path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4')
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-rw-r--r--usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.tfmbin0 -> 332 bytes
40 files changed, 16209 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\title{Times and more Times}
+\author[Peter Abbott]{Peter Abbott\\\texttt{}}
+At the UKTUG meeting on 21st January 1994, during the discussion on
+font variations, samples of fonts from different foundries were
+circulated. Adobe Times is the most common Times Roman font used in
+almost all postscript printers. Perhaps it comes as no surprise
+therefore that Monotype Times Roman is rarely mentioned.
+Many users seem quite happy to accept the Adobe font without question.
+It provides readable text but there is more to life that just readable
+text. I do not intend to take sides and merely present information
+about the two fonts. A sample paragraph for the two fonts
+is presented below.
+Examination of the \TeX\ font metric file reveals one reason for the
+differences, namely xheight and space:
+Monotye Times &Adobe Times\\[5pt]
+ (SPACE R 0.333) & (SPACE R 0.25) \\
+ (STRETCH R 0.2) & (STRETCH R 0.2) \\
+ (SHRINK R 0.1) & (SHRINK R 0.1) \\
+ (XHEIGHT R 0.458) & (XHEIGHT R 0.448) \\
+These variances give rise to the
+varied appearance of the text shown in the examples. I leave the reader to
+decide which gives the best visual appeal.
+The Monotype Times font is available as part of the CHEST deal to
+higher education.
+Our task is to create a paragraph illustrating what a typical piece of text
+looks like in a particular \TeX\ font. It should be stressed that not all
+\TeX\ fonts can be used for typesetting text. We need to show most of the
+characters in this font---for instance, something like ``the quick brown fox
+jumps over a lazy dog'' would use all the lower-case letters.
+How about ``THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER 9876543210 LAZY DOGS'' to make
+sure we show all the upper-case letters and digits? Such a paragraph would
+hardly be typical! Then there's ligatures (try and fit in words like fluffy,
+waffle, firefly, difficult) and examples of kerning (boxer, AWAY, vowel).
+But how do we put all this stuff into a paragraph that makes sense!?
+Our task is to create a paragraph illustrating what a typical piece of text
+looks like in a particular \TeX\ font. It should be stressed that not all
+\TeX\ fonts can be used for typesetting text. We need to show most of the
+characters in this font---for instance, something like ``the quick brown fox
+jumps over a lazy dog'' would use all the lower-case letters.
+How about ``THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER 9876543210 LAZY DOGS'' to make
+sure we show all the upper-case letters and digits? Such a paragraph would
+hardly be typical! Then there's ligatures (try and fit in words like fluffy,
+waffle, firefly, difficult) and examples of kerning (boxer, AWAY, vowel).
+But how do we put all this stuff into a paragraph that makes sense!?\\
+Our task is to create a paragraph illustrating what a typical piece of text
+looks like in a particular \TeX\ font. It should be stressed that not all
+\TeX\ fonts can be used for typesetting text. We need to show most of the
+characters in this font---for instance, something like ``the quick brown fox
+jumps over a lazy dog'' would use all the lower-case letters.
+\Large \fontfamily{mnt}\selectfont
+Our task is to create a paragraph illustrating what a typical piece of text
+looks like in a particular \TeX\ font. It should be stressed that not all
+\TeX\ fonts can be used for typesetting text. We need to show most of the
+characters in this font---for instance, something like ``the quick brown fox
+jumps over a lazy dog'' would use all the lower-case letters.\\
+\fontsize{40}{40pt}\selectfont Firefly &
+\fontsize{40}{40pt}\selectfont Firefly \\
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{Adobe Times} &
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{Monotype Times}\\
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+\title{Announcement of the Annual General Meeting}
+\author[R.~A. Bailey]{R.~A. Bailey\\
+Honorary Secretary}
+The Annual General Meeting of the \ukt\ will be held on the morning
+of Wednesday 19~October 1994 at the University of Warwick, in the
+Staff Club `Quiet Room' in Rootes Building. An agenda for the
+meeting accompanies this announcement.
+Lunch will be available after the AGM, and will be followed by an
+ordinary meeting on {\it What's up, Doc?} Further details of the
+afternoon meeting, including a booking form, accompany this
+announcement. There is no charge for the AGM itself, but members who
+wish to stay for the afternoon meeting will have to pay. Non-members
+are not permitted to participate in the AGM but are welcome to attend
+the afternoon meeting.
+All members of the \ukt\ are urged to attend the AGM. Agenda item~11
+specifically seeks your opinion on future meetings: where? when? how
+often? what topics? talks or training? regular or flexible schedule?
+The Committee needs your input in order to plan the meetings that the
+membership wants.
+The Constitution contains the following clauses:
+17. \ The annual general meeting of the \ukt\ shall be
+held in the United Kingdom not later than the last day of
+in each year on a date and at a
+time to be fixed by the Committee and notified to members
+at least 35 days in advance for the
+following purposes---
+\item to receive from the Committee a report balance sheet and statement of
+accounts for the preceding financial year
+\item to fill the vacancies in the Committee and to appoint auditors for the
+ensuing year
+\item to decide on any motion which may be proposed to the meeting in the
+manner provided below
+\item to fix the entrance fee (if any) and annual subscription
+18. \ Any member desirous of proposing any motion at the
+annual general meeting shall give notice in writing to the secretary not
+later than 14 days before the date of such meeting
+23. \ No amendment (other than a motion for adjournment) shall be moved to any
+motion proposed at any annual or special general meeting unless written notice
+of the amendment shall have been sent to the secretary prior to the meeting
+I think that Clauses 17(3), 18 and 23 are self-explanatory.
+Having seen the enclosed draft agenda, anyone wishing to propose any
+other motion to the AGM must send me, in writing, the text of the
+proposed motion and their own name and address, to reach me by
+5~October 1994. If there are any changes to the draft agenda, the
+final agenda will be sent to members in the 14 days before the AGM.
+Anyone wishing, at that stage, to move any amendment to any motion,
+must send me, in writing, the text of the proposed amendment and their
+own name and address, to reach me by 18 October 1994.
+As for vacancies on the Committee, C.~A.~Rowley will continue as Chair
+in 1994--95 and P.~Abbott as Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
+M.~Clark, J.~Fine and A.~S.~A.~Jeffrey are eligible and willing to
+continue their Committee membership. C.~Hewlett and R.~Fairbairns must
+retire but are eligible and willing to stand for re-election. Thus
+there are up to 7~vacancies to be filled, and at least 5~nominations
+are needed from outside the present Committee.
+The following parts of Clause~10 describe the procedure for
+filling these vacancies:
+(3) Any two members who are individuals may
+nominate any member or members of the group who are individuals
+to fill any of
+the vacancies by giving at least 7~days notice in writing to the
+(4) If there are more nominations than vacancies then the membership
+will be decided by an election by single transferable vote in which
+every member of the \ukt\ who is an individual and is
+present at the annual general meeting
+shall be entitled but not obliged to vote
+Nominations for Committee members in accordance with the above
+sub-clauses are thus being sought. Written nominations for new
+Committee members should be sent to me, to reach me by 12~October
+1994. There is no official nomination form. If you like, you may use
+the forms provided at the end of this notice. Otherwise, what you send
+me should contain, clearly and legibly,
+ ---name and address of nominee\\
+ ---declaration that (s)he is willing to stand for this
+ office, signed by the nominee\\
+ ---name and address of the nominator\\
+ ---statement nominating the nominee, signed by the
+ nominator\\
+ ---name and address of seconder\\
+ ---statement in support of the nomination, signed by
+ the seconder.
+The nominee, nominator and seconder should all be members of the
+\ukt\, and the last two should be different from each other.
+Once elected, the Committee appoints officers from its membership.
+Your present secretary is retiring (forced to under Clause~10~(1)) and
+there is at present no Publicity person. Anyone with talents for
+either of these jobs is strongly encouraged to stand for election to
+the Committee.
+In all the above, `in writing' means `on paper', not email.
+Please put `UKTUG' on the outside of the envelope when you send me any
+of the above. Otherwise, people may find themselves elected to the
+wrong committee.
+My address is
+School of Mathematical Sciences\\
+Queen Mary and Westfield College\\
+Mile End Road\\
+London E1 4NS
+from 1~September 1994.
+R. A. Bailey\\
+Honorary Secretary\\
+\subsection{AGM Agenda}
+\act{CAR to welcome, then to introduce each item}
+\item Receipt of the report of the 1993 AGM. \act{RAB to point to
+\item Chair's report. \act{CAR}
+\item Treasurer's report. \act{PA}
+\item Appointment of auditors. \act{CAR}
+\item Approval of the annual subscription for individual members. \act{PA}
+The committee proposes the following motion.
+\it The membership fee for 1995 shall be \pounds 20.00 for full membership or
+\pounds 10.00 for full-time student membership. Anyone who joins the UK \TeX\
+Users' Group on or after 1~October 1994 will, for the above fee, become a
+member until 31~December 1995, although they will be ineligible to vote on
+business of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group until 1~January 1995.
+\item Approval of the principles upon which the fees for
+meetings and workshops are set. \act{PA}
+The committee proposes the following motion.
+Meetings and workshops shall be costed to break even. The surcharge for
+shall be the greater of \pounds 10 and rounded 10\% of the members' meeting
+There shall be a
+discount for booking before a specified date.
+\item Institutional membership. \act{RAB}
+To note that,
+in accordance with clauses 2(1) and 15(2) of
+the Constitution, the committee has determined that the regulations for
+institutional members should be:
+Each institutional member shall
+nominate a single person as a point of contact.
+\item The person so nominated shall be entitled to
+five copies of each issue of \BV.
+For each institutional member,
+up to 20~people from that institution shall be allowed to attend
+\ukt\ meetings at the members' rate, so long as they identify
+themselves, on the booking form, as being among their institution's quota.
+\item Approval of the annual subscription for institutional members. \act{PA}
+The committee proposes the following motion.
+\it The membership fee for 1995 shall be \pounds 100.00 for institutional
+\item Election of Committee Members. \act{RAB to display lists and orchestrate}
+\item Report on {\em Baskerville}. \act{SPQR}
+\item Topics for Meetings (to solicit ideas from the floor on theme, location,
+timing and duration of forthcoming meetings). \act{?? could be RAB}
+\item The future of the Archive. \act{PA??}
+\item \TeX nical services to members. \act{?? could be SPQR}
+\item Any other business. \act{CAR}
+\FullLine{Name of Nominee:}
+I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and am
+willing to stand for election to the Committee of \ukt\
+for 1994--95.
+\HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL
+\FullLine{Name of Nominator:}
+I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I nominate the above-named
+person for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1994--95.
+\HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL
+\FullLine{Name of Seconder:}
+I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I second the nomination of the
+person for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1994--95.
+\HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL
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+\title{Topical Tip: making the TOC tick}
+\author[R.~A. Bailey]{R.~A. Bailey\\Goldsmiths'
+ College, University of London}
+I have a problem that I have not been able to solve by reading \lamport.
+How can I force a table of contents to have entries for
+`preface', `bibliography' and `index' (for example, like the table of contents
+of \shortlamp\ itself has)? For example, if I use the
+sectioning command, no entry for the table of contents
+is generated; if I use
+explicit commands such as
+\verb+\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Preface}+, it
+works for the preface but it generates incorrect page numbers for the
+index and bibliography (maybe I put the commands in the wrong place,
+but it is not obvious to me where exactly I should put them).
+The best way to get headings of funny `sections' like
+prefaces in the the table of contents is to use the
+counter \latexword{secnumdepth} described on pages~157 and~160 of
+\shortlamp. I use
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}
+ \chapter{preface}
+Of course, you have to set \latexword{secnumdepth} back to its usual value
+(which is~2 in the standard styles, I think) before you do
+any `section' which you want to be numbered.
+This is why it works.
+ without the star does
+\item put something in the \latexword{.toc} file;
+\item write the chapter title;
+\item if $\mbox{\latexword{secnumdepth}} \geq 0$
+ then increase the counter for the
+ chapter and write it out.
+The above behaviour is much more predictable than
+which, in my opinion, should be avoided if at all possible.
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+\title{Maths in \LaTeX: Part~1, Back to Basics}
+\author[R.~A. Bailey]{R.~A. Bailey\\Goldsmiths'
+College, University of London}
+\newcommand{\latexword}[1]{{\ttfamily\upshape #1}}
+\newcommand{\lamport}{{\it \LaTeX: A Document Preparation System\/} by Leslie
+\newcommand{\shortlamp}{\emph{The Manual}}
+The book \lamport\ is rather coy about Mathematics. It simply does not reveal
+the full range of Mathematical expressions that can be correctly typeset
+without going outside \LaTeX. The result is that some Mathematical authors,
+while attracted to the generic mark-up of \LaTeX, believe that they need to use
+plain \TeX\ or \AmSTeX\
+to write their documents.
+This sequence of tutorials seeks to correct that impression, by
+explaining what Mathematical expressions can be typeset with \LaTeX\
+without the need for the \latexword{amstex} package. Perhaps this will
+provoke someone else to write a tutorial on that package. The first
+part is mostly, but not entirely, devoted to things which you can find
+in \shortlamp, even though you may have overlooked some of them.
+Succeeding parts (in the next and later issues of \BV) will be mostly
+about Mathematical goodies provided by \TeX\ but upon which
+\shortlamp\ is silent, even though they are necessary and quite easy
+to use. The final part will deal with arrays, concentrating on their
+use in Mathematics.
+These are tutorials, so I expect you, the reader, to do some work.
+Every so often comes a group of exercises, which you are supposed to
+do. Use \LaTeX\ to typeset everything in the exercise except sentences
+in italics, which are instructions. If you are not satisfied that you
+can do the exercise, then write to me with hard copy of your input and
+output (no email address before we go to press, I'm afraid): I will
+include a solution in the following issue of \BV.
+A word on fonts. Fonts in Mathematics are handled differently in
+\LaTeX\ 2.09, in NFSS, and in \LaTeXe. Rather than compare these
+systems every time that I mention fonts, I shall limit myself to
+\LaTeX\ 2.09. With any luck, this will enrage some knowledgeable
+person enough to write an article on handling of Maths fonts in
+different flavours of \LaTeX.
+\section{What does it look like?}
+\subsection{Maths Mode}
+\AllTeX\ has a special state, called {\em Maths mode}, which it must
+be in to recognize Mathematical expressions and typeset them properly.
+Maths mode in \LaTeX\ is everything between |\(| and~|\)|,
+or, alternatively, everything between |$| and~|$|. The
+parentheses are better for trapping errors, because it is obvious
+whether the left or right one is missing, if any. A missing~|$|
+causes \AllTeX\ to swap Maths mode and ordinary mode from then
+onwards, giving strange output but no errors until it eventually meets
+something like |x^2| that it cannot interpret in the wrong mode.
+On the other hand, the dollar signs are easier to type, and easier to
+see in your input file.
+In Maths mode most symbols are typeset as if they represent single-letter
+variables. A string of three letters will be set as if those three variables
+should be multiplied together. Fancy features like kerns and ligatures, which
+are used in normal text to help the reader interpret letter-strings as words,
+are turned off. Letters are set in the special font known as {\em Maths
+italic\/} which is usually used for variables.
+Almost all spaces that you type are ignored. \AllTeX\ thinks that it
+knows better than you do how Mathematics should be spaced, and it is
+probably right to think so.
+Don't stay in Maths mode for too long just because you are too lazy to type a
+few |$|~signs. Everything between the~|$|s should be Maths. A common
+mistake by beginners is to forget that a punctuation sign, like a comma, may
+have a different meaning in Maths from its meaning in text. In
+the scalars $a$, $b$ and $c$
+we have a textual list containing three mathematical objects, so the input file
+ the scalars $a$, $b$ and $c$
+That comma is a textual one. The lazy typist types
+ the scalars $a, b$ and $c$
+and obtains
+ the scalars $a, b$ and $c$
+On the other hand, in
+the vector $(a,b,c)$
+there is a single Mathematical object, so it is correct to type
+ the vector $(a,b,c)$
+or, equally well,
+ the vector $(a, b, c)$
+These commas are part of the Mathematical notation.
+\subsection{Basic symbols}
+The basic symbols are the numerals {\tt 1}, {\tt 2}, \ldots, the Latin
+letters {\tt a}, {\tt b}, \ldots, {\tt z}, {\tt A}, \ldots, {\tt Z}, and the
+Greek letters |\alpha|, |\beta|, |\gamma|, \ldots,
+|\omega|, |A|, |B|, |\Gamma|, \ldots,~|\Omega|.
+If you don't know the standard English spellings of Greek letters, look on
+page~43 of \shortlamp. Upper-case Greek letters which are conventionally the
+same as their Latin equivalents do not have special commands. Some Greek letters
+have variants: |\varepsilon|, for example.
+The obvious symbols for operators are the keyboard symbols |+|
+and~{\tt -}. If you forget to go into Maths mode (a common temptation
+when typing a table of data), the symbol~{\tt -} will not look like a
+minus sign. Outside Maths mode the~|+| will look like a plus
+sign, but the spacing will be wrong. In Maths mode \AllTeX\ knows what
+is the proper spacing to put around binary operators like~\verb|+|
+and~{\tt -}; it also knows the proper spacing to surround binary
+relations like~{\tt =}. Try typing the following both inside Maths
+mode and outside it, and compare the results.
+ 1 +2 = 3 4-1 = 3
+ 1 -4 = -3 -2+7 =+5
+Also try~{\tt >} outside Maths mode: you may be surprised.
+\subsection{Sub- and superscripts}
+Subscripts are introduced with~|_|: for example, |x_n| gives~$x_n$.
+If there is more than one thing in the subscript you have to use braces, as in
+\verb!x_{n+1}! for~$x_{n+1}$. You can type |x_{n}| for $x_{n}$ if you
+want, but it makes your input file less readable.
+Superscripts are done similarly, using~|^|: thus |y^3| for~$y^3$ and
+|y^{-1}| for~$y^{-1}$.
+A sub- and superscript can be put on the same symbol in either order:
+|x_n^2| and |x^2_n| both produce~$x_n^2$. Double subscripts or
+superscripts are obtained by using braces in the obvious way: |x_{n_2}|
+and |n^{m^2}|.
+To put a sub- or superscript {\em before\/} a symbol, precede it with
+|{}|. Otherwise the sub- or superscript attaches itself to the previous
+thing, which may well be something like $+$ or~$=$.
+In an expression such as ${(X+Y)^2}$, strictly speaking \TeX\ thinks it is
+putting the superscript on the right parenthesis if
+you type \verb!(X+Y)^2!, and
+it positions the superscript in accordance with that thought. If this really
+offends you, you can force \TeX\ to share your logic by typing
+\verb!{(X+Y)}^2!, but you may not always prefer the result.
+\subsection{Modifying symbols}
+To turn~$x$ into~$x'$ type~|x'|. You do not need to think of the prime as
+a superscript.
+Some common modifiers are exemplified in
+|\bar{x}| & $\bar{x}$ & |\tilde{x}| & $\tilde{x}$\\
+|\hat{x}| & $\hat{x}$ & |\vec{x}| & $\vec{x}$
+A few more such decorations are shown on page~51 of \shortlamp. If any
+of them is used over an~$i$ or a~$j$ then the dotless versions of
+those letters should be used: |\imath| and |\jmath|.
+There are wide versions of |\hat| and |\tilde|:
+\verb!\widehat{a+b}! & $\widehat{a+b}$\\
+|\widetilde{1-\theta}| & $\widetilde{1-\theta}$
+There are also wide versions of |\bar| and |\vec| but with less
+obvious names: I'll cover these in a later tutorial.
+Logically, a decoration such as |\hat| may modify the whole of a
+subscripted expression such as~$x_2$; you usually mean `the estimate of~$x_2$'
+rather than `the second part of~$\hat{x}$'. However, both $\hat{x_2}$ and
+$\widehat{x_2}$ simply look wrong, so you have to let aesthetics triumph over
+logic and type |\hat{x}_2|.
+To get a line of dots to show that some items have been missed out, use
+|\ldots| if the missing items are normally aligned on their baselines,
+such as letters, or |\cdots| if the missing items are normally aligned on
+the centreline, such as binary operators. If the missing items are part of a
+textual list, don't forget to come out of Maths mode and to put a comma at the
+end of the dots.
+|for $i=1$, $2$, \ldots, $10$|\\
+|the vector $(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)$|\\
+|$a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n$|\\
+|$y_1 = y_2 = \cdots = y_7$|
+If you think that the dollar signs round the numerals in the first example are
+unnecessary, try embedding that phrase in a piece of italic text.
+\subsection{Square roots}
+Type |\sqrt{2}| to obtain $\sqrt{2}$. The same technique works for more
+complicated expressions than~$2$: you don't have to do anything to make the
+root sign the right size. For example,
+\verb!\sqrt{n^2+6}! \qquad $\sqrt{n^2+6}$
+Other roots, such as cube roots, are obtained by putting in an optional
+|\sqrt[3]{8} = 2| \qquad $\sqrt[3]{8} = 2$
+The simple symbol for a square root is |\surd|.
+Don't abuse \TeX's wizardry by using |\sqrt| for a large expression in
+text or in a complicated display. The mess obscures the message.
+\subsection{Displayed Maths}
+To get a single line of displayed Maths, type the contents between |\[|
+and~|\]|. You should not start a paragraph with displayed Maths, but may
+end one. If the displayed Maths is in the middle of a paragraph, remember not
+to leave blank lines around it in your input file.
+Displayed Maths may also be typed between |$$| and~|$$|, but the
+effect is not quite the same. For example, the document option
+\latexword{fleqn} aligns displayed Maths on the left if you use |\[| and
+|\]|, but not if you use |$$|.
+To put a short piece of text in displayed Maths, insert it in |\mbox|,
+remembering to include any necessary spaces that would be ignored in Maths
+ \[ a=b \mbox{ if } c=d \]
+Don't try to use |\mbox| in a similar way to put short text
+between pieces of Maths in text: it inhibits line-breaks.
+\subsection{Words as labels}
+Sometimes you want to attach natural-language words to Mathematical symbols to
+label them. For example, you might have analogous quantities associated with
+the rows and columns of a rectangular array, and wish to indicate this by using
+the same symbol, say~$Q$, with different subscripts. It simply will not do to
+type |Q_{rows}|, because this gives $Q_{rows}$, where the subscript looks
+like the product of $r$~by $o$ by \ldots. And it is no good putting {\tt rows}
+in an |\mbox|, because it will come out too big. Once something has been
+put in a box, it doesn't change size. You have to type
+|Q_{\rm rows}| to get $Q_\mathrm{rows}$.
+(Did you remember the caveat about fonts?)
+If this seems too much trouble, you might decide to abbreviate to $Q_r$
+and~$Q_c$. But this will not do either,
+because the subscripts look like variables
+into which numbers, say, could be substituted. If you don't want to mislead
+your readers, you should type |Q_{\rm r}|.
+A built-up fraction is made with |\frac|:
+|\frac{n}{m}| \qquad $\displaystyle\frac{n}{m}$
+This comes out larger in displayed Maths than in text. It is better to use the
+solidus, as in $n/m$, for most fractions in text, with the exception of a few
+simple common fractions like~$\frac{1}{2}$.
+Of course, fractions can be put inside other fractions with no bother:
+\verb!\frac{a(b+c)}{5 + \frac{1}{xy}}! \\[2\jot]
+$\displaystyle \frac{a(b+c)}{5 + \frac{1}{xy}}$
+\subsection{Binary operators}
+In the golden olden days of golf-ball typewriters, it was a luxury to
+a Mathematician to have the symbol for direct sum, or for union.
+\AllTeX\ not only has the symbols; it knows that they are operators,
+and gives them the correct spacing for infix operators, and has
+reasonably good ideas about where to break lines near them. A few of
+the common ones are:
+\verb!+! & $+$ & \verb!-! & $-$ & \verb!\pm! & $\pm$\\
+\verb!\times! & $\times$ & \verb!\div! & $\div$ & \verb!\oplus! & $\oplus$\\
+\verb!\cup! & $\cup$ & \verb!\cap! & $\cap$ & \verb!\wedge! & $\wedge$.
+There are many more on page~44.
+In fact, \AllTeX\ is even cleverer than this. If a binary operator
+doesn't find itself between two things it can operate on then it
+becomes a simple symbol, and spaces and line-breaks adjust
+accordingly. You should have noticed this if you did the exercise
+suggested above.%in Section~\ref{symsec}.
+\subsection{Binary relations}
+\AllTeX\ also knows about infix relations, such as
+\verb!=! & $=$ & \verb!\in! & $\in$ & \verb!\subset! & $\subset$\\
+\verb!<! & $<$ & \verb!\leq! & $\leq$ & \verb!\perp! & $\perp$.
+More are shown on page~44. Don't confuse~$\in$ with either of the epsilons.
+Compare \verb!\mid! with~\verb!|!. The former is a relation, while the latter
+is just a symbol. So which should you use for `divides'?
+Relations can be negated by preceding them with |\not|:
+\verb!Z_2 \times Z_2 \not\cong Z_4! \qquad
+Z_2 \times Z_2 \not\cong Z_4
+This doesn't work quite right for~$\in$, so there is the special command
+|\notin|. Also, |\ne| is a useful shorthand for |\not=|.
+\subsection{Fonts in Maths}
+(Did you remember the caveat about fonts?)
+For something like script letters use |\cal|, as in |${\cal F}(x)$|
+for $\mathcal{F}(x)$. The braces give the scope of |\cal|: for a
+single Mathematical letter such as~$\mathcal H$ you can get away with
+|$\cal H$|. Only upper-case Latin letters may be modified by |\cal|.
+In some branches of Mathematics, constants are shown in Roman type. So the base
+of natural logarithms is |{\rm e}|.
+For bold letters, you can use |\bf| to modify
+Latin letters and upper-case Greek ones:
+\verb!{\bf Mv} = a{\bf w}! \qquad \mathbf{Mv} = a\mathbf{w}
+For lower-case Greek letters, and for non-letters, you have to use a
+cumbersome construction:
+\verb!\mbox{\boldmath $\lambda$}! \qquad \mbox{\boldmath $\lambda$}
+Because of the box, this does not change size properly in sub- and
+\subsection{Writing Maths}
+The ability to produce beautiful Mathematical formulae is no licence to produce
+poor Mathematical writing. Remember that relations are verbs. It is impossible
+to parse the sentence
+Therefore $n=56$ is the sample size.
+The equation $x^2+9=0$ has no real roots.
+is fine.
+Don't start a sentence with notation: the reader doesn't get the right visual
+clue. If possible, avoid putting notation immediately after {\em any\/}
+punctuation, unless it is part of a list. This saves the reader from having to
+work out if the punctuation is Mathematical or textual. Similarly, avoid
+abbreviations like `iid' and `e.g.'\ which might be mistaken for notation at a
+first glance.
+The zeros of the quadratic $ax^2 + bx + c$ are
+\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} .
+The upper 5\% point of the $\chi^2_6$ distribution is 12.592.
+If $\nu= n_1 + n_2 -2 $ and
+s^2 = \frac{(n_1 -1)s_1^2 + (n_2-1)s_2^2}{n_1 + n_2 -2}
+\frac{\bar{X}_1 - \bar{X}_2}{s\surd(\frac{1}{n_1} + \frac{1}{n_2})}
+is distributed as $t_\nu$.
+By choosing bases, it follows that the subspaces $Z_1$, \ldots, $Z_r$ span~$V$;
+hence it follows that $V$ is the direct sum $V=Z_1 \oplus \cdots \oplus Z_r$,
+as asserted.
+If $\mathcal M$ and $\mathcal N$ are subspaces of a finite-dimensional inner product
+space $\mathcal V$ then
+(\mathcal{M} + \mathcal{N})^\perp = \mathcal{M}^\perp \cap \mathcal{N}^\perp
+(\mathcal{M} \cap \mathcal{N})^\perp = \mathcal{M}^\perp + \mathcal{N}^\perp.
+Moreover, $\mathcal{M}^\perp \cong \mathcal{V}/\mathcal{N}$.
+The sum of squares for the linear model $V_\mathrm{protein}
++ V_\mathrm{fishmeal}$
+is $1559378$.
+\newcommand{\bbeta}{\mbox{\boldmath $\beta$}}
+\newcommand{\bep}{\mbox{\boldmath $\varepsilon$}}
+The usual regression equation is
+$\mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{X}\bbeta + \bep$, where
+$\mathbf{Y}$ is an $n\times 1$ vector, $\mathbf{X}$
+is an $n\times p $ matrix, $\bbeta$
+is the $p\times1$ vector of unknown parameters, and $\bep$ is the $n\times1$
+vector of random errors. The least-squares estimate $\widehat{\bbeta}$ of the
+parameters is given by
+\widehat{\bbeta} = (\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{Y}.
+The $T$-orders are $p(x)^{e_1}$, $p(x)^{e_2}$ and $p(x)^{e_3}$, where $e_1 >e_2
+\geq e_3$. This implies that $p(x)^{e_1}\mid\eta(x)^{e_1-d}$ and hence that
+$\eta(x) = \psi(x)p(x)^d$ for some polynomial $\psi(x)$.
+We have $t\in A\setminus B$ if and only if \[t \in A \mbox{ and } t\notin B.\]
+Pascal's triangle is based on the identity
+{}^{n-1}\mathrm{C}_{k} + {}^{n-1}\mathrm{C}_{k-1} = {}^{n}\mathrm{C}_{k}.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f37d35cd3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+% by Raymond Chen (
+% Bart Simpson.
+pictureof(Bart, 24u#, 24u#, 0);
+ pickup thinpen;
+ localpath eye_left, eye_right;
+ eye_right = superellipse( (16.6u, 11.5u), (14u, 13.7u), (11.5u, 11u),
+ (13.5u, 9u), .7);
+ draw eye_right;
+ localpath nose;
+ nose = preclip((15u, 10u).. (17.5u, 10.8u){right} ...
+ (20u, 9.7u){down} ... (16.7u, 8.2u){left}, eye_right);
+ draw nose;
+ localpath dimple;
+ z1d = (12.8u, 6.3u);
+ z2d = (12.2u, 5.2u);
+ dimple = z1d{(z2d-z1d) rotated dimple_depth}..
+ {(z2d-z1d) rotated -dimple_depth}z2d;
+ draw dimple;
+ labels(1d, 2d);
+ localpath mouth;
+ mouth = prepostclip(
+ (18u, 9u).. tension infinity and 3..
+ (19.6u, 5.3u) ..
+ (19u, 5u){left} ..
+ (14.3u, 5u) ..
+ (12u, 6.2u), nose, dimple);
+ draw mouth;
+ eye_left = prepostclip(
+ (18u, 9.7u){right}..
+ (20u, 12.2u){up}..
+ (18u, 14.2u){left}..
+ {down}(15.5u, 12u), nose, eye_right);
+ draw eye_left;
+ % The spikes of the hair are equally spaced along a path.
+ % (Which means they really aren't equally spaced, since speed
+ % along a path is nonconstant. But that's good, because
+ % that introduces variability.)
+ %
+ % n is two less than the number of spikes atop Bart's head. Although
+ % you can choose any value you want, the official Bart has 9 spikes,
+ % so you should set n to 7.
+ %
+ localpath hair_top, hair_bot;
+ local(numeric)(bumpiness, n);
+ bumpiness = 5; n = 7;
+ z0h = (18.3u, 13u); z3h = (8.8u, 5.5u);
+ z1h = (15.5u, 22u); z2h = (4u, 18.6u);
+ z4h = (8.5u, 3.8u);
+ hair_top = z1h{(z2h-z1h) rotated -bumpiness} ..
+ {(z2h-z1h) rotated bumpiness}z2h;
+ z1h' = z1h - 2u * (z1h-z0h) / length(z1h-z0h);
+ z2h' = z2h - (2u * (z2h-z3h) / length(z2h-z3h)) rotated 10;
+ hair_bot = z1h'{(z2h-z1h) rotated -bumpiness} ..
+ {(z2h-z1h) rotated bumpiness}z2h';
+ % What we want is for the valleys to be equally spaced, but 50%
+ % further from the ends.
+ numeric t[];
+ % The following wild macro makes t0 ... t[n] equally spaced.
+ for i = 1 upto 2n: t[i] - t[i-1] = endfor
+ % and we make them 50% further from the far endpoints 0 and 1.
+ .6(t0 - 0) = .6(1 - t[2n]);
+ % But we allow the points to vary randomly, so it doesn't look
+ % too computerized.
+ localpath hair;
+ hair = preclip(z0h --- z1h ---
+ for i = 0 upto n-1:
+ point t[2i] of hair_bot
+ shifted (kemptness*(normaldeviate, normaldeviate)) ---
+ point t[2i+1] of hair_top
+ shifted (kemptness*(normaldeviate, normaldeviate)) ---
+ endfor
+ point t[2n] of hair_bot ---
+ z2h .. tension infinity and 1 .. z3h{down} .. z4h, eye_left);
+ draw hair;
+ numeric t;
+ localpath ear;
+ ear = (9.5u, 8.9u) .. (8u, 7.5u) ..(9.3u, 6.5u);
+ erase fill ear .. cycle;
+ draw ear;
+ drawtau( (8.5u, 7.8u), (9.5u, 8.2u), (9.1u, 7u), (9.1u, 8.3u) );
+ % chin and neck
+ z.chin = (14.4u, 2u);
+ draw preclip(
+ (17u, 5u){down} .. (16u, 4u){left} .. {(-1/2, -2)}z.chin,
+ mouth);
+ % Bart's shirt
+ z1s = (x4h - 1.2u, 0u);
+ z2s = z4h + (-.5u, -.8u);
+ z3s = z.chin + (.2u, -.2u);
+ z4s = (x.chin + .3u, 0u);
+ draw z1s
+ .. {z2s-z1s}z2s
+ .. {dir -45}z4h
+ .. (12u, 1.8u){right}
+ ... z.chin &
+ flex(z.chin, z3s, z4s);
+ labels(1s, 2s, 4h);
+ eyepos(Bart, 13.5u#, 11.2u#, 17.5u#, 12u#);
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bart.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bart.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70ccee1f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bart.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+\Bart Use \TeX, dude!
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bask4_4.brf b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bask4_4.brf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34ca611625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bask4_4.brf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\backcite {treebus}{{\uppercase {ii}}{4}{Hfootnote.7}}
+\backcite {mclean}{{\uppercase {ii}}{4}{Hfootnote.7}}
+\backcite {lamport}{{\uppercase {ii}}{4}{Hfootnote.7}}
+\backcite {bernard}{{\uppercase {ii}}{5}{Hfootnote.7}}
+\backcite {lamport}{{\uppercase {ii}}{5}{Hfootnote.7}}
+\backcite {bernard}{{A}{5}{section.2.1}}
+\backcite {grecon}{{B}{6}{section.2.2}}
+\backcite {bernard}{{C}{7}{section.2.3}}
+\backcite {bernard}{{D}{7}{section.2.4}}
+\backcite {abbott:exeter}{{A}{30}{section.11.1}}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf0a3e3d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,9989 @@
+%%Creator: dvipsk 5.66a Copyright 1986-97 Radical Eye Software (
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+hsize mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul
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+forall round exch round exch]setmatrix}N /@landscape{/isls true N}B
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+0 ch-xoff ch-yoff ch-height sub ch-xoff ch-width add ch-yoff
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+/gp X adv}B /nd{/cp 0 N rw exit}B /lsh{rw cp 2 copy get dup 0 eq{pop 1}{
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+idiv S 128 and or}ifelse}ifelse put 1 adv}B /clr{rw cp 2 index string
+putinterval adv}B /set{rw cp fillstr 0 4 index getinterval putinterval
+adv}B /fillstr 18 string 0 1 17{2 copy 255 put pop}for N /pl[{adv 1 chg}
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+chg nd}{pop nd}]dup{bind pop}forall N /D{/cc X dup type /stringtype ne{]
+}if nn /base get cc ctr put nn /BitMaps get S ctr S sf 1 ne{dup dup
+length 1 sub dup 2 index S get sf div put}if put /ctr ctr 1 add N}B /I{
+cc 1 add D}B /bop{userdict /bop-hook known{bop-hook}if /SI save N @rigin
+0 0 moveto /V matrix currentmatrix dup 1 get dup mul exch 0 get dup mul
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+0]N /BDot 260 string N /rulex 0 N /ruley 0 N /v{/ruley X /rulex X V}B /V
+{}B /RV statusdict begin /product where{pop false[(Display)(NeXT)
+(LaserWriter 16/600)]{dup length product length le{dup length product
+exch 0 exch getinterval eq{pop true exit}if}{pop}ifelse}forall}{false}
+ifelse end{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR 1 1 scale rulex ruley false RMat{BDot}
+imagemask grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR rulex ruley scale 1 1 false
+RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}ifelse B /QV{gsave newpath transform round
+exch round exch itransform moveto rulex 0 rlineto 0 ruley neg rlineto
+rulex neg 0 rlineto fill grestore}B /a{moveto}B /delta 0 N /tail{dup
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+B /r{p 2 w}B /s{p 3 w}B /t{p 4 w}B /x{0 S rmoveto}B /y{3 2 roll p a}B
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+% @@psencodingfile@{
+% author = "S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry",
+% version = "0.6",
+% date = "22 June 1996",
+% filename = "8r.enc",
+% email = "",
+% address = "135 Center Hill Rd. // Plymouth, MA 02360",
+% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+% checksum = "119 662 4424",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts to be used with TeX."
+% @}
+% Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts
+% available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe
+% Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida.
+% Character code assignments were made as follows:
+% (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI
+% positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the
+% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows
+% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for
+% typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen
+% (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an
+% irritation not having them in TeX positions.
+% (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part
+% of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software.
+% (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the
+% hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public
+% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12.
+% (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully)
+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
+% available.
+% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both ASCII and Windows.
+/TeXBase1Encoding [
+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
+ /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl
+ /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash
+ /ogonek /ring /.notdef
+ /breve /minus /.notdef
+% These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as
+% well include them.
+ /Zcaron /zcaron
+% 0x10
+ /caron /dotlessi
+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
+ /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+ % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright
+ % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there down to here.
+ /grave /quotesingle
+% 0x20 (ASCII begins)
+ /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign
+ /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+ /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash
+% 0x30
+ /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven
+ /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question
+% 0x40
+ /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
+% 0x50
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+ /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore
+% 0x60
+ /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o
+% 0x70
+ /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+ /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde
+ /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends
+% 0x80
+ /.notdef /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin
+ /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl
+ /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft
+ /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+% 0x90
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblleft
+ /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash
+ /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright
+ /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis
+% 0xA0
+ /.notdef % nobreakspace
+ /exclamdown /cent /sterling
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+ /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft
+ /logicalnot
+ /hyphen % Y&Y (also at 45); Windows' softhyphen
+ /registered
+ /macron
+% 0xD0
+ /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior
+ /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered
+ /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright
+ /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown
+% 0xC0
+ /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+ /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis
+ /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
+% 0xD0
+ /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute
+ /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply
+ /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
+ /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls
+% 0xE0
+ /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde
+ /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
+ /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis
+ /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+% 0xF0
+ /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute
+ /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide
+ /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex
+ /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
+] def
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+index /UniqueID ne and{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall[1 index 0 6 -1 roll
+exec 0 exch 5 -1 roll VResolution Resolution div mul neg 0 0]/Metrics
+exch def dict begin Encoding{exch dup type /integertype ne{pop pop 1 sub
+dup 0 le{pop}{[}ifelse}{FontMatrix 0 get div Metrics 0 get div def}
+ifelse}forall Metrics /Metrics currentdict end def[2 index currentdict
+end definefont 3 -1 roll makefont /setfont cvx]cvx def}def /ObliqueSlant
+{dup sin S cos div neg}B /SlantFont{4 index mul add}def /ExtendFont{3 -1
+roll mul exch}def /ReEncodeFont{/Encoding exch def}def end
+TeXDict begin /SDict 200 dict N SDict begin /@SpecialDefaults{/hs 612 N
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+h(we)g(were)f(ready)g(to)h(go)f(li)n(v)o(e.)g(W)-7 b(e)26
+FQ( 606 y FR(domain)19 b(of)i(the)f(DNS)i(\(a)f(saga)f
+(that)-236 706 y(is)h(e)o(xactly)e(what)h(happened.)-137
+805 y(Three)d(days)f(before)g(he)h(retired,)f(Peter)h(Abbott)g(sent)g
+(Aston)g(did)f(indeed)-236 905 y(w)o(ant)k(to)g(reallocate)g(the)g
+1023 y
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+(the)i(changeo)o(v)o(er)m(,)c(so)19 b(it)g(must)f(be)g(considered)e(a)j
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+n(f)g(via)g(ftp.)g(Equally)g(encouragingly)-5 b(,)18
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+(Alpha)g(is)h(a)f(v)o(ery)-236 1851 y(f)o(ast)i(machine,)d(and)i(pro)o
+(vided)e(that)i(there)g(is)h(enough)d(memory)-5 b(,)18
+1951 y(By)k(a)g(curious)e(twist)i(of)f(f)o(ate,)h(the)f(service)g(of)n
+(good)e(as)i(we)g(might)e(ha)n(v)o(e)h(hoped.)-236 2051
+(are)d(and)i(softw)o(are)g(ha)n(v)o(e)f(been)-236 2150
+(v)o(e.)-137 2250 y(The)i(\002rst)g(w)o(as)h(a)f(spectacular)f
+(widespread)g(disruption)f(to)i(our)f(equip-)-236 2350
+y(ment.)27 b(The)h(serv)o(er)f(itself)i(reco)o(v)o(ered)c(with)k
+(little)g(dif)n(\002culty)-5 b(,)26 b(b)n(ut)i(the)g(netw)o(ork)f
+2449 y(department)18 b(w)o(as)j(cut)f(of)n(f)g(from)f(the)h(outside)g
+(w)o(orld)f(for)h(some)g(time.)-137 2549 y(The)e(ne)o(xt)g(week)o(end,)
+b(,)18 b(b)n(ut)g(this)h(`ob)o(vious')-236 2648 y(po)n(wer)j(supply)f
+i(for)m(,)d(and)h(the)-236 2748 y(system)e(had)g(then)g(to)g(be)h
+-236 2848 y(the)h(follo)n(wing)f(Monday)-5 b(.)-137 2947
+y(The)26 b(third)f(f)o(ailure)g(again)f(started)i(during)e(a)i(week)o
+j(e)o(xactly)e(the)-236 3047 y(same)30 b(thing)f(again.)f(The)i
+(a)-236 3147 y(machine)c(in)i(Norw)o(ay)-5 b(.)24 b(The)j(machine')-5
+b(s)25 b(administrator)g(didn')o(t)g(respond)g(to)h(mail,)g(b)n(ut)h
+3246 y(machine)20 b(had)i(the)g(required)e(ef)n(fect.)h(W)-7
+b(e')l(re)22 b(told)f(that)h(the)g(b)n(ug)f(in)h(OSF/1)h(which)e(made)g
+3346 y(mended)d(in)j(the)f(ne)o(xt)f(release.)-137 3445
+y(F)o(ortunately)24 b(the)h(user)g(community)e(has)i(been)g(v)o(ery)f
+g(hope)g(that)h(the)-236 3545 y(ne)o(xt)19 b(fe)n(w)h(weeks)h(will)g
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+ -236
+3646 a 98 x FI(5)91 b(Conclusion)23 b(\(RF\))-236 3894
+y FR(The)31 b(archi)n(v)o(e)g(has)h(gro)n(wn)e(from)h(humble)g(be)o
+b(AX/VMS)32 b(machine)e(using)i(protocols)e(only)-236
+3993 y(\(signi\002cantly\))15 b(a)n(v)n(ailable)i(within)g(the)g(UK,)g
+4093 y(services)j(to)g(an)o(yone)e(who)h(chooses)h(to)g(use)g(it)h(in)f
+b(,)18 b(we)k(ha)n(v)o(e)e(man)o(y)g(reasons)g(to)h(thank)f(Peter)-236
+4193 y(Abbott)f(for)h(his)g(foresight,)f(and)h(Aston)g(Uni)n(v)o
+-137 4292 y(F)o(or)25 b(the)f(time)h(being,)f(Cambridge)f(Uni)n(v)o
+e(that)i(the)50 b(netw)o(ork)24 b(can)g(continue)f(to)-236
+4392 y(serv)o(e)c(as)i(a)g(beacon)e(leading)g(progress)g(in)h(the)h
+(use)f(of)g(T)1395 4411 y(E)1435 4392 y(X)h(w)o(orld-wide.)-236
+4591 y FI(Refer)n(ences)-236 4642 y
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+Fj(.)43 b(In)24 b(Malcolm)h(Clark,)e(editor)m(,)h Fi(T)2482
+4745 y(E)2517 4728 y(X)f(Applications,)h(Uses,)g(Methods)p
+Fj(,)h(pages)153 4815 y(109\226114.)c(Ellis)d(Horw)o(ood,)i(1990.)28
+b(Proceedings)20 b(of)e(T)1620 4832 y(E)1656 4815 y(Xeter)h(\(1988\).)p
+Black 1631 5749 a FR(\22632\226)p Black eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bask4_4.rep b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bask4_4.rep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eec29d7b97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bask4_4.rep
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(newarticle.1) <Editorial>
+(section.1.1) <\emph {Baskerville}\ articles needed>
+(newarticle.2) <Table design>
+(section.2.1) <Basics of table design>
+(section.2.2) <An example>
+(section.2.3) <Technical issues>
+(section.2.4) <The trouble with LaTeX>
+(newarticle.3) <Maths in LaTeX: Part\nobreakspace {}1, Back to Basics>
+(section.3.1) <Introduction>
+(section.3.2) <What does it look like?>
+(section.3.3) <Exercises>
+(newarticle.4) <Backslash---Mathematical Activity>
+(newarticle.5) <Hyphenating British English>
+(newarticle.6) <A \MF \ of `Simpsons' characters>
+(newarticle.7) <The 15th Annual TeX\ Users Group Meeting>
+(section.7.1) <Introduction>
+(section.7.2) <Publishing, languages, literature and fonts.>
+(section.7.3) <Colour, and LaTeX>
+(section.7.4) <TeX\ Tools>
+(section.7.5) <Futures>
+(section.7.6) <Publishing and design>
+(section.7.7) <Conclusion>
+(newarticle.8) <The National Typesetter Users' Forum (NTUF)>
+(newarticle.9) <Malcolm's Gleanings>
+(section.9.1) <TUG94, The Conference>
+(section.9.2) <Offizin>
+(newarticle.10) <Topical Tip: making the TOC tick>
+(newarticle.11) <Moving the UK CTAN>
+(section.11.1) <The background (RF)>
+(section.11.2) <The Archive Operational Requirement>
+(section.11.3) <Meeting the Operational Requirement (MAJ)>
+(section.11.4) <The first six weeks (MAJ)>
+(section.11.5) <Conclusion (RF)>
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bask4_4.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bask4_4.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..256aed0e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/bask4_4.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+\section{\BV\ articles needed}
+\BV\ has been getting good articles this year, and I am very grateful
+to all the contributors. But I need more! Please delight fellow \TeX\
+users with your words of wisdom.
+\emph{Please note the following schedule of copy deadlines}:
+\parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright #1}}}}
+\em \rotatebox{30}{Issue}&
+\em \Thead{Submit material for publication}&
+\em \Thead{Submit last-minute notices}&
+\em \Thead{Anticipated posting date}\\
+4.5&Oct 17&Oct 24&Nov 10\\
+4.6&Dec 19&Dec 22&Jan 9\\
+Please also note the changed email and paper mail addresses for the
+editor in the banner heading above.
+Each issue of \BV\ will have a special theme, although articles on any
+\TeX-related subject are always welcome. Contributions on the themes
+for the remainder of 1994 are eagerly solicited:
+\BV\ 4.5 will try and go beyond \TeX, to see what is on the
+horizon, and \BV\ 4.6 will be about font-encoding if past history is anything
+ to go by \ldots
+\subsection{\TeX\ goes CD-ROM}
+In the last \BV, the Dutch-produced \fortex\ CD was advertised, and
+shortly afterwards a box of them arrived in the UK. They were promptly
+snapped up by discerning members, and back-orders to Holland from
+around the world soon accounted for all the copies which were made.
+If you do manage to find one, it's a real treasure trove (you can see
+one of my `finds' later) of fonts, macros, programs, articles, all
+piled together moderately higgledy-piggledy. NTG and the \fortex\ team
+are to be enthusiastically thanked for this product. I couldn't get
+too excited about \fortex\ itself (it's a DOSsy shell for \TeX), but I
+have used the disk over and over again to find odd files. Are any \BV\
+readers who bought the CD willing to write a full review?
+If that wasn't enough, those of us who attended TUG94 were given
+another CD, `\TeX cetera', courtesy of Prime Time Freeware. This
+is an almost-complete copy of the CTAN archives as of mid June (they
+left out a few monolithic items like the Archimedes \TeX\ setup to
+make it fit a single disk), collected and compressed into (usually)
+meaningful bundles. They couldn't just dump the whole archive since a)
+its too big, and b) the ISO 9660 file system on the CD couldn't cope
+with the names and the level of subdirectories. This CD is a Really
+Useful Thing! I recommend all or any \TeX\ persons reading this to buy
+a copy now, and encourage Prime Time Freeware to issue regular
+editions. Details of suppliers are given in the regular section at the
+back of \BV.
+\subsection{The archive is dead, long live the archive\ldots}
+Later in this issue, Martyn Johnson and Robin Fairbairns explain why
+and how the UK's \TeX\ Archive has moved to Cambridge. I join them in
+a tremendous vote of thanks to Peter Abbott for the way he stood
+behind the archive for years at Aston; without him we would have none
+of today's fancy CTANs. At the same time, I would like to record again
+the hallowed names of those pioneer archivists who worked so hard on
+the old archive: Adrian Clark, Malcolm Clark, Brian Hamilton Kelly,
+Niel Kempson, David Osborne, Sebastian Rahtz, Chris Rowley and Phil
+Taylor. David's (ongoing) work on the
+\texttt{uktex} and \texttt{texhax} bulletins
+also deserves the fullest recognition here.
+This issue of the journal was created entirely with the new standard
+\LaTeX\ and printed on a Hewlett Packard LaserJet~4.
+\BV\ is set in ITC New Baskerville Roman and Gill Sans,
+with Computer Modern Typewriter
+for literal text. Production and distribution was undertaken in
+Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns and Jonathan Fine.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/baskerv.cls b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/baskerv.cls
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+% Baskerville.cls:
+% Adrian Clark
+% Sue Brooks
+% Sebastan Rahtz
+% based on the original LaTeX ARTICLE DOCUMENT STYLE
+% for LaTeX2e
+% 29.5.94 added ISSN
+% 2.6.94 corrected \ukt\ macro
+% 7.6.94 centered captions
+% 15.8.94 changed editor names etc
+% Journals use two-sided printing.
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+\def\editor{Sebastian Rahtz\\Elsevier Science Ltd}
+\centerline{{\bfseries \scaletowidth{\textwidth}{B\,a\,s\,k\,e\,r\,v\,i\,l\,l\,e}}}
+ \medskip
+ \hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries The Annals of the UK \TeX\ Users'
+ Group\hfill Editor: Sebastian Rahtz \hfill Vol.~\BASK@vol\ No.~\BASK@no}
+ \smallskip\hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries ISSN 1354--5930
+\hfill \thismonth\ 1994}
+ \medskip
+ \noindent Articles may be submitted via electronic mail to
+ \texttt{}, or on MSDOS-compatible discs,
+ to Sebastian Rahtz, Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford
+Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB
+ to whom any correspondence concerning \BV\ should also be addressed.
+ Guidelines for submission of articles may be obtained from the Editor.
+\def\and{\end{tabular}\vskip 6pt\par
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}}
+%\def\@abstract{\list{}{\leftmargin \z@\rightmargin\z@
+% \parsep 0pt plus 1pt}\item[]\normalsize{\bfseries Summary}\\}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
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+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
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+ \@tempdima 1.5em % width of box holding section number
+ \begingroup
+ \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
+ \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
+ \leavevmode
+ #1\dotfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
+ \endgroup}
+ \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+ \section*{List of Figures\@mkboth{List of Figures}{List of Figures}}
+ \@starttoc{lof} \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+ \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi
+ \section*{List of Tables\@mkboth{List of Tables}{List of Tables}}
+ \@starttoc{lot} \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+ {\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}{\settowidth\labelwidth{\@biblabel{#1}}%
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumiv}%
+ \let\p@enumiv\@empty
+ \def\theenumiv{\arabic{enumiv}}}%
+ \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus.33em minus.07em}%
+ \small\raggedright
+ \parskip\z@ plus .1pt\relax
+ \parindent\z@
+ \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000
+ \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
+ \def\@noitemerr{\@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
+ \endlist}
+\long\def\@makecaption#1#2{\vskip 6pt
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\small{\bfseries #1.} #2}
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
+ \small{\bfseries #1.} #2\par
+ \else
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfill\box\@tempboxa\hfill}
+ \fi
+ \vskip 6pt
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Shorthands for non-English abbreviations and words.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+\def\etc{{\foreign etc.}} % etc.
+\def\eg{{\foreign e.g.~}\ignorespaces} % e.g.
+\def\egc{{\foreign e.g.,~}\ignorespaces} % e.g.,
+\def\ie{{\foreign i.e.~}\ignorespaces} % i.e.
+\def\iec{{\foreign i.e.,~}\ignorespaces} % i.e.,
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Tex-related mnemonics.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+\def\MF{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}\spacefactor1000 }
+ {\setbox0\hbox{T}%
+ \setbox2\vbox to\ht0{\kern.07ex\hbox{%
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \math@fontsfalse
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@\selectfont
+ A}%
+ \vss}%
+ \kern-.5\wd2
+ \box2
+ }}
+\def\AmSTeX{$\mathcal{A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathcal{M}$}\kern-.125em S$\TeX}
+\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathcal{M}$}\kern-.125em S$\TeX}
+\def\BibTeX{{\rmfamily B\kern-.05em\textsc{i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em\TeX}}
+\def\LAMSTeX{L\kern -0.4 em \raise 0.3 ex \hbox {$\scriptstyle \mathcal{A$}}%
+ \kern -0.25 em \lower 0.4 ex \hbox {$\cal M$}%
+ \kern -0.1 em \hbox {$\mathcal{S}$}-\TeX}
+ $\mathcal{S}$-\LaTeX}}
+\def\MakeIndex{{\itshape MakeIndex}}
+% SliTeX from the SliTeX Documentation
+\def\SLiTeX{S\kern-.065em L\kern-.18em\raise.32ex\hbox{\textsc{i}}\kern-.03em\TeX}
+\def\POBox{P.\thinspace O.~Box }
+\def\TeXhax{\TeX hax}
+\def\UKTUG{UK \TeX\ Users' Group}
+\def\ukt{{\footnotesize UK}TUG}
+\newcommand{\payuk}{UK TeX Users' Group}
+ \makebox[\textwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}\Newline}
+ \makebox[0.5\textwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}}
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- Additional commands.
+% --- -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \Section{\@title}%
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \markright{\@shortauthor\hfill\@shorttitle}%
+% Article is when the title is double column
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\Section{\@title}]%
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \markright{\@shortauthor\hfill\@shorttitle}%
+% Article is when the title is double column
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+ \begin{multicols}{2}[\Section*{\@title}]%
+ \gdef\@author{\mbox{}}}
+ \gdef\@author{\mbox{}}\end{multicols}%
+% --- Macros for cross-referencing tables and figures.
+% --- Output the attribution at the end of an article.
+ \ifx\@author\emptysig\else
+ \begin{flushright}\begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}}\@author\end{tabular}%
+ \end{flushright}\fi}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}}#1\end{tabular}%
+ \end{flushright}}
+% --- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+% --- The following macros are taken from Adrian F. Clark's LaTeX style
+% --- file `dates.sty', which provides fairly flexible date inclusions.
+% --- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+\def\today{\thisdayofweek\ \thisdayth\ \thismonth\ \thisyear}
+\def\thisdayth{\thisday \ifcase\day
+ \or\st\or\nd\or\rd\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th
+ \or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th
+ \or\st\or\nd\or\rd\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\st\fi}
+\def\thismonth{\ifcase\month\or \January\or \February\or \March\or
+ \April\or \May\or \June\or \July\or \August\or \September\or
+ \October\or \November\or \December\fi}
+% --- Names of days of the week and the months.
+% --- This makes it easier to change them for languages other than English.
+% --- (And that's why they're not \@Sunday, etc).
+% --- Counters. Note that we use the same registers as TeX holds other
+% --- things in (e.g., \count0 holds the page number). This requires
+% --- that \@savestyle, \@setstyle, and \dayofweek perform all
+% --- their register manipulations within a group. This may seem
+% --- a bit messy, but it saves having eight registers permanently set
+% --- aside just for date calculation.
+\def\@cent{\count0 } % century number (1979 == 20)
+\def\@diy{\count1 } % day in the year
+\def\@dow{\count2 } % gets day of the week
+\def\@epact{\count3 } % age of the moon on Jan. 1
+\def\@golden{\count4 } % Moon's golden number
+\def\@leap{\count5 } % leap year fingaler
+\def\@x{\count6 } % temp register
+\def\@y{\count7 } % another temp register
+ \scriptsize\@setstyle#1\fam=-1 }}}$}}
+% --- Macros to save and restore the font family.
+\def\@setstyle{\ifcase\count0\rm\or\mit\or\cal\or\rm% what's family 3?
+ \or\it\or\sl\or\bfseries\or\tt\fi}
+% --- The day of the week (\Sunday, etc.) is inserted into the text
+% --- by \dayofweek. (This uses registers \@dow, \@leap, \@x and \@y.)
+% --- I acquired this from elsewhere; it was apparently written by
+% --- Martin Minow, now a DEC employee.
+ \@leap=#2 \advance\@leap by -14 \divide\@leap by 12
+ \advance\@leap by #1
+ \@dow=#2 \advance\@dow by 10
+ \@y=\@dow \divide\@y by 13 \multiply\@y by 12
+ \advance\@dow by -\@y \multiply\@dow by 13 \advance\@dow by -1 \divide\@dow by 5
+ \advance\@dow by #3 \advance\@dow by 77
+ \@x=\@leap \@y=\@x \divide\@y by 100 \multiply\@y by 100 \advance\@x by -\@y
+ \multiply\@x by 5 \divide\@x by 4 \advance\@dow by \@x
+ \@x=\@leap \divide\@x by 400 \advance\@dow by \@x
+ \@x=\@leap \divide\@x by 100 \multiply\@x by 2 \advance\@dow by -\@x
+ \@x=\@dow \divide\@x by 7 \multiply\@x by 7 \advance\@dow by -\@x
+ \ifcase\@dow \Sunday\or \Monday\or \Tuesday\or \Wednesday\or
+ \Thursday\or \Friday\or \Saturday\fi}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\newcommand{\meta}[1]{{$\langle$\itshape #1\/$\rangle$}}
+% no rule in footcols
+ \vskip \skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \footnotesize
+ \multicolsep\z@\relax
+ \hsize\textwidth
+ \@parboxrestore
+ % {\showoutput\batchmode\showbox\footins}%
+ \raggedcolumns
+ \bgroup \columnseprule 0pt
+ \begin{multicols}{\the\ftn@col@number}%
+ \unvbox \footins
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \egroup
+% available for inter-article dinglines
+% breakable, no brackets, cites
+\def\@cite#1#2{{#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi}}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e60d2309bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+% by Raymond Chen (
+% Monty Burns.
+pictureof(Burns, 24u#, 24u#, 0);
+ pickup thinpen;
+ localpath ear;
+ ear = (8u, 15u) .. (6u, 15.9u) .. (4.4u, 14.5u) .. (5.5u, 12.4u) ..
+ (6.7u, 12.8u);
+ % We don't draw the ear until it's been clipped by Burns' sideburns.
+ localpath head;
+ z1h = (9u, 20.6u); % join point for Burns' hair
+ z2h = (7u, 13u); % terminal join point for interpathing
+ z1e = (12u, 15u); % beginning of Burns' eye
+ z2e = (16u, 12u); % end of Burns' eye
+ z3e = (20u, 14u); % where Burns' eyebrow might be
+ z4e = (20.5u, 17u); % the forward lobe of his forehead
+ labels(1h, 2h, 1e, 2e, 3e, 4e);
+ head = postclip(
+ z1e .. tension 3 and 1 ..
+ z2e{dir -5} ..
+ z3e ..
+ z4e{up} ..
+ (16 u, 21.8u) ..
+ (12 u, 21.6u) ..
+ z1h .. tension 1 and 2 ..
+ ( 5.7u, 19 u) .. % inflection upwards slightly
+ ( 3.7u, 16.5u){down} ..
+% ( 5 u, 14 u)
+ z2h
+ , ear);
+% Now split the head at z1h into the forehead and the hair.
+% Although the intersectiontimes should give us an integer, we round just
+% in case something got lost in translation.
+ numeric t; t = round xpart(head intersectiontimes z1h);
+ if t < 0: errmessage("Unable to find Burns' hairline"); fi
+ localpath outerhair;
+ outerhair = subpath(t, infinity) of head;
+ head := subpath(0, t) of head;
+ localpath innerhair; % the inner boundary of Burns' hair,
+ % and his sideburns.
+ innerhair =
+ z1h{direction 0 of outerhair} ..
+ (8.8u, 16u){down} ..
+ (8.3u, 12.5u) ..
+ (8u, 12.3u) .. tension 2 ..
+ z2h .. tension 2 ..
+ (8u, 16u) ..
+ (8.5u, 18u) ..
+ {up} z1h;
+ draw preclip(ear, innerhair); % now the ear can be drawn
+ drawtau( (5.2u, 14.5u), (6.7u, 15u), (6.1u, 13.4u), (6.3u, 15.5u) );
+% Now split innerhair at z2h.
+ numeric t; t = round xpart(innerhair intersectiontimes z2h);
+ if t < 0: errmessage("Unable to find Burns' sideburns"); fi
+ localpath interhair;
+ interhair = reverse subpath(t, length innerhair - .5) of innerhair;
+ innerhair := subpath(0,t) of innerhair;
+% Now we can clip the innerhair so his sideburns stop at the hairline
+ draw innerhair;
+ draw preclip(interhair, innerhair);
+% Now what's left of Burns' hair can be drawn
+ for i= 0 step .3 until .8:
+ draw prepostclip(interpath(i, outerhair, interhair), innerhair, ear);
+ endfor
+ localpath beak;
+ z1b = (17 u, 12.5u); % first two beak points
+ z2b = (20.3u, 8.5u);
+ % Beak contains an inflection point
+ beak = z1b{(z2b-z1b) rotated -5} .. z2b ..
+ (21.6u, 6 u) .. tension 1 and 3 ..
+ (21.7u, 3.8u) .. tension 3 and 3 ..
+ (20.3u, 5.3u) ..
+ (18 u, 7 u) ..
+ (17 u, 8 u){up} ..
+ {right}(18.4u, 9 u);
+ draw (reverse beak) hardjoin head;
+% Now Burns' right eye.
+ draw subpath(0,1) of head;
+ localpath eye_bottom;
+ eye_bottom = z1e {direction 0 of head} ..
+ (14.5u, 10.9u) .. {dir 40} z2e;
+ draw eye_bottom;
+% The bag under Burns' eye.
+ draw (subpath(.4, 1) of eye_bottom) shifted (-.3u, -.5u);
+% Burns' left eye.
+ draw prepostclip(
+ (18u, 10.5u) .. (19.8u, 12u) .. (19u, 13u),
+ beak, head);
+ localpath mouth;
+ mouth = preclip(
+ (18.5u, 7u) .. tension 1 and 2 ..
+ (18u, 4.5u) .. tension 2 and 1 ..
+ (10u, 7.8u) ..
+ (8.2u, 7.5u), beak);
+ draw mouth;
+if false:
+ % back of neck
+ localpath neck;
+ neck = preclip(
+ (9u, 7u){down} .. %tension .9 and 3 ..
+ {-(1,1.5)}(7.2u, 0u), ear);
+ draw neck;
+ % Burns' fangs, err, teeth. Must be drawn after the chin.
+ numeric n; n = 5; % number of teeth, minus 1
+ % n points equally spaced.
+ numeric t[];
+ % The following wild macro makes t0 ... t[n] equally spaced.
+ for i = 1 upto n: t[i] - t[i-1] = endfor whatever;
+ t0 = 1.1; t[n] = 2;
+ localpath teeth;
+ teeth =
+ for i = 1 upto n:
+ hide(, point t[i-1] of mouth); )
+ bend(60, point t[i-1] of mouth, point t[i] of mouth) &
+ endfor
+ bend(60, point 2 of mouth, point 3 of mouth);
+ draw teeth;
+ z1c = (13.3u, 5.5u); % the inner cavity of the chin
+ z2c = (9.5u, 0u); % the bottom tip of the neck
+ z3c = (5.5u, 4u); % the bottom of the back of the neck
+ labels(1c, 2c, 3c);
+ localpath neck;
+ neck = prepostclip( (15u, 7u) .. z1c .. tension 2 .. z2c &
+ bend(20, z2c, z3c) &
+ z3c{dir 80}.. (6.4u, 13u), teeth, ear);
+ draw neck;
+ % Draw Burns' suit jacket
+ draw z3c .. {curl5} (2.5u, 0u);
+ draw z3c .. (6u, 0u);
+ z1j = neck intersectionpoint ((0u, 3u) .. (24u, 3u));
+ draw z1j .. (14.3u, 0u);
+ draw z1j .. (11.4u, 0u);
+% Burns' age spots.
+ localpath agespot;
+ agespot = fullcircle xscaled 1.5 scaled .4u rotated -15;
+ draw agespot shifted (12u, 19.5u);
+ draw agespot shifted (10.4u, 17.4u);
+ draw agespot shifted (12.8u, 15.8u);
+ eyepos(Burns, 14.2u#, 12.1u#, 18.6u#, 12.0u#);
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/chen.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/chen.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4978132816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/chen.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+\title{A \protect\MF\ of `Simpsons' characters}
+\author[Raymond Chen]{Raymond Chen \\\texttt{}}
+[Editor's note: I found this issue's `stocking filler' on the NTG
+CD-ROM; correspondences between Simpsons characters and well-known \TeX xies
+do tend to come to mind. ]
+The author can type +\Lisa+, +\Homer+, +\Bart+, or +\Marge+ to produce the
+corresponding character. The default is to draw the character facing
+to the right and looking directly at you. To modify this, you can
+prefix the macro +\Left+ to get the character face left instead of right,
+\eg +\Left\Lisa+.
+You can also prefix the macro +\Goofy+ and suffix two pairs of
+coordinates, which modify how the pupils are drawn. E.g.,
++\Goofy\Lisa(7,5)(5,5).+ The first pair of coordinates is applied to the
+right pupil (which is the one on the left when printed) and the second
+pair to the left pupil. The units are relative to the size of the
+character. (So if you say +\font\simpsons=simpsons scaled 1200+ you
+don't have to modify all the coordinates in the +\Goofy+'s.)
+If you uses both prefixes, as in +\Goofy\Left+, then the
+mirror-image-reversal takes place \emph{after} the goofiness is applied.
+This is so that you can just say +\Goofy\Left\Lisa(7,5)(5,5)+ to get a
+mirror image of +\Goofy\Lisa(7,5)(5,5)+.
+Some sample Simpsons:
+\item[\Goofy\Homer(6,4)(4,4)] D'oh!
+ This is Lisa Simpson.
+ She's smart, she's sweet, she's sensitive\dots but
+ don't hold that against her.
+\item[\Bart] I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you?
+\item[\Left\Marge] Mmmm\dots
+\item[\Left\Maggie] Suck. Suck.
+The characters were obtained from:
+ \begin{description}
+\item[Lisa] Simpsons Illustrated, Summer 91, cover
+\item[Homer] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, cover
+\item[Bart] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, article on Dan Castellaneta
+\item[Marge] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, article on Dan Castellaneta
+\item[Burns] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, article on Dan Castellaneta
+\item[Maggie] Simpsons 1992 calendar, ``Phone pranks''
+\item[SNPP] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, Homer's job file
+They were traced and transferred to graph paper, then magnified fourfold.
+\end{Article} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/clark.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/clark.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..617a583229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/clark.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+\title{Malcolm's Gleanings}
+\author[Malcolm Clark]{Malcolm Clark\\\texttt{}}
+\section{TUG94, The Conference}
+My impressions of the TUG94 conference in Santa Barbara will be pretty
+general:\footnote{Readers who want a different view can peruse Michel
+ Goossens' article earlier in this issue of \BV.} I did not sit
+through every session and listen to every talk. To be frank, that's
+not really what I go to these events for. Since we had the preprints
+as part of the conference pack, I could (if I wanted) flick through
+and pick out the potentially interesting ones. Or better, see what was
+really dire, and ignore them. Since I seemed to be roped in to other
+conference stuff anyway, I kept having to disappear and find people.
+One distressing feature I did note was the inability of many speakers
+to address an audience. We are in a fairly large auditorium.
+Fortunately there are microphones, but in US style these are fixed
+rather than throat or lapel mikes. This does make mobility a problem,
+especially when you are trying to use overheads. So many people turn
+to the projected slide and point to it instead of pointing to the
+slide on the ohp and talking to the audience. A microphone simply
+does not catch your voice if you turn the back of your head to it.
+Honest. One other thing I notice is that the \TeX\ Users Group (or
+perhaps \TeX\ users) have little charisma. I suppose when the
+material is so worthy (\ie high in \emph{content}), the
+presentation (\ie the \emph{form}) shouldn't matter. I'm sorry, but
+it does. But again, when addressing an audience of presumed converts,
+perhaps we shouldn't worry about a lack of presentation skills. Again,
+I think not. It does make us look very amateurish, and not everyone in
+the audience is a convert.
+The conference had a number of `big names'. At least, it had some
+people who were well known, but not frequent attendees at the annual
+meeting. The first coup was Chuck Bigelow, who gave an entertaining
+enough talk, but its relevance to \TeX\ was not clear. Leslie Lamport's
+contribution was interesting, although when he started talking about \LaTeX4
+a shudder seemed to run through the \LaTeX3 team. He had something to
+say about structure editors, but informal discussions later suggested
+that he maligned them unfairly. If you want to visualise LL as you
+read the \LaTeX\ book, the Bibby lion cartoons in it are
+remarkably similar. Oren Patashnik
+also talked about \BibTeX. I had imagined someone at least seven feet tall.
+Perhaps the other `newcomer' I was hoping to see was Norm Walsh
+whose book `Making \TeX\ work' had just been published. (He nearly is
+seven feet tall.) Apart from that it was the usual gaggle of \TeX ies.
+In general the conference seemed to run smoothly, or at least, not
+many people saw the hitches. The most obvious hitch was the lack of
+tea or coffee on the afternoon of the first day. The overhead projectors
+could have been better. The vendors could also have had a better deal.
+To get to the vendors you had to poke your way through an apparent
+dead end, past a few bins and through a nondescript door. And all they
+had were a few tables.
+The social programme was slightly chaotic: it started with a reception
+where keg of Sierra Nevada turned out to be Michelob, but the bowling
+turned out well, with some pleasant surprises (the usual performances
+from Nelson Beebe and Ken Dreyhaupt, and a cute native American rain
+dance from Don `do people really think I'm a nerd' Hosek); the
+barbecue at the beach benefited from some real Sierra Nevada (as well
+as copious quantities of other comestibles); the boat trip was
+apparently a success, despite some upchucking and no whales -- and
+much confusion on how or when to get to the boat; the banquet (a
+buffet, actually) was limited in choice, but agreeable enough, and the
+music improved enormously as the evening progressed -- enough to get a
+surprising number of people on their feet, notably Tom `party animal'
+Now, I wouldn't like you to get the idea that we're only here to have
+a good time, but the social side really is valuable. You end up
+talking to all sorts of people and probably learn more useful stuff
+this way than in the rest of the conference. I toy with the idea of
+having one single parallel session and devoting the rest of the time
+to constructive socialisation.
+The `Tugly Telegraph' made its appearance each day. It's useful,
+since it has a more accurate daily programme, as well as instructions
+on how to get to `events', and other general bits and pieces. It is
+perhaps less successful than last year's at Aston, but then, its
+editor, John Berlin, is doing other jobs too (unlike last year's
+editor), and only occasional extra help with the newsletter. In any
+event, he manages to get each edition out before midnight on the
+preceding day. The crossword flops: no correct entries are submitted.
+Peter Flynn is obviously too subtle or devious.
+I'm told that the TUG general meeting overruns. This was one event I
+was determined to miss. The next two talks are more or less cancelled.
+As a result, there is a proposal that next year's general meeting
+will be open ended. This is naive. Given a choice between a general
+meeting at (say) four o'clock, which might run on till the evening,
+and catching a few rays on the beach, I know where I will be. On the
+other hand, slotting the meeting in at the beginning of the afternoon,
+I might just be carried along by inertia and attend. Of course, I'm
+jaded by the TUG board stuff. I've been there and I know that nothing
+changes, no matter how strongly you feel about it, and how sincerely
+you want to get things done. By not attending, I surrender my rights
+to comment. But I had a wonderful afternoon instead. How often do you
+get the chance to swim with dolphins?
+Apparently there is also some bizarre notion to reduce the membership
+fees, but to make \TUB\ optional. Somehow TTN will become a more
+general `journal', carrying some of \TUB's present material. What
+present material you may ask? It is now August 12th and no sign has
+been seen of the second edition of 1994 (volume 15 number 2). \TUB's
+calendar suggested that this edition would be mailed on May 23rd.
+When last year's final copies came out more or less on time I had
+supposed that it had finally managed to get its act together and was
+to be produced on a regular and reliable basis. Clearly I was deluded.
+What is the problem? I refuse to accept the usual story that it is a
+complex journal and that to achieve the standards required the devoted
+and underpaid or unpaid editorial volunteers have to devote limitless
+time and energy to it. \TUB\ is dying at the altar of quality. If the
+journal is to have any credibility it has to come out regularly. Maybe
+it really is too complex and \TeX\ is not really up to the production.
+Commercial publishers -- to whom we direct much encouragement to use
+\TeX\ -- could not allow themselves to be sucked into this cuckoo's
+nest. TUG has to try to be realistic and trim the sails of \TUB\ so
+that it can leave port. There are enough enemies of TUG, inside and
+outside the user group, who wish to see it dismembered, and who do not
+need to be able to point to \TUB\ to see graphic demonstration (or
+non-demonstration) of the health of the whole organisation.
+Another canard flies: despite the manifest evidence that this
+is an international conference (add up the speakers from outside
+the US) the old bogey that TUG is essentially a North American
+organisation reappears in discussions with some board members.
+They want some umbrella organisation to be formed from
+representatives of TUG (North America TUG), and the other
+user groups, which will somehow `direct' \TeX\ research
+and development. A likely tale. However, if TUG does uncouple
+itself from \TUB, this could be a serious proposal. If \TUB\
+is separate, I won't buy it, because the package of TUG plus
+\TUB\ membership will be too expensive. The only benefits
+that remain of TUG membership are cheaper fees to the
+annual meeting, and TTN. Only a very small proportion of
+TUG members go to the annual meeting (about 140 this year), and
+frankly, \BV\ is a far better deal than TTN (and similarly
+for most of the other user group newsletters). Anything
+important will appear in the local newsletters. So membership
+of TUG will decline further, since there are no perceived
+Eventually the conference winds down. Christina Thiele ---
+out-going (no pun intended, or even possible) President of TUG ---
+makes the closing announcements, failing to thank any
+of the local people who actually did make the conference work.
+Let me then record a sincere vote of thanks to John Berlin and
+Janet Sullivan of the TUG office, who were the `official' TUG representation,
+and who held the whole thing together. Similarly, the volunteer
+helpers of Suki Bhurji, Wendy Mckay and Katherine Butterfield
+were indispensable. Conferences don't run themselves.
+Since John is now leaving to continue his studies at UCLA
+(doing a course on multimedia) he will be sorely missed at
+the TUG office.
+What does next year hold? St Petersburg: the one in Florida,
+not the revisionist Leningrad or Petrograd. We are promised
+a hotel venue and an appeal to the publishing fraternity.
+My heart sinks into the alligator infested swamps.
+I think the conference was, on the whole, good value.
+It was probably too long. There is always a problem
+about fitting the talks in, and thoughts are expressed that
+some of the talks should not have been presented. This would
+of course cut down on the overall length. I honestly
+don't know. The written abstract which speakers
+submit is rarely a good yardstick for selecting
+the papers. The best suggestion I have heard was from Angus
+Duggan, who suggested a day in which speakers had ten minutes
+each to present their abstracts, then a massive set of parallel sessions
+the following day(s). You choose what to go to on the basis of the
+ten minute abstract. It might be worth trying. At least we
+would then have some time for the informal discussions and
+scheduled workshops. The venue was certainly good, the residences
+were fair, the food edible, the lack of a bar was a blow,
+the lecture theatre was too far away, the beach was excellent,
+the sun shone relentlessly,
+there were plenty meeting rooms/common rooms in the
+residence, conference services tended to verge towards the non-sexist
+airhead quality, the TUG helpers were overstretched. I do think
+it gelled pretty well. It's the most enjoyable TUG conference I've been
+to. An experience worth sharing.
+Whenever I pontificate about publishing with
+\TeX, someone will always bring me to
+earth by pointing out that the proceedings
+of the 1988 \TeX\ conference in Exeter took
+an interminable time to hit the bookshops.
+The figure is about two years (I was busy\dots).
+It was therefore a pleasant relief to
+receive \emph{Offizin} earlier this year
+This is a production of \textsc{Dante}, the german-speaking
+\TeX\ group. It is a publication designed
+to disseminate some of the lectures given
+at the group's `\TeX\ days'. I
+worked out just when I presented the paper which
+is produced in translation: it
+was February 1991. That makes the \TeX88 book
+look much less laggardly! Of course, what I had to say, about
+\emph{\TeX\ in Europe and America}, is hopelessly
+out of date, but when it appears in my list
+of publications, no-one will know that!
+Putting this schadenfreude aside, it is an
+interesting volume. It should be the first in
+a series, a series published by Addison Wesley
+(Germany). According to other bits of Addison Wesley,
+they don't do conference proceedings, so someone did
+some fancy footwork to get this through. Well done.
+One quote I managed to extract was `typography
+has its experts, but they have no audience'.
+\section{A cautionary tale}
+Background: I went to the \TeX\ Users Group Annual Meeting.
+I taught the \LaTeXe\ course which took place
+just before the meeting itself.
+Imagine the scene: the course starts at 9 on the Tuesday; I've managed
+to arrive in Santa Barbara by 8.30pm on Monday, expecting to be picked
+up and taken to the University (UCSB) and do a few last minute things.
+At 9 o'clock the lift arrived. The first thing to do is to get copies
+of the course notes. As the last bastion of the Empire, the US rarely
+uses A4 paper, so although I had a paper copy of the notes on A4, I
+hadn't expected to be able to copy those, and had both the source, and
+a suitable \texttt{dvi} file to print out, held on both Msdos and Mac
+floppies. But I didn't have a machine to print out on. The situation
+was confused, but apparently the original plan had been to use
+Macintoshes for the courses, but at the last moment it had been
+realised that 2Mbyte Macs are not really sufficient to run \LaTeXe,
+and the room had had a small network of NeXT machines installed
+instead. What was not installed at that time was \TeX\ and \LaTeX, or
+\LaTeXe. Fortunately my fears about a lack of A4 were unfounded and we
+could copy from my originals. At least we did have the new Lamport
+\LaTeX\ manual, and I was able to spend the Tuesday morning before
+breakfast reading it, just in case there is something in it I hadn't
+expected. There isn't.
+By the time I got to the teaching lab next day, \TeX\ and \LaTeX\
+were installed. The astute will note that I don't say that \LaTeXe\ was
+installed. It wasn't. At no point do my notes use \verb+\documentstyle+,
+and in fact, I've tried to eliminate all reference to the obsolete
+version. Starting off by dropping back to \LaTeX2.09 was not what I
+had planned. And of course there was the nagging worry of when
+\LaTeXe\ would be installed. I knew it had to be, since Frank
+Mittelbach and Michel Goosens were about to start their course the next day,
+using the same machines.
+Naturally I start off with a spiel and then get down to hammering the
+keyboards a little later. Unlike most previous TUG classes I've
+taught, I had no locals who knew the system, or even a local guru to
+fall back on. Thus when we came to log on we had a minor upset --
+what's the account and password? Solved by a phone call to the TUG
+office. Ever used a NeXT? It's a sort of cross between a reasonable
+Unix GUI and a Mac. But it was unfamiliar to all the students (and
+me). The dyed in the wool Unix buff found this mouse stuff a bit
+painful, and the rest of us found the command line interface lurking
+below the surface just a little off-putting. But in general we managed
+to cope. The NeXT comes with an excellent \TeX\ implementation from
+Tom Rokicki with a good previewer and \textsf{dvips}. It's a fair
+\TeX\ engine, although perhaps a shade slow by current standards, but
+adequate for teaching. The main delays in hardware were from the
+server, where the disk seemed very slow. One point of confusion to the
+students was that we were all in the same account, so we had
+sub-directories for each student. Sometimes people worked in the
+higher directory. I would not recommend sharing the same directory in
+class teaching. Of course this is the same directory that Frank \&
+Michel were going to use too, with all of their class\dots
+By restructuring the order of presentation I was able
+to keep away from topics which were \LaTeXe\ specific.
+This was starting to become a problem on the next day, when we
+still didn't have the new implementation. I had brought
+the latest CTAN installation on floppy, partly anticipating
+this problem. Why then didn't I just install it?
+\item it was a set of \textsf{zip}ped MSDOS files;
+\item I didn't have any root or system privileges on the server
+or why didn't I just download from CTAN?
+\item[3] we were not on the Internet
+Eventually we did find a PC (and I had brought \textsf{pkunzip}) and
+downloaded onto floppies which the NeXT could read. By this
+time Frank and a local systems person arrived and they happily
+spent the afternoon installing stuff. By now we are in
+contention with Frank \& Michel for the use of the room.
+Naturally we both want access when the class requires it,
+and none of us had anticipated structuring our classes to
+accommodate this sort of sharing. At least by late on the second
+day we could start using \LaTeXe. Things were getting better.
+On Thursday, the system was dead. It had crashed. How do you
+reboot a NeXT server system? Naturally, Unix systems people
+at UCSB are techno-weenies and spend their nights doing
+whatever Unix people do with their lives. They don't come in till
+about 11 at the earliest. This is not good. When all else
+fails, you can always try a power interrupt (\ie switch it
+off and on again). Ever found the on/ off switch on a NeXT? It
+is well hidden. Fortunately, John Berlin of the TUG office managed
+to get things going. This eats into our lab time, with Frank \& Michel breathing
+down our necks. And although I supposedly have a seminar room
+in the same building, no-one seems to know where it is, exactly:
+hand waving `down the corridor and up some stairs' descriptions lack
+This morning (Friday), the laser printer is out of paper.
+We have a sort of arrangement with the reception desk
+that they will do little gofering jobs. This seems to
+fit the bill. A digression. UCSB is famous for a couple of
+courses. Surfing 101 and Tanning 101 are among these. The latter
+is designed for the more intellectually able. Rachel, on the desk,
+was majoring in Surfing. The exchange ran approximately
+as follows:
+\item[me:]We seem to be out of paper for the laser printer.
+\item[Rachel:] Oh, really?
+\item[me:] Is there a number to ring to obtain some more?
+\item[me:]Could you do that for me?
+She picks up phone, dials, I return to the lab.
+A few minutes later she pops her head round the
+door to announce that `We don't have any small paper, will
+the larger size do?'
+A little startled by the idea
+of using the A3 equivalent, I grunted assent.
+As you will probably have guessed,
+we got 12 inch fan fold continuous printer paper. That's what
+computers use. One of the class took over and obtained
+a ream of copy paper. Simple.
+The remainder of the day has few problems. By this time
+I had managed to obtain a copy of the Companion, so that the
+class has a chance to see what extra goodies are available.
+They already have Lamport's new \LaTeX~2e (2nd edition) book,
+although I had forbidden them to read it until
+after the course ended.
+What lessons can be learned? The first thing that struck me was
+that \LaTeXe\ is perhaps not quite as widely adopted,
+or even known about, as I had anticipated. People coming on courses
+are seldom TUG members, and are along either as a sort of refresher,
+or to add to their existing `document processing' skills. I had
+some secretarial staff and some editorial staff (and a sort of overviewer).
+They are not mainstream \TeX ies who read \texttt{comp.text.tex}, or TTN,
+and far less \TUB. Most of them would be going back to a \LaTeX2.09
+installation, although I hope I gave them enough impetus to
+get their systems people to install \LaTeXe.
+We really have to push information about \LaTeXe\ out more
+It does help to have liaison at hand. And to have someone
+come and check that all is well each morning. In an ideal world,
+the logging on/ password, NeXT familiarisation,
+the system crash or the paper shortage would have
+been but minor hiccups.
+The small class size (about 7) was a boon. I reckon it takes four
+days to get through my course. Thanks to the ease of use of the NeXT,
+the keyboard skills of the class (and their general computer
+familiarity), and the small class size, I think we could have
+trimmed that down to three and a half. The problem is always
+getting round each member of the class. If you spend 5 minutes
+with each, a class of twelve takes an hour to get round. Simple
+Extra exercises for the swift are useful. It gives you something
+to absorb their enthusiasm, while allowing the slower members to
+concentrate on reinforcing the essentials.
+Sharing a lab reduces flexibility and requires that you plan things
+much more carefully. Knowing the requirement in advance helps.
+Ensure that the class eat together. This sounds weird, but let me
+explain. Some of the class did not live in the residences on campus.
+Their course fee did not cover lunch. Therefore they had to go and eat
+somewhere else. They didn't then know when the rest of us were
+heading back, and this could delay starting the afternoon session. A
+small point, but it all adds or subtracts to the smooth running of the
+class. After all, these people pay good money to come on this course,
+we have to ensure they get a fair deal.
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+\title{UK \TeX\ Consultants}
+[Editor's note: in the last issue we asked people who were interested
+in doing \TeX\ consultancy work to come forward and identify
+themselves. We only had a couple of responses, so their manifestos are
+given in full. Let's expand this list, and \BV\ will keep publishing
+it. ]
+\paragraph{Jonathan Fine} has trained and worked as a research mathematician.
+He is part way through a large \TeX{} macro project, to create tools
+and methods that will allow \TeX{} to go beyond what are commonly
+perceived to be its limits. These new products are intended to
+provide an improved macro development environment, with support for
+modules, identifier declarations, incremental development, and a
+run-time debugger; and also support for more general input syntax,
+such as SGML and program source files, as well as more graceful
+recovery from errors in mark-up, and fresh typographic possibilities.
+Until these products are available for release, he would like to
+support himself with more traditional \TeX{} consulting work. He
+will write macros and style files, provide instruction, create and
+revise compuscripts, provide support, and so forth.
+Jonathan Fine, \\203 Coldhams Lane, \\Cambridge, CB1 3HY.\\
+Tel: (01223) 215389 Email: \texttt{}
+\paragraph{David Evans} has experience
+in the following areas, and is particularly interested in
+any consultancy involving \LaTeX\ styles, or \TeX\ installation:
+\item \TeX\ macros
+\item \TeX\ (e.g. EmTeX/Y\&Y's \TeX) installation
+\item Font installation and setup with \TeX/\LaTeX
+\item Configuration of dvips etc
+\item Macros for automating Acrobat output
+Dr David Evans, Partner\\
+Merlin Open Systems\\
+4 Oxbow Close\\
+The Meadows\\
+Nottingham NG2 2NN\\
+Tel. (01602) 860048 (answerphone), (01602) 514230 (day)\\
+E-mail: \texttt{}
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+\title{Moving the UK CTAN}
+\author[Martyn Johnson and Robin Fairbairns]{Martyn Johnson (\texttt{})\\
+ and\\
+ Robin Fairbairns (\texttt{})}
+\section{The background (RF)}
+The UK node of the Comprehensive \TeX{} Archive Network (\CTAN) has a
+long and honourable history, which starts long ago in the recognition
+(by Peter Abbott at Aston~--- see \cite{abbott:exeter}) of the need to
+provide an archive of \TeX-related material within the UK. At the
+time that the Aston archive was created, \TeX-related material was
+mostly made available \emph{ad hoc} by its originators~--- there was
+no site with ambitions to provide a \emph{complete} set of systems,
+macros, and so on. Furthermore, access from within the UK to overseas
+material was less than straightforward (access to ftp, using an
+account at UCL, was severely restricted).
+The Aston archive was originally a VMS-based facility, offering
+connection via the Janet coloured-book protocols to machines that were
+part of Aston's centrally-provided service. Later, the archive group
+were given a second-hand VAX, and later still a parallel version of
+the archive was established on a SparcStation that sat on Peter
+Abbott's desk. This machine (with the net name ||)
+eventually became part of \CTAN, offering access via anonymous
+ftp to all and sundry throughout the world.
+At the beginning of this year, Peter Abbott told your committee that
+he would be retiring (early) at the end of July; the implication was
+that it would be unlikely that we could count on Aston's willingness
+to offer a home to the archive beyond that date.
+The committee discussed whether it was reasonable even to consider
+maintaining a CTAN node in the UK (covering the world with two sites
+in Europe and one in the USA is hardly a convincing approach); and if
+the node was to be retained, the implications of so doing. After much
+soul-searching, we decided that it wasn't reasonable to spend \UKTUG{}
+funds on a new home for the archive; we concluded that our membership
+is such a small proportion of the \TeX{} community within the
+UK\footnote{In contrast to the situation, say, in Germany, where
+\DANTE{} owns the archive machine.}, that group funds really
+\emph{shouldn't} be expected to cough up for support of the community
+at large.
+In parallel with these discussions, the committee investigated
+alternative new sites for the archive; candidates were the
+Universities of Warwick, Sussex and Cambridge, the National
+Typesetting service (at Oxford) and the Hensa\footnote{Higher
+Education National Software Archive.}. While the typesetting archive
+looked promising at first, they eventually
+suggested that we should approach Hensa (which had already been on our
+list of possible candidates). Hensa in fact maintains two archives,
+one for micros and one for Unix; since \CTAN{} is a cross-architecture
+service, offering support for micros, Unix machines and others, it was
+obvious that Hensa couldn't maintain a \CTAN{} node. Sebastian Rahtz,
+who's the only volunteer effort that the UK \CTAN{} node has, was
+unwilling to maintain an archive that wasn't \CTAN, so we decided to
+look elsewhere.
+Warwick (in the person of Malcolm Clark~--- he of the
+\emph{Gleanings}) concluded that they would need to be provided with
+some extra disk space before they could offer to host the service.
+Sussex would very much like to host the service, but were unwilling to
+do so until their connection to SuperJanet went live. Cambridge
+expressed an early interest, whereafter very little (that was visible
+to the committee) happened for some time while Martyn Johnson
+established what was necessary and acquired agreement from the head of
+the department and from the rest of the Computer Laboratory's systems
+\section{The Archive Operational Requirement}
+Towards the end of June Sebastian Rahtz wrote an `operational
+requirement', which described the facilities provided by the Aston
+archive, and explained which were essential and which might, at a
+pinch, be dropped.
+The complexity of it all was quite a surprise. The primary service is
+an ftp server, but it needs to be able to perform many automatic
+transformations, such as packing a directory into a |zip| image.
+Gopher and WWW services were also provided at Aston. Behind the
+scenes, there was a mechanism which kept the main \CTAN{} nodes in
+step with each other whilst maintaining a peer relationship between
+them. The archive maintainers needed remote access to the machine and
+the ability to manipulate the archive. Finally, there were several
+well-publicised mail addresses at ||.
+\section{Meeting the Operational Requirement (MAJ)}
+Whilst it was clear that we had the resources available to run the
+archive, there were a number of awkward decisions to be made. The main
+question was ``which machine?''; we certainly didn't have a machine
+available to dedicate to the task. My initial assumption was that I
+would put the service on one of our main fileserver machines, a
+Digital Alpha/AXP 3000/500S, since that machine had plenty of disc
+space available. But I was worried about security~--- we don't even
+allow our own users to log in to our fileservers. Then I realised
+that one of our most public machines (another Alpha) had a 1Gbyte disc
+which could be made available, and the decision was made. A welcome
+side effect of this choice was that it made it easier for me to
+provide external access to the archive through NFS without
+compromising the security of the internal services.
+Transferring the data from Aston to Cambridge was the least of the
+problems. Not very long ago, moving such a large amount of data over
+the network would have been unthinkable. I just did it, using a
+standard ``mirror'' script running in the background. It took about a
+day to pull the archive across, and a few minutes each day thereafter
+to keep it up to date.
+It was obvious that the standard ftp daemon supplied with OSF/1
+wasn't up to the job of running the archive. The only sensible choice
+was \texttt{wu-ftpd}, as used at the other \CTAN{} nodes. This
+compiled easily enough for the Alpha, and initially appeared to work.
+However, none of the document conversion scripts would function at
+all, and the bug\footnote{Overwriting the daemon's own argument and
+ environment strings for cosmetic reasons, so that subprocesses start
+ up with a corrupt environment which the OSF/1 shell takes umbrage
+ at.} was only found after a great deal of detective work. Once found,
+the problem was easy to fix, but even then, one of the document
+conversion scripts still didn't work\footnote{But it didn't work at
+ Aston either, and has been mended.}.
+After those and other bugs\footnote{Notably the bug that made
+ \texttt{zoo}'s `portability library' not port to 64-bit machines.}
+had been mended, there were still the Gopher and WWW services to
+consider. We had not previously run a Gopher server, and I was not
+very keen on doing it, but Sebastian assured me that the service was
+well used and would be missed if we didn't provide it. In the end the
+Gopher service turned out to be straightforward to make available,
+though we decided to not to attempt to set up WAIS indexing initially.
+WWW was even easier, since we already ran a suitable server on another
+machine, and we merely had to copy the data into it. Or did we? All
+of the Aston archive's services were published as being available from
+the machine ||, and this could obviously not be made an
+alias for two different machines. I really did not want to run a
+second WWW server, so we decided that the world would just have to
+change. Each service offered by the archive now has its own name:
+||, ||, || and
+||. While we were at it, we thought that a better name
+for the mail domain would be simply ||, though we intend to
+continue to accept mail using the old addresses for some time.
+Of course we cannot force people to use the correct name. In fact only
+the mail and WWW services are provided on machines other than
+||. Mail is not a problem since there are
+well-established mechanisms for redirecting it to a site hub. In order
+that the WWW service should not seem to have disappeared to people
+following old links, I wrote a tombstone service. No
+matter what you ask for, it always returns a fixed page, which
+explains that the server has moved, and offers a link to the new
+The mail facilities were provided by configuring a logically separate
+mail system within our mail hub, which runs the PP mailer. We did not
+want to do anything which would make a further move of the archive
+more difficult, so we were very keen to ensure that users could not
+confuse the mail domains || and ||. We cannot
+prevent them being confused, but at least we can ensure that they will
+be told that they are confused by having incorrectly addressed mail
+returned to them.
+It was always part of the agreement that the remote management of the
+archive by Sebastian Rahtz, David Osborne and others should continue.
+It is easy enough to give those users login access to the archive
+machine, but they needed to be able to manipulate the archive without
+needing ``|root|'' privilege. The archive is owned by a pseudo-user
+``|ctan|'', and the archivists do their work using a local command
+which allows them to pretend to be |ctan|, provided that they can
+quote the password. Much of the maintenance of the archive is handled
+automatically, by passing mail around and running periodic jobs. All
+we had to do was arrange to deliver the mail~--- Sebastian did the rest!
+All of a sudden, it seemed that we were ready to go live. We had
+already taken over control of the || domain of the DNS
+(a saga in itself) and simply had to flip over the addresses and watch
+the traffic come in. And that is exactly what happened.
+Three days before he retired, Peter Abbott sent a message to the
+committee mailing list saying that Aston did indeed want to reallocate
+the Archive machine from the day that Peter left; the move was `just
+in time'!
+\section{The first six weeks (MAJ)}
+We received remarkably little mail concerning the changeover, so it
+must be considered a success. A handful of people had bound to the
+old address and needed to be told the new one, but it seems that the
+vast majority of clients simply did not notice any change. One person
+complained that the Gopher service was not quite what it was, and this
+is indeed an area which needs some more work. So far, after nearly 6
+weeks of operation, the new archive has shipped some 11Gbytes of stuff
+via ftp. Equally encouragingly, there have been no complaints from
+local users of the machine, for whom it is a compute server, that the
+archive activities are having any impact on their work. In fact the
+Alpha is a very fast machine, and provided that there is enough
+memory, a few ftp sessions are hardly noticeable.
+By a curious twist of fate, the service offered in the first few weeks
+has not been as good as we might have hoped. One of the reasons we
+chose to use the Alpha machine we did was that in practice its
+hardware and software have been highly reliable. Unfortunately there
+have been three serious problems since we transferred the archive.
+The first was a spectacular thunderstorm in the Cambridge area which
+caused widespread disruption to our equipment. The server itself
+recovered with little difficulty, but the network problems were more
+serious and our whole department was cut off from the outside world
+for some time.
+The next weekend, the archive machine itself failed. The front
+panel lights were dim and flickery, but this `obvious' power supply fault
+was actually being provoked by a faulty system disc, so a replacement
+had to be sent for, and the system had then to be restored from backup
+tapes. This meant that the service was down for most of the weekend
+and the following Monday.
+The third failure again started during a weekend. The machine simply
+froze, and when rebooted, did exactly the same thing again. The
+problem was tracked down to the NFS server, which was being fed
+``poison packets'' by a machine in Norway. The machine's
+administrator didn't respond to mail, but back-door intervention on
+the archive machine had the required effect. We're told that the bug
+in OSF/1 which made it crash on receiving the bad packet is mended in
+the next release.
+Fortunately the user community has been very tolerant of these early
+problems, and we very much hope that the next few weeks will be better.
+\section{Conclusion (RF)}
+The archive has grown from humble beginnings as a side service on a
+VAX/VMS machine using protocols only (significantly) available within
+the UK, to become part of an internationally-coordinated group of
+archive sites offering services to anyone who chooses to use it in the
+world at large. As a community, we have many reasons to thank Peter
+Abbott for his foresight, and Aston University for hosting the archive
+for many years.
+For the time being, Cambridge University has taken over the torch; let
+us hope that the \CTAN{} network can continue to serve as a beacon
+leading progress in the use of \TeX{} world-wide.
+\bibitem[Abbott 1990]{abbott:exeter}
+Peter Abbott.
+\newblock {\em {UK\TeX} and the Aston Archive}.
+\newblock In Malcolm Clark, editor, {\em {\TeX} Applications, Uses, Methods},
+ pages 109--114. Ellis Horwood, 1990.
+\newblock Proceedings of {\TeX}eter (1988).
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+\section*{Book Discounts for \protect\ukt\ members}
+The UK \TeX\ User group has been in discussion with a number
+of publishers to arrange discounts on publications which
+may be of interest to members. We recently re-established
+our relationship with Addison-Wesley. The agreed list
+of books is given below, together with the discounted price.
+The quoted price includes the cost of postage and packing.
+You will note that we are attempting to stem the tide of silly prices
+and round to a convenient 50p. In every case the discount is at least
+We also have an arrangement with International Thomson Publishing to
+supply any of the very excellent O'Reilly \& Associates Inc.\ series
+of books to members, at a similar discount. A list and prices will be
+published in the next \BV, but for the time being, we will accept
+orders for any of this series at a flat rate 10\% discounted price.
+We would like to extend this service to members. If you have contacts
+with the sales and marketing parts of any publisher who publishes
+relevant books, please inform us and we will try to
+arrange something mutually convenient and beneficial.
+We are only allowed to offer this service to \textbf{current} members
+of the UK \TeX\ User Group and/or members of TUG. Please send your
+order (including a self addressed label) and cheque (in UK \pounds
+only) to
+ UK TeX User Group\\ c/o 1 Eymore Close\\ Selly Oak\\ Birmingham B29
+ 4LB\\
+Make cheques payable to `UKTUG' please.
+\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{\textbf{Addison-Wesley Books}}\\
+The \TeX\ book&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13448 9&paper&20.50\\
+The \TeX\ book&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13447 0&hard&29.50\\
+\TeX\ the program&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13437 3&hard&34.00\\
+The \MF book&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13444 6&paper&18.50\\
+The \MF book&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13445 4&hard&29.50\\
+\MF\ the program&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13438 1&hard&34.00\\
+Computer Modern Type\-faces&Donald E Knuth&0 201 13446 2&hard&34.00\\
+3:16 Bible texts illuminated\kern0pt&Donald E Knuth&0 895 79252 4&paper&19.50\\
+The CWEB system of structured documentation&
+Donald E Knuth \& Silvio Levy&0 201 57569 8&paper&17.00\\
+\LaTeX: a document preparation system, second edition&
+Leslie Lamport&0 201 52983 1&paper&24.00\\
+The \LaTeX\ Companion&Michael Goosens, Frank Mittelbach \& Alexander Samarin&
+0 201 54199 8&paper&24.00\\
+Introduction to \TeX&Norbert Schwarz&0 201 51141 X&paper&19.50\\
+A guide to \LaTeX&Helmut Kopka \& Patrick Daly&0 201 56889 6&paper&22.00\\
+\TeX\ by topic&Victor Eijkhout&0 201 56882 9&paper&22.00\\
+\TeX\ for the impatient&Paul~W~Abrahams, Kath\-ryn Hargreaves \& Karl Berry&
+0 201 51375 7&paper&20.50\\
+Postscript language program manual&Adobe&0 201 18127 4&paper&24.00\\
+Postscript language, tutorial \& cook\-book&Adobe&0 201 10179 3&paper&15.00\\
+Portable Document Format Reference Manual&Adobe&0 201 62628 4&paper&18.50\\
+The Postscript Font hand\-book&Jonathon~Grosvenor, Kay Morrison \& Alexander Pim&
+0 201 56893 4&paper&22.00\\
+Postscript by example&Henry McGilton \& Mary Campione&0 201 63228 4&paper&23.00\\
+Thinking in Postscript&Glenn Reid&0 201 52372 8&paper&18.50\\
+Collier's rules for desktop design and typography&David Collier&0 201 54416 4&paper&15.00\\
+Interactive Typography&David~Collier \& Ian Martin&0 201 63167 9&cd-rom&tba\\
+\section*{Obtaining \TeX}
+\subsection*{From the network}
+The UK \TeX\ Archive on \texttt{} is part of the CTAN
+(Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network) collaborating network of
+archives on the Internet organised by the
+\TeX\ Users Group. The three main archives follow the same structure
+and have identical files ({\tt}, {\tt} and
+The CTAN archives all run an enhanced {\em ftp} server which supports
+dynamic compression, uncompression, and archive creation options.
+Fetch the top-level file {\tt README.archive-features} for
+information. The server also supports site-defined commands to assist
+you. Please read {\tt} for a brief overview.
+The main directories which make up CTAN are listed below; readers are
+referred to David Jones\rq{} {\em Index of \TeX\ Styles and Macros} for
+details of macro packages and individual style files. This can be
+found in CTAN as {\tt info/tex-styles-and-macros.txt}
+\item[biblio] bibliography-related files, such as
+ \BibTeX.
+\item[digests] back issues of \TeX-related periodicals
+\item[dviware] contains the various dvi-to-whatever filters and drivers.
+\item[fonts] fonts, both sources and pre-compiled
+\item[graphics]utilities and macros related to graphics.
+\item[help] overviews of the archive and the \TeX\ system
+\item[info] files and tutorials which document various aspects of \TeX
+\item[indexing] utilities and related files for indexing
+\item[language] material for typesetting non-English documents
+\item[macros] macros packages for \TeX\ and style files
+\item[support] programs which can be used in support of \TeX
+\item[systems] complete system setups, organized by operating
+ system
+\item[tools] the various archiving tools used on CTAN
+\item[web] contains WEB-related files and utilities
+Details of where to find public domain, or shareware,
+\TeX\ packages for different machines and operating
+systems are given below.
+\hline Name & Environment & CTAN path & Notes\\ \hline
+ em\TeX & DOS, OS/2 & systems/msdos/emtex &the betatest drivers,
+ and 386-specific versions of \TeX\ and MF, are in the {\tt
+ betatest} subdirectory \\
+ sb\TeX & DOS & systems/msdos/sbtex & includes latest \TeX\ and
+ \Metafont\\
+ g\TeX & DOS & systems/msdos/gtex & 386-only \TeX\ and \Metafont,
+ which replace parts of em\TeX, and work with Windows memory
+ management\\
+% \TeX as & DOS & systems/msdos/texas & Large \TeX,
+% which replaces \TeX386 in em\TeX, and works with Windows memory
+% management\\
+ \hline
+ Oz\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/oztex & This package is shareware\\
+ CMac\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/cmactex & Port of Unix \TeX,
+ including Rokicki\rq{}s dvips. A fuller version (with large memory)
+ can be purchased.\\
+ Direct\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/directtex & \\
+ \hline
+ pas\TeX & Amiga & systems/amiga/pastex & \\
+ \hline
+ --- & Atari & systems/atari/lindner-tex-packed-disks & \\
+ --- & Atari & systems/atari/cs-tex & \\
+ \hline
+ web2c \TeX & Unix & systems/unix/web2c & a complete source kit for
+ \TeX\ and \Metafont, which should compile on most Unix boxes; needs
+ a C compiler.\\
+% sparctex & Sun Sparc & systems/unix/unixkit & \\
+% --- & DEC Alpha & systems/unix/alpha & for Alpha running Unix\\
+% --- & Xenix & systems/unix/xenix & \\
+ \hline
+ --- & VAX & systems/vms/vms &Alpha and VMS \\
+ %\hline
+ %GhostScript & * & support/ghostview & PostScript previewer for
+ %many platforms, including Mac\\
+ %dvips & * & dviware/dvips & popular {\tt dvi} to PostScript
+ %driver\\
+ %--- & --- & biblio/bibtex/styles/contrib & \BibTeX\ style files\\
+ %--- & --- & web/knuth & The files maintained by Don Knuth\\
+ \hline
+ Please report any problems with CTAN archives via email to
+ \texttt{}. The entire archive is available on
+ CDROM as the `\TeX cetera' package from Prime Time Freeware, 370 Altair Way,
+ Suite 150, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA (\texttt{}). This is
+ also distributed by the TUG office, and in the UK by Lasermoon Ltd
+ (email \texttt{}, phone 0329 826444).
+\subsection*{Unix tapes}
+For a complete Unix \TeX\ distribution, a
+1/4 inch cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
+can sent with envelope {\em and} stamps for return postage to:
+ David Osborne\\
+ Cripps Computing Centre, \\
+ University of Nottingham, \\
+ Nottingham NG7 2RD
+Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK.
+\subsection*{PC and Mac disks}
+The \ukt\ distributes an em\TeX\ kit for PCs,
+and an Oz\TeX\ kit for Macintosh. The cost covers copying and postage
+costs, and the shareware fee for Oz\TeX. Each set costs \pounds30,
+and is available from Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak,
+Birmingham B29~4LB. Cheques must be payable to \lq{}UKTUG\rq{}. Please note
+that this service \emph{is available to \ukt\ members only.} Each set
+comes with an installation guide, and (at least) full \TeX\ and \MF, a
+previewer, a PostScript driver, and CM fonts. Two update disks a year
+will be sent out automatically, with the current version of \LaTeXe,
+and other goodies. A subscription service will be available for
+subsequent years. In addition, subscribers can request up to 3 disks a
+year with any material from the CTAN archives, but this will be
+supplied \lq{}as is\rq{}, without instructions.
+Enquiries for \TeX\ for the Atari ST etc. can be directed to: The Fast
+Club, 7 Musters Road, Nottingham NG2 7PP. Phone 0602 455250, fax 0602
+455305. They also supply a variety of \TeX-related software in Atari format.
+The international \TeX\ Users Group can also supply many \TeX\
+materials on disk. Contact:
+ \TeX\ Users Group\\
+ PO Box 869\\
+ Santa Barbara, CA 93102\\
+ USA\\
+ {\em Phone:} 010 1 805 963 1338 \emph{email}: {\tt}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/family.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/family.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01a3691358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/family.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+% family.tex, sample usage of simpsons.tex
+% by Raymond Chen (
+\input simpsons
+\vtop to 0pt{\kern0pt
+ \rightline{``A Nuclear Power Plant in\strut}
+ \rightline{the Springfield Tradition.''\strut}\vss}
+\centerline{\cmcsc Springfield\strut}
+\nointerlineskip \vskip1pt
+\centerline{\cmcsc Nuclear Power Plant\strut}
+\vskip .5in
+\def\boxup#1{\vbox{\hrule \hbox{\vrule#1\vrule}\hrule\kern0pt}}
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hss\vtop to0pt{\kern0pt\copy0\vss}}\nointerlineskip
+ \advance\hsize-\wd0
+ \centerline{\bf A Letter from Our President and CEO\strut}
+ \vskip .25in
+ \noindent Dear Visitor:
+ This nuclear power plant was not always the towering triumph
+ you see before you today.
+ Although it may seem to many of you to be an eternal part of
+ Springfield (especially considering the lengthy half-life of
+ many of our byproducts), it began years ago as a simple
+ dream---the dream of a humble man possessed only of a vast parcel
+ of undeveloped real estate, several million dollars, and a burning
+ desire for a tax-advantaged investment opportunity. \par
+ I'd like to thank you for helping me realize my dream by
+ visiting the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.
+ While you're here, you might want to thank
+ your lucky stars that Springfield doesn't get its
+ energy from some noisy hydroelectric dam or dark,
+ stuffy coal mine which doesn't offer tours.
+ \vskip10pt
+ \hbox{\hskip3in Very Sincerely,}
+ \hbox{\hskip3in C.\ Montgomery Burns}
+ \hbox{\hskip3in President and CEO}
+ \vfil\eject
+ \hbox{\copy0
+ \advance\hsize-\wd0
+ \parindent0pt
+ \vbox{#2\strut}}}
+ \hbox{%
+ \advance\hsize-\wd0
+ \parindent0pt \leftskip0pt plus 1fil \rightskip0pt
+ \vbox{#2\strut}\copy0}}
+ This is Lisa Simpson.
+ She's smart, she's sweet, she's sensitive\dots but
+ don't hold that against her.}
+\<{\Bart}{I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you?}
+\>{\Left\Maggie}{Suck. Suck.}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/fine.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/fine.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee9d53d1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/fine.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+\title{Backslash---Mathematical Activity}
+\author[Jonathan Fine]{Jonathan Fine\\\texttt{}}
+First an apology. I did not allow time to proof my last article and
+so did notice many small errors. None were \TeX{}nically important,
+except the solution to exercise 3. I thank David Carlise for
+pointing out that although \verb"\par" and \verb"\xyz" might have the
+same meaning, only \verb"\long" macros will accept a \verb"\par" in
+their parameter text. I guess I also forgot to mention that when used
+as a macro parameter delimiter, the meaning of a control sequence has
+no bearing but the name is everything. And in the middle of page~17,
+right column, the line
+\begin{quote}\quad\verb!\spaceit \endspaceit!\end{quote}
+\noindent should be deleted.
+The themes of this \BV\ issue are mathematics and tables. Siep
+Kroonenberg's article on tables is excellent. Here is a little
+trick for use within mathematics. It involves active characters. The
+sort of thing one might wish to do is have, say, \verb"[[" act as a
+sort of ligature for a compound math character, such as $[\![$.
+For every character code 0--255 there is a mathcode, which controls
+just how that character should be typeset, when in mathematics. More
+exactly, it gives the class or part of mathematical speech, the font
+family to use, and the location with the font family.
+A little known and little used feature of \TeX{} is,
+A \verb"\mathcode" can also have the special value \verb+"8000"+,
+which causes the character to behave as if it has catcode 13
+(active). Appendix~B uses this feature to make \verb"'" expand to
+\verb"^{\prime}" in a slightly tricky way.
+Knuth writes on [155] (this means page 155 of the {\em \TeX book}).
+This feature is not used by \verb"plain" for any other purpose. This
+remark is flagged as a `double dangerous bend' and so this article
+may not be suitable for all readers.
+As a result of this magic value for mathcode, a character can be made
+to act as if it were active when it is in mathematics mode, but not
+in text mode. This is done without changing the catcodes, and so even
+if ordinary letters are so made special, formation of control
+sequence names proceeds as usual. Moreover, math macros such as
+\verb"\matrix" and \verb"\eqalign" read their text as a parameter, and
+this fixes the category codes. (The \verb"plain" footnote macro goes
+to some length to avoid this [363], so as to allow category code
+changes to occur within the text of the footnote. This enable
+verbatim text to there appear.)
+Knuth [48] ``discourage[s] people from making extensive use of
+\verb"\catcode" changes except in unusual circumstances'' precisely
+because ``when the arguments to a macro are first scanned \ldots{}
+their categories are fixed once and for all at that time.'' A
+\verb"\matrix" may contain math and ordinary text, or may itself be
+the argument to another macro (this is why verbatim does not work
+properly within \LaTeX{} section titles). Thus, to achieve a smart
+\verb"[[" by category code changes would be difficult, and create
+many unwelcome side effects.
+However, mathcode \verb+"8000+ does not have these problems, because
+it is not a category code change. To understand the use of this
+unusual mathcode, let us change the math code of \verb"[" to this new
+value in such a way that ordinary documents will process exactly as
+before. The line
+\mathcode '\[ "8000
+will change the mathcode to the magic value, but the previous
+value---which controlled its conduct---is now lost. So we shall
+first save it. In fact the code below
+\ifnum \mathcode`\[ = "8000
+ \begingroup
+ \catcode `\[ =13
+ \global \mathchardef [ \mathcode`\[
+ \endgroup
+ \mathcode `\[ = "8000
+will first test that we haven't monkeyed with it before, and if safe
+to do so, will \verb"\mathchardef" an {\em active\/} \verb"[" to the
+original mathcode value, and finally set the mathcode of \verb"[" to
+the magic value.
+These changes (unless \verb"[" already has an active meaning, say for
+use within ordinary text) should have no effect whatsoever on the
+processing of manuscripts. So what have we gained?
+Previously the mathcode of \verb"[" caused the appropiate character
+to be looked up from the appropiate font, and used as a mathematical
+part of speech of the appropiate class. Now the mathcode of \verb"["
+will cause the meaning of active character \verb"[" to be looked up.
+The current value of this meaning is a mathchar which causes the
+previous appropiate action. {\em This meaning can now be changed},
+to produce new behaviour. This is the gain.
+Our example is that we wanted \verb"[[" to produce $[\![$. This
+compound symbol fragment was produced using \verb"$[\![$", where
+\verb"\!" gives a negative thin space. To obtain this same result,
+but using \verb"[[" as input, we must reset the value for active
+Here's how. Active \verb"[" must inspect the next token. To avoid
+\verb"\futurelet" complications, I will assume is not a brace or a
+space, and so can be read as a parameter. If it is another \verb"["
+we produce the compound symbol, otherwise we produce a single $[$ and
+restore the parameter to the input stream.
+\def \next #1%
+ \ifx #1[%
+ \lbrack@\!\lbrack@
+ \else
+ \lbrack@
+ \expandafter #1%
+ \fi
+ \catcode`\[=13 % active
+ \global \let [ \next
+The control sequence \verb"\next" is used to hold the value until we
+change the catcode of \verb"[" to access active \verb"[". If we
+tried to make the definition all at once, we would find that we would
+no longer have access to regular \verb"[". The command
+\verb"\lbrack@" has been freshly introduced, to hold the customary
+mathcode of \verb"[". This could have been obtained via
+\mathchardef \lbrack@ \mathcode`[
+if we had though to {\em before\/} we started changing things. As it
+now is, we can use
+\mathchardef \lbrack@ "405B
+which value comes from \verb"plain.tex" (see [344]).
+The \verb"\expandafter" in the above definition is to prevent code
+such as
+$ [ \mathmacro { argument } ] $
+producing a disaster, where \verb"\mathmacro" takes a single
+parameter. Stepping through the above code for active \verb"["
+we will we get
+\lbrack@ \expandafter
+\mathmacro \fi { argument }
+as an intermediate result. Without the \verb"\expandafter", the
+\verb"\mathmacro" would get \verb"\fi" as its argument, and that is
+totally wrong. As it is, the \verb"\expandafter" causes the token
+{\em after\/} the \verb"\mathmacro", which is the \verb"\fi", to be
+expanded {\em before} \verb"\mathmacro" does its piece. When
+\verb"\fi" is expanded [213],
+\TeX{} reads to the end of any text that ought to be skipped. The
+``expansion'' of a conditional is empty.
+and this is just what we want. The \verb"\fi" is gone, and so now
+\verb"\mathmacro" gets its proper argument.
+This device, which I call {\em active mathematical characters\/} makes
+all sort of dirty trickery possible. Mathematicians have a wide
+range of complicated symbols, diagrams, matrices, and so forth.
+Perhaps use of this device will allow for improved input syntax for
+at least some of these devices.
+Finally, problems and solutions. Problem~5 from last issue has a
+short solution (six lines of 80~column code) but seems to require a
+long explanation. The solution to Problem~6 will be given in the
+next issue. There are two new problems for this issue. The solution
+to Problem~7 is in the {\em \TeX{}book}. Problem~8 asks a question
+about possible \verb"\mathchar" values.
+{\bf Solution 5.}
+{\em The problem was to write a macro which will trim the leading and
+trailing spaces from user supplied text.}
+Assume that
+\verb"\text" is a macro whose expansion is the user-supplied text,
+such as
+\def \text { apples and oranges }
+and that \verb"\trim" \verb"\text" is to redefine \verb"\text" as
+\def \text {apples and oranges}
+which is as before, but without leading and trailing spaces.
+However, the original value of \verb"\text" may contain macros,
+nested braces, and perhaps even conditionals.
+Here is the solution, with comments as we go along.
+\catcode`\@=11 % @ is a letter
+\def\trim #1{%
+ \expandafter\trim@
+ \expandafter{#1 }%
+ #1%
+If \verb"\text" is the argument to \verb"\trim", the expansion of
+\verb"\trim" will result in \verb"\trim@" being called with two
+parameters. The first will be, enclosed in braces, the user
+supplied text {\em but with an additional trailing space} (the
+reason for which will be given later) and the second the name of the
+control sequence (\verb"\text") whose redefinition is sought.
+We now set things up to remove the leading space, if any. We use
+\verb"@" as a private delimiter, for it cannot occur {\em with
+category code 11\/} in user supplied text. The expansion of
+\def\trim@ #1{\trim@@ @#1 @ #1 @ @@}
+will cause \verb"\trim@@" to see before it {\em two\/} copies of the
+user-supplied text, both with (another) additional trailing space,
+the first copy without and the second with an additional leading space.
+This whole mess is closed with \verb"@@", which functions as a
+The trick now is to have \verb"\trim@@" look for text delimited on
+both left and right by the pair \verb*"@ " of tokens (being an \verb"@"
+followed by a space). If the user-text has a leading space, such
+occurs around the first copy. If not, around the second copy. The
+parameter delimiters of
+\def\trim@@ #1@ #2@ #3@@{%
+ \trim@@@\empty #2 @%
+select the appropiate copy of the user-text to be parameter
+\verb"#2". The rest of the arguments can be thrown away,
+all the way up to the \verb"@@" delimiter. The parameter \verb"#2"
+will be the user-text, with a trailing space added twice
+(by \verb"trim" and by \verb"trim@" also), and with the leading space
+(if present) stripped.
+We are nearly done now. The purpose of the \verb"\empty" (a macro
+which expands to nothing) will be explained later. We copy the user
+supplied text with yet another trailing space (that's the third time
+we've done this) and call \verb"\trim@@@" with \verb"@" as a
+Here come the final and amusing macro. We wish to strip the trailing
+space, if present. Perversely, we have three times added a trailing
+space. Now {\em in regular user defined text, by virtue of \TeX's
+reading rules [37], it is impossible for user supplied text to
+contain two successive explicit space characters}. So we use two
+successive spaces characters as a delimiter, to strip trailing
+spaces. This is why we have been so assiduously been building them
+up at the end.
+We need a helper macro
+to allow the construction of the final macro
+\unbrace{\def\trim@@@ #1 } #2@#3
+ \expandafter\def
+ \expandafter #3%
+ \expandafter {%
+ #1}%
+\catcode`\@=12 % restore @
+whose first parameter \verb"#1" is delimited by {\em two space
+characters}. This strips the trailing space, and we discard any
+other spaces there may be, up to the trailing \verb"@". The third
+parameter \verb"#3" is the control sequence (\verb"\text" in our
+case) whose stripped redefinition we seek.
+By now, \verb"#1" is stripped of leading and trailing space, and has
+an \verb"\empty" prepended. This is `stripped' via the
+\verb"\expandafter"'s. The macro is finished.
+Some further explanations are required. A trailing space is added
+{\em three\/} times when it might seem that twice is enough, to cover
+the case that \verb"\text" is empty. In that situation the first
+added {\em trailing\/} space will also be a {\em leading\/} space,
+and will be treated as such. The purpose of the \verb"\empty" is to
+forestall \TeX's (usually helpful) custom of stripping ``the
+outermost braces enclosing the argument'' [204]. Without this sweet
+nothing, the macros produce from
+\def\text {{well wrapped}}
+the new value
+\def\text {well wrapped}
+which is wrong! Earlier in the expansion the trailing space(s)
+stopped this happening.
+Finally, an acknowledgement. The basic ideas for dealing with the
+leading space are due to Donald Arseneau, but the trailing double
+space trick is all my own work.
+{\bf Exercise 7.}
+What reason does Knuth give for choosing \verb"$" as the math
+bracket. Hint: mathematics and tables are known as `penalty work'
+because they will attract an extra charge from the typsetter. The
+solution in on [127].
+{\bf Exercise 8.}
+Why should the value \verb+"8000+ be forbidden [155] as mathchar
+(rather then mathcode) value? And why not?
+\ifnum \mathcode`\[ = "8000
+ \begingroup
+ \catcode `\[ =13
+ \global \mathchardef [ \mathcode`\[
+ \endgroup
+ \mathcode `\[ = "8000
+\def \next #1%
+ \ifx #1[%
+ \lbrack@\!\lbrack@
+ \else
+ \lbrack@
+ \expandafter #1%
+ \fi
+ \catcode`\[=13 % active
+ \global \let [ \next
+\mathchardef \lbrack@ "405B
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/foot.sty b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/foot.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ddd73c5d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/foot.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent\$@thefnmark$.~~##1}}
+ \long\def\@makefntext##1{\scriptsize\sf\parindent 1em%
+ \noindent\@thefnmark.~~##1}
+ \def\footnoterule{\vspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}%
+ \rule{\linewidth}{\arrayrulewidth}\vspace*{2.6pt}}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/form.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/form.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9779009b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/form.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+\newcommand{\uktug}{the UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+\newcommand{\Uktug}{The UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+\newcommand{\ukug}{UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+ {\makebox[\textwidth]{#1\leaders\hrule\hfill
+ \qquad #2\leaders\hrule\hfill}}
+\newcommand{\daytitle}{Annual General Meeting: \\
+ \emph{and} What's up, Doc?}
+\newcommand{\where}{Staff Club Quiet Room, University of Warwick}
+\newcommand{\when}{October 19th 1994}
+\textbf{\LARGE The UK \TeX\ Users Group}
+\textbf{\Huge Booking Form}
+\section{Booking Arrangements}
+\item[AGM] All members of \uktug{} may attend the AGM
+without payment. Refreshments will be available. The AGM is
+scheduled to start at 10.30 and finish at 12.00.
+\item[What's up, Doc?] This will occupy the period from 12.00
+to 5.00.
+For members of \uktug{}, there is a charge of \pounds20,
+which includes a buffet lunch and afternoon refreshments.
+For non-members, the charge
+is \pounds30. There is a \pounds5 discount for early payment.
+\section{Booking Details}
+I wish to attend the meeting on \when:
+\ruled{Name: }
+\ruled{Organisation: }
+\ruled{Address: }
+\partruled{Telephone: }{Email: }
+\ruled{Please specify any special dietary requirements: }
+ &Payment enclosed$^1$ &\\
+or&purchase order number$^2$ &\\ \cline{3-3}
+ &\multicolumn{1}{r}{Signed:}&\\ \cline{3-3}
+ &\multicolumn{1}{r}{Date:} &\\ \cline{3-3}
+\item Payment for the meeting is \pounds20 for
+members of \uktug{}, and \pounds30 for non-members.
+Cheques should be made payable to `UK TeX Users Group'.
+Those paying before September 20th may \textbf{deduct} \pounds5
+from their payment.
+\item A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an
+acceptable alternative method of payment, but
+will attract a \pounds10 surcharge on the amount due.
+\section{Payment Address}
+Please send this completed booking form, together
+with your payment, to:
+\begin{tabular}{ll@{ }l}
+Malcolm Clark&&\\
+Computing Services&& \\
+University of Warwick& &\\
+Coventry CV4 7AL
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/goossens.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/goossens.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be39d5feee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/goossens.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+\title{The 15th Annual \TeX\ Users Group Meeting}
+\author[Michel Goossens]{Michel Goossens\\CERN,
+July 31st, Santa Barbara, California, USA.\footnote{For another view
+of TUG94, see \emph{Malcolm's Gleanings} later in this \BV.}
+Just the right combination
+of sunshine, temperature, and sea breeze. The mountains in the
+background, the beach nearby, the food nearly perfect. The ideal
+setting for a conference. And here we were, some 120 \TeX{}
+enthusiasts, coming from many countries and cultures, to meet
+each other, and talk about and listen to presentations of the
+latest developments in the area of high quality typesetting.
+We were not disappointed. The quality of the presented papers was
+uniformly good, or even outstanding, so many Birds of a Feather (BoFs)
+were going on in parallel that it was impossible to keep track of the
+many hot topics being debated by specialists and users in these
+informal meetings that took place when there were no formal
+The formal theme of the conference was ``Innovation''. Malcolm Clark
+and Sebastian Rahtz brought together a tremendous programme that
+clearly showed how \TeX{} is now making inroads in many areas of book
+production, like colour support, more flexible page layouts, scholarly
+and non-Latin alphabet editions. Several groups are working on
+extending \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} so that these tools become ever better
+adapted to the demands of present-day document handling and are
+integrated more readily into electronic distribution networks or
+databases. Several new approaches introduce object-oriented
+programming techniques, and hence show that \TeX{} forms an integral
+part of a modern computing development environment.
+I hope that the following detailed overview will give you a flavour of
+all these developments, and that it will convince you that you want to
+know more about one or more points. You can obtain the proceedings of
+the Conference by becoming a TUG member for \$60, which entitles you
+to four issues of TUGboat and of \TeX{} and TUG News, or else for \$30
+you can obtain a copy of the Proceedings only. For more details
+contact the TUG office.
+% at the following address
+%\TeX{} Users Group & Phone: +1 (805) 963-1338\\
+%P.O. Box 869 & Fax: +1 (805) 963-8358\\
+%Santa Barbara, CA 93102, USA & E-mail:
+It all started on Saturday July 30th in the evening with the
+traditional Welcome Party. This where one meets old friends and
+colleagues or discovers new faces; the latter are at first looking
+around with somewhat anxious eyes, but are quickly surrounded by
+reassuring oldies, shaking hands, and being welcomed to the
+``Family''. The Californian wine, beer, or lemonade flowed freely, and
+by the end of the evening all ice was broken and the atmosphere was
+one of harmonious warmth and unity.
+The Conference was formally opened the next day by TUG'S
+Executive Director, and local organizer, Patricia Monohon, and
+Christina Thiele, TUG's President also spoke a few words of welcome.
+\section{Publishing, languages, literature and fonts.}
+It was Charles (Chuck) Bigelow who had the honour to present
+the first paper. He started by looking back at letter forms over the
+past 2500 years or so, and then discussed work---together with Kris
+Holmes---on the Lucida Sans Unicode font, that contains at present
+some 1700 alphabetic and mathematical symbols and is or will be
+available with the multi-byte operating systems Windows/NT, Apple GX
+and AT\&T Plan 9.
+Frank Mittelbach then discussed some of the dos and don'ts that he
+learned while preparing the \emph{\LaTeX{} Companion}. From the
+discussions following the talk it seemed that his impressions were
+shared by many other authors/editors who are in the publishing
+Just before tea it was Yannis Haralambous who showed off his artistic
+talents using \MF{} when he presented his work on
+typesetting the Holy Bible in biblical Hebrew using his \emph{Tiqwah}
+system, that will make it possible, for the first time, to use the
+typographic powers of \TeX{} to typeset high-quality Bible editions.
+Together with his work on typesetting the Holy Koran using several
+thousand ligatures, and his font developments for many other scripts,
+(as described at earlier conferences, and later in the present one)
+this will allow scholars in many disciplines to typeset their works
+at affordable prices using \TeX{} and any computer.
+Michael Cohen, an American teaching at the University of Aizu in
+Japan, explained how his \emph{Zebrackets} system of meta-\MF{}s
+can generate striated parenthetical delimiters on demand. This offers
+the reader a more complete graphical picture of the relationship
+between various document elements by augmenting the information
+content of their representation.
+Yannis Haralambous then came back on stage to present ``Humanist'',
+his new system to ``humanize'' \LaTeX.
+Document input, markup and editing is performed using any word
+processor that supports RTF output (like Word, WordPerfect),
+that will then be turned into \LaTeX{} code by the Humanist system.
+A user can thus work on a text in the most friendly and natural way
+(\ie without a single \LaTeX{} command), but will get syntactically
+correct \LaTeX{} output so that the powerful \TeX{}
+engine can be used to obtain high-quality typeset output.
+The final paper of the Sunday was by Basil Malyshev, on converting \MF{}
+fonts automatically into PostScript Type~1 outlines.
+It was read by Alan Hoenig in the author's absence.
+Various techniques to perform the conversion in question were presented
+and the one chosen for the creation of the \emph{Paradissa Fonts
+Collection} was described. This collection offers a freely available
+set of PostScript Type~1 renderings of all Computer Modern, Euler, CM
+Cyrillic and \LaTeX{} fonts.
+\section{Colour, and \LaTeX}
+Leslie Lamport started the presentations of the second day. He gave
+us his ideas on ``\LaTeX4'', a \textsc{wysiwyg}-like, though
+structured text editor, well integrated into the user environment.
+James Hafner gave a short historical overview of how colour was
+first implemented in Tom Rokicki's dvips {\tt.dvi} driver to provide an
+efficient and simple method for specifying colour with \TeX.
+Tom Rokicki then discussed a new implementation of colour
+support and proposed a standard way for specifying colour and
+colour-like specials, implemented by modular C-code, that can be
+easily integrated into the {\tt.dvi} drivers.
+Angus Duggan described his program DVISep,
+a simple colour separator for {\tt.dvi} files, as well of some other tools
+for working with {\tt.dvi} files.
+Sebastian Rahtz provided an introduction to the colour commands available
+in \LaTeXe{} and showed some interesting examples.
+Michel Goossens discussed some of the more basic issues concerning the use
+of colour in documents. He emphasized that the colour dimension has to
+be used with great care, so as not to distract the reader from the
+main message. Colour, like typography, has a set of rules, that have
+to be learnt and applied for greater effectiveness.
+Friedhelm Sowa presented his original and device-independent approach to
+colour support and showed some results obtained using BM2FONT on a Hewlett
+Packard inkjet printer.
+Michael Sofka gave an overview of the various stages in the
+production of a colour book. He addressed the issues involved in
+professional colour separation, and demonstrated how \TeX{}, with a
+suitable driver, can be used to produce high-quality custom and process
+colour books.
+Then Sebastian Rahtz returned to the spotlight,
+with a presentation of PSTricks, a paper by Denis
+Girou and Timothy van Zandt, who could not be present.
+Sebastian, in his usual clear style, showed how PSTricks provides a
+convenient interface to PostScript from within \TeX. It allows one to
+draw any kind of graphics object, like circles, polygons, curves,
+springs. It offers several drawing tools, grids and has various
+commands to place text along a path. Objects and text can be rotated,
+scaled and tilted, and 3-D effects are available. Framing and clipping
+are supported, as is a general tree-drawing package.
+A package for generating slides, \texttt{seminar}, exists, and an early
+version of a plotting package is also ready.
+After the presentations on colour our attention turned to the subject
+of general \LaTeX{}-related developments.
+First, Jon Stenerson showed us his system for creating
+customized \LaTeX{} style files via a graphical user interface,
+composed of menus, windows, and dialog boxes. It is at present closely
+linked to the Scientific Word text processor, although, in principle,
+it could be used with any \LaTeX{} environment.
+Johannes Braams provided a clear introduction to
+classes and packages and \LaTeXe.
+He started by relating
+the \LaTeXe{} packages and classes to \LaTeX~2.09 major and minor
+styles. Then he discussed how old styles can be most easily upgraded.
+In the last part of his talk he gave a
+concise overview of the document
+classes and packages that come with \LaTeXe.
+The last talk of the day was by Alan Jeffrey, who covered the
+subject of using PostScript fonts with \LaTeXe. He described the
+\LaTeXe{} font packages \texttt{psnfss} and \texttt{mathptm} and some
+of the design decisions made in their development.
+Before the dinner ``on the beach'' several BoF sessions took place.
+One was on ``colour'', coordinated by David Carlisle, another on
+``practical indexing'', coordinated by Nelson Beebe, and one on ``font
+encoding'', coordinated by Alan Jeffrey.
+Many of the discussions in the BoFs carried over into the beach
+dinner time, but, as families were also present, other more
+mundane subjects were also addressed. It was one more golden
+occasion to get to know each other in a more personal context,
+without reference to glue, (coloured) boxes or other \TeX{} speak.
+\section{\TeX\ Tools}
+Tuesday morning was devoted to ``Tools'', and started with a
+presentation by Oren Patashnik, the author of \BibTeX{}.
+He first took a look back and explained why some of the
+design decisions of \BibTeX{} were made. Then he discussed some of the
+features that he plans to include in the new version, such as an
+easier interface to create non-standard bibliographies, support for
+national languages and the possibility of multiple bibliographies
+in a single document.
+The next talk was by Pierre MacKay, who presented his typesetter's
+toolkit, which includes tools for remapping fonts and generating
+composite glyphs, and a program for generating AFM PostScript metric
+files for the Computer Modern fonts.
+Michael Barnett described a remarkable application where a combined
+use was made of electronic typesetting and symbolic computations.
+His work seems to indicate that a considerable amount of time and
+effort can be saved when complex formulae are obtained symbolically by a
+computer program, like \textsc{Mathematica}.
+Minato Kawaguti, of Japan, proposed a new and efficient method to edit
+\AllTeX{} source files by combining an emacs-type editor and a special
+version of \texttt{xdvi}, where the two windows (emacs and \texttt{xdvi}) are
+displayed simultaneously, and pointing to a portion of the document in
+the \texttt{xdvi} window positions the text in the editing window in
+the same region.
+After coffee Yannis Haralambous showed his work on the Indica system,
+and a completely new \TeX{} system for Sinhalese. The Indica system is
+a generalized preprocessor for Indic scripts (scripts of languages
+used on the Indian subcontinent, plus Sanskrit and Tibetan). Urdu,
+where the Arabic script is used, is not supported. Various input
+encodings are accepted and with the help of \texttt{flex}, a {\sc
+ unix}-based lexical analyser generator, are translated into \TeX{}
+commands. Identical input encodings can be used for different
+languages, thus minimizing user retraining when inputting in different
+languages. The Sinhalese \TeX{} system is a complete typesetting
+workbench for that language, containing specially designed fonts.
+Jean-luc Doumont explained how pretty-printing of Pascal programs can
+be done entirely within \TeX{}, without the need of a preprocessor.
+He showed how this approach of ``preprocessing within \TeX{}'', using
+two-token tail-recursion, can also be applied to other situations,
+\eg, for an elementary chemistry mode.
+After lunch we had the afternoon off and most of us spent it in
+the nice town of Santa Barbara.
+In fact, during the Tuesday afternoon we were supposed to
+go and have a look near the Santa Barbara Channel Islands, that provide
+a shelter for the area between the islands and the mountains, thus giving
+Santa Barbara its unique sub-tropical climate. The plan was to go and
+spot a few whales, but the sea was somewhat rough, and the captain
+preferred to take us on a 3-hour tour along the coast. Even so quite
+a few of our passenger-colleagues felt sick, and it was with some
+relief that many of us set foot ashore again around 7 pm, and set off
+to go and pick a restaurant to enjoy the local food.
+The next day's theme was ``Futures'', and Joachim Schrod thought that
+interactivity was the way forward. He emphasized that Knuth already
+very early on thought that an interactive \TeX{} would be useful. Many
+\TeX{} systems have been built that contain some interactivity. To
+better understand the actions of \TeX{} he proposes that a formal
+approach should be used since, according to his views, informal
+descriptions have failed. As part of a solution he presented, after
+developing an abstract decomposition, a formal description for
+\TeX{}'s macro language. The latter can be interpreted by a Common
+Lisp system and the resulting Executable \TeX{} Language Specification
+(ETLS) can be used as the basis for a debugger of \TeX{} macros.
+Chris Rowley then reviewed some of the investigations of the \LaTeX3{}
+team in the area of modeling and specifying page layouts. One of the
+questions that they asked themselves was how well \LaTeX{} can cope
+with that job compared to other text processing software systems, and
+whether a complete redesign of the system is needed. He also
+mentioned the wider question of how these aspects should be addressed
+in future typesetting systems. Don Hosek gave an overview of various
+page layouts he had tried for his new magazine \textit{Serif}, and
+showed how he could massage \TeX{} into doing (almost) everything he
+wanted, mainly using code from the infamous Appendix~D of \textit{The
+ \TeX book}. John Plaice then reported on the present status of the
+Omega project, which is a series of extensions to \TeX{} to improve
+its multi-lingual abilities. It supports multiple input and output
+character sets and allows any input encoding. Transformations from one
+coding to the other are supported. Even scripts requiring a very
+complex contextual analysis, such as Arabic or Khmer, can be handled
+elegantly using 16-bit or 32-bit virtual fonts.
+After a short break Arthur Ogawa showed ways of combining
+within \TeX{} the descriptive markup and object-oriented
+programming (OOP) paradigms. He discussed an extension to \LaTeX's markup
+scheme that more effectively addresses the needs for a production
+environment, and for implementing such a system he heavily relied on
+the use of OOP techniques, where \LaTeX{}
+environments can be thought of as objects, and several environments
+can share functionality of a common, more general object.
+In his companion talk to Ogawa's, William Baxter went on to describe
+the actual implementation of an OOP system in \TeX{}, where formatting
+procedures and markup are strictly decoupled, so that, indeed,
+designers can fully benefit from the OOP techniques available.
+The afternoon started with the TUG Business meeting, where decisions
+taken by the TUG Board of Directors for the coming year were
+presented, explained, and discussed. These decisions will be
+presented elsewhere.
+The Knuth Scholar was also announced:
+Shelly Lee Ames of the University Manitoba,
+where she works for the Canadian Mathematical
+Society (Soci\'et\'e math\'ematique du Canada) preparing
+formats and proofing all papers published by the society in their
+Journal and Bulletin.
+This involves handling submissions in many different flavours of \TeX,
+and initiating the development of macros to implement their formatting
+After the meeting Yannis Haralambous, in a companion paper to Plaice's
+on the Omega project, showed a few applications for fully
+diacriticized scholarly Greek, vowelized Arabic, properly kerned
+Khmer, and for Adobe's calligraphic Poetica font. Then Phil Taylor
+reported progress on the NTS project. This project was started in 1992
+by the German-speaking \TeX{} user's group, DANTE, and has as its main
+task the development of a successor to Donald Knuth's now frozen
+\TeX{} system. In fact two paths, one evolutionary, with e-\TeX{}, and
+one more revolutionary, with NTS (New Typesetting System) are at
+present being investigated. As the \TeX{} typesetting system consists
+of a rather complex set of tools, the group proposes to define a
+``canonical \TeX{} kit'', which is assumed to be present at every
+installation. The status of the e-\TeX{} project was reviewed by
+Peter Breitenlohner. At present this involves improved control over tracing,
+additional math delimiters, improved access to the current interaction
+mode, checking for the existence of a control sequence, alternative
+ligature/kerning, extensions to the set of valid prefixes for macro
+definitions (\eg, \Lcs{protect} and \Lcs{bind}), support for colour.
+Finally it was Ji\v{r}\'{\i} Zlatu\v{s}ka who told us about the team's
+present thinking on the more ambitious NTS project. He sees
+essentially a two-phase approach, namely first a re-implementation in
+a rapid-prototype language such as CLOS or Prolog, so that one can
+experiment easily with various modular representations of the present
+\TeX{} engine. Using this model one will try and identify functionally
+independent units, for which various alternate ways of extensions can
+then be proposed and tested. Based on the knowledge gained in phase
+one, the second phase will then see the step-by-step re-implementation
+of the functional units in a more efficient and widely available
+programming language, such as C++. Initially only e-\TeX{} will be
+implemented in NTS, but later on alternate algorithms can be included
+to perform some of the typesetting tasks better. The long-term aim of
+NTS is thus to make maximum use of the phase-1 test bed to investigate
+and evaluate possible approaches to overcome various of \TeX{}'s
+perceived shortcomings. A lively discussion followed these
+presentations, and then the participants went off into one of the
+three BoF sessions. The first was on WWW servers, coordinated by Peter
+Flynn and Norman Walsh, where the latter discussed at some length his
+paper describing his WWW interface to the CTAN archive, which provides
+an attractive means to combine different views of the archive into a
+single view. Marko Grobelnik coordinated a BoF on database
+publishing, while Oren Patashnik discussed extensions to \BibTeX{} in
+his BoF. At the Banquet, that started at 19:30, all participants had
+one last chance together with their families to socialize, and enjoy
+the good food, wine (some had original 16 year old cask Caol Ila malt
+whisky\ldots), and the music.
+\section{Publishing and design}
+It was a little difficult for some of the participants
+to get up on time for the last morning.
+Yannis Haralambous and Maurice Laugier discussed some of the tools
+used at the Louis-Jean Printing house in Gap (France) to typeset
+books. The Trad\TeX{}-SGML program was introduced. It is used
+to convert \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} files into SGML. The tool is presently
+implemented on a Macintosh and is in real-life production. eDVItor is
+a program that allows interactive editing of a {\tt.dvi} file, using a
+mouse-driven cursor to move blocks of text, insert illustrations,
+change colours, etc. It runs on both DOS and Macs.
+Michel Downes stated that the American Mathematical Society produces
+almost all its publications (a couple of dozen journals and book
+series) with \TeX{} using AMS-developed macro packages. About two
+years ago a major overhaul of the macros package was decided, one of
+the goals being to ease revisions to the visual design.
+In this new approach the design specifications are kept outside of the
+\TeX{} code in an element specification template that is relatively easy to
+understand and modify by traditional book designers.
+Alan Hoenig then showed us some examples of
+visually pleasing page layouts, which most \TeX{} users only
+thought possible with PageMaker or Quark Express.
+His secret is to turn off some of the \TeX{} functions, like vertical
+glue or tall characters, and all lines are assumed to have the same
+height and depth. It is to be said that this
+arguably restrictive set of conditions still allows one to typeset
+probably at least 99\% of all printed material in the world.
+And, indeed, the model is not so limited as it seems, since with some
+work one can include section heads, display material, and so on.
+Just before the coffee break, Malcolm Clark presented Jonathan Fine's
+paper in his absence. He described first some historic aspects of the
+\TeX{} typesetting program, leading to a discussion of strategies for
+possible future extensions. He strongly believes that with improved
+macro packages and {\tt.dvi} processors many of the present problems will
+be solved. Also imposing a more rigorous syntax for input
+compuscripts should help. This will not only allow the source to be
+used with a possible future successor of \TeX{}, but also ensure
+re-use with other, not-necessarily typesetting, applications.
+Marko Grobelnik presented a \TeX-based system developed in Slovenia
+for publishing dictionaries, lexicons and encyclopedia. The \TeX{}
+macros are augmented with many special purpose written editing tools to
+assist the editor, who looks after the contents and form of the
+publications. The final talk was by Henry Baragar, who showed how
+special purpose (``small'') languages can be used for documenting
+Knowledge bases so that \LaTeX{} can be augmented by adding
+expressiveness for specific tasks. He introduced the language TESLA,
+that allows Expert System analysts to mark up groups of rules into
+tables so that the logical structure of the database becomes clear.
+The system generates \LaTeX{} tables, that can be typeset in tabular
+form to be used by expert system programmers or typeset as text, to
+be used by Domain experts, thus yielding presentation forms adapted to
+the targeted audience.
+The conference was brought to a close by Christina Thiele, but not
+before Mimi Burbank, coordinator of next year's TUG meeting, gave us a
+short outline of plans for the 1995 meeting, to be held during
+the week of July 24--28th 1995 in the Trade Winds Hotel in Florida.
+It was also the occasion to honour the winners of the trophies for
+the best papers, namely Alan Hoenig, Yannis Haralambous and Tom
+Rokicki, who were presented with EPODD CD-ROMs by Nelson Beebe.
+I think that I can safely suppose that at the end of our five day
+conference all participants left the University of California, Santa
+Barbara Campus satisfied to have taken part in this unique event. Even
+though most of us, Internet addicts, were a little surprised to find
+only very limited access to the Internet, this fact might indeed have
+been more of a blessing than a shortcoming, since in this way we were
+not distracted by having to answer e-mail or otherwise respond to
+``urgent requests'' from home. In any case it certainly benefitted
+contacts between the participants and hence contributed to the
+friendly atmosphere. Another positive factor was the hard work of
+John Berlin and Janet Sullivan of the TUG office, who did their best
+almost 24 hours per day to help solve problems, or better, trying to
+prevent them before they occurred. Their kindness and helpfulness were
+truly appreciated by all those present. Thanks once again to John,
+editor of the \emph{The~TUGly~Telegraph} (and his partner in crime,
+Malcolm Clark), which kept us informed of the latest conference news,
+and to Katherine Butterfield, Suki Bhurji, and Wendy McKay for helping
+with staffing the on-campus TUG office.
+%%% ommitted from Baskerville to save space
+ (the town itself has a population of
+86,000, while the county counts about 360,000 inhabitants). The town lies
+about 150 km north of Los Angeles, and 530 km south of San Francisco.
+The climate is sunny and temperately warm (average temperature is
+about 12 centigrades in December, and 20 in July). The architecture of
+the town offers a unique blend of Chumash, Spanish, Mexican and
+American heritage. State Street, Santa Barbara's main
+and most famous street, whose lower lying part was rebuilt after the
+1925 earthquake as a beautiful Spanish-style avenue, lined with trees,
+plants, benches, and lamps is the town's favorite shopping area.
+At the end of State Street Stearn's Wharf, built in 1872, and the oldest
+operating wharf on the west coast, offers a lot of restaurants, gift
+and souvenir shops, wine tasting, a seafood market and other small
+shops. From the wharf one has a marvelous view of the mountains, the
+ocean and the yacht harbor.
+Santa Barbara also has an interesting history, and many of its
+buildings and museums will give the visitor an overview of what happened
+since 1542, when the first European, Juan Cabrillo, set foot in the
+But it was not until 1782 that the Spaniards came to stay, and also
+around that time they established a military presidio and the now
+famous Mission, established in 1786. Its beautiful setting, unique
+twin bell towers and lovely facade have earned it the title ``Queen of
+the Missions''.
+Santa Barbara, heart of the American Riviera, also offers white-sand
+beaches, whale watching, mountain biking, sailing, and many good
+restaurants. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31557a6a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+% by Raymond Chen (
+% Homer Simpson.
+pictureof(Homer, 24u#, 24u#, 0);
+ pickup thinpen;
+ localpath eye_left, eye_right;
+ eye_right = superellipse( (14.2u, 14.5u), (12.2u, 16.3u),
+ (10u, 14u), (12u, 12u), .7);
+ draw eye_right;
+ localpath nose; % extends down and around to chin
+ nose = preclip((12u, 13u)..
+ (16u, 13.2u)..
+ (17.7u, 12.5u){down} ..
+ (16u, 11.5u)..
+ (10u, 7u){down}..
+ (12.5u, 4u){right}..tension 1 and 6..
+ (14.7u, 6.5u)..
+ (15.7u, 6.8u)..
+ {up}(15.7u, 8u), eye_right);
+ localpath dimple;
+ z1d = (11.3u, 8.1u);
+ z2d = (10.9u, 6.8u);
+ dimple = z1d{(z2d-z1d) rotated dimple_depth}..
+ {(z2d-z1d) rotated -dimple_depth}z2d;
+ draw dimple;
+ localpath mouth;
+ mouth = prepostclip(
+ (16u, 12u).. tension infinity and 3..
+ (17.7u, 8u){down} .. tension 2 and 1 ..
+ (15.7u, 7.2u){left}..
+ (12.2u, 7.7u){left}..
+ (0u, 7u), nose, dimple);
+ draw mouth;
+ nose := postclip(nose, mouth);
+ draw nose;
+ eye_left = prepostclip(
+ (15u, 12.6u){right}..
+ (17.2u, 14.5u){up}..
+ (15.5u, 16.4u){left}..
+ {down}(13.1u, 14.2u), nose, eye_right);
+ draw eye_left;
+ localpath scalp;
+ scalp = preclip(
+ (16u, 15.3u) .. tension 1.5 ..
+ (12u, 20u) ..
+ (9.5u, 20.8u){left}.. tension 1 ..
+ (4u, 16.4u){down} .. tension 1 ..
+ (7.4u, 7u) ..
+ (5.4u, 0u), eye_left);
+ % scalp and collar interact
+ localpath collar;
+ collar = (11.4u, 2.3u) .. tension infinity and 1 ..
+ (7u, 4.2u) .. (6.7u, 4.7u) ..
+ (9u, 6u) .. tension 1 and infinity .. (15.2u, 2.5u);
+ z0c = point 0 of collar;
+ draw postclip(scalp, collar);
+ draw postclip(collar, scalp);
+ % the rest of the collar is also tricky
+ numeric t;
+ t = directiontime dir (90-starch) of collar;
+ z1c = point t of collar;
+ x2c = 5u; z1c - z2c = whatever * dir (90-starch);
+ draw z1c -- z2c & reverse subpath (0,t) of collar shifted (z2c-z1c) -- z0c;
+ y.bottom = ypart (z0c + (z2c-z1c));
+ numeric t;
+ % while I'm here, I may as well finish the right collar
+ draw postclip (z0c .. (z0c + 100u * dir -machismo),
+ (0u,y.bottom)..(100u,y.bottom));
+ localpath ear;
+ ear = (7.5u, 11.5u) .. % (6.8u, 11.6u) ..
+ (6u, 11.3u) ..
+ (5.7u, 10u) .. (6.6u, 8.5u) .. (7.5u, 9u);
+ erase fill ear .. cycle;
+ draw ear;
+ drawtau( (6.2u, 10.5u), (7.4u, 11u), (6.8u, 9.3u), (6.8u, 11.1u) );
+ % tufts on top
+ draw postclip (
+ (5.2u, 17.7u){dir 100} ... (6u, 22u) ... {dir -60}(9.3u, 19.5u), scalp);
+ localpath tuft;
+ tuft = (6.2u, 18.7u){dir 100} ... (8u, 22.3u) ... {dir -70}(10.8u, 19.5u);
+ draw subpath (0,1) of tuft &
+ postclip(subpath (1,2) of tuft, scalp);
+ numeric tuft;
+ % the tuft by the ear
+ draw (4.5u, 11.5u) --- (4.6u, 14u) --- (6.1u, 12.2u)
+ --- (6.4u, 14.4u) --- (7.7u, 12.5u);
+ % The interaction between the left collar and the front of the neck
+ % is also messy.
+ % shift part of left collar
+ localpath lcollar;
+ z2cr = point infinity of collar;
+ y1cr = y.bottom; z2cr - z1cr = whatever * dir machismo;
+ lcollar = z2cr .. z1cr;
+ draw lcollar;
+ % now the front of the neck
+ localpath neck;
+ neck = prepostclip(
+ (13u, 7u){down} .. (14.7u, 0u), nose, lcollar);
+ draw neck;
+ % now the top of the left collar
+ draw preclip(collar, neck);
+ % and the other side of the left collar.
+ z2cr - z3cr = 1.5u * dir machismo;
+ z4cr - z3cr = whatever * dir (270+starch+30);
+ z4cr - z2cr = whatever * dir (270+starch);
+ draw z2cr -- z4cr -- z3cr;
+ labels(1cr, 2cr, 3cr, 4cr);
+ eyepos(Homer, 11.5u#, 14u#, 15.2u#, 14.5u#);
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5586d4cdb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+% by Raymond Chen (
+% Lisa Simpson.
+% Dependencies:
+% eye_right dimple tau
+% | | |
+% nose | vertical part of tau
+% | \ |
+% | mouth
+% ear eye_left |
+% | \ / | chin
+% neck hair lashes /
+% \ /
+% \ /
+% pearls
+% The ordering is so that we draw the pearls as early as possible.
+pictureof(Lisa, 24u#, 24u#, 0);
+ pickup thinpen;
+ localpath eye_left, eye_right;
+ eye_right = superellipse( (16u, 10.1u), (14u, 12u), (11.5u, 10u),
+ (13.75u, 8u), .7);
+ draw eye_right;
+ localpath nose;
+ nose = preclip((14u, 10u).. (16.5u, 8.7u){right} ...
+ (19.3u, 7.5u){down} ... (17u, 6.5u){left}, eye_right);
+ draw nose;
+ localpath dimple; dimple = dimplepath( (11.8u, 6u), (10.9u, 5.5u));
+ draw dimple;
+ localpath mouth;
+ mouth = prepostclip(
+ (18.3u, 6.8u).. tension infinity and 3..
+ (20u, 5.6u){down} .. tension 5 and 1 ..
+ (16u, 4.7u){left} ..
+ (11.5u, 5.8u), nose, dimple);
+ draw mouth;
+ localpath ear;
+ ear = (8.5u, 7.9u) .. (7u, 6.5u) ..(8.3u, 5.5u);
+ draw ear;
+ localpath chin;
+ z1c = (15.7u, 5.5u);
+ z2c = (15.5u, 4.1u);
+ z3c = (15u, 3.6u);
+ z4c = (13.5u, 0u);
+ chin = preclip(z1c{down}..z2c..z3c..{z4c-z3c}z4c, mouth);
+ draw chin;
+ localpath neck;
+ neck = preclip((8u, 5.8u){dir -60}..{-dir 60}(8u,3.2u)..(6.75u,u), ear);
+ draw neck;
+ % For efficiency, we draw the pearls as soon as it becomes possible.
+ if pearl > 0:
+ pickup lacepen;
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled .9pearl shifted (7.5u, 2.7u); % far left
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled .95pearl shifted (13.7u, 1.4u); % far right
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled .95pearl shifted (8.8u, 2.3u); % left of center
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled pearl shifted (12u, 1.5u); % right of center
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled pearl shifted (10.3u, 1.7u); % center
+ pickup thinpen;
+ fi
+ drawtau( (7.5u, 6.8u), (8.5u, 7.2u), (8.1u, 6u), (8.1u, 7.3u) );
+ eye_left = prepostclip(
+ (17.2u, 8.2u){right}..
+ (19.25u, 10.5u){up}..
+ (17u, 12.2u){left}..
+ {down}(15.3u, 10.5u), nose, eye_right);
+ draw eye_left;
+ localpath hair;
+ hair = prepostclip((18u, 11.3u) :: (21u, 13u) ::
+ %(18.5u, 16u) ::
+ (18.7u, 15.5u) ::
+ %(19.25u, 19.25u) ::
+ (19.5u, 19u) ::
+ (16u, 18u) :: (14u, 21u) :: (11.6u, 18.7u) ::
+ (8u, 20u) ..tension 3.. (7u, 17.5u) ..tension 3.. (3u, 16u) ::
+ (4.75u, 13.75u) :: (2.5u, 11.5u) :: (4.5u, 9.5u) :: (3.3u, 7u) ::
+ (6u, 6.7u) :: (6.5u, 4.25u) :: (8u, 5.8u), eye_left, ear);
+ draw hair;
+ pickup lashpen;
+ localpath lash;
+ rlash((12u, 10.5u), (11u, 11.7u), 3);
+ rlash((12.75u, 11.25u), (12.2u, 12.8u), 3);
+ rlash((14u, 12u), (14.2u, 13.5u), -3);
+ rlash((15u, 11.7u), (15.5u, 12.9u), -3);
+ llash((17.0u, 12.0u), (17.6u, 13.1u), -3);
+ llash((18.2u, 11.8u), (18.9u, 13.1u), -2);
+ llash((18.9u, 11.4u), (19.8u, 12.1u), -2);
+ llash((19.0u, 10.4u), (20.3u, 11.1u), -2);
+ eyepos(Lisa, 12.5u#, 9.75u#, 16.8u#, 9.75u#);
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..700ce386a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+% by Raymond Chen (
+% Maggie Simpson.
+pictureof(Maggie, 20u#, 20u#, 0);
+ pickup thinpen;
+ localpath eye_right;
+ z.eye_right = (8u, 8u); % base for right eye
+ eye_right = (superellipse( (3.6u, 0u), (1.5u, 2u),
+ (-.8u, 0u), (1.5u, -2u), .7) ) shifted z.eye_right;
+ draw eye_right;
+ localpath nose;
+ z.nose = (12u, 4u); % base for nose
+ z1n = (.8u, .9u); % where nose meets pacifier
+ z1n.dir = -dir10; % direction through z1n
+ z2n = (xpart z1n, -2.7u); % bottom turn of pacifier
+ labelsoffset(z.nose, 1n, 2n, 3n); % Label the points
+ nose = preclip( (
+ (-u, 3u) --- (1u, 3u) .. % bridge of nose
+ (2u, 2u) .. % tip
+ z1n{z1n.dir} .. % through here
+ (0u, .8u) .. % return
+ (-1.7u, -1.4u) .. % back of pacifier
+ (0u, -3u) .. % bottom of pacifier
+ z2n .. % turn
+ tension 2 ..
+ {z1n.dir}z1n % end of front of pacifier
+ )shifted z.nose, eye_right);
+ draw nose;
+ % The handle of the pacifier
+ numeric t; t = 1.2u; % handle thickness
+ penpos1p(t, 0); % hump of the bowl
+ penpos2p(t, 90); % upper handle
+ penpos3p(t,-90); % lower handle
+ z1p = z.nose + (1.3u, -1u);
+ x2p =
+ x3p = xpart z.nose + .2u;
+ y1p = 1/2[y2p, y3p];
+ y2p - y1p = .8u;
+ penlabels(1p, 2p, 3p);
+ overdraw z1p.l{up} .. z2p.l{left} .. z2p.r{right} ..
+ z1p.r{down} .. z3p.r{left} .. z3p.l{right} .. cycle;
+ localpath eye_left;
+ z.eye_left = (12u, 8u);
+ eye_left = prepostclip( (
+ (1u, -1.3u){right}..
+ (2.7u, .5u){up}..
+ (1u, 2u){left}..
+ {down}(-.8u, .5u) ) shifted z.eye_left, nose, eye_right);
+ draw eye_left;
+ localpath hair;
+ hair = preclip(
+ (14u, 7.5u) ::
+ (16.2u, 8.8u) ::
+ (15u, 9.1u) ::
+ (17u, 11u) ::
+ (14.7u, 11.8u) ::
+ (15.4u, 14.4u) ::
+ (13u, 14u) ::
+ (10.7u, 16.4u) ::
+ (8.7u, 13.9u) ::
+ (5.3u, 15.5u) ::
+ (4u, 12u) ::
+ (1.4u, 11u) ::
+ (2.8u, 8u) ::
+ (1.1u, 6u) ::
+ (4.2u, 4.5u) ::
+ (3u, 2.5u) ::
+ (6u, 2.6u) .. (6u, 1.5u) .. (8u, .7u){right} ..
+ (10.3u, 1u), eye_left);
+ z1h = point infinity of hair;
+ draw hair;
+ % Maggie's adorable bow
+ numeric t; t = .7u; % size of knot
+ def ::: = ..tension 2 .. enddef; % for bow drawing
+ z.bow = (11u, 13u);
+ z1b = (-t, t); % 7\ /5
+ z2b = ( t, t); % | \ / |
+ z3b = ( t, -t); % | 1--2 |
+ z4b = (-t, -t); % | | | |
+ z5b = (3t, 2.5t); % | 4--3 |
+ z6b = (3t, -2t); % | / \ |
+ z7b = (-3.5t, 3t); % 8/ \6
+ z8b = (-3.2t, -2.5t);
+ overdraw (z2b ::: z5b ::: z6b ::: z3b -- cycle) shifted z.bow; % right bow
+ overdraw (z1b ::: z7b ::: z8b ::: z4b -- cycle) shifted z.bow; % left bow
+ overdraw (z1b ::: z2b ::: z3b ::: z4b ::: cycle) shifted z.bow; % the knot
+ labelsoffset(z.bow, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b, 8b);
+ % Maggie's ear
+ z.ear = (5u, 5u);
+ draw ( (1.5u, 1u) .. (-.2u, -.4u) .. (1.5u, -1.4u) ) shifted z.ear;
+ drawtau( z.ear + (.3u, -.5u),
+ z.ear + (1.3u, .5u),
+ z.ear + (1u, -1.1u),
+ z.ear + (1u, .5u) );
+ % Maggie's chin (and mouth, sucking on the pacifier)
+ draw postclip(
+ ( (-.4u, .2u) .. (0,0) .. (2u, 1u) ) shifted z1h, nose);
+ % The front of the Maggie baggie
+ draw bend(20, z1h, (.3u + xpart z1h, 0));
+ % The back of the Maggie baggie
+ draw postclip(
+ (4.2u, 0u){dir 60} .. {dir 45}(5.5u, 2.5u), hair);
+ pickup lashpen;
+ localpath lash;
+ rlash( (0 u, .8u), (-.6u, 1.8u), 0);
+ rlash( (1 u, 1.6u), ( .8u, 2.4u), 0);
+ rlash( (2.5u, 1.5u), (2.7u, 2.2u), 0);
+ llash( ( .5u, 1.9u), ( .4u, 2.3u), 0);
+ llash( (1.8u, 1.9u), (1.9u, 2.3u), 0);
+ llash( (2.5u, 1.5u), (2.7u, 1.8u), 0);
+ eyepos(Maggie, 9.2u#, 8.1u#, 12.7u#, 8.1u#);
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/makefile b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9f36df6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Makefile for 300 lines per inch utility fonts.
+SIZ = 300gf
+FACE = simpsons
+default: $(FACE)
+all: $(FACE)
+$(FACE): $$ Makefile
+ make -f ../Makefile SIZES="$(SIZ)" FONT="$@" $@.tfm'
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35f8897997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+% by Raymond Chen (
+% Marge Simpson.
+pictureof(Marge, 22u#, 40u#, 0);
+ pickup thinpen;
+ localpath eye_left, eye_right;
+ eye_right = superellipse( (15.5u, 11.5u), (13.5u, 13.5u), (11.2u, 11.3u),
+ (13.5u, 9.5u), .7);
+ draw eye_right;
+ localpath nose;
+ nose = preclip((15u, 10.5u)..
+ (16.3u,10.1u) ..
+ (18 u,10 u){right} ..
+ (18.8u, 9.5u){down} ...
+ {-dir 30}(17 u, 8 u), eye_right);
+ draw nose;
+ localpath dimple;
+ z1d = (12.5u, 7.4u);
+ z2d = (11.8u, 6.8u);
+ dimple = z1d{(z2d-z1d) rotated dimple_depth}..
+ {(z2d-z1d) rotated -dimple_depth}z2d;
+ draw dimple;
+ labels(1d, 2d);
+ localpath mouth;
+ mouth = prepostclip(
+ (17u, 8.8u).. tension infinity and 3..
+ (19.6u, 7.5u) ..
+ (17u, 6.5u){left} ..
+ (14u, 7u) ..
+ (12u, 7.1u), nose, dimple);
+ draw mouth;
+ eye_left = prepostclip(
+ (17u, 9.7u){right}..
+ (19u, 12u){up}..
+ (17u, 13.6u){left}..
+ {down}(14.7u, 11u), nose, eye_right);
+ draw eye_left;
+ localpath ear;
+ ear = (9.5u, 9.6u) .. (8.1u, 8.3u) ..(10u, 6.9u);
+ draw ear;
+ drawtau( (8.7u, 8.5u), (9.7u, 8.9u), (9.3u, 7.7u), (9.3u, 9.0u) );
+ % chin
+ draw preclip(
+ (16.3u, 6.5u){down} ..
+ (16u, 6u){-dir30} ..
+ (15u, 4u){down} ..
+ (16.5u, 0u),
+ mouth);
+ % back of neck
+ localpath neck;
+ neck = preclip(
+ (9u, 7u){down} .. %tension .9 and 3 ..
+ {-(1,1.5)}(7.2u, 0u), ear);
+ draw neck;
+ if pearl > 0:
+ pickup lacepen;
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled .9pearl shifted (8.7u, 3u); % far left
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled .95pearl shifted (15u, 2u); % far right
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled .95pearl shifted (10.1u, 2.2u); % left of center
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled pearl shifted (13.3u, 1.9u); % right of center
+ overdraw fullcircle scaled pearl shifted (11.6u, 1.8u); % center
+ pickup thinpen;
+ fi
+ % Marge's beehive 'do
+ draw preclip( puffhair(
+ (18.3u, 12.6u), % 1
+ (18.6u, 16.5u), % 2
+ (18.6u, 19 u), % 3
+ (17.8u, 22.8u), % 4
+ (17 u, 26 u), % 5
+ (16 u, 29 u), % 6
+ (14.8u, 32.7u), % 7
+ (13 u, 35 u)),% 8
+ eye_left);
+ curlers := curlers + 10; % more curliness on top
+ draw puffhair(
+ (13 u, 35 u), % 1
+ (10 u, 37 u), % 2
+ ( 6 u, 37 u), % 3
+ ( 4 u, 35 u), % 4
+ ( 2.6u, 32 u), % 5
+ ( 3.3u, 28 u));% 6
+ curlers := curlers - 10; % back to normal curliness
+ draw postclip( puffhair(
+ ( 3.3u, 28 u), % 1
+ ( 5.2u, 25.2u), % 2
+ ( 6.3u, 22.6u), % 3
+ ( 6.5u, 18.5u), % 4
+ ( 6.1u, 14.4u), % 5
+ ( 6.4u, 11.1u), % 6
+ ( 7.3u, 8.7u), % 7
+ ( 9.3u, 6 u)),% 8
+ neck);
+ % And the hairline above her eyes
+ draw postclip( puffhair(
+ ( 9.5u, 9.6u), % 1
+ ( 9.5u, 12.2u), % 2
+ (10 u, 14.3u), % 3
+ (11.7u, 15 u), % 4
+ (13.8u, 15 u), % 5
+ (16.5u, 15.2u), % 6
+ (17.9u, 14.1u), % 7
+ (18.3u, 12.6u)),% 8
+ eye_left);
+ % And finally, the eyelashes
+ pickup lashpen;
+ localpath lash;
+ rlash((12.0u, 12.5u), (11.8u, 14.0u), 3);
+ rlash((13.0u, 13.2u), (13.0u, 14.4u), 2);
+ rlash((14.1u, 13.2u), (14.2u, 14.4u),-2);
+ rlash((14.9u, 12.8u), (15.5u, 14.2u),-3);
+ llash((16.5u, 13.4u), (16.6u, 14.3u),-1);
+ llash((17.3u, 13.4u), (17.6u, 14.4u),-2);
+ llash((18.0u, 13.0u), (18.5u, 14.4u),-3);
+ llash((18.7u, 13.0u), (19.6u, 13.9u),-3);
+ eyepos(Marge, 12.5u#, 11.4u#, 16.5u#, 11.7u#);
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ntuf.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ntuf.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cb141afbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ntuf.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\title{The National Typesetter Users' Forum (NTUF)}
+\author[Philip Taylor]{Philip
+Taylor\\Chairman, National Typesetter Users'
+Although the majority of \TeX\ users are content to produce their final copy
+using a laser printer or similar, those who are preparing so-called `camera
+ready copy' for use by professional publishing houses, printers, etc., need to
+be able to produce their final copy to a somewhat higher standard. A typical
+laser printer operates at 300 dpi, which will produce acceptable results only
+if (a) the typeface is not too small, and (b) the typeface does not exploit
+exceptionally thin lines (Computer Modern at 300 dpi is noticeably poor in this
+respect). A better quality laser printer operates at 600 dpi, and at this
+resolution both small fonts (say down to 5 pt) and thin lines (as in Computer
+Modern) can be resolved reasonably well, although an unfortunate combination of
+both a small font and thin lines will still usually lead to break-up.
+Phototypesetters start where laser printers leave off; the lowest
+resolution of a typesetter is of the order of 635 dpi, and resolutions
+of 1270 and even 2540 dpi are by no means uncommon. At 1270 dpi,
+fonts as small as 3 pt, and extremely fine lines, can both be resolved
+reasonably well, and for normal textual work there is usually no need
+to consider higher resolutions. However, if gently sloping lines
+(usually from a graphic or from a custom glyph) are to be resolved
+without the eye detecting a disturbing step function in their
+rendering, then the highest possible resolutions, of 2540 dpi or more,
+are required.
+The National Typesetter Users' Forum provides an opportunity for both
+existing and potential users of a phototypesetter to meet to discuss
+problems of common interest. The meetings take place both physically
+(the group meets once per term) and electronically (there is an e-mail
+list, \texttt{Typesetting@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk}); at the physical meetings
+there are regular reports both from service providers (\eg the
+Phototypesetter support group at the University of London Computer
+Centre) and from what would elsewhere be termed `special interest'
+groups (\eg \TeX, PostScript, Apple Macintosh, IBM PC, etc.) The
+most recent meeting was also addressed by a guest speaker (on this
+occasion, Ian Chivers speaking on Adobe Acrobat), and it is hoped to
+arrange further speakers for forthcoming meetings.
+All members of the UK \TeX\ community, whether or not they are already
+users of a phototypesetter, are welcome to join the group; those with
+access to e-mail may send their electronic subscriptions to
+\texttt{Listserv@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk}, in the normal Listserv form
+(Subscribe typesetting \emph{given name SURNAME}), whilst those
+restricted to more traditional means of communication should send a
+note or fax to Ian Chivers, NTUF Secretary, The Computer Centre,
+Kings College, University of London (E-mail:
+\texttt{I.Chivers@Kcl.Ac.Uk}; telephone: 0171-333 4339; fax: 0171 937
+The next (physical) meeting is scheduled for 14:15 on Tuesday 18th
+October at the University of London Computer Centre; anyone wishing to
+take part in a pre-meeting \emph{dim sum} lunch is invited to contact
+me personally for further information. I hope to see many of you
+% Philip Taylor,
+% Chairman, National Typesetter Users' Forum.
+% E-mail: <P.Taylor@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk>
+% Telephone: 01784 443172
+% Facsimile: 01784 434348
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/review.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/review.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c5f7d4dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/review.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+\title{Book Review --- `Making \TeX\ Work'}
+\author[Malcolm Clark]{Malcolm Clark\\
+ title="Making TeX Work",
+ author="Norman Walsh",
+ publisher="O'Reilly &
+ Associates, Inc.",
+ address="Sebastopol, CA",
+ ISBN="1-56592-051-1",
+ pages=483}
+This is truly a niche market book. Until I read it, I didn't realise
+there was a need for it. Basically it tries to describe the many tools
+and tool fragments which exist for use with \TeX\ (and \MF). In
+general terms we are talking of tools available through the Internet,
+and most probably those available at your nearest convenient \CTAN\
+host. It is therefore encyclopedic rather than especially
+profound. You are unlikely to gain any new insights into the working
+of \TeX\ and its friends, but you will probably meet lots of new
+friends, whose existence you never even imagined (I excuse a couple of
+people from this: almost inevitably our esteemed editor will be aware
+of everything mentioned here, and probably has a list of other tools
+which should have been included). Given the nature of the Internet
+world, and \TeX, this can be no more than a snapshot which is probably
+already out of date: for example, the IP address for
+\texttt{} has changed.\footnote{For the curious, it is now
+ --- Editor}
+The book was first published in April 1994, and by July had been
+reprinted with `minor corrections'. The reprinted edition was one of
+the goodies at this year's TUG conference in Santa Barbara, Thank you
+O'Reilly \& Associates, Inc.
+\NW{} describes \CTAN\ as `a fully-mirrored anonymous FTP hierarchy on
+three continents' -- but the three continents are North America,
+Europe and, er, Europe. He makes the common mistake of equivalencing
+UK with England. World Wide Web makes an appearance indirectly, rather
+than as a \CTAN\ supported service (so much easier to use); to be fair
+he does mention the WWW interface available through O'Reilly's server,
+If you try this \textsc{url}\footnote{If you are
+confused by all this stuff, help may be at hand. We hope
+that a future edition of \BV\ will discuss the
+\TeX\ resources available through World Wide Web, and give
+some clear pointers, as well as filling in some of the
+background.}, you will find it would have been better
+to go straight to
+You may be concluding by now that we are strongly oriented towards electronic
+networks. This is true, although \NW{} does list some ways of obtaining
+distributions through more traditional means. But imagine you wanted to get
+hold of em\TeX\ or Oz\TeX: \NW{} merely refers you to \CTAN\ for em\TeX\
+and omits any contact at all for Oz\TeX. This despite the trailer at the
+end of every UKTeX Digest
+ list with details of how to obtain this software on disc.
+Similarly he seems to have missed the (admittedly fairly recent)
+\textsc{cd-rom} offerings from both the Dutch-speaking users group and from
+PrimeTime Software which contain gobs of material useful to those with and
+without electronic connection -- let's not forget that those of us on
+SuperJanet are still a minority. Many \TeX\ users still access a network (if
+they access one at all) over a telephone line, and the thought of downloading
+all these files, even if you can locate them, is daunting.
+We are also fairly Unix oriented. This is hardly surprising, given
+that this is an O'Reilly book, and they have made their name by
+producing books, which if not 100\% Unix in flavour, are at least very
+oriented towards Unix and GNU / Free Software Foundation. Thus
+there is a sort of assumption that you can probably write
+\emph{Perl}, and fairly readily modify the \emph{Perl} scripts
+which \NW{} includes. He uses \emph{Perl} because it is a scripting
+language available on all the platforms he discusses -- Unix, MSDOS
+(and Windows), OS/2 and the Macintosh. Sadly he doesn't tell me how to
+get hold of \emph{Perl}. It is this Unix bias which leads him to
+assert that `Unix is probably the most common \TeX\ platform' and to
+go on to note that the emphasis of the book is Unix workstations
+running X11 producing output for PostScript and HP LaserJet printers.
+\NW{} suggests that his description of \TeX\ is really for the systems
+administrator who wants to know a bit more about this behemoth which
+he has been persuaded to let occupy her or his system. The computer
+naive, or just those wanting to get on with some documents are given
+scant regard. Although he does include some discussion of Ms-dos and
+of OS/2, this is really because many tools have been ported to these
+platforms from Unix. The inclusion of the Macintosh is intriguing, but
+other than ghettoising it by giving it its own exclusive chapter out
+of the sixteen, it makes little appearance, and the repeated themes of
+command lines and restricted file names does demonstrate that it was
+something of an afterthought. The really useful fact of Mac filenames
+-- that they should not contain a blank space if you hope to use
+\LaTeX, is omitted.
+In general, there also seems to be a bias towards \TeX, rather than
+the more accessible extensions like \LaTeX, although again \NW{} does
+mention \LaTeX, Lollipop (a little surprisingly) and Texinfo
+(unsurprisingly, although again demonstrating the Unix bias).
+I have some misgivings when I start with \NW{}'s description `What is
+\TeX'. The first aesthetic principle which he ascribes to \TeX\ is:
+`The right margin is justified' (page~3). Besides being a rather
+contested aesthetic principle, \TeX\ of course allows you to set
+ragged right, or ragged left (or even both). He also claims `ladders
+are avoided'. None of my books on typography mention ladders: I assume
+them to be equivalent to rivers, and while this is certainly a claim
+by Knuth \& Plass, \emph{and} I have yet to see rivers created by
+\TeX, I'm still not convinced of its universal truth.
+I'm made uncomfortable by the first table (page~9), where among the
+special characters for plain \TeX, \NW{} suggests using \verb+<+ for
+!` (the usual recommendation is to access it by \verb+!`+), and
+\verb+>+ for ?` (usually \verb+?`+). This smacks of the shortcut `it
+works!' approach which always makes me nervous. He also notes the use
+of \verb+|+ to obtain an em-dash! I begin to despair. This way lies
+madness. And why would you want a `lone' tilde character or an
+underscore in your document? Yes I know they are widely used in Unix
+for paths in directory and file names, but that's hardly mainstream
+\TeX\ usage. I would be wary of defining a command \verb+\big+ in
+plain \TeX\ (as on page 100), since it could easily confuse maths
+typesetting (try \verb+\big\lbrace+ after you have redefined
+\verb+\big+). And it must be incorrect to maintain (page 21) that if a
+document contains `no forward references then it can be formatted in
+one pass'. If it contains no references at all, yes, this is true, but
+if there are any references (i.e.~\verb+\label+ commands) the
+\texttt{aux} file has to be written out fully and read again on the
+next run to resolve the reference(s). In reality this is hardly a
+problem. I've never yet been able to write a document in one `pass'.
+There is always some other reason for having to run \LaTeX\ again.
+Where it does matter is with a document you either receive, or one you
+pick up from a server. You have to know to run it \emph{at least}
+twice, and perhaps more times. Basically, keep running it until
+\LaTeX\ stops carping.
+To me a section entitled, `\TeX\ for beginners' contains a bizarre,
+almost oxymoronic, concept. I no longer believe that you should be
+taught \TeX, until you have mastered \LaTeX. If you need to go further
+than \LaTeX, then it is worthwhile finding out how \TeX\ works. Most
+of us don't really need to know first about macros and registers, far
+less `token lists' (unless of course we already have a few computer
+languages to our credit). There also seems to be some confusion in
+describing what \TeX\ is. \NW{} writes ``\TeX\ allows you to separate
+markup and layout. Logical divisions in the text (chapters, sections,
+itemized lists, etc.) are identified by control sequences''. Yes this
+is true, but it is closer to a description of \LaTeX. On page~14 we
+have a supposed comparison of \TeX\ and \emph{troff} commands,
+except the \TeX\ is \LaTeX. In passing, why \emph{troff}? Surely
+no-one would select \emph{troff} over \LaTeX\ given a free choice.
+Ten or fifteen years ago, and tied to Unix, maybe there was a contest,
+but today? Similarly the \TeX\ macros on page 43 are for \LaTeX\ (to
+be fair, he does say that they are from the \CTAN\ directory
+\texttt{macros/latex/contrib/misc} so I should have been able to work
+that one out by myself. If \NW{}'s contention was that to talk of
+\TeX\ was to imply \LaTeX, I wouldn't mind, but there is just too much
+jumble here, and even I'm getting confused. Am I just quibbling? I
+don't think so. The seeds of confusion are being sown.
+Having said all this, I think the book is very useful, and it contains
+answers to many questions. Just ignore the bits about \TeX\ and
+concentrate on the tools. It almost answered my query about PFM files
+and how to convert them to \texttt{tfm}s. Simply by recording where
+many things are in the \CTAN\ archives is a great boon. I can happily
+spend all day searching through \CTAN, but my chances of coming across
+something useful are slim. Now I have a better idea of what is there
+and my searching is more directed. In some areas \NW\ does go into
+reasonable detail -- for example the installation of em\TeX, or
+describing how to use new PostScript fonts in \TeX. He also usefully
+spends a little time and effort describing how to get pictures into
+\TeX, describing the problems and pitfalls, as well as actually doing
+it. It is a useful addition to my library of \TeX\ books, if only
+because it more easily enables me to answer those `is there a public
+domain driver for \textit{xxx}?' questions. I'm not sure I enjoy the
+format very much. Paragraphs without indentation and a paragraph
+separation of about one line height make me shudder a bit, but many
+manuals have this sort of form, and maybe that's what \NW\ wanted. I
+don't think it shows \TeX\ off to advantage, although he did make a
+real effort by eschewing Computer Modern and using Garamond instead.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/siep.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/siep.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e129727c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/siep.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+\newcommand{\px}[1]{{\parbox[t]{1.1in}{\raggedright #1}}}
+\newcommand{\py}[1]{{\parbox[t]{1.7in}{\raggedright #1}}}
+ \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.1}%
+ \sf
+ \scriptsize}
+\title{Table design}
+\author[Siep Kroonenberg]{Siep Kroonenberg\\
+{\sf\bf Example: before and after}
+{\bf Economic forecasts for 1992}
+ & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{forecast}\\
+variable & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Grecon} &
+ \multicolumn{2}{c|}{CPB} \\
+ & & &
+ \multicolumn{2}{c|}{(MEV '92)}\\
+ &\multicolumn{4}{l|}{\% mutations}\\
+ &\multicolumn{4}{l|}{w.r.t. 1991}\\
+real consumption ($c$) & 1&.1 &1&.25\\
+price index consumption ($p_c$) & 2&.6 &3&.25\\
+real investments ($i_m$) &1&.4 &-2&.5\\
+export price index ($p_b$) & 3&.5 &3&.25\\
+real import of goods ($m$) & 4&.1 &3&\\
+real output of goods ($v'$) &2&.5 &2&.1\footnote{%
+ The quantities $v'$ and $bpr$ aren't given as such by the CPB. The
+ CPB data presented here are computed using their GRECON definitional
+ equations. For details, see appendix D.} \\
+real domestic production ($bpr$) &1&.4 &1&.6\\
+private employment ($a$) &0&.32 &0&\\
+wage rate ($l$) &4&.0 &4&\\
+government income (\%) &-0&.1 & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{--\footnote{%
+Not available.}
+\ \ from output of goods ($iso'$) &&&&\\
+& \multicolumn{4}{l|}{absolute quantities}\\
+unemployment ($\times$1000 persons) &510&\footnote{%
+ Not a model outcome: see text in par.\ 3.1 and 3.2.} & 525&\\
+balance of payments ($10^9$ Hfl) &24&.4&25&.0 \\
+{\bf\small Economic forecasts for 1992}
+ & \multicolumn{4}{l@{}}{\bf\sf Grecon~~~~~CPB\footnote{MEV '92}}
+ \\[3pt]
+\hline \\[-6pt]
+\em mutations w.r.t. 1991 \\
+real consumption ($c$) & 1&.1 &1&.25 \\
+price index consumption ($p_c$) & 2&.6 &3&.25 \\
+real investments ($i_m$) &1&.4 &$-$2&.5 \\
+export price index ($p_b$) & 3&.5 &3&.25 \\
+real import of goods ($m$) & 4&.1 &3 \\
+real output of goods ($v'$) &2&.5 &2&.1\footnote{%
+ The quantities $v'$ and $bpr$ aren't given as such by the CPB. The
+ CPB data presented here are computed using their GRECON definitional
+ equations. For details, see appendix D.} \\
+real domestic production ($bpr$)
+ &1&.4 &1&.6 \\
+private employment ($a$)
+ &0&.32 &0 \\
+wage rate ($l$) &4&.0 &4 \\
+government income (\%) \\
+\ \ from output of goods ($iso'$) &$-$0&.1 &--&{}\footnote{%
+ Not available}\\[6pt]
+\em absolute quantities \\
+unemployment ($\times$1000) & 510 &\footnote{%
+ Not a model outcome: see text in par.\ 3.1 and 3.2.} & 525 \\
+balance of payments (10$^9$ Hfl) &24&.4 & 25&.0
+{\em [Editor's note: I am grateful to
+Siep Kroonenberg and Gerard van Nes (editor) for permission to reprint this
+article from MAPS, the journal of the Nederlandstalige \TeX\
+\LaTeX\ users generally seem unaware of current ideas on table design.
+The following table is a typical \LaTeX\ production:
+\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\bf \LaTeX\ table design}\\
+ & 1991 & 1992 \\
+Unemployment ($\times$1000) & 500 & 600 \\
+Balance of Payments (10$^9$ Hfl) & 24 & 25 \\
+In a professionally-designed publication, the above table would
+probably look more like this:
+\multicolumn{3}{@{}l@{}}{\small\bf Common sense table design} \\[3pt]
+\hline \\[-6pt]
+ & \bf 1991 & \bf 1992 \\ [3pt]
+\cline{2-3} \\[-6pt]
+Unemployment ($\times$1000) & 500 & 600 \\
+Balance of Payments (10$^9$ Hfl) & 24 & 25 \\
+If you read a book on typography, \eg \cite{treebus} or \cite{mclean}:
+you'll find that they use rules and boxes with far more restraint, and
+rely more on white space and variation in typefaces for organization.
+The table examples in \cite{lamport} were (I hope) merely intended to
+demonstrate techniques. However, their style was almost unanimously
+adopted by \LaTeX\ users.
+So I think that some design education is in order. I am not a
+design professional. However, many people never even think about
+table design; so if I set them thinking and they start reading books on
+typography by real professionals then this paper has served its purpose.
+{\bf Note.} This is not meant to be a technical exposition.
+\cite{bernard} and \cite{lamport} tell you most of the technical things
+you need to know. All the same, I have indicated here and there with
+what codes or constructs you might accomplish certain effects.
+\section{Basics of table design}
+A table should present its information as clearly as possible.
+Typographic means to organize this information includes rules, white
+space, choice of typefaces and appropriate headings and captions. But
+if a feature doesn't help to make a table clearer, it had better be
+left out.
+\multicolumn{3}{@{}l@{}}{\small\bf Macroeconomic memoranda} \\[3pt]
+\hline \\[-9pt]
+1. & \px{Karl L\"ausche, Maria Vader, Theo Zernike} &
+ \py{Money illusion and savings illusion; an illusionistic look
+ on neo-\dbr Hegel\-ian monetary theory} \\ \\[-6pt]
+\hline \\[-9pt]
+2. & \px{Hendrik Kooy\-ker, Johan Zonder\-link} &
+ \py{BIGTHUMB, a software package for handling missing and politically
+ incorrect data} \\ \\[-6pt]
+\hline \\[-9pt]
+3. & Anneke~Draaijer &
+ \py{Consumer behavior, expectation formation and the long-term
+ economic effects of risk-aversion} \\ \\[-6pt]
+\subsection*{Rules and boxes}
+Rules have their uses. They can emphasize headings. They can also
+separate different items and unite the several data for one item, as in
+the table above. Vertical rules, as in the table below, would have the
+opposite effect and would be no help at all in making the table easier
+to read.
+\multicolumn{3}{@{}l@{}}{\small\bf Macroeconomic memoranda} \\[3pt]
+\hline && \\
+1. & \px{Karl L\"ausche, Maria Vader, Theo Zernike} &
+ \py{Money illusion and savings illusion; an illusionistic look
+ on neo-\dbr Hegel\-ian monetary theory} \\ && \\
+2. & \px{Hendrik Kooy\-ker, Johan Zonder\-link} &
+ \py{BIGTHUMB, a software package for handling missing and politically
+ incorrect data} \\ && \\
+3. & Anneke~Draaijer &
+ \py{Consumer behavior, expectation formation and the long-term
+ economic effects of risk-aversion} \\ && \\
+But even in the earlier example one might wonder whether white space
+wouldn't have been more effective than rules.
+A table may also be boxed to set it off from the surrounding text. But
+\LaTeX\ users normally don't go through the trouble of wrapping text
+around tables and figures; therefore, there is little reason to box in
+a table.
+In all cases, there should be enough space between rules and text. A
+rule too close to text interferes with readability and makes the text
+look cramped.
+An alternative to rules or boxes is a shaded background, preferably in
+a second colour. This is not supported by \LaTeX\ as far as I know,
+although with PostScript some tricks are possible (see \eg
+\cite{bernard} section 11.6). This formatting device requires high
+output quality in order to look good.
+\subsection*{Alignment and justification}
+A column of text labels can be left- or right-aligned, or centered. If
+the table has any length at all, a centered column can easily look
+sloppy. With left- or right-alignment there is at least one straight
+edge to give the column structure. Think twice before centering a
+column in a longer table.
+A column of figures is usually decimally aligned (see below
+for some technical issues). If the figures are unrelated,
+you may consider right- or left-alignment instead.
+Don't justify text inside a narrow column or you'll end up with large
+distracting holes between words. This is easier said than done, but
+see further below.
+Headings may get added emphasis by setting them bold, italic, at a
+larger point size or in a different typeface. Don't go overboard,
+though. The heading of a centered or decimally-aligned column may need
+some manual adjustment.
+\section{An example}
+We illustrate some of these points with the `before-and-after' example.
+It is sufficiently complex to illustrate a number of points; I
+am not implying that it is any worse than other \LaTeX\ tables I have
+seen. The `before' table is a \LaTeX\ remake of a table from
+\cite{grecon}. At an earlier occasion, it has been used as a
+demonstration of \LaTeX's table-making capabilities.
+The example table contains footnotes; therefore it is enclosed in a
+minipage environment.
+The most conspicuous shortcoming of the `before' example is the tight
+spacing between horizontal lines and text. I am not aware of a
+parameter which controls this distance; however, the `\verb+\\+'
+command takes an optional length parameter, also in a \verb+tabular+
+In this case, as in most cases, the vertical rules are better left out.
+It is advisable to begin and end the column specification with
+Without vertical rules, no white space needs to be reserved
+at the left- and righthand sides.
+Actually, I used a \verb+tabular*+ environment, which allowed me to
+set the width to \verb+\linewidth+: exactly the width of the
+Another unfortunate detail is the footnote rule next to the bottom
+rule. I solved this by dropping the bottom rule. Also, I redefined in a
+separate style file several aspects of minipage footnotes: among
+others, the footnote rule now stretches across the width of the
+The rule under the title is not part of the
+\verb+tabular+ environment, but is constructed
+as a `\verb+\rule+'-rule. This made it easy to give it a custom
+thickness. Again, the length was set to \verb+\linewidth+.
+As to the various headings: the word {\em forecast} repeated
+information from the table header and was dropped. The word {\em
+variable} could also safely be omitted.
+Aligning the Grecon- and CPB headings at the bottom instead of the top
+would have been an improvement, but moving the text `{\em MEV '92}' to
+a footnote was even better. Their horizontal positioning was adjusted
+by hand, adding `\verb+~+' here and there.
+The `{\em \% mutations...}' and `{\em absolute quantities}' headings
+looked rather jarring in the figures columns, and were moved to the
+left column.
+Sans serif faces are especially appropriate for tabular material. At
+small sizes serifed faces easily look fussy, especially if the output
+quality is not top notch. Sans serif faces suffer much less from
+scaling down. A sans serif face also helps to set off the table from
+the surrouding text.
+Several sizes and weights are used (typographers talk about an italic
+{\em weight}; the \TeX\ community should realize that they entertain
+rather off-beat ideas about font families). And hyphens are replaced by
+proper minus-signs.
+\section{Technical issues}\label{tech}
+Some things in \LaTeX\ are harder than they should be. Two notorious
+examples are table-related: aligning a column of figures on the decimal
+point, and setting text in a table cell ragged right.
+\subsection*{Decimal alignment}
+There are at least three ways in \LaTeX\ to accomplish decimal
+\item If all numbers have the same number of digits after the decimal
+point, decimal alignment coincides with right alignment, since in most
+fonts all digits have the same width.
+\item Split the numbers right before the decimal point, i.e. put an
+ampersand `\verb+&+' before the decimal point (or after the number, if
+it has none). The column formatting for the resulting two columns
+should be \verb+r@{}l+: right-align the part before the decimal point,
+left-align the remainder, and put no white space in between.
+\item Use the {\tt dcolumn} package by David Carlisle. This is
+documented in \cite{bernard} section 5.5.1.
+\subsection*{Ragged right justification}
+You may have noticed that \verb+\raggedright+ simply doesn't work in a
+tabular environment. Again, let me suggest a couple of brute-force
+\item Divide the text manually between rows. Of course, this is
+practical only in very simple cases.
+\item Put a parbox around the text, \eg \\
+\verb+\parbox{1in}{\raggedright+\ {\em text...}\verb+}+ \\
+This is simple enough, but not very elegant since it involves
+specifying column widths outside the \verb+\begin{tabular}+ command.
+Goossens \emph{et al.} give a more sophisticated solution in section 5.3.1,
+`{\em Typesetting Narrow Columns.}' As in the last of the above two
+workarounds, it adds code to make \verb+\raggedright+ operational again.
+\section{The trouble with \LaTeX}
+It took me a lot of time to prepare the examples in this paper. Even
+the standard \LaTeX\ \verb+tabular+ environment has plenty of quirks,
+and extension packages such as {\tt array} or {\tt tabularx} only add
+to them. Too often, it was a matter of trial and error what would work
+and what wouldn't, and that might depend on the package used. In the
+end I didn't use any of the table extension packages for this paper.
+In \LaTeX, some aspects of layout and typography can be controlled by
+changing a few parameters or by replacing some simple code out of a
+style file. But there are quite a few rough spots: sometimes the code
+is too cryptic for easy modification and sometimes the code is not in
+the style file at all. When typesetting tables one tends to run into
+such rough spots.
+Besides \LaTeX, I use high-end wordprocessors and low-end desktop
+publishing software. I am exceedingly frustrated that simple things
+that you just do in a commercial program, require hours or days of
+study and experimentation in \LaTeX.
+Still, \LaTeX\ can't be beaten (yet) for long documents or for
+automation. It remains robust and efficient whatever the size and
+complexity of the job. So I keep using it for certain types of work.
+I hope that \AllTeX\ developers are seriously addressing \LaTeX's
+shortcomings. What is really needed is a more accessible basic \LaTeX\
+system, which doesn't require wizardry to tailor to one's own
+preferences, and which can put an end to the current proliferation of
+style files to patch up its defects.
+Finally I want to mention that \cite{bernard} was a great help in
+preparing this paper, even though the solutions proposed there didn't
+always work out.
+\bibitem[Treebus 1982]{treebus} Treebus, K. F. {\em Tekstwijzer.} SDU 1982.
+\bibitem[McLean 1980]{mclean} McLean, Ruari. {\em Typography.} Thames and
+Hudson 1980.
+\bibitem[Lamport 1986]{lamport} Lamport, Leslie. {\em \LaTeX, A Document
+Preparation System.} Addison-Wesley 1986.
+\bibitem[Goossens \emph{et~al.}~1994]{bernard}
+Goossens, Michel, Frank Mittelbach, Alexander
+Samarin. {\em The \LaTeX\ Companion.} Addison-Wesley 1994.
+\bibitem[DV91]{grecon} Dietzenbacher, H.W.A., W. Voorhoeve. {\em Het
+model GRECON 91-D. Septembervoorspellingen voor 1992}.
+Onderzoeksmemorandum no. 450. Economics Department, Groningen
+University 1991.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.900gf b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.900gf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cf92b7757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.900gf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.doc b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93fd36c4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+The Simpsons Font by Raymond Chen (
+The main driver is Typical usage is
+ mf \mode=local_mode; input simpsons
+with the usual additional backwhacks on UNIX systems.
+The characters were obtained from...
+Lisa -- Simpsons Illustrated, Summer 91, cover
+Homer -- Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, cover
+Bart -- Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, article on Dan Castellaneta
+Marge -- Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, article on Dan Castellaneta
+Burns -- Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, article on Dan Castellaneta
+Maggie -- Simpsons 1992 calendar, ``Phone pranks''
+SNPP -- Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, Homer's job file
+They were traced and transferred to graph paper, then magnified fourfold.
+The original graph paper was ruled at 1u = 1/4in, whence the units involved.
+Major landmarks tend to be near multiples of 4u.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a1f991f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+% by Raymond Chen (
+% Parameters (and typical values)
+% Pen control
+% u# the basic unit.
+% A choice of 1/16in# makes Lisa fit into a 1.5" square.
+% thin# The pen used for everything, unless otherwise noted.
+% A value of 1/18u# produces a razor-sharp-ish pen,
+% good for low resolution work (and which scales nicely).
+% But a value of 1/9u# produces a slightly thicker line
+% which might show up better.
+% And a value of 1/5u# produces a heavy pen, more in keeping
+% with MG's drawing style.
+% fine# For fine detail, like the atom logo on the SNPP cooling tower.
+% Physical attributes for everybody
+% tau_top Curviness of the top part of the little `t' that
+% forms the ridges inside the ear. Recommend 45.
+% tau_side Curviness of the side part of the little `t' that
+% forms the ridges inside the ear. Recommend 45.
+% dimple_depth Amount of curve (in degrees) to give the dimple.
+% Positive value makes the cheeks puffier.
+% Negative value makes the dimple deeper.
+% Recommend -10.
+% innocence# Size of pupils. Suggest 0.5u#.
+% Controls for the ladies
+% lace# The pen used for necklaces. Recommend = thin#.
+% pearl# Size of pearls in the necklace. Set pearl < 0
+% to suppress the necklace altogether.
+% Recommend 1.9u#.
+% mascara Thickness of the eyelashes, relative to thin#.
+% 1.5 means eyelashes are 1.5 times thicker than regular strokes.
+% Recommend a value of 1.0.
+% seductiveness Curliness of the eyelashes. In degrees. Suggest 5.
+% Controls for the kids
+% spikiness Controls spikiness (tension) of Lisa and Maggie's hair.
+% Lower numbers make it wavier,
+% higher numbers make it spikier. 5 seems about right.
+% kemptness# How uniform the spikes of Bart's hair are.
+% Higher values make Bart's hair more erratic.
+% A value of 0 makes them perfectly evenly spaced.
+% I think 0.05u# looks about right.
+% Controls for Homer
+% starch How much Homer's collar points flare outwards.
+% Larger values make Homer's collar stick out more.
+% In degrees 0..90. Recommend 30.
+% machismo How much the front of Homer's shirt opens.
+% Larger values make it more open. Degrees 0..90. Recommend 60.
+% Controls for Marge
+% curlers How large to make the `bumps' the make up Marge's hair.
+% In degrees. Suggest 30.
+u# = 1/80in#;
+%thin# = 1/9 u#; % heavy lines
+thin# = 1/5 u#; % realistically heavy
+fine# = 1/9u#;
+tau_top := 45;
+tau_side := 45;
+dimple_depth = -10;
+innocence# := .5u#;
+lace# = thin#;
+pearl# = 1.9u#;
+mascara = 1.0;
+seductiveness := 7;
+spikiness := 5;
+kemptness# := 1/20u#;
+starch := 30;
+machismo := 60;
+curlers := 30;
+% Preparing to do business
+define_pixels(u, pearl, innocence, kemptness);
+define_whole_blacker_pixels(thin, fine, lace);
+pickup pencircle scaled thin; thinpen = savepen;
+pickup pencircle scaled fine; finepen = savepen;
+pickup pencircle scaled (thin * mascara); lashpen = savepen;
+pickup pencircle scaled lace; lacepen = savepen;
+% Private macros
+def openit = % so screen previewing works better
+ openwindow currentwindow from origin to (screen_rows, screen_cols)
+ at (0, screen_rows-1) enddef;
+def :: = ..tension spikiness.. enddef; % For drawing the kids' spiky hair.
+% preclip -- clips the path p to start at q.
+% postclip -- clips the path p to end at r.
+% prepostclip -- clips the path p to start at q and end at r.
+% hardjoin -- start on p and end on q, transition when they intersect
+def preclip(expr p,q)=
+ subpath (xpart(p intersectiontimes q), infinity) of p enddef;
+def postclip(expr p, r) = reverse preclip(reverse p, r) enddef;
+def prepostclip(expr p, q, r) = postclip(preclip(p, q), r) enddef;
+secondarydef p hardjoin q =
+ begingroup dz_ := p intersectiontimes q;
+ subpath (0, xpart dz_) of p .. subpath(ypart dz_, infinity) of q
+ endgroup enddef;
+% Drawing bent lines (i.e., shallowly curved).. Positive theta curves
+% to the left, negative to the right.
+vardef bend(expr theta, p, q) =
+ p{(q-p) rotated theta}..
+ {(q-p) rotated -theta}q enddef;
+% Drawing opaquely
+def overdraw expr c = erase fill c; draw c enddef;
+% Labelling shifted points
+vardef labelsoffset@#(expr offset)(text t) =
+ if proofing > 1: forsuffixes $=t: makelabel@#(str$, z$+offset); endfor
+ fi enddef;
+% Facial features
+def dimplepath(expr p, q) = % top coordinate first
+ if proofing>1: hide( makelabel("", p); makelabel("", q); ) fi
+% p{(q-p) rotated dimple_depth}..
+% {(q-p) rotated -dimple_depth}q
+ bend(dimple_depth, p, q)
+% _s__q
+% p/ |
+% |
+% \r
+def drawtau(expr p, q, r, s) =
+ if proofing>1: makelabel("p", p); makelabel("q", q);
+ makelabel("r", r); makelabel("s", s); fi
+ c_ := p{(q-p) rotated tau_top}..q;
+ draw c_;
+% draw postclip( (r{(s-r) rotated tau_side}..
+% {(s-r) rotated -tau_side}s), c_) enddef;
+ draw postclip( bend(tau_side, r, s), c_) enddef;
+% Eyelashes either bend clockwise or counter-clockwise as they leave
+% the eye.
+% p = starting point, q = ending point, d = delta
+% d>0 = curves right, d<0 = curves left. Bigger d means more curve.
+def makelash(expr ofs,p,q,d) =
+ if proofing>1: hide( makelabel("", ofs+p); makelabel("", ofs+q); ) fi
+ bend(d*seductiveness, ofs+p, ofs+q) enddef;
+% Right lashes clip to the right eye, left lashes to the left eye_
+vardef rlash@#(expr p,q,d) =
+ lash@# := preclip(makelash(
+ if known z.eye_right: z.eye_right else:origin fi, p,q,d),
+ eye_right);
+ draw lash@# enddef;
+vardef llash@#(expr p,q,d) =
+ lash@# := preclip(makelash(
+ if known z.eye_left: z.eye_left else:origin fi, p, q, d),
+ eye_left);
+ draw lash@# enddef;
+% Marge's hair contains little puffs.
+def puffhair(text t) = % t is a list of pairs
+ hide( n_ := 0; for z=t: z_[incr n_] := z;
+ if proofing>1: makelabel(decimal n_, z); fi endfor)
+ z_1
+ for k = 2 upto n_:
+ {(z_[k] - z_[k-1]) rotated -curlers} ..
+ {(z_[k] - z_[k-1]) rotated curlers} z_[k]
+ endfor enddef;
+% Character positions
+def simpdochar(expr c, ht, wd, dp, name) =
+ beginchar(c, ht, wd, dp); name enddef;
+string current_char_name;
+def pictureof(suffix c)(expr wd, ht, dp) =
+ beginchar(2c, wd, ht, dp);
+ current_char_name := str c;
+ current_char_name & " looking right, no pupils" enddef;
+def endpicture =
+ pic_ := currentpicture;
+ endchar;
+ beginchar(incr charcode, charwd, charht, chardp);
+ current_char_name & " looking left, no pupils";
+ currentpicture := pic_ reflectedabout ((.5w, 0), (.5w, h));
+ endchar;
+ pic_ := nullpicture enddef;
+def unreflectedpictureof(suffix c)(expr wd, ht, dp) =
+ beginchar(c, wd, ht, dp); str c enddef;
+let unreflectedendpicture = endchar;
+% Draw grid marks during proofing
+def makebox(text rule) =
+ for y = 0 step 4u.o_ until charht*hppp:
+ rule((0, y), (w, y));
+ endfor
+ rule((0, charht*hppp), (w, charht*hppp));
+ rule((0, chardp*hppp), (w, chardp*hppp));
+ for x = 0 step 4u until charwd*hppp:
+ rule ((x, -d.o_), (x, h.o_));
+ endfor
+ rule ((charwd*hppp, -d.o_), (charwd*hppp, h.o_));
+% Eye positions
+% Eye positions are stored in the fontdimens.
+def eyepos(expr p, a, b, c, d) = fontdimen 4 + 4p: a, b, c, d enddef;
+% Local variables
+def local(text t, v) =
+ forsuffixes $=v: save v; t v; endfor enddef;
+def localpath text v = local(path)(v) enddef;
+Lisa = 1;
+Homer = 2;
+Bart = 3;
+Marge = 4;
+Maggie = 5;
+Burns = 6;
+% screenstrokes;
+beginchar(0, 0, innocence#, 0); "A pupil (no width)";
+ fill fullcircle scaled innocence;
+% and character 1 is SNPP.
+input snpp
+% The x-height is 1pt. The purpose of this is so that pupil positioning
+% can be done in ex-units, which will therefore scale properly if the
+% font is loaded at nonstandard magnifications.
+fontdimen 5: 1pt#;
+input lisa
+input homer
+input bart
+input marge
+input maggie
+input burns
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.sty b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1db47f1309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+% simpsons.sty -- macros for using the Simpsons font.
+% by Raymond Chen (
+ \def\Goofy{\let\ifGoofy\iftrue} \def\unGoofy{\let\ifGoofy\iffalse}
+ \def\Left {\let\ifLeft \iftrue} \def\unLeft {\let\ifLeft \iffalse}
+\font\simpsons=simpsons scaled 1500
+% \Simps@nEyeball
+% On entry:
+% \count@ points to the first fontdimen for the current character
+% \box0 contains the character being typeset (used only if Left)
+% Uses: \dimen@ for scratch computations
+% Pseudocode:
+% If left: \dimen@ = \wd0 - first fontdimen
+% If right: \dimen@ = first fontdimen
+% Advance \count@ to the second fontdimen (must do now, outside a group)
+% Build a zero-width box containing {
+% If left: \dimen@ = \dimen@ - #1ex
+% If right: \dimen@ = \dimen@ + #1ex
+% Move right \dimen@
+% \dimen@ = second fontdimen + #2ex
+% Move up \dimen@
+% Place the eyeball
+% }
+% Advance \count@ to the next fontdimen (ready for next iteration)
+% But note that the ``If left: ... If right: ...'' stuff is done
+% extraordinarily dastardlyly.
+ \dimen@ \ifLeft \wd\z@ \advance\dimen@-\fi \fontdimen\count@\simpsons
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \hbox to\z@{\advance\dimen@\ifLeft-\fi#1ex
+ \kern\dimen@
+ \dimen@\fontdimen\count@\simpsons
+ \advance\dimen@#2ex
+ \raise\dimen@\hbox{\char0}\hss}%
+ \advance\count@\@ne}
+% \doSimpson
+% Uses: All register usage is localized to a group.
+% Pseudocode:
+% \leavevmode, in case we were in vertical mode
+% Begin a group
+% Switch to simpsons font.
+% Set \count@ = 2 * #1
+% Set \box0 to \char\count@ (or \char(\count@+1) if left)
+% Set \count@ = 4 + 4 * #1
+% \Simps@nEyeball the right eyeball
+% \Simps@nEyeball the left eyeball
+% Emit \box0
+% End the group
+% Reset \Goofy and \Left
+ {\simpsons
+ \count@=#1%
+ \advance\count@\count@
+ \setbox\z@=\hbox{\ifLeft\advance\count@\@ne\fi
+ \char\count@}%
+ \advance\count@\tw@
+ \multiply\count@\tw@
+ \Simps@nEyeball(#2,#3)%
+ \Simps@nEyeball(#4,#5)%
+ \box\z@}\unGoofy\unLeft}
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e2e12623e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% simpsons.tex -- macros for using the Simpsons font.
+% by Raymond Chen (
+% You say \Lisa, \Homer, \Bart, or \Marge to typeset the corresponding
+% character. The default is to draw the character facing to the right
+% and looking directly at you. To modify this, you can do the following:
+% Prefix the csname \Left to get the character face left instead of right.
+% E.g., \Left\Lisa
+% Prefix the csname \Goofy and suffix two pairs of coordinates, which
+% modify how the pupils are drawn. E.g., \Goofy\Lisa(7,5)(5,5)
+% The first pair of coordinates is applied to the right pupil (which
+% is the one on the left when printed) and the second pair to the left
+% pupil. The units are relative to the size of the character.
+% (So if you say ``\font\simpsons=simpsons scaled 1200'' you don't have
+% to modify all the coordinates in the \Goofy's.)
+% If you prefix \Goofy\Left, then the mirror-image-reversal takes place
+% <<after>> the goofiness is applied. This is so that you can just say
+% \Goofy\Left\Lisa(7,5)(5,5) to get a mirror image of \Goofy\Lisa(7,5)(5,5).
+% Sample goofinesses:
+% \Goofy\Lisa(7,5)(5,5)
+% \Goofy\Homer(6,4)(4,4)
+ \def\Goofy{\let\ifGoofy\iftrue} \def\unGoofy{\let\ifGoofy\iffalse}
+ \def\Left {\let\ifLeft \iftrue} \def\unLeft {\let\ifLeft \iffalse}
+\font\simpsons=simpsons \nopagenumbers
+\count255=\catcode`\@ % save the old catcode
+% \Simps@nEyeball
+% On entry:
+% \count@ points to the first fontdimen for the current character
+% \box0 contains the character being typeset (used only if Left)
+% Uses: \dimen@ for scratch computations
+% Pseudocode:
+% If left: \dimen@ = \wd0 - first fontdimen
+% If right: \dimen@ = first fontdimen
+% Advance \count@ to the second fontdimen (must do now, outside a group)
+% Build a zero-width box containing {
+% If left: \dimen@ = \dimen@ - #1ex
+% If right: \dimen@ = \dimen@ + #1ex
+% Move right \dimen@
+% \dimen@ = second fontdimen + #2ex
+% Move up \dimen@
+% Place the eyeball
+% }
+% Advance \count@ to the next fontdimen (ready for next iteration)
+% But note that the ``If left: ... If right: ...'' stuff is done
+% extraordinarily dastardlyly.
+ \dimen@ \ifLeft \wd\z@ \advance\dimen@-\fi \fontdimen\count@\simpsons
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \hbox to\z@{\advance\dimen@\ifLeft-\fi#1ex
+ \kern\dimen@
+ \dimen@\fontdimen\count@\simpsons
+ \advance\dimen@#2ex
+ \raise\dimen@\hbox{\char0}\hss}%
+ \advance\count@\@ne}
+% \doSimpson
+% Uses: All register usage is localized to a group.
+% Pseudocode:
+% \leavevmode, in case we were in vertical mode
+% Begin a group
+% Switch to simpsons font.
+% Set \count@ = 2 * #1
+% Set \box0 to \char\count@ (or \char(\count@+1) if left)
+% Set \count@ = 4 + 4 * #1
+% \Simps@nEyeball the right eyeball
+% \Simps@nEyeball the left eyeball
+% Emit \box0
+% End the group
+% Reset \Goofy and \Left
+ {\simpsons
+ \count@=#1%
+ \advance\count@\count@
+ \setbox\z@=\hbox{\ifLeft\advance\count@\@ne\fi
+ \char\count@}%
+ \advance\count@\tw@
+ \multiply\count@\tw@
+ \Simps@nEyeball(#2,#3)%
+ \Simps@nEyeball(#4,#5)%
+ \box\z@}\unGoofy\unLeft}
+\catcode`\@=\count255 % restore the catcode
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.tfm b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.tfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8093260c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/simpsons.tfm
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b03af17ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+% by Raymond Chen (
+% The SNPP logo.
+beginchar(1, 8u#, 8u#, 0); "Springfield Nuclear Power Plant";
+ % We will need 8 symmetrically paired points
+ forsuffixes $=range 1 thru 8: x$ = w - x$'; y$ = y$'; endfor
+ pickup thinpen;
+ save u; u = w/8; % IMPORTANT!
+ save v; v = h/8; % IMPORTANT!
+ z0 = (4u, 4v); % = 1/2(w,h), the center.
+ % The circular seal
+ numeric r; r = y0;
+ draw fullcircle scaled 2r shifted z0;
+ % The cooling tower
+ localpath tower;
+ z1 = (2.2u, 4v);
+ z2 = (2.5u, 3.5v);
+ z3 = (1.7u, 0);
+ tower = z3 .. tension 3 .. z2 ..
+ z1{up} .. tension 3 .. z1'{down} ..
+ z2'.. tension 3 .. z3';
+ draw prepostclip(tower, quartercircle scaled 2r rotated 180 shifted z0,
+ quartercircle scaled 2r rotated -90 shifted z0);
+ % The atom logo
+ % The ellipse is 2u by .5u.
+ x4 = .5w;
+ y4 + u * sind 60 = y2;
+ pickup finepen;
+ draw fullcircle xscaled 2u yscaled .5v shifted z4;
+ draw fullcircle xscaled 2u yscaled .5v rotated 60 shifted z4;
+ draw fullcircle xscaled 2u yscaled .5v rotated-60 shifted z4;
+ pickup thinpen;
+ % The rising fumes
+ z5 = (.5w - .8u, 6v);
+ z5 - z5a = z5a - z5b = z5b - z5'; % equally spaced
+ y5a := y5a + .3v;
+ y5b := y5b - .3v;
+ forsuffixes $=,a,b,': draw preclip( (x5$,0) .. z5$, tower); endfor
+ % The outer cloud
+ localpath cloud;
+ y6 = y5;
+ x6 = xpart z0 - (r +-+ (y6-y0)); % length(z0 - z6) = r
+ cloud = bend(-30, z6, z6');
+ localpath puffcloud;
+ numeric n; n = 13;
+ puffcloud =
+ point 0 of cloud
+ for k = 1 upto n:
+ {direction (k+.5)/n of cloud rotated -80} ..
+ {direction (k+.5)/n of cloud rotated 80} point k/n of cloud
+ endfor;
+ draw postclip(puffcloud, (x5, 0) .. z5);
+ draw preclip(puffcloud, (x5', 0) .. z5');
+ % the inner cloud
+ y7 = h - v;
+ x7 = 1/3[x5, x6];
+ cloud := bend(-20, z7, z7');
+ n := 5;
+ draw
+ point 0 of cloud
+ for k = 1 upto n:
+ {direction (k+.5)/n of cloud rotated -80} ..
+ {direction (k+.5)/n of cloud rotated 80} point k/n of cloud
+ endfor;
+ labels(1', 2', 3', 4', 5', 6', 7');
+ labels(range 0 thru 7);
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/standard.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/standard.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2775e1656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/standard.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+\section{Group aims and activities}
+The \ukt\ was founded in 1989; its activities and benefits include:
+ \item Regular meetings covering both \TeX{}nical matters and general
+typographic subjects;
+ \item Visits to publishers, font suppliers and book producers;
+ \item In-depth workshops, with hands-on computer sessions where
+ \item Negotiation of discounts on \TeX\ relevant books with publishers.
+ \item Distribution of public domain \TeX\ implementations (in
+cooperation with the international \TeX\ archives);
+ \item Discount on joint UK \TeX\ Users Group/TUG membership;
+ \item Reduction in conference fees for the TUG annual meeting and the
+annual European meetings;
+ \item The publication and distribution of \BV\ (the annals of
+the UK \TeX\ Users Group).
+ \end{itemize}
+\newcommand{\squad}{\hspace{10pt plus1pt minus1pt}}
+ \item[]$\bullet$}{\end{trivlist}}
+\section{Programme of meetings for 1994--5}
+19th October, 1994: {\em Annual General Meeting}\squad To be held at Warwick
+University, (note change of venue).
+Your annual chance to make suggestions for future
+meetings, elect committee members, and to raise anything else you wish to about
+the workings and activities of the Group.
+{\em What's new in \TeX?} The AGM will be followed by
+a review of new developments, perhaps including highlights from
+the TUG annual meeting in Santa Barbara, and the Euro\TeX\ meeting
+in Sobieszewo.
+Local organizers: Malcolm Clark \& Peter Abbott.
+Programme organizer: Robin Fairbairns.
+Winter, 1994/5: {\em \TeX, SGML \& electronic publishing}\squad
+Exact date, speakers and location unconfirmed (at least we've got a title!).
+Programme organizers: Jonathan Fine \& Malcolm Clark.
+Easter, 1995: {\em Training day}\squad
+This meeting will focus on support programs like \BibTeX,
+\MakeIndex\ and others. {\em Tentative.}
+Programme organizer: R A Bailey.
+June or July, 1995: {\em ???}\squad Likely location `central England';
+likely topic `undecided, various'.
+\noindent All members of \ukt{} will be provided with more details of
+these meetings as they become available. Reports of the meetings will
+appear in \BV, the organ of the group.
+\section{The 1993--94 \ukt\ committee}
+C.~A.~Rowley & Chair\\
+P.~Abbott & Treasurer and \\ & Membership Secretary\\
+R.~A.~Bailey & Committee Secretary\\
+M.~Clark & Meetings Secretary\\
+S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz & \BV\ editor\\
+\section*{How to contact the \ukt}
+To enquire about joining the \ukt, or about forthcoming meetings, either
+\item write (including your full postal address) to
+J.~Fine,\\ 203~Coldhams Lane,\\
+Cambridge CB1~3HY,
+\item send an email message to \[\mbox{\ttfamily
+Please note that the group does not have a fax number.
+Rosemary Bailey\\Honorary Secretary
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/taylor.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/taylor.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9614d41a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/taylor.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+\title{Hyphenating British English}
+\author[Philip Taylor]{Philip Taylor\\RHBNC\\\texttt{P.Taylor@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk}}
+Many members of \ukt\ will already be aware that an enormous debt of
+gratitude is owed to Dominik Wujastyk, who undertook the initial
+generation of a set of hyphenation patterns for \TeX\ which were based
+on a British (as opposed to American) dictionary. That debt of
+gratitude is also owed to Oxford University Press, who donated their
+internal word-list of some 160$\,$000 entries with primary, secondary and
+tertiary breakpoints shewn as well as a `frequency-of-use' index for
+each word.
+Dominik struggled against seemingly insuperable odds to process this
+vast word-list; the standard \emph{Patgen} simply wasn't up to the task, and
+despite the best efforts of Peter Breitenlohner, Wayne Sullivan and
+many others, an attempt to build a suitably large DOS/Pascal version
+was doomed to failure. In the end, Dominik discovered the \emph{web2c}
+implementation of Karl Berry, and this, together with D J Delorie's
+DJGPP C compiler, eventually enabled him to build a version of \emph{Patgen}
+which could cope with a 160$\,$000-entry word-list.
+But although he did not know it, his troubles were but starting: once
+he could read the word-list, he had to supply values for three of the
+most cryptic and arcane variables in the known \TeX\ world: +good_wt+,
++bad_wt+ and +threshold+. These three variables control the entire pattern
+generation process, yet even their inventor, Frank Liang, was forced to
+confess in his Ph.D thesis (``Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Com-put-er'') that
+he was unable to justify the values which he had used to generate the
+American patterns other than by purely empirical means. And so Dominik,
+too, used Frank's values, and produced patterns which, statistically
+at least, were as valid as Frank Liang's. Dominik recorded
+his experiences in a talk which he gave to the UK \TeX\ Users' Group
+Easter meeting which was held at RHBNC last year.
+However, the generation of patterns is not a once-and-forever task:
+those patterns which Dominik had produced were larger than the
+American equivalent, requiring for some systems at least either a
+specially `large' \TeX\ or at least a \TeX\ tuned to accommodate a
+larger pattern set. Furthermore it correctly hyphenated only 90\% of
+the words in the 160$\,$000-entry word-list, missing about 10\%
+completely. There were also a few words which it was known would be
+hyphenated incorrectly using Dominik's patterns, and which were
+subsequently documented in the distributed \texttt{ukhyphen.tex}.
+With a sabbatical year in India on the horizon, Dominik felt that it
+was time to hand over the baton; he had created a viable set of
+patterns, and if someone else wanted to improve on them, that was up
+to them. As Dominik knew that I had a considerable interest in
+pattern generation, and that I had, in fact, offered to run
+\emph{Patgen} on my VAX/VMS system if he had been unable to get a copy
+working on any of the systems to which he had access, he asked if I
+would like to become `custodian of the patterns', and I willingly
+agreed. After all, Dominik had done all the hard work --- acquired a
+suitable machine-readable dictionary, created the initial pattern set,
+ascertained suitable values for +good_wt+, +bad_wt+,
++threshold+{\ldots} So my task should be infinitely more
+straightforward: just build on what Dominik had already done.
+But of course, life is rarely that straightforward: as soon as I came
+to build a large \emph{Patgen} for VAX/VMS, I discovered that the
+Kellerman \& Smith changefile which I had no longer worked.
+Furthermore, K\&S were unwilling to allow it to pass into the public
+domain, so any development work on it would have been futile. My
+saviour turned out to be Christian Spieler, who had already ported the
+remainder of the standard \TeX\ distribution to Alpha/VMS; only
+\emph{Patgen} remained, and once I had explained to him the importance
+of that little-known utility, he willingly and promptly undertook an
+Alpha/VMS port, including as standard the additional workspace which
+it was known would be required. Within 24 hours a test version was
+ready, and it worked beyond my wildest dreams: no second version was
+needed, the very first version went straight into production, and that
+same day I was able to produce a set of patterns which, statistically
+at least, were as good as those produced by Dominik.
+But just as Dominik had had to battle with +good_wt+, +bad_wt+ and
++threshold+, I too had my own windmills at which to tilt: in my case
+the problem came about because Christian had, very reasonably, based
+\emph{his} implementation on \emph{Patgen2} (Peter Breitenlohner's
+8-bit modifications to DEK's standard 7-bit Patgen). And Patgen2 has
+four new variables with which to cope: +hyph_start+, +hyph_finish+,
++pat_start+ and +pat_finish+!
+Fortunately for me, these are nowhere near as arcane as +good_wt+ and
+its ilk: the two +hyph_+ parameters allow multiple passes through the
+dictionary to be subsumed into a single run, whilst the two +pat_+
+parameters allow the minimum and maximum length of pattern for each
+pass to be separately specified. I do not pretend for one instant
+that I \emph{fully} understand these, and I certainly don't pretend to
+have more than the vaguest comprehension of the full implications of
++good_wt+, etc., but at least I can now generate patterns to my
+heart's content, and the Alpha is busy doing that at the very time
+that I am writing this report\ldots
+Between now and the time of publication of the next \BV, I hope to
+have a much clearer understanding of the possible interactions between
+the various parameters to \emph{Patgen}. And I hope, too, to have
+prepared a new set of patterns which the UK community will be able to
+adopt as a standard, together with a minimal set of exceptions which I
+am sure will still be necessary. But work will not then stop: I have
+already enlisted the help of a friend and sometime colleague, Chris
+McManus, who I hope will be able to define some \emph{rules} for the
+choice of values for the various parameters (Chris is a medic,
+statistician and polymath \emph{extraordinaire}, and if anyone can
+formulate rules for this problem, I am convinced that it is he); and
+between us I hope that we will be able to publish some guidelines for
+the use of \emph{Patgen2} --- guidelines which are sadly lacking at
+the moment.
+And finally I hope that you, too --- the UK \TeX\ Community --- will
+contribute to this project: for someone has to identify the mistakes
+which the patterns allow, and such a task is far beyond the ability of
+any one individual to undertake. Once a new definitive set of
+patterns is announced, I will ask you all to look carefully at every
+document that you typeset thereafter; and note whenever a hyphenation
+looks strange; and to check it with a definitive list of valid
+hyphenation points (I am using ``The Oxford Minidictionary of Spelling
+and Word-Division'', but pointers to other definitive sources will be
+most welcome); and if you find a genuine instance of a
+wrongly-hyphenated word, then \emph{please} report it to me. I will
+probably set up an e-mail list solely for this purpose, since I lose
+paper mail almost by definition whilst e-mail remains accessible in
+So, to summarise: building on previous work by Don Knuth, Frank Liang,
+Peter Breitenlohner, The Oxford University Press, Dominik Wujastyk and
+Christian Spieler (doubtless among many others), I am now in a
+position to generate British English hyphenation patterns. In
+conjunction with Chris McManus, I hope that we will be able to
+formalise much that has been heuristic, or at best stochastic, in the
+past. And with your help, I hope to be able to produce not only a
+definitive set of British English patterns, but an equally definitive
+(but, one hopes, very small!) set of exceptions. I look forward to
+this challenge very much indeed.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/tei.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/tei.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..113399cd2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_4/tei.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+\title{Text Encoding Initiative publishes guidelines}
+On May 16, the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) published its
+`Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.'
+This report is the product of several years' work by over a hundred
+experts in fields ranging from computational linguistics to Ancient
+Greek literature. The Guidelines define a format in which electronic
+text materials can be stored on, or transmitted between, any kind of
+computer from a personal microcomputer to a university mainframe. The
+format is independent of the proprietary formats used by commercial
+software packages.
+The TEI came into being as the result of the proliferation of mostly
+incompatible encoding formats, which was hampering cooperation and reuse
+of data amongst researchers and teachers. Creating good electronic texts
+is an expensive and time-consuming business. The object of the TEI was
+to ensure that such texts, once created, could continue to be useful
+even after the systems on which they were created had become obsolete.
+This requirement is a particularly important one in today's rapidly
+evolving computer industry.
+To make them `future-proof', the TEI Guidelines use an international
+standard for text encoding known as SGML, the Standard Generalized
+Markup Language. SGML was originally developed by the publishing
+industry as a way of reducing the costs of typesetting and reuse of
+electronic manuscripts but has since become widely used by software
+developers, publishers, and government agencies. It is one of the
+enabling technologies which will help the new Digital Libraries take
+The TEI Guidelines go beyond many other SGML applications currently in
+use. Because they aim to serve the needs of researchers as well as
+teachers and students, they have a particularly ambitious set of goals.
+They must be both easily extensible and easily simplified. And their
+aim is to specify methods capable of dealing with all kinds of texts, in
+all languages and writing systems, from any period in history.
+Consequently, the TEI Guidelines provide recommendations not only for
+the encoding of prose texts, but also for verse, drama and other
+performance texts, transcripts of spoken material for linguistic
+research, dictionaries, and terminological data banks.
+The Guidelines provide detailed specifications for the documentation of
+electronic materials, their sources, and their encoding. These
+specifications will enable future librarians to catalogue electronic
+texts as efficiently and reliably as they currently catalogue printed
+The TEI Guidelines also provide optional facilities which can be added
+to the set of basic recommendations. These include methods for encoding
+hypertext links, transcribing primary sources (especially manuscripts),
+representing text-critical apparatus, analyzing names and dates,
+representing figures, formulae, tables, and graphics, and categorizing
+of texts for corpus-linguistic study. The Guidelines also define
+methods of providing linguistic, literary, or historical analysis and
+commentary on a text and documenting areas of uncertainty or ambiguity.
+The TEI Guidelines have been prepared over a six-year period with grant
+support from the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities,
+Directorate General XIII of the Commission of the European Union, the
+Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Social Science and Humanities
+Research Council of Canada. The effort is largely the product of the
+volunteer work of over a hundred researchers who donated time to share
+their experience in using computers and to work out the specific
+recommendations in the Guidelines.
+The project is sponsored by three professional societies active in the
+area of computer applications to text-based research: the Association
+for Computers and the Humanities, the Association for Literary and
+Linguistic Computing, and the Association for Computational Linguistics,
+which have a combined membership of thousands of scholars and
+researchers worldwide.
+Many projects in North America and Europe have already declared their
+intention of applying the TEI Guidelines in the creation of the large
+scale electronic textual resources which are increasingly dominating the
+world of humanities scholarship.
+The Guidelines are available in paper form or electronic form over the
+Internet. For more information contact the TEI editors by e-mail at
+\texttt{} or \texttt{}. Orders may be
+placed at the TEI offices in Chicago, Oxford or Chiba, addresses of
+which follow:
+\emph{In Europe:} TEI Orders, Oxford University Computing Services,\\
+ 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK\\
+ fax +44 865 273275\\
+ \\
+\emph{In East Asia:} Prof. Syun Tutiya, Department of Philosophy\\
+ Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho Inage-ku\\
+ Chiba 263, Japan\\
+ fax: +81 43 290 2287\\
+ \\
+\emph{Rest Of World:} C. M. Sperberg McQueen, University of Illinois at\\
+ Chicago, Academic Computing Center (M/C 135), 1940 W. Taylor, \\
+ Rm. 124, Chicago IL 60612-7352, USA \\
+ fax: +1 312 668 6834\\
+\end{Article} \ No newline at end of file