path: root/support/xtexshell/help.tcl
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/xtexshell/help.tcl
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/xtexshell/help.tcl')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/xtexshell/help.tcl b/support/xtexshell/help.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..024cedc6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/xtexshell/help.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+#*** This file is part of XTeXShell; see file xtexsh for details
+#*** Version 0.91 (21.2.94)
+proc HyperHelp {keyword} {
+#*** Hypertext Help System
+#*** Open a new help window and display the help page for the entry keyword
+#*** If keyword == "", display index
+#*** If last char of keyword is _, then keyword is the name of a bitmap to
+#*** be display
+ global help_win hyphelp_name hyphelp_geo
+ global helplist
+#*** Open help window
+ set help_win [CreateTopWin hyphelp "CREATE"]
+ set c $hyphelp_name.c
+ wm title $help_win "LaTeX Syntax Help"
+ wm iconname $help_win "LaTeX Syntax Help"
+ frame $help_win.but -relief raised -borderwidth 1
+ pack $help_win.but -side bottom -fill x
+ button $help_win.but.idx -text "Index" -command {WriteHelp "Index"}
+ button $help_win.but.last -text "Last" -command {lvarpop helplist; WriteHelp [lvarpop helplist]}
+ button $help_win.but.done -text "Done" -command {destroy $help_win}
+ pack $help_win.but.done $help_win.but.last $help_win.but.idx -side left -fill x -padx 3m -pady 1m -ipadx 0.6m
+ scrollbar $help_win.ys -command "$c yview" -relief sunken
+ pack $help_win.ys -side right -fill y
+ text $c -relief raised -bd 2 -yscrollcommand "$help_win.ys set" -setgrid true -width 80 -height 32
+ pack $c -side left -fill both -expand yes
+#*** Set up fonts and colors
+ global normal_font normall_font italicl_font boldl_font courier_font courierl_font terml_font
+ global courierboldl_font bold_font
+ $c tag configure normal -font $normal_font
+ $c tag configure italic -font $italicl_font
+ $c tag configure bold -font $boldl_font
+ $c tag configure header -font $bold_font
+ $c tag configure name -font $normal_font
+ $c tag configure synop -font $courierboldl_font
+ $c tag configure section -font $boldl_font
+ $c tag configure terminal -font $terml_font
+ $c tag configure example -font $courier_font
+ $c tag configure line -font $courierl_font
+ $c tag configure underline -font $normal_font -underline on
+ $c tag configure hyper -font $normal_font -foreground red -underline 1
+#*** Set key bindings
+ focus $help_win
+ bind $c <Button-3> { %W index @%X,%Y;
+ set word [%W get "@%x,%y wordstart" "@%x,%y wordend"]
+ WriteHelp $word
+ }
+ bind $c <Control-F1> { set word [%W get "insert wordstart" "insert wordend"]
+ WriteHelp $word
+ }
+ bind $c <Any-Key> { }
+ bind $c <2> {%W scan mark -%y}
+ bind $c <B2-Motion> {%W scan dragto -%y}
+#*** Fill Window with help page
+ update
+ WriteHelp $keyword
+proc FindIndex {keyword} {
+#*** Search keyword in index file and return File Position. If keyword
+#*** is not in index file, return -1
+#*** else filename is in help_file, position in help_pos
+ global HelpIndexName
+ global xtexsh_path help_file help_fpos
+ set infile [open $HelpIndexName "r"]
+ while {![eof $infile]} {
+ gets $infile inline
+ set word [lvarpop inline]
+ if [cequal $word $keyword] {
+ set help_file [format "$xtexsh_path/help/%s" [lvarpop inline]]
+ set help_fpos [lvarpop inline]
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ close $infile; #*** Entry was not found
+ return -1
+proc WriteHelp {keyword} {
+#*** Display Help for keyword in window help_win
+#*** If keyword=="Index", display index
+ global HelpIndexName
+ global help_win
+ global indent listtype helplist
+ global boldl_font
+ global help_file help_fpos
+ global xtexsh_path
+ set W $help_win.c
+ set HelpIndexName "$xtexsh_path/help/help.index"
+#*** Does keyword make sense ?
+ if {[cequal "" $keyword]} {return}
+#*** Is last character of keyword "_" ? Then display a bitmap
+ if {[cequal "_" [cindex $keyword end]]} {
+ BmpHelp [crange $keyword 0 "end-1"]
+ return
+ }
+#*** No, delete old entry and prepare for new entry
+ $W delete 0.0 end; #*** Delete text in window
+ set indent 14
+ set indentstr [replicate " " $indent]
+ lvarpush helplist $keyword
+ if {[cequal "" $keyword]} {set keyword "Index"}
+#*** Display the index ?
+ if {[cequal "Index" "$keyword"]} {
+ set fchar " "
+ set infile [open $HelpIndexName "r"]
+ while {![eof $infile]} { #*** Read all lines of help file
+ gets $infile inline
+ set inline [lindex $inline 0]; #*** Get first word in line
+ set fc [string toupper [cindex $inline 0]]
+ if {[cequal $fc "_"]} {continue}
+ if {![cequal $fc $fchar]} {
+ AddHelpLine $W "" "normal"
+ AddHelpLine $W "$fc" "bold"
+ set fchar $fc
+ if {[cequal $fc "E"]} { #*** E is 1/7th of the alphabet
+ update; #*** print what we've got so far that the user
+ } #*** doesn't fall asleep...
+ }
+ HypInsert $W $indentstr normal; #*** And append to help window
+ HypInsert $W "$inline\n" "hyper"; #*** Better us AddHelpLine, but this is too slow
+ }
+ close $infile; #*** Close file and return
+ return
+ }
+#*** No, is there an entry for keyword in the index file ?
+ if {-1==[FindIndex $keyword]} {
+ set retval [DisplayQuest "No Entry found for keyword:\n$keyword" "$boldl_font" "Cancel" "Index" "Help"]
+ switch $retval {
+ "1" {destroy $help_win; return}
+ "2" {WriteHelp "Index"; return}
+ "3" {WriteHelp "_helpxtexhelp"; return}
+ }
+ }
+ set Mode "normal"
+ set LinePat "_____________________________________________________________"
+#*** Ok, diplay help for keyword.
+ set infile [open $help_file "r"]
+ set lineone 0
+ seek $infile $help_fpos
+ for {set endentry 0} {$endentry==0 && ![eof $infile]} { } {
+ gets $infile inline
+ switch -regexp -- [lindex $inline 0] {
+ ":endentry" { set endentry 1; continue }
+ ":header" { HypInsert $W "\n" normal
+ set Mode "header"
+ continue;
+ }
+ ":name" { set Mode "name"
+ HypInsert $W "$LinePat\n" line
+ set lineone 1
+ HypInsert $W "\n NAME\n\n" section
+ continue
+ }
+ ":synop" { set Mode "synop"
+ if {!$lineone} {
+ HypInsert $W "$LinePat\n" line
+ set lineone 1
+ }
+ HypInsert $W "\n SYNOPSIS\n\n" section
+ continue
+ }
+ ":descr" { set Mode "normal"
+ HypInsert $W "$LinePat\n" line
+ HypInsert $W "\n DESCRIPTION\n\n" section
+ update
+ continue
+ }
+ ":tt" { set Mode "example"
+ continue
+ }
+ ":example" { set Mode "example"
+ HypInsert $W "\n\n EXAMPLE\n\n" section
+ continue
+ }
+ ":ul" { set listtype "U"
+ HypInsert $W "\n" normal
+ set indent [expr $indent+12]
+ continue
+ }
+ ":eul" { set indent [expr $indent-12]
+ HypInsert $W "\n" section
+ continue
+ }
+ ":dl" { set listtype "D"
+ HypInsert $W "\n" normal
+ set indent [expr $indent+6]
+ continue
+ }
+ ":edl" { set indent [expr $indent-6]
+ HypInsert $W "\n" section
+ continue
+ }
+ ":el" { set listtype "E"
+ HypInsert $W "\n" normal
+ set indent [expr $indent+6]
+ continue
+ }
+ ":eel" { set indent [expr $indent-6]
+ HypInsert $W "\n" section
+ continue
+ }
+ default { AddHelpLine $W "$inline" $Mode; continue }
+ }
+ }
+ close $infile
+proc AddHelpLine {W line Mode} {
+#*** Add line to help-window, look for emphasized, bold and hypertext commands
+ global indent listtype
+#*** Calculate indentation and generate List Entries
+ set cpos [string first ":li " $line]
+ if {$cpos < 0} {
+ HypInsert $W [replicate " " $indent] normal
+ } else {
+ ctoken line " "
+ set line [string trimleft $line]
+ HypInsert $W [replicate " " [expr $indent-6]] normal
+ switch $listtype {
+ "U" { HypInsert $W "q " terminal }
+ "E" { HypInsert $W " " normal}
+ "D" { HypInsert $W [ctoken line " "] bold }
+ }
+ }
+#*** Run over string and handle formatting commands
+ while {![cequal "" $line]} {
+ set cpos [string first ":" $line]
+ if {$cpos == -1 } {
+ HypInsert $W $line $Mode
+ set line ""
+ break;
+ }
+ if {$cpos > 0} {
+ HypInsert $W [crange $line 0 [expr $cpos-1]] $Mode
+ set line [crange $line $cpos end]
+ }
+#*** The first character is a :. Check for special formatting commands
+ set token [ctoken line " "]
+ switch $token {
+ ":em" { set Smode "italic" }
+ ":hl" { set Smode "hyper" }
+ ":bold" { set Smode "bold" }
+ default { set Smode $Mode; set line "$token $line" }
+ }
+#*** The next word has special attributes. Get and print it
+ set token [ctoken line " "]
+ HypInsert $W $token "$Smode"
+ }
+ HypInsert $W "\n" $Mode
+proc HypInsert {w text args} {
+#*** HypInsert inserts text into a given text widget and
+#*** applies one or more tags to that text. The arguments are:
+ set start [$w index insert]
+ $w insert insert $text
+ foreach tag [$w tag names $start] {
+ $w tag remove $tag $start insert
+ }
+ foreach i $args {
+ $w tag add $i $start insert
+ }
+proc ManHelp {command} {
+#*** Show manpage for command
+ global manhelp_geo
+ exec xterm -g $manhelp_geo -e man $command &
+proc BmpHelp {fname} {
+#*** Show bitmap file fname in a new canvas window
+ global bmphelp_name bmphelp_geo
+ global xtexsh_path bitmap_win
+ set bitmap_win [CreateTopWin bmphelp "CREATE"]
+ set c $bmphelp_name.c
+ wm title $bitmap_win "Help -- LaTeX $fname"
+ wm iconname $bitmap_win "Help -- LaTeX $fname"
+ frame $bitmap_win.but -relief raised -borderwidth 1 -width 10c -height 10c
+ pack $bitmap_win.but -side bottom -fill x
+ button $bitmap_win.but.ok -text "Done" -command {destroy $bitmap_win}
+ pack $bitmap_win.but.ok -side bottom -fill x -padx 3m -pady 1m
+ scrollbar $ -command "$c yview" -relief sunken
+ pack $ -side right -fill y
+ canvas $c -yscroll "$ set" -relief flat
+ pack $c -side left -fill both -expand yes
+#*** Read and display bitmap
+ $c create bitmap 2 2 -bitmap "@$xtexsh_path/bitmaps/$fname" -anchor nw -tags item
+ $c config -scrollregion [$c bbox all]
+ focus $bitmap_win