path: root/support/splint/cweb/philosophy.w
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/splint/cweb/philosophy.w
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/splint/cweb/philosophy.w')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/splint/cweb/philosophy.w b/support/splint/cweb/philosophy.w
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d30f2d765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/splint/cweb/philosophy.w
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+This section should, perhaps, be more appropriately called {\it rant\/} but
+{\it philosophy\/} sounds more academic. The design of any software involves
+numerous choices, and \splint\ is no exception. Some of these choices
+are explained in the appropriate places in the package files. This
+section collects a few `big picture' viewpoints that did not fit elsewhere.
+@*1 On typographic style.
+It must seem quite perplexing to some readers that a
+document with a focus on {\it pretty-printing\/} displays such a
+wanton disregard for good typographic taste. Haphazard choice of
+styles to present programming constructs, random overabundance of
+fonts on almost every single page are just a few among the many typographic sins
+and design guffaws so amply manifested on these pages. The author has
+to take full responsibility for the lack of taste in this
+opus and has only one argument in his defense: this is not
+merely a book for a good night read but a piece of technical
+In many ways, the goal of this document is somewhat contrary to that
+of a well-written manual: to display the main features
+prominently and in logical order. After all, this is a package that is
+intended to help {\it write\/} such manuals so it inevitably must
+display some use cases that demonstrate a variety of typographic styles
+possible to achieve with \splint. Needless to say, {\it variety\/} and
+{\it consistency\/} seldom go hand in hand and it is consistency that
+makes for a pretty page. One of the objectives has been to demonstrate a
+number of quite technical programming constructs so one should keep in
+mind that it is assumed that the reader will want to look up the input
+files to see how some (however ugly and esoteric) typographic effects
+had been achieved.
+On the other hand, to use a clich\'e, beauty is in the eyes of the
+beholder so what makes a book readable (or even beautiful) may well
+depend on the background of the reader. As an example, letterspacing
+as a typographic device is almost universally reviled in Western
+typography (aside from a few niche uses such as setting titles). In
+Russian, however (at least until recently), letterspacing has been
+routinely used for emphasis (or, as a Russian would put it,
+e$\,$m$\,$p$\,$h$\,$a$\,$s$\,$i$\,$s) in lieu of, say, {\it italics}. Before
+I hear any objections from typography purists, let me just say that
+this technique fits perfectly with the way emphasis works in the Russian speech: a
+speaker slowly enunciates the sounds of each word (incidentally,
+emphasizing {\it emphasis\/} is a perfect example of why this method
+would fail in most English texts). Letterspaced
+sentences are easy to find on a page and set a special reading rhythm,
+which is an added bonus in many cases, although it does violate the
+`universally gray pages are a must' dogma.
+@*1 Why GPL.
+The choice of license for this project goes beyond merely showing the
+source. \TeX, by its very nature is an open source language, so it
+is not a matter of hiding anything from the user or a potential
+developer. The \Cee\ code is a different matter but the source is not
+that complicated. Reducing the licensing issue to the ability of
+someone else to see the source code is a great
+oversimplification. Without getting into too many details of so-called
+`open source licenses' (other than GPL) and arguing with their advocates, let me simply
+express my lack of understanding at the arguments that purport that
+BSD-style licenses introduce more freedom by allowing a software
+vendor to incorporate the BSD-licensed software into their
+products. What benefit does one derive from such `extension' of software
+freedom? Perhaps the hope that the `open source' (for the lack of a
+better term) will prompt the vendor to follow the accepted free (or
+any other, for that matter!) software standards and make its software
+more interoperable with the free alternatives? A well-known software
+giant's {\it embrace, extend, extinguish\/} philosophy shows how na\"{\i}ve and
+misplaced such hopes are.
+I am not going to argue for the benefits of free software at length, either
+(such benefits seem self-evident to me, although the readers should
+feel free to disagree). Let me just point out that software companies
+enjoy quite a few freedoms that we, as software consumers elect to
+afford them. Among such freedoms are the ability to renege on any
+promises made to potential users and withdraw any guarantees that such
+users might enjoy. Free software, of course, does not provide any
+guarantees, either but `you get what you paid for'. As a result of
+such `release of any responsibility', the claims of increased
+reliability or better support for the commercial software sound a
+bit hollow. Another well spread tactic is user brainwashing and
+changing the culture (usually for the worse) in order to promote new
+`user-friendly' features of commercial software. Instead of taking
+advantage of computers as cognitive machines we have come to view
+them as advanced media players that we interact with through
+artificial, unnatural interfaces. Meaningless terminology (`UX' for
+`user experience'? What in the world is `user experience'?)
+proliferates, and programmers are happy to deceive themselves with
+their newly discovered business prowess.
+One would hope that the somewhat higher standards of the `real'
+manufacturers might percolate to the software world, however, the
+reality is very different. Not only has life-cycle `engineering'
+got to the point where manufacturers can predict the life spans of
+their products precisely, embedded software in those products has
+become an enabling technology that makes this `life design' much
+In effect, by embedding software in their products, hardware
+manufacturers not only piggy-back on software's perceived complexity,
+and argue that such complex systems cannot be made reliable, they have
+an added incentive to uphold this image. The software weighs nothing,
+memory is cheap, consumers are easy to deceive, thus `software is
+expensive' and `reliable software is prohibitively so'. Designing reliable
+software is quite possible, though, just look at programmable
+thermostats, simple cellphones and other `invisible' gadgets we
+enjoy. The `software ideology' with its `IP' lingo is spreading like a
+virus even through the world of real things. We now expect products to
+break and are too quick to forgive sloppy engineering that goes into
+everyday things. We are also getting used to the idea that it is the
+manufacturers that get to dictate the terms of use for `their' products
+and that we are merely borrowing `their' stuff.
+The GPL was conceived as an antidote to this scourge. This document is a
+remarkable piece of `legal engineering': a self-propagating license
+with a clearly outlined set of goals. While by itself it does not
+guarantee reliability or quality, it does inhibit the spread of the `IP'
+(which is sometimes sarcastically, though quite perceptively,
+`deabbreviated' as {\sl I}maginary {\sl P}roperty) disease through
+The industry has adapted, of course. So called (non GPL) `open source
+licenses', that are supposed to be an improvement on GPL,
+are a sort of `immune reaction' to the free software
+movement. Convince and confuse enough apathetic users and the
+protections granted by GPL are no longer visible.
+@*1 Why not \Cee$++$ or OOP in general.
+The choice of the language was mainly driven by \ae sthetic motives:
+\Cee$++$ has a bloated and confusing standard, partially supported by
+various compilers. It seems that there is no agreement on what
+\Cee$++$ really is or how to use some of its constructs. This is all
+in contrast to \Cee\ with its well defined and concise body of
+specifications and rather well established stylistics. The existence
+of `obfuscated \Cee' is not good evidence of deficiency and \Cee$++$
+is definitely not immune to this malady.
+Object oriented design has certainly taken on an aura of a religious
+dictate, universally adhered to and forcefully promoted by its
+followers. Unfortunately, the definition of what constitutes an
+`object-oriented' approach is rather vague. A few abstract concepts are
+commonly tossed about to give the illusion of a well developed
+abstraction (such as `polymorphism', `encapsulation', and so on) but
+definitions vary in both length and contents, depending on the source.
+On a syntactic level, some features of object-oriented languages are
+undoubtedly very practical (such as a |this| pointer in \Cee$++$),
+however, many of those features can be effectively emulated with some
+clever uses of an appropriate preprocessor (there are a few
+exceptions, of course, |this| being one of them). The rest of the
+`object-oriented philosophy' is just that: a design philosophy. Before
+that we had structured programming, now there are patterns, extreme,
+agile, reactive, etc. They might all find their uses, however, there
+are always numerous exceptions (sometimes even global variables and
+|goto|'s have their place, as well).
+A pedantic reader might point out a few object-oriented features even
+in the \TeX\ portion of the package and then accuse the author of
+being `inconsistent'. I am always interested in possible improvements
+in style but I am unlikely to consider any changes based solely on the
+adherence to any particular design fad.
+In short, OOP was not shunned simply because a `non-OOP' language was
+chosen, instead, whatever approach or style was deemed most effective
+was used. The author's judgment has not always been perfect, of course,
+and given a good reason, changes can be made, including the choice of
+the language. `Make it object-oriented' is neither a good reason nor a
+clearly defined one, however.
+@*1 Why not $*$\TeX.
+Simple. I never use it and have no idea of how packages, classes,
+etc., are designed. I have heard it has impressive mechanisms for
+dealing with various problems commonly encountered in \TeX. Sadly, my
+knowledge of $*$\TeX\ machinery is almost nonexistent. This may change
+but right now I have tried to make the macros as generic as possible,
+hopefully making $*$\TeX\ adaptation easy.
+The following quote from \cite[Ho] makes me feel particularly uneasy
+about the current state of development of various \TeX\ variants:
+``{\it Finally, to many current programmers\/ \.{WEB} source simply feels over-documented
+and even more important is that the general impression is that of a finished book:
+sometimes it seems like\/ \.{WEB} actively discourages development. This is
+a subjective point, but nevertheless a quite important one.}''
+{\it Discouraging development\/} seems like a good thing to
+me. Otherwise we are one step away from encouraging writing poor
+software with inadequate tools merely `to encourage development'.
+The feeling of a \.{WEB} source being {\it over-documented\/} is most
+certainly subjective, and, I am sure, not shared by all `current
+programmers'. The advantage of using \.{WEB}-like tools, however, is
+that it gives the programmer the ability to place the vital
+information where it does not distract the reader (`developer',
+`maintainer', call it whatever you like) from the logical flow of the
+Some of the complaints in \cite[Ho] are definitely justified,
+although it seems that a better approach would be to write an improved
+tool similar to \.{WEB}, rather than give up all the flexibility such
+a tool provides.
+@*1 Why \CWEB.
+\CWEB\ is not as polished as \TeX\ but it works and has a
+number of impressive features. It is, regrettably, a `niche' tool and
+a few existing extensions of \CWEB\ and software based on similar ideas
+do not enjoy the popularity they deserve. Literate philosophy has been
+largely neglected even though it seems to have a more logical
+foundation than OOP. Under these circumstances, \CWEB\ seemed to be
+the best available option.
+@*1 Why not GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.
+Git is an incredible tool and is used extensively in the development
+of \splint. The distribution archive is a Git repository. The use of
+centralized services such as GitHub, however, seems redundant. The
+standard cycle, `clone-modify-create pull request' works the same even
+when `clone' is replaced by `download'. Thus, no functionality is
+lost. This might change if the popularity of the package unexpectedly
+On the other hand, GitHub and its cousins are commercial entities,
+whose availability in the future is not guaranteed (nothing is
+certain, of course, no matter what distribution method is
+chosen). Keeping \splint\ as an archive of a Git repository seems like
+an efficient way of being ready for an unexpected change.