path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/a-agm.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/a-agm.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/3_1/a-agm.tex')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..f7f9fd68bd
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+\title{Report of the 1992 \protect\ukt\ AGM}
+\author[R. A. Bailey]{R. A. Bailey \\ Hon. Secretary}
+ \begin{tabular}{lr@{}l}
+ For& #1 & \\
+ Against & #2 & \\
+ Abstentions & #3 & #4
+ \end{tabular}\end{quote}
+%\newcommand{\bask}{\marginpar{editor: alter if necessary}}
+\def\ithead#1{{\bf #1 \ }\ignorespaces}
+\subsubsection*{Official report of the AGM of the UK \TeX\ Users
+Group\\held at Aston University (Room 708, Main Building)\\ on Wednesday
+14~October 1992 at 1100 hours }
+In the absence through illness of the \ukt\ chair, P.~Abbott, the meeting was
+chaired by P.~Taylor. The group sent its condolences to P.~Abbott.
+There were, at least, twenty-five members present. The following is a
+brief summary of the business transacted; it is categorized by,
+roughly, the numbered agenda items.
+ \item \ithead{Chairman's Report} This was read by P.~Taylor.
+ \item \ithead{Report of the 1991 AGM}
+ This report had already been published in {\em Baskerville},
+Volume~2, Number~1. Copies were also presented at the meeting. The
+report was received as correct, and signed by P.~Taylor.
+ \item \ithead{Matters Arising}
+ There were no matters arising.
+ \item \ithead{Approval of Accounts}
+ The Treasurer's report was given orally. Copies of the
+unaudited accounts for 1991--92 were presented. When audited, the
+accounts will appear in {\em Baskerville}. \bask It was reported that
+\ukt\ had increased its balance by about \pounds 1000 during the year,
+partly because of an increase in membership to about 170, partly
+because two of the meetings showed a small profit.
+ \item \ithead{Appointment of Auditor(s)}
+ Colin Smith was reappointed auditor for 1993, and thanked for
+his work to date.
+ \item \ithead{Election of Committee}
+ Of the previous committee of twelve, one continues as Chair
+and two had been co-opted. Six members retired, only one of whom was
+willing and eligible to stand for re-election. There were three further
+nominations: thus there was no need for an election and the total size
+of the committee became seven (excluding the Chair).
+ Subsequently, at its next meeting, the committee invited P.~Taylor to
+continue as Acting Chair until P.~Abbott recovered his health. The
+committee once again co-opted S.~F.~Brooks (as {\em Baskerville \/}
+editor) and J.~Petts; and also co-opted I.~McNeil-Sinclair and
+D.~V.~J.~Murphy. It appointed the following honorary officers:
+ \[
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ R.~A.~Bailey & Committee Secretary\\
+ I.~McNeil-Sinclair& Membership Enquiries\\
+ I.~W.~Hall & Treasurer\\
+ D.~V.~J.~Murphy & Meetings Secretary\\
+ D.~W.~Penfold & Membership Secretary
+ \end{tabular} \]
+% \marginpar{editor: This is true, even though IM-S resigned after a month}
+ The remaining committee membership consists of D.~Eckersley,
+R.~Fairbairns, S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz and G.~Toal.
+ \item \ithead{Membership Fees}
+ The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the
+ \begin{quote} \it
+ The Committee proposes maintaining membership fees at their 1992
+levels, that is, \pounds 15.00 for full membership or \pounds 7.50 for
+student membership.
+ \end{quote}
+ G.~Toal proposed an amendment: that the word {\em full-time\/} be
+inserted before the word {\em student}. After some discussion,
+I.~W.~Hall seconded this amendment, on which the voting was
+\voting{17}{2}{3}{.} The voting on the amended proposal was
+ \item \ithead{Meetings Fees}
+ The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee:
+ \begin{quote} \it
+ The Committee proposes an increase in fees for attending ordinary meetings:
+ \begin{verse}
+ from \pounds15 to \pounds 20 for members\\
+ from \pounds20 to \pounds 30 for non-members\\
+ \end{verse}
+ and for attending workshops:
+ \begin{verse}
+ from \pounds25 to \pounds 30 for members\\
+ from \pounds30 to \pounds 40 for non-members.\\
+ \end{verse}
+ \end{quote}
+ He explained that one motivation for the change was to make membership
+more attractive, by enabling members to recoup their membership fees
+by attending only two meetings. After some discussion of the benefits
+of allowing the committee flexibility in setting fees (for example, to
+give a discount for booking in advance, or to put on a popular
+loss-leading meeting), J.~Fine proposed an amendment: that the word
+{\em customary\/} be inserted before the word {\em fees}.
+I.~McNeil-Sinclair seconded the amendment, and the voting was
+\voting{15}{3}{5}{.} The Treasurer then moved the amended motion,
+seconded by S.~F.~Brooks: the voting was \voting{21}{1}{2}{.}
+ \item \ithead{Cathy Booth Memorial Fund}
+ On behalf of the committee, C.~Hewlett proposed the following
+ \begin{quotation} \it
+ The UK \TeX\ Users' Group will establish a fund to be called the
+Cathy Booth Memorial Fund.
+ The Fund will be used to support education and research in electronic
+publishing in general and in the use and development of \TeX\ and its
+relatives in particular, and for other charitable purposes connected
+with education.
+ \end{quotation}
+ The motion was seconded by C.~A.~Rowley and passed unanimously.
+ \item \ithead{Donations}
+ P.~Taylor reported two donations made by the committee during
+the year: \pounds 500 to the \LaTeX3 project; and computing equipment
+to D.~Osborne to enable him to maintain the UK\TeX\ Digest and \TeX hax
+from home. Both recipients expressed thanks at the meeting.
+ \item \ithead{Newsletter Editor}
+ One edition of the Group's newsletter, {\em Baskerville}, had
+appeared in 1992 under the editorship of P.~Taylor. S.~Brooks had then
+taken over the editorship, and will soon produce another edition. In
+the immediate future, these two people are willing to continue to
+share the editorship. Contributions from the membership are always
+gratefully received.
+ \item \ithead{Other Business}
+ There was constructive discussion of several issues, which the
+committee agreed to look at further.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Should the \ukt\ organize professional training of \TeX, and, if
+so, how?
+ \item Could members elect to receive notices from \ukt\ primarily by
+electronic mail or primarily by ordinary mail, at choice?
+ \item The committee would examine the feasibility of creating,
+maintaining and circulating a \ukt\ membership list. The list would
+not be for sale or gift to any non-member. On membership renewal forms
+members would be invited to give such details as they were willing to
+have published (e.g.\ telephone number, fax number, electronic mail
+address, address, \TeX\ platform), and would be given the opportunity
+to opt out of the list completely.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ The meeting concluded by expressing its thanks to M.~Campbell and the
+local catering and technical staff, for making the meeting possible.