path: root/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
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authorNorbert Preining <>2024-03-15 03:06:35 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2024-03-15 03:06:35 +0000
commit12679ab7d3c2a210f4123163671b532b8b55d5f9 (patch)
tree0060d13467186ad977f4e73488ee20dd6c0017ab /systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
parent62170822e034fdd3f81de7274835d0d3b0467100 (diff)
CTAN sync 202403150306
Diffstat (limited to 'systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ b/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7922a2e91b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+package stable;
+$stable::VERSION = '0.031';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use version ();
+use experimental ();
+use Carp qw/croak carp/;
+my %allow_at = (
+ bitwise => 5.022000,
+ isa => 5.032000,
+ lexical_subs => 5.022000,
+ postderef => 5.020000,
+sub import {
+ my ($self, @pragmas) = @_;
+ for my $pragma (@pragmas) {
+ my $min_ver = $allow_at{$pragma};
+ croak "unknown stablized experiment $pragma" unless defined $min_ver;
+ croak "requested stablized experiment $pragma, which is stable at $min_ver but this is $]"
+ unless $] >= $min_ver;
+ }
+ experimental->import(@pragmas);
+ return;
+sub unimport {
+ my ($self, @pragmas) = @_;
+ # Look, we could say "You can't unimport stable experiment 'bitwise' on
+ # 5.20" but it just seems weird. -- rjbs, 2022-03-05
+ experimental->unimport(@pragmas);
+ return;
+#ABSTRACT: Experimental features made easy, once we know they're stable
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+stable - Experimental features made easy, once we know they're stable
+=head1 VERSION
+version 0.031
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use stable 'lexical_subs', 'bitwise';
+ my sub is_odd($value) { $value & 1 }
+The L<experimental> pragma makes it easy to turn on experimental while turning
+off associated warnings. You should read about it, if you don't already know
+what it does.
+Seeing C<use experimental> in code might be scary. In fact, it probably should
+be! Code that uses experimental features might break in the future if the perl
+development team decides that the experiment needs to be altered. When
+experiments become stable, because the developers decide they're a success, the
+warnings associated with them go away. When that happens, they can generally
+be turned on with C<use feature>.
+This is great, if you are using a version of perl where the feature you want is
+already stable. If you're using an older perl, though, it might be the case
+that you want to use an experimental feature that still warns, even though
+there's no risk in using it, because subsequent versions of perl have that
+feature unchanged and now stable.
+Here's an example: The C<postderef> feature was added in perl 5.20.0. In perl
+5.24.0, it was marked stable. Using it would no longer trigger a warning. The
+behavior of the feature didn't change between 5.20.0 and 5.24.0. That means
+that it's perfectly safe to use the feature on 5.20 or 5.22, even though
+there's a warning.
+In that case, you could very justifiably add C<use experimental 'postderef'>
+but the casual reader may still be worried at seeing that. The C<stable>
+pragma exists to turn on experimental features only when it's known that
+their behavior in the running perl is their stable behavior.
+If you try to use an experimental feature that isn't stable or available on
+the running version of perl, an exception will be thrown. You should also take
+care that you've required the version of C<stable> that you need!
+If it's not immediately obvious why, here's a bit of explanation:
+=over 4
+=item *
+C<stable> comes with perl, starting with perl v5.38.
+=item *
+Imagine that v5.38 adds a feature called "florps". It will stop being
+experimental in v5.42.
+=item *
+The version of C<stable> that comes with perl v5.38 can't know that the
+I<florps> experiment will succeed, so you can't C<use stable 'florps'> on the
+version of stable ships with v5.38, because it can't see the future!
+=item *
+You'll need to write C<use stable 1.234 'florps'> to say that you need version
+1.234 of stable, which is when I<florps> became known to stable.
+Sure, it's a little weird, but it's worth it! The documentation of this pragma
+will tell you what version of C<stable> you need to require in order to use
+various features. See below.
+At present there are only a few "stable" features:
+=over 4
+=item * C<bitwise> - stable as of perl 5.22, available via stable 0.031
+=item * C<isa> - stable as of perl 5.32, available via stable 0.031
+=item * C<lexical_subs> - stable as of perl 5.22, available via stable 0.031
+Lexical subroutines were actually added in 5.18, and their design did not
+change, but significant bugs makes them unsafe to use before 5.22.
+=item * C<postderef> - stable as of perl 5.20, available via stable 0.031
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<perlexperiment|perlexperiment> contains more information about experimental features.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Leon Timmermans <>
+This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Leon Timmermans.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.