path: root/support/rtf2tex/fonts.h
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/rtf2tex/fonts.h
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/rtf2tex/fonts.h')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/rtf2tex/fonts.h b/support/rtf2tex/fonts.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ea51fa14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/rtf2tex/fonts.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * Font definitions.
+ *
+ * Both halves of the Symbol fonts are assumed always to be used in
+ * math mode, while the others are assumed _not_ to be in math mode
+ * unless the first character is a $ (which is discarded).
+ *
+ * I have invented a few TeX definitions, namely:
+ * \def\therefore{} % three dots in a triangle
+ * \def\pound/{{\it\$\/}} % Pound Sterling
+ * \def\ppercent/{\%_\circ} % ppm
+ * \def\reg/{} % registered (R)
+ * \def\trade/{} % Trade mark
+ * \def\yen/{} % Yen symbol
+ * Which are also in TeX_defs.tex
+ */
+typedef char *FONT[128];
+ * This is the mac's Symbol font
+ */
+static FONT symbol = {
+/* ^@ -- ^G */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* ^H -- ^O */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* ^P -- ^W */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* ^X -- ^] */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* !"#$%&' */ " ", "!", "\\forall", "\\#",
+ "\\exists", "\\%", "\\&", "\\ni",
+/* ()*+,-./ */ "(", ")", "\\ast", "+",
+ ",", "-", ".", "/",
+/* 01234567 */ "0", "1", "2", "3",
+ "4", "5", "6", "7",
+/* 89:;<=>? */ "8", "9", ":", ";",
+ "<", "=", ">", "?",
+/* @ABCDEFG */ "\\cong", "A", "B", "\\Chi",
+ "\\Delta", "E", "\\Phi", "\\Gamma",
+/* HIJKLMNO */ "E", "I", "\\vartheta", "K",
+ "\\Lambda", "M", "N", "O",
+/* PQRSTUVW */ "\\Pi", "\\Theta", "P", "\\Sigma",
+ "T", "Y", "\\varsigma", "\\Omega",
+/* XYZ[\]^_ */ "\\Xi", "\\Psi", "Z", "[",
+ "\\therefore", "]", "\\bot", "\\_",
+/* `abcdefg */ "^{--}", "\\alpha", "\\beta", "\\chi",
+ "\\delta", "\\epsilon", "\\phi", "\\gamma",
+/* hijklmno */ "\\eta", "\\iota", "\\varphi", "\\kappa",
+ "\\lambda", "\\mu", "\\nu", "\\omicron",
+/* pqrstuvw */ "\\pi", "\\theta", "\\rho", "\\sigma",
+ "\\tau", "\\upsilon", "\\varpi", "\\omega",
+/* xyz{|}~^? */ "\\xi", "\\psi", "\\zeta", "\\{",
+ "|", "\\}", "\\sim", " ",
+ * This is the high half of the mac Symbol font with the high bit stripped
+ */
+static FONT symbol8 = {
+/* ^@ -- ^G */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* ^H -- ^O */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* ^P -- ^W */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* ^X -- ^] */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* !"#$%&' */ " ", "\\Upsilon", "'", "\\le",
+ "/", "\\infty", "f", "\\clubsuit",
+/* ()*+,-./ */ "\\diamondsuit", "\\heartsuit", "\\spadesuit",
+ "\\leftrightarrow",
+ "\\leftarrow", "\\uparrow", "\\rightarrow", "\\downarrow",
+/* 01234567 */ "^\\circ", "\\pm", "''", "\\ge",
+ "\\times", "\\propto", "\\partial", "\\bullet",
+/* 89:;<=>? */ "\\div", "\\ne", "\\equiv", "\\approx",
+ "\\dots", "|", "--", "",
+/* @ABCDEFG */ "\\aleph", "\\Im", "\\Re", "\\wp",
+ "\\otimes", "\\oplus", "\\emptyset", "\\cap",
+/* HIJKLMNO */ "\\cup", "\\supset", "\\supseteq", "\\not\\subset",
+ "\\subset", "\\subseteq", "\\in", "\\not\\in",
+/* PQRSTUVW */ "\\angle", "\\nabla", "\\reg/", "\\copyright",
+ "\\trade/", "\\prod", "\\sqrt", ".",
+/* XYZ[\]^_ */ "\\neg", "\\wedge", "\\vee", "\\Leftrightarrow",
+ "\\Leftarrow", "\\Uparrow", "\\Rightarrow", "\\Downarrow",
+/* `abcdefg */ "\\diamond", "\\langle", "\\reg/", "\\copyright",
+ "\\trade/", "\\sum", "", "",
+/* hijklmno */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* pqrstuvw */ "", "\\rangle", "\\int", "",
+ "", "", "", "",
+/* xyz{|}~^? */ "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", " ",
+ * This is the high half of the mac Times or Helvetica font with
+ * the high bit stripped. They are pretty similar to the
+ * Chicago/NewYork/Geneva fonts, except that those fonts are less complete.
+ */
+static FONT times8 = {
+/* ^@ -- ^G */ "\\\"{A}", "\\AA{}", "\\c{C}", "\\'{E}",
+ "\\~{N}", "\\\"{O}", "\\\"{U}", "\\'{a}",
+/* ^H -- ^O */ "\\`{a}", "\\^{a}", "\\\"{a}", "\\~{a}",
+ "\\aa{}", "\\c{c}", "\\'{e}", "\\`{e}",
+/* ^P -- ^W */ "\\^{e}", "\\\"{e}", "\\'{\\i}", "\\`{\\i}",
+ "\\^{\\i}", "\\\"{\\i}", "\\~{n}", "\\'{o}",
+/* ^X -- ^] */ "\\`{o}", "\\^{o}", "\\\"{o}", "\\~{o}",
+ "\\'{u}", "\\`{u}", "\\^{u}", "\\\"{u}",
+/* !"#$%&' */ "\\dagger", "$^\\circ", "\\cents{}", "\\pound/",
+ "\\S{}", "$\\bullet", "\\P{}", "\\ss{}",
+/* ()*+,-./ */ "\\reg/", "\\copyright{}", "\\trade/", "'",
+ "", "$\\ne", "\\AE{}", "\\O{}",
+/* 01234567 */ "$\\infty", "$\\pm", "$\\le", "$\\ge",
+ "\\yen/", "$\\mu", "$\\partial", "$\\Sigma",
+/* 89:;<=>? */ "$\\Pi", "$\\Pi", "$\\int", "\\b{a}",
+ "\\b{o}", "$\\Omega", "\\ae{}", "\\o{}",
+/* @ABCDEFG */ "?`", "!'", "\\neg", "$\\sqrt",
+ "$f", "$\\approx", "$\\Delta", "$\\ll",
+/* HIJKLMNO */ "$\\gg", "...", " ", "\\`{A}",
+ "\\~{A}", "\\~{O}", "\\OE{}", "\\oe{}",
+/* PQRSTUVW */ "--", "---", "``", "''",
+ "`", "'", "$\\div", "$\\diamond",
+/* XYZ[\]^_ */ "\\\"{y}", "\\\"{Y}", "/", "",
+ "$<", "$>", "fi", "fl",
+/* `abcdefg */ "\\ddagger{}", "$\\cdot", ",", "''",
+ "$\\ppercent/", "\\^{A}", "\\^{E}", "\\'{A}",
+/* hijklmno */ "\\\"{E}", "\\`{E}", "\\'{I}", "\\^{I}",
+ "\\\"{I}", "\\`{I}", "\\'{O}", "\\^{O}",
+/* pqrstuvw */ "", "\\`{O}", "\\'{U}", "\\^{U}",
+ "\\`{U}", "{\\oldstyle1}", "\\^{ }", "\\~{ }",
+/* xyz{|}~^? */ "\\={ }", "\\u{ }", "\\.{ }", "",
+ "\\c{ }", "\\H{ }", "", "\\v{ }",