path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/rab.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/rab.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/rab.tex')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/rab.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/rab.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85099b2cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/rab.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+\title[]{First announcement of the Annual General Meeting}
+\author[R. A. Bailey]{R. A. Bailey\\
+Honorary Secretary}
+% \makebox[\columnwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}\NL}
+% \makebox[0.5\columnwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}}
+\noindent The Annual General Meeting of the \ukt\ will be held on the
+morning of Wednesday 19~October 1994 at the University of Warwick, in
+the Staff Club `Quiet Room' in Rootes Building. The preliminary
+announcement appears now to ensure that Clause~17 (below) is fulfilled
+even if \BV~4.4 is delivered later than scheduled.
+The Constitution contains the following clauses:
+\begin{quote} 17. \ The annual general meeting of the \ukt\ shall be
+ held in the United Kingdom not later than the last day of November
+ in each year on a date and at a time to be fixed by the Committee
+ and notified to members at least 35 days in advance for the
+ following purposes---
+\item to receive from the Committee a report balance sheet and statement of
+accounts for the preceding financial year
+\item to fill the vacancies in the Committee and to appoint auditors for the
+ensuing year
+\item to decide on any motion which may be proposed to the meeting in the
+manner provided below
+\item to fix the entrance fee (if any) and annual subscription
+18. \ Any member desirous of proposing any motion at the
+annual general meeting shall give notice in writing to the secretary not
+later than 14 days before the date of such meeting
+23. \ No amendment (other than a motion for adjournment) shall be moved to any
+motion proposed at any annual or special general meeting unless written notice
+of the amendment shall have been sent to the secretary prior to the meeting
+I think that Clauses 17(3), 18 and 23 are self-explanatory.
+A draft agenda, covering items~(3) and~(4) will appear in \BV~4.4. In
+the meantime, anyone wishing to propose any motion to the AGM must
+send me, in writing, the text of the proposed motion and their own
+name and address, to reach me by 5~October 1994. If there are any
+changes to the draft agenda, the final agenda will be sent to members
+in the 14 days before the AGM.
+%Anyone wishing, at that stage, to move
+%any amendment to any motion, must send me, in writing, the
+% text of the proposed amendment and their own name and
+% address, to reach me by 19 October 1993.
+%The chair's term of office ends at this AGM. The following clause
+%from the constitution describes the procedure which should be followed.
+%11. \ (1) The chair of the group shall be the chair of
+%the committee
+%(2) The chair of the group shall retire after completion of two
+%consecutive years but shall be eligible for re-election
+%(3) Any two members who are individuals may
+%nominate any member of the group who is an individual
+%to be the chair in writing to the
+%secretary not less than two months before the date of retirement
+%(4) If there are two or more nominations then the chair
+%will be decided by a postal ballot by single transferable vote
+%in which
+%every member of The UK \TeX\ Users' Group who is an individual
+%shall be entitled but not obliged to vote
+% Nominations for the chair should be made in writing
+% and sent to me, to reach me by 20 August 1993. There
+% is no official nomination form. However, what you send
+% me should contain, clearly and legibly,
+% ---name and address of nominee\\
+% ---declaration that (s)he is willing to stand for this
+% office, signed by the nominee\\
+% ---name and address of the nominator\\
+% ---statement nominating the nominee, signed by the
+% nominator\\
+% ---name and address of seconder\\
+% ---statement in support of the nomination, signed by
+% the seconder.
+% The nominee, nominator and seconder should all be members
+% of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group,
+%and the last two should be different from each
+% other.
+%The present incumbent has indicated that he does not wish to be
+%nominated. Two nominations have been received but the committee felt that,
+%since many members may not have been aware of the situation and of the
+%constitutional closing date for nominations, that this date should be
+%extended until 23 September.
+As for vacancies on the Committee, C.~A.~Rowley will continue as Chair
+in 1994--94 and P.~Abbott as Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
+Clause~10 of the Constitution implies that at most~3 other members of
+the present Committee may continue without being re-elected. Thus
+Clause~9 implies that there are up to 7~vacancies to be filled.
+The following parts of Clause~10 describe the procedure for
+filling these vacancies:
+\begin{quote} (3) Any two members who are individuals may nominate any
+ member or members of the group who are individuals to fill any of
+ the vacancies by giving at least 7~days notice in writing to the
+ secretary
+ (4) If there are more nominations than vacancies then the membership
+ will be decided by an election by single transferable vote in which
+ every member of the \ukt\ who is an individual and is present at
+ the annual general meeting shall be entitled but not obliged to
+ vote.
+Nominations for committee members in accordance with the above
+sub-clauses are thus being sought. Written nominations for new
+committee members should be sent to me, to reach me by 12~October
+1994. There is no official nomination form. If you like, you may use
+the forms provided at the end of this notice. Otherwise, what you send
+me should contain, clearly and legibly,
+ ---name and address of nominee\\
+ ---declaration that (s)he is willing to stand for this
+ office, signed by the nominee\\
+ ---name and address of the nominator\\
+ ---statement nominating the nominee, signed by the
+ nominator\\
+ ---name and address of seconder\\
+ ---statement in support of the nomination, signed by
+ the seconder.
+The nominee, nominator and seconder should all be members of the
+\ukt, and the last two should be different from each other.
+Once elected, the Committee appoints officers from its membership.
+Your present secretary is retiring (forced to under Clause~10~(1)) and
+there is at present no Publicity person. Anyone with talents for
+either of these jobs is strongly encouraged to stand for election to
+the Committee.
+In all the above, `in writing' means `on paper', not email.
+Please put `UKTUG' on the outside of the envelope when you send me any
+of the above. Otherwise, people may find themselves elected to the
+wrong committee.
+My address is
+Department of Mathematical Studies\\
+Goldsmiths' College\\
+New Cross\\
+London SE14 6NW
+until 31~August 1994; and
+School of Mathematical Sciences\\
+Queen Mary and Westfield College\\
+Mile End Road\\
+London E1 4NS
+from 1~September 1994.
+\FullLine{Name of Nominee:}
+I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and am
+willing to stand for election to the Committee of \ukt\
+for 1994--95.
+\HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL
+\FullLine{Name of Nominator:}
+I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I nominate the above-named
+person for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1994--95.
+\HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL
+\FullLine{Name of Seconder:}
+I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I second the nomination of the
+person for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1994--95.
+\HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL
+\section*{\LaTeX{} fonts and graphics tutorial: a reminder}
+Two of the most important new features of \LaTeXe{} are its support
+for fonts and graphics: no longer does \LaTeX{} have to mean Computer
+Modern with {\tt picture} mode.
+In this intensive one-day course, two of the authors of \LaTeXe{} will
+provide a tutorial in \LaTeXe's fonts and graphics. Topics will
+\item processing \LaTeXe{} documents;
+\item selecting new fonts;
+\item installing new fonts;
+\item including graphics; and
+\item using colour.
+The tutorial will be aimed at:
+\emph{authors} who wish to learn the new LaTeX document
+ commands;
+\emph{designers} who wish to write document classes or
+ packages using fonts, graphics and colour; and
+\emph{system administrators} who wish to install and maintain
+ the new \LaTeX\ features.
+It will include sessions hands-on at a keyboard,
+and each attendee will have access to a Unix workstation.
+The cost includes handouts, lunch and refreshments.
+The tutorial will be given on 11 July 1994, from 1100 (registration
+and coffee from 1030) to 1700, at the Computer Laboratory, University
+of Cambridge. The tutors will be David Carlisle and Alan Jeffrey of
+the \LaTeX3 project.
+The cost (to \UKTUG{} members) is \pounds50, or \pounds40 if you
+ register by 11 June. Those who register will be sent an
+information pack that will help guide them through Cambridge's
+notorious streets, and will suggest (relatively) cheap parking places
+with no danger of towing-away.
+For more details, please contact:
+Jonathan Fine {\tt},\\
+203 Coldhams Lane,\\
+Cambridge CB1 3HY; \\
+or (by email only) {\tt}.\\