
+you want a particular driver, you look for that driver, and not
+another one. Unzip it and off you go. No-one really wants to browse
+through all the bits of particular drivers, do they? But think,
+there's all that source to modify and learn from. I can hardly wait.
+%Does it have \LaTeXe? you ask. Clearly you haven't been paying
+%attention. It is the contents of \ctan. Therefore \LaTeXe\ is there,
+%and just where you would expect it. It is also the `current' version,
+%rather than the pre-release which the chronologically earlier NTG
+%\cd{} contained.
+The text of the handbook is
+largely taken up with technical details, but has a foreword
+George Greenwade, the \emph{emminence grise} of \ctan, a
+note on TUG by Sebastian `\emph{Il Presidente}' Rahtz (in
+uncharacteristically mellow and benevolent mode), and one of Kees van
+der Laan's idiosyncratic expositions entitled `What is \TeX\dots'.
+There is no doubt of Kees' enthusiasm. He writes at a frenetic pace
+which often leaves the tedious details of conventional sentence
+structure far behind. You will either find it exhilarating or
+debilitating. At times he seems capable of raising himself several
+feet off the ground purely by belief and pace alone. The ground looms
+up very large and unfriendly towards the end.
+I'm a little bemused by it all. In both cases, opportunities seem to
+have been missed. Or perhaps worse, \TeX\ is again cast in the light
+of the avid techno-whizz. Both of these offerings are just barely
+useful, and save themselves from consignment to one of the outer
+Hells. What is it that we should be doing? The contents of \ctan\ are
+undoubtedly convenient, but the compression of the PrimeTime disc does
+erect a barrier which is too high. Better to trim it mercilessly but
+make it more accessible (yes, I know there is a problem with depth of
+directories: \ctan\ goes deeper than the \cd\ format will allow). The
+NTG \cd, thanks to the shareware component, is just waiting to turn
+sour. The scrupulously honest will have difficulty creating an
+alternative integrated \TeX\ system. And anyway, it still isn't
+Windows! Time to get into the 90s, before the century ends. But at
+least it is possible to find useful files before you find them disc
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+\title{A Moral Tale}
+\author[Malcolm Clark]{Malcolm Clark\\
+\section{Keeping to the straight (and narrow)}
+Both \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ are remarkably smart.
+From time to time they are either too smart, or not quite
+smart enough. One area that I have always been dubious about
+is how subscripts are handled. In the simple case,
+I find that the unevenness of the baselines in a case
+\[ x_1y^1_1 \]
+is both odd and unsettling. The reasons for this
+are mainly in the font dimensions. This is a subject
+area which is mostly relegated to a dusty corner, although I do
+address it a little in my \emph{Plain \TeX\ Primer}.
+At this point, I have to admit that
+I strongly believe that the use of \LaTeXe\ is to be
+advocated and preferred, at least until \LaTeX3 and \LaTeX4 come along.
+Using \LaTeX2.09 is only excusable if you have old documents
+you still need to process. Anything new should be done in \LaTeXe.
+The justification for the use of \TeX\ is more difficult,
+unless you have particularly well developed prejudices.
+However, in the explanations that follow
+I shall start through plain \TeX\ rather than \LaTeXe.
+To some extent, \TeX\ is the
+`accessible basic \LaTeX\ system, which doesn't require
+wizardry to tailor to one's own preferences' which
+Siep Kroonenberg said is needed (\BV~4.4).
+At this point we need something slim and easily tweakable.
+I'm therefore using \TeX\ as a sort of `prototyping' system which
+allows me to demonstrate things which I will eventually transfer
+to \LaTeXe. This is how I think \TeX\ is best used.
+\section{A plain explanation}
+There are a couple of interactions going on with sub- and superscripts. The
+first and easiest to explain is the behaviour of
+two of the font dimensions, 16 and 17, which control the distance between
+the subscripts and the baseline. If we constrain the two font dimensions
+to be equal, our apparent `problem' disappears
+(see also Knuth, page 179, a double dangerous bend section).
+Therefore, if we set
+we can obtain results where the baselines of the subscripts
+are aligned:
+\[ x_1^{}y^1_1 \]
+This is reasonably well understood, and the explanation,
+that we do not wish the superscripts and subscripts to interfere
+with one another (in a broader aesthetic sense) seems reasonably
+well grounded. I am not too clear how widely this particular attention
+to detail is practised in the publishing profession. Perhaps
+some readers have information on this. I would be particularly interested
+in publishing houses who do not use the `Addison-Wesley' approach
+to typesetting mathematics.
+The real stimulus for this note was the
+common requirement to include pieces of text within
+a mathematical expression. When the concepts
+are going to be used frequently, this is unlikely to
+be very important, since you would probably define a
+symbol to represent the concept. However, in more informal
+works it can make the equation much more accessible to the reader.
+To ease terminology,
+I shall refer to the relative sizes by the plain \TeX\ terms:
+`display style' as in (\ref{naive}), and `script style'
+for first level subscripts, diminished in size, as in (\ref{correct}).
+In plain \TeX, display style would be a 10\,pt font, and script style would
+be 7\,pt.
+For example, it may be convenient to be able to say
+\log(\textrm{amplitude})=-2(2H+1)\log(\textrm{order}) \label{display}
+given by
+ -2(2H+1)\log(\hbox{order})
+This is fine until we try to do the same for subscripted
+text. For example, the `direct' equivalent of
+ u_{\hbox{ex}}
+ =u_{\hbox{maximum Airy wave}}(1-F)
+ u_{\textrm{ex}}=u_{\textrm{maximum Airy wave}}(1-F)\label{naive}
+which is `subscripted' material but in display style.
+If we really wanted
+u_{\textrm{\scriptsize ex}}=
+ u_{\textrm{\scriptsize maximum Airy wave}}(1-F)\label{correct}
+how would we obtain it?
+The answer is fairly straightforward: force the size of the text
+to \verb|\scriptstyle| size. Unfortunately we cannot do this by
+employing \verb+\scriptstyle+ directly, since it is an instruction
+which may be used only within maths. Enclosing it in an \verb+\hbox+
+insulates it from maths. The nearest we can do is to recall that
+a first level superscript is 7pt, and use \verb+\sevenrm+:
+u_{\hbox{\sevenrm ex}}=
+u_{\hbox{\sevenrm maximum Airy wave}}
+This is most unsatisfactory. You should never have to declare
+explicit font changes like this.
+I would also agree that all this \verb|\hbox| is
+a bit of a mouthful, but you are buying convenience for your readers
+at the expense of some minor personal inconvenience. But I said earlier,
+if you were going to litter your text with this, you really ought
+to define a few symbols instead.
+There is still a `small' problem with (\ref{naive}).
+Let's wind back a little and
+assume that we are not all that interested in making sure
+the subscripted text is in script style, and that
+we are content with display style size for the subscripted
+textual material. This is perhaps not
+wholly unreasonable, according to the context. Consider the
+following equation fragment:
+a_{\textrm{x}} + a_{\textrm{y}} + a_{\textrm{b}} \label{simple}
+obtained from
+a_{\hbox{x}} + a_{\hbox{y}}
+ + a_{\hbox{b}}
+The problem is the lack of alignment in the baselines of the subscripted
+material, which was also present with the `ex' of (\ref{naive}).
+The `x' and `y' are fine, but the `b' has a lower
+baseline. As I said earlier, I find this a little unsettling.
+This time however, we have no superscripts interacting with
+the positioning.
+We can solve the problem of aligning the baselines moderately readily by a
+subterfuge. It just `happens' that the left and right parentheses in Computer
+Modern are text characters with the maximum vertical extent. No other text
+character has a greater ascender or descender. Had our text subscripted material
+been parenthetical, the baselines would have been aligned:
+a_{\textrm{(x)}} + a_{\textrm{(y)}} + a_{\textrm{(b)}} \label{parentheses}
+This is probably not what we wanted, but we could just have a
+\verb+\vphantom{)}+ with each subscript. It is ugly and crude,
+but it will do what we require.
+a_{\textrm{x\vphantom{)}}} + a_{\textrm{y\vphantom{)}}}
+ + a_{\textrm{b\vphantom{)}}} \label{ugly}
+for example:
+ + a_{\hbox{y\vphantom{)}}}
+ + a_{\hbox{b\vphantom{)}}}
+In passing, those depending on their intuition and considering the use of a
+\verb+\strut+ are sadly wrong. Struts which are
+the size of the `local' parenthesis would be a boon, but
+unfortunately they are not so defined.
+At this point, the question we could ask is `why does
+the displaystyle subscripted material behave differently
+to the scriptstyle material'. Naturally, all is revealed in
+the \TeX\ book. Appendix G (Generating Boxes from Formulas)
+reveals all, but in true K(nu)thonic style it demands
+great attention to detail. The answer is clearly not
+just in the font dimensions, or placing them equal would have
+meant that they all shared the same baseline, and the presence or lack of
+superscripts would have been irrelevant. Fighting your way
+through the key section (number 18) we will come to the
+conclusion that it is the size (mostly the height) of the subscripted
+material which determines what happens. In the case of material
+set in displaystyle, the extra height of material with an ascender
+is sufficient to select a branch which lowers it further. The
+material without ascenders does not select the option, and
+therefore we can have irregular baselines. The scriptsize material
+on the other hand does not branch to this alternative, because it is that
+much smaller in the first place, and therefore the baselines remain aligned.
+In order to force conditions so that the subscripted display style material
+is guaranteed to align, we can fiddle with the font dimensions.
+What we cannot do is fiddle with the conditions and rules which are hard
+wired into \TeX. This, I think is one of the weaknesses of \TeX. Its
+monolithic nature precludes plugging in different rule sets --
+either as improvements, or to accommodate new situations. If we
+change the two font dimensions to
+we can ensure the alignment. Unfortunately, this is less than
+perfect when we also wish to have `normal' scriptstyle susbcripts.
+They appear much too far below the level of the material they
+subscript. The value of 1\,ex is actually a little more than
+you would need if you never had superscripts to contend with too
+(about 0.95ex would probably do -- you can work it out exactly with
+the rules in section 18), but as soon as you bring
+in superscripts you then have to contend with an extra vertical
+movement designed to ensure that sub- and superscript are apart
+by at least four times the thickness of a rule.
+\section{Back to the present}
+How do we translate all this into \LaTeXe, since that
+is what you are going to want to use? It turns out
+that the option of altering the font dimensions is not
+really one which is open to us. Although the \emph{Companion}
+does give an example of the use of \verb+\DeclareFontShape+ where
+it demonstrates the syntax of how \verb+\fontdimen+\,s may be changed,
+it notes that the example would not work and that `the best way to solve this
+problem is to define a virtual font'. I'm afraid that if the solution is to
+define a virtual font, then I'll change the problem. Another problem lies in
+the fact that you cannot change the characteristics of already loaded fonts.
+The fonts we use are almost inevitably preloaded (i.e.~\LaTeXe\ has already
+absorbed all their font metric information, including the font dimensions). The
+only way to do this is therefore to work with \textsf{tftopl} to convert the
+\TeX\ font metric file to a property list, edit the font dimensions by hand,
+convert back to a \TeX\ font metric file and then re-create the \LaTeXe\
+format. This is almost as bad as using virtual fonts. We do not end up with
+something we can switch on and off at will. You cannot change formats part way
+through typesetting.
+The translations of equations~\ref{display} and~\ref{naive} are
+done simply by changing the \TeX\ \verb+\hbox+ instruction into either an
+\verb+\mbox+ or \verb+\textrm+. In this instance they are equivalent. In
+the case of~\ref{correct}, we do not have a \LaTeXe\ instruction
+\verb+\scriptstyle+. How then do we obtain the `correct' size? Things start to
+become a little more difficult. \LaTeXe\ does support a number of font size
+changing instructions, notably \verb+\small+, \verb+\footnotesize+,
+\verb+\scriptsize+ and \verb+\tiny+. In all three size options, \textsf{10pt},
+\textsf{11pt} and\textsf{12pt} the relative size gradation is
+That does not indicate which of these sizes corresponds to a \TeX\ scriptstyle,
+although we could make a fair guess that \verb+\scriptsize+ is the likely
+candidate. There is also an instruction \verb+\scriptstyle+, but this may only be
+used within math style and trying to combine it with \verb+\textrm+ is doomed to
+failure. You might have thought that \verb+\mathrm+ could help, but of course
+the spacing between letters would be the normal maths spacing between variables.
+It is obvious that \LaTeXe\ has a way of doing this properly, or constructs like
+x_{\log y}
+would not work. If we delve into \textsf{latex2e.ltx}, where this and similar
+operators are defined, we discover (certainly to my surprise) that they do not
+use the \LaTeXe\ font changing mechanisms, but instead use the definition
+\def\log{\mathop{\rm log}\nolimits}
+This is the very font changing mechanism which the \emph{Companion} describes
+with the admonishment: `we suggest that you refrain from using such commands in
+new documents'. To be fair, this isn't any sort of \LaTeX, but \TeX,
+since the \verb+\def+ instruction is \emph{not} a \LaTeX\
+command.\footnote{I've tried persuading FM that it should be removed at
+\LaTeX3. He smiled.} To be even more fair, this deficiency has been
+recognised, and my \textsf{latex2e.ltx} is the beta release. Apparently current
+versions refer instead to \verb+\operator@font+: not normally accessible
+to humans.
+However, although the sizes will be correct, the inter word spacing
+disappears altogether.
+The conclusion is therefore that we have to select one of the font size
+changing instructions. Before we do that, let's look to see which of these
+sizes would give us aligned subscripts. The earlier experiments with \TeX\
+indicated that the alignment was sensitive to the size.
+Here are the size changing mechanisms of
+\verb+\small+ (\ref{small}), \verb+\footnotesize+
+(\ref{footnotesize}), \verb+\scriptsize+ (\ref{scriptsize}),
+ and \verb+\tiny+ (\ref{tiny}):
+a_{\textrm{\small x}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\small y}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\small b}} \label{small}
+a_{\textrm{\footnotesize x}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\footnotesize y}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\footnotesize b}} \label{footnotesize}
+a_{\textrm{\scriptsize x}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\scriptsize y}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\scriptsize b}} \label{scriptsize}
+a_{\textrm{\tiny x}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\tiny y}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\tiny b}} \label{tiny}
+Examination reveals that \verb+\tiny+, and, as anticipated,
+\verb+\scriptsize+ are aligned.
+The problem stated however, was to have the subscripted material at
+`normal' text size. Therefore the easy solution is to incorporate the
+\verb+\vphantom+\,s, as in equation~(\ref{ugly}):
++ a_{\textrm{y\vphantom{)}}}
++ a_{\textrm{b\vphantom{)}}}
+Of course to save typing you would use \verb+\newcommand+ to
+make \verb+\vphantom{)}+ shorter.
+Should you wish to reduce the size, then you could do something like
+a_{\textrm{\scriptsize x}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\scriptsize y}}
+ + a_{\textrm{\scriptsize b}}
+It therefore appears to be cumbersome to come up with some
+neat fix, and the rather inelegant solution of phantom parentheses
+seems to be about the least inoffensive we can manage. Do
+remember that it only works in a guaranteed way with Computer Modern.
+There is no reason to assume that other maths fonts will share this
+characteristic. If you want to subscripted material to match in size to other
+susbcripts, use \verb+\scriptsize+. In some ways the \LaTeX\ solutions are
+tidier and marginally less inelegant than the plain \TeX\ solutions.
+There is yet hope. After I wrote this, I was alerted to the \textsf{amstext}
+package which produces \verb+\scriptsize+ text when subscripted, without
+any of the trickery outlined here. This is outlined on page 227 of \emph{The
+Companion}. I should really have known, since, as Lamport says on page 52 of
+\emph{The \LaTeX\ User's Guide}, `sooner or later you'll encounter one
+(formula) which can't be handled with the commands described so far\dots
+consider using the
+\textsf{amstex} package'. \textsf{Amstext} is a sub-package of \textsf{amstex}.
+If RAB's handy mathematical hints don't get there first, I'll look
+at \textsf{amstex} more closely in the future\dots
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5/dubna.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5/dubna.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92b8d58097
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+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5/dubna.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+\author[Michel Goossens]{Michel Goossens\\CERN\\ CH-1211\\ Geneva 23\\ Switzerland
+\title{CyrTUG94 in Dubna, September 7--11}
+It was raining when our Swissair plain touched down after a flight
+which took us in just over three hours from Geneva to Moscow. It
+was almost five years since I was last in the Capital of Russia,
+and indeed a lot seemed to have changed during that period. Prices
+have gone up between one and ten thousand times (e.g. a metro or
+bus ticket which used to be a few kopecks, now costs over one
+hundred Rubles), with inflation still running at between five and
+ten percent per month. Many streets and squares in central Moscow
+have recovered their 19th century names and also the metro
+stations that were named after one or another of the heroes of the
+Revolution now have received a more neutral sounding name.
+It was CyrTUG's Executive Director, Irina Makhovaya, who met me at
+Sheremetievo airport, and took me to her apartment at the
+beginning of Kutuzovskiy Prospekt, close to the Kievskaya metro
+station, and the huge Stalin-style Ukraina Hotel. From the balcony
+of the comfortable three room apartment situated on the nineth
+floor one also has a nice view of the famous ``White House'' about
+one kilometer away. I had the pleasure of staying with Irina and her
+daughter Olga for the first two days.
+On Monday September 5th, the day following my arrival, we went to
+Mir Publishers, the place where Irina is working, and which also
+houses the CyrTUG office. Irina has an email connection on a PC
+via a modem, and they keep part of the CyrTUG electronic archives
+on a hard disk connected to one of the Mir PC's, that are used to
+enter text. At Mir they use Ventura for simple texts and TeX for
+more complicated copy with formulae. Due to the economic crisis,
+and the relatively low wages the production of scientific books,
+in which Mir Publishers specializes, has drastically decreased,
+and the production of titles has dropped by more than an order of
+magnitude, the staff having been cut by over three quarters. This
+is not only due to the fact that people have not a lot of money to
+buy scientific books, but also because of the high inflation, the
+high cost of paper and the collapse of the distribution system.
+Therefore most books are produced, printed and sold locally in the
+big centers of the country.
+CyrTUG has about 300 members, with 37 institutional members.
+Knowing that the average monthly wage of a scientific collaborator
+is about the equivalent of $ 50 (when I was there one had 2230
+Rubles for one $ ), it is evident that the membership rates cannot
+be very high (about 6000 Rubles/year for an individual member,
+half that for a student). The whole afternoon of the Monday Irina,
+and her collaborators spent making the last preparations for the
+CyrTUG94 Conference, that was starting on the following Wednesday,
+and which was the main reason for my visit to Russia. Since
+electronic communications are mostly very poor and expensive in
+Russia, the main means of transferring files is via PC diskettes,
+and therefore the whole CyrTUG archive was copied from the
+reference PC to a streamer tape, that could just contain the sixty
+Mbytes that made up the most important part of the Vinogradov
+archive (M. Vinogradov---CyrTUG archivist). The streamer tape,
+plus all the necessary cables, several boxes of 3.5 and 5.25 inch
+diskettes, books, and other material was distributed over many
+bags, that we would have to carry with us to Dubna, where the
+Conference was taking place.
+So, the next morning, we had to get up at six in the morning, to
+meet the other CyrTUG and Mir organisers of the conference Marina
+Kuznetsova, Olga Lapko, Irina Tereshkina, and Sergei Strelkov at
+Savelovski Railway Station to take the 7:40 direct train to Dubna,
+where we arrived about 10 o'clock. We were met by a member of the
+local Organizing Committee, Y. Stolarskiy, in a mini-bus, that
+also contained three PC's, that would allow the participants of
+the conference to exchange files. While everybody drove off to
+Ratmino, the location of the Conference hotel, situated at a very
+pittoresque site where the Dubna river flows into the Volga. I
+went with V.Korenkov, the deputy director of Dubna's Computing and
+Automatization Division for a visit of the various departments of
+this division, that I already visited a few times before. The town
+of Dubna, which lies about 120 km north of Moscow, houses JINR,
+the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, which is a research
+center of eighteen countries, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
+Bulgaria, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the
+D.P.Republic of Korea, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia,
+the Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and with
+Germany having an observer status. It is somewhat the East
+European and Central Asean equivalent to the European Center for
+Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva, and many links have been
+established between JINR and CERN over the years. The Institute
+now has two 64 Kbit satellite links to the Internet (soon to be
+upgraded to twice 128 kbit), they have a local area network of
+more than 1000 machines (mostly PC's but now also an ever
+increasing number of Sun workstations, and some other Unix
+machines with a few remaining VMS and IBM mainframes). They have
+all the main archives (for X-window, gnu, CTAN, PC,...) local on
+their machines and during the week it was decided that Dubna would
+serve as the CyrTUG local CTAN node. They have several WWW servers
+up and running, and have produced a WWW hypertext structure
+describing the Institute, that can be accessed with the URL
+ It was also an occasion to meet once
+more many of my Russian colleagues, with whom I worked before in
+Russia or in Geneva.
+After rejoining the CyrTUG group in Ratmino, about four km away to
+the NE of the Institute, we spent the better part of the afternoon
+setting up the PC's for the next day, copying the archive to the
+hard disks, connecting the modem, preparing the badges, ... .
+The bulk of the participants to the CyrTUG 94 Conference arrived
+at about 11 o'clock at Ratmino on Wednesday September 7th, after
+taking the same train as we the previous day. There were about
+sixty Russians who came from Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Moscow,
+Novosibirsk, Nizhniy Novgorod, Sankt Petersburg, Yaroslavl', and
+of course Dubna itself, and three non-Russians, namely Kees van
+der Laan, the founding President and now Honorary member of NTG
+(and also a member of CyrTUG), John Linn Roseman, an American
+working for a software company in Sankt Peterburg, and myself.
+At 12 o'clock I.Makhovaya formally opened the Conference, Vladimir
+Korenkov, the chairman of the organizing Committee spoke a few
+words of welcome, followed by Youry Stolarsky of Dubna, who
+explained the local arrangements. Then the Scientific secretary of
+the Institute explained the importance of TeX for the scientists
+in Dubna as a means of communicating their results to the outside
+world. After that I walked onto the stage and before giving a one
+hour summary of the presentations made at the TUG94 Conference in
+Santa Barbara in the Summer, I spoke a few words on behalf of TUG,
+congratulating CyrTUG with the organisation of their conference,
+and informing those present that I not only had come to Russia to
+give presentations, but also that I was there to listen to them,
+and to find out how TUG, as the international TeX users group, can
+contribute to help them solve their problems in the area of
+support to all those using the Cyrillic alphabet with TeX. During
+the following days I had various occasions to discuss these
+matters with the participants, so that I could form myself a
+better picture of the situation.
+In the afternoon the different speakers presented their experience
+with introducing and developing TeX tools in their respective
+institutes, and the particular problems encountered when using
+Russian and the Cyrillic alphabet. A particularly interesting
+exchange of opinion took place when the representative of the
+publication department of JINR came to tell us why they think that
+TeX is so difficult to use for marking up documents, especially
+for non-technical staff that have to enter the text into the
+computer. When moving from a dedicated typesetting system, to PC's
+for data entering, the Publication Department decided to adopt
+Ventura, especially to make the transition from the former
+dedicated system to the computer less painful for the staff,
+mainly because it allows for WYSIWYG data entry. Now, however, the
+scientific collaborators of the Institute want them to make the
+transition to LaTeX to ease the communication with the rest of the
+world and also because mathematical formulae look a lot better
+with TeX. During the discussion that followed it was emphasized
+several times that TeX syntax is unituitive for the non-scientist,
+and that the learning curve is very steep. Nevertheless, the
+decision had been taken to enter the technical articles with LaTeX
+and during the time of the conference a LaTeX course for beginners
+was offered to the members of the Publishing Department (and to
+all those who were interested), and was followed by about twenty
+Since I arrived in Russia, the weather had become sunny, and even
+warm, so that after dinner, all participants went for a walk to
+the very point where the Dubna river throws itself into the Volga,
+and on the way back we passed by a nice little church in typical
+Russian style, that was being renovated. After the walk we met in
+one of the rooms of the participants and had one of those ``Slav''
+evenings, with Vodka, sausage, bread, cheese, onion, cucumber,
+followed by tea and biscuits. These are the occasions where one
+really gets to know each other and can appreciate the meaning of
+words like hospitality, friendship, and mutual understanding.
+The next morning Sergey Strelkov and I accompanied the
+participants to the introductory LaTeX course to the Institute,
+where I had a meeting with the local WWW guru to discuss common
+developments, while Sergey wanted to use the occasion to get hold
+of 100 Mbytes of files by copying what he needed onto the streamer
+tapes he brought with him from Moscow. After we got back to the
+conference site we could still enjoy presentations about how to
+design Cyrillic fonts, the use of PostScript and vector fonts,
+WYSIWYG approaches, and a discussion of the use of TeX at Moscow
+State University, where there is now a very active group led by
+Evgeniy Pankratiev. After lunch I participated in a round table
+discussion on the various coding-schemes presently in use for the
+Cyrillic alphabet. Already in May of this year a similar meeting
+in Moscow did not succeed in adopting a common coding scheme for
+all languages that are using the Cyrillic alphabet (apart from
+Russian that are Bielorussian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serb,
+Moldavian, and many of the languages of the CIS). There are at
+least three main coding schemes, namely KOI8, Alternativiy, ISO
+8859-7, plus code page CP866, which all differ in their layout. A
+supplementary problem is where the non-Russian Cyrillic characters
+are to be placed. With the advent of Unix, and X-window X11R6,
+which seems to favor ISO, but taking into account the fact that
+most users are on PC's that are not even connected to the network,
+it will not be trivial to come up with a solution, which might not
+even be so important anyway, since, when one wants to communicate,
+one can always transform the encoding into one that is generally
+adopted. And here Unicode (and the Omega TeX extension of
+Y.Haralambous and J.Plaice) is without doubt the (long term)
+answer. It was decided to form a three member working group to
+come up with a proposal to define a ``CyrTUG standard encoding''.
+The Friday we had a few more presentations about the use of
+graphics, experience with using TeX in publishing houses for the
+production of scientific journals, and issues of typography. The
+afternoon was dedicated to a question and answer session, where
+everybody could come with his problem(s) and get an answer, or
+share experience with fellow TeX users.
+At 19:00 the grand banquet started, and after the ritual series of
+toasts to a better future, friendship, more TeX and less
+approximate typography, ... , we went all onto the dance floor and
+on the tune of some typical and other less-typical modern Russian
+tunes, transformed ourselves into TeX rockers till the music
+stopped at 11 o'clock and we all dispersed into subgroups to
+continue tour last evening together, or, too tired to do anything
+useful, just went to bed.
+The Saturday morning started with my LaTeX2e course that lasted to
+approximately midday, when CyrTUG's business meeting started.
+After the report of the Executive Director, and the Treasurer, the
+activity report and the accounts were accepted. Then Evgeniy
+Pankratiev (Moscow State University) was elected as new President
+of CyrTUG, succeeding Joseph Romanovsky of Sankt Petersburg. With
+the new President in the chairman's seat the meeting then adopted
+the plan for 1994/95 and declared the 1994 Conference closed,
+thanking the participants for their support.
+Then we all took the train back to Moscow and during the trip we
+decided that it would be extremely useful that CERN became an
+institutional member of CyrTUG, because of the many exchanges
+between Dubna and CERN scientists, and the fact that more and more
+visitors to CERN want to be able to use the same environment as at
+their home institute, and continue work on documents they started
+in their home country. As Dubna is also an institutional member,
+CERN will be able to contribute in the area of expertise and
+communications. In agreement with the Dubna Institute is was also
+decided to submit Dubna's candidature to the TUG Conference
+Planning Committee to organize the 1996 TUG Conference.
+It was misty when we got up on the Sunday morning around nine
+o'clock, and the streets were almost empty since all Moskovites
+who can afford it spend the weekend on their (or a friend's)
+datcha in the countryside surrounding the city. So Irina, Olga and
+I had our last breakfast together, Irina took a few pictures, as a
+souvenir, we discussed what a success the conference had been, and
+already started making plans for next year. Then we took
+trolley-bus number two, that took us down Kutuzovskiy Prospekt, to
+Noviy Arbat, past the White House, then along the Sadovaya, the
+open air swimming pool, the banks of the Moskova, up in front of
+the Kremlin to Teatralnaya Square (with the Bolshoy Theater), then
+the metro and the bus to the airport, where I had to take leave of
+Irina, who had been such a perfect hostess. During the flight back
+to Geneva, which took almost forty minutes longer than the flight
+to Moscow, due to 200 km/hour head winds, I paused to look back at
+the interesting and rich experience I had gained during my six-day
+stay in Russia. I have visited Russia many times before, but
+things seem different now, there is hope, people talk freely, they
+all feel they are moving towards a better future, also
+financially, yet I think they still have a long way to go. And it
+is precisely here that we can help our colleagues and friends, by
+developing tools that are freely available, and distributing our
+publications and magazines to them. The main problem in Russia is
+communication, getting the information and material to different
+places, so by sending them one or more copies of our publications
+(or making them electronically available, so that they can be
+distributed on diskettes if there are no reliable networks) we can
+contribute to the distribution of TeX in Russia, and the other
+States of the CIS.
+\end{Article} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5/eurotex.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_5/eurotex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..459149c8e7
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@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+\author[Michel Goossens]{Michel Goossens\\CERN\\\texttt{}}
+\title{Report on 1994 Euro\TeX\ in Gda\'nsk}
+After a Fokker 50 took me in about one hour from Copenhagen to
+Gda\'nsk, it was about midday on Sunday September 26th, when I
+stepped out of the plane and was greeted by a beautiful blue sky
+and summer-like temperatures. A trip by taxi of 41 km around the
+southern part of Gda\'nsk brought me in about 30 minutes to the
+Orle holiday center in Sobieszewo, a resort on the Baltic some 20
+km east of the city. The hotel was located 100 metres from the
+beach, and already straight after lunch I had the pleasure of
+walking along the wide sandy beach in search of amber and shells,
+while discussing \TeX{} and other text processing related problems
+with several colleagues and friends of the \TeX{} world.
+The next day, the Monday, was kept free to allow people to
+register and to meet one another. On arrival everybody was given a
+copy of the Proceedings, and an extremely useful typographic ruler,
+and the traditonal mug, with the specially designed Euro\TeX94 logo,
+showing a paper origami boat in the foreground, symbol of Gda\'nsk
+and its famous shipyard, on a dark background (the Baltic sea),
+and the words Euro\TeX'94 in a light sky at the top. Very nice
+stylistic work, indeed!
+The conference had a total of 57 participants coming from 15 different
+countries, with the Polish (19) and German (13) representations being
+the largest, while there were also \TeX\ users from Belgium, Canada,
+the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands,
+Norway, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the
+United States. All those who had arrived by 1 o'clock in the afternoon
+were taken by bus on a guided tour of the most interesting parts of
+The formal opening of the conference was on Tuesday morning, and
+after the usual opening speeches by the organisers, Petr
+Sojka walked us through the various aspects of hyphenation
+with \TeX{} and described the significant success that has been
+obtained recently, especially in the case of multi-lingual
+documents. Bernd Raichle demonstrated how useful it is to use
+\TeX's mouth to process data and showed how he had applied these
+ideas to implement a quicksort algorithm. Klaus Lagally, the
+author of the multi-lingual Arab\TeX\ system, explained in his talk
+how he solved, staying within standard \TeX, the problem of
+line-breaking inside paragraphs with text that runs both from
+right to left (like English) and from left to right (like Arabic
+or Hebrew), thus providing a really portable solution. The
+techniques described were successfully used to process a
+forty-page paper containing mixed English and Hebrew with some
+Arabic and even Latin or other short language fragments, and it
+showed how flexible and powerful the basic \TeX\ typesetter really
+is. Just before lunch Marion Neubauer told us about her
+experiences with converting Word and WordPerfect documents from
+and to \LaTeX\ and I am sure many of those present would
+agree with her finding that unless the elements of the document
+are already clearly marked up in the source, the \LaTeX\ document
+obtained was hardly usable, and that converting rather complex
+documents is in any case a time-consuming process. The answer
+might be using an editor in conjunction with an internal
+conversion program.
+The afternoon session started with a description by Olga Lapko of
+the \MF\ package developed at Mir Publishers in Moscow and
+distributed as part of the CyrTUG-emtex package. It contains the
+\MF\ sources of a completely redesigned Russian Computer
+Modern-like font family, which is more adapted to Russian
+typographic tradition than previous Computer Modern Cyrillic
+fonts. Yannis Haralambous then gave a detailed overview of the
+$\Omega$ system, a 16-bit extension to \TeX{} that uses the Unicode
+standard as internal encoding and allows multiple input and output
+character encodings. He described various applications, including
+calligraphic poetry, mixtures of languages with many special
+characters, vowelized Arabic, fully diacriticized Greek, and
+correctly kerned Khmer. Finally, Kees van der Laan gave us an
+overview of his BLUe's (Ben Lee User) Format. At the user level
+this new format is supposed to facilitate the creation,
+formatting, exchange and maintenance of compuscripts during the
+complete lifetime of a publication. The format is easily
+customizable and provides for the possibility of having
+cross-references using a one-pass process. I found it an
+interesting approach since Kees introduced many ideas from modern
+software engineering practice.
+That evening, we had the traditional Euro\TeX\ banquet, with a lot
+of atmosphere, champagne, wine, plenty of beer, good food, guitar
+playing and singing by several of the participants --- in a word
+(or two) --- a hell of an evening, with \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ (almost)
+forgotten and other themes such as family, children, politics,
+philosophy, ``real life'', in short, becoming the main subjects of
+the evening, and it was not before we were all convinced that we
+had solved all of the world's problems that we went to bed in the
+early morning hours.
+So, the next morning at breakfast, it came as a shock to many of
+us that there were still a few unsolved problems left (mainly in
+the area of \TeX, of course) and so we decided to continue the
+conference and turn our attention to the niceties of colour
+techniques and their realization in \LaTeXe. I emphasized in my
+part of the first talk of the day that colour is rarely needed in
+normal text, and that when it is used, the function of each colour
+should be unambiguously clear. There exist many (empirical) rules
+about colour harmonies and only a lot of experience and practice
+allows one to become an expert in this field and apply colours
+efficiently. Sebastian Rahtz then showed how \LaTeXe\ implements a few
+simple tools for obtaining colour and he presented some nice
+examples. Janusz Bie\'n gave an overview of different standards
+connected with the Polish language (keyboards, character
+encodings, localisation, fonts layout) and put them into
+perspective relative to developments of the international
+standards bodies. Yannis Haralambous described his Tiqwah
+(``Hope'' in Hebrew) system for typesetting Biblical Hebrew, going
+into some detail on issues of font design, classical Hebrew
+typography and the user interface. He hoped that his system would
+help to revive the interest in Biblical Hebrew typography.
+Vladimir Batagelj gave an introduction to the PostScript language,
+and presented some of his experience in combining \TeX{} and
+PostScript. Karel Hor\'ak gave an overview on how one can decompose
+large \MF\ pictures into smaller fragments and described
+techniques to place them on a page in a seamless way. He stressed
+the importance of resolution dependence and hoped that the new
+versions of some of the drivers would eliminate most of the
+constraints of this powerful approach where one only uses \TeX{} and
+\MF\ to generate pictures, thus making the whole document
+fully portable.
+ Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski and Marek Ry\'cko showed some extremely nice and
+pleasing pictures made with \MF\ (and their paper was rightly
+given the prize of Best Paper in a ballot amongst all conference
+participants at the end of the conference). They demonstrated some
+examples of non-standard \MF\ programming and advocated the
+creation of libraries of \MF\ routines, that would make the
+use of \MF\ as a universal drawing tool much more appealing.
+\'Eric Picheral, who looks after the Unix part of the GUTenberg \TeX{}
+archive, gave an overview of the history of that archive, the
+various steps required to adapt \TeX\ and its companion programs to
+the needs of the French-speaking \TeX\ user community, and the way
+the various versions (Unix, PC, Mac) are made available to users
+worldwide via the Internet (ftp, http/www, gopher).
+Lutz Birkhahn
+discussed his work on developing debugging tools for \TeX{} and
+presented Tdb, an extension to \TeX{} that provides an interface to
+the Tk/Tcl X11 toolkit. This allowed him to set up a graphical
+user interface to allow one to set breakpoints, have stepwise
+execution, and to look at macro definitions and the value of
+variables. The last talk of the day was by Philip Taylor, who
+advocated the virtues of defensive programming for \TeX\ since in
+the real world one cannot assume that user code or input is
+correct. Hence it is the task of the programmer to make sure that
+the results of developed macros are as close as possible to those
+the users expect. Defensive programming techniques let the
+programmer anticipate both errors in data and flaws in algorithm
+During the first talk on the last day of the Conference I had the
+pleasure of giving a 20-minute talk about the lessons learned when
+writing \emph{The \LaTeX\ Companion}. I once more tried to emphasize the
+importance of generic markup for all logical elements of the
+document. Also, the global design of the book should be discussed
+at an early stage, while formatting decisions should be left to
+the final stage of running the chapters into pages. Wietse Dol and
+Erik Frambach then gave a very impressive talk-demonstration of
+their 4\TeX\ workbench, that also forms the basis of the extremely
+succesfull NTG CD-ROM. It is without doubt the best integrated \TeX{}
+system for the MS-DOS world, and many participants who wanted to
+know more about the system also took part in the full day tutorial
+that they ran on the Friday. J\"org Knappen discussed work going on
+to standardize the IPA characters, and advocated the creation of a
+256-character IPA font for use with \TeX. Ji\v{r}\'{\i} Zlatu\v{s}ka talked
+about work he was doing within the framework of \LaTeXe\ to allow
+different languages and encoding schemes to be used together in a
+same format, at the same time providing mechanisms to switch
+freely between languages and encodings. Friedhelm Sowa showed his
+approach to generate colour pictures, especially on cheap
+printers. He discussed how the dvi driver must be colour conscious
+and gave as an example the dvidjc drivers and the latest version
+of his BM2FONT program, that provides the four primary colours of
+the pictures by generating four different bitmap images. He showed
+some quite impressive pictures as examples of his approach but he
+pointed out that colour is not simple to realize and great care
+must be taken to obtain the effects one really intends.
+The afternoon session began with two presentations about \LaTeXe,
+the first by Johannes Braams, who gave a clear introduction to the
+principles of class files and packages, as he showed using simple
+examples how it is possible to transform \LaTeX 2.09 styles into
+\LaTeXe\ classes and packages. Dag Langmyhr, in the second talk,
+gave an explicit example of how to roll one's own complete \LaTeXe\
+document class, and detailed the various stages of building up the
+necessary ingredients by borrowing from existing examples,
+introducing (small) changes into existing constructs, and
+incorporating the functionality of supplementary packages.
+%showed convincingly that customizing \LaTeX\ classes to obtain a
+%certain house style or specific look and feel is not very
+%difficult and he hoped that his listeners would now be able to
+%create their own document classes.
+Before the official part of the 1994 Euro\TeX\ Conference came to a
+close, Philip Taylor and the $\varepsilon$\TeX\ and NTS team presented
+an overview of the present status of these two projects. The first
+one is based on the existing \TeX\ code, and plans to extend it in
+various areas, while keeping 100\% backward compatibility with \TeX\
+for those who want it. The NTS project, on the other hand, seeks
+to first reimplement \TeX\ in a list language, so that several
+alternative approaches to the various components that build the
+system can be more easily tested. In the longer run it might thus
+be possible to develop a New Typesetting System (hence the name)
+that will be at least as good as \TeX, but that extends or improves
+\TeX\ in areas where the latter is considered too limited.
+These last eighty minutes or so about futures were followed by
+closing remarks from W\l{}odek Bzyl and Philip Taylor of the
+Organizing Committee, who announced the winners of the Best Paper
+contest (see above), who were given a bottle of vodka with tiny
+pieces of gold floating inside (a local speciality), and the venue
+of the next Conference, that is to take place next year somewhere
+in the Netherlands (possibly in the (now) famous town of
+Yes, it had been a good conference, and quite different
+from the 1994 TUG Annual meeting, whose theme was ``innovation'',
+so that many papers described more or less exotic, front-line
+developments (colour, sophisticated page layout, object-oriented
+techniques), while in Gda\'nsk more attention was given
+to practical issues of typesetting in multiple languages and working
+with cheap printers and machines (hyphenation, the use of
+\MF, MS-DOS related developments). I can only congratulate
+the local organizers, especially Wlodek Bzyl and Tomek
+Przechlewski, for their nice work, and I hope that this conference
+has contributed to making \TeX\ better known in Poland, and that
+those present will take with them the ``spirit'' of Sobieszewo,
+where it was shown how to put principles into practice to make
+progress in the field of applying \TeX\ in real-world applications
+(a copy of the 200-page Proceedings of the Euro\TeX94 Conference,
+which, as mentioned above, were available on the Monday thanks to
+the hard work of Tomek and Wlodek, can be obtained by sending 15
+DM (postage included) to Wlodek Bzyl, Instytut Matematyki,
+Uniwersytet Gdanski, Wita Stwosza 57, PL 80-952, Poland).
+See you next year, some time, somewhere, they were saying. And
+indeed they will.
+, who had
+already arrived the day before. The hotel had nice rooms,
+comfortable lecture theaters; and the organizing Committee of the
+Polish user group GUST made available two PC's, a printer and a
+photo-copying machine, so that those who wanted to exchange
+software had the necessary infrastructure, while many of the
+participants came with their own notebooks (PC's, Mac's, a
+Sparcbook). The drop in price of these machines (I now have one
+myself!) allows users to readily take their development or
+production systems with them and demonstrate their work. They
+allow allow one to test new ideas immediately, and that is very
+important in developers' environments, like the ones that most of
+those attending \TeX{} conferences are dealing with. It also makes it
+possible to make notes, without the need to retype them
+afterwards, and to distribute documentation in a flexible way. In
+fact the hard disk of my Notebook PC contained a lot more Mbytes
+of data and source files when I left Sobieszewo than when I
+arrived, and it will take some time before I can put to good use
+all the goodies I got from various friends at the conference.
+On Friday, most participants stayed on to attend one or more of
+four tutorials, namely on 4TeX (Wietse Dol and Erik Frambach),
+Manmac BLUe's (Kees van der Laan), Book design and Typography
+(Marek R\'ycko and Philip Taylor), and \LaTeX2e (with Johannes
+Braams and myself). In the afternoon, a 20-hour course by Marek
+and Phil on advanced \TeX{} macro writing started.
+The LaTeX2e tutorial and advanced \TeX{} course went on the Saturday,
+while on the Sunday only Marek and Phil had enough energy to go on
+speading the \TeX{} word, this time no longer at the Sobieszewo
+Center, but on the computers in Gda\'nsk University. Thus, when I
+left around 11 o'clock on Sunday October 2nd, I left behind me
+three floors of (almost) empty rooms. Also a Babel-like mixture of
+East and Western-European languages no longer floated through the
+When I stepped into the Fokker 50 to fly back to Copenhagen (and
+from there on to Geneva), I realized that I had witnessed how
+Summer had become Autumn. The trees were putting on their nice
+yellow-brown dresses, and were waving their heads in the breeze,
+that had become definitely cooler in only a week's time. They were
+preparing for their last party, before going into a long winter
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+> Elements of SGML
+> by
+> Jonathan Fine 11 October 1994
+> 203 Coldhams Lane
+> Cambridge
+> CB1 3HY
+> Tel:0223 215389
+> Email:
+This is the LaTeX file for the first of a series of articles which
+will appear in "Baskerville", which is the journal of the UK TeX
+User's Group. Comments are welcome.
+\title{Elements of SGML}
+\author[Jonathan Fine]{Jonathan Fine\\
+203 Coldhams Lane\\ Cambridge CB1 3HY\\\texttt{}}
+\noindent This is the first of a series of articles on various aspects
+of SGML. It is intended to be a general introduction. Subsequent
+articles will discuss the SGML concepts of document elements and their
+content, attributes, entities, markup minimization and data notation.
+The author welcomes queries and requests. He is also available for
+professional consultation.
+Here is the opening paragraph of the SGML standard:
+This International Standard specifies a language for document
+representation referred to as the ``Standard Generalized Markup
+Language'' (SGML). SGML can be used for publishing in its broadest
+definition, ranging from single medium conventional publishing to
+multi-media data base publishing. SGML can also be used in office
+document processing when the benefits of human readability and
+interchange with publishing systems are required.
+from \em Clause 0, Introduction, ISO 8879, October 1986
+Necessarily, this article will give an incomplete picture of SGML.
+Here are five professional activities involved in modern publishing.
+It is the \emph{author} whose words are published. Most of the time
+we assume for simplicity that it is the author who keys the
+manuscript into a computer, creating what I shall call a {\em
+compuscript}, or \emph{script} for short. This assumption is of
+course not true for Shakespeare and many other authors. The {\em
+designer} will establish the structure of the author's work---perhaps
+retrospectively---and establish standards for its printed
+representation. The \emph{typesetter} or application programmer will
+cause software tools to produce from the author's script printed
+pages or whatever meeting the designer's requirements. These software
+tools will have been created by an \emph{implementor} or systems
+programmer. The \emph{publisher} will have an overall responsibility
+for, and financial interest in, the whole process.
+This quintet---author, designer, typesetter, implementor, and
+publisher---are all involved in the production of a book before it
+goes to printer and binder. This production process is generally of little
+concern (except when it goes wrong) to the final sixth party, the
+\emph{reader}. However, SGML can be used to offer the reader new
+electronically published products.
+In this article I shall show you, in its entirety, an extremely
+simple SGML document. By and large I will take the author's point of
+view, in part in hope of alleviating any distrust there may be
+amongst the humanities towards technology. I hope that the more
+technically minded will bear with me during this apparently pedestrian
+exposition. They may wish to reflect on how SGML allows cooperation
+and division of responsibility within the production process.
+\section{Field of Application}
+It is useful to know what SGML can be used for, and what lies outside
+its province.
+The Standard Generalized Markup Language can be used for documents
+that are processed by any text processing or word processing system.
+It is particularly applicable to:
+\item a) Documents that are interchanged among systems with differing
+text processing languages.
+\item b) Documents that are processed in more than one way, even when
+the procedures use the same text processing language.
+Documents that exist solely in final imaged form are not within the
+field of application of this International Standard.
+\em Clause 2, Field of Application, ISO 8879
+This is the whole of Clause~2 of the Standard, which altogether has
+15~clauses and 9~annexes. Unfortunately, they are all much harder
+and longer than this clause. This clause may be all that the
+publisher needs to know.
+It is well worth noting that SGML is first of all a standard for {\em
+documents}, of particular use when documents are interchanged among
+systems (the author sends the compuscript to the publisher who sends
+it on to the typesetter) or processed in several ways (for paper or
+electronic publication, in a journal or a book, or extracts in a
+secondary journal, or even just a second edition). Just as the ASCII
+character codes provide a standard for the expression and thus
+interchange of sequences of characters, so SGML is to provide a
+standard for the expression of structured or marked-up documents.
+However (note to Clause~1) the SGML International Standard does not
+specify standard document types, or standard SGML applications, nor
+the implementation or architecture of either the application or the
+electronic storage representation of the documents. It is an
+abstract standard for documents, deliberately indifferent to the
+specifics of application and implementation.
+\section{Hello world!}
+It is traditional to begin the explanation of a computer language
+with the code that will print the words:
+Hello world!
+say on the user's screen. An author might object to using a computer
+language to write the great English novel. But SGML is quite unlike
+other computer languages, and anyway, all word processors use their
+own computer language to represent your documents. Do you know what
+they are doing to your words? With SGML you do, or at least can if
+you wish to. You don't need to be a programmer to write an SGML
+document. SGML is not even a programming language---it is a document
+structure and markup language. Moreover, SGML does not understand
+the English language, and so will not correct your spelling or
+criticize your plot.
+Instead, with SGML you make statements, which are called {\em
+declarations}. Most other computer languages are concerned with
+giving instructions to the computer. However, SGML does little more
+than record your declarations. It also checks that you are doing
+only what you allowed yourself to do. Though this may sound onerous,
+according to Hegel ``one who will do something great must learn to
+limit oneself." It can be a healthy discipline.
+Back to our example. We wish to express
+Hello world!
+in SGML. If this is too trivial for you, replace this text by
+Shakespeare's sonnet
+Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
+or even the collection of his sonnets, complete with editorial and
+critical apparatus, and publishing information. It is to such that
+we wish to add markup, which is defined in the Standard as \emph{text
+that is added to the data of a document in order to convey
+information about it.} We shall mark up our message so that it is an
+SGML document.
+What sort of document is it? It is a message. So we mark it up as
+<message>Hello world!</message>
+where the added text is markup, sharing with the computer our
+knowledge, that the original text is a message. The \emph{content} of
+the message \emph{element} is our original text, which lies between
+the \emph{start-tag} and the \emph{end-tag}.
+Although the author may be satisfied by this, the programmer or
+typesetter will not. This person would like to know, without reading
+the whole document (which might be quite long and perhaps still in
+progress), what elements (tags) are to be found in it. And the
+author might like to be told when a tag name (called for historic
+reasons the \emph{generic identifier}) has been misspelt. Before we
+use a tag---or any other textual markup---we must first declare that
+it exists to be used.
+Although it may appear to be overly fussy, it is arguably to
+everyone's benefit that all declarations required for a document
+should appear before any of its text. In any case, SGML insists that
+a document consists of a \emph{prolog} (which contains all the markup
+declarations) followed by the \emph{document instance}, which is the
+author's text, marked up in conformity to the declarations in the
+prolog. This is important. To repeat: an SGML document consists of
+the prolog followed by the conforming document instance. It is this
+requirement which allows documents to be interchanged among systems.
+Before our marked up document instance
+<message>Hello world!</message>
+can be allowed, we must create a prolog which declares the markup
+construction(s) that can be used. The text to do this is here
+needlessly verbose, except that it will later enable the powerful
+CONCUR and LINK capabilities of SGML.
+Here is our message, marked up as an SGML document.
+<!DOCTYPE message [
+ <!ELEMENT message ANY >
+<message>Hello world!</message>
+There are four occurrences of the character string \verb"message". The
+first tells us that the document instance to follow is to consist of
+a \verb"message" element. The second tells us that there are no
+restrictions on what may appear in a \verb"message" element.
+\verb"ANY" words or characters, \verb"ANY" elements, and \verb"ANY"
+other markup constructions, repeated as often as one likes, and in
+\verb"ANY" order. The third and fourth delimit the content of the
+\verb"message" element, which the first occurrence of \verb"message"
+had promised.
+There are 55 \emph{reserved names} such as \verb"DOCTYPE", \verb"ELEMENT"
+and \verb"ANY" in SGML, which have special r\^oles in the prolog,
+and also some special character strings. Neither the author nor the
+publisher needs to know what they are or what they do.
+For more complicated documents, particularly those that are to conform
+to a house style, the prolog---which declares the elements and
+structure of the document---cannot be left to chance. In particular,
+the author should be relieved of responsibilty for the prolog, and
+not given the impression that it is something that he or she could
+change, if they so wished. (This last remark is directed to the
+publisher.) The designer (or someone else) will create a set of
+declarations which the author is able to invoke simply by placing
+a line such as:
+<!DOCTYPE message SYSTEM "message.dtd" >
+at the top of the compuscript. The publisher (or someone else)
+should supply the author with guidance and examples as to how the
+document structure declared by the designer is to be used. The
+author should not need to consult the invoked prolog. Ideally, the
+publisher's tag set and its description ideally should, together with
+general SGML guidance, be enough to allow the author to mark up the
+document instance. (A proviso. Specialised \emph{data content
+notations}, such as for mathematics, may require additional non-SGML
+\section{But wait, there's more}
+The designers of SGML wanted a scheme able to encode the most
+complicated document structures, which was at the same time easy to
+learn and implement for the simpler documents. They did this by
+giving SGML a number of parameters and optional features, to be set
+even before the prolog was read. For example, the powerful CONCUR
+feature allows a single document to support two independent tagging
+schemes! For a historic printed (or manuscript) Bible or other text
+one might wish to record not only the division of the text into books
+and verses, but also into pages and lines!
+Each SGML document should, to be really official, begin with an
+SGML declaration, whose purpose is to state which of the optional
+features are in use, that \verb"<" and \verb"</" (or some other
+character strings) are used to open start- and end- tags, and so
+The SGML declaration will occupy about a page of text. It begins
+<!SGML "ISO 8879:1986"
+which specifies the version of SGML being used. Most likely, as it
+wasn't born perfect, there will at some future time be a revision of
+SGML, but for now there is only one version to choose from. It is
+expected that many many documents will share the same SGML
+declaration, and that all documents on a single system will share the
+same declaration. For these reasons, the standard allows the system
+to \emph{imply} the SGML declaration, which means that should no SGML
+declaration be supplied by the document, the system can provide one
+of its own choosing. The prolog and document instance which follow
+had better conform to the chosen SGML declaration. There is also an
+SGML declaration for each SGML application, which records its SGML
+Once the various features of SGML have been understood, the SGML
+declaration becomes a control panel that turns them on and off, sets
+delimiter strings such as \verb"<" and \verb"</" and \verb"<!", and
+describes the character set used by the document. Such is a {\em
+concrete syntax}. Until then, it is perhaps best left to one side.
+The standard contains two SGML declarations, which define the {\em
+reference} and \emph{core} concrete syntaxes respectively, at least
+one of which (Clause~15.3.3) must be supported by any conforming SGML
+In this article we have seen a complete SGML document, from prolog to
+the final end-tag, and we even had a glimpse of the implied SGML
+declaration. Different people have different interests in the
+document. The implementor is particularly interested in the SGML
+declaration. The designer will control the prolog. The author cares
+about the words in the document instance. The typesetter has broad
+concerns. He or she must understand the prolog and thus the tags in
+the document instance, the typographic qualities of the author's
+words (but not their meaning, if any), the tools supplied by the
+implementor, and also the designer's output requirements. The
+publisher is interested in everyone getting on with everyone else.
+This article has said some about SGML, and some about the wider
+context in which it is used. The next will describe how to create
+some more complicated documents. We shall also look at SGML from the
+typesetter or application programmer point of view.
+Finally, here are some exercises to test and develop your
+comprehension and understanding. First you might like to read
+through the article again, pretending that you are some other person
+involved in the publishing process. Particularly someone with whom
+you are having difficulties you do not understand or sympathise with
+or, failing that, a colleague. You might also like to write down all
+the \emph{emphasised} definitions, and express them in your own words.
+\noindent \textbf{Exercises}
+\noindent \textbf{1. }
+When was the SGML standard published?
+\noindent \textbf{2. }
+Who are the five persons involved in text processing?
+\noindent \textbf{3. }
+Who is the sixth?
+\noindent \textbf{4. }
+How does SGML differ from other computer languages?
+\noindent \textbf{5. }
+What is the purpose of the prolog? Who writes it?
+\noindent \textbf{6. }
+What is the purpose of the SGML declaration?
+\noindent \textbf{7. }
+What is the purpose of the document instance? Who writes it?
+\noindent \textbf{8. }
+How many lines in a sonnet? Is that every sonnet?
+\noindent \textbf{9. }
+What is the difference between \emph{mark up} and \emph{markup}?
+\noindent \textbf{10. }
+What is a declaration?
+\noindent \textbf{11. }
+%% How is SGML is a compromise. Between who? Is this good, or bad?
+How is SGML a compromise? Between whom? Is this good or bad?
+\noindent \textbf{12. }
+(Experts only) In explaining SGML for beginners, have I made any
+false statements?
+Answers in the next article.
+\copyright{} 1994\qquad\qquad (this version 12 October 1994)\par
+Jonathan Fine\par
+203 Coldhams Lane Cambridge, CB1 3HY, England.\par
+Tel: 0223 215389\par
+Email: \verb""\par
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+\newcommand{\uktug}{the UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+\newcommand{\Uktug}{The UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+\newcommand{\ukug}{UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+ {\makebox[\textwidth]{#1\leaders\hrule\hfill
+ \qquad #2\leaders\hrule\hfill}}
+\newcommand{\daytitle}{Portable documents:\\[1ex] Acrobat, SGML and \TeX}
+\newcommand{\where}{Bridewell Theatre, off Fleet Street, London}
+\newcommand{\when}{January 19th, 1995}
+\textbf{\Large The UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+\textbf{\huge Booking Form}
+\section{Booking Arrangements}
+ For members of \uktug{} and the BCS Electronic
+Publishing Specialist Group, there is a charge of \pounds45,
+which includes a buffet lunch and refreshments.
+For non-members, the charge
+is \pounds55. There is a \pounds5 discount for early payment.
+\section{Booking Details}
+I wish to attend the meeting on \when:
+\ruled{Name: }
+\ruled{Organisation: }
+\ruled{Address: }
+\partruled{Telephone: }{Email: }
+\ruled{Please specify any special dietary requirements: }
+ &Payment enclosed$^1$ &\\
+or&purchase order number$^2$ &\\ \cline{3-3}
+ &\multicolumn{1}{r}{Signed:}&\\ \cline{3-3}
+ &\multicolumn{1}{r}{Date:} &\\ \cline{3-3}
+\item Payment for the meeting is \pounds45 for
+members of \uktug{} and the BCS Electronic
+Publishing Specialist Group, and \pounds55 for non-members.
+Cheques should be made payable to `UK TeX Users Group'.
+Those paying before January 6th may \textbf{deduct} \pounds5
+from their payment.
+\item A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an
+acceptable alternative method of payment, but
+will attract a \pounds10 surcharge on the amount due.
+\section{Payment Address}
+Please send this completed booking form, together
+with your payment, to:
+\begin{tabular}{ll@{ }l}
+Carol Hewlett&&\\
+IT Services&& \\
+LSE& &\\
+Houghton Street\\
+London WC2A 2AE
+malcolm clark tel: (+44) 01203 523365
+computing services fax: (+44) 01203 523267
+university of warwick url:
+coventry, cv4 7al, uk email:
+ golden rule: whoever has the gold, rules
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+\title{Letter to the Editor}
+In her article on `Table design' in \BV~4.4, Siep Kroonenberg says that
+`\verb+\raggedright+ simply doesn't work in a tabular environment' and suggests
+some difficult ways to get round this. I disagree: \verb+\raggedright+ works
+perfectly well in a tabular environment so long as the current entry ends with
+\verb+&+. If your ragged right entry is not in the final column then you can
+put \verb+&+ after it even if you intend to have no more entries in that row.
+If you want any raggedright entries in the final column, the easiest way round
+the problem is to add a dummy column at the end of the \latexword{tabular}
+specification: for example, instead of saying
+\verb+\begin{tabular}{... p{2in}}+
+you could put
+\verb+\begin{tabular}{... p{2in}c}+
+or even
+\verb+\begin{tabular}{... p{2in}@{}c@{}}+
+if you are fussy about unwanted extra space.
+When you are entering information in the tabular environment, you can forget
+about the extra dummy column except when the old final column has a ragged
+right entry, in which case that entry must finish with \verb+&\\+ instead of
+just \verb+\\+.
+\leftline{\hfill \emph{R.~A.~Bailey}}
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+\title[Forthcoming meeting -- Portable Electronic
+documents]{Forthcoming meeting -- Portable Electronic documents:
+\LaTeX, Acrobat, SGML}
+\noindent This meeting, in association with
+the BCS electronic publishing specialist group will
+be held at the Bridewell Theatre (just off Fleet Street), London,
+on January 19th. Speakers will include the charismatic
+David Brailsford, the eminent David Barron and our own
+Jonathan Fine. Programme organizers are Jonathan Fine \& Malcolm Clark;
+the local organizer is Carol Hewlett. We hope to be able to incorporate
+a visit to St Bride's Printing Library (and other sites of local
+interest). Costs should be in the region of \pounds35--45 for members.
+Current details can be found on the WWW page
+Full details and a booking form will be circulated with \BV\ 4.6.
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+\title{\LaTeX{} and tables}
+\author[R. Allan Reese]{R. Allan Reese\\ Computer Centre\\Hull
+ University\\
+Kroonenberg's article on tables (\cite{Kroo}) made some useful
+suggestions on \LaTeX{} coding but the examples left much to be
+desired as patterns to follow. I fully agree that the \LaTeX{} User
+Guide (\cite{lamport}), \cite{kopka} and virtually every book
+on word processing place far too much stress on rules as boxes.
+\cite{chapman} gives better guidance on the presentation of
+tables; I particularly enjoy commending this book, as it challenges one
+of the Great Lies of Life.\footnote{I'm from the Government and I'm here
+to help you.} Ehrenberg's short article (\cite{ehrena}) should be studied
+by anyone putting figures into a table. \cite{reynolds} is a
+more general book and discusses presentations of all types.
+Chapman gives clear, straightforward guidance with many examples of
+good and bad practice. Here, for example, is a point almost
+always overlooked by people who believe `a picture is worth a thousand
+``Since neither charts nor tables ever `speak for
+themselves', in order to communicate a message effectively either must
+be accompanied by a verbal summary.''
+Tabular material tends to be complex. For a recent workshop on table
+construction in \LaTeX{}, I selected what seemed to me the simplest
+tables from journals to hand. The criteria for simplicity were small
+size and not appearing to need a wide variety of \LaTeX{} commands. In
+serious use, you would expect to use more commands than when teaching,
+so this restriction would be relaxed. More complex tables were often
+`tables within tables', for which \LaTeX's analytical approach of
+defining logical units is well suited. However, another of Chapman's
+truths that is easily swept aside by an author's enthusiasm is:
+\begin{quote} ``Tables should be
+small. It is better to include three or four compact tables, each
+illustrating one or two points succinctly, rather than construct a
+single large table which is then referred to in text covering a large
+number of paragraphs or pages.''
+Her next sentence will strike a chord with any \LaTeX{} user:
+``Small tables are easier to position close to their verbal summary, and
+are easier to include in the main report.''
+Several problems arose in recreating the examples using \LaTeX. Some
+were due to the desire to reproduce the table exactly as seen, rather
+than re-present the information in a natural way. On the other hand,
+the exercise did bring out the flexibility of \LaTeX's standard
+tabulation tools.
+The short workshop was successful, in that most of my (Computer Centre)
+colleagues were able to add further lines into a part-built table
+despite having no previous experience of \LaTeX. They followed the
+layout by copying the commands that they saw; this contrasts greatly
+with WYSIWYG word processors where you may see a table but have no
+idea of how it was constructed.
+\LaTeX{} is an excellent program for formatting tables. It is not,
+however, realistic to expect tables to be laid out optimally first
+time and automatically. This is one area where the author must be
+prepared to make judgements and manual adjustments.
+\section{Rules of thumb}
+Rules for constructing tables can be divided into those dealing with the
+content and those dealing with the layout. The typesetter will generally
+have little say in the content or ordering of the information, but an
+editor might (should) make suggestions. The evidence of most journals
+suggests their editors are not as critical of tables or graphics as of
+Chapman distinguishes between demonstration tables and reference
+tables. The reader uses the former to perceive a pattern and the
+latter to look up a value. Tables that try to do both are rarely
+successful. Ehrenberg's examples would come under the demonstration
+category, for which he suggests:
+\item give marginal averages to provide a visual focus
+\item order the rows or columns by the marginal averages or some
+relevant measure of size
+\item put figures to be compared in columns rather than in
+rows (i.e., to aid mental arithmetic)
+\item round all numbers to two effective digits, unless the exact
+value is for reference
+See \cite{ehrena} and 1978 for further explanation and discussion.
+Layout can make a table easier to read\Dash or can destroy its
+Sweep away the black boxes and apply two principles. A table is a
+discontinuity in reading. The reader is not to scan it linearly, as if
+reading text. You must therefore guide their eyes:
+\item use white space to separate objects
+\item use lines (rules) to join or point connections.
+As when setting text, beginners tend to add too much space, though
+Chapman complains that even professional compositors like to widen
+tables to fill the text width. Physically compact tables are easier
+to scan. \cite{visdis} makes this point about graphics; make them
+smaller so the reader can see the pattern not the dots. This applies
+also to tables. White space is used to set off the table from the body
+text, usually by centering. Spaces within the table are used to indent
+hierarchical headings and to break the table into sections. In another
+article (\cite{reesettn}) I discuss \LaTeX{} constructs for interposing
+space after a set number of lines or when the initial letter changes.
+Horizontal rules are standard at top and bottom to further demarcate
+the table. There is usually a thick rule under the table heading, a
+thin rule under the banner (column) headings and a thin rule between
+the table body and any explanatory notes. Incidentally, one of
+Chapman's warning examples shows how disastrous it is to rely on the reader
+reading the footnotes to understand the table. They must be strictly
+to expand or qualify a detail.
+Kroonenberg mentions the problem of text coming too close to rules.
+This can be adjusted with struts or non-aligned \verb|\vspace|; I like to
+insert a small extra space above the first row and after the last, to
+unify the body of the table and distinguish it from the headings.
+Vertical rules are used sparingly, if at all. It is better to put
+a little space between stubs (row labels) and the `data' columns, and
+between the columns and the marginal `averages', than to add rules
+crossing the direction of scanning. You can help the reader scan
+across gaps by adding leaders, or by centering rather than justifying
+short items.
+Use a smaller font inside tables. Kroonenberg implies this by
+discussing sans serif fonts ``to set off the table.'' It is another
+way to make the table more compact and visually distinguished.
+Telephone directories are large reference tables which demonstrate
+these principles. They are set in the smallest readable font size,
+have leaders to bridge the gap between name and number, and are
+usually multi-column with white space separators.
+The layout principles are easily implemented in standard \LaTeX. The
+table itself uses the \verb|tabular| environment. The number of
+columns will often be greater than at first apparent, with many
+multicolumn items. For example, this is a natural way to handle
+hierarchical stubs, where the primary labels span two columns and the
+secondary labels start in column two (indented). \LaTeX{} will
+calculate column widths but it is often desirable to force several
+columns to have the same width. Headings will often require either
+\verb|\multicolumn| or \verb|\noalign| to position them aesthetically.
+\LaTeX{} 2.09 had only \verb|\hline| and \verb|\cline|. The
+\verb|hhline| package is worth fetching from CTAN\@. Line spacing for
+the whole table can be adjusted with \verb|\arraystretch| and made
+different from \verb|\baselinestretch|. Bear in mind that the table
+can be compressed as well as extended, and \verb|\arraystretch|$=0.9$
+may make the pattern more obvious and the table \emph{more} readable.
+The table is then embedded in an environment to set it off from the
+text. You can choose from \verb|quote|, \verb|center|, display maths or
+\verb|table|. Set the font size smaller within that environment, sans
+serif for the table and body text style for the captions. (The examples
+in this article follow their originals as closely as possible and don't
+do this. I think they would be improved if they did.) The table
+environment makes the object into a float, hence not to be broken
+between pages and with a cross-referencing label. The \verb|longtable|
+package caters for tables that are too large for a single page.
+Some mechanism should be used to create a left and right indent, the
+most obvious being to define the table width explicitly and center it.
+\verb|minipage| puts the footnotes to the table at the bottom of the table,
+using different marks from those in the body text. Putting the
+\verb|minipage| round the \verb|table| rather than just the
+\verb|tabular| also makes the caption narrower. I prefer the table
+reference to stand out, and often use the \verb|hangcapt| package.
+When there are several tables or a house style, it is better to
+define a new environment to ensure consistency in their presentation.
+I also commonly define new length constants for use in tables rather
+than copy the values.
+\section{A \LaTeX{} gap}
+One common format for tables has rows of short data values but a final
+column containing texts. The description parameter may therefore tell
+\LaTeX{} to calculate the widths of data columns from the values, but
+the final column will be a \verb|parbox| and should sensibly use the
+remainder of the \verb|linewidth|. This is one need that \LaTeX{} (2.09)
+blatantly fails to meet. You have to set the width of a \verb|parbox| or
+\texttt{p}(aragraph) column. Kroonenberg implies this problem when discussing
+\verb|\raggedright|; as she points out, to choose unjustified text you
+have to enclose each text in a \verb|parbox|. This is less work if the width
+is set as a name (to be calculated) and not the numeric length. My
+pragmatic solution is to set the value for the final column initially
+to the \verb|\linewidth|, run \LaTeX{}, note (from the log) the
+overfill, and subtract that from \verb|\linewidth|.
+\section{Kroonenberg's `after' table}
+The `after' table of Economic Forecasts is still poor. This is partly
+due to the content. It lacks a text explanation (possibly the primary
+source had one), but I \emph{guess} that the intention is to compare
+forecasts from two sources. Numbers going \emph{down} the columns are
+not related (in this sense), so flipping (transposing) the table would
+make logical sense. This might be the best solution on a wider page,
+as having the table span two columns is yet another way of
+distinguishing it from the body. If we insist on keeping it within one
+(text) column, there is room for another column of values as a
+Without a rubric, I cannot decide if the table is trying to show
+disagreement between the two sets of forecasts, or similarity.
+Dependent on the message, the best margin might be the difference
+between each pair of forecasts, a $+$/$-$ sign for higher or lower,
+the ratio, or the average. The forecasts themselves should all be
+rounded to two significant digits.
+We seem to have lost between the `before' and `after' the detail that
+the figures are percentages; and \emph{was} government income really a
+`percentage change of a percentage'? The labels that include ($\times$
+1000 persons) are misleading; I take that notation to mean that the
+numbers shown \emph{have been} multiplied by 1000 (like \TeX{}
+magnifications). The correct notation would be (000s of persons).
+Making the rules extend to the linewidth was presumably not thought
+out. They unbalance the design, and all the white space implies an
+omission. The spaces between the columns are too wide. If ``mutations
+w.r.t.~1991'' and ``absolute quantities'' are to be used as primary
+divisions, then the secondary stubs (``real consumption'' etc) should
+be indented. If you think too deeply about the title, are these
+forecast changes or changes to (earlier) forecasts? Follow Chapman's
+advice and split the table into two, with headings of the form
+``Forecast percentage changes 1991/92 in National Economy'' and
+``Forecast quantities\ldots''. I leave
+this redrafting as an exercise for the reader.
+A parenthetic remark for those preparing tables of accounts comes from
+\cite{townsend}. He suggests that ``statements comparing budgets
+to actual should be written not in the usual terms of higher (lower)
+but in plain English of better (or worse) than predicted by the
+budget. This eliminates the mental gear changes between income items
+(where parentheses are bad) and expense items (where parentheses are good).''
+Typography helping the reader.
+\section{New examples}
+The following examples are shown as output, in the expectation that
+the interested reader will obtain the `input' from the
+the author or the editor. If there is sufficient interest, the \LaTeX\
+source for the tables can be placed on the CTAN archives.
+\subsection{Example 1\Dash Cohabitation}
+This is taken from \textit{Key Data 88} (\cite{key}) which had itself
+extracted it from \textit{Social Trends}. \textit{Key Data} is a sample of
+UK government statistics published annually as an educational resource
+and a guide to the more extensive sources. The table as printed had
+inconsistencies in the use of italic and upright fonts, and in its
+% The table in the book is sans-serif with the heading bold.
+\bf 2.12\quad \= Percentage of women aged 18--49 cohabiting:\\
+ \> by age
+\multicolumn{2}{c}\textit{Great Britain}&
+ \multicolumn{5}{r}{Percentage and numbers}\\
+ & & 1979 & 1981 & 1983 & 1984 & 1985 \\
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{Age group \textit{(percentages)}} \\
+\hspace*{1em} & \textit{18--24} & 4.5 & 5.6 & 5.2 & 7.3 & 9.1 \\
+ & \textit{25--49} & 2.2 & 2.6 & 3.2 & 3.3 & 3.9 \\
+\multicolumn{2}{c}\textit{All aged 18--49}
+ & 2.7 & 3.3 & 3.6 & 4.2 & 5.0 \\
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{Women in sample \textit{(numbers)}} \\
+ & (=100\% above)\\
+ & 18--24 & 1,353 & 1,517 & 1,191 & 1,174 & 1,182 \\
+ & 25--49 & 4,651 & 5,007 & 4,094 & 4,070 & 4,182 \\
+ \cline{3-7}
+\multicolumn{2}{c}\textit{All aged 18--49}
+ & 6,004 & 6,524 & 5,285 & 5,244 & 5,364\\
+Table~\ref{cohab} could be further improved by a distinct split and
+putting the two halves the other way round: ``Numbers of women surveyed
+in each year, in two age groups'' and ``Of the samples, percentage
+cohabiting''. Note that the first half is essentially for reference and
+the second half for demonstration.
+\subsection{Example 2\Dash Vulture meat}
+Table~\ref{meat} is taken from Ibis (\cite{thibault}), journal of the British
+Ornithologists' Union. It is a simple table, but appears in a two-column
+layout and has footnotes. The original used numbers as the footnote
+markers. I found this disconcerting, as \textit{G${}^\mathrm{2}$} looks
+like a numeric power; so I'll use the \LaTeX{} default in a minipage,
+which also sets the table to the width of an Ibis column.
+This table is adequate for reference, and is discussed in an adjacent
+text. ``Comparison of food availability among territories showed
+significant differences.\ \ldots'' The rows are not in an obvious order,
+and if the primary aim is to compare the number of, say, sheep in each
+territory, it might have been better flipped. A marginal total of the
+number of prey animals, or their biomass, in each territory would have
+been helpful. It is debatable whether the figures should be rounded,
+since they are taken from previous studies which are themselves recorded
+or reported with different precisions.
+\caption{\em Numbers of ungulates in Lammergeier territories
+(except for wild boar, differences among territories are statistically
+significant, $\chi^2_{16}=16.825, \mbox{P} < 0.001$).}\label{meat}
+\vspace{1ex}\ \\
+& \multicolumn{5}{c}{Territory}\vspace{.2ex}\\
+Species & \textit{B}\footnote{Dubray \& Roux(1990)}
+& \textit{G}\footnote{Anonymous (1989).}
+& \textit{R}\footnote{Direction \dots}
+& \textit{T}${}^\alph{mpfootnote}$ % Gash way of repeating superscript.
+& \textit{V}${}^\alph{mpfootnote}$
+Sheep & 2000 & 1400 & 5240 & 3165 & 3480 \\
+Mouflon & $<200$ & $-$ & $-$ & $<400$ & $<5$ \\
+Goat & 570 & 4142 & 1880 & 1510 & 820 \\
+Cattle & 2300 & 6402 & 7204 & 6774 & 965 \\
+Pig & 3400 & 7188 & 1900 & 400 & 522 \\
+Boar & $+$\footnote{$+ =$ present. $- =$ absent.}
+ & $+$ & $+$ & $+$ & $+$\\[.5ex]
+\subsection{Example 3\Dash YOPs}
+The problem with this table from \cite[p11 and, slightly changed,
+p35]{chapman} is that one column has an entry spreading over several
+lines (the brace linking them). The hint for doing this is in
+\cite[p79]{kopka}, but they show only one optional argument to
+\verb|\raisebox|. Using both optional arguments (setting height and
+depth to zero) and putting the `brace array' on the line opposite its
+middle, is the easiest way to centralize it vertically. A convenient
+feature is that you can reset the \verb|\arraystretch| and the brace is
+still the right size to cover three rows. This example is also set in
+a minipage but the footnote markers have been reset as numeric. Follow
+DEK's advice: \emph{don't use footnotes in text.}
+% The table in the book is column-width, sans-serif with the heading bold.
+\sffamily % choose font
+\renewcommand{\footnoterule}{\rule{0pt}{0pt} \vspace{0pt}}
+\noalign{\bf % bold font for whole heading
+Table 3\quad \= Entrants to Youth Opportunities\\
+ \> Programme in Wales: by type of\\
+ \> scheme
+\multicolumn{3}{l}\textit{Wales 1978 to 1980\hfill Percentages}\\
+ & 1978/79 & 1979/80\\
+\cline{2-2} \cline{3-3}
+WEEP\footnote{Work Experience on Employers' Premises}
+ & 89 & 73\\
+Short Training Course & 10 & 10\\
+Community Service & & 9\\
+Project based work experience & & 7\\
+Training Workshops &\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{% Centre brace
+\left. % null delimiter to match brace
+\begin{array}{@{\extracolsep{0pt}}l}\strut \\ \strut \\ \strut \end{array}
+\right\} % the big brace
+\end{array}\)} 1 & 1\\
+Induction and other\footnote{Employment induction courses and
+other remedial and preparatory courses}
+ & & 1\\
+Total (100\%) & 15,000 & 22,000\\
+\end{minipage}%end of \sf default
+The table has a large gap between columns 1 and 2, making it difficult
+to see at a glance whether the brace includes `Community Service'. The
+original rubric (\cite{msc}) was:
+``One of the major aims in 1979/80 was to increase the range of provision
+available to meet the varying needs of unemployed young people. In the
+early days of the Programme, there was heavy reliance on the Work
+Experience on Employers' Premises (WEEP) element, but the table reflects
+the increasing provision that has now been made in the other elements of
+As presented, the first impression is that the number of schemes
+apparently grew, but each scheme attracted only a small percentage. `1'
+as a rounded value is very uninformative, especially as the compared
+figures are about 10 and 80\%. There is also a wide gap between the
+caption `(100\%)' and the figures it refers to. A quick sum shows that
+the numbers entering WEEP went \textit{up} by 20\% between the two periods.
+It's a classic political table; you can fiddle it to either praise or
+\bibitem[Chapman 1986]{chapman}{Chapman M. \& B. Mahon (1986)\textit{Plain Figures}.
+\bibitem[Ehrenberg 1981]{ehrena}{Ehrenberg A.S.C. (1981) \textit{The Problem of Numeracy}.
+The American Statistician, Vol 35, No 2}
+\bibitem[Ehrenberg 1978]{ehrenb}{Ehrenberg A.S.C. (1978) \textit{Data Reduction: Analysing
+and Interpreting Statistical Data}. John Wiley}
+\bibitem[CSO 1988]{key}{Central Statistical Office (1988) \textit{Key Data 88}. HMSO London}
+\bibitem[Kopka \& Daly 1993]{kopka}{Kopka H. \& P.W. Daly (1993) \textit{A Guide to \LaTeX}.
+\bibitem[Kroonenberg 1994]{Kroo}{Kroonenberg S. (1994) \textit{Table Design}. Baskerville
+Vol.\ ~4 No.\ ~4 (reprint of article from NTG journal)}
+\bibitem[Lamport 1986]{lamport}{Lamport L. (1986,1994) \textit{\LaTeX: User's Guide}.
+\bibitem[MSC 1979/80]{msc}{Manpower Services Commission \textit{Annual Report 1979/80},
+para~8.34 and Table~35. HMSO}
+\bibitem[Reese forthcoming]{reesettn}{Reese R.A. \textit{Dividing a Table Alphabetically},
+submitted to TTN}
+\bibitem[Reynolds 1983]{reynolds}{Reynolds, L. (1983) \textit{Presentation of Data in
+Science}. Nijhoff, The Hague}
+\bibitem[Thibault et al. 1993]{thibault}{Thibault J.-C., Vigne J.-D. \& J. Torre (1993) {\it
+The Diet of young Lammergeiers in Corsica}. Ibis Vol.~135 No.~1}
+\bibitem[Townsend 1970]{townsend}{Townsend R. (1970) \textit{Up the Organization}.
+Michael Joseph, London (Coronet edition 1971)}
+\bibitem[Tufte 1983]{visdis}{Tufte, E. (1983) \textit{The Visual Display of
+Quantitative Information}. Graphic Press, Conn}
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+\title{Report on European Writing and Computers Conference}
+\author{Allan Reese}
+ \noindent The European Conference on Writing and Computers held in
+ Utrecht in October attracted more than one hundred and fifty
+ assorted academics, predominantly psychologists and educationalists.
+ This conference was formed by combining two events: the biennial
+ meeting of the Special Interest Group on Writing of the European
+ Association on Learning and Instruction (EARLI SIG), and the annual
+ meeting of the European Conference on Computers and Writing (ECW). A
+ third `event' took place in parallel, an on-line conference hosted
+ on a computer in the United States.
+ On top of these various groups and starting points, the conference
+ was organized within twelve conference themes (`What is Writing?',
+ `Writing as a learning tool', `Effective Instruction', etc.) and
+ with a variety of formats; there were more than a hundred papers,
+ posters, workshops and demonstrations. Participation was like using
+ hypertext; unless you stuck to one theme it was a matter of browsing
+ round, following up leads and trying not to regret the parts you
+ missed. The organizers distributed a bound set of abstacts some
+ weeks before the conference. This was a great aid in planning and is
+ the main record of the conference, as no direct `Proceedings' are
+ planned. Delegates were instead asked to contribute chapters for
+ three books on themes relevant to the conference. These books are
+ planned for publication in 1995.
+The emphasis through the seven ECW conferences has shifted from
+computers and software, to writing and the writing process. In now
+linking with a SIG representing mainly academic research, the writing
+itself ceased to be a focus of interest. Few of these researchers
+considered writing as a product to be \emph{read}; text and writers are
+\emph{data}. There were studies of: how children form sentences; the
+types of grammatical errors made by students learning a second
+language, or learning \emph{in} a second language; linguistic forms
+used in academic papers and how these offer cues to a social subtext;
+comparisons of language used in formal and informal writing. No one
+attended the conference as an `author'; everyone was an observer. The
+poor quality of presentation in many posters was striking --- people
+talking about effective communication themselves ignoring all the
+necessities of the medium. As usual speakers abused the overhead
+projector with illegible or unintelligible foils.
+The positive side was that within the anarchic and fulsome atmosphere
+of pure research there were so many opportunities to seek out
+exhibitors and discuss ideas. Compared to a typically British
+timetabled and regimented sequence of papers leaving few minutes for
+questions before proceeding, most of our time was spent in parallel
+poster sessions where you could spend an hour on twenty topics or just
+one. One person had been deputed as a `discussant' on each theme and
+in the final sessions led a discussion, which helped in shaping
+all one's impressions into a coherent whole. Necessarily, these
+discussions did not lead to consensus or firm conclusions!
+I looked particularly at tools to assist writers. The presentations
+caused me to wonder whether there is a strong divide between software for
+training writers, and that used in the production process. Adult
+and professional writers now have well-known products such as MS~Word
+and WordPerfect that subsume aids like spell-checkers and thesauruses.
+The research products on display were not in that league and had been
+developed in very constrained and particular circumstances: a program
+to encourage story writing in early teens; a program to guide
+engineering undergraduates in planning technical reports; programs to
+teach journalistic style. One contemporary strand (all round the
+world) is the observation that traditional writing instruction based
+round constructive feedback and revision is time-consuming and
+expensive; everyone would like a computer-based alternative that is
+cheaper and more readily available. The irony is that the software
+displayed would sink without trace without considerable support from
+the teaching researchers.
+The research shows little sign that computer-aided instruction (CAI)
+would be superior or faster. CAI may be appropriate in well-structured
+situations, areas where one might consider using SGML to ensure
+completeness and adherence to required formats. But can it be used to
+encourage reflective and original writing? The researchers didn't talk
+about the software they used for their own writing --- again, this
+odd, clinical decoupling between objective and subjective observation
+--- and the only time I discussed \LaTeX{} was with a UK delegate who
+had had a book mangled by a publisher. Many of the craft skills
+mentioned --- for example, teaching undergraduates to write a table of
+contents to assist in planning their report --- are well-supported in
+the \LaTeX{} philosophy; I felt that the psychologists should break
+out of their research clique and look at pragmatic rather than
+conceptual solutions.
+The keynote address widened the field to include pedagogical applications
+of general-purpose software. We can encourage students to use commodity
+software in all subject areas; this is one aspect of information
+technology as an enabling rather than prescriptive tool. Students of
+literature, for example, might build a database of ideas and images in
+poems, and through this discover trends or associations. David Jonassen
+(Penn State Univ) linked this to the constructivist view of education ---
+don't just `teach facts' but train students \emph{how} to make their own
+sense of the world by individually using `cognitive tools'. The teacher
+operates as facilitator and mentor, not an authority. It was a stimulating
+talk and the skills described would assist able students in pre-writing
+organization of material.
+As a writer and teacher of writing, I took comfort that the conference
+confirmed there is still no magic shortcut to learning the craft. How
+do you get to be a writer? Several contributions addressed points
+relating to providing feedback from teacher to student. They discussed
+the barriers to communication, the social context, psychological and
+cultural factors. The teacher-pupil relationship is mirrored in
+professional spheres, such as employer-staff and editor-contributor.
+It was very interesting, but would relate equally to teaching in any
+subject. Is the teacher being constructive, or expressing power?
+Good writers say they are writing for themselves, but it is a gift or
+a skill to use yourself as a critical audience.
+My highlight was Jack Selzer's (also Penn State Univ) paper
+\emph{Scientific and technical writing in a post-modern era.} What does
+post-modern mean? It's a jargon term for texts that challenge and
+break the conventions of `modern science'. ``Where conventional
+writing is sober and restrained, post-modern ones are playful,
+extravagant, exuberant.\ldots Where conventional scientific writing
+prizes consensus and agreement, these unconventional ones call for
+pluralism and voice conflict.\ldots [They are] unpredictable and
+exploratory.'' Too much writing nowadays is formulaic and
+conventional, in form and content, to the point of parody. Rules is
+rules, but writers must understand the rules and not apply them
+blindly. If students are not to confuse computer writing with
+computerized writing, these are the texts they should study. Take a
+random example: \textit{The \TeX book}.
+I use Correct Grammar (CG) as an aid in proof-reading and polishing. It
+measures the above text as `fairly difficult', with a US reading level of
+14th grade. It found seven passive sentences, of which I changed one and
+clarified the meaning. It found one real spelling mistake (I'd written
+``fullsome''.) and suggested ``post-modern'' should be hyphenated, though
+Selzer had not. CG objected to the noun and verb discordance in ``Rules is
+rules''. It found eleven sentences longer than thirty one words, its
+default for academic writing (I could change that). In this piece I left
+them all. It suggested one `run-on sentence'; this sentence had worried
+me, but I left it --- can you spot it? CG suggested ``in general'' was a
+weak phrase, and I took it out. It picked up several strings of
+prepositions, but I thought they were clear and necessary so overruled it.
+CG missed a phrase that read ``like\ldots\ like\ldots'' but I decided the
+first time was identifying examples while the second did indicate
+similarity so made a slight change.
+Correct Grammar is a useful adjunct to straight re-reading your text.
+It's reasonably cheap. One irritation is that it is not \TeX-aware.
+I've suggested several times that the \TeX{} community lobby for this
+to be added. As \emph{thinking} writers, we are probably the intended
+market for such a product.
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+\title{Book Review --- `Making \TeX\ Work'}
+\author[Malcolm Clark]{Malcolm Clark\\
+ title="Making TeX Work",
+ author="Norman Walsh",
+ publisher="O'Reilly &
+ Associates, Inc.",
+ address="Sebastopol, CA",
+ ISBN="1-56592-051-1",
+ pages=483}
+This is truly a niche market book. Until I read it, I didn't realise
+there was a need for it. Basically it tries to describe the many tools
+and tool fragments which exist for use with \TeX\ (and \MF). In
+general terms we are talking of tools available through the Internet,
+and most probably those available at your nearest convenient \CTAN\
+host. It is therefore encyclopedic rather than especially
+profound. You are unlikely to gain any new insights into the working
+of \TeX\ and its friends, but you will probably meet lots of new
+friends, whose existence you never even imagined (I excuse a couple of
+people from this: almost inevitably our esteemed editor will be aware
+of everything mentioned here, and probably has a list of other tools
+which should have been included). Given the nature of the Internet
+world, and \TeX, this can be no more than a snapshot which is probably
+already out of date: for example, the IP address for
+\texttt{} has changed.\footnote{For the curious, it is now
+ --- Editor}
+The book was first published in April 1994, and by July had been
+reprinted with `minor corrections'. The reprinted edition was one of
+the goodies at this year's TUG conference in Santa Barbara, Thank you
+O'Reilly \& Associates, Inc.
+\NW{} describes \CTAN\ as `a fully-mirrored anonymous FTP hierarchy on
+three continents' -- but the three continents are North America,
+Europe and, er, Europe. He makes the common mistake of equivalencing
+UK with England. World Wide Web makes an appearance indirectly, rather
+than as a \CTAN\ supported service (so much easier to use); to be fair
+he does mention the WWW interface available through O'Reilly's server,
+If you try this \textsc{url}\footnote{If you are
+confused by all this stuff, help may be at hand. We hope
+that a future edition of \BV\ will discuss the
+\TeX\ resources available through World Wide Web, and give
+some clear pointers, as well as filling in some of the
+background.}, you will find it would have been better
+to go straight to
+You may be concluding by now that we are strongly oriented towards electronic
+networks. This is true, although \NW{} does list some ways of obtaining
+distributions through more traditional means. But imagine you wanted to get
+hold of em\TeX\ or Oz\TeX: \NW{} merely refers you to \CTAN\ for em\TeX\
+and omits any contact at all for Oz\TeX. This despite the trailer at the
+end of every UKTeX Digest
+ list with details of how to obtain this software on disc.
+Similarly he seems to have missed the (admittedly fairly recent)
+\textsc{cd-rom} offerings from both the Dutch-speaking users group and from
+PrimeTime Software which contain gobs of material useful to those with and
+without electronic connection -- let's not forget that those of us on
+SuperJanet are still a minority. Many \TeX\ users still access a network (if
+they access one at all) over a telephone line, and the thought of downloading
+all these files, even if you can locate them, is daunting.
+We are also fairly Unix oriented. This is hardly surprising, given
+that this is an O'Reilly book, and they have made their name by
+producing books, which if not 100\% Unix in flavour, are at least very
+oriented towards Unix and GNU / Free Software Foundation. Thus
+there is a sort of assumption that you can probably write
+\emph{Perl}, and fairly readily modify the \emph{Perl} scripts
+which \NW{} includes. He uses \emph{Perl} because it is a scripting
+language available on all the platforms he discusses -- Unix, MSDOS
+(and Windows), OS/2 and the Macintosh. Sadly he doesn't tell me how to
+get hold of \emph{Perl}. It is this Unix bias which leads him to
+assert that `Unix is probably the most common \TeX\ platform' and to
+go on to note that the emphasis of the book is Unix workstations
+running X11 producing output for PostScript and HP LaserJet printers.
+\NW{} suggests that his description of \TeX\ is really for the systems
+administrator who wants to know a bit more about this behemoth which
+he has been persuaded to let occupy her or his system. The computer
+naive, or just those wanting to get on with some documents are given
+scant regard. Although he does include some discussion of Ms-dos and
+of OS/2, this is really because many tools have been ported to these
+platforms from Unix. The inclusion of the Macintosh is intriguing, but
+other than ghettoising it by giving it its own exclusive chapter out
+of the sixteen, it makes little appearance, and the repeated themes of
+command lines and restricted file names does demonstrate that it was
+something of an afterthought. The really useful fact of Mac filenames
+-- that they should not contain a blank space if you hope to use
+\LaTeX, is omitted.
+In general, there also seems to be a bias towards \TeX, rather than
+the more accessible extensions like \LaTeX, although again \NW{} does
+mention \LaTeX, Lollipop (a little surprisingly) and Texinfo
+(unsurprisingly, although again demonstrating the Unix bias).
+I have some misgivings when I start with \NW{}'s description `What is
+\TeX'. The first aesthetic principle which he ascribes to \TeX\ is:
+`The right margin is justified' (page~3). Besides being a rather
+contested aesthetic principle, \TeX\ of course allows you to set
+ragged right, or ragged left (or even both). He also claims `ladders
+are avoided'. None of my books on typography mention ladders: I assume
+them to be equivalent to rivers, and while this is certainly a claim
+by Knuth \& Plass, \emph{and} I have yet to see rivers created by
+\TeX, I'm still not convinced of its universal truth.
+I'm made uncomfortable by the first table (page~9), where among the
+special characters for plain \TeX, \NW{} suggests using \verb+<+ for
+!` (the usual recommendation is to access it by \verb+!`+), and
+\verb+>+ for ?` (usually \verb+?`+). This smacks of the shortcut `it
+works!' approach which always makes me nervous. He also notes the use
+of \verb+|+ to obtain an em-dash! I begin to despair. This way lies
+madness. And why would you want a `lone' tilde character or an
+underscore in your document? Yes I know they are widely used in Unix
+for paths in directory and file names, but that's hardly mainstream
+\TeX\ usage. I would be wary of defining a command \verb+\big+ in
+plain \TeX\ (as on page 100), since it could easily confuse maths
+typesetting (try \verb+\big\lbrace+ after you have redefined
+\verb+\big+). And it must be incorrect to maintain (page 21) that if a
+document contains `no forward references then it can be formatted in
+one pass'. If it contains no references at all, yes, this is true, but
+if there are any references (i.e.~\verb+\label+ commands) the
+\texttt{aux} file has to be written out fully and read again on the
+next run to resolve the reference(s). In reality this is hardly a
+problem. I've never yet been able to write a document in one `pass'.
+There is always some other reason for having to run \LaTeX\ again.
+Where it does matter is with a document you either receive, or one you
+pick up from a server. You have to know to run it \emph{at least}
+twice, and perhaps more times. Basically, keep running it until
+\LaTeX\ stops carping.
+To me a section entitled, `\TeX\ for beginners' contains a bizarre,
+almost oxymoronic, concept. I no longer believe that you should be
+taught \TeX, until you have mastered \LaTeX. If you need to go further
+than \LaTeX, then it is worthwhile finding out how \TeX\ works. Most
+of us don't really need to know first about macros and registers, far
+less `token lists' (unless of course we already have a few computer
+languages to our credit). There also seems to be some confusion in
+describing what \TeX\ is. \NW{} writes ``\TeX\ allows you to separate
+markup and layout. Logical divisions in the text (chapters, sections,
+itemized lists, etc.) are identified by control sequences''. Yes this
+is true, but it is closer to a description of \LaTeX. On page~14 we
+have a supposed comparison of \TeX\ and \emph{troff} commands,
+except the \TeX\ is \LaTeX. In passing, why \emph{troff}? Surely
+no-one would select \emph{troff} over \LaTeX\ given a free choice.
+Ten or fifteen years ago, and tied to Unix, maybe there was a contest,
+but today? Similarly the \TeX\ macros on page 43 are for \LaTeX\ (to
+be fair, he does say that they are from the \CTAN\ directory
+\texttt{macros/latex/contrib/misc} so I should have been able to work
+that one out by myself. If \NW{}'s contention was that to talk of
+\TeX\ was to imply \LaTeX, I wouldn't mind, but there is just too much
+jumble here, and even I'm getting confused. Am I just quibbling? I
+don't think so. The seeds of confusion are being sown.
+Having said all this, I think the book is very useful, and it contains
+answers to many questions. Just ignore the bits about \TeX\ and
+concentrate on the tools. It almost answered my query about PFM files
+and how to convert them to \texttt{tfm}s. Simply by recording where
+many things are in the \CTAN\ archives is a great boon. I can happily
+spend all day searching through \CTAN, but my chances of coming across
+something useful are slim. Now I have a better idea of what is there
+and my searching is more directed. In some areas \NW\ does go into
+reasonable detail -- for example the installation of em\TeX, or
+describing how to use new PostScript fonts in \TeX. He also usefully
+spends a little time and effort describing how to get pictures into
+\TeX, describing the problems and pitfalls, as well as actually doing
+it. It is a useful addition to my library of \TeX\ books, if only
+because it more easily enables me to answer those `is there a public
+domain driver for \textit{xxx}?' questions. I'm not sure I enjoy the
+format very much. Paragraphs without indentation and a paragraph
+separation of about one line height make me shudder a bit, but many
+manuals have this sort of form, and maybe that's what \NW\ wanted. I
+don't think it shows \TeX\ off to advantage, although he did make a
+real effort by eschewing Computer Modern and using Garamond instead.
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+\title{Requiem for Aston}
+\author[Malcolm Clark \& Chris Rowley]{Malcolm Clark\\Chris Rowley}
+\noindent The recent move of the UK~CTAN node from Aston University to Cambridge
+University brings to the end a very long relationship between \TeX{}
+and Aston---a relationship that brought great benefits to both the
+University and the \TeX{} world.
+The beginnings of this association go back to~1987 when, with the
+active support of the Vice Chancellor, Peter Abbott established
+a \TeX{} archive based on the VAX systems at Aston---it then
+amounted to~200MBytes of data.
+He also organised experts on various aspects of maintaining such a
+system into a volunteer group of `archivists'---and made Aston a
+thriving and friendly focus for their activity. These volunteers came
+from around the UK and, later, also from `mainland Europe', whilst
+knowledge of the archive and its benefits rapidly spread throughout
+the world. Thus the university became, in a very real sense, the
+centre of a world-wide effort to produce and distribute high quality
+software that was greatly needed and appreciated throughout that
+Within a few years, the collection of software, together with the
+traffic created by users, had grown to such a size that it was no
+longer possible to host it on the existing equipment. To solve this
+problem of being `too good', Peter successfully negotiated the donation
+of equipment by~DEC and other suppliers. This enabled the Aston Archive
+to continue its rapid growth and thus to evolve into a mature, well-managed
+%note: sparc was departmental, not gift
+%maybe bhk would know dec details?
+% add bits re papers for VCs version
+A significant development was the arrival on Peter's desk
+of a Sun Sparc in mid-1992.
+This was quickly put to use as a fully (archive-) functional second
+platform and proved to be well suited to further development of the
+service; thus it was that Aston became the first site in the world to
+implement the then on-going discussions of the TUG Technical Working Group
+on Archives. During 1992--1993, first George Greenwade implemented this
+same TWG structure at Sam Houston State University, Texas and then
+Rainer Sch\"opf implemented it for DANTE at Universit\"at Stuttgart,
+Germany (and subsequently on DANTE'S own machine).
+This pioneering work resulted in the first multi-site archive of this
+size to be successfully implemented anywhere; it was especially
+appropriate that the announcement of the completion of this major
+technical achievement could be made at Aston University, during the
+international TUG conference in July 1993. Thus the project started
+by Peter as a service to the UK community had become, in six hectic
+years, the internationally-acclaimed, state-of-the-art Comprehensive
+\TeX{} Archive Network~(CTAN).
+Access to the archive has been further enhanced, and gained a
+completely new public, through cooperation with Prime Time Freeware,
+who regularly produce CD-ROMs containing the contents of the
+archive---or to be precise, almost all: it's now too big to fit on
+Peter was, of course, also involved in many other aspects of making
+this vast range of high-quality software easily available to as wide a
+range of people as possible. In particular, he was one of the
+founders of the UK \TeX{} Users Group and, here again, the reputation of
+Aston University was enhanced by the many ways in which he was able to
+support and guide the fledgling organisation. His valuable activities
+on behalf of the group have, of course, not been diminished at all by
+his retirement.
+Both the archive, in its new role as a CTAN node, and Peter Abbott
+will continue to provide a large range of services to promote the
+rapidly growing use of \TeX{} throughout the world but, regrettably,
+Aston University will no longer be part of this important hub of
+expertise and service which over many years contributed so much to its
+reputation as an international centre of academic and technical
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+\section*{Text Encoding Initiative publishes guidelines}
+The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) has published its
+`Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.'
+This report is the product of several years' work by over a hundred
+experts in fields ranging from computational linguistics to Ancient
+Greek literature. The Guidelines define a format in which electronic
+text materials can be stored on, or transmitted between, any kind of
+computer from a personal microcomputer to a university mainframe. The
+format is independent of the proprietary formats used by commercial
+software packages.
+The TEI came into being as the result of the proliferation of mostly
+incompatible encoding formats, which was hampering cooperation and reuse
+of data amongst researchers and teachers. Creating good electronic texts
+is an expensive and time-consuming business. The object of the TEI was
+to ensure that such texts, once created, could continue to be useful
+even after the systems on which they were created had become obsolete.
+This requirement is a particularly important one in today's rapidly
+evolving computer industry.
+To make them `future-proof', the TEI Guidelines use an international
+standard for text encoding known as SGML, the Standard Generalized
+Markup Language. SGML was originally developed by the publishing
+industry as a way of reducing the costs of typesetting and reuse of
+electronic manuscripts but has since become widely used by software
+developers, publishers, and government agencies. It is one of the
+enabling technologies which will help the new Digital Libraries take
+The TEI Guidelines go beyond many other SGML applications currently in
+use. Because they aim to serve the needs of researchers as well as
+teachers and students, they have a particularly ambitious set of goals.
+They must be both easily extensible and easily simplified. And their
+aim is to specify methods capable of dealing with all kinds of texts, in
+all languages and writing systems, from any period in history.
+Consequently, the TEI Guidelines provide recommendations not only for
+the encoding of prose texts, but also for verse, drama and other
+performance texts, transcripts of spoken material for linguistic
+research, dictionaries, and terminological data banks.
+The Guidelines provide detailed specifications for the documentation of
+electronic materials, their sources, and their encoding. These
+specifications will enable future librarians to catalogue electronic
+texts as efficiently and reliably as they currently catalogue printed
+The TEI Guidelines also provide optional facilities which can be added
+to the set of basic recommendations. These include methods for encoding
+hypertext links, transcribing primary sources (especially manuscripts),
+representing text-critical apparatus, analyzing names and dates,
+representing figures, formulae, tables, and graphics, and categorizing
+of texts for corpus-linguistic study. The Guidelines also define
+methods of providing linguistic, literary, or historical analysis and
+commentary on a text and documenting areas of uncertainty or ambiguity.
+The TEI Guidelines have been prepared over a six-year period with grant
+support from the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities,
+Directorate General XIII of the Commission of the European Union, the
+Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Social Science and Humanities
+Research Council of Canada. The effort is largely the product of the
+volunteer work of over a hundred researchers who donated time to share
+their experience in using computers and to work out the specific
+recommendations in the Guidelines.
+The project is sponsored by three professional societies active in the
+area of computer applications to text-based research: the Association
+for Computers and the Humanities, the Association for Literary and
+Linguistic Computing, and the Association for Computational Linguistics.
+%Many projects in North America and Europe have already declared their
+%intention of applying the TEI Guidelines in the creation of the large
+%scale electronic textual resources which are increasingly dominating the
+%world of humanities scholarship.
+%The Guidelines are available in paper form or electronic form over the
+For more information contact the TEI editors by e-mail at
+\texttt{} or \texttt{}. Orders may be
+placed at the TEI office in Oxford:
+TEI Orders, Oxford University Computing Services,\\
+ 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK\\
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+\title{A foreigner's impressions of \ukt}
+\author[Ulrich Jahnze]{Ulrich Jahnze\\\texttt{ulrich\}}
+ \noindent I have been interested in \LaTeX{} for the past several years and I
+ usually just \emph{use} it and do not try to write fancy styles or
+ macros. Nevertheless I was very pleased to get an invitation to
+ participate in the 1994 \ukt\ AGM at the University of Warwick.
+ Though the meeting was not very well attended, it was still
+ a worthwhile day for me. During the first part of this meeting
+ the members of the group tried to find solutions for several
+ administrative problems, and though most of them have been working
+ together for the last decade, nobody tried to push things through
+ and instead constructive criticism led to solutions everybody could
+ agree with. The whole atmosphere was very friendly. During the
+ afternoon several talks were given on various topics and, again,
+ though many controversial points occurred, the people tried to work
+ \emph{together}. But is all this the main reason, why for me this
+ trip was worthwhile? No! The most important thing for me is, to
+ \emph{see} those people. Almost everytime I buy a book, it has a
+ short biography and a picture of the author in the beginning. If
+ you compare how much time you spend reading one book to the time
+ you work with all those nice programs and styles, I always ask
+ myself, what are these people like as human beings.
+Drawing a conclusion for me, the main reason to join in local TUGs and
+to attend meetings is not in the first instance to hear new things but
+to see those people, who are concerned about bringing \LaTeX{} and
+\TeX{} further. For those who cannot attend any meetings it would be a
+good idea to put at least a little picture of the author into the main
+articles in \ukt's brilliant \BV, which on its own is a
+product that makes joining the \ukt\ worthwhile. Since I had the
+opportunity to attend this meeting I can only suggest to everybody
+else to do the same and see ``them'' live. Before I finish I just want
+to thank especially Malcolm for his kindness and all his efforts!