path: root/systems/vtex/os2/vtexinst.cmd
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /systems/vtex/os2/vtexinst.cmd
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'systems/vtex/os2/vtexinst.cmd')
1 files changed, 822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/systems/vtex/os2/vtexinst.cmd b/systems/vtex/os2/vtexinst.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d853d33b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/vtex/os2/vtexinst.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,822 @@
+/* REXX */
+ vtexinst.cmd, version 2
+ Copyright (C) 2001--2005 Walter Schmidt, Erlangen
+ VTeX/2 installation program
+ to be run from a local directory,
+ which must contain all required files
+/* Load REXXUTIL */
+ret = RxFuncAdd("SysLoadFuncs", "REXXUTIL", "SysLoadFuncs")
+call SysLoadFuncs
+/* Load text strings for SysFileDel and SysRmDir return codes. */
+CALL LoadDELRCText /* provides text strings for SysFileDel return codes */
+CALL LoadRDRCText /* provides text strings for SysRmDir return codes */
+ Initialization
+ --------------
+/* This distribution */
+SCRIPTVERSION = 8.442 /* version of the installation program */
+EMTEX=0.56 /* matching version of emTeX/TDS */
+INTRO = 'Installation program for VTeX/2 ' || SCRIPTVERSION || ' and later'
+OBSOLETE = 'vtex/install/obsolete.os2' /* list of obsolete files */
+/* FM and INI files of this version can be used still. */
+/* Also, the EC fonts are not reinstalled, when this verson is present, */
+/* and "full reinstall" is not selected. */
+/* The files in the distribution: */
+/* number of version-dependent files*/
+varfile.0 = 6
+/* number of version-independent files */
+fixedfile.0 = 1
+/* number of optional files (which must be version-independent, too) */
+optfile.0 = 4
+varfile.1 = "vtex2"
+varfile.2 = "vtex-doc"
+varfile.3 = "vtex-special"
+varfile.4 = "vtex-fonts"
+varfile.5 = "vtex-base"
+varfile.6 = "vtex-base2"
+fixedfile.1 = ""
+optfile.1 = ""
+optfile.2 = ""
+optfile.3 = ""
+optfile.4 = ""
+/* the name of the file, where the version info will be stored */
+VERSIONFILE = "\vtex\install\VERSION"
+/* query boot volume */
+bootdrv = querybootdrv()
+if bootdrv = '' then signal nobootdrv
+/* query working directory */
+wrkdir = strip(directory(), "T", "\")
+/* start writing the log file */
+logfile = wrkdir || "\vtexinst.log"
+rc = sysfiledelete(logfile)
+if rc > 2 then signal logfileerr
+call wlog 'vtexinst ' || SCRIPTVERSION
+call wlog date() time()
+call wlog 'OS/2:' SysOS2Ver()
+call wlog 'Shell:' value("OS2_SHELL", , "OS2ENVIRONMENT")
+call wlog 'Boot drive =' bootdrv
+call wlog 'Working directory = "' || wrkdir || '"'
+call wlog 'PATH = "' || VALUE("PATH", , "OS2ENVIRONMENT") || '"'
+call wlog 'Unzip program = "' || SysSearchPath("PATH", "unzip.exe") || '"'
+/* Ask for the drive where to install or update VTeX */
+say INTRO
+say "Which version of VTeX/2 do you want to install?"
+answer = linein()
+call wlog 'Requested version: ' || '"' || answer || '"'
+parse value answer with major '.' minor '.' subver
+if (major='' or minor='') then signal versionerr
+versionid = major|| minor || subver
+newver = major || '.' || minor || subver
+if newver < SCRIPTVERSION then signal tooold
+call wlog 'New version ID:' newver
+say "On which volume (drive) do you want VTeX/2 to be installed or updated?"
+say "(hit <return> only to select the boot volume)"
+answer = linein()
+texdrive = translate(substr(answer,1,1)) || ":"
+if texdrive = ":" then texdrive = bootdrv
+call wlog 'VTeX volume = "' ||texdrive|| '"'
+/* determine version of existing VTeX */
+ver = SysIni(texdrive || VERSIONFILE, "VTEX2", "VERSION")
+if ver = "ERROR:" then do
+ if stream(texdrive||"\texmf\vtex\config\psfig.sty", "C", "QUERY EXISTS") <> "" then
+ ver = 7.32
+ else
+ ver = 0
+if ver > 7.32 then say "VTeX version " || ver || " detected on volume " || texdrive
+call wlog 'Current version ID =' ver
+if ver > newver then signal toonew
+/* force full re-install ? */
+if ver >= OLDVERSION then do
+ say
+ say "By default, your VTeX/2 system will be updated only."
+ say "However, you may also force a full reinstall, e.g.,"
+ say "in case the current installation is corrupt."
+ say
+ say "Do you request a full reinstall? (y/n)"
+ answer = translate(substr(linein(),1,1))
+ if answer = "Y" then do
+ ver = 0
+ call wlog 'Full install requested'
+ end
+/* search for emTeX/TDS on the same drive */
+emtexver = SysIni(texdrive"\texmf\emtex\data\EMTEXTDS.INI", "EMTEXTDS", "VERSION")
+if emtexver <> "ERROR:" then do
+ say
+ say "emTeX/TDS version" emtexver "detected."
+ call wlog 'Current emTeX =' emtexver
+ if emtexver < EMTEX then signal oldemtex
+/* determine the actual names of the required ZIP files */
+/* and make sure they exist */
+res = 1
+if ver < newver then do
+ do i = 1 to varfile.0
+ varfile.i = varfile.i || '-' || versionid || '.zip'
+ call wlog 'Required: ' varfile.i
+ if (stream(varfile.i, "C", "QUERY EXISTS") = "") then do
+ res = 0
+ call wlog 'missing file:' varfile.i
+ say "missing file:" varfile.i
+ end
+ end
+if ver < OLDVERSION then do
+ do i = 1 to fixedfile.0
+ call wlog 'Required: ' fixedfile.i
+ if (stream(fixedfile.i, "C", "QUERY EXISTS") = "") then do
+ res = 0
+ call wlog 'missing file:' fixedfile.i
+ say "missing file:" fixedfile.i
+ end
+ end
+if res <> 1 then signal fileerr
+/* Last exit */
+say "VTeX/2 on volume " || texdrive || " will be installed/updated."
+say "Continue? (y/n)"
+answer = translate(substr(linein(),1,1))
+if answer <> "Y" then signal cancel
+ Go to the target drive
+ ----------------------
+call setlocal
+call directory(texdrive||"\")
+call wlog 'current directory changed to' directory()
+call wlog ' '
+ Unpack the ZIP archives
+ -----------------------
+SIGNAL on error name unziperr
+/* overwrite existing files by default */
+ret=value("UNZIP", "-qqo", "OS2ENVIRONMENT")
+/* unzip the required files: */
+if ver < newver then do
+ /* back up existing configuration files first */
+ call saveconfig("\vtex\bin\vtex.ini")
+ call saveconfig("\texmf\vtex\config\hyphen.cfg")
+ call saveconfig("\texmf\vtex\config\plain.cfg")
+ call saveconfig("\texmf\vtex\config\")
+ call saveconfig("\texmf\vtex\config\")
+ do i = 1 to varfile.0
+ varfile.i = wrkdir || "\" || varfile.i
+ call wlog "unzip " || varfile.i
+ "unzip " || varfile.i
+ end
+ say "New configuration files \texmf\vtex\config\hyphen.cfg and .\plain.cfg installed."
+ call wlog "New configuration files \texmf\vtex\config\hyphen.cfg and .\plain.cfg installed."
+if ver < OLDVERSION then do
+ do i = 1 to fixedfile.0
+ fixedfile.i = wrkdir || "\" || fixedfile.i
+ call wlog "unzip " || fixedfile.i
+ "unzip " || fixedfile.i
+ end
+/* unzip optional files, if present */
+do i = 1 to optfile.0
+ optfile.i = wrkdir || "\" || optfile.i
+ if stream(optfile.i, "C", "QUERY EXISTS") <> "" then do
+ call wlog "unzip " || optfile.i
+ "unzip " || optfile.i
+ end
+SIGNAL on error
+ Removing obsolete files created by previous versions
+ ----------------------------------------------------
+if ver < newver then do
+ say "Removing possibly obsolete files..."
+ do while lines(OBSOLETE) > 0
+ l = strip(linein(OBSOLETE))
+ if l \= '' then do
+ if substr(l, length(l), 1) = "\" then do
+ l = substr(l, 1, (length(l)-1))
+ call wlog "Trying to delete directory" l
+ call ddt(l)
+ end
+ else do
+ call wlog "Trying to delete file" l
+ call SysFileDelete(l)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ say " ...done."
+ Writing the version number
+ --------------------------
+ret = SysIni(texdrive || VERSIONFILE, "VTEX2", "VERSION", newver)
+if ret = "" then do
+ call wlog "version number" newver "written"
+ say "Version number" newver "written."
+else do
+ call wlog "Writing version number failed with rc =" ret
+ say "Writing the version number failed."
+call wlog ' '
+ Restore FM and INI files or configure the new ones
+ --------------------------------------------------
+if ver < OLDVERSION then do
+ /* FM files: */
+ call readconfig "\texmf\vtex\config\"
+ call fmedit texdrive
+ config.1 = '%, for PDF mode, created by vtexinst ' date() time()
+ call writeconfig "\texmf\vtex\config\"
+ /* we just hope that writing of the file was successful... */
+ call readconfig "\texmf\vtex\config\"
+ call fmedit texdrive
+ config.1 = '%, for PS mode, created by vtexinst ' date() time()
+ call writeconfig "\texmf\vtex\config\"
+ /* we just hope that writing of the file was successful... */
+ say "New configuration files \texmf\vtex\config\ and .\ installed."
+ call wlog "New configuration files \texmf\vtex\config\ and .\ installed."
+ /* configure INI file: */
+ if texdrive <> "c:" then do
+ call readconfig "\vtex\bin\vtex.ini"
+ call iniedit texdrive
+ call writeconfig "\vtex\bin\vtex.ini"
+ /* we just hope that writing of the file was successful... */
+ end
+ say "New configuration file \vtex\bin\vtex.ini installed."
+ call wlog "New configuration file \vtex\bin\vtex.ini installed."
+else do
+/* restore FM and INI files: */
+ call restconfig("\texmf\vtex\config\")
+ call restconfig("\texmf\vtex\config\")
+ call restconfig("\vtex\bin\vtex.ini")
+ Updating config.sys
+ -------------------
+/* Skip this step, if PATH includes vtex already */
+/* In this case we assume that LIBPATH is ok, too. */
+p = value("PATH", , "OS2ENVIRONMENT")
+if substr(p, length(p), 1) <> ";" then p = p || ";"
+call wlog ' '
+call wlog 'PATH = "' || p || '"'
+if pos(texdrive||"\VTEX\BIN;", translate(p)) <> 0 then signal done
+say "The installation program is going to update the file config.sys now."
+say "If you prefer to do this manually, then enter `n' below,"
+say "otherwise enter `y' to continue."
+say "Continue? (y/n)"
+answer = translate(substr(linein(),1,1))
+if answer <> "Y" then signal done
+call wlog 'updating config.sys'
+/* make sure that config.sys can be found */
+configfile = bootdrv||"\config.sys"
+if stream(configfile,"C","QUERY EXISTS") = "" then signal noconfig
+call readconfig configfile
+if pathedit("PATH", texdrive||"\vtex\bin;") = 0 then signal updfailed
+if libpathedit(texdrive||"\vtex\dll;") = 0 then signal updfailed
+if tempfile="" then signal updfailed
+signal on error name updfailed
+savedfile = filespec("N", tempfile)
+"@ren" configfile savedfile
+say "The file" configfile "has been renamed to" savedfile "."
+call wlog configfile ' renamed to ' savedfile
+res = writeconfig(configfile)
+if res=0 then do
+ call beep 440,250
+ say "Writing a new file" configfile "failed".
+ say "Rename" savedfile "to config.sys and apply the changes manually."
+ call wlog 'Writing new' configfile 'failed.'
+ end
+else do
+ say
+ say "A new file" configfile "has been written."
+ say "Shutdown and reboot OS/2 now to make the changes come into effect."
+ call wlog 'New config.sys created.'
+ exiting
+call wlog 'Finis.'
+say "Finis."
+say "Do not forget to generate (new) format files now!"
+ Error handling:
+say "Error: I cannot write to the file" logfile "."
+say "The installation program cannot proceed,"
+say "because you have specified an invalid version number,"
+say "The version of VTeX/2 found on your PC is already newer"
+say "than the version you have requested to install."
+call wlog 'Existing VTeX/2 is newer than the version to be installed.'
+say "This version of the installation program is not suitable"
+say "for VTeX/2 prior to version" SCRIPTVERSION
+call wlog 'Obsolete emTeX found.'
+say "You cannot install VTeX/2" newver "over emTeX prior to" EMTEX
+call wlog 'Could not locate boot volume.'
+say "The installation program cannot proceed,"
+say " because the boot partition cannot be located."
+say "VTeX/2 could not be installed."
+call wlog 'Could not locate config.sys.'
+say "The installation program could not locate the file config.sys"
+say "and was unable to determine whether it needs to be updated."
+say "Please, see the installation instructions for the required changes"
+say "and how to apply them manually."
+call wlog 'Updating config.sys failed.'
+say "Updating config.sys failed for unknown reason."
+say "The file config.sys has *** not *** been changed."
+say "Please, read the installation instructions"
+say "and apply any changes manually."
+call wlog 'Error: "'condition('D')'"' 'failed.'
+call beep 440,250
+say 'Error: "'condition('D')'"' 'failed.'
+say 'VTeX/2 could not be installed successfully.'
+call wlog 'Required file(s) not found.'
+call beep 440,250
+say "One or more of the files required to"
+say "install or update VTeX/2" newver "were not found."
+say "VTeX/2 could not be installed."
+call wlog '"unzip" failed.'
+call beep 440,250
+say 'The program "unzip" failed or was not found.'
+say 'VTeX/2 could not be installed.'
+call wlog 'Terminated by the user.'
+say "You have terminated the installation program."
+ Procedures used above:
+ query boot drive
+ usage: querybootdrv()
+ returns: letter of boot drive incl. colon
+querybootdrv: PROCEDURE
+bootdr = value('COMSPEC', , 'OS2ENVIRONMENT')
+bootdr = filespec('D', bootdr)
+if bootdr = "" then do
+ say "Please, tell me the letter of the boot volume:"
+ answer = linein()
+ bootdr = substr(strip(answer),1,1)||":"
+return bootdr
+ save file by appending .sav to the name
+ usage: call saveconfig file
+ returns: 1 if succesful
+saveconfig: PROCEDURE expose logfile
+parse arg file
+start = lastpos("\", file) + 1
+if start > 1 then do
+ len = length(file) - start + 1
+ stem = substr(file, start, len)
+ stem = file
+if (stream(file, "C", "QUERY EXISTS") <> '') then do
+ "@copy" file file||".sav"
+ call wlog "Configuration file" file "saved as" stem||".sav ."
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ restore saved file
+ usage: call restconfig file
+ returns: 1 if successful
+restconfig: PROCEDURE expose logfile
+parse arg file
+if (stream(file||".sav", "C", "QUERY EXISTS") <> '') then do
+ "@copy" file||".sav" file
+ call wlog "Configuration file" file "restored."
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ read config file
+ usage: call readconfig filename
+ returns: (nothing)
+readconfig: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
+parse arg infile
+do while lines(infile) > 0
+ cmax=cmax+1
+ config.cmax=linein(infile)
+end /* do */
+call stream infile, "C", "CLOSE"
+ write config file
+ usage: call writeconfig filename
+ returns: 1 if successful
+ 0 if writing the file failed
+writeconfig: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
+parse arg outfile
+call SysFileDelete outfile
+do i = 1 TO cmax
+ if config.i <> "deleted" then do
+ res = lineout(outfile, config.i)
+ end
+end /* do */
+call stream outfile, "C", "CLOSE"
+if res <> 0 then return 0
+else return 1
+ edit a path
+ usage: pathedit(path, entry, op)
+ op = "D" means "delete this entry"
+ op = "A" (default) means "add entry"
+ returns 1 if successful
+ 0 if path or entry to be deleted not found
+ 2 if entry to be added was already present
+pathedit: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
+parse arg rpath, rdirectory, rop
+op = translate(rop)
+path = strip(translate(rpath))
+trigger = " "||path||"="
+directory = translate(rdirectory)
+do forever
+ i=i+1
+ if i>cmax then leave
+ posi = pos(trigger, translate(config.i))
+ if posi > 1 then do
+ cmd = subword(translate(config.i), 1, 1)
+ if cmd = "SET" then leave
+ end
+end /* do */
+if i>cmax then return 0
+setting = substr(config.i, (posi+length(trigger)))
+setting = strip(setting)
+if substr(directory,length(directory),1) <> ";" then directory = directory || ";"
+if substr(setting,length(setting),1) <> ";" then setting = setting || ";"
+if op="D" then do
+ posi = pos(directory,translate(setting))
+ if posi<>0 then config.i= "SET " || path || "=" || delstr(setting, posi, length(directory))
+ else return 0
+end /* do */
+else do
+ if pos(directory,translate(setting))<>0 then return 2
+ else do
+ setting=setting || rdirectory
+ config.i = "SET " || path || "=" || setting
+ end /* do */
+end /* do */
+return 1
+ edit LIBPATH
+ usage: libpathedit(entry, op)
+ op = "D" means "delete this entry, if existing"
+ op = "A" (default) means "add entry"
+ returns: 1 if successful
+ 0 if LIBPATH or entry to be deleted not found
+ 2 if entry to be added was already present
+libpathedit: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
+parse arg rdirectory, rop
+directory = translate(rdirectory)
+op = translate(rop)
+do forever
+ i=i+1
+ if i>cmax then leave
+ posi = pos("LIBPATH=", translate(config.i))
+ if posi = 1 then leave
+end /* do */
+if i>cmax then return 0
+setting = substr(config.i, 9)
+if substr(directory,length(directory),1) <> ";" then directory = directory || ";"
+if substr(setting,length(setting),1) <> ";" then setting = setting || ";"
+if op="D" then do
+ posi = pos(directory,translate(setting))
+ if posi<>0 then config.i= "LIBPATH=" || delstr(setting, posi, length(directory))
+ else return 0
+end /* do */
+else do
+ if pos(directory,translate(setting))<>0 then return 2
+ else do
+ setting=setting || rdirectory
+ config.i = "LIBPATH=" || setting
+ end /* do */
+end /* do */
+return 1
+ edit vtex,ini
+ usage: call iniedit drive
+ drive = drive letter of VTeX drive including colon
+ returns: 1 if successful
+ 0 otherwise
+iniedit: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
+parse arg drive
+drive = drive || "\"
+default = "c:\"
+i =0
+do forever
+ i=i+1
+ if i>cmax then leave
+ start = 1
+ do forever
+ j = pos(default, config.i, start)
+ if j=0 then leave
+ config.i = overlay(drive, config.i, j)
+ start = j+2
+ end
+end /* do */
+return 1
+ edit FM file
+ usage: call fmedit drive
+ drive = drive letter of VTeX drive including colon
+ returns: 1 if successful
+ 0 otherwise
+fmedit: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
+parse arg drive
+i = 0
+ctrl =2
+do forever
+ i = i+1
+ if i>cmax then leave
+ if pos('TEXMF = "c:/texmf/"', config.i) <> 0 then do
+ config.i = ' TEXMF = "'||drive||'/texmf/"'
+ ctrl = ctrl - 1
+ end
+/* exactly 2 matches must be found */
+if ctrl = 0 then return 1
+else return 0
+ write message to log file
+wlog: PROCEDURE expose logfile
+parse arg string
+rc = lineout(logfile, string)
+return rc
+ Procedures for deleting a directory tree
+ parse arg user_dir
+ /* Check to make sure the directory exists */
+ rc=SysFileTree(user_dir,dir_list, 'D')
+ IF dir_list.0 = 0 THEN
+ DO
+ SAY user_dir 'not found.'
+ DROP dir_list.
+ /* Mark all the read-only files to be non read-only */
+ rc=SysFileTree(user_dir || '\*.*', dir_list, 'FSO', '****','----')
+ DROP dir_list.
+ /* Go through the list of files and delete each one */
+ rc=SysFileTree(user_dir || '\*.*', dir_list, 'FSO')
+ DO x = 1 TO dir_list.0
+ rc = SysFileDelete(dir_list.x)
+ if rc <> 0 then SAY dir_list.x '........' DELRCText.RC
+ DROP dir_list.
+ /* Go through all the subdirectories and remove them. */
+ /* We go backwards through the list in order to delete the */
+ /* lowest level sudirectories first and work our way back up */
+ /* the tree. */
+ rc=SysFileTree(user_dir || '\*.*', dir_list, 'DSO')
+ DO x = dir_list.0 TO 1 BY -1
+ rc=SysRmDir(dir_list.x)
+ if RC <> 0 then SAY dir_list.x '........' RDRCText.RC
+ DROP dir_list.
+ /* Delete the topmost directory */
+ rc=SysRmDir(user_dir)
+ SAY user_dir '........' RDRCText.RC
+ /* provides text strings for SysFileDel return codes */
+ /* The return codes and strings are in the online Rexx manual */
+ DELRCText.0 = 'File deleted successfully. '
+ DELRCText.2 = 'Error. File not found. '
+ DELRCText.3 = 'Error. Path not found. '
+ DELRCText.5 = 'Error. Access denied. '
+ DELRCText.26 = 'Error. Not DOS disk. '
+ DELRCText.32 = 'Error. Sharing violation. '
+ DELRCText.36 = 'Error. Sharing buffer exceeded. '
+ DELRCText.87 = 'Error. Invalid parameter. '
+ DELRCText.206 = 'Error. Filename exceeds range error. '
+ /* provides text strings for SysRmDir return codes */
+ /* The return codes and strings are in the online Rexx manual */
+ RDRCText.0 = 'Directory removal was successful. '
+ RDRCText.2 = 'Error. File not found. '
+ RDRCText.3 = 'Error. Path not found. '
+ RDRCText.5 = 'Error. Access denied. '
+ RDRCText.16 = 'Error. Current Directory. '
+ RDRCText.26 = 'Error. Not DOS disk. '
+ RDRCText.87 = 'Error. Invalid parameter. '
+ RDRCText.108 = 'Error. Drive locked. '
+ RDRCText.206 = 'Error. Filename exceeds range error. '
+/* finis */