path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_2/fine.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_2/fine.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_2/fine.tex')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_2/fine.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_2/fine.tex
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index 0000000000..da0f4635e2
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+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_2/fine.tex
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+\title{New perspectives on \TeX\ macros}
+\author[Jonathan Fine]{Jonathan Fine\\{\tt}}
+ {\sl [Author's note: This article has been prepared from the notes
+ and transparencies I used for the talk I gave at the October \ukt\
+ meeting. As a result, it is somewhat informal and unpolished, and
+ like much conversation, the topic may abruptly change from time to
+ time!]}
+Consider the success and failure of \TeX, and which triumphs
+(and disappointments) were expected, and which a surprise. Each person
+will have their own list. Here are some entries from mine: {\bf
+Mathematics\/} and {\bf paragraphs\/} are expected successes. {\bf
+Display adverts\/} is an expected failure; setting of {\bf
+non-roman\/} fonts (such as arabic) and the {\bf loyalty of users\/}
+are surprise successes. However, {\bf SGML} and {\bf technical
+documentation}, and {\bf program source\/} are unexpected failures,
+as are handling of {\bf floats\/} (insertions) and (I can expect some
+correspondence on this item) also {\bf typography}.
+Having taken stock of the current state of \TeX, let us consider
+goals: what would we like \TeX\ to be able to do? It is here worth
+mentioning that, in rough figures, \TeX\ runs 10 times quicker that
+10 years ago. This is because more powerful hardware is available.
+Can we use this additional capacity to make more of the capabilities
+of \TeX?
+I have a friend who earns a living using Quark Xpress, and when it
+was shown to me, I was quite impressed. A certain amount of thought
+told me that the typesetting was just one part of the capabilities of
+the program. In any case, when it come to correcting misspelt words,
+fixing bad page or equation breaks, or bad placement of floats, or
+even simply adjusting copy to fit space available, it is useful to be
+able to see and thereby change what is going on.
+This gives our first goal:
+\item A visual typsetting system with \TeX\ as its engine.
+It is not easy to have \TeX\ process structured documents such as
+program source files, SGML, etc. We believe (probably correctly) that
+\TeX\ gives better typesetting than Ventura, for example. But suppose
+we are given a Ventura document and asked to typeset it. (Ventura
+stores its documents as ASCII files). There is great difficulty in
+even having \TeX\ read it, {\em as a structured document}. The same
+comments apply to the RTF (Rich Text Format) of Microsoft. This gives
+the second goal:
+\item Compatibility with SGML and other file formats.
+The concept of a structured document is not built into \verb"tex"
+the program. Most often, when a typist (one who prepares a document
+for processing by \TeX, who might also be the author) makes an error
+in tagging the document, it is \TeX\ the program which discovers the
+error, and \TeX\ and the typist are left to clean up the mess
+together as best as they can. Typists who use \TeX\ very often need
+to learn more than they would like of the internal workings of \TeX\
+(and the format being used). This is unusual. You don't need
+to know the {\it C\/} programming language to use a program written
+in {\it C}. I summarize all these topics in a single phrase:
+\item Friendly error recovery.
+All of the above will require powerful \TeX\ formats, that will, for
+example, be able to parse a structured document and report on errors.
+To create these we will require:
+\item Powerful programming and document design tools.
+%It should be clear that the goals can be achieved only by using \TeX\
+%the program in a rather different way than is customary. However,
+%there are thousand upon thousand of document and macro files written
+%in the customary (let me call it {\em backslash}) style.
+%Imagine that some strange ray from outer space had, oh
+%horror of horrors, erased all \TeX\ document and macro files, so that
+%we could make a fresh beginning, without worry of backward
+%compatibility. I illustrated this by showing a blank transparency.}
+Having reduced \TeX\ to \verb"tex" the program, I then listed those of
+its admirable qualities, which I particularly valued. These are:
+\item[Reliable,] it almost always behaves as advertised.
+\item[Stable,] its behaviour does not change from version to version.
+\item[Quality,] its is extremely well-designed and well-written. It
+ produces excellent paragraphs and mathematics (the rest is up to the
+ format designer).
+\item[Widely available,] it runs on an enormous range of machines and
+ operating systems.
+\item[Quick,] it will set text, and expand macros, at a prodigious
+ rate. It really does run very quickly.
+\item[Flexible,] few assumptions were made about how \TeX\ would be
+ used, and so by writing macros it can be used in new and unexpected
+ ways.
+The next few paragraphs are somewhat technical, and those who do not
+know what category codes are, or why they are important, should skip
+until further notice. What I am proposing to do with \TeX\ may appear
+a little unorthodox, and so some justification
+\noindent \ldots\ it is best not to play with the category codes very often
+because \ldots\ when the arguments to a macro are first scanned
+\ldots\ their categories are fixed once and for all at that time.
+\ldots\ The author \ldots\ discourage[s] people from making extensive
+use of \verb"\catcode" changes \ldots
+\rightline{{\it The \TeX book}, page 48}
+from the canonical source is called to support my proposal.
+So many problems arise from category codes. The difficulties
+encountered by verbatim processing are legion. But think of friendly
+error recovery. When the typist produces an undefined control
+sequence, a \TeX\ error results. The same applies to a misplaced
+\verb"$" or \verb"&" character. Even the innocuous (and omnipresent)
+braces \verb"{" and \verb"}" cause errors. For example, forgetting
+to turn off emphasised text at the end of a paragraph can result in
+the rest of the document being mis-set (unlimited propagation of an
+error) together with the
+(\end occurred inside a group at level 1)
+error at the end of the run.
+Let us solve all category code problems once and for all by insisting
+that {\em the document be read throughout with fixed category codes}.
+Of course, the format will want `control sequences' and so forth, so
+we can let {\tt\char`\\}, for instance, be an {\em active\/} character,
+whose meaning will parse the succeeding characters until a non-letter
+is found, and then turn the parsed string into a control word, and
+then test the control word for being undefined. This will not be as
+quick as reading using the usual category codes, but \TeX\ is now so
+much quicker than when it was first released, that the delay will
+probably not bother us.
+(Those who know not what category codes are, should stop skipping.
+Something new will start soon). Two of the four goals (SGML etc.\
+and friendly error recovery) are made possible by fixing document
+category codes to carefully chosen meanings. It is hard to see how
+else they could be realised.
+Now, \verb"tex" the program can be thought of as a typesetting engine.
+It turns text into paragraphs and pages. Just as a petrol engine
+could be used to power a car, or an aeroplane, or a lawnmower, so a
+\verb"tex" could be used for batch typesetting or as the engine for a
+system similar to Quark Xpress.
+By {\bf visual typesetting} I mean interacting with a {\em graphic\/}
+representation of the document being created or processed. The
+display (or formatting) of the document should be adapted to the
+device being used to present the document. For example, on a
+computer screen, colour could be used to indicate emphasis and so
+forth, rather than shape and weight of font, which are more
+appropiate to printed representation. And of course the size and
+resolution of the computer screen (and the visual acuity of the user)
+are most relevant to making the best of what there is.
+WYSIWYG is a special case of {\em visual typesetting}.
+The basic idea is that the document is a long galley, set paragraph
+by paragraph. When a change is made to the underlying text, the
+affected paragraphs should be reset, and the display refreshed.
+Please note that \TeX\ will reset a paragraph in a fraction of the
+time required to update the display, particularly when run as a
+continuous process. Note also that this approach will put {\em
+sensible\/} restrictions on what the typist can do. For example, it
+is an error (inadmissable) to make a global change of font within a
+paragraph, for that would require resetting all subsequent
+These ideas are further developed in my article {\em
+Editing \verb".dvi" files, or visual \TeX}, which will appear in a
+future issue of \TUB. Since the meeting
+my proposal for a Special Interest Technical Working Group on Visual
+\TeX\ was approved by the Technical Council of TUG. If you would
+like information, or wish to join, please contact me, for I am the
+chair of this group.
+Also since the meeting I found that the same basic underlying concept
+It is sometimes useful to maintain information about a source and a
+result document simultaneously in the same document, as in ``what you
+see is what you get'' (WYSIWYG) word processors. There, the user
+appears to interact with the formatted output, but the editorial
+changes are actually made in the source, which is then reformatted
+for display.
+put forward to motivate the CONCUR feature provided by SGML. This
+quotation comes from Annex C.3.1 of ISO 8879 (the SGML standard) and
+is also reproduced (as is the whole of ISO 8879) on page 88 of
+Charles F.~Goldfarb, The SGML Handbook, OUP (1990).
+Now, the creation of format files to support these new
+demands presents new problems for the macro writer, not least of
+which is the very many active characters that will be required. (At
+least there will be no more than 256 active characters). Notice that
+macro files contain tokens, while under the new scheme text files
+contain characters. When reading macros we wish to have access to
+special tokens. The solution is to enhance the programming language
+and compile to a special file format, which can then be loaded.
+The basic idea is to provide the power that languages such as {\it
+C\/} take for granted. For example, one would like named parameters,
+like so,
+\def \centerline #\text
+ \line { \hss \text \hss }
+and escape characters, so that
+\def ! { ... }
+will define a meaning for the active (\verb"!") space character.
+These ideas are further developed in articles which appear in TUGboat
+13(4) {\bf 1992}, and Baskerville 3(1) {\bf 1993}.
+To close the presentation I returned to page 129 from Hodge's {\em
+Harmonic Integrals}. This page contains several long expressions,
+which needed to be broken to fit the measure. This is, if one likes,
+a horizontal difficulty. The page contains two long (sequences of)
+equations, each almost a half page high, and some conecting
+words. (Well, if you must know, they are {\it Then}, {\it since}, and
+{\it Now}. The rest of the page was math symbols.) It just so
+happens that the page break so occurs that neither of these half-page
+blocks of mathematics needed to be broken. I am reminded of Abraham
+Lincoln's observation, that he was fortunate that ``his legs were
+just long enough to reach the ground''. Hodge's book was published
+by Cambridge University Press in 1941.
+There were several valuable questions and contributions from the
+floor. Robin Fairbairns asked me if Hodge was William Hodge, and on
+being told yes, told the audience of his memory of a course that this
+great man once gave. For me this was a valuable and surprising
+connection, for my interest in harmonic integrals is not purely
+Chris Rowley wondered if the reduction of performance to one quarter
+of the speed was a proper measured result. I said that it was a
+``scientifically obtained ball-park figure'', and that in a visual
+environment the penalty probably didn't even matter. To reset a
+single paragraph slowly has to better than resetting a whole document
+Adrian Clark thought that \TeX\ had been successful in formatting
+program source code, particularly the source for the \TeX\ system
+itself. I pointed out that \TeX\ could not (yet) handle regular
+program source code files, and that \TeX\ users were surprisingly
+Sebastian Rahtz thought that developing all these new macros and
+software might be a lot of work. I agreed, but suggested that the
+macro side of the project was probably no larger than the \LaTeX3
+project. Graphic programs to interact with the \TeX\ typesetting
+engine are additional work, which might in the first instance be done
+to create a commercial product.
+Allan Reese noted that the WYSIWYG systems allowed typists to produce
+space at erroneous locations, such as an indent on the first
+paragraph of a section. He hoped that this `feature' would not be
+reproduced. I replied that I envisioned a system where the source
+document was parsed, but control of space and so forth continued to
+reside with the format file. By way of example, I explained that
+Scientific Word did not allow user access to the space around
+operators such as $+$ in mathematical formula (such as $2+2=4$)
+because this space belonged to the `$+$', not to the user. (I owe
+this example to Roger Hunter of TCI, who are the developers of
+Scientific Word).
+David Longfoot described the difficulties he had, as a professional
+printer, with the correct placement of floats. He suggested that the
+ideal system would place these items automatically, but allow the
+operator to change the placement of selected items in an interactive
+and graphical manner. This would allow the best of both worlds. I
+drew attention to the article {\em Inside Type \& Set}, Graham Asher,
+TUGboat 13(1), {\bf 1992} which deals particularly with the related
+problem of global optimism of page breaks.
+Finally, I give the last word to Sebastian. Allan Reese (who
+admirably chaired the afternoon) was describing how he used \TeX\ to
+format a 4-page newsletter for his wife. Sebastian interrupted to
+ask ``Why don't you just talk to her?''