path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1')
17 files changed, 4517 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\title{Report of the 1992 \protect\ukt\ AGM}
+\author[R. A. Bailey]{R. A. Bailey \\ Hon. Secretary}
+ \begin{tabular}{lr@{}l}
+ For& #1 & \\
+ Against & #2 & \\
+ Abstentions & #3 & #4
+ \end{tabular}\end{quote}
+%\newcommand{\bask}{\marginpar{editor: alter if necessary}}
+\def\ithead#1{{\bf #1 \ }\ignorespaces}
+\subsubsection*{Official report of the AGM of the UK \TeX\ Users
+Group\\held at Aston University (Room 708, Main Building)\\ on Wednesday
+14~October 1992 at 1100 hours }
+In the absence through illness of the \ukt\ chair, P.~Abbott, the meeting was
+chaired by P.~Taylor. The group sent its condolences to P.~Abbott.
+There were, at least, twenty-five members present. The following is a
+brief summary of the business transacted; it is categorized by,
+roughly, the numbered agenda items.
+ \item \ithead{Chairman's Report} This was read by P.~Taylor.
+ \item \ithead{Report of the 1991 AGM}
+ This report had already been published in {\em Baskerville},
+Volume~2, Number~1. Copies were also presented at the meeting. The
+report was received as correct, and signed by P.~Taylor.
+ \item \ithead{Matters Arising}
+ There were no matters arising.
+ \item \ithead{Approval of Accounts}
+ The Treasurer's report was given orally. Copies of the
+unaudited accounts for 1991--92 were presented. When audited, the
+accounts will appear in {\em Baskerville}. \bask It was reported that
+\ukt\ had increased its balance by about \pounds 1000 during the year,
+partly because of an increase in membership to about 170, partly
+because two of the meetings showed a small profit.
+ \item \ithead{Appointment of Auditor(s)}
+ Colin Smith was reappointed auditor for 1993, and thanked for
+his work to date.
+ \item \ithead{Election of Committee}
+ Of the previous committee of twelve, one continues as Chair
+and two had been co-opted. Six members retired, only one of whom was
+willing and eligible to stand for re-election. There were three further
+nominations: thus there was no need for an election and the total size
+of the committee became seven (excluding the Chair).
+ Subsequently, at its next meeting, the committee invited P.~Taylor to
+continue as Acting Chair until P.~Abbott recovered his health. The
+committee once again co-opted S.~F.~Brooks (as {\em Baskerville \/}
+editor) and J.~Petts; and also co-opted I.~McNeil-Sinclair and
+D.~V.~J.~Murphy. It appointed the following honorary officers:
+ \[
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ R.~A.~Bailey & Committee Secretary\\
+ I.~McNeil-Sinclair& Membership Enquiries\\
+ I.~W.~Hall & Treasurer\\
+ D.~V.~J.~Murphy & Meetings Secretary\\
+ D.~W.~Penfold & Membership Secretary
+ \end{tabular} \]
+% \marginpar{editor: This is true, even though IM-S resigned after a month}
+ The remaining committee membership consists of D.~Eckersley,
+R.~Fairbairns, S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz and G.~Toal.
+ \item \ithead{Membership Fees}
+ The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the
+ \begin{quote} \it
+ The Committee proposes maintaining membership fees at their 1992
+levels, that is, \pounds 15.00 for full membership or \pounds 7.50 for
+student membership.
+ \end{quote}
+ G.~Toal proposed an amendment: that the word {\em full-time\/} be
+inserted before the word {\em student}. After some discussion,
+I.~W.~Hall seconded this amendment, on which the voting was
+\voting{17}{2}{3}{.} The voting on the amended proposal was
+ \item \ithead{Meetings Fees}
+ The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee:
+ \begin{quote} \it
+ The Committee proposes an increase in fees for attending ordinary meetings:
+ \begin{verse}
+ from \pounds15 to \pounds 20 for members\\
+ from \pounds20 to \pounds 30 for non-members\\
+ \end{verse}
+ and for attending workshops:
+ \begin{verse}
+ from \pounds25 to \pounds 30 for members\\
+ from \pounds30 to \pounds 40 for non-members.\\
+ \end{verse}
+ \end{quote}
+ He explained that one motivation for the change was to make membership
+more attractive, by enabling members to recoup their membership fees
+by attending only two meetings. After some discussion of the benefits
+of allowing the committee flexibility in setting fees (for example, to
+give a discount for booking in advance, or to put on a popular
+loss-leading meeting), J.~Fine proposed an amendment: that the word
+{\em customary\/} be inserted before the word {\em fees}.
+I.~McNeil-Sinclair seconded the amendment, and the voting was
+\voting{15}{3}{5}{.} The Treasurer then moved the amended motion,
+seconded by S.~F.~Brooks: the voting was \voting{21}{1}{2}{.}
+ \item \ithead{Cathy Booth Memorial Fund}
+ On behalf of the committee, C.~Hewlett proposed the following
+ \begin{quotation} \it
+ The UK \TeX\ Users' Group will establish a fund to be called the
+Cathy Booth Memorial Fund.
+ The Fund will be used to support education and research in electronic
+publishing in general and in the use and development of \TeX\ and its
+relatives in particular, and for other charitable purposes connected
+with education.
+ \end{quotation}
+ The motion was seconded by C.~A.~Rowley and passed unanimously.
+ \item \ithead{Donations}
+ P.~Taylor reported two donations made by the committee during
+the year: \pounds 500 to the \LaTeX3 project; and computing equipment
+to D.~Osborne to enable him to maintain the UK\TeX\ Digest and \TeX hax
+from home. Both recipients expressed thanks at the meeting.
+ \item \ithead{Newsletter Editor}
+ One edition of the Group's newsletter, {\em Baskerville}, had
+appeared in 1992 under the editorship of P.~Taylor. S.~Brooks had then
+taken over the editorship, and will soon produce another edition. In
+the immediate future, these two people are willing to continue to
+share the editorship. Contributions from the membership are always
+gratefully received.
+ \item \ithead{Other Business}
+ There was constructive discussion of several issues, which the
+committee agreed to look at further.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Should the \ukt\ organize professional training of \TeX, and, if
+so, how?
+ \item Could members elect to receive notices from \ukt\ primarily by
+electronic mail or primarily by ordinary mail, at choice?
+ \item The committee would examine the feasibility of creating,
+maintaining and circulating a \ukt\ membership list. The list would
+not be for sale or gift to any non-member. On membership renewal forms
+members would be invited to give such details as they were willing to
+have published (e.g.\ telephone number, fax number, electronic mail
+address, address, \TeX\ platform), and would be given the opportunity
+to opt out of the list completely.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ The meeting concluded by expressing its thanks to M.~Campbell and the
+local catering and technical staff, for making the meeting possible.
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+% FINE: \tugboat\teach.tex
+% Jonathan Fine
+% 203 Coldhams Lane
+% Cambridge
+% CB1 3HY
+% Tel 0223 215389
+% Email:
+\title{What should we teach \TeX?}
+\author[Jonathan Fine]{Jonathan Fine\\Cambridge}
+A `virgin' \TeX\ system that has no macros is like a newborn baby
+that has an immense amount to learn about the real world; but it is
+capable of learning fast. \\
+{\em The \TeX book} p.342
+I would like to use this article as an opportunity to explain to the
+UK \TeX\ community what it is that am doing, and have been trying to
+do, for the last two years. This will not be easy -- the subject
+matter can be difficult and unfamiliar, even to myself -- and so the
+reader's indulgence is asked for.
+I am working in what the cosmologists might call the first seconds of
+the universe. More exactly, I am writing macros that are to be
+loaded even before the like of \verb|plain| or \LaTeX\ are to be loaded.
+Most users are concerned with later time, when \TeX\ is generating a
+\verb|dvi| file from the author's typescript.
+\section{Macro packages}
+Before explaining further, a few words about \verb|plain| and \LaTeX. In
+the beginning was \verb|plain.tex|, which consists of 1229 lines. \LaTeX\
+2.09 consists of 1318 lines in \verb|lplain.tex|, the \LaTeX\ version of
+plain, together with 8565 lines in \verb|latex.tex| and 995 lines in
+\verb|lfonts.tex|. Although the new \LaTeX\ 3 is not yet available, two of
+its intended support macro files, \verb|doc.doc| and \verb|docstrip.doc|, weigh
+in at 4554 and 2918 lines respectively. (In fairness, it should be
+added that the relative quantity of documentation is greater in the
+later files).
+A file such as \verb|plain.tex| has two purposes. One is to place
+particular macros etc.\ into the memory of \TeX -- to teach it
+something. The other is for us to read, so that we might know what is
+being done. From the beginning there has been a tension between
+these two functions.
+In the \TeX book Knuth does {\it not\/} list \verb|plain.tex| verbatim. On
+p.342 he explains:
+``Un-optimized versions of the macros are easier for humans to
+understand, so we shall deal with those; \verb|plain.tex| contains
+equivalent constructions that work better on a machine.''
+and further explanation is given at the top of p.348.
+This tension between human comprehension and machine efficiency has
+grown with time, and is commonly expressed by the complaint, that
+\TeX\ is difficult to program, or inadequate as a programming
+language. (I personally like the \TeX\ macro language, and believe
+its basic conception to be sound. However the complaints are real,
+for they have a basis in experience).
+\section{A new point of view}
+If \TeX\ were a new microprocessor with its own instruction set, then
+specialist developers would produce language tools. These would
+compile higher level commands into \TeX's instruction set. Such
+tools would relieve much of the tension and difficulty in programming
+Two years ago I began such a process of development for \TeX. If I
+had known then the work involved, I may not have started. It has now
+born its first fruit, the \verb|\noname| package, which is a valuable tool
+for the author of \TeX\ macros.
+Briefly, \verb|\noname| removes many of the irritations of \TeX\ by
+implementing an extension of the \TeX\ programming language. Files
+written in the \verb|\noname| dialect of \TeX\ can be loaded directly into
+\TeX's memory, or compiled into a form where they can be loaded at
+high speed and with minimal overhead. The situation is similar to
+that of a language interpreter and compiler. The \verb|\noname| package,
+and macros written using \verb|\noname| are completely compatible with,
+and independent from, the standard packages such as \verb|plain| and
+\section{About {\tt noname}}
+Here are some of the features of \verb|\noname| which ease the
+programmer's task.
+ \item It is easy to write long comments -- every line not beginning with a
+ space character or a hash \verb|#| is ignored.
+ \item Lines beginning with a \verb|#| are {\it hash commands}, which control
+ conditional compilation, much as in {\it C}.
+ \item All white space in macro code is ignored. However, the escape
+ character \verb|~| will {\it always\/} produce an ordinary space
+ character, even after a control word or a previous space producing
+ \verb|~|.
+ \item As well as letters and \verb|@| the digits \verb|0..9|, the underscore \verb|_| and
+ the colon \verb|:| can be used to form a control word. This does not
+ conflict with the normal use of these characters.
+ \item Ready access is provided to active characters, and other characters
+ with unusual catcodes.
+ \item Ready access is provided to control sequences which store numeric
+ constants such as $-1$, $0$, $16$ and $255$. One simply types \verb|[-1]|
+ in place of \verb|\m@ne|, and \verb|[16]| instead of \verb|\sixt@@n|.
+ \item Support is provided for the powerful control macros \verb|\break|,
+ \verb|\continue|, \verb|\return|, \verb|\CASE| and \verb|\FIND|.
+ \end{itemize}
+This is only the beginning. Intended, planned, and under
+development enhancements include the following.
+\item Indexing and cross-reference utilities.
+\item Interactive tutorial material for teaching how macros and primitive
+commands work. This will use the next item.
+\item A {\it single-step debugger\/} which will execute \TeX\ code one step
+at a time. For example, the expansion of an expandable token such as a
+macro is a single step, as is the execution of a primitive command.
+\TeX\ acts on a stream of tokens. After each step the (changed)
+stream of tokens is displayed and the user regains control.
+\item A powerful {\it pretty printer\/} for typesetting source files
+written in the \verb|\noname| dialect of \TeX. This will require zero or
+minimal additional markup.
+\item Named parameters for macros. This means one can write
+\verb|\def\mymacro #\text ... |
+instead of
+\verb|\def\mymacro #1 ... |
+when coding a macro. This makes it easier for a human to read the
+\item Support for modules, with private and public identifiers. This will
+remove much of the conflict that arises from different packages
+using the same identifier to hold different meanings.
+\item Support for various tricks to help conserve \TeX's hash table
+(maximum number of control words), registers (\verb|\count|, \verb|\skip|,
+etc.)\ and other resources.
+There is currently international discussion within the \TeX\
+community -- under the title NTS (new typesetting system) -- of what
+if anything should replace \TeX\ the program. The \verb|\noname| package
+demonstrates that much more can be done with \TeX\ than is commonly
+realized. In particular, it removes some (not all) of the
+difficulties in programming \TeX. It is important to understand what
+can and cannot be done with \TeX\ as it is, and how or why not, if
+one is set on creating a successor.
+I began by posing the question, what should we teach \TeX? My
+response is this. First of all we should teach \TeX\ how to read and
+understand macros written in a well-designed high(er) level extension
+or dialect of \TeX. It will then be much easier to write the many
+tens of thousands of lines that make up \LaTeX\ 2.09 and 3, and
+countless other macro packages across the world.
+If you are interested in \verb|\noname| and would like a demonstration
+copy, please contact me. The price, for a site license, will be two
+or three figures. For approved public domain developers, the price
+will be zero.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/a-murphy.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/a-murphy.tex
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+\title{On specialist typesetting packages}
+\author[David Murphy]{David Murphy\\University of Birmingham}
+\input diag.sty
+\noindent Over the last two years I have been involved in the development
+of a commuting diagrams package for \LaTeX. This article is based on my
+experience of that work. It is meant neither to be read as distilled
+wisdom, nor as a provocation, but rather as a basis for discussion of
+the kinds of packages users `should' be provided with.
+Some of my work uses category theory: this is a branch of mathematics
+which makes extensive use of commuting diagrams, Figure~\ref{symmoncoh}
+being a typical example.
+ \begin{diagram*}(1.6,1.75)(-1.2,-0.05) %(-0.8,-0.05)
+ \object(0,0){(A \otimes B) \otimes (C \otimes D)}
+ \object(0.809017,0.587785){((A \otimes B) \otimes C) \otimes D}
+ \rightobject(0.5,1.538841){(A \otimes (B \otimes C)) \otimes D}
+ \leftobject(-0.5,1.538841){A \otimes ((B \otimes C) \otimes D)}
+ \object(-0.809017,0.587785){A \otimes (B \otimes (C \otimes D))}
+ \Farrow(-0.4, 1.538779)( 0.4, 1.538779)
+ \Farrow( 0.080902,0.058778)( 0.728116,0.529006)
+ \Farrow(-0.728116,0.529006)(-0.080901,0.058778)
+ \Farrow( 0.530901,1.443736)( 0.778116,0.682891)
+ \Farrow(-0.530901,1.443736)(-0.778116,0.682891)
+ \end{diagram*}
+ \caption{Coherence for monoidal categories}
+ \label{symmoncoh}
+ \end{figure*}
+There are various commuting diagrams packages available to \TeX~and
+\LaTeX\ users; both Michael Barr (McGill Unversity) and Paul Taylor
+(Imperial College) distribute popular ones.
+ However, all popular current packages use \TeX 's \verb"line" founts,
+so it is impossible to achieve a diagram with pentagonal symmetry such
+as Figure~\ref{symmoncoh}.
+ Furthermore, both Barr's and Taylor's packages share what is, I find,
+a common problem amongst \TeX~shareware, namely that easy things are
+easy to achieve, but difficult things, such as Figure~\ref{twocat},
+require an intimate knowledge of the package's workings.
+ Indeed, I was spurred to work on my own diagram macros by my inability
+to understand Taylor's code or to obtain the diagram I wanted from his
+I was very lucky in finding a solid base to build upon: Sean Bechhofer
+(Manchester University) had already implemented a rudimentary commuting
+diagrams package based on a \verb"picture"-like environment which
+compiled arrows directly as PostScript~\verb"\special"s.
+ I had merely to extend his work, rewrite the \verb"\special"s to work
+with \verb"dvips", ensure that his environment interacted reasonably
+sensibly with the rest of \LaTeX, and generally tidy up the code.
+ The result is a package capable of producing diagrams such as
+Figure~\ref{twocat} of reasonable quality and complexity.
+ \setlength{\diagramcellsize}{6em}
+ \begin{figure*}
+ \begin{diagram*}(2,2.4)(0,-0.2)
+ \object(0,1){A}
+ \object(1,1){B}
+ \object(1,2){C}
+ \object(1,0){D}
+ \object(2,1){{\mathbf{Cat}}}
+ \curvearrow(1,1){\east}[i]{\po}
+ \curvearrow(1,1){\east}[j]{\st}
+ \twocell(1,1){\east}{\clock}[\alpha][\far]
+ \twocell(0,1){\eneast}{\clock}[\eta_1][\far]
+ \twocell(0,1){\eseast}{\clock}[\eta_2][\far]
+ \plarrow(0,1){\neast}[f_1][\po]
+ \plarrow(0,1){\east}[f][\st]
+ \plarrow(0,1){\seast}[f_2][\st]
+ \plarrow(1,2){\south}[\lambda_{f_i}][\po]
+ \plarrow(1,1){\south}[\lambda_{f_j}][\po]
+ \end{diagram*}
+ \caption{A simple two-categorical diagram}
+ \label{twocat}
+ \end{figure*}
+ \begin{figure*}
+ \begin{verbatim}
+\object(2,1){{\bf Cat}}
+ \caption{The code for the two-categorical diagram shown in Figure
+ \protect\ref{twocat}}
+ \label{syntax}
+ \end{figure*}
+\section*{What's Wrong?}
+The package I produced, based on Bechhofer's work, has several
+manifest disadvantages:
+\item It works exclusively with PostScript printers and
+\verb"dvips". There are a substantial number of \LaTeX~users without
+access to these facilities.
+\item The syntax I have adopted, as the code which produces
+Figure~\ref{twocat} (shown in Figure~\ref{syntax}) makes clear,
+is fairly ad hoc and ill-chosen.
+\item There is a considerable jump in complexity between simple
+rectangular diagrams and more complex ones. This is wholly due
+to the difficulty of doing standard trigonometry in \TeX. If
+I could perform fairly simple numerical calculations without
+descending to the PostScript level, users would have to think
+rather less hard about the relative positions and dimensions
+of diagram objects. Some hand-tuning is always going to be
+necessary in a complex graphical environment, but more automation
+should be possible than I have provided.
+My real concern in this article is how much do these problems
+matter? I do not doubt that the problems I have outlined above make my
+macros entirely unacceptable as a standard package; if something like
+\verb"multicol" suffered from similar problems, no one would use it.
+However, there is a big difference between carefully-designed packages
+like \verb"multicol", which must work in a wide range of circumstances
+and with a wide range of users, and a specialist package like my own which
+is designed for a small community of relatively skilled users. For the moment
+I am willing and able to continue to support the package, but this may not
+always be the case. Is it reasonable to ask people to use software for which
+no support guarantee can be given?
+My suspicion is that there are rather a lot of packages like mine:
+medium-sized, badly-written pieces of code with a small but basically
+satisfied user base. Is this a good thing? These users are not numerous
+enough to be able to command high-quality software to meet their
+needs: not enough people are interested in commuting diagrams for a
+diagrams package to be a sensible addition to standard \LaTeX. (Opinions
+differ on this point: Barr is currently working on a package that may
+come as standard with \LaTeX~3.) Must the category theorist, then,
+always be content with software such as mine?
+More generally, what is the best way for the specialist typographical
+needs of a small community to be met? I hope that these questions will
+find some answers in the current debate over the future of \TeX.
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+\title[Book and Journal Production]{Report on `Book and Journal Production'}
+\author[Carol Hewlett]{Carol Hewlett\\London School of Economics}
+The first meeting of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group of 1992 was held at the
+School of Oriental and African Studies, London, on Tuesday 11 February
+1992. The subject for the day was `Book and Journal Production' which
+attracted a large audience including overseas visitors from as far away
+as Belfast!
+\heading{Rod~Mulvey}{Printing House, Cambridge University Press}
+Rod~Mulvey assumed that the audience was
+familiar with \TeX\ and \LaTeX,
+and aimed his talk at publishers, with the following topics:
+\item What type of \TeX\ files should the authors submit
+\item How should the \TeX\ files be submitted
+\item What agreements should there be with authors
+\item Checks to judge if \TeX\ files will work
+\item How to convert files to {\it your} design
+\item Sub-editing
+\item Artwork.
+After the receipt of the author's
+initial manuscript there needed to be a \TeX\ check and a report and
+at the same time the work should be checked by the sub-editor who would
+prepare a marked copy. The next step was to determine the final method of
+production and the costs. Following that, and assuming \TeX\ was to be
+used, the \TeX\ manuscript would be edited and the artwork prepared
+separately. The artwork would be pasted in to the pages output
+from \TeX\ to make up the pages and this, subject to late corrections,
+made up the camera-ready copy.
+The journal production cycle was similar, except that before the manuscript
+reached the production stage it would have been refereed and passed by the
+journal editor. If the journal was using \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ then any
+typescripts would have to be re-keyed.
+Rod then enumerated the kinds of \TeX\ input that an author might submit:
+it could be at the initial stage, before any pre-subediting had been done;
+it could be at the stage where only re-design and final corrections were
+needed; it could include the publisher's design and just need final
+corrections and an index -- or it could be a {\tt dvi} file (CRC on disk),
+or even the camera-ready copy itself.
+What the author should submit depended partly on which of these stages
+of \TeX\ input was involved. If \TeX\ source files were being submitted,
+than all author-defined macros must be included. If the author were
+submitting {\tt dvi} files then a paper copy must also be sent, as there
+could be problems printing from a {\tt dvi} file if non-\TeX\ fonts had been
+used. So it was essential for the author to send proper documentation
+of what was being submitted, to include a list of all input files and
+macros used and full details of any unusual fonts required.
+Authors might submit their work on disks or magnetic tapes, or by
+electronic mail. Some problems with electronic mail were the possibility
+of the files becoming corrupted and the chance of the printing house
+mislaying them because the files were not expected or not identified.
+Even disks and tapes did not always contain what they were supposed to!
+Rod pointed out that a lot of work may be needed to convert author's
+\TeX\ to printer's \TeX, and gave some examples.
+It was necessary for subeditors to understand \TeX -- he showed an
+example of unnecessary subediting for a \TeX\ manuscript. He referred
+to an article in {\it Learned Publishing}, volume 4, number 9, 1991
+by R~J~Skaer on subediting for \TeX\ manuscripts.
+Authors tended to use too wide a measure for their text;
+in \LaTeX, this could be changed very easily although an automatic change
+could also make problems, particularly with mathematical formulae.
+Rod favoured making style files or macros available to intending authors
+so that the work was in the right format from the start. This does imply
+the existence of suitable style files and macros. It was worth designing
+them for journals and standard monographs and for long books --- over
+300 pages. For shorter, one-off books designing a style file could cost as
+much as conventional typesetting, although if the style file were then used
+from the beginning it would be worth it.
+One particular problem that Rod had encountered was the use of Times font
+for setting maths. CUP had licensed a \TeX\ simulation of Times for
+authors to use. The increased use of PostScript fonts will help get round
+this kind of problem.
+Artwork was often a problem for publishers. Typically, artwork would
+be done by a drawing office and pasted in. Now authors could include
+some artwork with a \TeX\ file: if this were the case, then it was
+again essential that the author provided any macros used.
+A major weakness of \TeX\ was that was not an automatic typesetting
+program. This was particularly true with respect to floats. There was
+no interactive page make up with current \TeX , and this was an area
+that he would particularly wish to see improved.
+Rod then discussed the question of who does the work with \TeX\
+manuscripts. It could be some or all of the author, the typesetter,
+the subeditor the academic editor/institution and the publishing
+house. It was important to make an agreement with the author covering
+these issues and to establish a policy with respect to electronic text
+regarding subediting and correction. He recommended setting up
+standard designs in \LaTeX\ and \TeX.
+\heading{Geeti~Granger}{John~Wiley \& Sons Ltd}
+Books produced by Wiley are generally
+scientific in subject and that their markets cover UK, Europe,
+Middle East, Africa and Japan. They produce about 185 new books each
+year and over 600 journal issues, together amounting to some 130,000
+pages. Geeti's section was established in 1984 initially to process
+disks, but with a set of objectives which included building a
+digital archive of the books produced and moving towards true
+`demand printing'. A new set of objectives had been established in 1989;
+these were:
+\item To develop technical expertise with a view to enhancing John~Wiley's
+competitive position in the long term.
+\item To assist in the most competitive market of all, that for the best
+\item To offer an increasing level of support to their authors.
+\item To prepare for major changes in technology.
+\item To open the possibility of genuine on-demand printing.
+Geeti's department used Sun systems running Unix, PCs running MS-DOS and
+Apple Macintosh machines, linked with LocalTalk and ethernet networks.
+Various peripherals were linked in, including a scanner, cassette
+tape drive and a number of LaserWriters.
+Various items of software were used: all the machines ran \TeX\ of
+some flavour and this, together with Ventura Publisher occupied
+6 members of staff. \TeX\ was used for the books and journals, with Ventura
+Publisher being used for some in-house material.
+Other standard software for DTP, drawing and
+translation was available and this was covered by another member of
+staff and a technical support person. All the output was PostScript.
+In a typical year, Geeti's department was responsible for about 25 new books,
+six complete journal issues plus several individual papers and
+about 1000 pages of large indexes made for `non-disk' books.
+The book production cycle at John~Wiley was as follows:
+To begin with, the author submitted a test disk and hard copy.
+The next stage was a transmittal meeting from the editorial side to the
+production side. A standard schedule was used for disk based manuscripts.
+Copy editing and artwork preparation were both done by free-lance
+people. Then followed page proofs, author's corrections and
+camera-ready copy. Geeti said that they imposed no restrictions on the
+kind of disks supplied --- provided they were readable and contained what
+they were supposed to. As far as \TeX\ was concerned, six standard styles
+had been developed, but the macros still needed to be tweaked. Page
+balancing in \TeX\ was done by hand at the last stage.
+Geeti identified some of the problems with disks: authors still make
+mistakes. They did not always take enough care to distinguish between
+1 and l, O and 0. The hard copy supplied was not always the same as the
+text on the disk. Authors tended to be inconsistent and didn't follow
+guidelines. Where complex maths and chemistry and tables were included
+the work had sometimes to be re-input to conform to the required
+style. Geeti commented that she found that spell checkers were not
+particularly useful in scientific work.
+To conclude, Geeti commented on the position of her department as an
+in-house production unit for John~Wiley \& Sons Ltd. She found that
+scheduling could be difficult: the work load had great variation. In
+very slack periods, they would need to get ordinary manuscripts typed to disk
+(by free-lances) so that they could be treated as disk-based. There was also
+a lack of flexibility. Being in-house meant there was not a normal commercial
+relationship between her department and the rest of the company.
+She felt that decision-making was driven by the technology and that there was
+an investment cycle or spiral. She further commented that it was difficult
+to find and then to retain trained staff. Colleagues at John~Wiley \& Sons
+needed to recognise the change in working practices.
+\heading{Peter~Robinson and Stephen~Miller}{Oxford University}
+Peter~Robinson is from the Computer and Manuscripts Project and Stephen~Miller
+is a member of the Computing Service, both at the University of Oxford.
+They used a Macintosh to demonstrate a program and a set of macros that
+together can be used to produce critical editions. Stephen illustrated
+what a critical edition is by showing some lines of Shakespeare's
+{\it Hamlet}. The top part of the page contained the text according to a
+particular edition. In the bottom part of the page were notes on
+various differences between the chosen edition and other
+editions. These can include different use of upper or lower case, different
+forms or spellings, and commentary on the text.
+The traditional process of making a critical edition involves visiting
+a great many libraries and using index cards to note all the variations.
+Peter has developed a program, {\sc collate}, which will put all this into
+computer files. Having sorted the text using {\sc collate}, it is then
+possible to include \TeX\ markup commands so that the output can be processed
+by Dominik~Wujastyk's {\em edmac} macros to produce a typeset critical edition.
+The {\sc collate} program can be obtained from Peter~Robinson, email:
+{\tt} and the {\em edmac} macros can be obtained
+from Dominik~Wujastyk, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine,
+183, Euston Road, London, NW1~2BN; email: {\tt}
+\heading{Christina~Thiele}{Carleton University Press}%
+said that her work was virtually all in the humanities --- and that she
+used \TeX\ for it all. The Carleton University Press published in various
+languages, principally English and French. \TeX\ was used in-house, not by
+their authors. There was about 80\% electronic submission of manuscripts.
+Authors were given a form to complete. Christina always included a
+log of the file's history at the start of each \TeX\ file. The publishers
+made any necessary corrections to the text, as they can't fix the errors
+that the authors introduce. With this particular work, Christina uses
+some 20--30 basic \TeX\ commands and modifies existing macros. She
+usually starts by coding the text and writes the macros later. They mainly
+use IBMs on which to run \TeX . She does 12--14\% of the University Press's
+output; previously all the typesetting was farmed out.
+She emphasized how important it was to document your own work and
+reminded us that \TeX\ was for humanities as well as maths.
+\heading{Malcolm Clark}{Polytechnic of Central London}%
+The final speaker of the conference was Malcolm Clark of the
+Polytechnic of Central London and current President of TUG. His talk
+described the problems he had faced when producing the proceedings
+of the \TeX88 conference at Exeter, and how he had solved them.
+Malcolm started by giving the history of his previous
+experience of producing books with \TeX. He then discussed how
+he had chosen the papers to appear in the Proceedings. His basic
+idea was to print the papers that had actually been given, but
+the editor's decision was final and he did include one paper that
+had not been given -- and had to omit papers that had been given
+but had not achieved any permanent form. He pointed out the choices
+facing an editor where not all the authors were writing their
+native language: he liked to edit the work enough for the meaning
+to be clear but so as to preserve the author's voice. He said that
+it is not possible to achieve uniformity of texture over a multi-author work as
+styles varied too much.
+He told of his difficulties of finding a
+publisher, and his determination to do so -- if only for the
+He had chosen to use Computer Modern typeface, and pointed that
+at 1270 dpi resolution it was excellent.
+Malcolm had used a professional indexer to compile the index for the
+book but he was not entirely happy with the result.
+His conclusions were that this kind of publishing was time consuming.
+The book needed `objective'
+editing and copy editing was also essential. He had discovered that
+publishing is more than just assembling the papers.
+He pointed out that it was tempting to keep refining, but that the temptation
+should be resisted. He reminded us that other amateurs (his authors) had their
+own priorities and so didn't keep to Malcolm's timetable. And finally he said
+don't expect thanks, but it is fun.
+The Conference ended with a general forum. Three main points were raised.
+The first one was that there was a
+need for a common set of tfms for PostScript. (These are the font
+metrics that determine how much horizontal space each character occupies.)
+The second was the availability of publisher's
+style files. Geeti~Granger said that John~Wiley's style files were available
+only to intending authors. Rod~Mulvey said that this was for the publishers
+to decide;
+some of the style files that he uses are in the Aston Archive
+and others are on the Cambridge University computer. The question
+of out-of-date style files was mentioned, but there is no easy or
+complete answer.
+The third point was to do with the potential archival nature of the
+electronic manuscript. On the whole, the publishers represented by the
+speakers did keep the electronic manuscripts, but only Geeti~Granger said
+that as a matter of course she made all late corrections to the electronic
+Reference was made to the work done by Jane~Dorner on the arrangements
+(or the lack of them)
+between authors and publishers for dealing with electronic manuscripts.
+Her report is called {\it Authors and Information Technology. New
+Challenges in Publishing}, BNB Research Fund Report 52, published by The
+British Library 1991 and available from Publications Sales Unit, The
+British Library, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West~Yorkshire, LS23~7BQ.
+This book was reviewed in the Newsletter of the British Computer Society
+Electronic Publishing Specialist Group, volume 7, number 1, December 1991,
+which contains a further article by Ms~Dorner.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/archive.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/archive.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59ea092243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/archive.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+\title{Disk and tape \TeX\ distributions in the UK}
+For a complete Unix \TeX\ distribution, a
+1/4 inch cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
+can sent with envelope {\em and} stamps for return postage to:
+ David Osborne\\
+ Cripps Computing Centre, \\
+ University of Nottingham, \\
+ Nottingham NG7 2RD
+Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK.
+For copies of em\TeX\ (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS), and a free
+catalogue detailing other disk formats, precompiled fonts and lots of
+other goodies, you can also contact: Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722,
+Swindon SN2 6YB (tel: 0793-611270) (JANET e-mail address: {\tt})
+Enquiries for \TeX\ for the Atari ST etc. can be directed to:
+The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
+(JANET e-mail address: {\tt})
+The international \TeX\ Users Group can also supply many \TeX\
+materials on disk. Contact:
+ \TeX\ Users Group\\
+ PO Box 869\\
+ Santa Barbara, CA 93102\\
+ USA\\
+ {\em Phone:} 805-899-4673 {\em E-mail}: {\tt}
+\title{Distribution of \TeX\ materials from Aston University}
+\author{Peter Abbott}
+We regret to have to announce that due to the planned closure of the
+University VAX service at the end of the 1993, Aston University will
+no longer be able to supply magnetic tapes containing archive
+material. Neither will we be able to supply backup copies of the
+current working \TeX\ system.
+Changes in workload and resources mean that Aston will also be
+unable to supply copies of em\TeX or Oz\TeX\ on disc. The committee of
+the \ukt\ is actively investigating alternatives ways of supplying
+members with \TeX\ discs and tapes.
+{\em ftp}, mail and {\em gopher} access to the archives is {\em not}
+affected by these changes and will continue to be available until further
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/bask3_1.brf b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/bask3_1.brf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/bask3_1.brf
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/bask3_1.rep b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/bask3_1.rep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a18cc3828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/bask3_1.rep
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+(newarticle.1) <Editorial>
+(newarticle.2) <LaTeX2e -- A New Version of LaTeX>
+(newarticle.3) <An Informal Review of TUG '93: July 26th--30th, Aston, Birmingham UK>
+(section.3.1) <Highlights>
+(section.3.2) <Introduction>
+(section.3.3) <Conference>
+(section.3.4) <LUGs>
+(section.3.5) <Upcoming, or go where the action is>
+(section.3.6) <Conclusion>
+(newarticle.4) <Book review --- `How to run a paper mill'>
+(newarticle.5) <Book review -- `Handbook on Writing for the Mathematical Sciences'>
+(newarticle.6) <What should we teach TeX?>
+(section.6.1) <Introduction>
+(section.6.2) <Macro packages>
+(section.6.3) <A new point of view>
+(section.6.4) <About {\tt noname}>
+(section.6.5) <Conclusions>
+(newarticle.7) <On specialist typesetting packages>
+(newarticle.8) <\ptextlogo {META}\discretionary {-}{}{}\ptextlogo {FONT}\ for Beginners>
+(section.8.1) <What is \ptextlogo {META}\discretionary {-}{}{}\ptextlogo {FONT}{}?>
+(section.8.2) <Getting \ptextlogo {META}\discretionary {-}{}{}\ptextlogo {FONT}{}'s Attention>
+(section.8.3) <Base files>
+(section.8.4) <Fonts>
+(section.8.5) <Some Limitations of \ptextlogo {META}\discretionary {-}{}{}\ptextlogo {FONT}{}>
+(section.8.6) <What Went Wrong?>
+(section.8.7) <\ptextlogo {META}\discretionary {-}{}{}\ptextlogo {FONT}{} Mail List>
+(section.8.8) <Conclusion>
+(newarticle.9) <Typesetting paragraphs of a specified shape>
+(newarticle.10) <Report on `Book and Journal Production'>
+(newarticle.11) <Report of the 1992 \ukt \ AGM>
+(newarticle.12) <The Comprehensive TeX\ Archive Network>
+(section.12.1) <Introduction>
+(section.12.2) <FTP access>
+(section.12.3) <Submitting material to the CTAN archives>
+(section.12.4) <Archive hierarchy description>
+(newarticle.13) <Disk and tape TeX\ distributions in the UK>
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/bask3_1.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/bask3_1.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..151f81ecaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/bask3_1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\def\editor{Sebastian Rahtz\\ArchaeoInformatica, York}
+\author[\mbox{}]{Sebastian Rahtz \\ ArchaeoInformatica\\York}
+This issue of \BV\ was largely developed by Sue Brooks, but pressure of work
+forced her to hand over the final production to the current editor.
+Many thanks to Sue for her work over the last year on this project.
+The \ukt\ committee is very aware of the fact that \BV\ has not
+been issued as regularly or frequently as the members deserve, and
+from this autumn it is planned to produce \BV\ six times a year on
+fixed dates. It is also planned to regularly publish articles on
+common \TeX\ questions in \BV, and make these available as technical
+notes to new members in the future. Members are urged to contribute
+short (one side of A4) `topical tips' from which we can start to build
+a library to answer the many queries from those who do not
+participate in academic electronic network discussions.
+This isssue of the journal was created entirely with \LaTeX\
+and printed on a Linotronic 300 at Aston
+University. It was set in ITC New Baskerville Roman, with Computer
+Modern Typewriter for literal text.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/diag.sty b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/diag.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbc3d9b4bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/diag.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+% This is diagram.sty, intended for drawing commuting diagrams as PS \specials
+% in LaTeX. Original author Sean Bechhofer.
+% Improved, modified to use Rokiki's dvips 5.4.7 and generally crapped around with
+% by David Murphy.
+% This is version 1.0\beta
+% diagram.sty and associated files is copyright (c) 1991 David Murphy and Sean
+% Bechhofer. Please note the following conditions:
+% 1. You can compile, use, copy and distribute this software without fee
+% provided that this copyright notice and permissions are preserved.
+% 2. You can modify this software provided (a) you make no deletions; (b)
+% you mark all changes clearly (including the version number message); and
+% (c) if you distribute it, you change the name.
+% 3. This software is provided for free, on an "as-is" basis, without
+% express or implied warranty.
+% The intention of (2) is to prevent a proliferation of incompatable
+% versions with the same name. Commenting out code does not count as a
+% deletion. If you have improvements or bug fixes, please forward them to
+% me rather than distributing a new version.
+\message{This is not Paul Taylor's commuting diagrams package;}
+\message{please do not acknowledge him. Version 1.0, 1991.}
+% This file depends on and pspicture-dvips.sty.
+% The latter follows in this version.
+% pspicture.sty Version 2.0
+% Originally by D. P. Carlisle (
+% Computer Science Department, Manchester University
+% Heavily modified by David Murphy (
+% A style file to redefine picture mode commands to use
+% postscript \special's rather than the circle and line fonts.
+% The \put and \multiput commands are not changed, ie
+% picture objects are positioned by TeX not by PS moveto.
+% The \framebox \makebox and \shortstack commands are unchanged.
+%\circle and \circle*.
+% Use as in LaTeX book but with no maximum diameter.
+% The thickness of the circle is altered by the \linethickness command.
+% Use as in LaTeX book, but as there is no maximum diameter for
+% the circular arcs, the oval (in the absence of the optional [tr] etc)
+% always consists of two semi-circular arcs joined by a pair of parallel
+% lines. To obtain a `rectangle with rounded corners' the oval command
+% has a second optional argument (given first pspicmac).
+% \oval[20](100,200)[t]
+% Produces the top half of an oval with quarter circles of radius
+% 20*unitlength.
+% If unitlength = 1pt then this is equivalent to the standard oval command.
+% In general \oval[R](x,y) uses circular arcs of radius max(R,min(x/2,y/2)).
+%\line and \vector.
+% Use as in LaTeX book but with no restriction on the available slopes.
+% The thickness of a sloping line is altered by the \linethickness command.
+%\Line and \Vector.
+% New forms of the line and vector commands.
+% \put(x1,y1){\Line(x2,y2)}
+% produces a line from (x1,y1) to (x1+x2,y1+y2) and similarly for \Vector.
+% Like \Line except that it produce a curve pspicmac
+% \put(x1,y1){\Curve(x2,y2){m}}
+% produces a curve from (x1,y1) to (x1+x2,y1+y2). the amount of curvature
+% is controlled by m but try 1 or -1 first. m does not have to be an integer.
+% negative numbers curve the opposite way to positive numbers.
+%\thinlines, \thicklines and \linethickness.
+% These commands alter the thickness of ALL lines including
+% slanted lines and circular arcs.
+% A new command which specifies the size of the arrowhead drawn by the
+% \vector and \Vector commands. Like \linethickness it does not get
+% multiplied by \unitlength. At present the arrowhead is triangular.
+% If a head with curved sides more like the standard LaTeX head is required
+% the definition of pspicmacA in should be altered.
+% if for dashes
+\newif\ifdashed \dashedfalse
+% strip the final `pt' off string returned by \the
+ \@tempdimb #1\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ \strippt\@tempdimb
+ pspicmacC}}
+ \@tempdimb #1\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@tempdimb
+ pspicmacD}}
+ \@linelen=#3\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ #1
+ #2
+ \strippt\@linelen
+ pspicmacdL}\else
+ \@linelen=#3\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ #1
+ #2
+ \strippt\@linelen
+ pspicmacL}\fi}
+ \@linelen=#3\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@arrowlength
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ #1
+ #2
+ \strippt\@linelen
+ pspicmacdV}\else
+ \@linelen=#3\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@arrowlength
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ #1
+ #2
+ \strippt\@linelen
+ pspicmacV}\fi}
+ \@headlen=0.06\unitlength
+ \@headwid=0.03\unitlength
+ \@xa=#1\unitlength \@ya=#2\unitlength
+ \@xb=#3\unitlength \@yb=#4\unitlength
+ \@dxa=#5\unitlength \@dya=#6\unitlength
+ \@dxb=#7\unitlength \@dyb=#8\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@dxa
+ \strippt\@dya
+ \strippt\@dxb
+ \strippt\@dyb
+ \strippt\@xa
+ \strippt\@ya
+ \strippt\@xb
+ \strippt\@yb
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ \strippt\@headwid
+ \strippt\@headlen
+ arrowfl}}
+ {\count@=\maxdimen \divide\count@ by \unitlength \@ov@l[\count@]}}%
+ \@tempdimb #1\unitlength
+ \@ovxx #2\unitlength
+ \@ovyy #3\unitlength
+ \def\r{\def\TL{0 }\def\BL{0 }}%
+ \def\l{\def\TR{0 }\def\BR{0 }}%
+ \def\t{\def\BL{0 }\def\BR{0 }}%
+ \def\b{\def\TL{0 }\def\TR{0 }}%
+ \def\TL{1 }\def\BL{1 }\def\TR{1 }\def\BR{1 }%
+ \@tfor\@tempa :=#4\do{\csname\@tempa\endcsname}%
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ \strippt\@tempdimb
+ \strippt\@ovxx
+ \strippt\@ovyy
+ pspicmacO}%
+ \endgroup}
+ \@ovxx #1\unitlength
+ \@ovyy #2\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ \strippt\@ovxx
+ \strippt\@ovyy
+ pspicmacL2}}
+ \@ovxx #1\unitlength
+ \@ovyy #2\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ \strippt\@ovxx
+ \strippt\@ovyy
+ #3
+ pspicmacdC2}\else
+ \@ovxx #1\unitlength
+ \@ovyy #2\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ \strippt\@ovxx
+ \strippt\@ovyy
+ #3
+ pspicmacC2}\fi}
+ \@ovxx #1\unitlength
+ \@ovyy #2\unitlength
+ \special{"
+ \strippt\@arrowlength
+ \strippt\@wholewidth
+ \strippt\@ovxx
+ \strippt\@ovyy
+ pspicmacV2}}
+\def\arrowlength#1{\@arrowlength #1}
+% A few dimensions that count...
+\newdimen\@headwid \newdimen\@headlen
+\newdimen\@xa \newdimen\@ya \newdimen\@xb \newdimen\@yb
+\newdimen\@dxa \newdimen\@dya \newdimen\@dxb \newdimen\@dyb
+%%%%%%%%% Top level environments.
+% First, set-up a length to keep the external value of \unitlength in it.
+% Now deal with diagrams with numbering.
+% Now the unnumbered version
+ \savebox{\diagramlabel}[0pt]{}\@diagram}{\end@diagram}
+ \savebox{\diagramlabel}{\hbox{\rm (\thediagram)}}\@diagram}{\end@diagram}
+ \unitlength\diagramcellsize%
+ \vcenter\bgroup\hbox to \displaywidth\bgroup\hfil\picture}
+%%%%%%%%% Directions
+%%%%%%%%% Positioning
+% Command to position an object; puts #3 in math mode at coords. (#1,#2).
+% !!! This use of absolute coordinates is dreadful. We should work in
+% multiples of \unitlength (DVJM).
+ {\makebox(0.3,0)[r]{$#3$}}}}
+ {\makebox(0.3,0)[l]{$#3$}}}}
+%%%%%%%%% Short Arrows
+% Drawing short arrow bodies for tailed arrows;
+\def\arrshbdne{\put ( 0.15, 0.15){\line( 1, 1){0.75}}}
+\def\arrshbdnw{\put (-0.15, 0.15){\line(-1, 1){0.75}}}
+\def\arrshbdse{\put ( 0.15,-0.15){\line( 1,-1){0.75}}}
+\def\arrshbdsw{\put (-0.15,-0.15){\line(-1,-1){0.75}}}
+\def\arrshbdn{\put ( 0, 0.15){\line( 0, 1){0.75}}}
+\def\arrshbde{\put ( 0.25, 0 ){\line( 1, 0){0.55}}}
+\def\arrshbds{\put ( 0, -0.15){\line( 0,-1){0.75}}}
+\def\arrshbdw{\put (-0.25, 0 ){\line(-1, 0){0.55}}}
+% Drawing normal sized arrow bodies;
+\def\arrbdne{\put ( 0.1, 0.1){\line( 1, 1){0.8}}}
+\def\arrbdse{\put ( 0.1,-0.1){\line( 1,-1){0.8}}}
+\def\arrbdnw{\put (-0.1, 0.1){\line(-1, 1){0.8}}}
+\def\arrbdsw{\put (-0.1,-0.1){\line(-1,-1){0.8}}}
+\def\arrbdn{\put ( 0, 0.1){\line( 0, 1){0.8}}}
+\def\arrbde{\put ( 0.2, 0 ){\line( 1, 0){0.6}}}
+\def\arrbds{\put ( 0, -0.1){\line( 0,-1){0.8}}}
+\def\arrbdw{\put (-0.2, 0 ){\line(-1, 0){0.6}}}
+% !!! This bit's a special that might need further touching up (SB)
+\def\arrbdnne{\put ( 0.05, 0.1 ){\line( 1, 2){0.4}}}
+\def\arrbdene{\put ( 0.15, 0.075){\line( 2, 1){0.7}}}
+\def\arrbdese{\put ( 0.15,-0.075){\line( 2,-1){0.7}}}
+\def\arrbdsse{\put ( 0.05,-0.1 ){\line( 1,-2){0.4}}}
+\def\arrbdssw{\put (-0.05,-0.1 ){\line(-1,-2){0.4}}}
+\def\arrbdwsw{\put (-0.15,-0.075){\line(-2,-1){0.7}}}
+\def\arrbdwnw{\put (-0.15, 0.075){\line(-2, 1){0.7}}}
+\def\arrbdnnw{\put (-0.05, 0.11 ){\line(-1, 2){0.4}}}
+\def\arrhdese(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line(-1,0){0.056}}\put(#1,#2){\line(-2, 3){0.031}}}
+\def\arrhdsse(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( 0,1){0.056}}\put(#1,#2){\line(-3, 2){0.046}}}
+\def\arrhdssw(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( 0,1){0.056}}\put(#1,#2){\line( 3, 2){0.046}}}
+\def\arrhdwsw(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( 1,0){0.056}}\put(#1,#2){\line( 2, 3){0.031}}}
+\def\arrhdwnw(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( 1,0){0.056}}\put(#1,#2){\line( 2,-3){0.031}}}
+\def\arrhdnnw(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line(0,-1){0.056}}\put(#1,#2){\line( 3,-2){0.046}}}
+%%%%%%%%% Long arrows
+\def\longarrbdne{\put( 0.1, 0.1){\line( 1, 1){1.8}}}
+\def\longarrbdse{\put( 0.1,-0.1){\line( 1,-1){1.8}}}
+\def\longarrbdnw{\put(-0.1, 0.1){\line(-1, 1){1.8}}}
+\def\longarrbdn{\put( 0, 0.1){\line( 0, 1){1.8}}}
+\def\longarrbde{\put( 0.2, 0 ){\line( 1, 0){1.6}}}
+\def\longarrbds{\put( 0, -0.1){\line( 0,-1){1.8}}}
+\def\longarrbdw{\put(-0.2, 0 ){\line(-1, 0){1.6}}}
+\def\longarrbdnne{\put( 0.05, 0.1 ){\line( 1, 2){0.9}}}
+\def\longarrbdene{\put( 0.15, 0.075){\line( 2, 1){1.7}}}
+\def\longarrbdese{\put( 0.15,-0.075){\line( 2,-1){1.7}}}
+\def\longarrbdsse{\put( 0.05,-0.1 ){\line( 1,-2){0.9}}}
+\def\longarrbdssw{\put(-0.05,-0.1 ){\line(-1,-2){0.9}}}
+\def\longarrbdwnw{\put(-0.15, 0.075){\line(-2, 1){1.7}}}
+\def\longarrbdnnw{\put(-0.05, 0.11 ){\line(-1, 2){0.9}}}
+%%%%%%%%% Dotted Arrows
+\def\arrddbdne{\multiput( 0.15, 0.15)( 0.1, 0.1){8}{\line( 1, 1){0.05}}}
+\def\arrddbdse{\multiput( 0.15,-0.15)( 0.1,-0.1){8}{\line( 1,-1){0.05}}}
+\def\arrddbdnw{\multiput(-0.15, 0.15)(-0.1, 0.1){8}{\line(-1, 1){0.05}}}
+\def\arrddbdn{\multiput( 0, 0.15)( 0, 0.1){8}{\line( 0, 1){0.05}}}
+\def\arrddbde{\multiput( 0.2, 0 )( 0.1, 0 ){6}{\line( 1, 0){0.05}}}
+\def\arrddbds{\multiput( 0, -0.15)( 0, -0.1){8}{\line( 0,-1){0.05}}}
+\def\arrddbdw{\multiput( -0.2, 0 )(-0.1, 0 ){6}{\line(-1, 0){0.05}}}
+%%%%%%%%% Heads and tails.
+% Heads; the argument determines where the apex of the arrow head lies.
+\def\arrhdne(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line(-1,-2){0.025}}\put(#1,#2){\line(-2,-1){0.05 }}}
+\def\arrhdse(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line(-1, 2){0.025}}\put(#1,#2){\line(-2, 1){0.05 }}}
+\def\arrhdnw(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( 2,-1){0.05 }}\put(#1,#2){\line( 1,-2){0.025}}}
+\def\arrhdsw(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( 2, 1){0.05 }}\put(#1,#2){\line( 1, 2){0.025}}}
+\def\arrhdn(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( -1,-2){0.025}}\put(#1,#2){\line( 1,-2){0.025}}}
+\def\arrhde(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( -2, 1){0.05 }}\put(#1,#2){\line(-2,-1){0.05 }}}
+\def\arrhds(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( -1, 2){0.025}}\put(#1,#2){\line( 1, 2){0.025}}}
+\def\arrhdw(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){\line( 2, 1){0.05 }}\put(#1,#2){\line( 2,-1){0.05 }}}
+% Drawing inclusion tails
+\def\intaile{\put ( 0.2, 0.015){\oval(0.03,0.03)[l]}}
+\def\intailn{\put (-0.015, 0.1 ){\oval(0.03,0.03)[b]}}
+\def\intails{\put ( 0.015,-0.1 ){\oval(0.03,0.03)[t]}}
+\def\intailw{\put (-0.2, 0.015){\oval(0.03,0.03)[r]}}
+%%%%%%%%% Arrow Bodies, Heads and Tails
+% The arguments are position (of the object from which to draw the arrow
+% and the direction.
+\def\body(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\arrbdn}
+ \or {\arrbdne} \or {\arrbde} \or {\arrbdse}
+ \or {\arrbds} \or {\arrbdsw} \or {\arrbdw}
+ \or {\arrbdnw} \or {\arrbdnne} \or {\arrbdene}
+ \or {\arrbdese} \or {\arrbdsse} \or {\arrbdssw}
+ \or {\arrbdwsw} \or {\arrbdwnw} \or {\arrbdnnw} \fi}}
+% General long arrow body command. The arguments are as above.
+\def\longbody(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\longarrbdn}
+ \or {\longarrbdne} \or {\longarrbde} \or {\longarrbdse}
+ \or {\longarrbds} \or {\longarrbdsw} \or {\longarrbdw}
+ \or {\longarrbdnw} \or {\longarrbdnne} \or {\longarrbdene}
+ \or {\longarrbdese} \or {\longarrbdsse} \or {\longarrbdssw}
+ \or {\longarrbdwsw} \or {\longarrbdwnw} \or {\longarrbdnnw} \fi}}
+% General short body. Arguments as above.
+\def\shbody(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\arrshbdn}
+ \or {\arrshbdne} \or {\arrshbde} \or {\arrshbdse}
+ \or {\arrshbds} \or {\arrshbdsw} \or {\arrshbdw}
+ \or {\arrshbdnw} \fi}}
+% General dotted body.
+\def\ddbody(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\arrddbdn}
+ \or {\arrddbdne} \or {\arrddbde} \or {\arrddbdse}
+ \or {\arrddbds} \or {\arrddbdsw} \or {\arrddbdw}
+ \or {\arrddbdnw} \fi}}
+% General plain head. Two arguments, postion and direction. The position is
+% the object position from which the arrow emanates.
+\def\plhead(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\arrhdn(0,0.9)}
+ \or {\arrhdne(0.9,0.9)} \or {\arrhde(0.8,0)}
+ \or {\arrhdse(0.9,-0.9)} \or {\arrhds(0,-0.9)}
+ \or {\arrhdsw(-0.9,-0.9)} \or {\arrhdw(-0.8,0)}
+ \or {\arrhdnw(-0.9,0.9)} \or {\arrhdnne(0.45,0.9)}
+ \or {\arrhdene(0.85,0.425)} \or {\arrhdese(0.85,-0.425)}
+ \or {\arrhdsse(0.45,-0.9)} \or {\arrhdssw(-0.45,-0.9)}
+ \or {\arrhdwsw(-0.85,-0.425)} \or {\arrhdwnw(-0.85,0.425)}
+ \or {\arrhdnnw(-0.45,0.9)} \fi}}
+% General long head. Two arguments, postion and direction. The position is
+% the object position from which the arrow emanates.
+\def\longplhead(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\arrhdn(0,1.9)}
+ \or {\arrhdne(1.9,1.9)} \or {\arrhde (1.8,0)}
+ \or {\arrhdse(1.9,-1.9)} \or {\arrhds(0,-1.9)}
+ \or {\arrhdsw(-1.9,-1.9)} \or {\arrhdw(-1.8,0)}
+ \or {\arrhdnw(-1.9,1.9)} \or {\arrhdnne(0.95,1.9)}
+ \or {\arrhdene(1.85,0.925)} \or {\arrhdese(1.85,-0.925)}
+ \or {\arrhdsse(0.95,-1.9)} \or {\arrhdssw(-0.95,-1.9)}
+ \or {\arrhdwsw(-1.85,-0.925)} \or {\arrhdwnw(-1.85,0.925)}
+ \or {\arrhdnnw(-0.95,1.9)} \fi}}
+% General double head. Arguments as above.
+\def\dbhead(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\arrhdn(0,0.85)}
+ \or {\arrhdne(0.85,0.85)} \or {\arrhde(0.75,0)}
+ \or {\arrhdse(0.85,-0.85)} \or {\arrhds(0,-0.85)}
+ \or {\arrhdsw(-0.85,-0.85)} \or {\arrhdw(-0.75,0)}
+ \or {\arrhdnw(-0.85,0.85)} \fi}\plhead(#1,#2)#3}
+% General tail. Arguments as above.
+\def\tail(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\arrhdn(0,0.15)}
+ \or {\arrhdne(0.15,0.15)} \or {\arrhde(0.25,0)}
+ \or {\arrhdse(0.15,-0.15)} \or {\arrhds(0,-0.15)}
+ \or {\arrhdsw(-0.15,-0.15)} \or {\arrhdw(-0.25,0)}
+ \or {\arrhdnw(-0.15,0.15)} \fi}}
+% !!! What the fuck is going on here ? (DVJM)
+% General inclusion tail. Arguments as above.
+\def\intail(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\intailn}
+ \or \or {\intaile}
+ \or \or {\intails}
+ \or \or {\intailw} \fi}}
+%%%%%%%%% Arrow labels.
+% General "right hand" arrow labelling. Arguments are position, direction and label.
+\def\arrlabelr(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3
+ {\put ( 0.05, 0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.5, 0.4 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.5, -0.1 ){\makebox (0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.4, -0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.05,-0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.5,- 0.4 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.5, 0.1 ){\makebox (0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.4, 0.5 ){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.3, 0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.55, 0.175){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.5, -0.325){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.15,-0.55 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.3, -0.525){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.55,-0.175){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.5, 0.3 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.15, 0.55 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}} \fi}}
+% General "left hand" arrow labelling. Arguments are position, direction
+% and label.
+\def\arrlabell(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3
+ {\put (-0.05, 0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.4, 0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.5, 0.1 ){\makebox (0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.5, -0.4 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.05,-0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.4, -0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.5, -0.1 ){\makebox (0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.5, 0.4 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.15, 0.55 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.5, 0.325){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.55,-0.175){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.3, -0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.15,-0.575){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.5, -0.325){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.55, 0.15 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.3, 0.5 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}} \fi}}
+% General "right hand" long arrow labelling.
+\def\longarrlabelr(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3
+ {\put ( 0.05, 1 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 1.1, 1 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 1, -0.1 ){\makebox (0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.9, -1 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.05,-1 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-1, -0.9 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-1, 0.1 ){\makebox (0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.9, 1 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.55, 1 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 1.05, 0.4 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 1, -0.55){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.4, -1.05){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.55,-1 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-1.05,-0.4 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-1, 0.55){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.4, 1.05){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}} \fi}}
+% General "left hand" long arrow labelling.
+\def\longarrlabell(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3
+ {\put (-0.05, 1 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.9, 1 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 1, 0.1 ){\makebox (0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 1, -0.9 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.05,-1 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.9, -1 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-1, -0.1 ){\makebox (0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-1, 0.9 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.4, 1.05){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 1, 0.55){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 1.05,-0.4 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put ( 0.55,-1 ){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.4, -1.05){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-1, -0.55){\makebox (0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-1.05, 0.4 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put (-0.55, 1 ){\makebox (0,0)[r]{$#4$}}} \fi}}
+%%%%%%%%% Parallel and Antiparallel Arrows.
+\def\prarrowe(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0, 0.05){\east}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow( 0, -0.05){\east}[#4][\st]}}
+\def\prarrown(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow(-0.05, 0 ){\north}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow( 0.05, 0 ){\north}[#4][\st]}}
+\def\prarroww(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0, -0.55){\west}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow( 0, 0.55){\west}[#4][\st]}}
+\def\prarrows(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0.05, 0 ){\south}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow(-0.05, 0 ){\south}[#4][\st]}}
+\def\prarrone(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow(-0.03, 0.03){\neast}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow( 0.03,-0.03){\neast}[#4][\st]}}
+ \@plarrow( 0.03, 0.03){\nwest}[#4][\st]}}
+\def\prarrose(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0.03, 0.03){\seast}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow(-0.03,-0.03){\seast}[#4][\st]}}
+\def\prarrosw(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0.03,-0.03){\swest}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow(-0.03, 0.03){\swest}[#4][\st]}}
+% Command for anti-parallel arrows. Arguments are position and labels.
+\def\anprarrowe(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0, 0.05){\east}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow( 1, -0.05){\west}[#4][\po]}}
+\def\anprarrown(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow(-0.05, 0 ){\north}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow( 0.05, 1 ){\south}[#4][\po]}}
+\def\anprarroww(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0, -0.55){\west}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow(-1, 0.55){\east}[#4][\po]}}
+\def\anprarrows(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0.05, 0 ){\south}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow(-0.05,-1 ){\north}[#4][\po]}}
+\def\prarrone(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow(-0.03, 0.03){\neast}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow( 0.03,-0.03){\neast}[#4][\po]}}
+ \@plarrow( 0.03, 0.03){\nwest}[#4][\po]}}
+\def\prarrose(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0.03, 0.03){\seast}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow(-0.03,-0.03){\seast}[#4][\po]}}
+\def\prarrosw(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\@plarrow( 0.03,-0.03){\swest}[#3][\po]
+ \@plarrow(-0.03, 0.03){\swest}[#4][\po]}}
+% Main arrow drawing commands.
+ {\@plarrow(#1,#2){#3}[][\po]}}
+ {\ifodd #5 {\arrlabelr(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}
+ \else {\arrlabell(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}\fi}}
+ {\@longplarrow(#1,#2){#3}[][\po]}}
+ {\ifodd #5 {\longarrlabelr(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}
+ \else {\longarrlabell(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}\fi}}
+ {\@sharr(#1,#2){#3}[][\po]}}
+ {\ifodd #5 {\arrlabelr(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}
+ \else {\arrlabell(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}\fi}}
+ {\@tlarrow(#1,#2){#3}[][\po]}}
+ {\ifodd #5 {\arrlabelr(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}
+ \else {\arrlabell(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}\fi}}
+ {\@dbarrow(#1,#2){#3}[][\po]}}
+ {\ifodd #5 {\arrlabelr(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}
+ \else {\arrlabell(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}\fi}}
+ {\@ddarrow(#1,#2){#3}[][\po]}}
+ {\ifodd #5 {\arrlabelr(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}
+ \else {\arrlabell(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}\fi}}
+ {\@inarrow(#1,#2){#3}[][\po]}}
+ {\ifodd #5 {\arrlabelr(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}
+ \else {\arrlabell(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}\fi}}
+ {\@prarrow(#1,#2){#3}[][\po]}}
+\def\@prarrow(#1,#2)#3[#4][#5]{\ifcase #3 {\prarrown(#1,#2){#4}{#5}}
+ \or {\prarrowne(#1,#2){#4}{#5}} \or {\prarrowe(#1,#2){#4}{#5}}
+ \or {\prarrowse(#1,#2){#4}{#5}} \or {\prarrows(#1,#2){#4}{#5}}
+ \or {\prarrowsw(#1,#2){#4}{#5}} \or {\prarroww(#1,#2){#4}{#5}}
+ \or {\prarrownw(#1,#2){#4}{#5}} \fi}
+ {\@sharrow(#1,#2){#3}[][\po]}}
+\def\@sharrow(#1,#2)#3[#4][#5]{\ifcase #3
+ {\put( 0, -0.05){\sharr(#1,#2){#3}[#4][#5]}}
+ \or {\put(-0.05,-0.05){\sharr(#1,#2){#3}[#4][#5]}}
+ \or {\put(-0.05, 0 ){\sharr(#1,#2){#3}[#4][#5]}}
+ \or {\put(-0.05, 0.05){\sharr(#1,#2){#3}[#4][#5]}}
+ \or {\put( 0, 0.05){\sharr(#1,#2){#3}[#4][#5]}}
+ \or {\put( 0.05, 0.05){\sharr(#1,#2){#3}[#4][#5]}}
+ \or {\put( 0.05, 0 ){\sharr(#1,#2){#3}[#4][#5]}}
+ \or {\put( 0.05,-0.05){\sharr(#1,#2){#3}[#4][#5]}} \fi}
+ {\@anprarrow(#1,#2){#3}[][]}}
+\def\@anprarrow(#1,#2)#3[#4][#5]{\ifcase #3 {\anprarrown(#1,#2){#4}{#5}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\anprarrowe(#1,#2){#4}{#5}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\anprarrows(#1,#2){#4}{#5}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\anprarroww(#1,#2){#4}{#5}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}} \fi}
+%%%%%%%%% Curved arrow bodies and labels
+\def\curvepoarrbdn#1{\put(-0.1, 0.1 ){\Curve(0,0.8){-5}}
+ \put(-0.3, 0.5 ){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#1$}}}
+\def\curvestarrbdn#1{\put( 0.1, 0.1 ){\Curve(0,0.8){5}}
+ \put( 0.3, 0.5 ){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#1$}}}
+\def\curvepoarrbde#1{\put( 0.2, 0.1 ){\Curve(0.6,0){-5}}
+ \put( 0.5, 0.3 ){\makebox(0,0.1){$#1$}}}
+\def\curvestarrbde#1{\put( 0.2,-0.1 ){\Curve(0.6,0){5}}
+ \put( 0.5,-0.35){\makebox(0,0){$#1$}}}
+\def\curvepoarrbds#1{\put( 0.1,-0.1){\Curve(0,-0.8){-5}}
+ \put( 0.3,-0.5){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#1$}}}
+ \put(-0.3,-0.5){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#1$}}}
+\def\curvestarrbdw#1{\put(-0.2, 0.1){\Curve(-0.6,0){5}}
+ \put(-0.5, 0.3){\makebox(0,0.1){$#1$}}}
+ \put(-0.5,-0.35){\makebox(0,0){$#1$}}}
+% Long curved arrow bodies
+\def\longcurvepoarrbdn#1{\put(-0.1, 0.1 ){\Curve(0,1.8){-5}}
+ \put(-0.6, 1 ){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#1$}}}
+\def\longcurvestarrbdn#1{\put( 0.1, 0.1 ){\Curve(0,1.8){5}}
+ \put( 0.6, 1 ){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#1$}}}
+\def\longcurvepoarrbde#1{\put( 0.2, 0.1 ){\Curve(1.6,0){-5}}
+ \put( 1, 0.55){\makebox(0,0){$#1$}}}
+\def\longcurvestarrbde#1{\put( 0.2,-0.1 ){\Curve(1.6,0){5}}
+ \put( 1, -0.6 ){\makebox(0,0){$#1$}}}
+\def\longcurvepoarrbds#1{\put( 0.1,-0.1 ){\Curve(0,-1.8){-5}}
+ \put( 0.6,-1 ){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#1$}}}
+\def\longcurvestarrbds#1{\put(-0.1,-0.1 ){\Curve(0,-1.8){5}}
+ \put(-0.6,-1 ){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#1$}}}
+\def\longcurvestarrbdw#1{\put(-0.2, 0.1 ){\Curve(-1.6,0){5}}
+ \put(-1, 0.55){\makebox(0,0){$#1$}}}
+\def\longcurvepoarrbdw#1{\put(-0.2,-0.1 ){\Curve(-1.6,0){-5}}
+ \put(-1., -0.6 ){\makebox(0,0){$#1$}}}
+% Arrow heads for curved arrows
+% General curved body
+\def\curvepobody(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\curvepoarrbdn{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvepoarrbde{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvepoarrbds{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvepoarrbdw{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}} \fi}}
+\def\curvestbody(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\curvestarrbdn{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvestarrbde{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvestarrbds{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvestarrbdw{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}} \fi}}
+\def\longcurvepobody(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\longcurvepoarrbdn{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\longcurvepoarrbde{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\longcurvepoarrbds{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\longcurvepoarrbdw{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}} \fi}}
+\def\longcurvestbody(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\longcurvestarrbdn{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\longcurvestarrbde{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\longcurvestarrbds{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\longcurvestarrbdw{#4}}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}} \fi}}
+\def\curvepohead(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2) {\ifcase #3 {\curvepoarrhdn(-0.1,0.9)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvepoarrhde(0.8,0.1)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvepoarrhds(0.1,-0.9)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvepoarrhdw(-0.8,-0.1)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}} \fi}}
+\def\curvesthead(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2) {\ifcase #3 {\curvestarrhdn(0.1,0.9)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvestarrhde(0.8,-0.1)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvestarrhds(-0.1,-0.9)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvestarrhdw(-0.8,0.1)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}} \fi}}
+\def\longcurvepohead(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2) {\ifcase #3 {\curvepoarrhdn(-0.1,1.9)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvepoarrhde(1.8,0.1)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvepoarrhds(0.1,-1.9)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvepoarrhdw(-1.8,-0.1)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}} \fi}}
+\def\longcurvesthead(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2) {\ifcase #3 {\curvestarrhdn(0.1,1.9)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvestarrhde(1.8,-0.1)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvestarrhds(-0.1,-1.9)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}}
+ \or {\curvestarrhdw(-1.8,0.1)}
+ \or {\@warning{Arrow style not available}} \fi}}
+ \longcurvepohead(#1,#2){#3}}
+ \longcurvesthead(#1,#2){#3}}
+ {\@curvearrow(#1,#2){#3}[]}}
+\def\@curvearrow(#1,#2)#3[#4]#5{\ifodd #5 {\curvestarrow(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}
+ \else {\curvepoarrow(#1,#2){#3}{#4}} \fi}
+ {\@longcurvearrow(#1,#2){#3}[]}}
+\def\@longcurvearrow(#1,#2)#3[#4]#5{\ifodd #5 {\longcurvestarrow(#1,#2){#3}{#4}}
+ \else {\longcurveporrow(#1,#2){#3}{#4}} \fi}
+%%%%%%% Two cells
+\def\twocellup(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){{\put( 0.02,-0.1) {\line( 0, 1) {0.16}}}
+ {\put(-0.02,-0.1) {\line( 0, 1) {0.16}}}
+ {\put( 0, 0.1) {\line( 1,-2) {0.05}}}
+ {\put( 0, 0.1) {\line(-1,-2) {0.05}}}}}
+\def\twocelldown(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){{\put( 0.02, 0.1) {\line( 0,-1) {0.16}}}
+ {\put(-0.02, 0.1) {\line( 0,-1) {0.16}}}
+ {\put( 0, -0.1) {\line( 1, 2) {0.05}}}
+ {\put( 0, -0.1) {\line(-1, 2) {0.05}}}}}
+\def\twocellright(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){{\put(-0.1, 0.02) {\line( 1, 0){0.16}}}
+ {\put(-0.1,-0.02) {\line( 1, 0){0.16}}}
+ {\put( 0.1, 0 ) {\line(-2, 1){0.1 }}}
+ {\put( 0.1, 0 ) {\line(-2,-1){0.1 }}}}}
+\def\twocellleft(#1,#2){\put(#1,#2){{\put( 0.1,-0.02) {\line(-1, 0) {0.16}}}
+ {\put( 0.1, 0.02) {\line(-1, 0) {0.16}}}
+ {\put(-0.1, 0 ) {\line( 2,-1) {0.1 }}}
+ {\put(-0.1, 0 ) {\line( 2, 1) {0.1 }}}}}
+\def\twocellclock(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\twocellright(0, 0.5)}
+ \or \or {\twocelldown( 0.5, 0 )}
+ \or \or {\twocellleft( 0, -0.5)}
+ \or \or {\twocellup( -0.5, 0 )}
+ \or \or {\twocellright(0.25,0.6)}
+ \or {\twocelldown( 0.6, 0.25)}
+ \or {\twocelldown( 0.6, -0.25)}
+ \or {\twocellleft( 0.25,-0.6 )}
+ \or {\twocellleft( -0.25,-0.6 )}
+ \or {\twocellup( -0.6, -0.25)}
+ \or {\twocellup (-0.6, 0.25)}
+ \or {\twocellright(-0.25, 0.6 )} \fi}}
+\def\twocellanti(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3 {\twocellleft( 0, 0.5)}
+ \or \or {\twocellup( 0.5, 0 )}
+ \or \or {\twocellright(0, -0.5)}
+ \or \or {\twocelldown(-0.5, 0 )}
+ \or \or {\twocellleft( 0.25,0.6)}
+ \or {\twocellup( 0.6, 0.25)}
+ \or {\twocellup( 0.6, -0.25)}
+ \or {\twocellright( 0.25,-0.6)}
+ \or {\twocellright(-0.25,-0.6)}
+ \or {\twocelldown( -0.6, -0.25)}
+ \or {\twocelldown( -0.6, 0.25)}
+ \or {\twocellleft( -0.25, 0.6)} \fi}}
+\def\twocelllabelfar(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3
+ {\put( 0, 0.65){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or \or {\put( 0.6, 0 ){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or \or {\put( 0, -0.65){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or \or {\put(-0.6, 0 ){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or \or {\put( 0.25, 0.75){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put( 0.7, 0.25){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put( 0.7, -0.25){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put( 0.25,-0.75){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put(-0.25,-0.75){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put(-0.7, -0.25){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put(-0.7, 0.25){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put(-0.25, 0.75){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}} \fi}}
+\def\twocelllabelnear(#1,#2)#3#4{\put(#1,#2){\ifcase #3
+ {\put( 0, 0.35){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or
+ \or {\put( 0.4, 0 ){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or
+ \or {\put( 0, -0.35){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or
+ \or {\put(-0.4, 0 ){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or
+ \or {\put( 0.25, 0.45){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put( 0.5, 0.25){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put( 0.5, -0.25){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put( 0.25,-0.45){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put(-0.25,-0.45){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put(-0.5, -0.25){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put(-0.5, 0.25){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$#4$}}}
+ \or {\put(-0.25, 0.45){\makebox(0,0){$#4$}}} \fi}}
+ {\@twocell(#1,#2){#3}{#4}[][\far]}}
+\def\@twocell(#1,#2)#3#4[#5][#6]{{\ifcase #4 {\twocellclock(#1,#2){#3}}
+ \or {\twocellanti(#1,#2){#3}} \fi}
+ {\ifcase #6 {\twocelllabelnear(#1,#2){#3}{#5}}
+ \or {\twocelllabelfar(#1,#2){#3}{#5}} \fi}}
+%%%%%%% The flexi--arrow routines
+ {\@Farrow(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[][\po]}}
+% Note (1) that the \put(0,0) really is necessary, and (2) that
+% the overhead of doing the trig. means it really is worth avoiding for G
+ \put(0,0){\@FlArrow(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(0.15,0.15)(0.15,0.15)}}
+ \put(0,0){\@FlArrow(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(0.15,0.15)(0.15,0.15)}}
+% In the course of time, @GenLab will label an arrow at arbitrary slope.
+% \dimen0 = #1pt
+% \dimen1 = #2pt
+% \dimen3 = #3pt
+% \dimen4 = #4pt
+% \advance \dimen3 by -\dimen1
+% \advance \dimen4 by -\dimen2
+% Essentially, we need to work out dx + h sin p, dy + h cos p, where dx
+% is x1 - x0, dy similarly, p is atan (dy/dx) and h is about 10pt.
+% The arguments are: #1 = x0, #2 = y0, #3 = x1, #4 = y1, #5 = label, #6 = direction
+% One for \po first.
+% \input ArcTan.tex
+% end of diagram.sty
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/facts.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+\title{The Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network}
+\author[Sebastian Rahtz]{Sebastian Rahtz\\ArchaeoInformatica, York}
+This article briefly describes the UK \TeX\ Archive
+(Internet `Daughter' archive) on {\tt} for the benefit of
+\ukt\ members. This archive is part of a collaborating network
+of archives known as CTAN (Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network). This
+is the creation of a \TeX\ Users Group working party on archives
+chaired by George Greenwade which discussed the issue by electronic
+mail during 1992. Following an initial implementation on {\tt} in July 1992, the three main archives now follow the
+same structure and have identical files ({\tt}, {\tt} and {\tt}).
+The preferred access method to the UK \TeX\ Archive is using the {\em
+gopher} program which has a set of useful indexes to help you locate
+what you are looking for, but Internet {\em ftp} access is also very
+common. JANET users may only access the machine using the {\tt
+ftp-relay} site, as it has no X25 connection. The `Father' archive
+on {\tt} remains open for JANET X25 access, and is regularly
+updated from the `Daughter'.\footnote{Access the machine (DTE
+000020120091) with username {\em public\/} and password {\em public.}}
+\section{FTP access}
+The CTAN archives all run an enhanced {\em ftp} server, which may
+possibly confuse your client. If your {\em ftp} client crashes or
+hangs shortly after login please try using a dash (-) as the first
+character of your password. This {\em ftp} server supports dynamic
+compression, uncompression, and archive creation options. Fetch the
+top-level file {\tt README.archive-features} for information. The
+server also supports site-defined commands to assist you. Please read
+{\tt} for a brief overview.
+On Aston and SHSU servers, you can go to the top of the
+archive tree using the alias {\tt CTAN:} --- type {\tt cd CTAN:} ({\em
+with} the colon).
+Please report any problems via e-mail to {\tt}.
+\section{Submitting material to the CTAN archives}
+To submit a file to CTAN using {\em ftp}
+to {\tt} or {\tt} as your point of entry,
+please go to the {\tt /incoming} directory at the root level where you
+entered this host. {\tt cd /incoming} from any {\em ftp} prompt should get
+you there.
+Once in the {\tt /incoming} directory, please do one of the following:
+\item if you are submitting a single file, simply put it in the {\tt
+ /incoming} directory; or
+\item if you are submitting a set of files intended to be used
+ together as a package, please create a directory within {\tt
+ /incoming} with: {\tt mkdir your\_name} (replace the string
+ {your\_name} with the directory name you wish to use), then: {\tt cd
+ your\_name}, then put your files in this directory.
+ \end{enumerate}
+Be sure to use the proper mode (ascii or binary)
+when you put your files into this directory. Following this, please
+send an electronic mail message to: {\tt} with the
+suggested subject of: {\em CTAN Submission}. Your message should (a)
+state what file(s) you have put where, (b) include a brief overview
+of what the file(s) is/are intended to do, and (c) [optionally]
+where you recommend placing your submission within the CTAN
+directory hierarchy.
+Once classified and moved into the CTAN directory hierarchy, your
+submission will automatically be propagated to the other CTAN hosts.
+Please do not abuse your privilege to access the {\tt /incoming} directory
+by placing unauthorized files in it or for purposes of making your
+files accessible to another site without the prior knowledge and consent
+of the host university. All {\em ftp} transactions to the host are
+logged. Abuse of this service will very likely result in complete loss
+of {\em ftp} access to the host from your site until your system administrators
+have been notified and appropriate intervention is made on their behalf.
+Please forward any inquiries about this service to {\tt}.
+\section{Archive hierarchy description}
+We now describe the main directories which make up
+CTAN; readers are referred to David Jones' {\em Index of \TeX\
+Styles and Macros} for details of macro packages and
+individual style files.
+\item[archive-tools] contains the various archiving tools which users
+ may find useful.
+\item[bibliography] contains bibliography-related files, such as
+ \BibTeX.
+\item[digests] contains back issues of \TeX-related periodicals.
+\item[documentation] contains files and tutorials which document
+ various aspect of \TeX.
+\item[dviware] contains the various dvi-to-whatever filters and drivers.
+\item[fonts] contains a collection of fonts, both sources and
+ pre-compiled.
+\item[graphics] contains utilities and macros related to graphics.
+\item[help] contains files which provide an overview to the archive
+ and the \TeX\ system.
+\item[indexing] contains utilities and related files for indexing
+ documents.
+\item[languages] contains non-English related implementations of \TeX.
+\item[macros] contains macros for \TeX\ and its derivatives in unique
+ subdirectories.
+\item[support] contains files and programs which can be used in
+ support of \TeX.
+\item[systems] contains complete system setups, organized by operating
+ system.
+\item[web] contains WEB-related files and utilities.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/latex2e.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/latex2e.tex
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+\title{\LaTeX2e -- A New Version of \LaTeX}
+\author{Leslie Lamport and the \LaTeX3 project team}
+An important announcement was made on July 27th at the Annual meeting of
+the \TeX\ User's Group (TUG) at Aston University, Birmingham, UK; there
+will be a new, standardised version of \LaTeX\ (working name: \LaTeX2e)
+to be released before the end of 1993.
+\section*{Reasons For \LaTeX2e}
+There are two primary reasons for introducing a new version of \LaTeX:
+\item Standardisation: a single format incorporating NFSS2, to replace
+ present multiplicity of incompatible formats (NFSS, lfonts,
+ pslfonts, etc.)
+\item Maintenance: a standardised system is essential to a reliable
+ maintenance policy.
+Note that \LaTeX2e is only a ``working name''---thus
+this may change.
+\section*{Guiding Principles}
+The following two guiding principles are to be followed:
+\item Unmodified version 2.09 input files will produce the same
+ output with \LaTeX2e as with version 2.09.
+\item All new features of \LaTeX2e will conform to the conventions
+ of version 2.09, making it as easy as possible for current
+ users to learn to use them.
+\section*{Preamble Commands}
+In order to distinguish old (2.09) documents from those using
+facilities from the new version, \LaTeX2e documents will use a
+different command on the first line:
+ \documentclass[options]{class}
+ The \verb|documentclass| command specifies what kind of document
+this is---for example, article, book, letter, slide. There is a second command:
+ \includepackage[options]{package}
+Including a package adds new commands and/or redefines
+existing commands to provide additional functionality.
+The \LaTeX2.09 compatibility mode is invoked by
+ \documentstyle[options]{style}
+The new version will be described in a new edition of {\em \LaTeX:
+A document preparation system} by Leslie Lamport and in {\em The
+\LaTeX\ Companion} by Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin (both to be
+published by Addison-Wesley). The {\em Companion} will also contain a
+complete description of NFSS2.
+\section*{Distribution Policy}
+Maintenance of the new system will be undertaken by the \LaTeX3\
+project team.
+A complete distribution of all files, incorporating corrections of
+errors, will be made available twice a year on fixed dates. This will
+happen even if there were no changes to the files, and hence only the
+release dates have to be updated.
+We are currently looking into the possibility of additionally
+distributing `diff' files.
+\section*{Error Reports}
+Error reports can be made using a report generating program
+{\tt latexbug.tex}. This will be part of the main distribution.
+Error reports will be accepted only if the version of \LaTeX2e
+that produces the error is not older than one year. Error
+reports can be sent to the following mail address:
+or a postal address that is to be announced.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/mfbeg.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/mfbeg.tex
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+% A way to get a hyphen, courtesy of Karl Berry.
+\newcommand{\MFbook}{{\em The \MF book\/}}
+\newcommand{\TeXbook}{{\em The \TeX{}book\/}}
+\newcommand{\ttbsl}{{\tt \char`\\\/}} % typewriter type backslash.
+% gt: employing usual title font for "METAFONT" here.
+\title{\MF\ for Beginners}
+\author[Geoffrey Tobin]{Geoffrey Tobin\\{\tt}}
+This is not a tutorial on \MF{}.\footnote{This article is a
+trimmed version of the tutorial file made available on
+\TeX\ archives; a current full version can be obtained
+from the {\em documentation} directory on any CTAN archive (see
+elsewhere in this issue of \BV\ for more details of CTAN).} It is an
+attempt to describe how some of the pitfalls in running the
+program may, hopefully, be avoided.
+It is a common experience to have initial (and medial and final)
+difficulty with running \MF{}, and not all `\TeX{}nicians'
+are as familiar with \MF{} as they are with \TeX{}. Still, nothing
+ventured, nothing gained. So let's be of good cheer, and get down to
+\section{What is \MF{}?}
+\MF{} is a program for making bitmap fonts for use by \TeX{}, its
+viewers, printer drivers, and related programs. It interprets a
+drawing language with a syntax apparently derived in part from the
+Algol family of programming languages, of which C, C++, Pascal and
+Modula-2 are members.
+The input can be interactive, or from a source file.
+\MF{} source files are usually suffixed `{\tt .mf}'.
+\MF{} sources can utilize scaling, rotation, reflection, skewing and shifting,
+and other complex transformations in obvious and intuitive ways.
+But that is another story, told (in part) by \MFbook{}.
+\MF{}'s bitmap output is a {\sc gf} ({\em generic font\/}) file.
+This may be compressed to an equivalent {\sc pk} ({\em packed\/}) font
+by the auxiliary program {\em GFtoPK}.
+Why doesn't \MF{} output {\sc pk} fonts directly? Firstly, Tomas
+{\sc Rokicki} had not invented {\sc pk} at the time Donald
+Knuth was writing \MF{}. Secondly, to change \MF{} now
+would be too big a change in Knuth's opinion. (Knuth
+is a very conservative programmer; this fact is a two-sided coin.)
+{\sc gf} and {\sc pk} files are suffixed `{\tt .*gf}' and `{\tt .*pk}'
+respectively, where, in a typical {\sc unix} installation, the
+`{\tt *}' stands for the font resolution.
+(Resolution will be explained below.)
+{\sc ms-dos} truncates file name suffixes to three characters, so a
+font suffix `{\tt .1200gf}' becomes `{\tt .120}' --- beware of this!
+A bitmap is all that's needed for large-scale {\em proofs},
+as produced by the {\em GFtoDVI} utility,
+but for \TeX{} to typeset a font it needs a {\sc tfm}
+({\em \TeX{} Font Metric\/}) file to describe the dimensions, ligatures
+and kerns of the font. \MF{} can be told to make a {\sc tfm} file,
+by making the internal variable `{\tt fontmaking}' positive. Most
+output device modes (see below) do this.
+Remember that \TeX{} reads only the {\sc tfm} files.
+The {\em glyphs}, or forms of the characters, as stored in {\sc gf}
+or {\sc pk} font files, do not enter the picture
+(I mean, are not read)
+until the {\sc dvi} drivers are run.
+\TeX{} can scale {\sc tfm} files. Unfortunately, bitmaps such as {\sc
+gf} and {\sc pk} are not scalable. However, \MF{} files can be
+compiled into fonts of arbitrary scale by \MF{}, even by
+Incidentally, properly constructed {\sc tfm} files are
+device-independent, so running \MF{} with different modes normally
+produces the identical {\sc tfm}.
+Dimensions in {\sc tfm} files are specified to \MF{} in device
+independent `sharped' dimensions (commonly suffixed by \#), where
+a value of 1 corresponds to the dimension of {\tt 1pt} (typographical
+point). Most of \MF{}'s calculations are done with (resolution and
+device dependent) pixels as units. Care must be taken by font
+designers to {\em always\/} calculate unsharped dimensions from sharped
+ones, and never the other way round, so as to keep roundoff errors or
+similar effects from influencing the {\sc tfm} files to depend on
+resolution or device. Although type quality will be influenced only in
+minuscule ways, this is one of the more common reasons for checksum
+errors reported by printer drivers.
+Note that the only way to be sure that a {\sc tfm} file is device-independent
+is to create the font in different modes and compare the resulting
+{\sc tfm}'s, perhaps using {\em tftopl}.
+More detailed descriptions of {\sc tfm} and {\sc gf} files, and of
+{\em proof\/} mode, are found in Appendices F, G, and H, respectively
+of \MFbook{}.
+\section{Getting \MF{}'s Attention}\label{sec:typing}
+\subsection{Typing at \MF{}'s `{\tt **}' prompt}\label{sub:starstar}
+If you type the name of the \MF{} program alone on the command line:
+ mf
+then {\tt mf} displays a `{\tt **}' prompt,
+`is \MF{}'s way of asking you for an input file name'.
+(See \MFbook{}, Chapter 5: `Running \MF{}'.)
+Thus, to process a \MF{} file named {\tt}, you may type:
+ fred
+A backslash (`\ttbsl') can also be typed here.
+This causes all subsequent commands at the prompt line to be
+interpreted as in a \MF{} file.
+(Concerning the backslash, see \MFbook{}, Chapter 20:
+`More About Macros', pages 179 and 180 in the 1986 edition.)
+Thus we can respond to the {\tt **} prompt with:
+ \ input fred
+or even:
+ \ ; input fred
+The backslash is useful because
+certain commands are often executed before a \MF{} file is input.
+In particular, quality printing
+requires the \MF{} command {\tt mode},
+and output magnification
+employs the {\tt mag} command.
+For example:
+ \mode=localfont; mag=magstep(1); input fred
+To read {\sc ms-dos} pathnames at the {\tt **} prompt,
+this satisfies \MF{}:
+ \ input \seldom\
+as does:
+ d:\seldom\
+\subsection{Typing on the Command Line}\label{sub:cmdline}
+Most \MF{} implementations permit you to type \MF{} commands on the
+command line, instead of at the {\tt **} prompt. (Rather, it is
+automatically passed to that prompt.)
+On {\sc ms-dos}, type commands as at the {\tt **} prompt:
+ mf \mode=localfont; input myfont10
+On {\sc unix}, command shells typically interpret semicolons,
+backslashes and parentheses specially, unless they are `quoted'.
+So, when typing those characters as part of instructions to \MF{}
+on the {\sc unix} command line, it is wise to accustom
+yourself to protecting them with {\em apostrophes\/}:
+ mf '\mode=localfont; input myfont10'
+If {\tt localfont} makes fonts for a 300 dots per inch (dpi) device,
+this should produce a {\sc tfm} file, `{\tt myfont10.tfm}',
+and a 300 dpi {\sc gf} font file, `{\tt myfont10.300gf}'.
+Almost all of the following will presume a 300 dpi device, and other
+resolution devices will have appropriately different font file names.
+These command lines are a bit long, very often used, and rather
+intolerant of mistakes so you might type the repetitive parts into a
+{\sc unix} shell script or an {\sc ms-dos} batch file, as appropriate.
+In {\sc unix}, the {\tt **} prompt has the advantage that those pesky
+apostrophes are not needed. (Indeed, those apostrophes are always
+wrong at the {\tt **} prompt --- \MF{} doesn't understand them.
+It would not understand them on the command line either---it is just
+that the shell does not hand them over to \MF{}.)
+However, for shell scripts (and for batch files in {\sc ms-dos}),
+the command line is a boon.
+\subsection{`{\tt Please type another input file name: }'}%
+When \MF{} cannot find the main source file, it doesn't quit.
+For example, when I typed {\tt mf fred}, \MF{} said:
+ This is METAFONT ...
+ **fred
+ ! I can't find file `'.
+ <*> fred
+ Please type another input file name:
+The usual program interrupts (eg, Control-C) don't work here,
+and the `{\tt Please type ...}' prompt does not understand
+\MF{} commands: it will read only the first word, and insist on
+interpreting this as a file name.
+Beginners faced with this often wonder how to avoid an endless loop
+or a reboot, or try to think of a \MF{} file that they do have
+in \MF{}'s path. In the latter case, the canonical name to use
+is `{\tt null}', standing for the file `{\tt}'.
+In fact, the solution is much easier: on the
+systems that I have tried, a simple end of file marker
+(`control-Z' in {\sc ms-dos}, `control-D' in {\sc unix})
+stops \MF{} in its tracks:
+ ! Emergency stop.
+ <*> fred
+ End of file on the terminal!
+\section{Base files}\label{sec:base}
+In versions 2.7 and 2.71, the \MF{} language contains 224
+(previous versions had fewer) primitives,
+which are the commands preceded by an asterisk in the Index (Appendix I)
+to \MFbook{}. From these we can build more complex operations,
+using macros. In \MF{} macros have some of the desirable
+characteristics of functions in other languages. Collections of
+macros can be stored in \MF{} source files.
+{\em Base\/} files are {\em precompiled internal tables\/} that \MF{}
+loads faster than it loads the original \MF{} source files.
+Thus, they are closely analogous to \TeX{}'s {\em format\/} files.
+\subsection{The {\tt plain} base}\label{sub:plain}
+The {\tt plain} base provides the commands that \MFbook{}
+describes. (See Appendix B of \MFbook{}, if you have it around
+--- maybe a library has it --- I'm learning from a copy borrowed from the
+local university's library.)
+When it starts, \MF{} automatically loads\footnote {There are releases
+ of \MF{} that contain the {\tt plain} base, and so don't have to
+ load it. However, on most computers, including personal computers,
+ reading bases is so fast that such a {\em preloaded\/} base is
+ unnecessary.} the {\tt plain} base. This is usually called {\tt
+ plain.base}, or sometimes only {\tt mf.base}, although for those
+systems concerned (such as {\sc unix}), both file names should really
+be present.
+Em\TeX{} for {\sc ms-dos} calls the plain base {\tt plain.bas},
+due to filename truncation.
+\subsection{Loading a Different Base}\label{sub:loading}
+Suppose that you have a base named {\tt joe.base}.
+ mf &joe
+or (on unix, where we must either quote or escape the ampersand)
+ mf \&joe
+or responding
+ &joe
+to the {\tt **} prompt,
+omits loading {\tt plain} base, and loads the {\tt joe} base instead.
+Typically, however, the {\tt} file which originally produced
+the {\tt joe} base will have included {\tt}, because working
+without the {\tt plain} base macros would be too cumbersome.
+(Refer to \MFbook{} (1986), Chapter 5: `Running \MF{}', page 35,
+`dangerous bend' number two.)
+The `{\tt cm}' base, for making the Computer Modern fonts,
+can be loaded in that way:
+ mf &cm
+Remember to quote the ampersand under {\sc unix}!
+\subsection{The Linkage Trick}\label{sub:link}
+On systems such as {\sc unix} where programs can read their own
+command line name, and where files may be linked to two or more
+names, then programs can modify their behavior according to the
+name by which they are called. Many {\sc unix} \TeX{} and \MF{}
+installations exploit this in order to load different {\em format\/}
+and {\em base\/} files, one for each of the various names to which
+\TeX{} and \MF{} are linked. Such installations can often
+be recognized by the presence of the executable `{\tt virmf}'
+in one of the directories in the {\tt PATH}.
+For example, if a base file called `{\tt third.base}' resides where
+\MF{} can find it, then {\tt virmf} can be linked to {\tt third}. In
+{\sc unix}, a {\em hard link\/} is formed by
+ ln virmf third
+On systems supporting {\em symbolic links\/}, you should make all of
+these links symbolic, rather than hard, or else you will have to redo
+them every time you install a new copy of~{\tt virmf}; see below.
+In {\sc unix}, this is done by
+ ln -s virmf third
+Normally one wants {\tt mf} to load the {\tt plain} base,
+so in such installations one links {\tt plain.base} to {\tt mf.base}:
+ ln plain.base mf.base
+Again, you'd best make that link symbolic. This comment applies for
+the rest of this section as well.
+As another example, take the `{\tt cm}' base. In {\em web2c}:
+ ln virmf cmmf
+ ln cm.base cmmf.base
+so that `{\tt cmmf}' automatically loads `{\tt cm.base}'.
+This applies equally to \TeX{}, which is why {\tt tex} and {\tt latex}
+are then links to {\tt virtex}, {\tt tex.fmt} is a link to
+{\tt plain.fmt}, and {\tt latex.fmt} is a link to {lplain.fmt}:
+ ln virtex tex
+ ln plain.fmt tex.fmt
+ ln virtex latex
+ ln lplain.fmt latex.fmt
+Karl Berry's {\em web2c} distribution for {\sc unix} uses
+this `{\em linkage trick\/}'.
+If you used symbolic links, you can laugh off the following
+{\sc Warning:}
+This linkage is convenient, but watch out during updates!
+If {\tt mf.base} is a {\em hard link\/}
+to {\tt plain.base}, then replacing {\tt plain.base} with its
+new version severs the link: {\tt mf} will still load {\tt mf.base},
+but it will be the old version! The proper procedure is to remove
+the old {\tt mf.base}, and relink. On {\sc unix}:
+ rm mf.base
+ ln plain.base mf.base
+On most {\sc unix\/} systems, {\tt ln -f} will automatically remove
+the second file (if present) --- in this case, mf.base --- before linking.
+Alternatively, {\em web2c} will update `{\tt plain.base}'
+(and `{\tt plain.fmt}', and so on) for you,
+if you tell {\em web2c\/}'s {\tt Makefile} to
+ make install
+Symbolic links, on systems that have them, are probably the best
+method of handling updates, at least when doing them manually.
+(Consult your system administrator for details.)
+\subsection{Making a Base; the Local Modes file}\label{sub:modes}
+The {\tt plain} base is made from a \MF{} file named
+{\tt} and, commonly, from some other file, often called
+{\tt} or {\tt}.
+The {\tt local}/{\tt modes} file lists printers (and monitors), giving
+each output device a font-making {\em mode\/}, containing a
+description of some refinements that must be made in order to produce
+good-looking output. For instance, how to make the characters just
+dark enough, and how to make diagonal lines come out sharply.
+If you want to make a base, you need a variant of the \MF{} program
+called `{\tt inimf}'. (See \MFbook{}, p 279.) For example,
+{\tt plain.base} can be made in {\sc unix} by typing:
+ inimf 'plain; input local; dump'
+If using the em\TeX{} version of \MF{} for a {\sc pc}, type:
+ mf/i plain; input local; dump
+\subsection{Proof Mode}\label{sub:proof}
+The purpose of \MF{} is to make fonts. For \ae{}sthetically pleasing
+{\sc pk} bitmaps, the correct device mode must be selected.
+An obstacle to beware of is that {\tt plain} \MF{} uses
+{\em proof\/} mode by default.
+(\MFbook{}, page 270, defines this mode.)
+That means writing unmagnified font files with a resolution of
+2601.72 dots per inch (dpi); that's 36 pixels per point. (One
+point is 1/72.27 of an inch.) Proof mode does {\bf not} produce a
+{\sc tfm} file.
+What good is proof mode, and why is it the default?
+{\em Proofs\/} are blown up copies of characters used by font
+designers to judge whether they like the results of their work.
+Naturally, proofs come first, and normal sized character production
+later --- if you're a font designer.
+So there are two clues that proof mode is on: font files with
+extensions like `{\tt .2602gf}' (or on {\sc ms-dos}, `{\tt .260}'),
+and the `failure' to produce any {\sc tfm} file.
+On some systems, such as {\sc X11}, a third clue is that the proof
+font may be drawn on the screen --- it is so large, you can't miss it!
+\subsection{Localfont Mode}\label{sub:localfont}
+When using a stable font, or when testing the output of a new font,
+we {\em don't\/} want proof mode,
+we want our local output device's mode.
+Usually, \MF{} is installed with a `{\tt localfont}'
+assigned in the {\tt local}/{\tt modes} file.
+On our department's Sun Network, we have assigned
+ localfont:=CanonCX
+We use Karl Berry's `{\tt}'\footnote
+{Available at {\tt} in the {\tt pub/tex} directory.},
+which contains modes for many, many devices. We chose the
+{\tt CanonCX} mode because `{\tt}' recommends it for Apple
+Laserwriters and HP Laserjet~II printers, which we use.
+To process a \MF{} source file named `{\tt}' for the most
+usual local device, specify the local mode to {\tt mf} before
+inputting the font name:
+ \mode=localfont; input myfont10
+This should produce a {\sc gf} font file, `{\tt myfont10.300gf}'
+(`{\tt myfont10.300}' in {\sc ms-dos}),
+and a {\sc tfm} file, `{\tt myfont10.tfm}'.
+\subsection{Font Naming}\label{sub:naming}
+By the way, if you modify an existing, say a Computer
+Modern (cm), font, you must give it a new name. This is an honest
+practice, and will avoid confusion.
+\subsection{Magnification (and Resolution)}\label{sub:mag}
+Now suppose that you want {\tt myfont10} to be magnified,
+say to magstep 1 (magnified by 1.2), for a `jumbo' printer.
+Assuming that the {\tt local}/{\tt modes} file has a mode
+for the jumbo printer,
+you may then run \MF{} with the following three commands:
+ \mode=jumbo; mag=magstep(1); input myfont10
+to produce `{\tt myfile10.tfm}' (again!)
+and a {\sc gf} font, `{\tt myfile10.360gf}'.
+On {\sc ms-dos}, the file names will be truncated;
+for example, `{\tt myfile10.360}'.
+The `{\tt 360}' is `300 {\tt *} 1.2', indicating the magnification.
+A 360 dpi font can be used either as a magnification 1.2 font on
+a 300 dpi printer or as a normal sized font on a 360 dpi printer.
+Note, however, that the \MF{} language includes special hints for
+each output device which clue \MF{} as to the reactions of the
+output device to pixel-sized minuscule changes.
+So for highest quality, you would not even want to mix the fonts for
+two 300~dpi printers, unless they share the same mode and most probably
+the same print engine.
+\subsection{{\em GFtoPK}}\label{sub:gftopk}
+\TeX{} uses only the {\sc tfm} file, which \MF{}
+will produce if it is in a font-making mode.
+(\MFbook{}, Appendix F.)
+Most {\sc dvi} drivers read the {\sc pk} font format,
+but \MF{} makes a {\sc gf} (Generic Font) file.
+So we need also to apply the {\em GFtoPK} utility:
+ gftopk myfile10.300gf
+to produce the wanted `{\tt myfile.300pk}'
+(or, on {\sc ms-dos}, `{\tt}')
+{\sc pk} font.
+\subsection{Storing the Fonts}\label{sub:store}
+Now we have the fonts, where do we store them? \TeX{}, \MF{} and
+the various driver programs are compiled with default locations
+written in.
+These can be overridden by certain environment variables.
+The names of these variables differ between systems,
+but on {\sc unix} they might, for example, be `TEXFONTS' for the
+{\sc tfm} files, and either `PKFONTS' or `TEXPKS' (or both of those)
+--- before searching `TEXFONTS' --- for {\sc pk} fonts.
+You can find out what environment variables you now have
+by typing `{\tt set}' in {\sc ms-dos} and `{\tt env}' in the Bourne shell, sh,
+in {\sc unix}. In the {\sc unix} C shell, {\tt csh}, type
+`{\tt setenv}'.
+If you want \TeX{} and \MF{} to find files in the current directory
+(as you almost certainly do!), then one way is to put `{\tt .}' into
+their search paths.
+(Both {\sc unix} and {\sc ms-dos} accept the {\tt .} notation
+for the current directory.)
+Default search paths are compiled into \TeX{} and \MF{}, but users
+can customise the environment variables
+that the programs read, to override the defaults.
+\MF{} as well as the {\sc dvi} drivers, can also be given full path
+specifications for input files.
+On the other hand, you may be content with your new font, and you may
+have write access to the place where most of the fonts are stored. In
+that case, copy your font to there. There will be a place for the
+{\sc tfm} files, and another for the {\sc pk} files. It is up to you
+or your local system administrator(s) to know where these directories
+are, because their names are very locale dependent.
+\section{Some Limitations of \MF{}}\label{sec:limit}
+\MF{} contains some builtin limitations, some obvious, others
+less so.
+Parts of the following list are most useful to budding programmers,
+though casual users may wish to read it to learn whether
+an error message produced by somebody else's \MF{} file is very
+serious or not.
+All valid numbers are strictly less than 4096.
+\MFbook{}, in `Appendix F: Font Metric Information',
+warns of one limitation that I've met when processing some fonts.
+`At most 15 different nonzero heights, 15 different nonzero depths,
+and 63 different nonzero italic corrections\footnote{Respectively,
+{\tt charht}, {\tt chardp} and {\tt charic} values.}
+may appear in a single font. if these limits are exceeded,
+\MF{} will change one or more values, by as little as possible,
+until the restriction holds. A warning message is issued if such
+changes are necessary; for example
+{\small\tt (some charht values had to be adjusted by as much as 0.12pt)}
+means that you had too many different nonzero heights, but \MF{}
+found a way to reduce the number to at most 15 by changing some of them;
+none of them had to be changed by more than 0.12 points.
+No warning is actually given unless the maximum amount of perturbation
+exceeds $\frac{1}{16}$ pt.'
+Every correct implementation of \MF{} will adjust character box
+dimensions by the same amount, giving the same {\sc tfm} files, so we
+ignore small perturbations in other people's fonts. When designing
+your own fonts, however, I think it is courteous to keep within the
+limits, so as not to worry inexperienced users.
+In the {\tt addto} picture command, {\tt withweight} only accepts
+values that round to {\tt -3}, {\tt -2}, {\tt -1}, {\tt +1}, {\tt +2},
+or {\tt +3}. To obtain other pixel weights, you can apply further
+{\tt addto} commands.
+The memory size of the version of \MF{} you use is an evident,
+implementation dependent restriction, but it may be, as in \TeX{},
+that memory is not enough simply because, if you'll pardon my saying
+so, some of your coding may be seriously inefficient or logically
+\section{What Went Wrong?}
+The complexity of wrong things far exceeds that of things intended.
+\MFbook{}, chapter 5, `Running \MF{}', contains
+instructive examples, and supposedly `dangerous', but actually basic
+and useful, notes.
+In that chapter, and in chapter 27, `Recovery from Errors', Knuth
+discusses the diagnosis of \MF{}'s error messages. I find this
+perhaps the hardest part of the book --- if not of using \MF{}.
+Incidentally, \MF{}'s error messages are contained in an ASCII
+file called `{\tt mf.pool}'. Reading the {\tt pool} file can be
+\subsection{Big fonts, but Unwanted}\label{sec:proof}
+Recently, I found myself accidentally producing fonts with extensions
+like `{\tt 3122gf}'. How?
+{\em \MF{} will take\/ {\bf anything} as an excuse to revert
+to\/ {\bf proof mode}.}
+The `{\tt 3122}' is a magstep 1 proof mode. It is
+ (1.2)^1 * 2601.72 = 3122.164 dots per inch.
+My intention was for \MF{} on a PC to use an HP Laserjet mode in
+place of proof mode. However, \MF{}'s command line resembles
+the law: {\em every stroke of the pen is significant}. What I had
+forgotten was that on my setup, `{\tt localfont}' must be explicitly
+Em\TeX{}'s \MF{}, with {\tt}, defaults to proof mode.
+However, I usually want a local printer's font-making mode.
+So to process {\tt} correctly, I need to say:
+ mf '\mode=localfont; input pics'
+\subsection{Consequences of Some Typing Errors on \MF{}'s
+ command line}\label{sub:typo}
+Small typing errors are so common, and yet undocumented (why are
+common mistakes not documented?), that I thought I'd list several that
+have tripped me up on innumerable occasions. After all, why reinvent
+the car crash?
+Consider a source file `{\tt}' that contains `{\tt mag=1200/1000;}',
+so it is automatically scaled by 1.2 (ie, by magstep 1). If the target
+printer has 300 dpi, then a 360 dpi {\sc gf} font is wanted.
+Here is the gist of what happens for various typing errors, when using
+em\TeX{}'s `{\tt mf186}' on a 286 {\sc pc} to process `{\tt}'.
+\verb+mf186+ $\Longrightarrow$ \MF{} will keep prompting for arguments:
+ **
+We can type the contents of the command line here; for example, I can
+now type `{\tt pics}'. In fact, even if you use the command line,
+the {\tt .log} (`transcript') file shows \MF{} echoing its
+interpretation of the command line to a ** prompt.
+\item \verb+mf186 pics+ $\Longrightarrow$ proof mode:
+ ! Value is too large (5184)
+No {\sc tfm} is produced, and the {\sc gf} file has resolution 3122 dpi.
+(3121.72 dpi, to be precise.)
+\item \verb+mf186 mode=localfont; input pics+ $\Longrightarrow$ misinterpretation:
+ ! I can't find file `'.
+So, `{\tt modes}' needs that backslash, otherwise \MF\ thinks it is
+the start of a source font's filename. Backslash (`$\backslash$') and
+ampersand (`\&') are escapes from this standard interpretation by
+\MF{} of the first argument. (Ampersand is in fact only a temporary
+escape, as \MF{} resumes the {\tt mf} filename prompting attitude as
+soon as a base is read.)
+\item \verb+mf186 \mode=localfont input pics+ $\Longrightarrow$
+ weird effect:
+ >> unknown string mode_name1.2
+ ! Not a string
+ <to be read again>
+ ;
+ mode_setup-> ...ode)else:mode_name[mode]fi;
+ l.6 mode_setup
+ ;
+Wow! What a difference a semicolon can make!
+\item \verb+mf186 \mode=localfont pics+ $\Longrightarrow$
+ almost nothing happens:
+ ** \mode=localfont pics
+ *
+There's the echo I mentioned. From the lack of activity, {\tt pics}
+evidently needs to be `{\tt input}'.
+\item \verb+mf186 \mode=localfont; pics+ $\Longrightarrow$
+ Same as 5.
+So, yes, when the mode is specified, we need `{\tt input}'
+before `{\tt pics}'.
+\item \verb+mf186 &plain \mode=localfont; input pics+ $\Longrightarrow$
+ Works.
+Just as without the `{\tt \&plain}', it writes a {\sc gf} file,
+`{\tt pics.360gf}', which is correct.
+({\sc ms-dos} truncates the name to `{\tt pics.360}'.)
+So, redundancy seems okay. Does it waste time, though?
+\subsection{Finding the Fonts}\label{sub:finding}
+Finding the fonts ({\tt *.mf}, {\tt *.tfm}, {\tt *.gf}, and {\tt *.pk})
+trips up \TeX{}, \MF{}, {\em GFtoPK} and the output drivers continually.
+`{\tt pics.tfm}' needs to be put where \TeX{} will look for {\sc tfm\/}s,
+so I needed to ensure that `{\tt .}' was in the appropriate path environment
+variable. Similarly for the \MF{}, {\sc gf} and {\sc pk} font files.
+Environment variables can be tricky. For instance, em\TeX{}'s font-making
+automation program `{\em MFjob}' cannot make fonts in the current directory
+unless both `{\tt .}' and `{\tt ..}' are added to {\tt MFINPUT}.
+This was not documented.
+Also, some popular \TeX{} output drivers, such as the em\TeX{} drivers
+on {\sc ms-dos} and {\sc os/2}, and Tomas Rokicki's `{\tt dvips}'
+which has been ported to many systems, make missing fonts automatically
+--- provided that they can find the necessary \MF{} source files.
+Again, making fonts in the current directory can require some
+\subsection{Strange Paths}
+\MF{} satisfactorily fills simple closed curves, like `{\tt O}'
+and `{\tt D}', but filling a figure eight, `{\tt 8}', causes a
+ Strange path (turning number is zero)
+because \MF{}'s rules for distinguishing inside from outside
+might or might not give what you want for an `{\tt 8}', as there is
+more than one conceivable answer. You can use the `positive turning
+rule' for all cases, and also turn off complaints, by setting
+ turningcheck := 0;
+Chapter 13: `Drawing, Filling, and Erasing', and Chapter 27:
+`Recovery from Errors', discuss {\tt strange paths} in greater
+Sometimes, when making a perfectly valid font, but in {\em low\/}
+resolutions, as for previewers (eg, VGA has 96 dpi), one may get
+flak about a `{\tt Strange path}' or `{\tt Not a cycle}' or
+something similar. Don't be alarmed. Fonts for previewing will
+still be OK even if not perfect.
+Consequently, it is an idea to make low resolution fonts in
+\MF{}'s \hbox{\tt nonstopmode}.
+Examples of fonts that give messages of this nature are the pleasant
+Pandora, and --- from memory --- the commendable Ralf Smith's
+Formal Script ({\tt rsfs}). Everything is fine at higher resolutions.
+Mind you, some fonts provoke sporadic
+(that is, design size dependent)
+strange path messages at 300 dpi
+(photo-typesetter users would consider that low resolution),
+yet the printed appearance showed no visible defect.
+Why do strange paths occur?
+One cause is rounding error on relatively coarse grids.
+To summarize, if your viewed or printed bitmaps are fine,
+then you are OK.
+\section{\MF{} Mail List}
+Since 10 December 1992, there has been an e-mail discussion list
+for \MF{}, created:
+\item as a means of communication between hooked \MF{}ers;
+\item as a way to bring the ``rest of us'' closer to them;
+\item as a means to get quick and efficient answers to questions
+ such as:
+ \item[$\circ$] why do I always get a ``.2602gf'' file?
+ \item[$\circ$] what is a ``strange path'',
+ and what can I do to avoid it?
+ \item[$\circ$] is there a way to go from \MF{} to PostScript
+ and vice-versa?
+ \item[$\circ$] where can I find a Stempel Garamond font
+ written in \MF{}?
+ \item[$\circ$] what is metaness?
+\item and finally, as a first step to encourage people to undertake
+ \MF{}ing, and start a new post-Computer Modern era of \MF{}!
+To subscribe to this list, send the following two lines to
+{\tt} on the Internet:
+ \begin{quote}
+ \tt
+ SUBSCRIBE METAFONT $<$Your name$>$\\
+ \end{quote}
+The address of the list is {\tt} (at
+ the notorious Ecole Normale Superieure de~Paris). Owner of the list
+ is Jacques Beigbeder ({\tt}), coordinator is Yannis
+ Haralambous ({\tt}). Language of the list
+ is English; intelligent mottos are encouraged.
+\MF{}, like \TeX{} and many another `portable' program of any
+complexity, merits the warning: `{\em Watch out for the first step\/}'.
+I hope that a document like this may help to prevent domestic
+accidents involving \MF{}, and so contribute to making the task
+of using and designing meta-fonts an enjoyable one. My brief
+experience with \MF{} suggests that it can be so.
+All the Best!
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1529048be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+% arrow head
+% <arrow length> pspicmacA
+0 0 moveto
+dup neg dup .4 mul rlineto
+.8 mul 0 exch rlineto
+} def
+% vector
+% <arrow length> <line width> <x> <y> <len*unitlength> pspicmacV
+/X exch def
+/y exch def
+/x exch def
+0 0 moveto
+x 0 eq {0 y 0 lt {X neg}{X} ifelse}
+ {x 0 lt {X neg}{X}ifelse X y mul x abs div} ifelse
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
+y x atan
+pspicmacA % @arrowlength
+% line
+% <line width> <x> <y> <len*unitlength> pspicmacL
+/X exch def
+/y exch def
+/x exch def
+0 0 moveto
+x 0 eq {0 y 0 lt {X neg}{X} ifelse}
+ {x 0 lt {X neg}{X}ifelse X y mul x abs div} ifelse
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
+% dashed vector
+% <arrow length> <line width> <x> <y> <len*unitlength> pspicmacdV
+/pspicmacdV{[3] 0 setdash
+/X exch def
+/y exch def
+/x exch def
+0 0 moveto
+x 0 eq {0 y 0 lt {X neg}{X} ifelse}
+ {x 0 lt {X neg}{X}ifelse X y mul x abs div} ifelse
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
+y x atan
+pspicmacA % @arrowlength
+% dashed line
+% <line width> <x> <y> <len*unitlength> pspicmacdL
+/pspicmacdL{[3] 0 setdash
+/X exch def
+/y exch def
+/x exch def
+0 0 moveto
+x 0 eq {0 y 0 lt {X neg}{X} ifelse}
+ {x 0 lt {X neg}{X}ifelse X y mul x abs div} ifelse
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
+% circle
+% <line width> <diam*unitlength> pspicmacC
+0 0 3 2 roll
+2 div 0 360 arc
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
+% dot aka circle*
+% <diam*unitlength> pspicmacD
+0 0 3 2 roll
+2 div 0 360 arc fill
+% oval
+% <0|1> <0|1> <0|1> <0|1> <line width> <max-radius*unitlength> <x*unitlength> <y*unitlength> pspicmacO
+/y exch 2 div def
+/x exch 2 div def
+/R exch def
+x y lt
+ {R x lt {/r R def}{/r x def} ifelse}
+ {R y lt {/r R def}{/r y def} ifelse} ifelse
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
+1 eq
+ x neg 0 moveto
+ x neg y 0 y r arcto 4 {pop} repeat
+ 0 y lineto
+ stroke}if
+1 eq
+ x 0 moveto
+ x y 0 y r arcto 4 {pop} repeat
+ 0 y lineto
+ stroke}if
+1 eq
+ x neg 0 moveto
+ x neg y neg 0 y neg r arcto 4 {pop} repeat
+ 0 y neg lineto
+ stroke}if
+1 eq
+ x 0 moveto
+ x y neg 0 y neg r arcto 4 {pop} repeat
+ 0 y neg lineto
+ stroke}if
+% Vector
+% <arrow length> <line width> <x*unitlength> <y*unitlength> pspicmacV2
+2 copy exch
+/a exch def
+2 copy
+0 0 moveto
+lineto % <x*unitlength> <y*unitlength>
+3 2 roll
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
+translate % <x*unitlength> <y*unitlength>
+a rotate
+pspicmacA % @arrowlength
+% A rather flexible arrow routine. First, some arithmetic, called: x phi h theta
+/mvwd{ cos mul mul 2 div add } def
+/mvht{ sin mul mul 2 div add } def
+% Called: dx0 dy0 dx1 dy1 x0 y0 x1 y1 linethickness headwidth headlength arrowfl
+{ newpath gsave
+ /headlength exch def
+ /halfheadthickness exch 2 div def /thickness exch def
+ /tipy exch def /tipx exch def /taily exch def /tailx exch def
+ /tipoffy exch def /tipoffx exch def /tailoffy exch def /tailoffx exch def
+ /dx tipx tailx sub def /dy tipy taily sub def
+ /arrowlength dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def
+ /angle dy dx atan def
+ /halfthickness thickness 2 div def
+ /tailx tailx 1.4 tailoffx angle mvwd def
+ /taily taily 1.4 tailoffy angle mvht def
+ /tipx tipx -1.4 tipoffx angle mvwd def
+ /tipy tipy -1.4 tipoffy angle mvht def
+ /dx tipx tailx sub def /dy tipy taily sub def
+ /arrowlength dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def
+ /base arrowlength headlength sub def
+ tailx taily translate angle rotate
+ 20 setmiterlimit 1 setlinecap thickness setlinewidth
+ arrowlength 0 moveto base halfheadthickness lineto
+ arrowlength 0 moveto base halfheadthickness neg lineto
+ arrowlength 0 moveto 0 0 lineto stroke grestore newpath} def
+% Line
+% <line width> <x*unitlength> <y*unitlength> pspicmacL2
+0 0 moveto
+lineto % <x*unitlength> <y*unitlength>
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
+% Curve
+% <line width> <x*unitlength> <y*unitlength> <+/-> pspicmacL2
+/s exch def
+/y exch def
+/x exch def
+0 0 moveto
+0 0
+x 2 div y 10 div s mul add
+y 2 div x 10 div s mul sub
+x y
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
+% dashed Curve
+% <line width> <x*unitlength> <y*unitlength> <+/-> pspicmacL2
+/pspicmacdC2{[3] 0 setdash
+/s exch def
+/y exch def
+/x exch def
+0 0 moveto
+0 0
+x 2 div y 10 div s mul add
+y 2 div x 10 div s mul sub
+x y
+setlinewidth % @wholewidth
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/reviews.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/reviews.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca6412ee52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/reviews.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+\title{Book review --- `How to run a paper mill'}
+\author[Allan Reese]{Allan Reese\\University of Hull}
+{\em `How to run a paper mill', \bf John Woodwark}, Information
+Geometers, Winchester (1992), ISBN 1-874728-00-3, xv + 111
+pages.\footnote{This review is reproduced from the TUG'93 {\em TUGly
+ Telegraph}}
+\noindent Not a manual on processing lumber into landfill. The sub-title is
+explanatory: {\it Writing technical papers and getting them
+published}. This slim volume will interest all members as it
+describes scientific progress in the modern context. Papers are
+currency; they are the tickets to attend \TeX\ conferences;
+they earn kudos, preferment and promotion. The approach is realistic
+and entertainingly cynical --- thought-provoking whether you have
+``played the system'' and published many papers, or are about to
+embark on your first.
+Woodwark considers the reasons and methods for research, writing and
+publishing --- and all the permutations for ordering those three
+phrases! He gives pithy practical advice to the aspiring author; this
+covers the text, and the use of graphics, algebraic notations and
+modern conventions like pseudo-code.
+Woodwark himself used \TeX\ for his work, and gives credits on pages
+xiv, 77 and 99.
+An unreserved recommendation to read.
+\author[Malcolm Clark]{Malcolm Clark\\University of Warwick}
+\title{Book review -- `Handbook on Writing for the Mathematical Sciences'}
+\noindent SIAM, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
+recently published the {\it `Handbook on Writing for the Mathematical
+Sciences'}\/ by {\bf\em Nicholas J Higham}.\footnote{This review is
+reproduced from the TUG'93 {\em TUGly Telegraph}} The first thing
+which the reader notices is the delightful use of the very fine
+Computer Modern typeface. There can be no doubt that for mathematical
+compuscripts, Computer Modern has no rival. In fact, as the author
+notes, the book was typeset using \LaTeX\ with the {\it book} document
+style and the {\it jeep} option. I think it looks pretty good.
+It contains a lot of good advice for those who
+want to typeset maths. It firmly acknowledges
+a debt to a large number of other writers on
+mathematical writing, and more generally on
+a wide variety of others who have contributed
+to editing, writing, language usage and all the
+other things we tend to take for granted. Having said
+that, it is clear that Don Knuth is among those acknowledged.
+Much of the book is directed at those mathematicians
+who would write for SIAM, and emphasizes their
+own publications, stressing their particular style
+(available from your friendly Aston Archive),
+but much else is applicable widely. In fact, I would
+tend to see the whole book as `A handbook of writing'
+which just uses mathematics, and sciences, for
+illustration. There is so much good sense here
+that it would be a real pity if non-mathematicians
+ignored it because they thought it in some
+way irrelevant. So many of his examples
+are not only thoughtful, but also clear
+and apposite.
+There is also much useful trivia. I was unaware
+that Euler had `invented' the notation for $e$,
+although I did have a clue that Kronecker had
+introduced Kronecker's delta, $\delta_{ij}$!
+There are lots of other little gems hidden away
+in the text.
+But perhaps the main reason for recommending this
+book is the stress which Higham lays on the use of
+\TeX\ and its tools. Chapter 10 `Computer aids for
+writing and research' is the second longest chapter in the
+book (after `Writing a paper'), and discusses
+the use of \TeX\ and its variants, as well as spelling
+checkers, citation services, and the Internet.
+It is an extremely useful resource just for this
+chapter. Obviously it cannot be an in-depth
+treatment, but it says enough to whet the appetite
+and send the curious in the right direction. Excellent!
+A warning however: Higham's world is the world
+of Unix and PostScript. In my view, the correct world
+to be in if you don't happen to have a Mac.
+He does point to the use of Ghostscript for
+printing and previewing { PostScript} files on non-PostScript
+output devices (available for Unix, MS DOS and Macintosh).
+With that one small proviso --- recommended.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/shape.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/shape.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88d9b21c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/shape.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+\title{Typesetting paragraphs of a specified shape}
+\author[Donald Arseneau]{Donald Arseneau\\{\tt}}
+\noindent ({\em Editor's note}: This description of an unusual macro
+file, {\tt shapepar.sty}, is taken from the documentation;
+the full style file can be
+found in CTAN archives.)
+\noindent \verb|\shapepar| is a macro to typeset paragraphs of a
+specified shape. The total size is adjusted automatically so that the
+entire shape is filled with text. This is distinct from the normal
+\verb|\parshape| command which specifies a shape {\em and} a size,
+which may be only partially filled, or over-filled, from top to
+bottom. In a \verb|\shapepar| there can be no displayed math, and no
+\verb|\vadjust| material, (including \verb|\vspace|).
+\verb|\Shapepar| (capital S) is just like \verb|\shapepar| except the
+paragraph is boxed so it cannot be split over two pages. Shaping
+paragraphs this way is a slow process, so this style is mainly
+intended for cards, invitations etc., not for whole books! Although
+short paragraphs process much faster, only long paragraphs accurately
+fill complex shapes.
+These macros work for both \LaTeX\ and plain \TeX. For \LaTeX,
+specify \verb|\documentstyle[...shapepar...]|, or for either,
+\verb|\input shapepar.sty|.
+The command \verb|\shapepar| should be used at the beginning of a paragraph,
+and it applies to the entire paragraph. There is one parameter: a
+description of the shape, <{\em shape\_spec}>.
+ \shapepar {<shape_spec>} Text of para...
+The syntax rules for <{\em shape\_spec}> are very
+specific, and must be followed closely. (In these rules, \verb|{ }|
+mean explicit braces, \verb|[ ]| denote optional parts, \verb|< >|
+surround a keyword that is defined (perhaps loosely), and \verb@|@
+means ``or''; do not type \verb|[ ] < >| or \verb@|@, only \verb|{}|.)
+<shape_spec}> = {<h_center>} <lines>
+<lines> = <line_spec> [\\<lines>]
+That is, the shape is specified as a single number in braces, followed
+by the specifications for the lines, with the lines separated by
+\verb|\\|. The final paragraph will have its <{\em h\_center}>
+position centered on the page. <{\em h\_center}> is a number
+(like 10.5) of arbitrary units; whatever units are used for lengths
+and positions in the <{\em lines}>, they just need to be consistent.
+The lines in the spec are not lines of text; nor are they the lines
+that you would use to draw the shape itself. They are horizontal
+scans across the shape at irregular intervals. Curved shapes need
+many scan lines for accurate rendering while simple shapes need few.
+Draw a shape on paper, then draw a series of horizontal lines across
+the shape, including lines that just touch the top and the bottom of
+the figure. Each line crosses over pieces of the figure in some region.
+These intersections of line and figure define a <{\em line\_spec}>.
+<line_spec> = {<v_pos>} <segment> [ other <segment>s ]
+The <{\em v\_pos}> is the vertical position of the line. Each
+<{\em line\_spec}> must have a position greater than or equal to
+that of the previous line, and with all <{\em v\_pos}> $> -1000$.
+Position is measured from top to bottom, and always moving down. Each
+<{\em segment}> represents a region where text will go in the final
+paragraph; it is the segment of the horizontal scan line that overlaps
+the body of the figure. There are five types of segment:
+<segment> = t{pos}{len} | b{pos} | e{pos} | s | j
+\verb|b{pos}| &begin text at a point at horizontal position pos\\
+\verb|e{pos}| &end text at a point at horizontal position pos\\
+\verb|t{pos}{len}|&make a block of text at position pos with length len\\
+\verb|s| &split text (begin whitespace)\\
+\verb|j| &join two text blocks (end a gap)\\
+The most common type of segment is $t$ (text). The other types are
+degenerate in that they are single points rather than finite segments.
+Types $s$ and $j$ have no explicit position, but they must appear between
+text segments, and those texts should abut; e.g., \verb|t{3}{2}st{5}{4}|
+(text from 3 to 5 and text from 5 to 9).
+Let's jump right into a simple example, and the meanings will be
+clearer. A ``diamond'' shape can have the four vertices:
+ (x=1,y=0)
+ .
+ +---> x
+ ! (0,1) . . (2,1)
+ !
+ V y .
+ (1,2}
+This shape can be exactly specified by just three scan lines passing
+through the vertices. The specification is:
+\verb|{1}%|& {\em h\_center}: $x$ = 1\\
+\verb|{0}b{1}\\%|& text block begins at point $y$=0, $x$=1\\
+\verb|{1}t{0}{2}\\%|& this scan (at $y$=1) crosses text (len=2) starting at $x$=0\\
+\verb|{2}e{1}|& text block ends at point $y$=2, $x$=1\\
+Other specification lines, like
+could be inserted, but would make no difference--the shape is
+interpolated linearly between scan lines.
+Every block of text must start with a $b$ specifier and end with an $e$
+spec. on some line below. Every segment specified by $t$ must have a
+length greater than zero. If two blocks of text merge to form one (like
+at the top of a heart shape) there should be a $j$ spec at the point of
+junction. If one block bifurcates (like at the top of a hole in a
+doughnut) there should be an $s$ spec.
+Thus, the first line for any valid shape description must consist
+of only $b$ segment descriptors; the last line can only have $e$ type
+descriptors. Although the definition of the units is arbitrary, the
+numbers should range in magnitude from \verb|~|$.1 - 100$ to avoid numeric
+overflows and underflows.
+If there are errors in the format of the specification,
+\verb|\shapepar| might complain with the error message ``Shaped
+Paragraph Error: Error in specification. Check carefully!'' At this
+point you may as well type {\tt x} or {\tt e}, as there is very little
+chance that \TeX\ will continue successfully. You might also get one
+of \TeX's regular error messages, like ``Illegal unit of measure (pt
+inserted).'' or `` Missing number, treated as zero.'' or you might
+get no error message at all, just ridiculous formatting. Check shape
+syntax carefully against the rules and the examples before running
+them through \TeX.
+What to do if the figure does not start at a point--if it has a flat
+top? It can start at a single point, but have the next scan line at
+the same vertical position! A square paragraph is specified by:
+\verb|{1} %|& centerline at $x$=1 \\
+\verb| %|& ($x$=1 is horizontally centered on page)\\
+\verb|{0}b{0}\\%|& begin at (0,0)\\
+\verb|{0}t{0}{2}\\%|& text at $y$=0, width=2\\
+\verb|{2}t{0}{2}\\%|& text at $y$=2, width=2\\
+\verb|{2}e{1}%|& end at (1,2)\\
+Both \verb|\diamondpar| and \verb|\squarepar| are defined as
+paragraphs with these shapes.
+Sit at word processor for two hours composing title for new book.
+Head for tea room at 11 0'clock where six colleagues are sitting
+round walls in silence. Reminds me of mental hospital day room but
+no strait jackets, except perhaps intellectual. Make coffee with
+back to them in order to surreptitiously use someone else's milk
+from fridge. Wonder why no one ever asks me what I have been doing
+in the department for the last three years. Listen to sudden burst
+of animated conversation about new Mac software, and realise that my
+social isolation is due to the fact that I have an Amstrad.
+Now let's get more ambitious. A heart shape must have two simultaneous
+beginnings, a short stretch of separate text, ending with a join,
+thereafter there is just one stretch of text leading to the final
+bottom point. This shape has many scan lines so that the smooth
+flowing curves are preserved.
+Sit at word processor for two hours composing title for new book.
+Head for tea room at 11 0'clock where six colleagues are sitting
+round walls in silence. Reminds me of mental hospital day room but
+no strait jackets, except perhaps intellectual. Make coffee with
+back to them in order to surreptitiously use someone else's milk
+from fridge. Wonder why no one ever asks me what I have been doing
+in the department for the last three years. Listen to sudden burst
+of animated conversation about new Mac software, and realise that my
+social isolation is due to the fact that I have an Amstrad.
+Look at \verb|\heartshape| and find the two $b$ specifiers at the
+beginning; find the $j$ a few lines below. Notice that above the $j$
+there are two segments per line, but only one below it; the text to
+the left and right of the join meet at the join point: 20. I drew
+this heart freehand, and measured lengths from the sketch, so you
+should be able to do better!
+Text can have holes. For example, a doughnut-shape would have a $b$ on
+the first line, followed by some lines with a single $t$, then a line with
+$t$ $s$ $t$ at the start of the hole. The hole is represented by lines with two
+$t$ specs--the gap between them is the hole. A line with $t$ $j$ $t$ ends the
+hole. There are more lines with single $t$, and then an $e$ line to end
+with. Our final example is a nut. Not a doughnut, but a hex-nut (for a
+machine screw) --- a regular hexagon with a circular hole in the center.
+The hexagon is flat on top and bottom so the specification begins and
+ends like the square shape. The circle is rendered as a 24-gon, beginning
+with a split ($s$) of the surrounding text and ending with a join ($j$). If
+the spacing of the scan lines looks odd, it is because the hexagon alone
+would need few scans, but the circle needs many; the points on the circle
+are at 15 degree intervals.
+Sit at word processor for two hours composing title for new book.
+Head for tea room at 11 0'clock where six colleagues are sitting
+round walls in silence. Reminds me of mental hospital day room but
+no strait jackets, except perhaps intellectual. Make coffee with
+back to them in order to surreptitiously use someone else's milk
+from fridge. Wonder why no one ever asks me what I have been doing
+in the department for the last three years. Listen to sudden burst
+of animated conversation about new Mac software, and realise that my
+social isolation is due to the fact that I have an Amstrad.
+\verb|\shapepar| cheats a bit when the horizontal gap between two bits of text
+is small (like down in the notch of \verb|\heartpar|). When the gap is less
+than an inter-word space it is eliminated, and the texts are joined; when
+it is somewhat larger it is expanded to give it more visibility.
+Since the processing is slow, there are some messages to say how
+things are going. These can be eliminated to save space (Put a \% at
+the start of every \verb|\message| line.) Or you can get even more
+verbose messages by {\em removing} the \% that precedes many other
+\verb|\message| commands.
+There are also a number of parameters which can be changed to affect
+the size-optimization procedure. Search for the word {\em optimize} in
+the source.
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/shapepar.sty b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/shapepar.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a477683c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/shapepar.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+% S H A P E P A R . S T Y
+% Typeset paragraphs in various shapes.
+% Version 1.0 (March 1993)
+% Copyright (c) 1993 Donald Arseneau
+% These definitions may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified for
+% non-commercial purposes provided that this notice is left intact.
+% \shapedpar: a macro to typeset paragraphs in a specific shape. The
+% size is adjusted automatically so that the entire shape is filled
+% with text. There can be no displayed math, and no "\vadjust"
+% material (no "\vspace"). These macros work for both LaTeX and plain
+% TeX. For LaTeX, specify \documentstyle[...shapepar...], or for
+% either, \input shapepar.sty . Instructions for use are given after
+% \endinput below.
+% make file load whatever status of @
+\expandafter\edef\csname SH@catcode\endcsname
+ {\catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@
+ \catcode`\noexpand\$=\the\catcode`\$
+ \let \csname SH@catcode\endcsname \noexpand\UnDefinedButNoAt}
+\catcode`\@=11 \catcode`\$=11
+% Define variables. Use LaTeX names for some.
+\ifx\@tempdima\@und@fined \csname newdimen\endcsname \@tempdima \fi
+\ifx\@tempdimb\@und@fined \csname newdimen\endcsname \@tempdimb \fi
+\ifx\@tempcnta\@und@fined \csname newcount\endcsname \@tempcnta \fi
+\ifx\@tempcntb\@und@fined \csname newcount\endcsname \@tempcntb \fi
+\ifx\@tempboxa\@und@fined \csname newbox\endcsname \@tempboxa \fi
+% Most are defined as aliases for previously-allocated registers.
+% In the future, the descriptive names may disappear altogether.
+\def\@tempa#1#2#3{% {"count"|"dimen"|"box"|"skip"}{\myname}{\realname}
+ \ifx\@und@fined#3\csname new#1\endcsname#2% allocate new one
+ \else\let#2#3\fi % alias is defined, so use it
+ }
+\newbox\SH@boxb % global
+\@tempa{count}\SH@ntries\@cla % global
+\@tempa{dimen}\SH@dscale\dimen@i % global
+\@tempa{dimen}\SH@tottext\@toproom % global
+% How many times will \shapepar try to get the size of the paragraph?
+\chardef\SH@maxtries=10 % Must be an even number % optimise
+% if \rightskip stretch is to be increased.
+\def\Shapepar{\let\SH@usebox\box \shapepar}
+\def\shapepar#1{% #1 = shape specification. May be a macro.
+ \begingroup
+ \par \endgraf
+ \edef\SH@restog{\global\SH@ntries\the\SH@ntries
+ \global\SH@dscale\the\SH@dscale \global\SH@tottext\the\SH@tottext}
+ \SH@pd\prevdepth
+ \let\\\relax \edef\SH@spec{#1}%
+ \hfuzz3\p@ \adjdemerits\z@
+ \setbox\SH@boxa\vbox\bgroup % set whole text on one line
+ \parindent\z@ \leftskip\z@skip % \rightskip set below
+ \spaceskip .333333emplus1emminus.15em % optimise stretch
+ \parfillskip\z@ plus1fil
+ \hyphenpenalty1 \exhyphenpenalty1 % optimise
+ \begingroup
+ \linepenalty\@m
+ \def\\{\unskip\penalty-100 \hskip1em plus\@m\p@ \penalty-60 }%
+ \let\par\SH@endpar \hsize\maxdimen \rightskip\spaceskip
+ \pretolerance\m@ne \hyphenpenalty 9000 % make discretionaries, but don't use.
+ \ifx\textwidth\@undefined\else \textwidth\hsize
+ \linewidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize \fi
+ \def\vadjust{{\def\SH@dm{special vertical material}\the\everydisplay}}%
+ \everydisplay{\errhelp{Press RETURN, and hope.}\errmessage
+ {Shaped Paragraph Error: \SH@dm\space is illegal in a shaped paragraph}}%
+ \noindent \penalty\@M \hskip\z@skip % allow hyphenation of first word
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \endgraf \endgroup % still inside \vbox and \begingroup
+ \global\SH@dscale\z@
+ \expandafter\SH@checkspec\SH@spec $% check height of spec.
+% get tottext = total length / 256 because total length may be > \maxdimen
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\box\voidb@x \global\SH@tottext\z@
+ \SH@sumlines % combine multiple lines -> \@tempboxa; width/256 ->\SH@tottext
+%%%\message{total length = 256 * \the\SH@tottext; \string\baselineskip=\the\baselineskip;
+%%%and spec height = \pointless\spec@height. }%
+ \unskip\unkern\unpenalty\unskip\unkern\unpenalty
+ \setbox\SH@boxa\box\@tempboxa % all the text
+ \@tempdima1.4\SH@tottext % optimise
+ \@tempdima\pointless\@tempdima\baselineskip
+ \sqrtcount\@tempdima \sqrtofcount
+ \multiply\sqrtcount 4096 % * sqrt(256) * 256
+% scale_guess = sqrt(2 * 256*[text_length/256] * baselineskip) / spec_ht
+ \SH@scale\sqrtcount sp \fpdivide\SH@scale\spec@height
+ \global\SH@ntries\z@ % real initialization
+ \lineskiplimit-99\p@ \linepenalty\thr@@
+ \ifx\emergencystretch\@undefined \tolerance9999 %\@M % TeX 2
+ \else \tolerance900 \emergencystretch 1cm\relax % TeX 3
+ \fi \pretolerance\m@ne \hbadness\@MM % avoid error messages
+ \rightskip\z@ plus.2emminus.3em % optimise stretch/shrink
+ \SH@tryparshape}
+% \tryparshape: try a parshape with scale factor \SH@scale for \SH@spec
+% For a given scale, it would take x lines of text to cover the shape,
+% but only an integer number of lines (counted by \SH@nline) will be
+% used. The excess is evenly distributed at the top and bottom to preserve
+% the symmetry of shapes. The starting point is thus:
+% spec_top + 1/2 * { spec_height - floor[ (spec_height-delta)/incr ]*incr }
+ \advance\SH@scale\SH@dscale % shift scale factor by delta
+ \message{(\the\SH@ntries) Try shape with scale \pointless\SH@scale\space
+ (Delta = \pointless\SH@dscale).}%% <--more \message
+ \def\SH@parshape{}\def\SH@lines{}\let\@elt\relax \SH@npslines\z@
+ \spec@incr\baselineskip \fpdivide\spec@incr\SH@scale
+ \spec@position\spec@height \advance\spec@position-.4\spec@incr % height-delta
+ \SH@nline\spec@position \divide\SH@nline\spec@incr % number of lines
+ \spec@position-\SH@nline\spec@incr % - height of n lines
+ \advance\spec@position\spec@height % difference from desired height
+ \divide\spec@position\tw@ % half the excess
+ \advance\spec@position\spec@top % starting position
+ \advance\spec@position-\spec@incr % pre-decrement
+ \SH@nline\z@ % initialize counter for lines
+%%\message{Parsing spec.}%
+ \expandafter \SH@doaline \SH@spec \\$}
+% this macro ends instead of continuing with \SH@done so TeX will use
+% tail-recursion as \SH@tryparshape is iterated.
+\def\SH@doaline{\SH@updps \SH@widold-\maxdimen
+ \advance\SH@nline\@ne \advance\spec@position\spec@incr
+ \ifdim\spec@position<\spec@bot
+ \let\\\SH@findpos
+ \else
+ \let\\\SH@dopara
+ \fi \\}
+ \def\SH@nextspec{#2{}}\spec@nextpos#1\p@ \def\\{\SH@found{#1}#2\\}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\SH@prevspec\expandafter{\SH@Prevspec}%
+ \else
+ \def\SH@Prevspec{#2{}}\spec@prevpos#1\p@
+ \fi \\}
+\def\SH@found{% calculate weights to interpolate
+ \SH@weight\spec@position \advance\SH@weight-\spec@prevpos
+ \@tempdimb\spec@nextpos \advance\@tempdimb-\spec@prevpos
+ \fpdivide\SH@weight\@tempdimb % weight = interpolation factor
+ \let\next \SH@dosegment \SH@dosegment}
+% Get the position and width of a segment of text by taking the weighted
+% average of the specifications from above and below (weighted by nearness).
+% Most of the confusing bits here are hueristics to deal with narrow gaps.
+% If a gap between two texts is less than a space, the texts are joined
+% over the gap. If the gap is less than 1em, the gap is increased to the
+% average of 1em and the given gap.
+\def\SH@dosegment{% do a segment of text on this line
+ \SH@posseg\z@ \SH@widseg\z@
+ \advance\SH@weight-\p@ \SH@weight-\SH@weight % w1 = 1 - w2
+ \SH@getseg A\SH@prevspec % Above
+ \advance\SH@weight-\p@ \SH@weight-\SH@weight % w2 = 1 - w1
+ \SH@getseg B\SH@nextspec % Below
+ \ifdim\SH@widseg>\z@
+ \SH@widseg\pointless\SH@scale\SH@widseg
+ \advance\SH@posseg-\spec@hcenter
+ \SH@posseg\pointless\SH@scale\SH@posseg
+ \advance\SH@posseg.5\hsize
+% Here are the small-gap heuristics. \@tempdima is the gap and the shift
+ \ifdim\SH@widold>\z@
+ \@tempdima\SH@posseg
+ \advance\@tempdima-\SH@posold \advance\@tempdima-\SH@widold %gap
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<\spaceskip % gap too small; eliminate
+%%%% \message{Gap is \the\@tempdima--eliminate. }%
+ \advance\SH@widold\@tempdimb \advance\SH@widold\SH@widseg % no update
+ \else
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<1em % gap small; enlarge it if text not too small
+ \ifdim\SH@widold>1em \ifdim\SH@widseg>1em
+%%%% \message{Gap is \the\@tempdima--enlarge}%
+ \@tempdima-.25\@tempdima \advance\@tempdima.25em
+%%%% \message{by 2 x \the\@tempdima. }%
+ \advance\SH@widold-\@tempdima
+ \advance\SH@widseg-\@tempdima
+ \advance\SH@posseg \@tempdima
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \SH@updps
+ \fi
+ \else % no previous, so no update. Just hold.
+ \SH@widold\SH@widseg \SH@posold\SH@posseg
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifx\SH@prevspec\@empty \let\next\SH@doaline \fi
+ \ifx\SH@nextspec\@empty \let\next\SH@doaline \fi
+ \next}
+\def\SH@updps{% Update parshape with `new' info
+ \edef\SH@parshape{\SH@parshape\the\SH@posold\the\SH@widold\space}%
+ \edef\SH@lines{\@elt{\the\SH@nline}{\the\SH@posold}{\the\SH@widold}\SH@lines}%
+ \advance\SH@npslines\@ne
+\fi \SH@widold\SH@widseg \SH@posold\SH@posseg}
+\def\SH@getseg#1#2{% A/B, spec
+ \ifx#2\@empty \SH@specerror \fi
+ \expandafter \SH@GetseG #2$#1#2}
+\def\SH@GetseG#1#2$#3#4{% command, rest of spec, $, A/B, spec
+ \expandafter \ifx\csname spec#3$#1\endcsname \relax
+ \SH@specerror
+ \else
+ \csname spec#3$#1\endcsname #2$#4%
+ \fi}
+\def\SH@dopara#1\\${% eat remaining spec and test parshape
+ \advance\SH@npslines\@ne
+ \parshape\the\SH@npslines\space \SH@parshape \z@ \maxdimen
+ \advance\SH@npslines\m@ne
+%%\message{Formatting. }%
+ \noindent \unhcopy\SH@boxa \endgraf
+ \message{Expected \the\SH@npslines\space lines;
+ got \the\prevgraf\space lines}% <--more \message
+ \ifnum\prevgraf=\SH@npslines % maybe right size; check last line
+ \ifdim\SH@widseg>\z@ % yes, we can check
+ \ifnum\SH@ntries<\SH@maxtries % safe to screw around with \SH@npslines
+ \SH@grablast \@tempdima\wd\SH@boxa \advance\@tempdima 20\p@
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<.8\SH@widseg % final line underfull % optimise
+ \message{but the last line is too empty. }%
+ \advance\SH@npslines\@ne % flag underfullness
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifnum\prevgraf=\SH@npslines % right size, done
+ \aftergroup\SH@done \global\SH@dscale\z@
+ \else % Try a new scale factor
+ \ifdim\SH@dscale=\z@ % no previous step. Try to guess a good one
+ \ifnum\prevgraf<\SH@npslines % underfull
+%%% \message{First underfull. }%
+ \@tempdima\prevgraf\p@
+ \divide\@tempdima\SH@npslines
+ \else % overfull
+%%% \message{First overfull. }%
+ \SH@grablast
+ \@tempdimb-\wd\SH@boxa \advance\@tempdimb-20\p@
+ \divide\@tempdimb\@cclvi
+ \@tempdima\SH@tottext \advance\@tempdimb\@tempdima
+ \fpdivide\@tempdima\@tempdimb
+%%% \message{overfullness: \the\wd\SH@boxa; ratio: \pointless\@tempdima}%
+ \fi
+ \sqrtcount\@tempdima \sqrtofcount \multiply\sqrtcount\@cclvi
+ \@tempdima\sqrtcount sp
+ \advance\@tempdima-\p@
+ \global\SH@dscale\pointless\@tempdima\SH@scale
+ \gdef\SH@fac{1}% % optimise
+ \else % Not first step, scale from previous
+ \ifnum\prevgraf>\SH@npslines % overflow now
+ \ifdim\SH@dscale>\z@ % previous Overflow
+ \global\SH@dscale \SH@fac\SH@dscale
+ \else % overflow now, but previous underflow
+ \gdef\SH@fac{.51}% % optimise
+ \global\SH@dscale -\SH@fac\SH@dscale
+ \fi
+ \else % underflow now
+ \ifdim\SH@dscale>\z@ % previous Overflow
+ \gdef\SH@fac{.51}% % optimise
+ \global\SH@dscale -\SH@fac\SH@dscale
+ \else % overflow now, but previous underflow
+ \global\SH@dscale \SH@fac\SH@dscale
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdim-\SH@dscale>.6\SH@scale
+ \global\SH@dscale -.6\SH@scale % avoid scale --> 0 !
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\SH@ntries\@ne
+ \ifdim\AbsVal\SH@dscale <.005\p@ \global\SH@ntries\@cclv \fi
+ \ifnum \SH@ntries>\SH@maxtries
+ \aftergroup\SH@done
+ \else
+ \multiply\SH@ntries\tw@ % local change!
+ \ifnum \SH@ntries=\SH@maxtries
+ \aftergroup\multiply\aftergroup\rightskip\aftergroup\thr@@ % optimise
+ \fi \aftergroup\SH@tryparshape
+ \fi\fi
+}}% end \vbox, end macro. Must not insert anything between
+% Get last hbox off list; rebox it into \SH@boxa, omitting final glue
+ \setbox\SH@boxa\lastbox
+ \ifhbox\SH@boxa
+ \setbox\SH@boxa\hbox{\unhbox\SH@boxa\unskip\unskip\unpenalty}%
+ \fi}
+\def\SH@done{\skip@1sp plus\p@ minus\p@
+ \rightskip\z@ plus.2emminus.3em % optimise, but should be same as above
+ \parfillskip.5\maxdimen % this will drag text to the bottom point.
+ \advance\SH@npslines\@ne
+ \SH@reform % reformat paragraph with new parfillskip
+ \SH@nline\m@ne \let\@elt\SH@restack
+ \message{Restacking.}%
+ \global\setbox\SH@boxb\vbox{% % re-stack segments and re-justify lines.
+ \setbox\SH@boxa\vbox{}\leftskip\z@ plus55sp minus5\p@ % optimise
+ \unvbox\SH@boxb
+ \SH@lines \unvbox\SH@boxa}%
+ \egroup % end original \setbox\SH@boxa\vbox\bgroup; but \SH@boxa is useless
+ \SH@restog % restore global registers
+ \SH@pd\dp\SH@boxb \SH@usebox\SH@boxb \prevdepth\SH@pd
+ \endgroup % \prevdepth is global
+\let\SH@usebox\unvbox % completely finished!
+ \message{Reformat paragraph with \string\rightskip = \the\rightskip.}%
+ \advance\parfillskip-\rightskip \advance\parfillskip-\leftskip
+ \parshape\the\SH@npslines\space \SH@parshape \z@ .5\maxdimen
+ %% get prevdepth from outside, penalty puts \parskip and favors breaks
+ \prevdepth\SH@pd \ifdim\SH@pd>-\@m\p@ \penalty-50 \fi
+ \noindent \unhcopy\SH@boxa \unskip\unskip\unpenalty\strut
+ \penalty-\@M\hbox{\kern\hfuzz}\endgraf
+ \ifnum\prevgraf=\SH@npslines % good, it worked.
+ \setbox\SH@boxa\lastbox \unskip\unpenalty % remove mongo last box
+ \egroup
+ \else % should never be necessary, but do anyway
+ \egroup %
+ \ifnum\skip@<64 % try again
+ \advance\rightskip\skip@
+ \multiply\skip@\tw@
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \SH@reform
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\SH@restack#1#2#3{% line num, shift, width
+ \skip@\lastskip \unskip \advance\skip@\lastskip \unskip
+ \@tempcnta\lastpenalty \unpenalty\unpenalty
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\lastbox
+ \setbox\SH@boxa\vbox{%
+ \ifhbox\@tempboxa
+ \moveright#2\hbox to#3{\hskip\leftskip \unhbox\@tempboxa
+ \unskip \hskip\leftskip}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=\z@\else \penalty\@tempcnta \fi
+ \vskip\skip@
+ \ifnum\SH@nline=#1\relax \vskip-\baselineskip \fi
+ \unvbox\SH@boxa}%
+ \SH@nline#1\relax}
+\def\SH@checkspec#1#2#3#4${% h-center, v-origin, "b", rest of spec
+ \ifx b#3\else \SH@specerror \fi
+ \spec@hcenter#1\p@ \spec@top#2\p@ \spec@bot-\maxdimen
+ \def\SH@spec{{#2}b#4}%
+ \let\\\SH@CheckSpec
+ \\{#2}b#4\\{-1234.5}\\[$%
+ \ifdim\spec@bot<-\@m\p@ \SH@specerror \fi
+ \spec@height\spec@bot \advance\spec@height-\spec@top
+\def\SH@CheckSpec#1#2\\{\ifdim#1\p@<-\@m\p@ % finished
+ \def\\[${}%
+ \else \ifdim#1\p@<\spec@bot \SH@specerror
+ \spec@bot-\p@ \def\\##1[${}%eat rest
+ \else \spec@bot#1\p@
+ \fi \fi \\}
+% b{pos} begin text at a point at horizontal position pos.
+% e{pos} end text at a point at horizontal position pos.
+% t{pos}{len} make a block of text at position pos with length len
+% s split text (begin whitespace)
+% j join two text blocks (end a gap)
+% Behavior of specs above:
+\def\specA$b#1{\specA$t{#1}{0}}% b(pos) -> t(pos)(0)
+\def\specA$e#1#2{\csname specA$#2\endcsname}% e(pos) ignore
+\def\specA$s#1{\csname specA$#1\endcsname}% s ignore % should never happen
+\def\specA$t#1{\advance\SH@posseg#1\SH@weight \@spec$t jt{#1}}
+\def\specB$b#1#2{\csname specB$#2\endcsname}
+\def\specB$j#1{\csname specB$#1\endcsname}
+\def\specB$t#1{\advance\SH@posseg#1\SH@weight \@spec$t st{#1}}
+\def\@spec$t#1#2#3#4#5{% j|s t pos wid next
+ \if t#2\else \SH@specerror \fi
+ \advance\SH@widseg#4\SH@weight
+ \if#1#5\relax % next is s (below) or j (above): unite two t
+ \let\@tempa\@spec$t \else \let\@tempa\SH@redefine \fi
+ \@tempa #5}
+% Grab all the hboxes in the preceding list, combine their contents in
+% \@tempboxa (removing \rightskip, separating with space), and give
+% SH@tottext = total_width / 256 (note that the total width may be
+% greater than \maxdimen)
+ \@tempdima\wd\SH@boxa \divide\@tempdima\@cclvi
+ \global\advance\SH@tottext\@tempdima
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{%
+ \ifvoid\@tempboxa\else \unhbox\@tempboxa\space \fi
+ \unhbox\SH@boxa}%
+ \expandafter\SH@sumlines
+\def\SH@specerror{\errhelp{It would be amazing if you can continue after
+ this error.}\errmessage
+ {Shaped Paragraph Error: Error in specification. Check carefully! }}%
+% Take a square root of counter \sqrtcount using Newton's method.
+% Assign a count to \sqrtcount, then do \sqrtofcount.
+% To take sqrt of a dimen, do:
+% \sqrtcount=\thedimen \sqrtofcount
+% \multiply\sqrtcount by 256 \thedimen=\sqrtcount sp
+ \@tempcnta\sqrtcount \sqrtcount\@ne
+ \expandafter\squinitial\the\@tempcnta\relax\relax\relax
+ \squiterate
+ \sqrtcount\@ne
+\def\squinitial#1#2{\ifx#1\relax \else
+ \ifx #2\relax \multiply\sqrtcount 3
+ \else \multiply\sqrtcount 10
+ \fi \expandafter \squinitial
+ \fi}
+\def\squiterate{\@tempcntb\@tempcnta \divide\@tempcntb\sqrtcount
+%%%\message{sqrt(\the\@tempcnta) guess: \the\sqrtcount. }%
+ \advance\sqrtcount\@tempcntb \divide\sqrtcount\tw@
+ \advance \@tempcntb -\sqrtcount
+ \ifnum \AbsVal\@tempcntb>\thr@@ % approximate, use 1 for exact
+ \expandafter \squiterate \fi}% expandafter to avoid stack overflows
+\newcount\FPD@hi \FPD@hi=67108863
+% Approximate Fixed Point Division of two dimensions
+% 3.14159/2.71828 = 1.15573
+% Two parameters: Numerator and denominator. The answer is returned
+% in the numerator (which must be a register). The denominator is
+% unchanged (it may be a numeric string, "123").
+% \@tempcntb is used and altered.
+ \FPD@scale\FPD@scale\FPD@scale\FPD@scale
+ \divide#1\@tempcntb}
+% Rescale numbers to preserve accuracy. The number 16 is the level of
+% uncertainty. Use a lower power of 2 for more accuracy (2 is most precise).
+% But if you change it, you must change the repetions of \FPD@scale in
+% \fpdivide above: magic_number^repetitions = 65536 (16^4 = 65536).
+ \multiply\FPD@nume\sixt@@n
+ \else
+ \divide\@tempcntb\sixt@@n
+ \fi}
+% take absolute value of TeX number or dimension
+{\catcode`p=12 \catcode`t=12 \gdef\remove@PT#1pt{#1}}
+\SH@catcode % restore catcodes
+% If you have (computer) memory problems, the following shape
+% definitions can be eliminated.
+\def\diamondpar#1{\shapepar\diamondshape $\diamondsuit$ #1 $\diamondsuit$\par}
+ {1}% centerline at x=1
+ {0}b{0}\\% begin at (0,0)
+ {0}t{0}{2}\\% text at y=0, width=2
+ {2}t{0}{2}\\% text at y=2, width=2
+ {2}e{1}% end at (1,2)
+\def\heartpar#1{\shapepar\heartshape #1\unskip\unskip\penalty-300
+\ \ $\heartsuit$\par}
+ S H A P E P A R . S T Y -- Instructions
+\shapepar is a macro to typeset paragraphs of a specified shape.
+The total size is adjusted automatically so that the entire shape is
+filled with text. This is distinct from the normal \parshape command
+which specifies a shape *and* a size, which may be only partially
+filled, or over-filled, from top to bottom. In a \shapepar there
+can be no displayed math, and no "\vadjust" material, (including
+"\vspace"). \Shapepar (capital S) is just like \shapepar except the
+paragraph is boxed so it cannot be split over two pages. Shaping
+paragraphs this way is a slow process, so this style is mainly
+intended for cards, invitations etc., not for whole books! Although
+short paragraphs process much faster, only long paragraphs accurately
+fill complex shapes.
+These macros work for both LaTeX and plain TeX. For LaTeX, specify
+\documentstyle[...shapepar...], or for either, \input shapepar.sty.
+The command \shapepar should be used at the beginning of a paragraph,
+and it applies to the entire paragraph. There is one parameter: a
+description of the shape, <shape_spec>.
+ \shapepar {<shape_spec>} Text of the paragraph...
+The syntax rules for <shape_spec> are very specific, and must be
+followed closely. (In these rules, { } mean explicit braces, [ ]
+denote optional parts, < > surround a keyword that is defined (perhaps
+loosely), and | means "or"; do not type [ ] < > or |, only { }.)
+<shape_spec> = {<h_center>} <lines>
+<lines> = <line_spec> [\\<lines>]
+That is, the shape is specified as a single number in braces, followed
+by the specifications for the lines, with the lines separated by \\. The
+final paragraph will have its <h_center> position centered on the page.
+<h_center> is a number (like 10.5) of arbitrary units; whatever units
+are used for lengths and positions in the <lines>, they just need to be
+The lines in the spec are not lines of text; nor are they the lines
+that you would use to draw the shape itself. They are horizontal
+scans across the shape at irregular intervals. Curved shapes need
+many scan lines for accurate rendering while simple shapes need few.
+Draw a shape on paper, then draw a series of horizontal lines across
+the shape, including lines that just touch the top and the bottom of
+the figure. Each line crosses over pieces of the figure in some region.
+These intersections of line and figure define a <line_spec>.
+<line_spec> = {<v_pos>} <segment> [ other <segment>s ]
+The <v_pos> is the vertical position of the line. Each <line_spec> must
+have a position greater than or equal to that of the previous line, and
+with all <v_pos> > -1000. Position is measured from top to bottom, and
+always moving down. Each <segment> represents a region where text will
+go in the final paragraph; it is the segment of the horizontal scan line
+that overlaps the body of the figure. There are five types of segment:
+ <segment> = t{pos}{len} | b{pos} | e{pos} | s | j
+ b{pos} begin text at a point at horizontal position pos
+ e{pos} end text at a point at horizontal position pos
+ t{pos}{len} make a block of text at position pos with length len
+ s split text (begin whitespace)
+ j join two text blocks (end a gap)
+The most common type of segment is t (text). The other types are
+degenerate in that they are single points rather than finite segments.
+Types s and j have no explicit position, but they must appear between
+text segments, and those texts should abut; e.g., t{3}{2}st{5}{4}
+(text from 3 to 5 and text from 5 to 9).
+Let's jump right into a simple example, and the meanings will be
+clearer. A "diamond" shape can have the four vertices:
+ (x=1,y=0)
+ .
+ +---> x
+ ! (0,1) . . (2,1)
+ !
+ V y .
+ (1,2}
+This shape can be exactly specified by just three scan lines passing
+through the vertices. The specification is:
+{1}% h_center: x = 1
+{0}b{1}\\% text block begins at point y=0, x=1
+{1}t{0}{2}\\% this scan (at y=1) crosses text (len=2) starting at x=0
+{2}e{1} text block ends at point y=2, x=1
+Other specification lines, like
+could be inserted, but would make no difference--the shape is
+interpolated linearly between scan lines.
+Every block of text must start with a b specifier and end with an e
+spec. on some line below. Every segment specified by t must have a
+length greater than zero. If two blocks of text merge to form one (like
+at the top of a heart shape) there should be a j spec at the point of
+junction. If one block bifurcates (like at the top of a hole in a
+doughnut) there should be an s spec.
+Thus, the first line for any valid shape description must consist
+of only b segment discriptors; the last line can only have e type
+discriptors. Although the definition of the units is arbitrary, the
+numbers should range in magnitude from ~.1 - 100 to avoid numeric
+overflows and underflows.
+If there are errors in the format of the specification, \shapepar
+might complain with the error message
+ Shaped Paragraph Error: Error in specification. Check carefully!
+At this point you may as well type x or e, as there is very little
+chance that TeX will continue successfully. You might also get one
+of TeX's regular error messages, like
+ Illegal unit of measue (pt inserted).
+ Missing number, treated as zero.
+or you might get no error message at all, just ridiculous formatting.
+Check shape syntax carefully against the rules and the examples before
+running them through TeX.
+What to do if the figure does not start at a point--if it has a flat
+top? It can start at a single point, but have the next scan line at
+the same vertical position! A square paragraph is specified by:
+ {1}% centerline at x=1 (x=1 is horizontally centered on page)
+ {0}b{0}\\% begin at (0,0)
+ {0}t{0}{2}\\% text at y=0, width=2
+ {2}t{0}{2}\\% text at y=2, width=2
+ {2}e{1}% end at (1,2)
+Both \diamondpar and \squarepar are defined above as paragraphs with
+these shapes.
+Now let's get more ambitious. A heart shape must have two simultaneous
+beginnings, a short stretch of separate text, ending with a join,
+whereafter there is just one stretch of text leading to the final
+bottom point. This shape has many scan lines so that the smooth
+flowing curves are preserved.
+Look at \heartshape and find the two b specifiers at the beginning; find
+the j a few lines below. Notice that above the j there are two segments
+per line, but only one below it; the text to the left and right of the
+join meet at the join point: 20. I drew this heart freehand, and measured
+lengths from the sketch, so you should be able to do better!
+Text can have holes. For example, a doughnut-shape would have a b on
+the first line, followed by some lines with a single t, then a line with
+t s t at the start of the hole. The hole is represented by lines with two
+t specs--the gap between them is the hole. A line with t j t ends the
+hole. There are more lines with single t, and then an e line to end
+with. Our final example is a nut. Not a doughnut, but a hex-nut (for a
+machine screw) -- a regular hexagon with a circular hole in the center.
+The hexagon is flat on top and bottom so the specification begins and
+ends like the square shape. The circle is rendered as a 24-gon, beginning
+with a split (s) of the surrounding text and ending with a join (j). If
+the spacing of the scan lines looks odd, it is because the hexagon alone
+would need few scans, but the circle needs many; the points on the circle
+are at 15 degree intervals.
+\shapepar cheats a bit when the horizontal gap between two bits of text
+is small (like down in the notch of \heartpar). When the gap is less
+than an interword space it is eliminated, and the texts are joined; when
+it is somewhat larger it is expanded to give it more visibility. If you
+want to eliminate this behavior, move the following definitions up into
+the main part of the file.
+%---- cut ----
+\def\SH@dosegment{% do a segment of text on this line
+ \SH@posseg\z@ \SH@widseg\z@
+ \advance\SH@weight-\p@ \SH@weight-\SH@weight % w1 = 1 - w2
+ \SH@getseg A\SH@prevspec % Above
+ \advance\SH@weight-\p@ \SH@weight-\SH@weight % w2 = 1 - w1
+ \SH@getseg B\SH@nextspec % Below
+ \ifdim\SH@widseg>\z@
+ \SH@widseg\pointless\SH@scale\SH@widseg
+ \advance\SH@posseg-\spec@hcenter
+ \SH@posseg\pointless\SH@scale\SH@posseg
+ \advance\SH@posseg.5\hsize
+ \edef\SH@parshape{\SH@parshape\the\SH@posseg\the\SH@widseg\space}%
+ \edef\SH@lines{\@elt{\the\SH@nline}{\the\SH@posseg}{\the\SH@widseg}\SH@lines}%
+ \advance\SH@npslines\@ne
+ \fi
+ \ifx\SH@prevspec\@empty \let\next\SH@doaline \fi
+ \ifx\SH@nextspec\@empty \let\next\SH@doaline \fi
+ \next}
+ \let\SH@updps\relax
+%---- cut ----
+Since the processing is slow, there are some messages to say how
+things are going. These can be eliminated to save space (Put a % at
+the start of every \message line.) Or you can get even more verbose
+messages by *removing* the % that precedes many other \message commands.
+There are also a number of parameters which can be changed to affect
+the size-optimisation procedure. Search for the word "optimise"
+Version 1.0 (March 1993) Initial release.
+% Test integrity of file:
+% brackets: round, square, curly, angle: () [] {} <>
+% backslash, slash, vertical, at, dollar, and: \ / | @ $ &
+% hat, grave, acute (apostrophe), quote, tilde: ^ ` ' " ~
diff --git a/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/tug93.tex b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/tug93.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01d3892944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/tug93.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+\title{An Informal Review of TUG '93: July 26th--30th, Aston, Birmingham UK}
+\author[Kees van der Laan]{Kees van der Laan\\Dutch \TeX\ Users Group}
+\item Announcement of \LaTeX2.9e; the {\em \LaTeX\ Companion} book
+ will be available in the fall, which contains among other items, the
+ NFSS2 documentation
+\item NTS: organizational and technical issues were surveyed
+\item Y\&Y's scalable outline fonts
+\item Adobe's Acrobat, and PDF (portable document format),
+ demoed by Doug Henderson (Blue Sky Research, and Adobe $\beta$-tester)
+\item Tutorials: What is \LaTeX?, Flavours of \TeX, Virtual fonts,
+ all for free
+\item Greenwade's CTAN: Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network, released
+\item The {\sl TUGly Telegraph\/} spread the news (a mini
+ conference newspaper)
+This report\footnote{Cut down for inclusion in \BV; a fuller version
+will be published in MAPS, the journal of the Dutch \TeX\ Users
+Group.} contains the main issues as perceived by the author. The
+idea is to get the flavour and my view of the good items across, at
+the expense of completeness.
+The meeting of the organized \TeX\ Users of the year was TUG '93 at
+Aston. It attracted some 165 participants, with a few from
+financially diasadvantaged countries, thanks to a bursary fund. Aston
+campus is pleasantly located near the centre of Birmingham, Brum for
+short. A rich variety of courses was offered before and after the
+conference. In general the program offered nice presentations,
+workshops, panels and the like, with the vendor booths fewer in number
+than usual, Blue Sky Research being sadly absent because of being
+informed too late. Despite this, to attend the conference was a real
+thrill. Much attention was paid to details; for example every badge
+contained a nice proverb, not forgetting the superb logo. In general
+all was done by creative and playful minds. Next to the lecture room
+there was a discussion lounge---with among other things some computers
+with e-mail and FTP facilities, such that participants could read
+their e-mail and exchange files---and a vendor booth, alias lounge,
+for display of materials brought along by TUG and the various LUGs.
+For the most it was a one-stream schedule. Along with the program we
+obtained a copy of the pre-proceedings, which be published in \TUB\
+14.3. Prior to the conference there were the free tutorials: `What is
+\LaTeX\ all about?', `Flavours of \TeX', and `Virtual fonts'. During
+the conference we had workshops about MakeIndex, \BibTeX, and virtual
+fonts. And there were ample course offerings before and after the
+In the next section attention is paid to the highlights neglecting
+the day-to-day sequence of events as well as the session titles.
+The keynotes were: Jackowski and Ry\'cko---detailing what happens at
+the beginning and at the end of a paragraph; Christina Thiele---about
+the future of \TeX\ and TUG; and Joachim Lammarsch---presenting his
+view on the historical and organisational issues related to NTS, the
+New Typesetting System. Later Phil Taylor---the technical director of
+the project---aptly complemented this with the technical aspects. A
+nice example of international cooperation.
+\item Michael Doob's paper about the practical use of virtual fonts
+ was very illuminating. Related to this was the work of
+ Alan Jeffrey for manipulating {\em vpl\/} files.
+\item It was rumoured that John Plaice's $\Omega$-\TeX\ will be a nice
+ extension of \TeX. It is difficult to overlook its virtues or its
+ impact.
+\item Derick Wood's theoretical model of tables was very intriguing.
+ The burning question in here is whether we can develop something
+ like normal specification and transformation to the clearest
+ formatted represention (semi)automatically.
+\item Daniel Taupin surprised us all with a new aspect of his \TeX\
+ work: \TeX\ and Metafont working together to produce maps. Later,
+ and separately, he also reported about new developments in
+ Music\TeX.
+\item Martin Bryan's Guide to DSSSL was a bit too theoretical. Upon
+ request he assured us that this extension is there mainly to handle
+ so-called active documents.
+\item Michel Lavaud preceded his As\TeX\ lecture by some analogies of
+ the \TeX\ language with natural language---both ambiguous and
+ `dangerous'---and with the FORTRAN language---both stable, but
+ deficient. The latter has gained a firm place within the scientific
+ work desk, despite its deficiences and other imperfections.
+\item Laurent Siebenmann in one of his papers proposed a new method for
+ handling the spacing around in-line math.
+\item Roger Hunter discussed {\em Scientific Word} and
+ emphasized that the future of \TeX\ has all to do
+ with better user interfaces. It is fun to remember all the
+ various items people have prophesied to be essential for the
+ future of \TeX. At the user as well as the language level.
+\item W\l odek Bzyl lectured about the use of literate programming
+ tools to build upon other work: \TUB\ style customization via change
+ files and pretty printing of \TeX\ code, along with providing an
+ index. By this approach the styles of the GUST bulletin make use of
+ the experience embodied in the \TUB\ style files, with GUST's
+ modifications easily added. Really a sensible approach and worthy of
+ being studied and followed by other editors.
+\item Berthold Horn dwelled upon the paucity of math fonts ready for
+ use with \TeX, and a checklist to counteract this phenomenon.
+ A very lucid and scholarly paper.
+\item George Greenwade made the CTAN (Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive
+ Network) go public. A quantum leap!
+\item At the macro writing level we had Jonathan Fine's ``Finite
+ State Automata in \TeX'' and my ``Syntactic Sugar'', and ``Sorting
+ within \TeX''. The syntactic sugar paper also touches upon the
+ software engineering aspects of \TeX\ macro writing.
+ \item Very intriguing was Mary Dyson's paper about teaching
+ typography, as a spin-off of the DIDOT project. It has
+ all to do with getting your priorities right; don't sub-optimize!
+ In essence the issues relevant to Electronic Publishing were
+ presented in the right order.
+\item Richard Southall elaborated on his `buses and weirdness' effects
+when using \TeX, naively. I'm hoping that this paper will finally
+appear in print.
+Only CyrTUG and Ukraine TUG (officially to be founded in the
+ autumn) talked in public about their history and revealed their
+plans. Both will have autumn meetings, open for the \TeX\ community at
+large to attend.
+\section{Upcoming, or go where the action is}
+For next year the working idea is to have Euro\TeX\ '94 organized by
+GUST in Poland. TUG '94 will be in Santa Barbara, TUG '95 in Florida,
+and TUG '96 in Europe again. And in the meantime the autumn is crowded
+with meetings: Ukraine TUG,\footnote{At the moment of writing this
+report we received the sad news that their leader Yuri Melnichuk has
+passed away, due to a heart attack.} CyrTuG (early October), the
+Nordic and NTG's November meetings, next to DANTE's regular and cosy
+Stammtisch, \ldots, and GUST in the spring: watch out for the calendar
+in TUGboat.
+Meeting people and stimulating each other---that is what
+conferences are for. This was a particularly good one.
+Thanks to you all!