path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_1/goossens.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_1/goossens.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/4_1/goossens.tex')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..bc195fd3e6
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+\title{Colour slides with \LaTeX\ and \SEM{}}
+\author[Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz]{Michel
+ Goossens (CERN)\\Sebastian Rahtz (ArchaeoInformatica)}
+\section{Slides and \LaTeX}
+Many \LaTeX\ users want to take advantage of \TeX's high-quality
+typesetting when they produce overhead slides for a
+presentation. This facility was originally provided by a separate
+package, \SLiTeX, but that had a number of disadvantages:
+\item it was limited to a set of specially-scaled Computer Modern
+ fonts and it was not easy to adapt to other fonts;
+\item the user was required to have two separate files, one for
+ control information and the other for the actual slides;
+\item the control of colour and overlays was limited and crude;
+\item There was only one `style' for slides, and writing a different
+ layout (to, say, put a logo on each slide) was not documented.
+\LaTeX{} users now have a variety of fonts, and vast numbers of
+styles, to choose from, but \SLiTeX\ has lagged behind. When
+\LaTeXe{} was released at the end of 1993, this included a simple
+\LaTeX\ document class (already available in the New Font Selection
+Scheme, version 2) to emulate \SLiTeX\ without the overhead of a
+separate macro package. However, there is a much better \LaTeX\
+package which has been available for some time now---\SEM; if used in
+conjunction with a PostScript printer, and a set of useful macros
+called PSTricks,\footnote{The \SEM\ package and PSTricks are the work
+ of Timothy van Zandt ({\ttfamily}).} this offers
+almost every imaginable facility, including:
+ \item Fancy frames, headers and footers;
+ \item Landscape and portrait slides in the same document;
+ \item Coloured text and tables;
+ \item Interleaving of annotations and slides;
+ \item Slide `chapters' and list of slides;
+ \item Overlays.
+\SEM\ is a normal \LaTeX\ package which can be used with almost all
+other \LaTeX\ packages (such as those to change font, include
+graphics etc). Its main job is to produce transparencies, but it can
+also make accompanying notes from the same file. It is compatible with
+$\mathcal{AMS}$-\LaTeX\ and \LaTeXe.
+\section{Using the \SEM{} style}
+Usage is simple; begin your document in the normal way\footnote{We are
+ assuming \LaTeXe\ here, just to remind you to upgrade.} with
+ \documentclass{seminar}
+\noindent The slide environments are
+ \begin{slide}
+ ...
+ \end{slide}
+ \begin{slide*}
+ ...
+ \end{slide*}
+Where \verb|slide| is for landscape slides and \verb|slide*| is for
+portrait slides. By default, the document is typeset in {\em
+landscape} mode, but if you include the \verb|portrait| package
+option, the document is typeset in portrait mode. \emph{Typesetting}
+the document in landscape mode is different from \emph{printing} it in
+landscape mode; you have to worry about the orientation of the page
+when printing, but with \verb|dvips| this is simple, and taken care of
+in the local control file described below.
+So the default output\footnote{We have added a package
+ ``\Lit{times}'' so that the output will reduce
+ properly to thumbnails for this article.}
+from this input:
+My talk is about:
+\item[Cats] Nice furry creatures
+ which belong in every good home;
+\item[Dogs] Nasty barking things
+ which bite you;
+\item[Snakes] They come slithering
+ through the grass and \emph{have
+ no feet}; this is most disturbing;
+\item[Rhinoceroses] {\bfseries Never}
+ be rude to a rhino; they are bigger
+ than you, and meaner.
+will look like: \parbox[c][\totalheight]{5.5cm}{\epsfig{,width=5cm}}
+Most slides will be no more
+complicated than this, using standard \LaTeX\
+environments like \texttt{itemize},
+\texttt{enumerate} and \texttt{tabular}.
+\section{Frame styles}
+A variety of slide framing styles are available, set with the
+\verb|\framestyle| command; the following are some of the predefined
+ones (some assume you have a PostScript printer), using the
+\verb|\slideframe| command:
+none & \Showslide{}
+shadow & \Showslide{}
+double & \Showslide{}
+oval & \Showslide{}
+Similarly, a variety of page styles (the headers and footers) are
+available with the \verb|\pagestyle| command, such as:
+empty & \Showslide{}
+plain & \Showslide{}
+align & \Showslide{}
+Both slide frames and page styles can be customized; for instance, the
+examples in this paper (\eg\ Figure \ref{seminarcolour}) are suitable
+for use at CERN.
+\section{Interleaving notes, and selecting subsets}
+It is easy to intersperse your slides with notes to yourself; these
+can be simply placed between the \texttt{slide} environments or enclosed
+in a specific \texttt{note} environment. You can use any \LaTeX\ commands
+in these notes, and include your whole article here if desired. When
+you want to print the slides, a variety of package options can be used:
+\item[slidesonly] Only the slides are printed;
+\item[notesonly] Only the slides are printed;
+\item[notes] The slides are interleaved with the notes;
+\item[article] The document notes are typeset like a normal \LaTeX\ paper,
+ and the slides are placed as figures (reduced to half size).
+The \Cmd{slideplacement} command can be used to affect how slides
+are placed in the \texttt{article} format; the possible parameters are:
+\item[float] (default) Slides are floated
+\item[float*] Slides are floated, but if two column format is chosen
+ they will span both columns
+\item[here] Slides are placed where they occur in the notes
+Further detailed control of the interaction between slides and notes
+is given in the \emph{User's Manual}.
+Selected slides can be included or excluded with the
+\verb|\onlyslides| or \verb|\noteslides| commands which a parameter of
+a comma-separated list of slides; this can be numbers, ranges (\eg\
+5--10) or \LaTeX\ \verb|\ref| commands referring to \verb|\label|
+commands in the slides.
+% \framebox{{\epsfig{figure=over1,height=.45\textheight}}} &
+% \framebox{{\epsfig{figure=over2,height=.45\textheight}}} \\
+% \framebox{{\epsfig{figure=over3,height=.45\textheight}}} &
+% \framebox{{\epsfig{figure=over4,height=.45\textheight}}} \\
+%\caption{Slide overlays}
+\epsfig{,width=.45\textwidth} &
+\epsfig{,width=.45\textwidth} \\
+\verb|\SlideColours{Red}{Yellow}| &
+\epsfig{,width=.45\textwidth} &
+\epsfig{,width=.45\textwidth} \\
+\verb|\SlideColours{White}{Blue} | &
+Red on gradient White/JungleGreen\\
+\caption{Colour in slide background and foreground: (simulated with grey levels)}
+\section{Control over slide size, fonts and magnification}
+There are a great number of parameters by which the user can change
+any of the following either on a slide-by-slide basis, or for the whole
+\item Slide height and width;
+\item Top, bottom, left and right margins;
+\item Text justification (it is ragged right by default);
+\item Page breaking by varying tolerance of over-running material;
+\item Inter-line spacing;
+\item Point size, and choice of fonts.
+How to change the default settings is explained in detail in the {\em
+User's Guide}.
+Because \SEM\ works by magnifying pages, sophisticated users should
+read the manual to see how to deal with setting and changing \TeX\
+dimensions. Most users need not worry about this---in commands like
+\verb|\epsfig| you should always express your `width' and `height'
+requests in fractions of the line size anyway.
+\section{Advanced use: customing the \SEM\ control file}
+The \SEM\ package always starts by trying to find a file called
+\Lit{seminar.con} on the \Lit{TEXINPUTS} path; this gives the user or
+site an opportunity to conveniently customize the defaults. The
+\Lit{seminar.con} file can contain any \LaTeX\ commands, including
+inputting style files. Our figures were typeset using a
+\Lit{seminar.con} set up for CERN; the contents of this are given
+below, with explanation of what is being done. It also shows how
+higher-level functions can be added which the average user would not
+want to program for themselves.
+First, we set up landscape macros for the \verb|dvips| driver.
+ \special{papersize=297mm,210mm}}
+We will assume PostScript printers, and gain nice PostScript
+effects like rounded box corners; these will need some extra style files:
+\input semcolor.sty
+\input fancybox.sty
+For slide `sections', list of contents, we use another style file:
+\input slidesec.sty
+This allows us to use various commands, some of which are
+used below. We can also produce list of slides, in two layouts:
+\noindent \begin{tabular}{@{}p{4cm}p{4cm}}
+\Cmd{listofslides} & \Cmd{Slidecontents} \\
+\epsfig{,width=4cm} \\
+For slide headings, there is a predefined \verb|\slideheading|
+command; we will amend this so that it is typeset with a `shadow'. The
+\verb|slidechapter| command is also defined (the code is not given
+here) which allows the user to break the slides into groups; the slide
+chapter title will be given in the bottom right corner with this CERN style.
+ \gdef\theslideheading{#1}%
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty\else
+ \begin{Sbox}
+ \begin{Bcenter}
+ \large\bfseries#1
+ \end{Bcenter}
+ \end{Sbox}
+ \centerline{\shadowbox{\TheSbox}}
+ \vspace{1ex minus 1ex}
+ \fi
+Now the CERN page and frame styles;
+the plain `cern' style just places registration `+' marks,
+and the date:
+ {{\color{Black}\small
+ {\bfseries +} \hfil \today
+ \hfil {\bfseries+}}}%
+ {{\color{Black}\small
+ {\bfseries +} \hfil \thepage
+ \hfil {\bfseries+}}}%
+Whereas the `cernsections' style has section headings and a logo:
+ {{\color{Black}\small
+ \raisebox{-.5cm}[0cm][0cm]{%
+ \epsfig{,height=.8cm}}
+ \hfil {\bfseries\theslideheading} \hfil
+ {\bfseries\thepage} }}%
+ {{\small\color{Black}\today
+ \hfil \thechapterheading /\inchap }}%
+For the slide frames, we define a frame with the word ``CERN''
+set in a coloured box on the lower left; this is done using the
+PSTricks macros (which are automatically included by the `semcolor'
+option above). The colour commands are those predefined in
+\texttt{dvips}'s \texttt{} header file:
+ \boxput(-0.7,-1.11){\psframebox%
+ [linecolor=black,fillcolor=ForestGreen,
+ fillstyle=solid]{\hbox{{\normalsize
+ \sffamily\color{Black}CERN}}}}{#1}%
+ \color{Black}}}
+Finally we make sure that each slide starts with the current
+foreground colour.
+The user uses the command \verb|\SlideColours|, with two parameters,
+which are colour names for foreground and background. A synonym is
+defined for black on white. We have to be a bit careful defining
+the frame border, because by default it is coloured using the \PS\
+`setgray' operator, and that might not work with the colour
+separation, so we define an explicit blue frame (for variety).
+ \psset{linecolor=NavyBlue,%
+ linewidth=\slideframewidth,%
+ framesep=\slideframesep,%
+ cornersize=absolute,%
+ linearc=.5cm%
+ }]{\psframebox{#1}}
+ \gdef\SlideFront{\color{#1}}%
+ \slideframe{\Framedefault}%
+ \slideframe*[\psset{fillcolor=#2,%
+ fillstyle=solid}]{blueframe}%
+ \gdef\SlideFront{\color{#1}}%
+ \slideframe{\Framedefault}%
+ \slideframe*%
+ [\psset{linecolor=Black,%
+ {scplain}%
+ }
+The slide defaults will be for a detailed layout and CERN logo,
+with yellow writing on a blue background:
+ \pagestyle{cernsections}
+ \slideframe{cern}
+ \def\Framedefault{cern}
+ \SlideColours{Yellow}{RoyalBlue}