path: root/support/texshop
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authorNorbert Preining <>2023-02-03 03:02:05 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2023-02-03 03:02:05 +0000
commit51763fb353423ea7fb93ae80e06803d0dbcea834 (patch)
tree86281aac726c578bd733501ea2d8a2e09b31fd0a /support/texshop
parent1cbbd7b2417e7e77710bec38f8245c0d2231dddd (diff)
CTAN sync 202302030302
Diffstat (limited to 'support/texshop')
3 files changed, 35 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/support/texshop/README.txt b/support/texshop/README.txt
index 0a71877e3a..8f0d6a9424 100644
--- a/support/texshop/README.txt
+++ b/support/texshop/README.txt
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ The main author is Richard Koch,, with supporting contributions
Consult the program web site,,
for full source code, an extensive Changes document, and other information.
-The current version, 5.10, was released on December 28, 2022. \ No newline at end of file
+The current version, 5.11, was released on January 30, 2023. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/support/texshop/texshop510.html b/support/texshop/texshop510.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cd15081d9e..0000000000
--- a/support/texshop/texshop510.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
- <title>TeXShop</title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "v1.css";</style>
-TeXShop 5.10 fixes one bug in version 5.09. The preference items to set the document and console fonts were broken in the English localization. Now they are fixed.
-<p> TeXShop 5.09 had one addition and one bug fix.
-<li> Marco Santi wanted a preference to set the font and size of text in the Macro Editor. There is already a preference to change the default font in the console. To avoid cluttering the Preference Dialog, version 5.09 allows users to also use this console font in the Macro Editor. Just check the box "Use Also for Macro Editor" under the Console Tab.
-<p><li> Kurt Richard Todoroff reported an important bug that I could never reproduce. Just before typesettting concluded, his console would stop reporting output and the program would become unresponsive. Luckily, Todoroff knew exactly when this bug was introduced. Although he was using version 5.08, he told me that versions 5.00 and 5.01 typeset without problems but version 5.02 often failed.
-<p> For the next several days, Todoroff tested versions of the program which I sent him. First I sent unlabeled programs A and B. He reported that A didn't work, but B worked fine. Program A was 5.02 and program B was 5.01. That test gave me confidence to proceed!
-<p> Version 5.02 was a minor update which fixed a bug in "Highlight Current Line." I asked Todoroff to turn off "Highlight Current Line" in version 5.08 and the bug disappeared. I then replaced my fix of both "Highlight Current Line" and "Use Block Cursor" with a better fix and the problem went away.
-<p> If you are curious, I'll say more. "Highlight Current Line" draws a light blue background under the line containing the insertion cursor. If the user clicks on a different line, this background must be erased, and then a background must be added under the new line. To erase the background of the old line, I originally erased the background of all lines in the visible portion of the source. But if the user scrolled so the original line was no longer on the screen and then clicked at a new spot, the old background would not be erased, and scrolling could later reveal two different current lines. In version 5.02, I fixed this by erasing the background color of the entire source text. This fix was very inefficient and bit me in the end. Now there is a much better fix.
diff --git a/support/texshop/texshop511.html b/support/texshop/texshop511.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a252c7b0e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/texshop/texshop511.html
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+ <title>TeXShop</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+ <style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "v1.css";</style>
+There are four changes:
+<li> Zheng-chao Han notified me of a bug when TeXShop typesets a source file stored in iCloud. To be honest, I had never used iCloud until this report. It was a pleasure to discover that TeXShop easily typesets files stored there. In version 5 of TeXShop, there is a new html preview window, which can be used to preview typesetting jobs which output html rather than pdf. But TeXShop would not open html files stored in iCloud, due to a space in one of the directory names in the full path to these files. This is fixed.
+<p> Incidentally, TeXShop does not work well with the third party product Google Drive. The insertion cursor will randomly jump to the bottom of the page when editing source files on this system. I suspect that Google Drive does not understand automatic saving. The solution is to move source files from Google Drive to your personal machine before editing them, and move the changed versions back to Google Drive when you are done. I cannot fix this problem because I do not have access to Google Drive source code. But they can fix it because they have access to my code.
+<p><li> Simon C. Leemann suggested changing the symbols for PageUp and PageDown in the various Preview Windows to up and down arrows rather than left and right chevron symbols. Done.
+<p><li> Apple added support for tabbed windows in Cocoa, starting in macOS High Sierra. TeXShop adopted this feature and customized it slightly for LaTeX by defining a couple of magic comment lines about tabs, and adding a Preference Pane setting labeled "If Sync Opens a New Window, Open as Tab in Root Window."
+<p> Later, Apple improved their tab support, making it possible to provide full support for tabs in TeXShop starting with version 4.72. Read the Changes section for version 4.72 for details. To turn on this full support, find the item "Open New Windows as Tabs" in TeXShop Preferences and in the associated pull-down menu select "Always".
+<p> When choosing this item, the magic comment lines about tabs should not be used, and the setting "If Sync Opens a New Window, Open as Tab in Root Window" should not be selected. I should remove these features, but I hate to remove items which some people may still be using. Thanks to Mark Auer for pointing out that if both preference items just mentioned are selected, names of tabs can become permuted so the tab named "Chapter 1" can select source for "Chapter 2", etc.
+<p> Mark Auer later reported another bug. If a tabbed window has a root file tab and tabs for various included chapter files, and if the project is typeset while showing the source for a particular chapter, the window switches to showing the root tab, even though the user is only interested in the chapter's source. Sadly, I could not reproduce this bug.
+<p> Auer then sent me vast amounts of information about the bug. He made a movie showing it in action. He sent pictures of all of his TeXShop preference settings. He made a tiny example illustrating the problem. I looked and looked at all this information. Eventually I noticed that Mark wrote "! %TEX root = ./MyRoot.tex" while I wrote
+"! %TEX root = MyRoot.tex". Both are correct, but that extra "./" caused the problem. Both forms are now accepted. Thanks, Mark.
+<p><li> Latexmk was updated to version 4.79. Note that TeXShop uses the version of latexmk in TeX Live if it is available.