path: root/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPAN/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2024-03-15 03:06:35 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2024-03-15 03:06:35 +0000
commit12679ab7d3c2a210f4123163671b532b8b55d5f9 (patch)
tree0060d13467186ad977f4e73488ee20dd6c0017ab /systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPAN/
parent62170822e034fdd3f81de7274835d0d3b0467100 (diff)
CTAN sync 202403150306
Diffstat (limited to 'systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPAN/')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPAN/ b/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPAN/
index 268522f78f..652f5be774 100644
--- a/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPAN/
+++ b/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPAN/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use vars qw($connect_to_internet_ok $Ua $Thesite $ThesiteURL $Themethod);
use vars qw(
-$VERSION = "5.5013";
+$VERSION = "5.5016";
sub _plus_append_open {
my($fh, $file) = @_;
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ sub _ftp_statistics {
_plus_append_open($fh, $file);
- my $stats = eval { CPAN->_yaml_loadfile($file); };
+ my $stats = eval { CPAN->_yaml_loadfile($file, {loadblessed => 1}); };
if ($@) {
if (ref $@) {
if (ref $@ eq "CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed") {
@@ -319,6 +319,190 @@ sub localize {
my $longmess = Carp::longmess();
$self->debug("file[$file] aslocal[$aslocal] force[$force] carplongmess[$longmess]");
+ for ($CPAN::Config->{connect_to_internet_ok}) {
+ $connect_to_internet_ok = $_ if not defined $connect_to_internet_ok and defined $_;
+ }
+ my $ph = $CPAN::Config->{pushy_https};
+ if (!defined $ph || $ph) {
+ return $self->localize_2021($file,$aslocal,$force,$with_defaults);
+ } else {
+ return $self->localize_1995ff($file,$aslocal,$force,$with_defaults);
+ }
+sub have_promising_aslocal {
+ my($self, $aslocal, $force) = @_;
+ if (-f $aslocal && -r _ && !($force & 1)) {
+ my $size;
+ if ($size = -s $aslocal) {
+ $self->debug("aslocal[$aslocal]size[$size]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ # empty file from a previous unsuccessful attempt to download it
+ unlink $aslocal or
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Found a zero-length '$aslocal' that I ".
+ "could not remove.");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+#-> sub CPAN::FTP::localize ;
+sub localize_2021 {
+ my($self,$file,$aslocal,$force,$with_defaults) = @_;
+ return $aslocal if $self->have_promising_aslocal($aslocal, $force);
+ my($aslocal_dir) = dirname($aslocal);
+ my $ret;
+ $self->mymkpath($aslocal_dir);
+ my $aslocal_tempfile = $aslocal . ".tmp" . $$;
+ my $base;
+ if (
+ ($CPAN::META->has_usable('HTTP::Tiny')
+ && $CPAN::META->has_usable('Net::SSLeay')
+ && $CPAN::META->has_usable('IO::Socket::SSL')
+ )
+ || $CPAN::Config->{curl}
+ || $CPAN::Config->{wget}
+ ) {
+ for my $prx (qw(https_proxy no_proxy)) {
+ $ENV{$prx} = $CPAN::Config->{$prx} if $CPAN::Config->{$prx};
+ }
+ $base = "";
+ } else {
+ my @missing_modules = grep { ! $CPAN::META->has_usable($_) } qw(HTTP::Tiny Net::SSLeay IO::Socket::SSL);
+ my $miss = join ", ", map { "'$_'" } @missing_modules;
+ my $modules = @missing_modules == 1 ? "module" : "modules";
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Missing or unusable $modules $miss, and found neither curl nor wget installed.\n");
+ if ($CPAN::META->has_usable('HTTP::Tiny')) {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Need to fall back to http.\n")
+ }
+ for my $prx (qw(http_proxy no_proxy)) {
+ $ENV{$prx} = $CPAN::Config->{$prx} if $CPAN::Config->{$prx};
+ }
+ $base = "";
+ }
+ $ret = $self->hostdl_2021($base,$file,$aslocal_tempfile);
+ if ($ret) { # c&p from below
+ CPAN->debug("ret[$ret]aslocal[$aslocal]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
+ if ($ret eq $aslocal_tempfile) {
+ # if we got it exactly as we asked for, only then we
+ # want to rename
+ rename $aslocal_tempfile, $aslocal
+ or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Error while trying to rename ".
+ "'$ret' to '$aslocal': $!");
+ $ret = $aslocal;
+ }
+ } else {
+ unlink $aslocal_tempfile;
+ return;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub hostdl_2021 {
+ my($self, $base, $file, $aslocal) = @_; # the $aslocal is $aslocal_tempfile in the caller (old convention)
+ my $proxy_vars = $self->_proxy_vars($base);
+ my($proto) = $base =~ /^(https?)/;
+ my $url = "$base$file";
+ # hostdl_2021 may be called with either http or https urls
+ if (
+ $CPAN::META->has_usable('HTTP::Tiny')
+ &&
+ (
+ $proto eq "http"
+ ||
+ ( $CPAN::META->has_usable('Net::SSLeay')
+ && $CPAN::META->has_usable('IO::Socket::SSL') )
+ )
+ ){
+ # mostly c&p from below
+ require CPAN::HTTP::Client;
+ my $chc = CPAN::HTTP::Client->new(
+ proxy => $CPAN::Config->{http_proxy} || $ENV{http_proxy},
+ no_proxy => $CPAN::Config->{no_proxy} || $ENV{no_proxy},
+ );
+ for my $try ( $url, ( $url !~ /\.gz(?!\n)\Z/ ? "$url.gz" : () ) ) {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Fetching with HTTP::Tiny:\n$try\n");
+ my $res = eval { $chc->mirror($try, $aslocal) };
+ if ( $res && $res->{success} ) {
+ my $now = time;
+ utime $now, $now, $aslocal; # download time is more
+ # important than upload
+ # time
+ return $aslocal;
+ }
+ elsif ( $res && $res->{status} ne '599') {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf(
+ "HTTP::Tiny failed with code[%s] message[%s]\n",
+ $res->{status},
+ $res->{reason},
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $res && $res->{status} eq '599') {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf(
+ "HTTP::Tiny failed with an internal error: %s\n",
+ $res->{content},
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ my $err = $@ || 'Unknown error';
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf(
+ "Error downloading with HTTP::Tiny: %s\n", $err
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($CPAN::Config->{curl} || $CPAN::Config->{wget}){
+ # c&p from further down
+ my($src_switch, $stdout_redir);
+ my($devnull) = $CPAN::Config->{devnull} || "";
+ DLPRG: for my $dlprg (qw(curl wget)) {
+ my $dlprg_configured = $CPAN::Config->{$dlprg};
+ next unless defined $dlprg_configured && length $dlprg_configured;
+ my $funkyftp = CPAN::HandleConfig->safe_quote($dlprg_configured);
+ if ($dlprg eq "wget") {
+ $src_switch = " -O \"$aslocal\"";
+ $stdout_redir = "";
+ } elsif ($dlprg eq 'curl') {
+ $src_switch = ' -L -f -s -S --netrc-optional';
+ $stdout_redir = " > \"$aslocal\"";
+ if ($proxy_vars->{http_proxy}) {
+ $src_switch .= qq{ -U "$proxy_vars->{proxy_user}:$proxy_vars->{proxy_pass}" -x "$proxy_vars->{http_proxy}"};
+ }
+ }
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
+ qq[
+Trying with
+ $funkyftp$src_switch
+to get
+ $url
+ my($system) =
+ "$funkyftp$src_switch \"$url\" $devnull$stdout_redir";
+ $self->debug("system[$system]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
+ my($wstatus) = system($system);
+ if ($wstatus == 0) {
+ return $aslocal;
+ } else {
+ my $estatus = $wstatus >> 8;
+ my $size = -f $aslocal ?
+ ", left\n$aslocal with size ".-s _ :
+ "\nWarning: expected file [$aslocal] doesn't exist";
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{
+ Function system("$system")
+ returned status $estatus (wstat $wstatus)$size
+ });
+ }
+ } # DLPRG
+ } # curl, wget
+ return;
+#-> sub CPAN::FTP::localize ;
+sub localize_1995ff {
+ my($self,$file,$aslocal,$force,$with_defaults) = @_;
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
# Comment by AK on 2000-09-03: Uniq short filenames would be
# available in CHECKSUMS file
@@ -343,18 +527,7 @@ sub localize {
- if (-f $aslocal && -r _ && !($force & 1)) {
- my $size;
- if ($size = -s $aslocal) {
- $self->debug("aslocal[$aslocal]size[$size]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- return $aslocal;
- } else {
- # empty file from a previous unsuccessful attempt to download it
- unlink $aslocal or
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Found a zero-length '$aslocal' that I ".
- "could not remove.");
- }
- }
+ return $aslocal if $self->have_promising_aslocal($aslocal, $force);
my($maybe_restore) = 0;
if (-f $aslocal) {
rename $aslocal, "$aslocal.bak$$";
@@ -433,9 +606,6 @@ sub localize {
$CPAN::Config->{ftp_passive} : 1;
my $ret;
my $stats = $self->_new_stats($file);
- for ($CPAN::Config->{connect_to_internet_ok}) {
- $connect_to_internet_ok = $_ if not defined $connect_to_internet_ok and defined $_;
- }
LEVEL: for $levelno (0..$#levels) {
my $level_tuple = $levels[$levelno];
my($level,$scheme,$sitetag) = @$level_tuple;