path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/graphics.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/graphics.tex
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1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/graphics.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/graphics.tex
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index 0000000000..33020591aa
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+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_3/graphics.tex
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+\def\COMMAND#1{\begin{trivlist}\item[]\tt #1\end{trivlist}}
+\title{\LaTeXe\ standard graphics and colour support}
+\author[David Carlisle and Sebastian Rahtz]{%
+ David Carlisle\\
+ Sebastian Rahtz\\
+With the release of \LaTeXe, graphics file inclusion, rotation,
+scaling and colour macros are now a standard part of the system
+(though implemented as two separate packages). These are, of course,
+dependent on the abilities of the driver in use, as they are all
+implemented by using |\special| commands; it is hoped that until (if
+ever?) a common |\special| format is agreed upon, the standardized
+interface will make life easier for authors. This article
+\emph{briefly} describes the facilities of the new packages, but for
+the full glory readers are advised to book for the July training
+meeting which covers this area.
+Both these packages are now available on CTAN\footnote{Subscribers to
+ the Mac or DOS disk packages from \ukt\ will receive copies during
+ June with the first full release of \LaTeXe.} in
+|macros/latex2e/packages/graphics|, but users are warned that
+documentation is incomplete, and that the \emph{internal} interface is
+still open to change. Making the packages available is simple; if we
+start our document:
+\noindent we load both packages, and the global option `dvips' is
+passed to them, indicating which driver we are using (most common
+drivers are supported).
+\section{The graphics package}
+Any \TeX\ box can be rotated with the command
+\COMMAND{\bs rotatebox\Arg{angle}\Arg{text}}
+\noindent where \emph{angle} degrees is measured anti-clockwise.
+Normally the rotation is about the left-hand end of the baseline of
+\emph{text}, but more complex examples are possible. A simple example
+of rotation is
+I like \rotatebox{45}{cats} but
+I cannot bear \rotatebox{-45}{dogs}
+which produces: I like \rotatebox{45}{cats} but
+I cannot bear \rotatebox{-45}{dogs}; note that the right amount of
+space is left for the rotated material.
+A box can be resized in two ways, by scale or by specifying the
+desired size. The first is achieved with
+\COMMAND{\bs scalebox\Arg{h-scale}\OptArg{v-scale}\Arg{text}}
+\noindent If \emph{v-scale} is
+omitted, the vertical scale factor is the same as the horizontal one.
+Thus \verb|\scalebox{2}[.5]{Cats}| produces \scalebox{2}[.5]{Cats}.
+Scaling to size is done with
+\COMMAND{\bs resizebox\star\Arg{h-length}\Arg{v-length}\Arg{text}}
+\noindent which resizes \emph{text} so that the width is
+\emph{h-length}. If |!| (exclamation mark) is used as either length
+argument, the other argument is used to determine a scale factor that
+is used in both directions. Normally \emph{v-length} refers to the
+height of the box, but in the starred form, it refers to the `height +
+depth'. As normal in \LaTeXe, box length arguments, |\height|,
+|\width|, |\totalheight|, |\depth| may be used to refer to the
+original size of the box. The cats can be resized again using
+\verb|\resizebox{1in}{0.2in}{Cats}| to produce
+The user should be aware that these scaling operations are done by the
+\emph{driver}, and it is likely that bitmap fonts will be scaled,
+instead of a new size being selected from scratch.
+\subsection{Graphics inclusion}
+The basic command to include a graphics file is:
+\COMMAND{\bs includegraphics\star\OptArg{llx,lly}\OptArg{urx,ury}\Arg{file}}
+If \star\ is present, then the graphic is `clipped' to the size
+specified. If \star\ is omitted, then any part of the graphic that is
+outside the specified `bounding box' will over-print the surrounding
+If the optional arguments are omitted, then the size of the graphic
+will be determined by reading the graphic file itself, if possible.
+If \OptArg{urx,ury} is present, then it should specify the coordinates
+of the top right corner of the image, as a pair of \TeX\ dimensions.
+If the units are ommited they default to |bp|. So |[1in,1in]| and
+|[72,72]| are equivalent. If only one optional argument appears, the
+lower left corner of the image is assumed to be at |[0,0]|. Otherwise
+\OptArg{llx,lly} may be used to specify the cordinates of this point.
+The package works by examining the suffix of the file name and looking
+that up in a rule-table, which tells it whether or not the file can be
+read for a size, how to do so, and what driver-specific macro to call
+for the type of file. This allows extensible support for whatever
+bitmap or vector graphic file types the driver can work with. The
+interested reader should consult the documentation for the interface
+to this system.
+A combination of features in the graphics package allows us to rotate
+a scaled portion of a figure:
+ \resizebox{1.5cm}{4cm}{%
+ \includegraphics*%
+ [100,100][500,600]{%
+ }%
+\noindent which produces \rotatebox{45}{%
+ \resizebox{1.5cm}{4cm}{%
+ \includegraphics[bbllx=100,bblly=100,bburx=500,bbury=600,clip]{%
+ golfer}%
+ }%
+Those users familiar with the \emph{(e)psfig} package can use an
+extended form of the graphics package (provisionally entitled
+\texttt{graphicx}) which offers a full `key=value' interface to all
+the commands described above, using the generic \texttt{keyval} parser
+by David Carlisle described elsewhere in this issue of \BV. A small
+wrapper package (\texttt{epsfig}) provides an exact emulation of
+\texttt{psfig} (and Rokicki's \texttt{epsf} macros) for those with
+existing documents marked up in this way.
+\section{The colour package}
+The \LaTeXe\ colour support offers a variety of facilities:
+\item colouring text;
+\item colouring box backgrounds;
+\item setting the page colour;
+\item defining new colour names
+\subsection{Using colours}
+There are two text colouring commands, which work in the same was as the normal
+font-changing macros. The first one is a \emph{command}:
+ textcolor\lcub\textit{<colourname>}\rcub\lcub\textit{<text>}\rcub}
+\noindent This takes an argument enclosed in brackets and writes it in
+the selected colour. This can be used for local colour
+changes, since it restores the original colour state when it is
+completed, \eg
+This will be in black
+\textcolor{Blue}{This text will be in blue}
+and this reverts to black
+\noindent The second colour macro is a \emph{declaration}:
+\noindent This colour macro takes only one argument and simply sets a
+new colour at this point, \eg
+\color{red} All the following text
+ will be red.
+\color{black} Set the text colour
+ to black again.
+The colour declaration does of course respect normal \TeX\ grouping;
+if we write
+We start in black, but now
+{\color{red} all text
+is in red, {\color{green} but this
+should be in green} and this
+should be back in red.}
+And we finish in black
+we will see\footnote{The examples of colour like this will
+be set using gray scales.}
+We start in black, but now
+{\color{red} all text
+is in red, {\color{green} but this
+should be in green} and this
+should be back in red.}
+And we finish in black
+The \emph{background} of a normal LR \TeX\ box can also be coloured:
+\noindent This takes the same argument forms as |\textcolor|, but the
+colour specifies the background colour of the box.
+There is an extended form:
+\noindent This has an extra \emph{colourname} argument, and puts a
+frame of the first colour around a box with a background specified by
+the second colour.
+The line width and the offset of the frame from the text are controlled
+by the standard |\fboxsep| and |\fboxrule| lengths.
+\TeX\ does not have internal support for colour attributes of text,
+and \TeX\ `grouping' across pages, floats, footnotes etc will not
+always yield the expected results. However, \LaTeXe\ has extended
+support to cope with most situations, and it is hoped that more driver
+support will make this even better.
+\subsection{Defining new colours}
+The colour names `white', `black', `red', `green', `blue', `cyan',
+`magenta' and `yellow' are predefined by all driver files. New colour
+names can be defined with:
+\noindent where \emph{spec} is usually a list of comma-separated numbers needed
+by the \emph{model}. Typically, drivers can cope with the models
+\emph{gray}, \emph{rgb} and \emph{cmyk} (although the system is
+extensible), allowing, \eg:
+It is also possible to use the |\textcolor| and |\color| macros with
+an explicit colour model and specifications, to avoid the overhead of
+defining new colors.
+One of the important concepts inherited from James Hafner's |colordvi|
+macros is the allowance for a layer of colour `names' above the actual
+specification given to the printer; Hafner worked out a set of 68 CMYK
+colours which correspond to a common set of Crayola crayons; these
+are predefined in the header files used by \emph{dvips}, and the user
+calls them \emph{by name}, allowing for tuning of the header files for
+a particular printer without changing the source. This system is
+provided by the \LaTeXe\ colour package for those drivers which
+support it, and its use is strongly recommended.