path: root/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/site/lib/TAP/Parser/
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authorNorbert Preining <>2024-03-15 03:06:35 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2024-03-15 03:06:35 +0000
commit12679ab7d3c2a210f4123163671b532b8b55d5f9 (patch)
tree0060d13467186ad977f4e73488ee20dd6c0017ab /systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/site/lib/TAP/Parser/
parent62170822e034fdd3f81de7274835d0d3b0467100 (diff)
CTAN sync 202403150306
Diffstat (limited to 'systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/site/lib/TAP/Parser/')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/site/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/site/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e7afbf6d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/site/lib/TAP/Parser/
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+package TAP::Parser::Scheduler;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+use TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job;
+use TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner;
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Scheduler - Schedule tests during parallel testing
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.48
+our $VERSION = '3.48';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Scheduler;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $sched = TAP::Parser::Scheduler->new(tests => \@tests);
+ my $sched = TAP::Parser::Scheduler->new(
+ tests => [ ['t/test_name.t','Test Description'], ... ],
+ rules => \%rules,
+ );
+Given 'tests' and optional 'rules' as input, returns a new
+C<TAP::Parser::Scheduler> object. Each member of C<@tests> should be either a
+a test file name, or a two element arrayref, where the first element is a test
+file name, and the second element is a test description. By default, we'll use
+the test name as the description.
+The optional C<rules> attribute provides direction on which tests should be run
+in parallel and which should be run sequentially. If no rule data structure is
+provided, a default data structure is used which makes every test eligible to
+be run in parallel:
+ { par => '**' },
+The rules data structure is documented more in the next section.
+=head2 Rules data structure
+The "C<rules>" data structure is the the heart of the scheduler. It allows you
+to express simple rules like "run all tests in sequence" or "run all tests in
+parallel except these five tests.". However, the rules structure also supports
+glob-style pattern matching and recursive definitions, so you can also express
+arbitarily complicated patterns.
+The rule must only have one top level key: either 'par' for "parallel" or 'seq'
+for "sequence".
+Values must be either strings with possible glob-style matching, or arrayrefs
+of strings or hashrefs which follow this pattern recursively.
+Every element in an arrayref directly below a 'par' key is eligible to be run
+in parallel, while vavalues directly below a 'seq' key must be run in sequence.
+=head3 Rules examples
+Here are some examples:
+ # All tests be run in parallel (the default rule)
+ { par => '**' },
+ # Run all tests in sequence, except those starting with "p"
+ { par => 't/p*.t' },
+ # Run all tests in parallel, except those starting with "p"
+ {
+ seq => [
+ { seq => 't/p*.t' },
+ { par => '**' },
+ ],
+ }
+ # Run some startup tests in sequence, then some parallel tests then some
+ # teardown tests in sequence.
+ {
+ seq => [
+ { seq => 't/startup/*.t' },
+ { par => ['t/a/*.t','t/b/*.t','t/c/*.t'], }
+ { seq => 't/shutdown/*.t' },
+ ],
+ },
+=head3 Rules resolution
+=over 4
+=item * By default, all tests are eligible to be run in parallel. Specifying any of your own rules removes this one.
+=item * "First match wins". The first rule that matches a test will be the one that applies.
+=item * Any test which does not match a rule will be run in sequence at the end of the run.
+=item * The existence of a rule does not imply selecting a test. You must still specify the tests to run.
+=item * Specifying a rule to allow tests to run in parallel does not make the run in parallel. You still need specify the number of parallel C<jobs> in your Harness object.
+=head3 Glob-style pattern matching for rules
+We implement our own glob-style pattern matching. Here are the patterns it supports:
+ ** is any number of characters, including /, within a pathname
+ * is zero or more characters within a filename/directory name
+ ? is exactly one character within a filename/directory name
+ {foo,bar,baz} is any of foo, bar or baz.
+ \ is an escape character
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ croak "Need a number of key, value pairs" if @_ % 2;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $tests = delete $args{tests} || croak "Need a 'tests' argument";
+ my $rules = delete $args{rules} || { par => '**' };
+ croak "Unknown arg(s): ", join ', ', sort keys %args
+ if keys %args;
+ # Turn any simple names into a name, description pair. TODO: Maybe
+ # construct jobs here?
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ $self->_set_rules( $rules, $tests );
+ return $self;
+# Build the scheduler data structure.
+# The nested arrays are the key to scheduling. The outer array contains
+# a list of things that may be executed in parallel. Whenever an
+# eligible job is sought any element of the outer array that is ready to
+# execute can be selected. The inner arrays represent sequential
+# execution. They can only proceed when the first job is ready to run.
+sub _set_rules {
+ my ( $self, $rules, $tests ) = @_;
+ # Convert all incoming tests to job objects.
+ # If no test description is provided use the file name as the description.
+ my @tests = map { TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job->new(@$_) }
+ map { 'ARRAY' eq ref $_ ? $_ : [ $_, $_ ] } @$tests;
+ my $schedule = $self->_rule_clause( $rules, \@tests );
+ # If any tests are left add them as a sequential block at the end of
+ # the run.
+ $schedule = [ [ $schedule, @tests ] ] if @tests;
+ $self->{schedule} = $schedule;
+sub _rule_clause {
+ my ( $self, $rule, $tests ) = @_;
+ croak 'Rule clause must be a hash'
+ unless 'HASH' eq ref $rule;
+ my @type = keys %$rule;
+ croak 'Rule clause must have exactly one key'
+ unless @type == 1;
+ my %handlers = (
+ par => sub {
+ [ map { [$_] } @_ ];
+ },
+ seq => sub { [ [@_] ] },
+ );
+ my $handler = $handlers{ $type[0] }
+ || croak 'Unknown scheduler type: ', $type[0];
+ my $val = $rule->{ $type[0] };
+ return $handler->(
+ map {
+ 'HASH' eq ref $_
+ ? $self->_rule_clause( $_, $tests )
+ : $self->_expand( $_, $tests )
+ } 'ARRAY' eq ref $val ? @$val : $val
+ );
+sub _glob_to_regexp {
+ my ( $self, $glob ) = @_;
+ my $nesting;
+ my $pattern;
+ while (1) {
+ if ( $glob =~ /\G\*\*/gc ) {
+ # ** is any number of characters, including /, within a pathname
+ $pattern .= '.*?';
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G\*/gc ) {
+ # * is zero or more characters within a filename/directory name
+ $pattern .= '[^/]*';
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G\?/gc ) {
+ # ? is exactly one character within a filename/directory name
+ $pattern .= '[^/]';
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G\{/gc ) {
+ # {foo,bar,baz} is any of foo, bar or baz.
+ $pattern .= '(?:';
+ ++$nesting;
+ }
+ elsif ( $nesting and $glob =~ /\G,/gc ) {
+ # , is only special inside {}
+ $pattern .= '|';
+ }
+ elsif ( $nesting and $glob =~ /\G\}/gc ) {
+ # } that matches { is special. But unbalanced } are not.
+ $pattern .= ')';
+ --$nesting;
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G(\\.)/gc ) {
+ # A quoted literal
+ $pattern .= $1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G([\},])/gc ) {
+ # Sometimes meta characters
+ $pattern .= '\\' . $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Eat everything that is not a meta character.
+ $glob =~ /\G([^{?*\\\},]*)/gc;
+ $pattern .= quotemeta $1;
+ }
+ return $pattern if pos $glob == length $glob;
+ }
+sub _expand {
+ my ( $self, $name, $tests ) = @_;
+ my $pattern = $self->_glob_to_regexp($name);
+ $pattern = qr/^ $pattern $/x;
+ my @match = ();
+ for ( my $ti = 0; $ti < @$tests; $ti++ ) {
+ if ( $tests->[$ti]->filename =~ $pattern ) {
+ push @match, splice @$tests, $ti, 1;
+ $ti--;
+ }
+ }
+ return @match;
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<get_all>
+Get a list of all remaining tests.
+sub get_all {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @all = $self->_gather( $self->{schedule} );
+ $self->{count} = @all;
+ @all;
+sub _gather {
+ my ( $self, $rule ) = @_;
+ return unless defined $rule;
+ return $rule unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $rule;
+ return map { defined() ? $self->_gather($_) : () } map {@$_} @$rule;
+=head3 C<get_job>
+Return the next available job as L<TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job> object or
+C<undef> if none are available. Returns a L<TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner> if
+the scheduler still has pending jobs but none are available to run right now.
+sub get_job {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{count} ||= $self->get_all;
+ my @jobs = $self->_find_next_job( $self->{schedule} );
+ if (@jobs) {
+ --$self->{count};
+ return $jobs[0];
+ }
+ return TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner->new
+ if $self->{count};
+ return;
+sub _not_empty {
+ my $ar = shift;
+ return 1 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $ar;
+ for (@$ar) {
+ return 1 if _not_empty($_);
+ }
+ return;
+sub _is_empty { !_not_empty(@_) }
+sub _find_next_job {
+ my ( $self, $rule ) = @_;
+ my @queue = ();
+ my $index = 0;
+ while ( $index < @$rule ) {
+ my $seq = $rule->[$index];
+ # Prune any exhausted items.
+ shift @$seq while @$seq && _is_empty( $seq->[0] );
+ if (@$seq) {
+ if ( defined $seq->[0] ) {
+ if ( 'ARRAY' eq ref $seq->[0] ) {
+ push @queue, $seq;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $job = splice @$seq, 0, 1, undef;
+ $job->on_finish( sub { shift @$seq } );
+ return $job;
+ }
+ }
+ ++$index;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Remove the empty sub-array from the array
+ splice @$rule, $index, 1;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $seq (@queue) {
+ if ( my @jobs = $self->_find_next_job( $seq->[0] ) ) {
+ return @jobs;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+=head3 C<as_string>
+Return a human readable representation of the scheduling tree.
+For example:
+ my @tests = (qw{
+ t/startup/foo.t
+ t/shutdown/foo.t
+ t/a/foo.t t/b/foo.t t/c/foo.t t/d/foo.t
+ });
+ my $sched = TAP::Parser::Scheduler->new(
+ tests => \@tests,
+ rules => {
+ seq => [
+ { seq => 't/startup/*.t' },
+ { par => ['t/a/*.t','t/b/*.t','t/c/*.t'] },
+ { seq => 't/shutdown/*.t' },
+ ],
+ },
+ );
+ par:
+ seq:
+ par:
+ seq:
+ par:
+ seq:
+ 't/startup/foo.t'
+ par:
+ seq:
+ 't/a/foo.t'
+ seq:
+ 't/b/foo.t'
+ seq:
+ 't/c/foo.t'
+ par:
+ seq:
+ 't/shutdown/foo.t'
+ 't/d/foo.t'
+sub as_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->_as_string( $self->{schedule} );
+sub _as_string {
+ my ( $self, $rule, $depth ) = ( shift, shift, shift || 0 );
+ my $pad = ' ' x 2;
+ my $indent = $pad x $depth;
+ if ( !defined $rule ) {
+ return "$indent(undef)\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( 'ARRAY' eq ref $rule ) {
+ return unless @$rule;
+ my $type = ( 'par', 'seq' )[ $depth % 2 ];
+ return join(
+ '', "$indent$type:\n",
+ map { $self->_as_string( $_, $depth + 1 ) } @$rule
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ return "$indent'" . $rule->filename . "'\n";
+ }