path: root/support/style_showcase/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/style_showcase/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/style_showcase/')
1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/style_showcase/ b/support/style_showcase/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b934a17d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/style_showcase/
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Make an illustration of a LaTeX style on a sample document.
+__author__='Jim Hefferon ftpmaint at'
+import sys, os, os.path, re, optparse
+import time, subprocess
+\title{Cartesian closed categories and the price of eggs}
+\author{Jane Doe}
+\date{September 1994}
+\section{First section}
+\subsection{First subsection of first section}
+\subsection{Second subsection of first section}
+\section{Second section}
+\subsection{First subsection of second section}
+Quisque aliquam $x$ ipsum sed turpis.
+Pellentesque $y\in K$ laoreet velit nec justo.
+Nam sed augue.
+Maecenas rutrum quam eu dolor.
+ \int_5^6 x^2\,dx=A_{xt}
+Fusce consectetuer.
+Proin tellus est, luctus vitae, molestie a, mattis et, mauris.
+ H_c&=\frac{1}{2n} \sum^n_{l=0}(-1)^{l}(n-{l})^{p-2}
+ \sum_{l _1+\dots+ l _p=l}\prod^p_{i=1} \binom{n_i}{l _i}\\
+ &\quad\cdot[(n-l )-(n_i-l _i)]^{n_i-l _i}\cdot
+ \Bigl[(n-l )^2-\sum^p_{j=1}(n_i-l _i)^2\Bigr].
+Donec tempor.
+Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
+fames ac turpis egestas.
+Fusce adipiscing justo nec ante.
+Nullam in enim.
+ \left.\begin{aligned}
+ B'&=-\partial\times E,\\
+ E'&=\partial\times B - 4\pi j
+ \end{aligned}
+ \right\}
+ \qquad \text{Maxwell's equations}
+Pellentesque felis orci, sagittis ac, malesuada et, facilisis in, ligula.
+Nunc non magna sit amet mi aliquam dictum.
+ \frac{1}{k}\log_2 c(f)\quad\tfrac{1}{k}\log_2 c(f)\quad
+ \sqrt{\frac{1}{k}\log_2 c(f)}\quad\sqrt{\dfrac{1}{k}\log_2 c(f)}
+In mi.
+Aenean adipiscing auctor est. Morbi quam
+arcu, malesuada sed, volutpat et, elementum sit amet, libero. Duis
+accumsan. Curabitur urna.
+ \begin{pmatrix} a&b&c&d\\
+ e&\hdotsfor{3} \end{pmatrix}
+In sed ipsum.
+Donec lobortis nibh.
+Duis $x\in K_2$ mattis.
+Sed cursus lectus quis odio.
+Phasellus arcu.
+Praesent imperdiet dui in sapien.
+Vestibulum tellus pede, auctor a, pellentesque sit amet, vulputate sed, purus.
+ A_1&=N_0(\lambda;\Omega')-\phi(\lambda;\Omega'),\\
+ A_2&=\phi(\lambda;\Omega')-\phi(\lambda;\Omega),\\
+ \intertext{and}
+ A_3&=\mathcal{N}(\lambda;\omega).
+Nunc pulvinar, dui at eleifend adipiscing, tellus nulla placerat massa,
+sed condimentum nulla tellus sed ligula.
+Nulla vitae odio sit amet leo imperdiet blandit.
+In vel massa.
+ \sum_{\begin{subarray}{l}
+ i\in\Lambda\\ 0<j<n
+ \end{subarray}}
+ P(i,j)
+Maecenas varius dui at turpis.
+Sed odio.
+Sed justo.
+Maecenas lacinia, turpis sed commodo congue, odio urna elementum nunc,
+vitae molestie velit nunc eu sem.
+Maecenas enim.
+ \displaystyle
+ \sum_{\substack{0\le i\le m\\ 0<j<n}} P(i,j)
+Proin quis neque nec tortor sollicitudin volutpat.
+Sed at ante.
+Sed vitae mauris non ante egestas hendrerit.
+Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
+ridiculus mus.
+ \begin{split}
+ a& =b+c-d\\
+ & \quad +e-f\\
+ & =g+h\\
+ & =i
+ \end{split}
+In venenatis $2\leq y,z\leq 5$ facilisis magna.
+ \bigl( \begin{smallmatrix}
+ a&b\\ c&d
+ \end{smallmatrix} \bigr)
+Cras quis mauris.
+Aliquam eget magna.
+Donec rutrum sagittis mi.
+Morbi elementum, est sit amet sollicitudin feugiat, orci magna semper risus,
+eu congue nulla metus vel elit.
+def write_to_fh(fh,
+ documentclass=None,
+ size=None,
+ usepackage_list=None,
+ mathpackage_list=None,
+ extra_list=None,
+ plain_text=None,
+ math_text=None):
+ """Put the text to the file object.
+ """
+ if documentclass is None:
+ documentclass='article'
+ if size is None:
+ size='10pt'
+ top=r"""\documentclass[%s]{%s}
+%% This document generated by by Jim Hefferon, on %s
+""" % (size,documentclass,time.asctime())
+ fh.write(top)
+ if usepackage_list is None:
+ usepackage_list=[]
+ for package in usepackage_list:
+ package_line="""
+""" % (package,)
+ fh.write(package_line)
+ if not(mathpackage_list is None):
+ for package in mathpackage_list:
+ if package:
+ package_line="""
+""" % (package,)
+ fh.write(package_line)
+ else:
+ fh.write(r"\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm}")
+ fh.write(r"""\theoremstyle{plain}
+ if extra_list is None:
+ extra_list=[]
+ for extra in extra_list:
+ extra_line=r"""
+""" % (extra,)
+ fh.write(extra_line)
+ if plain_text is None:
+ if math_text is None:
+ # Put in the text body
+ fh.write(r"""\title{Cartesian closed categories and the price of eggs}
+\author{Jane Doe}
+\date{September 1994}
+ fh.write(plain_text)
+ fh.write(math_text)
+ fh.write(r"\end{document}")
+def write_to_file(fn,
+ temp_dir,
+ documentclass=None,
+ size=None,
+ usepackage_list=None,
+ mathpackage_list=None,
+ extra_list=None,
+ plain_text=None,
+ math_text=None):
+ """Write the text to the given file name, in the directory temp_dir.
+ """
+ fh=open(temp_dir+os.sep+fn,'w')
+ write_to_fh(fh,
+ documentclass=documentclass,
+ size=size,
+ usepackage_list=usepackage_list,
+ mathpackage_list=mathpackage_list,
+ extra_list=extra_list,
+ plain_text=plain_text,
+ math_text=math_text)
+ fh.close()
+def syscall(s):
+ """Run the system call
+ s string
+ """
+ mesg='while running '+repr(s)
+ retcode = subprocess.check_call(s,shell=True)
+ if retcode < 0:
+ raise Exception, mesg+': unexpected return code '+repr(retcode)
+def compile_file(fn,temp_dir):
+ cwd=os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(temp_dir)
+ syscall('pdflatex '+fn)
+ syscall('pdflatex '+fn)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+def convert_to_png(fn,temp_dir):
+ """Convert the .pdf file to two flavors of .png: one like fn_small.png.0
+ and the other without the '_small'.
+ """
+ fn=fn[:-len('.tex')]
+ cwd=os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(temp_dir)
+ try: # extra .png's from prior runs can fool you
+ syscall("rm *.png.*")
+ except: # no such files found
+ pass
+ syscall('convert -geometry 20% '+fn+'.pdf '+fn+'.png')
+ for x in range(0,10):
+ try:
+ syscall('mv '+fn+'.png.'+str(x)+' '+fn+'_small.png.'+str(x))
+ except:
+ break
+ syscall('convert -contrast '+fn+'.pdf '+fn+'.png')
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+def cleanup(fn,temp_dir):
+ """Erase .log files, etc.
+ """
+ fn=fn[:-len('.tex')]
+ cwd=os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(temp_dir)
+ for ext in ['.aux','.log','.aux']:
+ try:
+ syscall('rm '+fn+ext)
+ except:
+ pass
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+def generate_sample(fn,
+ temp_dir,
+ documentclass=None,
+ size=None,
+ usepackage_list=None,
+ mathpackage_list=None,
+ extra_list=None,
+ plain_text=None,
+ math_text=None):
+ """Generate the sample page.
+ fn string Name of the .tex file
+ temp_dir string Subdir where the output goes
+ documentclass=None string LaTeX document class
+ size=None string Point size of main body text
+ usepackage_list=None list of strings The packages that will be used in
+ the LaTeX document
+ mathpackage_list=None list of strings The math packages used.
+ extra_list=None list of strings Extra lines to enter in the .tex
+ file.
+ plain_text=None string Used as the body of the document
+ math_text=None string Used as the body of the document containing math
+ """
+ if not(os.path.isdir(temp_dir)):
+ os.mkdir(temp_dir)
+ write_to_file(fn,
+ temp_dir,
+ documentclass=documentclass,
+ size=size,
+ usepackage_list=usepackage_list,
+ mathpackage_list=mathpackage_list,
+ extra_list=extra_list,
+ plain_text=plain_text,
+ math_text=math_text)
+ compile_file(fn,temp_dir)
+ convert_to_png(fn,temp_dir)
+ cleanup(fn,temp_dir)
+def main(argv=None):
+ """The main logic if called from the command line
+ argv=None The arguments to the routine
+ """
+ # Set the defaults
+ if argv is None:
+ argv=sys.argv
+ # Parse the arguments
+ # First, define all options
+ usage="""Illustrate an article style by LaTeX-ing a test document
+ %prog [options] <optional plain text filename> <optional math text filename>
+The <filename>s can contain text to set as part of the document."""
+ oP=optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage,version=__version__)
+ oP.add_option('--output_file','-o',action='store',default=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FN,dest='output_file',help='Output filename (default: %s)' % (DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FN,))
+ oP.add_option('--temp_dir','-t',action='store',default=DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR,dest='temp_dir',help='Directory for output (default: %s)' % (DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR,))
+ oP.add_option('--documentclass','-d',action='store',default=DEFAULT_DOCUMENTCLASS,dest='documentclass',help='LaTeX document class (default: %s)' % (DEFAULT_DOCUMENTCLASS,))
+ oP.add_option('--size','-s',action='store',default=DEFAULT_SIZE,dest='size',help='Point size of main text (default: %s)' % (DEFAULT_SIZE,))
+ oP.add_option('--usepackage','-u',action='append',default=USEPACKAGE_LIST,dest='usepackage_list',help='Use the LaTeX package (default: %s)' % (USEPACKAGE_LIST,))
+ oP.add_option('--mathpackage','-m',action='append',default=MATHPACKAGE_LIST,dest='mathpackage_list',help='Use the LaTeX math package (default: %s)' % (MATHPACKAGE_LIST,))
+ oP.add_option('--extra','-e',action='append',default=EXTRA_LIST,dest='extra_list',help=' (default: %s)' % (MATHPACKAGE_LIST,))
+# oP.add_option('--DEBUG','-D',action='store_true',default=DEBUG,dest='debug',help='output debugging information (default %s)' % (DEBUG,))
+# oP.add_option('--FORGIVE','-F',action='store_true',default=FORGIVE,dest='forgive',help='continue on failure (default: %s)' % (repr(FORGIVE),))
+# oP.add_option('--VERBOSE','-V',action='store_true',default=VERBOSE,dest='verbose',help='talk a lot (default %s)' % (VERBOSE,))
+ opts, args=oP.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ # Establish the infrastructure
+ # Handle positional arguments
+ try:
+ plain_text_fn=args[0]
+ except:
+ plain_text_fn=DEFAULT_PLAIN_TEXT_FN
+ plain_text=open(plain_text_fn,'r').read()
+ try:
+ math_text_fn=args[1]
+ except:
+ math_text_fn=DEFAULT_MATH_TEXT_FN
+ math_text=open(math_text_fn,'r').read()
+ # Handle the options
+ generate_sample(opts.output_file,
+ opts.temp_dir,
+ documentclass=opts.documentclass,
+ size=opts.size,
+ usepackage_list=opts.usepackage_list,
+ mathpackage_list=opts.mathpackage_list,
+ extra_list=opts.extra_list,
+ plain_text=plain_text,
+ math_text=math_text)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ if __notes__.strip():
+ util.stdout("Notes for "+__file__+":\n"+__notes__)
+ try:
+ main(argv=sys.argv)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ mesg=sys.argv[0]+u": Keyboard interrupt"
+ print >>2, mesg
+ sys.exit(0)